#yuki shoma
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25 Ji, Akasaka de (2024) I 1.04 "Wanna rehearse our kiss scene?"
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 21 days
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Shoma at the opening ceremony for the LaLa TokyoBay arena, where The Ice 2024 and One Piece on Ice will take place. He cut the ribbon together with basketball player Yuki Togashi, whose team will have their new homebase in the arena.
Here are also videos:
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williams-excel-sheet · 3 months
shoma uno and yuki tsunoda exist in similar spaces in my brain. why?
very talented Japanese athletes
have a surprisingly good relationship with food considering their respective sports
(most vitally) are very close to my height so when I see them in pictures I am forced to reckon with how small I actually am compared to the average person
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oqs-art-corner · 2 years
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a (very) late tribute piece to Kazuki Takahashi ft. Bobobo (based on that one page where Yugi popped out of his afro)
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otakusheep15 · 3 months
Fruits Basket
Kyo Sohma x Male Reader
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 month
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Episode 5
The BL shooting within this BL has art imitating life. Yuki (NIIHARA TAISUKE) is becoming the object of affection for both of his co-stars.
The gorgeous and outgoing newcomer Yamase Kazuma (NAGUMO SHOMA) is coming on strong yet running hot and cold.
Asami (KOMAGINE KIITA) is working out his feelings while seething beneath the surface.
What awaits this newly forming triangle?
Does Yuki feelings for Asami hold strong? Or is the shiny new hunk on the scene competition? Or perhaps just a catalyst for Asami to realize he's falling for Yuki?
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kamyru · 1 year
How they embarrass themselves in front of MC (Headcanons)
Characters: Jin Namba, Hideki Ishigami, Hyogo Kaga, Shusuke Soma, Takaomi Tsugaru, Seiji Goto, Ayumu Shinonome, Toru Kurosawa, Yukihisa Maki, Shunichiro Tachibana, Jun Araki, Toshiaki Kijima, Toma Kiriya, Natsume Asaoka, Ukyo Senkawa, Daimon Togo, Kunihiro Kasai, Kuranosuke Kiba, Eiji Takao, Shu Hasunuma, Toshiki Kasumi, Munechika Takado, Taro Akuchi, Suzumu Mado
Jin Namba 
Jin spent too much time on social media to be trendy. He saw that trend of getting photos of how the stars looked in a region during a specific day. So, Jin decided to get MC one of these with their anniversary. When the delivery arrived, MC was home, and Jin gave it immediately. It turned out the anniversary was wrong. And it was he who sent the wrong date.
Hideki Ishigami
During a warm weekend, Ishigami and MC decided to go to the beach. So, both of them got into the water. However, a big wave and one jellyfish made Ishigami lose his balance. The man tried his best to swim. After half a minute that felt like years, MC finally told her boyfriend that the water was shallow enough for him to stay on his four and not die.
Hyogo Kaga
Hyogo let his daughter paint his nails. Of course, Baby Kaga didn't care where his nails end. He forgot that the nail polish remover finished the last time she did this. So, Captain Kaga had to go to an important meeting early in the morning with colorful and messy painted fingers.
Shusuke Soma
Jokingly, Soma handcuffed himself and MC together against the bed. After he locked them, he remembered he had left the keys in his blazer in another room. MC offered to move the bed with them because it was made out of expensive wood. So they did it until they were met by the door. And Shusuke understood why the bed had to be put in his room disassembled when he saw there was no way to get out with it. Soma was nearly crying while trying to break the piece they were handcuffed to. The bed remained like that for years.
Takaomi Tsugaru 
Tsugaru loves MC, and he loves MC strong enough to give up on his habit of eating strange food combinations. For MC's birthday, he wanted to get her a cake from a fancy expensive confectioner. It turned out MC had an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients, and they had to go to the ER.
Seiji Goto
Goto once jokingly asked MC if Japan turned into The Netherlands. MC asked why because it wasn't like Goto to make such jokes. So, Goto sent her a photo of a field with tulips. It was Ishigami who told him that it was a field of poppies.
Ayumu Shinonome 
The Hair Guru a.k.a. Ayumu Shinonome convinced MC that he could cut her hair. She accepted to let him cut her bangs, and he asked her about the length. They agreed on it, and instead of cutting the hair under his fingers, he cut it from above, making it too short. MC cried for two days and didn't talk to him at all. He had to apologize more than ten times for her to stop being mad at him.
