onekisstotakewithme · 5 months
top 5 MASH episodes GO -ypq
see, I walked into this like a plate glass window. Or like naked Hawkeye into a mess tent. I deserved this. 😅 (this is not in order because it's hard enough picking a top five without ranking them)
Movie Tonight
Mr. and Mrs. Who
The Kids
Dear Dad
Deal Me Out
6. Oh, How We Danced 7. The Party 8. Sons and Bowlers 9. Life With Father
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blue-ravens · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍 -ypq
hi! unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) i'm no fic writer but i have had the great honour of beta reading fics for some very talented writers who also happen to be great big awesome friends of mine. so i'm going to rec five (ok more than five) fics of theirs that i've had a small little teeny tiny part in creating.
decrescendo / roll over beethoven by @movietonight (salvabon on AO3) - so this came from an insane idea mack had a while back, what if charles and mulcahy had swapped fates in gf&a? well, this is the work-in-progress behemoth that it inspired. i'm having great fun swapping ideas and such with mack, and i'm so excited for what happens next.
i never used to look at highway lines as treasure maps by stregatrek on AO3 - one of my top tier favourite fics, written by my good best friend gene, and watching this unfold in real time over chat was just magical. go read this, it's utterly exquisite (also? also? please read from lowest place when virtuous things proceed, also by my bestie because it actually never fails to make me cry. one of the very first 'charles goes to maine' fics, i might add. also also!! wish that you were here is one theeeee superior donna/charles fic series i've ever had the great fortune of being involved with so read that as well, you'll thank me later)
the home series by @onekisstotakewithme - i had a somewhat small role in this epic fic series but i think you should just read this anyway because this is a true master at work here. i just provided a few commas : )
a winter night by @vanillatumbleweedscoffee/@patsdrabbles (summertimepoet on AO3) - this originally came from a prompt for a fic i gave to the very lovely and talented pat on here a while back, and ohhh this melted me into a puddle of goo. also. because pat is just that that good, there's also art!! love you pat <3
shizukana yoi ni, hikario tomoshi (in the quiet of the night, let our candle always burn) - my baby my bestie my beloved, the modern au fic that started it ALL. it's got all you could want. fake dating. mutual pining. angst. whump. a killer queen soundtrack. i cannot tell you how much fun i had with this one, and honestly we had so much fun with this little project, and it shows. ally has the great honour of christening the charles/donna ship tag on AO3 and when she can filling it with such quality, it's safe to say it's pretty much her tag now. we are not worthy.
so you heard it here first, if you want the best and the most impeccable charles/hawkeye, charles/donna, or heck, charles/hawkeye/donna vibes going, these are the authors whose archives you should be rummaging around in like a feral raccoon in a supermarket dumpster. GO NOW and read them all and leave comments and kudos, and then come back and yell with me about them. you're welcome.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
top 5 Star Trek TOS episodes? I cant recall if you've done that already -ypq
OH YES okay
5) The Tholian Web (underrated spirk ep)
4) The Conscience of the King (obligatory bc of the Tarsus IV fic I will write Someday)
3) A Piece of the Action
2) The Devil in the Dark
1) Journey to Babel
soooo many others could have made it tbh
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movietonight · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍 -ypq
Thank you :) I had to wait until I was on my laptop to answer this to actually include links
without fuss, like children's blood - M*A*S*H - In 1937, the Basque town of Gernika was bombed by fascists. In the same year, Pablo Picasso painted ‘Guernica’ as a response. In 1965, Hawkeye Pierce visited the Museum of Modern Art.
Decrescendo/Roll Over Beethoven - M*A*S*H - my current wip and magnum opus dealing with the question: what if Mulcahy and Charles switched roles in the finale?
pale green things - The X-Files - This is an alternative take on S2E16 'Colony' in which Samantha is back for real and also Mulder is trans
Capitol Hill - The X-Files - Yes I know I never finished this one but I think the title and idea are great because the world really needs an X-Files and Notting Hill crossover and maybe one day I will finish it
Songs on the Death of Children - M*A*S*H - Have you ever watched "Friends and Enemies" and thought to yourself "wow this is fun but I wish it was sad instead"? No? Too bad because I decided to make it sad. This is only on this list because I am amused by the fact that I just. make things sad for fun. And I needed a fifth fic to feature. I really need to write more stuff that is good and recommendable.
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remyfire · 1 year
🎲 for Piercentyre! -ypq
I need you to know I got so excited to see the boys and then this is what I generated.
