#yu yu hakusho ask blog
askyyhguys · 8 months
Admin announcement
Gonna post Headcannons again…let me know some of yours! I love seeing different yyh headcannons!
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three-eyed-shrimp · 2 months
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Ooc: kuwabara carrying hiei after he falls asleep after fighting Sensui is all I never knew I needed in my life ;;;; so sweet
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askurameshiyusuke · 5 months
who's your hottest friend
Hiei, because he's on fire a lot.
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ask-youkokurama · 18 days
So, Kurama, would you say Shuichi and Youko are two different people? Personality wise, it seems that way.
My apologies for not answering your question sooner. I really should check more often.
I'm afraid the answer to this is not a simple yes or no. It has many complicated layers that I would prefer not to go into. However, that being said, I will try to answer while keeping it as simple as possible.
The short answer is: not anymore. At one time, I would have differentiated between them without hesitation, seeing as I was a demon inhabiting a human body. However, over time, 'Kurama' and 'Shuichi' have simply become two sides of the same coin. As anyone may have different sides to their personality and choose who they show which one, I am the same way.
I hope this answer was satisfactory. Thank you for the question.
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thekingofthieves · 9 months
i know you're all about plants, but do you have a favorite animal here in the human realm?
...Would it be too obvious and conceited if i said foxes? 😅 It may be hard to believe, but they're the animal I have the easiest time connecting to. Not to mention that they're so cute, and quite intelligent as well- haha, I definitely sound conceited now, don't I? 🤭 Foxes can easily tell I'm somehow related to them (even if most aren't quite sure how), so they often come flocking to me when I'm near, wanting to play and get pets. I usually try bringing some inarizushi whenever I'm going somewhere I know some foxes will be around- though I won't give it all away, I love the stuff too!
I also enjoy getting things designed after foxes- decorations, trinkets, clothing, anything, really! I have fun wearing kitsune masks during festivals too, haha. Hiei always smiles and rolls his eyes at me when he sees these things, but I can't help it! Surrounding myself with items that're so on the nose while still going under most other people's radar is just too amusing for me! 🤭
With how much foxes love me- plus how fond I am of them- and inarizushi being one of my favorite treats, my mother has joked that I "must have been a fox in a past life"... It's honestly a little scary how accurate her jokes can be sometimes. I suppose it's true what they say about mothers' intuitions- but in my mother's case, it's more precise than even she realizes. 😅
Hm, but aside from the obvious choice... I suppose my next favorite animal would be cats? As I've stated previously, I have a particular fondness for them since I relate them to Hiei. ♡ Honestly, he has enough feline characteristics that I almost wonder if his father was some sort of cat demon, haha. And of course, I adore Eikichi as well! She's become quite the adorable, plump little cat, and still as sweet and playful as she's always been. Plus, it's quite fascinating how much variety there is amongst the species- and funny how no matter how small, big, domestic, or wild they are, they still are drawn to a lot of the same things, like cardboard boxes, haha! I wonder if I got a box big enough, I'd come home to Hiei in it someday. 😂
Ah, I do have a bit of a soft spot for bats as well, as they remind me of Kuronue. He was the partner I had become closest to during my time as a full demon. Though, it's more of a bittersweet feeling seeing those animals. After all, it's hard not to miss people you've cared for in the past, even after so much time has gone by.
I quite like rabbits as well, though... for completely different reasons. 🤭 The ones in the Ningenkai may often be smaller than their counterparts in the Makai, but they taste quite better. Safer to consume, too, as most Ningenkai animals are. It makes me wonder how rats of this world compare to the kinds in the Makai as well. They're more taboo to eat here though, and a bit on the small side for me to care about hunting one myself, so I haven't bothered trying any yet. Maybe one day... It'd be amusing to try some rat meat in front of Kuwabara, at least. 🤭 It already freaks him out that I'd eat something as cute as rabbits, haha. It's just a normal diet for a fox like myself, though.
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ask-icemastertouya · 2 years
Ey, Touya, been a while since we chatted last. Hope yer farin' well. Was hopin' t'talk soon, if yer feelin' ready. - Jin
It's literally only been 3 days. What is there to talk about?
