#youtube ego
elenavr13 · 1 year
Hypnotizing Music
Darkiplier x Reader
Warning: None
Y/n is exploring the ego’s mansion when a haunting tune catches their ears.
The pink sun, setting in the distance, shines through the widows as I walk down the hall. I love this place. Everywhere I look is a beautiful display of gothic architecture & nature.
A faint melody reaches my ears. It entrances me so I follow it. It leads me to a door that is slightly ajar. When I peak in, I see shadows dancing around the room while the flames on top of candles twirl their red & orange ruffled skirts. A small speaker, sitting next to a stack of books on the corner of the desk, emits the alluring tune. The song is what I can best describe as dark instrumental. The notes are relaxing but at the same time, eerie. 
My mind wanders to an old graveyard overgrown with vines as I stand in the doorway slightly swaying back & forth, hypnotized by the music. The cool wind rustles my hair as I brush my fingertips against the smooth stone embedded in the grass next to me.
“Hello doll,” Dark purrs from behind me. The corners of my mouth turn up. He always brings a smile to my face whether he is spending time with me or I am just thinking of him. Suddenly I realized that I did not just imagine Dark’s voice & I am still lingering in the doorway of the mysterious, enchanting room. I turn around to face Dark but end up hitting my forehead on the door frame because of my disorientation from reality crashing into me.
“Ow,” I place my hand over my left eyebrow where I banged my head, instinctively. Dark’s head is slightly cocked to the side as he observes me. I begin laughing a little. “Sorry, lost in thought.” His face expression relaxes & his lips form a small smile.
“Don’t worry about it.” My brain registers that he is standing about a foot away from me which causes me to become self-conscious yet again. I am even aware of my breathing. Because I am unable to read whether he is annoyed at me for sneaking around or not, I attempt to distract him just to be safe.
“I didn’t see you in the library today. Where were you?” After those words leave my mouth, I secretly cuss myself out. Why would he tell me that? God, I wish I could turn invisible & run away right now. If I was having this encounter with Wilford or really anyone else, I would be able to easily make up an excuse & leave but for some reason, my mind is malfunctioning. Why can’t I think properly when around him?
“I had a bunch of work to finish & didn’t have time to read.”
“That’s alright. I should probably go now. I have a…uh…Wilford asked me to help him with something so I should go. It was nice to see you.” I try shuffling around him but he grabs my arm & leans down to my height. Holy shit, if he doesn’t kill me, I’m going to have a heart attack & die anyway.
“You don’t really have anywhere to be right now, do you?” I hesitate before slightly shaking my head no. His hypnotic, onyx eyes glance down for a second before finding mine. “Come on.” He tilts his head towards the door I was previously admiring before he lets go of me & enters the room. My feet follow his footsteps inside.
Once I walk to the center of the room, Dark outstretches his hand to me. He remains silent as I stand there looking at his open palm. I watch as my own hand places itself in his & as his fingers gently close around the dorsal of my hand. His right hand slithers around my back, settling right below my shoulder blade, & pulls me close to him. I realize that he just asked me to dance with him & I accepted. My heart rate spikes but I ignore it as I place my free hand on his shoulder, compelling him to begin leading me around the room.
The orange light in the room sways with us as we dance. Occasionally he spins me around & my skirt twirls in the air. He is a phenomenal dancer & an excellent leader. I haven’t really danced with anyone before yet the steps come naturally to me with his lead. I have never felt so alive before; it is exhilarating. The awkward situation only moments before has escaped my mind & I am filled with bliss & delight.
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Day 324 of random Mark images
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hunny-pp · 22 days
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hardest fucking ego ever, my god .
edit: speadpain....
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ginkgodoodles · 1 year
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Some art I did for In Space With Markiplier! I loved it! ⭐️🩷
I would love to see some markiplier comics sometime in the future! I just think it would be fun. :)
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colourfulmes · 2 months
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Late night Anti drawing hurhruhrur
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mooniemenace · 8 months
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❤️💙🔪2017 YouTube was an era bro🔪💚🖤
imma be 23 in a few months god take me back dude 😭😭
i needed to draw these dudes again omg
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waddlesworks · 8 months
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Main Man Markiplier!
