#your fave got fucked by murdoc
purple guy
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✞︎| Purple Guy got fucked by Murdoc !
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lulabon · 2 years
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My other blogs ;;
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💕 @ghoulishfrk - Writing blog. Currently taking requests.
💕 @galar-rules - Pokemon Sword and Shield account run with friends.
💕 @for-the-underrated - writing blog only for underrated characters
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💕 @freaky-art-gyal - Art account.
💕 @black-bonnie - Black edits account.
💕 @sweethearts-inn - Pink edits account.
💕 @sugar-lxve - Yandere Simulator redesign account.
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💕 @nightfall-dreams — Gorillaz OC's blog
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💕 @all-your-fave-use-all-pronouns - HC blog for characters who use any pronouns
💕 @your-fave-got-fucked-by-murdoc - how do I even describe this. A blog for characters who got fucked by Murdoc Niccals from the fictional band Gorillaz.
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katiecomma · 4 years
Tell me the fandom deets on Macgyver, pretty please?
the first character i ever fell in love with: Jack Dalton - 100% - From the moment I first met him I was like: sassy ex Delta Force who loves everyone too much? MINE!
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Unpopular answer: Mac honestly. I love Mac. I love him a lot. I understand that he’s been through some shit. But some of his motivations in the last few seasons (fair warning: I’m not totally caught up on the show - this is one of the main reasons why I stopped watching) haven’t made a lot of sense to me. And the stuff with Nasha really made me mad... And I think if they would have given us the voice overs in S3 we would have been able to see more of his motivation and gotten into his head why he was doing/saying some of the things he was doing it would have helped. And from what I’ve seen... I don’t like who he is in a relationship with Desi (I don’t hate MacDesi, but I hate what they’ve done with it in the show from what I’ve seen)... so I just... I don’t know I feel like he’s not the same character from S1-2... and that’s my Mac honestly.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: I actually think I still love all of my ships from this show... there’s no ship that I don’t like anymore... Huh. But I don’t tend to give up on ships... I don’t know if I’ve ever changed my opinion drastically on a ship in a fandom like that ever.
my ultimate favourite character™: Jack Dalton again... I love him too much. He’s got the greatest lines... he’s charming and witty and loves all of his little found family so much it hurts.
prettiest character: I honestly have to say I think this is a tie between Riley and Mac. I have a bigger crush on Riley... but GAH they’re both so pretty. Like... ridiculously pretty.
my most hated character: James. He’s the worst. I even wrote an entire fic on the premise of Jack getting to punch him in the face. There was some other plot... but I honestly engineered the whole plot and everything around Jack getting to punch James in the face at the end. Worth it.
my OTP: MacDalton - I’m on this ship until it hits an iceberg and sinks. I love them so much. You go kaboom, I go kaboom?! Epic ship material. Coming back for another FUCKING TOUR IN AFGHANISTAN FOR MAC?! Epic ship material.
my NOTP: MacDesi (SORRY! This is not invalidating this ship for ANYONE ELSE - this is a personal opinion and I support you shipping them 100%) - again, fair warning that I’m not caught up on the series... but from everything I’ve seen... Desi is a very abusive SO. I think they had potential, but I really don’t like what they’ve done with it on the show. As for shipping outside of canon... I personally never saw the romantic connection based on their interactions before they got together. Very-Desi centric... the pink dress scene drove me crazy because I didn’t like the idea of Desi trying to win Mac over by doing something like that. Up to that point Desi struck me as the kind of woman to be herself and just wait for a man to make a move on her, or to just be bold and make a move on him. But strutting around in a revealing little dress and playing mating games - I was sad they took her character to that place... so I never really shipped them.
favourite episode: Mac + Jack (S2E12) - as a MacDalton shipped I love this for obvious reasons... but there’s just so much in this episode... I loved seeing Jack and Mac in the army... the way they first met and totally hated each other at first... fantastic. This episode also has my favourite line of all time... when Mac’s trying to defuse the bomb under the hummer... and Jack’s bothering him... Mac: Well, you know what, there is a quicker way to do this. Jack: Really? Mac: Yeah, it involves a loud boom and a bunch of shrapnel in your body. Close second place: Skull + Electromagnet (S2E5) - Harper Hayes is so awesome and badass. I love her a lot.
saddest death: Jill Morgan. I loved her so much. I remember sitting down to watch the S3 premiere and saying: As long as they don’t kill Jill, they really can’t let me down...
favourite season: 2 - I loved Cage. I loved all the dynamics. My favourite episodes are in this season. It’s solid from start to finish. I love this whole season.
