#yu shigu
jae-o15 · 9 months
Finished watching History3: Modc today after like 6 months of stalling and I honestly wish I could go back to the person I was before I watched ep 20
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bookofjin · 2 years
Commanderies and States of Western Han, Part 1
This is really only for the really specially interested, but having done the work I thought I might as well put it out here.
From the geographic treatise in Ban Gu's Hanshu with the commentary by Yan Shigu.
The reader will note that unlike later similar works, the commanderies are not grouped by province.
Governor of Jingzhao京兆尹, formerly Qin's Neishi內史. 1st Year of Emperor Gao [206 BC], it belonged to Sai state塞國. 2nd Year [205 BC], it changed to become Weinan commandery渭南郡. 9th Year [198 BC], it was restored to Neishi內史. Emperor Wu's 6th Year of Jianyuan [135 BC], divided it off to be Youneishi右內史, 1st Year of Taichu [104 BC], it changed to become Governor of Jingzhao京兆尹. 2nd Year of Yuanshi [2 AD], 195 702 households, 682 468 people[a]. 12 counties:
[1]Chang'an長安, 5th Year of Emperor Gao [202 BC], set it up. 1st Year of Emperor Hui [194 BC], began the city walls, 6th Year [189 BC], it was completed. 80 300 households, 246 200 people. Wang Mang called it Chang'an常安[b].
[2]Xinfeng新豐. Li Mountain驪山 is to the south. Formerly the Li Rong's state驪戎國. Qin called it Liyi驪邑. 7th Year of Gaozu [200 BC], set it up[c].
[3]Chuansikong船司空, Mang called it Chuanli船利[d].
[4]Lantian藍田. The mountains produce pretty jade. Has the Tiger Marquis's Mountain Shrine虎候山祠. Duke Xiao of Qin [361 – 340 BC] set it up.
[5]Huayin華陰, formerly Yinjin陰晉. 5th Year of King Huiwen of Qin [333 BC], changed the name to Ningqin寧秦. 8th Year of Emperor Gao [199 BC], changed the name to Huayin華陰. Taihua Mountain is to the south, it has a shrine, the mountain of Yu province豫州. Jiling palace集靈宮, Emperor Wu erected it. Mang called it Huatan華壇.
[6]Zheng鄭, the district of King Xuan of Zhou's younger brother, Duke Huan of Zheng. Has an iron official[e].
[7]Hu湖, has Zhou's Sons of Heaven' shrines at two places. Formerly called Hu胡, in Emperor Wu's 1st Year of Jianyuan [140 BC], changed the name to Hu湖.
[9]Nanling南陵. 7th Year of Emperor Wen [173 BC], set it up. Yi River沂水 sets out from Lantian valley藍田谷, to the north arrives at Baling霸陵 to enter the Ba River霸水. The Ba river霸水 likewise sets out from Lantian Valley藍田谷, going north it enters the Wei渭. The ancients called it Zi River茲水. Duke Mu of Qin [659 – 621 BC] changed the name to hence set forth the Merits of Ba, to look after sons and grandson[g].
[10]Fengming奉明, Emperor Xuan [79 – 49 BC] set it up.
[11]Baling霸陵, formerly Zhiyang芷陽. Emperor Wen [180 – 157 BC] changed the name. Mang named it Shuizhang水章.
[12]Duling杜陵, formerly the Earl of Du's state杜伯國, Emperor Xuan [79 – 49 BC] changed the name. Has Zhou's General of the Right, Du Zhu's Shrine周右將軍杜主祠 at at four places. Mang called it Rao'an饒安.
[a]Shigu says: Han's households and population must in the time of Yuanshi have been the most abundant and flourishing. For that reason the treatise lift them up and use them as the number. The ones after are all classified like this.
[b]Shigu says: Wang Mang usurped the throne, and changed the names of Han's commanderies and counties, generally altering them. The ones below are all classified like this.
[c]Ying Shao says: the Grand High August thought of returning home east. And so Gaozu built a city with courtyards, streets and wards in the image of Feng豐, and moved the people of Feng to fill it. For that reason it was titled Xinfeng新豐 [“New Feng”].
[d]Fu Qian says: “The name of a count”. Shigu says: “Originally the officials which was master of ships船, and thereupon used it as county.”
[e]Ying Shao says: “The fief of King Xuan's younger brother of the [same] mother You. His son and King Ping moved east, which was further called Xinzheng [“New Zheng”].”
Your Subject Zan says: “Zhou, since King Mu and downwards had the capital at Xizheng新鄭 [“Western Zheng”], and did not get to use it as fief of Duke Huan. In the beginning Duke Huan was Zhou's Minister over the Masses. The kingly house was about to be chaotic, and for that reason he planned with Scribe Bo to convey the treasure to give bribes for between Guo虢 and Hui會. When King You was defeated, after two years he then wiped out Kuai會, after four years he then wiped out Guo虢, and settled at the hill of Zhengfu鄭父. Hence he became Duke Huan of Zheng, there are no writings of a fief in Jingzhao京兆.”
Shigu says: “The Outer Transmittals of Spring and Autum states: “When King You was defeated, Duke Huan of Zheng died there. His son Duke Wu and King Ping turned back east”. For that reason Mister Zuo's Transmittals states: “When our Zhou moved east, it was Jin and Zheng they relied on.” Also when Duke Zhuang of Zheng states: “Our previous lord's new town was here”, it is perhaps the road to Xinzheng新鄭. King Mu below were without affairs of a capital at Xizheng西鄭. Zan's explanations was wrong. Kuai會 is pronounced gong工+wai外.”
[Baxter & Sagart state: Present hui會 was then pronounced (h- + -waj C), present kuai會was then pronounced(k- + -waj C). 工 was then pronounced (k- + -uwng A). 外 was then pronounced (ng- + -waj C). Your Humble Tumbler says: Therefore here 會 should be read as (k- + -waj C) which should give kuai.]
[f]Ying Shao says: “Duke Wu of Qin invaded the Gui邽 Rong, and set up to have Shanggui上邽[“Upper Gui”]. For that reason they added Xia下 [“Lower”].
Shigu says: “邽 is pronounced gui圭. They took the people of the Gui Rong, and the came to this county.”
[g]Shigu says: “Xi沂 is pronounced xian先+li歷. The Observed Readings says shi示[?].”
[Baxter & Sagart state: 沂 was pronounced (ng- + -j+j A). 先was pronounced (s- + -en C). 歷 was pronounced (l- + -ek D). Your Humble Tumbler says: Therefore here 沂 should be read as (s- + -ek D) which should give xi like in 析]
Zuopingyi左馮翊, formerly Qin's Neishi內史. 1st Year of Emperor Gao [206 BC], it belonged to Sai state塞國. 2nd Year [205 BC], changed the name to Heshang commandery河上郡. 9th Year [198 AD], abolished it, restoring it to be Neishi內史. Emperor Wu's 6th Year of Jianyuan [135 BC], divided it off to be Zuoneishi左內史, 1st Year of Taichu [104 BC], changed the name to Zuopingyi左馮翊[a. 235 101 households, 917 822 people. 24 counties:
[1]Gaoling高陵, Seat of the Assisting Chief Commandant of the Left. Mang called it Qianchun千春.
[2]Yueyang櫟陽, Duke Xian of Qin [384 – 362 BC] moved there from Yong雍. Ma called it Shiting師亭[a].
[3]Didao翟道, Mang called it Huan渙.
[4]Chiyang池陽, 4th Year of Emperor Hui [191 BC], set it up. Jienie Mountain巀嶭山 is to the north[b].
[5]Xiayang夏陽, formerly Shaoliang少梁. 11th Year of King Huiwen of Qin [327 BC] changed the name. The Tribute of Yu's Liang Mountain梁山 is to the north-west. Longmen Mountain龍門山 is to the north. Has an iron official. Mang named it Jiting冀亭.
[6]Ya衙, Mang named it Dachang達昌[c].
[7]Suyi粟邑, Mang named it Sucheng粟城.
[8]Gukou谷口, Jiuzong Mountain九嵕山 is to the west. Has the Duke of Heavenly Unity天齊公, Wuchuang Mountain五床山, the Transcendents僊 and the Five Emperors Shrines五帝祠 at four places. Mang called it Guhui谷喙[d].
[10]Fu鄜, Mang called it Xiuling脩令[f].
[11]Pinyang頻陽, Duke Li of Qin[476 – 443 BC] set it up[g]. [In 456 BC according to the Shiji].
[12]Linjin臨晉, formerly Dali大荔. Qin seized it [in 461 BC according to the Shiji] and changed the name. Has the He River's Shrine河水祠, Ruixiang芮鄉, formerly the Rui state芮國. Mang called it Jianjin監晉[h].
[13]Zhongquan重泉, Mang called it Diaoquan調泉.
[15]Duixu祋祤, 2nd Year of Emperor Jing [155 BC], set it up[j].
[16]Wucheng武城, Mang called it Huancheng桓城[k].
[17]Chenyang沈陽, Mang challed it Zhichang制昌.
[18]Huaide褱德, in the Tribute of Yu the northern branch Jing Mountain荊山 is to the south. Below has the Qiangliang Plain彊梁原. Luo River洛水 to the south-east enters the Wei渭, the irrigation of Yong province雍州. Mang called it Dehuan德驩[l].
[19]Cheng徵, Mang called it Fan'ai氾愛[m].
[20]Yunling雲陵, Emperor Zhao [87 – 74 BC] set it up.
[21]Wannian萬年, Emperor Gao [206 – 195 BC] set it up. Mang called it Yichi異赤[n].
[22]Changling長陵, Emperor Gao [206 – 195 BC] set it up. 50 057 households, 179 469 people. Mang called it Changping長平.
[23]Yangling陽陵, formerly Yiyang弋陽. Emperor Jing [157 – 141 BC] changed the name. Mang called it Weiyang渭陽.
[24]Yunyang雲陽. Has Xiutu休屠, the Golden Person金人 and the God of Straight Paths' Shrines徑路神祠. The Yue Shaman Gu Rang's Shrine越巫(夘+古?)𨟚祠 at three places[o].
[a]Ru Chun says: “ 櫟 is pronounced yüe藥.
[b]Ying Shao says: “It is on the sunny side of Chi River池水.”
Shigu says: “Jienie 巀嶭, precisely where present customs places [?] Cuo'e Mountain嵯峨山, pronounced Jienie巀齧. It is pronounced cai 才+ge葛, and also pronounced wu五+ge葛.
[齧 Baxter & Sagart: (ng- + -et D). 才 Baxter & Sagart: (dz- + -oj A). 葛 Baxter & Sagart: (k- + -at D). 五 Baxter & Sagart: (ng- + -u B). Baxter & Sagart have nothing under (dz- + -at D) or (ng- + -at D). But (dz- + -et D) gives jié and (ng- + -et D) gives nie as in 齧.
[c]Ru Chun says: “衙 is pronounced ya牙.”
Shigu says: “Just the place of which the Spring and Autumn states 'Qin and Jin fought at Pengya彭衙'.”
[d]Shigu says: “嵕 is pronounced zi子 + gōng 公. And also pronounced zi子 + kǒng 孔. 喙 is pronounced xu許 + hui穢.
[e]Ru Chun says: “Pronounced nianzhuo輦酌.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 蓮: (l- + -en A) 輦: (l- + -jen B). zhuo勺: (tsy- + -jak D). 酌: (tsy- + -jak D)
[f]Meng Kang says: “Pronounced fu敷.”
[g]Ying Shao says: “It is on the sunny-side of Pin River頻水.”
[h]Ying Shao says: “Overlooks [lin臨] the Jin River晉水, for that reason it was called Linjin臨晉.
Your Subject Zan says: “Jin River晉水 is in the midst of the He河. This county is to the west of the He西. Do not get to state that it overlooks the Jin River晉水. The old explanation says, Qin built a tall rampart so as to overlook Jin state晉國, for that reason it was Linjin臨晉.”
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is correct. Those who explain sometimes consider it to be when Marquis Wen of Wei invaded Qin, he first set up Linjin, which is wrong. Marquis Wen heavily walled it and that was all, how was he first to set it up!”
[i]Ying Shao says: “It is on the sunny-side of He River郃水.”
Shigu says: “Pronounced he合. Just where the Great Odes' poem of Great Clarity speaks of as 'On the sunny-side of the Qia洽.'”
[j]Shigu says: “dui祋 is pronounced ding丁 + huo活, and also pronounced ding丁 + wai外. 祤is pronounced xu音詡.”
[k]Shigu says: “Just of where Mister Zuo's Transmittals states 'Qin invaded Jin, and was defeated at Wucheng武城'.”