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ask-koenma · 2 years
Yo, Pacifier Bitch! Wanna explain to me why I've seen Elder Freakshow and Nightmare Barbie hanging around plotting ways to be evil? Pretty sure they're both supposed to be dead and/or incapacitated. What. The hell. Gives. ---Yusuke
Elder Freakshow? You mean Toguro? He's not dead, just trapped thanks to Kurama, so don't ask me what's happening with him. As for anyone who is supposed to be dead... well, it is October. Halloween's around the corner and the veil between the living and the dead is thin. Maybe someone slipped through?
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
well, my dash rabbithole’s certainly sent me somewhere interesting
what exactly goes on here if you don’t mind me asking?
a lot of gay shit :3
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ask-king-yomi · 2 years
I still can't believe you became king. How the hell did you manage that?
Through hard work, and hard lessons learned. Did Kurama not tell you the story of how he stole my light? In adversity, necessity breeds strength.
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faeble-drabbles · 2 months
•Fandoms I Will Write•
So I want to keep this a blog where I write things for fandoms that don't get much love or characters/pairings that need more love.
Under each I highlight things id love to write but don't be discouraged to ask if it's not listed under the fandom you want to request!
PLEASE READ MY OTHER POST FIRST! It says everything I'm okay and not okay with.
•°• Dragon Ball Z / Super •°•
+ I NEED more poly Vegeta x Reader x Bulma in my life. Same with Goku and Chi Chi
+ I also need more sub Frieza. Specifically a scenario of a God of destruction reader making him a sub 👀
+ Raditz my sweet baby needs more love too. AU where he gets a second chance like Vegeta.
•°• Hunter x Hunter •°•
+ NGL Mostly gonna write about the Spiders / Phantom Troupe 👀
+ I will love you FOREVER if you request Franklin x Reader.
+ I will only accept Feitan x Reader if the reader is just as unhinged as he is
+ Nobunaga, my sweet palm tree needs love too
+ Non-Spider wise, love me some daddy Morel
+ Uvo is a big teddy bear and is fun to write
•°• Yu Yu Hakusho •°•
+ My childhood and it needs more love
+ Who else needs love? My Irish wind goblin, Jin
+ All of the boys and girls need love Especially Yusuke needs a new s/o
•°• Pokemon •°•
+ No Pokephillia here and leave the kids out
+ Most of my favorites are from Sword and Shield. My trio Leon, Piers and Raihan. Want poly with those? Abso-fucking-lutely
+ I also simp hard for Guzma and Nanu
•°• Gorillaz •°•
+ Ace was only a temp member, but I will LOVE request involving him
+ All of them need some good lovin
+ Even stinky Murdoc
•°• Gravity Falls •°•
+ My guilty pleasure
+ Stan and Ford are absolute GILFs
+ Probably won't write for any other characters
+ I have ideas and you will see them
**List will probably be updated as I go**
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askyyhguys · 7 months
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Happy Valentines Day! From all of us at askyyhguys!
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three-eyed-shrimp · 2 months
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My ask box is empty, so Kurama roped me into helping him tend to his WEEDS.
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askurameshiyusuke · 24 days
Yusuke! When is the next demon world tournament? Do you expect to win? :)
Next year, I think. I'll have to check with Kurama, he's way better with dates than I am. I call him my foxy secretary, and no he doesn't like that.
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Anyway, I'm not sure if I'll win, and I don't really care, either. I just go there to fight. Maybe one day I'll make it to the top, and by the time I do I might even be ready for it.
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ask-youkokurama · 2 years
Yo, Petunia. Weird wolf tamer guy named... something or other. Grum? Gimp? Anyway, said guy with a giant scary wolf is looking for you to trade for some herbs. Asked you to meet him by the beach if you were interested. Whichever beach that is, I didn't think to ask. Anyway, message freakin' delivered. Consider hiring a secretary. ---Yusuke
Petunia? Do you- No, I don't expect you do.
A wolf tamer? No one comes to mind of anyone I might know like that. Interesting that he's requesting herbs.
Where did you cross paths with them? Perhaps they meant the beach nearest where the two of you met? Did he happen to mention what he needed the herbs for?
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thekingofthieves · 1 year
If you don't have tattoos, and had to get one, what would you get tattooed on you? Is getting tattooed a big deal to you? If you are tattooed, do you regret any?
