maria-ruta · 8 months
for requests would you mind drawing ёжик? i love your pfp so much it always makes me happy to see him when there's a post from you on my dashboard :) alternatively i would always love to see more blueberry... love him. feeding him cheesecake as we speak
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OH I love Yozhik! and I love my pfp too haha
it's from an art trade I had many years ago
I wish I knew where did the artist, who drew it for me, went... I lost track of them long ago and couldn't find them again ;_; I hope they are well
and THANK YOU FOR LOVING BLUEBERRY!!!! yeah mb ill feed him some cheescake in the future haha
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anteloppy · 8 months
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two spiked
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jpopstreaming · 1 year
🆕🎶 「 Magnetic Journey 」 new single by Yozhik is now available worldwide! 🌐 Listen now and discover new sounds from Japan on our weekly updated playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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sovamurka · 1 year
Me and who???? ME AND WHO??!?!?!?!
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artemisbarnowl · 7 months
Shout out to the Russian word for snow being so....yeah. "snyeg". Starts flat and ends abruptly. Doesn't give the impression of going anywhere on purpose. Like a clump of snow falling off a roof to sorta flumf on the ground. Such a 'that's what it is' word. Like bottle. Or ёжик (yozhik) for hedgehog.
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ruckystarnes · 2 years
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Title: What Happened to Steve?
Author: Ruckystarnes
Card: B018
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Kobik, Steve Rogers, Wanda Maximoff
Words: 498
Rating: Gen
Warnings: none
Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
Prompt/Square: Adopted - Deaging
Summary: Bucky walks in after Kobik "helps" Steve
Type: Drabble
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Bucky stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around his waist, foregoing drying because he was dead tired from the mission he was on for the last two weeks. All he wanted was his bed, but he knew Kobik would be looking for him soon if he didn’t hurry up, as Wanda could only distract the young girl so long before she started to miss him. He pulled on boxers and black sweatpants and ran the towel through his hair, drying it slightly before brushing it up and securing it into a bun. He walked down the hall towards Kobik’s room, picking up the broken hushed conversation in there.
“Bucky isn’t going to be happy.” That was Wanda, and her tone made him think of her biting her thumbnail as she said those words.
“But Steve wanted it!” 
“Not exactly...this,” Steve sighed.
The small conversation had Bucky furrowing his brows and a small pit formed in his stomach. Kobik took some things a bit too literal at times and used her powers to “fix” what people sarcastically asked for, which caused some troubles for Bucky and Wanda as they tried their best to guide Kobik to control her powers and use them appropriately.
“You said that you wished it was like the olden days,” Kobik pouted, and those words stopped Bucky in his tracks, feet away from Kobik’s room. 
“I was referring to how you could mess up and not have half the world know in ten seconds,” Steve sighed again, earning a ‘mmhmm’ from Wanda.
Bucky sucked in a deep breath, readying himself for whatever thing Kobik made happen. He rounded the doorway and stepped into the room: Kobik was sitting cross-legged on her bed, her hair in braided back; Wanda was standing next to the bed, arm crossed her body as she (indeed) chewed her thumb on the other hand. Bucky didn’t see Steve...at first. There was no tall blond man standing around, but there was a blond boy sitting in the chair over by the nightstand, in baggy clothes and freckles across his nose and cheeks. The sight made Bucky gasp.
“Not. A. Word,” the young boy said, blue eyes narrowing as he raised a finger at Bucky. It was enough to make Bucky burst into laughter as he walked over to him. “Or that.” The boy scowled. 
“Dare I ask what happened to Steve?” Bucky asked, turning to Wanda with a smile.
“Kobik heard him tell me something about how he missed a moment of the 30s,” Wanda explained around her thumb, “and, well…” She waved her hand at Steve.
“I was only trying to help!” Kobik protested, jumping up from the bed, wrapping her arms around Bucky’s waist.
“It’s alright yozhik,” Bucky smiled, patting her back, “We’ll figure this out.” He looked over at his much younger best friend and smirked, earning another glare and an eye roll. “Right now, how about a story and I tuck you in?”
