returnflame · 6 months
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save me silly butch ocs
chars (L to R, topdown): A blank slate/"Blake" (she/they), Marcelle Lepage (they/he), Felicity "Flyss" Fahrbach (she/her), Pax Royale (he/she)
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byfireflies · 6 months
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my spiderfreaks :3
black red and white one is spider-sona, black blue and red is a spider-verse oc, flyss bailey. i got ssooo creative with her Spider-man name (its spider jaws because spider fang was taken and i wanted it to have to do with the lil mandibles on her mask :(
the spider-sona is actually based on hockey uniforms because uhhh hockey and skating have played a big part in my life so yeah. IDK WHAT ELSE TO SAY theyre goofy i love 🫶
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shinyjasmineee11 · 3 months
btw (vapor again)
I know I cannot take back my actions and I cannot apologize on behalf of the others that hurt you but if there is anything I can do to even slightly make up what I've done to you please let me know
I want you to answer some questions
1) are you still a proshipper?
2) do you still ship Kurapika x Shalnark?
3) do you still hate Meruem x Pouf?
4) do you hate Ging?
5) will you promise to change and become a better person?
6) have you done this type of stuff to other people, if so I’d like you to apologize to them as well please.
that’s about all the questions, I’m willing to give you a second chance if you promise to change and become better. :)
(oh btw random thing but me and Flysse aren’t rlly friends anymore)
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flysesdesing · 8 months
Flyses – Your Go-To for Modern and Minimalist Logo Designs
In business and brand management, a well-designed logo is an indelible image of a company. In today's digital world, where one chance may be all you get, a modern and minimalist logo is required to differentiate yourself. Enter Flyses, the most preferred logo design firm specializing in making sleek, commanding logos that align with contemporary trends.
Revealing the Power of Minimalism
Minimalism is a trend that has taken over designing across different industries, including logos. The idea of "less is more" thus stretches across time, making it ageless and classy. This is why Flyses, with its team of skilled designers, appreciates the value of minimalism in developing memorable logos.
A minimalist logo suggests simplicity, transparency, and focus on vital aspects. Flyses help reduce your brand's identity to its simplest form, producing a logo that resonates with your audience. With strategic use of negative space, clean lines, and subtleties that add detail without being intrusive, Flyses creates designs that grab your attention and say exactly what your company stands for.
 A Modern Look: Staying Ahead Of The Game
Remaining relevant is critical in the ever-changing design industry. Flyses cannot miss being mentioned when modernizing logo design since they go beyond all boundaries to create logos connected to up-to-date design trends. Your logo will speak about your identity and become a work of art fit for today's age, thanks to Flyse's constant connection with trendy designs.
From bold fonts to innovative colour schemes, Flyses adds modern twists to your logo so as not to lose its freshness or appeal. It indicates how much effort people put into their brand's reputation by constantly trying out new things.
 Why Flyses Is The Best Logo Design Company
 1. A Personalized Approach to Every Project
Flyses never repeat a project. Having in mind that every brand has its own story, values and target market Flysis always goes for an individual approach to design. By working closely with clients, the team ensures a deep understanding of the essence of the brand, target audience, and market position. This allows seamless logos that appear beautiful and match perfectly what the company stands for.
 2. Minimalism and Modernity as Core Principles
Flyses takes pride in being the best logo design company due to its unwavering commitment to minimalistic and modern approaches when creating logos. The Flyses designers understand the thin line between simplicity and effectiveness, hence ensuring that your logo is visually powerful without being overwhelming. Consequently, this dedication to fundamental concepts makes Flysis one of those who want to go for a minimalist modern-logo best choice among other firms.
 3. Collaboration and Communication
Flyses's success lies in effective collaboration. You must be informed about everything concerning your project; hence, Fylyses believes in open communication during all stages of the design process. By encouraging participation from others, Flyss helps ensure that your final logo will meet and exceed your expectations. In this way, earning Flyses an image of a client-oriented organization makes it number one among others.
 The Flyses Process: A Distinctive Identity For You
To begin the journey towards a modern and minimalist logo with FLYSES, you must have a good grasp of your brand's full details. This early stage uncovers vital issues about brand values, market positioning and target audience, forming the basis for design.
After that, the talented designers at FLYSES scribble concepts and try different elements. The final design must pass through many rounds of customer feedback and collaborative work between the designer and them to reflect the customer's identity well. Clients should be presented with various choices by FLYSES that will enable them to try out different things until they come up with an ultimate choice.
Before offering clients high-quality files in various formats to cater for digital and print media requirements, final designs are being made by FLYSES. What comes out of this whole process is a modernistic logo that combines simplicity and complexity beyond client expectations.
