#yucca gloriosa
mothmiso · 7 months
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Wonders of the world (2) (3) (4) by billy collier (through it all photography)
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blue--orchid · 10 months
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Late Summer Solstice blessings from The Garden of Souls...
Blue Orchid Photography
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Hello! I am sorry for the delay! The tournament will start at November 18 at 2 pm BRT, the polls will be posted every 10 minutes!
The matches were randomized!
Side A
A bouquet of purple daylily, green carnation, dead leaves, fern, opium flowers and coriander Vs Red Orchid
Violet Vs Red Spider Lily
Dandelions 1 Vs A bouquet of willows and chives
A bouquet of wisteria, black and red carnations and foxgloves Vs A bouquet of buttercup, daffodils, edelweiss and orange
A bouquet of amaryllis, milkweed, bluebells and strelitizia Vs A bouquet of blue and red hyacinths
A bouquet of white, red and black roses Vs A bouquet of white chrysanthemums, orchids and blue hydrangeas
A bouquet of white chrysanthemums, orchids and blue hydrangeas Vs Forget-me-nots
A bouquet of snapdragon, tansy and black eyed susan Vs White poppies
Daisies Vs A bouquet of white clover, chamomile and pine
A bouquet of pink peonies, purple hydrangea and a variety of cosmos Vs A bouquet of asphodel, sage, yellow chrysanthemum, green carnation, plum blossom, stinging nettle, anemone and acanthus
A bouquet of marigold, dandelions, goldenrods and amaryllis Vs A bouquet of sea holly, ageratum, globe thistle, orchid cactus, protea, bird of paradise, mimosa, dianthus, hydrangea and clematis
A bouquet of bleeding hearts and dandelions Vs A bouquet of plastic lemon balm, thyme, hyacinths and anemone flowers, with a single real orange rose in the middle, wrapped in light blue cellophane
A bouquet of snapdragon, yellow poppy and jonquil Vs Blue Rose
A bouquet of yellow orchids, rue, yew, bird’s-foot trefoil, yellow gladiolus, yellow peony, sunflower and yellow amaryllis Vs A bouquet of dandelion, asphodel, poppy, chamomile, red columbine, hydrangea, rhododendron, dark crimson rose and queen of the night
Snapdragons Vs A bouquet of lily, red spider lily, daffodils and milkweed
A bouquet of rainflower, green carnation, camelia, nightshade, mulberry and purple lilac Vs Red Anemone
Side B
Strelitzia Vs A bouquet of blue violets, trumpet creeper, lavender and green carnation
Hibiscus Syriacus Vs Dandelions 2
Desert Bluebell Vs A bouquet of yellow and purple carnations
A bouquet of poppies, daffodils, daisies, ivy, and purple hyacinths Vs A bouquet of gloriosa (flame lily), veronica, jasione, jacaranda, cyclamen, jasmine and freesia
A bouquet of dandelions and buttercups Vs A bouquet of marigold, yellow and white zinnia, phlox, bluebells, cornflower, gladiolus, rosemary, dark crimson rose and purple cyclamen
A bouquet of orange lilies, yellow roses, buttercups, aconite, sunflower, hollyhock and lotus Vs bouquet of jasmine, milkweed, dandelion, poppy and oenothera
A bouquet of oleander, refflesia (corpse flower), trigidia, hyacinth, hollyhock, Iberis (candytuft) and orange tulip Vs A bouquet of lily of the valley and amaryllis
A bouquet of marigolds, tuberose, and dandelions Vs A bouquet of daffodil and pansy
A bouquet of amaranth, orange brugmansia, delphinium, honeysuckle and white aster Vs A bouquet of plumeria, fawn lily, magnolia and star grass
A bouquet of gladiolus, snapdragon, canterbury bells, gloriosa (flame lily) and white chrysanthemum Vs A bouquet of fern, rex begonia leaves, black rose, lily, odessa calla lily and green hydrangea
A bouquet of daisies, butterfly weed, orchids, purple lotus and violets Vs A bouquet of striga, mistletoe, and monotropa uniflora
Thistle Vs A bouquet of chestnut flower, lotus, dandelion, fern, thyme, anemone, geranium, holly, magnolia and bluebell
A bouquet of poppy, zygopetalum, echeveria, dandelion, yucca, twinspur , lotus, tagetes, ursinia, purple hyacinth and hibiscus Vs A bouquet of amaryllis, dicentra, red spider lily and white roses
Oleander Vs A bouquet of blue and purple daisies, desert lilies and black tulips
A bouquet of black eyed Susan, geranium and a tall sunflower Vs A bouquet of forsythia, holly, yellow hyacinth, petunia, viscaria and orange lilys
A bouquet of arborvitae, gladiolus and begonia Vs Spiderwort
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nevernoneart · 6 months
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DAY 15: DAGGER - This is Yucca Gloriosa, or the Spanish Dagger Plant. Yuccas are plants that have been used by Native Americans for centuries, in many, many different ways, including as soap. The waxy flowers are edible, but must be harvested at the right time.
