#yugioh rare pairings
k-aalia · 5 days
Joey knows it's bad manners and probably distasteful. Really, he does.
Despite what others may think, he really is a gentleman. Tries his best to be, at least.
Unfortunately, his mouth has always run quicker than his brain. Usually it just gets him into a bit of trouble he can't talk his way out of, but every now and then it just leaves him embarrassed and humiliated in front of pretty people.
He will not let this be a repeat of that situation though. Not when the girl who's grabbed his heart is the most gorgeous, ethereal woman that he has ever had the privilege to lay eyes upon.
Especially not when she's Seto Kaiba's fuckin' personal assistant.
It's not often Joey comes to KaibaCorp -- okay, he never comes to KaibaCorp -- but Yugi had invited him along for one of his weekly matches with the man himself.
And for the first time in his life, Joey just cannot focus on the game playing out in front of him.
Not that seeing Yugi and Kaiba duel isn't always some sort of spectacle -- and these days, filled with so much innuendos and flirting it's like watching a particularly captivating trashy TV show -- but no matter the dramatics or the plot twists, Joey's attention is firmly held by the pretty woman sitting next to him in the spectator stands.
Kisara, Joey knows her name is after hearing Kaiba bark commands at her. Silky white hair flowing over her shoulders and curling round her pale face. Her eyes are a beautiful sparkling blue, intensely focussed on the laptop sitting on her knees.
"Hey, how's it going?" Joey says to her and fights the urge to wince.
Really? That's the best he can do?
Kisara blinks and turns her head to face him, concentration broken as she looks at Joey like she's only just realised he's there.
"Oh, hi. I'm just working," she tells him with a quick smile and fuck is it breathtaking.
She turns back to her laptop and Joey curses silently as he realises he'd missed the opportunity to say anything more, too captivated by her stupid pretty smile and now if he tries again it's gonna be awkward and god, what if he makes her uncomfortable?
Kaiba and Yugi's duel finishes soon after and Joey practically runs up to Yugi to try and escape his spiralling thoughts. The two of them are halfway to the door when Kaiba grabs his arm and pulls him back.
Joey whirls around, a taunt on the tip of his tongue. What's wrong, rich boy, want me to beat your ass too?
But he stops when he sees Kaiba's sneer.
"Don't hit on my assistant." He warns "Kisara is too good for a mutt like you."
Joey feels himself flush, pulling his arm out of Kaiba's grip.
"Fuck off man, I was just being polite!" He snaps back.
Seto's sneer falters slightly as he narrows his eyes, looking Joey over like he's some fun new puzzle to solve.
"At least wait until she's off the clock. I can't have you distracting her."
Seto stalks off before Joey can get another word in, Kisara at her bosses side in an instant. Despite recieving Kaiba's blessing -- which he didn't want or need, by the way -- Joey is almost certain it's not gonna do him any good anyway. Kisara is way out of his league, as usual, and totally not interested in him. As usual.
Joey suspects he has a type.
But just when he thinks he's done for, Kisara looks over his shoulder to shoot him a wink and a smile.
Oh. Joey thinks, heart beating so fast it could burst from his chest. I'm totally in love.
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sw33theartnick · 6 months
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if you guys think i do anything else in my spare time but make yugioh shitposts you’d only be half right
also jurassicshipping is my current favorite yugioh gx pairing why does it have so little content,,,, why must the universe vex me so
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 9 months
Round 6: The Final Round
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Pompshipping (Miho Nosaka/Seto Kaiba)
Propaganda: HEAR ME OUT. Miho has blue-ish white long hair. Kisara has blue-ish white long hair. Yugioh DM is NOTORIOUS for having long-dead characters have mysterious modern day dopplegangers (that’s the whole plot!!!) so why not like this? Miho is a gold digger who’s on the lookout for her perfect prince. Kaiba fills that role perfectly: young, rich, successful, handsome— what’s not to love? She latches onto him and they are both confronted with the fact that they’re both terrible people actually, and somewhere in there, real feelings sprout and they have to struggle to navigate it
Pairing 2: Beautyshipping (Mai Valentine|Mai Kukaju/Aileen Rao)
Propaganda: love a good f/f rarepair and also two powerful ladies. aileen is a model who is so good at games that kaiba decides to make her a game master, and mai is introduced as being a powerful duelist who wins a lot. they could make each other worse. | i really like them both and like to see my faves together. and i like the idea of two women who are both very independent being in a relationship together because it could be done either as a sort of rivalry romance where they're both trying to one up each other OR it could be a very soft thing where after a long day having to do everything for themselves, they have someone safe to come home to who really gets them. really depends on where in each of their stories you have them meet, i think.