 Conclusion: Elevate Your Brand with Flyses
A well-designed logo becomes your brand's guide through tough competition in a business setting. Among its competitors, Flyses remains the best designer company for logos because it knows how to balance minimalism and modernity. Flyses guarantees you a unique mark which will turn heads when launching a new brand or rebranding an existing one online. A contemporary minimal logo is what our experts at Flyses offer you so that you can marinate your brand with creativity via design thinking.
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riessene · 3 years
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two of them!>;^3c @mage-parivir​
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mage-parivir · 3 years
Introducing: Flyss Mateus
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It took some time getting here, but Flyss's portrait is finally completed!
There's actually another version of this portrait in the works, featuring the split cape that Falco has on his design - I'll append that version onto this post as well, pending its completion. :)
As with Falco, Flyss's character design was done by @riessene​, and the final artwork was done by Khutilust! Both of whom did phenomenal jobs, as always. :D
Tahlia is next!
Other portraits: M!Eli | Leon | Ilya | Saine | F!Eli | Yusuha | Yurui | Falco 
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mage-rebellions · 3 years
◇Major Spoilers For AMR Ahead◇
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I feel like the AMR fandom is filled with so much angst, rightfully so, that we might need some holiday cheer to lift our spirits. I would draw all the characters in holiday attire but I can't draw for shit, so have some spoilery memes instead.
I love Leon with my whole heart, but I want to fist fight him so bad too. MC's hero complex gets them stuck in so many self sacrificing situations where they are nothing but a tool for people.
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letunglam2004 · 4 years
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Ủa mình đây hả, mặt hơi lạ xíu 😂😂😂😂 (tại Son Tay) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_MQk3KpuAh/?igshid=xdfn5rlois12
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rayplaysif · 3 years
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Some more AMR drawings because I can’t think of anything else
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wizarts · 3 years
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i saw the option to be a necromancer spiritist, blacked out, and when i woke up flyss was making fun of him for having shit stats in every other category (not recommended)
his name is laith and he tried his best
no thoughts, head full of wizard game
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buttercupsanddreams · 3 years
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my mage pre and post war looks(picrew used) basic info under read more
name: eve nihil
pronouns: they/them
age: ??? probably somewhere in their 20s
specialty: spiritism
misc: walks with a cane due to their leg injury
-romanced and loved leon to their dying breath.
-thinks of ilya and saine as siblings and cares for them deeply.
-currently dislikes tahlia for bringing them back just to use them, especially potentially against their loved ones.
-likes and gets along with yurui.
-is neutral towards flyss.
-may be developing romantic feelings for their old beloved friend, eli.
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ollifree · 3 years
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Olli Talovaire - D̶̡̨̤̻̭̰̖̗̫̿̽ȩ̴̤̝̜͓͍͇̱͛̉͋̃̄̇̌̾̍͆̂͛̓̓̕͜m̵̹͍̫̤͇̱̻͈͍̤̄̔͗̂ͅȏ̶̜͓̄͜n̷̨̢͓̻̬̮̪̮͙̝̘̹̘͚̜͛͐̇̒̓̆́̎͗̅́̈́͐̆̚̕͜ Hero of Sienan
Satiel, the High Intercessor Thaum, Enchantment Learning Noble, Cynical
Member of the Black Grail, call-sign “Calamity”, loyal to people before cause and country
Wears a featureless, white mask. Uses sign language when on missions in Param to keep her identity under wraps. Works for about five whole seconds until she needs to use a spell and Ilya recognizes her mana. No one’s gonna mind if she takes some of those lilies growing by the statue, right? It’s hers.
“I can be loyal to two things.” - to Flyss “Let’s all let Olli stay here with her books and runes so she doesn’t have to worry about killing the Parami monarchy, okay!?” - to everyone
Allies: Eli, Yusuha, Ilya, Esther (@atypicalacademic) RO: Leon
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“Instructions given by Her Majestie to Charles Lord Howard, Lord Admirall of England, being appoynted to go to the seas with certain her Majestie’s shippes, the twentith of December 1587 in the xxx th yeere of her Majestie’s raigne.
Elizabeth R
Being sondry wayes most credibly given to understand of the great and extraordinary preparations made by sea, as well in Spayn by the king there, as in the Lowe Countryes by the duke of Parma, and that it is allso ment that the sayde forces shall be employed in som enterprise to be attempted eyther in our dominiones of England and Irland or in the Relm of Scotland tending principally to the disquieting of our estate; we have thought it very convenyent to seeke by all such good meanes as God hath given us to putt oursellves in order of defence for the better withstanding of the said attempts;
And therfore fynding that the withstanding of the sayd intended attempts can in no sorte be so well perfourmid as by arming by sea, we have thought it therfore most necessary to have as well our own ships, as certain shipps appertayning to our subiects, sett fourth to serve us under your conduction, in respecte of the place you holde and the zeale and sufficiency you have to serve us.