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Randomizer is a bigger fan than all of us. Anyway, you get a kiss on the forehead, hell YEAH, let's DO IT! Kiss Roulette
"Yo." As John strolls into the Swamp, he tosses the football he'd been carrying vaguely to the side.
As he probably should've anticipated, it beans Hawk in the head. "Hey!" Without another hesitation, Hawkeye grabs his pillow and chucks it at John.
He knocks it away with a grin, then drops onto his own cot. "Lemme borrow your razor."
"Go shave with this morning's toast," Hawkeye fires back.
Okay, so maybe the football had been a bad idea if he wanted a favor, but it's not like John can help himself. There's something about antagonizing Hawkeye just that little bit that brightens a part of John. It's similar to the good old days of paling around with his football team in college, even the harmless pranks they'd pick on each other with in medical school.
It's kinda different with Hawk. Sweeter on his tongue. But he doesn't have time to worry about that.
"C'mon, c'mon, I'm on a schedule right now. I got a date in, like, half an hour. If I don't grab a shower real quick, I'm gonna be late."
Hawk sends him a look. He's not placated. Not yet. Little shit. He grabs the most recent issue of Frolicking Nudists, flips it open, and starts reading. "Frank'll loan you his."
"Pretty sure human hair and ferret hair doesn't work the same. It won't do a thing."
"Then I hope Ginger likes stubble burn."
"Hawk, just for five minutes. You're not even using it right now," John points out. "What's the big deal?"
Hawkeye goes quiet for a long moment, and really that should put John on higher alert than it does, but he's also leaning back on his cot in one long, languid line, and John's gaze goes a little fuzzy just in time for Hawk to speak up with a very calm, "Okay, so suck me off, and you can borrow it."
He might as well be asking John to support Hawk's bid to become a Republican senator. "Say that again?"
"Suck. Me. Off." Hawk drops one foot to the ground, his boot making it land with a heavy thud, and the effect makes his legs sprawl wide open, lean thighs leading in a perfect V to his...
John shakes his head, clearing the onset of cobwebs in his skull. "Ha-ha, very funny."
"What's funny is that you think I'm kidding." Hawk flips to the next page of his magazine, then turns it on its side so he can fully open the centerfold. He lets out a low whistle. "I'm 0 for 5 with nurses this week, Trap. If I don't get something, I'll probably burn up into a fucking crisp."
"Is that how it works?" John bats back immediately, trying to ignore the heat in his cheeks. "You don't get lucky, your blood boils so hot that you burst into flames?"
"Something like that," Hawk drawls. He glances over the top of the magazine, and though John can only see his eyes, he knows what it means when they crinkle at the edges. "Ohh, you look like you might know a little something about it. What's the matter? Getting a little flushed, big guy?"
"Shut up." John scoffs and shakes his head. "It's fucking hot out, c'mon."
"Uh-huh." He sounds the furthest from convinced he can possibly be. When Hawkeye disappears behind the nudie mag again, he keeps talking. "Fine, fine. I'll settle for a kiss."
John flicks his tongue out, moistens his lips. "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, sure. Consider it swallowing your pride. Crawling over, begging for mercy, all that."
"All I hear is you still tryin'a get me on my knees."
Hawk laughs. "You're gonna be thinking about nothing but that from here on out, aren't you? Wonder what Sidney would have to say."
Nothing that John hasn't spent years doing a tap dance over like a guy trying to kill a roach, but who just can't catch it.
He doesn't know if it's the war, the distance from anything sane, or just the magnetic fucking force of his pretty bunkie, but there's something about being here specifically that keeps blowing up that bonfire inside of him bigger than a billboard.
John rubs his sweaty palms on his fatigues, then shoves himself to his feet.
Immediately, Hawk drops the magazine to his chest, and they lock eyes. John's not sure how he manages to take these careful steps forward without his blood melting his veins and muscles all in one, but. Somehow. He does. One by fucking one.
He gets caught up in the minute shifts of Hawk's expression, how he goes from the earlier annoyance to neutrality, then uncertainty. Right when John's stopped at the very edge of his cot, there just a taste of something else. Vulnerability. It's in his eyes, big and blue and...and begging.
Jesus, Hawk, what the hell are we doing?
John comes down on one knee, hovers his hand awkwardly in the air, then smooths Hawk's feathery hair out of his face. For a second, he almost thinks he makes it up, but yeah, no, Hawkeye just let out the quietest, softest groan through those parted lips. How can he do that? How does he make it that easy, letting what he wants show so vividly in his gaze, in his voice? How is he not scared to fucking death right now?
