#yuri lowell x reader
frickingnerd · 5 months
cuddling with yuri lowell
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pairing: yuri lowell x gn!reader
tags: fluff, established relationship
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yuri doesn't seem like the type who likes to cuddle at first sight
he can seem quite intimidating if you aren't used to him or if you know about his reputation
but yuri actually does enjoy to cuddle, as long as it's with you!
he's definitely not a fan of public displays of affection, but if the two of you have a room for yourself, yuri is certainly up to cuddle with you!
he only rarely initiates it, so most of the times you have to make the first move
yuri is always the big spoon, as he likes to give you that feeling of safety when you two are cuddling
he's also a bit too prideful to ever let you be the big spoon, as he likes to protect and take care of you and doesn't want that role taken away from him
if you tease him about it, he'll just threaten you to stop cuddling with you, until you give in and accept being the little spoon
yuri has a tendency to fall asleep while cuddling with you
often times he sleeps on the floor and lets others have the bed or doesn't sleep at all, so on the rare occasion that he's on a bed or couch while you two cuddle, he relaxes and falls asleep
and part of that is also because he feels so safe with you that he lets down his guard, even if he'd never admit that…
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How would Yuri and Estelle hold their S/O back from attacking someone who bad mouthed Karol?
Thanks for requesting!
I hope this is of your liking!
Let me know what you think!
He won't hold you or anything.
In fact, he is fighting the person with you.
Maybe not literally, but definitely, at least, being snarky.
You two may or may not get called Karol's parents.
If you happen to also be a sarcastic person, then a duet it is.
Seriously, you two start to engage on each other's sassy comments.
Now, if the person gets physical, either with or Karol, then Yuri is definitely fighting.
He place himself between you, Karol( who is behind you) and the aggressor to keep you both safe.
He ain't taking shit from no one! Specially if you are involved.
Then you might be the one to hold him back.
After the ordeal is over, he will complain about your behavior.
He will say it was a bit dangerous, what if the person hurted you?
A bit hypocritical? Yeah, but he means well.
If you point that out he will say it is different and will not elaborate.
He may turn around to hide a potencial embarassement on his side.
Although she is mad af, she will hold to your arm.
She doesn't look like she is mad, but she is. She doesn't like to see her dear ones being mistreated!
Now if you have a more verbal reaction, she will call out on you to not say rude things.
If you are a physical person, she will put herself between you and the person claiming you should not resort to violence.
If the person, somehow and for some reason, decides to poke on you because of her behavior, well.
If you are fast enough she won't be able to do anything about the incoming punch towards that person.
But she will hold your arm or dorso trying to stop you from going full fight mode.
Don't get it wrong! She hates hearing that about Karol, but, violence and rude language isn't the way.
She will scold you about that being dangerous and you shouldn't put yourself in such situations- you are so much more.
Somehow, this scolding feels like some kind of reassurance? Like she is mad, but she also sees you in such a high place that is just... warm?
All in all, if you cannot take your friends being mocked or attacked in anyway, you count on Yuri to beat their asses with you.
If you rather take a more, let's say, political path then, Estelle is the way to go. You can get your point across by being polite and with level headed words!
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thelaughtercafe · 5 months
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Tea Type: Extra Sweet Tea (Pure, tooth-writing fluff)
Potential Triggers: Brief fear of ghosts, but nothing intense.
Pairing: Yuri/ F!Reader
Length: 519
Summary: You get separated from the group and Yuri decides to take advantage and tease you a little.
A/N: Me? Getting inspired by a single free time event? It’s more likely than you think. The chat is called friends make the job more fun and it briefly shows Yuri’s mischievous side and observational skills; to sum it up!
He does this thing where he pretends not to notice as Karol almost says he’s glad to have friends around cause he gets scared before covering by saying bored. It’s a cute moment, and Yuri looks to the side and yes’s him, sounding bored before casually telling Karol there’s a monster behind him. Poor Karol jumps away and Yuri smirks all easy like as he plays it off and says it was his mistake and he was seeing things.
Needless to say me Lee self instantly had to write something up with a reader to cope and cool my face and this is the result lmao.
Yuri’s dry humor and wit so far has been great in general and he puts in a Lee mood nearly everytime he’s on-screen so RIP me lmao. His observation skills are on point too which is not good for my heart; I’m weak for that. This is more a lead in drabble, but if you want more please do tell me so!
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You were trying really hard not to show your fear as you followed Estelle, Repede, Karol and Yuri but you had to admit; this place was way freaky. It was dark and the sound of the monsters lurking within the foliage had you extra on edge. You hadn’t even realized you’d been drifting closer to Yuri subconsciously until you bumped right into him.
He looked down at you with a furrowed brow, lightly curious.
“You alright there?”
