#but only when no one else can see. such behavior is childish after all
firestorm09890 · 1 year
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The still image of Zexion with his head resting on the arm of his chair after losing in multiplayer 358/2 Days was already very funny but it's even funnier knowing that the full animation has him slam his fist down in frustration and only after making sure no one else is watching
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darkbluekies · 5 months
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Yandere!mafia x yandere!female!mafia x female!yandere x yandere!king x yandere!doctor x male!detective!reader
Summary: Its 1935 and you've been sent on the Liner Normandie to retrieve a stolen painting. You have six suspects and the clock is ticking — you only have four days before the ship reaches New York to find it. But soon, you find yourself caught up in something even more serious than you could have believed.
Warnings: getting hit in the head with a bottle, kidnapping, mentions of drugging, stalker behavior, light misogyny(?), guns, needles, violence
Word count: 11.7k
DAY 1 — Debark
The ship towers over you like a mad giant. Gray smoke rises from the two forward funnels. It’s the biggest in the world, bigger than any man made object that can float. You shake your head. Focus. You’re not here for pleasure. You continue your way over to the terminal. The agency sent you in hopes of finding the lost painting, no one else. You need to stay focused, they’re counting on you.
Without questioning, you give the fake ID to the man behind the desk. When you had started out as an agent, you were always nervous that your covers would be blown and you would be found out. Nowadays, you’ve noticed that if you look nervous, risk are that you’ll be asked questions. 
You walk over the gangway with your bag in hand. You have just above four days to find the painting — a very famous portrait of a woman with her head slightly turned to the viewer, wearing a big, blank pearl earring. It was stolen from the Mauritshuis in the Netherlands two weeks ago, and details have revealed that it has been taken to France, and will be moved to America on the SS Normandie. The painting itself isn’t insanely big, but the fuss about it’s disappearance is. You have to find it at all cost. 
Before you got here, you had time to take a look at the passenger list. There are six people you recognise, where of five could be your potential smugglers. 
Silas Achilleos, a mob boss wanted by the police, and his second in command. A man like him was probably not interested in paintings, but he could have clients who did. And those could pay him heaps of money. 
Edmund of Vesanus, a young king who likes the bachelor life. He surrounds himself with loads of women and alcohol, partying like nothing matters. He would take the painting because he doesn’t want anyone else to have it. He’s traveling with his doctor, a certain Karl Kry who you don’t know much about. 
Hedwig Carter, a young heiress who’s father is noble, and who's mother is famous in the acting business is traveling with a young woman named Jerry Kim, someone you guess is Hedwig’s chaperone. Hedwig is known for getting whatever she wants with a snap of her fingers, and if she wants a painting … she will get it. Jerry, however, does not have much information out in the open. Everything about her before she started to work for Hedwig is wiped away. You want to know who she is and where she comes from, and what she would want a painting for.
You walk down the stairs to your cabin on A-deck and start to pack up, using the second bed in the room to store your bag. After settling in, you decide to take a look around this magnificent vessel to get familiar with it. You make your way up to the promenade deck and give the open cinema by the stairs a quick look. You guess that they’re going to put on movies once the ship reaches open water. If you’re lucky you’ll see something interesting. And hopefully, you have the time to watch it. 
The promenade is enclosed decorated with a gray floor, comfortable deck chairs and clear windows. A line in the tricolor fashion runs along the floor, as if to show where to walk. You walk on the line, flashing a little childish smile. You’ve left Le Havre and are on your way out towards the Atlantic’s open arms. The clock is ticking. 
Your eyes lock onto someone walking towards you and you immediately realize that it is Hedwig and her chaperone, an east asian girl … wearing pants and a long sleeved shirt. You don’t realize how obvious it is that you’re staring until the woman opens her mouth and you realize that they’ve stopped right in front of you. 
“What are you staring at, sir?” she asks, raising her eyebrows and putting her hands in her pockets. “If you want to say something, do it.”
“No—no, sorry”, you say quickly, feeling your cheeks heat up. “I didn’t mean to stare.”
“Tell me, do you approve of women who wear pants?” 
It sure looks weird, but is it? When you think about it, aren't pants just pieces of the same fabric as skirts, just sewn differently?
“Uh, I … suppose so.”
To that, Jerry nods approvingly.
“I don’t see why only men should wear pants”, she says.
“Well, I don't feel comfortable wearing them”, Hedwig chuckles nervously and smiles softly. “But they fit you, Jerry. They really do.”
“You must be miss Carter”, you say, as if you don't know, and shake her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, please call me Hedwig! Who are you?” 
“I’m Axel Ainsworth, I'm in the art industry.”
Hedwig’s smile widens. “That is very interesting, I love art. Especially portraits. Capturing humanity’s differences and details are magical. Don’t you think so, Jerry?”
“I’m more for that new thing — surrealism, I think it’s called — where everything is here and there and weird to believe”, Jerry says, shrugging. “But portraits can be okay too, depending on what type.” 
Hedwig has turned her eyes to you, glued them onto you as if you are the only thing she could ever see. “Are you traveling alone, mister Ainsworth?” she asks. 
You have remembered your entire forged background and learned it skillfully. Even your fake name rolls off the tongue as smoothly as if it was your real name. You're traveling alone because you're on your way home to your fiancé from a business trip. 
“I see”, Hedwig smiles and turns to the woman next to her. “Let me introduce you to my chaperone, miss Jerry Kim. You're always welcome to sit with us during dinner. We'd be more than happy to accompany you.”
“I'm grateful to know that, miss.”
With that said, the two women walk away. You frown and sigh. Hedwig seems like a very sweet young woman, it’d be a shame if it was her who was the culprit. Her chaperone, on the other hand, gives you weird vibes. Something about the look in her eyes … as if she’s looking right through you, scanning you. 
You continue down the promenade until you turn into the Winter Garden, a half moon-shaped room full of plants and lamps and big, wide windows, overlooking the special shaped bow that has given Normandie the speed it has. Passengers have already started gathering in the Winter Garden to talk to friends and family and watch how Normandie makes her way out onto the Atlantic. None of them resembles the men you’re looking for. You continue your way through the ship, eventually finding yourself in the smoking room on the embarkment deck, where you had stepped onto the ship. You had only glanced at the room before, but now when you’re standing in the smoking room — and very well the lounge since they’re connected — you realize how stupid you must have been to miss it. There must be ten meters up to the ceiling, you think, and bigger than a concert hall. A long, grey staircase leads up to the outside deck. The art deco interior is modern and sleek, but the whip overall has a classic, conservative design that reminds you of the great liners of the old age. You sigh while thinking of the Mauretania and the Olympic, Britain's biggest rivals which now are laid up in Jarrowtown, side by side, ready to be scrapped. There’s something melancholy about it all, and at the same time something beautiful, starting as enemies and now ending it all under the same flag, together. 
You shake your head. Focus. Your eyes catch someone standing by the windows, someone very familiar. Silas and his right hand man. You move closer, trying to hear what they’re talking about.
“I’m not complaining, I just think that it is annoying that it has to take four days to get to America”, Silas mutters and takes a whiff off his cigar. 
“Any other ship would take double the time, sir”, his second in command says apologetically. “I doublechecked.”
“I don’t like being in one place for too long.”
“See it as a vacation. You’re deserving of it. Let’s enjoy some good food, alcohol and some company. It’ll do you good.”
“I don’t like to be in one place too long. Especially when we know that they're on board!”
You furrow your brows. Who?
“Nothing will happen.”
Silas hums and smokes again. You’ve stood by the windows a few meters away, pretending to be interested in the horizon. Silas turns his eyes to you. 
“You, sir”, he says, pointing at you with his cigar. 
You look away from the ocean. Both Silas and his second in command have turned to you, their dark eyes looking right at you. 
“Yes?” you ask. 
“Is it true that the Normandie keeps her speed?” Silas asks. “No matter the weather?”
“I believe so, sir.”
Silas nods in satisfaction. “Good.”
You decide to try to get some information out of him. You know who he is, but he doesn’t know who you are, doesn’t know that you’re out to get him. To him, you’re just another first class passenger. 
“Are you in a hurry?” you wonder. 
“You could say that”, Silas sighs and turns his eyes out the window again. 
You hold out your hand. “I’m Axel Ainsworth.”
Silas second in command gives him a short look before his boss shakes your hand. His grip is hard, firm. 
“You can call me Silas”, he says. “No need for a surname.” He takes another blow on the cigar. “What brings you out on the ocean like this?”
“I’ve been on a business trip, but now I’m going home to my fiancé”, you say, pretending to smile at the thought of your made up fiancé.
“What business are you in?”
Silas lifts one of black his eyebrows. “Art?”
His second in command straightens his back. 
“Yes, sir”, you say. 
“Are you a … painter?” Silas wonders. 
“God no, I can’t handle a brush even if my life depended on it. I’m an art trader, I help people sell their paintings for the right price.”
“I see. Well, one can’t do everything.” He blows a cloud of smoke. “Have you traveled on this ship before, Axel?”
“No, it’s my first time. But I’m not unfamiliar with the ocean, I used to travel a lot on the older ships in my younger days.”
“Then I suppose you have a favorite?”
You think for a second. “I did like that Cunarder, the Lusitania … such a shame Germany sunk it.”
“You never know which ships are safe or not, just look at that Titanic fiasco. They thought it was the safest ship afloat. Yeah, sure it was.” Silas shrugs. “Wouldn’t surprise if this peace of junk also sinks. Why wouldn’t it?”
“Well …”
Silas’s second in command taps him on the shoulder and whispers something in his ear. Silas frowns and nods before turning to you. 
“It was nice speaking with you, but I have some business to deal with”, he says shortly. 
“Have a good day”, you say. 
Silas nods politely and leaves. You follow him and his second in command with your eyes until they’ve left the smoking room. He was nicer than you had anticipated. 
Your next suspect, you find in the dining hall that evening. You’ve met up with Hedwig and Jerry in the reception. Hedwig is wearing a pink evening gown with pink gloves. Her honey blonde hair is curled and put up with hairpins. Jerry is wearing a dark purple, sleeveless dress, showing a couple tattoos. In her short, black hair, there’s a little decoration that reminds you of a flower. She's wearing dark lipstick, in contrast to Hedwig who wears a Hollywood red.
“They wouldn’t let me in unless I dressed ladylike”, she mutters. 
“I think that you look gorgeous, Jerry”, Hedwig smiles and takes her hand. 
“I guess that it isn’t that bad.”
“I like your tattoos”, you say. “Where did you get them from?”
“A tattoo artist, of course.” She then twists her arm to show something on the inner side of her bicep. “Okay, I made this one myself.”
You step closer, seeing a small heart tattooed on her arm. 
“That’s cute”, you smile. 
“Thank you”, Jerry smiles smugly. “Hurts like hell though.”
“I can imagine.”
The stewards allow you into the dining room and — for what feels like the thousand time today — you’re amazed by the interior. Silver walls with golden ceiling and art decor wherever you could see. In the middle of the long dining hall, there’s a gigantic, golden statue of a woman. 
Hedwig and Jerry leads you to a table and sit down. That’s when you see your last suspects. They’re walking through the dining hall, dressed in tuxedos. The king can’t be more than twenty years old. His doctor is a minimum of fifteen years older. 
“You son of a bitch”, he says suddenly and looks at the table you’re sitting at. “Hedwig?”
Hedwig’s eyes widen in shock.
“Edmund, what are you doing here?” she asks with a smile. “Sit with us, please.”
The king and his doctor sit down at your table. 
“Good evening”, the blonde doctor says and shakes yours and Jerry's hand before introducing himself. “I’m Doctor Kry.”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Axel Ainsworth”, you say. 
“This is king Edmund.”
You’re about to shake his hand, but Doctor Kry removes your hand. 
“I’m sorry, but he doesn’t shake people’s hands”, he whispers. 
“Oh, I see”, you say. 
The king gives you a bored look. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, your majesty”, you tell him politely. 
“How do you know Hedwig?” he asks shortly. “I haven’t seen you before.”
“We met today”, Hedwig smiles. “Axel, Edmund is my relative. It’s been months since we last saw each other.”
“I’ve told you to visit.”
“I know.”
“Are you that much of a hypochondriac that you need a doctor to accompany you while you’re traveling?” Jerry chuckles. 
“What are you doing here, Jerry?” Edmund mutters coldly. 
“She’s my chaperone”, Hedwig explains.
“Oh fuck me.”
“Your majesty, maybe you should think about your language”, Doctor Kry says. “We are around others.”
Edmund rolls his eyes before looking at you in a bored manner. 
“Tell me”, he says, “where do you come from, mister Ainsworth?”
You ramble your rehearsed background. Edmund nods along with you.
“I’ve always wanted to visit that place”, Doctor Kry says. “I’ve heard that it is a beautiful city.”
“It is”, you say. 
“And now you’re going to America”, Edmund says. “What were you doing in France?”
“I was on a business trip.”
“What type?”
It strikes you as odd. He doesn’t sound interested, but still he asks you curious questions. 
“I’m in the art business”, you say.
“What for?” Edmund wonders.
“Art is beautiful and should be getting what it is worth.”
“I like art”, Doctor Kry. “I would do anything to see the Mona Lisa.”
“Why didn’t you visit it when you were in France?” Hedwig wonders. 
“We didn’t have time … Edmund didn’t want to go there.”
“Why should I squash together with other people to see paintings?” Edmund scoffs. “If I want to see a painting, I get it for myself. That’s that.”
“But do you like art, your majesty?” you ask. 
“Everyone likes art”, Edmund replies nonchalantly. “That’s what gives life meaning.”
“Have you read a certain story, Edmund, called ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’?” Jerry asks with a teasing smile. “Thought that it’d fit you.”
The story is about a man who wants nothing more than to remain youthful … to the point where he has a painting of himself where all of his sins can be seen. In the end, the picture is as gruesome as can be, but Dorian himself is as youthful as he started.
“Oh, shut up, Jerry”, Edmund mutters angrily. “One day, I’ll teach you manners, believe me.”
Jerry smirks. 
You eat dinner together with the young king and the doctor. Afterward, to soothe your aching stomach, the five of you walk up to the outside promenade deck to get some fresh air. You strut under the lifeboats, under the stars. Above you, a big luminous sign spells out the name 'NORMANDIE’, casting a soft light on you. Doctor Kry has lent his blazer to Hedwig, and you’ve tried to offer yours to Jerry who refused before you had the time to open your mouth.
“Ladies, I think it’s time for you to retreat”, Edmund says, sounding sweeter than before. “It’s starting to get late.”
“The evening is young”, Jerry insists. 
“I’m tired”, Hedwig yawns.  
“Jerry, be a good girl and bring Hedwig to your cabin”, Edmund grits. “Please. I’m not fighting with you again.”
Jerry rolls her eyes, removes the doctor’s blazer and tells you goodnight. Hedwig gives you and Edmund a hug. Her flowery perfume clogs up your nose, dulls your head for a moment. The three of you wish the girls a pleasant evening and continue walking. 
“Hedwig is a stupid girl”, Edmund says, strolling slowly. “One can’t help but want to take care of her.”
“She seems very sweet”, you admit. 
“She is. Just very naive. I’ve promised her father that I’m going to take care of her whenever I meet her.”
“Her chaperone is … interesting”, Doctor Kry remarks. 
“God, yes, I hate her!”
“What is it about her that you don’t like?” you ask curiously. 
“I do not like girls like her. Did you see her tattoos? She often walks around in man’s clothing and I don’t think it’s fitting for a woman — especially someone that is close to my relative. I don’t want her influencing Hedwig.”
“I don’t think you have to worry, your majesty”, Doctor Kry says calmly. “I think Hedwig is going to be okay.”
“If there’s one thing I’m glad for, it is that Hedwig is predictable.” He groans. “I need a cigar. Let’s go to the smoking room.” Edmund turns around to give you a look. “Axel, are you joining?” 
“I don’t know”, you reply. “It’s the first day, I’m still tired from embarking.”
“Don’t tell me that you’re going to bed now.” He looks at his expensive watch. “The clock is ten. Stay one hour.”
You give up and follow them to the smoking room. Maybe it is for the best. If you want to get close to them, you’ll need to spend as much time observing them as you can. 
Sitting with them in the smoking room, you find that Silas and his second in command aren't here among the other men. You frown, thinking that they would be here since they were earlier. 
When you’re allowed to leave, two hours later, your mind is fogged up by smoke and whiskey. You make your way through the empty corridors to your cabin, closing and locking it behind you. Tiredly, you sink down on your bed and sigh out. You have observed them, and talked with them the entire day, and yet you haven’t figured out who could be hiding the painting. They all seem interested in art. They all could have taken it. 
There's so many questions. What kind of doctor is Kry? Where did Jerry come from and why is there no information about her? Why would someone like Hedwig hire her as her chaperone? And who is that person that Silas doesn't want on board? Is there someone you haven't accounted for, someone else that can have stolen the painting?
You hide your face in your hands and groan. Three days left.
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DAY 2 — Sea
You wake up early, get ready and head out into the corridor. You lock the cabin door behind you, feeling the handle to make sure that it is locked and make your way to the Winter Garden to have a cup of coffee. The large windows give you a wide view of the calm ocean. The sun rises up from the blue water in a magical sense that has you hypnotized. It's all so very quiet and relaxing.
After your cup of coffee, you stretch your muscles, and contemplate going down to the swimming pool to take a few laps, to warm up your muscles and clear your head for the day's work. You pay the purser and make your way down to the swimming pool on D deck. The tile walls are covered with art that reminds you of ancient Greece and the new, abstract type of paint. The pool itself was formed as a long rectangle with curved corners, green steel ladders, and a steep and a shallow part. Throughout the shallow part, there were thick, dull spikes, likely to stop children from going out into the deep end. 
Despite being the early hours of the first morning on board, someone is already in the water. Doctor Kry.
“Good morning”, he says. “You’re up early.”
“So are you”, you reply.
“I always need to clear my head before starting the day.”
“What about the king? Is he swimming too?”
“Don't kid around. He doesn’t wake up until nine. I wouldn’t be able to get him out of bed before that anyways. He’s a very deep sleeper and hates getting woken up.”
You feel your heart skip a beat. 
“Where do you have your cabin?” you ask. 
“On the promenade deck, one of the suites. A-54.”
“Why do you ask?” Doctor Kry wonders.
“I was just thinking that since the king doesn't want to be disturbed, choosing the right cabin place is important.”
“Did we choose a good cabin then?”
You nod, despite not knowing a single thing about cabin placements. The only thing you're aware of is to be as far away from the noisy engine room as possible.
Perhaps if you asked the purser, you could get the number of the other cabins. He, if anyone, should have the passenger list. 
You glance back at Doctor Kry who's still hanging by the side of the pool. This is your time to investigate him. You slowly get into the water.
“Such a shame that you didn't get to visit the Mona Lisa”, you say as you start to swim. “It's a very pretty painting.”
“So I've heard”, Doctor Kry says slowly.
“My favorite painting is ‘the girl with the pearl earrings’, have you had the opportunity to see it?”
He's quiet for a second.
“I haven't”, he says, sounding low. “I guess that, an art trader like you, must be troubled by its disappearance.”
“Of course”, you answer.  
At this point, a detective and an art trader don't seem like different things, especially since both would be looking for the same thing.
“Can I ask you something?” you wonder.
“It depends”, Doctor Kry says. “Go ahead.”
“Forgive me for being nosy, but why doesn't his majesty like Jerry?”
“He is very old fashioned. He doesn't think that women should be dressed in pants or have tattoos. Edmund is very self centered, yes, but he's also very possessive of the ones he holds dear — example being miss Hedwig. As you may know, his parents were murdered by enemies to the monarchy and ever since, the only relatives that have been in his life have been Hedwig and her family. They're very close in age too — Hedwig being eighteen and Edmund nineteen — which has been a very important thing for him. He sees her as a friend, maybe his only friend. So having someone that could potentially blemish his friend and only family is a threat to Edmund.”
“Then why does Hedwig have Jerry?”
“I don't know. It could be because of a teenage revolt. Jerry is different to everything that Hedwig has ever known … and now that she's eighteen she might want to try something new.”
“Do you think that Edmund is worried about her? Because of Jerry?”
“I wouldn't say worried, because the only thing the king worries about is himself, but I think that there's something along those lines. I think that he sees Hedwig as an extended part of himself rather than her own person.”
You nod carefully.
“I wonder where Hedwig found Jerry”  you say. “How someone like her could get the job as Hedwig’s chaperone. Do you know where she comes from?”
Doctors Kry suddenly laughs.
“You ask an awful amount of questions this early in the morning”, he says and gets out of the water. “I'm sorry, I don't have more answers for you, Axel.”
You look up at him, where he stands on the tile floor. He looks down at you with a small smirk.
“You remind me of a little boy”, he says and lowers his eyes onto your physic. “You're awfully trained to be an art trader. One could think that you were an Olympian.”
“Shouldn't a doctor be pleased that I am taking care of myself?”
“I am. You look good, healthy.  Just found it humorous.” He wipes away a few drops of water trying to go into his blue eyes. “I suppose that I will see you later. Goodbye, Axel.”
You decide to do a few more laps around the swimming pool before getting up and drying yourself. Tomorrow morning, you will sneak into Edmund’s and Doctor Kry’s cabin to see if the painting is in there. But for now, you need to go to the purser. 
You change into your suit. In the front pocket, you keep a little commonplace book to take notes. You  make your way back to the pursers office. The man behind the desk gives you a service smile and asks how he can help you. 
“Do you happen to have the passenger list?” you ask. “I would like to know where some people’s cabins are located.”
“What is your name?” the purser wonders. 
“Axel Ainsworth.”
“Who are you wanting to find?”
“Hedwig Carter and Silas Achilleos.”
The purser disappears into his office. You wait impatiently, suddenly feeling watched. Carefully, you glance over your shoulder, but the only ones in eyesight are two men who are conversing. The purser returns. You fish out your notebook, ready to note it down. 
“Miss Carter has cabin B-23 and Mister Achilleos has cabin A-11.”
You write it down. “Thank you.”
With that said, you leave to go to the staircase. You’re not sure where to go, so you decide to take a stroll down the enclosed promenade while thinking. Doctor Kry knows more, you think, but he doesn’t want to tell. 
You sit down on one of the deck chairs to write down what you have gotten to know, so that you won’t forget any important information. You write down the suspects' motives to steal the painting, Silas’s weird enemy, their relation to each other — which only connects Edmund, Kry, Jerry and Hedwig — as well as the answers that you have gotten from Doctor Kry earlier today. Who has the painting? Your first instinct says that Doctor Kry doesn’t have it, because he’s not interested in that painting. Had it been the Mona Lisa, things would have been different, but this painting doesn’t interest him. That doesn’t mean that the painting couldn’t be in his room, though, because Edmund could still want to have it. 
You stand up after a while and continue walking. Your eyes fixate on something in the distance. A woman dressed in pants talking to a man in a suit that seems to be hiding in the corner of the promenade. You frown. 
What does Jerry have to do with Silas's second in command? 
You want to move closer, but you don’t want to expose yourself. You’ll have to change the relations in your notes, because there’s clearly something more than you’ve been led to know. 
What if Jerry’s lack of background has something to do with the mafia? It would explain her tattoos … that or being a sailor. But because of what you've just witnessed you can most likely scratch the latter. A shiver runs down your spine. If Jerry is dangerous, then Hedwig could be too. You stop in your tracks. Hedwig? Really? Edmund said it himself, she's a stupid, naive girl. Could she be dangerous?
You walk up to the open deck in the stern of the first class accommodations where you find a few kids playing something reminding you of curling. You sit down on the zig-zag benches placed out on the deck and watch them. They notice you looking and ask you to join them, so you do. You decide that maybe you can pleasure yourself in a harmless children's game for a few minutes, and continue the mission after.
When lunchtime rolls around, you make your way down to the dining hall. It's emptier than yesterday evening. You find Silas and his second in command sit by a table. Silas notices you and waves you over. Your feet bring you to him.
“Sorry to cut our talk short yesterday, Axel”, he says politely and gesticulates at the chair in front of him. “Sit down. Let me buy you lunch.”
And so, he does. You sit down and try your best not to glance at the second in command who’s black eyes burn through you. Your stomach twists. 
You both get lamb, something you have eaten many times before. Still, it tastes better at sea.
“What did you say that you were here for again?” Silas asks suddenly as he’s cutting his meat.
His voice sounds different from yesterday. You clear your throat to make sure that your voice won’t shiver.
“I’ve been on a business trip”, you say. “And now I’m going home.”
“Yes, yes, I know that. What I mean is that you didn’t tell me why you were in France. What kind of business trip was it? What did you do? I know that you were there for art, but what do one do on an art business trip? You have to forgive me for being curious.”
“I was meeting some people from the Louvre.”
“I see. About what?”
“Art’s future, how to make sure they don’t break or smudge or get tainted by the sun. And how to protect them. You must have heard about ‘the girl with the pearl earrings’ missing?”
“Yes, of course. Isn’t it weird that someone would steal that painting? Why not a Monet painting? Or the Mona lisa?”
“I don’t know. Maybe taking one of them would be too big of a deal. Maybe the one taking the painting thought that since it isn’t one of the most cherished, they’d have an easier time taking it … that the commotion about it would die out sooner or later.”
You’ve noticed that you haven’t heard the second in command’s voice at all, beside the talk he had with Silas yesterday. He doesn’t speak to anyone else than Silas … and Jerry. You still don’t dare look at him, scared that he will see right through you and know that you’ve seen him talk to her. You wonder what they were talking about.
“Did you have a good time yesterday?” Silas asks.
“Yes, I did”, you reply.
“Did you meet someone?”
“No, I didn’t. I chit-chatted with some people here and there, but kept mostly to myself.”
“You do good in that. You never know who you can trust on a big ship as this. You never know who wants you good or not.”
“Why are you traveling, Silas?” you ask innocently. “You said that you were impatient to get to America. Is there a reason?”
“Of course. Everything has a reason. But I don’t think I can share that with you. At least I shouldn’t.”
“Why not?”
Silas turns his black eyes to you and smiles slightly. His hungry gaze makes you freeze. He had seemed so sweet yesterday, but you finally see a slice of what makes him so terrifying. 
“Because someone like you shouldn’t know that”, he smiles. 
“I understand”, you say and take a piece of food into your mouth, to avoid speaking further.
“You have to excuse my man here”, Silas says and nods at his second in command. “He’s the shy type. He goes wherever I go, so you have to get used to him.”
“Is he your bodyguard?” you wonder. 
“You could say that. But I’m always prepared in case someone wants to attack me.”
He opens his blazer, showing you a revolver tucked into the fabric. You have your own in your suitcase. Walking around with it feels too risky, but maybe you’ll have to go get it. In case anything happens.
After lunch, you’re left with a weird feeling in your stomach. You have talked with him for an hour, about everything between heaven and earth … and yet it feels like you have been having two conversations in one — one on the surface and one real. 
You walk to your cabin and press down the door handle and walk into the room. The first thing that strikes you as odd is that there’s a new smell in the air. A flowery scent. You can swear that you have felt it before. Without a second to waste, you open your bag and pick up your gun, putting it in your suit. Quickly, you turn around, realizing something. Didn’t you lock the door when you went out this morning?
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That evening, you spend dinner with the two girls and stay in the smoking room with Edmund for what feels like an eternity. Edmund wants to play a deck of cards with you. He seems a bit more relaxed than yesterday and even smiles a bit. 
After your games against Edmund, you decide to retreat. You walk down the long, dimly lit corridor. The narrow spaces feel almost ominous at night time, although barely any daylight reaches here at daytime either. You glance over your shoulder every tenth step, hesitating, can't help but feel watched. Your hand reaches for your gun, but before you have time to get it, someone reaches up behind you and smashes something heavy in your head. Everything turns black.
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“He's waking up.”
Your eyes feel like lead, and your head is even heavier. It takes a few tries to open your eyes and when you finally manage to, you want nothing more than to close them again. For a few seconds, you wonder if you're dreaming. They're all here, looking down at you. You look around and notice that they've tied your hands and feet, and left you on the floor at the end of the bed, with your back against the footrest.
You catch a glimpse of the clock on the wall. Just a bit past one in the morning. The third day has begun. You have been blacked out for three hours.
Your head is pounding, making it hard to think clearly.
Jerry bends down, grabs your chin and turns your head back and forth to inspect the damage caused on your head.
“He'll live”, she says and gives your cheek a quick, but harsh, tap.
“Well, well, Y/N”, Silas says, smirking. “You're a bit nosy aren't you?”
The mention of your name causes you to twitch and widen your eyes. In your dulled stage, you wonder if you've heard wrong, but the smirk in their faces confirm that you have, indeed, not lost your hearing.
“So, you were the agent”, Silas continues and shrugs. “I gotta admit, I was hoping that it wasn't you.”
“You were smart-”, Doctor Kry starts. 
“But not smart enough”, Edmund cuts him off sharply with his arms crossed over his chest. “‘Art dealer’, yeah, sure. A detective dealing with art. That's not the same, Y/N, if you didn't know that.”
Silas picks up something from his pocket, a small commonplace book. 
“‘Suspects are all interested in art, could be any of them’”, he reads out loud. “‘J involved with S? Talked with SIC.’ Jerry? Involved with me? Talked with my second in command? You seem to have it all written down.”
“I was involved with Silas”, Jerry says. “I know his second in command very well.”
“How—How did you … know?” you ask, baffled. “Were you all in on it?”
“Not from the start, no”, Doctor Kry says. “I only knew Edmund and had met Hedwig before. I didn’t even know Jerry, Silas or his second in command.”
You quickly realize that Jerry is the linking chain between them. She linked Hedwig, Edmund and Kry to Silas and his second in command. 
“I had already been informed and knew that there would be someone on this ship out to get me”, Silas says. “I heard that Jerry was on board and caught up with her. She told me that she and Hedwig had met you. It was her that thought it was weird that you asked all of us about art. My men dug, and found out your real identity. My men saw you speaking with the purser, hearing you ask for our cabins and decided to tell it all to me and my second in command, who told Jerry … who told the others.”
“You have more men?” you ask and can’t hide how shocked you get.
“Of course. You don’t think I would go on board with only one man? Do you think I'm stupid, darling? You, on the other hand, probably should have had someone, at least.” 
“Awfully inconsiderate of your bosses, don't you think, to send you all alone?” Jerry says.
“You were looking for this, weren’t you?” Edmund asks and pulls out something from a wooden box behind him. 
You stare at it with wide eyes. The painting.
“Who—Who had it?” you can’t help but question, gulping between the first word. 
“Me, of course”, Edmund says with an offended, yet proud scoff. “It will do nicely in my castle.”
“Now, little Y/N, you know”, Silas says. “Are you happy now? Your mystery is solved.”
Your head hurts too much to answer. You’re not sure if you’re happy. You have learned where the painting disappeared, but you’re tied and hurt, and in the enemies’ grasp. A mixed bag, so to say. 
“I can’t watch the blood”, Hedwig suddenly says and stands up from the armchair she's sitting on. 
She has been the only one that hasn’t smirked at you and seems genuinely apologetic that you're here, but you don't trust that damsel in distress look anymore. She pushes through the others to reach you with a wet handkerchief in her hands. Carefully, she kneels down in front of you and wipes the wet cloth against your forehead. She wipes away the dried blood gently.
“What are you going to do now?” you spit, coming your head to the side. “Throw me overboard?”
“Not exactly”, Silas says, smiling menacingly. 
“Not yet, at least”, Jerry says, grinning.
“If I don't meet my contact in New York, people will know that something has happened to me”, you say coldly. “They'll hunt you down.”
“Oh, will they now? I didn't realize that we had stolen their golden boy.” Silas's cruel smile widens. “Well, Golden Boy, plans seem to have changed.”
You glare at him in confusion. Silas pets your head twice and you hiss at the painful touch. Whatever they hit you with, it must have caused a gigantic bruise.
“Seems like we have to keep you for a while”, he says. “But you will have to stay in here, I’m afraid. You probably understand that we cannot let someone like you wander around the ship.”
You glare at him.
“Do you really think ropes will stop me?” you ask. “I'll be out of here in no time.”
