zorkaya-moved · 1 year
@bitterseadrop asked:
❛  i hate him but i love him.  ❜ // looks so respectfully at either yusumilou or mason&milou 🫂
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If Zarina wasn't aware of the relationship between Milou and Yusuha, she would've choked on her food. Instead, the woman continued to eat in total silence while listening to her sister's words. The red-haired mage was a flatterer, a fire born of good intentions and the wind of good change that would certainly lead her sister into the better livelihood... if he were to stop following Tahlia, that is. Then again, Arvanand was the place for mages of old to reconnect with their ancient ancestors. Some, of course, but it's not like Zarina cared much about those parts of history. It's long gone. The future is where they must all go. Being stuck in the past would be the end of them all. It must be remembered, sure, and used as an example to do better but bringing back what once was could be detrimental in the current political environment.
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"Explains the way you make heart eyes at him when he doesn't see," the woman specifically uses her monotone voice to add more of the teasing into this mix. Zarina continues to eat her soup without showing much of an emotion, holding back a smirk and a chuckle. Love is wonderful, it surely is. Experiencing it is a good experience and she wouldn't take it away from Milou. Though, it doesn't mean that Yusuha wouldn't hear from... encouragements from the silver haired mage. "Also explains the way you mutter his name in your sleep."
An innocent lie.
"So, when are you going to hit on him? He's surely noticing your interest," the empty bowl is carefully moved away and the hot tea is moved closer to her. Zarina watches Milou from the side, glancing at her sister to see her reactions here and there. It cannot be worse than her attempts to hit on Leomar, years of missed hints and pinning that only got resolved during the fucking war. "It'd be nice if you stopped dancing around. Go on a date, be disgustingly romantic, enjoy your life. Don't live with regrets, Milou."
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zorkayaplus · 1 year
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"Why are you asking me about Yusuha, Milou?" // @bitterseadrop
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
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riessene · 3 years
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two of them!>;^3c @mage-parivir​
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mage-parivir · 3 years
How crushing stage!RO reacts if a random person approached them and asked something like “I see you’re very close to the MC! Maybe you happen to know if they are available? I have a crush on them.”
Leon (assuming war phase) would likely still be oblivious to his own crush, and hence doesn't feel the need to sabotage the other person's chances. He would confirm the mage's relationship status to them, though not without a healthy dose of teasing ("The mage? You sure are shooting your shot, aren't you?") But what's that strange throbbing in his heart he gets every time he doles out courtship advice?
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Ilya (also assuming war phase) would gently advise the other person that the mage is under incredible duress as the cornerstone of Leon's rebellion--as such, they might not be in the right frame of mind to pursue a relationship. It would be a sound advice, and one that she genuinely believes in--but if there are ulterior motives to her giving it, well, who can tell?
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Eli's priority is always the mage's happiness, first and foremost. They would honestly disclose the mage's relationship status and give advice on courting them as requested, all the while making the effort to woo the mage themselves.
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F is unlikely to say anything to the other person, simply replying to their query with a stink eye before stalking away in a huff. They're a competitive person by nature, so they'll redouble their efforts in courting the mage (misguided though they might be). If the mage suddenly finds that the frequency of F's here's-a-gift-and-also-an-insult visits have suddenly increased, well, now you know why.
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Yu will easily confess that they too have a crush on the mage, and that the other person can wait their turn--all the while implying that they're hellbent on making the mage like them back. They're rather confident in their chances, you see, so the other person shouldn't hold their breath.
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mage-rebellions · 3 years
◇Major Spoilers For AMR Ahead◇
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I feel like the AMR fandom is filled with so much angst, rightfully so, that we might need some holiday cheer to lift our spirits. I would draw all the characters in holiday attire but I can't draw for shit, so have some spoilery memes instead.
I love Leon with my whole heart, but I want to fist fight him so bad too. MC's hero complex gets them stuck in so many self sacrificing situations where they are nothing but a tool for people.
