#youre the safest most caring empathetic loving comfortable person i know
hellsiteoflove · 7 months
so excited to be home together with you. you're my home and i hope i can make me a home worth living in for you
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fanfics-for-you · 4 years
Jinxed // Spencer Reid x Reader
Gender Neutral!! (Spencer Reid is a bi icon and you can't tell me other wise.)
In which the Reader just wants to talk about their feelings to some of their best friends, who they think will give them the best advice. But, they can't seem to get a word out without a certain Doctor interrupting.
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It was a really long case, and honestly you'd never been more tired in your life. But, Garcia had plead that you visit her and update all about your "adventure" with the team.
See, you actually tended to stay at the BAU headquarters with her but with your odd ease with children -and knowledge about early psychology-, Hotch had you tag along.
You ended up getting the last detail needed to find the perp, and you were very proud of yourself. Other than that though, you had spent almost all your time with Reid.
Hotch, although he asked you to attend, wouldn't let you anywhere near the field because of the lack of experience. This meant you were at the local police station, as you said helping Reid with linking locations and finding out more from the Encyclopedia that is his brain.
You worked together well, which was both good and bad, depending on if factored in the raging feelings for the Doctor. It was never said out loud though, you didn't want to have the chance of the smart man listening in.
You needed to tell someone.
"Y/N!" Garcia chirped, as you waltzed out of the elevator, your body aching for sleep.
"Hey, Garcia," you muttered, trying to focus on each step in front of you, and also not be rude to your peppy pal.
"C'mon, honey-" she ushered you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you simply followed, oddly entranced by her sweet perfume, "-I'll get you some snacks. Mama Garcia's here."
You chuckled lightly, but found yourself humming, "I could marry you Garcia!"
"Oh, you wish, my darling-" she opened the door to her techie room, and she sat you in a chair, "-but I'm too good for you."
"'Course you are," you smiled, crossing your legs in the rolly chair, "-anyway, what's on the menu, G?"
She spun around in her chair, clicking her pen, "Ah, ah, ah. You spill, and you get some banana bread I made yesterday, for reasons you don't have to know."
You groaned, rubbing your temples, "What do you want to know?"
She scooted close to you, "I already know everything about the case, but I want to know the juicy stuff. Like, maybe... the fact that you were with Reid every time he called me? That's interesting, don't you think?"
You rolled your eyes, a small smile echoing on your features, "Hotch didn't want me on the field, and Reid was just there too, why is that important?"
Garcia raised her eyebrows, "You know why that's important, don't try to fool me."
You rolled your eyes, hiding the growing smile on your face, as you spun in your chair to tame your laughter.
Garcia held the chair, forcing you to stay still as she spoke, "So? What happened?"
You smiled, throwing your hands up, "Fine, you got me. I think I'm in love w-"
Garcia interrupted, eyes wide and jumping up from her chair, "Shh!"
She was focused behind you, at the door, and you felt your stomach drop at the idea that he stood there-
"You're in love, Y/N?"
You cursed under your breath, and spun around to lock eyes with the familiar brown eyes.
"Reid! Hey, what- what are you doing here?"
You tried to act as normally as possible, which was a bit hard because what if he heard the whole conversation? What if he was repulsed? This would not end well-
"I-" Spencer paused, holding up two takeout bags, "-I got you some dinner, you hadn't eaten during the investigation so... I thought I'd get you something."
You smiled, standing to retrieve the food with a curious eye, "Is this...?"
"Your favorite," Spencer hummed, "-I hope so. I know you get it more frequently than your sandwiches, or salads from anywhere else. So, I assumed-"
"Thank you, Spence," you hummed, taking it from his hands with a careful smile.
The silence lasted for a breath longer than it should have, as you waited for Spencer to say anything that could mean good news. It was getting more awkward by the second-
"And," Garcia jumped up, rushing beside you in a split second, "-you don't get to know a thing about what we were referring to, Mr. Smartypants. That's patient-doctor confidentially."
Spencer scrunched his eyebrows, turning to Garcia with his eyes, "...but you're not a... doctor?"
"It's a metaphor Spence," you shook your head, hard-eyeing Garcia to the side, "-she's just saying the secret is an unspoken one."
"But-" he paused, doing that scrunch thing with his nose -like he always does when he's confused-, "-that's an actual medical practice... It's unusual to ever be used as a-"
"Reid!" Penelope groaned, "Y/N is the only person in the BAU, who trusts me with their secrets, you're not ruining that for me."
"Wait, what do you mean only one? Why-"
Spencer nodded, a shine in his eye, "Well, that's kind of a given. You statistically slip-up with secrets about... 68% more than any other BAU member."
You raised a brow, "Where are you getting those statistics?"
Spencer cleared his throat, a light flush brushing onto his cheeks, "I do my research, and just because I sit at my desk and read most of the time, doesn't mean I don't hear things, really."
You and Garcia raised your eyebrows a bit in surprise, as the boy wonder seemed to play a mastermind villain. That was new.
"So," Garcia spoke, "-what I'm hearing is that you know all about the juicy gossip in the office? Reid, why don't you tell me? It's always the one they least expect-"
"Your research?" you spoke, branching off on a completely different conversational topic, "Reid, who do you think is the safest to confide in? Scientifically, of course."
Reid paused, watching you for a second, "Well, Hotch is definitely up there, but his empathetic skills are kind of lacking. Garcia is the opposite, she has the empathetic view, but also, can't stay quiet about it for long."
Penelope rolled her eyes, "No, need to profile me, you sweet, sweet nerd."
Reid continued, placing his take out in his satchel and moving his hands to visualize it -you guessed, "Emily is a good bet, but once she's drunk, it'd be safe to assume the secret is compromised. Derek is also a good bet, but... um, I'd imagine he'd be pushy and teasing."
There was something different about that one, as he stuttered it out in a bit of frustration. He'd definitely told Morgan something and recieved the bad end of the deal.
You looked up to Garcia, and she read your eyes with a look of agreement. Pulling out her phone and wandering back, she mouthed 'On it!' as her fingers went typing away.
"JJ, well," Reid continued, unmoved by the fact that Garcia had left their conversation, "-she's probably up there as well, but if push comes to shove, she'd definitely just... motherhen you until you shared it. I would be a plenty good candidate, I don't think I've ever shared a secret within the BAU-"
"But-" you interrupted him, your eyebrows furrowed, "-you have a tell, Spence."
Spencer pursed his lips, eyes darting slightly, "I do?"
"Uh, yeah-" you muttered, falling back into the extra chair Garcia had pulled for you, "-your face is full of tells. When it's a happy secret, like... Rossi's surprise birthday party! You have to hold back a smile constantly. A secret that's got you genuinely worried about someone? You glance to them like every five minutes, and your eyebrows furrow way more than normal. A sad secret? Your eyes are just like a sad puppy's, and you allow more physical touch."
"I-" Reid opened his mouth, but you continued, not even noticing the wide flush spread across his cheeks and tips of his ears.