You nodded quickly, offering him a shaky smile as you jerked away self consciously, waving your hands about nervously.
“Yeah of course! Just peachy!! Sorry about that!”
He eyed you suspiciously a moment before seeming to shrug it off and beginning to talk to Repede again. You relaxed, lowering your guard as you followed after Estelle and Karol once more only for fear to hit you as you realized in your disorientation you’d lost her. You whirled with Yuri’s name on your lips and whimpered instead.
You could’ve sworn he was just behind you.
Okay. Deep breaths. You were a good thief. You could do this. If you ran into any monsters you could fight them off on your own. Probably. Or run away if they were too strong or numerous. You gulped.
But what about the monsters that couldn’t be fought?
Your anxiety spiked as you proceeded walking hesitantly, calling out in a whisper shout so as not to alert any monsters.
“Estelle? Repede? Yuri? Karol? Where are you guys? Eep!”
You stiffened in pure terror as you hid being a nearby tree at the sound of rustling near you, peeking out slowly. Thank goodness your muscle memory had kicked in and saved you from a…rabbit? You blushed in embarrassment only to squeal as a voice mumbled into your ear.
“You’re quite the scaredy cat for a wannabe Ninja aren’t you?”
You whirled to glare at Yuri, a blushing, flustered mess as you pouted up at him.
“How long have you been watching for!?”
He smirked lazily.
“Oh long enough to see you hide from a bunny. I never would’ve let you get hurt, but I have to confess. You’re quite different all flustered like this.”
“Shut up!”
He grinned, teasingly.
“Fraid you’re not nearly as intimidating now that I’ve seen you like this.”
He leaned down, hovering over you as he trapped you against the tree, blowing in your ear.
Despite trying to hold it in you squeaked, even as you refused to open your mouth and turned away. You felt his mouth stretch into a grin against your ear.
“And you’re ticklish? No freakin’ way.”
You shoved him away just as fingertips brushed your sides and cradled your torso protectively as you pouted up at him. Your shy denial was weak, and he knew it as well as you did, eyes glittering.
“…Don’t. Not here.”
“Oho. Not here huh? So when we get to town you’re all mine? Deal. Better not back out.”
Your mouth fell open at his response but he was already dragging you forward by the wrist eagerly to meet up with Estelle, Karol and Repede.
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writingafterdusk · 2 years
yuri lowell x gn!reader spicy headcanons
minors dni!! shoutout to the homies for getting me into this game even tho i haven’t finished it yet
- okay so yuri i see as a switch because on the one hand, he wants to make you feel good but on the other hand sometimes he just really wants to be taken care of, he can go with the flow and whatever you want
-  not the biggest but decent length, what he lacks in size he makes up for Many Other Ways 
- i feel like he's probably really really good with his fingers, he has those vibes 
- bed is probably the go-to spot but if there's a desk nearby he would very much be into it 
- i refuse to believe he doesn't love it when you pin him down. use this knowledge for what you will. also he's into being tied up. source? i said so
- he was in the knights for a while and even now he still gets into fights regularly, he's got Stamina 
- if you wanna rile him up, bite his neck and leave a mark. it'll be a long night due to Above Reason but he'll make it well worth it
- good at soft aftercare, he'll run a bath for you or get you whatever you need/want. if it's him that needs the care, he probably just wants to rest his head on your chest and be held for a while. might fall asleep on you though
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producermokyo · 4 years
Tales of crestoria and fgo crossover fanfic when! Just imagine Arthur and aegis meeting and yan and vicious meeting. The chaos that yan and vicious would get into and lanling just be in the corner like, “please, stop shooting poor kanata! Misella, no you are not allowed to kill vicious!”
It's been so long since I've written anything for Tales 😳😳😳
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marika-kurohime · 5 years
Tales of the Rays seem to finally catch up with Asteria’s state of things (+ my thoughts about Vesperia’s headcanon... MESS!)
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So... who dares to call him girly from now on?... 
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too bad
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And to think I can’t be happy about it.
All they have to do now is to fix chronology. GOD! What IN THE WORLD DE was? This is DE’s postgame MESS we observe. Absolutely NON-RELATED to the original story which is just... hilarious how much I’m suffering the third year in a row... because of someone named Yuri Lowell who is NOT HIM even timeline-wise. I still have some hope in me. I still have...that HE 
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will come to teach THIS... at the very least what underwear is, and that it is NOT GOOD to tarnish HIS and HIS PARTY members’ reputation for so long. Just what the HELL is DE and PXZ2?...  
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after Asteria’s Empty Mask Gaiden event this became even MORE interesting. After such serious and DARK book 
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where Flynn’s face didn’t appear on the screen even once (What a BLISS). Well... if I’m on the right track of thought, I would really LOVE to look at certain people's faces when the HEADCANON WILL STATE HARD IN STONE WHAT PS3/DE’s timeline is. 
