#yup I sure love my cliffhangers
withwritersblock · 1 month
~feelslikeimfallinginlove by Coldplay~
Author's Note: Requested! this isn't my proudest work but it has been a minute since I've written anything. It's more about the beginning part of falling in love with someone, maybe infatuation Summary: Quinn finally meets the beautiful girl in the lobby. Warnings: a bit of a cliffhanger I guess? Word Count: 3,125 Quinn Hughes x fm!reader
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Quinn usually kept to himself, especially when he was in season. Being captain came with a collection of team bonding and leadership he had to do during the season. But outside of the team and his family, he usually was alone. 
He never wanted to cross the boundary of getting to know the people in his building, he usually tried to avoid any interaction at all. Until the girl in the lobby. He hasn’t spoken to her yet, but they’ve smiled towards one another a handful of times. 
Quinn couldn’t figure out if she lived in the building, worked in the building, or knew someone who lived there. And he hoped it wasn’t a boyfriend. Today was the first game of the season and he was nervous. The team had a tough playoff exit and they had even higher expectations this season.
He took a deep breath as he adjusted the collar on his brand new black undershirt. He wasn’t sure if he liked it. He usually wore the same three suit styles over and over again. This was new. He took a deep breath as he reached for his keys and his water bottle and began jogging towards the door. He pulled the door open quickly stepping out. He shut his door, quickly locking it. He lifted his gaze to see the same girl walking out of an apartment. 
Quinn paused for a moment when he saw a guy several inches taller than himself walk out behind her. Quinn’s small smile on his lips faded as he saw the pair, which quickly turned into a trio as another girl steps out of the apartment. He watched the other girl lean up towards the tall guy and kiss him on the lips. 
Quinn would be lying if he didn’t take a sigh of relief. He finished locking his door, keeping his gaze on the floor. He began reluctantly walking towards the three of them. He needed to pass them to reach the elevator. 
“No way! You’re Quinn Hughes!” the tall guy said as Quinn stared walking. Quinn lifted his gaze, looking towards the three of them. He forced a smile on his lips. 
“Yup, that’s me,” he said awkwardly, a nervous laugh leaving his lips. 
“Y/N, you should’ve told me you live next to the Captain of the Canucks?!” he continued.
“I didn’t want to tell you because of this, Corey,” she motioned towards the guy, a giggle leaving her lips. “We’re sorry. Good luck tonight!” Y/N said excitedly, the same kind smile on her lips. Quinn met her gaze, his lips curled up softly.
“Not a big deal at all,” Quinn said, awkwardly shoving his hands into his pockets. 
“See, sis, not a big deal at all, can we get a photo?” he asked. Quinn nodded, “Here,” he shoved his phone towards Y/N. She laughed. Quinn felt his heartbeat quicken, it was a beautiful sound. He didn’t want to hear anything else ever again. All he ever wanted was to hear her laughter. 
She gladly took the phone and began to take a few steps back. Quinn cleared his throat as he gladly stood beside the man, putting on a forced smile. Corey pointed towards Quinn, his jaw dropped excitedly. 
Y/N slowly pulled the phone down away from her face, a wide grin on her lips. Quinn’s forced smile became more genuine. Quinn cleared his throat as he pulled away from her brother. 
“Thanks man, good luck tonight!” he said. Quinn nodded before he looked towards Y/N. Their eyes remained connected for a moment, perhaps too long, before Quinn began to walk towards the elevator.
“Thanks, enjoy the game,” he muttered as he walked towards the staircase near the elevator. He began walking down the steps alone, trying to hide the grin forming to his lips.
“How could you not tell me you lived next to Quinn motherfucking Hughes?” he overheard Corey say. Quinn laughed as he walked down the steps while shaking his head. 
The game was close but the Canucks ended up winning and Quinn got three assisted on the night. He couldn’t stop smiling the whole drive back towards his apartment. He parked in his usual parking spot to see Y/N climbing out of her car. He pressed his lips together to try and stop the smile forming to his lips.
He slowly climbed out of his car, keeping his gaze towards the ground. “Great game!” she called out towards him, standing in front of her car. He lifted his gaze as he smiled towards her. 
“Hey!” he expressed as he walked towards her, she met him as they stood together in the center of the parking garage, “Thanks, it was a bit close for comfort,” he mumbled as he shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets. 
“I’m Y/N, I don’t think I said that earlier,” she offered, “And you guys were in control the whole time,” she said confidently crossing her arms over her chest. He chuckled nervously.
“Y/N, nice to meet you finally,” he said. He wanted to punch himself in the jaw. Why did he say that. Finally. As if he was waiting for them to meet. His eyes widened slightly and her smiled widened as she tilted her head to the side. 
“Nice to meet you too,” she said while adjusting the bag on her arm. He cleared his throat as he pointed behind him. She nodded as she began walking side by side with him. “Thank you for earlier, by the way, you made my little brother’s week,” she explained.
“No problem at all,” Quinn offered as he pulled the door open towards the lobby. Y/N smiled towards the front desk night host as the pair walked towards the elevator. “Does he live with you?” he asked, glancing behind him.
“He’s a freshman at UBC and lives at the dorms. He wanted me to take him and his girlfriend to a game. Obviously keeping the knowledge that we lived in the same building to myself,”
The elevator doors open quickly, allowing the pair to step inside. Shoulders bumping slightly as they stepped into the small space. “This is going to sound like I have a huge ego or whatever-purely just curious,” he began rambling as he pressed the button to reach the floor they shared. “If you knew who I was, why didn’t like ask for a photo or something?” he said a small laugh leaving his lips.
“I didn’t want to make it awkward,” she said while laughing.
“It wouldn’t be awkward at all,” he mumbled, turning his head towards her. She turned her head to meet his gaze, a grin on her lips as her eyes scanned his features.
“Well, now it would be be awkward,” she offered as the elevator doors opened to their apartment floor. She stepped out of the elevator first, spinning around to meet his gaze as he stepped out. 
“Why’s that?” he asked teasingly.
“You’re a completely normal person to me now,” she teased. 
He rolled his eyes playfully, “Oh really?” he asked as his gaze scanned her frame. She was beautiful. 
“Uh huh, you are simply Quinn Hughes, my neighbor, who happens to play for the Canucks,” she explained as she stopped beside her door. Quinn bit his bottom lip as he fought the grin forming to his lips. 
“Well, uh, Y/N last name I don’t know, my brothers also played tonight. I have yet to know how the game went. Would you like to come over and watch the game with me?” he asked, taking a small step towards her, his hands still in his hoodie pocket. She squinted her eyes slightly as she scanned his features. She nodded.
“Y/L/N,” she said.
His face scrunched together, a grin still evident to his lips, “A simple no would’ve sufficed,” he said while laughing.
She grinned as she rolled her eyes playfully, “It’s my last name, you ass,” she delicately pushed his arm back. “Is it okay if I take a quick shower before I come by?” she questioned.
He nodded, “Of course, I’ll see you in a bit?” he asked as he began walking backwards towards his apartment. She nodded before she spun around and began unlocking her apartment. He watched her walk inside. “Yes,” he whispered excitedly as he hopped slightly back towards his apartment door. He quickly unlocked it.
Stepping inside, he took a deep breath as he jogged towards his bathroom to quickly take another shower. He took one at the arena but he always takes a quick one when he gets home from games. He looked into the bathroom mirror as he giggled nervously. He glanced down towards his phone to see Luke was calling him. It was probably a good sign that they won.
He quickly brough the phone to his ear. “Lukey boy, did you guys win? Haven’t seen the score,” he asked as he clenched his jaw slightly as he tilted his head back.
“We won, it was close, also what the hell was that text you sent me earlier? No context nothing,” Luke said, a small chuckle leaving his throat. Quinn let out a sudden chuckle as he shook his head.
“Remember the cute girl in the lobby of my apartment?”
“Uh yes, sure, why?” Luke mumbled out. 
“She’s coming over in like twenty minutes,” he let out excitedly.
“How’d you manage that? I thought you were terrified to speak to any girl since your breakup,” he said jokingly. Quinn rolled his eyes.
“When’s the last time you spoke to any girl who weren’t dating one of your friends?” Quinn countered.
Luke laughed, “Alright, hot shot, enjoy your night. Tell me in the morning in as little details as possible please,” Luke mumbled before he hung up the phone. Quinn smirked as he quickly threw off his clothes as he jumped into the shower. 
After twenty minutes, Quinn shot up from the couch at the sound of a knock on his door. He smiled as he walked towards his apartment door. He peeked through the peep hole to see her standing outside of it with a bottle of wine in her hand. He unlocked the door and pulled it open. He felt his chest ache at the sight of her. His entire body felt hot as he examined her features in a short moment. 
“You didn’t have to bring anything,” he offered as he stepped to the side allowing her to step inside. 
“I wanted to,” she mumbled as she nervously stepped inside, “Are you allowed to drink during the season? I should’ve thought about that before I brought this over,” she rambled as she tightened her grip on the wine bottle. 
“We can drink,” he let out as he held out his hand for the bottle. She nodded as she gave it to him gladly. “I only do it every once in a while though,” he mumbled as he set the bottle on the counter. She nodded as she nervously twisted the small necklace pendant between her thumb and index finger. 
“What kind of glass would you like? A big glass or a bigger glass?” he asked. She chuckled.
“A bigger glass would be great,” she mumbled as she looked towards the tv, it showed the game about to start in a few minutes. Despite it being a recording. 
“Coming right up,” he expressed as he popped open the bottle. 
“Do you watch every game your brother’s play?” she questioned as she watched the camera pan towards the starting players on the ice. She didn’t recognize any of them. 
“I try, it’s always hard when we play on the same day, but I try,” Quinn explained as he poured the glasses. Making sure the glasses were a bit on the fuller side. “If I don’t get a chance to watch the full thing, I’ll watch the highlights or something,” he explained as he walked towards her, handing her a glass.
“Thank you,” she mumbled as she followed him towards the couch. “That’s really awesome,” she said as she sat beside him. He nodded.
“It also helps watching the other team play against my brothers because I know how they play so I get to figure out how to work against the other team by watching them with my brothers. It’s kinda fun,” he explained. Her gaze was on him the entire time, admiring the way his face light up as he spoke. He shifted his gaze, meeting her eye for a moment. “Sorry,” he mumbled dropping his gaze.
“Don’t apologize, I wanna hear more,” she said tapping his knee excitedly. He chuckled nervously as he glanced towards the screen. 
“Hear more about what?” he asked as he met her gaze. She felt her lips curl up slightly as she tilted her head to the side.
“You,” she mumbled. He nodded as he brought the glass of wine towards his lips.
~The next morning~
She left around one in the morning. Despite, being together for several hours, nothing romantic transpired. They chatted as they watched the game. Learning everything and anything they could during their evening together. 
Quinn stood in his kitchen, propping his phone up as he answered the FaceTime from Jack. “Quinny!” Jack shouted into the phone. He had already been up for a handful of hours while Quinn just woke up. The time difference was something they were still getting used to, despite both being in the league for years.
“Damn, lower your voice,” Quinn mumbled as he poured some olive oil into his pan. 
“Lukey said you had a girl over last night, you putting yourself out there again?” Jack asked excitedly. 
“I-uh I guess, I don’t know,” he mumbled as he lifted the pan up and watched the oil spread around. “All we did was talk,”
“About what?” he asked teasingly. 
“I don’t know, just anything. It was nice to just talk to a girl without feeling any pressure to hook up or whatever,”
“So you don’t want to hook up with her?” he asked, a small chuckle leaving his lips.
“I didn’t say that,” he chuckled, “I just want to get to know her,”
“God, you’re such a romantic,” Luke shouted into the phone from somewhere in their apartment. Quinn rolled his eyes as he looked towards the phone to see Jack laughing up a storm. 
“Just because I want to get to know a girl before I think about hooking up with her doesn’t make me a romantic,” Quinn let out, “It makes me a decent guy, which apparently you two are not,” 
“Oh whatever, Quinny,” Jack said while laughing. “Are you going to light candles and have rose petals on the bed for your first time together?” Jack teased. Quinn rolled his eyes as he fought off the smirk forming to his lips.
