my-beel · 2 years
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Event "Wonder Tea Party" ♡
Rouge & Shaymie Full awakening lvl 70 CGs
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Shaymie ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (05)
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“The Signs Right in Front of Us”
Shaymie: Woah!? I-It got dark!
Emma: What’s wrong, Shaymie!?
When Rouge-san and I rush over, Shaymie stops moving and instead starts blinking non-stop.
Shaymie: Ah... I’m all better!
Emma: “All better”? What happened? Are you okay?
Shaymie: Yeah! That surprised me but I’m okay~ I can see fine now~
Rouge: Are you saying you couldn’t see before?
Emma: ...!?
Shaymie: Uh, ahaha...
Emma: Are you not feeling well? Please, Shaymie, tell us the truth.
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Shaymie: Uh... I-I guess sometimes I feel a little off?
Shaymie: Sometimes I can’t taste anything, and other times I can’t hear your voices...
Shaymie: Just now, everything in front of me suddenly got dark, so it really surprised me.
Rouge: Shaymie...
Emma: (This must be a side effect of that drink. Now that I think about it—)
Shaymie: The flowers’ song… The cards on the end have music notes, the top right has the sun… peaches, grapes, apples, oranges, strawberries…
Emma: Shaymie?
Rouge: Are you feeling alright? You were spacing out.
Shaymie: Ahaha… All kinds of things are bouncing around my head, I got kinda woozy~!
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Shaymie: Mm~? Hmm… I feel like it’s not as sweet as it was before~?
Rouge: …….
Shaymie: …Oh well! That’s fine! I’m gonna learn lots of more stuff~!
(End flashback)
Emma: (...The signs were all there.)
I bite my lip, deeply regretting that I never stopped him despite feeling so worried.
Emma: Shaymie, I’m so sorry for making you force yourself.
Rouge: I’m sorry too. I should’ve stopped you back then.
Shaymie: Ah, don’t apologize! You guys didn’t do anything wrong. I drank it because I wanted to.
Shaymie: It makes me happy to help you. And I wanna help you lots and lots more!
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Rouge: ...I’m happy you think that. Having you here has helped us more than we can count.
Rouge: But let’s not have anymore of that drink from now on.
Shaymie: Huh? But there’s still some left!
Emma: You wouldn’t want to lose another one of your senses, right?
Shaymie: I-It’s fine! They come back after a while!
Emma: No more, Shaymie. You’ll only keep getting worse if you continue drinking it.
Rouge: Just like Emma-chan, I don’t want you to wear yourself out.
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Shaymie: N-No! No way! I still wanna help you lots more!
Shaymie: Even if my ears can’t hear anymore, or if my eyes can’t see anymore! That’s okay with me!
Shaymie: Please, Rouge, let me have the drink...!
Rouge: No means no.
Shaymie desperately jumps up and down in an attempt to grab the bag containing the bottle, but Rouge holds it above his head.
A combination of unease and sadness begins to brew inside me as I watch that scene play out.
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crunchyt0ast · 1 year
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this video was very sweet and silly
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hoohoobeanie · 8 months
underrated duo: tommy and shayne
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slaingelo · 5 months
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WHJOAH !! concept design stuff for a nonsensical fantasy AU I made when I was 14 that I am now re-working. should def say rn that calling them angels is very much a placeholder based on their visual aesthetics, i'll probably change what they're actually called for the sake of avoiding misconceptions over it and the religious implications. "angels" are the most common type of being from the reverie, with lots of subtypes and different associated environments [ shadow angels are from the abyss, while light angels are from the lowest levels of the floating isles ] and they're more comparable to sorcerers.
and since I'm just kind of bullshitting half of this and reworking the bits and pieces of this world I can remember, lots of stuff may or may not be retconned or adjusted as I flesh it out more lol
Inspo for this is a mesh of kid icarus uprising, twilight princess, fire emblem kind of, and indigo's four keys au as well as just general fantasy and renfaire aesthetics
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mahoushaymie · 6 months
Fun bit of Shaymie lore: my elementary school paid a nearby farm to bring a cow to the school so the kindergarteners could be given a presentation on milking cows. I can't remember if we had to have our parents sign a form for us to do it but I got to milk a cow when I was five and to this day, nobody believes me when I tell the story.
The school also brought live horses for rodeo day in second grade and I got to ride a horse. :)
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transthadymacdermot · 10 months
Can you tell us a little about Seamy Breen??
