welcometothejianghu · 7 months
Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 心宅猎人/Psych-Hunter.
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Psych-Hunter is a 2020 drama about a hot young amnesiac who, accompanied by a rich psychiatrist with major daddy issues and a rich girl who cosplays as a cop, uses his Inception-style psychic powers to solve crimes that are part of a shadowy conspiracy orchestrated by a mysterious figure.
True story: Once I couldn't remember the English name of the drama, so I called it "House Haunters," and now my brain insists that's the real English title. If only!
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Do not, under any circumstances, labor under the impression that this show is good. It's not. It's incoherent. The writing is bad. The villain is absurd. The vibe is comically melodramatic. People make inexplicable and out-of-character decisions all the time. Countless complex mysteries get set up with no way to resolve them. There's a thin lampshade hanging over it that blurs the line between bad decisions made on accident and bad decisions made on purpose, but the net result is largely the same. This is the show that first inspired my wife to declare something dumb as a guinea pig in a roller skate.
But it's fun. It's a sea of colorful chaos with brilliant pieces that shine through like strange gems. It knows how to work an atmosphere and does so to create some legitimately creepy moments. It spins a wild yarn filled with bizarre and loveable characters. And it has some twists that truly have to be seen to be believed. In the mood for some beautiful nonsense? Here's five reasons that despite everything I warned you about in the previous paragraph, I think this one's worth watching.
1. Psychonauts for Jazz Age homosexuals
Honestly, that phrase alone should let you know if this is the thing for you. But just in case, let me explain the basic premise of the show:
Jiang Shuo, a man who has lost his memory and been adopted by circus folk, is capable of jingling his keys and diving full-body into someone else's subconscious, represented by lovely and thematic dreamscapes. He does this to solve crimes. Sometimes he takes along a handsome doctor who seems like he might know more than he's letting on, by literally tying their hands together with a red string.
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Also, when they do this, they get gorgeous steampunk magical girl costume changes, complete with the cutest little pony nub you've ever seen.
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This show can be stunningly beautiful. It knows how to manifest dream logic eerily well. Most of these cognitions are gorgeous, and many are done with primarily practical effects, like it's a stage play. ...And it's good it relies on that so much, because the CG it has is kinda cheap and terrible! So, yeah.
(Side note for the DMBJ fans: This is directed by the same guy who directed Sand Sea, which I assume is related to how this both is a visual treat and completely falls apart on the back end.)
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The reason I'm a bit surprised that this hasn't taken off more among the creative set is what a great piece of worldbuilding this Psych-diving is. These boys (and, once, the girl) get to short-term manifest bodily in someone else's materialized mental state, where the person whose brain they’re in neither controls the experience nor remembers what happened after it’s done. Were you writing weird Arthur/Eames fic a decade ago? I got a new best thing for you. Can you say freaky dream sex? Because I can.
The base premise should be more than enough to get your gears going. Come ready to get weird with it. There's so much potential here, and so much of that potential is incredibly gay and wearing impeccably tailored suits.
2. Your friendly neighborhood circus family
As I mentioned before, Jiang Shuo lucks into the best possible fate that can befall an amnesiac: being picked up by carnies.
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The troupe includes Ventriloquist Man, Really Big Dude, One-Eyed Acrobat, Other Acrobat, Cheerful Fat Girl, Boy Who Looks Like A Kid But Is Actually Played By An Adult So I'm Not Exactly Sure How Old The Character Himself Is Supposed To Be, and Silver Fox Circus Dad, who manages the whole crew. They're a ragtag bunch of performers who all live together in this cute little compound in some very nice slums, and sometimes they open the gates to their lavish compound and put on a circus show for all the common people!
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Now: You know this is not going to be the wokest, most sensitive portrayal of body differences, because of course it isn't. But damn, it's pretty not-bad. The show treats all the circus members as valuable people worthy of affection, whose (occasionally exasperating) quirks are no more or less exhausting than those of the non-circus weirdos in the rest of the supporting cast.
I was half-expecting them to disappear after the first arc, but no! They’re a constant fixture through the show! They’re mostly there to support the show’s more comedic moments, but some of them get wrapped up in more emotional plotlines as well. And every now and then you get to see them actually do their circus shit, which is great.