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buffyjenna123-blog · 3 months
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elenavr13 · 2 years
The Beginning of the Horror
Darkiplier x Reader (not DA)
Warning: None
*Y/n is a part the film/production crew Wilford works with. For one of Wil’s productions, he involves one of his “old friends”, Darkiplier. They take residence in Dark’s mansion for the time being. Unbeknownst to  Y/n, a certain entity has been watching them & listening to them talk to themselves about horror books & movies for the past week.*
*Playlist: Baby, You’re a Haunted House- Gerard Way, You’re So Creepy- Ghost Town, Nervous- Lola Blanc*
The library is the perfect place for an introvert to avoid people. Everyone else wants to party & be loud. I’m not completely opposed to that sort of behavior but I prefer someplace quiet like the library which no one seems interested in. They would rather have their faces in their phones, games, & TV instead of a book. Oh well, their loss. Luckily, Wilford doesn’t require my attendance to his “mini parties”. If he needs me, he can text me but I know he isn’t going to for the rest of the night; we completed everything we needed for today. The rest of the day is just down time which I personally spend in the old, dark academia, book-shelved room.
Words from the slightly yellowed paper paint a scene in my mind as my eyes travel over the text. The scene is one from The Woman in Black. I watched the movie when I was little which is why the title caught my attention. I couldn’t recall much from the movie but it had unsettled me then so I hope the story could still deliver that scare factor now that I was older & could understand more of the tragedy.
The book weighs in my hands as I sit on the velvety, Victorian, claret-colored loveseat. My imagination suddenly halts when my left ear perceives a low purr. The hum sends a cold shiver down my spine for a split second. Playing it as my mind messing with me since I am reading a horror book, I expect to see nothing so when I look over my shoulder & come face to face with Dark instead of emptiness, I jump.
A small chuckle escapes his lips. “I was beginning to think you were incapable of getting scared. I guess I’m more frightening than all the serial killers & supernatural poltergeists you read about.” He creeps around the corner of the small couch & takes a seat on the open space about half a foot away from me. I straighten my posture right before my body becomes stiff. I don’t know how to act around Dark. I never really interacted with him, then again, neither has anyone else. The little space between us doesn’t help my nervousness either. I have grown unaccustomed to any physical contact or close proximity with anyone excluding Wilford. Dark’s approach definitely catches me by surprise. I figure it would be rude to stand up or move to another seat so I remain seated & push my anxiousness to the back of my mind.
“What do you mean by ‘incapable of getting scared’? I am too capable of feeling fear & dread.” I question. Yeah, I don’t get scared easily but how do you know that? I never told you.
“Well, you sure don’t show it. You read & watch all these horrifying, morbid tales like they’re nothing. Instead you predict them, laugh at them, & correct all the characters’ mistakes even the murderer’s.” How do you know all this? I don’t have the slightest clue who you are yet you seems to know me fairly well. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you had experience in homicide.” A huff of air escapes my mouth. I want to laugh at his last statement but his assessment of me distracts me from humor.
“How do you know all this?”
“You come in here every day after dinner or just whenever you have down time including late into the night to search the shelves, find a horror book, & read it. If I’m not mistaken, you are on your sixth book now. You also watch short horror films on your phone if you don’t want to read. It’s not too hard to know your view on the stories considering you talk to yourself & the characters.”
“You could just say you were stalking me.” My lips form into a smile. I shouldn’t enjoy the fact that someone finds me interesting enough to stalk especially because I have read enough stalking stories to know that they never end well, but I do.
“I wouldn’t necessarily call it ‘stalking’. This is my house & you are a guest. I am only making sure you don’t break anything.”
“I guess that makes sense, although, I think it’s more of the others who would break something.”
“Yes, but you are the one who goes off on your own. Don’t think I trust you as much as Wilford does.” We both smile.
There is a moment of silence before I speak again. “I’ve only been here for a little over a week & you’ve picked up that much?”