“I would very much like for you to see what we do to you if you decide to break free.” He gives you a testing look before turning to his new companions. “Oh, and one more thing …” He picks up a familiar revolver, spinning it around his hand. “... thank you for the free gun.”
You want to curse at him, but keep quiet for your own sake.
“It's late, the ladies should head to bed”, he says, gesturing for Hedwig and Jerry to leave. “We need to keep someone here to make sure that our little Golden Boy won't free himself and run around, causing trouble.”
“I can take the first shift”, Doctor Kry says and golds up a syringe filled with a translucent liquid.
“Do not harm him, you hear me?” Silas tells him warningly. “I want him alive, coherent and unharmed.”
“Where am I supposed to sleep?” Edmund questions angrily. “In this cabin? Now that I'll have people staring at me?”
“You and Doctor Kry will take Y/N’s cabin”, Silas says.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Stop being so spoiled, your majesty.”
“Won't that be suspicious?” Silas’s second in command questions. “If they see the young king exit and enter someone else's cabin instead of his own?”
“No one knows his cabin”, Silas says as if things were obvious. “Besides, we're in New York tomorrow anyways. It won't be a problem.” He turns to the others. “Scatter.”
The five of them walk out, leaving you and Doctor Kry alone. The doctor sits down in one of the two armchairs in front of you with a long, tired sigh. In his hand, he twirls the syringe.
“What is that?” you mutter.
“Something that will make you go to sleep if you're trying to escape”, Doctor Kry says simply, as if he was talking about watering flowers.
“Why did you hit me in the head if you had that instead?” you ask bitterly.
“Because it wasn't me, it was the second in command and Jerry.”
“Did you lie down in the swimming pool? About not knowing where Jerry came from?”
“No, Y/N, why would I? I told you that I didn't know anything. I didn't get to know until this afternoon.”
“And yet you're quick to jump the wagon to get me killed. I thought doctors were supposed to be nice.”
“I’ve never said that I was nice.”
“What do you gain from this? Why do you want to engage in collusion with people like this? What kind of doctor even are you?”
“Still, with all these questions … look, Y/N, it’s late. You’d do good in trying to get some sleep.”
“On the floor? With my head pounding in pain? With my hands and feet tied?”
“Suit yourself.”
There’s a deadly silence after that. You listen to the sounds the Normandie creates, and somehow wishes that she could save you, but you’re trapped within her, there’s nothing to be done. You rest your head back onto the edge of the footrest and sigh heavily. Doctor Kry looks at his syringe as if it is the most interesting thing he has ever witnessed.
“I'm thirsty”, you say after a while. 
Doctor Kry stands up, walks over to the dressing table where a crystal carafe is waiting and pours you a glass. He returns to you and holds the glass to your lips, making you drink. You gulp it down and breathe heavily. Doctor Kry returns to his armchair. 
You don't know how long you've been sitting on the floor before you start to fall asleep. You thought that you wouldn't, not in this position (figuratively and literally) but you somehow fall asleep. 
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“Wakey wakey, Golden Boy.”
You feel someone poke your head to the side multiple times and open your eyes to see Jerry hold a stick in her hand which she's using to poke your head.
“It's morning”, she says.
You groan groggily. She imitates you and chuckles.
“Did you have a pleasant night?” she teases.
You decide not to answer, not to humor her further. Your eyes draft onto a silver tray on the table.
“Yes, that's your breakfast”, Jerry says and lifts the tray, putting it on the floor in front of you before sitting down. 
She picks up a piece of toast and holds it to your mouth. You take a bite, feeling more humiliated than ever. If only you knew that this was where you'd end up when you stepped on board in France.
“We will be in New York tomorrow”, Jerry says, holding the toast to your lips. “And we'll sneak both you and the painting past your contact.”
“It's just a painting”, you say cluelessly. “Why do you all want it so much?”
“I’m not particularly interested in the painting, but I know that Edmund and Hedwig are.”
“Art nerds.”
“Is it even selling for much?”
“It is — if you give it to the right consumer.”
“And you? What do you gain from this?”
“The thing isn’t about what I gain, it is what I lose … in case I let you roam freely. I don’t trust what you will do with the painting or it’s contents. Plus, you know who I am. If you wouldn’t have stuck your nosy head in everything, you wouldn’t have any problem with me.”
You suddenly realize something. 
“Jerry, I need to go to the bathroom”, you say. “I haven’t been to the bathroom since before you knocked me in the head.”
She sighs heavily. “Alright, come here.”
Before pulling you up on your feet, she unties them. You stumble, almost falling on Jerry. 
“Watch it, big boy”, she warns you. “If you knock me down I’m kicking you between your legs until you can’t have children.”
“If you hadn’t tied my feet, I would actually have blood in them. I can’t feel them.”
She unties your hands bitterly. You make your way into the bathroom and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Hedwig had wiped away some of the blood, but there were still traces of it in your scalp. You sigh heavily. What should you do? Finally, your hands and feet are free, but you aren’t yet. And — after a quick look around — there’s no way out. The only way out is through the door which Jerry is guarding. 
You could perhaps get out by defeating Jerry, but you have something against fighting women. But, then again, she had knocked you with — what you guess was — a glass bottle. You look around for something that can help you and lay your eyes on a metal bar over the bathtub, used to pull one up. Without a second thought and will all your might, you rip it off. You give it a few squeezes, feeling if it could be strong enough to be used as a weapon and trying to find a comfortable, yet strong, grip. 
You open the door quickly and swing the metal bar towards Jerry. She tries to grab it out of your hands but you push her off and knock her to the ground with the bar. You're not sure how hard you are hitting her, but it's enough force to keep her down. Quickly, you make your way past her and storm out of the cabin, almost crashing into the opposite wall in the corridor. You look around quickly, trying to think of where to go. After what Silas said, that he has more men than just his second in command lurking around, you're not sure who you can be seen by. You need to find an officer. You need to get higher.
Shit, the painting!
Your heart is beating loudly in your chest as you scurry back into the cabin. Jerry is lying on the floor, unconscious, and you almost feel bad for knocking her, but you know that it had to be done. It was her or you. Quickly, you open the wooden box and fish out the painting, tucking it under your arm. You can't hide it in your cabin, not when they know about it. You have to dispose of it somewhere safe.
Every step you take is careful, planned and mortified. You clutch the painting tightly, as if it is life itself.
Moving through the long corridor, you're certain that someone will jump out behind a corner and knock you out, like yesterday. Adrenaline is pumping through your veins, almost making you nauseous. You continue through the corridor, over to the hall with the staircases. Your suit has dried blood on it, you look (and feel) manic, will anyone take you seriously?
You freeze as you see a pair of eyes on you. Kry. His blue eyes seem to darken as he notices you, and the painting.
Quickly, you throw yourself into the elevator, and press a random button, wanting the doors to close before Doctor Kry reaches you. And they do, but when you look at the display beside you, you're going the opposite to where you need to go. New plan, you think, I have to sneak into tourist class — or third class, whatever gets you furthest away.
While standing in the elevator, you take a look at the painting to make sure that it hasn’t been damaged in this mess. You turn it around to inspect the canvas and notice something stuck in the corner of the wooden brackets. Carefully, you reach your fingers in and pull out a folded paper. Tucking the painting between your arm and your waist, you unfold the paper to find a list of names and locations … some of which you recognize. They’re all wanted criminals and you guess that the ones you don’t recognize are criminals as well. And the locations …
Your body goes cold and stiff. For a few moments, it feels like the entire world has stopped spinning. This is suddenly more serious than you could ever expect. Quickly, you put the paper in the pocket of your black pants.
You make your way through corridors you haven’t been in before, through doors you’re sure you’re not allowed through. You can’t help but look around at the new environment. Despite being one of Normandie’s lower classes, the attention to detail had been given to every centimeter of the ship. 
You’re not sure where you’re going, but you need to find someone that can help you. You consider giving it to a random passenger and ask them to give them to an officer, but in your entire training, you have been told not to pull innocent civilians into your job. They could get seriously hurt and it would be completely your own fault. 
You make your way through tourist class, making sure not to be seen by anyone. If Silas have more people than you thought, why wouldn’t they be in multiple classes? You’re not even sure why the painting have caused this big of a commotion, but there’s no way you can give up the painting now — not after everything you’ve gone through. Your head is still pounding from the glass bottle and your heart beating out of your chest by the sight of Doctor Kry. He knows that you’re roaming freely, and soon, they all will know … and they will look for you. Silas’s words still ring in your ear; “I would very much like for you to see what we do to you if you decide to break free” — well you surely don’t. But where can one run where the space is limited? It’s not like you can grab a lifeboat and sail your way to safety. The sea can be just as dangerous as the people you’re dealing with. 
You look around for someone in black uniform, desperately wanting to find someone to help you before you get a bullet through your head. Finally, you find a steward carrying a metal tray. Like lightning had struck through you, you barge forward and grab his arm. 
“Sir, you have to help me!” you hiss and pull him into an empty corridor. 
“What are you doing-?” he gasps. 
“Please listen and listen quickly”, you whisper in pure panic. The words fall out of your mouth incoherently, but you somehow manage to create the sentences you need for the steward to listen to you. “I have to get to the Captain! Like … now! It’s really, really urgent! Please, just trust me!”
You look around with wide eyes, heart now pounding in your throat. The steward nods in confusion and signals for you to come with him. You’re not sure why he decides to trust you, but you’re ever so grateful for it. He takes you through hidden passages used for staff so that none of the paying passengers will have to see them, up a couple of steep stairs and through some more doors. You hug the painting tightly against your roaring chest. Every corner makes your heart stop, terrified that someone will stand on the other side and knock you out the second you turn. 
The steward points at a door with a golden sign on it — ‘Officers’ quarters’. You pound on the door until you’re sure your knuckles bleed. A stern looking man in neat uniform opens, giving you a dark look. 
“Who are you?” he questions. “What do you want?”
“I’m Y/N L/N, I’m an agent of the crown and this is the missing painting that has been all over the news … you have to keep it secure until we reach New York.”
The officer looks confused as he takes the painting in his hands and lets you into the quarters. 
“You’re bloody, what happened to you, sir?”
“There’s six passengers — Mr Achilleos and his man, His Majesty Edmund of Vesanus, Doctor Karl Kry, Miss Hedwig Carter and Miss Jerry Kim. They knocked me out and kept me in a cabin the entire night. They’re working together. They want this painting …”
… and probably my life by now.
“ … keep it safe”, you beg the officer and feel your voice quiver. “Please. If i can’t meet you at the harbor when we dock tomorrow, please give it to my contact — I will write down his name —  and tell him that he can find further information on board the ship.”
“I will tell the captain about the passengers, they will be taken care of and kept in arrest until we reach land where the police will deal with them”, the officer says.
“Thank you. A lot. Really.”
“You can stay here if you want.”
You feel for the note in your pocket and shake your head. “I have to do something first.”
The officer nodded. On shaky legs, you open the door and walk out into the corridor again. The steward is long gone and you’re alone in an unfamiliar corridor. You suddenly feel exhausted and decide to stay close to the door for a few moments to catch your breath, as if the officers’ quarter was a safe place. 
The note has to be hidden somewhere across the ship so that your contact can find it in case you don’t make it out alive. The note is more important than the painting and can, under no circumstances, go in the wrong hands. These names have to reach your contact. The group will look for the painting in belief that the note is still there, so the note has to be hidden separately so that they won’t find it. 
You make your way through the corridors slowly, making sure not to be caught with the list of names on you. In a weird, panic filled daze, you make your way through corridors, through lounges and dining halls where you hide the note. Underneath a chair, stuck to the corner. You deice to find your way back to the officers’ quarters and somehow find yourself out on deck. The wind is grabbing at you, pulling you left and right. You have a hard time keeping yourself on your feet. No one else is outside and you suspect it has to do with the fact that it’s early in the morning and the dark gray sky above you threat of rain.
“Y/N, don’t move.”
You turn to see the second in command with a gun in his hand.
“If you shoot me you'll ruin your life”, you say to him as confidentially as you can muster, but you can't help but worry if he's going to pull the trigger. 
“Do you think I care?” the second in command questions with a scoff. “I serve my boss until my last breath, I couldn't care less about other trivial matters. Where's the painting?”
“You don't care for the painting. Ask me instead where the note is.”
His eyebrow twitches.
“You know about the note, huh?” he says, eyes narrowing. “Seems like I'll have to get that out of you.”
“Why don't you have your boss do it? Or is he in arrest?”
“Don't worry about him, he always comes out on top. Come with me now or I will shoot you-”
“Shoot me then. The note is hidden and the painting is with trusted people.”
“Idiot. Do you think I was born yesterday? If I shoot you, I can't get the note. You may be stupid, but i dont think youre careless enough To sacrifice yourself for such a trivial thing. Get over here. Now.”
You're unarmed and alone, but if there's one thing you've been taught, it is to not give up without a fight. Your eyes catch onto an officer patrolling the upper deck and whistle. As the second in command takes his eyes off of you, you dive head first into the swimming pool. From his perspective, you don't think — wish — that he sees the man above him. The water wraps around you like a cold blanket and for a few seconds you can't even feel the wetness, only biting cold that almost makes you gasp under the surface. Somewhere, you think that you can hear a gunshot and see something whooshing past you in the water. And then another, and another. And then nothing.
You don't return to the surface until you're sure that the bullet rain has stopped. Your burning lungs gasp for air and you grip the ladder to your left. The second in command has been wrestled down on the deck by the same officer you saw. A smile tugs at your lips as the second in command glares at you from the floor, smashed against the planks.
“Sir, are you alright?” the officer asks, panting.
“I'm okay”, you reply, panting heavier.
An ice cold wind cuts right through you.
“Go inside”, the officer tells you.
“Y/N!” the second in command shouts as you've started to walk. “Don't forget that there are more. You barely know half of the people we have on board. Don't think for a second that you are safe!”
You pretend not to hear him and make your way inside for warmth. Unsure of where to go because of the second in command’s words, you return to the officers’ quarters.
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That evening, you make your way down to the arrest. There are still two questions you haven’t gotten an answer to. You've gotten your gun back from a steward and have tucked it in your blazer. Nausea is eating you up from the inside as you walk into the room, watching the cell and its habitants.
“Look who it is”, you hear Jerry snicker. “Change your mind, Golden Boy? Do you want us out?”
You don't even bother to answer.
“The painting is in a safe place, and so are the note”, you say. “I suppose that Jerry, Silas and your second in command wanted the note and not the painting … and Edmund and Hedwig wanted the painting … but what did the Doctor want?”
“Me?” Kry asks coldly and walks over to the bars with his arms crossed. “What I wanted?”
“Yes”, you reply.
“You, of course. Imagine, my own little lab rat that I could do whatever I wanted with … no one would even bat an eye if both you and the painting disappeared.”
“You won't get any of it.” You let your eyes wander over the six people. “Not the painting, not the note, and absolutely not me. Jail is what you will get.”
You can hear Hedwig start to sob in the corner of the cell. She has sunken down along the wall with her head hanging between her knees, body shaking with sobs. Edmund sighs and walks over to her side, grabbing her shoulders and trying to pull her up on her feet.
“Don't cry”, he says quietly. “We won't go to jail, I will make sure of that. I won't allow it.”
“Did you just come down here to revel in our misery?” Silas asks you. 
You're not sure why you came down here. Did you want to make sure to yourself that they were behind bars? Or make you feel more powerful? Or even just get to see them?
“You do know that we will have our revenge, don’t you?” Edmund says and looks at you. “This is not the end.”
“I hope that you like being a dog, because that's what you're going to be, leash and all”, Silas scoffs.
“Tattooed”, Jerry adds on with a tilted smile. “Marked. Would Golden boy like that?”
You ignore her, and walk over to the cells bars, eyes glued onto Hedwig. 
“What were you doing in my cabin?” you ask. 
She freezes, looking cluelessly at you through her teary eyes.
“What?” she asks in shock. 
“Your perfume was all over my cabin”, you say coldly. “Why were you in my cabin?”
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N!” she cries and runs over to the bars, reaching out for you. 
You back away.
“I’m sorry, I-I … I looked through your things. I couldn’t help it, I just … I really, really wanted to hold you. I didn’t take anything, I promise! Please believe me, Y/N, I just wanted to- … it doesn’t matter. Forgive me.”
You don’t answer. Maybe Hedwig isn’t as sweet and innocent as you thought. 
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DAY 4 — End of voyage
After your hell night last night you couldn't be more grateful for the somewhat pleasant night you had. Every single sound and movement woke you up, preparing you to see one of the six criminals or their acquaintances. And since a ship is in constant movement and makes sounds only God knows about, you barely slept for an hour straight. But at least you were in a warm bed.
You can't eat anything during breakfast. You stare at the sandwich and steaming coffee in front of you with a twisted stomach. The room is filled with passengers, like normal, but the bright room can’t be more dark and sinister. It is as if someone has drained it of color. Any of the smiling guests can be one that want to put a bullet through your skull, and is waiting for you to rise from your chair and follow you outside.
When a waiter comes over to your table, the coffee has stopped steaming. 
“Good morning, sir”, he says politely and places a silver tray with a silver cloche on your table. 
“What is this?” you ask in confusion. 
“A gentleman told me to give this to you. He has paid for it and everything.”
With that said, he smiles and walks away to continue his job. You glance down at the dome looking metal and feel your heart sink. Although you don’t want to, your heart reaches out to pull it away and reveal whatever is lying on the silver tray underneath. You’re not sure what you are expecting but a small, folded paper is certainly not it. As if on autopilot, you open the paper to see only a line. 
“We will be waiting for you when we dock, you won’t get past us. We are watching you.”
You were right. A knot appears in your throat. Your legs go numb. You will be killed. 
The air is hard to breathe in and you have to get out before you suffocate. You get out on the deck with the lifeboats hanging above your head and lean against the railing. In a few hours, Normandie would dock and you would be caught. You’re not sure that the steward who had helped you before would be able to save you, and you don’t want to put him in more danger … but you can’t step off the ship in New York’s harbor. The lifeboat above your head gives you an idea. A stupid, right out ridiculous idea … 
You look around you before your shaking hands release the lifeboat from its holds. You have been taught the most outrageous things to rescue yourself — including lowering an ocean liner’s lifeboat. The davits slowly bring the lifeboat downwards and you climb in, lying down to avoid being seen. Your body trembles with fear, unsure of what this will bring you … or where it will bring you. 
There's nothing on the ship that you should bring with you. There's no guarantee that the lifeboat will reach the harbor safely, but its a try. The painting will be more secure with the steward. 
You feel a ‘thump’ from when the lifeboat hits the waves underneath you. You see how Normandie towers above you, the black steel never seeming to end. A pair of heads stick out from the side and something hits the water beside you. Quickly, you cover your body with your arms and legs, curling up until all vital organs are covered. Hitting you with bullets on this distance are harder than one can think, but not impossible. The second you’re sure that they can’t reach you, you get up and start to paddle. If the men tell a steward about the missing lifeboat, they’ll steer their ship over here to get you. 
Your arms quickly grow sore. From now on, you’re entirely alone. There’s no one to save you in case anything happens and you will have to find your way to land by yourself. But it's better than being on board the ship.
The sea around you feels abnormally calm. There’s no distinctive sounds apart from the waves hitting the side of the lifeboat. 
You sit for a moment, taking the time to think. This case has been different from all the others you have done. More personal than you could ever have anticipated. You’re not sure why, but something with this case told you that things wouldn’t be over if they got their way. It was more than just materia, they want you too … to use as they please. Doctor Kry was right. Who would bat an eye if you disappeared along with the painting? They wouldn’t call it a kidnapping, it would be a disappearance that could be explained by the painting. And now they have none of it. Not the painting, not the list of criminals and not you. Pretty successful, you think. Maybe you succeeded this mission after all? 
You hiss as you touch your sensitive head. You’ll have to find a doctor in New York.
Hours go by. You row, you rest, row, rest, row, rest. Throw up. Damn if you have gotten a concussion, you think, but it’s probably just the sea air making you nauseous. 
How things had turned out. You thought that you would have had to deal with one or two criminals … not six. Ad how Silas had seen right through you … 
It’s over now. It will be over soon. Is it over?
You continue to row. 
in the distance, you see a fishing ship pulling up their net and you wave with your arms in hope for them to see you, which they inevitably do. Your exhausted, cold body is picked up and wrapped in an old blanket. 
“What were you doing out in a lifeboat like that?” one of the old sailors asks. “Which ship has sunk?”
“It’s the Normandie!” another one says as he reads the name on the wooden planks. “Has the Normandie sunk?!”
You tell them that it hasn’t suck — in fact, it’s steaming on better ad stronger than ever — but that an accident had happened, which resulted in you all alone in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean. 
They give you a yellow rain coat that you use to hide in and join the sailors to New York’s harbor that evening. In the distance, you see the different ocean liner piers. Cunard-White Star Line, United States Lines, HAPAG, Italian Lines, Swedish-American Lines … and finally, Compagnie Générale Transatlantique. Normandie was towering above all the other liners and you stood there on the pier, looking at it. Four days ago, you had been standing in the harbor at Le Havre and been excited to step on board. But now, that you are looking at it from afar, in the dim lights, there’s something unsettling about the her. It looks like she’s apologizing to you for everything that she allowed to happen between her walls. You almost start to cry. 
You turn around and walk without giving the ship one more glance, hoping that it will be the last time you get to see the Normandie. 
You meet up with your contact in a small warehouse that following morning and tell him what you have hidden on the ship. He promises to retrieve it. He already has the painting and has secured it, had gotten it from the very steward you had left it with. 
“I have something else too”, he says and gives you an apologetic look. 
“What?” you ask and watch him closely as he takes out a paper from his pocket. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You open the paper and feel your blood go icy cold. The handwriting is unfamiliar, but the nickname you see written in black …
“Thought you could lock us in? Think twice, Golden boy, we’re already out. We’ll find you, be so sure of that. Don’t think that we will let you slip away. You will look good in a leash.
You fold the paper just as quick and breathe out a shaky breath. 
“Don’t worry, Y/N, you will be protected”, your contact promises. “It will not be any problem, I assure you.”
With the six people’s contacts and power, you doubt that your protection will do much, but you nod. The painting is safe and the note is safe. They may have escaped jail and are looking for you, but you succeeded with your mission. And that is all that matters.
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amomentsescape · 6 months
OooooO! Could I get a Slasher X reader! Like where another "rival" Slasher gets interested in another Slasher's So?
When Another Slasher Becomes Interested in Reader
Brahms Heelshire x Reader
A/N: I decided to not go into specifics on who the "rival" slasher was since it would have involved a lot of background and explanation on why they were in the UK in the first place.
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Brahms's jealousy and possession over you knows no bounds
He doesn't even want you within a 3 foot radius of the man whose only job is to drop off groceries
He enjoys having you all to himself, living in the middle of nowhere with only him as your company
He may be the one who needs to be taken care of, but that's not to say that he doesn't want you to rely on him too
He has always wanted you to seek out his protection
He loves to see you curl up beside him and just fully relax in his presence
In fact, Brahms is never satisfied unless he is fully enveloping you with an iron grip, making sure nothing else can touch you and you can't sneak away
So when the feelings of paranoia began, Brahms went into a frenzy
He triple checked the locks on all the doors and windows every single night
He set up a security system to prevent anyone from breaking in
He even stopped hiding within the walls during the day and instead spent 24/7 right next to you
You questioned his sudden change in behavior
He told you he could feel someone watching you two
He could tell that you weren't really alone anymore
This freaked you out a bit
Brahms may be childish, but he's not stupid
You began to trust his word a bit more after that
It wasn't until one day that you decide to slip out of the house for a couple minutes
Brahms refused to let you outside or to even open a window the past few weeks, and this was beginning to wear on you
The cool air immediately calmed you down, and you began to question what he was so worried about in the first place
But right as the thought crossed your mind, you heard a branch snap beside you
You immediately turned and saw a masked man standing there, his height towering over you
He had a massive blade in his hand that sent a shiver down your spine
In that moment, you knew you should have listened to Brahms
You turned to run, but the Slasher was faster
He grabbed you by the jaw and turned you towards him, forcing you to look at him
To your surprise, his grip loosened slightly as he began to rub his thumb along your cheek
The feeling was familiar in a way to what Brahms would do sometimes
But that didn't make the moment any less terrifying
You tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but he kept a firm hold on you
Just when you were about to call out for Brahms, the Slasher was slammed to the ground
You could see Brahms and the Slasher in a tussle, rolling around in the dirt while the sound of hard hits and cracking knuckles echoed throughout the quiet forest
You were worried for Brahms since the other Slasher was just as tall and strong as he was
But to your surprise, Brahms got the upper hand
He slammed his fist over and over again onto the man's mask, causing it to crack and splinter into his skin
This distracted him for just long enough that Brahms could grab a large rock, forcing it straight into the man's forehead
All movement ceased, and Brahms sat there, breathing heavily
When he finally turned to you, you slowly walked over to make sure he was okay
Before you could even say a word, Brahms had you pinned to a tree
His hands snaked along your waist as he pulled you flush against him
His lips were on yours in a hurry, his kisses hungrier than you had ever felt them before
He'll most definitely lock you back inside the house for the foreseeable future after this, but at least for now, you can just relish in his possessiveness and desire
862 notes · View notes
la la lost you (m) | cyj
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title: la la lost you  pairing: yeonjun x f. reader  rating/genre: m (18+) ; fluff, smut ; rivals to lovers au; fake relationship au summary: choi yeonjun was simply just your academic rival, competing for honors at graduation during your senior year. however, when one of your (distant) friends’ brothers is getting married, your 3 guy best friends all have dates to the event except you. in order not to feel like a loser, you decide to call up the only other tolerable male you know: Yeonjun, to be your fake date. what will happen when a childish fake date scheme actually ends up turning into your first real relationship lasting an entire summer. it may ultimately.. not end well. warnings: fluff, smut, language, underage drinking, summer fling, riding, fake relationship, oral s*x, car s*x, multiple dates, overprotective yoonminjoon, cameos of other idols, cumming, kisses, partying, angst, eventual break up note: this is a prequel one shot to the 'love u lately' series. however you don't need to read that series to understand this one shot. honestly might be better if you haven’t read it! it will heavily focus on the mentioned previous relationship reader had with yeonjun before starting college (which explains certain events and character thoughts in the series) and well as the perspectives of yoonminjoon and their attitudes towards it as they were still struggling with how they feel towards reader, which is explored in 'love u lately' I hope my btxt lovers can enjoy this fic! (please note that this is about 15% unedited, so apologies for any grammatical errors in advances) total word count: 21.5k drop date: September 13th, 2023 12:30PM PST ao3 link | fic is named after NIKI's song La La Lost You (2019)
Daniel Yeonjun Choi.
You encountered him in your Honors English class during freshman year, and somehow, he's always been in the same AP or Honors classes as you.
On the contrary, Jimin’s only been in five classes with you throughout high school. So this opened up and lot of time for you to get to know Yeonjun. He has been a constant presence after all, vying with you for the highest grades in your shared classes. He’s also very blunt and teased you a lot, just out of pure enjoyment to see your reaction. If he couldn’t beat you in academics, he found other ways to torture you.
"Wait you didn't go to prom?" Yeonjun's voice cut through the classroom, drawing the attention of your AP Government class.
You let out a sigh, trying to deflect the conversation. "Can we drop that? We have a project to work on," you said, gesturing towards the thick stack of papers detailing famous court cases.
Yeonjun persisted, his curiosity apparent. "But why didn't you go?" His tone bordered on obnoxious, earning a laugh from Mark, who sat nearby. Mark knew he was enabling his behavior, but didn’t care.
From what you recall, Jimin went to prom with some girl you don’t know. You didn’t have a date, nor close female friends without dates to spend the night at the Grand Strawberry Hill Golf Course. Tickets were $50. You would rather spend the night bussing down tables at the cafe you work out and use that money on something else. The list goes on.
"I just didn't feel like it, okay? Plus, I had work," you replied, hoping to end the discussion.
Yeonjun's response was simple but cutting. "Lame."
You rolled your eyes at Yeonjun's comment, feeling the urge to defend yourself against their teasing. 
Mark chimed in, a mischievous grin on his face. "Come on, Y/N, you missed out on the highlight of senior year!"
"Yeah, Y/N, how could you skip out on the chance to dance the night away with the love of your life?" Yeonjun added, his tone teasing but playful.
You sighed, feeling slightly exasperated. "It's not that big of a deal. Just an expensive dance. Plus I don’t have a ‘love of my life’ anyway." 
You don’t. You’ve crushed on a guy here or there, but no one to actually feel compelled to be with. Wonwoo was cute though, but he transferred schools not long after you two fucked due to the Virginity Race. And no, there’s no correlation between what happened and him transferring.
Sensing that his comment had struck a chord within you, he stopped pressing on. 
“Anyway, so about the case study, should we do the supreme court case where…” Yeonjun sighed loudly, changing the topic to the assignment you had been so keen to work on.
He enjoyed seeing you get flustered, but not upset or sad. It was never his intention. That was because, maybe, somewhere in his little evil Virgo heart, he kind of liked you.
You don’t know when that seed of thought was planted in his mind. Maybe when you two had to do a Romeo and Juliet film project for Honors English class during your freshmen year? Or was it when you two were on the student council during junior year? He was just a side character in your life that would make big appearances here and there, but one thing you know for sure is that him becoming the main character in your life was due to one event. The event that truly kickstarted everything happened a week after this interaction.
The wedding invite.
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“You’re inviting me to your brother’s wedding?” You say, dumbfounded.
“Yeah! You’re my friend after all!”
“Seokjin, I am the one who barely knows you out of the 4 of us.” You exclaim, making the other guys laugh.
The sun beats down mercilessly as you all sit outside In-N-Out, trying to seek refuge from the sweltering May heat. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Seokjin are enjoying a brief break from university life, having returned home for the weekend. They wanted to meet up with you and Jimin, who were already drinking milkshakes and scarfing down some animal fries before they arrived and joined you two.
Seokjin's mom had asked for Jin’s help in hand-delivering invitations for his brother's upcoming wedding. The ceremony is slated for the weekend before your and Jimin's high school graduation. She wants it to be huge, so she tells Jin to invite everyone and anyone he knows.
To be completely honest, you don’t know Jin that well. He didn’t even go to the same high school as you. It’s because your best friends’ parents go to the same church, Our Lady of Peace, as his parents. That’s how they all met. And eventually how you ended up meeting him/ There are these other guys in your extended friend group too, but you can’t remember their names right now.
As the conversation veers towards the wedding's details, you lean in with interest. "Where’s it happening at?" you ask, genuinely intrigued.
"Oak Creek Golf Club," 
"There? Wow, I heard that place is fancy!" you remark, a flicker of excitement igniting within you. "Wait, do we have to bring… a plus one to this?" The words stumble out awkwardly, earning you a questionable look from Jimin.
Jin's response is quick and jovial. "A plus one? You mean a date?" he clarifies, amusement coloring his tone.
You nod slowly.
"Yeah, you can bring a date if you want. My mom said the more the merrier! I know Namjoon is bringing Hyungseo—" Jin's words are cut off by Namjoon's interjection, his discomfort evident.
Hyungseo? Oh, must be another one of Joon’s flings, you think.
“Jin…” He warns the older man.
"It's not a secret, plus I'm sure they're bringing dates too, right?" Jin redirects the conversation smoothly, addressing you, Jimin and Yoongi.
Jimin jumps in with a sassy affirmation. "Yeah, of course we are!" he declares, nodding emphatically.
Yoongi's eyes dart to you, gauging your reaction subtly, causing a flutter of nerves in your stomach. With a nod, you confirm your attendance, feeling a surge of relief at joining in the banter.
 "Yeah! And I already have someone too!" you announce, met with a chorus of surprised responses from the three men.
“You do?” The three men question in unison.
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You don’t.
You don’t even want to bring a date.
But if they’re bringing dates, then you must bring one or else you’re going to be the biggest loser there!
Plus, you already said you would bring one and if you don’t, you’ll be framed as a liar.