The plant often symbolises protection (and was often used to surround homes, because of the spiky leaves), making it the perfect plant to pair with a brave fighter spirit.
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konjaku · 1 year
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厚葉君が代蘭[Atsubakimigayoran] Yucca gloriosa
厚[Atsu] : Thick
葉[-ba|Ha] : Leaf
君が代[Kimigayo] : Japanese national anthem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimigayo
蘭[Ran] : Orchid
It is native to the southeastern United States and was introduced in the Meiji period (1868-1912.)
Makino Tomitarō named it so because the botanical name "gloriosa" reminded him of Kimigayo. In fact, after its naming, it turned out to be a different species. Then, he named Yucca gloriosa 男子蘭[Otokoran](Male orchid), but this one did not stick and it became the name it is today. This is described in his essay One theme a day on plants. 蘭 seems to be taken from the Chinese name.
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hanahiroba · 15 days
バリエガータ ユッカ グロリオサの特徴と育て方 niwa_jt049-02
● ユッカ バリエガータの品種の特徴 「バリエガータ」は、厚葉君が代蘭とも呼ばれる耐寒性のあるユッカ・グロリオサの斑入り品種です。ダイナミックに入るスジ状のクリーム色の斑が美しい印象的な品種です。成長は緩慢、日本の気候ではよく伸びても1.5mに収まるようです。 太い幹と上向きの葉を茂らせるユッカは、「青年の木」としても親しまれています。観葉植物やシンボルツリーとしても人気が高く、暑さ寒さに強く手間があまりかからない点も嬉しいところ。成長は極めてゆっくりなため、長いお付き合いができる木と言えなくもないかも?なんせ2m級になるのに何十年もかかることも。不定期にですが不思議な花を咲かせます。ユッカは花を咲かせても枯れることはありませんのでご安心を。 ユッカの中でも「グロリオサ」は、耐寒性があり-20度まで耐えられると言われています。 学名 Yucca gloriosa…
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Yucca gloriosa is a species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, native to the United States. Yucca gloriosa grows on exposed sand dunes along the coast and barrier islands of the subtropical southeastern USA.
Common names include: Adam's needle, glorious yucca, lord's candlestick, mound lily, moundlily yucca, palm lily, Roman candle, Sea Islands yucca, soft-tipped yucca, Spanish bayonet, Spanish-dagger, tree lily. Юкка славная.
Yucca gloriosa is caulescent, usually with several stems arising from the base, the base thickening in adult specimens. Ствол с корой как у обчного дерева, как и у nz cabbage tree сразу отличает его от настоящих пальм.
Yucca gloriosa was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753.
Used in rheumatism, oedema, bronchitis, asthma and chest diseases; also for ulcers, sores, dysentery and haemorrhagic septicaemia. Yuccas are an important source of steroidal sapogenins, precursors of sex-hormones and steroids.
Упоминается под наименованием "испанский меч" (Spanish dagger) в новелле О. Генри "Маркиз и мисс Салли".
11 Manly Esplanade, Browns Bay, Auckland 0630
7PPX+2Q8 Auckland
-36.7149500, 174.7494560
наземные цветковые растения
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buddhismnow · 6 months
Morning meditation — Awareness isn't personal.
Morning meditation — Awareness isn't personal. https://wp.me/pFy3u-88R
‘Awareness isn’t personal. The idea that we are not aware and need to develop awareness, is in itself a creation.’ Ajahn Sumedho Yucca gloriosa. Morning Meditation: Awareness isn’t personal. The idea that we are not aware and need to develop awareness, is in itself a creation. Ajahn Sumedho On our Twitter account, Buddhism Now @Buddhism_Now, most mornings we post a ‘morning meditation’ like…
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materstefano · 7 months
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Yucca gloriosa
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elaineloveskristen · 9 months
Gary Wilkerson
14 de agosto de 2023
Algum tempo atrás, conversei com uma mulher chamada Holly Dziedzickie. Holly foi criada em um lar cristão e frequentou a igreja com seus pais desde tenra idade, mas na adolescência ela se rebelou contra Deus. Ela se envolveu em um estilo de vida de promiscuidade, álcool e drogas, incluindo a venda de metanfetamina. Ela estava com raiva de Deus porque ele considerava pecaminoso as coisas que ela queria fazer. Durante anos, ela entrou e saiu da prisão. As drogas a deixaram paranóica e violenta, e ela acabou sendo enviada para uma instalação de alta segurança.