John hesitates. A knot swells in his throat. And before he can change his mind, he leans in and leaves a lingering kiss on Hawk's forehead.
Hawkeye sucks in a shuddering breath. "Hold on a second."
"You didn't say where," John tries to whisper back, but it comes out as a ragged growl.
Hawk pins him right there with his stare, something that heats up until it's molten. But his jaw tightens just that little bit, and it tells John they've danced around this yet again.
"Never let it be said I'm not a man of my word," Hawk drawls as he rolls over, opens his trunk, and pulls out his shower kit. "Here."
"Thanks." John grabs the razor, then snags his robe and towel. "I'll bring it back when I'm done."
John's almost fully out the door when Hawkeye calls after him. "There's a return fee too, y'know."
John rolls his eyes as he keeps walking. That flush in his face stays ruddy and hot.
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postsofbabel · 11 months
Trick or treat :3
Is this a trick? Is it a treat? It's certainly a string of text
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cuddleswinchester · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍 -ypq
Thank you for thinking of me Andy :)
All of my writing is on AO3 as KJGooding. I’ll try not to just pick MASH :)
My personal favorites are always changing as I keep exploring new stories but for now I think my favorites are:
1. “Curves Facing Up” which is a character exploration for Margaret and Charles during a difficult surgery. I loooove writing surgical cases so I had a great time with this one.
2. (rest):|| which is about Charles arriving home from Korea and not adjusting well at all, and trying to reintroduce music to his life because he can’t live without it
3. “Crabapple of My Eye” I am so proud of this piece and almost gave up on it MANY times. I did three whole drafts and each was totally different and better than the one before, and I never really rewrite things that heavily, but I wanted it to be cohesive and good. Hopefully.
4. “Spare Parts” a Star Trek Enterprise piece about t4t Tri’Pol. Loves of my life. I want them to be happy.
5. “The Hand That Feeds” is one of my personal fave DS9 stories, probably again because it’s about surgery.
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persianflaw · 11 months
🦇 trick or treat!! 🦇 -ypq
happy halloween, andy! here's a teeny piece of my margaret/kellye WIP for you:
Kellye seemed hesitant. “Have you ever done anything… well, with a woman before?” Margaret shrugged before getting up to close the drapes. “Oh, my girlfriends and I kissed each other for practice when we were in school. Played silly little games, touched each other, things like that. You know, things that all girls do before they’re old enough to go out with boys.” When she turned around, Kellye looked more than a little shell-shocked. “I… don’t know if that is what all girls do, Maj– Margaret.”
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yourpaperquestusa · 2 months
How to encourage family with reading habits with a book subscription
Reading is an important part of education and intellectual development. It also creates a sense of imagination within young children. Some kids love reading while others have a harder time making it part of their daily routine. There are various ways to develop reading habits in new readers such as reading with your child daily or signing up for a monthly book subscription box.
INCLUDE FAMILY READING TIME IN YOUR DAILY HABIT Setting aside time each day to read aloud to your child is one strategy to help them build excellent reading habits. This is one of the best ways to help your child learn to read and develop a lifelong love of reading, also you will get a time read your favorite collection also. even if they only do it for 30 minutes a day.
ENSURE THAT READING IS A FUN EXPERIENCE Making sure your child views reading as a pleasant pastime rather than a chore is the first step in helping them have a positive experience with it. The kind of atmosphere your child needs to develop a love of reading and foster a pleasant reading environment will depend on their age. Also include your partner and grand parents to read them books by gifting their favorite collections.
AVAILABLE WITH A BOOK SUBSCRIPTION BOX: VALUE BOOKS Using a book subscription box is a terrific approach to help young readers build excellent reading habits. A book subscription box USA service called Your Paper Quest sends three to four novels right to your door each month. The child gets excited about this because they know they will be getting mail every month that is specifically tailored to them. The child and you are excited to begin reading their new books as a result of this excitement. This also benefits parents because it saves them from having to go book shopping every month. YPQ makes it easy to find books your child and your family will enjoy reading by eliminating all the guesswork.