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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stardustneeko · 1 year
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lil Revertshipping thing i did as a treat for LeechySmile on AO3 for Rare Pair Exchange 2023.
Confession #1: i'd never drawn either of these characters before (probably bc i always thought their hairstyles were too difficult lol)
Confession #2: i signed up for this event before i realized i'd need a biiiiig break from drawing/writing for a while, so i suppose i wasn't really hiatusing as i should
Confession #3: i had a HUGE crush on Jounouchi wayyy back in the day (i'm talking when i was like 9-10). i have a feeling if i re-read DM i will probably fall back hard lmao (sorry that i have grown up to be somebody who likes to make u suffer babe)
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the-evil-authoress · 6 months
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My art contribution to the 23-24 Mini Bang! Done for the wonderful crimsonxraptor and their fic Handling It! Be sure to give it a read!
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mediocredoots · 8 months
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Commissioned by @rosalind-hawkins for Mastershipping! Thank you so much ✨
I have special YCH Valentine commissions opened until the end of February: Click Here 💝
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rosalind-hawkins · 1 month
Title: I Can't Help But Laugh
Rating: G
Ship: Ryou Bakura x Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba
Word Count: 365
Tags: Soulmates, Red String of Fate, High School, Abstract, Short One Shot
Ryou Bakura has the gift to see everyone's Red String of Fate that connects them to their soulmates. He's not prepared for meeting his own soulmates, or the fact that they hate each other.
Teaseshipping for @ygorarepairweek Day 1: Soulmates.
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merryfortune · 2 months
DNA Evidence
Written for the Rarest of Rare Pairs Fic-a-Thon on Dreamwidth
Prompt: Any: any/any(/any+) femslash - sharing lipsticks 
Title: DNA Evidence
Ship: Chiyomaru/Masquerena
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG
Word Count: 2,030
Rating: T
Warning: None 
Tags: Denial of Feelings, Pining, Unhygienic, Indirect Kiss
   “Again?!” Pla-Tina snapped at her.
   Chiyomaru winced but did her best not to. It didn't exactly reflect well on her if she flinched when her superior yelled at her, after all. Instead, she gingerly lifted her hand.  
   “Yes, ma'am, the target got away,” Chiyomaru suppressed a whimper and tried to talk like a soldier, “but we did collect some DNA evidence of her. Could be useful.”
   Said DNA evidence was inside the plastic baggie that Chiyomaru was holding. The item in question was a tube of lipstick, colour presently unknown but its outer shell was a muted, charcoal black with mauve linework. The brand had been scratched off by something, possibly a screw driver based on the pattern of the rivulets. It was a feeble attempt at hiding identity.
   “We have enough of that girl's detritus, rookie.” Pla-Tina snarled. “Dispose of it.”
   “Understood.” Chiyomaru chirped.
   She stashed the baggie inside of her pocket again and saluted Pla-Tina. Her heart raced. She hated being scolded (read: verbally abused) by her superiors. She really, truly, genuinely did her honest and earnest best and this was the thanks she got for it? It completely ruined her already bad mood.
   After all she was the reason the infamous I:P Masquerena had gotten away again.
   Everything with her was a fumble. There was something about her that caused plans to fail, it was as though she were a magnet for Murphy's law, turning everything she touched into a Saturday morning cartoon. Every rave against crime turned into a slapdash sprint off the edge of the nearest building's roof. Chiyomaru's memories of every twist and turn blurred until it just snowballed to get snapped at by her superior but hey. At least she had a souvenir.
   One that she was meant to throw in the trash and Chiyomaru tried. She really did.