One major thing about this is that: You don’t want to get bombarded by random Korean aunties asking if you have a boyfriend or offering you their son who is in medical or law school to be your husband. You don’t want to get asked why you don’t have one either.
You just don’t. You never had time for it. 
Your parents drilled this into you since day 1 of preschool: Study hard. No boyfriend until college, and well, you followed through with that. Yup. We’re not going to talk about the “Amazing Virginity Race” you took part in last year with your three crazy best friends. You lost your virginity, but still, no boyfriend, right?
All you wanted was to be at the top of your class, and you are on track to be salutatorian right now. Jimin has had the valedictorian spot guaranteed since the first day he started high school, taking high-level classes meant for juniors. 
However, there was one man who poses a threat to your second spot among the top 10 honor students.
Daniel Yeonjun Choi.
Yet again another mention of this guy!
Despite your rivalry, you've formed an unexpected friendship with him, working successfully together on various school projects. There were a few times you would hang out after school with each other.. Well with some other mutual friends too.
Which is why… he is the best… and technically the only option you have.
To bring as a date.
“Daniel!” You call out to him as he walks out of the last period class you had together. He doesn’t turn around, distracted as he converses with Soobin and Mark, his close friends. But you know for a fact this boy can hear you. 
You call out to him repeatedly, but no reaction. You’re annoyed.
So what do you do? Keep following behind him waiting for a perfect moment to snatch his attention fully. You probably look like a creep, but that’s fine. 
You see him bid farewell to his two friends as he heads to his locker to put some books away. Now is your chance,
“Yeonjun!” And finally, he turns around, his eyes widen when you use his Korean name.
“Holy fuck, you caught me off guard with that L/N.” He scolds.
“And you didn’t hear me when I called out to you a thousand times before that?”
“No.” He smiles, which irks you, but you can’t let it be known. He finds this attractive, but you don’t know that yet.  “What did you want?”
“You remember that one time I helped you out by telling you the answer to the Calculus pop quiz and that you said you’d owe me a favor.” You pout your lips out, hoping he takes pity on you and hears you out.
“...Ugh. Can we save that for another day? I got dance practice.”
No, you cannot! Time is ticking. You’re going to have to be blunt.
"No! Look, Choi, I need you to-"
The pleading in the moment sounds very desperate and exasperated which you hope doesn’t–
"Need me? Sounds kinda erotic." The taller boy chuckles, and your face scowls, turning a heavy shade of red.
Dammit, that’s exactly what I didn’t want it to sound like!
"Huh? That’s not…You're gross! As if I would EVER do anything trashy with you!" You cross your arms, feeling impatient. You look away from him, seeing some of the passing students. Jimin’s supposed to meet you near this building and should be here any minute from his last class across campus so you can both go home together. You don’t want to get caught doing this. 
This isn't gonna work at this rate, and you don't have any more time for this. 
"You know what, never mind. I don't even know why I bothered to think of asking you. I should've asked Mark instead." You turn around, deciding to walk away from the situation. Maybe you'll take the L! You'll go to Seokjin's dumb brother's wedding by yourself like the loser you are while everyone else has dates.
"Hey, wait!" Yeonjun pulls your arm toward him, making you turn back around. You are now face to face with each other, which makes you suddenly feel nervous. "Alright. Fine, Princess, I'm listening. What is it?" He looks at you, finally with sincerity in his eyes.
God, I guess if he actually wants to listen now, then you'll say it. What could go wrong?
You tiptoe and lean in close to his ear, catching Yeonjun slightly off guard. "Okay. so I need you to be my fake date to my friend's brother's wedding."
Yeonjun blinks repeated, processing the request. After realizing he was frozen, he immediately goes back to his usual expression and smirks. "Well, well, well. Looks like someone couldn't resist the charm of Choi Yeonjun after all."
You roll your eyes, "Hell no. Please, you can be there looking all pretty, but I'd rather dance with a cactus."
He raises an eyebrow, "You sure about that? Cacti can be quite prickly, you know."
You huff, "Just shut up and play along. I need you to act like a decent human being for one evening. You owe me anyways, remember?" 
Yeonjun smirks again, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Decent human being? That's a stretch," he grins, clearly enjoying this. "But sure, why not? It's not every day someone gets to be in the presence of greatness."
You scoff, shaking your head, "Greatness? Please. Just don't embarrass me, okay?"
Yeonjun's grin widens, "No promises, sweetheart. But I'll do my best. After all, I owe you."
"Yeah, yeah. Just be ready to suffer through a night of pretending to like me," you retort with a wry smile.
"Oh, the sacrifices I make for you," he replies, sarcasm dripping from every word.
As you walk away, hoping to meet Jimin halfway you can't help but mutter under your breath, "This is gonna be a disaster."
Yeonjun's laughter follows you from a very short distance after overhearing you, "Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea."
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After Yeonjun agreed, you begin meeting with him regularly over the next two weeks leading up to the wedding. Your primary objective is to shop for outfits suitable for the event and to conduct some "etiquette" training. By "etiquette," you mean coaching him on how to handle questions from the guys or any of Seokjin's family members in a certain manner.
So this gives you guys a lot of time to get to know each other. 
You learn that he prefers to be called Yeonjun, as Daniel just feels like a persona he puts up in school. You learn that he lives with his aunt, uncle, and younger cousin at the Woodbridge Apartment complex. His parents wanted him to grow up in the US, so they left him here in their care and just told him to get through school and come back to Korea when he graduates college. He says that’s one of the main factors that has kept him motivated to keep working hard and getting into a good college. 
He gets to know you too. You tell him you live close to school, with your parents and younger sister for the majority of your life. You tell him about the business program you got into at a college where two of your best friends go. You tell him all your pet peeves, your likes and dislikes. 
And he listens.
“Bought these on my way here.” Yeonjun handed you a white bag, a small smile playing on his lips as he stepped into your house . You accepted it with a curious glance and opened it up, revealing an array of pastries nestled inside.
"Bread?" you asked, slightly surprised.
"Yeah," Yeonjun replied. "I remember you mentioning that you were craving Tour Les Jours the other day. So, I got you a custard bun, a blueberry cream cheese bun—"
You interrupted him, incredulous. "Wait, you remembered that? I just blurted it out randomly in the middle of AP Lit a few days ago because I was hungry at the time. You really didn't have to get me anything."
"Nah, it was nothing," Yeonjun said casually, settling down comfortably on your living room couch. "I had gone to drop off Soobin at his house, so it was just a quick stop."
"Well, then, we can snack on it later," you replied with a smile, feeling touched by his thoughtful gesture. “So about the Seokjin’s brother…” 
Things like that made your heart become a bit softer for him after all thus time.
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During this time, Jimin was too busy with the girl he is seeing (a dancer, actually) or with dance practice sessions after school. So he didn’t know you were hanging out with Yeonjun instead.
But there were still days throughout the week that you would hang out.
You’re best friends after all.
The scent of freshly baked pastries envelops you as you sit across from Jimin amidst the cozy ambiance of his dad's bakery cafe. Textbooks and notes are spread out between you, but your mind is elsewhere, preoccupied with thoughts of the impending conversation.
Jimin glances up from his notes, furrowing his brows as he studies your slightly giddy expression. "Hey, Y/N," he begins tentatively, "Is everything okay? You've been acting kinda weird since that hangout at In-N-Out."
Despite him not knowing what you were doing, he could still feel tha something was different about you.
You feign innocence, offering a casual shrug. "Weird? I don't know what you're talking about, Jimin. I've just been busy with stuff."
But Jimin isn't convinced, his gaze probing as he leans in slightly. "Come on, Darling, I know when something's up. You can tell me."
You maintain your facade of nonchalance, avoiding his penetrating stare. "Honestly, Jimin, there's nothing to tell. Just stressed about exams, that's all!"
"Fine, okay, be that way. But don't think I'll stop trying to figure it out." He sighs, running a hand through his hair in frustration. 
You offer him a small smile, hoping to diffuse the tension. "I know you won't."
After a moment of silence, Jimin's curiosity continues. "So, about that wedding... Do you really have a date lined up?"
You pause momentarily from writing your final notes on a cheat sheet. "Yeah, I do," you reply casually. "You'll meet him soon."
Jimin's eyes widen with interest, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Oh, really? The Y/N who’s never had a boyfriend before got the courage to ask someone as their wedding date."
You offer him a playful shove, laughing softly. "Maybe the virginity competition last year changed me, but don't get too excited, Jimin. He's just a…friend."
In the back of your mind, you start to wonder otherwise.
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Standing outside in your brown UO Samara Mesh Strapless Midi Dress, you nervously glance around, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention. Namjoon's absence offers you some  temporary relief from your anxiety about being seen with Yeonjun. He stayed the night at Jin’s, so you’ll see him at the venue.
Suddenly, the sound of an engine draws your attention, and you turn to see Yeonjun's 1998 Red Subaru Impreza pulling up to the curb. It's not the first time you've laid eyes on his car, having been in it several times before when he’d give you a ride to your house or take you to his. But you can't help but admire the vintage charm it exudes every time you see it. It’s just so, Yeonjun.
As Yeonjun's gaze meets yours, he's momentarily struck silent, his eyes roaming over your dress. "Uh, ready for the show...sweetheart?" he finally manages to say.
A giggle escapes your lips as you saunter over to the car. "Oh, you know I was born ready." you tease, flashing him a playful grin as you slide into the passenger seat.
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Feeling a rush of excitement and nerves, you hurry to find seats in the pews set up at the outdoor ceremonial venue at the country club, your fingers instinctively reaching out to grasp Yeonjun's wrists for support. As you settle into your chosen spot, you cast a quick glance around and realize that the place is packed to the brim with guests, the air humming with anticipation and excitement.
Your heart skips a beat slightly as you lock eyes with Namjoon across the crowded area. There's a flicker of recognition in his gaze, followed by a swift glance toward the person seated next to you—Yeonjun. His expression remains inscrutable as he studies the two of you, leaving you to wonder what thoughts are running through his mind.
A wave of uncertainty washes over you as Namjoon offers a hesitant wave in your direction. Beside him, Yoongi and Jimin turn to look at you and share a similar surprised, yet confused expression, their eyes briefly meeting yours before Jimin leans in to say something to Yoongi. You strain to catch a glimpse of their conversation, but the distance and the din of the crowd make it impossible to decipher.
A sense of unease settles in the pit of your stomach as you contemplate their reactions, a myriad of questions swirling in your mind. But with the ceremony about to begin, you push aside your apprehensions, focusing instead on Seokjin’s brother at the front with the priest, and his sister-in-law preparing to walk the aisle as the ceremony begins.
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As you step into the wedding reception venue at Oak Creek Golf Club, you take a deep breath, bracing yourself for the inevitable introductions. 
“You good, Princess?” Yeonjun says gently, reassuring you from your nerves. You look at him, your eyes softening, “Yeah, just a bit of nerves, but I’m ready to get this over with.”
With Yeonjun by your side, you navigate through the crowd until you join your group of friends sitting at a large round table.
After greeting, you clear your throat nervously and gesture towards Yeonjun. "This is my date," you announce, hoping to break the ice.
Yeonjun stands beside you, momentarily speechless as he takes in the sight of your guy best friends and the other males at the table. Sensing his hesitation, you shoot him a subtle elbow, prompting him to snap out of his daze.
"Ow," he mutters, before regaining his composure and extending a hand towards the others. "Uh, hi, I'm Daniel Choi, but you can call me Yeonjun. Nice to meet you guys," he manages, his tone a blend of nervousness and politeness.
As the guys' inquisitive gazes shift between you and Yeonjun, they waste no time in launching into their interrogation.
Jimin leans in, his eyes narrowed with curiosity. "Y/N, what's going on? How did you end up bringing Yeonjun as your date?" He’s not shying away from the elephant in the room.
Jimin has been familiar with Yeonjun for a long time. They both are dancers, though Jimin does it competitively at school (and won competitions), while Yeonjun is a well-known dancer at your hometown’s community dance studio. Makes sense they would have crossed paths because of dance mutuals after all. Jimin has also he heard you complain about him and his teasing the last couple of years. He never paid him too much attention, until now.
You offer a practiced smile, reciting the rehearsed response you've prepared. "Oh, well, Yeonjun and I have been friends for a while, and when I needed a date for the wedding, he kindly offered to accompany me."
Jimin is immediately smelling that something is fishy. In his mind, he knows that you hate Yeonjun. Well, hate seems to be a strong word. More like, you have differences with one another.
Namjoon furrows his brow, his expression skeptical. "Friends, huh? I’ve never heard you mention him being your friend before. Weren’t you guys rivals?"
Shit. You know Namjoon knew him from being in the student leadership with him during his junior year of high school. He also heard Yeonjun ranting about you getting higher grades than you.
You shrug casually, masking your unease. "Well, you know how it is. Sometimes friendships develop unexpectedly."
Yoongi leans back in his chair, eyeing Yeonjun with a hint of suspicion. "Okay, so Yeonjun, how did you and Y/N become friends so suddenly?"
Yeonjun clears his throat nervously, his eyes darting between the three men and the others at the table overhearing their conversation. "Uh, well, you probably heard we had classes together over the years. And mutual friends," he begins, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "And, uh, we just hit it off, I guess."
Jimin raises an eyebrow, his gaze probing. "That’s funny because last time I recall, we were the only ones who were Y/N’s friends.”
He is right, you’re not really close to anyone else.
But Yeonjun does not know how to respond to that. Though he’s close to saying something sassy right back. But he knows it would be disrespectful, and he doesn’t want to cause any drama. You wouldn’t want him to start something with your best friends either.
There’s a brief pause as the guys absorb the answers Yeonjun spouts out during this interrogative ordeal, exchanging glances with each other. Sensing the tension, you interject quickly. "Okay! Enough with that. So, how about we grab some drinks. It's a celebration, after all!"
With a subtle shift in focus, the conversation veers away from the interrogation, allowing you and Yeonjun a momentary reprieve from their scrutiny.
You link arms with Yeonjun, guiding him towards the bar where champagne floats are being served, eager for a temporary escape from the intense interrogation. You sneakily grab two, worried that someone will say something about two underage teens drinking, but no one notices. You think no one cares. You hand one to Yeonjun, who only takes a sip of it but puts it aside as he remembers he’s driving you home tonight.
As you sip on your drink, you can't help but shake your head in disbelief. "I didn't think they would go off like that... I've never seen them do that," you remark, baffled by their sudden intensity.
Yeonjun glances at you and your drink and chuckles softly, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, looks like your friends are more protective than I thought. Guess I'll have to watch my back around them," he replies with a sassy smirk, his tone teasing yet lighthearted.
You can't help but laugh at his response, grateful for his ability to add some humor into the tense situation. If you were in his shoes, you would’ve left the moment they started questioning you. It’s not worth the hassle to make up a favor.
As you and Yeonjun return to the table, you finally notice Namjoon and Jimin's dates seated nearby and decide to seize the opportunity to meet them. With a friendly smile, you turn to Namjoon and Jimin, gesturing towards their dates. "Hey, mind introducing me to your lovely companions?" you inquire politely.
Namjoon and Jimin exchange knowing glances before obliging. "Uh yeah of course, Y/N," Namjoon replies, gesturing towards his date, wearing a long beige spaghetti-strapped dress. "This is Hyungseo."
"And this is Shuhua," Jimin adds, indicating his own companion wearing a navy blue satin mini dress.
You offer warm greetings to both Hyungseo and Shuhua, engaging them in conversation as you exchange pleasantries. Though, they both seem to be reluctant to talk to you and ignore your efforts. It leaves you feeling offended. You just met them and they’re being rude already. The guys take note of their behavior, but don’t say anything.
They’re lost causes, you think.
Turning to the rest of the group to continue your socializing, you notice Hoseok, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jin accompanied by their respective dates. Their dates are fortunately, kinder than the other girls. You make your rounds, introducing yourself to each of them and exchanging friendly banter.
However, you can't help but notice that Yoongi is sitting alone, without a date by his side. Sensing his discomfort, you offer him a smile, silently acknowledging his solitude.
"Hey, Yoongi, couldn't find a date to save your life, huh?" Hoseok teases with a playful grin.
Taehyung chimes in, nudging Yoongi gently. "Come on, man, what happened? Couldn't charm anyone into accompanying you tonight?"
Jungkook adds with a smirk, "Looks like it's just you and the dance floor tonight, hyung."
Even Jin comments on it as he returns to the table after having to go help his mom with something. "Well, well, well, looks like the most eligible bachelor at the table is flying solo tonight."
Despite the teasing, Yoongi takes it all in stride, offering a nonchalant shrug and a smirk of his own. "Hey, I don't need a date to have a good time. Besides, who needs the drama, right?"
Maybe he’s right. Did you really need to be doing all of this just to prove some point? 
You continue your time, eating and conversing with your friends around you. The afternoon sunset changes to a night sky. Despite everyone having fun, drinking and celebrating, a part of you feels guilty for bringing Yeonjun as your “fake date”. You should’ve come by yourself or as Yoongi’s buddy. But you always feel the need to prove something, and feel dumb by the end of it.
The mood in your mind sombers, and you turn to Yeonjun and whisper in his ear. 
"I'm going to step out for a bit. You can stay here."
Yeonjun's concerned gaze meets yours, his brows furrowing in worry. "Hey, hey, something wrong?" he asks softly.
"Just feeling overwhelmed with the partying environment," you reply, attempting to brush off your unease. "Don't worry about—"
But before you can finish, Yeonjun cuts in determinedly. "I'll go with you."
You offer him a grateful smile, touched by his unwavering support, as you both make your way towards the entrance of the outdoor reception area. Finding solace in the quietude outside, you settle onto a bench next to a tree adorned with twinkling lights, the gentle rustle of leaves providing a comforting backdrop to your thoughts.
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As you sit together on the bench, the soft glow of the lights casting a serene ambiance around you, you can't shake the feeling of guilt that weighs heavily on your chest. With a sigh, you turn to Yeonjun, your voice tinged with regret.
"Yeonjun, I’m gonna be honest with you. I've been feeling terrible about dragging you into this whole charade as my date," you begin, your words hesitant yet sincere.
Yeonjun's gaze softens, his expression filled with understanding. "It's okay. You don't need to apologize," he reassures you gently.
But you shake your head, a pang of guilt twisting in your stomach. "No, you don't understand. I feel like I've wasted your time, made you endure all of this just to satisfy some silly notion of mine," you confess, your voice laced with self-reproach.
Yeonjun reaches out, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, listen to me. You didn't waste my time. I chose to be here and all those hang out sessions because I wanted to help you. I wanted to be by your side," he says earnestly.
You meet his gaze, feeling a surge of gratitude and warmth wash over you at his words. "But you shouldn't have had to endure all of this just for my sake," you protest softly.
Yeonjun smiles softly, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding. "Sometimes, we do things for the people we care about, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zone. And honestly, being here with you, even in this weird setup, has been worth it," he says, his voice filled with sincerity.
Touched by his unwavering support and understanding, you feel a lump form in your throat. "Thank you, Yeonjun. I really appreciate everything you've done for me," you say, your voice choked with emotion.
Yeonjun gives your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, his gaze filled with warmth and affection. "Anytime, Y/N. Remember, I'm here for you, no matter what," he says softly.
In the serene ambiance of the evening, with the soft glow of lights casting a mesmerizing spell, Yeonjun shifts nervously beside you, a playful glint dancing in his eyes as he finally gathers the courage to speak up.
"You know Y/N, there's something I've been thinking about lately," he begins, his voice laced with a hint of shyness yet buoyed by his characteristic sassiness. "We’ve been hanging out a lot lately, and I honestly feel like it’s changed a lot about how we behave around each other.”
Your curiosity piqued, you turn to him, prompting him to continue.
"What do you mean?" you inquire, your voice filled with genuine interest.
Yeonjun hesitates for a moment, his gaze flickering with uncertainty before he continues, his words tinged with a vulnerability that catches you off guard.
"I know I did this as a favor, but I liked hanging out with you a lot," he confesses, his tone sincere. "Getting to know you. Seeing you more often."
A warmth spreads through your chest at his admission, and you find yourself unable to tear your gaze away from his.
"Well I... I feel the same way," you admit softly, your heart racing with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. "Spending time with you has been... different. In a good way."
For a moment, silence envelops you both, the tranquility of the night amplifying your heart beating fast. You find yourself lost in thought. What would happen if you started to like Yeonjun? Would it even be possible to be together? You feel crazy for thinking this. Your freshmen year self would kill you for having this thought.
Maybe this is all just in your head. It’s too late to start something just as you’re about to graduate high school and go your separate ways.
But before you can gather your thoughts, Yeonjun's voice breaks the silence, his tone laced with a vulnerability that tugs at your heartstrings.
"I don't want this to end, Y/N," he confesses, his words tinged with sincerity. "I don't want to go back to how things were before. I actually think I’ve fallen in love with you."
He also had similar thoughts as you?
You can't believe this. This is insane. I mean, you knew you were getting closer, but you never thought... you never thought he'd feel the same way. 
This is like something straight out of a movie. A rivals to lovers fic from Wattpad. Your mind is going a million miles an hour right now. What do you do now? It's like the whole world just shifted beneath your feet. 
But when you look into Yeonjun's eyes, you can see the sincerity there. It's kind of overwhelming. This was definitely not part of the plan when you set out to do this. I mean, how do you even deal with something like this? You’ve never dated anyone. But at the same time, there's a part of you that's curious, that's intrigued by the possibility of trying it. You’re 18 now, you studied hard and deserve to be in love.
This could change things for you.
But it’s not something you ever expected to happen in your life. Especially with Yeonjun.
As you grapple with the emotions swirling within you, you find yourself hesitantly voicing your doubts to Yeonjun.
"Yeonjun…I feel the same way but it just feels like... like it's too late." you murmur, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "If this happened way before graduation, things would’ve easier, but we’re just about to start college–"
But before you can continue, Yeonjun reaches out, gently taking your hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring.
"It's okay, Y/N," he says softly, his eyes meeting yours with a steadfast determination. "I understand that things are different now, but I'm willing to try. I still have the rest of summer with you, and our colleges are somewhat close to each other. We can make it work."
His words wash over you like a soothing balm, calming the storm of uncertainty raging within your mind. Despite your fears and reservations, there's a part of you that's drawn to the possibility of exploring this newfound thing with Yeonjun, and stepping into something completely new in your life. A relationship.
As you gaze into his eyes, you realize that perhaps, just perhaps, this unexpected turn of events could be the beginning of something beautiful. Before you can dwell further on this realization, Yeonjun leans in, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss. At first, it's gentle, tentative, as if both of you are testing the waters. But soon, the kiss deepens, passion igniting between you as you lose yourselves in the moment.
Time seems to stand still as you both surrender to the intoxicating sensation of each other's touch. But eventually, you both mutually let go, the need for air becoming too urgent to ignore. With a shared understanding, Yeonjun suggests getting out of there, and you readily agree.
Taking control, Yeonjun grasps your hand firmly in his, leading the way as you rush away to his parked car. As you hurry along, you can't help but glance back at the entrance. You didn’t get to say bye to the guys and the bride and groom. But when you catch a glimpse of Namjoon and Yoongi witnessing your hasty departure with Yeonjun, your heart drops.
Oh shit.
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Despite your immediate worries of your two best friends seeing all of that, you push it away once you arrive to Yeonjun’s apartment. 
The darkness envelops you as you step inside, the silence punctuated only by the sound of your breathing. Yeonjun explains that his cousin, aunt, and uncle are out of town for the weekend, leaving the apartment empty for the first time ever.
You can't help but tease him, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. "Did you plan this, Yeonjun?" you quip, raising an eyebrow suggestively.
Yeonjun responds with a smirk of his own, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Well, Y/N, I’m not supposed to kiss and tell," he retorts in a sassy tone, his playful banter sending a shiver down your spine.
With a coy smile, he takes your hand and leads you to his room, the tension between you palpable. He takes off his tuxedo jacket, placing it on his chair. As he pushes you gently onto the bed and gets on top of you, the rush of adrenaline courses through your veins, mingling with the electrifying sensation of his touch.
In that moment, as you lie together in the dimly lit room, the world fades away, leaving only the two of you lost in the intoxicating embrace of the night. You realize that perhaps, just perhaps, this is where you were meant to be all along.
“Are you sure about this though?” he asks you, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips which are soon moving down to your jaw and neck. “If you don’t feel the same, we can end this. I’ll take you home sweetheart.” He leans into your ear.
You can’t hold back the whimper from the sensation his whispers give you. His hands pushes your dress out of the way, bunching around your waist and his long fingers dig into the skin of your ass.
“I think I made it clear I want this just as much as you,” you whisper back, pushing your hands under his collared shirt. You can’t help but marvel at the abs he has hidden under, muscles flexing beneath your palms. Yeonjun takes this time to undo his tie and unbutton his shirt, fully revealing his torso to you.
Fuck, you’ve only seen this in his swim meet photos from last year, but never in person, and especially not like this.
“I want to see you naked too,” He grins pulling his hands away from your ass for a minute, pulling the zipper of the dress down and carefully sliding the strapless garment off you. You can’t suppress the shiver as the cooling air hits your heated skin, you feel like you’re blushing all over knowing he’s looking at you again.
“No bra? Fuck, you’re crazy,” Yeonjun groans dropping his face to your heaving chest, dragging his teeth and tongue over the swell of your breasts.
You grip the back of his head, fingers digging into his black hair as your other hand pushes between the two of you slightly awkwardly, popping the button of his slacks and tugging down his zipper. Pulling your hands away gently, Yeonjun moves down your body. 
“What’re you doing?” you ask breathlessly, trying to pull him back up but he shakes his head, a beautiful but dangerous smirk tugging at his lips.
Hooking his fingers in the sides of your black lace thong, he tugs them down your legs and removes them. You watch with wide eyes as he tucks them in his back pocket.
“Uh?! Y-Yeonjun?” 
“Call it a thank you for tonight. I survived your friends sending me daggers through the whole day, after all.” He winks up at you as he starts kissing and nipping his way up your inner thighs.
“H-Hey they so didn’t do that! G-Give them back to me or–” Your threat dies in your throat as Yeonjun pulls your leg over one of his shoulders. You can’t take your eyes off of him, his darkened eyes look up at you. It’s a lie if you say you never once thought about this sight. It was a nightmare for you at some point, but now, it’s reality. A good reality.
Yeonjun groans into you as his thick tongue drags through your wet folds, moving from your entrance to your throbbing clit and back again. Your body squirms as you grab his hair, feeling yourself sinking further and further into his bed as you roll your hips down into his face. Yeonjun growls as he sucks your clit between his plump lips. With one arm across your waist holding you still, the other moves between your leg. His two long fingers pushes into you, causing your back to arch, in an attempt to get closer to him.
In this moonlight shining through his room, his arms looked bigger than you remembered. Despite his tall and lanky-looking body, he’s definitely stronger than you previously thought. 
“F-Fuck Junnie!” you cry out, saying a new nickname for him in the process. The feeling is so intense as he starts thrusting his fingers into you, switching between scissoring and curling them against that sweet spot inside making your thighs shake.
Yeonjun groans once again as he feels your pussy starting to tighten around his fingers. He continues with faster movements, his tongue starting to flick back and forth over your sensitive bundle of nerves still trapped between his pouty lips.
Pulling away briefly, his tongue runs around his fingers pumping in and out of you. Your mind is beginning to get hazy. You’re so close, that you can feel the edge approaching.
“Tastes better than honey,” he groans low in his chest before sealing his lips back around your clit with renewed vigor, his tongue moving in time with his fingers.
“H-How the fuck are you so g-good at this?” You whimper as his fingers start digging into your hip, “So close, gonna c-come…. f-fuck!” You cry out as you feel the band holding your sanity together inside you snap, your pussy spasming around Yeonjun’s fingers as he works you through your orgasm. He moans around your clit, pushing vibrations through your body as you cling to his hair for dear life.
When you finally feel your body calm down, Yeonjun gently removes his fingers. He looks up at you with a smug look on his face. He’s teasing you. God, you can’t believe he just pulled an orgasm out of you. What the fuck. 
Also, why does he know how to do this so well? How many girls has he been with? 
“I can’t believe you’re teasing me because you made me cum,” You roll your eyes at him.
He climbs up your body once again and pulls you into a rough, but chaste kiss. It feels gross at first, but somehow intoxicating. You can taste yourself on his lips and tongue, yet it turns you on more than you thought it would.
“You ain’t seen anything yet, Princess,”
“Oh is that right? Show me what you’ve got then,” you smirk as your hand trails down his body, meeting his eyes when your hand pushes into his boxers. Yeonjun softly groans when your small hand wraps around his thick aching cock, tugging down his slacks and boxers until they’re around his knees. You start to pump his cock in your hand, loving the way his breathing picks up as his hands hold onto your hips. You feel so much power from doing this.
He leans over quickly to grab a condom from his bedside table and starts sliding it on until it fully encapsulates his dick.
“Are you ready?” Yeonjun asks through a moan as you pull him closer, hooking your leg over his hip. His thick cock brushes through your slick pussy, and with every roll of his hips, the tip of his cock nudges your clit.
“Yes please just do it already,” You say urgently, which makes him chuckle. His hand wraps around his cock as he eases inside of you very slowly. His other hands roughly grabs your ass as you cry out against his lips.
“Holy shit, Yeonjun…Fuck”
“God, you’re tight, can’t wait to fuckin’ ruin you,” He groans when your pussy clenches around him. He can’t take it anymore, you practically scream his name as he snaps his hips forward, neighbors be damned. Both of you cling to each other as he waits for you to adjust to his size. His lips press to your ear, his breathing ragged as he speaks. 
“You’re only gonna want me now, sweetheart and I’ll make sure of it.”
Your nails drag down his back creating angry red lines against his soft skin. You nod your head slightly foggy, filled with just Yeonjun. 
“Do it! Please, move. I’m yours,” you breathe against his lips, your sweaty forehead up against his.
“Love the sound of you being so eager, ” Yeonjun grunts as he thrusts his hips up roughly, causing you to cry out into his open mouth. His hands feel like they’re everywhere as his hips start thrusting up into you wildly, the snap of his hips slapping loudly against your skin. You can feel every inch of his cock, as his lips tongue and teeth explore your neck, sucking dark purple marks into your skin. Cupping your breasts roughly, his plump lips seal around a hardened nipple. His warm mouth feels so amazing against you while you feel your pussy clamping down around his cock for the first time. 
You haven’t had sex since you lost your virginity to Wonwoo, and this being your second time feels so amazing.
“Hold it,” Yeonjun grunts pulling you back from the brink of cumming. You stare at him with your lustful bedroom eyes and mouth dropping open as he fucks into you harder than before.
“I-I can’t!”
“Yes, you can. I’m gonna pull out in a minute and I wanna see you bounce on my cock.” The way he growls those words against your neck makes you whine, desperate for release you know you’re not allowed. Fuck, the horny and desperate hormones are taking over the both of you.
Yeonjun pulls out after another hard thrust that makes your legs weak, stumbling away from you. He grins like a cheshire cat when you glare at him. Laying down awkwardly next to you, he starts pumping his cock in his hand as he watches you crawl towards him. Your back aches and stings, much like the rest of your body in the best way, but all you can focus on is Yeonjun.
To his surprise you turn your back to him, getting to your knees and straddle his hips and thighs. With your hands resting on his thick thighs, you lean your ass back, moaning as he teases the tip of his cock against your entrance. It slips inside you with not much difficulty and you can’t help but push back into him. You slowly lower yourself, letting your tight wet heat envelope him, until your ass is pressed against his groin and lower stomach.
“D-Didn’t know you have a thing for my ass,” You tease.
Yeonjun growls low in his throat, squeezing your ass roughly as you lift almost off his cock before dropping back down. 
“Not such a good girl after all are you?” He questions roughly as you start a steady rhythm of rising and falling on his cock, nails digging into his thighs.
You pause to roll your hips over him, loving the way your clit rubs against him.
 “N-No, it was a persona for me too,” you cry out as he slaps your ass hard, quickly followed by another harsh slap to your other cheek.
