#your queering of masculinity is a sight for sore eyes. i love coming upon butchness on my dash
up-in-flames-writing · 9 months
Queer masculinity in literature!
Hi, hello, my name is Booker-Garet, I am a queer masc author & I have just undertaken a very big project. In honour of the Stuff your Kindle Day that has thoroughly pissed me off in multiple ways (mostly because of my poor wifi), I am creating one big Recommendation Post collating all the queer masc books written by queer masc authors that I can find.
So, what am I looking for?
I am looking for both fiction & non-fiction books of any genre, including poetry & short stories, that are written by a queer masc person. Do not stop at written works only, I will also be creating subsections for manga, mangaka, comics, graphic novels, & any other visual literary medium that I've probably missed. Fuck it, web novels & interactive novels are welcome too!
Now, the books do not have to include romance, they do not have to be m/m or nb/m or nb/nb, but they do have to include at least one main character who is queer masc. I will be spotlighting m/m & nb/m fiction mostly, but I also want stories that do not focus on romance (for all my fellow aces & aros out there.)
These books also do not have to focus on queer masculinity (unless they are non-fiction), but I will be spotlighting books that do focus on the experiences of queer masc people primarily.
What is queer masculinity?
I define queer masculinity as any gender or sexuality that aligns with masculinity in a queer way. This includes:
Gay cismen,
Transmen (hi, that's me!),
Bisexual/pansexual/omnisexual men,
Aro & ace men (no matter what set of genders they're attracted too),
AFAB nonbinary people who align themselves with masculinity, as well as AMAB nonbinary people who align themselves with masculinity (you don't have to align yourself with masculinity exclusively, or even predominantly to be queer masc, so long as you align with it in some way),
Intersex men who view their masculinity as queer,
Butches & masculine crossdressers,
Also drag kings & queens both.
This list isn't extensive, obviously. I bet I forgot someone out there. But, the gist of it is, if your identity aligns with masculinity &/or manhood in a queer way, you're queer masc to me!
Send me any recs of queer masc books by queer masc authors right into my inbox, or on this post if you'd prefer. There is no deadline, I will be constantly updating the Recs List as I get new recs, so don't sweat it.
Also, self-promos are allowed, but please provide a link to your work if you do so. Direct any self-promos to my DMs, as I'm not sure if tumblr ever fixed the 'no links in asks' glitch.
Now, get to reccing!
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