   She got home, back to their dormitories. It felt good to be back. The familiar sight of the dark hallways and darker rooms was calming. She unlocked her room and stood in front of her waste bin. She stood in front of it and went through the mental list of what she needed to do.
Throw out the lipstick. They didn’t need it.
Have a shower. None of the rooms have ensuites though.
Rest up for a better, more refreshed mind. Just so she could do her chores tomorrow? No thanks.
   Chiyomaru sighed to herself. She drew out the bagged lipstick from her pocket. She lifted her hand. She held the baggie by the knot at the top of it. She didn’t move her arm despite willing herself to do it. Chiyomaru tried to move her muscles, inch by inch, instruction by instruction but no matter how minute the order or how she tried to will herself, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t bring herself to do it despite her determination. 
   She tried over and over again but despite having that mental list, she didn’t have the mental fortitude to go through with it. Not one item off it.
   So, Chiyomaru gave up. Annoyed that even now, she couldn’t go through with orders like a well-oiled machine. Chiyomaru turned away from the waste bin and looked out to her room, her shoulders relaxed and she threw the lipstick baggie onto her bed. That came easy to her as she defeatedly kicked off her shoes and changed into her pyjamas. She threw her uniform onto the floor and flopped into bed face first. 
   Complete and utter full depression mode.
   For all of two minutes.
   Chiyomaru growled to herself. She couldn’t be anything but a goody-two-shoes, it seemed so she dragged herself up and tidied her room. She simply could not with the idea of having dirty laundry on the floor. No way! She bent down, picked them up, and gave them a sniff test. Ew, rank, and promptly decided they needed to go into the laundry basket so she balled them up and dunked them into her bamboo basket.
   Then she returned to bed. Angrily. In the way that only someone going through the motions of grief could be angry. She was angry at herself, angry at her boss, angry at her coworkers, but she was furious with her rival.
   Rival was, truly, the only word for I:P Masquerena.
   They seemed like they were on equal footing. They were both newcomers on the scene as newbie cat burger and fresh-faced S-Force recruit. Masquerena’s first heist had even been Chiyomaru’s first night on the job and something illicit clicked when their eyes first met and made contact. Masquerena blew a raspberry and Chiyomaru blew a gasket right back at the disrespect.
   The back and forth between them was clumsy and personal. Everything about Masquerena made Chiyomaru irate. She was silly and klutzy, made bad feline puns and was always toppling over head over heels. She was the worst thief in the world! Yet she had bested Chiyomaru - and by extension, the rest of the S-Force - every time through sheer dumb luck.
   Even tonight. Chiyomaru kept coming back to their farewell as Masquerena once again got away with a USB stick full of passwords to various museums’ security systems throughout the city, how she disappeared over the edge of the building. She was gorgeous. The way her eyes sparkled in the moonlight, the cheeky glint to her teeth as she smirked like a cat. Only to screech as she crashed into an awning below before making her inelegant getaway.
   Classic Masquerena in some ways and it was beyond irritating. She was witty but always the butt of her own joke. She was sly and flexible but a klutz. Unlucky in all the luckiest of ways. She was sweet and personable and probably could have been an influencer if she really wanted. Everything about her epitomised the city and how different it was to Chiyomaru’s country roots but it drew her in all the more.
   She wondered. If circumstances were different, could they have been friends? Surely not. Chiyomaru proudly had a stick up her bum and Masquerena was openly more free-wheeling. Instead of being beaten down at a job increasingly turned into a dead end, what if it had been school or university or literally anywhere else where they first met. Regrettably, however, Chiyomaru came to the same decision as she peered into the rabbit hole. 
   Ultimately, she was a hall monitor and Masquerena was a rebel at heart. It didn’t matter if they were playing games or committing crimes, they were a pair with irreconcilable differences.
   Everything about Masquerena got on Chiyomaru’s nerves, after all. Her shiny, glossy hair, her air-headed nature, the sound of her voice which meandered between too cute and too cacophonic. It made Chiyomaru’s heart pound the more and more she examined the gap between herself and that gosh-darn thief. 