“Y/N, you’re so hot,” Yeonjun groans as you start bouncing again. He feels your pussy beginning to clench again as your slick leaks down his shaft and balls. You hold on when you start to feel him bucking his hips up into you. “Don’t stop, let go Princess,” Yeonjun says roughly catching his bottom lip between his teeth.
Pushing a hand between your legs, you rub harsh circles into your clit. Your throat is hoarse from shouting out his name. Your eyes squeeze tightly shut as Yeonjun thrusts up hard, and you cry out as you come, clinging to him wherever you can.
You’ve barely come down from your euphoric high when Yeonjun eases you up, a rough bruising grip on your hips. He takes control guiding you up and down his length until he finally comes with a moaning whimper of your name falling from his lips.
You're panting hard when Yeonjun finally pulls out slowly, helping you lay down next to him gently.
“Fuck, I love you” Yeonjun whispers aggressively as he goes in to kiss you, his arms wrapping around you. It takes a while for those words to sink in because you’re still in disbelief. When he pulls away he’s surprised to find you frowning.
“You okay?” he asks worriedly, his fingers brushing over the slowly forming bruises on your body. “Was I too rough,” he swallows hard, meeting your eyes. You shake your head.
“You mean you love me as a friend right?” you question nervously, just wanting to confirm that he actually isn’t playing with your heart.
You heard rumors that he kinda does this thing with a select few girls for fun. So you want to make sure if he is actually on the same wavelength as you.
“That’s what’s wrong?” He asks with a smile shaking his head and kissing you again. He grabs a blanket to cover your body with for warmth. 
You nod looking down at your fingers which are now linked with his.
“If it bothers you, Y/N, then yeah I can pretend I meant as friends but no. I meant it when I said I fell in love with you. I wish we could’ve done this sooner, but at least I didn’t wait any longer,” he chuckles, the blush on his cheeks brightening the more he speaks. “But it’s totally fine if you wanna chalk this up to–” You cover his mouth with your hand shaking your head.
You pull his lips to yours with tears in your eyes, feeling him smile into the kiss as a sigh of relief leaves his chest. “I’ve start to fall in love with you too,  if it wasn’t obvious the last couple of weeks we started talking more. I was so used to you being a flirty nerd, but this was very unexpected. I’m still speechless,” you giggle watching the smirk slip onto his plump lips.
“Funny how you said you’re never do anything trashy with me and look at us now,” he promises you as he gets up to discard the used up condom in the trash bin next to his bed.
You roll your eyes at him, “Shut up! Things change!”
They really do.
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The next morning, Yeonjun drops you off at your home. Well, he drops you off at the street corner so you wouldn’t appear too suspicious. 
“I know you gotta study for finals this week before graduation on Saturday, so I won’t bother you. But text me if you need me.” 
You nod, a warm smile tugging at your lips as you look at Yeonjun. "Thanks, Yeonjun. I appreciate it," you say softly, your heart feeling lighter knowing he's there for you now as someone more than a rival, more than a friend.
Yeonjun returns your smile, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he leans in, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. "Anytime, Y/N. I'll be waiting for your call," he replies, his voice tinged with sincerity.
As you step out of the car and onto the sidewalk, you turn back to wave at Yeonjun, watching as he drives away. 
When enter your house, your very nosey mother folding laundry in the living room asks you about the wedding and where you stayed the night, you tell her you stayed with Kyeongmin, Namjoon’s younger sister. Before she can ask you anything else, you tell her you’re going to rest up and study for your finals in your room.
Once safely in your room, you let out a sigh of relief, grateful to have dodged your mother's interrogation. But as you glance at your phone, you see messages from Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin, all undoubtedly asking about last night's events.
Shit. It seems like you have some explaining to do.
You open Namjoon's message, feeling a pang of guilt as you read his words. 
Namjoonie [Saturday 12:01AM]: Hey, tiny! Sorry about making you uncomfortable by interrogating you and Yeonjun. Are you really dating him?
You take a deep breath before composing your response. 
You [Sunday 8:11AM]: “Hey, Joon! Yeah… I'm with Yeonjun…
You [Sunday 8:12AM]: It’s a long story. Let’s talk more after finals and grad are done? You’re going on Saturday, right?
You weren’t expecting him to be up at this hour, but when he responds not long after you send your text out, you wonder what happened after he left.
Namjoon [Sunday 8:12AM]: Wouldn’t miss it for the world :)
Namjoon has always been overprotective over you, but surprisingly, he’s being patient right now. Maybe the year in college has changed him. A part of you kinda hoped he’d react differently.
You responded to the rest of the guys similarly, and also receive responses that oddly disappoint you a bit.
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June 3rd, 20XX [Saturday]
Finals week goes by in a flash. You pass all your finals with flying colors, and before you know it, it's Saturday morning. The graduation ceremony is at 4PM, but you're at the school gym at the crack ass of dawn to practice sitting in assigned seats and walking for the ceremony at the football field later.  With your status as Salutatorian, you end up getting placed in the very front, along with Jimin who is the Valedictorian and Yeonjun who sits in the 3rd spot.  The rest of the spots are filled by Daisy, Mark, Soobin, Denise, Stephan, Felix, and Kevin.
"It's really happening," you say out loud to no one in particular, but Jimin and Yeonjun look at you.
Jimin offers you a reassuring smile. "Yeah, it is. Can you believe it?"
Yeonjun chimes in, his usual playful smirk adorning his lips. "Well, I mean, look at us, top of the class and all."
Jimin eyes him suspiciously. It’s unlike Yeonjun to just butt into a conversation with you and Jimin like that. You’re afraid Jimin’s going to pounce on him, especially after likely hearing about what you two did at the wedding from your other best friends.
You chuckle nervously, attempting to redirect Jimin’s focus from him. "Well I barely secured this spot. Thank God you got an A- in AP Calculus,"
Jimin laughs a little too hard at your comment, and Yeonjun rolls his eyes playfully. "Hey, we’re all going to college and that’s what matters," he says, flashing a grin. 
You nod, feeling a sense of camaraderie with your friends. "Yeah, we are."
As the morning progresses, you go through the motions of the graduation rehearsal, listening to the instructions from the faculty and practicing your entrance and exit. After an hour and thirty minutes of practicing, you’re all free to head home and get ready.
"I'll give you a ride," Yeonjun suggests to you casually, however Jimin suddenly grabs your wrist.
"Nope, I'm taking her!" Jimin chimes in. "See ya!"
"H-Hey! Wait!" You protest, but Jimin drags you away to his used black porsche parked in the student parking lot.
You stumble slightly as Jimin pulls you along, caught off guard by his sudden decision. "Jimin, what's going on?" you ask, trying to keep up with his brisk pace.
"Nothing.” He groans, “Just want to take you to my place to get ready with me for graduation. We'll drop by your house to get your stuff."
You're taken aback by Jimin's sudden assertiveness but decide to go along with it, intrigued by what he has planned. "Uhh right! Sounds good?" you reply, trying to keep up with his energetic pace.
Jimin unlocks his car, and you slide into the passenger seat beside him. The engine roars to life, and you two exit campus, leaving Yeonjun there as he left with a puzzled expression. What Jimin did would be considered war against Yeonjun. But yet again, you didn’t realize this at the time.
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The sun beats down on the football field, casting a warm glow over the sea of graduates seated in neat rows. As you sit among your classmates, adorned in your purple cap and gown, you can't help but feel a surge of nerves coursing through you. The anticipation builds as you anxiously await your turn to present your short speech as the Salutatorian of your class.
The field is alive with the buzz of excitement and anticipation, friends and family members filling the stands to witness this momentous occasion. The scent of freshly cut grass mingles with the faint aroma of flowers carried on the breeze, creating an atmosphere of celebration and achievement.
Your eyes scan the crowd, searching for familiar faces among the sea of spectators. You catch sight of your parents and sister sitting in the middle row, and then see Yoongi, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung sitting right in front of them, holding flowers and balloons. Their proud smiles warming your heart and easing some of your nerves.
Suddenly, your attention is drawn to the stage where Jimin stands, delivering his graduation speech with eloquence and passion. His words resonate with the audience, his voice carrying across the field as he imparts words of wisdom and reflection on the journey ahead.
As Jimin concludes his speech to thunderous applause, you feel a mixture of pride and apprehension. It's your turn now, and you rise to your feet, your heart pounding in your chest as you make your way to the podium.
Taking a deep breath, you begin to speak, your voice steady despite the butterflies in your stomach. You don’t remember what you said, but you did deliver your speech with poise and confidence, sharing words of gratitude and inspiration with your fellow graduates. And it was well received, so that’s all that matters.
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As the ceremony draws to a close and the last diploma is handed out, the graduates are instructed to move their tassels from the right side of their caps to the left—a symbolic gesture marking their transition from students to graduates.
With a collective movement, the sea of caps is adorned with a new arrangement of tassels, signifying the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. The air is filled with the sound of cheers and applause from family and friends, along with the joyful noise of celebratory horns and whistles.
As your eyes scan the crowd, you spot your guy best friends rushing to the field to meet you and Jimin. With wide grins plastered across their faces, they weave through the throngs of people, their excitement palpable in the air.
Yoongi is the first to reach you in a rush, his trademark smirk firmly in place. "Well, well, look who's finally a high school graduate," he teases, clapping a hand on your shoulder.
Namjoon follows closely behind, his eyes sparkling with pride. "Congrats you two! You actually made it!" he exclaims, enveloping you and Jimin in a tight hug.
“With honors, too. You two are insane. Congrats you nerds!” Jin teased. “It’s called being competitive! And of course we were gonna graduate. We may have been gaming at times, but we still did our shit.” Jimin exclaimed, rolling his eyes.
Hoseok jumps in with his signature peppiness, practically bouncing on his toes. "Hey, I believed y’all could do it! Now, let's party!" he cheers, his enthusiasm infectious.
Taehyung joins the group with a mischievous grin, already planning the festivities. "Hey, hey, Jungkook and I’s high school graduation isn’t until 7 PM. We can't party yet," he interjects, his eyes still twinkling with anticipation despite the delay.
You smile at Taehyung's words, nodding in agreement. "Don’t worry. Jimin and I will definitely swing by your graduation and then we’ll party," you assure him, feeling the excitement building up again. The group chuckles, the prospect of double celebrations lifting their spirits even more.
As you bask in the joyous atmosphere, a pang of sadness washes over you as you remember Yeonjun. You quickly turn around to scan the crowd for him, but he's nowhere to be seen. Before you can dwell on it further, you're called out by your parents and surrounded by friends and teachers eager to congratulate you and bid you farewell. The momentary worry about Yeonjun is pushed aside as you immerse yourself in the festivities.
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June 4th, 20XX [Sunday]
Despite the fact that you couldn't see him after the ceremony, Yeonjun shows up at your house the next morning. 
Your mom and sister are heavily caught off guard when they open the door because they've never seen him in their lives. Your sister rushes up stairs to wakes you from your slumber.
“Y/N! You need to go downstairs because there’s a pretty boy outside waiting for you with flowers!” She yells at you while removing your blankets.
You groggily rub your eyes as your sister's words register in your mind. "A pretty boy with flowers?" you mumble, still half asleep. For some reason, the thought of it being Yeonjun doesn’t click in your head. The first guy that comes to mind is Namjoon, but that wouldn’t make sense.
"Yeah, I've never seen him before," your sister replies with a curious expression. "He's, like, really handsome."
The fact that she’s never seen him before tells you otherwise.
Curiosity piqued, you quickly throw on a hoodie over your pajamas and rush downstairs to see who could possibly be waiting for you at your doorstep. As you descend the stairs, you hear the muffled voices of your mom and sister conversing with someone.
When you reach the bottom of the stairs, you freeze in surprise at the sight of Yeonjun standing in your foyer, holding a bouquet of flowers. Your mom and sister look equally bewildered by his presence.
"Yeonjun?" you exclaim, blinking in disbelief.
"Hey," Yeonjun greets you with a sheepish smile, his cheeks tinged with a hint of pink. "I, uh, hope it's okay that I came over. I wanted to see you."
Your mom and sister exchange incredulous glances before your sister nudges you playfully. "Go on, Y/N, talk to your mysterious visitor," she whispers with a mischievous grin.
You shoot her a grateful, yet awkward smile before turning back to Yeonjun. "Yeah, of course it's okay. I'm just... surprised to see you here."
Yeonjun scratches the back of his neck nervously, his expression sheepish. "Yeah, uh, I wanted to apologize for disappearing after graduation. I got caught up with my friends and family… and I felt bad for not seeing you, so I wanted to make it up to you by taking you out for breakfast."
You raise an eyebrow, slightly surprised by his sudden appearance but also relieved. "Really? Well, I could definitely go for some breakfast right now," you say with a smile, feeling the tension ease between you.
"Get changed and we'll grab pancakes from Stacks. My treat," Yeonjun suggests with a grin.
Your eyes light up with excitement. "Bet! Just give me a sec to get ready," you reply, dashing upstairs to freshen up and swap your pajamas for a band t-shirt tucked into your med-wash jeans before heading out for breakfast.
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You spent the morning talking with Yeonjun and eating breakfast before he took you back home. You talked to him about things you want to do over the summer with you and things of that sort. It felt so weird to finally be in a relationship. You didn’t think it would happen, let alone with someone you used to call your rival. He wanted to spend more time with you, but you told him you had to meet with Jimin to help Yoongi and Namjoon pack up and move out for the summer.
You also told him that you were going to let them know about your relationship with him, which he was fine with.
Jimin came to pick you up not long after and he drove to their college, which would soon become the same place you’ll be going to 2.5 months from now. 
“Congrats on whatever you and Yeonjun have.” Jimin said once you got in the car.
“Did Namjoon and Yoongi tell you?”
“Briefly, but there’s a few little birds in the dance community saying that Yeonjun was talking about you. Obviously don’t know all the details so you better tell me.” He eyes you for a second before looking back on the road.
“Obviously, you’re my best friend after all.” You say, and then proceed to tell him how this all started, where you are now, your fears, your excitement.
Jimin only nodded in response and smiled at your enthusiasm. But his smile hid a bit of sadness behind it. Though yet again, you didn’t realize the full extent about that at this time.
When you both arrived at the campus, You noticed Namjoon and Yoongi were already waiting for you outside of the dorm building with a good chunk of their stuff, cardboard boxes piled up as tall as them. Though, you think that there’s still more of it inside their dorm. Jimin parked the car in the dorm parking lot and got out to start loading the boxes in his car.
“Seokjin’s going to use his dad’s truck to help us pack some of the stuff that won’t fit in Jimin’s car. We’re waiting for him too.” Namjoon commented as he walked toward your window and leaned against it.
“Good to know! I was telling him earlier that most of this shit won’t fit in his small ass sports car.” You joked, which made Namjoon chuckle at your jab towards Jimin.
There was a pregnant pause after when you realized you hadn’t really talked this casually with Namjoon since the wedding. From the look in his eyes you realize that he also immediately had this thought as well.
You had talked to him last night at your graduation, but it was mainly celebratory exchanges and nothing directly related to your personal circumstances outside of that. He remained mostly around Hoseok’s side last night at the group grad party as he taught Namjoon about djaying.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” You begin as you break the silence, opening the car door to get out and shake your legs from the discomfort of sitting down for an hour. “Things happened pretty suddenly and quickly. There wasn’t really much time to bring it up—”
“It’s okay, Tiny.” Namjoon cut you off, knowing you were about to go on an apology tangent. He knows you do that whenever you feel really bad about something. “We’re all grown up. We’re bound to get into relationships. So don’t worry about it,” Namjoon smiled, however, his seemed more genuine than Jimins’. You’re not sure what this means… You expected more push and pull from him, but he’s being more understanding than you anticipated.
Yoongi tells the both of you to come inside the building so you can help him bring the last of the boxes out of their dorm. When you get to their room, Namjoon continues his thoughts.
“As long as Yeonjun doesn’t break your heart. I’m cool with him, I guess.” He carefully words out, seemingly trying to convince himself about that last sentence.
Yoongi catches chase of what Namjoon is talking about and nods, “I agree with that. If you’re happy, then we’re happy. It’s important to support each other. We’re best friends after all.”
“Right, but you better not leave us behind or start ignoring us for your boyfriend, alright?” Namjoon boops your nose with his index finger before hoisting up 3 big boxes in his arm, making you flustered. Looking at his arm strength has made you question if he’s gotten more buff recently.
“Obviously. You’re my best friends! No matter what, I’d never be an ass to you guys just because I have a boyfriend.” you spoke so matter-of-factly to them, like even the thought of you betraying them was pure blasphemy. You wouldn’t do that to them. You’ve known them for years, and have shed blood, sweat, and tears together. “You’re always one of my top priorities.”
There was a glow on their faces from simply hearing those words from you. You didn’t know the implications of that change of complexion. You were just being honest.
But you didn’t have any idea how much these words would haunt you later on.
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The first month or so of dating Yeonjun has felt like a dream. 
A long awaited dream that you’ve had for so long. After graduating, you didn’t have much to do for the next three months you’re still in town. During the summer, you’d usually work a seasonal shift at a cafe near your local community college, but they were cutting costs and hiring less staff than usual. Jimin’s dad offered you a job at his bakery instead, which you decided to take, much to Jimin’s dismay. You assumed it’s because he didn’t want his dad to work you to the bone, which you didn’t mind. You wanted to have some extra cash to pay for college, as well as your outings with Yeonjun.
Yeonjun didn’t seem opposed to it either. Well, that’s what you thought at the time. Right before your shifts ended, Yeonjun would come by, get an injeolmi toast or an Iced Americano and then pick you up from work when your shift ended. It was a little embarrassing that Mr. Park would see him come by often. He’d even start to question you about the boy. At some point, he began conversations with him, asking him if he’s Korean, what school does he go to, what his parents do, etc. Jimin’s dad found him interesting, and would tease Jimin to “be more like Yeonjun”.
“Be more like Yeonjun?” Jimin scoffed, but didn’t continue his thought after looking at you and then looking away to continue with his task.
After he’d pick you up, you’d go on dates. Sometimes, you’d have a picnic at the lake or walk around the mall and talk about work, your parents, and your best friends with him. Other times, you’d come over to his apartment and help his aunt and cousin make mandu. When you were lucky, the apartment would be empty and you’d take the time to have sex with Yeonjun in his room.
Once, you tried to do the same thing and invite him to your place for sex. Your parents and sister had gone 2 cities over to shop at a bigger mall, so you didn’t miss the chance to text Yeonjun to come over. You were nervous the whole time, fearing that your parents could come home sooner than expected or sometimes even worse, Namjoon or his family would notice that Yeonjun came over. But your horny self pushed those thoughts away and let it happen.
Losing your sanity slowly for this man. But other thoughts remained on the back of your mind. 
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July 4th, 20XX [Tuesday]
The afternoon sun was already high, casting a warm glow over the town as you called up Yeonjun to see if he wanted to join you at Hoseok's barbecue pool party. He had invited you and your best friends a last week, but you wanted your boyfriend to come along as well. It would help him get more familiar with your friend group and maybe your friends.
Yeonjun said he’s be down and confirmed that he would drive. Namjoon and Yoongi texted you not long after your call ended asking if they could get a ride from you since they were planning to drink at the party. Out of habit, you agreed, but then realized you fucked up.
When Yeonjun’s car pulled up to your front curb, there was a brief moment of reluctance as he saw Namjoon and Yoongi waiting with you. "Hey…didn't know we'd have a full car," Yeonjun said, trying to keep his tone light.
"I’m so sorry about that," you replied, sensing a bit of tension. "But they need a ride! And we’re going to the same place so it'll be fun!"
Namjoon and Yoongi exchanged glances, also hesitant but willing to go along. "As long as we get there," Yoongi muttered, sliding into the back seat, followed by a silent Namjoon.
You climbed into the passenger seat, buckling in while feeling the weight of the unspoken tension in the car. Yeonjun's usual playful demeanor was slightly subdued as he started driving, and the ride to Hoseok's house was filled with polite conversation and forced laughter, rather than the easy banter you were used to. You wore a black bikini, but covered it up with an orange Hawaiian shirt and short shorts. Despite the cover-up, your cleavage was noticeable, and you couldn't help but feel the eyes of Yeonjun, Namjoon, and Yoongi lingering on you throughout the ride when you’d turn to talk to them.
Upon arriving, Hoseok's backyard was already buzzing with commotion. The smell of grilled meats and the sound of upbeat music filled the air. Hoseok, busy DJ-ing, was nodding to the beat of the music ashis hands deftly adjusted the controls. His parents and sister were in Korea for the month, so he had the house to himself, which meant the party was full of his college friends and alcohol, adding to the lively atmosphere.
Jungkook was the first to greet you, his smile wide and welcoming. "Hey! You’re here!" he exclaimed, pulling you into a quick hug.
“Of course! Would never miss Hoseok’s party!” you replied, feeling the party’s energy start to lift your spirits.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin soon followed, each offering their own warm greetings. “Looking good,” Taehyung said, eyeing your outfit with a grin.
"You’re playing with fire Tae, but thanks," you replied, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks as you noticed him and the others sneaking glances at your attire.
Jimin laughed, clapping Yeonjun on the back. "Nice of you to bring our girl here safely."
"Our–?” Yeonjun said out loud without realizing, before he corrected himself. “Uh well, yeah, anything for her," Yeonjun said, his tone sounded off, but you didn’t try to think much of it.
The backyard was a lively scene, reminiscent of a typical college Fourth of July party. Brightly colored pool floats bobbed on the surface of the pool, people splashing and playing in the water. Tables were laden with a variety of foods: burgers, hot dogs, assorted fruits, and bowls of chips. Red, white, and blue decorations were everywhere, from streamers hanging from the porch to patriotic-themed tablecloths. Jungkook said he and Taehyung did most of the decor work.
People milled about, chatting, laughing, and dancing to the music Hoseok was mixing. Solo cups filled with various drinks were scattered around, and a beer pong table was set up near the garage, already attracting a competitive crowd.
"Grab a plate, y’all!" Taehyung called, waving you over to the food table.
As you approached, you noticed Yoongi and Namjoon heading straight for the grill, where Jin had gone back to. They started joking around with Jin, who was manning the grill, and soon the three of them were engaged in a playful banter about how Jin is so dad-like at times. Jin offered them some cold beers and they cracked them open.
Meanwhile, you filled your plate with a burger and some snacks and found a spot under a large umbrella with Yeonjun. He sat close enough that your knees touched under the table, and you could feel his gaze linger on you from time to time, sending shivers down your spine despite the warm summer air.
Sometimes, you wondered how Yeonjun felt being brought into this whole new world of yours. You were used to him hanging out with Soobin and Mark, and some of his other boys you realize you hadn’t met. And girls too. People from his dance community. You would like him to become friends with your friends, but does he feel uncomfortable here? You honestly don’t know deeply of his dating history to gauge how things must’ve been in the past for him. You turned to look at him, typing away on his phone.
“How are you liking the party?” You ask him, words leaving your mouth slowly. “It’s great.” He says simply, which makes you internally sigh in relief. “You truly have an interesting friend group, Princess.” He chuckles as he observes your friends playing an intense game of ninja across you two.
“I’m honestly not sure how I got stuck with these eggheads, but at least it’s been getting me out of the house and doing something for the last couple of years.” You respond, looking at the guys back.
The party continued to ramp up, with more people showing up, some familiar faces, as the day went on. Music filled the air, laughter was everywhere, and the smell of delicious food wafted through the yard. Hoseok, in his element, kept the energy high with his DJ skills, creating a festive atmosphere. You sit poolside, feet dipped in the water while watching your boyfriend and friends in the pool. Jungkook had convince Yeonjun to join them, which made him open up a bit than earlier,
"You’re not coming in the pool, Tiny?" Namjoon asked, nudging you slightly.
"Mmm," you replied with a coy smile. "Depends if I get a good enough reason to. Otherwise, I’ll chill here." "Oh? We'll give you plenty of reasons."
Just then, Jimin swam over with a mischievous grin. "You know, it's not a real pool party unless everyone's in the pool," he said.
Before you could react, Namjoon and Jimin each grabbed one of your arms. "Hey! Wait!" you squealed, but it was too late. They pulled you into the pool with a big splash.
You resurfaced, pushing your wet hair out of your face. The guys laughed, making you huff. "You guys are the worst!" you said, trying to sound annoyed but failing miserably.
Yeonjun was about to swim over towards you, until Yoongi beat him to it, “Are you good, Y/N?”
You turned to see Yoongi offering you a hand. "Yeah, I'm okay!" you replied, reaching out to take his hand. With his help, you pulled yourself up to the edge of the pool, sitting there once again with your feet in the water.
"Thanks, Yoongs," you said, giving Yoongi a grateful smile. He nodded, his expression softening as he looked at you.
"No problem," he replied, his tone gentle. "Just making sure you're okay."
As you chatted with Yoongi, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering Yeonjun as he stood in the pool with the others. There was a flicker of something in his eyes, a hint of uncertainty that you couldn't quite place.
You caught his gaze for a moment, and you could sense a fear lingering in the pit of his stomach, something he couldn't find the courage to voice. It made you wonder what was going through his mind, what thoughts were swirling beneath that calm exterior he often wore.
Despite your curiosity, you didn't push him to share. Instead, you offered him a reassuring smile, hoping to convey that you were there for him if he ever needed to talk.
As the night wore on and darkness settled over the neighborhood, the sky erupted in bursts of color and light as fireworks filled the air. You and the guys gathered in the driveway, lighting sparklers and watching in awe as the vibrant displays lit up the night.
Yeonjun draped his arm around you, pulling you close as you both gazed up at the dazzling spectacle above. The warmth of his touch and the closeness between you brought a sense of comfort, momentarily easing the worries that had been nagging at you earlier.
As you and Yeonjun watched the fireworks together, he leaned in close, his voice low and smug over the noise of the festivities.
"These fireworks are pretty impressive," he remarked, his eyes flickering with amusement as he looked up at the sky. “Illegal though, but beautiful.”
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at his teasing tone. "Ha, well I think they’re okay, I guess," you replied, feigning nonchalance.
Yeonjun chuckled, his arm sliding casually around your waist. "Just okay? Come on, Y/N. They’re just as pretty as you."
You couldn't help but laugh at his flirty comment, feeling a warm flush spread across your cheeks. "You’re such a smooth talker, aren't you?" you teased, nudging him playfully with your shoulder.
He flashed you a cocky grin, his gaze lingering on you with a hint of mischief. "Hey, when you've got it, flaunt it," he quipped, his confidence shining through. Without a word, he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a soft, sweet kiss. It was quick but electrifying, sending a rush of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. When you pulled away, both of you were left grinning like fools, unable to contain your laughter.
But amidst your shared moment of joy, you couldn't help but notice Yoongi's subtle glance from the side, his expression unreadable in the dim light. A fleeting observation, without time to question it more before Jin called out to you to join them in a sparkler fest.
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August 18, 20XX [Friday]
More time spent together with Yeonjun continues to keep you busy throughout the summer, and progressively, you start seeing less and less of specific people. You don’t know if it’s intentional on either end, but that’s just how things have been going. 
“I’m taking you to Knott’s Berry Farm.” Yeonjun says, driving and continuing to look at the road ahead of him.
The slow spiraling of thoughts scatter for a moment as your heart skips a beat at Yeonjun's announcement. Knott's Berry Farm? You hadn't been to an amusement park since the eighth-grade end-of-year trip. The memories flood back, and you can't help but feel a surge of excitement mixed with a hint of nostalgia.
"Seriously?" you ask, unable to contain the grin spreading across your face.
Yeonjun nods, glancing at you with a playful smile. "Yep, seriously. Thought it'd be a fun way to spend the day with you. I love this place too."
You can hardly believe your luck. Knott's Berry Farm is no doubt the most fun place to be at, and with its thrilling rides, delicious food, and vibrant atmosphere, you knew it would be such a cute date to have. 
As you continue down the road, you can't help but chatter excitedly about all the rides you want to go on and the treats you can't wait to try. Yeonjun listens with a smile, occasionally interjecting with his own thoughts and memories of the park from when he was in middle school as well.
You and Yeonjun wander through the park, you come across a charming merry-go-round tucked away in a corner. Yeonjun's eyes light up with excitement, and he suggests taking a ride together. You agree, feeling a flutter of anticipation as you approach the carousel.
Once seated on the colorful wooden horses, you exchange smiles and playful glances with Yeonjun as the merry-go-round begins to spin. The cheerful music fills the air, and you can't help but giggle as you rise and fall with the gentle motion of the ride.
"You’re such a kid!" Yeonjun teases, his laughter mixing with yours.
"Well, what can I say? I just want to be young forever," you reply, feeling carefree in this moment with him. You wave your arm out, feeling so free and liberated.
Is this the korean drama relationship you’ve always dreamed up. After all this time, it feels like you’ve finally achieved it. All these cute dates. A loving boyfriend who was once your academic rival. A summer romance.
Though, when you remember that it’s not just you and Yeonjun in this little world you’ve crafted together, reality hits and you recall the words that your best friends once said: “Right, but you better not leave us behind or start ignoring us for your boyfriend, alright?” 
And then enters a sense of guilt and doubt you’ve felt earlier. 
As the ride slows to a stop, you catch sight of Namjoon, who coincidentally is staring right at you off the ride. He’s with a group of people, you can’t tell at the moment. Your heart skips a beat, and a sudden wave of anxiety washes over you. You're not sure why you feel this way, especially around your best friends, but the thought of them seeing you with Yeonjun has progressively made you feel self-conscious. Why is this happening?
"Hey, isn't that Namjoon and the others?" Yeonjun asks, noticing your reaction.
"Yeah," you reply softly, unable to shake off the nerves.
Yeonjun looks at you with concern, his hand reaching out to gently squeeze yours. "Y/N, Are you okay?"
You nod, offering him a reassuring smile. "Oh, yeah. Just felt a little nauseous for a sec. Let's go say hi."
Together, you approach Namjoon who turns out to be hanging out with familiar faces like Jungkook and Jin. The other people in their party are unfamiliar to you, but you do see Namjoon’s fling and Jungkook’s fling behind him. 
Unease grows, but you try to push it aside. As you greet them with a smile and introduce yourself to the unknown faces, you can't help but wonder why being with Yeonjun in front of your friends feels so daunting.
You notice Namjoon's being a bit quiet, letting Jin and Jungkook excitedly converse with Yeonjun. You feel a pang of disappointment at the lack of words from him, but you try to brush it off, not wanting to make a scene.
“Jin hyung mentioned he wanted to come to an amusement park so he dragged us–” Jungkook is smacked on the back by the older man.
“You guys wanted to come with me voluntarily! So we brought some buddies. Yoongi and the rest of the guys hate theme parks.” Jin argued back, making you giggle slightly.
Namjoon offers a half-hearted nod while Jungkook and Jin give you bright smiles. Yeonjun stands beside you, his expression unreadable as he observes the interaction.
"Do you want to join us for some rides?" Jin suggests, breaking the awkward silence. "The lines don't look too bad today. The more the merrier right?" The other guys and girls happily agree.
"Yeah! Let’s do it Y/N!" Jungkook agrees, his eyes lighting up with excitement.
You glance at Yeonjun, silently asking for his opinion. He nods in agreement, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Sure, that sounds fun.”
"Great! Which ride should we go on first?" you ask, trying to steer the conversation away from the tension that still lingers between Namjoon and Yeonjun.
As you wait in line for the Ghostrider rollercoaster, you can't shake the feeling of tension between Namjoon and Yeonjun. Namjoon stands a little too close to you, pointedly ignoring Yeonjun's attempts at conversation and even the fling he’s here with. You exchange a concerned glance with Yeonjun, but he offers you a reassuring smile, trying to brush off the awkwardness.
You enjoy the thrill of five rides together, getting to talk to some of the college friends Jin and Namjoon brought along, as well as being silly with Jungkook. He reminds you a lot of Jimin at times, and it makes you miss him. You hadn’t seen him for sometime. 