He smirks & shifts his body so he is completely facing me. His fingers interlace together & he leans back into the corner of the furniture. Black, ebony eyes look me up & down. If I wasn’t completely self-conscious before, I definitely am now. “How long do you think I was behind you for?”
“Maybe a minute or two.” His smirk grows wider.
“Guess again.” Dread fills my chest. Do I really want to know this answer?
“I-I don’t know.” I don’t want to guess again. If I guess something big, he will laugh but I also don’t want to go up by increments of five or ten if it is big. He remained quiet, waiting for a real answer. “5 minutes?” He shook his head. “10?” He drew circles in the air with his pointer finger. “20?”
“Give or take a few minutes but yeah.” He laughs. His genuine smile complements his face well. To be honest, he is pretty attractive. His obsidian eyes, smokey black hair &, deep bass voice captivate me. His blue & red aura accentuates his pale complexion while his lead grey, form-fitting suit enhances his charm & handsomeness. It doesn’t matter what I think though, this interaction will most likely just be a onetime thing. Even if we do get close, we probably won’t keep contact once this production is finished. As soon as I don’t see or work with whoever it is, no matter what kind of relationship I have with them, they forget & replace me. That is just my life. “Do you really not scare easily?” His voice snaps my out of my trance.
“Uh, I-I don’t. I’m not sure why but I don’t. It doesn’t matter what I read or watch or hear; nothing really scares me. & when something does, I obsess over it so much that I become desensitized to it.”
“Like what?”
“Oh, uh…abandoned amusement parks. I guess those never really creeped me out but I just love the aesthetic & ominous, eerie atmosphere of them. Oh, & submechanophobia which is the fear of partially or fully submerged man-made things but, specifically submechanophobia with animatronics. I mean, looking at them is fine but imagining if they break down & you have to go into the water to fix them or if you fall in the water while you’re on a ride or something…you can’t see the gears or anything underwater so…” I let out a small laugh. “I still like them & they are still disturbing. It’s just that they no longer incite the same reaction as the first time I saw it.” Once I come back from my rambling, his stunning eyes pierce mine, inducing my vision to dart to the book resting in my lap. With his arms crossed across his chest, his attention remains trained on me, intently studying me. I read stories ranging from unsettling: a poltergeist that just disturbs a family, to bloodcurdling: a heinous serial killer playing with their victim before gruesomely ripping them apart. None have ever sent a chill down my spine just as much as this situation has. Dark’s undivided attention on me tops any horror story I have or will ever read.
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low-keygee · 10 months
i hate that one of the medias that i care about the most is the cinematic stuff that markiplier makes.
who killed markiplier, heist, space, wilford mother loving warfstache, damien, fuck me even date is still incredibly important to me still. but since its a youtuber media i can’t tell people its that good without them just writing it off as “oh markiplier made something. cool.”
in space with markiplier is genuinely one of the most heart shattering experiences i’ve ever had for multiple reasons, most of which revolve around me growing up with his channel. BUT NOBODY ELSE WILL FEEL THE SAME WAY BECAUSE NOBODY ELSE IN MY FRIEND/FAMILY SPHERE IS AS INSANE AS I AM ABOUT THE LORE SO I AM TRAPPED IN A PADDED CELL WHERE EVERY WALL IS YANCY, ENGINEER, ACTOR AND DAMIEN
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Day 330 of random Mark images
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shamefulbirb · 1 year
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Saw a tiktok from _anxiousmoonfrog_ about the egos in different poses and HAD to use the reference. Warfstache and Darkiplier get to share a ring because I could only afford one sorry but its transparent so??? do people on tumblr care about that anymore
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dududanyon · 22 days
The full version of my sonata "Ghostly Reflection" based on the fic "excuse this monster (he's dead inside)" by @wastefulreverie is finally out and available on bandcamp and streaming! Links are in the description.
The beautiful jacket illustration is by @neurotraum, thank you so much for your hard work on it.
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linktdm · 6 months
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crossover of the century
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(sorry for tag thomas🥹 @thatsthat24)
- link
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colourfulmes · 24 days
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Blood warning !! (under cut)
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