[l]Shigu says: “ 褱 is like the huai懷 character.”
[m]Shigu says: “ 徵 is pronounced cheng懲, precisely the Chengcheng澄城 county of the present. When the Zuo Transmittals state 'defeated at northern Cheng 徵', it speaks of this land, that is all. Yet Du Yuankai is not detailed with its location.”
[n]Shigu says: “The Yellow Map of the Three Supports states that the Grand High August was buried on the plain north of Yueyang櫟陽, and they erected the Wannian Mound萬年陵 there.”
[o]Meng Kang says: “(夘+古?) is pronounced as the gu辜 in guzhe辜磔 [“punishment by dismembering”], the shrine of a person of the Yue越. 𨟚 is pronounced rang穰. 休is pronounced xu許 + qiu虯. 屠 is pronounced chu除.
Youfufeng右扶風, formerly Qin's Neishi內史. 1st Year of Emperor Gao [206 BC], it belonged to Yong state雍國. 2nd Year [205 BC] changed it to be Zhongdi commandery中地郡. In the 9th Year [198 AD], abolished it, restoring it to be Neishi內史. Emperor Wu's 6th Year of Jianyuan [135 BC], divided it off to be Youneishi右內史, 1st Year of Taichu [104 BC] changed the name of the Master of the Feudal Ranks Chief Commandant主爵都尉 to be Youfufeng右扶風[a]. 216 377 households, 836 070 people. 21 counties:
[1]Weicheng渭城, formerly Xianyang咸陽. 1st Year of Emperor Gao [206 BC], changed the name to Xincheng新城. 7th Year [200 BC], abolished it, belonging to Chang'an長安. Emperor Wu's 3rd Year of Yuanding [114 BC], changed the name to Weicheng渭城. Has the Lanchi Palace蘭池宮. Wang called it Jingcheng京城.
[2]Huaili槐里, Zhou called it Quanqiu犬丘. King Yi [899 – 892 BC] made it the capital. Qin changed the name to Feiqiu廢丘. 3rd Year of Gaozu [204 BC], changed the name. Has Huangshan Palace黃山宮, 2nd Year of Xiaohui [193 BC], erected it. Mang called it Huaizhi槐治.
[3]Hu鄠, anciently a state. Has Hugu Precinct扈谷亭. Hu扈 is who Qi of Xia invaded. Feng River酆水 sets out to the south-east. Also has Jue river潏水. Both to the north pass through Shanglin Park上林苑 to enter the Wei渭. Has Beiyang Palace萯陽宮, erected by King Wen of Qin[b].
[4]Zhouzhi盩厔. Has Changyang Palace長楊宮. Has the Shexiong Building射熊館, King Zhao of Qin [306 – 251 BC] erected it, Lingzhi Canal靈軹渠, pierced by Emperor Wu [114 – 87 BC].
[5]Tai斄,where was the fief of Houji of Zhou[c].
[6]Yuyi郁夷, The Poetry: “The way from Zhou is Yuyi周道郁夷.” Has the Qian River's Shrine汧水祠. Mang called it Yuping郁平[d].
[7]Meiyang美陽, in the Tribute of Yu Qi Mountain is to the north-east. Zhongshui District中水鄉 where was the town of King Da of Zhou. Has Gaoquan palace高泉宮, Dowager Xuan of Qin erected it.
[8]Mei郿, Chengguo Canal成國渠 at the head accepts the Wei. North-eastward it arrives at Shanglin上林 to enter Menglong Canal蒙籠渠. Seat of the Assisting Chief Commandant of the Right[e].
[9]Yong雍, Duke Hui of Qin made it the capital. Has the Five Places for Worshipp五畤, Taihao太昊, the Yellow Emperor and below, shrines at 303 places. The Tuoquan Palace橐泉宮, Duke Xiao [361 – 338 BC] erected it, the Qinian Palace祈年宮, Duke Hui erected it, the Yuyang Palace棫陽宮, King Zhao [306 – 251 BC] erected it. Has an iron official[f].
[10]Qi漆, the river is west of the county. Has an iron official. Mang called it Qizhi漆治.
[11]Xunyi栒邑, has Bin District豳鄉, the Poetry's Bin state豳國, where was Noble Liu's capital[g].
[12]Yumi隃麋, has the Yellow Emperor's Sons Shrine黃帝子祠. Mang called it Futing扶亭[h].
[13]Chencang陳倉, has the High Duke上公, the Morning Star明星, the Yellow Emperor's Grandson[s], and Shun's wife Yu's Burial mound's Shrines舜妻育冢祠. Has Yuyang Palace羽陽宮, King Wu of Qin [310 – 307 BC] erected it.
[14]Duyang杜陽, Du River杜水 to the south enters the Wei渭. The Poetry says: “From Du杜.” Mang called it Tongdu通杜[i].
[15]Qian汧, Wu Mountain吳山 is to the west. Ancient writings considered it to be Qian Mountain汧山. The mountain of Yong province雍州. To the north has Pugu District蒲谷鄉 and Xianzhong Valley弦中谷, Yong province's Xianpu Marsh弦蒲藪. Qian River汧水 sets out to the north-west, and enters the Wei渭. Rui River芮水 sets out to the north-west, to the east entering the Jing涇, the Poetry's Ruiwu芮㑄. The streams of Yong province[j].
[16]Haozhi好畤, Gui Mountain垝山 is to the east. Has Liangshan palace梁山宮, the First August of Qin [246 – 210 BC] erected it. Mang called it Haoyi好邑[k].
[17]Guo虢, has the Yellow Emperor's Sons, and Wen and Wu of Zhou's Shrines. Guo Palace虢宮, Dowager Xuan of Qin erected it.
[18]Anling安陵, Emperor Hui [195 – 188 BC] set it up. Mang called it Jiaping嘉平[l].
[19]Maoling茂陵, Emperor Wu [141- 87 BC] set it up. 61 087 households, 277 277 people. Mang called it Xuancheng宣城[m].
[20]Pingling平陵, Emperor Zhao [87 – 74 BC] set it up. Mang called it Guangli廣利.
[21]Wugong武功, Taiyi Mountain太壹山 ancient writings consider to be Zhongnan終南. Chui Mountain垂山 ancient writings considered to be Dunwu敦物. Both are east of the county. Ye River斜水 sets out from north of Yaling Mountian衙領山, and arrives at Mei郿 to join the Wei渭. Bao River褒水 likewise sets out from Yaling衙領, and arrives at Nanzheng南鄭 to join the Mian沔. Has Chui Mountain垂山, Ye River斜水 and Bao River's Shrines褒水水祠 at three places. Mang called it Xinguang新光[n].
[a]Shigu says: “Master of the Feudal Ranks Chief Commandant, originally Qin's Master of the Feudal Ranks Central Commandant, in charge of the ranked marquises. Arriving at the 1st Year of Taichu [104 BC], altered the name to Supporting Wind of the Right[youfufeng右扶風], and seated him in the right [i.e. western] territory of Neishi. For that reason this treatise retroactively writes that in the 6th Year of Jianyuan [135 BC] they divided it to be the Neishi of the Right右內史, and also states that they altered the name of the Feudal Ranks Chief Commandant to be Youfufeng右扶風.
[b]Shigu says: “潏 is pronounced jue決. 萯 is pronounced bei倍.”
[c]Shigu says: “read similar to tai邰, and is pronounced tai 胎.”
[d]Shigu says: “The Lesser Ode's poem of Four Steeds says: “The four steeds stride steadily, the way from Zhou is meandering away [weichi倭遲].” In the Han Poetry it is written with the yu郁 and yi夷 characters. It talks of a subject on a mission who drives his horses and travels on this road.”
[e]Shigu says: “ 郿 is pronounced mei媚].
[f]Ying Shao says: “To pile up high on four sides is called yong雍[“Damming up”].”
Shigu says: “棫 is pronounced yu域.”
[g]Ying Shao says: “Mister Zuo's Transmittals says: “ Bi畢, Yuan原, Feng酆 and Xun郇 were the left-side successors of Wen [of Zhou]”. The Marquis of Xun and the Earl of Jia invaded Jin.”
Your Subject Zan says: “The Ancient Writings of Ji Commandery : 'Duke Wu of Jin wiped out Xun荀, and hence bestowed on the Grandee Yuanshi An, this was Xun Shu.' It also states 'Duke Wen walled Xun荀.' As such then Xun must have been within the borders of Jin, and do not get to be in the region of Fufeng扶風. Presently Hedong河東 has Xuncheng荀城, the ancient Xun state.”
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is correct. This xun栒 is read similar to xun荀, but is itself a separate town, and that is all. It is not the one that invaded Jin.”
[h]Shigu says: “隃 is pronounced yu踰.”
[i]Shigu says: “The Great Odes' poem of Floss silk says “The people's first life, was from the land [tu土] of Qiju漆沮.” The Qi Poetry writes “from Du杜. It speaks of Noble Liu escaping the Di and coming to dwell in the territories of Du杜 and Qiju漆沮.”]
[j]Shigu says: “㑄 is read similar to ju鞠. The Great Odes' poem of Noble Liu says: “The halted travellers then became close, just there in Ruiju芮鞠.” The Han Poetry writes Ruiwu芮㑄. It talks of Noble Liu halting his army's travel, wishing to cause calm and quietness. He therefore went to the space of Ruiwu芮㑄.
[k]Shigu says: “Gui垝 is pronounced qiu丘 + hui毀.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 垝 is not listed. 丘: (kh- + -juw A). 毀: (x- +-jwe B). No (kh- + -jwe B) is listed.]
[l]Shigu says: “Kan Yan considers it to be originally Zhou's Cheng Town程邑.”
[m]Shigu says: “The Yellow Map states it originally was Huaili's槐里 Mao District茂鄉.”
[n]Shigu says: “斜 is pronounced yi弋 + she奢. 衙 is pronounced ya牙.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 斜 is not listed. 弋: (y- + -ik D). 奢: (sy- + -jae A). (y- + -jae A) is same as ye邪.]
Hongnong commandery弘農郡, Emperor Wu's 4th Year of Yuanding [113 AD], set it up. Mang called it Youdui右隊. 118 091 households, 475 954 people. Has an iron official in Mianchi黽池. 11 counties:
[1]Hongnong弘農, formerly Qin's Hangu pass函谷關. Beneath Ya Mountain Pass衙山領 is a valley from where Zhu River爥水 sets out, to the north it enters the He河.
[2]Lushi盧氏, Xiong'er Mountain熊耳山 is to the east. Yi River伊水 sets out, to the north-east joins the Luo雒, passing through 1 commandery, travelling 450 li. Also has Yu River育水, to the south it arrives at Shunyang順陽 to enter the Mian沔. Also has Er River洱水, to the south-east it arrives at Luyang魯陽, and likewise joins the Mian沔. Both pass through 2 commanderies, and travel 600 li. Mang called it Changfu昌富[a].
[3]Shan陝, formerly Guo state虢國. Has Jiao City焦城, formerly Jiao state焦國. To the north of Guo虢 is Dayang大陽. To the east of Guo虢 is Xingyang滎陽. To the west of Guo虢 is Yongzhou雍州. Mang called it Huangmei黃眉.
[4]Yiyang宜陽, at Minchi黽池 has an iron official.
[5]Mianchi黽池, 8th Year of Emperor Gao [199 BC], restored the people of Mianchi's黽池 middle district. Middle 2nd Year of Emperor Jing [148 BC], started the city, migrating ten thousand families to be the county. Gu River穀水 sets out from the Guyang Valley穀陽谷, to the north-east it arrives at Gucheng穀城 to enter the Luo雒. Mang called it Shanting陝亭[b].
[6]Danshui丹水, the river sets out from Shangluo's上雒 Zhongling Mountain冢領山, to the east it arrives at Xi析 to enter the Jun鈞. Miyang district密陽鄉 was formerly Shangmin商密[c].
[7]Xin'an新安, in the Tribute of Yu, the Jian River澗水 is to the east, to the south it enters the Luo雒.
[8]Shang商, the town of Qin's chancellor Wei Yang.
[9]Xi析, the Huang River黃水 sets out from Huang Valley黃谷, the Ju River鞠水 sets out from Xi Valley析谷, both arriving east at Li酈 to enter the Zhuan River湍水. Mang called it Junting君亭[d].
[10]Luhun陸渾, in the Spring and Autumn, moved the Luhun Rong to there. Has a pass[e].