“Alright, bye Jack, bye Luke,” he let out in a sing-song way while he ended the FaceTime call while shaking his head. He cracked an egg as he let it fell into the pan before he tossed out the egg shell. He stared at the egg beginning to cook as he heard someone knocking on his door. He quickly turned his stove off as he jogged towards the door. He looked through the peep hole to see Y/N standing outside his door. 
He smiled to himself as he pulled it open, “Good morning, Y/N,” he said as he stepped to the side letting her walk inside.
“I can’t stay long, I have to get to work but-” she paused as she met his gaze, smiled towards his sleepy expression. “I never got your number last night,” she mumbled. He tilted his head back as he grinned. “And I figured if we are going to keep hanging out, I am going to need your number,” 
“Why are you going to need it?” he asked crossing his arms over his chest.
“Didn’t I just say?” she asked teasingly, trying to sound annoyed but failing. “I don’t want to keep appearing out of nowhere at your door, you know it’s weird,” she explained, fighting the grin on her lips. 
“Oh I see,” he let out as he held out his hand for her phone. She gladly handed him her phone. “You’re just going to miss me when I go on roadies so you want some way to contact me,” he said as he typed his name in her phone and his number. 
“I met your yesterday, like I could miss you already. That would be crazy,” she let out.
“Right right, so crazy that you decided to do this bright and early in the morning, instead of our planned hang out later tonight, right,” he teased as he slowly handed her phone back. She rolled her eyes playfully. 
“Oh whatever,” she said dramatically, “I’ve gotta go,” she said as she began walking towards the door.
“You don’t want to stay? Maybe kiss a little?” he teased. She rolled her eyes as she let out a sudden laugh. 
“I’m running late,” she said as she pulled open the door and began to walk out of the apartment. The door was slow to shut. He quickly jumped into the opening, propping open the door a little as he peeked his head out.
“That wasn’t a no!” he shouted towards her. She spun around and began to walk backwards. She had a huge grin on her lips as she shook her head. 
He returned the smile before he slipped back into his apartment. He shut the door behind him and laughed nervously as he walked back towards his kitchen.
He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket while he walked in front of the stove. He pulled it out to see an unknown number calling him. He smiled as he brought it towards his ear. “Hello,” he dragged out. 
“Did I hear you right, Quinn Hughes?” Y/N said on her end of the phone. 
“What’d I say?” he asked with a smirk toying to his lips. He hasn’t felt giddy like this in months, maybe even years. He missed the feeling. 
“Hmmm, that you wanted to kiss me,” she offered, a smile evident in her tone. 
“Did I say that? I don’t know if I said that,” he teased, “Are you sure you didn’t imagine it?”
“No, no I definitely heard you say it,” 
“Maybe you imagined me saying that because you wanted to kiss me too,” 
She let out a sudden laugh, “You just admitted you said you wanted to kiss me,”
“I don’t think I did. I guess you’re just gonna have to come over and find out,”
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 9 months
Vampire!Shoto Todoroki x Reader
➤ You’re leaving for a week. You and Shoto come up with a plan on how he’ll survive while you’re gone, but things don’t always go as planned
»»——⍟——««A/n: ngl yall, this sat in my drafts finished for MONTHS 😭I apologize. But uhh…. This will prolly be my last vampire au writing😅
Warning⚠️: blood, needles, medical stuff (I’m aware I’m not a doctor idc if it’s inaccurate), cliffhanger ending depending on how well you know me
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Clothes, toiletries, shoes, snacks, and your carry-on. Yup, you're all packed. Only one last thing to do before you left for your flight.
Today, you're leaving for a week long trip for your job. You're leaving, and Todoroki's staying. As much as he would love to come with you, he has things to care of while you're gone. You're all packed, ready to head out the door, except for the last -most important- thing you have to do before you leave.
You leave your bags at the front door, opting to search for the boy in question. You find him sitting at the edge of your bed, scrolling through his laptop. "Sho, I'm ready to go, wanna start?"
He looks up, smiling at you and setting his laptop to the side, meeting you at the bedroom door in a few quick strides. "Yeah," he leans down giving you a quick kiss on the lips, "go ahead to the living room, I'll get the supplies."
You follow his instructions, sitting down and making yourself comfortable as you wait for him to get the items needed to draw your blood. Usually, Shoto feeds from you, but since he can't go with you, plus you're going to be gone for a week, you made the decision on him drawing blood from you to keep him fed while you're gone.
He comes into the living room, sets everything down on the table, and turns to you. He offers you his hand, a sign to give him your arm. When you do, he pauses. "You should probably lie down." You do, keeping your arm outstretched to him and relaxing on the couch. "Let me know if it hurts too much."
He goes the full nine yards, wrapping a tie around your arm, rubbing his finger over the spot he picked to make sure the blood is pumping. He does it all. He gives you one last look, needle in hand, before sticking you with it, watching your blood filter from your body, into the bag next to you.
"You sure that'll be enough?" you ask, noticing he only has two blood bags.
"Yes, Love. I'll need to pace myself while your gone," he says gently, bringing his hand up to rest on your cheek.
You smile, turning your head a bit to look at him. "I wish you were coming."
"I wish I was coming too. but it's ok, you'll be back in no time," he laughs slightly, "and I'll again get to drink from the sweet source." He leans over, playfully nudging his nose again your cheek, making you squirm and laugh for a moment before lays his hand on your stomach. "Don't move too much."
His tone says he doesn't want to waste any blood that might drip, but his eyes say he just doesn't want to accidentally hurt you, needle being in your arm and all, so you settle smiling at him and waiting to be done.
"Ok, one more, almost done," he says, pressing his thumb to stop the flow, changing the bag and securing it before hooking up a new one and letting it start filling again. "You're doing so well. Thank you for this." Shoto settles his hand into yours, rubbing his thumb in circles on your skin.
"Of course, anything for you, Sho. Just don't get caught with blood bags in the fridge and medical supplies in the bathroom while I'm gone," you joke, earning and laugh from him.
About halfway through the second bag, Shoto notices your eyes starting to flutter shut. You're fighting unconsciousness. Shoto scoots closer, his hand instinctively going to your shoulder. "Y/n? Hey, Love, do you need me to stop?" He barely waits for an answer before his hands are creeping down to unhook everything.
"No, no, I'm ok," you sigh weakly, "want- want you to finish."
Todoorki bites his lips, looking down at the three-quarters-filled bag. 'Ok, ok. Almost done, almost done, baby," he says quickly.
The second the bag is filled he wastes no time unhooking the needles and stopping everything, checking over your whole body, listening to heart rate, and letting you lay on the couch as he cleans everything. This is the first time you had done this, and everyone reacts to getting blood drawn differently, so it's not even a thought as Shoto offers to instead drive you to the airport, wanting you to rest in the car ride, of course, giving you and a small bowl of cereal and juice to eat before heading on the road.
"Thanks again. You know it means a lot," he says, pulling up to the airport drop-off area. You'd slept the whole ride, getting enough strength to make it through security, to the gate, and on your plane, where you'll probably sleep the whole ride.
"Of course, Sho. No regrets," you smile. "Be safe while I'm gone."
He laughs and frowns. "That's my line."
You smile. “Yeah, guess it is.” You lean to him, giving him one last kiss goodbye. “Love you.”
“Love you, too”
Your trip went well, and you're happy to be coming back. You missed Todoroki and your home. The first two days, things seemed fine, he'd text you and call when possible, keeping you updated, after though, things got quieter until it was just plain silence.
You chose not to let yourself worry, burying yourself in the work you had to do while you were gone and not thinking about it, knowing he's fine, he's strong, and he'll be home when you get back. Judging by the text you got from him before you boarded the flight home, you knew the last few days must have only been paranoia and circumstances:
See you soon, Y/n.
You pull up to your home and get out, getting your bags and walking to the front door. There's something running through your veins. Partially excitement to see Shoto again, but also something else. Fear? Dread? You weren't sure, but whatever it is, it still pushes you on as you unlock the door and open it.
If it wasn’t fear that you felt before, you definitely felt it now. The house was dark, only light coming through the blinds lit it enough for you to see. And it’s cold, any colder you’d be able to see your own breath. Things are scattered everywhere, almost like someone went into a fit of anger and started throwing things.
You leave your bags on the floor, forgotten about as you step forward, Shoto’s name on the tip of your tongue, but dying in your mouth before the first syllable even comes out, a flash and small burst of cold air going past you, and then you feel arms circle you from the side, pulling you into a cold body.
Your breath is caught in your throat as you feel Shoto’s breath on your neck. You try to speak, try to move, but he’s strong, keeping you pinned against him, even at the weird angle.
His hand grasps your neck, tightening around it and keeping you still as he leans in. You feel panic start to rise in your bloodstream. What could’ve happened? He said you left enough blood, everything should have been fine. But you know this, you know the signs, you caught a quick enough glimpse of Shoto’s blown pupils. The way his usual eye colors are gone, you feel his tight grip in every move he makes. The look on his face tells it all.
This is Shoto’s bloodlust.
He’s only been in bloodlust twice before around you, but both of those times it wasn’t necessarily geared toward hunger, but now, you’re not sure what’ll happen. But you still hold on to the thought that Todoroki knows you, he loves you, and he isn't going to kill you. He’d rather go through all his life again and have to redo every moment again before he drained you of all the blood you need to live. You trust him.
Todoroki squeezed his hand around your neck, making your pulse jump once again as he drags you to his mouth, also leaning down all at the same time and opening his mouth.
There’s no second thought, no hesitation or regard, only the pain of the bite. The feeling of his fangs digging into your skin, eager and draining your blood. It’s fast, so fast you can almost feel the blood rushes out of you, a big change compared to how he usually does it, slow and steady, letting you savor the tranquil feeling like you usually do.
You can feel his arms wrapped firmly around your body, and for a second, he pulls away, but only so he can turn you, making your chest flush against his as he digs his fangs into your skin again.
This time, it only lasts about ten seconds before you feel your vision to go. Your body feeling heavy, and suddenly so much more tired than seconds ago. Your eyes flutter shut, and your legs go out, consciousness slipping from your grasp.
Todoroki feels your body going limp, and he secures his arm around you, keeping you against him as he continues to feed. He carries you to the bedroom, his mouth still attached, and he lays you on the bed, his body fully over yours as your blood begins seeping from his mouth, and he continues to feed.
Shoto loves you, he protects you, you trust him. Shoto would never kill you.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 8 months
N-no Alastor again......
.....OK, so....this episode needs multiple viewings for me to.....fully absorb everything that just happened......but......uh......I-I don't wanna just not say anything about it, so....here goes.....
-OK, fandom, you got me. You called it. Vaggie was an angel. Wasn't exactly the most surprising twist imaginable when everyone and their mother called it, but it was cool to actually see it. Th-the fact that she got her name because a misogynist named her was probably the biggest twist for me here, cuz HOLY CRAP, it makes so much sense. XD I remember when people used to haaaaaate Vaggie's name.....I-I honestly used to raise my eyebrows at it before I got used to it. That's neat.....
....But if there was one thing I DIDN'T call, it's Charlie not knowing. I legit thought she already knew. They were so close, and they've been a couple for years before the show, so I thought that already happened. B-but I....I LIKE this direction? I-I love Chaggie already, don't get me wrong, they're like the M&M of this show for me.....b-but their relationship has always kinda been....swallowed by the....EVERYTHING ELSE in the show around them. I-I'd love to see them get center stage! Will that happen, or will it just get brushed over? Dunno....but....either way, this cliffhanger KILLS ME just cuz I wanna know what happens next for them!
-NO ONE IN HEAVEN BUT SERA AND THE EXORCISTS KNOW ABOUT THE EXTERMINATIONS. PLEASE leave all your "Heaven is evil, what's the point of the hotel" complaints at the FLIPPING DOOR! We got a breakthrough! Yup, I never bought it for a second. The Exorcists are only ONE type of angel! There was no way they represented ALL of Heaven! The whole point of the story was that it's not a black-and-white conflict! If the whole story was just "Hell good, Heaven evil", what would be the point of that? You think the writers are THAT dumb?
Sera....seems to be the one in charge of making the decisions, but she's not evil, she's just doing what she thinks is right for Heaven. I'm pretty sure her mind can be changed. And Emily is so so so much like Charlie that them singing together was satisfying as heck! Adam and Lute are the clear bad guys here....