least favourite season: I will say 3... because I didn’t watch enough of S4 to name it. But S3 really let me down. I hated the way things just faded away with Nasha. I wish they’d had a better end to that. I hated that we lost the voice overs, especially because some of the stuff Mac was doing and saying was obviously because he was messed up over what happened with Jill and Murdoc and all that, and if we’d had voice overs we could have understood what he was feeling. The same way we did in S1 when all the stuff with Nikki was going on. Jack left. Gross. And he left Mac behind with just that handshake. Before Jack left I hated the way he was treated - they made him into the comedic relief buffoon... and there were several episodes where Mac was making Jack the butt of jokes. Desi showed up and it was pretty obvious when she came on the scene that they were introducing her as a new love interest for Mac. I have 0 tolerance for female characters being introduced solely as a love interest - cause: gross. I hated the Riley/Billy breakup. I hated that they killed Jill.  I hated that Charlie died the way he did, and then that night when they got together for beers Mac was smiling and hitting on Desi And let’s not forget that DESI got a phone call from Jack when Charlie died... but Mac didn’t. WHY?! You really think Jack would find out that Charlie died the way he did and not immediately call his boy!? Bullshit Sorry for the rant... but there were a lot of things in this season I didn’t care for.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I guess Desi... though I wouldn’t say everyone else loves her. I just... there was so much potential with Desi as a character. Strong asian-American woman who’s the badass strong arm of their team... and they made her a love interest and made her kind of an abusive SO... and I just didn’t care for that. I think her and Mac as characters were both treated badly as a result. In conclusion: I really wanted to like her... I even have a huge crush on her... but I still just... don’t.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: I guess Murdoc?... Cause I love Murdoc a lot. And I was sad that they ruined the dynamic between him and Mac when he killed Jill. Killing Jill made it so their dynamic can never be the same. Mac didn’t like Murdoc before, but now he hates him on a personal level and will never forgive him.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Riley - she deserved for Ellwood to stick around. She deserved for Jack to stick around. She deserved for Billy to STICK AROUND. And she deserves to have Mac treat her his found sister and not try to get into her pants the way he seems to every other woman he’s EVER around. (AGAIN: I am not in any way saying MacRiley isn’t a valid ship. I can see the potential - ship to your heart’s content). All this talk of love triangles upsets me... I think they’ve waited too long to pull the trigger on MacRiley... because they’ve always very much had sibling vibes to me.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: I had originally written that I didn’t have one, but I TOTALLY DO!!! Jack/Harper Hayes!!! I have this series of fics where she’s basically his Murdoc and is totally stalking him and stuff... and I just... everything I’ve written around their sexual tension is very non-con... but I love them a lot and I DON’T KNOW WHY.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Mac/Jill - I kinda love them. I love the idea of them being nerds together. I think they would be adorable. Jill is into the spy life but not a field agent so there wouldn’t be as much stress for Mac about losing his girl to the life... etc... So I love them. I think they could have been happy together. And seeing Mac have a happy little home with someone he can still talk about spy stuff with I think would have been great. And yet as much as I love them I just still sit back and dream about it, but I haven’t written much for them. Thank you for the ASK!!! I love doing these!
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F U C K for Murdoc plz (NSFW hcs anyone under 18 do not read)
Had to repost this due to formatting problems
One gremlin man coming right up
Favorite position :
One where he can really get you in all the right places. The man is experimental at best, so I wouldn't say he has a fave as much as going with whatever strikes him as the best one to do
Unfair- how much they like to tease:
Depends on the day really. If he's feeling particularly mischevious or that his partner has teased him too much then by all means uts a buffet of orgasm denial and having to beg him to do anything. Otherwise, he just gets right down to business after making you cum once or twice
This man is in love with cumming inside his partner tbh. He sees it as his way of making them. It's also a power move. Like yes it was me who did that to you.
He's got a good number of them but he's into
~Praise Kink (receiving)
~Orgasm Denial
~Marking (giving or receiving)
~Anger fucking
And that's only naming a few bruh
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phantasmagorighoul · 7 years
Do u have any head canons about murdoc and noodles relationship w each other??? (You're my fave blog for this, I can't get enough of their crooked little father/daughter string duo))
omg anon i’m honored, thank you!!! 💚💚 i’m so glad somebody else finds their relationship interesting and intriguing, i would kill for more canon father/daughter type stuff! but yes, i have quite a handful, but i’ll leave some of my favorites under the cut!!