Toru Kurosawa
After Toru and MC started to live together, Shoma became a usual guest in their house. It was so natural for him to visit his sister that Toru even gave him a pair of keys. However, Shoma was polite enough to announce his presence beforehand. Once, Toru completely forgot about this and decided to shower before MC returned home. When he heard the keys, he let go of his towel and sat on the couch completely naked and with a potted plant instead of a rose near him. Half a minute later, MC came back and saw her brother silently staring at her shocked naked boyfriend.
Yukihisa Maki 
Yuki told MC to take care of herself and not slip on the icy road. He was like: "I hope your soles are adherent enough," "Look where you're walking," "Don't run," and "Take your hands out of your pocket." So, Yukihisa took MC's hand to help her steady her. The next second, he fell on his butt on took MC after him.
Shunichiro Tachibana
After Shunichiro publicly confirmed his relationship with MC, journalists took photos of the two. Once, he overworked himself so hard that after a few weeks, he saw a photo of him and a woman together and tried to remember and understand what had happened and who was the woman. After days of torture, he finally came clean to MC, acknowledging that he had no idea what had happened, but he was sure that nothing was between him and someone else. MC told him it was her in the photo, wearing a new coat.
Jun Araki 
Mr. Araki met one of his clients, who grew up with him in the orphanage, in the market while buying pads for MC. When his childhood friend asked him about his relationship status and was ready to congratulate him, Jun panicked and said they were for his sister. Both met and stood awkwardly silent, face to face for ten minutes.
Toshiaki Kijima 
MC asked her husband about a man with the same surname as him who sent her a friend request. Toshiaki was trying to fall asleep, so he said that he had no idea, probably just a coincidence. Later, MC found out it was one of his cousins they met the next time they went to Shimane.
Toma Kiriya
Toma was working while MC was in the bathroom. And it's a universal knowledge that people reach their peak of sexiness when they get out of the shower. So, how could he resist his eye-catching fiancee? Toma put away his laptop and went to her, starting a make-out session that continued with him taking MC to the sofa. The man planted his butt on the laptop, and it was only half of the problem. Sharp pieces of plastic and glass got stuck, and he had to go to the hospital to get stitches.
Natsume Asaoka 
Natsume got drunk at a party and told everyone he wanted to sing a song for his wife. He got every single note wrong. Videos of him still running errands in between Addison & Rhodes employees.
Ukyo Senkawa
MC overworked herself for weeks. Ukyo did it too, but he tried his best to take care of his wife. So, he wanted to make her happy and help her relax. And what could be better than a tasty dinner with tea? MC tasted it and said nothing, then Ukyo did the same and understood that he had put salt instead of sugar in the tea.
Daimon Togo 
When Daimon and MC had their first projects after getting together, Kunihiro filled a drawer in his desk with condoms. Unfortunately, it wasn't MC who needed anything from Togo first thing in the morning. When he saw the condoms, Daimon wanted to close the shelf at fast as possible but accidentally forced it, and all its contents fell on the floor when MC approached him.
Kunihiro Kasai 
Someone asked Mr. Kasai during a meeting about something that he failed to hear three times. He finally confirmed the question and moved on. It turned out they asked if MC took sick days due to being pregnant. He had a lot of explanations to do after HR called them to congratulate him and his colleagues prepared a baby shower.
Kuranosuke Kiba 
Kuranosuke told MC that he would protect her during storms, that there was no way something like this would scare him, and he was as cool as a cucumber. It thundered, and he jerked so hard that he dropped the tray with their entire dinner, destroying everything edible.
Eiji Takao
No wonder he is childhood friends with Kunihiro because both get in trouble due to mishearing things. In his case, he didn't say "yes", he said "no". What happened, and what were the questions? He and MC were at an event where he met one of his first clients. The enthusiastic client asked Takao if MC, who sat as close to him as possible, was the wife he had heard about. Due to the noise in the background, Eiji didn't hear the question and just said "no". Two pairs of bewildered eyes looked at him.
Shu Hasunuma 
Before taking some days off, Shu told everyone at work not to contact him because he would have things to do and wouldn't be available most of the time. The day he returned, he accidentally opened his steps counting app during work. Kuranosuke, who couldn't reach him during his mini-vacation, saw that during his entire mini-vacation, Shu made around 20 and 35 steps a day. Shu had to give his wife a few explanations after Kuranosuke started to call her every time he needed Mr. Hasunuma on his days off.
