#yr s3e2
the-words-we-sung · 3 months
Thoughts and pictures - S3E2
Here we go for the rewatch of S3E2 (sorry in advance, it might get long ^^')
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The new rules at Hillerska are pretty dumb and way too severe. And this phone policy is so stupid: how are these 2 horny boys supposed to survive? :p
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So on one hand, online hate is about Simon not being good enough for Wilhelm, and on the other hand, it's about Wilhelm who should not have said anything in his speech because he's betraying the school. Though Wilhelm is not reading the online comments like Simon, and the attacks are less personal and vicious. Seeing Simon read through everything was so painful, I just wanted to go kick the ass of everyone who dared be a bully so this lil' muffin.
Gosh the third years are over the top: "three years here and we get nothing", just because they can't have a proper graduation and all the parties and stupid stuff they wanted to do before graduating? I guess that it's frustrating but compared to the real issues that are being raised about the school, it sounds very very superficial... August is way more reasonable than Vincent about it: the issue is not that they won't have a graduation (even if they don't have the party, they will still graduate high school) but that the school might close, thus sending them all to other schools before the end of the term. Vincent is an idiot.
"Why can't she call me?". Episode 2 and Wilhelm is already heartbroken because of his mother.
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Farima doesn't believe Wilhelm about his initiation, look at her face! But it strikes me that her main concern if he did go through this awful initiation is that it would look bad for the Royal Court to keep him here, and not at all about his well being and how traumatizing it would have been!! The adults in this show are the worst... And nobody cares about Wilhelm (except Simon) 💔
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"He's such an attention whore". Another ass that needs to be kicked!! How dare they talk about him like that?
Simon keeps being bullied and Wilhelm pressured: if they close the school, it'll be his fault. Why is everyone so mean and terrible to them?
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The Felice interview makes me so mad!! And it reminds me of the interaction between August, Simon and Wilhelm back in season 1 when August tells them how nice it is that rowing bring students together, with no regard for their ethnicity, background, etc. Which made Simon super mad too. I love the switch from Felice in the office with her strained smile to her angrily throwing punches during gym class. Excellent cinematic!
Micke and Sara: I'm still so surprised to see him act so well.
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This freaking blonde girl from the choir: I hate her 😡 She was the one slut shaming Felice in season 2. Now she's complaining about the point of training for a song if they're not sure they'll be performing. You're annoying and mean. I don't like you 😤
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But Simon's face when Wilhelm joins the choir 💜💜
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I love this little scene so much: they are just so cute and in love. Like you can feel how much they love each other: they're literally glued together, kissing and then just keeping their faces so so close to each other while talking. It just feels so true to life, when you love someone so much that you just want to stay as close as you can, just touching each other in any way you can, never letting go. Also I just love how Simon loves Wilhelm. How clingy he can be.
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So the scene between Nils and August: we know that they were victims of this awful initiation but I'm realizing now that we don't know if they ended up being beaten up and made fun of because they got an erection? I've seen several posts of people discussing that August could be queer because he had a reaction to the porno (which I don't agree with, I don't think that it can be taken as an indicator of someone's sexual orientation). But we don't know if he had a reaction, do we? Or am I misunderstanding/missing something?
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Wilhelm is so angry with August. Yeah his reaction in the library can be seen as a little over the top ("don't talk to him!") but I understand his anger. And okay, the way we go from the fight to both of them sitting silently in Boris' office is comedy gold :p I'm almost frustrated that the fight was so short though, I wanted Wilhelm to get some good punches in!! These mediation talks: I'm not sure how I feel about them. On one hand I get that the Court wants them to get along, but on the other, August did something truly awful and traumatizing to Wilhelm. So if he doesn't want to talk to him, to see him or to have anything to do with him anymore, well, it's his right! He shouldn't be forced to interact with him like that. Also I was a bit disappointed by Boris this season: he was so good during season 2 but I find him a bit underwhelming this season...
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"I can be your revolution". Please can we get the song again in the last episode? The full version for a happy Wilmon who are a revolution together? Pretty please?