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I will admit that my fondness for them is related to how much I generally love fictional Freaks — you know, misfits who have banded together because society considers them unacceptably weird, but together their weirdnesses make them strong. When you find them, they’re usually the bad guys (e.g., the Gung-Ho Guns from Trigun, the Scorpion crew from Word of Honor) whose freak statuses make them formidable and occasionally sympathetic antagonists. But not so here! The Psych-Hunter Family Circus is good guy support all the way through to the final episode.
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I know "found family" is a term that suffers from overuse, but that's the best way to describe what's happening here -- really, it's a family that's already found itself even before the show starts, and now they all live together as an unconventional collective of astonishingly flexible people. How did they find one another? Doesn't matter! What matters is that they all love and would do anything for their newest member, and they think it's great when he comes home with his attractive rich friends, who often arrive bringing snacks, which is really the best use for rich people, if you think about it.
3. Two hands, one ring
Now, if you've seen the series already, you know the moment I'm talking about. But if you haven't (and, statistically, you haven't), know that what I mean is the relationship between these two losers.
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Together, Qin Yiheng and Jiang Shuo form the emotional core of the series. They're both drawn to one another because of mysterious circumstances that have started to align. Jiang Shuo's memory is missing, Qin Yiheng's dad has vanished, and all signs point to those absences as having something to do with one another.
Very early in the show, we see Qin Yiheng pull a "come with me if you want to live" on Jiang Shuo, giving the impression that he knows just what's going on in this crazy city. Except, no, he doesn't. Or does he? No, we're pretty sure he doesn't. Or he does, but he's forgotten what he knows, if he ever even knew it in the first place. Anyway, time to tie their hands together and jump into someone else's brain!
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I'd say they're in love, but that's not quite it. Dr. Qin Yiheng, high-class homosexual, is in love with Jiang Shuo to the point where he's about to murder someone (possibly Jiang Shuo himself) out of frustration about it. Jiang Shuo, on the other hand, is much more sticking his fingers in his ears and going LA LA LA YOU CAN'T CATCH ME GAY THOUGHTS while trying get a girlfriend in an effort to pretend that all the shit they get up to together isn't tremendously romantic.
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That is, until the scene that leads to the which-hand ring guessing game, at which point the burden of their relationship falls on Jiang Shuo (and the Inception parallels get unignorable) for exactly as long as the show will allow it to, before it freaks out and has to add another girl love interest just to make sure all the homos got no'd.
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It's not textually gay, because seriously, have you met Chinese television? But it's pretty gay. Or, rather, I think Liu Dongqin (Qin Yiheng) is playing his character as a dedicated homosexual on purpose, and Hou Minghao (Jiang Shuo) is just ... kinda like that? I mean, everything I’ve seen him in, he gets real dreamy-eyed around strong men who pay close attention to him. Maybe it's just his thing as an actor. I'm not judging.
However, the main cast isn't just the two of them. One of the things that led me to this show was the promise of an OT3. And does it deliver on that promise?
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Well ... sorta.
Qin Yiheng, Jiang Shuo, and Yuan Muqing are a pretty standard MFM not-love-triangle trio of Male Bestie, Main Guy, and Girlfriend (respectively). There's about five seconds at the beginning of the series where it looks like Yuan Muqing might be into Qin Yiheng, but no, that evaporates almost instantly and is never spoken of again -- and with it disappears most of their interactions with one another, period. So it's less an OT3, and more a case of bisexual cutiepie Jiang Shuo getting both a boyfriend and a girlfriend in a world where censorship will only let the latter relationship exist textually.
But damn if these boys aren't made for one another. Sure, there's a level of conscious comical queerbaiting to it -- I mean, there's straight-up an "only one bed" moment, so you know the show isn't stumbling into rainbow territory on accident. No matter how sexual or nonsexual or whatever you read it as, though, their dynamic is the spine that holds the story together. Really, it's almost sad how often the relationships are set parallel to one another, because when you do that, it becomes obvious how intense Jiang Shuo's bond with Qin Yiheng is, and how largely lackluster and comphet most of his canon romance with Yuan Muqing is by comparison.