I love the confusion of "How isn't Angel rising to Heaven?" and how it kinda parallels to how Adam, who was once human, is still IN Heaven. Just cuz they're dead, doesn't mean they can't change. Vaggie had her wings torn off and fell. That could be Adam by the end of the show. But, what about someone in Hell rising to Heaven? Not even the angels have the answer. Because they're not evil. I LOVE that.
-Speaking of Emily and Charlie being alike, yeah, that second song was INCREDIBLE! Do I like it more than "Hell Is Forever" (which I've been listening too soooooo much over the week)? That's a high bar, so I dunno....but I love how this song is a follow-up to it, and it's very climactic.
-AUSTRALIAN CHERRI HECK YEEEEEAAAAA!!! Angel standing up to Val in....in only their....second episode together? Uhhhhh, aren't we moving too fast- I mean HECK YEEEEAAAA!! Drunk Niffty HECK YEEEAAAAA!!! More Huskerdust on the side HECK YEEEEAAA!!!
.....The running gag with Sir Pentious killed me. XD His obvious crush is so cute. Definitely a highlight for me. Better luck next time, dude.
-But yeah....my favorite thing about the episode (besides learning that Heaven isn't evil) is the Vaggie thing. I'm REALLY on the edge of my seat to see how this goes! Oooooo.....I-I'm so nervous! Obviously Charlie's not gonna be MAD, but....OK, maybe she'll be mad? But she won't STAY mad....I-I can't believe I'm looking forward to drama between those two....They've been so wholesome.....but I dunno, I wanna see a story about them, I guess....
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gamerwoo · 1 year
Omg please continue the Minghao and Jia drabble if you still want to, I love their lore so much!!
pfft well if ur gonna twist my arm i suppose i will 🙄
(i was waiting for someone to ask)
this is kinda rushed though because i didn't want to forget the idea and i poorly scribbled it down somewhere lmao. sorry if it kinda sucks <3
part 1 | tftp masterlist
»»————-  ————-««
"So that's how you found him?" Suvi giggled, thinking Jia and Minghao's story was the cutest love story she could've ever heard. "I can't believe it was right when Lilly died -- talk about fate!"
"It was pretty perfect timing," Danbi nodded. "Obviously everyone was really distraught, but Minghao had his mate there for him. I guess he would always tell the pack that she saved his life."
"Yup," Jia laughed softly. "Doesn't let me forget it."
"Hang on," Jooyeon interrupted, staring at Jia intensely. She had even leaned forward as she listened to the blind girl's story because she was so invested, "so what happened with XiuXiu?"
The girls were staying at Hanbin's place with the other mates while all the wolves were hanging out together at some secret werewolf-only speakeasy that Hanbin and his pack went out to from time to time. It wasn't often just the girls got to hang out together, and it was even more rare that they got to spend any time with the girls from Kyung's old pack. But all the boys wanted to get together before Minghao and Junhui's annual trip back to China. And this year, they were taking Jia with them.
The conversation originally began with Ari curiously asking what had happened to the rest of Hanbin's pack. Eunjin had screamed her head off as soon as she was on the property, which of course, startled everyone, so Hanbin had mentioned offhandedly that a lot of their pack had passed away before he went out with the other wolves. Ari being Ari, was curious and didn't know any better to have a filter, but the girls explained most of what happened.
That is, until they got sidetracked. Kyung talked about how Taejin was lured to his death by his mate, and Yeji had jokingly said, "Jia, imagine if Minghao had lured you to your death, huh?"
So that sparked the question of how did Minghao and Jia even meet since it happened in a dream.
"Or June!" Jimin added on.
Jia merely shrugged, "I don't know. I never saw either of them again."
"What?!" the thief whined. "No way! You have to know what happened to at least June!"
"What a shitty ending..." Kyung muttered.
"Do you think I'd see any clues as to where June went?" Jia laughed. "I'm blind."
"I can't believe we're just left on a cliffhanger like that," Seongmi sighed.
"How do you think I feel? It really makes me sad... I hope she's doing well, wherever she is."
"Why would she be the first dream you ever entered, though?" Soomin wondered. "It's so random..."
Rika shrugged, "Sometimes life doesn't give us answers."
"If you're Rinnie," Jimin was watching Kyung whisper translations in Cooper's ear, "it rarely ever does."
The boat ride wasn't Jia's favorite. She hadn't been on a boat since she had to flee when she was a child, so she didn't really remember the experience. She realized just how awful being stranded in the middle of the ocean on an unfamiliar vessel with a bunch of strangers was when you couldn't see anything.
Even if she could see, she was sure she would hate it.
"My parents are old," Minghao warned her. "They won't want to go out and explore with us. They're tired pretty often."
"That's okay," she assured him with a smile. "I'm excited to meet them no matter what."
"You think having old parents is bad?" Jun scoffed. "My baby brother looks older than me."
Appearance-wise, Jun and Minghao looked like they were in their 20's. And their bodies technically were. That was around the age that they stopped getting older until they met their mates. Minghao started aging again as soon as he met his mate -- physically, of course. Junhui was still stuck.
But despite their young appearances, they were both over 40 years older than they appeared. So both of their parents were much older than one might expect, and any younger relatives they had appeared to be older than them now.
On the way to Minghao's old house, he explained how he ran away from home as soon as he realized what he was. But he said his parents went out looking for him and wouldn't stop until they found him. He admitted what he was and ran away before either of them could accept him or turn him away. He just wanted to protect them Then he ended up finding Soonyoung, so he went off with him and never looked back.
"I was really close with my cousin, Yaling," he told you. "We were basically like siblings, so I told her to take care of my parents before I left. She tried to convince me to stay, but I knew how dangerous it was."
Jun was the one to convince him to return home half a decade later. Since he went to visit his mom, Minghao would often wonder aloud how his own family was doing, so finally, the older wolf coaxed Minghao into going with him. And that was when he realized his family had been searching for him the whole time.
"They put up missing persons pictures using a couple photos of me from family photo albums," Minghao chuckled at the memory. "It was crazy because it was five years later and I still looked like that."
Looking back, Minghao felt lucky that he reunited with his family so he could watch them grow and get old. It was bittersweet getting to see his parents gray while he stayed the same. He was grateful to still be loved by them so he could experience them getting older, but it hurt that he couldn't age with them.
But then there were happy moments, like watching his relatives that he grew up with -- like Yaling -- get married and have families.
"The Xu family reunion is huge," Junhui stated with a laugh. "Everyone shows up to see Hao."
Just as Jun promised, Minghao's parents' house was full to capacity when the trio arrived. While Jia couldn't see all the people, she could hear the commotion. It was overwhelming, but she put on her warmest smile and let the two wolves help her around as they introduced her to his family.
It was as Minghao was introducing her to his parents and Yaling that his mother was interrupted.
"Jia?" a female voice asked.
Jia's eyes wandered, her head turning toward the noise. She waited to hear something else, but all she heard was soft footsteps getting closer until they stopped in front of her.
"Your eyes look the same," the girl giggled excitedly.
Her head cocked to one side, "I-I'm sorry?"
"Xiuying, what are you talking about?" he asked her.
"I know her," she insisted before looking at Jia again. "Don't you remember?"
Minghao paused while he thought, and then his eyes seemed to brighten, "You two are about the same age. But if she knew you before she moved away... XiuXiu, she's blind now."
Jia's eyes suddenly widened and her entire body seemed to perk up.
"Jia!" she laughed again before throwing her arms around Jia.
Jia let go of Minghao's arm to hug her back, a smile so big spreading across her face that it made her eyes close.
Minghao looked to Junhui first, both boys sharing confused looks before he turned to Yaling for answers. Somehow, his cousin looked like she knew exactly what was going on and she was shocked.
"Did you know?" Minghao asked her.
"I-- ...I thought Jia was imaginary..." was all she said.
"XiuXiu's dreams were the first I ever entered," Jia explained once the two girls pulled away. "Aside from my dad's, of course. I only ever saw her dreams up until I had to leave home."
"I was wondering where you went!" Xiuying was still laughing -- out of both excitement, joy, and shock.
"XiuXiu cried for days," Yaling nodded. Then she imitated her wailing of, "'Where's Jia! I miss Jia!'"
The rest of the reunion was sweet and happy. Everyone was excited to see Minghao and meet his mate, and the two girls were practically inseparable. But somehow, it seemed to make his parents even more fond of Jia -- although, it was hard to not be fond of her in the first place.
That night, after everyone had gone home and Minghao's family retreated into the own rooms and made sure Jun was settled in the guest room, Minghao and Jia curled up together in Minghao's old room that his family kept for him. And as they were winding down, of course Minghao had to bring up his mate's history with his 'niece'.
"How come you never mentioned XiuXiu?" he asked.
Jia shrugged as she pulled the covers up, "It seemed a little pointless. I obviously wouldn't expect you to know who she was, so why would I mention the random little girl I used to visit?
"Actually, what about you?" she asked with a frown, turning it around on her mate. "How come you never mentioned XiuXiu talking about a Jia?"
He chuckled, "Because Jia isn't an uncommon name, and I never heard about a Jia after Xiuying got older. I figured it really was just an imaginary friend like everyone else. Plus, I only saw her once a year so her Jia never really stuck with me."
"Sure, HaoHao," she chuckled, sliding down the bed until her head touched the pillows.
"You know what that means, right?" Minghao asked as he followed suit.
"You've been connected to me for a long time," he giggled. "You've always been made for me."
Jia scoffed as she rolled over to snuggle into Minghao's chest, "I always knew that."
There was a pounding on the wall before the pair heard Junhui call just loud enough for them both to hear, "Could you wait until I fall asleep to be disgustingly cheesy?"
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annkous · 1 year
Who's an airhead? Me! With the event going on I didn't think they'd release Lesson 12, but joke's on me, because they did. Not only that, but for some astral alineation, I completely missed anyone talking about it in both twitter and tumblr. I only realized it was out when I went to jump chapters on the normal mode this morning and saw "Lesson 12: 0/12-13-14 some number I forgot" on the list and then flipped my shit. I have the notifications on for the official account as well, but I somehow missed it too. Whoops.
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Anyways it's an emotional galore and Solmare sure likes its cliffhangers, again.
Lesson 11 suffering
Look! Nightbringer decides to grace us with his invisible presence! And ngl I'm terrified of the options they gave us when asked what we thought of this world:
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I chose I wanted to go home, and a bitch decided to guilt trip me with "don't you like the brothers as they are now?" man I do but I don't belong here!! I don't mind helping them because I love them but I can't leave the present brothers as it is!
Anyways they also drop this and I am terrified of Nightbringer now.
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Not ominous at all. They also fully confirm he's a demon, and that both mc and them want the same thing.
Edit: but, however, we should know better than to trust his word for it don't be like me kids. Again, still-a-morosexual-help brings good points about Nightbringer's identity.
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Anyways after we fucked up big time in the Reaper's cave, we fall into a coma, or deep sleep because of the Rules right in front of the present brothers, Solomon and Thirteen. Thirteen can't do anything as she wasn't the one who put that rule in particular, and the last person we hear before passing out due to the curse is Mammon.
This whole lesson is about the brothers visiting us and talking to us as we sleep, and I loved it a lot. Well, we are asleep, sort of, but we can still hear them. Even if we try to reply to them, we can't. Our body is comatose, but we're aware of our surroundings. That's the best way I can put it, I suppose.
First one was Levi, who also says this and gives me whiplash about Solomon.
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For me to be convinced that Solomon wanted us fully on his side without caring for our input, he'd have to pull something like "bring them to Cocytus Hall instead" but no, he sends us home, to the house full with our demon family. Deep down he must know how mc loves all of them, so the "choose humanity" thing just... What's he thinking, I wonder? We'll probably have a talk when we wake about it but not now as we're knocked out.
We find out form Levi that Diavolo forgave Beel. They probably looked into what drove him berserk. They don't tell us any specifics yet.
Anyways, we get a heart to sleeping heart with Levi. They're going for the throat of us who easily get teary-eyed. He's not one of my favs, but I like him anyways, especially here. He just wants to hang out with a friend. Or a date, depending on how you prefer to see it.
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Next up is Satan. My man. I love him so much. He's reading to us, and he's reading "The Tale of Princess Kaguya", out of all the damn things to read.