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Simon giggling while reading the messages about his video is the cutest thing ever. And it's a tragedy that it was one of the only giggle we got from him this season 😫
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Wilhelm is wearing a purple jumper when he listens to Simon's song. It's rare to see him wear purple, isn't it?
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Linda still annoys me a bit this season. Like in this scene: no, don't ask your son, who's been betrayed so hard by his sister, to still care about her right now. He's angry at her, and rightfully so (I love love love that they let him be truly angry at her). She should understand that.
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Rosh and Stella: yes please, I ship it! (Yeah I don't like Frederika so I'm all for a new potential love interest for Stella :p)
Also after 2 seasons where we regularly saw guys peeing outside, it's the girls' turn!! I don't know why but it made me laugh ^^
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The conversation about their summer plans: this scene is so awkward!! And the tent scene that follows is just terrible 😭 Also hear me out: maybe unpopular opinion but I think Simon overreacted. Maybe from his point of view what Wilhelm is gonna do during summer is not working (because it's not the kind of job that him, Ayub and Rosh will have) but it's still working. Taking classes to become Prince/King is not gonna be a walk in the park, it's gonna be work for Wilhelm. It's terrible because I understand where Simon is coming from during their fight: telling Wilhelm that he never had to work to afford anything, that he's so incredibly privileged, it's so hard to be with someone who's from such a higher social status and be easily pissed off when they don't seem to realize it (what do you mean it sounds like I'm talking from experience.. 😅). Side eyeing Wilhelm hard with the shushing though. Don't talk to Simon like that >< (I would have stormed out if I had been Simon!) And yeah throwing the line about the settlement money was not nice (I've seen people being angry about it) but he's mad and got yelled at while he thought he was just trying to relate to and hang out with Simon's friends. So I understand throwing a mean comment there (I would have done the same 😣)
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The "is it my fault?" breaks my heart. And so again: the crushing weight on Wilhelm's shoulders... His mother is unwell so he has to be strong, to be ready to take over, and on top of it, he has to keep it to himself.
Gosh season 3 is just things piling up on Wilhelm and Simon. Different things but still crushing them, slowly but surely...
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waybeforeyourtime · 3 months
yeah I’m really sure taking phones away from a bunch of teenagers is going to work out well.
Just when I start to think August might be a decent human being, he opens his mouth.
I’m wondering how many people who are watching this and call themselves fans have spent the last couple months talking about one of the cast members simply because she is dating Edvin, the way people are talking about Simon. Will they see the irony? I think not.
Didn’t they say all extracurricular activities were suspended?
So glad they’re addressing racism more.
Haha they don’t even have music to listen to without phones.
Fuck. Did Erik do something to August at initiation? I’ve got that feeling. And it was bad. Real bad.
See. I can like August when he’s not talking.
Omar has such a great what the fuck acting face. 
Boris??? What the fuck??? He has to know that August uploaded the video? Not cool.
And yep. Willie’s going to find out Erik wasn’t such a good guy (like Harry found out about his dad).
He knows. Deep down Wille already knows. 
So glad Felice’s journey has not been forgotten about.
See just two women, loving people, flirting at a rave.
Wille! I can’t defend you from that. You just shushed him. Bad, Wille, bad.
It’s not a Young Royals season without a sad babygirl Wille walking around like he’s in an indie video. 
I really hope this leads to the Queen and Wille addressing their mental health issues as a family.
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sapphistvampyr · 3 months
Live Thoughts on S3e2
- A music room scene that wasn’t soul crushing for once!
- I love everything about Felice's scenes
- Sarah learning to drive is interesting to me. Personally can’t drive because my autistic sensory issues makes it too overwhelming but her autistic traits seem to be more social-related since they haven't shown sensory stuff with her. It's nice for me to see autistic differences as well as similarities.
- Wille in the choir really caught me off guard
- Fight was more funny than anything
- August's such a dick for telling Wille he didn’t know Erik that’s his brother wtf
- Frog snow globe appearance
- Don’t post the song arghh It’s giving the hateful commenters what they want a reaction out of you goshh. Why isn’t his account on private too?!
