#youve already caused enough damage to the way they see you by simply failing to be the best
firestorm09890 · 1 year
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The still image of Zexion with his head resting on the arm of his chair after losing in multiplayer 358/2 Days was already very funny but it's even funnier knowing that the full animation has him slam his fist down in frustration and only after making sure no one else is watching
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
im sorry but sometimes it is so see through that you fake and corrupt ‘pro recovery’ people are literally just so frustrated and annoyed with nd people and thats all your mindset revolves around. like you’ll throw one or two fucking random self care tips at us and we’ll rightfully say ‘that doesnt work for me’ and yall instantly go on these absolutely unnecessary and brutal TANGENTS you were saving up abt how we’re ‘’’’wallowing’’’’ and that therapy takes ~Actual Effort~ so if ur special universal tips arent working for us we’re ‘’’being difficult’’’ and ‘’’’lazy’’’’ and ‘’’’hurting ourselves’’’’’ like. idk man sure i am sorry i cant ‘take a shower to feel better’ bc my symptoms make the task more stressful actually and take away from my other more necessary tasks, im sorry i forget to take my vitamins and drink enough water bc i just dont feel a difference anymore, im sorry i rely on medication instead of therapy bc therapists also teach me things that dont seem to work, except im trying, which means no matter how hard i might seem to be failing, i am ‘pro recovery’. idc how the fuck it Looks to you personally, i deserve your support. and i shouldnt Feel the Need to apologize to a stranger who claims to be my ally for experiencing mental illness symptoms and not being able to immediately correct them ! if i could do that i wouldnt be mentally ill !! i especially should not be made to feel ashamed to even Talk about my struggles just bc i know yall will try to put a bandaid on it and then guilt me when i say it didnt work. smfh like. ur children. sometimes things just have deeper rooted problems and u dont have to take it personally that you specifically cannot cure me. 
ik it blows ur fucking goddamn mind but yes actually some people just Do really struggle to shower, to drink water, to take their meds, as in it takes actual personal efforts for them it wouldnt take for you and they have to work harder than you to accomplish them, and there are in fact some things nd people personally Cannot do and will Never be able to do without going backwards and sacrificing their happiness and quality of life exhausting themselves for an unattainable goal. only they know their limit, and pushing yourself past your limit is unarguably damaging. this ugly ass assumption you cannot be happy enough while still ‘allowing yourself’ to experience some symptoms... the idea that its just laziness and ‘anti recovery’ to openly struggle with what you view as the ‘easy’ or ‘beginning’ steps of recovery... is an inherently ableist and Harmful mindset you are all falling victim to and fucking over this community with. to be perfectly frank you are not ‘pro recovery’ when you demonize and shame people who are not ready for recovery. bc that doesnt do anything to help them recover. its genuinely just your excuse to hate and bash ‘severely’ nd people bc ur uncomfortable with them and wanna claim theyre doing it on purpose so you feel rightfully angry abt it. when you throw tantrums over us Being Mentally Ill and not ALREADY recovered like good boys or w/e all you are is pro nd people conforming to your standard of functioning and shutting the fuck up abt their actual identity and symptoms and experiences until they reach that level when ur comfy listening to them again. you’re pro neurotypical people, or those pretending to be for your comfort. its literally starting to border on an eugenics attitude by claiming the only healthy end goal is to be virtually indistinguishable from a neurotypical and match their functioning as best as possible. not all nd people Can do that, would be Happier doing that rather than accommodating their issues in other ways, and nor should that be the default goal to push on all nd people. also a lot of the shit yall push at us for even nts dont always conform to, so why is it us being made to walk on eggshells? why when i skip a shower am i evil and destructive but nt bob can go a week without one and no one bats an eye or they just joke about it???
lbr recovery doesnt look the same from person to person, you cant apply one broad standard like this, not to mention its not always an uphill battle, which doesnt just mean; ‘oops i relapsed :(((’. it means breakdowns, it means self harm, it means slacking off, failing hygiene, forgetting things, missing things, bad behavior, risky behavior, things that are Going to inconvenience you. and the second you forget that or decide to no longer care about those people, when you decide to have a baseline where you stop respecting or supporting nds for not trying hard enough to be like you, when you Drop them until they meet your standards as if they arent still nd people who need you on a basic level, ESPECIALLY IF YOU’RE A FUCKING NEUROTYPICAL WHO DOESNT HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHERRY PICK AT US LIKE THAT (!), is when you have inverted and ruined your own fucking cause by corrupting it with selfish conformist ableism. 
tldr i understand why statements like ‘just go to therapy’ ‘thanks im cured’ would frustrate you, but i also VERY MUCH understand and NEED for you people to TRY and understand why mentally struggling people would be adverse to going to therapy, and not bc they goddamn hate recovery and wanna be sad forever or w/e strawman youve come up with, but bc of their issues which are valid and Can hinder these types of decisions and even affect how much aid these coping skills actually provide, and they dont deserve your fucking Unbridled Malice and Shame over it bc they are not literally trying to be more mentally ill. its simply a symptom and consequence of their already existing mental illness. like i really... cannot fathom the level of disconnect you must be on with nd politics to take that and assume they are truly just rejecting the possibility of happiness for the sake of being unhappy. i truly think if you cant wrap your head around ‘mentally ill people, whos minds are literally experiencing sickness, are not always rational or able to help themselves, or sometimes it only appears that way and they just know better abt it than you do’ you just. arent even an ally. you’re an ableist in activists clothing. people struggling with the concept of recovery arent inherently ‘anti recovery’, yall are honestly just really fucking BAD at how you push for recovery bc most of you dont know shit and are just mean and wanna whine abt nds to be quite blunt with u lol. the whole ‘tough love’ mindset is Bullshit ok it isnt real your love doesnt have to be tough and callous and come with conditions you just wanna be abrasive to validate ur judgement and then excuse it as secretly helpful, just be supportive and 📣 LISTEN 📣 to us or get the fuck out honestly bc u arent helping anyone with what this shit has unfortunately become
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thegoldenavenger · 5 years
While i work out the logistics of the naruto au, i offer this. Sorry if you dont know kimetsu no yaiba, I did my best. 3000 ish words. Mobile beware of cut. Unbetad we die like mne.