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moonage-alien · 3 years
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no thoughts only yusuha u_u
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Tahlia: I am the only authority here, so it's my job to keep track of everyone. e v e r y o n e .
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lilac-den · 3 years
Who would you ship your RO's with from other WIPs?
Oooh...This is actually hard for me to answer 🤣
Zeus: Nathaniel/Natalie Sewell by @seraphinitegames. N has a pretty good understanding of people and Zeus would learn a bit more on proper social responses? The only issue would be on the moral code, where N probably has difficulty making the hard decisions while Zeus is prepared for it.
There's also E from @leo-interactive-fiction...But unlike most of us, Zeus would be too oblivious about romance to be torn up about the slow burn. :'D These two would take decades just to have their first kiss. But their route would be more meaningful, perhaps? 'Cause I can see Zeus being this protective, stoic partner to E's kinder, sweeter approach to things (Not to mention Zeus would kill E a lot faster with a lot of heart-pounding incidents, like carrying bridal style or commenting on how E has a good figure for their activity [combat/training, u pervs]).
Hermes: Yusuha/Yurui from @mage-parivir. They're flirty, kind and easygoing...but still part of the sinister organization?
I kinda imagine that Hermes still keeps a distance, but Yu just keeps interacting with them and Hermes would find it hard to say no. So while there's that line they shouldn't cross, it might ultimately end up being stepped over if romance progresses.
Plus - Imagine all the sweet, nagging patch-ups Yu will receive when Hermes is tending to their wounds or the fact this medic can kick ass.
Though, I do have this funny thought of Hermes being paired with Rook from @michaelbearmaxwell's Breach: The Archangel Job. Like - can you imagine Rook just woo the shit out of Hermes and Hermes is just going sus over how a person can be this affectionate/attentive/annoying to someone?
Of course, once it's realized that Rook is genuinely interested in them, Hermes would probably ease back a bit and be more receptive to him.
Dionysus: They would die (happily) in a M+D poly from @intimidatingpuffinstudios's The Soul Stone War. Just two assertive partners - one a flirty, cheeky gal and the other a hot, grumpy bee? Dionysus is just gonna be that one shy bean in the middle, turning hot and embarrassed from so much affection and attentiveness. (Not to mention that Dionysus is friendly and always looking out for the well-being of others.)
There's also the E+D poly and the M+S poly from the same game XD but I think in the E+D, Dionysus would try to invite Daelynn in bringing Eledwen through town in order to have her experience the joys she may have missed out on. If Eledwen wants to stay behind, Dionysus would bring something back for her and pull one out for Daelynn as a surprise?
In the M+S poly tho, Dionysus is that little squirrel who tries to collect interesting things - maybe what kind of colors the men like, or what sort of hobbies they enjoy. They're probably so invested over the collected information that Dionysus might be unaware of how obvious they are with their affection...
Ares: Hrmm......Rylan Villanueva by @evertidings. It'd be a cute dynamic, ngl - Just this tall, muscular agent letting this cheeky little bastard into his apartment through the window instead of using the spare key before Ares casually asks him if he's hungry.
Of course, given how bad of a cook Ares is, it's probably a(n unknowing) subduing method for them.
I would say more reasons to ship these two, but I feel that's spoiler territory ;u; hahaha...
Dolos: Dolos...That's a hard order, to be honest.
Because they're a bit complex for me, what they look for in a partner? Or who would mesh well...I think I'mma leave Dolos on the 'Unknown' side of things.
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k-dokja · 3 years
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Absolutely nobody: Yusuha: That Eli certainly has you wrapped around his little finger, hasn't he? You're getting me all jealous now.
Since the new update is out, have Elias and Edith drawn by Tran Huong Ly. I cannot wait to interact more with him again, the demo ended before they got to reveal who they were to each other 😩
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zorkaya-moved · 9 months
‘ you all right? you just went white as a sheet. ’
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It seems she's been staring too intently at the campfire. Knees hugged close to her chest, as close as she could, with her chin resting between. Golden eyes reflect the flickers of flames, Eli and Yusuha have stepped away to discuss something between each other. Only Milou sits close to the silverette, noticing the sudden silence. And for a moment, Zarina remembers something unpleasant.
