#yowapeda stage play
karasunocurry · 1 year
Butai Yowamushi Pedal The Day 1
Heyyy so while I have lived in Japan since 2018, I have not seen a single pedasute live! Until today. I didn't even realize that since the last one (The Cadence), they started over all the way from the beginning, so naturally Day 1 is the one covering the first day of the Interhigh. It was so nostalgic seeing this, since very little has changed in how they do the play. Just a whole new cast! And it's a pretty strong cast, literally and figuratively. I mean, especially Ruito, who plays Izumida, is just perfect - I love the previous one! - but he can actually wiggle his Andy and Frank, and also the guy who plays Maki-chan is amazingly well-cast. Tall and lanky, especially compared to all the others. The new Naruko and Imaizumi seem great, Imaizumi's got such a cute face but he looks strong. Manami was on point too, and I'm enjoying Rita as Arakita and Akira as Shinkai, though I'm really looking forward to see more of Shinkai especially as a former Shinkai stan. I'm curious how far they'll go with this. I don't think the whole theater was full but they did do pretty well, and hopefully they can continue and eventually go on along with the manga. It's quite interesting that Kujirai (who played Teshima) and Kawaharada (Izumida) were directing and coaching the play, while Suga Kenta (the original Hinata) is directing a new Haikyuu!! play (which I will also see this month).
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kotaka-kun · 1 month
being reminded just how much i loved the yowapeda stage plays... heading back over to lj to see if there are any links left to salvage from... finding them dead and gone... truly devastating.... i was too late.... dkxbskxbsjdn
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olivieraa · 4 months
Ok, I need to rant. And its gonna be quite long. Esp cause of screenshots.
This is absolutely nothing new to me. Half my blog is filled with rants identical to this. Like, I have no faith in men, I've no faith in anime fans, I have very little faith in anime in general.
But I do like voice actors. And bc I got into them quite early, I... remain ignorant to their flaws. They're my "celebrities", basically, but I dont engage in voice actor fandom. I know some things about them here and there - I listen to OnoD and Kamiya's radio wnv it gets translated amongst others (theirs is the main tho), I watch the stage shows, I know some facts here and there, I know a lot of them are married to each other, etc etc
But in terms of controversies, gossip, anything of the like, I know mostly jack shit.
Voice actors aren't perfect, there's gonna be some bad apples, so maybe it occurs a lot or they're mostly a good bunch. Who knows. The only one's I know of is the Takahiro scandal where he has apparently cheated on his wife for 10 years with multiple women without her knowing. And something similar with Suzuki as well. I don't know what's happened in terms of Takahiro's career since he has huge roles (from Jujutsu to Osomatsu), but I know that Suzuki was replaced in at least one anime. I've no further knowledge on that.
Now, acting is art. And voice acting is art. What VA's manage to convey to me through their work is v special to me.
I defo dont know how the industry works, esp in Japan. I hear this and that about it. It seems v confusing. In terms of how they get roles, it seems to be the main two. They audition, or their called in for a part, esp if they're big VA's.
I..................... idk....... I liked to believe that VA's, after they become more known and have a steady income, like actors in general, start to choose their roles, esp when I see a pattern...
So to bring back Takahiro for a sec, or even OnoD, or Kaji Yuki - all three of them have played some of my faves. Takahiro as Misaki, OnoD as Shizuo, Sebastian or Midorima, and Kaji... uh, Hermes would be the closest I'd have as a fave for his work, but I thought he portrayed Eren brilliantly, and he has some fun roles that make me laugh.
But three of them have also played despicable characters, that I cant stand. And not one or two, quite a few.
And that's fine for the most part. It's acting. They're playing a role. They are not their characters. When they play the hero, the womaniser, the gentleman, the sweetheart, the asshole, the villain, the whatever, they are not their characters. They dont share the morals of their good or bad characters. This is common sense.
However, I just feel like... when a VA isn't more choosy with their roles, and plays the worst kind of character out there, a character that honestly? Shouldn't even exist... It gets to me. I wish it didn't but it does.
Like, Index is an anime that I'm appalled was ever even made. Its an "I hate women" anime and the male creator is rich from it bc its popular. Who is it popular amongst? Males ofc lol. Target demographic and they love that misogynistic shit. They do not hide it. And I'm sure the creator knows what the fans of his work are like. He's one of them. The main character in this anime is my most hated character. And I honestly........ honestly cant help myself when I avoid anything that the voice actor for this character is in, unless I didn't know about it at first (like Yowapeda). When I hear his voice, I just kind of... opt out. But I rarely see him pop up in animes I'm interested in anyway, so I'm lucky.