"When it's a really big secret? That's when nervous or odd Reid comes out. You either dart your eyes/can't make eye contact, and you clasp your hands a lot. I assume, to stroke your palm, as a sense of comfort. Or you undereact to everything surrounding that secret, which just causes more suspicion, by the way-"
You finally looked up to Spencer, who was -at this moment- looking like he was about to implode. His face was bright red, and you thought it was really cute but also, you felt terrible for putting him through that.
You stopped, pausing, "Oh God, I'm so sorry, Spence. I didn't mean to offend you-"
"What?" Spencer blinked, his eyes no longer glazed over, "-Oh! No, that was... fascinating really! You don't even necessarily have to stop, if you don't want to. Not that I like it, or anything. NoT THAT I don't like it either, it's just-"
At this point, you'd fallen victim to your own blush, as Spencer rambled over something that did seem that big but he was getting redder by the minute-
You enjoyed this a bit too much, actually.
To be your saviour once again, Garcia screamed as high-pitched as she could.
At such a noise, you almost fell out of your chair, you got up so fast, "G? Everything okay?"
Garcia looked up, "Uh, yeah. Totally, definitely. It's just ya know- a spider, yeah."
You raised an eyebrow, as Reid -who now stood beside you- spoke in a questioning tone, "On your phone?"
She bit her lip, throwing her eyes between you and Spencer, "Yeah, uh totally nothing to do with you guys. Derek sent it to me as a prank, and it doesn't have a single bit to do with the two agents right in front of me, right now."
You furrowed your eyebrows, "Are you sure everything's alright?"
Garcia spun to her computer, "Oh, of course! Why wouldn't everything be alright? It's uh- Nothing's wrong, and nothing's going on. I don't know anything about the secret romance that may or may not be going on in the office. Nope, not me."
You glanced at Reid, who although he had a few of the tells you spoke of earlier, shrugged his shoulders.
"Um," he spoke, confused, "-Penelope, what are you talking about?"
She was basically sawing down on her lip now, as she opened her mouth and then shut it again, and finally closed her eyes, "OUT! Both of you out, I... I can't handle this monumental information with you both standing right in front of me. So, scram!"
You opened your mouth, "What? You wanted me in here, Penn. I don't und-"
Garcia grabbed your shoulders, "If you love me, take the beanstalk boy, and exit this room."
"But, I-"
You sighed, picking up Spencer's take out, and grabbing his satchel's strap with unhesitant ease, "Come on, Spence. We gotta go."
"O-Okay," Spencer noted, following close behind you without hesitation, you two just trusted each other. It didn't take much.
You pulled him out into the BAU hub, and finally let go of him, spinning around to talk about that odd experience.
"So, Spence-" you grabbed, a rolly chair from a random desk and sat in it, placing your food in your lap, "-what do you think that was all about?"
"Probably a secret," Reid blurted, he'd seemed a little off as he said that, doing the same as you and pulling a chair to sit.
"Oh," you pursed your lips, digging in your bag and pulling out the container, "-who do you think it's about?"
Spencer looked at you, a bit baffled, like he'd expected you to pick up on something, but you hadn't.
He shook his head, tossing his wonderous hair as he did so, "Could be anyone, I guess."
He fidgeted with his food, picking his fork into the dish and quietly muttering something you couldn't quite hear.
"Spence?" you hummed, as he looked up to you, "-everything okay with you?"
Spencer paused, blinking, "Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just tired, actually."
You frowned, "Man, is there something on my face? God, everyone has been weird around me today."
Spencer perked up, "What do you mean?"
"Ever since the big break," you spoke, a little worried, "-everyone's been looking at me weird. Like they know something I don't."
"Oh," Spencer echoed, watching your face fall slightly, "-well, actually. There was an... officer in the Chicago Department. He had a crush on you, and was really obvious about it. The team thought it was funny you didn't notice."
You raised your eyebrows, as Spencer didn't make eye contact and a quiet blush swept across his cheeks, "Really? Wow. I'm not surprised, I... uh, never pick up on those cues."
"Was there-" Spencer added with a slightly hardened tone, "-Was there any cop there you were hoping it'd be? You don't have to answer, I'm honestly just curious-"
"No, uh-" your eyes flashed up to him, "-not there. All of those guys were... weird."
He laughed, eyes lightening up a bit, "So, you're picky, huh?"
You smiled, "Maybe so, Reid, maybe so."
It was early morning and you were to stay at the BAU for a case, as usual. However, this time Rossi was staying too.
Something about getting his book finished and to the publisher on time, he'd avoided the plane ride and now, sat with you gazing over the large table with case files spread hastily across it.
It was a gruesome case, one where Garcia practically gagged just presenting it to the team. You honestly couldn't think about the specifics, without doing the same.
"So, Rossi-" you spoke, eyes skimming over a victim's file, "-what do you think the symbol branded on t-"
Rossi didn't look up, as he spoke, "When are you going to tell him?"
You raised your eyes, splitting a confused smile on your lips, "I'm sorry, what?"
"Reid," he clarified, his eyes steadied on the pictures scattered across the table.
You stuttered, your face a tinge of red, "I have no clue what you're talking about."
Rossi added, finally looking up, "You know the poor boy doesn't have the guts, Y/N. You're kind of hard to read as well, so you're probably going to have to make the first move."
"I-" you muttered, low and under your breath, "I don't know how."
"For him? It's simple," Rossi addressed, his hands up as if he was selling a new invention to you, "-you just have to be honest and straightforward, little one. Tell him that-"
A voice spoke up, "Tell who what?"
Rossi stopped, his eyes darting to the new figure in the room, "I thought you got on the plane, boy wonder?"
"Yeah, Spence," you spoke, raising a brow and trying to cool your cheeks, "-what's up?"
"I uh, forgot my passport at home," he hummed, his eyes anywhere but on yours or Rossi's.
You scrunched your eyebrows at Rossi, who just like you had the same idea. There was no way that was the truth.
Rossi cleared his throat, "Uh, Y/N, we'll continue our conversation elsewhere. And Reid-"
Spencer looked up at him, with his head tilted like a little puppy. He was insanely cute, you honestly don't know how he worked himself into the FBI with how much he'd seemed so... innocent, really.
Rossi continued, "We'll talk about this later, capiche?"
Spencer nodded, eyes caught up in the evidence scattered amongst the table, "Yes, sir."
"Yeah, and then, the guy came up to me and said-" Emily narrated, each member on the edge of their seat, as she'd told her -one and only- blind date story.
"Y/N?" Hotch spoke, tapping the doorframe of his office, signaling you to come in.
Tapping Penelope's leg, you made her promise to tell you the rest of the story, if you missed it, and waltzed right up the stairs to his office.
"Hey," you smiled, a dash of concerned, "-what's going on, sir? Is everything alright?"
"I needed to run something by you," he spoke, intelligent and in no way was his voice odd so that you could dissect it, "-please, sit."
You nodded, immediately taking you're place in the seat across from his desk, "Of course! What am I looking at?"
