duckingwriting · 1 month
Search your manuscript
📝 Search for the given words in your WIP. If you don't have a word, you can use a variation on it or a word with a similar meaning with help from thesaurus.com
Thank you for the tag @winterandwords here No pressure tagging:
@author-a-holmes, @mrbexwrites, @rachaellawrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @squarebracket-trickster and leaving an open tag
Your words are - Slice, Carry, Punch, Damage
And my snips are bellow the cut!
dry - From You Spino Me Right 'Round (CW-ish? arousal mentioned)
Vitale huffed an irritated breath and pulled his mate's hand up so he could inspect his injury. He was disappointed to discover he had been right about the weakness of his mate's skin. He had hoped it was more durable than he had thought. But there was a small stream of blood sliding down the smallest clawless finger to prove that Vitale had been right. Leaning forward his tongue flicked out and he carefully captured the blood and drew his mate's finger into his mouth, using his own lips to block his teeth from damaging his mate further. His mate made more sounds he could not understand but he thought might be his mate's way of communicating. Vitale lifted his gaze and looked up at his mate not convinced that he would be able to understand any more from his observations but having to try. Just in case there was something he could figure out.  Anthony slipped his own tongue out to lick his dry lips as the strange man stared up at him. He could feel the other's tongue curling around his finger and it sent a bolt of arousal through his body. A pulse he still was not sure he should actually feel. But he was no longer sure that there was any actual danger from the stranger. Even if he did not seem to understand anything Anthony had said. The other man pulled away from his finger, dropping his gaze back down to Anthony's finger and examining it. His rough fingers added pressure and moved up to Anthony's palm then arm. He felt a spike of fear feeling the sharp claws against his skin. Vitale tried to focus on his mate's well being. He was examining him for more injuries, telling himself that it was not so he could keep touching his mate even if the way the soft flesh molded to his touch fascinated him. He thought about the way it would feel if he pressed his mouth against his mate. He felt his own arousal pulsing through his body. He had barely managed to avoid pinning his mate down and exploring his body when the taste of his blood had sent pulses of arousal through his body. But at the moment there was the bitter burn of fear drowning out the scent of his mate's previous arousal.
why - From my Underworld fic
“It’s shocking.” Simone admitted. “I know the feeling.” Riley glanced sideways at the clock. There were still a few hours before sundown. She chewed her lip lightly while an internal war raged in her mind before she finally sighed. She hadn’t lied when she told Selene that she would choose her sister over the coven. “Listen. I’m glad ya called. Something’s happened at the Coven. Something big.” “Why are you telling me?” Simone's voice was defensive over the phone. Riley's lips twitched in a smile. She was glad her sister suspected her of treachery, it meant she was less likely to get killed by another death dealer because she would be cautious. “Because you’re my sister and I refuse to watch you die. Viktor has been woken up. Lucian should understand what that means if he’s half as old and smart as they say.” “…You’re really abandoning your coven to help lycans?” Simone's voice was laced with disbelief and shock, possibly a bit of hope as well. “No. I’m abandoning the coven for my sister. If it helps out some other dogs then so be it.” Riley talked over Simone when she tried to speak. She knew if she didn’t say it now she may never say it. “I’ve got very little personal attachment to anyone in my coven. Definitely not the same as you have to the brute that came with you to meet with me.” “Raze is not a brute!” “AND you are my sister. No matter what we are changed into that will not change.” Riley ignored the interruption. “I refuse to be your enemy. I’m going where ever you are.”
Try - from the Avatar(cameron movies) Jake/Tsu'tey A/B/O verse WIP
Tsu'tey held his mate across his lap. He had tried to force a tsaheyl, hoping it would pull his mate's soul back, but the body was unresponsive. All he could do was stroke his hand through Jake's hair and down his back. He placed his mate into their sleeping hammock, closing it so no one would disturb or peer at his sleeping mate while he was vulnerable.  Stopping one of the young warriors, Tsu'tey asked where he could locate Grace. The dreamwalker should be among them by now. She would know what happened to his mate. And she would fix it. She could inform the other sky people that Jakesully was now Tsu'tey's and would no longer be walking between the two peoples. She was talking to Nyteri, Mo'at, and Eytukan. Tsu'tey nodded his thanks. He needed to inform the clan leaders he had taken a mate. Tsu'tey was glad Jake would not be there. If Nyteri took a mate before talking to him he would try to return them to Ewya. The Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk did not have to be a mated pair but it was rare they were not. And they had been promised to each other after Sylwanin. He wasn't stupid, they respected each other and trusted the other to help each other lead their people to the best of their abilities. After greetings were exchanged Grace was the first to speak. She asked Tsu'tey if he could tell her where she could find Jake. Tsu'tey's lips pulled back and the woman took a step away with wide eyes at his angry hiss. "No."
fly - From Unnamed Fantasy Western Thrupple
“I want to be clean when we make it back to town.” Clara defended her decision as if the beast would actually respond to her. “Without worrying about some pervert peeking.” Again the hippogriff tossed his head, turning to nip at a fly. His tail lashed irritably from one side to the other as he tipped his head and scented the air. Clara watched him for a moment, and when it appeared there was no scent in the air that alarmed him she huffed a breath out at him. Clara gulped a lungful of air before dunking herself under. She broke the surface with a shiver before swimming over the opposite side of the creek. She released a sigh as the sun hit her even if the water was still too cool to be comfortable the sun more than made up for it. After scrubbing for as long as she could stand being in the cool water, Clara pulled herself up onto a sun-warmed stone and fanned her hair out over it. She idly traced her fingers against the smooth stone beneath her with one hand while her other traced the faded bruises across her skin. She added pressure carefully, more to assure herself that they were healing better than she would have thought, she sent a silent thanks to whatever deity would listen for elven healing salves.