[11]Shangluo上雒. In the Tribute of Yu, Luo River sets out from Zhongling Mountain冢領山, to the north-east it arrives at arriving at Gong鞏 to enter the He河, passing through 2 commanderies, travelling 1 070 li, the streams of Yu province豫州. Also has Jia River甲水 setting out from Qinling Mountain秦領山, to the south-east it arrives at Y鍚, to join the Mian沔, passing through 3 commanderies, travelling 570 li. Xiong'er熊耳 and Huoyu Mountains獲輿山 are to the north-east[f].
[a]Shigu says: “ 洱 is pronounced er耳.”
[b]Shigu says: “ 黽 is pronounced mo莫 + jian踐. And is also pronounced mo莫 + ren忍.”
[Baxter & Sagart: meng黽: (m- + -eang B), mo莫: (m- + -ak D), jian踐: (dz- + -jen B). (m- + -jen B) should give miǎn. ren忍: (ny- + -in B). (m- + -in B) should give mǐn.
[c]Shigu says; “Jun鈞 is likewise the name of a river, pronounced jun均.”
[d]Shigu says: “ 析 is pronounced xian先 + li歷. Ju River鞠水 is precisely what is presently spoken of as the Ju Deep pool菊潭. 酈 is pronounced chi持 + yi益. 湍 is pronounced zhuan專.
[Baxter & Sagart: 析: (s- + -ek D). xian先: (s- + -en A), li歷: (l- + -ek D). 酈: not listed, chi持: (dr- + -i A), yi益: ('- + -jiek D). (dr- + -jiek D) not listed.
[e]Shigu says: “渾 is pronounced hu胡 + kun昆.”
[Baxter & Sagart: hun渾: (h- + -won A) and (h- + -won B), hu胡: (h- + -u A), kun昆: (k- won A).
[f]Shigu says: “ 鍚 is pronounced yang陽.”
Hedong commandery河東郡, Qin set it up [around 285 BC?]. Mang called it Zhaoyang兆陽. Has Gen Granary根倉 and Shi Granary溼倉. 236 896 households, 962 912 people. 24 counties:
[1]Anyi安邑, Wuxian Mountain巫咸山 is to the south. Salt pool鹽池 is to the south-west. Wei Jiang moved from Wei魏 to here. Arriving at King Hui, he moved to Daliang. Has iron official, salt official. Mang called it Hedong河東.
[2]Dayang大陽, Wu Mountain吳山 is to the west. On it is Wu City吳城. King Wu of Zhou ennobled the descendants of Taibo here. This was the Duke of Yu虞公, he was wiped out by Jin. Has the Son of Heaven's Temple天子廟. Mang called it Qintian勤田[a].
[5]Pufan蒲反 has Yao Mountain堯山 and Shou Mountain's Shrines首山祠. Leishou Mountain雷首山 is to the south. Formerly called Pu蒲, Qin changed the name. Mang called it Pucheng蒲城[c].
[6]Heibei河北, the Poetry's Wei state魏國. Duke Xian of Jin wiped it out, and used it to ennoble the Grandee Fubi. His great-grandson Jiang moved to Anyi安邑.
[7]Zuoyi左邑, Mang called it Zhaoting兆亭.
[8]Fenyin汾陰, Jia Mountain介山 is to the south.
[9]Wenxi聞喜, formerly Quwo曲沃. Duke Wu of Jin moved from Jinyang晉陽 to there. Emperor Wu in the 6th Year of Yuanding [111 BC] moved through, and changed the name[d].
[10]Huoze濩澤, in the Tribute of Yu Xicheng Mountain析城山 is to south-west[e].
[13]Yuan垣, in Tribute of Yu Wangwu Mountain王屋山 is to the north-east. Yan River沇水 sets out from there, to the south-east arriving at Wude武德 it enters the He河. Yi軼 sets out from Xinyang滎陽 in Beidi北地, and also to the east arrives at Langhuai琅槐 to join the sea, passing through 9 commanderies, travelling 1 840 li[f].
[14]Pishi皮氏. Geng district耿鄉 was formerly Geng state耿國. Duke Xian of Jin wiped it out, and used it to appoint the Grandee Zhao Su. Ten generations later Marquis Xian moved to Zhongmou中牟. Has an iron official. Mang called it Yanping延平.
[16]Pingyang平陽, Han Wuzi's great-great-grandson Zhenzi resided there. Has an iron official. Mang called it Xiangping香平[g].
[17]Xiangling襄陵, has Banshi district and precinct班氏鄉亭. Mang called it Ganchang幹昌[h].
[18]Zhi彘, Huoda Mountain is to the east, the mountain of Ji province冀州. The place where King Li of Zhou fled. Mang called it Huangcheng黃城[i].
[19]Yang楊, Mang called it Younianting有年亭[j].
[20]Beiqu北屈, in the Tribute of Yu Hukou Mountain壺口山 is to the south-east. Mang called it Zhenbei朕北[k].
[22]Jiang絳, Duke Wu of Jin moved from Quwo曲沃 to there. Has an iron official[m].
[24]Qi騏, a marquisate[o]
[a]Ying Shao says: “Is on the sunny-side of the Great He大河.”
[b]Shigu says: “Pronounced Xie蟹.”
[c]Ying Shao says: “The First August of Qin toured east and saw a long slope [ban阪], for that reason he added fan反.
Meng Kang says: “Originally Pu蒲. Duke Wen of Jin used it to bribe Qin. Later the people of Qin returned Pu. The people of Wei were happy and said “Pu蒲 has turned around [fan反]”. To speak of Qin naming it is a mistake.”
Your Subject Zan says: “The Generational House of Qin says “Used Yuan垣 as Pufan蒲反.” As such then it was originally not Pu蒲.
Shigu says: “Ying's explanation is correct.”
[d]Ying Shao says: “The present Quwo曲沃. Qin changed it to be Zuoyi. Emperor Wu here heard that the Southern Yue were routed, and changed it to be called Wenxi聞喜 [lit. “Heard the joyful”.]
[e]Ying Shao says: “Has Huo Marsh濩澤, is to the north-west.”
Shigu says: “濩 is pronounced wu烏 + guo虢.”]
[Baxter & Sagart: 濩: not listed, wū烏: ('- + -u A), guó 虢: (k- + -waek D).
Which should give ('- + -waek D) which is the pronunciation Baxter & Sagart lists for wò擭. Zdic.net lists huò as the main pronunciation of 擭.
[f]Shigu says: “ 琅 is pronounced lang郎. 槐 is pronounced hui回.
[g]Ying Shao says: “Yao's capital, it is on the sunny-side of the Ping He平河.”
[h]Ying Shao: “Xiang Mound襄陵 is to the north-west.”
Shigu says: “Duke Xiang of Jin's mound, followed it to use to name the county.”
[i]Ying Shao says: “Emperor Shun changed it to be called Yong'an安.”
[j]Ying Shao says: “Yang楊 was a marquisate.”
[k]Ying Shao says: “Has to the south the former Chengbei稱北.”
Your Subject Zan says: “The Ancient Writings of Ji Commandery : “When Zhai Zhang saved Zheng鄭, he stayed at the southern bend南屈.
Shigu says: “屈 is pronounced ju居 + wu勿. Precisely where the Duke of Jin's son Yiwu stayed.”
[Baxter & Sagart: qū屈: (kh- + -jut D), jū居: (k- + -jo A), wù勿: (m- + -jut D). No (k- + -jut D) listed.]
[l]Ying Shao says: “Formerly Pufan's蒲反 old town, Emperor Wu set it up.”
Shigu says: “Where Chong'er resided. Ying's explanation missed it.”
[m]Ying Shao: “Jiang River絳水 sets out to the south-west.”
[n]Shigu says: “讘 is pronounced zhī之 + shè涉.”]
[Baxter & Sagart: 讘 not listed, zhī之: (tsy- + -i A), 涉 not listed. Guangyun: 涉: 時攝切. Baxter & Sagart: shè攝: (sy + -jep D), (tsy- + -jep D): zhé]
[o]Shigu says: “pronounced qi其.”]
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loveinglymii2 · 1 year
its be my favorite fucking friday not be my favorite traumatize me with the possible death of kawi friday wtf is this they are supposed to be happy you gave me all the happy moments to then end it like that and then be all like sike this was a possible future that pisaeng saw so now we dont know whats really going to happen in the future bc it was technically not real for them yet you bitches are so sick im tired of this like what its giving me make our days count in the fact that yu shigu fucking dies fr and does not get to have a cute do over noooo why do shows do this and why do i always end up loving them im so attached to kawi and pisaeng i just want them to be happy and have a happy ending
what does this mean does this mean pisaeng is going to end the relationship in hopes that kawi doesnt die does he not invite kawi to live with him what if they move to an entirely new place does that shift the future a bit for them that both live why does anybody need to die wtf is the for that none of them needed to die i hear that in the books pisaeng dies or is it that theres an alternate ending where all the of the main characters die depending on the choices im not sure i didnt read the book and i read this info in the comments during the live so the comment is lost in a sea of other comments ahhhhhhh
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stanfrankdrake · 4 years
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i saw this at the grocery store and my heart dropped.
i had flashbacks.
if you know, you know. im not gonna say anything just bc i don’t want to spoil modc for some ppl
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iamdarthbader · 4 years
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Same energy
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Do you think God knew when she was making the Aurora Borealis, that she was making it for the gays?
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rumikolover · 5 years
considering sunbo and zhigang fucked in the gym’s bathroom I really thought they were gonna fuck in the bath of the hotel but they censor it this time. child....
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heretherebedork · 3 years
And the Battle de gay royale continues! "Uke Edition"
Now who among here excretes the most uke energy? A gaybie? A soft uke? Ukes who are totally babies that need protection and love of course. And the contestants aree:
King vs. Pun
Mon vs. Meen
Pi vs. Duen
Tine vs. Chon
Jin vs. Arthit
Kao (DBK) vs. Third
Knock vs. Bunn
Pao vs. Ake
Sun vs. Puth
Mes vs. Adachi
Boss vs. Mark (En of Love)
Bar vs. Pra-Ram (En of Love)
Wad vs. Day (SOTUS S)
Wayo (2moons) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Kit (2moons) vs. Beam
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Ray (Close Friend)
Zon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
Typhoon (Close Friend) vs. Pharm
Team vs. In
Gene vs. Tian
Muren vs. ShuYi
ShiGu vs. XingSi
Fiat vs. Moo Joom
Two vs. Chon
Type (2gether) vs. Ni
KiWan (Ryu's Wedding) vs. SangHa (Mr. Heart)
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
Karl (GSP) vs. Cairo (Gameboys)
Sky (My Day) vs. Phai (Gen Y)
Blue vs. Tutor
Pete (LBC) vs. Can
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Book (MIT)
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Zhi Gang (MODC)
Chol vs. Tri
Shao Fei vs. Zhao Zi
Yu Hao (HIStory CTL) vs. Zhen Wen (CTL)
Yi Chen (Obsessed) vs. Zhen Xuan (WBL)
King vs. Pun
I am going with King because... because King. Because he's soft and nosy and adorable and he's got just the right balance of uke energy and extrovert energy and I love him for it.
Mon vs. Meen
Did you see Mon's teddy bear? Mon is the ultimate uke. He has medals to being an uke. Like, Meen is adorable and all but Mon? Mon has taken first prize by miles.
Pi vs. Duen
Uh. Uhhhhh. Do I have to chose? Going with Duen because, frankly, Pi doesn't have a lot of uke energy for me. Not a negative, fyi. He's just kind of... middle roads for me. Yeah, he's supposed to be a tsundere uke. But I feel like he could go either way with his tsundereness.
Tine vs. Chon
Dude, Chon had to win this. He's out! He knows what he wants! And he wants to be an uke, 100%. No questions.
Jin vs. Arthit
Whyyyyy. They exude such similar energy and I love them both and I don't know how to choooooose. I think I have to go with Arthit because Arthit feels more... gentle and soft than Jin does. Might that change? Yes. But I think Jin is more playboy than Arthit's awkward shyness.
Kao (DBK) vs. Third
Third is like Mon. He's got medals in ukeness. Every tear is an award. Kao's got a bit going for him but nothing compared to Third. Third is ultimate.
Knock vs. Bunn
They're both vers. No one wins because neither one is an uke. They're both characters that could go either way with their partners and we're very proud of them for that.
Pao vs. Ake
I'm going to go Pao for for a strong reason but because he's just a little softer and a little gentler, especially as Pae with his glasses? Yeah. Yeah, he gets a tiny leg up.
Sun vs. Puth
Sun is the seme so Puth wins this one. Although I would definitely lean towards Puth being a bit more vers than straight (lol) up uke he's closer than Sun imo.
Mes vs. Adachi
Adachi always wiiiins. Like, I'm sorry, he always wins. But in this case he's also much shyer and softer than Mes and definitely gets taken care of more, which I consider to be part of the uke characterization. Being taken of is very important.