he took noodle to her very first pride in detroit. it was just those two (russel is gay too but didn’t want to be around the crowds, but he INSISTED that murdoc call him and update him on what noodle’s up to every half hour bc he feels murdoc is reckless and wouldn’t keep an eye on her since el manana happened, but that’s another story). they draped themselves in the lesbian and bisexual pride flags and painted their faces and decked themselves out in mardi gras type beads and just had an all-around great time. murdoc got to kiss boys and noodle got to kiss girls and they both felt more comfortable in their own skin and at ease with themselves than they did in a long time and they bonded a lot that day
she didn’t really know that russel was gay until fairly recently (him and del were definitely boyfriends) so when she started questioning herself she talked to murdoc because she knew he was attracted to men in some way. this was probably back in phase 2 and she wanted to hide it from 2d and russel bc she didn’t know how they’d react and he agreed to keep it a secret, letting her confide in him whenever she needed to talk about her questioning. every planet we reach is dead is about her first crush and how she felt conflicted about same sex feelings and murdoc helped her shake off some of those nerves by telling her about his past relationships and how much better he felt once he accepted himself for who he was. basically he is her shoulder to lean on when she needs to talk about lgbt things because he Gets It
they go drinking together because it’s time away from the chaos back home and onstage, they usually just talk about what each other did between el manana and their reunion when noodle re-shipped herself in the fedex box at the beginning of phase 4, it’s like catching up over time
he is very, very, VERY protective of her, like you fuck with her and less than 2 seconds later you’re gonna have a very angry dad in your face
he’s gotten into plenty of bar fights this way–either by fighting the people trying to fight noodle or just flat-out beating the piss out of anybody who dares to keep trying to make advances on her when she makes it glaringly clear she’s not interested. because this sends him into papa bear mode he will win every single one no matter how big his opponent is
she has night terrors from el manana, the black cloud, and the pirate jets and, in her daze, will wander to find him and cry into his shoulder until the terrors go away and she falls back asleep. he never tells her about them because he doesn’t want to make her upset or embarrassed, so he carries her back to her own bed when she falls asleep to make it seem like everything was normal. he suspects that she subconsciously seeks him out because of how he told her everything was gonna be okay when she asked for the vacation before el manana, how she looked up to him a lot for direction during the filming, and tracked his pirate radio broadcasts to find her way back home–he has a strong feeling that he is what ‘home’ is like to her, and he will never understand why she didn’t imprint this idea as much on the other two as much as she did on him, but noodle’s dependence on him gives him self worth and he tries to keep himself out of trouble for her sake
on the rare occasion that he speaks to his own family, like the one back in stoke-on-trent, he refers to her as his daughter even though he’s very stingy about that word around others. he prides himself in her accomplishments and brags about her at any chance he can get, carrying a picture of little 10-year-old noodle in his wallet to show off whenever he got the chance to bring up how amazing and talented she was, and oh, did i mention she can speak every language?? yeah she’s pretty great, she’s also a racecar driver and fashion desi
they like learning about each other’s cultures. murdoc will teach her how to make tamales while she’ll teach him how to make udon and so on
if they want to talk about something they don’t want anybody else to hear, they’ll speak in spanish. if somebody around happens to speak in spanish, they’ll speak in pig latin
he used to like to braid her hair in the mornings and dancing with her to the self-titled album rainy sunday mornings during breakfast. he’d always had a soft spot for her whether or not he wanted to admit it and would often find himself pulling his hair into pigtails to the best of his ability to let her do his makeup or playing with mariposa and mermaid barbies or playing pretend and having to be mojo jojo while she was blossom or things like that. never with others around, though
as much as he loved to party back in phases 1 and 2, if she started getting tired during postgigs or afterparties he would be the one to take her home to get her ready and put her to bed. he’d put on a show and complain and call her a pain but the second he was away from everyone he’d be totally fine with it
basically he didn’t like to show that he cared about her out of fear that it would ruin his image, but after el manana he talked about how much he missed his baby girl and hoped heaven was being good to her. once she came back if you asked him he could write a whole novel about how important she is to him
he would often be suckered into reading bedtime stories 
one time she got sick with the flu and wanted to teach him how to play pokemon on her gameboy and he hung out with her the whole day and couldn’t grasp anything whatsoever. he called it ‘pokeman’ and ‘pokemins’ and caught a whole butterfree and named it belphegor
he of course then got sick the day after that, so she took care of HIM in return for him caring for her but also lowkey wanted him to keep playing pokemon with her so she glued herself to his ribs and shoved her gameboy in his face the whole day
he made up a lullaby that he would sing to her when she was 8. he still sings it to her sometimes to calm her down if she’s panicking or having a flashback or having a night terror. he claims he’ll never tell anybody what it sounds like and noodle doesn’t either to keep him happy; between the two of them it’s a weird little song anyway, something he made up on the fly to get her to stop crying one night, something about a manatee and submarines, it’s pretty much nonsensical anyway….
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the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus
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✞︎| The Sanderson Sisters got fucked by Murdoc !
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Snoop Dogg
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✞︎| Snoop Dogg got fucked by Murdoc !
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Dave from Alvin and the Chipmunks
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✞︎| David Seville got fucked by Murdoc !
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the Kool aid man
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✞︎| The Kool Aid Man got fucked by Murdoc !
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Mary from The Bible
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✞︎| Virgin Mary got fucked by Murdoc !
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Lego Batman
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✞︎| Lego Batman got fucked by Murdoc !
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Tony the Tiger
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✞︎| Tony the Tiger got fucked by Murdoc !
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Ron Jeremy since it's canon ig
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✞︎| Ron Jeremy got fucked by Murdoc !
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Murdoc fucked Danielle from Moral Orel
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✞︎| Danielle Stopman got fucked by Murdoc !
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sans undertale
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✞︎| Sans got fucked by Murdoc !
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Stanley Pines from Gravity Falls
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✞︎| Stanley Pines got fucked by Murdoc !
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