- Wille picking Simon up so cute
- I love Maddie’s “what about the nonbinary ones” and just bringing up the cisheteronormativity in general
- Stella and Rosh!! wish it was Maddie x Rosh and that they got more screen time but still very happy
- Fredricka is definitely jealous
- I like how they showed the class differences. Rosh, Simon and Ayub working and staying home over the holidays, while the Hillerska kids are travelling. And the girls talking about how travelling is their passion like that’s not even something possible to want for most of us. Wille recognising this too and saying he’s working to make them feel comfortable (or at least that's how I saw it)
- Really glad the privilege and class differences is coming up in Wilmons relationship. Thought this would come up if Rosh and Stella started dating too since Stella likes to show off privilege a lot more than Wilhelm but didn't expect it to come up right away.
- Wille having a very main character in a drama series moment whenever something is wrong in their relationship will never not be funny to me, he needs them to be happy and in love all the time
- That lake view is so pretty! I wanna go to sweden
- "You have to be ready" ooo
- This episode addressed a lot of things which is interesting: classism, Nils and August talking about the homophobic initiation, racism as well was interesting don't have much to comment on it because I don't have any personal experience with that but the fact that Felice shared something really personal and none of the girls understood it/didn't know what to say seems quite accurate? and that they probably never even noticed until she brought it up too
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basicbats · 3 months
wait a damn minute is there any chance nils came out with that story?? Am I reading this completely wrong? Maybe.
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sflow-er · 2 months
Sunday snippet: unnamed S3 Walty fic
I've never done Sunday snippets before, but I'm quite excited about the Walty fic that I've been working on lately. It will be a short S3-compliant multichap set around their appearances in the season, and I hope to get the first chapter finished and posted relatively soon.
So, here's a silly little snippet from Chapter 1 (Talludden) that doesn't give away anything about the plot but does give you an idea of their dynamic before something disrupts it and kicks off the story.
With the decoy finished, Walter lay back down, now in the middle spot. Henry happily got into his own sleeping bag as well – only to realise he was still wearing the jacket that would get way too hot with two or potentially three people’s heat inside the tent. He couldn’t be bothered to sit back up anymore, so he decided to remove it lying down. To his frustration and his best friend’s amusement, that took a lot more grunting and wriggling than anticipated.
“What are you even doing?” Walter laughed on the other side of the thick fleece that currently filled Henry’s field of vision and tied his arms. “Why don’t you just sit up?”
“Because this – ugh, for fuck’s sake – this is less effort.”
“Sure looks that way.”
Henry finally managed to yank himself free with a triumphant yelp. Walter had the nerve to laugh again, for which Henry retaliated by flailing the jacket in his face. The urge to drop it on his head when he parried with his arm was damn near irresistible – but the escalation would only sidetrack them further, and Henry was already bursting to tell the story. He simply tossed the jacket in the corner, next to the bundle of yellow fairy lights that they had not bothered to put up.
“Okay, so,” Henry said, settling on his side with one hand under his pillow. “Where were we?”
“You were about to tell me you killed Alexander and dumped him in the lake.”
Well, maybe the story could wait just a moment longer. Walter’s arch smile was virtually begging for a jokey response, and Henry was not about to leave him hanging.
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i DID NOT expect the opening of episode 2 to BE THAT. i saw his hand on the wall next to the pic and i thought 'awww' and then i said i miss u and i thought 'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww'. it was framed in such a way that we didnt see him on the phone, so when simon responded with 'i miss you' i went 'AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW' and then when I actually realised what was happening (hahh) i just screamed
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almalvo · 2 years
VOY S3E2 "Flashback"
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fairy-of-rhine · 6 years
Watching S3E2 of Ben 10: Omniverse. I like to think that the 11 yr old Ben, this is the time that he swore to become serious when it was time. Like he told Max when we was going to face Ultimate Kevin in alien force. This is the time child Ben left and hero Ben started.
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the-words-we-sung · 3 months
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Beautiful boys 💜
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the-words-we-sung · 3 months
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Do you think we'll get to sleep together? 💜
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