#yuri's revenge
commodorez · 6 months
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Once again, my collection of Command & Conquer games has grown. The boxed copy of Red Alert 2's expansion "Yuri's Revenge" is the latest addition in the yellow big box on the left, courtesy of @ms-dos5
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derxwnakapsyla · 2 months
So! I finally managed to get Satori working for the War of the Rice rework. Before, she was an interesting unit which could lock onto one individual unit and "track it" across the battlefield (Think like the Limpet Drone from Firestorm, except you didn't need to build a Limpet Drone.), or she could convert animals to her side (which was kinda pointless, considering the only faction that used animals was the ADC, which she was part of...). Her kit was kinda... not worth it, especially not for a hero unit. So I decided to try and come up with a new system for her.
Enter the Recollection system.
As Touhou fans may know, Satori is capable of peering into the memories of people, accessing their trauma, and using it against them in battle, with the spell cards she used being called "Recollection: [Spell Name]". I wanted to try and capture this idea.
The idea I came up with was that she would defeat an enemy infantry, and then acquire their weapon after beating them. This idea, unfortunately, never got off the ground, because the only way to make it work was by making Satori be treated as a "Unit" (Uppercase U) and not an "Infantry"; Through the use of Ares' Abductor Logic, you can basically steal any unit off the battlefield and store it away somewhere. Mental Omega does this with the Scavenger, a Unit that defeats enemy Units and "scavenges" (Read: Abducts) the defeated foe and incorperates their weapon system into itself - It's literally a Vehicle version of the Allied IFV. This was how I would make Satori work intially- However, Units are the only TechnoType in Red Alert 2 that have access to "Passenger" logic. Which means that I would have had to make Satori be a Unit so she could have Passenger logic. That didn't really sit right with me, and proposing the idea of "Hey can we expand InfantryTypes to have access to Passenger logic" was not really well received lol. So, the idea sat idle for 10 years while I tried to think of something else for her.
Ten years later (roughly a month or so ago), I decided to pick back up War of the Rice to mess around- build it from scratch, so I had full working knowledge of the interior of the mod. I got to Satori, and I looked around to see what was possible. Fortunately, technology evolved in these past ten years. Back then, all we had was Ares. Nowadays, we have two other extensions- Phobos and Kratos. They expand further upon what Ares was doing and implement a ton of new logic, and improved upon some of Ares's existing logics. This was the necessary thing to get Satori working.
Phobos introduced a system called "RevengeWeapon"- a weapon that fires off of the defeated unit back to the attacker that killed it. Kratos introduced a system called "OverrideWeapon"- a system that allows you to override a unit's existing weapon with another one. Through the help of the modding community, I was informed that I could utilize RevengeWeapon and OverrideWeapon, alongside the AttachEffect system implemented by Ares (and further enhanced by Phobos and Kratos) to make the first half of Satori's kit work. And work, it did.
When Satori defeats an enemy infantry, the infantry fires off a RevengeWeapon that only affects Satori due to her unique armor class (I know there's other ways I can make this work, but this works for the time being.). This RevengeWeapon applies an AttachEffect to Satori that has the OverrideWeapon effect on it, which changes it to... some weapon system (See: The post I made before this). This weapon is locked onto Satori, and cannot be replaced, even if she defeats another infantry with it active. As I said, this is the first half of the system. Enter the second half: Resetting the weapon.
It's a simple process: Satori utilizes the deploy mechanic to reset her weapon system back to what it was initially. Getting it to work, however... That was the hard part. I tried several different things to get it to work, but they all failed. I did stumble upon the solution I needed though- Through the use of Kratos's enhancements of the Techno-to-Techno Conversion System, I was able to make it so that Satori could use the deploy functionality... to "convert" into herself. This process wipes clean the attached effect on her, and allows her to acquire a new weapon.
Satori is fully functional, 100% like I want her to be. There's a few things that need balancing, sure, but. This is the vision I had for her ten years ago. And it is so, so fulfilling to finally see it come to fruition. I cannot thank the C&C Modding Community enough for helping point me in the right direction here.
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grayrazor · 8 months
I wonder if the Soviets having zeppelins in the Command & Conquer: Red Alert games was inspired by these kind of propaganda posters.
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aahcaimhcone · 5 months
Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge OST
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bixels · 5 months
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Scary Sunset.
I'm concepting things way outta order in this story, but I'm sure you can piece things together. Context is for a storybeat where, after defeating and capturing Adagio (thus having all three sirens in her possession), Sunset enacts her revenge plot to release the sirens on Canterlot as Thea discovers she's been manipulated. In a confrontation, the two scuffle and fight over the siren orbs while Sunset struggles with her conflicting wants and emotions.
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richardsondavis · 2 years
Tumblr is special to me in many ways but the way it has the gay drawings is just TOO FUCKING EXHAUSTING TO TAKE IN!!!!
Yes, you're gay!!! Fuck.
Where's my depressed cause the world is shit so I just gotta destroy it" fanfic?!?!?!‽
Fuck this yuri shit!!! Yes, I said yuri! Bite me.
Like Jesus fucking Christ! One of the things I consider negative on this site.
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knifeslidez · 4 months
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under pressure
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atlas-of-galaxies · 2 months
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dig two graves
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mayvette · 10 months
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buncha doodles
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cannibalkitty985 · 8 months
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my evil demolition lovers era isn’t over yet 🔥😈
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commodorez · 2 years
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Every physical copy of a game or soundtrack in my Command & Conquer collection.
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derxwnakapsyla · 10 months
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Thinking about this low effort shitpost i made again
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voidedjuice · 2 months
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My own little guys for a change
Bonus! Transparent hmms:
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mortellanarts · 3 months
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fandom sleeping on the most toxic yuri pairing in the entire series simply because they never spoke in canon smh
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sleepymaya · 6 months
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I made a tier list of the animes ive watched!! I know damn well i know more but for now...this should be enough ehehe UNL3SS SOMEONE CAN MAKE A LONG LIST OF ANIME WITH THE ANIME COVER BY THE NAMES THEN ILL DO ANOTHER TIER LIST TO SEE HOW MANY ANIME I KNOW!!
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