#yuan muqing
ladysunamireads · 4 months
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I can't actually recommend Psych-Hunter, as it's not, strictly speaking, what you'd call good. It has, however, made us laugh out loud several times, and a lot of the visuals are really clever, and it's got to know what it's doing with how gay it's making those main boys (to say nothing of the police captain and that little cop who totally has a crush on him). It's weird and it's fun, and if you're looking for a thing to watch, you could do a lot worse!
NOTE: The preceding paragraph was written before I watched the last episode.
Look, this show is a hot mess. Let me break it down:
The good: some amazing visuals; excellent costuming (like, even when it's ugly, it's still good?); delightfully batshit worldbuilding decisions; fun short-arc mysteries; hella gay bromance; delicious boy tears; incredibly endearing secondary cast; great Psychonauts-esque plot device; some gorgeous mindscapes done with (mostly) practical effects; did I mention those two boys are real gay for one another?
The bad: little to no narrative cohesion; terribly bad pacing; high body count, especially of ladies; a couple inexplicable heel turns; when the CG is there, it's not great; plenty of unintentional comedy; most overarching mysteries remain completely unsolved.
The ugly: het romance that swings between just plain boring and outright skeevy; absolutely no grasp of the female lead's character; and of course, all the shit it pulls in the last episode.
...But obviously I found the whole mess still pretty compelling despite the flaws, considering I've just written like 1500 words of a Tumblr post that barely anybody else is ever going to read about it! So, uh, maybe that's an endorsement? I can't tell anymore.
Most of those words are beneath the cut, starting with the vaguely spoilery thoughts -- the ones you can read without spoiling yourself for the whole show. I'll mark when the big ones are coming up.
The good and the bad are, I think, somewhat self-explanatory. I want to talk about the ugly a bit, though.
The first two are actually two halves of the same problem. As a character, as she is written, Yuan Muqing sucks. Her entire personality is "whatever we need The Girl to be doing in this scene." She swings from Strong Independent Woman to Damsel In Distress to Spunky Female Police Officer to Spoiled Rich Schoolgirl to Giggling Love Interest with no sense that there should be any consistency between these states. Every detail of her life disappears the second it's not immediately relevant to the plot. She is a selection of two-dimensional objects chosen on a scene-by-scene basis to compliment whatever else is going on around her. I guess you could excuse this by [insert spoilers for the last episode here], but for that to work, the show would have to give off any sense that it understood her characterization was bad in the first place.
Whatever they could have done with the het romance was pretty doomed to fail from the start by having her be so badly written. (There are a few very cute moments they have later on, when they write her like an actual person, but it's too little too late.) She and Jiang Shuo already have little to no actual chemistry together, and the majority of their relationship is artificial overreaction-and-miscommunication conflict. And as though that weren't bad enough, the show keeps making it skeevy by making her so young. She's a high school student who has a very little-girl room, complete with dolls she talks to and petulantly punishes when she has tantrums. Many of her hairstyles and outfits also run young. Nobody gets a canonical age, but she's clearly a teen while both boys seem well into their twenties. The age gap does the relationship no favors.
Worse, the romance largely nukes her relationship to Qin Yiheng. When the show starts, they at least interact with one another, even if it looks like the show's going to get a "girl can't decide which boy she likes!" dynamic going with the main trio. Very quickly, though, she needs to be only The Love Interest for Jiang Shuo, meaning that she barely talks to Qin Yiheng for the whole rest of the show. Even when all three are onscreen together, those two might as well each be invisible to the other. They're not really a triangle -- they're a hinge, and the non-Jiang-Shuo points don't touch.
All that being said, there is such potential in her, and like 95% of that potential comes from the fact that the girl is obviously insane. Beyond even her canonical delusions, That Girl Ain't Right. Everything she does is so much better if you imagine there's a full-on roomba with knives simmering just beneath her bippy, ponytailed surface. She has to be Generalissimo Daddy's good little girl, when deep down she wants to do violence. That's great.
Some of the early promo materials I've seen make mention of how she's supposed to be the muscle of the operation. I wish they'd been far more consistent about that! She should absolutely be the party tank, bounding away from danger with a boy under each arm. All of the "oh no, Muqing got kidnapped/held hostage/threatened!" beats should have been responded to with a shrug.
But of course, it doesn't matter, because...
...it's not real.
Nearly none of it is real. There are two real people in the show, and everyone else is imaginary. Everything Jiang Shuo feels about her is completely one-sided, because she doesn't exist.
I am not categorically opposed to the final plot twist. I actually think, thematically, it makes a fair amount of sense, given how many other dreamscapes and mind-dives we've seen. What I'm opposed to is having it drop in the final episode, when there's no time to deal emotionally with any of it. If you wanted to pull that Inception shit, you should've done it at least halfway through the series. Give poor Jiang Shuo multiple episodes to deal with the truths that a) everyone he loves (minus one person) is a figment of his imagination, b) he is ultimately the one responsible for the horrors he has created, and c) he will have to decide in the end whether to live in the delusion or to destroy it by leaving. Let him wrestle with what he knows vs. what he feels. Give him plenty of time to deal with his guilt about what he's done to Qin'er. That would be delicious. That's not what we got.
