#yuehua stan
kpop-girlsworld · 2 years
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saebaragi · 2 months
kpop stans having a hard time understanding that cpop doesn't target the international market will always be funny to me
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
fandom thoughts & are cpfs really gonna get banned from yibo related comment sections? 📝
i may regret publishing this cause it will, like it always does, attract the wrong sort but whatever. i don’t really care. for someone who has been here for a good number of years, i have really learned to pick my battles especially fandom-wise. i can tell you that every week, there will always be some kind of trouble going on with fans and you will be exhausted if you obsess over each one of them. i have said before that if there is anything that will drive me out of stanning the boys, it’s the toxic fandom — so that’s why i mostly steer clear. hence, having this small space for myself on tumblr.
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the fandom disagreements, whether that’s within cpfs, so/o vs cpfs, so/o vs other so/os and we somehow get dragged is always gonna be there. and it’s not really unique to our fandom. the question tho is why you are here? is it to participate in fan wars or to consume content related to xz and wyb? is it to be famous and get followers? etc personally, i’m here for xz and wyb. the active fandom is a bonus. there are so many things i love about the cpf community, but my priority will always be xz and wyb + their career. i mostly get involved if the issue makes it on HS and if it’s to amplify something positive within the fandom.
lately, i’ve mildly spoke up about people accusing cpfs of buying likes cause it was all bs.
which leads us to the next topic of being banned..
i guess this is a “hot topic” in other platforms that love drama.
so for the past days, including weibo night, cpfs have been commenting en masse in comments section. for example, with yibo’s weibo night post and ybo’s recent post about bystander ep photos. what you will notice is the use of ❤️💛 💚 to highlight that we are cpfs. the same thing is done in xz & xzs post. the only reason why we are more visible in the top comments of yibo posts is because motos are disorganized. i said what i said. i see efforts for their coordination but cpfs are just more organized when it comes to doing likes and votes. xfx are so much better than us on this tho. they have lots of professional fans. omg i’m gonna get dragged for being a xfx lol but it’s the truth.
you must notice that the friction between cpfs and motos have been happening for a while now. going as far back as SDC 5 finals ( even before that actually ) and so on. this is why i’m not surprised that this stunt from cpfs triggered them again. ⚠️
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the short answer is, no one is getting banned. what they can do tho, and that includes YBO is to report these comments as spam. and if you look at it, they do look like spam posts. if a user gets reported multiple times, then that is when the ban comes in. i don’t think they will be spending money on censoring certain emojis tho. i tried right now and you can still send it.
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i have seen some conversations on wb among cpf, that the comments should not be like this. it should really be actual comments on what is being shared. that we should not include xz’s name or face. that’s what i like about the fandom, cause we can admit if we do something wrong or if we need to improve in some aspects. we don’t blame other people, which is what other fandoms love to do btw. it’s all they can do. lol.
and it doesn’t help that in yuehua’s recent post regarding yibo’s lawsuits, the top comment is about demanding to control the comments section of yibo related posts. so of course they will look into that. sadly, the group that the company will always appease are the solo fans. it is what it is.
so that’s basically what the issue is about.
i’m actually just observing at this point but it’s not where my focus is. i am personally excited about saturday and seeing captain yibo 💥 plus i have other interests and things happening irl. this is why i don’t get people who seem to only be in fandom to start fights or obsess over cpfs. can’t relate.
i’m not saying that we should ignore everything and pretend that things are perfect. the point is, do not obsess over every fandom drama. also, look at things from cpf side before so/os. people usually come to me, sending me things that so/os say and my question is why the hell are you reading their posts? why are you in there? let’s stay on our lane. they are so/os, of course they will be biased. and don’t expect me to be always up in arms about stuff like this. my energy for over reacting is primarily for cpns and not fandom wars & drama.