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mawibblap · 2 years
fav smeshariki character?
that's kinda hard question actually ^^; when i was little, my favorite smeshariki character was sovunya (the purple owl) because apparently she's purple and my favorite color used to be purple and that was the only reason why she was my favorite lol
nowadays, i kinda don't know what's my favorite smeshariki character is anymore, not sure who is my favorite, maybe pin? losyash? yozhik? idk lol
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Yozhik v tumane
Something from the archive... 
1. The Volk of Reitarskaya
A dog walked a man past an audience of girls smoking outside an empty bar. They, too busy marinating in gin to notice him.
A dog-sized horse, but I might be wrong. It may have been a horse-sized dog.  
The hound was prone to biting small Japanese women, but only when they sang "O mio babbino caro” in Madame Butterfly tones.
The mans' wife assured her guests it was the first time that had happened. I guess there aren’t many who know that opera by heart.
The wife had black shaggy hair, as did the dog and the husband. They had no children, by choice. But they spoke of this choice so often, that only the reverse seemed true. Their dark manes looked like they could have been fuller in days past, but one day during an argument about how happy they were not to have children sheep shears were pulled. Whispers of hair fell one by one until a small pile formed. They lit and shared a cigarette, ash mixing with hair. They fed the pile on Georgian flatbread and watered it with dry red wine until, out of the pile of hair a shaggy black dog appeared.
It happened so gradually they couldn’t quite pin down when it came to be. Years later they were to host a dinner where they would open their balcony doors and their white curtains would billow out seen by the occupants of a bar downstairs.
‘Devochka, why are you so sad?’ Noam was pulled out from the warm bath of thought she had been taking.
A sweaty Georgian man in an ill-fitting sweaty black turtleneck spoke in broken Russian. Looking up she saw Larissa standing on the balcony.  Larissa drank red wine, letting its tannin stain her teeth. Her tumble of black hair was being taken by the wind, she could taste the film of wine coating her tongue.
Larissa was thinking about the conversation she had had with Noam inside. Earlier, before her teeth were quite so tannin-stained, when she had had difficulty talking thoughts about the complexity and beauty of ancient Aqueducts from a programme she had seen. The fascination, too deep to meaningfully put to words or conversation.
Having young friends makes you feel older sometimes. She sighed catching sight of herself in the window, ‘What have my extra years afforded me? What have I purchased for the price of ageing?’.
She was not melancholic in this thought, her inquiry was independent of feeling.
Her fingertips were going numb. Not feeling the cold, her subconscious listened to voices inside. ‘I’m not into that dancing scene, man’ said a heavy set Berlin accent. Wanting to stay unseen, her will battled the wind, the inner warmth that had been provided by the wine had gone. Someone was singing "O mio babbino caro”. Glass empty, she gave in to the demands of her hands, angry and red. Inside, the hound greeted his mistress with a deep grumble.
‘Vadim, it’s time to take the sobaka for his walk’. As he struggled with his shoes. Once down the five flights of stairs, he continued savouring the rich evening in childlike admiration.
Vadim walked down the stairs and out onto Peyzashnaya Alleya, the sobaka lead him past the bar with  marinating youth, past the the street corner, a chocolate shop. Its windows imprisoned a circus of mechanic circus animals in motion, performing on loop to no audience.  This establishment was one of many, littering the streets of Kyiv with the mediocre chocolate boxes, labelled in cheap gold ‘.  Making this mess, Mr Vilivanko.   While feeding the peoples sweet tooth, in his spare time he dabbled in being president, as artificially sweetened as his chocolate.  His attitude to chocolate and politics was much the same,  sat at leisure ‘ none for you’ he gobbled,  as another tsookerka melted into the sweet harmonious glob he kept in his left cheek.  
 He passed four benches that framed a hedgehog sat on a plinth,‘Yozhik v tumane’ inscribed on the plaque, a hedgehog in the fog.
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princess-josie-riki · 2 years
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Year of the Alice Day 120
This is my first (and hopefully only) one-year project (which will be only 365 days) and this one is Alice's Adventures in Wonderland-themed.
In this pic, Chikoriki is wearing a flower crown consisting of red and white roses.
Made with Microsoft Paint.