   Chiyomaru sighed. She wanted to sleep and ideally never wake up. She could only imagine the long list of chores she would have to do, not to mention corporal punishment or extra training, additional duties which would only aim to demean her. It would be the literal worst.
   Chiyomaru closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep. She got underneath her covers, smushed her face into her pillow and tried to ignore the face of Masquerena that she kept seeing amid the phosphenes. Her bedding was thin and well-worn. The room was draughty, too. She drew her knees up to her chest and jostled her foot against something.
   Oh. That’s right. The lipstick. It was still in the bag and it was still on her bed. Why did she even throw it over here? Why couldn’t she put it in the trash where it belongs.
   Well, with it on her bed, Chiyomaru didn’t want to sleep so she pulled herself up again. She could already feel her hair sticking out at odd angles with bedhead. She leaned over herself and grabbed the lipstick. 
   She examined it through the bag. It was roughed up but to a country girl like Chiyomaru, it seemed super bougie and even taboo. Only the showgirls and theatre girls wore makeup in her village and none of them were young like her so it seemed so weirdly foreign to her. 
   Chiyomaru let her curiosity get the better of her. She shouldn’t but what did it matter? She had picked it up out of the gutter on the roof. It had slipped out of Masquerena’s back pocket when she half squatted over the edge of the building, like a superhero and making the calculations of if she should stay or if she should go. 
   Chiyomaru ripped the bag open. The plastic was tougher than she thought it would be but she was able to it and the lipstick fell out, landed in her lap, in the folds of the blanket over her. She balled up the plastic and put it in her bedside drawer. Tomorrow morning, if she could, she would put it in the bin. Like she should have already.
   Then Chiyomaru did the next step.
   She uncapped the tube of lipstick and she gave the bottom of it a swivel so the lipstick would rise up past the rim of its casing. The lipstick was kind of a shade of brown but it also reminded Chiyomaru of the colour purple. A really dusty shade of it with some nude tones mixed in. 
   She could imagine it on Masquerena’s lips. They were… cupid bow shaped. Cute and well taken care of, not dry at all like her own. Their shape was remembered by the lipstick and… experienced by Chiyomaru for the very first time as she applied it to her own.
   The feeling of the smear was alien to Chiyomaru. It was a thick texture but not chalky, it was softer than that. She sighed as she imagined it was Masquerena’s hand guiding her and that it was-
   No, that was too far.
   Chiyomaru’s ears burned and her eyes snapped open. What was she doing?! Fantasising about her foe?! How dare she. Uncalled for, unthinkable, unhygienic, even.
   But it was an indirect kiss, nonetheless.
   She couldn’t take it back, and she only made it worse as she tried to wipe it off her lips. The substance was stubborn, it turned to dusky streaks on the back of her hands as she frantically tried to deny it and the faraway kiss of Masquerena. 
   Chiyomaru’s stomach knotted and she held on tighter to the lipstick. She couldn’t throw it away, she couldn’t even fling it into the far corner of the room in disgust. She just couldn’t. Her eyes welled up with tears as she grappled with contradictory feelings.
   She wanted to do right by her village, her ideals and her convictions but this shining city that once glowed with all her hopes and dreams… It was all grime underneath. The higher the pedestal the deeper the shadow behind it, or something like that.
   The tears she shed streaked down her cheeks and Chiyomaru gritted her teeth so as to not warble like a crybaby child. She gave up. To hell with tomorrow, let it happen, she deserved it. She was far more rotten than her superiors would ever know.
   She hid under her covers and stuffed her hand, tube of lipstick and all, underneath her pillow. She smashed her face into it, trying to rub off more of the lipstick but it stayed firmly put despite what she did to it. She clenched her eyes shut tight and begged to tear ducts to freaking stop it. Amazingly, that worked. It was a shame demanding that she fall asleep didn’t, however.
   She held the lipstick harder. Until she could feel the imprint of it, and her nails, inside the palm of her hand, that she could feel how she was white knuckling it. Chiyomaru all but curled up into a ball as she wrestled with these feelings. The events of tonight replaying in her head over and over again instead of sweet dreams. 