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Like so.
sidebar: The Girl
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I am not going to go into a full-throated defense of The Girl this time, as I am wont to do, mostly because I think Yuan Muqing is full of potential in concept but so badly executed that there's really no hope for her. Her entire personality is whatever they need her to be in any particular scene. It's just that once in a while, what they need her to be is completely insane -- like, seeing-things-that-aren't-there insane -- and it's so great that it makes me mad! She could have been like this all the time! But noooooo
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As it is, she has a perfunctory canonical romance with Jiang Shuo that's about as endgame as anything is capable of being (see point 5), and it actually gets pretty cute when it finally gets to the point where it's not just awkward obligation! But alas, it only does that so late in the series that it's not even worth it getting invested in it.
She is a creation of the show. She has no novel counterpart. Her entire function in the drama is to un-gay the dynamic between the boys. You can tell that she was initially supposed to have a different role -- to be the muscle of this trio -- but the narrative forgets pretty quickly that she's got that skill set, and she regresses to being The Girl. She makes dumb decisions that forward the plot. She gets put into danger whenever it's convenient. She demands Jiang Shuo do manly things for her because that’s what a girl is supposed to do, I guess? And then there are moments where she’s cool and crazy and it’s awesome! But they never last.
So if you are going to watch this, be prepared for the fact that the female lead is badly written to the point of frustration. I feel her actor is doing the absolutely best with what she's got; the problem is that what she's got is pretty crappy. Still, Muqing gets some pretty charming moments here and there, and I think it's worth hanging onto those and imagining the character she could have been, if the writers had cared just a little more, or even at all.
4. Powerfully surreal worldbuilding
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I'm not even talking about the way people's psyches are structured according to dream logic -- the "normal" waking world is almost equally bizarre. The story takes place in sort of the real world c. 1930, except that a lot of things are off. For example, Japan and England are real locations, but China kinda isn't -- instead, the show takes place in a Shanghai-like city-state run by this moustachioed generalissimo with a faux Latin American dictator aesthetic. The place has its own flag and government and police force (where all the cops have coordinating surnames) and diplomatic relationships with other countries, so it’s clearly its own thing. But what that thing is? What it’s even called? Look, don’t worry about it. Nobody else is worried, so you shouldn’t be either.
You will, at every point in the series, be wondering if the show is trying to telegraph to you that Something's Not Quite Right Here, or if it's just making weird decisions for the sake of artsy weirdness. But don't worry -- there's absolutely no way to tell the difference between the two! Just roll with it.
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There's a weird mix of universe rules happening throughout, where everything is mostly period-appropriate for a while, and then somebody builds a clock with levitating parts, or causes someone else to have very specific memory loss — or, again, swings some coins in front of a person’s face and gains the ability to treat their subconscious like a VR amusement park.
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You can sort of reconstruct the evolution of this weirdness: The book has actual factual ghosts in it. Well, that’s fine for books, but TV isn’t allowed to have ghosts. But TV can have people who imagine ghosts, so long as it’s all in their heads. Okay, but you know jumping bodily into those imaginations isn’t actually a thing real people can do, right? Well, then let’s make it scientific. How can that be scientific? I don't know, it’s psychiatry. I don’t think that’s psychiatry. Look, it could be. Well, it’s definitely not psychiatry in 1930s Shanghai, and that’s the set we’re allowed to film on. Okay, what if it weren’t actually Shanghai? What if it weren’t actually 1930? What if all of this were at best a weird approximation of the period that adheres to no rules except the ones we want?
Once you’ve thought that, the sky’s the limit.
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The show has a very inconsistent grasp on reality, and I am listing that as a pro instead of a con because I am choosing to embrace it as a deliberate choice rather than assume it’s the result of craven incompetence. There's something to be said, though, for how pervasively inconsistent it is. It'd be one thing if there were just a few plot holes here and there (and there are), but this is more along the lines of: We woke up in a mysterious boat and got taken to an island with a giant sea monster skeleton on the shore! What's that all about? Couldn't say! Was it real? Maybe! Moving on!