Hotch spoke, as he carefully moved to take a file out of his desk drawer, "As one of our press/legal employees, there's been an edit to a section of our contract, and I wanted you to be one of the ones who ensures everything is correct within the document."
"Oh, it's my pleasure, sir-" you hummed, taking the file out of his hand, "-am I taking this home? Or?"
"No," his eyes flashed to the door, "-it's a pretty small edit, just read it over and let me know. You can preferably sit in here and read it."
"Oh, okay," you hummed, a little confused, but your eyes settled on the document.
'Inner Office Relationships:
Now, available if properly addressed to the supervisory agent of both parties.'
"Um, Hotch," you mumbled, eyes scanning across the full-fledged page, as only one difference stuck out to you, "-is this about...?"
"Office relationships? Yes," he confirmed, eyes lingering on you -with a slight pass to the door, "-so...?"
"So, what, sir?" you questioned, flipping the file open and closed as the awkwardness in the room peaked.
"You and Dr. Reid," he spoke, eyes telling all, "-it's been adjusted for the betterment of the BAU, specifically you two."
"I-" you blinked, unsure of what to say as you'd never seen Hotch this way.
"Listen, Y/N, just-" he paused, careful and concise, "-if it happens, please inform me for the sake of th-"
"Sir?" Reid waltzed in, a file filled with papers in his arms as his eyes stayed trained on them, "I've skimmed these documents, and the only difference I can really see between the two, is that office relationships are allowed, as long as you inform your su-"
His eyes moved up from the papers, and upon landing on you, he tripped and the file came crashing down. All the papers fluttering in the air, as he simply muttered, "Oh."
"I-I, uh, apologize, sir-" he scrambled, his ears burning a bright red, as you leaned down and picked up some of the papers with him, "-I didn't realize, you'd had company in here. I'm sorry for interrupting."
"Reid," Hotch smiled at him, "-it's fine, Y/N here, was reviewing the same document as well."
"Oh," Reid said again, ultimately trying to hide into himself, as he ashamedly picked up the fallen papers.
You paused, holding the stack you'd gathered, "Uh, actually, sir. I'm just curious, but why was that change made to the document? Do you know?"
"Actually," Hotch glanced at the other Agent in the room, "-someone sent in a request to change the document."
You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head slightly, "Oh, do you have any idea who did that?"
Reid, who had been bent slightly under the table, shot up and rammed his head into a smaller table by a couch that lined the wall.
"Ouch..." he muttered, cradling his head with hand and you immediately jumped up, concern brimming under your fingertips.
"Jeez, Spence!" you stood on your tippy-toes to get a good look, "-I don't think you're bleeding, but we'll have to get you some ice for that, just to be safe."
"Yeah," Spencer laughed nervously, his voice strained as he side-eyed Hotch, "-we should obviously go that. We can't stay in here."
In a few short minutes, Spencer was ushering you out and as you stepped out, you watched all your coworkers unabashedly act like they were not watching the whole time.
You groaned, briskly grabbing Spencer's hand, and dashing on by the the break room. You'd rather not hear anything any of them have to say at this moment, unless it was Emily's story. That was all you'd wanted to hear-
"Uh, Y/N?"
You blinked, as Reid motioned to his head, and with a swift glance to your connected hands, you blushed, "Oh, sorry, Spence. Got distracted."
He laughed, as you carefully slipped your hand out of his and scurried to get a bag, some ice, and some paper towels. Or maybe just find an ice pack in the fridge?
"So," you addressed, as you skimmed the freezer for an ice pack, "-what was that about?"
"What?" Spencer asked, until his mind clicked and he added, "Oh, I just... I don't know, I got a bit nervous, er- surprised."
You smiled into the fridge, -finding an ice pack buried under some peas, or something, you weren't sure-, "It was you who requested the change, wasn't it?"
"No," Spencer squeaked, and you could only imagine the tips of his ears getting redder.
"You can't lie to me Spence," you hummed pulling off a few paper towels, and wrapping the around the ice pack, "-remember?"
"Anyway," you continued, walking towards him, "-I don't blame you, there are some very attractive people in this BAU. I'm just curious which one you're trying to sweep off their feet Doctor Reid?"
"It's-" Reid stuttered out, gently taking the ice pack from you hands, "It's not like that."
"My money's on JJ," you spoke with a tongue of hurt in your tone, as you locked eyes with those familiar brown ones.
"What?! No," Spencer practically yelled, "-she's married!"
You shrugged, "Doesn't stop most guys."
"Pfft," he chuckled, throwing up his freehand, "-you don't think I'm one of those guys, do you? I mean, look at me!"
He motioned down to his sweater vest and perfectly placed tie, and somewhere in your head you had to disagree.
You smirked, getting up and exited the room with a shake of laughter, "It's always the ones you don't expect, Reid, it's always the ones you don't expect."
It was the team's night out, everyone was at a dimly lit, crowded karaoke bar. Although, you didn't quite prefer crowds, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Derek and Garcia were out dancing on the floor, Hotch and JJ were at home with their respective families, Rossi went home early, Reid was never one to attend these outings, and you and Prentiss sat in a booth, tired but still wanting to drink.
She sipped on her small glass, eyes locked on you with a glance you'd grown familiar to.
You smiled, a bit of a confused one as always, "What, Em?"
Prentiss raised her eyebrows, "So, I heard about the Reid thing."
You rolled your eyes, "What Reid thing?"
"Don't," Emily tipped her drink to you, with a teasing grin, "-I'm a profiler, Y/N, don't underestimate me."
You raised a brow, knowing there was no possible way that Reid would end up here, you were safe, "Fine, what do you want to know?"
"Well," Emily looked out into the crowd, and then back at you, "-why haven't you asked him out?"
"It's-" you paused, gnawing on your lip, "-complicated, Prentiss."
She opened her mouth, looking back at you, when it suddenly turned into a gasp. And you didn't even have to look back to know what was going on.
"What's complicated?"
Emily's eyes widened, "Woah, Reid! You never come to the karaoke nights with us, I'm- I'm so glad you came!"
He scoffed, obviously lying, "I go to tons of parties with you guys. All the time."
"Yeah, no, Spencer-" Emily added swirling her drink around, as she eyed the book in his hand and bottle of water, "-you don't."
You furrowed your brows, Spencer had frequented quite a few of them -in your presence at least, wait. Had he only showed up when you did?
Emily practically read your mind, as Spencer sat just beside you, "You only show up when Y/N says they're going to be there, hotshot. And I could probably get proof of that."
"I-" Spencer paused, clearing his throat, "-I don't know what you're talking about."
"Sure, you don't," Emily hummed, as she stood, "-I saw a hot girl on the dancefloor, I'm going to go talk to her, lovebirds. Talk to you later!"
You shook your head, laughing, "How wasted do you think she's going to get tonight?"
Spencer paused, "Usually, I'd say 9 times out of 10, she ends up puking on the floor, or leaving with someone else."
"So, maybe the chances are in her favor with that girl, huh?" you smiled at him, for just a second and peered over the glass.
He grinned right back, a glint in his eye that you hadn't recognized, "Yeah... Maybe, just maybe he does."