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Especially the ones, who BANNED me for the warning...
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 it is not a problem to sponsor such a CRAZY complex franchise anyway... it is a problem how It would feel later on...when you finally see the seeds of WHAT you’ve paid for 
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to bloom as the headcanon’s story progresses...   
I respect myself AND Yuri as Shamash... 
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being for Link and the first 3 chapters of Asteria alone, so buying DE was OUT of question for me and my friends. And I’m really worried that JAPAN misunderstood this “success” as if people are happy with the WHAT DE is about... And TOV The First Strike movie is a part of DE’s timeline with the twins involved... yeah...
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VERY interesting.
Putting DE’s mess aside we have two more novels to worry about. 
The first is this:
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this being the second
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 which I’m unable to sort timeline-wise. I’ll believe it all was written for the ORIGINAL timeline and probably even the movie with its drama CD prequel relates to both (as the story in DE remains unchanged in general (No, NOT REALLY, even the gadget Yuri uses by the end is TOTALLY different. 
And yeah.. they have WORKING BLASTIA after DE’s end which is just О__о.  Estelle states in 360th Drama CD (which is the third timeline to me, but 360th WORLD related) that they LOST ALL THE BLASTIA, so no more Barriers.) ... sooo...
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DE and 360th Vesperia ARE different WORLDS technically. This goes without a question. I’m not following nor PXZ2′s nor The Rays’ Vesperia’s postgame situation at all... barely made in time some concept-based theory. Maybe what becomes of him by the end also differs due to some reasons?
Now I just hope the Rays WILL explain all this mess the way for everyone to understand. I’m NOT planning to read Judith’s novel tome 2 for the Rays. All I want is to find a way to defend MY favorite character who is ABSOLUTELY NOT The Morning Star even if it is right to call his body this way no matter the timeline. 
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Probably we really will have Shamash and Anunit twins both in a flesh, simply from different “worlds” as the story progresses. We got a second Mila already. 
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Moreover: ToP X, ToH R and TOI R ARE officially timelines with DIFFERENT people than ToP, ToH, and TOI, Soo... the possibility of such feat with Vesperia isn’t Zero, but I’ll not get my hopes high for now. For now, Vesperia is just a perverted as hell disaster of Sumerian mythos based plot and we are going to whiteness a worst-case scenario for DE’s Anunit have to play Fenrir’s part here... and different timeline or world or whatever his Shamash’s side is still my Yuri...  
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GOD, how long we have until Duke’s event? It was in June and it is almost December now. The events take place waaaay ahead of the main story, so... I can’t imagine what we may whiteness next time we see him... Asteria’s readers are prepared quite well. The rest of the world not at all. My greatest worry of now is his ears... Anunnaki Dukaz-Elite to me for now (this is common sense, not a part of Tales’ lore)... but in the worst-case scenario, he might be not Elite based. I see a few very worrisome signs in his concept... and don’t know who Istar was. Probably not an Elite really...which is the worst outcome possible.  
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frickingnerd · 7 months
Tales of Vesperia Masterlist
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Yuri Lowell
cuddling with yuri lowell - headcanons
Estellise Sidos Heurassein
estelle's s/o finding out she's a princess - headcanons
Flynn Scifo
flynn falling in love with a princess - headcanons
hometown sweets - drabble
raven flirting with a serious reader - headcanons
Rita Mordio
rita crushing on a cocky reader - headcanons
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First official imagine request: Could you write an imagine where Yuri and Estelle are some of the only ones who can tell when their S/O's are giving fake smiles? (Also,take your time with the request. I can wait)
Thank you for requesting!
I hope this is of your liking!
Tsuki's note: I am terribly rusted on vesperia, hope this turned out decent? Also I just so happen to be great at faking smiles sometimes! Lets see how i rock ( rock bottom or sky rocket) this request!
• Oh he can tell.
• Even before you give the :) smile, he knows it's coming.
• He knows because you stop for a second, a brief moment, like you are loading some game map and soon the smile is there.
• Now what he does about it depends on the situation.
• If it is a fake smile like " haha go away person please" He may interrupt the conversation and make the person stop talking to you.
• May physically get in between you.
• If it is a fake smile of " this is awkward " he may or may not do something. What I mean? Well it will depend on the person and topic. Yuri may find it amusing and just grin.
• Or he will sigh and change the topic so you can feel a little better.
• If it is a smile directed towards him or a topic that makes you upset, things get a little different.
• If someone else is bringing up the topic he will get protective of you.
• Sharp, sarcastic and mean words will come flying off of his mouth.
• It's clear to everyone that something bothered him, a lot. But he won't tell anyone about it, unless it's you.
• If the others don't notice your fake smile, they will find it odd how Yuri snapped like that.