   Until fine. She cracked. She would admit it. Chiyomaru hated her job, she hated her boss but she hated how she liked Masquerena more. 
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tiredgremlintime · 6 months
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my piece for the @ygorarepairs mini-bang! This is for @wayfinderrinku ‘s teardropshipping fic! I had a ton of fun making this for them! It’s always great showing these girls some love! :D
link to the fic here! Please check it out!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54618556
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mirpuzzle · 1 year
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RarePair Week day 3 - Angst Occultshipping @ygorarepairweek
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amararala · 1 year
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Vote for Ryou the weirdest guy and they will kiss on the mouth!!!!!!(Ryoshipping)
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heljay · 2 years
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Ooh, we’re in danger... ♥
My piece for the YGO Rare Pair Mini-Bang on Twitter! Who’s surprised to see this ship from me. Again. lmfao
Listen I am going to forcibly shove as much of this ship into the GX fandom as I possibly can and No One Can Stop Me
(Also fun fact: I’ve had this done since like. November)
Accompanying AMV (which I made in the interim waiting for the claims to happen) and fic (which was inspired by both) will be linked to when they’re up in a reblog!
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sw33theartnick · 7 months
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watching yugioh gx for the first time and while the first few episodes were a very slow and dull start it’s really grown on me and it picked up tremendously so here are my yugioh gx ships thus far
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 10 months
Round 2: Poll 7
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1:Buddyshipping (Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler/Hiroto Honda | Tristan Taylor )
Propaganda: honda and jounouchi are the epitome of “idiot x idiot” they’re stupid but most importantly they’re stupid TOGETHER | They bicker like an old married couple and they're CONSTANTLY huggung/romatically fistfight/basically putting their hands all over each other. they are huge goofs.
Pairing 2: Alternateshipping(Dark Magician/Red Dark Magician)
Propaganda:These two are so important to me, the episode about them impacted me deeply. How the red magician fights his counterpart but clearly envies how loyal he is to Atem, and how well Atem treats him, as opposed to Pandora who mistreates him, and then at the end, joining their side to fight alongside his counterpart and finally getting to experience the joy of helping Atems deck, themes of sacrifice and loyalty i am UNWELL | As for Dark Magician/Red Dark Magician OH BOY. There are intense parallels between the two during the duel between Yami and Pandora. They're both duel monsters who are incredibly loyal, one just happens to be in the wrong hands. Red Dark Magician wants someone to be loyal to, someone to appreciate him, and he gets used and betrayed in the end. I think RDM deserves better and be comforted by the one he was made to emulate.
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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Yugioh: YGO Rare Pairs Mini Bang - Signups opening soon! (Nov. 1)
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Links:ygorarepairs | Mastodon | Twitter | AO3
Description: This is an event that focuses on rare pair ships for all Yugioh series (including crossovers and multi-pairings), open to writers, artists, and image & video editors. We used tiered rulings for determining rarity for this event based on ao3 statistics. See our FAQ for more info on rarity requirements.
Writers will compose a fic for their selected rare pair, meeting the 4000 word minimum wordcount. Artists will claim at least 1 fic to use as inspiration for their art piece. Partners will collaborate and share their pieces together on posting day for this event. Please read our specifications page for more details about expectations for event pieces.
Sign ups are opening soon! If interested in joining our Discord community in advance, please send the mod a message via Dreamwidth or email ([email protected]).
Sign-ups: Nov 1-30 (writers may start immediately)
Check-in #1 (writers only): Dec 21-23
Check-in #2 (writers w/ claim pitch): Jan 31-Feb 2
Claims: Feb 3-4
Claims assigned: Feb 5/6
Artist WIP share: Feb 16-17
Check-in #3 (artists and writers): Feb 25-27
Posting prep: Mar 7-9
Posting: Mar 10-16
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starrycyberse · 1 year
Writing this down in case I never actually do it but zailuge comic idea where Luge asks Zaion about his eye color cuz he always wears tinted glasses or visors and Luge just removes Zaion’s glasses after he refuses to tell him and Luge’s just like “woah.. they’re very pretty :)” (me and my cringe ideas hehehh)
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