You hadn't thought much of the pronoun change with the loud, boisterous music, and with your heart fluttering at the wide grin -that was just utterly contagious-, let's just say you were... a little distracted anyway.
It was the obligated BAU dinner night at Rossi's, he was talking about some sort of pasta. You could tell it looked kinda like lasagna, but you wouldn't dare say that to the older man's face.
He'd probably have you kicked out, if you did.
You wouldn't blame him, either.
"Y/N!" Rossi exclaimed, his face a wide smile, "I can trust you to know what oregano is, right?"
"Uh," you paused, trying to take a minute to think, "-yes? I think."
"Good," Rossi hummed, "-take Morgan, and go pick up some from the Deli's down the street."
You chucked, catching the keys thrown your way, "Yes, sir! But I better get the first piece of that bread, mister."
Rossi winked at you, "If you come back with oregano? Consider it done."
With a pep in your step, you waltzed to the living room where a few familiar faces sat. Derek was there, his arm slung around Penelope, and Reid was bent over in laughter.
You blinked, refocusing on the task at hand -you could stare at Reid later, "Hey, Derek?"
All three people looked up with distant smiles, Reid's eyes twinkled like they always did, as Morgan answered, "What's up, my sunshine?"
You laughed, "Rossi has assigned us to pick up some oregano, you coming?"
"Always with you," Morgan grinned, his bright, teasing grin that you'd grown familiar with.
"Alright," you rolled your eyes, "-let's go then, mister. I'm sure Reid can occupy Penelope, no?"
Reid blinked, like he was knocked out of his trace, "What?"
Derek laughed, smacking the tall man on the back, "You heard them, Reid. Keep my girl satisfied, pretty boy."
With a laugh, he pulled an arm over your shoulders and smiled, "Our chariot awaits."
You nodded, and followed Morgan out the door, you'd had about 30 minutes until the store closed anyway.
The car ride was silent, as Morgan pulled into the driverseat, his driving would get you there faster and neither of you wanted to miss such a meal.
"So," Derek hummed, hands trained on the wheel, "-do you-"
"I swear to God, if this is about Reid-" you threw your hands up, rubbing your eyes.
"What?" Derek raised his brows, "What about Reid? I was just going to ask if you'd decided on a pet to adopt, sunshine."
"Oh," you paused, a bit surprised.
"What's-" Derek grinned, his eyes obnoxiously shining, "What's going on with Reid?"
"Well, uh-" you rubbed your hands together, "-basically everyone in the BAU has tried to 'confront' me about him."
"Oh," Derek hummed, "-is it about you two being lovebirds? And that pretty boy has no way of being the one to make the first move."
You sighed, "Not you too."
Derek shrugged, "What? You guys are obviously just dancing around each other, and we're a team of profilers. It's not hard to see you two."
You pursed your lips, "If so, why can't Reid read me?"
Derek mumbled, "What do you mean?"
"If it's so obvious," you hummed, quieter than necessary, "-then why doesn't he do anything about it?"
"That's a question for Reid, sunshine," Derek hummed, "-but we all know he's not particularly good at social cues."
"So?" you hummed tapping your inner leg, "I'm surprised we haven't been interrupted yet, actually."
Derek furrowed his eyebrows, "What?"
You chuckled, shaking your head, "Uh, everytime I talk about my feelings, Reid always pops into the conversation before I can even speak."
Derek scoffed, "How many times have you tr-"
He was interrupted by his phone buzzing, and a familiar name shining onto his screen. His eyes widened, as you sighed. It happened yet again.
"Speak of the devil," Derek gasped, with a small smile and clicking on the call, "Hey, pretty boy. You're on speaker."
"Oh, hey!" Reid was scatterbrained, his words quick like when he was nervous, "Rossi wanted me to go with you guys, I was told to call you before it was too late."
"Not that I don't enjoy your company, Reid-" you spoke, carefully, "-but why would you need to be here?"
"Yeah, sunshine here-" Derek spoke, looking at you with a raised eyebrow, "-has a point boy wonder."
Spencer continued, his voice raised to a slightly higher pitch, "Uh, maybe ask Rossi?"
"Sorry, Spence," you shook your head, working it out in your head, "-we're not turning around. It really doesn't make any sense, we're almost at the store now."
Derek grinned, one you knew he wore specifically for Reid, "Yeah, and to me, it just sounds like pretty boy here has a case of jealousy. Nothing too urgent."
"I-" Reid echoed, defensive, "-uh no, that's not what's happening, Rossi did-"
You raised an eyebrow at the uncharacteristically not Spencer tone of Spencer's voice, mouthing to Derek, "What's that about?"
Derek snickered, but he didn't explain. As usual.
"Listen, Reid-" Derek added, his voice steady with an air of teasing, "-although Y/N is very irresistible, I will refrain from stealing them away from you."
"I-" Spencer's voice spoke, exhausted and a bit defensive, "-I never said Y/N was mine, Morgan. Rossi just wanted-"
"That's enough, boy wonder-" Derek hummed flipping the phone to his ear, "-you're off of speaker now."
You watched as Morgan carefully listened to the distant hum of Spencer's voice, and a giant smug grin slipped across his face. One that just screamed that he'd tease Reid later.
Derek winked at you, as he responded with a telling gleam in his eye, "So Rossi did tell you to come, but after you annoyed him in to doing so? Still sounds like jealousy, kid."
There was a loud yell on the other end, a bit of a frustrated tone, you could tell. Derek had done it once more, Reid was frustrated.
"Hey, baby girl-" Derek spoke as smooth as butter, "-I'm sorry you had to take his place, but can I politely ask you to tell pretty boy to man up?"
You snorted, confused but at this point, you'd found bliss in the unknown. With such a big secret, you'd easily began to understand that silence was key in most areas.
With a sigh, you'd turned to look out the window and your feelings mustered in your chest. Another fail.
It was an exhausting morning, although no case had spiraled into your department, everyone was busy wrapping up previous paperwork. Including those with families, which you found to be absolutely devastating.
You kept glancing up at JJ, she seemed exhausted and she had the cutest little boy at home -who not to mention was Reid’s godson. Henry was an angel in every aspect of the word with what little you’d interacted with the boy, you’d still die for him.
Plus, watching Reid interact with him? He’d be a great Dad, just based on that.
Not, not necessarily with you. 
It could be, you’d pegged Spencer as one who would adopt. His wonderful brain probably knew all the statistics of orphans and chances of mishaps in birth and percentage of abandonment in this city. You’d actually only wanted to adopt too, so maybe you were just projecting-
Okay, re-center.
You blinked, watching as JJ’s stack of papers kept growing and you kept imagining Henry getting sadder by the hour... You had known since coming back to the team, and being the lead in the communication and press department, she’d really been weighed down.
You’d had the sort of specialist as well, dabbling in the press, and you definitely didn’t have any loving husband and child at home. With a sigh, you raised up from your spinning chair, taking a longing look at your small stack and approaching JJ.