Toshiki Kasumi
We all know how smart is Dr. Kasumi and that he has visited many countries. No wonder this man is multilingual. So, Kasumi took MC on holiday to one of the countries he had visited more than ten years ago. He convinced MC that they wouldn't need translators. During their first dinner, Kasumi understood that he had forgotten a big part of the language spoken in the country but was too stubborn to change to English. When they finally got their command, both Kasumi and MC looked at the plates in front of them, understanding that none of them were what they wanted.
Munechika Takado 
While walking, Takado told MC to be more aware of her surroundings because she nearly tripped on the stairs in front of him earlier that day. They decided to go to buy some things. And when he finished his sentence about how important was for doctors to be able to take care of their health, he planted himself on the glass wall of the market and broke his nose.
Taro Akuchi 
Taro asked MC to wear something of a specific color for their date. He bought flowers to impress her. Being the socially awkward person he was, Taro gave them to MC the second he saw him. He understood that he mistook the girl when she thanked him and he didn't recognize the voice. The man wanted to take the flowers back, but MC, who was a few meters away, got in time to stop him.
Suzumu Mado
Suzumu invited MC on a date and went in there with the idea of paying for both of them. So, he let her get what she wanted even if it was expensive. When they finally had to pay, he understood that he had forgotten his wallet at home. He tried to convince MC that it wasn't his intention. MC didn't believe him.
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lancenacabuan · 1 year
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Protagonists + Ace Monsters
Duel Monsters (Yugi Muto/Yami/Atem) [Dark Magician]
GX (Judai/Jaden Yuki) [Elemental HERO Neos]
5D's (Yusei Fudo) [Stardust Dragon]
ZEXAL (Yuma Tsukumo & Astral) [Number 39: Utopia]
Arc-V (Yuya Sakaki) [Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon]
VRAINS (Yusaku Fujiki / Playmaker & Ai) [Firewall Dragon]
Sevens (Yuga Ohdo) [Sevens Road Magician]
GO RUSH!! (Yudias Velgear) [Galactica Oblivion]
Manga / Game:
Rush Duel LP (Taiyo Asobe)
OCG Structures (Shoma Yusa)
OCG Structures / Saikyo Card Battle (Ohza Akaboshi)
FAIR USE: This contains copyrighted materials, the use of which may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. No copyright infringement intended.
(Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976: Allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.)
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imasallstars · 1 year
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The cover art for アイドルマスター SideM 超常事変~対立スル正義~ 主題歌「幻想のUtopia」/「安寧のDystopia」  album has been released and the album is set to be released on the March 11th 2023. This album features the two theme songs for the Paranormal Academy sequel event, Paranormal Incident ~Conflicting Justice~
The crossfade of the album is located here
Tr.01 Gensou no Utopia  Lyrics: Yohei Matsui Music&Arrange: Atsuki Okuma (Arte Refact)  Singer(s): Pierre, Yusuke Aoi, Kyosuke Aoi, Hideo Akuno, Ryu Kimura, Hayato Akiyama, Jun Fuyumi, Natsuki Sakaki, Haruna Wakazato, Suzaki Akai, Soichiro Shinonome, Asselin=Beelzebuth II, Nao Okamura, Michio Hazama, Takeru Taiga, Ren Kizaki, Shu Amamine, Momohito Hanazono, Eishin Mayumi Tr.02 Annei no Dystopia  Lyrics: Yohei Matsui Music&Arrange: Yuki Honda (Arte Refact)  Singer(s): Toma Amagase, Hokuto Ijuin, Kei Tsuzuki, Rei Kagura, Minori Watanabe, Seiji Shingen, Shoma Hanamura, Kuro Kiyosumi, Shiki Iseya, Yukihiro Kamiya, Makio Uzuki, Saki Mizushima, Shiro Tachibana, Rui Maita, Jiro Yamashita, Michiru Enjoji, Daigo Kabuto, Kazuki Tsukumo, Amehiko Kuzunoha, Sora Kitamura Tr.03 Gensou no Utopia (off vocal) Tr.04 Annei no Dystopia (off vocal)
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dekusheroacademia · 1 year
Full cast for musical 4
(with twitter links)
shin tamura as Izuku Midoriya ryota kobayashi as Katsuki Bakugo yume takeuchi as Ochaco Uraraka naoki takeshi as Tenya Iida ryo kitamura as Shoto Todoroki mao noguchi as Tsuyu Asui naoki tanaka as Eijiro Kirishima yugo sato as Denki Kaminari shinichi hashimoto as Yuga Aoyama saaya yamasaki as Momo Yaoyorozu nagato okui as Minoru Mineta rin matsubara as Fumikage Tokoyami akari kawakami as Kyoka Jiro shin ikeda as Hanta Sero yume nagatoshi as Mina Ashido keisuke ohkubo as Mezo Shoji yuta chatani as Ojiro sakaue shoma as Sato mirano takei plays Hatsume Mei and Camie judai shirakashi as Inasa and Masaru Bakugou shunto imai as Shishikura Seiji haruna morodomi as Tatami Nakagame and Inko Midoriya akiyoshi tsujimura as Shindo Yo anju inami as Himiko Toga (only in video) yusuke seto as Eraser Head yuki okamoto as Present Mic and Tiger (instagram) tasuku yoshioka as All Might and Yokumiru Mera ami kiuchi as Midnight ohara mayuko as Ms Joke and Mitsuki Bakugou
I only miss Gang Orca and Itejiro Toteki, I think.