Personally a tattoo wouldn't be a big deal for me at all, but considering the stigma around them in Japan, it'd be simpler to do without getting one for now. I already can't go to public onsens and beaches with Hiei due to the dragon's mark- unless he uses his jagan to keep nearby people from noticing it, which defeats the purpose of me taking him to such places to relax if he has to constantly be on alert and influencing the minds of those nearby. :(
Then again, since I can't bring Hiei to public places like that and I don't have any desire to go on my own, I suppose I could get a tattoo somewhere that's easy to cover up. My family is already aware of Hiei's "tattoo," so it's not another thing I'd have to hide from them, at least.
Actually... getting a tattoo on my Youko form is another possibility. There'd be no need to hide anything as it's not like the ink could transfer between my forms, and the Makai certainly has no issues with tattoos. I've always found it as a nice art form, though I had never gotten one before. I held no alliance that'd require one, nor had a particular attachment to any sort of symbolism. Some groups of demons use tattoos to mark their status amongst their ranks- the larger and more elaborate, the higher their placing in the hierarchy. I figured it'd be redundant to have anything like that when I led my own groups of thieves, though. Many could already recognize me simply from the shine of my silver hair, and instantly know what sort of trouble they were in.
If I were to get any tattoos though, it'd absolutely be something related to my loved ones. There'd be no way that I'd get a tattoo without having at least one to represent my relationship with Hiei. As for what exactly it would be... hm, perhaps something with our motifs, like my rose whip and his dragon in the shape of a heart~ ♡ Oh, a rose whip design that wraps around my arm akin to the dragon's mark would be fun too. I'd absolutely get one for my mother as well... I think sakura imagery would be rather fitting, though bittersweet, considering they represent not only rebirth, but the fleeting nature of human lives... Having something permanent upon my own body to remember her by for centuries to come would be lovely.
Though I had no interest before to get tattoos representing my alliances, I think now that I have such close companions, it'd be quite nice to have some representing my best friends. Hm, matching tattoos would be fun, though I'm unsure if my friends would be up for that idea. I doubt Kuwabara would want one since it could affect his ability to get a job once he's out of college. Yusuke on the other hand I don't think would care, but I have a feeling Keiko would have something else to say on the matter. 😅 I can't quite say for certain about the rest of my friends, but it doesn’t really matter if it's not a viable option for some of us already.
...Honestly, I never thought much about getting tattoos before, but after considering what I'd get if I were to get any... I must say I'm kind of tempted now. 😂 Just the idea of having art on my body to represent those I love forever... It makes me feel warm inside to think about. 😊 Perhaps I should give this some serious thought...
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Submissions Closed
Next up is the Villain Protagonists Tournament. So long as the protagonist is, was or becomes a villain, they count here.
Submit a Villain Protagonist, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda through ask or submit a post.
Submissions will be closing on the 12th of June. Will be doing prelims on the same day, scratch that I'll be doing as many prelims as I can before submissions close, any left over will be done the day of the submissions closing. This is because there a few submissions I'm not sure about.
Top 4 submissions are the ones I submitted myself.
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some. Those with a line through their name were eliminated in the prelims.
Ellen: The Witch's House/The Diary of Ellen
Light Yagami: Death Note
Roxie Hart: Chicago
Alex Wake: Beyond Eden
Yato: Noragami
Koro-sensei: Assassination Classroom
Bucky Barnes: Avengers
Xeno Wingfield: Doctor Stone
Victor Vale: Vicious
Barry Lyndon: Barry Lyndon
Footsoldier D: Go Go Loser Ranger
Medea: Euripedes Medea
Taylor Hebert: Worm
Scourge: Warrior Cats
Tigerstar: Warrior Cats
Megamind: Megamind
Setsuna Higashi: Fresh Precure
Invader Zim: Invader Zim
Valkyrie Cain: Skulduggery Pleasant
William James Moriarty: Moriarty the Patriot
GoodTimesWithScar: Secret Life.
Shen Qingqiu: Scum Villain's Self Saving System
Nimona: Nimona
Ballister Blackheart: Nimona
Artemis Fowl: The Fowl Adventures
Vegeta: Dragon Ball Z
Hiei: Yu Yu Hakusho
Gru: Despicable Me
Dr. Horrible: Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog
Wu Zetian: Iron Widow
Magneto: X-Men
Catherine Foundling: A Practical Guide to Evil.