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duckingwriting · 1 month
I was tagged by @winterandwords here
📝 Search your WIP for the colours of the rainbow and post the excerpt.
No pressure tagging: @mthollowell-writes, @squarebracket-trickster, @oh-no-another-idea, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @kaylinalexanderbooks, and leaving an open tag.
Red - from Tricera-Tops
Kathrin scrambled away from the new beast when he turned around and started towards her. Her hand touched her tablet and she grasped it in her hands and held it up  as a shield. She had her legs curled towards her chest, her back flat on the ground, her eyes closed, and gasping frightened breath ripping from her mouth. There was a deep chuffing sound and then a large hand closed around her ankle. Another lifted up and wrapped around her wrist. They were rough, Kathrin could feel the scrape of scales as he pulled her limbs away from her torso. Opening her eyes Kathrin stared into nearly red eyes, with gold sparks through them.
Anthony slowly regained consciousness. He was warm, something was blowing hot air on his body and he was not quite sure what to make of that. He turned his head slowly and looked over his shoulder and found himself staring into the bright orange eyes that he would have sworn were part of a very vivid nightmare of being chased through the forest by a monster. Anthony tried to look around and realized wherever he was it seemed to be made of mostly stone or something similar.
Yellow - panel description from gay superhero comic
POV from the door looking into the living room. There's a small TV, old boobtube kinda tv. Probably black and white. Broken Rabbit ear antenna sits on top. Piles of magazines and books litter every available surface with tools and broken/barely put together tech laying arund as well. There's a single faded yellowed couch - think 70s couch
Green - from Wanted: 'Til Death
Phil felt his lungs deflate with a sigh of relief when he spotted a splash of auburn red hair beneath a black hat and the splash of signature green of his bandanna around his neck. Robin was dancing with a woman Phil recognized almost immediately. Madame Marian. Phil’s gaze darted back towards Little John, realizing where he recognized the women from.
Blue - from the Avatar(cameron) unnamed fic
"Return to your body, JakeSully." Tsu'tey dropped Jake onto one of the link pods. Jake flinched as his elbow connected with the metal siding. "Why?" Jake snarled sitting up and glaring at Tsu'tey. "Because I want my mate." Tsu'tey crossed his arms. Jake stared with a frown up at the large blue alien glaring down at him. Finally he sighed and shook his head pushing himself to the edge of the pod bed. "No. You want what you think your mate is, you're repulsed by reality." Tsu'tey's jaw tensed as he stared down at the human reaching for the chair still held in his hand. Tsu'tey dropped the chair by the body and leaned over the human Forcing Jake to lean away. "I see you JakeSully."
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duckingwriting · 3 months
Find the word
Catching up on my tag games(I don't think it's been months this time! I'm giving myself a cookie for that).
I was tagged by @mrbexwrites here. Go give that post some love peeps.
No pressure tagging - @oh-no-another-idea, @winterandwords, @tephis, @rachaellawrites, and then throwing in an open tag
Your words, should you choose to accept the quest, are: Technology, Wagon, Paper, Chain
As always, my snips are bellow the cut
CW/TW - Sex
eyebrow - From the comic I swear I will finish eventually
PANEL <1> Nik floating in the lab. He's 'sitting' crisscross with his elbow resting on his knee and his cheek resting in his hand. His other arm rests on his other leg with his hand dangling down. He isn't smiling. His eyes are glued on Lykos who his hunched over a work bench NIK I remember the first time I saw you. LYKOS When I tried to kill you? I'd remember that too. NIK No. Then you were just another meaningless villain. PANEL <2> Nik touching down to stand in front of lykos who has turned around to stare up at him from where he stays sitting in his chair. Lykos has one eyebrow raised, a soldering tools still in hand NIK At your trial. They asked why you'd done it. You said- PANEL <3> Lykos' face closed off and hard. eyes flat string up at Nik. Blank emotions LYKOS -because no one deserves to be saved over someone else and I wanted to show them anyone could die.
lips - From the Orc/Elf/Human fantasy western story
Clara looked at the orc still standing by the door and shivered while watching him open his pants enough to pull out his own cock. She watched as it hardened with his golden gaze locked on the gun Andrew moved between her thighs. His lips peeled back revealing his fangs while Clara twisted slightly in her bonds.
nose - From Werewolf "Beauty and the Beast"
Levin returned and together they devoured the deer he had brought down. Priamos' mate barely stirred when Priamos shifted around and he was reluctant to wake his mate. But sun rise was not far off on his mate could be injured by the transformation if he was too close. So Priamos poked his mate with his nose with increasing pressure until he slowly blinked and stayed in a sitting position long enough for Priamos to pull away. His mate was groggily rubbing his eyes and yawning, Priamos could not resist the urge to lean forward and run his tongue along side his face. His mate gasped and scrambled away from him. Priamos whimpered and laid his head on his paws staring at his mate. The human was frightened again and looking between Priamos, Levin who lounged not far away only half paying them attention, and the decimated deer carcass.
fingers - From You Spino Me Right 'Round
Vitale watched his mate squirm on the nest, moving his small limbs until he was curled on his side with his fingers holding tightly to one of the pelts that had Vitale's scent the heaviest on it. Once he was sure his mate was settled Vitale shifted back to the form he spent most of his time in and curled his large body around his mate. He rested his head along his back so his mate was supported, and letting him push him gently into his own side, beneath his forearm so his claws could curl protectively around the small creature and keep him safe. making it easy for Vitale to snatch him up if danger came.