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lacie-crying-ruby · 2 years
The Cat has its way with being miserable
"I honestly feel bad for my mother. She started out here as a simole maid and only stayed because she fell in love with my father. Now he is dead and all that is left of their bond is the clan's disgrace."
"I sometimes... I sometimes wonder, if she would have loved me if I had been born different. If I had been born the god, would that have been enough for her? If my birth didn't bring shame but honor beyond expectation, would that have been enough for her to actually love me?"
Akito loving Yuki with all her heart
Tohru hating Yuki. Big time
Shigure being a mood
Akito telling Yuki how proud she is to be born in the time where he chose to be.
Shigure and Yuki get stuck in a different timeline. They walk around in the Shoma-mansion a bit until Shigure sees the birds (sparrows) on the rooftoop pf a certain house. Yuki does not want to go in there, but Shigure doesn't care. He goes inside and is nearly blinded permanently. Akito obviously has a thing for going for the eye, really.
-("Oh look. It's the homeless man.")
-Akito is the cat in this timeline
-Yuki is the god
-Akito is friends with Thoru in here. Thoru is way meaner in here.
-Akito is still the family head. Money-wise at least.
-She is alsovery arrogant. (Adorable, thinks Shigure. You're insane, says Akito.
-Akito has been sheltered a lot in here. Thoru was like a hurricane for her.
-Shigure is still "in love" with Akito. Because screw you, dream love. (Akito doesn't realizze that in here though. For her, he still just is just the mean snake.
-Ren exists.
-Yuki meets Yuki and ask the two of them to please switch places.
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25 Ji, Akasaka de/ At 25:00 in Akasaka (2024) I 1.06
"I'll get your bag."
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sanshelloffeels · 3 years
Excuse me,
but Yuki subtly breaking off a piece of chalk so Machi wouldn't feel uncomfortable, has to be the kindest, most thoughtful, yet ingenuous gesture to ever grace an interpersonal relationship.
Thank you for your attention.
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neversosure · 3 years
I hate when people say that the men in Fruits Basket carried the show…like do you know who carried the men?
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ianime0 · 3 years
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Fruits Basket S3 | Ep 13 | I think that goes for the others, too. You're someone warm and kind. So even though we'll be living our lives in new environments from now on, we'll think of you. "Are you doing well? You're not crying, are you? Are you still smiling? Are you happy today?" We'll keep thinking of you, wondering those things. Everyone loves you. Thank you. I'm glad I met you. I'm glad you were here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you... Tohru. Thank you. I'll see you again soon.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 3 years
Fruits Basket - Preview Images - Manga Comparisons - Episode 12 - SPOILERS!!!
Chapter 130:
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Chapter 131:
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Chapter 132:
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Chapter 135:
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I first thought the Kazuma image was from Ch. 133, but the image has a faded looking around it, indicating a recollection, and I'm thinking they are going to adapt parts of Ch. 133 and 134 next week with Ch. 136. Though, I could be wrong and the Kazuma image could be from Ch. 133.
The Kyo image...I feel there are like three or four panel shots of his face in Ch. 135 that could fit that image, so I just chose the one that was easiest to take a picture of, lol. It's definitely from right around that moment though, since he is at Kyoko's grave.
And finally, speaking of Kyoko, this image:
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Appears to be an anime only one? It seems they may have replaced the Kyoko image from the manga (since she is crying while smiling in that one). I wouldn't be surprised, since they cut out the Katsuya stuff. So this is probably when she says, "You did good (You fought well.)"
(I'm not a fan of the you fought well translation - it sounds a bit odd and unnatural, imo.)
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