lastly, being a cpf is not for the glass hearted. if you are weak-willed, this is is not for you. or maybe it is and this is the fandom that will build you up. i hope more and more people will find that perfect balance in participating in this fandom. that we set and implement boundaries — i know it’s especially hard for the new ones — when you are bombarded with the negativity. it’s not all that. there is so much more positive things to gain in being a cpf if you know where to look 🫶🏼
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taeraecore · 1 year
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pairing: roommate!yujin x gn!reader
summary: you and the yuehua boys were planning to surprise yujin for his sixteenth birthday before he gets back, but plans didn’t really follow through
genre: fluff, comedy(?), drabble
word count: 0.3k words
warnings: none
notes: this is my first ever post on tumblr so i apologize for the very obviously inexperienced writing, but i’m so excited to finally start posting. this is for the boys planet stans that are deprived of content so enjoy and feedback is always encouraged and appreciated! <3 also, happy birthday to my little peach ring yujin~ ^_^
after several failed attempts and spending almost the whole day in the kitchen, you and the boys had finally finished making the cake to surprise yujin with for his birthday. the kitchen was left looking like a hurricane just hit but thankfully he wouldn’t be back for at least a few hours.
the ingredients were put away and the counters were clean but you guys were left with a gyuvin sized pile of dishes in the sink. since no one was willing to do them this led to you all playing rock paper scissors to decide who gets to go to the store and who gets to do the dishes. somehow ricky, gyuvin, and ollie got to leave for the store, leaving the rest of you to clean up the mess.
the four of you quickly finished up doing the dishes, due to the scrub and rinse line you guys formed. meanwhile, it had been an hour since the boys left and they still weren’t back.
“you think they got distracted by the food samples again?” yunseo said jokingly while placing the cake in the middle of the table.
“i’m sure they just lost ollie again,” hao said with a half-sarcastic and half-serious tone. you laughed while taking your phone out to text gyuvin.
right as you were going to send your message you heard the door being unlocked and the boys were seen walking inside, followed by an extra person. you turned to seungeon to see him already looking at you, wondering if you’re seeing the same thing as he is.
you wore a blank expression on your face before letting it out, “you… brought… yujin… home… with… you…” you yelled, pausing and raising your voice in between each word. you turned to ricky, already showing fear on his face, wondering how he let something like this happen.
yunseo was seen face palming at the side of your eye while hao was frozen in place. you all exchanged looks and took this awkward moment as a cue to follow in with the surprise plan.
“surprise?” everyone in the room said in sync while running to show off the cake on the table.
all yujin could do was scrunch his eyebrows out of confusion, “where are my candles?”
© taeraecore 2023
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outsidereveries · 3 months
career outlook for zb1's ricky for the next 3 years - achievements and controversies
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in 2024, ricky seem to .. i wouldn't say not achieve any personal goals but there seems to be competition for individual activities he's fighting to have. i am personally unsure if it's related to at least 2 members fighting for the same one or that's ricky personally trying to fight to have these specific gigs he wants to have. for some reason i sense fashion ones, and from what i know about ricky it makes sense because that's his public identity (at least). it looks like the outcome will be in ricky's side and he will start to be active as individual person. apart from that, nothing else.
in 2025, the energy surrounding ricky (that's related to what he will achieve personally) is similar but more intense as it happens that for some reason (that i am unaware if it's related to jiwoong's scandal that happened recently or not) not only ricky will be in the same path as his but other members too. what i personally see is that there's big opponturity that will be given to ricky first and if he doesn't accept it, it will be redirected to another member. there seems to be warning if he decided to accept in the end as the environment surrounding the offer that will land might be safe for one person, but dangerous for another.
however, in 2026 everything for ricky will happen so fast and the options what can happen are just many. since we saw (before) that he will possibly leave yuehua, i do see 2 options - 1) he will reunite with some members from zb1, possibly the hyung line; alternatively, all members from yuehua can leave the company together and redebut in another, again, together, but i am unsure; 2) he will sign with another company alone (and it will make sense why the bottom card is this one) where he can do solo activities in the way he wants to. personally i sense redebut in which i am unsure if it will be in a group or as a soloist.
in 2024, there might be some gossip why ricky is going into the way he will go. i am rethinking my thoughts back and there are some missing points that i don't saw for what achievements he'll achieve - 1) ricky might fight for another type of gigs such as music-related ones, variety shows or even these who are back in china but the solo stans will want something else? 2) whatever ricky's trying to have, something else will be given towards ricky and there will be hashtags, again, for ricky to be treated better; 3) that'll also be related to these hashtags i meant but there might be offer that will be meant for ricky but wakeone will give it to someone else (and again there will be hashtags..) roughly, some sort of mistreatment in a way that it might not be an one. for the first thought, it's self-explaining. for the second and the third options, i do believe these ones will be chosen by ricky himself so there could be misunderstanding from zb1's fans and ricky's solo stans.