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duckingwriting · 4 months
Find five lines tag
I was tagged by @winterandwords here, Thank you for the tag!
Rules: find a line in your WIP (can be dialogue or not) that fits the parameters given by the person who tagged you. Then change one of the parameters and tag five or more people. Can be lines from multiple WIPs. If you can't find a line that fits, feel free to change the prompt.
No pressure tagging: @tephis, @mrbexwrites, @void-botanist, @author-a-holmes, and then leaving an open tag.
You will replace "Mentions Texture" with "Mentions a sense other than sight"
And then bellow the break are my lines. I took lines from You Spino Me and Tricera-Tops
Is about Light: Opening his eyes slowly Anthony blinked against the bright sunshine filtering down through the canopy above. After a moment of waiting for his mind to wake and reveal a blinding hospital room and beeping machines that would irritate him Anthony had to admit if he was in a coma he would not be waking up any time soon.
Shows self-doubt: He already knew that he would not see anything familiar, after all he was not a nature person. He was more of the sitting in the coffee shop working his way through his too-many-shots espresso while staring at a computer screen type of person.
Mentions Texture: His skin was rough, harder than she would have expected. It reminded her a bit of snake skin in texture.
Shows Tension: She risked looking at Andrew who was sitting up straight on his knees, his ears tiwtching as he started turning his head around. The humans seemed to realize that the elf was unnerved by whatever his superior hearing was picking up.
Shows Sadness: "Hurt. I want to check what's hurt." Tegid spoke but it was clear that she did not understand what he was saying.  
"I want to go home." She said and Tegid was sure she was speaking, even if he could not understand her. He huffed at the knowledge that he had no idea how to help his mate, how to get her what she asked for.
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duckingwriting · 4 months
Find the word Tag
I was tagged by @tales-from-nocturnaliss and you can see her post here.
No pressure tagging: @tephis, @rachaellawrites, @mthollowell-writes, @author-a-holmes, @winterandwords and the leaving an open tag -
your words are - Warrior, Skills, Teach, Mind
My words are - Ominous, Sun, Livid, Tentacle
Snips bellow the cut
Ominous - From You Spino Me Right 'Round
"I'll probably get myself killed either way." Anthony looked around the forest outside of the cave entrance feeling doubt try to claw at his throat, reminding him that he was no one's first pick for athletics. "But at least I'll have tried." Anthony bolted to the nearest tree, pressing himself tightly to the rough bark and starting to slowly push himself around it. His eyes rolled around as he tried to keep his breathing level as he made his way around the tree, swallowing the panic down as he made his way to the next tree. He had to dart his eyes down to his feet frequently to be sure he would not trip over himself and risk alerting anything of his location. But he couldn't help but feel that someone was watching him too. He hoped it was paranoia. He had looked up only long enough be sure he was heading the right way when he stepped on a stick. He flinched as the snapping sound echoed around him. He cracked an eye open and looked around. It appeared but he didn't see anyone rushing through the trees towards him. Anthony sighed with relief. Then a deep angry roar ripped through the forest and the relief melted back to fear. Anthony bolted away from the sound of the roar. He tripped and stumbled and could hear the ominous sound of large clawed feet crashing through the forest. Getting closer. 
Sun - From the unnamed Underworld Soulmate AU with OCs
Lucian felt his heart hammering in his chest as he stared at his lelki tars.  for the second time in his life Lucian watched his soulmate struggling  against binds holding her to a pole. And he  could only struggle against the hands holding him down. He heard his best friend snarling nearby, Raze struggling not because he cared about the vampire set to face the sun, but because his own mate was going nearly feral seeing her sister murdered in front of her. Lucian wanted to feel bad for his packmate, but all he could feel was the pain that his mate was being murdered by the same man who had murdered his first mate. The same way. The only difference to Lucian's mind, is he had claimed Sonja. He had been so busy fighting Riley that he had barely even acknowledged they were mates. Unlike Sonja though, Riley was not begging Victor for her life. She was not crying, she did not even smell of fear. She was angry.
Livid - Unnamed Jayne/Simon Firefly A/B/O AU
"Instincts, right?" Jayne asked. He knew the little omega would need any excuse he could take to let Jayne do what he was not convinced was only instinct. The had always had a pretty mouth after all. "Yeah. Instincts." Simon swallowed and looked back down at his hands, tightening his wrapping of the gauze. Reminding himself not to be hurt by it. It was just his own response. "We should probably ignore it..." "What cha think 'ill happen if we don't?" Jayne asked taking a step forward despite himself. Despite knowing exactly how livid Mal would be if he though Jayne took advantage of their good doctor. "Depends on how far we let them go." Simon could feel his heart beat picking up pace. He rolled his shoulders and turned his back to the alpha, putting the gauze away. "Probably let us return to some kind of normal faster. Except whatever we allow them to do." "So if I take you to my bunk," Jayne's mouth was against the back of Simon's neck, his hands dwarfing Simon's own hands as he caged Simon in against the counter. "What would happen?" "Jayne." Simon gasped lightly  his body responding to the presence of an alpha so willing and so close. He shivered and resisted the urge to press back into the alpha who's scent had surrounded him for his heat. "What would happen?"