Clearing your throat, you sat in a chair by her desk with a smile, pretending to dust off the stack, “You’ve got your night made, huh?”
JJ lightly chuckled, “Yeah, all of these are for various press releases in the past few weeks. It’s really a nightmare.”
“Do you-” you pursed your lips, thumbing through the one on top, “-I know I’m not the Jennifer Jareau, but I’ve worked in press and pretty sure all of your conferences are taped somewhere... Do you think I could pick these up for you?”
JJ blinked, pausing for a second, baffled, “You’d... You’d do that for me?”
“Well,” you rolled your eyes, playfully, “-more like for Henry, but...”
JJ chuckled, “Right, of course. I’ll just... go ask Hotch? And this means so much to me, you don’t even-”
You waved her off, “No, let’s just say you owe me one? That fair? To be honest, I was just going to go home and binge a few episodes. Like the cliched unsuccessful adult. Plus, I don’t have a cute little family to go back to. So... I want to do this for you.”
JJ paused, “Okay, but I do owe you one, for real. No take-backs.”
You nodded with a smile, patiently following JJ with your eyes -you’d had a habit of ensuring everyone you’d known got to their next location safely, it came with the job. Just at the base of the stairs, JJ ran into the familiar man you just couldn’t get out of your head: Dr. Spencer Reid.
Their words were hushed, Spencer trying desperately to keep it at a low volume, and JJ seemed to be well... mother-henning him. Derek walked up beside you, just as JJ started to motion towards you -quite vividly, actually. 
She was pointing her eyes to you, you saw her mouth your name a few times, and now she was... pointing at you. It took everything in you, not to laugh actually.
You spoke to Derek, with a sarcastic tone, “You think they’re talking about me?”
Derek chuckled, “You might be confused with the potted plant, sunshine.”
You snickered, going back to look at them, and now JJ was motioning you to come to her. Like angry mother, when you’d stayed out past curfew.
Raising your eyebrows to Morgan, he muttered with a smirk, “Someone’s in trouble.”
You shoved him over, as you made your way to the perhaps frustrated woman who had been motioning to you just earlier. Spencer was still standing there, awkwardly, actually, with quite the flush to his face.
“Uh-” you spoke, locking eyes with JJ, “-what’s up? I thought I was just going to go do your files, I-”
JJ grabbed your wrist, looking at Spencer with a stern eye, “Wait here, Reid. Don’t move. Y/N, can you step into the breakroom with me?”
At this point, the entire BAU was watching the interaction. Even Garcia was poking her head out of her tech room, and the rest were huddled across the room. You glanced to Spencer for some sort of explanation, but he just blinked at you with those once loved brown eyes.
They were on thin ice right now, because JJ seemed to be offended.
“I’m confused, but-” you met JJ’s eyes, quietly, “-okay...?”
JJ wasted no time, dragging your arm away, as you frantically said goodbye to him with a small smile. You always had to smile at him, it was like on a checklist in your head. You read somewhere that it helps people fall in love, it was probably scientific.
Sliding into the breakroom, she closed the door and slid the blinds down. You chuckled lightly just at the pure frustration on her features, Spencer must’ve said something really... offensive? He didn’t seem the type.
“So,” you spoke with a raised brow, “-can I ask questions now?”
JJ paused, anger dissipating from her furrowed brow, “Uh yeah, about that...”
“Let me guess-” you hummed, tired from the day, “-you can’t answer them?”
“Yeah,” JJ responded, carefully, “-hey, are you okay?”
You paused, actually debating in your mind, “Yes, I’d say so.”
JJ stared at you, “I... I don’t think so. Is it the Reid thing?”
You chuckled, a little hopelessly, as you sat at one of the small table, “It’s jinxed to talk about it, JJ. I’d be careful.”
“Jinxed?” JJ slid into the seat across from you, with a look of concern gleaming in her eye.
You raised an eyebrow, “Everytime it happens, Spence butts in.”
She scoffed, “You know, I think those might be coincidences. There’s no way that it could- Crap.”
You smiled wide, just out of the corner of your eye, you could see brown eyes slipping through the blinds. Spencer wasn’t that sneaky.
JJ was speaking kind of out of the side of her mouth, “Y/N, act shocked. I mean, jaw dropping.”
“Jaw dropping?” you spoke, raising your eyebrows and covering your mouth with an air of urgency.
JJ lips turned up, as she bit back laughter, “Perfect.”
Uncovering your mouth, you raised a brow, asking, “What is this for?”
“It’s to make Reid think we’re talking about something in particular,” JJ responded, her face barely flinching at the mention.
“And,” you added, “-lemme guess? I can’t know what.”
“Yes, I’m sorry,” JJ began, as the brown eyes vanished from the window, “-but, on the brightside, he’s gone! And we can continue our conv-”
Suddenly, the door burst open and -who would’ve guessed- Spencer came tumbling in like the clumsy man he is.
You blinked, turning to JJ with a tired smile, “You were saying?”
Spencer grinned, sheepishly, and spoke in a lighter tone than normal, “Uh, hey, you guys! I didn’t know we were having a meeting-” he slid into the seat beside you, “-anyway, so what are we talking about?”
JJ blinked, a little astonished at the very unSpencer-like behavior, lucky for her, you’d been dealing with this for ages and came prepared.
“Henry,” you answered, with a questitive tone, “-why? Should we be talking about something else, Spencer?”
Spencer blinked, turning towards you and on cue his ears went pink, “I uh- maybe?”
You laughed, continuing despite your own cheeks burning a bit, “Oh, you mean me picking up JJ’s work? That’s also mostly for Henry... Why do you need to know, Spence?”
JJ added, “Actually, he was talking to me, earlier, as I’m sure you saw... and he wanted to help you with the work? I don’t know why he went to me, but-”
“Oh,” you spoke softly, you turned to him, “-well if you have no plans, I’d really appreciate the help.”
“Pfft, plans?” Spencer echoed, face bright red at this point, “-I don’t... I’d never-”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” you raised an eyebrow, standing up from your chair with a smile, “-and JJ, thanks for the talk. I’ll just go grab those files off your desk.”
JJ smiled at you, “Again, thank you so much... I don’t know how I’ll repay you.”
“I’ll figure it out for you, Js” you laughed, slipping out of the room with a sigh of relief. Thank god you were out of that situation.
And just on the brink of peace, Derek spoke up, “What was that all about, sunshine?”
“You have to tell us!!” Garcia added, enthusiastically just like with everything else.
You groaned, playfully, “Not you two! You know my weaknesses so well.” 
They stared at you, expectantly.
“Plus, it was about nothing-” you spoke, making your way to JJ’s desk, “-now, if you’ll excuse me... I have work to do.”
Garcia pouted, skipping away to her room with a look in her eyes that implied she’d ask questions later, and Derek shrugged it off.
With your back turned, you organized the stack on JJ’s desk. Trying to break it into two different stacks, making them even -despite knowing Spencer would 100% be faster.