Boss vs. Mark (En of Love)
Gotta go Boss because... he's so soft. And little. And adorable and clingy. Mark is also pretty uke, no denials, but he's just not quite... what Boss is. The little bit of uke energy that Boss has, Mark lacks a little bit.
Bar vs. Pra-Ram (En of Love)
Yeah, Bar wins this. Not least because Tossara is basically my favorite show ever and the scene where Bar leans over Gun in bed and whispers about missing him sings in my heart at all times. But also because Bar sits in Gun's lap SO happily and Pra-Ram strikes me as less... soft, clingy uke and more brat uke? And I like the soft-clingy more.
Wad vs. Day (SOTUS S)
Despite Wad's unfinished story (sadness) I am going to give this to him over Day. Now that's partially because when I watched SOTUS S I only half-watched the Day storyline and I should probably give him another chance... but for now, I give it to Wad because he was tsundere and he deserved an actual storyline and I miss him.
Wayo (2moons) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Yu wins out of sheer desperation. Like, at least Yo functioned as a person. Yu just absolutely fell apart and basically didn't exist as a person any longer after Pha broke up with him. And that's the most uke thing anyone can do!
Kit (2moons) vs. Beam
I'm gonna give this to Beam because it's Kit from 2moons and NOT 2moons2. Kit from 2moons2 would win this over Beam but Beam wins over Kit from 2moons. Beam is the headstrong uke and he's a very good example of one, honestly.
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Ray (Close Friend)
As much as I adore Kit in Gen Y, I think Ray has more uke energy than him. They're both definitely ukes, no denials. But Ray just has that desperate, slightly needy, slightly clingy energy to him that I associate with ukes that Kit doesn't really have.
Zon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
I gotta give this to Zon. Zon is so puppy-uke it almost hurts sometimes. He's adorable and tiny and so, so bouncy but also so, so needy and I just... he's up there with Third and Mon in terms of ultimate uke.
Typhoon (Close Friend) vs. Pharm
Pharm wins. I feel worse for Typhoon because I kind of hated that his feelings were entirely disregarded but... Pharm is still just an absolute uke at heart and soul. He just wants to be take care of and loved and held and he might be strong but he needs space to be weak as well and he's just the best.
Team vs. In
Love Team, seriously do! But In is the ultimate cheeky uke and he's adorable about it and I love him so much. In wins just about everything, he's another one of my favorite characters.
Gene vs. Tian
This was an immensely painful choice. But I had to go with Gene. I feel like Tian and Phupha had such a strong and non stereotypical relationship that I just want to give it to Gene, who's definitely got more uke energy than Tian did. Yes, Tian needed more care... but Gene had more of the needy energy to him. It's hard to define but that's the best I can do.
Muren vs. ShuYi
AUGHH. What an impossible choice! They're both the good kind of uke that I adore and I just... look, I haven't done this before but this is a tied win. They both win. There are no losers. They're both fantastic ukes for their semes.
ShiGu vs. XingSi
Cheeky uke for the win! XingSi rules from the bottom and he gets this award 100%. YongJie had no idea what he was getting into with this boy and he learned fast.
Fiat vs. Moo Joom
I cannot pick Moo Joom because he is literally a cat. Fiat is also just a great needy, clingy, desperate little uke no denials so I do adore him. But also... cat.
Two vs. Chon
I'm going with Chon. Two doesn't lack uke energy but Chon has it in abundance.
Type (2gether) vs. Ni
I'm going with Type just because I feel like AiNi is a totally equal relationship with give/take and not really an ukeseme dynamic where Man and Type definitely had more of that energy. Especially with Type and Man wanting to take care of him and Type obviously wanting to be taken care of.
KiWan (Ryu's Wedding) vs. SangHa (Mr. Heart)
Sangha, yo. Cheeky, needy uke energy all wrapped up in a bright eyed puppy? Yes please.
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
Yeon Woo just so perfectly into that. Tae Joo is close, no denials, but Color Rush feels much more old-school yaoi than WYEL ever did so I gotta give it to them. Yeon Woo just has that need to be cared for and that absolutely all-encompassing need to be with Yoo Han that pushes him into the win.
Karl (GSP) vs. Cairo (Gameboys)
HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOSE? Ughhh. I'm going Cairo because I have to. I have to. I can't choose Karl because I love him but he's just not the uke energy all over the way Cairo has. Love them both, though, so much.
Sky (My Day) vs. Phai (Gen Y)
The belt around the wrists wins this for Sky, no hesitation. That make out scene wins EVERYTHING. Also, he's just got that right uke energy without it being overwhelming the way it is with Mon and Pharm and such. It's a bit lighter but still very much there.
Blue vs. Tutor
Tutor is a vers. Tutor is not an uke. So Blue gets this regardless. But he's also an uke and adorable and I with they'd do a side story show with his plot that got ruined by COVID because I wanna know how it ended.
Pete (LBC) vs. Can
Pete is another gold medal uke. Like, just look at the boy! Gold medals all around. He's up in the winner's circle, beloved by all. Can can't come close. Sorry, Can, love you.
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Book (MIR)
This was another closer one. But I really think Book is slightly more uke than Hin was. Now, very minorly. They've both got that needy energy and that softness and everything. But Book just nudges it over the edge a biiit more than Hin does.
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Zhi Gang (MODC)
MY BABY BOY. Yeah, Sheng Zhe has to win this on the basis of him being MY BABY and one of my favorite characters. But also his softness, his caring, his cooking, his love of children... he's just so cute and so sweet.
Chol vs. Tri
Hey! Tri is a seme for the twins! So Chol wins instantly. Also, Chol's entire character is tsundere uke turned puppy uke and there is nothing else to him so... he wins?
Shao Fei vs. Zhao Zi
Ugh, another hard one. But, yes, I'm going with ZZ on this because we're specifically looking at uke energy and ZZ just radiates that. He's soft and small and the sad hugging scenes are SO GOOD.
Yu Hao (HIStory CTL) vs. Zhen Wen (CTL)
Gotta go with Yu Hao on this one. The way he looks over the volleyball when they're studying? He wins. That single look beats out almost anything.
Yi Chen (Obsessed) vs. Zhen Xuan (WBL)
Have y'all looked at Yi Chen? He's ultimate uke. He tries to avoid love at all costs and still instantly just turns into this tiny caretaking uke when he's given a chance. Plus, when he had glasses in his first life? TINIEST BOY EVER.
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: the thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break, ch. 15
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Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī & Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī & Wēn Qíng, Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Wēn Qíng, Wēn Níng | Wēn Qiónglín, Granny Wēn, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Wēn Remnants, Wen Meilin (OC), Fourth Uncle, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén
Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Secrets, Crying, Masks, Soulmates, Truth, Self-Esteem Issues, Regret, It was supposed to be a one-shot, Fix-It, Eventual Relationships, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, wwx needs a hug, Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Filial Piety, Handfasting, Phobias, Sleeping Together, Fear, Panic Attacks, Love Confessions, Getting Together, First Kiss, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Family, and they were married, Bathing/Washing, Hair Braiding, Hair Brushing, Feels, Sex Education, Implied Sexual Content, First Time, Aftercare, Morning After, Afterglow, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Torture, Scars, Eventual Happy Ending, Hand Jobs, Chronic Pain, Biting, Conversations
Summary: The conversation continues, and the Jiang siblings react.
Notes: This chapter was hard to write, but I finally got there! Lots of dialog, which had to be balanced. Updates are slow. Life is busy. Lots of responsibilities, and non-productive insomnia. Honestly, the most research I did for this chapter was on family and martial family names.
AO3 link
Chapters:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
Wei Ying’s words only seem to echo in the courtyard, their gravity giving them weight that feeds the illusion. The Jiang siblings stare at him, looking concerned but puzzled. 
“But you found her,” Jiang Wanyin says slowly. “She restored my core.”
“I never found her,” Wei Ying says, looking at his bowl on the table rather than his brother. “I didn’t know what to do, A-Cheng—you wanted to die!”
The words are said in a rush, with remembered grief. For once, Jiang Wanyin seems struck dumb, and Lan Wangji is glad of it—Wei Ying needs no interruptions. Already his posture is defensive. 
“I looked for a way. Went through Wen Qing’s whole library. And I found a theory.”
His voice breaks at the last word, and Lan Wangji squeezes his hand, letting Wei Ying know he is here for him. He knows this reminds his husband of the decision he made, to what for most would seem like an impossible choice. 
“A-Xian, what theory?”
Jiang Yanli, despite her makeup, looks wan and afraid. 
“In her papers. Treatments she’d theorized,” Wei Ying clarifies. “It was the only place I found any options. And I didn’t know what else to do.”
He’s stalling, but inadvertently drawing out the pain. Lan Wangji squeezes his hand again, unable to resist the urge to comfort him. 
Zidian sparks and Jiang Wanyin glares, his patience spent.
“What did you do?” he hisses. 
Lan Wangji is fairly certain they’ve already realized and are hoping they’re wrong. He rubs the back of Wei Ying’s hand with his thumb. 
“It was a theory about core transplants,” Wei Ying says. 
The shifting of emotions on Jiang Wanyin’s face makes his understanding clear. Jiang Yanli’s brows furrow, her expression one of confusion. 
“Tell me you didn’t,” he hissed. “Please tell me you didn’t.”
Wei Ying flinches—he can tell him no such thing, at least not without lying, because he did. Instead he silently holds his free wrist out to Jiang Wanyin, as he had only days before with Xichen, inviting him to see the truth himself. 
The Jiang sect leader recoils, physically leaving his seat and backing from the table, his face a mask of horror.
“No,” he whispers, his voice hoarse.
And so it is Jiang Yanli who reaches forward, sends her qi through Wei Ying’s meridians, and finds the emptiness where his core once sat. Lan Wangji can tell the moment she realizes, as tears spill over, cutting furrows in her makeup. 
Wei Ying immediately panics, pulling his hand from Lan Wangji’s grip, dabbing at her face with his sleeves.
“Shijie, you’ll ruin your dress. It’s okay, don’t cry.”
“It’s just a dress,” she says, her voice hitching. “And it’s not okay, Xianxian. Why didn’t you tell us? Why didn’t you let us help you? You’ve been suffering for so long and…”
She lets out a sob so deep it seems like it comes from her soul. Wei Ying lets out a little distressed noise, his hands fluttering helplessly, as though he wants to hug her but fears sullying her wedding dress. 
“Wei Wuxian, why?” Jiang Wanyin asks, his chest heaving as he fights his emotions. “I didn’t ask you to do that!”
He’s still standing backed away from the table, unwilling or unable to come closer. 
“You wanted to die,” Wei Ying says helplessly. “You said if you couldn’t avenge Lotus Pier alive or dead you’d rather be dead. You’re my brother—what else could I have done?”
Lan Wangji knows there is more, implied—after losing so much, how could Wei Ying stand to lose his brother? How much family could he stand to lose, losing his parents young, and then his entire martial family with the fall of Lotus Pier?
“I’d rather lose my golden core than that,” he finally whispers. “You could rebuild the sect with my core.”
“You could’ve rebuilt the sect with your core,” Jiang Wanyin retorts with a scowl.
Wei Ying smiles, but it’s a twisted, broken thing. 
“No. I’ve always been whatever the gentry decides I am: the worthless son of a servant overreaching, sect leader’s secret bastard, weapon of war, and now Yiling Laozu. No one would accept me rebuilding the Jiang sect, even without the demonic cultivation, A-Cheng. I’d be a usurper at best, never taken seriously.”
“You would’ve proved them all wrong!” Jiang Wanyin protests. 
Wei Ying shakes his head. 
“Nothing will ever be enough. I’d never be able to restore the Jiang sect to its full glory. Only you could do that, A-Cheng.”
“He is correct,” Lan Wangji interjects when it looks like Jiang Wanyin might argue over it. “They have never accepted him, even after he helped win the war. Wei Ying has never been thanked or shown respect, only belittled and vilified. He would never have been permitted to be sect leader.”
Jiang Wanyin frowns at that but doesn’t try to argue. He cannot deny the truth. 
“If they knew I took you to Wen Qing and you had died in her care, they’d say I killed you myself for power, that I worked with the Wens to destroy Lotus Pier, even. I’d have been executed, and shijie would be all alone and without a sect.”
There’s a touch of bitterness in his husband’s voice, and Lan Wangji touches his elbow, just to remind him he is there for him. 
“Lotus Pier was my fault, so I guess they’d be part right,” Wei Ying mutters, the naked grief in his voice heart-wrenching. 