Now, forasmuchas it is to be doubted that the forces prepared as well in Spayn as in the Lowe Countryes may be employed in sondry attempts, som in Irland or Scotland, and som against this Relm; we have therfore thought good that our servant Sir Frances Drake with som of our own ships, such as you shall think meete, and others partayning to our subiects, should be ordered as well by instruction from yourself// as others of our Privie Counsell, to ply up and downe between our Relm of Irland and the west parte of this our Relm, as well to impeche any descent that may be made in the said realm of Irland, or the sowthwest parts of this our Relm, as allso to intercept and distresse such forces as may be sent into Scotland.
And for yourself, in respecte of the preparations made by the duke of Parma in the Lowe Countryes, we think it meete as well for the withstanding of any attempt that may be made against this our Relm, as also for the intercepting of such forces as by the said duke may be sent into Scotland, you should plye up and down somtymes towards the North South North and somtymes towards the South, as to you in your own discretion and judgement shall be thought may tend best to the impeching of the attempts and desseigns of the said duke or Spanish forces.
And for that som of our greatest ships for lack of convenyent harboroughes can not with so convenyent safety be contynued in daily service on the Narrow Seas as other of our ships that drawe not so much water, we refer the bestowing of them ^either^ under the conduction of our vice-admiral the lord Henry Seymer [=Seymour], or som such other as by you shall be thought meete in such harboroughes where they may be in most safety, and may be allso ready to be employed at such tyme as you shall fynde it expedient for our service.//
And if during the time of your service on the sea, you shall receave any certain advertisement that the navy of Spain shall repaire into those parts, with such forces and strength as the shippes committed to the conduction of our servant Drake, shall not be hable to make head against them, then you shall eyther give order unto him (yf you shall certainly understand that the said navy shall have an intent to com into the Narrow Seas to ioyne his forces with the duke of Parma) to repayre with all speede to you, to the end you may ioyne both your forces together, or els, if you shall in your discretion so think it meete, sende so many other of our ships as you may well spare for the renforcing of him: for that, as we conceave, the forces of the duke of Parma will not be such but that you may with a convenyent nomber of our own ships be able to impeche and withstand anything that he shall attempte either against this Relm or Scotland.
And furder, yf during your being on the seas, you shall happen to meete any ships coming out of the Est Parts bound for Spayne: we think it meete that you doo make staye of all the said ships ^in good and curteous manner^, and send them hither into this our Relm, to the end that serch may made whether they be laden with victuelles or munition, assuring them that nothing shall be taken from them otherwise than by lawfull and due course.
And for as much as we have given order for the mooving of the States (according to the contracte between us and them) to send allso som of their ships to the seas; we think it meete that you should allso take charge of them accordingly, as it is agreed on, by the sayd contract, and imploy ^them^ togither with ours as you shall see cause for the common defence as well of our own Relmes, as those countries.
Allso, yf during the tyme of your contynuance on the sea, you shall understand// of anything to be attempted against our twoo Cautionary Townes, Briel and Flyssing, [or] on the townes of Ostend or Berghen op Zome, where our subiects are placed in garrison, you shall doo your best indevor to impech any such attempte, and to yeeld them any convenyent releefe that you may.
Lastly, forasmuch as ther may fall out many accidents that may moove you to take another corse than by these our Instructions you are directed, we therfore think it most expedient to referr you therin to your own iudgement and discretion, to doo that thing you may think may best tend to the advancement of our service; and of all your doings and proceedings in the said service, and such intelligences as you shall receave, we require you to advertise us from tyme to tyme.
Fra. Walsyngham//
[Dorse:] Instructions for the lord admirall”
Source: Geoffrey Parker (2008) QUEEN ELIZABETH'S INSTRUCTIONS TO ADMIRAL HOWARD, 20 DECEMBER 1587, The Mariner's Mirror, 94:2, 202-208, DOI:10.1080/00253359.2008.10657055
According to Geoffrey Parker:
“The original consists of a single folio of paper folded to make four pages. The queen signed the first page and Sir Francis Walsingham, her Principal Secretary of State, signed the last. A cover sheet bears an endorsement. At some point all sheets were folded in four. (..)
Perhaps the most striking feature of Elizabeth’s ‘Instructions’ is her confusion about Philip II’s strategy. After a confident opening – ‘being sondry wayes most credibly given to understand of the great and extraordinary preparations made by sea, as well in Spayn by the king there as in the Lowe Countryes by the duke of Parma’ – uncertainty set in: ‘and that it is allso ment that the sayde forces shall be employed in som enterprise to be attempted eyther in our dominiones of England and Irland or in the Relm of Scotland’. Unable to assess the seriousness of these multiple threats, the Queen instructed her Admiral to thwart all of them. (..)