Tentacle - From a fantasy found family WIP with no title and is on the back burner(it's document title is a reminder that it was supposed to only be one scene...and then it spiraled out of control).
Nazaire wrapped his arms around Maude tightly, she gasped against his mouth. His arms were too tight, but complaining was the furthest thing from her mind with the water lapping around them. Her legs wrapped around his hips to hold herself close as they floated in the waves. “Don’t let go.” She whispered as his mouth moved down to her neck with his teeth scraping against her neck. “Promise.” He growled as his tentacles began moving around her body. They slid around her legs, pushing her skirt up further until it was bunched above her hips.
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duckingwriting · 3 months
Happy Storyteller Saturday! This is your invitation to share a little bit of information that exists in your head about one of your characters but that doesn't get mentioned in the book itself 💜
Anthony sorta kinda had a cat before falling into the other demention. So xe lived in an apartment complex that didn't allow pets. Not too big of a deal because xe doesn't like animals that much. However, there was this old grumpy stray that hissed and growled at everyone. One day Anthony dropped a piece of muffin and the cat got it. Since then the cat comes to xir for food. And so we started leaving food out for it a long with water on xirs back porch. "I'm not feeding the cat, it's where I hide my spare key" is the excuse. And sometimes, very rarely, the cat would let xir stroke its back.
Don't worry the cat get adopted by a nice lady after Anthony disappears. Lives a happy life for the rest of its days.
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duckingwriting · 1 month
OC moodboard tag
I was tagged by @oh-no-another-idea here
Rules: Add your OC’s name followed by ‘core’ on Pinterest, then make a moodboard of the first 9 images
No pressure tagging: @mthollowell-writes, @squarebracket-trickster, @winterandwords, @tephis, and leaving an open tag
I chose to do one for Anthony from You Spino me Right 'Round
Tumblr media
I'm still not sure I see it for him...Maybe his fated mate...But at the same time there are parts I see that I'm like "yeah...."
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duckingwriting · 8 months
Seven Snips Seven people
I was tagged by @ceph-the-ghost-writer and you can see their post here.
How-to: Post seven Snippets, from different stories or the same, it's up to you. Tag seven people to play next.
I'm no pressure tagging: @writernopal, @mrbexwrites, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @kaiusvnoir, @mthollowell-writes, @oh-no-another-idea, and an open tag for anyone that wants to jump into tags.
As always my snips are bellow the cut. CW/TW are posted with each snip if they need one.
Snip from the Jake Sully/Tsu'tey Avatar A/B/O AU I'm working on. TW/CW - Jake has issues with his human body
"JakeSully." Tsu'tey's voice was sharp and curled with enough authority Jake was sure that had he been linked to a body with more omega instincts than beta he would have stopped immediately, fallen into line and done anything that Tsu'tey asked. As it was he only hesitated a moment before increasing his pace. But then Tsu'tey was grabbing him up again. This time the Navi pulled Jake from his chair. Jake struggled in the grasp but Tsu'tey simply walked away with the small human after scooping up the chair up. "God damn you, put me down!" Jake cursed the large male.  "Return to your body, JakeSully." Tsu'tey dropped Jake onto one of the link pods. Jake flinched as his elbow connected with the metal siding. "Why?" Jake snarled sitting up and glaring at Tsu'tey. "Because I want my mate." Tsu'tey crossed his arms. Jake stared with a frown up at the large blue alien glaring down at him. Finally he sighed and shook his head pushing himself to the edge of the pod bed. "No. You want what you think your mate is, you're repulsed by reality." Tsu'tey's jaw tensed as he stared down at the human reaching for the chair still held in his hand. Tsu'tey dropped the chair by the body and leaned over the human Forcing Jake to lean away. "I see you JakeSully."
From Jur-ass-ic series, the You Spino Me Right 'Round. CW/TW minor blood, licking blood.
"Oh god...what are you?" Anthony tried to push himself away from the beast turned man but his large hands simply clamped around Anthony's arms and pulled him closer, pressing his mouth against the side of his neck and inhaling sharply. Anthony lifted his hands to push the head away with a choked sound. He knew that having his throat ripped out was very low on the list of ways he wanted to die. He didn't really want to die at all. His hand slipped against the hard rough skin and his little finger slid against one of the sharp teeth in the man's mouth. Anthony yelped and jerked away looking down and seeing blood welling up on his finger. He blinked a few times then lifted his gaze back to the unnerving eyes when the creature made a soft worried sound. Vitale huffed an irritated breath and pulled his mate's hand up so he could inspect his injury. He was disappointed to discover he had been right about the weakness of his mate's skin. He had hoped it was more durable than he had thought. But there was a small stream of blood sliding down the smallest unclawed finger to prove that Vitale had been right. Leaning forward his tongue flicked out and he carefully captured the blood and drew his mate's finger into his mouth, using his own lips to block his teeth from damaging his mate further. His mate made more sounds he could not understand but he thought might be his mate's way of communicating. Vitale lifted his gaze and looked up at his mate not convinced that he would be able to understand any more from his observations but having to try. Just in case there was something he could figure out. 