in 2025, the energy seems to be similar but even more chaotic. again, guys, ricky will want to do them and won't be forced at all!
on the other hand, in 2026 the controversy is related to the achievement/s he'll achieve. congratulations, ricky will redebut in a group! and will change companies ;)
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wenjunting · 5 months
just finished watching new asy ep... it was too short (spoilers under cut)
double albert group 😁 every day i become more of an 爱合 stan he is so pretty & i rly like his attitude so far
ollie's grp didn't get one and only :/
the yuehuas are fighting! quanzhe & guo dianjia vs jiang xinxi & zhang haolian :0 that will be quite interesting i think
jiang xinxi reminds me of wenjun (if wenjun was leader of yhnext??) & guo dianjia reminds me of justin sjfbd i like them too
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boysplanetrecaps · 3 months
Build Up Recap Episode 2: Beautiful (orig. Crush)
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Welcome back to another recap in my Build Up recap series! In the previous one, I covered Decalcomanie, a song originally performed by Mamamoo. In this one, I finally bring the Pre4 mission to an end with the performance of Beautiful, originally by Crush. Let’s go!
I found a youtube clip of this part, if you’d like to watch. 
Once the judges have stopped laughing at poor Suhwan for his jacket, Dahee announces the next team, which is the final team -- team Beautiful. Backstage, all the guys react -- they all love this song.
The song itself might be familiar to you if you watched the drama “Guardian,” also known as “Goblin.” (I know everyone loved it, but I found it… weird.) It was sung by Crush, who you might remember from the song Rush Hour. 
And here to sing it are Taewoo, Kim Minseo, Jeong Yunseo and Lim Sanghyun.
Taewoo introduces himself by saying, “I’m in charge of the unique voice. I’m managing a startup while I sing. I’m singer-songwriter Taewoo.” Jaehwan on the judging panel says, “Ah, a CEO!” 
Minseo says, “I’m in charge of powerful voice. A Dex lookalike.” The judges decide he really does look like Dex.
Yeonseo introduces himself as an all-rounder, a “hexagon vocalist.” (Basically, “hexagon” is slang for saying you’re multi-talented.) He says he’s a trainee at Mystic Story. Mystic Story manages Lucy (a boy-band) and Billlie (a girl group).
Sangyhun didn’t get the sweater memo; he’s going blazer. He quietly introduces himself by saying, “I’m in charge of soul and sweet voice, singer-songwriter Lim Sanghyun.” And we find out that Sanghyun helped produce Jaehwan’s fourth mini-album! That’s cool. We stan a talented king. 
I found a different Youtube clip of this part. 
The judges point out that two of them are trainees, and ask if they’re nervous. 
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Yunseo confidently says he’s not nervous, and we go into a flashback. 
Minseo, at a pre-production meeting -- it must have been a while back, since his hair is like an inch shorter -- says that he’s been a trainee for 4 years.
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He mentions that he trained with Ricky, Gyuvin, Yujin, and Zhang Hao from Boys Planet/Zerobase1, so I guess he was/is at Yuehua. He couldn’t help but feel al little jealous and frustrated that they had that “dreamy opportunity.” I get it -- that’s normal, I think.
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We hop to the guys at their first meeting, starting to distribute the parts. Yeonseo is getting a lot of compliments from the hyungs, and says he’s good at adding harmony. He seems confident about adding ideas, so Minseo starts to feel a bit intimidated.  He says he’s never really done harmony. Really? After four years? What have you been working on, lovey? 
Sanghyun takes on the role of helpful hyung to Minseo. Minseo tries the harmony with some of the others, and they let him try the ending, helping to build up his confidence. 
So, how will the trainees do? 
Link to the version without reactions
My thoughts:
This performance is squarely in my “really really good, for some reason not super-star” tier. A+, just not quite S.  But it was still A+! 
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I think part of it is that Lim Sanghyun and Taewoo have incompatible voices, so changing from one to the other line to line made them both sound worse. 