Content Warning for violence, gore, blood, at the beginning. If youve seen/read demon slayer then canon typical, if youre a marvel only fan then it’s more like iron man 1 or winter soldier levels of violence vs the bloodless avengers films.
Tony Stark wants to be a Demon Slayer. But, born into the Sword Smith Village's head family, he was supposed to craft the finest nichirin demon slaying swords there were, and while Tony likes sword smithing he chafes under his father's strict parenting.
He admires the demon slayers he makes swords for and, quietly, teaches himself the Way of Iron, hoping if he excels his father will let him join the Demon Slayer corp. Unfortunately, his father is not amenable to this, and the two fight until Tony runs off in a huff.
When he makes his way back to the hidden village, he smells blood. In the time he was away a demon had found the sword smith's village. He pulls his sword and joins the fight, trying to evacuate those he can while making his way deeper into the village.
It gets quiet the closer to his home he gets, and the door stands wrenched out of its frame. He can hear his heart beat as he crosses the threshold.
The first thing he notices are the carefully sculpted masks usually displayed on the walls are littering the floor carelessly.
The second thing he notices is the thick trail of blood. His eyes unwillingly trace the blood to the crumpled figures of his mother and father, demon slaying swords shattered on the ground. Standing over them is a demon, the moonlight glinting on the number 5 in his right iris.
Tony's grip on his sword tightens and his inhales, too sharp to be disciplined. It sends a pain through his chest but he sets back into the first form of the Breath of Iron naturally. The demon smiles and Tony throws himself forward, his left foot leading as he pushes as much force as he can into the piercing jab.
The demon's eyes betray a hint of surprise, it could never have encountered a style like this before. Iron Breathing First Form: Piercing Ray is a thrusting move and demons are more used to the graceful arcs of slashing forms designed to take a demon's head off.
Tony's sword hits the demon's collarbone and he can feel it slide home. Blood slicks down the blade and Tony imagines he can feel a heart beat through it. He flexes his wrists but the sword doesn't twitch. The demon scoffs, low and ugly, "You missed."
"Not quite," Tony says, flicking the little hammer in the hilt of his sword. It causes a spark, and Tony is quick to abandon his sword for a few feet of distance as the spark ignites the black powder in the sword's hilt.
The demon grabs the smoking sword, then, through a sharp boom, screeches as the gunpowder propelled blade rips it's way the demon's toughened flesh.
Tony squints after the flash of bright light, the demon's body torn in half and crumpling. Tony has a moment to think: he wasn't much for a twelve moon demon. And then he's kneeling next to his parents, hands flickering over their bodies. He hadn't noticed, but his mother is still breathing, gasping under wounds. He presses his hands to her, trying to stop further blood loss but her skin is already ice cold.
He feels tears well up in his eyes, he's so stricken. He'd talked to her this morning. She chokes on something, but Tony keeps shaking his head. No, don't speak, stay quiet until the clean up crew arrives. There's no way the Demon Slayers aren't here already, there's no way they wouldn't send a doctor to the sword smith's head family.
His mother will be okay.
"Tony, oh, please--" she gurgles as he tries to shush her. Her speech is indecipherable. Through his pleas and the blood in her lungs he can barely make out syllables, but he thinks he hears shield, fury, heart. He shakes his head.
His mother makes a mournful, bleating noise and her eyes widen in fear and it's the last thing he hears from her as a high pitched, shrill siren pierces his ears. He'd wince but he's frozen, and then his chest feels open and cold and hollow.
He can't look down, but he knows there's claws in him. Through him. Whatever.
Behind him the demon laughs, affably, like someone seeing the punchline of a well set up joke. "You should've made sure I was finished. What a shame the Starks end here, I really was hoping one of you would show some promise. But really what can one expect of such worthless beings. Too much trouble in the end."
Tony's vision starts to blank. It's not that black creeps into his peripherals, it's simply that he stops being able to comprehend pieces of vision. Like a blind spot slowly encroaching on his whole field of perception, there is just nothing there.
The shrilling noise quiets and Tony's body reflexively fights for breath. It burns and freezes all at once. He can hear a whistling noise.
Then, footsteps thundering on the floor, he can hear because he's lying down now, somehow. He can hear the singing sound of nichirin steel drawn against sheath, and shouting. The demon slayers are here.
A shape hunches over him, as his vision narrows. Maybe it's the demon, or a doctor. No, he thinks, if it was a doctor it would be reaching for his mother.
He ceases to be able to see, but he hears the shape anyway.
"Breathe. You are not finished, today."
Tony wakes up at the Wysteria Estate, in what looks like a hospital. Dr. Yinsen is by his side.
He explains: you parents are dead, your home destroyed, the demon that attacked you escaped.
He says: The demon used a Blood Art on you, you're lucky to be alive.
He says: the damage was extensive and your insides are scarred irreparably.
Tony yells at him.
"She was alive! Why didn't you help her, you could've helped her!"
Dr. Yinsen's eyes are sad, but his voice is not gentle when he says, "You and the demon were the only living things in that room."
After Tony is done shouting and screaming and then coughing because something in his chest feels like breaking, the doctor sets him back against some pillows. He pulls at the bandages on Tony's chest, and Tony lies there, unresistant.