Nevertheless, the Queen displayed remarkable flexibility. Almost every command in her ‘Instructions’ left room for Howard to use his ‘own discretion and judgement’ if he saw fit; and, she concluded, ‘forasmuch as ther may fall out many accidents that may moove you to take another course than by these our instructions you are directed, we therfore think it most expedient to refer you therin to your own judgement and discretion, to doo that thing you may think may best tend to the advancement of our service.’ Elizabeth thus appreciated the limitations inherent in even the most carefully laid military or naval plan – and when she forgot, her ministers tactfully reminded her. As the commander of her troops in northern England put it, ‘you cannot thinke of all things at all times’. The verdict of N.A.M. Rodger on Howard’s ‘Instructions’ of 20 December 1587 is surely correct: ‘The queen has sometimes been accused of interfering with her admirals, but few commanders-in-chief in so critical a situation have ever been trusted with such complete discretion’.
The queen’s approach to supreme command contrasted starkly with that of Philip II. To be sure, his chosen strategy seriously restricted freedom of action because of his insistence that the planned invasion could only take place after the fleet from Spain had joined up with the army in the Netherlands: success therefore required the commanders of the two task forces, though separated by a thousand miles of sea, to follow exactly the same schedule. (..)
One further important contrast distinguished the ‘Instructions’ signed by Elizabeth from those signed by Philip. Although the king discussed overall strategy with his leading civilian advisers, he refused to brief his commanders in person: instead he sent his written orders by courier rather than with a special bearer who could discuss details and answer questions; and he allowed no questioning of his operational plan. Elizabeth, by contrast, not only allowed her Admiral the latitude to disregard his Instructions in case of need: she also amended them when he objected. As soon as Howard realized that Parma’s troops in the low Countries would not invade before the Spanish Armada arrived off the Flemish coast, he demanded permission to disobey his Instructions and instead lead the bulk of his fleet to join Drake in the West Country, leaving only a small squadron to secure the Channel approaches. Howard, not only a Privy Councillor but also the queen’s cousin, lobbied his sovereign to this end in person and in secret. On 13 April 1588 he informed Lord Burghley, Elizabeth’s senior policy adviser, ‘I would have been very glad to have seen your Lordship myself, but I could not obtain leave of her Majesty; and yet it were fit that I should make your lordship acquainted with her Majesty’s resolution touching the service on the seas, which, God willing, I will do before I depart’. Four days later, he kept his promise: ‘My very good Lord: It is now determined that I shall go westward with the greatest part of her Majesty’s ships, whereof I have thought good to advertise your lordship. The purpose and conclusion of her Majesty’s intent, Sir William Wynter or Mr. Hawkyns will advertise your lordship at large’.
So whereas, in Spain, the king and his civilian advisers determined overall strategy and only then issued non-negotiable instructions to the commanders in distant theatres, in England the queen determined overall strategy in person with her commanders (in this case Winter and Hawkins, as well as Howard) and only then informed her civilian advisers.”
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riessene · 3 years
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dont forget to leave space for 🐍 @mage-parivir
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mage-parivir · 3 years
How crushing stage!RO reacts if a random person approached them and asked something like “I see you’re very close to the MC! Maybe you happen to know if they are available? I have a crush on them.”
Leon (assuming war phase) would likely still be oblivious to his own crush, and hence doesn't feel the need to sabotage the other person's chances. He would confirm the mage's relationship status to them, though not without a healthy dose of teasing ("The mage? You sure are shooting your shot, aren't you?") But what's that strange throbbing in his heart he gets every time he doles out courtship advice?
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Ilya (also assuming war phase) would gently advise the other person that the mage is under incredible duress as the cornerstone of Leon's rebellion--as such, they might not be in the right frame of mind to pursue a relationship. It would be a sound advice, and one that she genuinely believes in--but if there are ulterior motives to her giving it, well, who can tell?
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Eli's priority is always the mage's happiness, first and foremost. They would honestly disclose the mage's relationship status and give advice on courting them as requested, all the while making the effort to woo the mage themselves.
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F is unlikely to say anything to the other person, simply replying to their query with a stink eye before stalking away in a huff. They're a competitive person by nature, so they'll redouble their efforts in courting the mage (misguided though they might be). If the mage suddenly finds that the frequency of F's here's-a-gift-and-also-an-insult visits have suddenly increased, well, now you know why.
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Yu will easily confess that they too have a crush on the mage, and that the other person can wait their turn--all the while implying that they're hellbent on making the mage like them back. They're rather confident in their chances, you see, so the other person shouldn't hold their breath.
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ukrescuedogs · 7 years
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Flyss – Cheshire Flyss ( born July 2010) is looking for a loving forever home. Several of her offspring namely Flybe, Tigger, Jubbly and Nessa are fortunate enough to have already found homes through Erin Hounds’ efforts and all have proved to be great pets. 
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