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Lim Sanghyun led off with a lovely, soft gruff tone that I actually had to turn my volume up to hear. It was very sweet and gentle, almost like a whisper, but still tuneful, which isn’t easy to do. He also brought the song to a lovely finish with his tone. I think I’d rather just hear him sing a song all the way through, just him singing, because I’m not sure his voice blended with any of the other voices here. But I did really like his voice on its own. 
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Taewoo has what I’ll call a YG voice. It would not be out of place singing a Big Bang song, with his specific, sharp nasal vocal color and swaggy affectations. It’s quite lovable in its way. It doesn’t sound great back to back with Sanghyun’s voice, unfortunately, but if he were singing a verse from Fantastic Baby I’d be into it. He lets notes kind of flop down instead of holding them, he sort of swoops on some notes, that kind of thing. He doesn’t seem to prioritize pitch, though he can definitely hit the right notes when he is harmonizing. He was so sweet and encouraging to Minseo during their harmony portion, so it’s a bummer that I have to say that among these four, his performance was my least favorite. He does have my favorite sweater, though.  
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Going from their teasers, Minseo had my favorite voice among these four, but I think his lack of experience showed here. I really, really liked his teaser performance of Rolling in the Deep by Adele (V39), and said that he has a distinct, real voice that shows some training but also some rough edges. But here he was soooo nervous. It really showed. I can’t blame him -- I think I’d probably pass out if I had to sing in front of Baekho and Solar. But his nerves made him short of breath, and he couldn’t properly support some of his high notes and had to go into falsetto. He also was going way too fast. In a later third of the performance, he seemed to struggle with agility, pausing on a sort of odd note in a vocal run. (Maybe that’s what it was supposed to sound like? I admit I don’t know the song perfectly.) He still sounded beautiful, despite those slight problems, and I think that was mostly nerves. 
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Yeonso was a bit of a mystery going into this performance, since his teaser track had such heavy backup vocals that I couldn’t really be sure what was live. In this performance, he did a good job and had a lot of power. He has a very clean voice, if a bit thin, with good power and breath support, and I think “all-round” describes him well since I think his voice could jive with anyone’s. Except I guess Taewoo’s. I guess that compared to the more interesting voices of the other three, he fades out a little. Also, I basically couldn’t get a shot of him with his eyes open, because they were closed 90% of the time when he was singing. Open your eyes, guys! I'll give you a prize. I'm telling no lies! Just open your eyes.
The harmonies sounded great and I wished there were a few more of them. 
I’m not really sure who I’d pick as top tier. Each had a lot of pros and a few cons. Part of me wants to say Minseo since I just like his voice best, but then I think Sanghyun is the one I walked away wanting to hear a whole song from… so maybe Sanghyun.
The MNET edit makes it clear how much everyone likes Sanghyun’s  sweet voice, but they also like Taewoo’s -- they call it “chic”, which I think is fair. Maybe that’s kind of what I meant by saying it was a YG voice. They like the two trainees’ voices too, and they should, they’re good singers. 
And as the song draws to a close, the translations do too. I looked and looked on Youtube for a clip of this section, but couldn’t find it, so thanks, Youtube. Thootube. At least google-translate-camera is always here for us. 
Jaehwan says, “This team is awesome!”  They get a “barrage of applause” and Gwangseok backstage says they did great. Everyone agrees that the ending was great, and they were very stable.
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Random members of the groups were missing. I think while the performances were going on, they may have been being photographed for their official photos, in another room. 
Dahee tells Baekho that should could tell from his facial expressions how much he enjoyed the performance. He agrees. 
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Baekho enjoying the singing. I think. I guess? 
Baekho says, “The charm of each voice is different. Each time the part changed, the joy was incredible.” I get what he’s saying, though that wasn’t quite my experience here. (fun fact: google translate calls Baekho “White tiger judge,” which I love.)  Sanghyun caught his attention with the intro. Backstage, Woong and Wumuti agree. 
VCG says, “In the beginning, that ooh yeah part, that’s really difficult.” Jaehwan agrees, adding, “Right, because once that first note goes out, it’s over.” VCG goes on to to compliment Sanghyun’s precise pitch -- he was eating CDs, y’all. “I can hear all of your efforts,” he says, “and I bought into the song because of you.”
Solar speaks to Taewoo, complimenting his “unique technique and tone. It suited this song very well.”
