#youth and nature
almondpiglet · 4 days
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just fooling around at the speed of sound... found a cool brush to play with...
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tiny-crescent · 7 months
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Light practice ⋆ ✦❨ ⊹
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dandelionsresilience · 2 months
Good News - July 8-14
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $Kaybarr1735! And if you tip me and give me a way to contact you, at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week!
1. Zoo welcomes birth of four endangered horse foals
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“[The Marwell Zoo in GB] said it was "delighted" to welcome the arrivals to the endangered Przewalski’s horse herd. All four are female and said to be "doing well" after two were born in May and two in June. […] “These horses, that were previously listed extinct in the wild, are an example of how zoo breeding programmes can help restore threatened species around the world.” […] All the Przewalski’s horses alive today are descended from just 12 individuals. Current estimates suggest there are 178 mature individuals living in the wild.”
2. Restoring woodlands and planting trees for sustainability success
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“In 2023, [the Marwell Zoo] planted 9,000 new trees […] both within the zoo and on our surrounding land. […] Marwell tries to encourage natural feeding behaviour and nutrition by including leafy material [in animals’ feed] as much as possible. […] Planting more trees and enhancing management of our existing woodlands, prepares the way to further self-sufficiency in browse production in the future. Plus, it creates new habitats for wildlife in our woodland areas.”
3. Inclusive Playgrounds Allow Children Of All Abilities To Play
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“With ramps allowing children in wheelchairs to ascend the central play structure, as well as numerous other swings and apparatus usable for children of all abilities, the 16,000-square-foot P.K.’s Place is St. Paul’s first fully inclusive playground. […] To be universally accessible, a play area must have at least 70% of its play features fully accessible, far more than required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). […] Play areas should allow parents and grandparents with disabilities to participate as well.”
4. Combination treatment can increase human insulin-producing cells in vivo
“[Diabetes-model mice] were treated with the combination therapy [of a plant product called harmine and “a widely used class of type 2 diabetes therapy”] and their diabetes was rapidly reversed. Strikingly, human beta cell numbers increased by 700 percent over three months with this drug combination. "This is the first time scientists have developed a drug treatment that is proven to increase adult human beta cell numbers in vivo. This research brings hope for the use of future regenerative therapies to potentially treat the hundreds of millions of people with diabetes," said Dr. Garcia-Ocaña, the paper's corresponding author.”
5. Decades of Dedication: Australia’s Largest Ongoing Urban Restoration Project
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“[Friends of Lake Claremont] has transformed the area into a thriving ecosystem, re-establishing native habitats and fostering biodiversity. This year, 800 native seedlings (100 trees, 350 shrubs and 350 ground covers) have been planted on the northwestern buffer of Lake Claremont. Volunteers replaced a large Port Jackson fig (Ficus rubiginosa) affected by [beetle] infestation with native plants to enhance the local wildlife habitat, thereby benefiting insects, frogs, birds and brown bandicoots. […] Overall, the project contributes to the area’s function as a regional ecological corridor, linking inland bushlands, the Swan River and the Indian Ocean.”
6. Important habitat for fish in Heart of the Fraser now conserved
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“British Columbia’s iconic salmon now have more protected spawning habitat in the lower Fraser River, thanks to the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) conservation acquisition of Carey Island. […] Carey Island and its gravel channels offer calm and crucial spawning and rearing habitat for the river’s fish and aquatic species. […] The Pelólxw Tribe […is also] actively working to restore the resilience of aquatic habitat within this stretch of the Lower Fraser. NCC is exploring opportunities to collaborate with the Pelólxw Tribe in support of their vision for stewardship of the area, which prioritizes both ecological and cultural values.”
7. Prime editing efficiently corrects cystic fibrosis mutation in human lung cells
“[R]esearchers have developed a gene-editing approach that efficiently corrects the most common mutation that causes cystic fibrosis, found in 85 percent of patients. With further development, it could pave the way for treatments that are administered only once and have fewer side effects. The new method precisely and durably corrects the mutation in human lung cells, restoring cell function to levels similar to that of Trikafta [the standard treatment since 2019].”
8. Montana’s High Court Considers a Constitutional Right to a Stable Climate
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“At issue was the appeal of a decision last year, when a Montana judge blocked a state law that prohibited agencies from considering climate impacts when deciding whether to approve fossil fuel projects such as new power plants, pipelines or mining. The ruling, by District Judge Kathy Seeley, was prompted by a lawsuit filed by 16 youths who argued that the law violated Montana’s constitutional right to a “clean and healthful environment.” It was the first ruling in the United States to effectively establish constitutional rights to a stable climate[….]”