Let the number of "it's fine! who knows!" comments I've made throughout this rec indicate how much this is the kind of show you just have to roll with. If you are a nitpicker or someone who is troubled by unexplained nonsense, this is not the thing for you. If you love artistic magical realism and high strangeness, you will eat this up with a spoon.
And the lampshade that hangs over all of this worldbuilding is...
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Okay, usually I am coy about when I think an ending has problems. I am going to drag this one out front and center: Psych-Hunter has an ending so jaw-droppingly, head-clutchingly stupid that I'm actually listing it as a selling point, because it has to be seen to be believed.
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When I first watched it, I suspected the show ran out of time or money or something and just had to slap together the quickest possible ending ever. But no! This is the ending they meant! If you go back to the rest of the series, you can see that this is what they were (kinda) setting up the whole time! They just set it up so poorly and decided to make the twist hit at such a late point that not only is it complete nonsense, it actually renders moot the entire emotional stakes of the show! Absolutely incredible!
Now, as I've said before in other places, I don't begrudge the actual twist itself. I mean, it's stupid on its face, but I think they could have done something with it — if they'd had it happen halfway through the series, when the characters would have had time to adjust to the new knowledge. Instead, they slap it on at the last possible moment, when there's no time to have any reaction to it. It's just jarring and baffling, and then the whole thing's over.
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I've seen lots of people say "season 2 when???" Season 2 never, friends. There was never going to be a season 2. The only reason you think this was an even remotely acceptable narrative move was that you were assuming that this would be the midpoint, not the end. You're having the same reaction I did, only I can tell this was always meant to be their spectacular dismount.
(To me, it's clear what happened: They J.J. Abramsed themselves into a cool premise for a mystery with no idea how to solve it, hoping they'd figure it out along the way. When they got to the end and still hadn't figured it out, they simply ... opted out of solving it.)
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Now, if you want a normal viewing experience out of this show, watch to the end of the next-to-last episode, close your browser window, and have imagination adventures about how you think all the mysteries should resolve. But you're not going to. You are going to continue on to that last episode, and you are going to realize that nothing I could have said here could possibly have prepared you for this. And somewhere, I am going to feel the urge to cackle wickedly and not even know why. Except I'll know why. We'll both know why.
Want to watch this hot mess?
That baby's an iQiyi exclusive! But you can watch the first episode on YouTube, if you feel like getting a taste that way.
Look, I know I may have spoiled my pitch somewhat with that last selling point. After all, why would you bother watching a series if you know it has a shit ending?
I refute your objection thus: Knowing it has a shit ending changes the whole game, because it removes the feeling of betrayal that hits upon your discovering that the ending isn’t what you wanted. You know that already now, so there can be no betrayal. The ending goes from being an unpleasant surprise to being exactly the unexpected thing that you expected. With that in mind, you can dive right in (ha ha) knowing that you’ll never get the closure you crave, and therefore whatever you make up along the way is perfectly valid.
This is obviously a turnoff if you prefer shows that are like seeing someone start a magic trick, perform it without breaking a sweat, and walk off calmly, leaving you wondering how on earth they accomplished such an amazing thing. Think of this more as someone starting a magic trick, accidentally letting the rabbit fall out of their hat, saying “I meant to do that!” like thirty times, and suddenly vanishing through a trapdoor, leaving you wondering what the trick was even supposed to be in the first place — but they were really good-looking and well-dressed, so at least whatever they were doing was nice to look at while it was happening.
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See? They're having fun.
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mypheralside · 1 year
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lasenbyphoenix · 10 months
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1 Character per CDrama - Inktober 2023
19. Jiang Shuo, Psych-Hunter.
I'm both happy and not with this one, I kept changing my mind on which reference photo to use because I was struggling with the likeness.
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mistbornthief · 8 months
so jiang shuo gets an anonymous letter in the mail from someone he doesnt know that says "hey sell these three specific properties to these three specific people" and then just....goes ahead and does that? hate to victim blame but homeboy deserves to be framed for murder smh
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wellbecause · 21 hours
[Psych Hunter ending spoilers]
Since we now know that everything, including Yuan Muqing, is a part of Jiang Shuo’s subconscious, I propose that Yuan Muqing’s initial crush on Qin Yiheng and Qin Yiheng being popular with the ladies is a manifestation of Jiang Shuo’s crush on Qin Yiheng. In this essay I will—
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belmeran · 2 years
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i can post this now !! i was chosen to be the back cover illustrator for the Four Seasons Huntlow Zine, and i’m very happy with the result ☺️ thank you so much @fourseasonszine ! this meant a lot to me.
everyone did so well, go check it out!