And so the pattern I was talking about... How come VA's like Maeno manages to almost never play a misogynistic douche? In fact, the grossest character I remember him playing was v early in his career, so prob during a time he couldn't be picky. But since then, its been mostly fine. Same with Nakamura, and Suwabe, and Kamiya honestly. VA's like Takahiro and OnoD and Kaji, like I said, have played a good bunch of despicable characters. Seeeeveral of them.
When I split it in two, what I see with the first bunch is that they make a choice not to play certain characters. With the second bunch I get the vibe that they just go for whatever role they're offered. And so I appreciate the first bunch more, I cant help but feel that way... And maybe I'm making that up and these VA's dont give a DAMN what characters they play as long as they're paid. IDK! But due to the pattern, it helps, its like... If I see certain VA's in the list for a certain anime, I can sort of trust the anime. And that's been mostly true.
Now, onto my main point. There's an anime currently airing. Idk why since I never engage in it, but I get a lot of anime crap on my facebook. And... this came up today
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Nothing about this surprises me. Not a woman being beaten up in anime by a man (and I mean no matter what she happened to do, whether she was bad or innocent, a man beating a woman is v common), the laugh reacts, or the comments. In fact, this was of no surprise to me
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I went to watch the scene. Now this wasn't a fight, this was him beating the shit out of her. Just so much one-sided punching. I stopped counting how many times he hit her. It went on for about 6 mins.
And this... gross prick... with an icon that looked like that... an oversexualised BDSM looking anime woman... wanted to see her beaten more. For at least another 6 mins.
BUT ANWYAY, I'm not ranting about that. Fans of these animes that look like this esp
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--with all that harem bullshit, are of no surprise to me. That's whatever at this point. Male fans will always have these animes made for them.
Oh also, apparently she's a masochist and ends up falling for him
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What kinda got to me was who happened to be the VA for this character. Now, he's not one of my faves, but he plays a lot of characters I love.
He's Vector in Zexal, Shinkai in Yowapeda, Daichi in Haikyuu. He's not struggling for roles...
If I was an actor not struggling, and just accepted any role given to me, idk... I feel like you can either contribute to terribleness being put out into this world, or you dont. I was mad at the Game of Thrones actors for a while until... I realised that ofc they made the choice to be on that show. Nobody was a big star at the time, this created their stardom. They now get to be picky. They now get to choose what media to be a part of. I dont think even I would have refused to be on that show if I was starting out. I'd just bash it afterwards like how whatshisface does about Twilight.
I believe the existence of Game of Thrones is an awful thing. Bc it has shown me, with fan reactions, what people are willing to accept, joke about, and in a way... emulate in real life. I have heard the grossest comments from real life males about what happens to women in that show. If you are involved with media that is harmful, whether you're just an actor in it or not, you've contributed to the message it puts out.
This VA defo had the choice when he read the roles and saw "main character beats the crap out of woman, will most likely draw in male fans in droves with comments like #now THIS is what I call equality, and #ive fapped to worse, and #bitches need this kinda beating", would you still like to do it?" and chose "YES got no problems here"
Well, you contributed, and at this point in your career where you can be choosy, I'm so disappointed
I'm just glad he's not one of the VA's I generally feel like I can trust with their roles, since, idk, they NEVER seem to choose those extreme roles that draw in the worst fans, but still. I cant help but just... sigh. And be wary.
If I go back to Maeno for a sec, yeah there's a possibility he'll disappoint me one day. But for how often he does shoujos, and BL's, and when he does shounens he's likeable (whether he's a hero, anti or villain), I truly like to believe that, he knows that female anime fans are why he's successful, and so he's loyal to them and the kinda roles women would like.
But yeah.
Rant over.
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cherrylomain · 3 years
japan having liveshows for literally everything never ceases to amuse me
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scaredysap · 3 years
..........so I'm watching the cycling anime stage play
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1863-project · 2 years
I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm a seiyuu fan, so I also play Pokemas in Japanese voice, because there are so many well-known voice actors and actresses participating! But yes, I really love Yuumataso's performance as Emmet, and I also think the voice perfectly suits like how I imagined it too!
So now, I would like to share some fun facts about Ingo's Pokemon Masters EX seiyuu! I don't have as much knowledge about him as Yuumataso, but I will do my best!
Ingo's Japanese voice actor is Yoshitsugu Matsuoka. People who are familiar with anime, in general, might have at least heard his name. His most well-known role is, as Kirito in Sword Art Online. His second most well-known role is Xiao from Genshin Impact. Another well-known role of his is, as Hanazawa Teruki from Mob Psycho 100. So, yes, Tsugutsugu (his nickname) is an extremely famous Japanese voice actor, and he is particularly known for voicing main characters in anime after his role as Kirito. If you look at his MyAnimeList profile, you'll see that his resume is extremely packed.