Enjoy! ♠️♥️♣️♦️
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (c) Lewis Carroll
GoGoRiki/Smeshariki/Kikoriki (c) Ilya Popov, Denis Chernov, Fun Game Media and The Riki Group
Idea and artwork (c) me
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afneya · 6 years
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They are too sweet :з
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Made this for a friends birthday. It is using material from the beautiful film "The hedgehog in the fog", because she truly is the hedgehog of the film (and therefore also a complete cute-overload). In example, she is very shy, which is the theme of the picture: I sometimes have the impression that there is a pressure or direction within society towards loudness, towards being extrovert. I could also write braveness, but I think that is a misconception. Instead I was so touched by her shyness and could really connect to her via that - because I like many people have shyness in me. And I think this is not something we should fight, but embrace. Being shy means being vulnerable, having still the connection to our emotions, to ourselves. Being shy is being human. And it means that things are something worth for us. When we are shy before a presentation our appearance to other people and our results matter. When we are shy to speak to a person we want to get to know, maybe even could fall in love with this person matters to us.
The hedgehog in the fog has a deep story and in one part the hedgehog needs help. A fish rescues him from drowning. Being shy, being human means also to be aware of our incompleteness. That in some situations in life we need others. For example, a hedgehog :-)
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stinkek · 6 years
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gryphonart · 7 years
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There’s another drawing I did years ago of Sonic with his head in a paper tube, asleep... somewhere... Might have been one of those I hid/deleted when I was attempting to escape from DeviantArt. EDIT: Found it.
When I saw this I thought about all those people who allowed Steam to put a Sonic Mania shortcut icon on their desktop: x
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mr-stolz · 7 years
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theendofthefilm · 4 years
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Hedgehog in the Fog
Yuri Norstein Soviet Union, 1975
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ruckystarnes · 2 years
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Title: Come Back Home
Author: RuckyStarnes
Card: B018
Characters: Bucky Barnes, Teen!Kobik
Warnings: verbal fighting, running away, homeless
Rating: Teen
Words: 2,247
Written for: @badthingshappenbingo | @buckybarnesbingo
Event: Bad Things Happen Bingo | Bucky Barnes Bingo
Prompt/Square: N4: I'm Fine | Y5: Homeless
Summary: Kobik runs away after a fight with Bucky and its weeks before he can find here
Type: Moodboard | Fic
Translation: yozhik - little hedgehog
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“Barnes, it’s been three weeks, if she wants to be found, she’ll be found. Let the kid be and give her space.”
Bucky ran a hand over his face, his flesh hand gripping the phone tightly as he listened to Sam. His friend meant well, but he never was responsible for a life that didn’t understand how the world worked, and only had been a teenager for a day.
“Stop the nonsense going though that brain of yours, it’ll make those lines on your forehead permanent,” Sam sighed, and Bucky could faintly hear Natasha in the background chiding the man to leave him alone.
“She went from five to sixteen in a blink of an eye, and that’s not a metaphor. She doesn’t understand how dangerous it is to be out in this world, especially with her capabilities. HYDRA has their sights set on her, and it–”
“I get it,” Sam cut him off, “just–just be safe, alright? Romanov will have my teeth if anything happens to you.”
“Steve’s sense of responsibility rubbing on you?” Bucky jabbed half-heartedly. “I’ll find her and be back at the compound before she can even decide which knife to use.”
Sam gave him an exasperated sigh and bade him goodbye, making Bucky shove the phone into his denim jacket. He looked at the photo in his other hand, teeth grinding. It wasn’t the best photo but it was the only one he had of Kobik right after she morphed herself into a teenager after a fight they had over safety, but it was the best that he had from the AI captures.
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“No, we cannot go to the park right now,” Bucky replied, exasperation heavy in his tone.
“But whhhyyyy?” Kobik whined, her hands wrapping around his metal pinkie and forefinger, pulling slightly as her bottom lip stuck out. Her wide, unnatural blue eyes pleading with him
“We’ve gone over this yozhik, it’s not safe right now. You’re just five years old, and yes you have amazing powers, but the bad guys are too many for you to fight off at this moment, so we need you to be safe. Here. In the compound.”
“Just because I’m five?” she asked, pulling back from him, her hands letting go of his.
“Not just because you’re five–”
“Because I’m little.”
“No yozhik. We can play on the grounds here, okay?” He knew Kobik could be stubborn with the other team mates, but usually he was able to get through to her and get her to understand that her safety meant a lot to everyone on the team, but more so for him. He was about to beg her to listen to him again when there was a bright light and the little white haired girl that stood before him was now taller, staring him in the eye at his full height. 