Something else you’ve noticed during this little adventure is that Hyungseo has been trying to cling to Namjoon, however, he keeps kindly rejecting her advances. After some time, she sticks to a few of the other girls in the group, who she seems to gossip about you to. Jungkook’s fling (who you find out is named Tzuyu) is really kind, and probably the only girl to want to genuinely talk to you seeing how comfortable you are around Jungkook. And not in an overly-touchy way, 
After all the rides, the churning sensation in your stomach becomes too much to ignore. "I'm going to grab a water," you announce to the group, nodding towards the nearby concession stand. Yeonjun, Jungkook, and Jin nod in understanding, eager to continue their adventure.
“I can come with you,” Yeonjun suggests, but you shake your head slightly.
“It’s okay, Jjunie. Go join everyone else for another ride! I want you to have fun,” you assure him with a warm smile. 
“Yes, dear friend! Come join us on this quest!” Jin comments, pointing to the next ride, which looks like an insane rollercoaster.
Though he hesitates to leave you behind, he eventually nods and heads over to join Jin and the others.
As you wait in line to buy a bottle of water, Namjoon joins you, his expression unreadable. You sense his tension and decide to break the ice. "You didn’t go on the ride?” You ask.
“Nah, I’ve been feeling parched, so I wanted to grab something to drink,” he responds, his lips forming a straight line. Something is definitely amiss.
“Okay…” You reply before addressing the elephant in the room. "Hey Joonie, is everything okay?" you ask, trying to sound casual.
Namjoon hesitates for a moment before replying, "Yeah, why?" His tone is curt, and you can't help but feel a pang of annoyance.
"Namjoon, you've been acting weird towards Yeonjun all day… Plus, you aren’t hanging out with Hyungseo?" you finally confront him, unable to ignore the tension any longer. "What's going on?"
"Surprised you even remembered her name.” He chuckles “We’re just friends, nothing serious. I don’t need to be glued to her all the time.”
That sounds like a slight jab to you hanging around Yeonjun, but you’re not gonna say that.
“Ignoring my main question, I see.”
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Hey, I’m not being weird. I just… don't like Yeonjun, isn’t that fair to feel? I don’t trust him either."
You furrow your brows in confusion. "What do you mean? Yeonjun is my boyfriend, and he's been nothing but kind to me."
Namjoon shakes his head, his expression firm. "I know, but I’ve heard from Jimin and the shit his dance friends said. I have a bad feeling about him. I don't want to see you get hurt."
It’s actually interesting that he brings this up right now, because you realized, that despite you hanging out with Yeonjun often, you haven’t met those dance friends. You’ve talked about wanting to dance, but he says he’ll bring you there eventually.
You feel a surge of frustration at Namjoon's stubbornness. “Namjoon, I appreciate your concern, but I'm capable of making my own decisions. Yeonjun cares about me, and I trust him.” You take the time to sigh now, “Plus, How do we know that whatever rumors they say are true. Maybe it could be some jealous ex?’
Namjoon opens his mouth to respond, but you cut him off, not wanting to hear any more of his unfounded suspicions. "Fine, let's just enjoy the rest of the day, okay? We can talk about this later."
“No… I want to talk about this right now. I know you, Yoongi, and Jimin might be worried that Yeonjun could be using me or even seeing someone else, but everything is going amazing right now. He’s been the sweetest boyfriend.” You sigh, feeling tears welling up in your eyes, “I just want my best friends to get along with my boyfriend. Please.”
Feeling the depth of your emotions, Namjoon's expression softens, his concern evident in his eyes. "I understand, Tiny. I'm sorry if I've made things uncomfortable," he says, his tone gentler now.
There. He says it again like he did back in June. It feels like walking on eggshells.
You nod, appreciating his willingness to listen. "It's okay, Joonie. I know you're just looking out for me," you reply, feeling some of the tension ease between you.
Namjoon lets out a sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I just want what's best for you, you know? And if Yeonjun truly cares about you, then I'll do my best to support you both," he admits, his voice tinged with sincerity, but also a hint of frustration. You don’t want to comment on that. You wonder if you were in his position, would you do the same thing? Maybe.
Nonetheless, a sense of relief washes over you, grateful for Namjoon's willingness to put aside his reservations for your sake. "Thank you, Joonie. That means a lot to me," you say, offering him a small smile.
As the day comes to a close, you bid farewell to the guys, exchanging hugs and promises to hang out again soon. With Yeonjun by your side, you exit the park, the vibrant lights of the attractions fading into the distance as you make your way to his car.
The silence hangs between you for a moment, the only sound the soft hum of the engine as Yeonjun starts the car. Then, breaking the quietude, Yeonjun speaks up, his voice laced with uncertainty, "Namjoon doesn't like me much, does he?"
You turn to look at him, noting the furrow in his brow and the tension in his shoulders. Sighing softly, you reach out to place a comforting hand on his arm. "No! It's not that he doesn't like you, Jjunie," you assure him, using the affectionate nickname you've grown fond of. "He's just protective of me, that's all."
Which you initially thought wasn’t the case, but with time, you’re starting to see it come out.
Yeonjun nods, though his expression remains troubled. "I get that," he replies, his gaze fixed on the road ahead and recounting the many stories of your past with Namjoon that you’ve told him. "But I want him to know that I care about you too, and that I'll do everything I can to make you happy."
You offer him a reassuring smile, feeling a surge of warmth at his words. "I know you will, Jjunie," you say, squeezing his arm gently. "And I appreciate that more than you know." Yeonjun stops at an empty parking lot by the lake park by his place just to prove this simple fact to you. You're not sure when you ended up in his lap but you can't complain as you run your fingers through the waves of his hair. Pressed up against him in such a tight space. The flurry of emotions has goosebumps raising on your skin and he pulls away, panting harshly. Your foreheads are touching as you gaze at each other.
"I still can't believe you want me," he almost laughs in disbelief. "Is this real or am I dreaming?"
"Of course, you're not dreaming. I do want you. Always have. None of your other crushes ever want you?" You roll your hips as a test and Yeonjun’s low moan of your name only amplifies your confidence. "How could they when they weren't me?"
He slides his seat back, the sudden motion causing you to slam a hand against the window to try to steady yourself and avoid throwing your weight against him. But that's exactly what he wants. Using the momentum to cup the round cheeks of your ass under your skirt, he positions you right where the tip of his hard cock pokes against his jeans. You can feel him through the thin piece of fabric that is your already ruined panties.
"You're so wet, baby," he murmurs against your lips. "All for me, yeah? No one else, no other guy could soak your pussy like me, right?"
Even if it was a lie (which it wasn't), you can only agree because Yeonjun doesn't move an inch until a resounding yes leaves your lips. It's another scrambled blur as you fight to undo his belt and pull his jeans in the small space you have. 
Just like your love for him.
You let out a relieved sigh when his cock is in your hand and Yeonjun moans, throwing his head back. You'd moved down a bit so you could jerk him off easier, giggling at how he twitches when he feels the heat of your pulsating cunt leaking all over his thigh.
Then, once prepped, Yeonjun slides your panties to the side and prepares to roll a condom down on his length. He lets his head fall forehead and softly bumps your forehead with his as you attempt to sink down on his dick. He keeps his fingers splayed across both of your hips, bunching up the fabric of your short skirt so he can watch the way your puffy pussy lips part and wrap around the tip of his thick, hard cock.
And then eventually, after a series of thrusts, rolls, and moans of “jjunie” and “princess”,  you both reach orgasm.
Yes, this is the world you want to stay in. You don’t want this to end.
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August 21st, 20XX [Monday]
The faint sounds of a video game’s battle music filled Yoongi’s living room, but none of the guys were paying attention. The controllers lay discarded on the couch, forgotten as they discussed a far more pressing issue.
"I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind," Namjoon groaned, throwing an arm over his face as he leaned back on the couch, staring blankly up at the ceiling. His frustration hanged in the air.
“Well, what can you do? She loves the guy and he seems to love her. We just gotta let them be.” Yoongi muttered, though his voice lacked conviction.
“Yeah, and I found out that guy is really just a total dick! Are you really just going to ‘let them be’ while knowing that?” Jimin snapped from the other side of the room, his voice sharp with disbelief.
Taehyung, perched on the edge of the couch, chimed in, his tone more neutral. "Come on, he can't be that bad." He glanced at Hoseok, who nodded thoughtfully in agreement. Jimin, however, was having none of it. "Oh, he's that bad," he insisted, leaning forward with an intensity that had everyone’s attention. "Some of my dancer mutuals told me Yeonjun was completely head over heels for Y/N, but suddenly he's been cozying up to some of the college freshmen girls who just moved into the city for university. They go to the same dance center he trains at. If that doesn’t say something about him and a change in behavior, I don’t know what will."
"Maybe he's just being friendly?" Taehyung suggested, elbowing Jimin playfully. "Isn't he like that? Aren't you like that?"
Jimin shot him a glare, clearly annoyed. "You see, compared to me, I don’t act all friendly and even touchy with other people, especially girls, while I’m dating someone. That’s making it seem like I’m not interested in my partner, which is what Yeonjun’s showing.” “I thought you guys collectively agreed you wouldn't care about who she was seeing and wouldn't let it get in the way of your lives,” Hoseok pointed out, his voice calm but firm.
The pact. Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon made that to not let their feelings get in the way of your friendship with them, but they would also try to continue to support you in dating another man, even if it wasn’t them.
Emphasis on “try”, it wasn’t working. Hoseok had heard about this pact, but the other guys don’t know the details or extent of everything.
"I mean, we tried," Namjoon admitted with a heavy sigh, dragging his hand down his face. "But how can we just sit back and let this happen when we know he's... he's not good for her? She deserves better."
Yoongi's fingers drummed absentmindedly on his knee, his usually calm demeanor cracking ever so slightly. "Hoseok's right, though. We said we wouldn’t let this ruin things. But watching her with him? It’s harder than I thought. We don’t even talk to her as much as we used to. Even college had me feeling distanced."
Jimin threw his phone at the floor in frustration, stuttering. "B-But If Yeonjun’s messing around behind her back, we can’t just sit here and do nothing!"
The room fell into a heavy silence. Even the game’s background music seemed to fade into the distance. It was clear that the pact, once meant to protect their friendship and their feelings for you, was now a source of inner conflict when you’re with someone else.
Hoseok, who hadn’t been as deeply involved in the situation, finally spoke up. "So, what are you guys gonna do? Intervene and risk her getting mad at you all, or let it play out and see if she figures it out on her own?"
Yoongi’s eyes flickered with an emotion none of them could name. Deep down, he knew the answer to that question. And it wasn’t going to be easy.
Namjoon, staring at the ceiling again, said quietly, “Maybe Hoseok’s right. We’re the ones who need to figure out what we’re doing—before we lose her entirely. Let’s just let her be.” Yoongi and Jimin exchanged pained glances, both struggling to accept the decision they knew they had to make. Despite the knot tightening in their chests, it was clear that the only path left was to respect your choices. You seem to trust Yeonjun and Yeonjun seems to do that too, however with time, people’s true colors start to bleed through like the pages written in Sharpie ink. 
It’s only a matter of time before you’d see it too. That despite getting closer to Yeonjun, his spark would eventually flicker and dim.
And that’s what happened.
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September 10, 20XX [Sunday]
Yeonjun drove you to campus for move-in day, his car filled to the brim with boxes filled with your things to move into college. Despite the conversations and silly banter you had with him throughout the two hour car ride to campus, something felt off about him. You couldn’t pin point it. Maybe he’s sad that you’re going to be apart for sometime? But his school is still relatively close enough for you to hang out on weekends. He’s being allowed to take his car to campus, so lucky of him.
For the stuff that didn’t fit in his car, you kindly begged Yoongi to add to his car filled with Jimin’s stuff. And he kindly allowed it. A win for you! 
You think back to when Yoongi arrived at your house to pick up your stuff, it had been the first time you saw him in over a month. He had cut his hair, styled it differently from the usually bowl cut style he’d sport. He looked… good.
Jimin had the longer bowl cut look, which he sat in the box trying to not get crushed by boxes. Namjoon stepped into the passenger seat, his hair short as well. It felt relieving to see them alive and well after some time. You hadn’t seen Namjoon since the amusement park date.
You’d thought you’d get to see them more often, but good thing is that you’ll be at the same school again.
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“Thank you guys for helping Jimin and me move into our dorm,” you chirped, flashing a grin as you gave Namjoon and Yoongi a playful pat on the back. You walked beside them, rolling up a cart piled high with a ridiculous amount of boxes.
“Anytime, just for you,” Yoongi sang in his usual deadpan way, though the small smile tugging at his lips gave him away.
Namjoon chuckled, glancing over at the mountain of stuff. “You sure this is everything? Feels like you packed your whole life.”
You shrugged, grinning. "Gotta be prepared for anything."
Yoongi nods, smirking as he adds, “Yeah, just don’t forget who helped when it’s time to hang stuff up.”
You laugh, rolling your eyes. "Don’t worry, I’ll keep that in mind. Decorating party at my place later, right?"
The campus had mostly quieted down by the afternoon, some students already attending some of the orientation/back to school festivities. Most of the freshmen had already moved in that morning, leaving the dorm halls a lot less chaotic. Jimin, who had been assigned to the same building as you but lived four doors down the hall, had already unpacked most of his things earlier. Yoongi and Namjoon, being sophomores, had moved into their dorm across the quad the day before, making them more than willing to lend a hand.
As you all approach the open door to your dorm, you see Yeonjun inside, standing in front of your roommate’s side of the room, helping unpack some things. His face brightens when he spots you. “Hey, Princess,” he greeted with a charming smile, lifting a small stack of books. “Where do you want these?”
You paused for a second, feeling your heart skip a beat at the sight of him in your space. "Oh, just put them on the desk for now," you said, trying to sound nonchalant as you wheeled the cart in.
Yoongi, walking in behind you, exchanged a glance with Namjoon. They didn’t say anything, but the tension was palpable. You could feel it hanging in the air between them and Yeonjun, though neither had the courage—or the willingness—to voice whatever was on their minds.
Jimin entered your room after finishing unpacking the major things he had boxed up in his dorm room, "Still can't believe we're neighbors now. You'll be crashing at my place in no time."
You laugh softly and punch his arm lightly. "We’ll see about that."
Namjoon, with his typical smirk, adds, "Don't let her get too comfortable, Jimin. She might just never leave."
“Haha, as if. I’ll be fine in the comfort of my own hut here, once I get everything set up, that is.”
As everyone helped unpack, the awkwardness lingered, though Yoongi and Namjoon seemed to make an effort to push through it. You couldn't help but notice their eyes occasionally flitting toward Yeonjun, especially when he got too close to you. And while Yeonjun remained his usual confident self, you couldn’t shake the feeling that even he sensed the underlying tension.
After a while, Yoongi cleared his throat. “Alright, I think we’ve done our part. Plus, I’m hungry. You guys want anything for a late lunch? I’ll go with Namjoon and bring it over to eat here.”
“Are you getting it from the dining hall or off campus?”
Namjoon chuckled. “We’ve got a Pizza My Heart right across the street at the university town center. I don’t think we should subject you to dining hall hell yet.”
You laughed. “Fair! Just get me whatever looks good, as long as it doesn’t have olives.”
“Okay, princess,” Yoongi teased sarcastically, earning a laugh from everyone—well, except Yeonjun, whose expression was unreadable.
“We’ll be back soon,” Yoongi added as he stood up, nudging Namjoon to follow.
Jimin stood up as well, stretching his arms. “I’m gonna be back. I need to grab my MacBook charger from Jungkook. He’s on the first floor.”
You nodded, “Alright, see you soon.”
As the others left, you were left alone with Yeonjun, and suddenly the room felt a bit quieter. You could sense the shift in the air, but decided not to address it yet. Instead, you turned to him and smiled. “Thanks again for all the help today.”
He smiled back, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Of course, anything for you."
After setting up the bedding, you sat on your bed, cross-legged, while Yeonjun at on the floor, scrolling through his phone before going back to taking things out of your boxes. The energy in the room was quieter, almost unsettling, and even though nothing had really happened, you couldn’t shake the feeling that something felt… off. Maybe it was how distant Yeonjun had been, or how little he’d said since Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jimin left.
“So, are you going to rush for a frat?” you asked, trying to cut through the awkwardness in the air. He’d mentioned it before as a joke, but now that school was starting, you wonder if he was seriously considering it.
Yeonjun shrugged. “Yeah, I think so. I mean, some of the guys I know are rushing, so it wouldn’t hurt to check it out.”
You smiled, though it felt forced. “That's cool. I guess it’s like… a built-in social life, huh?”
“Yeah, and the connections, I heard, could be good for internships or something. I don’t know much yet, but I’ll figure it out,” he replied, his voice sounding unusually flat.
You shifted, adjusting the pillow behind your back. “I was looking into joining some clubs too. There's the Korean Student Association and Intramural Volleyball club that sound fun, and there’s also this creative collective for business students interested in marketing and branding. I think it could be a great way to meet people and maybe do something more hands-on.”
Yeonjun nodded, but you noticed his attention was drifting, like he wasn’t really invested in the conversation. That was when you felt the first pang of unease. You tried to brush it off, telling yourself it was just nerves from the whole “new chapter” thing.
“So, what do you think? Should I go for all? I know it’s a lot, but I kind of want to try everything.”
Yeonjun glanced up at you, meeting your eyes for a split second before looking away again. His jaw tightened a little, and there was this flicker of something in his expression—something you couldn’t quite read. You felt a knot tighten in your stomach.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” he said, his voice strained, like he was forcing himself to sound supportive. “It’s… it’s really great that you’re finding your path.”
You narrowed your eyes slightly, sensing the shift. He wasn’t being weird, not exactly, but something in his tone wasn’t right. It was like he was holding back. You weren’t sure whether to push him or let it go, but the knot in your stomach only grew tighter.
“Yeonjun, is everything good? You seem a little... off.” You laughed lightly, hoping to ease whatever tension was in the air.
He let out a slow breath and rubbed the back of his neck. "I’ve just been thinking about some stuff.”
“Oh? Like what?”
“Like…” His voice trailed off, the words hanging in the air between you. The pause felt longer than it should have, and your pulse quickened. 
He stood up from where he’d been sitting on the floor, crossing his arms as he looked at you—really looked at you—like he was trying to brace himself for whatever he was about to say.
You could feel your heartbeat in your throat, and the dread that had been quietly bubbling up inside you suddenly spiked.
“Y/N…" His voice was serious, and when his eyes met yours, they didn’t hold the warmth you were used to. Instead, they were cold, distant, like he was already somewhere else. “Let’s break up.”
For a moment, you just stared at him, trying to process the words that had come out of his mouth. Did he really just say what you thought he said? “…What?”
“I think we should break up,” he repeated, this time with more conviction, like he’d already made the decision long before this moment. His tone was so matter-of-fact, so detached, it almost didn’t feel real.
You blinked, frozen in place. Your brain was scrambling to catch up to the situation, but all you could do was stare at him, disbelief washing over you. This couldn’t be happening. Not now, not like this. You had just been talking about school, about clubs, about the future—things that felt exciting. You’ve been dating all summer, and you were about to start a new chapter together after years of being rivals. And now, just like that, he was ending it?
“Yeonjun…” you finally managed to say, your voice quiet and shaky. “Where is this coming from? We were just—everything was fine…”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I don’t know, Y/N. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, I just didn’t know how to bring it up. We’re going to college, we’re going to meet new people… things are gonna change.”
His words hit you like a punch in the gut. “So… that’s it? You’ve been thinking about it for a while, and now you just… drop this on me? In the middle of you helping me move in to my dorm? Right before I start my first day of college tomorrow”
Yeonjun didn’t look at you, his jaw tightening as he stood there, silent. It was clear he had made up his mind, but that didn’t stop the confusion and hurt from flooding you.
Yeonjun looked down, avoiding your gaze. "I’m sorry, Y/N," he finally muttered, his voice soft but resolute.
You watched as he turned toward the door, his hands slipping into his pockets as if he’d already checked out of this moment. He was leaving. He was actually walking away.
You got off your bed, wanting to chase after him, hoping to somehow find out the real reason why. What he said can’t be the answer!
 However, because you were sitting cross-legged, your legs had fallen asleep, causing you to stumble and fall to the carpeted floor. You groan from the sudden contact, fists balling up.
“...After everything, you’re just gonna walk away, Yeonjun?” you asked, your voice barely a whisper, a mix of anger and heartbreak clawing at your chest.
Yeonjun paused for a moment at the door but didn’t turn around. The silence felt crushing, like the air had been sucked out of the room, leaving only the hollow space between you. He didn’t say anything, just opened the door and stepped out, leaving you sitting there in a daze.
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Namjoon and Yoongi walked back into your dorm building after someone from inside buzzed them in. Each of them held a pizza box from Pizza My Heart, the one right across the street, with paper plates tucked under one arm and little packets of crushed red pepper and parmesan balanced on top. They were deep in conversation about Yoongi's music, as usual.
"I’m kinda jealous," Namjoon admitted, balancing the pizzas as they headed up the stairs. "You get to fully dive into that and make it your thing. Already producing amazing music at your age too. I don’t even know what my thing is yet."
Yoongi had been producing tracks for people on a freelance basis, just because he fell in love with it. Thanks to you encouraging him in the past. Namjoon had wanted to do a similar thing, however, he doesn’t think he could be as great at Yoongi. Plus there were other things he wanted to do on his mind.
Yoongi shrugged, his casual confidence showing through. "You’ll figure it out, man. You’ve got time. It’s not like everything’s set in stone."
Namjoon let out a soft chuckle, but it was tinged with uncertainty. "I’m leaning toward doing work in writing or art conservation… I just love how it connects culture and history, you know? But I’m majoring in polisci like my mom wanted. It feels more... secure, I guess. Something to lean on if I don’t find my footing elsewhere."
Yoongi nodded, understanding but focused. "That makes sense. You're always reading up on political theory in your free time, so it’s not like it’s a waste either."
As they climbed the stairs, they reached the hallway leading to your dorm when Namjoon noticed Yeonjun walking in the opposite direction, clearly in a hurry. Something about his rushed pace felt… wrong. Instinctively, Namjoon called out, "Yo, Yeonjun!"
But Yeonjun kept moving, not even glancing in their direction. He usually wasn’t the most chatty guy around Namjoon, but he always acknowledged him. This time? Nothing.
"That’s weird," Namjoon muttered, looking over at Yoongi, who was already watching him with raised eyebrows. Yoongi sensed it too—something was off.
They quickened their pace toward your dorm room. As they approached, they saw that the door was slightly ajar. Namjoon’s heart skipped a beat, his fingers tightening on the pizza boxes. Why was the door open?
Pushing the door open, they stepped inside and immediately froze.
You were sitting on the floor, devastation clear in your eyes. Tears streamed down your cheeks, but you didn’t make a sound. Your arms were limp, hands resting on your lap, and your eyes stared blankly ahead, as if everything around you had collapsed in that moment.
Namjoon’s heart sank to the floor, the pizza boxes feeling like dead weight in his hands. He didn’t need an explanation to understand what had just happened, but Yoongi was the one to break the heavy silence. “What… happened?” Yoongi’s voice was low and careful, as if even asking might shatter the fragile state you were in.
You didn’t look up, but your voice came out, flat and hollow. "He broke up with me."
Namjoon’s breath hitched. That was all you needed to say. He immediately set the pizza boxes down, shoving them into Yoongi’s arms without a word and rushed out of the room, determination in his steps.
What the hell, Yeonjun? Namjoon thought as he bolted down the hall. His mind raced, a mixture of anger and disbelief bubbling up inside him. How could you just do that? Out of nowhere?
Namjoon reached the stairwell, taking the steps two at a time as his thoughts continued to swirl. He barely registered his surroundings as he burst through the door and out into the parking lot, scanning the area for any sign of Yeonjun.
But he was already gone.
Namjoon stood there, breathing hard, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. His mind replayed the sight of you on the floor, shattered, and the empty hallway where Yeonjun had disappeared. He cursed under his breath, staring out into the empty parking lot, feeling utterly helpless.
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Upon returning to your dorm, Namjoon stepped inside to find you crumpled against Yoongi’s shoulder, your sobs tearing through the quiet room. Yoongi sat there, his arm around you, giving gentle, soothing pats on your back. His expression was calm, but his eyes were clouded with concern
Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung had shown up, standing a few feet away, clearly unsure of how to approach the situation. They exchanged worried glances, but didn’t dare say anything, afraid to make things worse.
Namjoon stood there for a moment, running a hand through his hair in frustration before speaking. “He’s gone,” he said flatly, his voice carrying the weight of disappointment and anger.
You didn’t even look up. Your voice, fragile and broken, managed to slip through the tears. “It’s fine.”
But it wasn’t fine. Namjoon could hear it in the way your voice cracked, in the way your body trembled against Yoongi. The room was silent, save for your quiet sobs, and the tension hung heavily between all of you.
Jimin stepped forward, kneeling down next to you. "Hey," he said softly, his tone as gentle as he could muster. "We’re here. You don’t have to go through this alone, alright?"
Taehyung, standing behind Jimin, nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we’ve got us now too.” He referred to him, Jungkook, Hoseok and Seokjin. “Whatever you need, just say the word.”
"Should we go hunt Yeonjun down and beat the shit out of him?" Jungkook chimes in, his tone was both serious and protective. “Namjoon hyung and I will take care of it!”
Namjoon raised an eyebrow, momentarily startled by the boldness, but the hint of anger in his eyes showed he wasn’t entirely against the idea. “It wouldn’t be that hard to find him, right?” he added, cracking his knuckles.
A part of you almost wanted to say yes, let them go after him. Let someone else feel this rage, this betrayal, the way you were feeling it now. But would it fix anything? The thought of them confronting Yeonjun, of this turning into something more, twisted in your stomach. You didn’t want that kind of drama. You didn’t want to give Yeonjun the satisfaction of knowing he’d affected you this deeply.
“As satisfying as that might sound, we probably shouldn’t resort to violence.” Jimin glanced at you, his soft gaze almost apologetic, as if he knew this was far from enough to make up for what just happened.
A small, dry laugh escaped your lips, surprising even yourself. “I don’t think beating him up will change anything. But… I appreciate the thought.”
You were trying to keep it together, but every breath felt heavier than the last. There was a numbness creeping into your limbs, a strange feeling of disassociation. Like you were watching everything from the outside, seeing your friends rally around you, but not fully present in your own skin. How did it get to this point? Just hours ago, everything seemed okay. You'd laughed with Yeonjun, talked about plans with your best friends, even looked forward to your classes... and then, out of nowhere, he tore everything apart.
Jungkook still looked like he was ready to throw down. “It’s not fair that he just walks away like that! You deserve better!”
Better. You nodded slowly, the reality of the situation starting to sink in. You did deserve better, didn’t you? But for some reason, it felt like you couldn’t quite believe it. Like a part of you was still stuck on the idea that maybe you’d done something wrong, that you weren’t enough. You shook off the thought before it could take root. “I know. It just… hurts.”
It really does.
Yoongi’s hand stayed firm on your shoulder, grounding you. “You’ve got us. That’s what matters right now.”
Namjoon sighed, letting go of some of the anger building up inside him. “We’ll handle Yeonjun another way if we need to,” he said, his voice low but resolute. “But for now, let’s focus on getting you through this.”
His words hit you harder than you expected. They were trying so hard to help you, to lift you up, and you appreciated it more than you could ever say. But even with their support, there was an ache inside you that you couldn’t shake. A part of you felt so small, so foolish, for letting Yeonjun in just for him to leave like this. 
Jimin and Taehyung, sensing the heavy atmosphere, suggested playing games or heading over to Hoseok and Seokjin’s off-campus rental to distract you. They were trying to lift the mood, and though you appreciated their efforts, you weren’t quite up for it. You mustered a small smile, grateful for how much they cared, but the weight of your heartbreak still anchored you. The thought of how lucky you were to have them by your side helped, but it didn’t ease the pain completely.
As the afternoon slowly bled into the evening, you left the dorm with your friends to explore the campus before classes began the next day. You did your best to seem like you were okay, like crying it out and eating pizza had made you feel better. But even though you laughed at their jokes and joined in the conversation, you couldn’t fool them. They knew you were struggling beneath the surface.
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In the days that followed, despite the distraction of your new routine, the heartache lingered like a dull ache. You kept busy, throwing yourself into unpacking, attending orientation events, and exploring the campus with your friends. But no matter how much you tried to move on, Yeonjun's sudden departure haunted you, lingering in your thoughts when you least expected it. Even surrounded by friends and laughter, there was always a hollow space where he used to be.
You tried to shake it off, but the sadness crept in, even more as classes started and the reality of college life sank in. You knew it would take time, but for now, pretending to be fine was the best you could do.
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Your first year of college was supposed to be exciting, but much of it blurred together, like walking through a fog. The daily routines, classes, and dorm life all seemed to meld into one long stretch of time, where the only thing that truly stood out were small, vivid memories—those moments where everything suddenly felt in color. One of those was the day you met Ahn Hyejin, known around campus as Hwasa. It was a week into the semester when you finally worked up the courage to go to the Fall Club Fair and join a club. The guys wanted you to go check it out, hoping this would get you out of your daze. And it kinda did help.
You’ve never had a female close friend before. Usually girls would steer clear of you out of jealousy for being friends with Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin.
However, Hwasa was different. Hwasa was bold, unafraid to speak her mind, and had a way of making you feel like you were exactly where you needed to be. She didn’t care about the other guys, as she also had close guy friends too. She quickly became the friend you didn’t realize you needed. With her, you started feeling more like yourself again. Together, you explored the campus, hit up the best food spots, and even talked about bigger things, like what you wanted from life and what it meant to start fresh. Each step forward was a tiny rebellion against the lingering thoughts of Yeonjun.
Bit by bit, you immersed yourself in college life, finding comfort in new experiences, distractions, and laughter. Parties. Maybe a little bit of underage drinking in moderation, of course. Slowly, the weight of that breakup lifted, and you began to focus on your future, your passions, and the friends who were always there for you. In time, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, and the rest of the group became even more important to you. Their support, the inside jokes, and all the moments shared together filled the spaces that had once been occupied by the pain of Yeonjun leaving.
One afternoon in late spring, you found yourself sitting on the campus lawn with Yoongi, watching one of Yoongi’s band friends perform at the Spring Fling. Students sit around you two, while a gentle breeze swept through the budding trees. He was fixing the strings on his guitar, which he recently started to learn to play. He was lost in thought as usual, while you sat beside him, enjoying music and the warmth of the sun on your skin.
“You’ve changed,” he said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.
You turned to look at him, a bit surprised by the observation. “In what way?”
He glanced up from his guitar, his eyes soft but serious. “I don’t know... you just seem lighter. More like yourself again.”
You smiled, feeling the weight of his words. “Is that so? I think I’m finally starting to let that thing go.”
Yoongi nodded, strumming another chord. “It’s good to see. We were all worried for a while... after Yeonjun.”
At the mention of his name, you expected to feel that familiar sting, the one that usually sat in your chest whenever you thought about him. But this time, it wasn’t as sharp. “Yeah,” you murmured, looking down at your hands, “I was a mess for a while, but that’s life. I thought the relationship meant something bigger, but ”
“You weren’t a mess,” Yoongi corrected, his voice calm and measured, “you were healing.”
You took a deep breath, letting his words sink in. Healing. That’s exactly what it was. Slowly but surely, piece by piece, you were putting yourself back together. And in that moment, sitting beside Yoongi on the grass, watching the band play, you realized just how far you’d come. The fog had started to lift.
Spring had a way of bringing new beginnings, and for the first time in a long time, you felt like you were ready for yours.
But that was just the beginning of another story—the one you wouldn’t fully understand until much later.
A/N: thank you for reading! if you're be interested, please check out my 'love u lately' series focused on Yoongi x Namjoon x Jimin x Reader. happy yeonjun day!
➸ let me know what you think OR join the taglist for future works! ➸ love u lately series masterlist
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dark-frosted-heart · 5 months
Hold On, You Spoiled Shogun! - Kagari
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An "If you were lovers" story. As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
If Prince Kagari and I were lovers…
Kagari: Princess, don’t you want some dorayaki? Here’s some freshly-made ones. You can choose among red bean paste, butter and red bean paste, sakura bean paste, and matcha. There’s also the option for me to feed you.