This snip is from the A/B/O Firefly fic I'm working on, Jayne Cob/Simon Tam. CW/TW: unexpected heat, in public
Jayne decided he did not envy Mal in the slightest if Inara's heats were anything like Simon's were. He also wondered how anyone had missed the omega's heats during his time on Serenity or if it was just Jayne that had been clueless. "Shiong mao niao." Jayne glared at the passerbys while dragging the doctor along with him. "Then again all Mal has ta do is give a knot. Not keep 'em both from loosin' clothes." Jayne caught Simon's hand as the omega reached for Jayne's belt again. At first, Jayne had been taking the omega in pre-heat the fastest route back to the docks and Serenity he could, but then the smaller man had cried out in pain and doubled over. Jayne's grip had slipped from his upper arm and Simon had hit his knees. Jayne had seen Simon shot, seen him afraid, but had never seen the doctor so much as a sniffle. But when Jayne reached down and yanked the doctor back to his feet there had been tears and his face had twisted in agony. Jayne hated the broken sounds of pain leaving the doctor's mouth as he clutched at his abdomen. The scent of full heat drew too much attention and the doctor shook when he stood. Jayne had reached out without thinking and threaded his fingers into Simon's hair, pushing it from his sweaty forehead. The skin-to-skin contact seemed to snap something in Simon's brain because the doctor was no longer trying to curl up in pain. Instead, he was pressing himself against Jayne. Clinging to Jayne with panting breath against his skin.
A Sparrington(Jack Sparrow/James Norrington) soulmate AU. CW/TW: Sex
"I think you do Jamie." Jack let one hand continue upwards until he could start teasing at the smaller man's nipples. His fingers gently beginning to roll the nubs between his finger and thumb while the other began to work its way down until his finger tips brushed against the hem of James' pants. "But I can stop now. If you really want. Say the words Jamie." James was silent as he felt his own cock hardening. He couldn't bring himself to say the words. He had told himself he would say them, that he would not accept the other man as his mate when he had first noticed the edges of the tattoo. But he had dreamed of finding his mate for so long that he couldn't bring himself to say the words. All he could do was close his eyes and feel his cock hardening at the teasing touch and warm breath. "Try to be quiet, Love." Jack whispered as he began loosening James's trousers. "Unless you want an audience."
From an unnamed fated mates werewolf story loosely inspired by beauty and the beast. CW/TW: fear, blood, mild gore
Amatus felt saliva at the back of his head, soaking into his hair, as whatever the beast was started mouthing at the knot of his blindfold. It fell from his eyes and Amatus choked back his sobs, knowing it wouldn't do him any good. He could see two giant paws on either side of him, their claws soaked in blood that dyed the silvered fur red. He did not dare look over his shoulder. The beasts mouth was at his wrists, where the rope tied his hands tightly. He felt teeth grazing his skin as he was suddenly jerked up. Amatus could not stop the frightened gasp that left his throat and it broke the damn. Sobs started ripping through his body. He could see another of the beasts, this one a darker gray than the paws hinted at for the one behind him, also covered in blood. He made a step forward only for the one behind Amatus to snarl and lunge forward towards him. Amatus crashed into the ground, closing his eyes against the mud. When he turned his head sideways he spotted another of the beasts again. This one was not alive though. It was barely recognizable and Amatus could not begin to guess what color it may have been, torn apart as it was. The beast behind him placed one of its giant paws on Amatus, pressing down between his shoulders. His teeth back near Amatus' wrists as it pulled on the knot. Once his wrists slid free of the rope, the beast lifted his paw and nosed at the rope burns around Amatus' wrists with a low whimper. Amatus shivered at the sound.  The darker beast made a huffing sound that got a growl from the one over Amatus again. Amatus tried to choke back the frightened sound and push himself back down into the mud. He thought maybe if he was covered in enough of it the beast would not register him as food. But the beast tugged at his shirt until he had pulled Amatus to his feet. Then he started nudging at Amatus, forcing the frightened man to take a stumbling step forward. Then he repeated the process.  "Alright. Alright." Amatus gasped and started walking slowly without the prodding. "Alright. Dinner to go."
Unnamed werewolf story, an arranged marriage.
Duncan was amused, despite his outward boredom, at his half brother's obvious aggravation. Jay had, for all intents and purposes, lost Duncan's promised mate. Duncan knew the general whereabouts of each of his pack members at all times or could easily find out where they were. His pack was considerably smaller than his brother's but it still seemed careless to not have members know where other members were. Someone in the pack should have known where Elizabeth was in Duncan's opinion. Duncan did. He had sent his best trackers out to find and follow her after arriving in his brother’s pack’s territory. Last he knew she was at a cemetery. Duncan wondered if something had gone wrong, but then dismissed the thought. If something was wrong he would have received a phone call. No sooner had the thought crossed his mind than his phone began ringing, interrupting his brother's annoying finger-tapping. "Hello." "We lost her." A frustrated growl answered him.