"Do you understand what I mean when I say the damage was extensive?" He asks as he unwinds the bandages. They stick to Tony's skin, but Tony doesn't flinch.
"I mean, your lung's capacity is down by 12%. The scarring in your chest means you cannot breathe well, if at all."
At this Tony blinks. He's breathing right now, isn't he?
"No, no, young man. Any sword techniques you know that are supported by Breaths. It would cause too much strain on your body. You'd be cough up blood before you could breathe your first kata."
"That's--" Tony starts, then starts coughing. The doctor tips Tony's head back and rubs a cool ointment over the scars on his chest.
"Your heart is in a similar condition. Any activity too strenuous will cause it to fail. At best you'll get light headed and wheezy, at worst you'll tear something inside, you're heart will stop and you'll die."
Tony narrows his eyes at the doctor. "Then what can I do?"
"Heal, for now."
"Will I be able to slay demons, again?"
"It's not likely."
"Then why did you save me!" Tony lashes out again, hissing in grief. "If there's nothing I can do but sit here, and try not to breathe too deeply!"
Dr. Yinsen lets Tony have his moment, before firmly grabbing his shoulder. Tony automatically turns his head to look him in the eye. The hand on Tony's chest feels warm now, almost hot.
"You shouldn't have lived through that attack." Dr. Yinsen says. "I shouldn't have been able to stabilize you. You shouldn't have woken. Yet, here you are anyway.
"Stark, who am I to tell you what can happen in the face of that defiance. You are the one who made it here to today. You are the one who will determine where you will be tomorrow."
His village, though beaten, lives on. Evacuated to a safer area, Tony has heard his kin have started to rebuild. He has not returned.
The Wysteria Estate has acknowledged him, and after he healed enough, allowed him to join the ranks of novice Demon Slayers. Nicolas Fury, a retired Pillar of the Demon Slayers, vouches for him even when Tony struggled to maintain a grip on his sword.
Speaking of his sword, it's a poor excuse for a weapon. Nichirin steel it may be, it's nothing like the blades Tony made. Use to make. He uses it reluctantly, as Fury bullies him into training.
Tony's lungs ache whenever he wakes, like they forget how to breathe during his sleep and they're stretching anew. Sometimes he is so cursedly aware of his own heart, each pulsing beat it like a vice squeezing him tighter and tighter.
He forges on.
Fury is the retired Mist Pillar of the Demon Slayers, and thus, Tony starts to learn the forms of the Breath of Mist. He doesn't take to it well. Even after strengthening his lungs to the point where he can Breathe again, even just a little, most of the Mist Breathing forms eludes his mastery.
He's never been one to fade into the background.
But the training isn't for nothing. Even if he is limited, he can use Breathing techniques again, and his heart doesn't feel like exploding quite so early in exercises. He starts training with his own Iron Style again, wondering if he could add a third form inspired by the Breath of Mist Sixth Form: Moonlit Mist.
Deemed healthy enough, he meets other Demon Slayers. Because Fury is nominally his mentor, he is introduced to the current Pillars as well.
He gets on particularly well with the Rock and Flame Pillars: James Rhodes and Pepper Potts respectively, both of which whole heartedly teach him their techniques.
Tony loves the solid forms of the Breath of Rock, especially the third form: Stone Skin, though he is much better suited towards the nine forms of the Breath of Flames style. Pepper is an efficient teacher.
Natasha Romanoff, the current Mist Pillar is more stand offish, but when she does speak it is with a tongue sharp with wit.
Thor is the Pillar of Thunder, but he also Mastered the Breath of Wind style. Watching him fight, even just to spar, is thrilling.
Clint Barton is the Flower Pillar. He seems like the quiet type, but only because he speaks through his hands. Once Tony picks up the language he is consistently delighted by Clint's keen observation and even keener sense of humor. He's unique among the Pillars for his preferred choice of weapon: a bow.
Bruce Banner insists he is not a pillar. He says he's barely a demon slayer. He studies pharmaceuticals, he's working on something to help curb demon blood lust, he's a gentle soul. He doesn't have the strength to lop off a demon's head anyways, he says, he practices Insect Breathing only as a last resort, he says.
An ill-mannered low rank rookie makes the mistake of using a squirrel for target practice and the twisting, barreling movement Tony sees Bruce slip into before Thor sweeps him off his feet do not look like the gentle piercing forms of the Breath of Insects.
Janet van Dyne, the Insect Pillar, pulls Tony into a hug and thanks him for her custom sword request. He grins because her designs for The Stingers were brilliant when he had first seen them and brilliant now, watching her dart around with them, slickly coated in Wysteria Poison.
T'challa, the Panther Pillar, carries himself with a regality Tony half falls in love with. His Breathing style is self made and his successor, Shuri, is the only other who knows it.
Sam Wilson is the Wind Pillar, he's gentle but firm, yet Tony knows he and Clint and Natasha goof off when no one is looking. He doesn't have proof, but he'd bet on it.
Finally there's Peter Parker; younger then them all he's the newest, most eager Water Pillar Tony is sure there ever was. He's bright eyed and takes a liking to Tony pretty quickly.
There's an empty Pillar, Tony realizes. There should be twelve, to reflect the twelve moons of the demons, yet even including Bruce in the count there are only ten.
Tony is idly curious about this, but he lets it sit in the back of his mind as he pesters the pillars to help train him. He worms his way under their skin, whether it's Rhodey and Pepper always grabbing him for lunch, or Natasha flyting with him in their spare time.
It takes him wholly by surprise when they tell him he's being nominated to the eleventh pillar position.
He can't in good conscious say yes. He can barely Breathe properly. A good knock to the chest might take him out. He isn't a master of any style. There are too many reasons to shake his head, and it takes Rhodey and Pepper both before he even listens to the offer.