Also, you've got to telegraph it, like, at all. As it is, I wondered for a while there whether something weird/bad happened, the real last episode got destroyed, and they had to hastily film an alternate ending. I am all but certain, on reflection, this is not what happened. There are just enough clues planted earlier that, yeah, I'm pretty sure this was the end they meant all along.
Which was such a bad decision. You know all those mysteries you were interested in, the ones driving the plot? Congratulations! You're never going to know! And it's not because the show got canceled or otherwise truncated -- no, it's because the show decided to tell you outright that those mysteries were never meant to be solved. It's a riddle that never had an answer in the first place.
I said at the time that the end feels exactly like an anime that got too far ahead of the manga, ran out of source material, and had to cobble together an ending that wouldn't spoil the manga's eventual logical conclusion. That's not quite what happened, but it's exactly the vibe.
(Not to get too spoilery of other properties here, but yeah, you realize this was the same guy who made Sand Sea, and that actually makes a lot of sense. Speaking of things that ran out the source material...)
My instinct is to tell people not to watch the last episode, to just stop at the end of 35 and make up your own stories about what comes next, but ... you kind of have to see it to believe it. It's worth it for the sheer audacity that would consider this a good ending.
I've seen plenty of people on various sites saying they loved the ending while clamoring in the same breath for a second season. No, friends, you're having the same reaction I did -- you know a twist like that should not be a last-minute drop. It's not a setup for anything; it's what happens when you can't stick the landing, so you throw out a bunch of impressive-sounding nonsense while pretending that was what you'd meant to do all along. A second season wouldn't solve the mysteries, because the show has declared that not only won't they be solved, they weren't even mysteries in the first place. They were fancy shiny meaningless things that made the plot go, and you were stupid for being invested in them.
And by "mysteries" here, I mean the actual things that are being held up as mysterious and in need of a solution, like Liu Zhi's identity and the Yin River treasures and what happened to Papa Qin. I don't mean the things like wtf is going on with Moustache Dad and his weird semi-k*kistan flag -- because those are just fun bits of magical realism worldbuilding. Clearly this is all operating in some urban fantasy next-world-over scenario, where we're in, uhhh, Zhanghai, Zhina. It's real-world enough that we still have the British and the Japanese, but fake enough that whatever was going on with that hypnotism clock and the lake monster skeleton? Totally normal.
I guess that's part of what I find so frustrating, that it made such an interesting world to play around in ... and then took the cop-out "it was all a dream!" explanation. All the trauma and deaths you felt sad about? Irrelevant. All the friends in danger? Who cares! All the stakes you thought mattered? Meaningless. What, you want new stakes to care about? Well, we'd love to, but the last episode's ending. Bye!
Anyway! Frustrating but compelling! I have now burned so many more brain cells on this show than it deserves, and I will probably continue burning more for fanfic purposes. If you made it this far into this nonsense -- both the show and this post -- I salute you.
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wellbecause · 2 days
[Psych Hunter ending spoilers]
Since we now know that everything, including Yuan Muqing, is a part of Jiang Shuo’s subconscious, I propose that Yuan Muqing’s initial crush on Qin Yiheng and Qin Yiheng being popular with the ladies is a manifestation of Jiang Shuo’s crush on Qin Yiheng. In this essay I will—
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You're chilling in a coffee shop when your neighbor, who you have never said anything to except the normal greetings, plop in the seat in front of you, looking like he wants to say something. Fifteen mins later, you're home and he's sitting on your couch. He's there to ask for advice, relationship advice but acting as if he's a wanted criminal. "How do I reject a girl who's father is military and survive to confess to the hot guy that lives across from us? I really need help. I'm semi intoxicated and desperate." (And begs that you'll find him justice if he gets murdered cuz 'thats what forensic ppl do, right?)
Maybe an hour later, said daughter of military dad breaks down your door and looking like she's about to murder this man.
(Also, your apartment building of 28 floors and 10 apartments each floor, except 28th. You on top floor with only 3 large penthouse like apartments. (Yes, you rich) You KNOW who the hot guy is, the young doctor. Desperate guy is elementary school teacher. Crazy woman is destroying tour property.)
The day was pretty standard, in my opinion.  It was a nice, sunny day, bit of a cool breeze…perfect weather
And what better way to spend the day than in a coffee shop?
As I sat at my table, working on some work, my neighbor, whom I had met maybe all of…three times, sat down before me
“Um…you’re…Sun Tian Li, right?”
“Yes…can I help you?”
“Can we talk somewhere…private?”