Adjusting your grip, you heard the door close just behind you -that was the breakroom- and prepared yourself for either of them in your company. Taking the newly organized stack, you walked to your desk with as much energy as you could at this point.
Just as you sat down and pushed a stack onto Spencer’s desk -he was helping-, Derek’s voice caught your ear. 
“Hey, you excited for your blind date tonight, pretty boy?”
You froze, looking up as Spencer looked nervously at you, “I actually promised Y/N that I’d help th-”
“Spence?” you asked, a little confused and a dash heartbroken, “-I thought you didn’t have any plans? I can pick these up on my own-”
Spencer scrambled, “Well, I actually-”
You interrupted, pulling the files back on your desk, “You just promised me Spence, go on your date. I don’t want to intrude-”
Spencer tried to speak up, “Y/N, wait-”
“Spence, come on-” you laughed, “-you can’t tell me you’d choose paperwork over a date? They could be the love of your life, Spence. Go on the d-”
“I’d rather be with you!” Spencer exclaimed, his face flushed to the max, “-I’d rather be here with you.”
“That’s my cue to leave,” Derek’s eyes widened, stepping back out of your view and you were a little speechless, honestly.
“Oh,” you laughed, pushing down any hope that may have risen in your chest, “-of course, Spencer Reid would choose paperwork over a date.”
Spencer sighed, “Oh god, how are you so oblivious and so cute doing it?”
“I uh-” you answered back, as your face fell red, “-what?”
Words began slipping past his lips, “I want to spend every waking moment with you, Y/N. Not just... not just paperwork.”
You swallowed, your mouth moving but no words coming out. The floor had literally been ripped out from under you, and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“Y/N?” Spencer wandered closer to you, eyes scanning the area and seeing the crowd building in front of the elevator, “-Here, come with me.”
“O-Okay,” you laced your fingers with his, as he dragged you into the breakroom once more, where JJ left apparently.
The two of you sliding back into the chairs from before
You blinked, as Spencer let out a breath, and you sat in silence for longer than you felt was comfortable. So, you decided to do something about it.
“So every waking moment, huh?” you smirked, with a bit of timidness in your tone.
Spencer smiled, his ears turning bright red, but he was oddly the most calm you’d ever seen him -leaning back in his chair with a warm look in his eyes, “If you want too? Maybe?”
You grinned, quietly extended your hand to meet his across the table with a small smile, “How about dinner first?”
Spencer scratched the back of his neck, with a nervous grin and took your hand across the table, “Of course, yeah... Yeah.”
“Not today though, Dr. Reid-” you hummed, “-if you don’t remember, you promised a certain person some help with some paperwork?”
Spencer played along, tapping his chin, “You know what, I think I might remember...”
“Oh, come on-” you laughed, pulling him from his chair, “-you big goof...”
“At least I’m your big goof,” Spencer added, as you pulled him off his feet.
“Yeah, of course,” you smiled, stopping in your place,”-but we really need to get to work, Spence.”
He smiled, his cute cheeky smile that you loved, “You’re right, we should get going.”
“Like actually though,” you broke the mood, “-we don’t wanna stay here all night, Spencer.”
“Oh, of course, yeah!” he responded, waking up from his daze, as the two of you prepared yourself for the night.
But hey, at least you were spending it with him, and maybe... just maybe you wouldn’t mind “every waking moment” either.
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soft-ris · 4 years
Hi! I'm not sure if u still have slots for CP but if so could I have one? my top 3 from hq are bokuto, iwaizumi + miya atsumu! im 5'5, she/her w long dark brown hair w the front half of my right side dyed white, green eyes + tan skin. I'm super bubbly, loud, naturally flirty + my love language is physical touch! I love working out and I'm a huge foodie. I'm stubborn + impulsive, luv rain/storms, coffee + pda. I ramble but I'm a gd listener, a night owl, v playful + luv teasing 1/2
im spontaneous, optimistic, passionate + ambitious! I'm empathetic + love comforting others! I'm emotional, confident, bold, giggly, energetic + observant! I'm also straight forward and try my best to be upfront about my feelings. I love autumn/winter, cooking + outdoors but also love cosy nights at home! I also really like protective people! Thank u sm in advance if theres still space <3 2/2
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Cupid’s Pick for your match made in heaven is...
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... Iwaizumi!!
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...long dark brown hair w the front half of my right side dyed white.
All of them would find that super cool, like the unique style of it, their reactions would just vary.
Iwa would be wide eyed and go ‘wow’. He’d definitely stare, but in a good way because he’s 100% admiring the way you look with this style. There’s just no hiding that admiring look on his face, he can’t even if he tries tbh. He just thinks it’s so mf cool. Would subtly bask in the praises you get bc ‘hell yeah she’s fucking cool, that’s my girlfriend >:)’. Would compliment you for sure, simple and to the point, and you just know he means every word because his personality is like that.
Atsumu & Bo would be louder and more verbal & show-off-y. Lots of like ‘omfg this style is so cool?!?!?’. Would even go as far as saying ‘we matchBIXKJSANJC’ (especially Bo since the dyed colour is the same), since they have dyed hair themselves, and would also 100000% take pics and show them off to Osamu & Akaashi and their MSBY teammates and even post about u on their accounts bc they’re just so excited uwu
It’s also a given that they would change their wallpaper to u with this hairstyle ASAP uwu
I also really like protective people!
All of them are pretty protective in their own rights, I feel? The difference would be how they deal with the thing or person making you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
I feel like Iwa would have no qualms being a sort of shield between you and that problem. If someone’s bothering you, he would step in between u and the person/people and bring you away from them AFTER (respectfully) glaring at them and telling them they’re making things uncomfortable for everyone. He’s quite observant too, having dealt with Oikawa’s personality and habits for a lot of his life, so he would be able to tell when you need his protection and when you can handle yourself. Tbh even when you can handle yourself, he’ll already be inching towards you, wanting to be by your side just in case it turns ugly. And if it ever turns ugly (which is fucked up because why tf would anyone wanna fight Iwa when he’s packing all those muscles??), ya know he won’t be fucking around. He may be a respectful man, but that doesn’t mean he won’t twist the person’s arm with a little more force than necessary if they tried to do shit to u. After the mf’s taken care of, he’ll take you some place quiet and make sure you’re alright, feeling safe and comforted by treating you softer than usual. Will also bring you your favourite snacks to help you ease your nerves and end the night on a better note. Overall, 10/10 boyfriend because your comfort and safety means a lot to him uwu <3
Atsumu would probably veeeery publically embarrass them by calling them out, and you know his words cut deeeeeep. He’ll be keeping a hand on you throughout the day/night, that’s for sure, until you’re home again. Just that touch of his to make sure you’re by his side and doing alright.
Bo would probably get angry (whether in a cute pouty way or in an intense anger would depend on the situation), unintentionally call them out (which would be hella embarrassing for the other person bc god they made BOKUTO angry??), and then he would just start trying to make sure you’re okay. He’d start being really touchy like cupping your face, hugging you from all angles, & etc. He’ll bring you home asap if the situation calls for it or if you ask him to or if the person isn’t gone from the space, but would probably stay if you tell him it’s alright and you’re okay now.