"You're worried you're not good enough," Pepper says.
"Of course I am,"
"Take a breath," Rhodey instructs.
"I am breathing! If I breathe anymore I'll tear a lung!"
"Have you tried?" Pepper asks.
"Have you even noticed?" Rhodey asks.
Tony blinks, caught off guard. He's not sure what they mean, but he focuses anyways. On the breath in his lungs, the taught feeling of them expanded. The way the air flows through him.
"You've been Breathing this whole time." Pepper sounds smug.
"And you're fine training on top of that." Rhodey says.
Tony takes a second to blink up at them, for the first time in a long time confused.
"I keep forgetting you weren't trained properly," Pepper says, "You pick up on things so fast. Full Focus Breathing is the very fundamental basis of Breathing Styles, but it's difficult to master. It's a full concentration breath, and Pillars are as strong as we are because we use this technique for every breath we take."
"It's what helps us be on par with upper level demons. You must have picked up on us doing it and copied it without instruction."
"That sounds... plausible."
"It's more than plausible. Listen, you've gotten training from all of us Pillars already. Fury is in your corner! It doesn't really matter if you say yes or no, you're pretty much our acting eleventh pillar anyways." Pepper assures him.
It takes Tony some time for this to sink in, but his friends are right. Dr. Yinsen was right. He shouldn't have been able to get this far but here he was. He was in a place where he could help people again, he'd be a fool to run away now.
He found that low level demons were nothing to him, any longer. He developed his own Breathing Style, quietly taking the information his friends taught him, and applying them in the field with his own twists.
He learns that the scars in his chest can still give him trouble, if he's too hard on himself, but he stops worrying about it. Everyone dies at some point. As long as his body holds together long enough to help people that's good enough for him.
Traces of the Demon King, the father of all Demons, had been sighted in the middle of some patch of nowhere. Though Tony has never seen the Demon King he knows him well enough.
His blood is what creates new demons, he is who founded the Twelve Moons, the high ranking demons that often cause the Demon Slayers trouble. The demon that killed Tony's parents was a Demon Moon.
No one is expecting Tony to run into the Demon King, just clean up any messes and find as much information as he can. That's all he's expecting out of this. But as he steps through the snowy night he hears heavy snarling.
As he draws closer he can smell blood and hear panicked words.
He draws his sword and approaches.
There's a demon attacking a human in the woods and Tony leaps forward.
He follows the ninth form of flame breathing, using it's speed and force to bulldoze into the demon, dragging it away from its prey. There is no blood in the snow, it hadn't gotten a chance to feast yet.
He changes his grip on his sword, to the second form of Flame Breathing. Enough strength to decapitate this demon without losing hold of its struggling form.
He's stopped by a desperate shout.
"Stop! What are you doing?!"
He looks at the human.
"This demon was attacking you." Tony says, as the blond man pushes himself up out of the snow.
"He's not a demon! He's my friend!"
A string of sympathy pulls through him. Still, Tony must do his job. He looks at the snarling creature in his grip. "He's not your friend anymore, look at him." He shakes his wrist and demon jerks at him his blue eyes piercing.
"Stop, please, I know him! He's just scared. He wouldn't hurt me."
"Listen, I know it's rough but you don't know him any more. He is a demon. Demons eat people. It's not complicated."
The man scrunches his face up, and Tony is worried he's going to cry before something is flying straight at him.
He dodges on automatic, frowns when he sees it was just a book, then hisses in alarm as the man runs straight for the demon.
Tony lunges into the sixth form of Rock Breathing, Arcs of Justice, as the human sprints forward. He is ready to throw his sword in desperate hope to pin the demon before it can attack the stupid guy throwing himself at it, when something altogether strange happens.
The demon stands as the man reaches him, lunging forward. But instead of tearing into soft human flesh the demon spins the man around and behind the demon.
Drool slips down the demon's chin. Tony didn't notice it before but the demon's left arm is missing and the tax on it's healing must be doubling or tripling its newborn hunger.
Yet it's still protecting the stupid guy instead of taking a chunk out of him.
He keeps his sword drawn, because he's not dumb, but he lowers it.
"Bucky, stop!" The man hisses, gripping onto the demon's sleeve.
"What's your name?" Tony asks.
"Steve. Steve Rogers. And this is my best friend, Bucky. He hasn't killed anyone, he might-- he might be a demon but he's still good! He, this happened because he was trying to protect us from the real demon that attacked our family!"
Tony's grip on his sword shifted.
He's never encountered a demon who didn't relish at eating humans at the very least. Tony's experience with them started with one standing over his dead parents and didn't improve from there.
But all demons were humans, once, and even Tony had gotten a second chance. He sheathed his sword.
"You cannot let him eat a human." He says.
"Of course he wouldn't!" Steve says, disgusted.
"Shut up. You can't let him eat a human, and if you want him around for any length of time make sure he doesn't get exposed to sunlight."
Steve's furious expression shifts into confusion, then wonder.
"What do you want Steve?"
"I--I want Bucky to be okay. I want the demon who did this to not be able to do it anymore."
"You don't want revenge?"
"I don't like bullies."
Tony huffs a small laugh. He thinks about Nicolas Fury, who had moved out of the Wysteria Estate to a mountain nearby. He thinks about Bruce's research and his mother's last words, and examines the way the demon... Bucky. How Bucky is still anchored, inexorably, in front of Steve's body.
"I'll take you to someone who can help you." Tony says.
The growling from Bucky has died down, now that the threat has passed. Steve's blue eyes bore into Tony as sharply as any knife.
"Thank you," Steve finally says.
Tony laughs. "Sure," he says, "You might be taking that back when you meet him."