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As she compliments him, Taewoo closes his eyes in relief. He looks a tiny bit like he might cry.  Aww! Taewoo is lovable, I find. Well, I think most of these guys are. Anyone who wants to be a singer is somehow lovable to me.
She tells them all they did a great job -- it was a beautiful stage. 
VCG takes some time to call out the two trainees, that he had low expectations but he was wrong because they did well. No mention of Minseo rushing the beat -- I guess they only yell at Bitsaeon for that. Regardless, the praise well deserved. They say thank you and bow. 
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White Tiger Judge (Baekho) adds that Minseo’s pronunciation is so cool, which is extra funny if you remember how hard of a time Minseo had with the English word “underestimate” in his teaser. (I’m not really making fun of him -- foreign languages are hard, and the rest of his pronunciation was so good that it really emphasized that one mistake.) 
Both Baekho and VCG also heap more praise on Yunseo, telling him his voice is “pretty and precious.” 
Overall, the team suited the song, and it was all beautiful. But now they have to pick a top tier. Who will it be? 
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Baekho, Eunkwang, and Jaehwan vote for Lim Sanghyun. Solar votes for Taewoo, and VCG votes for Jeong Yunseo. So Sanghyun wins!
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Sanhyun says he really didn’t expect it. He says his team talked about it and decided it didn’t matter who was top tier -- they just wanted to create a beautiful stage. He says he feels like he was chosen as the top tier because of his teammates, and he thanks them sincerely. 
Aww, that’s some nice team building you got going there! It’d be a shame if someone were to come along and.... fuck that all up!
Dahee says that Sanghyun had told her/the producers/someone that he wasn’t sure if he’d continue with music or not, so she thanks the judges, saying she hopes it will encourage him to continue. Jaehwan is like, hey, we worked together not that long ago! What do you mean, you were thinking of quitting music? Everyone laughs.
Sanghyun says that he really loves music and wants to continue making it. (The subtitles come back, thank god!) He just wasn’t sure if he’d be able to make it as a singer, as opposed to a behind-the-scenes person. So Build Up is a good opportunity for him. 
Beautiful team leaves the stage, and the judges say that even though they gave the standing ovation to the Don’t Go, Don’t Go team, Solar says she liked this team better. The judges all tease each other for not giving this team a standing ovation too.
And since that’s the end of the performances, I think I’ll wrap up this post here. In the next one, I’ll do a brief wrap up of the pre4 mission, then later on I'll cover the whole top tier, middle tier, low tier stuff, you know, the part where they fuck up all the team building, and that will take us into episode 3. See you then! 
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yourlocalnetizen · 11 months
ZeroBaseOne members as male Shadowhunters characters
Kim Jiwoong
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= Magnus Bane
Face card never declines because they're immortal
So done with young people but puts up with them anyways
😘 guys
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Zhang Hao
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= Jem Carstairs
Everyone loves them
Parent figure
Can & will adopt your children
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Sung Hanbin
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= Will Herondale
The ultimate ride or die
Have an undying pure love for their other half
Cool tattoos
Beautiful eyes
The craziest GF stans (Side-eyes Tatiana Lightwood)
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Seok Matthew
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= Matthew Fairchild
Their name is Matthew
Their life is dramatic
They can't catch a break
Hot and they know it
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Kim Taerae
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= Simon Lewis
Endearing loser energy (but they're both winners in life)
Plays the guitar
Wears glasses
Fairly religious (though Simon is Jewish & Taerae is Christian)
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= Kieran
Royalty but somehow still mistreated (looking at you MNET & Yuehua)
Evil edited but are actually sweet souls
Great hair
In the end, they're both kings
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Kim Gyuvin
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= Mark Blackthorn
So genuine and kind
Golden retriever energy
Chaotic and unhinged
Everyone reduces them to a silly guy when they're so much more
BF materiel, in both a boyfriend or best friend way
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Park Gunwook
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= Julian Blackthorn
Seem older than their age
Super sweet with kids
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Han Yujin
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= Kit Herondale
Gen Z to the bone
Very much a young teenage boy
Lives a very crazy life for a teen
A violin playing Chinese man took one look at them before signing the adoption papers
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jinhogwarts · 1 year
stanning idols for a long time always hits hard when you realize how long it has been, but it hits even harder when you've stanned them as trainees for years and years before they made their debut and you suddenly see them everywhere as idols and realize how amazing they are and how much it was worth it to wait...