Yes!!! he's a young irish catholic boy who was born in 1786 (so he's 9 when RRL starts -- I'm listing his birth year because he shows up in something different I wrote a while back much older so I don't want to just supply his RRL age) and lives, when the story starts, with his father (Charlie), mother (Máire), and siblings, the most important of which are his elder sister (Agnes) and younger brothers (Hugh and Patrick), but there's over 10 of them in all, on a patch of land they rent from the local landlord Lord Durham. He doesn't have many friends apart from the aforementioned younger brothers and the young stableboy (Wilbur) at other main character Lazarus McClure's nearby inn, who he meets near the start of the story at a bizarre combination 4th july/12th july/14th july party Lazarus decides to throw to kill every single proverbial bird in the sky with one stone. Now, at this party, one of Seamy's parents' friends is killed in a gang fight, which is its own post, but to make a long story short the murderer is not at all punished and the situation deteriorates until the area is close to open violence between the factions involved, and so Seamy decides to find some evidence for the murderer's guilt to get him convicted and put the whole situation to rest. Realising he can't do it alone because he is Nine Years Old, he ropes Wilbur into it too.
Unfortunately, in the middle of their investigation Wilbur dies in the crossfire of a completely unrelated gunfight between a unit of soldiers and some local troublemakers. Seamy is understandably permanently changed emotionally and mentally, including the fact that a few weeks after Wilbur's wake (during which, relatedly, Wilbur's ghost also appears to another character, O'Donnell, though O'Donnell is on the brink of death from diphtheria at the time so it's ambiguous as to whether or not the ghost is real or a physical manifestation of guilt or just the usual weird shit you see while feverish. anyway), Seamy starts seeing ghosts. At first, it's just Wilbur's (who is trying to help Seamy come out of his shell and stand up for himself in the weirdest way ever) but he also ends up seeing a few more from throughout history (a murdered steelboy from the 1770s, a woman who died in the cold snap of 1741, a french soldier from the 7 years war, and so on. this plot is a major reason I am working on a historical context note to insert at the end of the story) who, for various reasons, all want to kill Lord Durham -- who, incidentally, also ordered the soldiers to start the gunfight that killed Wilbur. What will Seamy and his ghost posse do now that they are all together and realising that they all hate the same guy? we shall have to see...
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jovenshires · 1 year
imagine a spommy drabble with the spommy clip that you recently posted where we get spencer's pov/reaction to tommy "winning" him KEJEKALDJ
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safflinas · 2 years
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150 rolls later ive maxed out this bitch but not a single fuzz
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vixenmatch · 1 year
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shaymi-ku because i think making a miku based off my favorite pokemon is a self fulfillment need
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shaymiens · 11 months
hi jezel, hope you're doing well. i have not been on smoshblr for a few years and it's good to see that you're still here. do you know where all the shaymien and damien fans went? because it seems like they are definitely not on tumblr.
hello hello! 👋🏼 thank you for the kind words :> i'm gonna say there are still sandd lovers here but most of the ones i followed back in 2018-2021 era have stepped away from their smosh blogs and are more causal fans.
i will say @jovenshires is in the process of writing a disgustingly (positive) long shaymi fic and also her blog is a lovely hub for all things smosh so i rec following her if you're not already :>
and if anyone is a shayne+damien lover or knows of a good blog to follow, feel free to rb or reply!!
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Shaymie ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (04)
[01] [02] [03] [XX] [05] [06] [07]
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“Mysterious Challenge”
As we make our way out of the flower field, a table appears before us, accompanied by a sweet aroma.
Emma: This must be the tea party that the dog told us about, right...?
Rouge: Probably. But looks like there’s no one here, let alone our mysterious star Alice.
Shaymie: Mm? Look, something’s falling~
Shaymie jumps up to catch a sheet of paper as it flutters down from the sky.
Emma: It has something written on it. Let’s see... “Would you like to meet me? All you have to do is have more and more fun.”
Alongside those words is a list of what sounds like instructions.
Emma: Do you think by “me,” this could be Alice?
I subconsciously glance upwards, but all I see is the vast azure sky above.
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Rouge: This feels like some kind of challenge... or maybe more like, quests?
Emma: Maybe we’ll get to see her if we carry these out.
Shaymie: Then what are we waiting for~? Rouge, which one should we do first~?
Rouge: Mm... What about this? “Today is an Unbirthday! Host a tea party”!
Emma: These are oddly specific instructions... The teacups must be the color of roses, and the sugar pot must be shaped like a cat?
Shaymie: Oh, they had those at the restaurant we were at! We can go borrow them~
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Emma: And that clears up our tea party! The next quest is... “Sing a song for me with the singing flowers.”
Rouge: Ehh! Weren’t the singing flowers all the way back at the forest?