“Kobik,” he breathed, his eyes taking in her new form she opted to end the argument. She was tall and lean, her hair now silver and down in loose curls instead of her signature white pigtails he had grown accustomed to. 
“Now I’m not little,” she stated with a smile, her hands moving to her hips that reminded him of Steve’s pose from the USO days. “I can do what I want.”
“That’s—that’s now how it works yozhik,” Bucky started slowly, taking a step towards her, “You still cannot go out. HYDRA will still try to get you.”
“But I’m bigger!”
“Kobik,” he countered sternly, “Please, I am not going to say it again, You are not leaving this compound despite how old you make yourself.”
Her bright eyes gleamed with tears and it broke Bucky’s heart to see her upset with him, but she needed to understand the threat was greater than her need to just play out in public away from the safety of the compound. She took a step back from him as a tear slipped from her eye and trailed down her cheek.
“No, I’m a big person now, I can do what I want,” she stated matter-of-factly, stepping back even more, “You–you said I couldn’t go because I was small, now I can’t because I’m big. You don’t want me out. At all.” Her feet kept moving her back towards the door and Bucky’s stomach lurched as the thought crossed his mind that she was going to run.
And run she did.
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He had spent two weeks searching all over the county and now he was in the back alley of a part of a town he wasn’t familiar with on sighting by an almost blind woman who said she met a “sweet, innocent sounding girl” that helped her get coins for laundry. It was the most he got in the last fifteen days. He walked down the aisle of tents and lean-tos, eyes glancing over the people huddled around burning barrels or sitting on the ground. He walked over to an older gentleman that was sitting outside a tent, petting a large dog, knowing that Kobik couldn’t resist any animal. 
“Excuse me, sir? I’m looking for my niece. Maybe you’ve seen her?” He held out the photo, which the man took without hesitation.
“Many faces come and go from here,” he replied raspily, “not many stick around in these parts.” He glanced down at the picture and a small smile spread across his lips. 
“You recognize her?” Hope raised in his chest. “Her name is Kobik, and she ran away when we had a fight over her going out.”
“Our Coco said something like that, said her Buckaroo wouldn’t let her go to the park even if she was big,” the man replied softly, lifting his eyes at Bucky. “How can I know you’re not some weirdo trying to get his property back?”
Bucky ground his teeth, irritated that almost every person had the same thought about him looking for a teenager. He pulled out his wallet and held up his hand when the man protested he wasn’t going to rat out “Coco” for money; he pulled out a worn picture and held it out the man. It was the first picture of Kobik and him, taken by Wanda when they went to the beach for the first time.
“She’s my responsibility,” he replied, his eyes pleading. 
The man looked him over slowly, brows knitted as he tried to decide if Bucky was a threat or not.
“Sir, I promise, I am not here to cause her harm,” Bucky added, his voice breaking slightly, “ I just want her to come home. It’s been three weeks and I am going out of my mind trying to find her. And you know the police don’t care about missing teens.”
The man’s face soften a bit and nodded as he raised his hand and beckoned over a younger man, Jacob, and told him to direct Bucky to Coco. Jacob gave Bucky a look that was similar to that of the older man, but he led him down the alleyway, hands in his coat pockets. 
“Coco?” Jacob called out softly when they reached a blue tarp draped over a few pallets. “Uh, there’s someone out here for you. I can stick around if you want.” There was a rustling in the tent before the corner flew back and Bucky sighed with relief to see Kobik emerge from the makeshift tent. 
“No, it’s quite alright, Jake. I know him,” she replied softly, her hands going to the hem of the oversized sweater she wore.
Bucky looked her over. Her white hair was striped with teal and pink and her face seemed to be smudged with dirt (and probably soot from the barrel fires); her usually bright eyes seemed dull, surrounded by dark circles, and she seemed even skinnier than before she left, gaunt even.
“Are you going to make me go back into hiding?” Kobik asked softly after Jacob turned and left, casting a worried look at her. 