Nick: Anna and the Apocalypse
Elphaba Thropp: Wicked
The Batter: OFF!
HAL 9000: Space Odyssey
Anakin Skywalker: Star Wars
Darkstalker: Wings of Fire
Alastor: Hazbin Hotel
Zhou Zishu: Word of Honor/Faraway Wanderers
Mr. Wolf: The Bad Guys
Jafar: Twisted
Sauron: Lord of the Rings
Morgoth: The Silmirilion
The Witch of the Waste: Howl's Moving Castle
Dracula: Dracula
Hades: Disney's Hercules
Hannibal Lecter: Hannibal
Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Phineas and Ferb
Raistlin Majere: Dragonlance
Petey: Dog Man
Eric Draven: The Crow
Ainz Ooal Gown: Overlord
Harley Quinn: Harley Quinn 2019
Dexter Morgan: Dexter
Hector con Carne: Evil Con Carne
Mandy: The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Rick Sanchez: Rick & Morty
Rusty Venture: The Venture Bros
Eric Cartman: South Park
Utena Hiiragi: Gushing Over Magical Girls
Yuno Gasai: Future Diary
Lucy: Elfen Lied
Belkar Bitterleaf: Order of the Stick
Tomie: Tomie
Punie Tanaka: Magical Witch Punie-chan
Azazel: Yondemasu Yo! Azazel-san
Lucifer: Sin: Seven Mortal Sins
Venom: Venom comics
Ren Hoek: Ren & Stimpy
Demitri Maximoff: Darkstalkers
Sweet Tooth: Twisted Metal
Slappy: Goosebumps Slappyworld
The Warden: Superjail!
Herbert West: Re-Animator
Joker: Joker 2019
Patrick Bateman: American Psycho
Monami: Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl
Sagiri Tengai: Korokoro Soushi
Shion Sonozaki: Higurashi When They Cry
Ai Enma: Hell Girl
Johnny C.: Johnny the Homicidal Maniac
Lenore: Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl
Takuyoshi Masuoka: Marebito
Deadshot: Secret Six
Catman: Secret Six
Scandal Savage: Secret Six
Ragdoll: Secret Six
Bane: Secret Six
Jeanette: Secret Six
Dennis Reynolds: Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Dee Reynolds: Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Frank Reynolds: Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Charlie Kelly: Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Mac McDonald: Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Zhu Yuanzhang: She Who Became the Sun/The Radiant Emperor
Baru Cormorant: The Traitor Baru Cormorant/The Masquerade
Penelope Akk: Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain
Li Hongzhang: Towards the Republic
Empress Dowager Cixi: Towards the Republic
Cao Cao: Three Kingdoms
Mapleshade: Warrior Cats
Quenthel Baenre: War of the Spider Queen
Jeggred Baenre: War of the Spider Queen
Pharaun Mizzry: War of the Spider Queen
Ryld Argith: War of the Spider Queen
Halisstra Melarn: War of the Spider Queen
Danifae Yauntyrr: War of the Spider Queen
Valas Hune: War of the Spider Queen
Victor Frankenstein: Frankenstein
Adam,Frankenstein’s Monster: Frankenstein
Zuko: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Horus Lupercal: Horus Heresy
Lorgar Aurelian Horus Heresy
Angron: Horus Heresy
Mortarion: Horus Heresy
Magnus the Red: Horus Heresy
Fulgrim: Horus Heresy
Perturabo: Horus Heresy
Konrad Kurze: Horus Heresy
Alpharius Omegan: Horus Heresy
Vorx: The Lords of Silence
Lucius the Eternal: Lucius: The Faultless Blade
Fabius Bile: The Fabius Bile Trilogy
Honsou: Iron Warriors series
Talos Valcoran: Night Lords series
Asdrubael Vect: Path of the Dark Eldar trilogy
Ufthak Blackhawk: Brutal Kunnin/Da Big Dakka
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka: Ghazghkull Thraka: Prophet of the Waaagh!
Trazyn the Infinite: The Infinite and the Divine
Orikan the Diviner: The Infinite and the Divine
Cryptosporidium-137: Destroy All Humans
Han Jaeho: The Merciless
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