• Even weirder that he keeps side eyeing you or just watching you.
• Asking you is a little pointless, as you probably wouldn't be able to tell what ticked him off - you might know, but you won't tell them either, mostly out of respect for Yuri, he is a reserved guy.
• Asking Yuri himself is a dead end. He will just brush it off.
• But he will tell you what bothered him and you bet he will look for you to have this chat in private.
• He will ask you if you are OK. If you are honest with him, he won't push the topic if you don't want to. Yuri will listen to you if you'd like to talk.
• He will worry a lot about you the next few days and pay extra attention so that person stays away from you.
• Boy is protective, he is willing to fight demons and move mountains for you.
• But! Remember I said if you were honest right? If you give him a fake smile, prepare for confrontation.
• He can tell you will fake smile right away and he will call you out on it.
• Asks why you are lying like that or just to cut out the bs - what he means is " you can trust me!"
• Being this straight forward doesn't always help. So when you fall silent and avert your gaze, he will sigh, scratch the back of his head and ask in a more calm tone if you'd like to talk.
• If you say yes, he will listen quietly to you. He won't press you if you take pauses, may try to Crack a joke or sassy comment to see if you smile a bit - genuine smile, that is.
• If you say no, then, he will pat you on the head and say you know where to find him if you need - aka: you can count on me!
• Regardless of your choice he will pay extra attention to your reactions to pinpoint what makes you fake smile.
• Yuri is honing his " predicting you" skills you know?
• After the events that led to that fake smile, he will definitely feel the urge to make you actually smile.
• So expect him making snarky comments about Raven or situations, so you Crack, at least, a tiny little smile or giggle.
• Once he get what he wants, he will grin proudfully and just watch you for a moment, with the softest smile and expression.
• Does Judith tease him ? Yes. He denies straight away and pouts. He doesn't know what she means by " you look like you have heart eyes". No, disgusting.
• To Yuri, your smile is worth a lot, more than anything in this world. So he won't settle for a little :), he wants to fight whatever makes you sad or uncomfortable.
• A beautiful smile like yours, should be hidden behind a mask of a smile, right?
• She is not as good as Yuri when capturing flags of bs.
• but she is a sensitive person. She can tell you don't feel like yourself.
• If another person makes you fake smile, she will try her best to change the flow of the conversation.
• She will put a hand on your shoulder, as if to reassure you that she got you.
• Not gonna lie, she is a little distressed about your reaction. To her a fake smile means big discomfort, so she will try her best to understand!
• Will ask to talk to you privately and ask what is wrong.
• Estelle is a good listener and even though she doesn't know much about the world, you bet she will work extra hard to make you feel comfortable!
• So, there she goes to read books or ask the crew about advice on how to aid you.
• If you are not comfortable with the others knowing about it, she will try - the probability of failing is higher with Yuri or Raven or Judith- to keep it discreet and anonymous!
• Now if that smile is directed toward her, then she will be upset.
• Very very sad.
• She can recognize that little :) a mile away, since she also gave them.
• Estelle won't hesitate to ask you right away what's wrong. If you dodge the question, she will simply say " I know something is off, Y/N, you can tell me what's wrong"
• She has the softest voice and expression. If you are still silent she will grab your hands and tell you she will be by you no matter what.
• When you tell her what's wrong, she will listen carefully. Her eyebrows may furrow a bit too, which is quite cute!
• She is ready to give you a quick hug if the situation calls for it.
• If not, then she will grab your hands - or keep holding them - and shake them lightly while saying reassuring words and trying to mitigate what caused that fake smile.
• She will pull out a list of things you actually enjoy.
• Find your favourite snack, ask Judith or Yuri to cook your favourite dish, bring you to scenery you would love, bring you flowers of your favourite color, you name it!
• If you ask her why she is doing so, her answer is simple: " there are a lot of things to truly smile for in this world!"
• For Estelle seeing you regain your usual self is the most important thing. Seeing you carefree, laughing and smile genuinely is very lovely.
• So as soon as you give a smile to her, she will put her palms together and smile softly, a slightly blush on her cheeks.
• This little moment didn't go unnoticed, oh no.
• In her case Judith won't be as cruel, but Yuri will be teasing you both a lot giving ship names to you two and laugh when Estelle blush furiously and you get to upon and close your mouth like a fish.
Bonus: Thanking them
• If you thank Yuri for his effort he will blush, turn away from you and blabber something about you owning him.
• As soon as you turn your back, you bet he is looking at your frame with a soft expression again.
• In Estelles case, she will smile beautifully and say she is always right beside you!
• She will blush a bit and stutter, but she is so happy to be able to aid you, she won't even notice her awkwardness ( or yours. Who would go short circuit from seeing her all happy?)
This is it!
I hope you have enjoyed!
Let me know what you think!
Thanks for reading !
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