“No, yozhik,” he sighed, combing his hair back with his hand, “We–I was worried about you after you left. Haven’t stopped looking.” He noticed her bottom lip tremble slightly as her eyes started to get glassy. It broke his heart to see her upset and he lifted his arms, letting her choose to come to him, and she was pressed against his chest, fingers digging into his jacket as she started to sob against it. He wrapped his arms around her, his hand cradling her head as he shushed and whispered to her.
“I am so sorry Bucky,” she wept, not pulling away from him, “I did not know how to get home and thought you would be mad at me if I did.”
“Oh Kobik, no,” Bucky replied gently, “I wasn’t mad at all. Frustrated, sure, but not mad. I was trying to protect you.”
“I know, I know,” she blubbered and pulled back. Her cheeks were red and streaked with tears that washed away some of the grime on her skin, and her blue eyes were swollen from how hard she cried. “I could not find you after I left. I wanted to come back right away but I was lost.”
“It’s okay, yozhik,” Bucky reassured her, brushing back some hair off her face. He placed a kiss on the top of her head and smiled. “I found you.”
“But I hurt you,” she countered, her hands coming up and taking his. 
Bucky smiled and chuckled slightly. “I’m fine, kiddo. You’re okay and alive, so I’m fine.” 
She gave him a truly Kobik smile and nodded, taking his hand like she used to when she was a small girl weeks ago. “Can we be Buckaroo and Kobik again?” she asked with a sniff, squeezing his hand.
“We never stopped,” he replied, squeezing back. “Unless you want to be Coco.”
“No, no. Coco was because I couldn’t say my name when Marv found me. I was cold and hungry. He and Jacob took me in and showed me how to camp.” Her eyes got wide and her mouth O’d. “I cannot leave them Bucky! They are my friends!” Bucky deduced that Marv was the older gentleman he spoke with before and nodded.
“Don’t worry, we will take care of them if they want it. Natasha will be able to find them and set them up with an apartment and Sam should be able to find them a job.”
“OH!” Kobik gasped and let go of his hand before she took off down the alley towards the old man still sitting next to the large dog. “Marv! I found home! And Bucky, he said he can get you an apartment if you want. With Jacob! I can see you again and you won’t have to be here!”
Bucky chuckled again, walking towards her before sensing someone was behind him. He turned to see Jacob there, hands still in his pockets. 
“You’ll take care of her?” Jacob asked, chewing on his lower lip. 
“I’ll do my best. I took her on when she was four. We had a spat, like make kids do with the people that watch them,” Bucky replied.
“And are you sure you can get us that apartment?” Jacob kicked a stone that was next to his foot, sending it to the nearest pile of trash bags.
“That’s the plan. Coco trusts too easily, but it seems like you and Marv had taken great care of her while she was lost.”
Jacob shrugged and made a slight face. “It was nothing, sir. She was scared. She thought you wouldn’t want her back. We look out for each other out here, even new ones. But she is too...” Jacob hesitated slightly before continuing, “different to be out here. Marv and I kept her hidden because she can...do things. I’m sure you know that.”
Bucky nodded and reached into his pocket for one of the business cards that Sam’s sister, Sarah had made up for them for when they came across situations just like this. “Here’s my number. Give me a call in a week and see where we are on the apartment front. Or if you need help. Or if you wanna see Coco. Again, thanks for looking out for her.” Jacob took the card and his eyes widened as he read the name on the card, which Bucky put a finger to his lips to keep him quiet. “Keep it a secret, alright?”
“Yes sir,” Jacob replied with a smile, as he put his hand back into his pocket. 
Bucky nodded and bid the younger man goodbye before he walked over to Kobik, who was busy telling Marv that she will find him again and take him to the lake for a picnic. “C’mon yozhik, time to go home.” He hated to break up the get-together but after three weeks of no sleep searching for Kobik, his body was finally feeling it.
The white haired girl nodded and hugged Marv before kissing his cheek. “Thank you again Marv for taking care of me. I know Bucky is happy that you did too.”
Marv looked up at Bucky, eyes squinting before widening like Jacob’s did. Again, he held his finger up to his lips to keep him quiet from the realization who Bucky was. Marv nodded at him and enveloped Kobik in a tight hug, whispering something in her ear that had her nodding and smiling.
“Okay, Buckaroo,” she smiled, skipping towards him after letting Marv go, “ready to go home.”
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