Tony wonders if maybe seeing this, seeing a demon who chose not to give in, seeing a human save his friend, if this was why he was still alive. If, maybe Tony couldn’t save his family but he can help someone else save theirs.
He walks past Bucky and Steve, away from the upturned snow of their aborted battle. As he passes he notes the surety of Steve's grip on Bucky and something in him hems and haws.
Tony thinks, instead of a sword, he'll try making a shield.
Read Everything | Read Chapter 2
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s3mag · 6 years
Keep in mind before you embark on your adventure – that it may be a good idea to travel with someone who is already familiar with the trails. They can also serve the dual-purpose of helping you out of a bind if you get stuck. Usually getting stuck can be attributed to one of two problems: lack or ground clearance OR lack of traction.
Avoiding the ground clearance issue is usually pretty obvious – don’t drive over something higher than the bottom of your vehicle. But if you come up on an iffy situation, try to line up either the driver of passenger-side tires to drive directly over the obstacle. This will lift the side of your vehicle & increase your ground clearance. You’ll also generally have more clearance on the side of the vehicle, than you will under the belly & axles. If you straddle the obstacle, you may high-center, making it difficult to get unstuck if the obstacle is wedged under your vehicle.
Getting Unstuck
First, find out why you’re stuck. Did you drive over something too tall (lack or ground clearance)? Or, does the ground offer so little traction that your tires spin (lack of traction)?
Stuck because of ground clearance
-There are a few initial tricks when it comes to getting unstuck… and we have often found that simply stacking rocks to fill in holes and gaps may help lift your truck and level out the terrain. Or it may help you grab that little bit of traction that you need. Having said that, always be sure to scatter the rocks after you’re done to preserve the challenge for the next person. We don’t build roads when we’re wheeling.
-If you are only lightly resting on an obstacle, sometimes backing up slowly will work. In doing so, try to back up far enough to where you can see the trail again… to plan a different path.
-Or, you may decide to winch yourself off the obstacle in a slow, controlled manner. When you use a winch you have the benefit of being able to pull slowly, and stop when needed. Maybe you decide to stack more rocks under the tires and/or pull from a different direction. A winch is a great tool for getting unstuck without doing damage to the bottom of your 4×4.
-If you are badly stuck on an obstacle, you probably need to lift the vehicle off of whatever it is that is obstructing your path. Dragging the Jeep across the obstacle with a winch may do damage. So use a Hi-Lift jack and Lift Mate to raise the tires on one side of your vehicle off the ground. This may be a good time to stack rocks under the tires to increase your ground clearance by forming a ramp that will allow you to drive off the obstacle.
Keep in mind that your wheelbase will affect your ground clearance under the center of your Jeep. Short Jeeps (2 doors) have a higher “breakover angle” than longer Jeeps.
Stuck because no traction
When you’re dealing with a lack of traction situation, the key is to keep a slow/steady momentum. If you stop, you’ll usually get stuck. And though it seems natural in the moment… spinning the tires faster seldom works & will only dig you in deeper. (cutting the tires slightly back & forth while keeping slow/steady momentum will sometime catch a little extra traction).
The next thing to try is backing up in your own tire tracks, which will sometimes get you back to safe ground. Backing up usually works pretty well, especially in sand, because you are driving in your own compressed tracks. If this fails… take a break, and determine where you need to go, and how you plan to get there.
Start with some of the easy solutions to save your sanity. And then work your way down to the harder fixes if necessary:
Shift into 4WD if you haven’t already. 4WD High will decrease the torque. Decreasing the torque makes it less likely that your tires will overpower the available traction. See if you can creep forward or backward. If you get any movement, try to keep a nice steady speed. Once you get going, keep going, until you reach firm ground.
Air down the tires if you haven’t already. Letting some air out of the tires increases the tire’s footprint, and may provide enough grip to get you out. Remember that you probably need to drive on paved roads after you get out, so don’t go too low unless you have an air source. 12 to 15 psi may work.
Sometimes, all you need is a gentle tug from your buddy with a recovery strap. Gentle is the key word here. Unless you’ve really buried your truck, a gentle tug from someone with grip usually works.
*Be sure to use a recovery strap rather than a tow strap. A recovery strap is slightly elastic and has sort of a bungee effect. A tow strap doesn’t stretch and can break & cause damage to your vehicle if pulled too hard. Never use a strap with metal hooks on the ends since the strap can break – causing the metal hook to become a projectile.
**Only hook-up to sturdy tow points. All tow hooks must be attached to the frame or a factory designated area. Even the unibody Jeeps have factory tow hooks attached to areas designed by the Jeep engineers.
***Do not pull on a trailer hitch ball. They will have a tendency to snap off and come flying back at you. But you can remove the drawbar from the hitch, insert the looped end of the strap and secure it with a hitch pin.
Hooking up the Winch
First, grab your gloves, a tree-saver strap, D-shackle, and the winch remote control.
Plug in the winch’s remote control, and wrap the remote control cord around the mirror to keep it away from the ground or tires… and hand it to the driver.
Then, determine which direction the Jeep needs to go in order to get unstuck.
Locate a large living tree or vehicle to use as an anchor point. The anchor point needs to be at least 2 or 3 Jeep-lengths away in order to pull the Jeep far enough forward to get unstuck.
Turn the lever on the winch to free-spool, and pull the winch line towards whatever you intend to use as an anchor.
When using a tree as an anchor, place the tree-saver strap around the tree trunk near the ground. This is the strongest part of the tree, and the least likely place to do damage to the tree’s bark.
Have the looped ends of the tree-saver strap facing the winch/Jeep. Remove the screw pin from the D-shackle, and push the shackle through the strap’s looped ends. The round part of the D-shackle needs to go through the strap’s eyes, leaving the pin available for the winch hook.