Rouge: I don’t even remember where they were~
Shaymie: I do! I remember where the flowers are! I’ll lead the way~
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Rouge & The Flowers: ♪~ ♪ ♪~~
Shaymie: Wow! Your voice is super duper pretty~! I wanna hear you sing with the flowers again!
Rouge: Hehe, thank you. I’ll give you an encore when we’ve got time.
Rouge: Emma-chan, what’s our next quest?
Emma: Um, “Make a rainbow bouquet.” ...Did we see rainbow-colored flowers anywhere?
Rouge: Hm... I don’t think so. We could make one using a variety of colored flowers, so that it looks like a rainbow?
Shaymie: There were red flowers blooming near the restaurant! I also saw blue ones on the riverbank, and orange ones in the flower field!
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Thanks to Shaymie, we got through the quests very quickly. Before we knew it, we only had one left.
Shaymie: The last one says~... “Find your way out of the rose maze?”
Emma: Rose maze—?
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Rouge & Shaymie & Emma: Ouh! / Wah! / Woah!
The very next second after the three of us tilted our heads in confusion, a hedge of roses appeared before us.
Emma: Th-They weren’t kidding when they said anything can happen in the Land of Wonders...!
Rouge: Ahaha, Rouge-san’s already gotten used to this.
Shaymie: Ehehe, I think I can help you get through the maze! Let’s go~!
Emma: Oh, hold on, Shaymie!
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Rouge: ...Uh oh, another dead end.
Shaymie: Then how about we turn back and go left? We haven’t gone that way yet~!
Emma: (Having Shaymie here really saved us...)
Putting our full confidence in Shaymie, Rouge-san and I continue following his sure-footed guidance, but then——
Shaymie: Woah!? I-It got dark!
I hear Shaymie suddenly shout out of nowhere, and look up to see him anxiously spinning in circles.
Emma: What’s wrong, Shaymie!?
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crunchyt0ast · 1 year
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guys they got married
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ROUGE : I'm already stressed out!!!! SHAYMIE : Sooo stressed. Hehehe~♪♪ ROUGE : Oh? Shaymie, you know how I feel? It's just too much pressure, I had to drink. EMMA : But Rouge, you usually drink even without any problems? ROUGE : True, but this situation makes me wanna drink even more. Oh, blue~ Blue deeper than the sea~ FELD : Hey, you guys have been really loud for the last few minutes! You've almost downed that whole bottle!
MEL : No amount of whining is going to solve the problem, right? You guys really are useless.
OSCAR : Rouge, you're a grown man, if you want to get drunk that's fine. Just remember to have respect for the food in front of you. VOLKS : Hmm, indeed. It would be a shame to consume such fine food and drink out of mere desperation. They should be cherished. ROUGE : Thank you so much for the delicious food and drinks. See, I respect it very much. I'm sure both of you are a little nervous inside as well?
VOLKS : I wouldn't say that I am nervous, however, it is true that this request is quite challenging. FELD : Oscar…It's been a long time since I've seen you this angry. Just why are we all having a party right now? And why do we all look so upset? The reason for all of this lies in a request I received from a certain royal family to "produce a perfect tea party."
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ROUGE : Even though it's supposed to be a tea party, I want it to be relaxed and not too formal. You should be able to lay back and enjoy your time.
ROUGE : Shaymie, let's go with a fun, easy going, up-tempo song. OSCAR : How about a fun and carefree atmosphere with free choice of confectionery? VOLKS : Then the dress code should be fun and loose opposed to the traditional rigid formal attire. ROUGE : We've made a lot of proposals, but they were all rejected! My recommendation of an "all-you-can-drink party" also got rejected, didn't it? EMMA : I think it was fair to reject that one...
EMMA : Your Majesty's opinion is certainly not in line with your concept of "carefree fun." FELD : Are you fucking kidding me!? ROUGE : Of course~ I knew when I heard this job would involve the royal family I'd hate it. VOLKS : The client this time is an excellent politician. But maybe because of that rigidity, he dislikes things that are laid back and fun. It seems some people can't break out of their shells easily. But, I'd like to help him try. OSCAR : Hmm…If this keeps up the tea party attendees will be forced to eat a full course of "nothing."
FELD : Then why not refuse? It's not too late. OSCAR : As much as I'd like to, there is more merit in accepting the offer. We are dealing with a country that produces fine food. Rare food at that. He is prepared to offer some as a reward for this request. It's an investment for the future of the gastronomy guild, so to speak. VOLKS : As a dream weaver, I intend to complete this request as well. His majesty is a good person, if we can break him out of his shell, he will be an even more dignified king. MEL : So you're going to polish him up because he's not good enough? You're still a real sucker, aren't you, Volks? SHAYMIE : And why is Rouge here?