Emma: …
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Kagari: I see, you’re not in the mood. Then do you want me to pat your head? My hands have a relaxing effect and are exclusive to you. Or do you want to pat my head? You’re more than welcome to.
Emma: …
Kagari: I see, you’re not in the mood. Then how about you lay your head on my lap? You must be exhausted from running around all morning. My lap’s only for you. It’s firm, but warm and you don’t have to wait for a good night’s rest.
Emma: …
Kagari: I see, you’re not in the mood. That’s too bad.
(I won't let you off easy this time)
On a day some time after I started staying in Kogyoku…
I stayed silent while Prince Kagari tried to cheer me up in the carriage ride to the castle.
I ignored him even when he offered the best dorayaki, head pats, lap pillows, and back hugs.
This had been going on for several hours now.
(But unsurprisingly, I’m starting to feel guilty and uncomfortable for continuing to ignore him)
(Surely Prince Kagari also—)
Kagari: Princess.
Suddenly, a hand behind my head forced me to face Prince Kagari.
His blank expression was the same as usual.
But the aura around him said that he’d reached his limit.
Kagari: Are you in the mood for a kiss? I am.
Emma: Wai—
Kagari: I want to kiss you a lot.
Emma: Mnnn?! P-Prince Kagari…Haaa…
Fingers pried my mouth open and a tongue ravishes my mouth mercilessly.
Even if I tried to turn away in pain, I’m stopped immediately and lost strength.
It seemed like that made Kagari too excited and I immediately grabbed that hand that was under my skirt.
Emma: I won’t let you.
Kagari: Your agility’s improved.
Emma: You are training me every day.
Kagari: I see. Then I don’t have to go easy on you.
Emma: Eek…No fair. Please don’t stroke my legs so hard!
Despite my efforts to stop him, Kagari continued to leisurely stroke my legs and hooked his fingers into my underwear.
Kagari: Do you want me to stop?
Emma: Yes.
Kagari: Then swear that you won’t ignore me anymore. If you refuse, I’ll make you cry out loud enough for the coachman to hear you.
Emma: I won’t ignore you anymore, Prince Kagari. So please give me a break!
Kagari: I’ve been waiting to hear those words. A gold star for you, Princess.And by the way, don’t worry. What I said earlier was a lie. If anyone else hears your cries, there will be a bloodbath.
(Prince Kagari really would do it…)
(Ah, more importantly, I’m giving in again)
(I’m the one who’s mad at you. It’s frustrating!)
In an attempt to at least resist, I pressed my head against his broad chest.
Then, he buried his face in my neck like a playful cat, as if he enjoyed my resistance.
His somewhat stiff, fiery red hair tickled against my skin.
Kagari: I see you’re finally talking to me, Princess. Why did you run away?
(He’s asking already)
As Prince Kagari said, I rushed out of the castle this morning without telling anyone.
I thought it was emotional and childish behavior, but at the time, I couldn’t control myself.
In the end, I was caught as I was strolling through the streets to calm my mind, and my first time running away from home ended in an hour.
(Let’s discuss this properly. Otherwise we’ll both be left feeling uncertain)
I took a deep breath to prepare myself and looked at Prince Kagari.
Emma: Prince Kagari, you were injured in a recent battle, weren’t you?
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Kagari: …o_o
I didn’t miss how his gaze wavered for just a moment.
(Yep, “guilty” like I expected)
I’ve already lost count on how many times it’s happened.
Kagari: It was just a scratch and has completely healed.
Emma: Even so, that doesn’t change the fact that you got hurt. And you hid that injury from me, right? Instead of just forgetting to tell me. Didn’t I ask you before to let me know if you ever got hurt?
Kagari: Yeah, I remember.
Emma: That’s why I ran away…
Kogyoku’s a turbulent country and battles broke out everywhere.
Even if Prince Kagari’s strong, there’s no battle where you can simply come out unscathed.
(I’m sure he did that so I wouldn’t worry too much)
Even though I’m glad for his kindness, I still want to worry over him and patch him up.
(Regardless of how superficial the wound is, I don’t want to be smiling with him in ignorance…)
(Ah, this is bad…)
I remembered all those times when I watched Prince Kagari leave for battle and wait in a room without its master.
It was too late to hold it back, and the fear and anxiety welled up and blurred my vision.
Kagari: …o_o
(This is terrible. I didn’t mean to cry)
(But if it’ll stop Prince Kagari from hiding his wounds from me, then I should cry until my eyes become swollen)
Emma: Wah?!
By the time I could even be surprised, I had already been pushed down.
Kagari: … ¬‿¬
(Ah…this is an emergency)
Green eyes that looked completely different from before, looked down at me.
Within those eyes was a familiar sweet and fierce heart…
I didn’t have the faintest idea what to expect, but it seemed like I had awakened the spoiled shogun.
(What really triggered it…No, I need to get out of this situation)
Kagari: Princess, you don’t know when to give up.
The sweetness in his voice was so different from his usual voice, and my body jolted in reflex.
Kagari: But that makes you cute and adorable, and makes me want to pamper you to death.
Emma: Don’t…
My hips were pulled toward him, hands held together in one hand, and he slotted his body between my legs.
I tried to move away but couldn’t, and the tears that pooled in the corner of my eyes left a small stain on the seat.
Kagari: Princess, Princess. Let me see that expression more.
When I looked away, he turned my face back toward him.
Prince Kagari looked at me, captivated, and wiped my tears with his lips.
No matter how many times I saw it, the way he looked different from his usual self made my brain want to malfunction.
(Even though I understood more than before, I still didn’t know what triggered this spoiled side…)
Kagari: I do like your tears. Especially if they’re shed because of me. I get this irresistible feeling whenever I see it.
Emma: …You have a terrible personality.
Kagari: Your cat’s more spoiled and bloodthirsty than any other cat. But it’s you who brought me down to this point, twisted me and corrupted me.
The way he happily nipped at my neck over and over again was like a cat going crazy with silver vine. 
When Prince Kagari’s like this, the only choice is to wait for him to calm down.
(He really is bothersome…But so am I)
(I ran away from home, yet I’m pleased by Kagari’s words)
Prince Kagari’s been on the battlefield since he was a child, feared as the “Yaksha”.
It was like no one cared for the lives reaped around them…
Perhaps that’s why he preferred the tears I shed.
I felt my chest tighten as I thought about the past Prince Kagari.
(I can’t get angry at him when he said it so happily)
Kagari: Princess, what are you thinking about?
Emma: About you. You’re all I’ve been thinking about since this morning.
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Kagari: Me too.
(That’s the weakness from love, isn’t it)
Prince Kagari’s lips fell everywhere, on my forehead, around my eyes, cheeks, and ears.
The meager resistance of stopping his kisses with a finger was met with a tickling tongue and a sweet bite.
Emma: Prince Kagari, do you regret hiding your wound?
Kagari: I do. I can’t bear Princess running away or ignoring me. I’m sorry. I won’t hide it from you anymore. So Princess, don’t leave me. …If you’re going to abandon me, then kill me
Emma: …I won’t abandon you. And I won’t kill you.
I wrapped my arms around Prince Kagari’s neck and this time, I pried his lips open and entwined my tongue with his.
We kissed again and again, melting away each other’s passion, anxiety, and everything else.
(I’ll never abandon you)
(I’m the one who put the bell on you that you can’t take off)
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dollychic · 2 months
main 4 w reader that will sleep anywhere but on the bed with them after fight? For like a week (Doesn’t talk to them either unless they apologize then like after 2 days after that they act like nothing happened)
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ˋ•*⁀➷ 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒘/ 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 (𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒂 𝒇𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕) ❥
𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: Gon Freecss, Killua Zoldyck, Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paradinight
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: Fluff, slight angst
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕: none
𝑨/𝑵: Sorry for not updating in a while but Thank youuu so much for requesting!! <3 (this is wack and took me longer than expected)
✧ ˚  ·    . ✧ ˚  ·    . ✧ ˚  ·   .
—𝑮.𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒄𝒔𝒔 。・*˚:✧。
If Gon wasn’t stubborn enough, there was you.
You originally planned a date both of you could enjoy while watching the sunset near strip of beach. You got ready, all excited until your boyfriend (who was some place else) decided to send a message saying he was gonna have to cancel for his own reasons being, not able to make it in time.
You weren’t gonna let that happen were you?
Texting him back, you typed that if he isn’t home by the time you both were supposed to leave, you weren’t going to talk to him. Childish behavior? Definitely. But even after planning it for so long, you weren’t gonna let him ruin the night. No doubt about it.
little did you know... you did end up not talking to him. In better words— ignoring him.
The black haired boy knew he messed up the second he came home to find you no where. He tried to get ahold of you, texting and calling only to realize that you were staying at your parents house. avoiding him.
2 days went by without seeing him and slowly, you were losing hope that he would apologize. You finally decided to be mature about the situation and come back home since you’ve grown tired of acting upset towards him. When you did, the first thing you saw was a big bouquet of flowers, and goodies being surrounded by balloons.
You smiled and looked over at the boy, standing nervously. “I know I messed up so I wanted to make up for it! I hope you can forgive me”
you rushed towards him, arms on either side before you enveloped him in a hug. “Ofc I can baby”
A faint but clear whisper escaped your lips. “I love you”
“I love you too”
—𝑲.𝒁𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒚𝒄𝒌 ☾ ⋆*・゚
It all started over chocolate.
One afternoon, you came home with the joy of finally getting to eat the chocolate you’ve been craving for all day. You opened the cabinet, only to be seen with the treat gone.
There’s only one person that lives with you so you quickly sprinted to the room you shared with the Silverette.
Entering, you see a body under the covers. “Did you eat my chocolate?“
No response.
A groggy noise was heard from the boy that was now waking up from his nap. “Stop yelling!”
“Then answer me” you asked annoyed. not even 2 seconds pass by and you didn’t bother to wait for an answer as you stomped away.
you left the house once again, making it to your car as you went to the store to get chocolate for your self. Your mood lightened up much more after getting your snack.
Realizing it was getting late, you were deciding whether to head home or stay some place else. You didn’t wanna see the Brat’s face again- Not after you specifically told him to not eat your chocolate, yet he did.
Making up your mind, you decided to stay inside your car for the night. It was now 7:36 p.m and you know that the area around you wasn’t the best place to camp at. You went home and parked the car in the driveway only to stay inside of it.
You didn’t even get to shut your eyes when your boyfriend suddenly appeared outside of your car, tapping on the window.
“Get inside” his muffled words reaching your ears.
You ignored him.
No response.
“Stop being so difficult!”
You turned on the car to lower down the window at eye level. “Then you shouldn’t have eaten my chocolate..”
He looked at you with a black stare. You don’t know what was going through his head but you sure were being made fun of when a chuckle escaped his lips. “Come on, get inside I’m not letting you sleep in there”
You decided to give in, only cause of the discomfort your body was going through.
“I’m still not sleeping with you.” You pouted as you made your way behind him walking towards the entrance of the house.
“Sure you won’t”
Later that night, you ended up in bed with him.
—𝑲.𝑲𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒂 ₊˚ʚ ₊˚✧
When you got devastating news that some one had died in your family, you’ve been grieving in silence not wanting to speak up about it.
Kurapika took in notice and started worrying. Sooner or later, he finally spoke up on your sudden concealment. “Hey Love I’ve noticed you haven’t been your usual self lately.. are you okay?”
You looked away from the TV to Kurapika’s figure that stood not to far away from yours. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you finally answered. “Y-yeah I’m okay…”
Oh but he knew you weren’t. “You know you’re open to tell me anything right?” and without a response, you stood up and walked to grab your belongings to leave. “Y/n!-“
The blonde male felt defeated in trying to get you to open up. He really did try his best to be there for you but you always turned him away.
It’s been over 2 days. 2 days and Kurapika has been trying to contact you. phone calls, texts, emails— anything to get a response.
That night you left his apartment to go to yours, tears streamed down your face. You felt guilty with how you left him in such a rude manner with no reply, yet you really couldn’t speak up on such a sensitive topic without him seeing you cry.
You felt like he would view you as a weak person and always find you putting your own problems on him to fix. You didn’t want that.
As you got up to use the bathroom, a sudden noise was heard from opposite of your main door.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Your footsteps quickened to the front door, opening it to see— Kurapika..?
“I’ve been worried sick.” He wrapped you in a tight hug. You didn’t have time to return the gesture when he pulled back so quickly, “tell me baby, are you okay? Are you sick?”
“been trying to get ahold of you, I thought you got kidnapped!”
“Come here” he hugged you again a little bit tighter than before.
“Kurapika I’m fine!” You pulled away lightly to face him directly. “Its just— something came up”
“Oh. Do you not want me to know? Is it personal?” The blonde male pondered. A smile tugged at your lips due to his concern. “It is. I would rather not talk about yet.. if that’s okay”
“Yes ofc baby” he brought you closer to caress your head. “Can you come back home? I really miss you..” this caused a giggle to escape your lips “yeah i will, I missed you too”
—𝑳.𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 ✧˖°࿐
It’s already been 3 days since you last slept with leorio. The reason being over him coming home late at 2 in the morning after a boys night all drunk and drowsy.
You would always be okay if he came home late, but only if he would let you know through text. This time— he didn’t and it pissed you off.
That same night, you slept on the couch upset, not speaking up on your feelings. You tried to avoid him, expecting him to know why you were distressed the last few days. No words being exchanged, only him trying to get a sentence to come out of you.
At first, he didnt know what you were upset about and kept begging you to come back and sleep with him. It only irritated you more that he didn’t remember.
Since you’ve been sleeping in discomfort you finally decided to remind him in some sort of way that would make him apologize.
You were in the kitchen, finishing up the dirty dishes when your boyfriend came back home from work. Hearing the door slam shut, you finally decided to speak up. “Leorio-”
“Baby I’m so sorry!” He broke you off your sentence. Did he finally realize what he did? “I completely forgot to text you that night and there’s no excuse.” You turned around to face your boyfriend when suddenly, you were enveloped in a hug. Arms wrapped around your torso, circles being rubbed by his thumbs on your lower back.
“Is that why you wouldn’t sleep with me?” He pulled away, still having you in his grasp while looking down at you. “maybe..”
By the tone in your voice, he was relieved that he finally found out what was bothering you. “I’m sorry again baby, I promise it won’t happen again.”
You smiled at his genuine words and finally hugged him properly. “Can’t believe it took you this long to figure it out” you giggled.
✧ ˚  ·    . ✧ ˚  ·    . ✧ ˚  ·   .
𝑫𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒛𝒆! 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅! ᥫ᭡
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pablitogavii · 6 months
could you make a jealous fic with gavi❤️
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Gavi has been acting jealous the moment you met Hector Fort. Anytime Hector was in the group, he would act all grumpy trying to touch you in some way. Today he pulled you on his lap and held your butt shamelessly in front of all his friend.
You were a shy girl so it felt a little uncomfortable for them all to see your boyfriend grabbing your ass like that. You pulled away from Pablo and sat besides him instead. That move made the boy steaming mad.
"I thought Xavi was going to spank my ass for being late!" Hector told the story and everyone including you laughed..well everyone but Pablo. His jaw was clenched and he was ready to explode.
"Que haces cabrón!? She's my girl, tío!" Pablo became confrontational with Hector after you went to the bathroom before getting ready to leave to go home with Gavi.
"Yo hice nada! Not my problem you're perro celoso Gavi!" Hector smirked and Gavi was about to get into his face when he heard your sweet voice calling his name ready to leave. Hector looked at you knowing that you were leaving with Gavi..yeah that's right she's mine cabrón! Gavi thought to himself.
"Pelotudo!" Pablo said walking away and getting close to you to grab his jacket and bag. He pulled you close while exiting knowing that everyone must be watching and Gavi wanted everyone to see.
"Amor what was that with Hector before we left?" you asked while sitting at your makeup vanity and taking off your makeup. You wished Pablo could control his impulses a bit better but also secretly loving your angry bird.
"Again with Hector!? Is he all you think about!?" Gavi was defensive and you knew what to do in these moments..he needed reassurance and you were shamelessly ready to prove him he owns every inch of you forever.
You walked to him sitting on his lap while he was on his phone looking into group chat until you took the phone from him to put it on the nightstand and have his whole attention.
"I could care less about him..all I care about is why my man is angry when there is no reason amor.." you tried being sweet to him to calm him down but Pablo was clearly still in his head.
"No reason!? You got off my lap princesa!" he said angrily but you still liked that he was using your nicknames..means he's not angry much.
"Because everyone was staring and I got shy..they already know I'm yours Pablo so stop worrying amor, hm?" you say moving his hair from his forehead and he sighed loudly shaking his head.
"I can't amorcito..you're a beautiful woman..and they all want you..especially Hector" he said and you shut him up with a kiss before he could continue down the rabbit hole. Can't he understand you don't want anything with him!?
"And yet here I am with you...in your bed..on your lap..belonging only to you Pablo Gavi" you whisper the last part with the smirk feeling him harden underneath his shorts. He liked to hear this..
"But you didn't want him to know that..that's why you got off my lap" Pablo was as stubborn as they come and now you were getting frustrated with his childish behavior and jealousy.
"Dios Pablo! You seriously think I want someone else after a year of being with you? " you said and he spoke before thinking again.
"All girls want him now" he said and now you were the one angry as you got off his lap again..he knew how stupid what he said was right now.
"So I'm like all girls now!? Fine Gavira!" you pulled away when he tried to reach to you retreating back to the bathroom to finish your night routine and shower.
Pablo peaked his head through the shower curtain to ask "amor can I join you?" but you were damned if he was going to bribe you like this. You shook your head disinterestingly.
"I'm not in the mood for that Pablo" you said and he left with a loud sigh just wanting to hold you again like before. If only he wasn't so damn impulssive!
You came back to bed and he was laying there in his boxers looking at you as you applied your sweet lotion and grabbed a book. Now he knew it was time for the silent treatment..
"Amor porfa don't ignore me..I know what I said was stupid..you're never gonna be like all girls..you're mi amor, mi ciela, mi vida corazón..porfa hablar conmigo" he was nuzzling his cleanly shaved chin into your neck and you giggled since it tickled.
"I don't want anyone Gavi.." you say and he nods kissing your lips passionately before pulling away to pull you down and toss your book away.
"Hm..you know calling me Gavi get's you playtime princesa" he smirked kissing your neck and you giggled blushing and nodding your head.
"I love you mi Gavi.." you say before he kisses your lips passionately.
"I love you mi princesa" he said into the kiss and you both smiled completely forgetting about little jealous antics you had a few minutes ago. <333
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lonely-cowboy · 5 months
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in memoriam ↠ coriolanus snow masterlist. main masterlist.
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pairing: coriolanus snow x f!reader (brief coriolanus snow x lucy gray baird) summary: after being caught cheating in the hunger games, coryo comes to you for comfort. it's only then that you realize he may not be the best person for you. word count: 2.3k warnings: kinda manipulative and bitchy coryo :/ we are NOT hating on lucy gray here it's not her fault it's his
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author's note: can y'all tell i've been listening to good luck babe! by chappell roan on repeat? anyway! i wanted to do this with lucy gray but decided she was too sweet (HAHA hozier reference) to do this to reader so now we get mean coryo rip
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You were the first person Coriolanus had run to once his cheating in the 10th Hunger Games had been discovered. Dean Highbottom had confronted him with a choice: serve twenty years as a Peacekeeper or have this scandal revealed to the public. He chose the former, of course; to have such disreputable knowledge revealed to the public would only tarnish his efforts at presidency. So a Peacekeeper it was.
Distraught over being caught, Coriolanus sought immediate comfort: you. He didn’t run to you because your love was the only thing that could put him at ease. Of course not, he didn’t love you the same way you did him. Though that wasn’t to say he didn’t care for you. In his own twisted and possessive way, Coriolanus cared for you more than he could any other human being. But the reality– one that you refused to believe– stood that Coriolanus did not see a future with you. You were merely someone who gave him the attention he relished. You were a reminder that he could be adored by the people, a reminder that he deserved everything good in the world. A reminder that Snow lands on top.
And so it was you he sought comfort from, knowing you would not shame him and instead find some overly optimistic, symbolic meaning behind it all. It would help him understand the hardships of presidency, you would say. You would remind him that “President Snow” was not just a childish dream but a truth that could be seen in the near future.
Alone in your family’s penthouse, you were startled by the sound of an authoritative knock. When you opened the door, there stood Coriolanus with his intense gaze already locked on your own. To anyone else, Coriolanus might have looked like his usual self. His shoulders were back, adding height to his already towering frame. His chin was raised in a way that, even to someone taller than he, it seemed as if he was looking down at you. 
But you knew better. You could see the way he slouched just the tiniest bit, the way his seemingly relaxed fingers were tense with the desire to curl into fists. And that look in his icy stare… like he loved nothing in this awful world that had betrayed him so cruelly.
“Coryo, why–?”
“They’re sending me to the districts,” Coryo interrupted, slipping passed you and into your penthouse.
“Who?” you questioned with a furrowed brow. 
You ignored the irritation that bubbled deep in your chest at Coryo’s pompous behavior. Since the Reaping, it had been something you felt a lot around him, though you remained in denial. Surely you could never be annoyed with Coryo, that boy you loved so deeply you would continue to be by his side, even when he didn’t want you.
“Highbottom, Gaul, all of them,” he growled as he clenched and unclenched his fists.
Seeing Coryo in such disarray, you were quick to turn to your nurturing nature. With a hand resting lightly on his shoulder, you guided Coryo to sit beside you on the couch. You kept your hand on his shoulder, the other on his knee to rub soothing circles. 
“Why?” you asked with obvious confusion, finding it weird that a victor should be celebrated by going to the districts.
“Highbottom…,” Coryo paused as he gathered the right words, lip pursed slightly in that calculative manner of his. “Didn’t appreciate my methods to win. He’s sending me away to serve twenty years as a Peacekeeper.”
You didn’t question what Coryo meant by his “methods.” You couldn’t comprehend his elusive answers, and you didn’t much care. Not when he was leaving the Capitol for twenty years.
“Twenty years, Coryo…” you murmured in disbelief, eyes glazing over as you processed what this could mean for you and him. “When do you leave?”
“Tomorrow,” Coryo whispered, his jaw clenched so tightly you feared it might snap off. “Twenty years away from home… away from you…”
Your eyes focused on Coryo again, a small smile gracing your lips. To hear he was saddened over leaving you… there was something achingly heartwarming in that. You only hoped it meant he would think of you while he was away, every day.
“I’ll be here when you return,” you promised.
Coryo glanced at you then, his smile matching yours. There was a wicked glint in his eyes, feeling satisfied that, no matter what, you would always belong to him. He could marry another, but you would still be his. Maybe even you would marry another, but you would still be his. Though Coryo’s possessiveness would never allow you to marry another. You would always be his. Funny, that is: you were his, yet you could never have him.
Coryo turned to face you fully, his hand covering yours as it sat on his knee. His other hand slowly snaked its way up your arm to cradle your face. His face was so close, you could feel his warm breath on your lips.
“You’ll wait for me?” he asked.
“Of course,” you answered breathlessly.
A sly smirk crossed Coryo’s lips as he inched forward. His lips brushed against your own, but you dared not move.
“Good girl,” he murmured.
Coryo breached the distance between you, his lips finding yours in a soft kiss. His kiss was uncharacteristically sweet, mouth moving slowly and lovingly against yours. But his hold on your face was tight, keeping you pressed close to him. You were his and his alone. 
When Coryo pulled back, he kept his forehead resting against yours. His grip remained firm; always such a powerful hold.
“I’ll miss you,” Coryo continued in that sweet voice, one he used so rarely. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you… Write to me, won’t you?”
“Of course, Coryo,” you mumbled with a nod. “I’d write to you every day if you asked me to.”
A breath of a laugh escaped Coryo’s lips. “Then write to me every day.”
You nodded again as a comfortable silence settled over the two of you, both smiling with warmth as you held each other tightly. It was a distraction to you both. Held in each other’s arms, you didn’t have to think of the next twenty long years that awaited.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do in District 12, but I’ll–”
“District 12?” you interrupted, pulling back so suddenly that it surprised Coriolanus, leaving him with a creased brow. “How do you already know your assignment? Peacekeepers aren’t given their assignments until the day of their deployment.”
Coriolanus paused for no more than a second, but it was enough. He was never one to pause. The few times he had given pause had always been in times where he was caught in a lie.
“Highbottom told me–”
“No, he didn’t,” you dismissed, shaking your head slowly as you studied Coriolanus suspiciously. “You don’t know your assignment. Why did you say District 12?”
Your heart was pounding furiously in your chest, not out of fear for his answer, but because you already knew it.
No matter how greatly Dean Highbottom hated Coriolanus, he had no control over his assignment. And no one in their right mind– unless they were interested in a public shaming– would choose to send someone as high-standing and self-righteous as Coriolanus to District 12, especially not after he was so widely celebrated as Victor of the Games. There was only one way Coriolanus could find himself in District 12: he chose to go.
At least, that was his plan. Tomorrow, you surmised, he would head to the train station where he would be assigned his district of deployment. It was unlikely he would get District 12, but if he asked oh-so-sweetly, he was sure to get what he wanted. Because Coriolanus Snow always got what he wanted. And what he wanted was Lucy Gray.
He was going to follow Lucy Gray to District 12.
You pulled further away from Coriolanus as the realization set in. There it was again, that bubbling anger in the pit of your stomach. 
Coriolanus didn’t care about you, nor did he care about Lucy Gray. He deluded himself into thinking he cared, but you knew it wasn’t true. If he really cared, he wouldn’t be following Lucy Gray all the way across Panem. If he really cared, he wouldn’t be pursuing the both of you.
You looked at Coriolanus with horror as you were consumed by anger and disappointment, at both him and yourself.
Coriolanus read the look on your face with ease. It was obvious you knew his plan now, there was no point in hiding it. He released a steady sigh, jaw twitching with frustration that he had been confronted with his failures twice in one day.
“Is this all some kind of game to you, Coriolanus?” you asked. Your voice was quiet and without malice, your disappointment outweighing any fury you felt. “What am I to you? Your pet?”
“Darling, you know I don’t think of you like that,” Coriolanus said firmly, reaching for your hand.
You yanked your hand back quickly as the anger began to boil over, standing quickly to put distance between the two of you. Coriolanus groaned in annoyance as he too stood, slowly and without much interest.
“Then how do you think of me?” you demanded. “Because you refuse to call me your girlfriend, but then you kiss me like… like that and expect me to think of this as only casual?”
Coriolanus grumbled your name, his patience obviously wearing thin. “I care about you, I always have. This is more than casual to me.”
“No, it’s not! You’re leaving me and following Lucy Gray to 12!”
Coriolanus stiffened at the sound of Lucy Gray’s name, his shoulders squaring and spine straightening. His lips were pressed thin, looking down his nose at you. That ever-present air of superiority.
“Go to Lucy Gray, Coriolanus,” you growled. “I pray to any god who will listen that she escapes you as I have. And if she is unlucky not to, I pray that my memory will haunt you instead. Every time you kiss her, think of my lips. Every time you hold her, think of my warmth. Every night, you’ll wake up with her beside you, but it won’t be her you think of. It’ll be me.”
Coriolanus said nothing as he watched you with those bright blue eyes. You met his stare with a hard gaze, allowing that boiling frustration to take over. Maybe you would regret your outburst the second he walked out the door, maybe you wouldn’t. Right now, you were too angry to worried about that.
“Alright then,” Coriolanus sighed nonchalantly, dusting off his coat. “I’ll take my leave. I hope to see you again, but it appears as though I won’t. I can only wish you the best.”
Coriolanus turned and strode toward the door, his presence drastically different from when he first came knocking on your door.
“I can only wish that you rot in hell for all you put me through,” you answered smugly. “Thank God for Lucy Gray. If it wasn’t for her, I’d be stuck with your manipulative ass forever.”
Pausing in the doorway, Coriolanus glanced at you over his shoulder. He looked troubled as though he had never expected such a response from you. Now was usually the time you would come running back into his arms, sobbing over how you could never live without him. But not this time.
“Goodbye, my dear.”
You said nothing.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It was a hot summer evening, the kind of heat that made you inexplicably lethargic and sleepy. The Covey had journeyed to the lake for an afternoon swim, picking berries and eating them with their toes dipped in the cool water. The day was long, but fun was limited. There were still chores to be done in town. 
When the Covey began their trek home, Lucy Gray was napping soundly in Coriolanus’s arms, her pink patterned dress sprawled across the thin blanket. Not wanting to disturb her from her sleep, Coriolanus urged the Covey to continue home without them, they would catch up in time.
But as the August heat eased any of Coriolanus’s worries, he too was overtaken by sleep. Together, he laid with Lucy Gray with nothing but the crickets and mockingjays for company. It was a peaceful evening.
With a sleepy hum, Coriolanus turned so that he fully enveloped your frame. He buried his nose in your soft hair, inhaling your scent slowly. Another hum left his lips as he squeezed you tighter against his body, your warm skin sending an affectionate tingle down his spine.
He murmured your name in his languid state, the sound so sweet on his lips that it was clear he was nothing more than a boy in love.
Coriolanus’s eyes snapped open as his mind awakened, finding himself wrapped around Lucy Gray’s slender frame. He inhaled with a start as he quickly pried himself from Lucy Gray who made a drowsy sound of protest. She turned and reached for him in her sleep, though she did not wake. Coriolanus pulled himself further from her grasp, his jaw tensing.
The image of you still danced across his vision. He rubbed his eyes furiously in an attempt to make you leave, but you would not. You filled his every thought, his every breath. He could not escape you no matter how hard he tried. Coriolanus’s head fell into his hands as he let out a silent, strangled cry.
Oh, how he missed you. That girl with lips so sweet and skin so soft. That girl with the laugh of an angel and a touch so warm it eased all tension. That girl who he loved so dearly and had let escape from his grasp. That girl who would never again be his.
Forever, he was yours, yet he could never have you.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
And maybe a Gojo concept? Or a oneshot of him with a darling that is like horrified of him because of his abilities? (Which makes them try to doge and not talk to him)
I can probably write down some ideas I have of him for a concept :) It'll probably be like some of the other stuff I did for him but at least it will get down my ideas for him properly!
Yandere! Satoru Gojo Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Stalking, Manipulation, Kidnapping briefly mentioned, Violence, Murder mention/implied, Clingy behavior, Fear of loss, Forced companionship/relationship.
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Gojo at first seems like he'd be a laid-back and casual yandere.
One who is silly with you and wants to make you laugh.
He wants you to smile and be happy... and he just seems like a good guy at first.
But underneath the surface? Gojo is a man plagued with traumatic experiences and losses... he may be the strongest but it's awfully lonely at the top.
He's a yandere fully capable of protecting his obsession.
In his eyes doing such a thing is making up for not being able to save others he's cared about, such as Geto and Riko.
Which is why I doubt Gojo would have many rivals as a yandere.
After all, he is the strongest Sorcerer.
The only competitor I can think of would be Sukuna... but thankfully those odds are low... right?
For the most part, Gojo really is happy and casual with you.
He is goofy and silly, acting really playful with you when he greets you.
He doesn't like showing the full extent of his emotions often.
There's times he gets overly worried about your safety, but he reassures himself with his abilities.
You'll never be as strong as him, he doesn't think anyone will be, which means he feels he has to be the one to protect you if no one else can.
Gojo can see you as a student, friend, or lover.
He acts very similar, although you could argue he'd be more flirty while romantic.
Gojo probably doesn't need to resort to kidnapping, but he could do it easily.
I say he doesn't have to because Gojo could already stalk you and protect you whenever he wants.
Gojo probably never leaves you alone for long.
Not when he's mastered his techniques, including teleportation, and his Infinity technique.
There aren't many who are going to mess with the guy who has Hollow Purple in his arsenal.
Not unless they have an ego or are trying to seal him.
Point is, you are probably the most protected person while simultaneously being the most smothered person in the world.
Gojo has a lot of unmentioned trauma, everything from the burden of being the strongest to the entirety of his arc with Geto and Riko.
He tries not to burden you with it, but the pain from said events still shows in his obsession.