However, Tsugutsugu is not an active singer. He did character songs here and there, but he doesn't make singles or music videos like Yuumataso did. So, it's a little tricky to look for his songs on YouTube.
Pokemon Masters EX is not the only franchise where Matsuoka Yoshitsugu and Yuuma Uchida participated together. The aforementioned The Idolmaster SideM and Yowamushi Pedal are two other series where they're in the same show!
Here are some character songs that Tsugutsugu sang:
Sword & Soul (Kirito's character song): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6t1BvzX8MEI
Therese's Sigh (E-ki from Shuuen no Shiori's character song): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LxBro65ZL8
LOVE iLLUSiON (This is such a fun character song, Tsugutsugu really flexed his voice range here): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAx9xlsnzwE
As a bonus, here's Matsuoka Yoshitsugu and Yuuma Uchida together on their collaboration YouTube channel, talking about their seiyuu profile photo (and how they kinda look like twins): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7wBBV1SpFg
Tsugutsugu, despite being one of the most famous seiyuu, is also known to be pretty anxious when speaking on stage to many people, you can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHp0FF18dW0
All right, sorry that this ended up being long (again)! Hopefully, this is the last time! Thank you for your time, and hope you have a great day ahead!
It's perfectly fine to do long posts - people do love reading this stuff, myself included, so no need to apologize! Thank you for this!
I had to go and check because I love Yowapeda (I got back into cycling for myself because of it, and my bike is named Jinpachi after Toudou), and I was delighted to see that Tsugutsugu voiced Aoyagi, who is adorable! And Yuumataso was Shinkai's younger brother Yuuto, who is also wonderful! I love finding out people whose work I enjoy were in other things I love.
Thank you again, and feel free to infodump anytime! I'm always so glad when people share what they love!
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mitsukimahou-blog · 7 years
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Okei I'm so glad I've come to Japan expo. The cast of yowapeda came too. Now the long wait for toumyu in two hours time
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mgene89 · 7 years
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Yey!!! Postingan kedua malam ini, jarang-jarang mimin posting dua thead dalam satu hari. Masih postingan seputar butai, kali ini kelanjutan dari stage play Yowapeda tepatnya stage yang keempat meneruskan cerita dari stage play ketiga tentang hari pertama Interhigh, stage play keempat mengambil cerita tentang hari kedua Interhigh Balap Sepeda. Di hari kedua siapa yang bakal menang ya? Yak, bantu share ke teman-teman kalian ya! Ja, mata ne  ^_^ Cast: SOHOKU Murai Ryota as Onoda Sakamichi Ota Motohira as Imaizumi Shunsuke Torigae Yuki as Naruko Shoukichi Gomoto Naoya as Kinjou Shingo Oyama Masashi as Tadokoro Jin Hirose Tomoki as Makishima Yusuke HAKONE GAKUEN Takigawa Eiji as Fukutomo Juichi Suzuki Hiroki as Arakita Yasutomo Kitamura Ryou as Toudou Jinpachi Miyazaki Shuuto as Shikai Hayato Kawaharada Takuya as Izumida Touichirou Ueda Keisuke as Manami Sangaku KYOTO FUSHIMI Someya Toshiyuki as Ishigaki Koutarou Masui Kento as Mizuta Nobuyuki Murata Matsu as Midousuji Akira PENTING!!! 1. Dilarang mutar pake GOM Player atau VLC harus menggunakan Media Player Classic atau K-Lite Codec Pack biar subtitlenya muncul. 2. Enjoy the show! (^_^) Original Eng Sub By Kinlyu & @ectini RAW: Here (Harus join community biar bisa liat threadnya. Bisa pake akun LJ, FB atau Twitter) Sub Indonesia : Hubungi mimin buat link DDL-nya
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hoppidehoppu · 8 years
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honyakukanomangen · 6 years
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Full cast list for the BnHA stage play:
Tamura Shin as Midoriya Izuku (also Mutsunokami from the Touken Musical) Kobayashi Ryouta as Bakugo Katsuki (also Bjorn/Andresen from Patalliro) Takuchi Yume as Uraraka Ochako (also Sailor Mercury from the Sailor Moon Musicals, Wakaba from the Utena Musical) Ino Hiroki as Iida Tenya (also Byakuya from the Bleach Musical, Sugawara from the Haikyuu!! stage plays, etc) Kitamura Ryou as Todoroki Shouto (also Toudou from the YowaPeda Musicals, Rin from the AoEx Musical, etc)