Screw the pin back in, finger tight. Then unscrew the pin ¼ turn to prevent it from binding.
Connect the winch hook to the shackle. Make sure the open part of the hook is facing up for safety.
Lay a winch line weight across the winch line, if you have one, and fill it with a little dirt/sand. The weight of the dirt/sand will absorb the energy if the winch line breaks, and the line will just fall to the ground instead of becoming a projectile. A hoodie or 2 will work if you don’t have a weight bag.
Then, go back to the winch, turn the handle back to engaged, and plug in the remote control.
Be sure everyone is well clear of the area. At least 150 feet away. FYI: The winch only has the advertised pull rating on the lowest layer of cable. And always leave at least 5-9 wraps on the drum so the line does not unwind from the drum. And never walk across or straddle a cable. Step on the winch line if you must cross over it.
Once the Jeep is unstuck, disconnect the winch hook from the tree-saver strap & D-shackle.
Next, use the remote control to respool the winch cable. Feed the winch-line in evenly from side-to-side on the drum (like fishing line). Always wrap the winch-line neatly on the drum to prevent binding. If a winch-line is pulled down in between the layer below, it will bind and you may not be able to unspool the cable next time you need it.
Finally, disconnect the remote control, and put all your stuff within easy reach in case you need it again.
Operate the winch periodically at home to keep the solenoids working properly.
Steel winch cable is abrasion resistant and cheap. But, it is heavy and therefore has more energy (whip) when it breaks. It also kinks, twists, and frays easily. Synthetic line is better if you have the option.
Winch rope is easily abraded and needs protection when rubbing on anything.  It is more expensive too. But it is very light and is considered safer because it stores less energy and does not whip as much when it breaks.
You can also tie a knot in a winch rope that breaks and still have 80% of its original strength.  Winch ropes can be spliced and repaired.
Offroad Jack Mounting Bracket; 07-17 Jeep Wrangler JK This offroad jack mounting bracket from Rugged Ride fits 07-17 Jeep Wrangler JK/JKU The only thing more important than having an off-road jack on your Jeep® is being able to access it when the need arises. That’s why we designed the Rugged Ridge® Off-Road Jack Hood Mounting Brackets to store your jack in a safe, secure place that is accessible to you, regardless of your vehicles positioning. We developed these jack mounts to be lightweight but sturdy by building them from high-strength 6061 T6 aluminum and finished them with a durable textured black powder coat to keep them looking great for years of intense trail duty. Your off-road jack is kept safely contained with large thumb screws (or optional locking thumbscrews) that can be easily removed and installed, even while wearing gloves. Unlike most hood-mounted jack brackets, Rugged Ridge Off-Road Jack Hood Mounting Brackets actually look great with a skeleton style design and laser-etched logo. Installation is a breeze with the included hardware and we’ve even included gaskets to protect your paints finish.
Comprehensive List of Equipment
Although it is pretty long, the thought of eliminating even one of these items could have an extremely negative effect on the outcome of your day on the trail.
Tire pressure gauge – (0-60 psi)
Air source to refill tires – CO2, air compressor, or travel with a friend who has one of these, etc.
Fire extinguisher
First Aid kit
Leather palmed work gloves – for stacking rocks or operating a winch
Plastic tarp to lie on when looking / working under truck
Common hand tools- screwdrivers, sockets, wrenches, BMFH, etc.
Fluid spill kit = kitty litter, trowel, trash bag
High quality, long jumper cables or a Jump Box
Spare tire – full size
Tire plug kit
Roll of quarters for gas station air pumps, car wash, etc.
Lug wrench with correct size socket
Special socket for locking lug nuts
Spare lug nuts (2-3)
Hi-Lift jack (lubricated and in good working order)
Inexpensive rain suit & rubber boots
Hand cleaner, paper towels, shop rags
Tablet and pen(s)/pencil
Flashlight and extra batteries
Cell phone and 12 volt travel charger
High quality CB, cable, and antenna
FRS radios and extra batteries – because they’re portable
High quality tow hooks or attachment points front and rear, bolted with Grade 8 bolts
2in X 30ft recovery strap with sewn eyes and two 3/4 inch D-shackles (3in X 30ft for 4 door models)
If you have a winch; bring the winch controller, leather palm gloves, a tree saver strap, and 3/4 inch D-shackles
Small folding shovel
Bow saw for cutting tree limbs
Offroad Jack Mounting Bracket; 07-17 Jeep Wrangler JK This offroad jack mounting bracket from Rugged Ride fits 07-17 Jeep Wrangler JK/JKU The only thing more important than having an off-road jack on your Jeep® is being able to access it when the need arises. That’s why we designed the Rugged Ridge® Off-Road Jack Hood Mounting Brackets to store your jack in a safe, secure place that is accessible to you, regardless of your vehicles positioning. We developed these jack mounts to be lightweight but sturdy by building them from high-strength 6061 T6 aluminum and finished them with a durable textured black powder coat to keep them looking great for years of intense trail duty. Your off-road jack is kept safely contained with large thumb screws (or optional locking thumbscrews) that can be easily removed and installed, even while wearing gloves. Unlike most hood-mounted jack brackets, Rugged Ridge Off-Road Jack Hood Mounting Brackets actually look great with a skeleton style design and laser-etched logo. Installation is a breeze with the included hardware and we’ve even included gaskets to protect your paints finish.
How to Avoid Getting Stuck When You Go Off-Road Keep in mind before you embark on your adventure - that it may be a good idea to travel with someone who is already familiar with the trails.
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THE 04/14/17 UPDATE
Whatever Alright so, I really don’t care enough to try and remind myself of what was going on during the last update so I’m just gonna get started on this one and hope for the best.