After all, the man hates leaving you alone.
To the point he'll be childish and cling to you at times or just be a brat.
I also imagine Gojo is petty and childish when it comes to being jealous most of the time... he'd probably whine about it.
Gojo hates the idea of getting attached at first.
He fears he'll just lose you, so he would definitely try to suffocate his feelings.
Until he eventually snaps and realizes he doesn't have to hide such feelings.
He won't lose you, he just won't let it happen.
After all... he is the strongest, right?
Anyone who tried to hurt you is probably going to be "nuked from orbit" by his techniques, be the Curse or Curse User.
Normal humans will just be redirected by him.
Gojo adores his obsession and promises to them and himself that that he won't let anyone hurt them
You can bet when the Shibuya Arc happens he would have a panic attack in the Prisoner Realm until he gets out.
Then after that he'd just be worse?
I think the scariest part of Gojo is not his personality during his obsession.
It's the fact he's so damn strong.
Even Sukuna is strong but his personality lets you know what you're expecting.
Gojo? He's nice, caring, overprotective, but can obliterate anyone near you if he wanted to.
He can be manipulative but does try to listen to you.
Even if he did kidnap you then he'd make sure all your needs are met, you're comfortable, there's a seal somewhere in the room to prevent curses from coming in...
You could call him paranoid, but you can't entirely blame him.
He carries a lot on his back.
If he lost someone else he cared about again, Gojo may snap.
Do we really want to see a man as strong as that snap?
You soothe Gojo, but his obsession also curses him.
Gojo is a yandere who would sacrifice anything for his obsession.
As one of, if not the, strongest out there...
How much can a man like him sacrifice just to keep the one he adores the most safe?
Would it just be your happiness... or if he snaps... would it be the lives of those around you and himself? All in an effort to prove to you and the world that he's not only strong... but can protect you.
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casino-lights · 2 months
King Alistair vs Warden Alistair discourse always seems to resurface, like all of the other character-centric discourse, with each resurgence of the dragon age fandom. fandom veterans are probably tired of this by now, but since a lot of new people are playing origins and the old arguments about players making Bad Choices in this rpg are getting rehashed, here's my two cents on this topic in particular. 
I was watching my girlfriend play through some of the early levels in origins when I suddenly had a lot of thoughts about Alistair and she encouraged me to share them. throughout his introduction and his subsequent role in Ostagar and the Wilds, we see Alistair being quick-witted and snappy with his humor, but also very focused and dutiful. we see him being (mostly) respectful and polite, but also fairly confident and surprisingly authoritative considering his behavior later in the game. Alistair is comfortable here in Ostagar, and he's comfortable as a Warden not only under Duncan's command, but also over these new recruits. he doesn't shy away from his role as a mentor, the one who's supposed to show everyone the ropes and keep them on task and on schedule. he kindly yet firmly puts Jory back on track when he stumbles, he takes charge when he finds out the Tower of Ishal has been overrun, and he displays thorough knowledge of both the plan and the original expectations of what would be found in the tower. he's also knowledgeable about Blights and some Warden history, and he takes it upon himself to inform Duncan of Morrigan and Flemeth instead of just letting the player talk like he does later on.
speaking of that scene, Duncan is a bit firm but not angry or mean when he says he tells Alistair not to focus on the fact that Morrigan and Flemeth are likely apostates. he tells Alistair in no uncertain terms that this is not his concern and he needs to return his attention to the task at hand. this is not dissimilar from the way the player can later tell Alistair that people are taking advantage of him and he needs to make sure he's standing up for himself, but I'll get into this more a bit later.
what I'm trying to get at is that when we meet Alistair, he's a little closer to his hardened self than to the chronically unserious and incompetent manchild that Morrigan, DA2 and Inquisition, and some parts of this fandom treat him as. post-Ostagar, even Alistair himself seems to see himself as some class clown who can't do anything right, and characters like Wynne enable this by treating him like an ACTUAL child. while Alistair is almost certainly young, he has already proven shortly after meeting him that he's not even remotely stupid and he can obviously take care of himself. Duncan refers to the player, Jory, and Daveth as Alistair's "charges," showing that Duncan clearly trusts Alistair with a lot of responsibility and the safety and guidance of three strangers. he is far from stupid, he's far from childish, and he's obviously a layered character.
this has been said countless times before but a big problem in every fandom is the slow reduction of characters to one or two notable traits, and Alistair is no exception. I have a theory as to why. we know Duncan's death affected him deeply, but I don't think that alone explains his sudden switch from respecting the player while continuing to guide them and share responsibility as the senior Warden to almost blindly letting them lead him around and acting like if he led for five minutes they'd all die horrible deaths because he's just that incompetent. I think that during the time the player was unconscious in Flemeth's house, Alistair experienced an offscreen breakdown where he retreated behind desperate attempts at humor and making himself seem dumber and sillier to appear less competent in the hopes that someone else would be in charge so he didn't have to. if you think back to what age he was when he last experienced such a sudden, tumultuous, confusing loss of stability, routine, community, and a father figure - Eamon sending him to the Chantry as a child - you might even consider this to be a form of partial age regression. when we see him outside Flemeth's hut, he pleads with the player to not abandon him because he doesn't know what they should do or where they should go. he hasn't had this lack of direction ever since he was sent to the Chantry because after that, they dictated his life until Duncan recruited him and then the Wardens dictated his life. he's terrified and tired and grieving, and he begs us to make the decisions and help him figure out what to do. 
Morrigan gives him some shit for being quiet and sad, and he snaps at her, but otherwise we don't see a lot of that confidence and willingness to stand up for himself after this. I don't often play a character who is openly mean to any of their companions, so I don't really take any of the more dismissive dialogue options toward Alistair, but he's obviously hiding behind his humor and trying to make himself seem insignificant. in one line he even jokes that he'd hide behind his shield instead of his humor but the player would see him behind it. I think he really does just wish he could hide and grieve on his own and wait for someone else to give him a purpose again, and I think that if we actually saw the process of this breakdown from his more comfortable, confident, capable self into the Alistair we get post-Ostagar and pre-Goldanna, fewer people might be coddling Alistair and enabling this unhealthy coping mechanism. I wish the dialogue options to harden him were a bit kinder, but as we saw, Duncan was willing to tell it to Alistair straight up, and maybe that's the directness he needed from the player too. maybe Alistair needed to be told in no uncertain terms, by someone he respects and trusts, that most people he interacts with have some kind of ulterior motive and he needs to be more aware of this and stand up for himself and his beliefs. once he understands this, we can see him shift from reluctantly taking on the role of king because you and Eamon think it would be best to taking on the role of king because he understands it would be best.
bioware basically canonized this firmer, more responsible version of Alistair in their comics and even during some parts of Inquisition. we know King Alistair is their canon, but even though he shows some uncertainty about his ability to be King, we don't see any unwillingness. yet bioware also made the unfathomable decision to simultaneously show Alistair being a confident, capable king and then immediately fuck that growth up by having him look like a bumbling idiot who still doodles on royal documents at the fair age of thirty-something and still doesn't know how dictating a letter works after ten years of ruling Ferelden. they somehow invalidated both of his paths in origins at the same time, and perhaps most frustratingly, they just won't let go of the "swooping is bad" style of writing for him. let him grow. let him be as competent and brave and determined as he is in your comics. his progress has been so inconsistent it's painful.
if it wasn't already obvious, I think the best path for Alistair as a character is to harden him and make him king. he just doesn't get to prove himself as a Warden as much as he does when he's king. he's mostly alone, he doesn't seem to have a great rapport with other Wardens outside of his renown as one of the heroes of the Blight, and he just acts tangibly sadder. this could be because of the fake Calling, sure, but if he was still joking around with us during an actual Blight, I don't see why this event would have him this drained of personality and life, especially because he knows that this is not the real Calling. his line when he's left in the Fade - "tell Morrigan... tell her I just stood there looking foolish" - is another testament to the fact that he has not grown at all from his self-deprecating humor and he still hasn't come to see himself as capable and worthy of respect. we don't get to see enough of him as king, but from what little we get he seems to be wielding his power and authority well, and he's an incredibly well-respected and well-loved king. especially with Anora or a Cousland queen at his side, he's brave, commanding, and - just like he was back in Ostagar - he seems COMFORTABLE. he knows what he's doing, he sees his worth and accepts it, and he's more than willing to be firm and tell Fiona in no uncertain terms that Ferelden will not tolerate the events in Redcliffe. he's taking command and he's leading and protecting his charges, even though they're a lot more than just three Warden recruits this time. 
on a personal note, as someone who has dealt with mental health challenges, tough love from someone I respect and trust actually really helped me and I wouldn't be where I am without the occasional "you need to snap out of it." I'm not saying it's best for all scenarios, but I have experienced this firsthand. Alistair hiding from his responsibilities because they're overwhelming and he's terrified does resonate with me, but so does him actually healing a bit more and becoming more confident when someone shows him that they know he's better than this and he just needs to act like it. 
lastly, I think it's important to clarify that I don't believe anyone is playing any rpg the Wrong Way, regardless of what bioware made canon in their comics and other external media. I also think it's stupid to try and say ANY choice or route is inherently right or wrong, and every player is entitled to their opinion and preference. choices made in role playing games are usually done for the sake of playing a role, immersing oneself, and/or exploring the game's full library of content. as I said, I personally find hardened King Alistair with Queen Cousland to be the most satisfying version of his character arc, but I don't mean any of this to shame anyone if they choose or believe otherwise. no hate is intended, so don't purposefully misunderstand or misinterpret my words. no offense is intended if you just prefer one of Alistair's storylines or character arcs over the other. full offense is intended if you're the kind of person who bullies, shades, or otherwise belittles people who don't agree with your super special headcanons because you need to be the most correct player in the fandom.
thanks to everyone who isn't one of those people for reading all this <3
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sanjisboyfie · 9 months
me psychoanalyzing sanji x male reader some moreeee
-> i'm actually sanji's #1 lover, especially after re-reading wci i'm so deeply EMPATHETIC WITH THIS MAN and i fear his content will consume my entire blog.
warning : sanji is really insecure and has rlly low self esteem sorry
sanji probably gets jealous very easily. like...concerningly very easily and each time he feels himself getting jealous it's literally borderline insane. it practically drives him to insanity.
oh my god this + his history with how fliratious he was with others, it drives him up a wall. he realizes quickly that his past actions on how he treated others before he got into a LOYAL relationship with you haunts him to this day.
everytime he sees you interact with anyone, man or women (for some reason, his jealousy is driven up even higher when it's a woman, though), he feels like he wants to take you into his arms and stake a very obvious claim on you as his and him as yours. it's a seemingly very childish thing, but to him, it's the most serious situation in the world. he doesn't want you looking at other women, he doesn't want you looking at other men - he wants to feel like he is enough for you and the best way you can do that is by giving all your attention to him.
and his jealousy only grows the more and more your attention isn't on him.
then the envy starts bleeding into guilt and overthinking. because to him: you're his one and only, there's never going to be anyone else after you - and if there was anyone else before you, well, they're nothing in his mind anymore. you are his entire being. it's like you're the sun and he's every other planet - his life and worth all revolve around you. all of his thoughts, from the moment he wakes up to when he sleeps, are just you. you're his everything.
when he starts seeing you talk to anyone else but him, it makes him overthink all of his past actions that led him up to this point. are you finally going to leave him? did you find someone better? is his past as a womanizer going to make you realize you don't want to be with him anymore?
then he goes through a phase where he dotes on you especially hard. he repeatedly tells you every single second of every single day, he loves no one but you and that he loves you with his entire being. it's concerning, to hear him so devotedly speak about his love for you as if he is going to disappear the next second. but he's only speaking like this because he thinks that ^ is going to happen, but it being you instead of him that disappears.
he fears that everyday he wakes up, you're not going to be beside him. you'd wake up in the middle of the night and realize you deserve better (because you do, in his mind, you deserve much better than him) and you're gonna leave him and the crew. and there's going to be no way they can find you because they are drifting on the ocean and just like that, you're going to be gone forever.
so yes, sanji does have a jealousy problem, but it's so much more than that. it stems deep, deep, deep down to his own self-esteem and his guilt on his past behavior. please be nice to him or his mental might completely crumble at the thought of you thinking he's just some sort of womanizer and lovesick fool.
he just needs constant reassurance and convincing that you're going to stay with him and a lot of affection and he might, maybe, maybe, just be okay. he just really needs you to be there for him.
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yourlittlebunnyy · 2 months
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blizzard -azriel x selaene
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this little fic can be read alone or as a little prequel of a court of shadows and darkness ♡
summary: Azriel and Selaene share their first kiss.
warnings: fluff
wc: 1.3k
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Azriel knows Rhysand's sister; he knows who she was. He saw her once, an infant in her mother's arms, and never again.
Now Rhysand's mother, their mother, no longer lived with them, and although she visited them often, she never took Selaene with her. It was up to her brother to update them on her condition though: Selaene is strong and healthy, her wings big and fast, her beauty equal to that of the Moon itself.
The only thing he remembers about her are her violet eyes.
Eighteen years after her birth, now that she has finally come of age, it was Rhysand himself who introduced her to his brothers, asking them to help train her. To protect themselves.
When Azriel first lays eyes on Selaene, his breath catches in his throat. His own shadows seem to admire her gently as they dance around her. Azriel tries to call them back, but they are too delighted by the little Selaene.
She is introduced first to Cassian, who offers her a smile full of mischief and touches her hips a little too much when he embraces her, causing a twitch of Rhysand's nose. Azriel, internally, also has a similar reaction, and he does not understand why. He dismisses the thought believing it is because he already sees her as a little sister to protect. But oh, how wrong he is.
When the heir to the Night Court introduces Azriel and Selaene, he finally has a chance to look into those two purple pools full of dreams and life. She does not recoil from his shadows or disgust at his scarred hands, and he offers her a genuine smile, the rare kind. They seem to observe each other for years on end when a cough, Cassian, he realizes, interrupts them. He wants to roll his eyes at his childish behavior, but he restrains himself. He silently escorts Selaene to the small cabin where the three siblings live, and seats her while he stays to listen to her talk to Cassian. He remains silent, seemingly disinterested, but he is listening to every single word that comes out of the young girl's mouth, wanting to hear more, more, more.
A deep friendship is born between Selaene and Azriel, different from that between Cassian and her, who joke like two brothers.
No, between her and the ShadowSinger there is something more intense, more complicated. It doesn't escape the eyes of Rhysand how the two exchange glances that they think are discreet, only to blush whenever they are caught. Or how their hearts beat slightly faster every time they accidentally brush against each other.
As jealous as he is of his sister, he knows Azriel would treat her well. Azriel has always loved with all of himself, and he knows that with Selaene it would be the same.
The night when everything changed, however, was when during one of the usual blizzards of the Illyrian steppes. Azriel had to seek shelter in the cabin where Selaene and her mother live. He knocked several times, and when no one answered, he decided to enter anyway.
The young Fae, who was surrounded only by the melodic sound of the piano and her own voice, heard neither the knocks on the door nor the male enter.
When Selaene sings the little songs she so enjoys writing, she sees and hears nothing but the music - she is in love with it. And she certainly does not expect visitors, her mother is not home, and now that she is finally alone she can give some vent to her emotions by singing.
Azriel freezes just as he enters upon hearing Selaene's angelic voice and the sweet symphony of the piano. His feet move before he can stop them, and he follows that delightful sound until he reaches the living room doorframe.
He lays eyes on the figure of the female, dressed in a thick wool sweater from her brother and nothing else, playing and singing and giving all of herself as she does so. It strikes a part of his heart he did not know he had. The shadows do not control themselves, and they wrap around her and dance between the tiny fingers that move the keys. She does not notice, too absorbed in the music.
Azriel does not know what to do, but he cannot take his eyes off her in any way. Her voice, she...
He doesn't want to admit it out loud, he doesn't even want to admit it to himself, but the ShadowSinger is falling madly in love with Rhysand's sister.
And today, after seeing her so... bare. So free of masks, in an intimate moment with herself -- he is no longer sure he can hide it. He has to leave, or he might do something stupid, and Rhysand might kill him.
But she decides to open her eyes at that very moment, the notes of the piano slowly fading to an end. And that's when she notices the shadows moving around her.
She has never been afraid of them; that is another thing Azriel loves about her.
She laughs as she savors the feel of the cool wind they leave on her skin. Moments later, she realizes that Azriel must be somewhere nearby if they are here. And indeed, as she turns to take a look around the room, she finds him there, eaning against the doorframe with his arms folded, an indecipherable expression on his face, and his usual shadows around to give him an enigmatic look.
"Azzie! How did you get in?" Selaene asks positively surprised. He smiles at her before approaching her. He is a little unusual, she thinks, he is different than normal. He seems agitated under that mask of indifference.
"There's a blizzard outside and I thought I'd ask for shelter here, I knocked and no one answered. So I went inside and ... well, I found you." He tells her as he gets closer still, closer than he ever has. The young girl's heart beats faster and faster, and she hopes he can't hear it. But, of course, he can.
"I didn't know you could sing." He tells her, and the way he does it, slightly whispered, as if they are talking about their little secret, pleases her. It makes her realize that she would like to share all these little secrets of hers with him, and she would like him to do the same. She trusts him with her own life.
"I ... yes, sometimes it helps me release negative emotions." She answers uncertainly, laying bare a part she had never told anyone, not even her brother.
"You are very good, Selaene." He tells her getting even closer, and the Fae can feel his warm breath on her face. His hazel eyes look at her so intently that Selaene is convinced he can see right through them. She responds with a shy thank you.
He approaches her again, his lips brushing hers, and with his breath mixed with hers he asks her, "May I?" And he is so sweet, so full of affection that it is the Fae herself who kisses him, leaving him slightly surprised. She has never kissed anyone, and it takes a couple of seconds to get her bearings, but Azriel holds her up and guides her into it, causing them to pull away breathless but happy. Selaene can swear that their hearts beat at the same rhythm. The male holds his hands over her face, while she holds them on his shoulders. They look into each other's eyes, an awkward silence between the two, before they burst out laughing in each other's embrace.
"My brother will kill you." She tells him with her face hidden in the crook of his neck, still giggling.
"He can try." He pinches her side affectionately, causing her to pull away with amusement.
"Do you want to sing?" She looks at him surprised.
"Can you sing?"
"Of course, I am called ShadowSinger for a reason, you know."
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mymoodwriting · 1 month
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Request for Anon (asylum patient!Changmin) 7.4k, yandere behavior, asylum patients, psychiatry, medication, needles, restraints, kidnapping, manipulation (@starillusion13)
“You’re nice… and pretty… real pretty…”
You were taken aback by the sudden compliment. This whole time you had been talking, and he hadn’t said a word until now. A childish smile adorned his face, and you weren’t entirely sure what to make of it. Although you were glad he was behind a glass panel. Today was your first day on the job, and after getting through the facilities tour you were given a patient to sit down and talk with. Ji Changmin, patient 0598, was in the asylum for a list of reasons, and he refused to speak to any physiatrist. So, as a way to break you in, the senior residents thought it was a good idea to give you this mock session with him. No one expected him to speak. Especially you.
“Uh… thank… you… but I’m not here to talk about me. I’m here to talk about you and-”
“Nope. That’s not why you’re here. I get to meet every new doctor since I’m so quiet and well behaved. I don’t usually talk but I like you, and I want to talk to you.”
“Oh… well, unfortunately I won’t be your physiatrist, but there’s nothing wrong with talking to someone. We’re here to help.” You gave him a shy smile, and then your watch beeped. “My time is up, but I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
“I don’t wanna talk to anyone else. I won’t. So I’ll see you later!”
Changmin had a big smile on his face as he waved, watching you leave the room. You stayed strong until you left the room, leaning against the wall to catch your breath. The other doctors had been watching, but the chief came over to you, Doctor Lee.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine. Just got jitters since I was told he wouldn’t talk, and I didn’t think his voice would be so soft.”
“Apologies. I didn’t know he’d do that either, but I am glad to know he can talk.”
“Has he really never spoken before?”
“Not since he was first admitted. Doctor Choi has been trying to get him to speak for years, but he’s never uttered a word before today.”
“Then… is he gonna-”
“No, no, you just started. I’m not assigning you a patient so soon. You’re just gonna shadow some doctors and help where you can. We’ll start simple with you joining some group sessions led by Doctor Bae.”
The first incident with patient 0598 only had you shaken up for a bit. Once you were with Doctor Bae things settled down and you could really get into your job. For the most part you helped with supervision and getting things for other doctors. You followed a few of them as they did their rounds and checked in with patients. Some needed more than psychiatric help so it was important to provide their medicine and make sure it was taken. When it came to meals there was a huge cafeteria. The lower part was for patients, whereas the second floor was for doctors. All patients were divided into one of three categories. 
The first group were the new patients, as well as those who were mostly calm and well behaved. The second group was filled with patients who required more hands-on care and certain doctors would be down there to keep an eye on them. As for the last group, they were deemed the dangerous ones. Those that needed more security presence to make sure no one caused trouble. You originally thought patient 0598 would have been in the first group, but to your surprise he was in the third. You watched from the balcony above as he got his food and then sat down alone in the corner. Everyone said he was well behaved, so you couldn’t understand why he was in the third group.
“You must be the new doctor.”
You were a bit startled when approached, but were quickly met with a friendly face. One of the other doctors had come over to you, holding out their hand with a smile on their face.
“I’m Doctor Kim, but you can call me Younghoon if it makes you comfortable.”
“Doctor Kim should be fine.” You shook his hand. “I’m-”
“Y/n, pleasure to meet you. It’s been a while since we had someone new.”
“Not all doctors jump at the chance to work at an asylum.”
“So, you interested in the dangerous ones?”
“Many of the patients in group three are mine, and you seemed very intrigued by them. Curious, aren’t you?”
“I… well, a bit.”
“Ask away. As long as we’re not breaking doctor patient confidentiality.” Younghoon winked at you. “I’ll answer to the best of my ability. You are here to learn after all.”
“Right… I… well I don’t know if you know, but patient 0598, why is he in group three?”
“Yes. I was told he works with Doctor Choi but-”
“Chanhee does his best, but it’s more like he talks to a wall. As for why Changmin is in group three, well, he is dangerous.”
“I spoke with him earlier, and everyone says he’s well behaved.”
“He is, but the thing is he can’t be allowed to interact with patients from other groups.”
“Cause he doesn’t talk to doctors, but he’ll talk to other patients. He certainly has a way with words we don’t know about, so he’s a danger to others. At least in group three he knows better than to try and make conversation with these people.”
“So you’re isolating him and punishing him for no reason.”
“See what I mean, he talked to you once and now you’re defending him and looking out for him when he’s not even your patient.”
“… I…”
“All he did was call you pretty. I guess that’s all it takes.”
“Easy. I’m not trying to make a jab at you. It’s important to care, but you should only care about your patients. It’s your first day and you’ve already proved to yourself why he needs to be in group three.”
“That’s not true…”
“My advice, don’t ever talk to him again, even if Sangyeon asks you too.”
“The chief.”
“But he said-” 
“It doesn’t matter. Changmin hasn’t spoken to a doctor in years, yet he talked to you. The reason the chief has all the newbies talk to Changmin is to see if someone will get him to open up. You did that, and it’s only a matter of time before you’re put in a room with him again. Refuse. If you ever talk to Changmin again, well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Younghoon gave you a playful pat on the shoulder before walking off. His words rang in your mind, but you weren’t too sure you understood what he meant. Your thoughts were interrupted by the rumble of your stomach, and you went to get lunch. The food was pretty good, and Doctor Bae waved you over to join him at his table. You sat down, seeing Younghoon there, along with someone else.
“Be careful now, Chanhee.” Younghoon joked. “She’s out to steal your patient.”
“Ah, you’re the new doctor who got 0598 to talk, impressive.” The gentleman held out his hand. “I’m Doctor Choi Chanhee, pleasure to meet you.”
“Younghoon tells me you’ve taken an interest in my patient.”
“More like… professional curiosity.”
“That’s one way to put it.”
“Leave her alone.” Doctor Bae interrupted. “Everyone is curious about those from group three, especially 0598. It’s the one patient all the doctors know.”
“Already on defense, huh, Jacob?” Younghoon teased. “I already told your newbie everything she needs to know about Changmin, so don’t worry.”
“I don’t even know what that means, but thanks I guess.”
“So, how are you taking things?” Chanhee asked. “Do you like the atmosphere, think you can make it here?”
“The structure here is good, and all the doctors seem to know what they’re doing and care about their patients. I’d say the atmosphere here is welcoming. I can’t imagine you guys deal with unruly patients often.”
“It is a rare sight.”
“I think I’ll like it here.”
“But do you think you’ll last?” Younghoon questioned.
“Younghoon.” Jacob hissed. “Behave before I throw you into group three myself.”
“You gonna send me to my people?”
“How do you… how do you treat patients from group three? Is their care different?”
“We don’t coddle our patients much. Very straightforward and direct.”
“The patients of group three tend to have criminal records.” Chanhee added. “So we must be more cautious. For the most part they get along well with each other, and are respectful towards the doctors. If there’s ever trouble, it’s rarely someone from group three.”
“That’s good to know.”
After lunch you continued following Jacob as he did his rounds. Most patients spend their days outside in the open space, especially after lunch, and you had a chance to see that. From what you noticed Jacob mostly worked with patients from the first group, and they were always friendly. A little later in the evening you sat with Jacob as he led a group session, getting the others to open up and share their burdens while providing some guidance and advice. It was nice to see him work towards making a difference.
The first few days you merely stuck with Jacob, and little by little he had you engage with patients more often, getting to know them and their needs. You were starting to get an idea as to what your routine would look like once you were assigned patients. To make it easier you’d be taking some of Jacob’s first, since you had already established a bit of a relationship. At the end of your first week Sangyeon had you come to his office, wanting to see how you were doing and adjusting to the new place. You were eager to do so, glad that you were seen as part of the team and not just a newbie anymore.
“It’s good to see you. How has it been doing rounds with Jacob?”
“He’s been very kind and patient with me, so I’ve been learning a lot.”
“That’s good. Since you’ll start seeing patients next week I created a list for you so you know who you’ll be treating.”
“Thank you.”
You took the file from Sangyeon, opening it up and being met with some familiar patients. Although when you got to the last page you froze.
“Uh… sir… why is-”
“I know he’s not exactly what you were expecting, but I have a favor to ask of you.”
“Sir, I don’t think I’m qualified to speak with him. He’s in the third group and-”
“Do you know why he’s here?”
“No. I haven’t inquired about him. It’s not my place.”
“I respect your professionalism. Although I still must ask this of you. Ji Changmin has been here since he was seventeen. He was admitted for aggressive behavior and being a danger to others. He’s mostly calm as you’ve seen, but he doesn’t speak to any doctors. His family makes yearly donations to this hospital to keep it operational and to help their son. You’re the first doctor he has spoken to. I’ve wanted nothing more than to help him, and I can see that you’ve been sent here for that purpose.”
“Here me out for a moment. What I really want here is for you to talk to him, just that. Doctor Choi will help you outline sessions and choose talking points, so you just need to follow his plan. He’ll be listening in at all times, and make sure nothing happens. Do you think you can do that?”
“I… I’ll just follow the guidelines Doctor Choi gives me?”
“How long… how long do you intend for me to do this?”
“Unfortunately I can’t give you a proper answer, but I’m sure in time he can open up and will be able to speak with Doctor Choi directly.”
“Can I… can I think about it?”
“Sure. Take the weekend and get back to me on Monday.”
“Thank you.”
You did ponder over this request a lot, thinking about what Sangyeon said, while also remembering Younghoon’s warning. It was hard to decide who to trust. Younghoon works with dangerous patients, but Changmin doesn’t seem to fit that profile. He even told you Sangyeon would ask this of you, but he didn’t actually treat Changmin. Not to mention Sangyeon was in charge of the hospital. He oversaw all patients and wanted what was best for them. It was clear Changmin hadn’t properly been treated, and you had the chance to really help him. As a doctor, it would be unethical to refuse. So come Monday morning you told Sangyeon you’d accept his proposal, and he thanked you for making a good choice.
During the morning you meet with your new patients, Jacob following you around to offer his assistance when needed. Although after lunch you parted ways, heading over to the east wing of the hospital where those from the third group resided. Immediately you could tell how things were different. You had to pass through two doors of security before entering the east wing, and you had to show your ID multiple times to the guards. They always asked why you were there and checked their records to make sure you were supposed to be there. Once you got through all that Chanhee was there to greet you and welcome you. He said things would get a little easier once the guards recognized you.
“I told you to refuse.”
You jumped when you suddenly heard a voice, turning around to see Younghoon standing behind you. He gave you a questioning look, raising his brows in the process.
“So you better just be visiting.”
“I made the decision.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Look, I’m not actually treating Changmin.”
“Changmin? So you’re on a first name basis now?”
“No. Doctor Choi is basically just giving me a script to follow. I’m just trying to help both of them and hopefully lay down a path they could meet on.”
“This is still a bad idea.”
“Well Changmin isn’t your patient, and you said you shouldn’t care about other doctor’s patients. He’s technically mine now, so I will do my job.”
“Feisty. Well, just know, you can’t back out now.”
“I don’t intend to.”
“Hm, you’re gonna eat those words soon enough.”
You couldn’t really understand why Younghoon was acting that way, but it was the least of your worries. You went over the notes Chanhee had for you and were then led over to where you’d be meeting. The room was a modest size, as were all the others, except this one was different. A glass panel divided the room in two, and Changmin was on the other side. When he saw you walk in he jumped up with a big smile on his face.
“Hello! I knew we’d be seeing each other again! Gosh, you only got prettier.”
“Good afternoon. I’ll be your psychiatrist for the time being.”
“Great! Please take good care of me doctor!”
Changmin happily sat down, scooting his chair over so he could be as close to you as possible while still on the other side of the glass.
“How are you liking the hospital?” Changmin asked. “Everyone’s super friendly and-”
“Mr. Ji, I’m-”
“Changmin. Call me Changmin, please.”
“Alright then, Changmin. I appreciate your enthusiasm, although I’m not here to talk about me.”
“Ah, right, right. You’re here to learn about me and help me.”
“Yes, I am.”
“Okay, so, what do you want to know?”
“Well, let’s start off simple.” You glanced down at your notes. “You’ve been here for a long time, and you don’t really talk to anyone, isn’t that lonely?”
“Hm… a bit, but I’ve gotten used to it.”
“Do you think this loneliness started with your family?”
“My family? What do they have to do with this?”
“Your family is the reason you’re here. They sent you here to get help, saying you were a danger to yourself and others. Do you think that’s true?”
“Do you think it’s true? Am I a danger to others?”
“I don’t know enough about you to answer that.”
“But you could make an educated guess.” Changmin smiled brightly. “Am I dangerous?”
“You’re associated with group three, which labels you as dangerous, but like I said, I don’t know enough about you to answer.”
“So you’re gonna believe what everyone else says?”
“Changmin, I’m going to remind you that I’m not here to talk about me. I’m here for you and to help you.”
“It would be very helpful to know if you think I’m dangerous.”
You sighed. “Based on what I’ve seen, I don’t think you’re dangerous.”
“That’s right, I’m not. Do you wanna know something?”
“What would that be?”
“I wasn’t sent here because I was a danger to myself, they just didn’t want me hurting my brother.”
“… oh… why… why would you hurt your brother?”
“Cause he was born to replace me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Didn’t you do your homework about me? I’m Ji Changmin!” He got up and stood on his chair. “The rightful heir to Ji Industries. It’s my birthright!”
“That’s enough 0598!”
Regardless of what group a patient was in, if one got too rowdy they’d have to be removed, and that also applied to sessions. Once Changmin had started shouting and moving around so much you knew security would walk in shortly. They grabbed Changmin and pinned him against the glass. All you could do was watch as his hands were tied behind his back, but he didn’t seem to mind. He had a big smile on his face as stared at you, ultimately being escorted out of the room. A moment later Chanhee came in, having noticed that you had yet to move.
“Are you alright?”
“Huh? Oh, fine, just… that was all weird.”
“How about we go to my office and go over the session.”