ROUGE : I'm a good poet, and I'm also the kind of poet who always takes on the hardest jobs一 EMMA : They are finally threatening to kick Rouge out of the Moon Wanderers. He has to do this to stay in the guild. I'm his chaperone. SHAYMIE : Aaah! I drew that in my picture diary~! Let's see… Rouge spent a lot of money. Rouge said, "I spent a lot of money." Gran said, "I'm so mad at you!", Rouge replied, "That's why I'm going to work hard even if I hate my job."
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FELD : I'm beyond angry, I'm disgusted. MEL : Are you ashamed to be alive~? ROUGE : Don't say something so hurtful in such a silly pose! It's breaking my heart!
I take a sip of my cocktail and watch as Rouge is goaded by the black fairies. EMMA : (Of course, we should take the client's wishes into consideration. Hmm…I'm really not sure what to do.) With every suggestion the royal family rejected, I was beginning to lose hope...
ROUGE : Emma, are you okay? You look a little tired. EMMA : I'm fine! I'm just getting a little impatient… VOLKS : You're doing the best you can, Emma. OSCAR : It's not over yet. You should eat up and get your strength back. EMMA : Thank you very much…
While complaining about how much we hate work, we all enjoyed a drink together. EMMA : (…..Huh……?) A sudden drowsiness hits me, and my vision blurs. EMMA : (….I can't…open….my eyes….) ?? : Wake up, Emma! EMMA : ………..?
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ROUGE : Oh, thank goodness! You had me worried sick! SHAYMIE : Emma, are you okay~? EMMA : (I was just having a drink with the guys at Edouard's Castle, I think…So, how did we end up here?) ROUGE : Where the heck are we? I suddenly felt sleepy and when I woke, it was daybreak. SHAYMIE : Hahaha~ Where are we? I don't remember how I got here! EMMA : Rouge…Shaymie…
I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, but I can't help but notice... EMMA : Um…What the heck are those ears!? ROUGE : Hahaha, these? I dunno I just woke up and they were on my head. They're like Rabbit ears or something. SHAYMIE : Jump! Jump! Jump!
EMMA : Shaymie, I don't think this is the time…Why do you both have bunny ears? ROUGE : You have rabbit ears on your head, too. EMMA : Wait, what!? They're really on my head!? FELD : Where the hell am I!? Why am I dressed like this!? EMMA : Feld!? You look so flashy! FELD : It's not my intention! ?? : Hmm….
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I heard the sound of a cloak fluttering and when I turned to look, there was Oscar. Clad in an immaculate outfit that would make anyone want to prostrate themselves. OSCAR : What is going on here? ROUGE : Wow, cool! EMMA : So cool! MEL : Hey, what's going on? Why am I suddenly dressed like this? VOLKS : What an interesting outfit, Mel. ROUGE : Wow, yours is nice too Volks! I dig the stylish hat~! EMMA : Yes, it's lovely!
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SHAYMIE : Emma is copying Rouge~♪♪ VOLKS : You look lovely too, Emma.
EMMA : Oh, thank you…? MEL : No, seriously, what is going on!? Were we all kidnapped at the same time!? ROUGE & EMMA : Kidnapped!? ROUGE : What are we gonna do, Emma? The Moon Wanderers don't have the money to pay a ransom! EMMA : Calm down, Rouge! We aren't sure we've been kidnapped yet. VOLKS : Right. Let's first get an accurate picture of what is going on. Oscar, do you recognize these woods? OSCAR : I don't know…I know we are nowhere near the castle of Edouard.
?? : Hey…. MEL : Who's there? EMMA : (I think I just heard a voice…Was that coming from my feet?) I glanced down and saw all kinds of brightly colored flowers blooming underfoot. SHAYMIE : Did that flower just speak? FELD : Flowers don't talk. FLOWER 1 : Welcome, welcome! If you want to know anything, I'll tell you everything! If you don't want to know anything, I'll still tell you everything! ROUGE & FELD & MEL : It talked!? FLOWER 2 : Everything is weird here! FLOWER 3 : It's Wondermare!
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slaingelo · 4 months
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dragon behaviour
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mahoushaymie · 2 years
Don't know if anyone will particularly care about this but fun fact about Sugar and Spice: the reason I decided to have Kasey and Molly be super close and Angela feel like an outsider in her own family is because they're technically protagonists of different games. If Kevin was around then he and Angela would have been close.
A nerdy reason for making things the way they are but it adds something interesting. 😊
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