Lan Wangji wonders if perhaps Wei Ying’s difficulty after the war was being in a place filled, at least metaphorically, with the ghosts of those for whose deaths he felt responsible. He had, by his own admission to Xichen, spent much of the time following the war drunk, until he liberated the work camp, using it as a way of coping with his trauma—from the fall of Lotus Pier, from the surgery, from Burial Mounds, from the resentful energy, from the war…  All of it. 
Perhaps rescuing these people has been his way of trying to even the scales on a debt that isn’t truly his. 
“A-Xian, it wasn’t your fault. They were always going to attack Lotus Pier,” Jiang Yanli protests. “A-Niang would never have tolerated a supervisory office in our home.”
She’s still crying, and Wei Ying mops at her face so her tears won’t ruin her dress. Her eyes seem to search his face, desperate for a sign he believes her. 
“It was never your fault,” she insists.
Wei Ying swallows hard. 
“Madam Yu said—”
“A-Niang was wrong,” Jiang Wanyin snarls. 
“And I know a-die told you to protect us, but who was going to protect you?” Jiang Yanli asks.
When he avoids her gaze, she reaches forward to cup his cheek. 
“We didn’t protect you. You’d been whipped with zidian and lost your home, too, but you’re the one who took care of us. No one took care of you, but you’re our brother, my sweet didi.”
Wei Ying’s breath hitches, and instinctively Lan Wangji pulls him close, holds him from behind gently, hopes he can take strength from the embrace. It’s not a full embrace, the position awkward, more of a press of chest against back, his hand a light pressure on his hip, but it seems to help, regardless. It takes a few moments for Wei Ying to compose himself enough that he is willing to release him, and during that time Lan Wangji avoids looking at his siblings, not wishing to see their reactions. 
A-Yuan is abruptly tugging on Wei Ying’s robes.
“A-Die sad? A-Die need a hug?”
Somehow Wei Ying manages a smile for the boy and pulls him up on his lap.
“Ah, my sweet son. That’s exactly what a-die needs.”
The child is happy to oblige, and then he lets Wen Ning take him back.
“You told him to call me guma, not shigu,” Jiang Yanli points out softly. “A-Cheng called him zhizi, not shizhi. And you told him to call A-Cheng shushu, not shishu. You know you’re our brother.”
She sounds almost forlorn, a sharp contrast from her fire when she claimed him as her didi on Phoenix Mountain to Jin Zixun.
Jiang Wanyin takes a step toward the table. 
“Lotus Pier is rebuilt, and so is the Jiang sect,” he interjects. “You’re coming back. I’m giving it back. We’ll undo it.”
The offer is startling, something Lan Wangji didn’t expect from him, and the soft gasp from Wei Ying tells him it is a surprise to him as well. Wei Ying shakes his head. 
“I don’t think it’s possible,” he says tiredly. 
“Why the hell not?!”
He seems almost affronted by the rejection. Lan Wangji can feel Wei Ying shiver, knows he’s struggling. His husband has had to have so many difficult conversations in quick succession, and this one is the hardest so far. And the offer to return the golden core seems to have thrown him. 
“Scarring,” Lan Wangji answers for him, remembering Wen Qing’s words. 
Silence reigns for a moment, the Jiang siblings looking upset, clearly wanting more detail. 
Wei Ying speaks haltingly, tells the tale he hasn’t told Lan Wangji, of being caught in the tea house in Yiling, of trying to escape, of Wen Zhuliu punching him right in the lower dantian, his stitches tearing at the impact. Of being beaten by Wen Chao’s men and burned by Wang Lingjiao.
“I had to get them to leave Yiling,” he said. “If they caught you coming down the mountain, it would’ve all been for nothing. I thought they’d toss me in a cell in Qishan. I didn’t expect Burial Mounds.”
Much of the rest of the story is the same as he told Xichen, this part having been omitted before likely to avoid having to talk about the Core-Melting Hand. This time, though, he also talks about the sword from the Xuanwu cave, the one filled with resentful energy, how it helped him survive Burial Mounds, that he crafted the seal from it during the war to help win it. Not, as the rumors suggested, from Xue Yang’s still-missing piece.
Much of this is new information to Lan Wangji, painting an even clearer picture of how incredibly impossible the odds were against Wei Ying’s survival. 
Wei Ying continues to dab at his sister’s face with his sleeve as he talks, keeping her makeup from running onto her dress as she cries. In the quiet that follows, her soft crying seems to echo in the courtyard.
A-Yuan vocalizes that she needs a hug, and Wen Ning murmurs softly about her special dress that needs to be kept clean. 
“Later,” Wen Ning says, and A-Yuan is assuaged. 
Jiang Wanyin has, during the course of the telling, returned to the table to sit heavily. The customary pinched expression normally on his face is gone, his anger drained away for the moment. 
“All those times I harassed you about your sword, about carrying it and polishing it,” Jiang Wanyin whispers, his voice choked. 
“It’s too heavy for me to wield for more than a minute or so,” Wei Ying says hollowly. “Even to polish it.”
He had taken joy in his cultivation and even having given it up willingly, Lan Wangji knows it’s still something that hurts him deeply. He himself remembers the joy of crossing swords with him on the rooftop, what feels like a lifetime ago now. Bittersweet, never to happen again. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jiang Wanyin finally asks. “You convinced me to expel you from the sect, dammit. Why would you tell Lan Wangji and not us? After he wanted to take you back to Gusu for punishment!”
“He did not tell me until I discovered his golden core was missing,” Lan Wangji says.
Wei Ying is guiltless in that, and he will not let him be blamed. 
“I wished to take him to Gusu for protection and healing, not punishment,” he adds. 
Lan Wangji could see, throughout the war, that Wei Ying was suffering, that something was wrong, had wanted desperately to help him. He wonders if Jiang Wanyin is partly behind Wei Ying’s misconceptions about that, and tries not to be peeved—how much heartache could have been prevented? 
“Wei-g-gongzi did not intend to t-tell anyone,” Wen Ning contributes. 
His voice is sad, with a hint of disapproval for Wei Ying’s decision to withhold it. A-Yuan seems to decide he, too, needs a hug, throwing his arms around the fierce corpse’s neck. 
“Then how do you know?” Jiang Wanyin demands. 
“Wen Ning assisted Wen Qing with the core transplant,” Wei Ying says before Wen Ning can answer. “They were the only people who knew, until Lan Zhan found out.”
He does not, Lan Wangji notes, tell how, clearly sparing Wen Ning more ill-placed ire from Jiang Wanyin. It feels odd to be grateful his husband was injured, but without it, he might have walked away, down the mountain, ignorant of Wei Ying’s suffering. 
“Is that why you stayed, Lan-er-gongzi?”
Jiang Yanli’s gaze is level despite her tears, her eyes sharp, and Lan Wangji feels as though she is weighing him still. 
“En,” he answers simply. “I could only help him if I stayed.”
He had known for some time that his uncle was unlikely to help Wei Ying heal, that hiding him in Gusu would stifle him and destroy him just as it had destroyed his mother. Lan Wangji could continue to walk away, or he could stay. 
“And the marriage?”
Lan Wangji isn’t quite certain what she is asking—perhaps the reason he told Wei Ying of the handfasting?
“It could protect him, even if it was simply political.”
She smiles, but it’s tight. 
“No, I mean would you have told him, if you hadn’t learned?”
He doesn’t need time to consider the question; he assumed Wei Ying would reject him, as he had rejected the prospect of coming with him to Gusu. He had miscommunicated and misunderstood. 
“No,” he says, welcoming her judgment, as he judges himself. “I expected it would be a burden to him, unwelcome.”
Wei Ying startles at the admission, glancing at him. Lan Wangji hates that he sees guilt in his expression over the misunderstanding, runs his hand across his shoulder to comfort him. 
And realizes when his husband’s eyes go a little glassy that he’s run his hand over the hidden bite mark. 
How could he have thought this would be unwelcome?
Jiang Wanyin snorts, and Lan Wangji’s ears burn at the sense of being seen doing something illicit.
“The way he mooned over you? Talked about you all the time.”
He sounds long-suffering, as though Lan Wangji should have been aware of Wei Ying’s regard. Now, of course, he can see nothing else. But before...
“And then after the war, he didn’t,” Jiang Yanli murmurs.
After Wei Ying had survived Burial Mounds and come out scarred and afraid. 
“When I told him, Wei Ying tried to convince me he was unworthy,” Lan Wangji says. “I disagreed.”
Wei Ying tried to push him away before, when they were reunited after his disappearance, and Lan Wangji now knows it was out of a belief that he would somehow taint him.
“He feels himself unworthy of protection and love,” he adds.
A troubled look passes over Jiang Wanyin’s face, and Jiang Yanli just looks sad.
“That would be a-niang’s influence again,” she says softly. “A-Xian, we should have protected you better.”
Wei Ying shakes his head as though to deny their culpability, and she takes his hands. 
“No, A-Xian. She was wrong about your worth, and I hate that she cut you and A-Cheng down so much.”
Jiang Wanyin looks uncomfortable, and Lan Wangji doubts it’s because of his sister’s lack of filial piety. 
“She always compared me to you,” he grates after a moment. “I was never good enough, because you were better. And now you’ll always be better.”
Lan Wangji bristles on Wei Ying’s behalf, but his husband speaks first. 
“I didn’t do it to compete with you, A-Cheng,” Wei Ying says tiredly. “What the fuck was the point of competing when you were dying? I just wanted you to live.”
“And what about you?” Jiang Wanyin retorts. “What about your life? You think I want it to be a competition, you asshole? You told me to abandon you, but you wouldn’t tell me the truth! You keep trying to throw yourself away!”
Wei Ying cringes, and Lan Wangji returns to holding him, his own anger fizzling out as he recognizes the feelings behind Jiang Wanyin’s. 
“You didn’t expect to live this long, did you?” 
The Jiang sect leader’s tone implies it’s not really a question but a realization, and Wei Ying’s flinch implies he’s right. Lan Wangji can’t stop his hold from tightening on Wei Ying, Jiang Wanyin’s words making him feel ill. 
He has known his zhiji didn’t expect to live as long as he has, but neither of them has spoken of it. Wei Ying managed to survive Indoctrination and the Xuanwu, the fall of Lotus Pier and massacre of most of his adopted clan, the removal of his golden core, the fall and entrapment in Burial Mounds, the war… Lan Wangji hates that Jiang Wanyin is right in this, and hates even more that Wei Ying has faced so many situations that could have killed him. 
“You keep protecting other people, but you won’t let anyone protect you!”
Jiang Wanyin is practically panting in anger.
“You always need to be the hero, Wei Wuxian! But all the heroes die!”
He sounds dangerously close to tears, and his words send a jolt of dread through Lan Wangji—just the idea of Wei Ying dying sends his stomach plummeting. He can feel Wei Ying shiver against him. 
Jiang Yanli lets out a long breath, trying to compose herself. She gives Jiang Wanyin a warning look, and he scowls, looking away but clearly making an effort to calm down. 
“We can only move forward,” she says. “A-Xian will just need to learn to let us protect him.”
“He is learning,” Lan Wangji tells her. 
She manages a watery smile.
“When you’re hurt, it hurts us, Xianxian. Please let us help you.”
Wei Ying seems beyond words, and just nods. A tremor runs through him, and Lan Wangji knows he’s exhausted what energy he had left for the day with this conversation. His sister seems to sense this. 
“A-Xian, you look tired.”
Again, Wei Ying only nods, but Lan Wangji is of the opinion there should be no more secrets. 
“He was nearly possessed by a resentful spirit a few days ago,” he supplies. 
Jiang Yanli gasps, and he tries not to be pleased that she will want to fix this, too. It will strengthen her resolve. 
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying protests, but it seems more of a token protest. 
“Fortunately, xiongzhang was visiting. He calmed it with Liebing. There are now talismans where we sleep.”
“It tried while he was sleeping?” Jiang Cheng almost demands. “Is it still so dangerous there?!”
“I fought her,” Wei Ying murmurs, almost petulant. “She was liberated in the end.”
“Not the point, Wei Wuxian!”
“A-Cheng,” Jiang Yanli scolds. “We can talk about this later. I need to change so we can go with him and talk to Wen Qing. I expect she will have more to say about it, as well.”
“J-jiejie needs some items from the market, so we need to b-buy them before we go back,” Wen Ning offers.
Jiang Yanli nods firmly.
“Then we’ll meet you in the market. And then I’ll be finally able to get a hug from my zhizi.”
A-Yuan beams at her, already recognizing himself as her nephew, and she stands and shakes out her cloak to don it. Jiang Wanyin packs the tureen back in the basket.