Noguchi Mao as Asui Tsuyu (also White Tiger from Kemono Friends Musicals) Tanaka Naoki as Kirishima Eijirou (also Mayuzumi Asuma from the Prince of Stride Musicals, Sugawara from the Haikyuu!! stage plays) Satou Yuugo as Kaminari Denki (also the Kisarazu twins from TeniPuri Musicals S3) Hashimoto Shinichi as Aoyama Yuuga (also Itsuki from TeniPuri Musicals S2, Hanatarou from the Bleach Musical, etc.) Yamasaki Saaya as Yaoyorozu Momo Okui Nagato as Mineta Minoru (also Katou Kachirou from TeniPuri Musicals S3) Matsubara Rin as Tokoyami Fumikage (also Tsuchiyu from the Haikyuu!! stage plays) Baba Marino as Hatsume Mei Matsukawa Daisuke as Shinsou Hitoshi
Raita as Shigaraki Tomura (also Chinen Hiroshi from TeniPuri Musicals S3) Seto Yuusuke as Eraserhead (also Ohtori TeniPuri Musicals S1, Matsuno from Dive!! the stage play) Okamoto Yuuki as Present Mic Ueda Yuusuke as Endeavor (also Tachibana from TeniPuri Musicals S2, Yuuki from the Daiya stage plays, etc.) Hayashi Tsuyoshi as All Might (True Form) (also Ukai from the Haikyuu!! stage plays, etc.) Iwanaga Hiroaki as All Might (Muscle Form) (also Walter from the Legend of Galactic Heroes Musicals)
Takehiro Hayato and Endou Makoto as ensemble characters
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aslaanjade · 6 years
Peach and Sweetie?
thank you so much for the ask (*´♡`*) ❤❤
Peach 🌸: What song is your go-to comfort song?
sakura nagashi by utada hikaru !!!!! 
Sweetie 🌸: What show/movie do you turn to for comfort?
when i feel a bit down i watch lots of seiyuu events and stage plays !!!! to be more specific tho my favorite comfort seiyuu events are the ones from haikyuu, kuroshitsuji and daiya no ace while my favorite comfort stage plays are the ones from yowapeda, osomatsu-san and haikyuu!!! 
🌷Get to know the blogger asks: cute nicknames edition🌷
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karasunocurry · 8 months
Hello friends and tumblr critters
It has been less than half a year wowie. Happy new year. I will soon be sharing more subs (but nothing that anyone has been waiting for I feel)... I'll be bringing you nostalgia with the first Yowapeda play from 2012 and next I'll be sharing the Ochanomizu Rock live stage. After that i'm not sure! Should I continue working on the old yowapedals? Should I try my hand at Noragami now that it is sufficiently old and nobody cares? Should I... god forbid... sub Mankai Stage????
I could also do Blue Period but...... that's a tough one. And it's a bluray and idk how to rip those.
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petiteredlady · 7 years
End of the year 2.5D Butai/Musical Asks
I found that allyyyyy0619 made an “End of the year 2.5D Butai/Musical Asks” list, and it looked fun and interesting, so I wanted to do it. Some questions were challenging, but I liked answering !
1. Firstly, how did you manage to find out about 2.5D butai/musical? Which butai/musical was your first and your impression of it? In 2003-2004 a friend was studying in Japan. Being a Prince of Tennis fan, she discovered Tenimyu, and showed me her DVDs ! I think the very first I saw was the Dream Live 1st, and then I saw them mostly in chronological order. After that there were Bleach musicals, Hunter x Hunter, and by Air Gear I realised that adapting things into musicals was a thing. (Somehow I only learned about Sailor Moon later O_O)
For my impression of the first Dream Live : what the fuck. Just what the fuck XD I loved it because it was just so funny, but so many actors couldn't sing very well, the plot(?) was insane and several people were just OOC... but it was really fun and I liked it.
2. Who was your first favourite 2.5D actor/actress? Why? Hm... It was probably Takigawa Eiji, because I remember debating whether or not to buy his idol DVD^^" I'm not sure why, because he wasn't a good singer at the time... I guess his charisma alone was enough ? XD He made me laugh as Tezuka (despite actually playing him well), was pretty good-looking and he seemed like such a nice person IRL. (Unfortunately at the time I didn't find anything else he had played in so the "favourite" thing ended at me just really liking him...)
3. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai of the year? I haven't actually seen that many stage plays because I usually prefer musicals XD If I'm not mistaken, I've seen six stage plays this year so.... yeah.