Alright so I kinda remember. Aranea just explained a ton of stuffs.
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And Vriska isn’t pleased by it.
VRISKA: W8. VRISKA: So... what are you saying exactly? ARANEA: I thought I was fairly clear, 8ut I understand if this inform8tion is too jarring for you to a8sor8. ARANEA: It means that if nothing is done, everything that we know will cease to 8e. VRISKA: ... Everything. Really. ARANEA: Yes, Vriska. Everything. Every ghost. Every horrorterror. Every dream 8u88le, session, and universe. ARANEA: It will all eventually fall into The Pocket and 8e lost. ARANEA: Of course, this ensures that there is no point in time or space to which Lord English can escape. ARANEA: 8ut then again, the same goes for us.
Oh. Well shit. Apparently I was right.
They better get the fuck to work.
VRISKA: ........ ARANEA: If it is any consol8tion, from the perspective of any universes currently nestled inside of Skaia, this is 8usiness as usual. All universe die, and from the moment of the Vast Croak, they contain every instance of that universe and all of their histories at once. The residents of any given iter8tion have no real way of perceiving anything that occurs in this 8roader scope. They are free to live their mortal lives as they would have otherwise. ARANEA: As they say, ignorance is 8liss--a 8lessing that those of us among the dead cannot afford. 8ut the consequences of what we manage to accomplish will reach 8eyond such individual concerns and matter a gr8 deal to the masses yet to even 8e 8orn.
So, as I said.
They better get the fuck to work.
How do you even stop a black hole though? I mean, there’s like real world theories and shit but fuck real world. I already have sort of a theory. If they use The Tumor. Or, a tumor. I forget if that was a beta kids exclusive though, so really who knows if that’s even possible. But supposedly, the tumor has the capability to destroy the sun, so maybe if they could get some other tumor it could destroy the hole.
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Why is everybody bein so J U Dgy. Fuck, just LOOK at Kankri back there. So hateful.
ARANEA: I did everything I could to prevent The Pocket from forming. ARANEA: In fact, I spent considera8le time and effort seeking out the Lost Cheru8 for myself. I planned to attempt reasoning with her, to convince her there must 8e some other way. 8ut she was far too elusive, and no doubt too dedic8ed to her cause to have listened if I HAD found her. ARANEA: So in the end, I failed, just as you did. I’m not too proud to admit that.
Well yeah, there was nothing you could ever do to prevent the worst thing possible from happening, that’s sort of a running theme in homestuck. You just kinda gotta. Find a loophole around the consequences.
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Pf i forgot about double eyepatch sollux
Also, Wow Feferi sure is sad
ARADIA: i dont know about calling it a failure ARADIA: its just like you said isnt it? ARADIA: this was always bound to happen ARADIA: as i see it this is simply the story reaching its natural conclusion ARADIA: honestly im kind of excited! ARADIA: i had a hunch that this is how everything would end ARADIA: though the added context definitely makes it a lot more interesting
Goddammit Aradia pls take this seriously
FEFERI: So T)(IS is w)(at the )(orrorterrors meant. 38( FEFERI: T)(ey )(ave been w)(ispering about T)(-E -END for quite a w)(ale now. FEFERI: I t)(oug)(t t)(ey must )(ave been talking about Lord -Englis)( ripping t)(em and t)(eir bubbles apart! FEFERI: But t)(is makes muc)( more sense. FEFERI: It’s so )(ard to )(ear t)(eir sad little glubs now! FEFERI: Soon I t)(ink t)(ey will go quiet for good. 38(((
Oh. Well. I guess that’s bad. Yeah, the horror terrors dying is definitely a bad thing. God every time I take a break from liveblogging I lose so much context.
ARADIA: really? then whatever they have to say right now must be important! FEFERI: RIG)(T?! FEFERI: I am trying to listen carefully, but I must be )(earing t)(em wrong! FEFERI: T)(ere was SOM-ET)(ING about... a door?
Well you have a house. Maybe a door’s gonna pop up soon.
SOLLUX: man i’m glad i’m n0t the 0ne hearing v0ices, for 0nce.
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I really just love the sassy stance Meenah’s got over there.
ARANEA: Are you sure that’s what they said? ARANEA: A door? FEFERI: Um well it sure did SOUND like t)(at, but t)(at doesn’t make any sense! Does it? ARANEA: What else did they have to say a8out this door? FEFERI: Glub! Not)(ing I can make out yet, sorry! FEFERI: Just... T)(-E DOOR.
Well. HUHM. I dunno, they’re building this up quite a bunch, so I doubt it’s just gonna pop up and they’re gonna walk through it.
OOH! MAybe they can like, seal the black hole in the house Or something
I don’t know
FEFERI: I can keep listening if it’s important. ARANEA: Yes, please do. It is vitally important. ARANEA: That door is likely our 8est 8et at circumventing our current plight! MEENAH: wait MEENAH: a door MEENAH: they couldnt b talkin about the door that showed up on the weaprawn i mean weapon
I mean that seemed obvious to me
MEENAH: right? ARANEA: Actually, I 8elieve that is exactly what they are talking a8out. MEENAH: how the fuck would a DOOR save our asses exactly ARANEA: It’s not a8out the door. It’s a8out what’s 8EHIND the door. ARANEA: If I am right a8out the nature of the juju, then that door could very well lead to another realm entirely, one completely 8eyond the reach of the ever-expanding Pocket. ARANEA: It is the key to everything--the only logical next step to t8ke! ARANEA: Everything is slotting into pl8ce!
Oh boy. Well this should be interesting. I don’t exactly know how that’s gonna stop the pocket but hey we’ll see.