I think the both of them are protective in their own rights, but something about Iwa being really perceptive and having that strength and reliability to his personality that would probably make you feel the safest (based on yours and his traits).
I love working out and I'm a huge foodie.
I don’t think I need to say more, it’s all right thereKSKSKSK
He’ll work out with you and become those perfect work out couple goals. 1000000000000000000% for sure. And he’s an athletic trainer, so he knows how to help you maximize your work out.
I can also see him eating a lot with you on your food trips. Sure, his diet is pretty balanced, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to eat, and especially on cheat days he’ll happily indulge in the more ‘unhealthy’ foods with you.
I also don’t think he’ll be trying to control your diet, but maybe tell you stuff like ‘eat more veges/protein/etc.’ if you don’t eat properly. He cares for you and your health is important to him too. But if your diet is pretty good and balanced as is, then he’ll be a little more relaxed knowing you’re not surviving on only junk foods and sodas lol
I ramble but I'm a gd listener, a night owl, v playful + luv teasing.
GREAT because I can see Iwa appreciating very much that you’d listen to him talk on about his rough day, gush the monsters he finds super fucking cool (like Godzilla), rants about Oikawa being a shit head (again), and so on.
I can see him being a great listener too, always nodding along and taking in what you ramble to him. Giving comments and insights too if he can. And if he doesn’t have the capacity or energy for that (most probably bc work was draining or he isn’t having a good day), he’d tell you straight up (if you didn’t catch the physical clues he displays). Politely and to the point, without malice.
Oikawa is teasing and playful with him, so he’s practically built to handle it like a pro since childhoodKSKSKSK
But he won’t resort to violence with you ofc, just with Oikawa <3 depending on the nature of your teasing, he’d either roll his eyes and maybe bump your shoulder lightly (or some other light form of contact), or he’ll try to tease you back. I can also see him blushing and asking you to shut it if your teasing grants that kind of reaction if yk what I meanKSKSKS
The night owl bit, he understands, but would tell you sometimes to not mess up your schedule and to sleep earlier if you can because that’s just how he shows that he cares. If you point out that he sounds like a nagging mom, he’d pop a vein and tackle you (softly) and drag you to bed and be a little kid about it like ‘HA what can u do now that u can’t escape my arms?? Who’s a nagging mom now??’. Y’all would 100% end up in giggles UWUWUWUWUWU
I'm stubborn + impulsive, luv rain/storms, coffee + pda.
I can see Atsumu & Bo loving and basking in the PDA more than Iwa, because that shit makes him flustered so hard and he has to take a while to get used to having someone show him such bold displays of love. But I feel like Iwa would really grow to like it tho uwu
All 3 of them are kind of stubborn in their own way? If y’all disagree on something, I can see Bo & Iwa coming to a compromise with you easier than Atsumu.
Iwa would make you a cup of coffee just the way you like it every day when you wake up because it’s his actions with the littlest things that show you the loudest how much he loves you. He’s also great with holding you back on your more dangerous and rash and potentially harmful impulses, like the reliable figure that gives you good reasons and talks you out of reeeeaaally bad decisions, but he’s also a whole Gemini so he’ll indulge in your impulses with you more often than you think heh heh
I'm also straight forward and try my best to be upfront about my feelings.
That’s a great trait for all of the boys tbh, because all 3 of them needs someone like that due to their personalities.
Atsumu would understand that you’re not playing mind games and he wouldn’t then try to play it back or burst into flames. Bo would be thankful because he can just take your words as is. And that’s the same for Iwa too. While he’s observant and can probably read between the lines no problem, straight forwardness just makes things easier for him because he’s pretty straight forward too. And I feel that if he can count on you for that, then he’ll be probably allow himself to rely on you more.
If you praise them, they’ll know you mean it too and they’ll be real happy about it uwu
I'm empathetic + love comforting others!
Another great attribute for all 3 of them. Bo & Atsumu melts in a more obvious way (and in the moment) when you comfort them and when you empathize with them, but Iwa? It’s in the way he squeezes your hand right after, the look in his eyes are soft and so is his grateful smile. It’s in the way he hugs you later in bed, curving into you like a cat, arms secure around you, and he whispers a very tender ‘thank you’. It’s in the way he kisses you good morning the day after, hand on your cheek as if he’s holding the world in it, and he feels like he is. I’d say it’s more quiet with Iwa’s display of gratitude, but it’s just as loud as the other two, there’s no doubt about that.
I'm super bubbly, loud, naturally flirty + my love language is physical touch! I'm emotional, confident, bold, giggly, energetic + observant! I’m spontaneous, optimistic, passionate + ambitious!
Your outgoing and naturally flirty self would probably capture all 3 of their hearts, with Iwa putting up a little more fight than the rest (he doesn’t take it as him being special, but falls for your sweet words regardless bc he likes u so much).
Bo & Atsumu would satisfy your love language more, both looking like they’re very comfortable in showing you they love you in that way. Iwa might be a more muted than the 2, but if y’all are dating, he’d always have a hand on you somehow. Whether its holding your hand, a hand on your back, on your cheek, & etc. Like he just finds a way to always have contact with you, especially when he finds out your love language if physical touch. He’ll put in the effort, that’s for sure.
Atsumu might not do as well with your emotional trait? He doesn’t mince his words, and even if he tries to be softer with you, it’s not 100% that he’ll change that part of himself. He’ll try to comfort you, apologize and sooth your wounds if he hurts you bad, but it’s how he is with his words – blunt and (mainly) unfiltered. Iwa isn’t blunt, I’d say? He knows what to say and when to say it and how to say it, and he’s also caring, so I feel like he’d do very well with this trait of yours.
Being energetic meshes pretty well with Bo bc he’s pretty energetic himself. Iwa himself has a lot of energy, so he would most definitely keep up with your energy no problem.
Every other trait I can see doing well with Iwa. He’d admire it, and some would even push him further too by feeding off your traits too.
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chardwic · 4 years
@that-anxious-blonde tagged me to answer all these questions, which took forever but was also a lot of fun :) 
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? black
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? I grew up in the country, but I now live in the city in an apartment. I like it better personally.
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? I started guitar lessons when I was younger, but I only know one song. I wish I could just become familiar enough to play it.
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? I only drink iced tea and sometimes I make it with sugar.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? I loved the Nancy Drew series and The Boxcar Children.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? I would like to be a mermaid. I love being in water and the ability to breathe underwater would be awesome.
8. Paper or electronic books? both - I love paper books. I like to put them on my shelf and feel them. However, there are times when the quickest way to access a book is purchasing it on an ebook.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? t-shirts - I especially love graphic tees.
10. Do you like your name? Would you like to change it? I'm used to Candice now. I don't know anything I'd like to change it to.
11. Who is a mentor to you? I would say it more like a role model. That was my grandmother before she passed away. We worked together for several years, and she taught me a lot. I did most of my personal growth under her.