Lá, Holly conheceu um preso que ela conhecia anteriormente. Desta vez, porém, sua amiga parecia diferente. "Você mudou", disse Holly. “Você é brilhante.” Sua amiga lhe disse que ela havia sido salva, levada a Jesus por uma velhinha de Yucca Valley que costumava ir à prisão e orar pelas meninas. Holly começou a ler a Bíblia, mas ela não a tocou. Sua amiga disse: “Você precisa pedir a Deus que abra seus olhos antes de ler isso”, e ela o fez. Ela abriu a Bíblia novamente, seus olhos pousando no capítulo cinco de Romanos.
Este foi o ponto de virada de Holly. Deus arrancou as vendas e ela entendeu pela primeira vez que Satanás a havia enganado. Ela não estava fazendo o que queria; ela era uma escrava do pecado. Romanos 5:8 se destacou: “Mas Deus mostra o seu amor por nós em que, sendo nós ainda pecadores, Cristo morreu por nós” (ESV ). Ela pediu a Deus para salvá-la.
Holly cumpriu uma pena reduzida e saiu da prisão como uma pessoa diferente. Ela foi para a escola bíblica, depois viajou para o Camboja, onde fundou a Casa de Refúgio para Meninas em Phnom Penh. Por mais de dez anos, Deus trouxe centenas de meninas pobres e jovens para este refúgio – meninas das favelas que foram abusadas, exploradas, traumatizadas e jogadas fora pela sociedade.
Quem diria que uma pequena senhora de Yucca Valley impactaria tantos? Uma pessoa, não contente em sentar-se em confortável complacência, entra no poderoso fluxo do Espírito Santo. Ele se espalha, de prisioneiro para prisioneiro, de amigo para amigo, e Holly paga adiante sua gloriosa redenção para levar o amor e a esperança de Cristo às mulheres esquecidas de Phnom Penh.
Seja o que for que Deus esteja chamando você agora, dê um passo em direção a isso! Seus planos vão muito além dos nossos e podem tocar a vida de pessoas que jamais poderíamos imaginar agora.
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satxjoe · 1 year
Yuccas Are Not Agaves
Introduction Yuccas are wonderful rosette plants related to Agaves–both are members of the Liliaceae. The Liliaceae family contains many types of plants, including familiar garden bulbs. All Liliaceae flowers have three petals and three sepals. The Details Yuccas are characterized by stiff, pointed leaves. However, a few species (e.g., Y. gloriosa) have softer leaves. The plants may have trunks…
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vcam1952 · 1 year
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Spanish dagger, a species of Yuccas(Yucca). Also known as: Mound lily yucca, Spanish dagger yucca, Moundlily yucca, Palm lily, Tree lily, Adam's needle, Spanish bayonet Popular cultivars: 'Bright Star', 'Walbristar' Botanical name: Yucca gloriosa (at Llansanffraid Glan Conwy) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClrkZwaLPhQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hanasakig3 · 2 years
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アツバキミガヨラン(厚葉君が代蘭) 学名:Yucca gloriosa 日本では明治以降に庭木として普及したそうじゃ・・・ あとこの和名じゃが、 【厚葉】が「厚い葉」、【君が代】が、「Gloriosa=栄光」を意味することから、「君が代は栄える」と解釈されたんじゃよ #花 #flower #TLを花でいっぱいにしよう https://www.instagram.com/p/CkIbFh4ScEV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scattitelefonici · 2 years
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0822. Yucca gloriosa. (at Maspalomas, Isla De Gran Canaria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CigFH6IIqOv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tonytomeo · 2 years
Curve Leaf Yucca
Curve leaf yucca resembles other yuccas. Several of the fifty or so species of Yucca are difficult to distinguish from similar species. Some are varieties of species, rather than distinct species. Some are naturally occurring hybrids. Curve leaf yucca, Yucca recurvifolia, is supposedly a naturally occurring variety of mound lily, Yucca gloriosa var. recurvifolia (or tristis). Alternatively, it…
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indirgit · 2 years
İspanyol Hançeri » Info Paylaşım
İspanyol Hançeri » Info Paylaşım
İspanyol hançeri (yucca gloriosa) Asparagaceae familyasına ait yüksekliği 2.5 metreye ulaşabilen,kılıç şeklinde ve uzun ömürlü bir bitkidir.Genellikle süs bitkisi olarak kullanılır. İspanyol Hançeri’nin Görülme Alanı ve Yapısal Özelliği Yucca gloriosa bitkisi güneş gören ılıman ve subtropikal iklimlerde yetişmeye elverişlidir.Bu iklimlerde yer alan kıyı kumulları ve kıyılara yakın bulunan…
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