1) Tsumuru Ookami Kuroki Kamo, without a doubt. Probably the best stage play I've ever seen. The staging was amazing, transitions were smooth and clever and easy to follow, I loved the music, I loved the costumes, the characters were amazing (even those I hated)(looking at you Shinpachi), and the story pushed so many of my buttons it's ridiculous. But even objectively, I think it's a really, really good stage play. 2) Yowamushi Pedal Shin Inter-High hen - Heat Up. I had only watched one other YowaPeda stage play so I didn't really know what to expect, but MY GOD. For a stage that had neither my favourite character nor my favourite actors, it was amazing. I loved the staging : everything was very dynamic, the amovible stairs were very cleverly used, and wow you really think they're pedalling. The acting was great and it was really funny, plus there were more songs than I expected ! 3) Haikyuu!! The Summer of Evolution. I wasn't fond of the first stage play and hadn't seen another, so I didn't expect to like it, but wow they have improved SO MUCH. The different choregraphies, for playing and dancing, were insane. I love their use of music to represent different techniques and formations. I really liked the acting. What I liked less was all the yelling, talking at the speed of light and everybody talking at the same time +_+ Like, please people, live Japanese is hard enough as it is XD
4. Top 3 (or more) least favourite butai of the year? By default they're going to be the other three I've seen XD It doesn't mean I didn't like them, but I liked them less and it wouldn't be fair to not answer this question.
1) Mononofu Shiroki Tora. I still liked it because it dealed with a lot of subjects that are dear to me, but honestly it was so confusing +_+ I really had a hard time understanding what was the present and what was the past, and which side the background characters were on. There were several characters I didn't connect with at all, too. It was still funny and horribly sad, but after watching it I just wasn't convinced. (Which is why I waited months before watching Tsumuru Ookami Kuroki Kamo.) 2) Messiah - Yuukyuu no Toki. The best stage play that came out of the new Messiah series. I wrote my impressions after watching it, but to summarise : there are still too many characters, too many plots at the same time, and I'm tired of people being related for no reason. I also thought the whole issue with Ariga and Itsuki was very dumb. But at least Yuukyuu focused more on its characters than Akatsuki, so I ended up liking them more. And returning characters were less OOC in my opinion. And my goodness, action scenes were great. 3) Messiah - Akatsuki no Toki. I was so excited for it and was terribly betrayed. There were a thousand ways to deal with Hirose Daisuke's absence, and they went with an insane plot so far-fatched I can't bring myself to take it seriously. I found the characters very, very OOC and didn't connect with or care for any of them. The new kouhai were not at all what I expected and I found them cringy at best. There are very few things I liked. Mostly the relationship between Ariga and Itsuki <3 I sort of squeed when Ariga called Itsuki by his name, and then at the end Itsuki did the same and it was cute and adorable.
(Messiah has been a letdown this year, it's pretty sad...)
5. Top 3 (or more) favourite musical of the year? I've watched a lot more musicals so this is going to be really hard XD (But I'm not doing more than 3. Ranking things is hard enough like that.)
1) Ribbon no Kishi (2015 version). It blew my mind when I didn't expect it O_O I was watching it for Aoki Tsunenori, but everyone was just so, so good. THE SONGS. MY GOD. ALL OF THE SONGS ARE GREAT, ALL OF THEM, AND EVERYONE SINGS SO WELL !!! The women especially had amazing voices. Everyone played they roles so well, with some being so very over-the-top and kitsch. I loved it. And this is part of being Ribbon no Kishi, but I loved the costumes and the fairy tale atmosphere that was very positive. I have issues with the story, but honestly that's not why I was watching it, so all in all it was a great experience. 2) Sailor Moon - Le Mouvement Final. JUST. AMAZING. Everyone was so pretty and cool and talented, the costumes were full of glitter, and the singing and acting really touched me <3 I may not be 100 % objective because I've loved Sailor Moon since I was a little girl and the last arc always makes me very emotional, but still. The transformations were great, the light effects were really cool, the music was good and all the actresse were amazing. If it hadn't been the last day of the performance I'd have tried to get another ticket... 3) Patalliro!. They don't call it a musical since they're lip-syncing on stage, but as a viewer the experience is basically the same so I've decided it counts. I had read a bit of the manga and watched a bit of the anime to have some context, and it really helped me understand some scenes. What I found most amazing is that the musical looks good while keeping all the weirdness from the manga XD They all acted so well, and managed to create a great story with very few characters. I liked that everything, from characters expressions to every plot point, was very over-the-top and dramatic XD I laughed a LOT. And the songs were really good and catchy. I liked it way more than I expected !
6. Top 3 (or more) least favourite musical of the year? Once again : it doesn't mean I didn't like them. Either they didn't live up to my expectations, or I simply liked them less.