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MEENAH: uh... MEENAH: youre losin me serks ARANEA: THINK, Meenah. The story isn’t over yet! ARANEA: The Lost Cheru8 has done her part. We have done ours in activ8ing the weapon. ARANEA: 8ut what of the warriors? The challengers Lord English trapped inside his juju? Where do they come in? MEENAH: uh?? ARANEA: They are through that door! Them and the higher plane they have 8een trapped within for eons! ARANEA: The warriors could 8e w8ing for us to find and free them so they might do their work in repairing the damage the Lost Cheru8 has done. ARANEA: After residing in what could well 8e a macrocosm of infin8 power, surely they have the means to accomplish anything! ARANEA: What could WE accomplish 8y going there ourselves? MEENAH: uhh??? ARANEA: If nothing else, the juju is the only way we can escape the destruction of reality itself! ARANEA: It is the only path to take that leads somewhere ELSE! MEENAH: arane--
It’s probably true. Probably. I dunno. I mean, I’m really curious to just see what’s behind this door already.
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oh fuck
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What did le do
MEENAH: what the anglin fuck?! ARANEA: It’s already 8egun. ARANEA: Lord English is as aware as I am of the juju’s potential. 8ut it seems his 8est course of action is to aimlessly attack it. Perhaps a 8yproduct of how unsta8le he has 8ecome.
Daddy Caliborn just needs to take a moment to chill. Enjoy a lil ice cream break maybe.
ARANEA: Instead of fleeing The Pocket, he will stu88ornly try to evade his f8 even while facing certain destruction. And 8arring that, he will do whatever it takes to take doom us all with him. ARANEA: He will not rest until the juju is destroyed. May8e he could even 8e attempting to enter it himself! Either way, we CANNOT allow him to take away our last hope!
So what’s the game plan? How do they plan on getting through there with Lord English goin all fuckin berzerk on this poor house.
 MEENAH: ... MEENAH: yeah MEENAH: sure
Have some faith, Meenah.
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O h thats a face.
ARANEA: “Sure”? ARANEA: You sound anything 8ut. ARANEA: Don’t you agree with me?
Call me crazy but I don’t think she does.
MEENAH: i mean yeah i guess MEENAH: all this stuff youve been spouting sounds legit MEENAH: maybe ARANEA: May8e. ARANEA: So, you don’t trust me. Is that it? MEENAH: i dunno! MEENAH: i wanna believe you MEENAH: but somefin just smells fishy MEENAH: mostly cause youre gettin kinda MEENAH: weird
To be fair, she’s always acting weird. I think the most worrying part about her behavior is how excited she is to pull this plan off. I don’t really think she’s gonna try to pull off another suicide plan. Worst case scenario, she tries to steal the glory from Vriska.
ARANEA: Weird? ARANEA: Reality is on the verge of collapse, 8ut I’M 8eing WEIRD? ARANEA: Don’t you realize what’s at st8ke?! MEENAH: Y-EA)( i do MEENAH: im just thinkin maybe we otter clear our heads before we bellyflop into anyfin ok geez MEENAH: wait for angelfish over there to synergize with the horrorglubbers or whatever ARANEA: Do you think we have time for that? At any moment, we could 8e erased forever! ARANEA: Don’t you CARE a8out DYING, Meenah?! MEENAH: i...
Nope. She doesn’t. She’s made this clear in the past (Look who’s been doing their Homestuck rereading. It’s me.)
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ARANEA: You used to be so dedic8d to staying alive that you were willing to 8low us all up as a last resort! ARANEA: I know that we are all technically living on 8orrowed time. I am AWARE that every moment we’ve spent with our consciousnesses intact was a gift none of us really deserved. ARANEA: 8ut I’m not DONE YET!! ARANEA: I want to continue to exist! Don’t you?! ARANEA: I’ve 8een here for so long, trying to make the 8est of our situation, reaching new heights in skill and understanding, and yet I still...! MEENAH: 38(
Sorry Aranea, but I’m pretty sure Meenah has stopped giving a shit a while ago. Spending a zillion years alive/dead in the dream bubbles would do that to you.
ARANEA: Don’t you want to MATTER, Meenah? Don’t you want all of this to have meant something?! ARANEA: The fact that we were here, that we existed! If everything that ever was and ever will 8e is just going to disappear, then none of it will have ever meant ANYTHING! ARANEA: So please, just trust me! ARANEA: What scheme could I possi8ly have up my sleeve that would 8e worse than the alternative? What more could any of us have to lose?! ARANEA: All you have to do is listen
Yeah- Aranea you’re desperate ramblings aren’t helping to make you seem more trustworthy. You kinda need to CHILL a bit.
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Oh my god. Sad mopey Meenah might be one of the best things I’ve ever seen? I wanna feel bAD because I SHOULD feel bad but it’s just too fuNny to look at for some reason.
MEENAH: ... fine MEENAH: whats ur big plan
And she gives in. All sad about it too. Good job Aranea, you made someone who don’t give a shit about nothing sad. S m h.
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Goddammit Aranea she finally gives you the chance to explain your plan and you instantly go back to appearing more dramatic than you’ve earned the right to be.
ARANEA: We need to find a way past Lord English. While it might 8e within our a8ilities to defeat him as he is now, it feels to me like too much of a gam8le when so much rides on our success. We can simply lure him away with a proper distraction and deal with him l8er.
Well he’s not known for his brains so that should be easier than it sounds.
ARANEA: Really, the most sensi8le course of action is for me to call 8ack the remainder of the army. ARANEA: Perhaps it would even 8e 8est if I took control of the entire oper8tion? Surely you agree we don’t have time for any more petty squa88les. So long as I have control of the majority of our attack force, it would simply 8e more efficient for me to 8e calling the shots. Time is of the essence, after all.
Fuck yoooouuuu.  But Yeah.  It probably would be smart if You did that. Ahem.
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