I looked at him for a moment before I sighed heavily
“I guess”
My neighbor smiled at me brightly, like a big, excited puppy, and I internally groaned
‘It’s too fucking early for this’
After I packed up my things, we left the café and headed back to our apartment complex, taking the elevator to my apartment on the top floor
“Holy shit, I didn’t know you lived up here”
“Mmhm.  Come in”
I then unlocked the door and stepped inside, holding the door open for him before I motioned to the couch
“Make yourself comfy”
My neighbor then walked over to the couch and sat down as I stood in front of him and crossed my arms
“So…first of all, what’s your name?  We’ve met all of three times”
My neighbor blinked before he smiled
“Jiang Shuo”
I nodded
“Okay, Jiang Shuo, what do you need?”
“I need relationship advice”
I frowned
“Do I look like someone who’s currently in a relationship?”
“No, but you’re the only person I can talk to about this”
I groaned before I sat down on the floor
“Alright, spill.  What am I helping you with?”
“Um…okay. HowdoIrejectagirlwhosefatherismilitaryandsurvivetoconfesstothehotguythatlivesacrossfromus?”
I blinked a few times before I held up my hand
“Okay, woah, slow down.  I caught like…none of that”
Jiang Shuo sighed before he took a deep breath
“Okay, so there’s this girl that really likes me, and she’s nice, but I’m scared to say “no” whenever she asks me out because I don’t like her like that and because her father’s in the military and I’m afraid that if I upset her, his ass will come knocking on my door and kill me for upsetting her”
I blinked a few times again before I shook my head
“Why would he threaten you for saying no?”
“Because apparently she’s a daddy’s girl and from other people that I’ve heard, she’s gotten her father to take care of her boyfriends whenever they upset her”
“He sounds more like the triads to me, but whatever”
Jiang Shuo then looked at me earnestly
“If I die, you’ll get me justice right?  Cuz that’s what you forensic people do?”
“I mean, yeah, sure, but like…dude.  He’s not going to freaking murder you”
“He might!”
I gave him a look
“Have you like slept at all?  Your eyes look a little crazed”
Jiang Shuo laughed weakly
“Ah…I’m a little hungover and I also had a lot of caffeine…which probably wasn’t a good combination…”
“Nope, not a good combination”
I then smiled
“So you like Dr. Qin, huh?”
Jiang Shuo’s eyes widened
“You know him?”
I shrugged
“I mean, I see him sometimes if I have to go to the hospital for a case.  He’s nice”
Jiang Shuo smiled dreamily
“Yeah, he is”
I smirked
“Damn, you’re down bad for this man.  Have you two even talked?”
Jiang Shuo shook his head
“No…I mean, I see him sometimes whenever we take the bus home cuz we take the same line but…I’ve never worked up the courage to talk to him”
I hummed, just as my door suddenly was broken down, causing me and Jiang Shuo to see a crazed woman standing in the entrance of the doorway, her eyes murderous as she stared Jiang Shuo down
The woman then looked at me as I motioned to my door
“You gonna fucking pay for that or what?”
The woman looked at the door, then back at me, before she huffed
“You’re rich, you can afford to fix it”
My eyes widened
“I’m sorry, the fuck?  You’re the one who busted down my fucking door, you’re gonna pay the fucking property damage!”
I then pushed myself to my feet as I stormed over to her
“You are breaking and entering.  Should I call the police?”
The woman ignored me and shoved me out of the way as she stormed over to Jiang Shuo, looming over him
“Why won’t you go out with me?”
Jiang Shou’s eyes widened and his mouth open and closed like a fish gasping for air when I sighed
“Because he doesn’t fucking like you”
The woman spun around and looked at me with crazed eyes
I looked at her calmly
“I’m trying to not lose my shit over the fact that you broke down my fucking door so read my lips: he.  doesn’t.  like.  you”
The woman’s eyes widened as I sighed and crossed my arms
“You’ve never had someone tell you no before, have you?  Not really surprised, considering how you’re acting like a spoiled brat right now throwing a tantrum…”
The woman huffed
“I’m not a spoiled brat”
“Mm.  I’d beg to differ”
Just then, two security guards showed up at the door
“Everything alright, Ms. Sun?”
I looked over at them before I motioned to the woman
“Please remove her from my house.  She’s trespassing”
The security guards nodded and stepped inside, grabbing her by the arms before guiding her out
“Come on, Ms. Yuan”
“Let me go!  Let go!”
She then turned to glare at me
“My daddy will hear about this!”
I nodded solemnly
“I’m sure he will”
I then looked down at my door and sighed
“Great…now I gotta fix that…”
I then turned to look at Jiang Shuo, who looked a little embarrassed
“Sorry about that”
I waved my hand
“Nah, you’re fine.  Now come on, I’ve got a doctor to introduce you to”
Jiang Shuo’s eyes widened
I rolled my eyes before I walked over to him and grabbed him by the arm
“Come on”
We then headed to the elevator and rode it down to the lobby before we headed out and headed to the apartment building across the street
We then stepped inside and rode the elevator up to the top floor, Jiang Shuo looking over at me in shock
“How do you know where his apartment is?”
I smiled
“Ah, we had a case here once.  The victim’s apartment was a few doors down from his”
Jiang Shuo nodded slowly
Once we reached the floor, we walked over to one of the apartments and knocked on the door, the door soon opening to reveal the resident, Dr. Qin Yiheng
“Oh, Sun Tian Li.  What uh…what are you doing here?”