9. The US is about to get its first solar-covered canal
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“The first canal-based solar project in the U.S. is nearing completion on tribal lands south of Phoenix, Arizona. […] The long, narrow solar array design would snake along the line of the canal and tap into the local electrical distribution grid every 1,000 feet, or every one megawatt. […] “Canal solar allows for greater power production per land size, cleaner water, less power transmission losses, and significant reduction in evaporation[….]” Covering the entire 8,000 miles of canals and waterways managed by the Bureau of Reclamation with solar panels could generate over 25 gigawatts of renewable energy and reduce water evaporation by tens of billions of gallons[….]”
10. Camera traps offer glimpse of first beaver born in Northumberland for 400 years
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“"It’s such a relief that they have bred successfully and to see a new fluffy kit swimming with the family[….]” In just one year [since releasing the beavers], there has been a noticeable increase in resident trout, says the National Trust, along with more regular visits from kingfishers and grey herons. There are more insects at the site, too, thanks to the organic matter that builds up behind the dams, which in turn provides food for Daubenton’s bats. […] Beavers also play an important role in creating habitats that are more resilient to the effects of climate change[….]”
July 1-7 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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WAHHHH I LOVE THIS 🥺🥺🥺 the pining and flirting and slowburn of it all… model!satoru and his favorite designer suguru geto, both of them undeniably skilled and born with an eye for fashion….. well-known and adored……..
designer!suguru who gets tasked with showing you the ropes, who’s always so patient and kind despite your inexperience. diligent with his teaching but also so laidback, so easy to talk to… he looks intimidating, but he’s so polite that you can’t help but swoon a little. and he admires your enthusiasm so much…… grows fond of you soooo quickly bc you’re just such a breath of fresh air compared to the divas he’s forced to work with all the time. he thinks you’ve got real potential and he wants to nurture it.
and ofc you end up running into model!satoru eventually…. bc he’s always hanging around suguru whenever he gets the chance. and he’s maybe a little jealous that you’re hogging so much of his personal designer’s attention, but… he also thinks you’re so cute . T_T like a little puppy following suguru around… so excited to be apart of what you’ve dreamed of for so many years……… he looks into your eyes and sees the same sparkle he had before he made it big, and it makes his heart race.
yeah . i’m just thinking abt the peaceful coffee breaks with suguru….. how he’d insist on paying for your drink, ”since he’s your senior” (he wants to be your favorite </3)…… and how he’d just be so protective over his little intern. don’t get me started on the close proximity with satoru when you’re taking his measurements, the glance and smile he sends your way during an impromptu shoot… the way he always calls for you with a sweet coo of ”how’s my favorite intern doing today?”
😔😔😔 yeahhhhhh. they make me feel ill.
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wanderingmausoleum · 7 months
the opening lines of the shadow of the erdtree trailer remind me a LOT of a certain quote from another game:
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and with this in mind, i really hope that the direction they go with miquella is less like the manipulative griffith-esque archetype some people are theorizing, and more like N’s characterization in pokemon black and white: someone very intelligent and powerful but naïve, whose honest attempts at creating a better world might bring about more destruction in the end.
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L'été, c'est la jeunesse du soleil et de la terre.
- Émile Zola
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When life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a momma bear (IN EXLORE)
When life doesn't come with a manual, it comes with a momma bear by Shelly Lynn Hachey O Via Flickr: Momma teaching life skills to her young bear cub (you can see by the dirt on their noses they had been digging for food).
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gideonisms · 7 months
tamsyn muir really understood something about the queer experience when she said that if a baby lesbian heard about a girl who could end the world she would definitely try to go meet her and let her loose
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tofreezetime · 3 months
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summers when we were young and dumb
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ellenchain · 1 month
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The true master of disguise: Lucas Grey
my non canon timeline 1989: escape from the institute, trying to find a place in the world 1999: still in Romania, hoping to find 47, but working as a mercenary in between 2002: in Africa, meeting little Olivia 2004: happy life with Olivia in Romania 2005: escape from Romania because of CICADA 2006: undercover in America, watching 47 from afar, playing normal dad for little Olivia 2010: re-thinking life decisions, living in Berlin 2012: becoming more active again, mercenary in various divisions, still running from Providence 2013: becoming head of security, watching Providence more closely 2016: done running
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jaes1lvr · 5 months
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❀ D O Y O U N G S͏͏͏͏ ɢ ᴀ ʀ ᴅ ᴇ ɴ ᴘ ᴀ ʀ ᴛ ʏ ˖ * ゚ ❀ ꒰͡ ͜ Ï ͜ ͡꒱ 𓈒⠀𓈒 🍷 ͏͏͏͏
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kaythefloppa · 4 months
You must believe the magic Within you
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loudkidsoulfreak · 27 days
i think there is something so ironic about yukiko, someone who love her youthfulness, have a son who was de-aged and a (former) friend who can't age.
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kitsune-kaos · 9 months
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90s-themed bday party lewk
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But, I wanna feed cats in the Italian countryside!!!
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fawnaura · 1 year
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Anne Sexton, The Collected Poems; “Three Green Windows”
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