“Get this idiot to eat the rest of his bowl,” he says gruffly. “He’s too fucking skinny.”
“A-Cheng, language,” Wei Ying says almost automatically. 
“Jiang-shushu said a bad word?” A-Yuan asks.
Jiang Wanyin looks almost panicked for a moment, then frowns.
“Yeah, yeah, Jiang-shushu said a bad word. Don’t be like Jiang-shushu.”
He gestures to the boy, who immediately climbs off Wen Ning’s lap and runs over, latching onto his leg, and he reaches down and rubs A-Yuan’s head affectionately. 
“Get your a-die to eat the rest of his soup before he goes shopping, okay?”
A-Yuan nods emphatically, happy to be given such a task, then rushes to his a-die’s side, climbing up onto the seat Jiang Yanli vacated.
Jiang Wanyin stares at Wei Ying for a long while. 
“We’ll fix this. We’ll figure something out,” he says heavily. “I owe you.”
Wei Ying shakes his head, obstinate. 
“You don’t. I owed the Jiang sect everything.”
That proclamation doesn’t seem to sit well with his brother, who scowls.
“No. No debts between family. It’s not a debt I owe, and you didn’t owe me your Golden Core. It’s what you deserve as my brother. I let Jin Guangshan’s stupid mind games get to me.”
Jiang Yanli, back in her cloak, her wedding robes and headdress hidden, approaches him and touches his elbow, murmurs his name. Jiang Wanyin glances at her, and nods, taking the basket from her. 
“We’re the Twin Heroes of Yunmeng, Wei Wuxian, and our sect motto is to attempt the impossible. We’ll find a way.”
Jiang Wanyin sweeps out of the courtyard with Jiang Yanli, and Lan Wangji can’t help but wonder if he spends his free time planning dramatic exits. 
Wei Ying releases a long breath, sagging against him the moment they’re gone. 
“Always needs to have the last word,” he murmurs. 
It’s almost a mirror of what Lan Wangji is thinking, and he can’t help a huff of amusement. Wei Ying turns to him with a tired smile.
“Aiya, all that was missing was a cape for him to swish dramatically.”
Lan Wangji has seen some of those capes, and can easily imagine such a thing. 
“Wei Ying also has a flair for the dramatic,” he comments.
“Yeah, but I have style,” he retorts with a snort. 
He turns to the soup, thankfully not needing prompting. Lan Wangji had expected it would have gone cold by now, but it’s still steaming. Likely the scent aroused Wei Ying’s hunger. He suspects the bowl has a talisman affixed to or carved onto the bottom, meant to keep the contents warm. Somewhat extravagant, but it allows his husband to enjoy hot soup even after all the arguing, so he is grateful for the forethought. 
They will have some time, he knows. Jiang Yanli’s robes are intricate and will need to be removed with care to avoid damage, and the headdress will also be complex to remove. She will need to wash the makeup from her face as well. 
Time enough for Wei Ying to finish eating, to dawdle a little while shopping to account for the exhaustion he undoubtedly feels, to take a breath before more difficult conversation. 
They have time, a gift Wei Ying apparently didn’t expect to have, and Lan Wangji will work to ensure he has much more. 
The Twin Prides, after all, now have the support of the Twin Jades.
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alltheprettyboys · 4 years
I wish I hadn’t watched episode 10 they didn’t need to break my heart like that, episode 9 was the perfect ending
Ep10? No, I think you're mixing something up here... MODC hat exactly 9 episodes and there was nothing else after that. Nothing happened. Yu Shigu went shopping and HaoTing brought him his wallet and that was it. Nothing more happened. The ending was a bit weird ngl but huh I guess we should be happy that no one was hit by car. Ha... haha...
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
Hey i feel like the character power scale in ons is reallyyy now messy when it comes to every main human characters always having secret power.... So it would be quite interesting if you rank the character power as in the current state they r in rn
Hmm hey anon, well, this is quite the surprise but let's try out!
Rank of power - Humans
Guren Ichinose
Kureto Hiragi
Yuichiro Hyakuya
Shinoa Hiragi
Shinya Hiragi
Aoi Sangu
Shiho Kimizuki
Yoichi Saotome
Mito Jujo
Mitsuba Sangu
Narumi Makoto
Norito Goshi
Shigure Yukimi
Sayuri Hanayori
You might wonder why that order. In terms of powet alone Yu might have an advantage against Kureto but, Kureto hasn't unleashed his full power in the story.
For Shinoa, she now has the strength of the first which is a huge boost to her, if she were to figut another human, well...
Shinya and Aoi are strong themselves, Shinya is good at long distance and Aoi close range distance, therefore, it's a fine line to say who's powerful than the other.
Shiho and Yoichi have black demon series and their link with their demons is slowly growing, therefore, I believe that if they were to face up each member of Guren's squad alone, they'd have more chances to win.
As for Makoto being more powerful than Shigure and Sayuri, well, Makoto has a defense type cursed gear. Which is quite the advantage against Sayuri and Shigue's cursed gear. In such battle, it'd be a matter of tactics.
As for Mitsuba, we don't know if her powers will increase or not, therefore, she'll be on that position for the time being.
Hope you liked dear anon! This is the first time someone asks me this but well, what do others think?
Let me know!
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bookofjin · 2 years
Commanderies and States of Western Han, Part 2
Taiyuan commandery太原郡, Qin set it up [in 247 BC]. Has a salt official at Jinyang晉陽. Belongs to Bing province并州. 169 863 households, 680 488 people. Has a House Horse official[a]. 21 counties:
[1]Jinyang晉陽, formerly in the Poetry Tang state唐國. King Cheng of Zhou wiped out Tang唐 and ennobled his younger brother Shuyu. Long Mountain龍山 is to the north-west. Has a salt official. The Jin River晉水 sets out form there, to the east it joins the Fen汾[b].
[3]Jiexiu界休, Mang called it Jiemei界美[d].
[4]Yuci榆次. Tushui district涂水鄉, Jin's Grandee Zhi Xuwu's town. Gengyang district梗陽鄉, Wei Wu's town. Mang called it Dayuanting大原亭[e].
[6]Yuli于離, Mang called it Yuhe于合.
[7]Zishi茲氏, Mang called it Zitong茲同.
[8]Langmeng狼孟, Mang called it Langzhou狼調.
[9]Wu鄔, the Nine Marshes九澤 are to the north. This is Zhaoyuqi昭餘祁, the swamp of Bing province并州. Jin's Grandee Sima Mimou's town[f].
[10]Yu盂, Jin's Grandee Yu Nei's town.
[11]Pingtao平陶, Mang called it Duorang多穰.
[12]Fenyang汾陽, to the north are the mountains from where the Fen River汾水 sets out, to the south-west arriving at Fenyin汾陰 it joins the He河, passing through 2 commanderies, travelling 1 340 li, the irrigator of Ji province.
[13]Jingling京陵, Mang called it Zhicheng致城[g].
[15]Daling大陵, has an iron official. Mang called it Daning大寧.
[17]Qi祁, Jin's Grandee Jia Xin's town. Mang called it Shi示.
[18]Shang'ai上艾. The Mianman River綿曼水 to the east arrives at Puwu蒲吾, and enters the Hutuo River虖池水[i].
[20]Yangyi陽邑, Mang called it Fanrang繁穰 .
[21]Guangwu廣武. Juzhu句注 and Jiawu Mountains賈屋山 are to the north.The Chief Commandant's seat. Mang called it Xinhuan信桓[k].
[a]Your Subject Zan says: “Han had the House Horse Stable家馬廄, one stable had ten thousand horses. At the time, since the border and outside had affairs, they allotted them to come and be here. The “House Horse” later changed name to Churning [dong挏] [milk] Horse.”
Shigu says: “ 挏 is pronounced dong動.”
[b]Your Subject Zan says: “Where is spoken of as Tang唐 is the present Hedong's河東 Yong'an永安, the distance to Jin is 400 li.”
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is correct.”
[c]Ru Chun says: “Pronounced suǒ璅.”
Shigu says: “Also pronounced shān山 + guǎ寡.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 葰: not listed, shān山: (sr- + -ean A), guǎ寡: (k- + -wae B), (sr- + -wae B): no examples.]
[d]Shigu says: “休 pronounced xǔ許+ qiú虯.”
[Baxter & Sagart: xiū休: (x- + -juw A), xǔ許: (x- + -jo B), 虯: not listed.]
[e]Shigu says: “ 涂 pronounced tu塗. 梗 pronounced geng鯁.”
[f]Shigu says: “Pronounced yī一 + hù戶. Also pronounced yú於+ jù據.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 鄔: not listed, yī一: ('- + -jit D), hù戶: (h- + -u B). ('- + -u B): not listed.
Yú於: ('- + -jo A), jù據: (k- + -jo C), ('- + -jo C): not listed. 烏: (- + -u A).]
[g]Shigu says: “Precisely Jiujing九京.”
[h]Ying Shao says: “The He河 for 1 000 li is one curve, this must be on its sunny-side, and for that reason it was called Yangqu陽曲.”
Shigu says: “Emperor Wen of Sui, since his family name was Yang楊, hated the title of Yangqu陽曲, and therefore changed its county to be Yangzhi陽直, now then we have restored the old name for it.”
[i]Shigu says: “虖 pronounced hu呼. 池 pronounced tú徒 + hé何.”
[Baxter & Sagart: chí池: (dr- + -je A), tú徒: (d- + -u A), hé何: (h- + -a A). (d- + -a A): tuó (驒鼉紽沱)]
[j]Shigu says: “Pronounced Luyi廬夷.”
[k]Shigu says: “Jiawu Mountain is precisely of where the Historical Records states: “Count Xiang of Zhao went north to climb Xiawu夏屋."”
Shangdang commandery上黨郡, Qin set it up [in 247 BC?]. Belongs to Bing province并州. Has Shangdang Pass上黨關, Hukou Pass壺口關, Shixing Pass石研關, Tianjing Pass天井關[a]. 73 798 households, 337 766 people. 14 counties:
[1]Changzi長子, where was Zhou's Scribe Xin Jia's fief. Lugu Mountain鹿谷山, Zhuozhang River濁漳水 sets out form there, to the east arriving at Ye鄴, it enters the Qingzhang清漳[b].
[2]Zhunliu屯留, Sang Qin tells of of it: “Jiang River絳水 sets out from the south-west. To the east it enters the sea[c].
[4]Tongdi銅鞮, has Shangsi Precinct上虒亭, Xiasi Settlement下虒聚[d].
[5]Zhan沾. Damin Valley大黽谷, Qingzhang River清漳水 sets out from there, to the north-east arriving at Yicheng邑成, it enters the Great He大河, passing through 5 commanderies, traveling 1 680 li. The stream of Ji province冀州[e].
[6]Nieshi涅氏, Nie River涅水[f].
[7]Xiangyuan襄垣. Mang called it Shangdangting上黨亭.
[8]Huguan壺關, has Yangchang Slope羊腸版. The Zhan River沾水 to the east arriving at Zhaoge朝歌, it enters the Qi淇[g].
[9]Xuanshi泫氏. Yang Valley楊谷, the Jue River絕水 sets out from there, to the south arriving at Yewang野王 it enters the Qin沁[h].
[10]Gaodu高都. Wan Valley莞谷, Dan River丹水 sets out from there, to the south-east it enters the Xuan River. Has Tianjing Pass天井關[i].
[11]Lu潞, formerly the Count of Lu's state潞子國.
[14]Guyuan穀遠. Yangtou Mountain羊頭山 and Shimi Valley世靡谷. The Qin River沁水 sets out from there, to the south-east arriving at Xingyang滎陽 it enters the He河, passing through 3 commanderies, and travelling 970 li. Mang called it Gujin穀近[k].
[a]Shigu says: “研 is pronounced Xing形.”
[b]Shigu says: “Chang read as in the chang長 of long and short, in the present custom it has become the zhang長 of old and young. A mistake.”
[c]Shigu says: “ 屯 pronounced zhun純.
[d]Shigu says: “虒 pronounced si斯.”
[e]Ying Shao says: “Zhan River 沾水 sets out from Hu Pass壺關.”
Shigu says: “沾 is pronounced ta他 + jian兼.”
[Baxter & Sagart: zhān沾: (tr- + -jem A), tā他: (th- + -a A), jiān兼: (k- + -em A). (th- + -em A): tiān 添.]
[f]Shigu says: “Nie River涅水 sets out from there, and for that reason used it to name the county. niè涅 pronounced nǎi乃 + jié結.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 涅: not listed, nǎi乃: (n- + -oj B), jié結: (k- + -et D). (n- + -et D): not listed.]