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erudit0 · 9 months
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GwYV igU happy often women named Catherine yNB want ypQ me to chill with her
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sumutberitaaja · 11 months
Santri Jatuh Dari Lantai Tiga, Ponpes YPQ Kisaran Makan Korban
KISARAN, Waspada.co.id – Pondok Pesantren Yayasan Pendidikan Qur’an (Ponpes YPQ) Kisaran, Kabupaten Asahan memakan korban akibat kurangnya pengawasan dari ustadz asrama santri putra. Hal itu diungkapkan wali murid Bambang Dalimunthe kepada Waspada Online, Rabu (25/10) bahwa dirinya kecewa pada Ponpes YPQ karena dua anaknya merupakan seorang santri terjatuh terjun bebas dari lantai tiga gedung asrama. […] The post Santri Jatuh Dari Lantai Tiga, Ponpes YPQ Kisaran Makan Korban first appeared on Waspada Online | Pusat Berita dan Informasi Medan Sumut Aceh. http://dlvr.it/Sxx6gx
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍 -ypq
hello! what an opportunity! what a blessing! what a chance for you to get the curated ✨ cool onekisstotakewithme jams ✨ (aka you've unleashed the annoying <3 )
etymology (M*A*S*H; BJ/Peg/Hawkeye) this one is an all-timer, even though I only wrote it in December. the triad's relationship evolving over time tracked via the evolution of terms (complete with dictionary definitions!)
Last Requests (M*A*S*H; BJ/Hawkeye) a tag to 'novocaine mutiny' that i had the idea for in 2018, but wasn't able to write until 2022. i love this story sm. 💜
happily ever after... and after (M*A*S*H; BJ/Peg/Hawkeye) this story... has one of the strongest themes/throughlines of any I've ever written, and it was METICULOUSLY researched, and I still get starry-eyed thinking about it. essentially the theme is 'what happens after the heroes ride into the sunset?' (Very technically a sequel to 'ye who are weary,' but it remains my favourite in-verse story)
In the Still of the Night (M*A*S*H; BJ/Hawkeye) I have a soft spot for this one because it was the very first hunnihawk fic I ever wrote. January of 2018, baybeee. I have no idea if it holds up, but I agonized over this one...
younger in october (than in all the months of spring) (M*A*S*H; Hawkeye/Charles) Charles goes to Maine for (Canadian) Thanksgiving in 1953.
Plus bonuses because i like talking about my work:
katabasis (M*A*S*H; gen) Hawkeye journeys to the underworld at the end of "the late captain pierce"; classics inspired spookiness.
Many a Weary Mile (M*A*S*H; BJ/Hawkeye-ish, BJ/Peg) BJ's journey home - full of reunions and partings
Aurora (M*A*S*H; BJ/Peg) A sort of companion piece to the previous one - BJ's homecoming, from Peg's point of view.
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paincorpsrarefinds · 2 years
PLAYSTATION DEALS: Seller: fairmarketflips (100.0% positive feedback) Location: US Condition: Used Price: 174.98 USD Shipping cost: Free Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/364165759495?hash=item54c9f88207%3Ag%3AHfsAAOSwh9Fj~yPQ&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4B88lKU3I%2BrcRJtnaXrooPEnDCP63Ibj9h3QlrBnaNEhEu9ToYVVtg18u0zftg2BHk6utGnZLxtyC0K4CgQLrpyuVWYBNje9oFXE8ngmIQPPfSIX4HoQarjYBI2ogUuJ6iG4NhPqKnISKGLRHXPm5t0gf8s6ngUICUugn7gxWK9ZZBbN1ZWT%2FkO2fyuWy8R39I%2BYZRCTSmiZSvOxa1kwY4LBLIPZrRElULa0JeFJlvfgpdLESd3BNqGnDRbFcoayHEkNviO2n5KTDgzzx81Idih5kCEIHc8XhgdmN2A7Qr47&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338743338&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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thebreakfastgenie · 5 months
Billy Joel for the ask -ypq
Thank you for catering to my pathetic whining!
I'm gonna do this without the obvious ones that are in my top songs from him because like. You know already!!!
Famous Last Words
Close to the Borderline
The Great Suburban Showdown
A Room of Our Own
Code of Silence
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movietonight · 1 year
from one fic author to another, what's that little detail you've put into a fic that you got really happy when people picked up on it? -ypq
I might edit this when I'm more awake and have a real answer but I really hope people picked up on my selection of Catullus poems in the last Roll Over Beethoven chapter.
What about you?
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elataanarchive · 6 years
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I think I did a pre good job picking out pete’s alternate / earth / younger face claim alright I mean looK AT THAT. / do not reblog.
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