The Pyre has still lingered in the back of her mind. The slight twitch from the fire seems to have caught her sister's attention, an immediate concern from the raven-haired mage is almost ignored in the myriad of screams. They've killed so many, didn't they? To secure the kingdom, to secure the safety of their friends, to ensure there won't be anything done. Their older sister was such a scheming asshole, ruining the possibilities of a happy ending. How unpleasant. The red of Mireil's eyes was just like the raging red of the flames and blood. Her voice still sneers from the grave, but ...
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Milou's voice rings through those voices, it cuts through the white noise of screams and laughter and Leon's rage. As she snaps from her thought process, her whole body jolts in surprise.
"Huh?" She responds, surprised how deep into her own mind she climbed into. The memories echo within the echochamber of her skull, hitting the walls inside and reflect to become louder and louder. Mingate's presence makes the sounds disappear, instead the warmth of Milou's body next to her makes Hawke's body become less tense. Her sigh leaves her partially opened lips, shoulders slump in sudden relief. She's here, her sister is here, she's alive and well. "Oh, Milou, I..."
Should she say she was thinking about the past? For Milou, it's been more than a year. For her? It hasn't been more than a couple of weeks. It still lingers.
"I was thinking about... the past. The flames still make me uncomfortable, but we need it to keep warm," Zarina explains, breathing out softly. Despite always taking on the role of the protector, of the older sibling, of the mature and collected one, Zarina doesn't feel worthy of being the protector anymore. Not that she lost confidence in her powers, but it's more about how death and rebirth have been affected her mind. There was still recovery process, but only Milou and Eli were able to return some light of life into the orbs of ichor. "I can't sleep well either these days. I can still hear Mireil's laugh, Leon's anguish, Ilya's cries, Saine's pleading, your denial... when I asked you to leave, to let me stay behind. I guess, I still can't believe we're here together, again."
Her voice breaks just a bit at the very end as she leans against Mingate, letting herself be vulnerable only around her sister. It's good to know she lived, she fought, and she continued to move on. It makes her happy to know Mingate is here, still kicking and being her familiar self. It eases the nightmares, it makes everything better.
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zorkayaplus · 1 year
❛ fucking hit me already. ❜
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No words need to be said anymore as the loud crash echoes in the training room. Zarina's fist meets with Milou's solar plexus, the bits of magic added for additional effect before sending the brunette into the wall. The concerned exclamations from their friends behind doesn't make Hawke hesitate as she walks over to the one she always saw as a sister. However, it doesn't matter if they are sisters or not when it comes to their fighting. It's obvious that Tahlia wants them all in top notch and it's rare for them to get into any arguments where fists and magic will be thrown into the mix.
Not even Leon, Saine and Ilya saw this brutality before. With blood dried off from punches and bruises that'd hurt like a motherfucker the moment they wake up tomorrow morning. Thankfully, Elias is one the duty to watch over them today, causing the two sisters of the night to fight rather ruthlessly.
Yusuha would ask if this ever happened when they were younger from Eli who'd only watch in genuine worry, wondering if he recognized the two girls he grew up with and who he sacrificed his life for (and he'd do it all over again if it meant seeing their smiles again). However, Falco stood to the side with eyes akin to a hawk's, noticing the lack of hesitation from Zarina's hit at that moment. No hesitation, to guilt, just pure gaze of cold golden eyes.
The older one doesn't drop her guard as she approaches the younger one, fully expecting retribution for the harsh kick. It's always calculated, it's always merciless, it's always to remind of how cruel the world is: no one will save you if you're weak. It's a lie, of course, not when she's alive. Zarina's fully aware Milou survived well after the Pyre, the flickers of flame that ignited brighter than her golden eyes during the final verdict when all hope disappeared. But now? As she stands alive, the mage extends her hand to Milou who coughs some blood out from the heavy punch.