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He's also pretty honest about finding out we were human, because he missed the Great Revelation Moment. In Lesson 11 and the hard mode, we see him with Simeon and Luke and they decide to make dinner for everyone when they came back from the castle.
Apparently, he would've been really mad. But just like Luci (I suspect), he's mad about us lying, that there was a side that we kept to ourselves.
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Just like the other brothers, he begs us to wake up, and I had a hard time not pressing the "I love you" option back, because I want to try going down Solo-Luci route, but Satan makes it hard for me as he's also my favourite, and here is where we see him at his most vulnerable. Anyhow, whoever is cutting onions needs to fucking stop. He just asks us to wake up.
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Next brother to visit us is Beel, and you can tell it's him because:
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He tells us about the gifts and food the other brothers left on us on the bed. Asmo brought some cupcakes, Mammon some chocolate coins, Levi some choco figurines and Beel brought some buns. God I love them so much and I didn't forget we still didn't have our moment with Beel about his Falling, just like with the rest of the brothers, so I was ready for him to talk a bit about it, or at least hint about it happening soon.
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There it is jdhgadsf he says not yet, though. Our favourite gentle giant says how he's always starving, that doesn't matter how much he eats, that it never goes away, that he can use our advice about this big secret of his. When we try to reply, he thinks he sees mc smile.
Next up is Mammon, who's running in to hide from some pandemonium going on outside caused by his brothers.
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He's mad that we're asleep lol but that's his coping, I suppose. I can't help but wonder if they're all the same way back in the present.
And then, because the onion cutter has me on their hit list and knows my weakness, Mammon drops this shit:
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Mammon says that with us, he feels like he can accomplish what he puts his mind into, like the Cerberus thing, and that he needs us, so if we decide to run off to the human world, he'll follow us up there.
Asmo's up next, and just like the rest of the brothers, he opens his heart a bit to mc as we sleep, telling the reason he paints his brothers' nails is so everyone can tell they're brothers. This is where I knew I'd fight any Asmo hater on sight.
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Going the opposite of Mammon, Asmo says that after we wake up, if we want to go back, that he'll do everything to help us.
This is all after asking if we were like him after he arrived to the Devildom, if we secretly wanted to go back to the place we came from, and if we were sad, scared or lonely.
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Then came Belphie, which was a surprise because I was not expecting him just yet...
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He apologizes, you can tell it's hard on him. Despite how we started in og!OM I adore Belphie, so my mc would forgive him in a heartbeat.
Then he drops a bit of lore bit about Lilith, and how she thought both Angels and Demons looking to guide humans felt insulting to them. I shit you not. Lilith had the same thoughts as Solomon.
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Belphie says that he thought her way of thinking was strange, but after hearing we gave back the grimoire to them, that he gets Lilith a little bit more. That humans aren't exactly helpless.
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That 180 turn came faster than I expected it, but I'm not complaining. It's also the fact that he wasn't locked into the attic, so his anger didn't fester as much as it did in the og one, plus this time we did something greater that proved we were on their side.
Then Belphie falls asleep holding our hand.
Last, but not least, comes Luci. Just like Levi, he's stroking mc's hair. I actually confused them at first, I thought Luci was first in there hah.
He pulls a Mammon at first, pretending to be angry at us, the sleeping attendant who should be doing their job and has plenty of secrets, like us possessing his ring, but it falls off quickly as he starts talking about his own secrets instead, and it's one we know: that Lilith is still alive as a human, and it weighs on him that he can't tell his brothers.
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He also talks a bit more about Lilith, which I appreciate. How she didn't listen to him (lol) and was pretty emotional and expressive. Plus, when he asked her about her love for a human trying to stop her, she told him he'd fall for someone one day and he'd understand her then. Ouch.
Also this.
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Sweats in Simeon. Please, he's one of my favourites. Can't wait for shit to go down in present time about this, because my fav ending would be with Luci+Satan+Simeon. Simoen is actually human there though, so maybe they'll use that to skirt about the issue. I just like drama and angst anyways and I yearn to fight the whole Celestial Realm over our found family if needed.
Luci goes on a bit on how he believed love was beautiful, so he didn't exactly understand why their Father gave Lilith the biggest punishment (being casted out with no chance of being reborn/salvation), and by questioning Him, he brought disgrace upon his brothers.
Just like Asmo, he wonders if us keeping our humanity from them was a weight just as heavy as his own secret to his brothers.
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Lucifer then gives mc a kiss, and here is when I wasn't sure if it was because I didn't choose the other brothers instead, or if he does it anyways and it's a free interpretation of where he places it. Could be in the forehead if you're feeling platonic. They didn't even give me an option, unlike with the other brothers. In all the previous visits, you could tell them that you loved them, or choose a more platonic option. I went full platonic with all of them because I wanted to choose the "I love you" option with Luci, but he just fucking skipped it and went for the kiss instead lmfao. I like him, so I can't complain, but for someone who prefers a more friendly option... well, I suppose it's why they didn't describe what he did, so it's a free interpretation. Like I said, could be a forehead kiss if you feel more like it.
Then the ring glows and here there be another cliffhanger. See you in 10 days (9 now lol), I suppose. Seems to be the pattern.
The extra lesson is about Beel going to talk to Belphie in their room, trying to get him to visit mc and apologize. I love the twins so much.
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Since I was already late I also went and did hard mode, thinking it'd be about Solomon searching for a way to break the curse (Leviathan comments on it during his visit, but Solomon never comes over), but instead it's about Simeon, Luke and Satan watching as the demon brothers run home carrying a comatose mc in a panic. Oh joy.
Solomon nearly slips, too, almost calling the guest room "MC's room-". Simeon neutralizes the curse, but is unable to remove it. The brothers and Solomon vow to find a way to dispel it, "even if it means doing the impossible", I quote Solomon.
Luke, being the literal angel that he is when he's not hating demons, tries to lift the crestfallen mood by saying they got dinner ready with Satan. They all thank him, which I found adorable, but decides to stay with mc saying he "wants to talk". I assume it's the beginning before his visit, and it stops there.
o(-< I'm dead man. I loved the brothers telling us bits about themselves. At least this cliffhanger was a bit more bearable lmao....... and I'm in for the suffering, at least a little bit. Just a sprinkle.
I was a bit sad we didn't get a visit from the other side charas, but I'm confident we'll have our moment eventually. For now I wonder how we'll dodge the questions of where the fuck did we come from, and why do we have the ring? What did Solomon tell Simeon and "counted on him" back when leaving the house? o(-< WHO KNOWS??? "good luck finding out too" -solmare, probably.
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nosleepwriting · 2 years
What WN means to me:
i watched it initially for Avatrice, ofc i did. one day during lockdown i randomly saw a crack vid of avatrice and decided to watch it. not even knowing if they end up together or if they kiss or if they become canon. i didnt watch the whole vid so i wont spoil everything, which was weird because ever since lexa, i dont watch shows without knowing that the sapphic couple would be together and happy.
did you know where i stopped? i stopped during the part where ava phased out of the wall, breathless and scared, and beatrice was there to catch her. maybe it was the way she looked, the way kristina's eyes shined as beatrice holding alba's ava in her hands that convinced me that yup these two are in love. or at least bea is. this isnt a crack ship. this is real.
so i watched s1. tbh, im one of the people who thought s1 was slow bec if im being rlly honest, i watched it for avatrice. but i wasnt expecting to love ava, that running on the beach scene loving life, alba's acting of laughing and crying and breathless under the stars with the sand below her and the ocean just in front, and watching THAT during the fucking pandemic ???? that saved me from a lot of dark thoughts swirling in my head. i wasnt expecting a family. a real found family that even when mary and lilith were fighting each other to death you can tell that there's love, there's history. there's sisterhood. i wasnt expecting that from a show with 'Warrior Nun' as a title. and not bec i thought it was silly but bec i thought it was one of those female-led show made for men.
long story short, i finished it. search tumblr for a bit for content, then twitter, then ao3, as one usually does and then nothing. i moved on, peacefully. even if that s1 cliffhanger was far from peaceful. bec i was sure there would be an s2 with that kind of ending. i went on with my life and continued to consume other media.
until october 2022. i didnt even knew they were filming s2. i saw the s2 trailer in yt randomly again. there they were. dancing. i was like how did these two go from fighting an angel?-jesus-like-incarnate in s1 to dancing casually in a bar?? i was scared at first, maybe this isnt the same show that i'll come back to bec lets be honest most s2 of a really good s1 most of a time is a let down. but then i saw the "your jealous" "that's absurd" part and i was like yup those two are in love and im going to watch this just so i can see how they do it.
for extra context (i know this is getting super long but i honestly dont care im doing this for me), im reviewing for the boards and getting invested in anything other than my studies would be really bad. i was catious with what media to consume because i need to focus on my studies. even so, i watched the final ep for context and carry the feeling before watching the first episode. the legendary fucking first episode. the hands behind teasing walk, the kiss cheek, the dance, the stare (i dont have to explain this, u know what im talking about) i replayed all of those moments 10 times bec WOW they weren't holding back.
then everything else. the little moments leading to the big ones were satisfying and so perfectly excuted that i cant even watch it with my girlfriend bec she gets mad that i keep repeating the scenes and slowing them down to take it all in. halfway through s2, i knew i was gonna watch it again. and i only really did that for 2 other shows (shera and the wilds s1, atla and tlok dont count bec i rewatch them periodically and not right after finishing) but u know what i didnt do to those other two that i did with warrior nun? i watched it a third time in a bigger screen just so i can see more. i watched in a 4th time with my girlfriend. i watched it a 5th time just so i can move on with my life and i watched it a 6th time because i missed them and i can't. i watched it a 7th time because i won't. and at this point i lost count at how much i rewatched the show. i would stream it during studying just so i could have them on screen and be inspired with finishing so i can watch them.
im just really heartbroken right now. with all this.
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thelastwalkingsoul · 2 years
I’m so excited for this ep and one of the scenes in particular. Pretty sure I know what cliffhanger they’re gonna end it on so we’ll see.
Onto The Last of Us Episode 6!
Ep 1 | Ep 2 | Ep 3 | Ep 4 | Ep 5
- It’s winter already?!
- Ooh who are these people?
- Hahahaha I love that Ellie doesn’t listen. What a queen.
- Ohhhh the map trick. Nice Joel.
- Joellll teach her how to kill rabbitsss
- ‘Come down from there your gonna break your neck’ SIR YOU ARE A DAD
- An old farmhouse, some land, raising sheep? DO NOT PARALLEL ELLIE IN THE SECOND GAME IM GONNA CRY
- Ellie’s love of space is everything to me.
- I thought they might not find people but then I remembered a clip from a trailer and now I’m scared
- SHES TRYING TO WHISTLE OMG I love when they take parts straight out of the games, especially little hidden ones
- ‘Does it sound like I know how to whistle?’ Babyyyyyy
- It’s the dammmm!
- Ohhhh shiiiit!
- Please be Tommy’s people, please please please
- Awww a sniffer dog for infected? So cute! and such a smart idea
- Joel honey. The ptsd from Sarah is real
- Yesss I’m so exciteddddddd
- Jackson!!!
- Ohhhh it looks so similar to the second game ohhh my goddd
- And Tommy being in charge of the construction? So perfect
- Ellie hahahaha ‘I don’t think I’ve ever had a proper meal’
- Imagine they make that random girl Dina? I will die
- Love that we’re seeing more of Jackson now rather than later
- God how weird would it be to just sit in a bar and have a drink?
- MARIAS PREGNANT?! Holyyyy shit.
- God. Stubborn ass men
- Oh Joelllll I’m gonna cry
- It’s Ellie's winter jackettt
- Hahahaha her reaction to the menstrual cup LMAO
- Oh woah. Learning about Sarahhhh
- God this is just confirming all those cute Jackson fics where the kids all watch movies together ahhhh
- He’s telling Tommy oh no baby
- I love that we’re seeing more of Joel’s ptsd from Sarah. God this is more than we ever got to see in the game.
- The giraffe poster in the background?
- THEYRE SO FATHER DAUGHTER IM GONNA SCREAM ‘you dick’ and Joel’s smug ass face oh my god
- Ohh this is the credits song from the gameeeee
- Aww him teaching her about American football (fight me)
- Pls if they have the conversation about Joel’s dream job I’m gonna cry
- YES SINGER JOEL wait can Pedro Pascal sing? We need to hear him sing.