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can we stop the trend of putting traumatized and mentally unstable characters into romantic relationships as their “happy endings”?
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diioonysus · 1 year
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roman & greek gods + art
#souls on the banks of acheron by adolf hieremy-hirschl: hermes#the triumph of bacchus by diego velazquez: bacchus#diana the huntress by guillaume seignac: diana#jupiter and juno mount ida by james barry: juno & jupiter#apollo by charles joseph natoire: apollo#pallas and the centaur by sandro botticelli: pallas/athena#prometheus bound by peter paul rubens & frans snyders: prometheus#jupiter enthroned by heinrich friedrich fuger: jupiter#head of mars by unknown: mars#the birth of venus by sandro botticelli: venus#the abduction of psyche by william adolphe bouguereau: eros & psyche#venus adonis and cupid by annibale carracci: venus#diane the hunter by giuseppe cesari: diana#venus demanding arms from vulcan for aeneas by charles-joseph natoire: vulcan#hermes and athena by bartholomeus spranger#athena and pegasus by theodoor van thulden#orpheus and eurydice with pluto and proserpina by peter paul rubens#the apotheosis of hercules by francois lemoyne: neptune#allegory of air by antonio palomino: hera & iris#iris by john atkinson grimshaw: iris#morpheus awakening as iris draws near by rene-antoine houasse: morpheus#flora and zephyrus by jan brueghel the elder & peter paul rubens: zephyrus#a song of springtime by john william waterhouse: flora#justice and divine vengeance pursuing crime by pierre-paul prud'hon: nemesis#night and sleep by evelyn de morgan: nyx & morpheus#hemera goddess of the day by william-adolphe bouguereau: hemera#eos by evelyn de morgan: eos#selene and endymion by ubaldo gandolfi: selene#thetis bringing the armour to achilles by benjamin west: thetis#bellona with romulus and remus by alessandro turchi: bellona
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rebellionmoon · 2 months
Beach Day with Illumi Zoldyck ☀️🏖️
Even assassins deserve a vacation! Join Illumi and Psyche, husband and wife, as they kick back, relax, terrorize the locals and enjoy the splendors of the beach and eachother <3 [ illumixoc, sfw, fluffy drabble]
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The best treasures to find at the beach are in the ocean! Illumi loves snorkeling and seeing what surprises await him down below. Psyche will be reading her book, The Captain and I, then look up to see illumi diving into the water, then moments later emerge with a crab captured in his mouth, its pinching his nose but illumi doesn't mind.
'You're mine." Illumi says to everything he catches.
Illumi periodically comes out of the water, long black hair dripping down his back, while carefully cupping a lil sea creature in his hands. It's a hermit crab! He loves showing them to his wife, and after respectful observation they put the little hermit crab in a mini beach aquarium. Illumi is collecting friends!
Illumi tells Psyche fun marine facts, such as that hermit crabs are rappers, no, not the Drake kind.
Illumi stares. All you see is the top of his head and a pair of big, black unblinking shiny eyes peeking above the water's surface. He's waiting for Psyche to wave at him. When she does, he smiles. Satisfied, then he dives back in again, on the hunt for more friends!
"It's beautiful! Psyche, it's beautiful!" Illumi will keep calling Psyche to swim with him until she comes. He is relentless about having a damn fun time with his love.
Did Illumi say swimming? Oh no, he actaully meant cradling his wife in his arms and spinning her around in the water. Kissing her forehead as she lays her head on his chest.
She asks him to throw her in the incoming waves (he does) and make believe she's being sacrficied to a sea monster that's terrorizing the local and provincial fishing village (illumi's the monster.)