[g]Ying Shao says: “The Marquis of Li's state黎侯國 is the present Li Precinct黎亭.”
[h]Ying Shao says: “The Classics of Mountains and Seas: from where the Xuan River泫水 sets out.”
Shigu says: “泫 pronounced gōng工 + xuán玄)
[Baxter & Sagart: 泫: not listed, gōng工: (k- + -uwng A), xuán玄: (h- + -wen A). (k- + -wen A): not listed.
[i]Shigu says: “ 莞 pronounced wan丸.”
[j]Shigu says: “pronounced yú於 + yì義.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 陭: not listed, yú於: ('- + -jo A), yì義: (ng- + -je C). ('- + -je C) not listed.]
[k]Shigu says: “Presently the Qin River沁水 enters the territory of Huai province's懷州 Wuzhi武陟 county to enter the He河. This states that it arrives at Xingyang滎陽, suspect the transmitted writings is faulty.”
Henei commandery河內郡. 1st Year of Emperor Gao [206 BC], it became Yin state殷國. 2nd Year [205 BC], changed the name. Mang called it Houdui後隊. Belongs to Sili司隸. 241 246 households, 1 067 097 people. 18 counties:
[1]Huai懷. Has a labour official. Mang called it Henei河內.
[5]Shanyang山陽. Eastern Taihang Mountain東太行山 is to the north-west[c].
[6]Heyang河陽, Mang called it Heting河亭.
[8]Gong共, formerly a state. Bei Mountain北山, Qi River淇水 sets out from there, to the east arriving at Liyang黎陽 it joins the He河[d].
[10]Zhaoge朝歌, where was Zhou紂's capital. Where was King Wu of Zhou's younger brother Kangshu's fief, changing the name to Wei衛. Mang called it Yage雅歌.
[12]Wen溫, formerly a state,Yixing己姓, where was Su Fensheng's fief.
[13]Yewang野王, Taihang Mountain太行 is to the north-west. Where Lord Yuan of Wei was abducted by Qin, moving from Puyang濮陽 to there. Mang called int Pingye平野[g].
[14]Huojia獲嘉, formerly Ji's汲 Xinzhong district新中鄉. When Emperor Wu travelled through it he changed the name.
[17]Longlü隆慮. The Guo River國水 to the north-east arrives at Xincheng信成 and joins the Zhangjia He張甲河, passing through 3 commanderies, travelling 1 840 li. Has an iron official[j].
[18]Tangyin蕩陰. Tang River蕩水 to the east arriving at Neihuang Marsh內黃澤. Xi Mountain西山, You River羑水 sets out from there, likewise arrives at Neihuang內黃 to join the pond. Has Youli City羑里城, where the Earl of the West was imprisoned[k].
[a]Meng Kang says: “When the First August toured the east, he set it up, himself considered the martial virtue [wude] that had settled Under Heaven.”
[b]Meng Kang says: “Presently has Chi City絺城, where Duke Wen of Jin obtained the bestowal.”
[c]Shigu says: “háng行 is pronounced hú胡 + láng郎.”
[Baxter & Sagart: háng行: (h- + -ang A), xíng行: (h- + -aeng A), hú胡: (h- + -u A), láng郎: (l- + -ang A). (h- + -ang A): háng行.]
[d]Meng Kang says: “The Earl of Gong entered to be among the Three Excellencies.”
Shigu says: “共 is pronounced gong 恭.”
[e]Ying Shao says: “The Marquis of Xing邢 moved from Xiangguo襄國 to here. At the time of Duke Huan of Qi, the people of Wei衛 invaded Xing邢. Xing邢 shifted to Yiyi夷儀, its territory belonged to Jin, and they titled it Xingqiu邢丘. Since it was on the high bank [gao皋] of the He河, and the lay of the land was flat [ping平] and even, they called it Pinggao平皋.”
Your Subject Zan says: “In the Transmittals of the Spring and Autumn, the people of the Di狄 invaded Xing邢, and Xing邢 shifted to Yiyi夷儀, they did not arrive here. Presently, west of Xiangguo襄國 there is a Yiyi City夷儀城, the distance to Xiangguo襄國 a hundred li. The xing here is the name of this hill [qiu丘], it is not the state.
Shigu says: “Ying's explanation is mistaken. When the Transmittals of Mister Zuo says: “The Marquis of Jin sent off a woman to Xingqiu邢丘,” it perhaps speaks of this, and that is all.
[f]Ying Shao says: “Where Jin first opened up Nanyang南陽 is the present Nanyang City南陽城. Qin changed it to be called Xiuwu脩武.”
Your Subject Zan says: “Book of Han Fei: “King Zhao of Qin went beyond Zhao's趙 Changping長平, and to the west invaded Xiuwu脩武.” At the time Qin had not yet united Under Heaven, but the name of Xiuwu脩武 had been for a long time.”
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is correct.”
[g]Meng Kang says: “Formerly Xing state故邘, the present Yuting邘亭.”
Shigu says: “ háng行 is pronounced hú胡 + láng郎.”
[h]Meng Kang says: “Yuan District 原鄉 was besieged by Duke Wen of Jin.”
Shigu says: “Pronounced zhi只.”
[i]Shigu says: “qìn沁 is pronounced qiān千 + jìn浸.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 沁: not listed, qiān千: (tsh - -en A), 浸 not listed.”
[j]Ying Shao says: “Longlü Mountain隆慮山 is to the north. To avoid the Young Emperor's name, it was changed to be called Linlü林慮.”
Shigu says: “慮 is pronounced lu廬.”
[k]Shigu says: “ 蕩 is pronounced tang湯. yǒu羑 is pronounced yáng羊 + jiǔ九.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 羑: not listed, yáng羊: (y- + -jang A), jiǔ九: (k- + -juw B), (y- + -juw B): yǒu酉.]
Henan commandery河南郡, formerly Qin's Sanchuan commandery三川郡 [established in 249 BC]. Emperor Gao changed the name. Luoyang has 52 839 households. Mang changed it to Xinxiang信鄉 of Baozhong保忠. Belongs to Sili司隸. 276 444 households, 1 740 279 people. Has an iron office, a labour office. Ao granary is in Xingyang. 22 counties:
[1]Luoyang雒陽, the Duke of Zhou moved the people of Yin殷, this was Chengzhou成周. In the Spring and Autumn, 23rd Year of Duke Zhao of Lu [519 BC], Jin gathered the various lords at Diquan狄泉, using its territory as the city of Dachengzhou大成周, the residence of King Jing. Mang called it Yiyang宜陽[a].
[2]Xingyang滎陽, Bian River卞水 and Ping Pool馮池 are both to the south-west. Has Langdang Canal狼湯渠, the head accepts the Ji泲, to the south-east arriving at Chen陳 it enters the Ying潁, passing through 4 commanderies, travelling 780 li[b].
[3]Yanshi偃師. Shi District尸鄉, capital of Tang of Yin. Mang called it Shicheng師成[c].
[6]Zhongmou中牟. Putian Marsh圃田澤 is to the west, the swamp of Yu province豫州. Has Guanshu Town筦叔邑. Marquis Xian of Zhao moved from Geng耿 to here[f].
[7]Ping平, Mang called it Zhiping治平.
[8]Yangwu陽武, has the Bolang Sands博狼沙. Mang called it Yanghuan陽桓[g].
[9]Henan河南, formerly the territory of Jiaru郟鄏. King Wu of Zhou moved the Nine Tripods. The Duke of Zhou presented the Grand Peace. Encampment used as capital. This was the Royal City. Arriving at King Ping, he resided there[h].
[10]Goushi緱氏, Liu Settlement劉聚, Zhuo's Grandee Liuzi's town. Has the Transcendent of Yanshou City's Shrine延壽城仙人祠. Mang called it Zhongting中亭[i].
[12]Yuanwu原武, Mang called it Yuanhuan原桓.
[13]Gong鞏, the residence of Eastern Zhou.
[14]Gucheng穀成, in the Tribute of Yu, Chan River瀍水 sets out from the north of Qian Precinct㬱亭, and to the south-east enters the Luo雒[k].
[16]Mi密, formerly a state. Has Dakui Mountain大騩山, Yi River潩水 sets out from it, to the south arriving at Linying臨潁 it joins the Ying潁[l].
[17]Xincheng新成, 4th Year of Emperor Hui [191 BC], set it up. Manzhong蠻中, formerly the Rong's Count of Man's State蠻子國.
[18]Kaifeng開封, Feng Pool逢池 is to the north-east. Some call it the Feng Marsh逢澤 of Song[m].
[19]Chenggao成皋, formerly Hulao虎牢. Some call it Zhi制[n].
[20]Yuanling苑陵. Mang called it Zuoting左亭.
[21]Liang梁. Danhu Settlement𢠸狐聚, Qin wiped out Western Zhou and moved its Lord to here. Yangren Sttlement陽人聚, Qin wiped out Eastern Zhou and moved its Lord here[o].
[22]Xinzheng新鄭. In the Poetry, the state of Zheng鄭國. Where was Duke Huan of Zheng's son Duke Wu's state. Later it was wiped out by Han韓. Han韓 moved from Pingyang平陽 to have it here[p].
[a]Shigu says: “Yu Huan states that Han's fire agent feared water, and for that reason they removed 水 from 洛 and added 隹. Following Mister Yu's explanation, Guangwu and afterwards changed it to be the 雒 character.
[b]Ying Shao says: “The former Guo state虢國 is the present Guo Precinct虢亭.”
Shigu says: “ 狼 is pronounced lang浪. 湯 is pronounced dang宕. Jǐ泲 is pronounced zǐ子 + lǐ禮, it was originally the character for the Ji River濟水.”
[Baxter & Sagart: jǐ泲: (ts- + -ej B), zǐ子: (ts- + -i B), lǐ禮: (l- + -ej B), (ts- + -ej B): 4 x jǐ.]
[c]Your Subject Zan says: “Tang resided at Bo亳, present Jiyin濟陰 county. Now Bo亳 has Tang's Tomb湯冢己氏, Jishi has Yiyin's Tomb伊尹冢, all are nearby each other.
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is mistaken. Also similarly when Huangfu Mi states that Tang's capital was at Gushu 穀熟, affairs are equally not arranged. Liu Xiang states: “Tang had no burial place”, how would they obtain Tang's tomb!”
[d]Shigu says: “Just where Zheng's Gong Shuduan resided.”
[e]Ying Shao says: “Is south of Ping City平城, for that reason it is called Pingyin平陰.”
[f]Shigu says: “筦 is similar to guan管.”
[g]Shigu says: “狼 is pronounced lang浪.”
[h]Shigu says: “郟 is pronounced jia夾. 鄏 is pronounced ru辱.”
[i]Shigu says: “緱 is pronounced gōng工 + hóu侯.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 緱: not listed, gōng工: (k- + -uwng A), hóu侯: (h- + -uw A), (k- + -uw A): gōu x 4.]
[j]Shigu says: “Pronounced qù去 + quán權.”
[Baxter & Sagart: juàn卷: (k- jwen B), quán卷: (g- jwen A), qù去: (kh- + -jo B), quán權: (g- + -jwen A).]
[l]Ying Shao says: ““The people of Mi密 were disrespectful.” The state of the Mixu密須 clan's Ji姞 family.”
Your Subejct Zan says: “Mi密 was the state of the Ji姬 family, see the Shiben. Mixu密須 is the present Yinmi陰密 in Anding安定.”
Shigu says: “Ying and Zan's explanations are both mistaken. This Mi is precisely the one from the Spring and Autumn, 6th Year of Duke Xi's “Besieged Xinmi新密.” Perhaps it was in Zheng territory. And where of the Poetry states “The people of Mi密,” precisely where the Zuo Transmittals speaks of as “the drumming of Mixu密須, is Yinmi陰密 in Anding安定. 騩 is pronounced kui隗[?]. 潩is pronounced yì翼, and is also pronounced chāng昌 + lì力.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 潩: not listed, yì翼: (y- + -ik D), 昌: not listed, lì力: (l- ik D).]
[m]Your Subject Zan says: “In the Ancient Writings of Ji Commandery, King Hui of Liang issued out the swamps of Feng逢 and Ji忌 so as to bestow on the people. The present Junyi浚儀 has Feng Dam逢陂 and Ji Marsh忌澤.”
[n]Shigu says: “The Transmittals of Mu the Son of Heaven states: “The gentlemen of Qicui七萃 caught a beast, and immediately presented it to the Son of Heaven. The Son of Heaven reared it at Eastern Guo東虢, titling it as the Beast Pen獸牢.”
[Shigu has replaced the taboo character hu虎 [“tiger”] with 獸.]