- Ahh the universal horse sounds again. As someone who played a ridiculous amount of Star Stable when I was younger, I recognise the horse sounds. Everyone uses the same ones I swear. They’re as recognisable to me as the Wilhelm Scream.
- Oh this ep is totally gonna end where I think it is hehehehe
- Ooooh Salt Lake Cityyyyy
- Oh shit oh shit oh shit here we gooo
- Did he just snap his neck?
- OH YUP STABBED INSTEAD OH SHIT (why do I miss him being impaled lmao)
- No Ellie please don’t cry
- Wow cannot wait for the next one. ITS GONNA BE SO GOOD AHHHH
- I’m absolutely gonna cry in these next three eps
Welp, come join me next time :)
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rei-does-stuff · 1 year
Ep one!!!
-Sunny making sure Misty is okay EEE!!
-The way Hitch looks at pipp oooooo!!!!
-AWW HITCH DOING THE DEEP AND MANLY VOICE, I love how much of a dork he isss
-oh noo shes anxious :((
-“smooth sailing!” *immediate storm* Its the little things in this show i love <3
-THE INTRO!!! Oh how I’ve missed you!!!
-Little SunIzzy moment (they’re standing together)
-Convinced Sunny only suggested that bc she’s been BURSTING to share that story
-She loved sellin shit even as a kid <3
-ARGYLE!!!! MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!
-Aw they couldn’t get his actual voice actor it seems (not even the one from tyt :()
-jkjk maybe her dad put it on her, or she snuck into the makeup cabinet <33
-Aww siblings bickering <3
-Epic <3
-That wasn’t flying! That was falling with style!!! /ref
-OH so sprout’s talent IS kindness! Glad to know that! Like a knight in shining armor!!
-That water animation,,, I did say it was SLOWLY getting better in the animation department…Slowly—
-Misty has social anxiety, we are the sameee
-She talks to herself! Just like me!!!
-IM JUST SAYING…T4T Zipitch it could work
-HA people pleaser sunny <3
-The red doesn’t work for me either
-I like the green!!
-Sunny being concerned :(((
-OPALINE!!! I love herr
-YUP that will be a tad awkward but shell get through it!!
-Pipp my dramatic queen
-Aww Haven being encouraging
-It does look weird, them using utensils
-Oh so we know opaline was never gonna give misty her cutie mark, nice nice
-trottie-talkies THAT IS SO CUTE
-See I love how they tell her its okay!! In g4 I’m sure they wouldn’t done an ep telling her to just go out there and be confident but here they can be like “yeah! Its okay to be nervous! We can do something else!”
EP 2
-Those pancakes look sooo good
-Sunny trying to comfort the situation!!
-Sunny and Zipp act like a bickering married couple sometimes
-Aww yk Haven and Alphabittle are a cute couple ngl
-They all have the same hairstyle, reminds me of g3
-I wonder if the shit theyre saying actually means something if you slow it down, probs not but yk
-I have a feeling that Misty’s trauma with Opaline cause her to forget all this, maybe push it back deep in her head as a way to cope?
-Breezies using phones THE HORROR!!
-Ipad kids breezie edition
-Ur so funny sunny :)
EP 3!!!
-AWW misty and sparky siblings arcc
-Aww misty being selfless!!
-After sparky!!
-it looks a lot more…Grassy compared to g4!
-No dragons…Ooooo
-Ooo so we might get an episode abt hitch having to let sparky go!
-Look at pipp being smart!!
-Im wondering how misty met opaline tho!! We knew she “rescued” misty but how??? I NEED ANSWERS!!
-I guess this also makes misty pipp and zipp’s step sisters! Sorry shippers!
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
For the Writing-WIP ask game, 23 and 37, if you don't mind? 😊
23) Do you make your own wip covers?
Yup. It’s actually an ambition of mine to get good enough at drawing to be able to make all my book covers properly. Not there yet and I might never be but it’s a dream. Anyway for original novels I just do quick temp covers with a vaguely related royalty free stock image + text, nothing fancy. For fandom it depends I have done photo manips, I have done drawings, and for Sanctuary I did quite a few gifsets. I generally like to provide some kind of banner image to liven up the post whatever it is :)
37) Name a series you’ve abandoned writing
Ok I’m going to take the word ‘series’ loosely here. For the most part I am relatively good at finishing what I have started posting. Dredging my memory I think I have only abandoned 4 fanfics in my /cough 20+ years /cough. The first I was about 12 and it’s a very long story to explain. The second I was 19, it was a self-indulgent crossover and I wrote part 1 (it ended on a cliffhanger), but then I could not work out how to keep it going with the crossover element. It just failed the logic test of why everyone would still be included and so I posted all of my notes/thoughts as an epilogue (this was on ff.net) and gave up.
Where I start to feel guilty is with the more recent ones. I wrote for Once Upon a Time for a year or so and I really wanted people to like me, I wanted to feel included. So I jumped on every prompt going. My desperation could probably have been seen from space 🙄. Anyway I wrote two chapters of a rare… crossover pair (hard to explain anyelle quickly but basically that) and then I had so many WIPs in those days that it just constantly fell to the bottom of the pile and when I ran out of steam and stopped, it’s what was left undone. The other one I feel even more guilty about as I actually won a fandom award for it. That was called Painting Layers of Love, and the problem with that is I poured far too much of my own anxiety into one of the characters, and then obviously I wanted the character to be happy which meant dealing with their issues. Problem is I don’t know how to “fix it” as I can’t fix myself. So I stalled as I couldn’t see a way out and eventually just officially abandoned it /guilt /guilt.
For original novels… I struggle with the ‘abandoned’ part because I might go back to it, or I will cannibalise it and use parts elsewhere. I mean sure technically there is a series. I actually indie published Book One. I thought I had been so sensible as I had waited until I had drafted Book Two but I was behind and it was only a first draft. I should have had it fully ready, and if I had waited I would have known, but I had booked promotions and so couldn’t delay. Anyway when I went to revise Book Two it just fell apart. I tried redrafting it from scratch but I could just not make it work. Fortunately nobody had been all that interested and so I took Book One down quietly and decided to chalk it up to experience. I later indie published the first two novels in another series and had to also take them down (this time due to a mental breakdown) buuut that’s another story. And that series really isn’t abandoned as I do intend to fix it up and republish eventually. But yes I suppose the time travel crime series is abandoned. I get nostalgic for it but I don’t know that I will pick it up again. Never say never of course. But my original ideas are many (I could write solidly for a decade and not be done) so it’s not like I need to go back to it.
Thanks for the ask ❤️
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knowlessman · 2 years
bungo no hogs macedonia (jk it's FINALLY bnha bc I googled "when does sasuke show up again" and it turns out he kinda doesn't, it's kinda like if the soul eater anime actually tried to make you care about the 100 witch souls thing but also was eleventy billion hundred years long and every arc went out of its way to remind you about it without actually progressing it) ep1-4 -- (literally looking at a splash screen bc I haven't hit go yet) I'm sure we learn why this boy has grenades for hands at some point
how unamerican or something
oh yeah this is basically if saitama wasn't OP and was Rock Lee instead right
I love that one of the bystanders here either has a quirk or just wandered in from Jojo part 6
they changed the rules so you could get into Sky High without powers? so the Cyclist from One-Punch could get in. (…googles character, skims wiki page …Mumen Rider is good character it turns out. Wish Netflix had more of - …wait a minute… okay, ngl if this loses my attention at some point there is a nonzero chance I drift over to one-punch man)
huh. didn't think we'd know that about All Might so early
weirdest damn santa clause I ever seen. he doesn't even have a beard
…the fuck is any of this
"walk home, deku. I work alone." okay I do actually wanna know what he says tho, goddammit
anime stop spoiling the next episode after the credits challenge 2023 goddammit I don't wanna know this shit yet have you never heard of a binge watch
anyway next one -- with the mha spoilers that I do know… this should be one helluva convo for all might
wait whaaat, I thought this only came out later in the show :O not sure why I thought that, but this being in, like, literally the second episode is a surprise
…I guess "invisibility cloak" is just a really weird translation for something that should probably be "host" or "disguise," then?
'XD that half-assed analogy. "guys at the pool" -- hm. okay well that's HALF the spoiler that I think I know from this show -- also, well, he did make an effort to let him down easy while being honest, and it technically wasn't a "no." (also obv don't tell him to be a cop, that's for antagonists not protagonists)
some "invisibility cloak"
deku you owe that asshole a punch in the face, not this -- what ARRRR ya doin, tho (sorry my brain auto-associated to Pirates… 3, I think?)
yup. "toughness" and a balsa-wood ego
'XDDD dude. literally anyone could have seen you, shouting at the top of your lungs in a sleepy-ass neighborhood. also are you really not able to turn that off at-will? you have to wait until your body remembers it has organ damage and turns it off for you? -- I think I love this design of all might tbh. he looks like a fucking bionicle. and the hair and the outfit, it's all just perfect. and it gives context to why his face always has shadows all over it, in some way I dunno how to explain
next, I guess, fuck it, it's only half past two in the morning -- …and that's the other half of the spoiler I knew (is dabi also a spoiler? idk, probably), in the third episode
(watching OP) huh. for some reason I thought hand-face-man was from tokyo ghoul
american… good name for it, maybe? bootstrap bullshit that can only fly in shonen
think you're a rooster? you're training to be all might, kid, not goku
I thought Napoleon was, like, a bad guy? googles briefly huh. lot of things, that guy.
buhhh. fourth then. fuck but this show is good at cliffhangers.
Best Jeanist 'XD tf does that even mean
aye, I think I can see the thread from here, the intent of this "obstacle"
…good shit. I was starting to worry she, y'know, wasn't gonna get to do shit.
I wanna like mr stereotypical glasses guy, the pedant. do I get to like him? is he okay?
and here come the ten billion points for griffinpuff, aye?
oh fuck my life I forgot this was about high school 'XD I'mma go to bed
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thedemonturnip · 5 years
The Yvette angst broke me, can you please do a fluffy part 2 where they breaks her curse?
Why, of course. 
No warnings for this one here. 
Part one
The demon disappears with a scream, leaving only the smell of sulfur behind. 
“Is it... over?”
“Did we do it?”
You meet Yvette's eyes, rubbing your neck as you feel like you interrupted her.
“Do you feel different?”
“The pain is gone.”
She touches her cheek with her hand. 
“It doesn't hurt anymore.”
You reach out to her with a hand, only for her to flinch away.
“The feeling is so... unusual. I'm afraid it is all a trick.”
She huffs.
“An... illusion. Killing him took the pain away, but what if I'll still burn you?”
She doesn't want to believe it's that easy. That this world could actually be kind to her.
She eyes her hands suspiciously, unsure whether to believe.
“Well, touch me.”
“Touch me. We'll find out.”
“Wha- No! If there's a chance this didn't work, I won't put you in danger!”
“I just... I want you safe. And yes, I want to kiss you. Touch you. I'd just... I'd rather know beforehand that I won't turn you into a human torch.”
“Then how are we gonna do this?”
“Simple. We go out and I touch the first person I see.”
“... you're willing to risk a random person turning into a human torch, but-”
“Not you? Precisely.”
“That's morally ambiguous.”
“I get it, I get it. Sometimes, you're the definition of morally ambiguous.”
Yvette chuckles, offering you her (gloved) hand to take. You do, feeling the usual warmth radiating from her, and look up at her face. She smiles down on you,  and you walk out of the shady warehouse together to where her car is parked. 
“Soo... if that thing worked...”
“Not now. I don't want to get my hopes up just yet.”
“No matter if it worked or not, you know I still love you, right?”
Yvette stops in her tracks and turns to you, a hand cupping your cheek.
“How do I deserve you?”
“Well, you-”
A thumb strokes over your lower lip, and when you meet her eyes, they're smoldering with desire.
“If – IF it worked... you'll be in for some trouble tonight.”
“And if not, I'm still utterly happy that you aren't in pain anymore.”
She closes her eyes, a low noise slipping from her lips.
“I love you too.”
It's barely more than a whisper, but it still makes happiness flood you. She abruptly turns away, walking towards her car in an even faster pace. 
“I don't want to waste another second. Come.”
You follow her, but stop when a voice speaks up behind you.