1) Bakumatsu Rock - Climax Live. While I liked the interactions between the characters and liked more songs than I expected, I still feel this live didn't use all its potential. I mean, sure, it's a live, but maybe there could have been more of a plot ? Transitions were good and sketches were funny, but an overarching plot tying it all together would have been nicer, in my opinion. 2) Show by Rock - Shinen no Cross Ambivalence. This is very, very, very personal, but I think ShinganCrimsonZ didn't act enough like themselves. I know they weren't the focus of the plot, but... Rom had only like one speech that made the others cry, they didn't bicker about food, they didn't sing their jingle and Crow almost never called us "cattle" T-T Actually the focus was all over the place so I feel like no band really had time to shine. (And that's ever more personal, but the one and only reason I wanted to see Show by Rock was to see TakiEiji.......)(Obviously I'm not blaming anyone O__O) Overall I liked it, but not as much as I wanted to. 3) Touken Ranbu - Bakumatsu Tenrouden. The expectations/reality ratio was way too high for this one XD I still liked it, but not as much as a Shinsengumi fan should have, I guess XD First, I don't like Yasusada that much. And I'm getting really tired of his and Kashuu's issues with Okita. WE GET IT. We even had them all over Hanamaru. They're pretty popular anyway so WE KNOW ALREADY. I was more interested in Nagasone and Hachisuka's issues, but I think they were only superficially addressed. And Nagasone angsting about Kondou was only at the end with little build-up so it just felt weird, while it had the potential to be a heart-wrenching scene. And honestly, Kane-san and Horikawa felt like secondary characters T-T I'd have been much more interested in THEIR dealing with their owner's death. I also think they didn't have great singers and their voices didn't really work together, even though I liked the songs. So this musical was more of a miss than a hit, for me. (But I liked the previous one so much it was hard to top.)
7. Top 3 (or more) favourite actors/actress of the year?
1) Rachi Shinji. I've developped a real appreciation for him after being initially put off. When I first saw the Bakumatsu Rock musical his voice was so different from anime Ryouma that I thought he couldn't sing... haha =_= It got better the more musicals I saw in this series, then I saw him in Sayonara Sorcier *o* He was so, so perfect for the role *o* Now I really want to see more of him ! 2) Kanda Airi. I was very impressed by her performance in Ribbon no Kishi, and then I saw her in Sailor Moon *o* She was more than amazing. She appeared late, but she was so at ease on stage ! She was very in character, very into her dancing and singing, and she felt much more experienced than the adult actresses. Honestly, it seemed so very natural for her to act, it was hard to look at anyone else ! (And I don't even like Chibi Moon that much so it's really impressive.) 3) Teruma. I think he's one of these few actors who can really change who they are when they play different characters. I just find that very impressive, and since I've been seeing more and more of him, I ended up noticing. He has really improved his singing, too ! (And he does play very different characters while you could expect him to have a type XD)
8. Top 3 (or more) rookie actors/rising actors whom you’ve high hopes for in the future? ... I usually follow actors I know so that means they already have a career XD But let's try !
1) Takano Akira, Toumyu's Hizamaru. He's not exactly a newbie as he's done a number of things, but mostly in 2016 so I guess it counts. I've only seen him in Shinken Ranbu Sai 2017 (I'll see the actual musical in January), but I was SO IMPRESSED. Honestly, despite the huge cast and lots of other actors and characters I loved, he managed to stand out ! His acting was great, his dancing JUST AMAZING, and he was so into his role, it was a pleasure to watch. 2) Ooyabu Taka. I only saw him as Marui in the 3rd season Tenimyu Seigaku vs Rikkai, but my goodness he was perfect. Probably the best Marui so far, definitely one of the best and most charismatic actors of the musical ! It's not even a character I care about much so I'm not biased, and I did hear other people talk excitedly about how good he was. I don't think I'll be closely following his career, but I'm definitely interested in seeing more of him ! 3) Sakiyama Tsubasa. He has been in a number of plays for the past 3-4 years, but I think it's only recently (thanks to Toumyu) that his popularity skyrocketed. The more I watch him the more I like him, and he's one of the very few people who made me buy their CD, so that says something ! I definitely want to see more of him in the future !
9. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai/musical related drama/movie of the year? The original question said it could be a drama that has a butai adaptation or an unrelated drama with butai actors in it (who made us want to watch it). The thing is... I don't watch that many dramas ? Not anymore, at least. When I like a butai actor I like to see what other butai they're in XD There's always tokusatsu, but it's not ONLY for the actors. Oh well, let's try...
1) Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters. Amazing show. Predictable, but everything made me feel good, from the characters to the plot. It was on my list because of Matsumoto Hiroya and Baba Ryouma <3 (Then I realised Jinnai Shou was in it too !)(Now that I think about it they happen to play my favourite characters...) 2) Yowamushi Pedal. It was one example listed in the original question so it feels weird to answer that, but it's true. From the preview I didn't think it'd be anything worthy of note, but it's actually so, so well done. Even the bike races. And the cast is just so good, I love how they play the characters. 3) Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger. A bit cliché, but I loved it. The main characters were great, the villains too, and I love dinosaurs. And I decided to watch it because of Saitou Shuusuke !
(Yeah that's two sentai but honestly I've already gone through all the Kamen Riders that have butai actors in it...)
10. Top 3 (or more) actors/actress that you think have the best singing voice? Now that's very unfair and I can't do it XD Why I like someone’s singing depends on so many things, and I may not like everything that person sings... But I decided to answer these questions so I WILL >< (This will be more like "hey I consistently like these people singing" rather than "they're objectively the best singers")
1) Katou Kazuki. He was amazing in Tenimyu, I actually listened to his original songs when he released a CD, and when I heard him recently I thought he had improved AGAIN O_O I don't think there's any limit to how good he can get. (And I love deep voices like his.) 2) Kimeru. Such a powerful voice. I think he can sing anything and make it awesome. He's sometimes a bit over the top, but I love listening to him. 3) Sakiyama Tsubasa. When I first heard him in Toumyu I wasn't convinced, but he's improved so fast ! I love his calm and soothing voice <3
(4th place is for Rachi Shinji because my god just like Kimeru he has such a powerful and beautiful voice *o* Just... less my style.) (And I'd like to mention Spi somewhere because while I haven't yet seen Mihotose no Komoriuta, I was SO IMPRESSED by his singing in Shinken Ranbu Sai 2017 he deserves a spot. His singing was amazing.)
11. A (or more) butai/musical that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
Bakumatsu Rock (the first one). It was such a shock to transition from anime to stage, I didn't take it well. The seiyuu are pretty amazing, and the musical tried to have actors with very different voices try to sing like the seiyuu... and it doesn't work at all. After re-watching the musical, though, I got a better appreciation for the actors’ singing. It's not that they're bad, they're just made to sing things that were not made for them^^ And some songs are still pretty good despite that ! And in later musicals I think they better adapted the music.
12. Top 3 (or more) anime/manga/game that you would love to see being adapted into a butai/musical in the future?
1) Anything by CLAMP ? I mean, why is there no Card Captor Sakura musical ? It would be perfect. Or Wish !! Wish would be so cute. Or Clover *o* (Honestly any manga works. Even the 'heavier' ones like X or RG Veda. These two would have amazing group songs *o*) 2) I'm not sure I'd "love" it but honestly after three Tenimyu seasons it's time to be brave and adapt New Prince of Tennis. 3) I haven't seen it yet but when I read the question I immediately thought "Ballroom e youkoso needs an adaptation" XD
13. Top 3 (or more) favourite fandom on the year?
1) Tenimyu is still a pure and amazing fandom. Honestly seeing people still passionate about it nearly fifteen years later amazes me. 2) Touken Ranbu fans are very impressive, collecting so much information and following every single actor's other projects XD 3) The Hakumyu fandom sprang back into existence, it seems XD With motivated people sharing and subbing. I'm glad to see the fandom is still alive and happy despite the lack of new musicals.
14. How long have you been in the 2.5D fandom? Honestly I wouldn't consider myself "in the fandom" these days... I interacted with other fans much more when I was younger, and then there was a period when my interest in butai faded. But if we count from the first time I got involved... it's been about 13 years.
15. Lastly, what is your overall opinion of the 2.5D fandom so far? As I said, I'm not really "in" it so it's more like an outside opinion...? Honestly, I feel that now that buying and sharing DVDs is so easy, the fandom has grown so big it has become difficult to really interact with people ? Maybe I just don't put enough effort in it, though XD But having so many fans with different interests mean it's more difficult to find someone who matches your interests who is also interested in talking to you specifically while there are so many other fans out there. (But yeah, maybe it's just me. I used to be in small French fandoms, maybe I'm just not cut out for big international ones.)
And yet it amazes me how much people help each other : getting tickets, getting goodies, subbing... (Like, SUBBING ?? When I was younger I never thought about anyone ever subbing butai, fansubs were something anime fans did, I never considered it could apply to butai too XD So I'm always in awe when people sub butai.)
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lady-mug · 7 years
Hello there. I wanted to know if you know where to find yowapeda stage play with tamaki yuki or Dance!Dance dance. Sorry if I'm asking for a lot. Hope you had/have a good day
Hi Anon! I’m sorry I’m not familiar with these shows, but I can at least suggest to check out Tenimyutopia for Yowapedal, as I’ve heard of some of them being there before. Hope this helps!