12. Would you like to be famous? If so, what for? I would love to be a best selling author tbh.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? For sure. I literally toss and turn ALL NIGHT. I wake up wrapped in my comforter with the sheet hanging off the bed.
14. Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? I love the idea of romance, reading romantic books, watching romantic movies, and shipping. However, for myself, I'm not overly romantic. I don't really have feelings for anyone right now. I don't particularly like to date. Idk how to explain it.
15. Which element best represents you? Definitely the water element. Not just because I like being in water, but it is also the element associated with my zodiac. I'm pretty easygoing, intuitive, private and creative.
16. Who do you want to be closer to? There are some people in my past that I wish I was still close to but distance and time have made that hard.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? Due to coronavirus I am working from home, and I miss my coworkers. They are like family.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. When I was probably 4 or 5, I got to ride on an elephant.
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? I had calamari once and then never again.
20. What are you most thankful for? My family. My mom and my sister are my one constant in life.
21. Do you like spicy food? Not really because I have a very sensitive stomach.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? Rick Riordan at a book reading.
23. Do you keep a diary or journal? I hadn't since I was a kid, but I started again during the pandemic. I wanted to remember everything that I was feeling and thinking as well as what was going on in the world.
24. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
25. What is your star sign? scorpio
26. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? crunchy
27. What would you want your legacy to be? That I helped as many people as I could while on Earth.
28. Do you like reading? What was the last book you read? I love reading. It's my favorite thing to do. The book I finished a few hours ago was Dirty Charmer by Emma Chase.
29. How do you show someone you love them? Since I have a degree in psychology people trust me to listen and help them when they need it, so I just try to be there for them. I also like to craft and bake for people. I take care of others more than I do myself.
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? yes
31. What are you afraid of? Oof, I'm afraid of the dark, snakes, spiders, roaches, and rats. But mostly I'm just afraid of being afraid.
32. What is your favourite scent? I love watermelon lemonade and lavender.
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? First name usually, but sometimes nicknames are last names so then I would use that.
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I would definitely go traveling. There are so many places I would love to go.
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? The pool. There aren't usually creatures in the pool then can sting and/or bite me. Let's just say I've had encounters with sharks and jellyfish.
36. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground? I would see if someone dropped it. If no one claims it, I'll keep it in my purse until I see someone in need of it.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish? No, I don't think so.
38. What is one thing you would want to teach your children? How to be kind. How to treat other people with respect and acceptance.
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I want to tattoo of a double heart (in white ink) on the inside of my right wrist.
40. What can you hear right now? The sound of my fan running.
41. Where do you feel the safest? In my apartment with my family.
 42. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? I want to overcome my anxiety and depression which hold me back from reaching for new things and interacting with other people.
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? 19th Century England. When Jane Austen was writing.
44. What is your most used emoji? 💜
45. Describe yourself using one word. empathetic 
46. What do you regret the most? I regret waiting so long to sever ties with my father. The longer I waited the more damage he did. I was concerned about hurting him even though he clearly didn't have those concerns about me.
47. Last movie you saw? Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
48. Last tv show you watched? New Girl
49. Invent a word and its meaning. That's going to take more mental energy than I have right now. Sorry to disappoint.
I am tagging @cantfightfatetoo @marthaskane @the-nerd-that-was-promised but only if you want to. It is time consuming.
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spookyboywhump · 4 years
For the OC questions (part 1): Silas 6 and 39, Alistair 3 and 26, Wren 24 and 32, Zander 12 and 29, Cain 1 and 31. I hope it's not too much, there's just too many good questions, and I wanna know more about these awesome characters! -faewhump
Thank you for these @faewhump, and don’t worry it’s not too much, I’ve been so excited to answer these all day! It’s kind of long so sticking it under a read more, and I hope I answered the right ones.
6:  What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
 *rubs hands together* Okay I actually love talking about Silas’ parents 
 Silas has only vague memories of his birth mother and no idea who his birth father was, but him and Dahlia were basically adopted by a vampire hunter who saved them and his husband. Silas loves them both a lot, however he still tends to keep them at arms length, less because he distrusts them and more because he’s scared of losing them if he gets too close. He has a lot of respect for them though, particularly because they’ve always been respectful of his boundaries and any weird habits he had, and he genuinely looks up to them. His dads are very loving towards him and Dahlia, and have always been incredibly understanding and patient with him, even when he was kind of hard to handle when he was younger. Overall it’s a very good relationship, I probably could’ve summed it up that way but ever since I came up with their characters I’ve been wanting to talk about all this haha.
 39:  Is it difficult for your oc to focus, or do they have no trouble being in the moment? Do they daydream or zone out?
 Generally, Silas has pretty good focus, he actually has a hard time zoning out because he’s almost too alert. It still happens sometimes, but really only when he knows for absolute certain he doesn’t need to be on edge.
 3:  If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning?
  Alastair had been the first name that popped into mind when I pictured him, but I had originally wanted to try to go for Sylvain or Nicholas. Ultimately though, Alastair fit the vampire image much better so I decided to go with it cuz of how it sounds.
 26:  How stylistically fancy is your oc? Or would they rather go for comfort and plainness instead?
 Oh Alastair is absolutely fancy. For him “plain” just isn’t good enough, especially on himself. His hair must always be fixed nicely, he must always be dressed in the finest clothes, in general he aims to leave the impression on anyone that he is better than them and they should just accept it.
24: How dramatic is your oc? Do they make a big deal over every little thing, or do they fail to react to even the most crazy of events?
 Wren isn’t a particularly dramatic person, he has good control over his reactions to things, due to his job this mostly means that he tries not to react visibly at all though. It’s often less of a lack of reaction and more just him being able to stay calm though.
 32: Is your oc a pacifist, or someone who picks fights? Why? In what situations would they be the opposite?
 Definitely a pacifist, if possible he tries to find the safest way to settle things in order to avoid a fight. If it was his life on the line or someone close to him though, he wouldn’t hesitate to start a fight in order to defend himself or someone else. 
 12: Does your oc have any best friends? Who was/is their closest friend? What about their worst enemy?
 Before coming into Cain’s possession, Zander did have several close friends. His closest friend was a girl he’d known since he was a child, however he hasn’t seen or spoken with her in six years now due to the circumstances. 
 Worst enemy though would be Cain, but that needs little explanation seeing as he’s ruined his life.
 29: How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
  Zander is probably an average level of empathetic, he’s not the best at showing it anymore but he does care about other people, especially those in the same situation as him. He feels bad for them and does what he can to help, though that usually isn’t much.
 1: If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear?
 You ever hear of those “red rooms” or whatever on the dark web? Where people broadcast torture and what not?
 That’s the kind of thing I can see Cain doing, and boy oh boy would he be good at it, he likes attention and particularly likes being seen in a position of power.
 31: What is your oc’s sense of humour like? What do they find funny? Do they try to be funny? Are they actually?
 Cain isn’t really the type to try and be funny, but he has a dark sense of humor that makes it hard to tell if he’s joking about something awful or genuinely intends to do it. He likes to use this to scare Zander and Wren. 
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