Chanhee helped you to your feet and the two of you went to his office. He got you a cup of tea and you sat before his desk. He looked over his own notes, giving you a moment to steady yourself and process.
“So, what did you get out of that session?”
“Well, you know him best, I’m not sure my opinion helps.”
“This is also a learning experience for you.”
“I suppose. We didn’t get to talk much, but he seemed to care very much about how others perceive him, specifically me. He wouldn’t allow the conversation to go elsewhere until I gave him an answer. Although, he did divert to that line of questioning when I brought up his family. I guess that’s a sensitive subject for him.”
“You didn’t look into him beforehand?”
“I didn’t know he was someone important. Sorry.”
“No, no, it was better that you went in blind. Things might have played out differently if you knew about his family.”
“What did he mean? When he said his brother was born to replace him?”
“I believe he’s referring to the fight he had with his younger brother. The one that led to him being admitted here. As you can imagine, he was set to inherit the family business but it seemed he wouldn’t be able to do so. The father then changed the title of heir to the youngest and that created a wedge between the two.”
“That’s what made him aggressive. He felt betrayed and abandoned by his family.”
“Yes. His family only tolerated so much, but when he seriously injured his younger brother they sent him to the hospital to get better.”
“I see. He was sent here by people he didn’t trust, so he won’t be inclined to trust the doctors around him, but for some reason he seems to trust me.”
“The reason isn’t entirely relevant.”
“I know, what matters is that we help him. I’m a means for you to get through to him and help him return home.”
“Precisely. For the time being I won’t schedule another session to give you both a chance to breathe. I’ll let you know when you should come back to the east wing.”
“Thank you, Doctor Choi.”
You couldn’t get the session out of your mind, and when you got home curiosity got the better of you, so you searched up information about the Ji family. It wasn’t all that surprising when the only articles that came up were all in relation to Ji Industries. A few spoke of the CEO but not the family. There wasn’t really anything about the heir either, which is not all that shocking. A family like that can certainly pay to keep their names out of the news. You closed your laptop having learned nothing, but instead left with more questions. Your opinion of Changmin didn’t change much, which was probably for the best.
The next morning you had to focus on your actual job, your actual patients, so you pushed your curiosities to the back of your mind and prepared for the day.
“You. Come with me.”
You had barely been checking in with Jacob when you were suddenly grabbed and dragged off by Younghoon. His grip on you was rather firm, and you couldn’t free yourself despite how hard you tried. You did ask him to explain himself, but he was very determined to take you somewhere. Next thing you knew you were heading to the east wing. Security didn’t even stop either of you, just opened the doors and let you through. You thought it very odd, but this area was Younghoon’s department, so surely he knew the guards well. Meaning that since he had you in tow, they weren’t gonna bother checking either of you.
“Younghoon, what is this!?”
“I told you it was a bad idea.”
You were walking down a hall towards the patients’ rooms. You noticed a door open all the way at the end, and a few guards and orderlies inside. That seemed to be where you were going. You were starting to feel uneasy, but you couldn’t do much as you were dragged into the room.
“Here. You happy now?”
As you walked into the room you noticed the patient was in a straight jacket and restrained to their bed. They were screaming and thrashing, desperately trying to free themselves, and then they saw you. Changmin smiled and rested his head against the pillow.
“Good morning.”
“… morning…”
“See. She’s here, so you can stop throwing a tantrum. Let’s go.” Younghoon pushed you out of the room. “Someone get him his breakfast.”
You were still processing what had just happened, and really unsure of how to respond. Although you eventually found the words.
“What… uh… what just happened?”
“It’s what you think.”
“Which is?”
“Changmin started throwing a bitch fit when Chanhee told him that he wouldn’t be seeing you today. He really didn’t take that well and had to be sedated and restrained, but that didn’t stop him. So I went to go get you. It’s probably best you come pay him a visit every morning, for everyone’s sake.”
“Absolutely not!” Chanhee’s voice interrupted. “What is she doing here?”
“You know wha-”
“I explicitly told you not to bring her! Giving him what he wants is the last thing we should do!”
“And restraining him was going so well.” Younghoon countered. “You’re welcome by the way.”
“Changmin isn’t your patient!”
“Then maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea for you to bring her up here every morning, like you’re bringing Changmin a gift. Maybe he’ll like you more if you do. Then you could actually do your job and not use a surrogate.”
“Both of you stop it.” You cut in. “If you had just told me what was going on from the start I would have come along. And if necessary I can come by every morning.”
“You don’t have to do that.” Chanhee stated. “It’s not-”
“Should we ask the chief?” Younghoon questioned. “Hm?”
“Fuck you.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“Don’t ever go behind my back on matters pertaining to my patients again. Got it?”
“He’s more like our patient than yours, since he doesn’t talk to anyone. Well, actually, I guess he’s her patient technically.”
“Whatever. You can go now y/n, very sorry to have troubled you.”
“I understand. I’ll see you later then.”
You returned to your usual work station. Your mind was still running but you had other patients to prioritize. As the day went on you heard some chatter about you and what had happened in the morning, seems news travels fast around here. You thought you’d get questions about it, but no one really brought it up. That made sense, after all, Changmin was a special patient, a VVIP technically. Talking about him in general could cause problems. It did become routine to go over to the east wing just to say hello to Changmin every morning. He was always so happy to see you. In a strange way you could say the same. Although once a new session had been scheduled you didn’t have to see him first thing as you’d be seeing him later on.
“Doctor! I’ve missed you so much! It’s good to see you again!”
“Hello, Changmin, how have you been?”
“I’m the same. What about you? It’s not fair I don’t get to see you so often.” 
“I do see you everyday.”
“But I want to talk to you and spend time together. I’m your patient, we should have a session everyday.”
“Actually, you’re still Doctor Choi’s patient, I’m just helping out. He sets up the sessions.”
“You don’t have to do what you’re told.”
“I’m an employee here, Changmin, I have a boss, and certain procedures to follow in order to do my job. It also makes sure everyone is safe. I have no problem following the rules.”
“Those rules keep me away from you.”
“Hm, you don’t like authority figures?”
“No one should tell you what to do.”
“Well, those people are in place for a reason. You know, one can point to parents being an authority figure. You didn’t like doing what your parents told you, did you? Although to be fair that is normal. A parent and their child are prone to disagree at times.”
“That reminds me, I have something to show you.”
“Changmin, you’re avoiding-”
You knew bringing up his parents would be difficult, but it was an important point to discuss. He was quick to ignore the mention of them, and you intended to bring it back but were surprised by what Changmin had. He held up a little doll, something he clearly made himself. The doll had on some clothes and a white coat, bits of yarn making up the hair. What stood out was that it looked like you, at least what you had been wearing on your first day. It wasn’t entirely shocking giving arts and crafts were a monitored activity in the hospital. The only problem there was that Changmin was in group three, and none of those patients were allowed to do arts and crafts for fear of them getting their hands on scissors or needles.
“You don’t like it? I worked really hard on it…”
“Did you… did you make that…?”
“Yup. It turned out great, right?”
“When did you make that? How? You’re not-”
“That’s my secret.” Changmin giggled, hugging the doll. “I don’t like talking to you behind a glass wall. Do you think our next session can be in another room? You can tie me up if that’ll make you feel better.”
“No… uh… Changmin… why did you make a doll of me?”
“I only get to see you in the morning, and we don’t have daily sessions. I was hoping you could hug it for a bit so it would smell like you, but I guess you don’t like it.”
“I… it’s odd… Changmin… I didn’t think you’d make such a thing. Perhaps one of the guards can take it and-”
“No! It’s mine! The only person allowed to touch besides me is you! Nobody else.”
“Okay. I’ll see what I can do, but we should get back to what we were discussing earlier.”
“I just wanna talk to you.”
“We are talking. You and me.”
“No. You’re just reading Doctor Choi’s notes, you’re not actually caring for me. You’re a liar.”
“Changmin. That’s not fair. I’m still new here and it would be highly unethical for me to treat you. I don’t have enough experience or knowledge. It wouldn’t be right if I did this myself.”
“But I only want you! I won’t talk anymore if Doctor Choi is just using you like a puppet.”
“Changmin, I’m trying to help, honestly. You’ve been here for so long, and you’ve been so quiet and isolated. Don’t you wanna go home some day?”
“Home… would you still be with me if I left this place?”
“How would we ever know if you stay quiet and stay here.”
“Do you promise?”
“Promise what?”
“That you’ll stay with me when I get out?”
“I don’t know if-.”
“Answer me!” Changmin stood and slammed his fist against the glass. “Answer me honestly right now!”
“Changmin, please calm down before-”
“Promise me! Please, I don’t want anyone else…”
The door on his side suddenly opened and guards came in. Unlike last time he did put up a fight, screaming and demanding an answer from you. In the fight he had dropped his little doll. As he was dragged out of the room you got up and went to the otherside, getting his doll and going after him. You yelled for the guards to stop and caught up to them. Changmin had his hands tied behind his back, and he was panting, but he looked at you with hopeful eyes. You gave him a simple smile and placed the doll in his hands.
“Look, I know things are difficult but I-”
“Don’t answer him.” Younghoon came up from behind and placed a hand over your mouth, pulling you away. “Get Changmin to his room.”
This time Changmin didn’t scream, but complied and was escorted away. Younghoon kept hold of you and dragged you along, heading towards the entrance of the east wing. It wasn’t until you were by the guards that he let you go.
“What the hell was that?”
“What were you thinking? Were you seriously gonna promise him something?”
“No, wait, how do you know what we were talking about?”
“Every available doctor listens in on your session. You were really just poking the bear bringing up his family like that.”
“It’s the root of the problem here, we need to talk about it.”
“And he’s gonna avoid the subject.”
“Then I’ll keep trying.”
“You think Chanhee is gonna let you have another session?”
“The boy made a doll of you, that’s not normal.”
“I know that!” You sighed. “What else am I supposed to do?”
“You don’t compromise yourself for the sake of someone else, let alone a patient. Honestly, you should transfer.”
“If you keep seeing Changmin, there will be problems. You can’t put yourself in there with him again.”
“I’m trying to help him.”
“Are you? He’s never thrown a fit before, not until he met you. Trust me, this is gonna end badly if you stay.”
“I appreciate the unsolicited advice, but I’m going to do what’s best for my patient.”
“Wow, so now he is your patient.” Younghoon scoffed. “Alright then, just remember I tried to help you before you got fucked. See you around.”
You didn’t take kindly to Younghoon’s words, but you weren’t gonna give him some sort of remark either. Even though he had left you at the entrance to the east wing you went off to find Chanhee, needing to discuss what had happened. Chanhee’s first concern was you, wanting to make sure you were alright. He apologized afterwards, not knowing how Changmin had gotten such a doll, or that the session would go in such a way.
“I don’t want you seeing him again.”
“Chanhee, I-”
“No. He’s exhibiting obsessive behavior and could wind up endangering you. I know he only talks to you, but it’s not good for either of you to meet. I’ll speak with the chief about this, so don’t worry.”
“He’s my patient y/n, and I’m not gonna put you in danger. You could wind up doing more harm than good.”
“Ah… sorry…”
“Don’t blame yourself. We gave this a shot, so at least we don’t have to ponder on what if. I’ll also get that doll away from him, I have no idea how he got it in the first place.”
“Maybe leave the doll. He’ll probably be very upset if you take it.”
“Are you sure? It’s already a weird item for him to have.”
“If it keeps him out of trouble it’s fine.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, but you can go now. There won’t be anymore morning visits, or a reason for you to come to the east wing. Thank you for all your help.”
“Yeah. Let me know if you need anything else.”
You expected to hear from the chief, but you never did. Chanhee probably really hashed it out in regards to removing you from Changmin’s care. You wondered how he was doing, but you didn’t hear any whispers about him, and you couldn’t just go ask. It was better this way. You weren’t at all qualified to help him out, but maybe talking to you for a while will encourage him to open up to Chanhee. You focused on your own patients, getting comfortable in your position and feeling like you were actually helping. Jacob would still give you pointers and help you where you needed it. Even the others provided advice too.
Although Younghoon had given you the cold shoulder after that day. You’d see him at lunch, and sometimes he’d sit at the table with you, but he rarely said anything to you. He and Chanhee both kept quiet about Changmin, and of course you weren’t gonna ask. It shouldn’t bother you, since you and Younghoon don’t really work together, but you weren’t a fan of this silent treatment. You weren’t gonna say anything about it and just do your job, he already had a lot on his plate from working with patients of group three. You thought you’d never see him outside the lunchroom again, but you were strangely surprised one day.
“Come with me.”
As you walked out of a session Younghoon grabbed your arm and started pulling you along. It seemed that he had been waiting for you. This time around there wasn’t much urgency or aggression in his actions, but he still lacked an explanation.
“What’s going on?”
“You’ll see.”
“Younghoon, if something is wrong just tell me.”
“I have no business in the east wing anymore, so if you’re not gonna-”
“He wants to see you.”
You sighed. “Has he been throwing tantrums?”
“He’s been very quiet and patient.”
“Then why-”
“Just come along.”
You got through security fairly quickly, Younghoon keeping a hand on you the whole time. Once in the east wing you felt a chill run down your spine. Something was telling you that you shouldn’t be here, and your instincts were right. As you were walking down a hall the lights suddenly turned off. For a moment you were drenched in darkness, then red lights illuminated everything followed by a siren.
“Let’s go!”
Younghoon began running, dragging you along. Your mind was still trying to process, and next thing you knew you were in an empty room, one that was used for sessions. Younghoon let you go and locked the door, glancing out the window. When you looked over you saw guards running by, and heard some muffled yells.
“What’s going on?”
“Lockdown. I’m sure orientation didn’t go into detail, but when that happens we’re supposed to get into a secure room and avoid all patients.”
“Oh… how long will this last?”
“No idea. It depends on what caused the lockdown. Although it could take at least half an hour since all patients and doctors need to be accounted for.”
“So now we just wait.”
You were a bit nervous. The last place you wanted to be during a lockdown was the east wing, but at least you weren’t alone. You sat down on the floor, going through your phone to pass the time. Younghoon stayed by the door, watching the halls. After a while though he came over and sat by you.
“How’s the job?”
“Fine. I’ve been enjoying it, helping others that is.”
“The job is rewarding.”
There was suddenly a knock at the door. You tensed up a bit but Younghoon’s calm demeanor put you at ease. The both of you stood up, but then Younghoon pinned you to the wall. You didn’t even get the chance to question him before you felt the need in your neck. You screamed, reaching up to get the needle out but the contents had already been emptied into you. All you could do was stare in disbelief as you started to feel dizzy.
Younghoon reached into your coat pocket and took your phone before helping you slide back down to the floor.
“I warned you. What Changmin wants, he gets.”
You could vaguely make out Younghoon walking away and opening the door. You saw a blurry figure outside the room, and then the two exchanged items. Then the door shut again and you were with someone else. It didn’t take long to realize who.
“Neither of us have to be tied up this time.”
“… changmin… what… what are you…”
“Easy. I’m not gonna hurt you or anything. I just wanna talk, just you and me.”
“… this… this isn’t… others…”
“Don’t worry about that. No one’s gonna bother us. Some people from group two started fighting, and those from three took advantage to cause more trouble. We’ll be alone for a good while.”
“… how… how do you know…?”
Changmin gave a knowing smile. “Like I said, I wanted to talk to you. This way it’s just us, no one listening in, and no interruptions. I can be honest with you now.”
“… about what…?”
“Everything you’ve been curious about. For starters, I’m not crazy. My parents didn’t send me here to get help, they just wanted to get rid of me.”
“… what…?”
“It’s true. My father wasn’t happy with me. I wasn’t living up to his expectations so he figured my brother could do a better job. I heard the news when he broke it to everyone else, at the board meeting. Of course I got upset, but I didn’t think they’d go so far as to send me away to make sure I didn’t cause problems. What kind of parents send their kid to an insane asylum just so they don’t have to worry about them?”
“… changmin…”
“I know it’s probably not what you expected to hear, that I’m actually innocent in all this, but it’s okay. I’ve been patient, and I’m gonna get out of here soon.”
“… you can’t… you can’t just break out…”
“Who said anything about that? When you’ve been wrongfully admitted to an asylum and the doctor has been holding you here for years, well, it’s easy to walk out.”
“… what do you mean… what are you gonna do to Chanhee…?”
“Nothing bad. At most his license will be removed, maybe some jail time, but I won’t press charges so it’ll be a light sentence.”
“… don’t… don’t-”
“I’m not hurting anyone. I just wanna get out of here and reclaim what is mine. I’ve been patient and plotting. I’m not the only one who wasn’t happy with my father’s decision to remove me as heir. Many others have been supporting me too.”
“… regardless… you need a doctor evaluation… and I won’t-”
Changmin giggled. “Don’t be silly y/n, I’m not gonna ask you to do my evaluation. You’re not qualified, but you know who is, don’t you?”
“… younghoon… he… he works for you… doesn’t he…?”
“He works with me, and he’s been very helpful. Although at times he does as he wants too, but I know I can count on him.”
“… Changmin… I know what your family did was wrong… but… what are you gonna do… once you’re out…? You… you won’t hurt them, right?”
“Why are you worried about them? You should worry about me, you should be happy I’m getting out and taking back my life.”
“… but why… why me… what did I…”
“I like you… and I want to be able to give you everything. I just can’t do that while I’m in here.”
“You… you don’t have to… go so far… let’s just talk, you and me… honestly… none of this-”
“I knew you wouldn’t like what I had to say, but I didn’t want to lie to you and pretend. Which is why I did all this. Now I can’t have you getting in my way so I’ll have Younghoon look after you, but don’t worry, when I get out of here I’m going to take you with me.”
Changmin only smiled and got up, heading over to the door. You had gotten some of your strength back and managed to stand, but that’s really all you could do. Next thing you knew a few orderlies had come into the room and were restraining you.
“What… what is this…?”
“The best way to keep you safe is to keep you in one place. I can’t have you going home or telling others about me.”
“Changmin, you can’t do this!”
“They’ll treat you well.”
“Changmin!” You struggled with the orderlies. “You don’t like being told what to do, it’s not fair if you do this to me!”
“This is different though. I care about you and am I doing this for your own good. It’s okay if you’re mad at me, I know you’ll forgive me for it later.”
“Changmin, wait, this isn’t-”
You wound up with a gag in your mouth, being dragged out of the room. As you were taken out into the hall you noticed Younghoon leaning against the wall. He gave you a smile, but you merely stared and tried to yell at him. He followed behind as you were taken further into the east wing, towards a place you had never been. From what you could see it seemed to be the isolation area. You were taken into a room and pinned to the bed, completely restrained. You fought against the restraints, but it was no use. You only calmed down a bit when Changmin sat at the edge of the bed.
“This will only be for a little while, promise, and I’ll visit you every day.” Changmin laid down and placed his head on your chest listening to your heartbeat. “I’m glad I met you, and I hope we can start over once we get out of here.”
Even if you could speak you weren’t sure you had the words. You glanced towards the door, seeing Younghoon outside swinging around some keys. His previous warning rang in your head. You really had no idea what mess you had gotten into, but you were certainly screwed now.
“I should go, big day tomorrow since I’m meeting my lawyer. I’ll be back later.”
Changmin placed a kiss on your head before heading out of the room and shutting the door. You heard it lock and began screaming into the gag and trying to free yourself. All that did was exhaust you and you ultimately gave up. If you were gonna escape your psycho patient it wasn’t gonna be like this. You needed a plan, you needed time, but you weren’t sure how much of that you had. While in the asylum he was in control, but it sounded like things wouldn’t be any different on the outside. You should have gone somewhere else, you should have listened to the warnings, now you could only wonder. 
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shuenkio · 3 months
Misunderstood | Ksn 🌻
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Paring: Sunoo x male!reader
Genre: Fluff, crack
Cw: a lot of jokes play.
Summary: He thought you're already in a relationship with someone else however-
Non proof read/wc: 1.0k
Eng is not my 1st lang
Note: started from today I would be less active but don't worry I'll try my best to update a small update like this when I have time.
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Ksn: He is likely to be the brightest person in the room, very kind, lovely, approachable, making the first move, and a whole walking forest (flag). Your relationship with him was inseparable since you're his one and only bff who understands him the most. Till he couldn't stand anymore, he realized he liked you, but he was too shy to confess his feelings, as many thoughts were running through his mind. When he found out you took a liking on someone else, he was taken aback. You had always been with him, but why did he not know about your crush? Nevertheless, that didn't stop him from having a feeling for you still, even though there's a time Sunoo catches you staring at your phone, giggling with your face while texting.
You've definitely had a crush on someone, and you're now in touch with them for real. He was low-key hurt by it, but he knows it's wrong to ask you such a question. Demanding your answer was a no-no for him; he does respect your boundaries and matter. Days had passed, you started to give less attention, participate in less group projects, and hang out less with him. The closeness between you and him began to spread apart.
He was afraid—afraid that one day he will lose you—and will lose all the memories both of you had together back then. He's scared that you'll slip away from this blooming friendship. Until he couldn't bottle up his tight chest any more, he decided to plan for his confession. He doesn't care right now if you reject him; he was desperate to let it all out in front of you to be heard and known. It took place at your childhood spot with him when you were young.
The swing is still hanging strong on the tree's branch. Nothing has changed at all, even after almost a decade. As you dragged your feet forward, you were greeted by him, who's sitting on the swing, with his face covered in tears and sadness. He looks like a complete mess right now, but you still find him very pretty in his state right now.
You were dumbfounded by the very new greetings. Usually he would come and ask about your day, but today was totally different; he was bowling his eyes out silently.
"M/n...!" He looked up to see your oblivious, confused expression as he continued to sniff as he pulled you into a warm embrace.
"What's wrong? Did you lose your earphones again?" You ask as you caress his back gently while he lays his hand on your shoulder. Sunoo couldn't gather his courage and words to respond to your question; he was still inhaling your scent, missing your small figure around his arms. His mouth was zipped, replaced by a whimpering pout instead.
You open your mouth and attempt to ask again, but you stop midway and decide it's better for him to calm down first. Soon enough, you're pulling away from the hug as you trace down your slim finger on his face, wiping his shred of tears away.
"Can you tell me what's going on?" You utter it softly, so he will be able to answer your question.
"I know you would be mad at me if I spit it out."
"Mad? Why would I be mad? Unless it was something serious, you mutter, looking at him in the eyes while he takes his time to admire your face again.
"Promise?" He quietly said this, extending his baby finger for promise. You chuckle at his childish behavior as you move your hand to intertwine with his. He flashed a small smile at your gesture before making you sit beside him on the swing, which was big enough for two.
"I'm sorry, but I like you, m/n. I like you so much that's not nice for my heart. I keep bottled up this feeling too much, trying everything to distract myself from missing you when you distance yourself away with your crush. I assume you're probably in a relationship by now. I don't expect any answer back from you—
I just want to tell you how I felt. I'm really sorry for liking you as your guy bestie. You can hate me all you want by heart, but please don't leave me. Can we still be friends, please?" He explained that as another wave of tears started rolling on his chest once again, his nose was now flushing in a pink hue, despite how emotional he was in the moment. Sunoo was sad.
You were caught off guard by the sudden confession from someone like him, whom you've known for so long. You thought it only happened in the movie, but you can't believe what you were hearing. Does he like you? Instead of feeling sympathy, you feel the rush of laughter at his misunderstood. So he believes you had someone?
"Why are you laughing? It's not funny." His gaze sneered, and his face was still wet from his tears as he questioned your unexpected mocking.
"You've been thinking I'm in a relationship this whole time?" You snort in the middle of your sentence; you can't hold back your ijbol.
"T-then hwat?" He narrowed his eyes, the embarrassed emotion about to cause him to have a seizer if your answer were opposite from his point of view.
"That was my cousin! She just returned from Japan" Your body is shaking from your howl, and as the latter feels like he wants to dig himself into the bottom of the earth alive, he is about to see the light of heaven from his self-consciousness. Sunoo began to look in the other direction; his cheeks were burning from shame as he folded his hand across his chest, sulking.
"Hey, don't be embarrassed, but at least I got you to confess your feelings."
"What do you mean by that? You're almost causing me depression."
"Because when two people have feelings for each other, what should they do?" Sunoo slowly turned his head toward you. He felt the chill sending down his spine at your words as reality hit him hard in the face.
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing; if you don't understand, I'll take it back."
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
🗣️ crd to all pics dividers Owner.
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lovelystarlightsblog · 6 months
Motherly reader babying them~
(So reader is a loving Mommy type that loves babying and spoiling them. So after awhile she somehow manage to bring up their Inner child)
Albert James Moriarty
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He was a little uncomfortable with the thought of being spoiled. Like, him? Spoiled? He beg to differ. But after he met you. All he could say is…. Well sh!t..
He was never the spoiled type (that’s what he thought), if anything he would be the one spoiling his S/O. But now he could only question how the hell did he end up here while sitting sideways on your lap.
He was honestly embarrassed by it. Wasn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Well, not anymore….
He wasn’t familiar with motherly love considering his childhood. He was never felt like he was accepted in his “Family” so mothers love wasn’t something he can Imagine to have.
After he met you he feel like he found something that was missing his whole entire life. He never felt so safe, so comfortable, so……. Happy….
At the start of the relationship, it was something small and simple things like serving and feeding him cookies, and then leads to wrapping him in blankets and cuddle him the whole night (You’re the big spoon obviously), which also leads you into tucking him in before bed and sing him a lullaby, and also leads you to cradling him when he had a hard day…..
He was really embarrassed to say the least. He was treated like a child! And for some reason it makes him feel so warm inside.
He likes it…..
He will never admit to anyone, not even when someone threatens him death. But he loves how you treat him like a child, he loves how you spoil him so much with your loving. You’ve awaken his inner child he never knew he had.
As time goes on the others start to notice how Albert’s behavior is slowly start to become more… Childlike….
Like how he looks at you so excitedly like a child seeing his birthday present when he finally gets back, or when you’re home after going out to get groceries. Or how he becomes 970% more clingy than he used to. And how he always clings onto you when you’re sitting together or you’re just talking with someone else.
Well… They’re not the only one who realized it. Cause I’m pretty sure that Albert would realize it sooner than they do. But despite that he’s not stopping it at all…. What kind of spell did you used on him?!
Nobody ACTUALLY complains about it, maybe Moran would tease him but he would get the most terrifying glare, that it can make the devil look like a baby kitten. He notes himself that he would NEVER tease Albert about it ever again.
But when someone else points it out…. Let’s just say that he never wanted to jump out of the window so bad in his whole entire life.
He’s conflicted. He’s a grown up adult, he’s not supposed to be treated as a child nor act like one. But at the same time it just feels soo good that he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t like it! Not like he can stop even if he wants to.
He was honestly quite self-conscious about it. He feels like he should stop letting you treat him like a child so much, but he also craves for it. He can’t decide whether to stop you or letting you do anything to him.
He once told you how he feel a little ashamed of liking all those childish things. But you told him that there’s nothing wrong with enjoying all those things. Everyone has their own inner child and everyone always want to feel loved. And that actually made Albert feel a lot better hearing you say that.
After some time, he lets himself loose and let you do more “lovey” things like cradling and other babyish things. He also really likes how you spoon fed him, but he only let’s you do that in private.
William and Louise also notice Albert’s childlike behavior. And neither of them judges him. In fact, they’re happy that Albert is able to feel happy and comfortable with someone. And they really do appreciate your company cause they haven’t seen Albert so content and happy before. So that really made Albert relieved.
He loves the way you scratch his back while he’s cuddling you (I love back scratches, y’all knew this was coming). He always wraps his arms around you as he lays his head on your chest while you softly scratch his back. He’s the big spoon most of the time, but sometimes he’s the little spoon when he’s feeling tired or down.
And then… There’s cradling, OH THE CRADLING!! He’ll be DAMNED if anyone else knows about this, but he he craves to be cradled! It’s probably one of the most babyish things he actually enjoy but boy he loves it!
It’s just… The way you hold him while he sits on your lap and rocking him slowly (god that’s adorable) and having his head resting on you. He has never felt so safe and comfortable in his life. It’s embarrassing and he loves it so damn much.
It would take a lot of time for Albert to accept his “tendencies” he’ll try to be a lot more open with his childlike behaviors. Of course he won’t show that side of him to anyone, but now he’s a bit more open to admitting his “tendencies”. He’ll also let himself act a bit more spoiled to you and enjoys how he’s treated as a child.
And once that finally happens you’ll realize how adorably spoiled he is. Like how he ask you to sing him to sleep, making him and feeding him cookies, clinging onto you, and running up to you when you get back. It was incredibly adorable and beyond cute!
Of course that doesn’t mean he’s not serious with his work on taking care of the nobles. It’s just that whenever he takes a break he always know where to go and what can make him feel so much better after all that. And that’s something he will never take for granted.
Of course he will try to pay you back. (Even tough he feels like he will never be able to). Like treating you out for dinner, buying you gifts, getting whatever the hell you want (even if it’s as absurd as bringing home a lion). It’s just that… Words cannot express how thankful he is to have you and you make everything so worth it in this life…
He has never felt so happy….
This is one of the most tooth-rooting, stomach stirring, diabetic thing I have ever wrote…
I’m so proud of it…
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mehiwilldoitlater · 4 months
When you and Lucci became a thing, everyone seemed surprised (especially Paulie, but he never made a move on you directly, so he just took the news).
Lucci didn't seem to be the kind of guy who could sweep a woman from her feet, not even someone like you. Usually, you were allowed to go to the galley-la company to bring Paulie his lunch, since he was always short on finances, and meeting the silent man was almost inevitable.
He had some kind of charm that dragged on himself. Maybe it was the misterious aura on him; maybe it was the fact that he was one of the most trusted men of the company, but you fell for his advances.
To your dismay. 
Red flags started to pop up as mushrooms; sometimes they were blatantly there, others were so subtle that you needed a double check to be sure that your mind wasn't playing truck on you.He showed his real voice to you without the help of Hattori, and it wasn't a pleasant memory at all.
He started to point up things that he didn't like, things that you needed to change. He forced you to stop going to work, promising that he would provide for you. You wondered if those funds were really from his Carpenter work.
He was jealous; he hated the idea of other men who could lay their finger on you. He knew he was the best option for you, but you fell for him so easily. Who knows how easily you could have fallen for someone else? So he told you to stop seeing any other possible suitor, and he stopped you on your daily visit to Galley-La.
You didn't want that; you vocalized how stupid and childish his orders were, and so he became more aggressive.
Your parents had hit you —not so much, just enough. His slaps and punches were made to hurt you.
He didn't hit you in the fog of some blind rage; he did it because he wanted to and because maybe he found some pleasure in it. He likes that no matter the situation, he has control over you and your life. 
Even at night, in the privacy of the bedroom, he couldn't bring anything but pain. It was like he never knew how to actually love, and you were on the receiving end of his cruelty.
At some point, maybe you even started to believe him.
You thought that, maybe, that was a punishment for something, maybe a sinnmadrbin to your precious life. You didn't know; you didn't want to know. At some point, accepting and following his instructions were the only ways to tolerate the pain.
That day you just needed a quick stop at the shop, a few minutes enough for him to not notice that you finished something in the fridge (it was milk?. Maybe...). No one needed to notice you; no one needed to even know that you were out alone in the street; no one needed to-
When you collided with Paulie, escaping again from some creditors, maybe you were trapped on your feet. Seeing you around was such a surprise for him!
Lucci told everyone that you were sick these days; others said that work was hard on you. Geez It seemed like you were trying to avoid everyone! But you shouldn't be around the city in bad health; you weren't a child anymore, and you needed rest.
But, for some reason, when he bunched a little on your shoulder, he noticed a small flinch, like you were in pain.He hated it, but he wanted, no need, to check your shoulder. What if you weren't in the worst condition that Lucci had told everyone?
He noticed a bruise... Three. ...Six. ...A few of them had the shape of a hand.
You weren't aware of what exactly happened. After Paulie had dragged you to his apartment, You can only guess at his behavior when he opened the door, all mash up, with a black eye and a bleeding nose.
"He won't bother you again. Stay as long as you want here." 
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