I smiled
“I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Jiang Shuo”
Qin Yiheng then looked at Jiang Shuo, his eyes widening slightly
“Oh, I’ve seen you before.  We ride the same bus home”
Jiang Shuo blinked before he nodded
Qin Yiheng then motioned inside
“Uh…do you want to come in for tea or something?”
I smiled and shook my head
“I actually have something to take care of back at my apartment but Jiang Shuo would love a cup of tea, wouldn’t you?”
Jiang Shuo blushed slightly before he looked at Qin Yiheng
“Yeah, uh, I don’t mind”
Qin Yiheng smiled and took a step back, holding open the door
“Come in”
Jiang Shuo dipped his head and stepped inside, Qin Yiheng closing the door before looking at me as I winked at him, smiling slightly
Qin Yiheng blushed and quickly shut the door as I cackled softly before I sighed
“Great, now I gotta call the landlord to fucking fix my door…ugh”
I then smiled to myself slightly
“But playing matchmaker was fun”  
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mythochondrion · 3 years
Period Prince, Princess & their Bi-Pauper
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shijiujun · 4 years
You guys know how much I lurveeee Republican era crime thrillers whatever, so I bring y’all Psych Hunter! Set in the Republican era, this is a crime thriller thing that reminds me of 1. MRIAD A BIT with a quarter dose of 2. TLTR, and yes the best part of these three shows is the half bromance although it definitely isn’t AS pronounced here, but it certainly sweetens the deal of watching this.
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Summary: Jiang Shuo is a feng shui master and real estate broker who can enter people’s psych (a bit like Sherlock’s mind palace, or maybe Inception-esque worlds in people’s consciousness), who gets arrested for real estate fraud across three people who died after buying the houses. He meets psychology expert and doctor Qin Yiheng, who is currently consulting with the police station on cases. There he also meets Yuan Muqing, a police officer who is great at martial arts. With his skill of ‘reading minds’ or actually ENTERING someone’s dream/mind scape, he can see what they’re trying to hide etc.
A year ago, Jiang Shuo woke up without any memories of who he was before, and he and his two new friends solve cases set in front of them by mastermind Liu Zhi (six fingers), as he also tries to get his memories back. 
*The official summary also mentions that he was one of 7 people who entered a haunted house of sorts and was the only one to come out alive before he was found with all his memories lost.
Based on a novel called 凶宅笔记.
Total Eps: 36 | Playing on iQiyi offiically, but available on other usual sites I think
Why I like this:
If you like Republican era shows, this is definitely another one for you!! Plus case-solving, albeit a little different than usual
This is canonically het, i.e. Jiang Shuo is supposed to end up with Yuan Muqing, but the harmless and fun bromance between Jiang Shuo and Qin Yiheng is quite hilarious and nice to see - They hold hands A LOT (out of necessity) hahaha and when Jiang Shuo jokingly told Qin Yiheng that he looks better without glasses, the man really dumps his glasses HAHAHA
Did I also mention that Jiang Shuo looks cute af, and Qin Yiheng for all his sternness and bravado is a baby - Anyway they’re pretty nice to look at, way handsomer than they look in the poster 
It has the same-ish setting as MRIAD, but the creepiness factor of TLTR every other episode, ERMMM a bit of The Nun vibes cuz there really is a nun in there for one of the cases, and zombies and weird shit (it’s a dreamscape so hahaha)
Cinematography/framing/shots aren’t half bad which I mean is actually pretty good, although they should work a tad bit on makeup and like props (a mirror was formed with aluminium foil YOU CAN LITERALLY SEE IT)
It’s not the most brilliant in terms of script or the cases, and some of the deductions made by QYH or the rest of the police force are, admittedly, pretty lame. But the focus I suppose is on the supernatural/inception part of it, which is pretty interesting. 
I also regretted watching this at night hmmm
1. Jiang Shuo
Smartass feng shui expert and real estate broker. Carries a string of coins and bells everywhere he goes. Amnesiac bb who is a little hot-headed but very intelligent, obviously dislikes Qin Yiheng on first sight (even though they meet while QYH is trying to save him), but sort of affectionately calls him Qin Er (as in the second Qin son). Has already fainted twice in the first two episodes, and gotten hurt in the third, I LIKE HOW THIS IS GOING. There’s quite a bit of whump for him hahaha.
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Him and his coin thingys:
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2. Qin Yiheng
He also went to Cambridge (against his dad’s wishes) and has an older brother. Is a doctor by degree and also psychologist by profession. Helping out with the police station now where he’s friends with the chief. He’s roped into this whole mess with Jiang Shuo for some reason by mastermind Liu Zhi as well, who has kidnapped his father. So in order to find out who Liu Zhi is and rescue his dad, he has to work together with Jiang Shuo. 
If you watch this for like his deduction skills, you’re totally out of luck tho, that’s not the point of this show (and frankly the deduction is a bit sad), but he’s rich, dresses well, has an air about him, and has chemistry with Jiang Shuo hahaha.