'You never change.'
I don't need to.
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"That's it for today," the words are heavy as the woman looks down at her sister, but not before kneeling down before her sister. She can hear Eli get up and hurry to them, but the wave of Zarina's free hand that isn't extended to Milou stops him for a moment. "You don't need to force me to use you as my punching bag after resurrection, Milou. I'm not upset at you and I will never be." It's true. She does not feel any sort of resentment for doing something like bringing her back to life. It's not her sister's fault, it's not. She doesn't know if Milou does this to help her let the feelings out or if it's something different, but Hawke still wants to show that even if the hit was hard, it doesn't mean she'll turn her violence against the other. "You pack a nasty punch yourself, you asshole." A chuckle comes out now, feeling the pain in her side and where she bit her lip a bit too hard to stifle the pain from one of her sister's hits. "If this face gets swollen before I meet with the King of Param from your punches, you'll have to pay a hefty sum to Eli for fixing me. Now let's go, next time you can knock me out."
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
yusuha and milou are my otp now
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riessene · 3 years
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You know, Flyss, like.. Nya >;3c @mage-parivir
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mage-parivir · 3 years
Introducing: Yusuha Mateus
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Yusuha is here!
Power shoulders. Crop top. Skin-tight black leggings. Billowing sleeves. Gold-enameled belt. The rope from Adrian's fanart. Yusuha's combat outfit is far from practical and takes forever to get into...but such are the sacrifices one must make to be the most dashing assassin in all of Nightsaber.
(The only thing he hates more than unnecessary bloodshed is Eli's fashion sense. Trust and believe that he'll have plenty to say about that!)
Yurui is up next!
Other portraits: M!Eli | Leon | Ilya | Saine | F!Eli | Yurui
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tack-tick · 3 years
A Mage Reborn MC!
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Got done playing the demo and I made my MC both pre and post resurrection! Used this PICREW (https://picrew.me/image_maker/41329) and A Mage Reborn is by @mage-parivir Demo is here- https://dashingdon.com/play/parivir/a-mage-reborn/mygame/
Her name is Hel Yulevine! More under the cut
Her specialty is Spiritism but she’s also good at Thaum
Her specialty is Spiritism but she’s also good at Thaum
Shit at Alchemy
Has high intrigue
Was know for her optimism, reservedness, emotional, and nobility
Gained the aid of Nyx
Was close friends with all The White Fangs, particularly to Saine
Took great pride in her position as Leon’s retainer
Cared very much about her appearance and liked to dress up
Believed in the best in everyone
Tried so hard to hold on to that optimism despite everything
Tended to have emotional outbursts which would put people off
Is willing to talk but won’t go out her way
A crier
Last words to Leon were that she wouldn’t forgive him
Not one for teasing
Can be very stubborn when she wants to
Always wanted to do the right thing
When she gets pissed she gets pissed
Post Resurrection
Her smile and optimism: gone
Her death shattered her optimistic spirit
Still noble and emotional
No longer openly emotional but will be a crybaby by herself or with Eli
Doesn’t tend to talk unless spoken to
Resents having Nyx’s power
Doesn’t really trust the Arcadians yet but she’ll be friendly with them
Worries about Saine (please I miss my boy)
Glad that Ilya seems to be doing well
Not sure how she feels about Leon
Yusuha seems nice though
Joins Aracadia’s assassin league thing (sorry forgot the name)
Wears a Dragon mask and goes by Reaper
Doesn’t care that much about her appearance anymore and lets her hair get messy. Prefers it short
Has bandages from the burns she sustained
The happiest she’s been since post resurrection was finally reuniting with Eli
They are 100 percent gonna be a thing
Hates the cold (it feels like death) so she wears jackets
Doesn’t really care about sides anymore
Only her friends and what she considers the right thing
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