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graymalkyn · 7 years
Why would you recommend someone to watch the royal tutor?
There’s no easy answer, so I’ll try to be as coherent as possible (by the way, this is the post I made when I’d just started watching the series, so it’ll be fun to see how many things I can add). You should watch OKH if you like: 
comedies with a dash of drama: OKH has a wholesome sense of humor, either represented by the princes’ personalities, the main character’s dry wit, or the antics of the supporting cast. (On a personal note, I’m a huge fan of chibi drawings, and OKH makes good use of that.) It also has sentimental moments that aren’t overly sappy or heartbreaking, so it’s the type of anime you can watch that will definitely make your day better.
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(^^^ actual image of me at a bookstore)
stories about teachers and students: as a teacher, I’m a big fan of Assassination Classroom because I like the way Koro-sensei treats his students and talks to them, but more importantly, how he listens to them. OKH’s Heine-sensei is pretty much a great teacher, not because he is so overpowered in his skills (he could be a shorter, redhead-version of Sakamoto desu ga?’s Sakamoto) but because his lessons go against the outdated idea that “learning is studying, and studying is reading.” None of that nonsense here.
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character development/gap moe: I chose to put these two in the same category because ultimately, it’s about the way characters are perceived. To put it simply, you start with otome-game archetypal, host-like princes, but boy you’re in for a surprise if you think it remains there. By chapter 3 you’ll probably have adopted at least one of these guys as your son (if not all of them).
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the “feel” of period pieces: categories like ”period”, “historical”, or “royalty” are a bit tricky in anime, because there’s always a fantasy factor in anything that is especially foreign to Japan. (I could refer to Kuroshitsuji, Kyou Kara Maou, or Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu for references.) Granted, perhaps the richness of the backgrounds could have been better (the anime ran on a tight budget), but the general aesthetics is pleasant, and the music is a good companion to the scenes. It even makes the slice-of-life moments more enjoyable.
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stories you want to know more about: the manga is still ongoing, whereas the anime finishes at 12 episodes. Many characters that haven’t been introduced, and some characters get more development in the manga. The ending of the anime has little to no connection to the way in which the manga is going; that, however, doesn’t make it less entertaining - on the contrary, I promise you it makes you want to read the manga even more. It’s got a rather interesting build-up, and enough intrigue to keep you wondering what will happen. So the anime is great in terms of being a “gateway” to the manga. (I’m an aural person, so listening to the voices of the characters also made the little I’ve read so far of the manga even more enjoyable.) 
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a varied and talented cast: if you’re interested in seiyuu, this one gives you a chance to discover new gems as well as encountering old favorites. Outstanding newcomers include a few stage play veterans, like Heine’s VA (Ueda Keisuke - Yowapeda, K, Osomatsu-san’s Choromatsu, and now he’ll be Hetalia’s Japan), and Kai’s VA (Asato Yuuya - Hakkenden, Diabolik Lovers, Kurobasu, and the F6 version of Osomatsu-san’s Ichimatsu). Outstanding veterans include Aoi Shouta, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Eguchi Takuya, Tachibana Shinnosuke, Namikawa Daisuke, and uncredited names like Hiroki Takahashi (Dmitri), Katsuyuki Konishi (Owner), and Ono Daisuke (Eins).
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“Honorable” mention: I’d point out the fan service/shipping moments, but you don’t get many of those. It’s really not that kind of anime. Though I do think that since they’re all really attractive, the ships can sail freely.
So all in all, I truly believe it’s an enjoyable series. I’d have liked to get more than 12 episodes, but sometimes that is enough. Definitely recommendable as it’s something light-hearted, viewer-friendly, and heart-warming.
Thanks for stopping by!
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tomoyuu · 7 years
So, I’ve been wanting to measure Tomoyuu’s live singing vocal range for a while because I’m focused on music technicalities with stage plays and I sing myself (also focused in theatre).
He has approximately 2 octaves, give or take. His lowest live sung note is Bb2 which is shown in his ballad and his highest note is C5 (the C one octave above a middle C) and he belts it roughly in the fighting song which is why I said “give or take” because I’m not sure how well he can control his higher notes just based off one or two clips.
I listened to all of his other sung performances such as Yumemigusa, Tenimyu, Yowapeda Drama and Bakumatsu Rock but those show off his mid-range on the most part. He’s the strongest in his mid-range which is G3-G4. He’s very good at intonation (pitch) but he doesn’t know how to vibrato naturally at all (he uses breath to control it which is not the proper way) which is okay because he’s not trained in that department in the first place. I think his sense of rhythm is pretty good too. After all, he helped conduct in the backstage of Lunatic Live before which surprised me. Most importantly, he’s good at adding emotion while singing!
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