From Wanted: 'Til Death,
“Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Phil snarled. Robin froze in his shadowed hiding spot. He relaxed his shoulders when it became apparent that the guards were the subject of the sheriff's ire and Robin himself had apparently not been discovered. “We...heard a noise.” One of the guards stuttered. “You heard a sound.” Phil mocked, his face contorting with his rage. Spittle flew as he shouted at the two men, the vein on the side of his neck throbbed. “Tuck hangs tomorrow! If Robin is going to rescue him it will be tonight! I will not loose him because two fucking idiots left their post! Get back to where you belong!” The two men raced past the sheriff stumbling over themselves to get away. Robin swallowed against the fear that surged up replacing the hope that Phil was oblivious to his presence when dark eyes landed on him. Robin could see the swirl of hate and hurt at war in the narrowed gaze. The two men stood in a tense silence, the sheriff’s threat of watching Robin hang swinging ominously between them. The sheriff slowly reached towards his belt, beside his revolver, and unclipped his keys. “Oh, no.” Phil’s tone was flat as he held up his keys between his thumb and index finger. “It appears I have dropped my keys somewhere.” He shook the keys towards the other man. “I guess I can’t go through the side door. I’ll have to retrace my steps back to the second floor, middle cell, where Father Tuck is. I’ll have to talk to the guards and see if they’ve seen my keys.” Phil ignored the brush of Robin’s fingers as the other man slowly took the keys. “It’ll take me two minutes to get there.”
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duckingwriting · 3 months
✏️"what are your current WIPs about?"
Thank you so much for the ask! I have so many WIPs I've just pulled one original and one fanfiction.
Original I'm kinda cheating on the "one". I'm going with the Jur-ass-ic series which at the moment has 2 but I have at least one more part of the series but it may just be a short side story sooo...
Currently the overall series is about another world/dimension where our legends of dragons and our dinosaurs come from. The legends of dragons being shape shifters is true, but they're actually dinosaurs. And because I'm a sucker for fated mates(I'll give that trope up when it's pried from my cold dead hands along side there was only one bed). The first one, Tricera-TOPS, follows a scientist who was studying some metallic orbs that turn out to rip portals between worlds. She is transported into this shifter world where she meets her fated mate. The second one, You Spino me right 'round, follows another person who just wanted to get xirself some coffee. Xir's fated mate is the "bad" guy(asshole that really just wants to be left alone) from the first book. The 3rd part that may just be a short story follows a pack of raptor shifters who share a fated mate.
There is language barriers, possessiveness, protectiveness, miscommunication, all in good fun.
For fanfiction let's swing with my Simon/Jayne Firefly A/B/O AU.
Simon, an omega, has been on suppressants for his entire adult life. He runs out. He wants to go get more and Mal makes him take Jayne for safety. Well unfortunately Simon falls into heat. And in the process imprints on the safest person around, Jayne. So the crew gets to deal with the fall out of that and instincts going a bit wild.
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duckingwriting · 4 months
🧭🧛🫁for anyone you want!
If anyone is curious, this is for this ask game. Thank you so much for the ask!
I've decided to go with Vitale and Anthony from You Spino Me Right 'Round(side note i think I need a new title...)
🧭How adventurous are they in the bedroom? Would they try something they'd never done at the drop of a hat? Would they automatically refuse?
At first glance it might appear that Vitale would be the more adventurous of the two but when it comes to bedroom activities he's pretty...tame. He has his kinks of course, but he's not going to look for anything new and if it's proposed to him he's going to think about it first. Anthony on the other hand is more than willing to try anything(in the bedroom, please don't ask him to take a hike. He is an indoor cat and will not enjoy the experience there) at least once.
🧛Are they into biting others? Being bitten?
Yes. Both? Both. Both is good. Vitale has some sensitivity with his teeth and enjoys having them sink into flesh. If there's other stimulation as well? He's a snarling mess. Anthony likes feeling marked. The only one allowed to bite Vitale though is Anthony. He enjoys watching his weird little mate trying to break his flesh and when it bruises Anthony does look so pleased with himself.
🫁Do they like breath play or choking?
Anthony doesn't mind being on the receiving end but it isn't one of his favorite things either. He's tried giving with a previous lover and did not enjoy it at all. Vitale however, is too concerned with hurting his soft human to even consider it.
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duckingwriting · 10 months
Find the word
Thank you for the tag @late-to-the-fandom! You can view their post here. (I was tagged under my main @duxinteritio)
No pressure tagging - @mrbexwrites, @author-a-holmes, @oh-no-another-idea, @tales-from-nocturnaliss, and leaving an open tag for anyone who wants to jump on.
Your words are: Pigeon, Mushroom, Testify, Hostage
My words were: desk, done, double, dead
From a WIP Firefly sequle to my Bound and Determined fic, currently titled Just Bound.
Mal tossed his shirt over his desk chair then toed off his boots before letting his pants fall down to the ground in a pile he stepped out of. Mal slid into his bed pressing his body along his mate's muscles. Jayne made a soft huff of air but relaxed back down once he scented Mal. Mal slowly slid his hands along Jayne's body and carefully pulled his shirt over his head. Jayne grumbled when Mal lifted his head.
From my You Spino Me Right 'Round WIP. A shifter romance and part of the Jur-ass-ic series.
