jintaiyang · 3 years
Anime that I want to watch in 2021
4. Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
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Well, not exactly a war, but the Science and the Stone will be for sure 🤓
3. Serius the Yeager
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Look those eyes! 😍
2. Black Clover: Spade Kingdom arc
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I am a Manga reader and I have been waiting for it a long time ago! 🖤
1. Attack on Titan: Season 4
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The last season is gonna be fire!! 🔥
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goo-p · 4 years
i really love the hair on your athena drawing <3
Thank you so much!!! <3<3<3
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charlesoberonn · 7 years
hey Charles, Rebecca apologised on Twitter for the potentially racist parts of the artbook, saying that even though she didnt draw them she should have thrown them out when approving the book
I know. They’re also removing it from all future releases of the book, which is the right thing to do. It’s exactly what I think they should’ve done, and I’m glad they did.
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factoryxii · 5 years
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端午佳節愉快!司旅的房間是真的蠻不錯的🤤 大家喜歡1還是2的色調? - #yuliving #cheznoushotel (at 司旅) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZcKV-n4Fm/?igshid=rxozniyl8bv5
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ohshcfanficrandr · 4 years
recs for hikaru/reader and kaoru/reader? (separately obviously we don’t stan twincest in this household.)
I already did a separate post for Hikaru x Reader that you can find here.
Kaoru x Reader
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Story: It was You 
Author: KiaraP 
Rating: T (13+)
Word Count: 30, 660
Status: Complete
Author Summary: You are a new girl at Ouran Academy and the first person you meet is Kaoru Hitachiin. You find out you are in all your classes with him, his twin Hikaru, and Haruhi. You wind up falling in love with Kaoru, but he thinks you love Hikaru. Being the unselfish twin he is, Kaoru decides to let Hikaru have you.
Story: Escape With Me 
Author: not_enough_prose 
Rating: Teen and Up
Word Count: 6,836
Status: WIP
Last Update:1/1/2018
Author Summary: Things are looking up for (Y/N)’s family. A fortuitous promotion, a new apartment, and a full-ride scholarship for their only daughter. (Y/N) is less happy. She only applied to Ouran Academy with the hopes of graduating with a full-ride scholarship to a top university. She wasn’t there to make friends and she wasn’t there to fall in love. Or so she thought.
Story: Easy 
Author: yulival 
Rating: General
Word Count: 2,214
Status: Complete
Author Summary: While taking some time to himself to people-watch in a commoner’s neighborhood, Kaoru runs into a classmate of his lost on her way home. It wasn’t that big of a deal, but there was something about…Kaoru just found her so easy to talk to.
Story: Stargazing  (Kaoru x Male Reader)
Author: @fandom-smut-shots
Word Count: 2,517
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aethergeologist · 7 years
yulive replied to your photo: winter’s child
i dont really understand what is depicted but its really cool
thanks! it’s a scene from an ongoing tabletop game i’m in where my character has been slowly coming to the attention of the embodiment of winter.
It’s probably going to backfire horribly/hilairiously
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lunanier · 5 years
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collection of yuliv stuff i’ve drawn over the past month (featuring their lil babies, ren and bonnie)
context: moving away from my long haired kanda with no bangs. kanda has cut off his hair (usually when he’s older though) liv used to have long curly hair but ended up cutting it off as well. we also have ren and bonnie, who just look like mini kanda and liv. 
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verylond0n · 7 years
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A celebration of ourselves.
"Let's celebrate us! Let's celebrate our weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, blessings, soul, body and feelings, let's dance to the rhythm of a good song, while shaking our bodies, let's laugh so hard that we feel in a rollercoaster, going up with excitement and fear and down with closed eyes impatiently waiting for the next rush of emotions.
Let's do it every day, every moment we have to remind ourselves, we are awesome and we are a masterpiece worth being celebrated"
Source:  @Yuliv on @weheartit
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annyeonghao · 5 years
Fran Oshn Provaida
Memo Fina Sta Eki Nata Fan Siem Soon
(Memo finna start acting out if I don’t see him soon)
Yema Bes Freinin Bakanau Sti On Sai, Fu
(Yeah, my best friend aint’ backing out, it’s still on sight, fool)
Amna Onli Wa Nau Hia Ona Nai Lups
(I’m the only one out here on the night loops)
Amna Onli Wa Nau Hia Ona Nai Lups
(I’m the only one out here on the night loops)
tRophi Keisti Lai Badi Nida Rei sTrai(p)
(Trophy case still light, body need a race stripe)
eHen Zi Zemi neRas Oma Badi Bre Lai
(And these minerals on my body break light)
eHen Ziz Rez  Oma Badi Brei  Lai
(And these reds on my body brakelight)
Numen Kaminapahe None Zon Tu
(New man comin’up ahead on his own two)
Iyua Nachura bLondi Lai Go Ku
(Is your natural blondie like Goku?)
(slipi)Noma Belina Loop Laka Sar Pen
(Sleepin’on me belly in a loop like a serpent)
Toki Nehds Ripli Nona Sar Fes
(Talking Heads ripplin’ on the surface)
Aizlo Che Nevi Shu Ge Za
(Eyes low, chin heavy shoegazer)
Mu Woki Nara Pi Stanli Ku Bri
(Moon walkin’, R.I.P. Stanley Kubrick) 
Yuadgu Sam Barth Deiz  Kdgu Pru Vi
(You had you some birthdays, could you prove it?
Shoumi Da Wis Da Ming-yu Muv Men
(Show me the wisdom in your movement)
Shoumi Da Wis Da Ming-yu Muv Men
(Show me the wisdom in your movement)
Filin Zyu Pro Vai, Filin Zyu Pro Vai
(Fillings you provide, Fillings you provide)
A Noi, A Noi
(I know it, I know it)
(the feelings, I know it, the feelings, I, I)
Tu Nai Lai Mei Chein(dgi) Ma Lai
(Tonight I might change my life)
E Yuliv Lai Ka Liv
(If you lived like live)
(Yu) Kulun Liv Wi Thau Li
(You couldn't live without it)
Selaviu Nu Bes Frien
(Said I’d be your new best friend
Ba’ Wa (m)a
(But What more?)
Itu (l)e to At
(Ain’t too late to out)
(Provide, Provide)
Tu Nai Lai Mei Chein(dgi) Ma Lai, o fa yu
(Tonight I might change my life, all for you)
(All for you)
Pro Vaide Da(i)amo Le Ne Di Nigzis 
Pada Astro Vene Brou Ma Kiz Thu
Prada Ti one El Des, Thow de Gilde None Child Ren
Hen Mi Dau Fits
Ches Pa-si Mis Tof Rou Tei Shien 
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factoryxii · 5 years
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“Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny” - 去年在這間很棒的店跟@yuliving 合作拍攝 ☕️(在 HOTEL PROVERBS Taipei) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ZF5Y5Hdlh/?igshid=r744l80tglf0
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factoryxii · 5 years
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“a lifestyle change begins with a vision and a single step” - 去年在司旅 @cheznoushotel 幫 @yuliving 拍的一些商品的情境照,有興趣可以看看他們商品☕️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B0FUSPin_XX/?igshid=1q5rhxqmnvj5t
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