[o]Ying Shao says: “The Zuo Transmittals says Qin defeated Liang梁. Liang梁 were the descendants of Boyi. They and Qin had similar ancestry.”
Your Subject Zan says: “Qin defeated Liang梁, and afterwards changed it to be called Xiayang夏陽, the present Xiayang夏陽 in Pingyi馮翊. This Liang梁 is Zhou's Xiaoyi小邑, as seen in the Spring and Autumn.”
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is correct. 𢠸 is pronounced nǎi乃 + dàn旦.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 𢠸: not listed, nǎi乃: (n- + -oj B), dàn旦: (t- + -an C), (n- + -an C): nàn x 1.]
[p]Ying Shao says: “The Speeches of the States says: Duke Huan of Zheng became Zhou's Minister over the Masses. The royal house was about to be in chaos. He convey the treasure to give bribes for between Guo虢 and Hui會. When King You was defeated, Duke Huan died there. His son, Duke Wu, and King Ping moved east to Luoyi洛邑. Thereupon he invaded Gui虢 and Hui會, and annexed their land, and had his town here.”
Dong commandery東郡, Qin set it up. Mang called it Zhiting治亭. Belongs Yan province兗州. 401 297 households, 1 659 028 people. 22 counties:
[1]Puyang濮陽. Duke Cheng of Wei衛 moved from Chuqiu楚丘 to here. Formerly Diqiu帝丘. Zhuanxu's Hill顓頊虛. Mang called it Zhiting治亭[a].
[2]Panguan畔觀, Mang called it Guanzhi觀治[b].
[4]Dunqiu頓丘, Mang called it Shunqiu順丘[c].
[5]Fagan發干, Mang called it Jishun戢���.
[6]Fan范, Mang called it Jianmu���睦.
[7]Chiping茬平, Mang called it Gongchong功崇[d].
[8]Dongwuyang東武陽, Yu regulated the Ta River漯水, to the north-east it arrives at Qiancheng千乘 to enter the sea, passing through 3 commanderies, travelling 1 020 li. Mang called it Wuchang武昌[e].
[9]Boping博平, Mang called it Jiamu加睦.
[10]Li黎, Mang called it Lizhi黎治[f].
[11]Qing清, Mang called it Qingshi清治[g].
[12]Dong'e東阿, seat of the Chief Commandant[h].
[13]Lihu離狐, Mang called it Ruihu瑞狐.
[14]Linyi臨邑, has Ji's Temple泲廟. Mang called it Guchengting穀城亭[i].
[16]Xuchang須昌, formerly Xuqu state須句國, the descendants of Dahao, the Feng family[j].
[17]Shouliang壽良, Chiyou's Shrine蚩尤祠 is to the north-west by the Ji泲. Has Qu City朐城[k].
[21]Nanyan南燕, Nanyan state南燕國, family name Ji姞, descendants of the Yellow Emperor[l].
[a]Ying Shao says: “The Pu River濮水 to the south enter Juye鉅野.”
Shigu says: “虛 is read as xu墟.”
[b]Ying Shao says: “Xia had Guanhu觀扈. Shizu altered the name to Wei state衛國, and used it to ennoble the descendants of Zhou.
Shigu says: “觀 is pronounced gōng工 + huàn喚.”
[Baxter & Sagart: guān觀: (k- wan A), guàn觀: (k- + -wan C), gōng工: (k- + -uwng A), huàn喚: not listed. Guangyun: 喚: 火貫切. Baxter & Sagart: guàn貫: (k- + -wan C)]
[c]Shigu says: “Used the hill [qiu] to name the county. A hill of 1 cheng is a “pause hill” [dunqiu][?], it is said one would pause once and then complete it. Some say that cheng is “layer”, and that it is a hill of a single layer.”
[d]Ying Shao says: “It is the flat land of Chi Mountain茬山.”
Shigu says: “Pronounced shì仕 + yí疑.”
[Baxter & Sagart: 茬: not listed, shì仕: (dzr- + -i B), yí疑: (ng- + -i A), (dzr- + -i A): not listed.]
[e]Ying Shao says: “On the sunny-side of Wu River武水.]
Shigu says: “漯 is pronounced tā它 + hé 合.]
[Baxter & Sagart: 漯: not listed, tā它: (th- + a A), gě合: (k- + op D), hé 合: (h- + -op D), (th- + -op D): not listed.
[f]Meng Kang says: “The Poetry's Marquis of Li's state黎侯國, the present Liyang黎陽.”
Your Subject Zan says: “Liyang黎陽 is in Wei commandery魏郡, it is not Li county黎縣.
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is correct.”
[g]]Ying Shao says: “Emperor Zhang altered the name to Leping樂平.
[h]Ying Shao says: “Wei Town衛邑 is to the west. For that reason it is called “eastern” [dong].”
[i]Shigu says: “ 泲 is also a character for the Ji River濟水. Afterwards both were similar.”
[j]Shigu says: “句 is pronounced qu劬.”
[k]Ying Shao says: “Shizu's junior uncle was named Liang. For that reason it is called Shouzhang壽張.”
[l]Shigu says: “姞 is pronounced qí其 + yǐ乙.”]
[Baxter & Sagart: 姞: not listed, qí其: (g- + -i A), yǐ乙: ('- + -it D), (g- + -it D): jí 佶.]
Chenliu commandery陳留郡. Emperor Wu's 1st Year of Yuanshou [122 BC], set it up. Belongs to Yan province兗州. 296 284 households, 1 509 050 people. 17 counties:
[1]Chenliu陳留, The head of the Lu Canal River魯渠水 accepts the Langtang Canal狼湯渠, to the east arriving at Yangxia陽夏, it enters the Guo Canal渦渠[a].
[4]Ningling寧陵, Mang called it Kangshan康善[b].
[5]Yongqiu雍丘, formerly Qi state杞國. King Cheng of Zhou ennobled the descendant of Yu, Duke Donglou. Previously, in the time of Spring and Autumn, moved north-east of Lu魯. After 21 generations Duke Jian was wiped out by Chu.
[7]Donghun東昏, Mang called it Dongming東明.
[8]Xiangyi襄邑, has a clothes official. Mang called it Xiangping襄平[c].
[9]Waihuang外黃, seat of the Chief Commandant[d].
[10]Fengqiu封丘, the head of the Pu Canal River濮渠水 accepts the Ji泲, to the north-east arriving at Duguan都關, it enters the Yangli River羊里水, passing through 3 commanderies, travelling 630 li[e].
[11]Changluo長羅, a marquisate. Mang called it Huize惠澤.
[13]Yan傿, Mang called it Shuntong順通[g].
[14]Changyuan長垣, Mang called it Changgu長固[h].
[16]Jiyang濟陽, Mang called it Jiqian濟前.
[17]Junyi浚儀, formerly Daliang大梁. King Hui of Wei moved from Anyi安邑 to here. The head of the Sui River睢水 accepts the Langtang River狼湯水, to the east arriving at Qulü取慮, it enters the Si泗, passing through 4 commanderies, travelling 1 360 li[i].
[a]Meng Kang says: “Liu留 was Zheng's Town鄭邑. Later it was annexed by Chen, and for that reason it is called Chenliu陳留.”
Your Subject Zan says: “Song likewise had a Liu留, the Liu留 in Pengcheng彭城. Liu留 belonged to Chen, and for that reason it was declared Chenliu陳留.”
Shigu says: “Zan's explanation is correct. 渦 is pronounced ge戈.
[b]Meng Kang says: “Formerly the Earl of Ge's State葛伯國, presently Ge District葛鄉.”
[c]Ying Shao says: “The Transmittals of Spring and Autumn says: “The host was at Xiangniu襄牛.” is this.
Shigu says: “Juan Cheng states that Xiangyi襄邑 was in the lands of Song. Originally it was Chengkuang's承匡 Xiangling District襄陵鄉. It is where Duke Xiang of Song was buried, and for that reason it was called Xiangling襄陵 [“Xiang's Mound”]. The First August of Qin considered Chengkuang承匡 low-lying and humid, and for that reason moved the county to Xiangling襄陵, speaking of it as Xiangyi襄邑 [“Xiang Town”]. 30 li west of the county is Chengkuang City承匡城. As such when Ying Shao explains it as being Xiangniu襄牛, he is mistaken.”
[d]Zhang Yan says: “Wei commandery魏郡 has Neihuang內黃 [“Inner Huang”], for that reason they added wai外[“Outer”].
Your Subject Zan says: “The county has Huang Ditch黃溝, for that reason they mister it[?].
Shigu says: “The Transmittals of Mister Zuo states: “Duke Hui defeated the Song host at Huang黃.” Du Yu considers that since east of Waihuang外黃縣 county, there is a Huang City黃城, it is precisely this land.”
[e]Meng Kang says: “The Transmittals of Spring and Autumn's “Defeated the Di at Changqiu長丘 is the present Di Ditch翟溝.”
[f]Ying Shao says: “Anciently, the prison officials were the Wei尉 clan [shi氏], Zheng's detached prison.”
Your Subject Zan says: “The town of Zheng's Grandee, Mister Wei's尉氏, for that reason they thereupon used it for the town.”
Shigu says: “Zheng's Grandee Mister Wei also was the official in charge of prisons, and for that reason it became the family name and that is all. Ying's explanation is correct.”
[g]Ying Shao says: “The Earl of Zheng vanquished Duan at Yan鄢.”
Shigu says: “ 鄢 is pronounced yan偃.”
[h]Meng Kang says: “The Spring and Autumn [era's] assembly at Kuang匡 was at present Kuang City匡城.”
[i]Ying Shao says: “King Hui of Wei moved from Anyi to here, and titled it as Liang梁.”
Shigu says: “Qulü 取慮 is the name of a county, it is pronounced qiulu秋廬. 取 is also pronounced qu趨.”
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blwhisperer · 4 years
As much as I love BLs, they have a habit of serving us awkward, closed mouth kisses and painful, robotic line recitations. Luckily, we have those who manage to break the mold. Here's my top 4 couples based on chemistry, intimacy, and acting.
Xiang Haoting/Yu Shigu (HIStory3: Make Our Days Count)
Okay. MODC is one of my favorite dramas in general. Everybody did such a wonderful job, especially Wayne Song who played Haoting. Can I just say how hot he is? The way he looked at Shigu with those fox shaped eyes like he wanted to eat him up. *chefs kiss* Shigu was no slouch either with his little smirk when Haoting said he'd devour him like a lollipop. Teehee. Adorable, precious, and sexy are the three words I would use to describe this pairing. Despite the bizarre ending, they hold a special place.
Phana/Wayo (2moons2)
A big part of my decision is based on the fact that Phayo was allowed to just be without all the back and forth, will-they-won't-they drama that has a habit of getting resolved near the end in these types of dramas. Phayo confessed to each other and started dating by episode three. Kudos to Ben and Earth for making me believe in Phayo's love. Pillow talk moments of them vibing in each other's presence, and the little things like Phana eyeing Wayo as if he couldn't get enough of him are what decide this BL couple's a keeper.
Korn/Knock (Together With Me/Bad Romance/Together With Me: The Next Chapter)
They are the Thai BL kings, period. Producers seem to think so too because they've had three whole series to blaze the screen. Both hot af with amazing chemistry? Jackpot. They possess some of the best kiss and sex scenes among the BL world. The only thing keeping them from the number one spot is the fact that their relationship was riddled with too much drama from both inside and outside. Even with a tight bond that no doubt carried the two through rough patches, the constant problems became tiresome after a bit. No doubt though, Korn and Knock are my favorite BL couple.
Xia Yao/Yuan Zong (Advance Bravely)
Definitely underrated. Absent of a lot of the usual toxic BL tropes, this couple had some of the best chemistry. The way Yuan Zong did whatever possible to keep Xia Yao happy was sweet and gave my stomach a case of butterflies. No kiss scenes (most likely because of China's censorship) but they weren't needed imo. Other areas picked up the slack. Added bonus: They were both badasses who could fight.
Honorable mentions: Tang Yi/Meng Shaofei (HIStory3: Trapped), Tutor/Fighter (Why R U?), Wat/Tine (2gether: The Series)
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stanfrankdrake · 4 years
currently rewatching modc and the only thought that runs through my head while watching it is
“it’s so unfortunate that they’re so cute ...right now”
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iamdarthbader · 4 years
BL Couples as “I Want A Baby”
Tang Yi/Meng Shao Fei
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Zhao Zi/Jack
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Yu Shigu/Xiang Haoting
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Not to be controversial in the BL tag but, imo, Taiwan puts out the best and my favorite BL content with the healthiest perception and portrayal of queer relationships.
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