Vitale took his mate to his den. He had every intention of keeping him safe until he could figure out what had gone wrong. What he had done that resulted in him having a mate that was so weak, so small in comparison to everything Vitale knew. His mate was just so week, there was bruising and scratches from his flight through the jungle.
From my still unnamed Orc/Elf/Human throuple western fantasy romance. WARNING! THIS ONE IS A SEX SCENE!
Clara was drooling from the corner of her mouth staring up at Andrew while Herbert’s balls slapped against her. With both men leaning into her Clara had no chance to pull off Andrew’s cock, she could only cough and sputter around it while he came down her throat with a shouted groan. Herbert bent double over her as he emptied his own seed into her clenching body.
From my Rejected Mate(WIP title and story) - a werewolf A/B/O story.
“You rejected me.” Silvestri reminded him, he kept his tone dead. It never did any good to let emotions show. As a rogue, emotions could get you killed. Kraven whimpered against the side of his throat.
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duckingwriting · 8 months
Trick or Treat? 🦇
🍬 Treat! (that I almost spelled with an 'i'...I swear I'm a writer.)
Pulled from the jur-ass-ic series, You Spino Me Right 'Round. We've got fated mates, we've got shifters, we've got language barriers, we've got miscommunications, it promises to be a fun ride.
"I don't know what you want from me." Anthony closed gasped for breath. He felt like his throat was tightening up as the creature leaned closer to him and tipped his head back to gasp for air. He could feel the claws pressing into his skin, not breaking it but pressing enough that he knew it would take very little for them to rip his flesh from his arm.  Vitale huffed an frustrated breath. The scent of fear was only getting worse. He hauled his mate under his arm, he kicked and squirmed letting out sharp sounds that made Vitale flinch. Once he got back to his nest Vitale dropped his mate onto the nest. HIs mate scrambled to get himself up right and made to bolt away. Vitale reached out and caught him with his hand spread against his collar bone and pushed him back again. 
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duckingwriting · 9 months
Manuscript Search Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @writernopal and you can find her post here.
I'm no pressure tagging @oh-no-another-idea, @mariahwritesstuff, @author-a-holmes, @wildswrites and leaving an open tag for the words: Hey, incident, charge, leash.
My words are savor, energy, camp, and fortune
CW/TW before each snip -
Snips bellow the cut!
Savor Unsavory
ALRIGHT! You know what you did? Picked the one word I apparently never use? I had to dig through my folder of 'will get back too eventually....maybe..." WIPs to find anything close to savor. AHHH!
This is form who's working title is Dogs of the Past, CW/TW: Slut shaming, body image issues,
“But I can’t! What if…what if he doesn’t love me?” Teddy buried her face in her hands as she whispered. “I’d like to think we’re friends now, I don’t want to ruin that. And just look at me!” “I see you, but I don’t see anything wrong other than the dirt now on your nose.” Haley used the weed in her hand to smack Teddy’s hands lightly. “Haley, you’ve seen the women Gunner visits. They’re best friends. How could Victor ever be interested in me with those…those…those things so willing to do…things?” “First of all the words you were looking for are whores and sex not things.” Harley watched in amusement as embarrassment danced in Teddy’s eyes. “Second of all, Victor rarely joined Gunner in his…unsavory hobbies. Sure he goes clubbing but rarely does he indulge.” “But…” “No buts. Teddy, honey, you need to grow a pair and go talk with the meathead not me.” Haley shook a weed at Teddy before tossing it into the pile to the side of the garden. “Okay…but a pair of what?” Teddy blinked up at Haley as the other woman sighed and shook her head. The woman was more sheltered than Haley thought anyone had the right to be.
From an unnamed fated mates werewolf story CW/TW - none for this one
Jack ran xirs fingers through xirs hair before rubbing xirs face in the hopes that it would chase the sleep away. Xe had spent most of the afternoon with Sarah. Sarah was fun, but Jack had already known that. They had been sharing a dorm for months by now and had been getting along. Even with Jack knowing that half Sarah's interest in xem was stemmed from wanting to know her brother's mate. Wanting to give John information on his mate who they had thought was just a human. But the woman was a lot of energy and at the moment Jack's own energy level was short. Xe wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep  for an extended period of time. Xe thought maybe a year would work. At one point xe would have said nothing was more exhausting than finals week. But xe was wondering if xe needed to rethink that assessment. One afternoon with Sarah showing xem around the pack house and xe was ready to reevaluate everything xe had ever thought about finals work load. Xe had managed to sneak away from the energetic woman, xe was not sure if xe should go to the room xe would be sharing with John or not. Xe chewed on xirs lip standing at the bottom of the stairs. Xe hated feeling uncertain, xe had managed to make every decision in xirs life confidently before. But finding xirs mate had never been part of xirs life plan. Especially not one who was an alpha of his own pack. 
From the unnamed Robin Hood Gay Fantasy Western that really needs a title because I'm running out of time - CW/TW: none
"How are you feeling?" Robin's voice came from over his shoulder but Phil did not lift his gaze from the fire. "Like someone tried to hang me out to dry." Phil grumbled. Will had not fought hard to provide him with medical care when Phil was glaring daggers at everyone. Tuck had not backed down though, so Phil had been forced to sit and let the preacher dress his wounds. He had not moved from the spot he had been led to since coming to the camp. He half expected to be tied and questioned but so far no one had moved to do anything more than release Nix who had settled down at his side after scenting him almost aggressively. Phil had not wanted to admit how thankful he was to see the stubborn beast alive. Injured yes, but they had been cared for. So she would be fine.  "That's not funny." Robin's voice was tight as he moved to sit beside the other man. "You nearly were hung."