Yvette whips around, eyeing the person who just spoke to her. A teenager in shaggy clothes stands behind her, holding a paper cup with a few coins in it. 
"Have you got some spare coins?"
Yvette looks at him for a moment, then smiles.
"I got more than that."
She takes out her wallet and pulls out a few bills, making the boy's eyes go wide.
"One condition, though."
"I won't sell my body."
The teenager looks disgusted and defensive, but Yvette furrows her brows.
"Wha- of course I wouldn't ask that."
She pulls off one of her gloves and holds out her hand for him.
"Shake it."
"Shake my hand, and the money is yours."
"Where's the catch?"
"There's none.
You look at the boy, clearly torn between the hope of money and mistrust. 
"You got some poison on there or what?"
"No. Someone told me I've got a weak handshake and since the cutie over there is a little biased, I need a neutral opinion."
The lie slips off of her lips effortlessly, and the boy shrugs.
"Well, it isn't like you're gonna burn me."
He reaches out and shakes Yvette's hand. The corner of her mouth twitches, but other than that, no reaction.No scream.Nothing. The boy pulls his hand back again, a scrutinizing expression on his face. 
"You could use a little more force, but it's okay."
"Thank you."
Yvette’s voice is shaking a little, her entire posture tensed up. She hands him the money, and he grins, turning around and walking away.
"No, thank you, Ma'am!"
When he's around the next corner, Yvette turns to you, exhilarated, and you smirk.
We can touch. We can touch. 
"So you were willing to-"
You get cut off by a finger on your lips. Soft, warm skin. 
"Even softer than I imagined."
She quickly sheds her other glove before cupping your face with both of her hands, her thumbs tracing your cheeks and their bones, your temples before finally setting to rest.Your smile grows in time with hers as you look into each other's eyes.
"Will you kiss me now?"
Yvette smirks, leaning in and pressing her lips to... your cheek. 
"When we're home. I'm afraid once I start, I might not be able to stop."
Oh god. Please.
"... Yeah, me too."
You lean up and kiss her cheek in return, and then remove yourself from the embrace, turning towards the car. But you don't hear steps behind you, so you look back at Yvette. 
A pink blush is spread over her cheeks, and her fingers touch the spot where your lips just rested. Lips slightly parted. 
Somewhere deep inside of you, something melts.
You walk back to her, cupping her face with your hands and smiling.
"You're cute."
She shuts her mouth and huffs, rolling her eyes. You hit her shoulder playfully, jerking your head towards her car.
"Ready to leave?".
"You drive."
She averts her eyes.
"This is all... A lot. I might not be able to focus completely."
"Sure then."
She offers her hand for you to take, and you link your fingers with hers, squeezing once, before you walk towards the car. Just as you move to open the door, Yvette pulls you back, turning you around and pinning you with your back pressed against it.
Then she leans in until her lips hover centimeters apart from yours, one of her hands cupping your face, a thumb stroking your lower lip. 
"I don't want to wait any longer."
You let out a breath in form of a gasp when she leans in even closer, stepping between your legs. 
"What are you waiting for then?"
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enhypia · 3 years
SH ; first love
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first loves answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: park sunghoon x gn!reader
genre: slight angst and fluff
words: roughly 1.2k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - sunghoon speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold - both reader and sunghoon speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking, swearing
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hello i'm (y/n)
i'm sunghoon
and we're exes first loves
*both laugh
we're each others first loves and now we're exes
*sunghoon smiles
[so you guys were invited here today as first loves for a fun little drinking game, were you guys aware of that?]
they only wanted to do it because they said, and i quote "it's free alcohol, come on"
what? it's true, who would pass down free alcohol? not me
*sunghoon eye rolls
[okay, for this game, questions will be asked and if you refuse to answer, you drink, it's that simple. should we start?]
*both nod and were asked to face each other with cards that had questions written on them placed on the table, along with a bottle gin, a shot glass and some chaser
[who broke up with who?]
*both share eye contact smiling sheepishly
it was a mutual breakup but i think i was the one who kind of opened the topic of breaking up
yep, and that's when we talked about it
*interviewer gestures an okay for them to proceed, rock paper scissors for whoever asks first, (y/n) wins
okay so, *picks up card and chuckles,
["did you ever experience any type of jealousy after we broke up"]
i have
*(y/n)'s eyes go wide and looks at the camera with eyebrows raised
stop acting like you don't know about this
*(y/n) smiles
yeah but i only know some of it
*sunghoon quickly picks up the card to avoid the topic
[when we broke up, did you have a rebound?] i already know this though
i didn't they didn't
they're too considerate of people's feelings, they'd physically get sick if they made someone a rebound
don't get me wrong, i did think about it but i didn't want to date anyone just because i was lonely, that's cruel
*sunghoon makes a gesture as if saying 'see?'
*(y/n) winks at sunghoon and reads the card then bursts out laughing
i'm scared
you should be *(y/n) smiles widely
[have any of my friends hit on you after we broke up?]
*sunghoon doesn't say a word a just downs a shot
*(y/n) laughs harder than before
[have any of MY friends hit on you after we broke up?]
*(y/n) immediately downs a shot avoiding sunghoon's eyes
*cue sunghoon :O
you aren't friends with them anymore don't worry, but you were friends with them after we broke up so
*(y/n) shrugs
oh i think i know who it is then
*it sinks in
REALLY?? THEY DID? what a dick
moving on
*(y/n) motions the cards to sunghoon
[do you regret breaking up with me?]
you know what, i'm answering but i'll still take a shot because damn
*sunghoon laughs and looks at (y/n) expectantly
i...think i did at the beginning, given that i wasn't processing everything properly, so in my head i was always "why did i agree? why didn't i try harder to keep us together?" but eventually i came to understand why i agreed to split and why we had to split. so my answer would be no, i don't regret breaking up with you
wanna take a shot together?
you know me so well
*both drinks
[why did you guys break up?]
*(y/n) looks at sunghoon to answer
i felt like we weren't growing? because i think we were both considering each other too much for the future that it throws away so many opportunities for us individually
yeah it's like our label as couples were suffocating us and holding us back from different potentials
yes, that
our breakup is under the if you love them let them go category, i think we both saw that if we continued the relationship we wouldn't be really happy
yeah and for me i didn't want us to reach the point where we would hate each other because of it? that's why i opened the topic of breaking up because i treasure (y/n) , i couldn't stomach the thought of hating them.
that's the sweetest thing you've said to me all day
don't ruin the mood
*(y/n) blows a kiss to sunghoon
[did you think i'd be the one you'd marry?]
you see this is interesting because even though we lasted 4 years, we rarely talked about marriage
*sunghoon contemplates obviously whether to answer or to drink to tease (y/n)
i did think i was going to marry you
*(y/n) was not expecting sunghoon to answer and is internally screaming and trying hard to mask their shock
it was one of those moments where i thought "i don't think i could love anyone else other than (y/n)"
*(y/n) suddenly downs a shot blushing
*sunghoon laughs and drinks as well, he will forever deny the blush on his face
[are you mad about what happened to us?]
god *(y/n) chuckles right now no.
but before, i wanted to be so mad about it, i wanted something to blame, i wanted to blame you but i just couldn’t? because i loved you and known you for how long, so i understood why you did it and why it had to happen. i guess it was just hard to accept at that time because no one was really at fault.
*sunghoon drinks
*(y/n) laughs
at this point we're just drinking regardless if we answer or not
that's what makes it fun
[did you wish that it ended differently for us?]
i wished that it ended without hurting us so much, but like you always said before
*sunghoon looks at (y/n) “pain is inevitable”
*both laugh
[do you still love each other?]
*both look at each other smiling
the break up didn’t take away the love we had for each other
*sunghoon nods
it’s hard to explain what it really feels but it’s not as the same as when we were together
yeah so in a way, while we do love each other, it’s not like the “i love you, let’s be partners” type of a thing. it’s more of like ….
*looks at sunghoon for help
like “you’re special to me, i love you” ??
*(y/n) claps and snaps
yes that! sunghoon is someone important to me so naturally i love him
*sunghoon smiles widely
what why?
so you love me? :D
you’re ugly, shut up
but you dated me 🤨
maybe i do regret that now 🤔
[do you tell each other " i love you" often right now?]
we don't
*both grin
[is there a chance of you guys getting back together?]
*both look at each other and just takes a shot
next question!
*sunghoon shrugs and laughs
[we're ending at a cliffhanger huh? that makes it more exciting]
oh we're done? i thought for sure i was going to cry today
it's the alcohol preventing you from crying
[how about an i love you to one another for a proper ending?]
i love you
*both bursts into giggles
yah park sunghoon are you blushing?!
no! you're blushing!
*both drink a shot for the last time and blame the alcohol for the blush instead
»————- ♡ ————-«
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lynxgriffin · 3 years
HOLY CRAP THIS WAS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEE!! Where to start... I loved human Gaster's design he looks so cool!! Asriel looks like a dork and I love him, Jevil looked great too! Fantastic art. The story... I was worried I'd be left too unsatisfied if it was a cliffhanger but the last part answered so many questions that instead of feeling unsatisfied I was excited for more, but I'm happy with where we stopped! Finally the dialogue... it was great too! The end where Asriel is writing the seventh journal entry that paired up with Chara's dialogue made me get goosebumps it was so good. This is unrelated to how great the ending was to this comic but I wanted to give you a personal thank you. I was the person who asked you where I should start to learn how to draw. Your advice to just do it was so nice to hear. I made a good few drawings over the summer and while I'm not always proud of the end result, I'm enjoying the process!! And to do certain things I've looked up simple tutorials so I'm learning things my way when I need them!! Thank you for inspiring me to want to draw, you can be sure I'll be here for your next comic whenever it comes out!! Finally I hope you have a wonderful day when you read this!! Have some cookies 🍪🍪🍪
Thank yoooou very much! I'm glad you liked the design; that felt tricky to me! Asriel definitely seems like a cool dork, yup! Also, I'm so glad you were happy with the stopping point!
Also, very glad to hear that you made some drawings that you were happy with the process for! That's always the bit that matters most! I hope that you keep on learning and trying new things!
*noms the cookies!*
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.59
Word Count: 2,980
Characters: Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Liam Dunbar, Lydia Martin, Chris Argent, Jordan Parrish, Alan Deaton, Mason (i totally dont know his last name oof), Cora Hale (mentioned), Isaac Lahey (mentioned), Reader
Pairings: Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: angst, cliffhanger, near-death
A/N: okay so i was running late so the last 1,000-ish words kinda suck but we dont have to talk about it
A/N 2: holy crap one more part!!!
Masterlist        Series Masterlist
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It had been a little over a week since your conversation with Melissa, taking you by surprise. Having kids wasn’t something that you thought much about, life in Beacon Hills was so hectic, you and Derek only had a little time with just the two of you, and having a kid was not only unexpected but also very time-consuming. Your head was spinning, you didn't know what to do. You knew you had to tell Derek eventually, you could only hide something like this for so long before something bad happened.
The two of you were laying in bed, with Derek wrapping his arms around your stomach while you had your back towards him.
He didn't know you were awake and you didn't know he was either.
The Deadpool was over, but that didn't mean Lydia’s prediction was wrong, and it didn't mean Derek wasn't still dying.
You turned to face him, seeing his eyes open as you frowned slightly.
“Why are you awake?” you asked him.
“Why are you awake?” he replied.
You stroked his cheek softly before he pressed a small kiss to your hand.
“What’s on your mind?” he asked.
“A lot,” you shrugged.
“Well, I can’t sleep until you do,” he replied.
You had to find a way to figure out how he felt about kids, but without being obvious, not knowing how he’d react.
Maybe later
“Derek, it's been a week since the Deadpool ended,” you started, while he nodded softly.
“Do you think that everything is supposed to be back to normal?” 
“What's your definition of normal?” he replied.
“Do you think that you’re safe now? Because the Deadpool is over?” 
“It’s been a week of nothing. Why are you still stressed out?” 
“Because you can still be dying and now we’re just laying here doing nothing to try and help you!” you exclaimed, slightly frustrated.
“Besides losing my powers, I feel fine, (Y/N),” he tried to assure you.
“You still lost your powers, Derek. That doesn't just happen,” you said.
“I don't want to get into this argument with you again,” he said.