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His side-eye and almost eye-roll whenever he deals with JS:
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And yes Jiang Shuo and Qin Yiheng forever bickering, but Qin Yiheng has already rescued Jiang Shuo twice, and also sat by his bedside while waiting for Jiang Shuo to wake up - Also a lot of hand holding while they’re in the dreamscapes
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Cute buddies in crime:
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3. Yuan Muqing
Aside from whoever chose to dub her and make her sound like a kid, her role in this one is pretty cute! Cool martial arts policewoman who crushes hard on Qin Yiheng first and then decides she actually likes Jiang Shuo more. Hot-headed too, but very likeable.
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Anyway it’s a pretty light but thrilling show to watch so far!! Definitely not the most interesting in terms of cases, but the chemistry between the three characters above are pretty much on point! Plus the whole creepy factor and large conspiracy behind is definitely driving me to finish this. Banter between QYH and JS is great too hehe.
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psychic-waffles · 3 years
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forgot i made this about 3 episodes in to my first psych hunter watch through
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thewindsofsong · 4 years
 Gay Qi Yiheng pins quietly for Bi Jiang Shuo who is in the beginings of a relationship with a very straight Yuan Muqing. 
This is the current state of romantic tensions that I see within Psych Hunter right now. 
I’ll admit to actually kind of liking Muqing. Her characterization is much better than other fl I’ve seen but that might be because I’m comparing her to the fl in my roommate is a detective. At the very least, her characterization feels more consistent and reasonable.
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timotey · 3 years
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I picked up Psych Hunter again - I am determined to finish 3 of my currently watching dramas before I start anything new! 🤧 - and I'm on ep 7 now so some quick observations:
The beginning is rather slow because it's all about establishing what this drama is about - a "hypnotist", a "Watson/Holmes in one person" and a "girl detective" join forces to catch a mysterious villain - which is all false premises, of course. That they use "haunted house" etc. plots should be a big clue - ghosts etc. would never pass censorship in China so from the beginning you know something else is going on.
I'm not sure if I actually like Hou Minghao's character, Jiang Shuo, he is a bit too self-assured and arrogant for my liking, lotsa ego, too. But I really like Liu Dongqin's Qin Er who is also self-assured but less on the boasting side. Zhu Xudan's Yuan Muqing, the FML, is... well, she is. She's smart but also rather - okay a lot - spoiled, so there's that.
My favorite part is how not at all interested Qin Er is in Muqing. Like, if he was less interested in her, he would have to nope it out of there entirely. It's quite refreshing. She likes him but he doesn't care. And Jiang Shuo likes her and she doesn't care - only for now, of course. But Qin Er? He's like blind and deaf when it comes to her.
I have spoiled myself so I know where it's headed, what's going on, and honestly? I'm really looking forward to that twist because that makes the whole drama all the more interesting!
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mythochondrion · 3 years
The Lost Tomb & Psych-Hunter Crossover....
Where Hei Bei Lao Liu was a seasoned Tomb Rider slash Mob Boss slash FengShui Guru with a secret heir going by the alias Liu Zhi....
Where The Qin Family and The Yuan Family fought for control over Changsha following The Nine Gates' decline in powers....
Where the ruined Jiang Family was merely one of the casualties they've caused....
Where Liu Zhi was still the trickster who was in various ways responsible for all tragedies surrounding The Qin Family and The Yuan Family, including the pointless feud itself....
Where Qin YiHeng and Yuan MuQing, tired of their families' feud and having nothing fun to do as secondary heir and heiress, decided to fuck it all the Romeo & Juliet way....
Their holy matrihomie was just a trick tho, as Qin YiHeng & Yuan MuQing didn't really have any romantic feeling toward each other yet. The pair of philanthropists only want to bring peace to the city through a tentative truce between their families.....
The Prince and Princess pair then stumbled upon a certain swindler slash actually not so quack FengShui Guru by the name of Jiang Shuo who effortlessly robbed both of their hearts....
Here, our Jiang Shou was really related to the ruined Jiang Siblings as he was actually their cousin. However due to his status as a bastard, Jiang Shuo was mistreated by the rest of his family until Master Bu Yan brought him under his wings.
Our Master Bu Yan is a retired grave robber turned reputable antique appraiser. As he stumble upon a rumour about the ruination of The Jiang Family, Master Bu Yan who has long wished to repay a life debt he owed to Miss Jiang's lover visited The Jiang Family's resident to see her.
However, Miss Jiang who was none other than Jiang Shuo's mother had died during his birth. Still, Master Bu Yan wanted to repay his life debt to the son and his family instead. That was it until he accidentally witnessed how The Jiangs actually treated the son of his savior. Enraged and disgusted by their conduct, Master Bu Yan cornered The Jiang Family until they handed the custody over Jiang Shuo to him; thus adopting and freeing him from his abusive maternal family.