it happened to me with jinho, i was his fan since sm the ballad in 2010, i genuinely thought i would never see him debuting, until he returned to my life in 2016. it has been such a beautiful journey with him since, and i'm so proud of him every day 💖
it also happened to me with lew and hyeongseop from tempest. i have known them since pd101s2 in 2017, they were two of my faves on the show (my #1 was zhengting who is also from yuehua but he went back to china and debuted there, and i really loved all the yhh trainees). for a while i was wondering if they were even still in yuehua because it's been so long since yhh mentioned them and they haven't done anything... but then they debuted in tempest and i'm SO happy because musically they're one of my favorite 4th gen groups (didn't like dragon at all but i loved all their other tts and their bsides are also amazing). funnily enough though my official bias is hanbin, who i didn't know at all before tempest 😂 him & lew are sharing the bias spot though hehe. and they both look so good this cb i'm losing my mind 😭
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harus-simp · 1 year
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OMG Thank you so much for those 50 followers, I'm so thankful to each and everyone of you 😭❤️
Right now I'm in a trip to visit family but once I come back I'll be more active.
I currently have 5 drafts to you'll be with a lot of content once I finish them
Right now I'm working on:
-their reaction when you have a stan account dedicated to them (with Jiwoong,Keita,Jongwoo,Taerae and Wumuti)
-the reaction of the g group yuehua trainees when you call them jie jie (I don't know if the spelling is correct, but I'll do a further search about it hehe)
-a drabble with Keita
-a drabble with Wumuti
-a drabble with Kamden
Let me know if you have any other ideas or requests :))
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kpop-girlsworld · 3 years
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
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ghafahey · 3 years
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aisha ミ✮ last melody
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hiremeyuehua · 3 years
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wenjunting · 5 months
finally watched asy! (many, many) spoilers under cut :)
"mr. rain" sorry i laughed (RAINISM hello...)
everyone in the live comments going "where is zhengting" is so me. WHERE is zhengting.
is behind the scenes seriously paid content...
double albert grp vocalists are good! although as a wayv stan i have mixed feelings abt the perf 😓
albert (aihe) deep voice. Wow. actually tbh i think his styling wasn't great this ep :/
albert (ai yukun) being sick... like xiao gui in idolpro... ouch
tan yitian's grp is called "running to the canteen"?? ok wait their chef concept is lowkey funny
"xiaotian feed me" LIN ZHANSHUO YOU ARE SO REAL. tan yitian is So good-looking but i have no idea who he is.
they're pretty consistent! i think overall better than the other grp + their opening was honestly fire // oh yay they won!!
纯爱战士 (first one and only grp) are so energetic n zhong junyi is so confident (i... don't know who he is either)
their group is quite 稳 like they're talented but they def did not pick the right song 😭 it's ok. they can be cool later on
OH zhong junyi is under tao's company. ok makes sense
magic cube fits the concept better! wang muqing is cute 不愧是乐华的 (my yuehua bias is popping out apologies)
"is it that you're confident alone? when you're together you lose confidence?" CHENG XIAO SKDHSJ 😭😭 someone needs to save boyhood from her and zt i swear (yuehua family!!) + part 2 of the boyhood not wanting e/o anym saga,, guo dianjia is so funny
"my nose was leaking into my mouth" STOP. STOP WHY WLD YOU SAY THIS. // mentor's advice abt not letting it disturb him was v good actually
the guy w the cold jokes... YANJUN... live comments agree w me i miss him :(
i just rly like lydia as a song
ZHAO TIANYI!! hi!! genius kid!!
second lydia group is slaying honestly. it's a slay. that high note was epic. they seem so put together too
"if it's about talent our group wld win" Uh... the trainees are getting sm braver honestly
my top 3!!! ollie!! jiang xinxi!! li quanzhe!! let's GO!!!!!! // i don't recognise most of the others LMAO. yin junlan is not the yuehua i was expecting (uh guo dianjia maybe). where is lin zhanshuo. why are aihe and zhao tianyi so low. i am BROKE youku!!! i am broke!!!!!
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weuschoiceheart · 3 years
So um, opinions on Hanbin joining Yuehua entertainment?
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