Fortune Unfortunately
Apparently this is another word I don't use often, but I got one close in a current WIP sooo...
From the Jur-ass-ic series, specifically You Spino Me Right Round(god I'm bad at names) CW/TW: Sex...adjacent...It's thought about but not in too much detail, gore, eating people, POV of a non-human creature
Vitale stared down at the strange soft creature he had found in his territory. The second one he had seen. Tegid's mate was the first. She was soft and would have been an easy meal. Staring down at the lanky creature that had attempted to run from him, Vitale  could not help but feel that this one too would have made very easy prey. Unfortunately for Vitale's stomach he could not bring himself to eat this one. Unlike the female that would have been a wonderful and easy snack, this one was his mate. Vitale felt a strong warning growl rise in his chest at the thought. Warning any and all other predators away. He wanted it known that if anyone dared to enter his territory. Dared to challenge him and his mate, he would kill them. He would rip them apart and devour their entrails. Or maybe he would offer them to his mate instead. Leaning down he scooped the small creature into his arms and frowned in confusion. This creature was far weaker and softer than Tegid's mate had been. He leaned in and inhaled the scent of the creature. Perhaps he was mistaken? It was unthinkable for him to have a fated mate that was weak. But he held the creature in his arms. His scent curling into his lungs and stroking his desire while his cock throbbed at the thought of how he could change his mate's scent from the bitter scent of fear that still covered him to the heavy scent of arousal. Then he thought about his mate being exposed to anyone who would walk by and another growl vibrated the air around them.
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duckingwriting · 4 months
Badly Summarized WIPs tag game
I was tagged by @rachaellawrites here.
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible
No pressure tagging - @mthollowell-writes, @tales-from-nocturnaliss, @mrbexwrites, anyone else who would like to jump on
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duckingwriting · 10 months
WIP Folder Tag
Thank you for the tag @talesofsorrowandofruin, her post can be viewed here!
No pressure tagging:
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
College Hunt
Rejected Mate
Dogs of the Past
Just Bound
First Heat
TsuteyXSully Omega Verse AU
Stucky needs a god damn title
Sparrington Soulmate AU
JayneXSimon Omega Verse AU
Jur-ass-ic Monster Fucking
Western with Orcs and elves
Just your average clerk
Fucking Christmas
Sex Pollen
Robin Hood but Gay and Western
Only Supposed to be one fucking thing buuut...Beauty and the Beast meats Little Mermaid
Gay Ass Fucking Superhero Comic that needs a god damn name
Against All Odds
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duckingwriting · 1 year
Find the word Tag;
AvOoh this is fun! I was tagged by @wildswrites - Thanks for the tag! I decided to use it to get started on a beginning scene I’ve been putting off My Words were: race, terror, apart, roots, & sunshine. CW: Language, chasing,  Project: You Spino Me Right ‘Round/Jur-ASS-ic
Anthony's eyes were wide as he stumbled over a tree root. Trees towered over him as he spun around looking for any sign that he was somewhere familiar. He already knew that he would not see anything familiar, after all he was not a nature person. He was more of the sitting in the coffee shop working his way through his too-many-shots espresso while staring at a computer screen type of person. He turned and climbed over the tree roots that were too large to be natural. Anthony scrambled for some kind of explanation. There was a flash of light while he was walking to his favorite coffee shop and the next thing he knew he was waking up on grass of all things. 
"Maybe I'm in a coma?" Anthony wondered, loosing his balance and stumbling flailing to the ground with a groan. Anthony slowly focused on regulating his breathing. He reminded himself there was no reason to panic, yet a traitorous voice whispered in his mind. Opening his eyes slowly Anthony blinked against the bright sunshine filter down through the canopy above. After a moment of waiting for his mind to wake and reveal a blinding hospital room and beeping machines that would irritate him Anthony had to admit if he was in a coma he would not be waking up any time soon. He pushed himself up into an upright position and glared at the foliage around him. He cursed the existence of nature and started walking in a random direction again, glaring at the ground in hopes of avoiding tripping. Coma or not, falling still hurt. 
Anthony did not notice the snout pushing the bushes apart until he bumped into it. He found himself staring at a large mouth full of teeth. He watched the nostrils flare and felt the hot breath the beast suddenly stood up. His tongue flicked out against his lips and Anthony couldn't decide if he was staring at something from his nightmares or wet dreams. He had to tip his head back to keep eye contact. And there was  some kind of rumbling in the air as this person scented him. Anthony licked his own lips. Then the mouth opened and a deep growling roar rattled his chest. He decided terror was what he was feeling. 
Spinning on his heel Anthony paid no attention to where he was going. He felt the ground shaking behind him as the beast gave chase. Anthony screamed. He was in a race for his life. He was sure that was the only explanation for why he had been scented the way he had been. He was sure the beast wanted to him dead. He may not have spent much time around animals but Anthony was pretty sure they did not growl and roar at people for no reason.
Tagging: @ceph-the-ghost-writer @authoralexharvey @yvesdot @arionawrites @moonandris Your Words are: Proof, Bite, Beam, Withdraw, interrupt
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