Master Bu Yan described Miss Jiang's lover, and thus Jiang Shuo's biological father, as a deceptively young seasoned grave robber. He never introduced himself to the team but from how reverently the other grave robbers were regarding him, Bu Yan suspects that his savior might belong to the Nine Gates.
Although Master Bu Yan also noticed that his savior didn't age, he never questions it. Due to all of the mystiques involved and revolving around the grave robbing business, Bu Yan always takes every mystical thing in stride just like how everybody in their line of work unanimously gives zero fuck about The Zhang Family's longevity despite desiring it.
While The Jiang Siblings were busy trying to weaponize their ties with Jiang Shuo in their revenge against The Qin Family & The Yuan Family, Jiang Shuo himself was busy figuring out his doppelganger's, Liu Zhi's, motives so he could help Qin YiHeng and Yuan MuQing dissolve their families' feud....
Sensing that the conspiracy which his ward is currently tangled in might have related to The Old Nine Gates, Master Bu Yan decided to contact the new leader of their remnants for assistance.
Wu Xie and the gang joined the fray and they quickly realized that Liu Zhi is a blood corpse in the making; hence his longevity. Just like the rest of Xisha Archeological Team, he was used by The Wang Family as a test subject for the corpse king bug-induced immortality.
Somehow, Liu Zhi was able to escape from Golmud Sanatorium ahead of everyone else. He then secretly returned to Changsha to collect both his inheritance and his lover before completely vanishing from The Wang Family's radar. However, instead of his Jiang sweetheart, what awaited him there was her memorial tablet.
Liu Zhi's resentment towards The Qins and The Yuans is connected to their shared role in the ruination of The Jiang Family, as one of the numerous collaterals to their rivalry, which inadvertently led to his wife's demise. In an Empire Strikes Back-esque drama, Liu Zhi revealed himself as Jiang Shuo's father.
The rest is your imaginations~ 😁🍻
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Characters I Fucking Hated in 2021
This post is probably going to be more of a rant than anything.  All of this is my opinion so if you don’t like my thoughts, that’s cool that’s fine, just don’t come into my ask box sending me hate because I don’t like a character that you like.  People are entitled to their own opinions, you know?  This list is also going to be very long because I found I didn’t like a lot of characters in 2021 so it’s all going under the cut.  Again, this is all my opinion, so no hate, understand?
Bai Youning - My Roommate Is A Detective
A waste of a character.  Absolutely not needed in the drama.  I actually had to stop watching the drama because of her.  I couldn’t handle her being literally fucking everywhere, like she was all up in crime scenes, taking photos of things she wasn’t supposed to be taking photos of, fucking writing tabloid stories instead of the truth...and she called herself a reporter.  And all she did was whine and complain, I never saw her do one useful thing the entire 10 episodes I could watch.  I hated her.  So much.
Yuan Muqing - Psych-Hunter
Another not needed character.  Literally there for romance.  She brought nothing to the plot other than unnecessary heterosexuality.  Like, she did more harm than good because 95% of the time, if she was in a scene, Qin Yiheng or Jiang Shuo were saving her ass rather than solving the case.  And even though she was a cop, she was too emotional to be a cop, like she put her emotions before her brain.  If she wasn’t there, the plot could literally continue without her.  Like, she wasn’t necessary and I’mma need writers to stop writing shitty female characters whose only role is to be the love interest.  Like stop it
Zhao Moqing - Killer and Healer
A stuck up, spoiled rich brat.  I don’t exactly hate her, but I don’t like her either.  Did she bring something to the plot?  Yeah, a little.  Was she absolutely necessary?  No, not really.  I don’t know, I’m indifferent to her.  She’s more annoying than anything
Zhao Jingming - Killer and Healer
I don’t know what his deal is, man.  I’ve never figured out why he hates Jiang Yuelou (and look man, I’ve watched the drama a million times and I still can’t find a reason).  He’s just incredibly irritating and his death was quite satisfying, I’m not going to lie
Zhan Tianqing - Killer and Healer
This motherfucker...I want to bash his head into the concrete a thousand times and it wouldn’t be enough.  I hate this man with the passion of a thousand burning suns.  He’s the reason Zhan Junbai turned out the way he did and if he had never got his grubby little paws on Zhan Junbai then we wouldn’t be in this mess.  I’m fucking glad Jin Dacheng gunned his ass down because I would have done worse to him if I was in the drama
Yoon Soohyun - The Devil Judge
Honestly, the biggest letdown of a character.  She really had so much potential, she was supposed to be a badass female cop and she had her moments but other than that, she just fell flat for me.  All she ever did was obsess over Gaon (she literally joined the police force to protect him like ma’am...really?), never once tried to listen to his side of the story, it was either her way or the highway, and the biggest pet peeve of mine...SHE FUCKING LEFT A DISABLED MINOR UNATTENDED WHILE SHE TRIED TO GO BE THE BIG BAD POLICE OFFICER!  A DISABLED MINOR!  SOOHYUN WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!  HUH?!  ELIJAH WAS IN YOUR CARE AND YOU JUST LEFT HER IN YOUR CAR ALONE.  That was sort of the final straw for me.  Like, you’re done.  You’re done
Min Jung-Ho - The Devil Judge
The human definition of the word hypocrite.  He claims to hate Kang Yohan but never once gave concrete evidence as to what Yohan did to make him hate him.  And hating him for having different morals and ideals...that’s kind of hard to hate someone on, my dude.  Like, people are entitled to their own thoughts and beliefs my guy.  Also, the betrayal and pain he caused Gaon...I think he deserved death but...that’s just me
Kim Hyo Kyung - Chimera
Oh bitch...another reporter character whom I hated.  She was irritating and like...she always wanted to be in the middle of everything.  She wanted to know details she wasn’t allowed to know, she stuck her nose in places where it didn’t belong, she thought she was smarter than a literal fucking profiler like ma’am...shut your fucking mouth, do not make guesses on a person’s profile or psyche if you have no degree in that area.  Like my god.  She wasn’t even that terrifying of a villain.  I’m not even sad she’s gone.  Like I’m not.  Am I supposed to be?