“We put it off for a week. Lydia predicted that you're going to die,” you said.
“(Y/N),” he started.
“No, don’t (Y/N) me. Banshees aren't ever wrong,” you shook your head.
“There’s a first for everything,” he scoffed.
You rolled your eyes, before jumping, hearing the alarms going off as you shot up.
You saw Derek reach for his gun, while you slowly got out of bed.
“Stay behind me,” you whispered.
“I’m the one with the gun,” he argued.
“And I’m the one with the functioning powers!” your eyes glew purple as you took slow steps forward, walking to the door.
You could hear the sound of Derek’s heartbeat, along with another’s coming from the other side of the door.
You pulled open the door, tensing up before seeing Lydia on the other side, soaking wet, while she gave you a blank expression.
“I just think that you should wait for me, Chris,” you whispered into the phone, making sure Derek wasn't around to hear.
“I’m going now, (Y/N). I don’t want to kill Kate or Peter. But I know you do,” you rolled your eyes, sighing softly.
“I will keep you updated on what happens. But for now, focus on Derek. Have you heard from Deaton yet?” you went quiet for a second, before sighing.
“No, not yet. Last I heard he was talking to Doctor Valack at Eichen. I’m going to the school in a bit to get Lydia, and then we’re gonna go to Eichen,” you replied.
“Okay. Stay safe, kiddo,” Chris said.
“Yeah, you too,” you hung up the call, running your fingers through your hair.
You felt guilty about lying to Derek, it made you feel sick. Of course, that was probably the pregnancy, which was yet another thing you were hiding from him.
It was obvious that you hated Peter, but maybe there was some more reason as to why he was working with Kate.
You walked out of the room, receiving texts from both Cora and Isaac.
You rolled your eyes, putting your phone away before overhearing Scott talking to Derek.
“I know about Lydia’s visit here last night,” you stayed quiet, listening to the conversation.
“Go to school, Scott,” Derek replied.
“I just want you to know. If anyone can figure out what's going on with you, it’s Deaton.”
You didn't tell Derek about Deaton going to find Dr. Valack, and trying to figure out what was wrong with Derek.
“I don’t doubt it. I’ll see you later on,” you heard the loft door close as you walked down the stairs. while Derek sighed, crossing his arms.
“You’re endangering someone else’s life to try and save mine,” you could feel your chest tightening as you looked down.
He scoffed, shaking his head.
“Please, stop,” he asked softly.
You felt tears well up in your eyes.
“No matter what you say, I’m not okay with you dying, and I’m not going to be okay with it,” you replied.
He stroked your cheek softly, pulling you in.
“I need to go get Lydia, I’ll see you later on,” you said softly.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, before pulling your hand softly.
“I love you, (Y/N),” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“I love you too,” you wiped away your tears, before kissing him and leaving the loft.
“I’m assuming you didn't tell Derek about Deaton?” Scott stood across from you in the hallway of Beacon Hills.
“Nope,” you shook your head.
“Oh, I’m sorry about that,” he apologized.
“Don’t worry about it, he had to know sooner or later,” you shrugged.
“Yeah, is Lydia ready to leave yet?” you looked at the clock, shrugging.
“Oh my god,” you saw Mason rushing to you and Scott, while you frowned.
“Uh, there’s something wrong with Liam,” he started, while you tensed up.
“What happened?” you asked.
“I don't know, but he’s trying to lift 300,” he explained.
You ran to the room, Scott and Mason close behind you while you could hear Liam yelling out in pain.
You pushed the door open, your eyes going wide to see the bar pressing down on his chest.
“Vitae,” your eyes glew purple as you used your powers,  lifting the weight off of Liam and placing it back onto the stand.
Liam pushed himself off the bench, falling to the side, coughing loudly as Scott ran to him.
“You don't have to be with us, that's fine. But don’t push away your friends,” you saw Liam’s gaze go past you, staring at the wall as you frowned, before realizing.
“Liam, are you hallucinating the berserkers?” you asked softly.
You could see a pained expression on his face before it changed to anger.
“No, I'm fine!” he stood up, walking away from you and Scott.
“How could you tell?” Scott frowned.
“I don’t know. He just looked scared,” you replied.
Scott went quiet, raising an eyebrow for a second, confused.
“What? What is it?” you asked.
“Sorry, I thought I heard something for a second,” he shook his head.
“Something like what?”
“Like a heartbeat. It doesn't matter. I’ll see you later on,” you hid the expression from your face till he walked away, letting out a breath of relief.
“Are you okay?” Lydia walked to you.
“Yup, now let’s go,” you grabbed her arm, taking her with you as the two of you left the school.
“So they think he’s paralyzed?” you asked, while you and Lydia stood around Deaton.
“Yeah, and if he doesn't snap out of it, they’ll admit him,” she replied.
You ran your fingers through your hair, before sighing.
“Well, let me see what I can,” she nodded while you put your hands on either side of Deaton's forehead.
You clenched your jaw, taking deep breaths as your head began pounding.
“Cogitationes revelare.”
You could barely make out the flashes, the one thing you could see was a church.
It was La Iglesia
You backed away from Deaton, taking deep breaths.
“What was it?” Lydia asked.
“Something to do with La Iglesia,” you sighed.
“The church?”
You nodded softly, before wrapping your arms around your stomach, taking deep breaths.
“Are you okay?” Lydia asked.
You nodded your head softly, before sighing.
“Don’t worry about it,” you said.
You heard your phone begin to ring, while you frowned, receiving a call from Parrish.
“Parrish?” you answered.
You had trouble making out his words, most of it was distorted.
“I can't hear you,” you frowned.
“Argent!” he yelled.
You immediately felt yourself stiffen.
“What about him?” you asked.
“...Peter…. Tunnels… Vault…” his voice kept getting cut off as you felt a sense of fear wash over you.
“I-I’m on my way,” you hung up the phone, before telling Lydia to stay with Deaton as you ran out of the room.
You traced Parrish’s phone, running into some old stormwater drainage system. There was water dripping from all around the place as you froze, seeing Parrish standing with Chris in the distance.
Your heart stopped, seeing something buried deep into Chris’ stomach, with Parrish trying to help him.
“Oh my god,” you ran to him, putting your hand on the bent pole that ran through him, and through the wall.
You saw the blood dripping from his mouth, his face, and body in pain while you saw tears visible in his eyes.
“Go… C-Call an ambulance,” you said to Parrish.
“Maybe I shouldn't leave-”
“Go!” your eyes were purple as he paused, nodding his head before running away.
“C-Chris, can you hear me?” your voice wavered as you stroked his cheek.
“Yeah, I can,” he replied.
“You should've waited for me!” you exclaimed.
He didn't reply, instead, you heard his shaky breath.
You put your hand on the pole, taking a deep breath as you tried to control your tears, feeling your heart racing.
“Traho,” you pulled on the pole, using all your strength and magic as you clenched your jaw, hearing Chris yelling out.
It didn't even budge.
“I-I’ll try again,” you took another deep breath, pulling on the pole.
“Stop! (Y/N)! Please, stop,” he begged.
“No, we have to save you,” you shook your head.
“How are we gonna do that? You can’t move this pole either,” he sighed.
“Then we’ll keep trying until we get it,” there were hot tears in your eyes as you looked up at him.
He sighed, reaching for your hand softly.
“(Y/N), maybe this is supposed to be a sign,” he said softly.
You froze before frowning.
“I don’t understand what you mean,” you scoffed.
“The Argent name has been around for four hundred years. Maybe it's time it came to an end,” more and more tears came to your eyes, while there was an expression of anger on your face.
“Y-You think you’re just gonna give up? T-That this is the end? A-Are you insane? Are you stupid? This isn't the end. Parrish is calling for help. You’re gonna be okay. I-I’ll call S-Scott,” you were shaking, looking down at your hands which were covered in his blood, while you gasped softly, closing your eyes.
You gripped onto the pole again, before he stopped you.
“(Y/N). Enough,” he shook his head.
“No! I need you, Chris. You’re not giving up. Not now,” maybe it sounded selfish, but there was no one else in the world that meant more to you and Chris, not even Derek.
Chris had always been there for you and always cared for you. He was your father.
“Then maybe it’s time for you to move on,” he said softly.
“No. You need to stay alive. You need to fight this,” your voice broke as you continued to pull on the pole, hearing him yell out in pain.
“Chris, you need to fight this. You’re the last Argent. You always told me that I needed to fight because I was the last of my bloodline, so why not you? Fight to stay alive. For Allison. For Victoria. P-Please, Chris,” he went quiet, more and more tears in his eyes as he stroked your cheek softly.
“It doesn't matter if I choose to give up or not. I’m stuck like this,” he shook his head.
You took a deep breath, shaking your head.
“I have an idea,” you said softly.
“What idea?” you saw the concern in his face as you took a deep breath.
If you could heal like a werewolf, then there was no reason why you shouldn't have the strength of one too.
You can do this, for Chris
Your eyes glew a light blue, while you slowly gripped onto the pole once again. You focused all your power and energy on the pole.
You took a deep breath, while you continued pulling onto it as hard as you could.
You could hear Chris’ yells while you tried your hardest to focus, letting out a grunt as you continued pulling.
The pole shifted, you could feel it coming out slowly, before you pulled as hard as you could, pulling it out of Chris as he gasped, falling to the floor while you immediately caught him, your eyes reverting to their normal color.
“Consuo,” you held him up, while he leaned onto you.
“H-How did you do that?” he asked.
“Shh, we have to get you out of here. Come on.”
You continued to hold him up, while the two of you rushed out of the sewer.
“You should really go home and change, (Y/N),” Melissa sat next to you, while you shook your head.
“I’m not leaving him,” you said.
“He’s safe,” she replied.
You sat next to Chris’ bed at the hospital, your clothes and body completely soaked in his blood.
“I’m not moving until he wakes up,” your voice wavered before she sighed.
“Fine. How do you feel?” she asked.
“I feel fine,” you muttered softly. 
“(Y/N),” she pulled you in softly, wrapping her arm around you.
Your eyes watered as you continued to stay stiff, trying to block out anything and everything.
You saw Argent stir slightly, while you tensed, standing up.
“Chris?” you asked softly.
You walked to his side, stroking his cheek softly.
“How do you feel?” you asked.
“Like I was run through with a pole,” you scoffed slightly, reaching for his hand.
“Are you going to tell me how the hell you did that?” you could immediately see the worry in his face.
You knew you would have to tell him.
“Uhm, I figured if I could heal, then maybe I could use werewolf strength too,” you muttered.
“What? Are you turning into a werewolf?” he tensed, sitting up slightly before he winced.
You shook your head no, taking a deep breath.
Just say it, (Y/N). It's Chris
“I’m pregnant,” you said quickly.
You couldn't read the expression on his face, as you clenched your jaw.
“I gave Allison the safe sex lesson, I didn't think I needed to tell you too,” you sighed, rolling your eyes.
“Who else knows?” he asked.
“You, Melissa, Cora, and Isaac,” you replied.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
You nodded slightly, letting out a shaky exhale.
“I’m happy for you,” he gave you a small smile as you shook your head.
“I don’t know what to do,” you ran your fingers through your hair.
“I think you need to start off by telling your boyfriend,” you nodded softly.
“I still don't know how to say it. And we got into this argument today, a-and he’s dying,” you stopped yourself, your eyes watering slightly.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay, (Y/N). No matter what argument you get into, you still love each other and you’re both strong enough and smart enough to figure this out.
You sniffled softly, nodding your head before you heard someone knock at the door, frowning slightly.
Derek walked into the room, while you tensed slightly.
“Melissa called me,” he said.
He walked to you, wrapping his arms around you. He turned to look at Chris.
“Are you okay?” he asked Chris, while he nodded.
“Are you okay?” he turned to you before you nodded as well.
“Let’s go home,” he said softly.
“I think I should stay with Chris-”
“Go home, (Y/N),” Chris interrupted.
“Go,” he said again.
You nodded softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead before making your way out of the hospital, wrapping your arm around Derek.
You continued to hold his hand while he parked his car, turning to face you.
“You’ve been really quiet the ride back,” he said.
You shook your head, sighing.
“I’m just tired,” you said softly.
“Well, maybe it’s time for us to take some rest. I was thinking a movie, maybe I’ll make you some dinner,” he raised an eyebrow.