Ok, now they're swimming. It's a race to the buoys! Illumi has an affinity for competition, so that means swimming at the speed of a torpedo and Psyche gets swept up in the currents. kawabunga
Where did Illumi go!? Pyche can't see him anywhere! Suddenly, something nibbles at her leg.
It's a trap! It's Illumi. nom nom nom nom. He likes to bite. And tease his wife. He did say he was her make believe sea monster.
A good wife buries her husband---in the sand, silly! And silly he indded looks as a sand man. This moment will look lovely in their newly wed scrapbook. Uh oh, just as Psyche went to grab her phone, Illumi vanished.
Psyche peers into the tunnel he dug below. She hoped he went to get her snacks. Burying bodies always makes her hungry.
Not too far away, Illumi emerges from the sand, beneath a sand castle. Children run away screaming. Psyche pouts. He's nowhere near the snack bar. She points, he obeys and digs onward. He must provide for his family.
Psyche names the crabs in the aquarium, and witness them rap, knock on, a better hermit crab's shell to steal. This is rapping. *Psyche busies herself breaking up hermit crab fights* 'friends don't fight. Oh, you're naughty, to the far end of the aquarium with you.'
Screams ahead! Beach umbrellas are suddenly toppling over and popping out from the sand. Is it aliens?? Or a freaky goblin man (ILLUMI, STOP. PSYCHE, GO, HURRY, COLLECT YOUR HUSBAND)
"Psyche, it's everywhere!" Illumi says, spitting sand out of his mouth. Sand is not dirt. Sand does not behave like dirt, doesn't stay out of his eyes, nose, ears, nor mouth like dirt. Psyche doesn't know how surprised he should have been, digging underground tunnels across at least half the span of the beach.
Psyche cracks open a can of beer. Pssh, one beer will not make her drunk.
But several can and does. *Psyche gets drunk and starts talking to strangers like they're life long family friends and proceeds to tell harrowing, hair raising details about her assassin family that she thinks is funny*
*Illumi throws Psyche over his shoulder and carries her back, shushing all the secrets she wishes to tell strangers with chocolate gelato* 'Haha please don't call the coastguard. have a nice day!'
They hold hands and walk along the shore, collecting seashells. They'll braid them into eachothers hair later. Illumi likes it when Psyche fumbles into him, he gets to catch her and hold her longer.
Time to release (the captured) sea friends back into the ocean. Goodbye friends! Illumi will befriend (catch) you another day!
They cuddle together under a blanket and watch the sunset. He whispers something in her ear and she giggles and kisses him. Lips, cheeks, nose, forehead. Oh my. All of him is so kissable.
He's so happy to be her husband.
Psyche and Illumi's marriage is part of my fanfic WHERE SHADOWS TOUCH. Atm, I just wanted to write a fluffy, summer story because the fic is all angst rn XD
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Shout out to the people in the English-speaking c-drama fandom who have watched Psych-Hunter; these jokes are for all ten of you.
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Born to spend all my free time reading and writing fanfics about dead gay wizards/chinese men (who never got justice due to the censorship), forced to have responsibilities.
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writeouswriter · 6 months
*banging fists on table* more mentally ill characters in stories that aren't just about them being mentally ill! More mentally ill characters in sci-fi, in fantasy, in romance and fun and high stakes situations and everything in between, as the heroes, as complex individuals, multifaceted and treated with respect, not having their needs and differences ignored or skirted around but, again, not having them be their only trait or plot point/entire premise! Please, I'm begging, on my hands and knees, there's a place for these topics and characters in realistic, reflective and literary fiction, yeah, but there's also a place in those magical, mystical, action packed, mysterious and alien worlds, give them to ME
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mistbornthief · 7 months
what in the 7 1/2 deaths of evelyn hardcastle was psych-hunter's ending i dont believe a god damn second of it
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wellbecause · 4 days
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Yuan Mu Qing eating the note that could implicate Jiang Shuo in a murder is one of the funniest things she’s ever done I love her
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imavillainok · 1 year
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ー ♡꒱・!Artist! : chefronnx (instagram)
ー ♡꒱・feitan will def be like this to his s/o and his s/o 's reaction is just '?????????????'
cuz hello, how about the other men in the troupe. pls stop being so possessive fei 😭
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