Park Sunah - The Devil Judge
Now, I hate her for a different reason.  She was actually a well written woman but what she did was fucking terrible and that’s why I hate her.  Like, just because you have a shitty background doesn’t give you free reign to like...fucking kill people to get what you want.  Like, I feel bad for you and your backstory but that doesn’t give you a free pass to do whatever you like.  Her death was a little anti-climatic and a little subdued for her style but I’m glad she’s dead, I’m not going to lie
Heo Jung Se - The Devil Judge
Oh my god, he would just never shut the fuck up!  Like, I don’t know how many times I wanted Sunah to fucking shoot him to get him to stop talking because that’s all he did.  He liked to think he was number one and smarter than everyone in the room and it’s like...sir go put on your clown shoes, clown makeup, and wig because you ain’t running this show.  You ain’t.  Just shut the fuck up and sit down.  For fucks sake
Park Seung - Secret Royal Inspector and Joy
Oooooooo, this man.  This man makes my blood boil to no end.  I fucking hated him and what he did to Yi Eon, to Tae Seo...oh especially to Tae Seo.  Like...how could he treat his son like that...even when we first thought that Tae Seo was his illegitimate son like bruh...bruh he just wants your approval, is it so hard to give him that?!  And all the shit he put Yi Eon and Tae Seo through...I wish he fucking got punted off the damn cliff but that would have been too easy of a death....he needed to suffer.  So I think his ending, with him being labeled as a ghost and exiled and then told that Tae Seo was his legitimate son and not Do Soo was like the perfect ending.  Suffer with the image of your illegitimate son stabbing your legitimate son.  Like fuck you and die
Park Do Soo - Secret Royal Inspector and Joy
I thought I was going to like him in the beginning and then as the drama went on I’m like...holy shit, Tae Seo is the normal one in the family, this dude’s fucking psycho.  Like this man had no problem wanting to kill everybody and anybody to get what he wants...a fucking psycho
Kang Jin-Muk - Beyond Evil
This man is vile and I hate him.  How could he do that to all those people...to his own fucking daughter?!  And then play the victim?!  When he knew damn well what he did!!  The nerve!  The audacity.  He got what he deserved and I don’t feel bad for him in the slightest.  Like burn in hell bitch.  Burn in hell
Tang Zhixin - Master, Wait a Moment
ANOTHER UNNECESSARY FEMALE CHARACTER JUST USED FOR ROMANCE!  Like, she was literally not needed.  At all.  You could have taken her out of the story and it would have kept going.  She did more harm than good, she was like...weirdly possessive of Dayu like she didn’t want him talking to other men or women, she fucking took his phone and read his messages, she got mad whenever he put cases before her...like ma’am.  He’s a cop.  You’re second compare to his work and Wushuang.  Any scene without her was 10x better than those scenes with her in it
Zhu Qingmu - Young Blood Agency
Like, I thought she was going to be cool because she was a female coroner/forensic scientist but she was more focused on her damn relationship with her fucking...adopted brother than with the fucking cases.  Like ma’am.  Also, her voice was like so high-pitched and irritating that I just couldn’t finish it...she was the main reason why I couldn’t enjoy the drama.  And the drama had Ian in it and like...I love Ian but even he couldn’t save the drama for me
Song Miaomiao - Young Blood Agency
Another woman used as a romance plot.  She’s also very abusive towards her fiance or whatever.  Like, I’m just tired of women being used as romance plots.  Like, give us some meat, please!  We’re not just romance plots, god.  I think the main thing I hated about her was how abusive/aggressive she was towards her fiance.  Like, no man should be afraid of their fiance.  Like, that’s not okay.  It’s really not and I know they were trying to play her off as like a gangster’s daughter so she’s supposed to be tough but there’s a difference between being tough and being a bitch/a bully and that’s what she was
Zhou Heng - Couple of Mirrors
Shittiest husband award goes to this asshole right here.  Oh my god, he was so irritating.  Like, he only thought about himself and his reputation, he didn’t give a shit about You Yi...like he had a fucking affair with her best friend for almost 2 years.  TWO YEARS!!  And when You Yi was testifying against him, he had the audacity to ask her why she was ruining his reputation, like you didn’t fucking deserve to have it ruined.  He also hit her with a fucking car and killed her first child...like sir.  The fuck.  He was also in the car when Hong Mei was killed.  Bastard.  And he killed so many people!  And tried to frame it on You Yi!