“A date night?” you asked.
“Why not?” he replied.
You chuckled softly, nodding your head.
“It’s been a while,” you said softly.
“Which is exactly why we need one,” he said.
You nodded softly as he smiled.
“Well,” he got out of the car, making his way around to open the door for you, reaching for your hand.
“Let’s go then?” 
You held his hand, pressing your lips against his.
“I love you, Derek,” you said softly.
“I love you too,” he led you inside the building, while you wrapped your arm around his waist, using the elevator. 
As you exited the elevator, you could immediately smell something. It was blood. Your face dropped, while you pulled open the loft door.
“Oh my god,” you could see some blood spilled on the ground, lights flashing as the alarms went off. Everything was broken, as well as the windows.
Scott and Kira were gone.
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isabellehemlock · 3 years
Author Interview Tag Game
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Both @energievie and @ceraunos​ tagged me in this lovely author’s interview (a month ago eeek) and I am so excited to fill this out - such a cute one! - thanks for the tagging me, and I'll tag:
@boutiquetraveltravelboutique @bewires @disregardandfelicity @ao3-arkada @pinkninjapj @emjee @mieraspeller @shatterthefragments @catherine-batty-author (feel free to skip, especially if you've already done it!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Thirty-three, four are fanarts 🎨
2. What’s your total word count?
762,097 (in the last 15 months - and that’s not including a couple of things I haven’t posted yet lol WHAT - how did that happen?!)
3. How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Well I joined AO3 five years before I started posting in August of last year.  The majority of my fics are hands down The Old Guard - but branching out to other Luca Marinelli Multiverse characters, and crossovers (so including those, five total - but again, mostly characters for crossover purposes vs canon adjacent fics)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Endless Ocean (TOG AU), Cleanse (TOG post canon), The Bet (TOG pre canon), Catch Me If I Fall (TOG AU), The Purpose of Art (TOG Modern AU)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Aw I love responding to comments!  I don’t think I’ve ever missed any??  I’m pretty extroverted though and love chatting with people, and of course am always humbled someone has gone out of their way to leave a comment, so, grateful for the opportunity to express my thanks in return 🙏🏻
The rest under the cut because this got long haha
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Define “angst” lol.  Because gosh, I was going to say none, but it is sort of implied in a couple - The Necklace (TOG pre canon), An Interrupted Oath (TOG pre canon), and Memento Mori (TOG pre canon) - not sure how much I can share about any of those without it getting spoilery, but basically: sad, saddish because reunion is “off screen”, and uh, the third ends on a cliffhanger.
Some of my other stories do have angsty themes in them, but otherwise happy endings 💕
7. Do you write crossovers?  If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Hands down, Pwimo - but I got an even crazier one outlined muwhahahaha
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Mmmm, define “hate”?  I’ve had unwarranted/not asked for commentary and “jokes” around ship dynamics in my fics, as well as people suggesting I shouldn't write one or the other (both in comments and DM’s). Spoiler: you can't win, someone is always going to be unhappy with the ship dynamics, write what you want (I write both btw and yup have received commentary across the board)
9. Do you write smut?  If so, what kind?
Lol, let me whip out my list - can I sort by rating? Haha.  I mean, I think tags can be fairly subjective, like there’s a lot I can’t personally read.  There’s a lot I’ve written, that others can’t read, so I’m not sure if I should say “kink”?  Because I feel like half the peeps will say “Oh yeah” and the other half would say, “Lol whatttt?”  
Hm, but without writing out a whole list, I think kink encompasses enough haha.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of - I think I would cry, please don’t.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, not that I’m aware of?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not so much co-written, but EO was co-created with my beta, and we spent the better part of six weeks piecing together a fairly elobrate outline with backstroies, plot points (she came up with half of them!).  She was kind enough to beta every single week for the better part of six months to make sure I didn’t miss anything haha.  
I am itching to co-write something, but it’ll be a surprise, so I can’t say more than that - but the co-author has already looked over the outline and seems they liked it 😘
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Joe and Nicky!  I’ve written some 762k+ words for them (and characters in their lives, and crossover AU’s), I love them your honor
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh I’m going to finish them - might take me another six months, but it’s going to happen 😎
15. What are your writing strengths?
Within the story: hmmm, I really like to explore what makes a person tick, so I’d say dialogue, and character backgrounds - I like to pretend I’m funny sometimes, too.
Writing in general: this might be the ADHD, but I don’t really need to carve out time to write.  I can do like thirty minutes here, stop, do something else, then dive right back in and write like another hour.  Obviously if I can schedule more time at once that’s great and all, but it’s not a necessity.  Really helpful when I have other errands, appointments to do, just sort of tap in/tap out as needed.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like I’ve read some fantastic, beautiful allegories to describe scenery and people, and I just - never seem to use that for my own stuff, and I don’t think that means my fics are necessarily lacking because of it, but I just notice it when I read it in other places. I think I tend to focus on the dialogue more, or when I do describe things, tend to rely on colors and emotions but gosh the epic, sweeping, poetic imagery kind of stuff I've seen in this fandom?? Yeah drag me stunningggg
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Hey if you got someone to help you (Lisa has helped me several times with Arabic!), then go for it - or there’s a few tumblr authors who have resources/guides.  Otherwise, I stick with one or two words here and there at best, but not like long chunks of dialogue. I'm bilingual myself, so I know how inaccurate Google translate can be lol.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I did a lot of RP/OC stuff as a teen, then didn’t do any of that for almost two decades - save some short lived RP stuff a decade ago - TOG is the first fandom I wrote a posted fic for
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh gosh, such a loaded questionnnn 🙈 Because I love them all for different reasons but I guess let me pick like a baker's dozen? And share little things I liked about them?? (numbered by posting order from oldest to newest)
They emerged once more, and beheld the stars
My first posted fic! How can it not have a special place in my heart??
The Little Church
This was based on the first post I made in the fandom, about how Joe and Nicky might have discovered similarities between their faiths and bonded over that. I'm really into interfaith dialogue so it was wonderful to write some of that out here as the interfaith couple of the millenia 🥲
A post canon fic that weaved their past, into a post movie world with flashbacks, and though disguised as a road trip fic was really about healing from a ptsd flare up - also, this was my first sex scene writing (so I was nervous!)
The Purpose of Art
My very first modern AU and oh my gosh though on surface level looks like a restorative social justice fic, it was definitly more like a romantic comedy featuring all three major couples - and the first time I wrote about demisexuality in a fic (so again, totally nervous!!). But it's still one of my top three that I think back on fondly for its found family themes, and healing from traumatic events (I'm already seeing a pattern lol)
The Bet
My first, on purpose, explicit fic solely for the sex lol. I wrote some 17k+ words in three days and wanted to try my hand at some kink themes. I definitly used a lot of religious imagery as well though, and it turned into an actually tender PWF. I truly believe I peaked with this one haha.
Crimson Moon
Once again, my attempt at writing smut, ended up being a long multi fic exploration (under the guise of vampires and werewolves) of world building, explicit consent, soul mates AU. It featured the other pairs as well, and is also one of my top three favorite personal fics ever!
Piece of Heaven
This was actually a last minute fic - someone had to drop out of the holiday exchange and I got to be one of the called on subs if you will haha. And gosh this turned out to be one of my absolute favorite fics - it's a modern AU, sweet, gentle, featuring seminarian!Nicky and scholar!Joe and it's just adorableeee
12 Days
This was a kink based prompt fic, but since I seem incapable of writing any porn without feelings (I didn't mean for my demi to come out this hard but here we are lol) - I completely, though totally accidently, projected myself onto Nicky coming to terms with his sexuality with a sweet, kind, patient partner (i.e. my hubby). Whoops at the self insert lol.
Through the Lens
Speaking of hubby, I used this big bang fic to share my own (and his) personal experiences with the starving artist tropes, xenophobia (though only a smidge in the story), and even included me and hubby's meet cute via Andy and Quynh’s story. Plus the tSoA symbolism is thiq within this fic y'all 😎
Endless Ocean
By far my most read fic (and now a whole series with a time jump epilogue). I won't get too personal here with it, but there were several themes and even full on dialogue scenes taken from my personal life, as well as family history, and I really, really wanted one thing to resonate above all else: that there's hope after pain. Also almost 250k of that stat number at top, came from this fic alone whoops
Alright here me out, this is the most niche, self indulgent, crack/smut I could have ever written and I regret nothing. I don't care that it is one of my least viewed fics because I love Pwimo enough for everyone lol. He's my cursed child on the server, I even have emotes for him from memes, there's art now featuring Primo as a catboi and it's all thanks to Chelsea, who allowed me to adopt him. I'm the Mother of Cursed Children now lol.
My first time writing Roberta, and a trans character, so I was nervous! I really appreciated the positive feedback and enjoyed getting to write for her - and did another one as well ;) But I loved the historical, French provincial vibes, and the opportunity to flesh out such a beautiful character - Roberta is a Queen, who deserves everything ❤
Called You By Name
I almost didn't post this one! The religious imagery is not only fic, it's blatant lol. I wasn't even sure if it would be too Catholic in the sense it might go over some people's heads and make it too hard to follow along. Like, would someone need to pause, look up what the heck I was referring to and just - not finish it lol. But luckily that doesn't seem to be the case and I'm grateful for the positive feedback I received. It's one of my favorites and I loved exploring the potential HC of how Nicolò became Nicky di Genova 😏
+ bonus Miracoli
I'm currently writing my first Daan x Paolo fic, and you loves, it's so fluffy and adorable and the single Dad vibes but also the pining but also the kiddos but also the self loathing my goodnesssss.
Oh my gosh this got so long, I'm sorry 🙈
That's all folks!
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wolfflock · 3 years
Reactions to Superman and Lois S01E06
just noticed that the title of this episode went from Smells Like Teen Spirit to Broken Trust and WHY
I am sorry but Alex and his running. he sure isn't faking not really being all that athletic 😂 I love him
Superman is not chasing Tag and Tag DERAILS A WHOLE TRAIN what. But the visuals on this whole scene 😲😲
The theme sequence makes my heart so full 🥺
"I hate the internet" I AM 100% SURE THAT SCOFF WAS TYLER AND NOT CLARK lmfao 😂
Also, Tyler is SO MUCH BUFFER NOW compared to this scene. Like in the round table EW interview, with that sweater practically ripping at the seams around his arms? The top in this scene looks similar to that and it looks loose on him 👀
Just an aside, I love their kitchen 😍
Gotta love the Edge speech and people standing there all following COVID regulations and keeping distance 😂
Oh NO, shit! Lana gets the job over Kyle?! I really hope Kyle realizes it has nothing to do with what Lana wants, and everything with Edge being a prick.
JORDAN'S POWERS AWW YISSS and Jon being the responsible one 🥺 Can't he, for one, NOT do that, look after Jordan?
Kyle has alcohol issues and Lana gives him a beer 😬 Maybe... they shouldn't do that.
I am waiting for Kyle to have more of a role than being the Head of the Morgan Edge Fan Club 🤞
FINALLY Jon is there when Jordan is training with Clark! And sharing that sweet moment aww I LOVE THE KENT BOYS ❤
Smallville, where you don't really have jobs but there's a website to get a babysitter. Okay 😅
Why can't Sarah take Sophie to the game, though?
Awwww the empty bleachers at the game 😅 Yay for COVID
"A lone black guy might look suspicious" and then shitting on some boss type guy "Sullivan". I LIKE THIS LUTHOR OKAY, I WANT MORE OF HIM, LET HIM BE SASSY because obviously Wolé is and I am HERE FOR HIM IT.
TAG no, don't hurt Sarah!
Lana and Kyle moment 🥺🥺🥺
Poor Jordan just wanted to be cool for a moment 🥺
I want Superman to train Tag with the boys, that would be so nice
FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. JONATHAN'S HAND IS GONNA BE RUINED?!?! And Clark is being attacked by General Lane's people? I CAN'T
A break between Superman and Sam Lane ahdhahhahdi THAT ISN'T GOING TO END WELL
Yup, Jordan, your actions have consequences, ones that not even your Super Dad can make go away. It's high time you put big boy pants on and LEARN HOW TO CONTROL IT LIKE YOUR DAD HAS BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU FOR 6 EPISODES.
Lana and Lois teaming up to protect people, HELL YES
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