Zhang Wan - Couple of Mirrors
A total bitch.  She was You Yi’s best friend and what does she fucking do?  Go and sleep with her damn husband.  She also made You Yi feel like a complete idiot any time they were working on book deals and putting her ideas in over You Yi’s like, I’m sorry, who’s the writer, you or You Yi?  She’s also the one who hit Hong Mei with the car and sped off like it was nothing.  LIKE MA’AM, YOU KILLED AN INNOCENT CHILD AND PLAYED IT OFF LIKE IT WAS NOTHING?!  YOU DESERVED TO BE SHOT IN THE HEAD FOR THAT.  I’m not even sorry you’re dead
Jiang Shangnan - Killer and Healer
I have mixed feelings about her.  On one hand, I understand why she left Jiang Yuelou when she was young but on the other hand, I fucking hate her for abandoning Jiang Yuelou not once but twice.  Shittiest mother award definitely goes to her, that’s for damn sure.  You also fucking shot Jiang Yuelou and then you want to cook him a meal to apologize for leaving him?  Like...what?  You think one meal is going to get Jiang Yuelou to forgive you?  After abandoning him as a child?  You’re his mother and yet you left him to fend for himself...like yes, I pity your situation and yes you should have gotten away but you should have taken Jiang Yuelou with you, not leave him behind you fuck
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
Can you list some (really) minor characters in 《千秋》that managed to really intrigue you or make you take a shine to them even though their appearance in the novel was very short-lived?
anon...you KNOW how many minor characters there are in 《千秋》... enough to make Ke Muqing CRY about having to cast distinct voices for them all...
okay okay quick list time
Ban Na: she honestly grows on me the more time passes? just like. it's adorable that she goes from having a crush on Shen Qiao to getting offended on his behalf that Yan Wushi doesn't treat him right, which, y'know, she's right
Yuan Zixiao: she's so badass and I wanted a spin-off novella about her and Gu Hengbo
Gu Hengbo: I've been re-listening to the audiodrama (as one does) and let me just say... her relationship with Shen Qiao destroys me a little every time. she's the only female disciple of Qi Fengge and that MEANS something!!!!
Yuan Ying: is a sweetheart and his relationship to Yu Shengyan is so funny
Lady Su: this woman has history with Hu Lu Gu, she literally stole a sacred item from him and got away with it, let her fuck up the people who want to harm her sons onscreen
I'd love just like, an interlude of POV's from minor Huanyue members, especially with the ones who show up in the fanwai, just like. "zongzhu says we need to stage a trade caravan AND incite a bandit attack on said caravan" "doable, but why?" "he needs you specifically to pretend to fall in love with Shen Qiao" "Shen Qiao? aren't those two sleeping together?" "not YET and that's the PROBLEM"
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Salty ask: 8,9,10
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
I have, twice at least. Once was when I said I was tired of reading comments on NCT's "gimme gimme" video about everyone praising Taeyong and not praising the other members. Like Taeyong is great but do you know how far I have to scroll to see something nice about the other members? People did not like that one and that first anon told me" to go kill yourself" so that was fun. Second time was a past post that I made about how I was sometimes tired of being a kpop fan because of the ridiculous drama that's going on and about the sasaengs and shit and someone was like "they're not gonna fuck you bitch" and I'm like...okay, and? You sent me this because what? Did I say I wanted them to fuck me? No?
Kpop tumblr is weird...you either get really nice people or you get assholes, there's no in between
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Oh bitch! Buckle up buttercups because I'm about to go OFF!
Yuan Muqing - she's just as bad as BYN and is once again there mainly for plot romance. She doesn't really help or do anything and causes more harm than good 95% of the time
Qingmu - again, another useless female lead. I don't even remember what she did in Young Blood Agency because she wasn't useful. Not really anyways. All she kept doing was worrying about her half brother and pouting when she didn't get her way and it's just...ugh
Basically, if you couldn't tell, I hate useless female leads that are just there as romance plotlines. If you can take her out of the story and have the story still go on without much hitch, like you still understand the story and plot, she's a useless character. The only female characters that I will ever love ever is Chu Ran, Ma Han, Zhong Yiren, and Jiang Ling because they're useful and badass. And smart. The three females that I mentioned? No braincells. NONE.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Hmm....I think my most disliked arc is when Chen Yuzhi gets reunited with Keying (whom he thought was dead this whole time) and then like a few episodes later, he fucking dies and Keying is left alone. Like why was this a thing? What was the point of reuniting them if you're just going to rip them away from each other? Idk if this would be considered an arc or a trope; either way, I hate it
Salty asks
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