lightning-neko · 1 year
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There is a surprising lack of twin brothers in the media I consume lol.
(No I have not watched trigun I am consuming it via osmosis it does not count)
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xjunjox · 1 year
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Tada! Here is the next chapter! In this one we have some fun before nap time.
Also a little cameo from Yuui and Tama. It's been a while since I've drawn them so it was nice. ^^
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scintillulae · 1 month
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the-weirdos-mind · 1 year
Voltron AU
I’ve been rewatching Voltron Legendary Defender recently and it sparked a new AU. I looked at everyone’s Yuu’s (and ya’ll told me which lion you want yours to pilot) and crafted this.
Red Lion
“The Red Lion is temperamental and the most difficult to master. It’s faster and more agile than the others, but also more unstable. Its pilot needs to be someone who relies more on instincts than skill alone.”
Paladin: Freya Grimoire
Green Lion
“The Green Lion has an inquisitive personality and needs a pilot of intellect and daring.”
Paladin: Yuui
Black Lion
“The Black Lion is the decisive head of Voltron. It will take a pilot who is a born leader and in control at all times, someone whose men will follow without hesitation.”
Paladin: Estella Garcia
Yellow Lion
“The Yellow Lion is caring and kind. Its pilot is one who puts the needs of others above his own. His heart must be mighty. As the leg of Voltron, you will lift the team up and hold them together.”
Paladin: Isabelle Rosa
Blue Lion
“The Blue Lion is friendly and accepting of anyone. Its pilot needs to be someone who looks beyond the surface of things.”
Paladin: Drusilla
Estella went on a mission with Yuui’s brothers, Yuu and Yuuto. The three ran into the Galra and were captured. During her time aboard their ship, Estella lost her left arm and it was replaced by a cybernetic one. Once she over heard Zarkon looking for the Lions of Voltron, she boarded an escape pod and went back to Earth to warn everyone.
Yuui, Drusilla, and Isabelle were attending Garrison together with their friend Freya who dropped out due to unknown circumstances. They hadn’t spoken with her in a while as Freya didn’t leave any means of communication behind. One night, Drew and Isabelle followed Yuui up to the roof where she was listening to the sound waves of alien communication over space and was caught by the other two. She showed the variety of numbers and the mysterious word she kept hearing over and over again.
That’s when the girls saw something shooting itself into Earth’s atmosphere and the government officials racing off to it. They followed them and discovered that Estella was still alive. They also saw Freya using smoke bombs for cover to save her. They decided to help her and they all got away in the cover of night. The next morning, Freya shows the others what she had been doing for the past year. She had been working a map of the area with many areas scattered with notes and lines. She explains she was lead here by some strange energy and is trying to find the source. She also mentions carvings and cave paintings of a blue lion.
Isabelle is quick to realize what the many numbers that the aliens were looking for. When she reads them and Freya quickly takes the paper and holds it up to a picture of rocks she has investigated before. Yuui and Isabelle work on a device to search for it and the five girls head off. Once they arrive at the location Drew touches one of the many paintings on the cave wall. That sends them down and onto a water filled canon with the Blue Lion at the bottom. It was what they had been looking for.
Drusilla touches the force field around it and discovers that the lion is just a piece of what the Galra are looking for. The Lion moves on its own and opens its mouth to access the cockpit. Drew runs in with everyone else following her. She takes the seat and Blue speaks into her mind, telling her what she should do. She does so and creates a hole through the rock and they fly off into the sky. Things weren’t as smoothly as Drew had a bit of a hard time getting used to the controls.
It’s not long they leave the planet’s atmosphere and run into a Galran warship. Thankfully Drew attacked it and lured it away from Earth. They came across the very moon that Estella went on her mission before being captured. A wormhole appears and after some discussion, the girls are trusting the Lion. It vanishes through before the enemy could capture them. It’s on the other side they find something shocking.
The Blue Lion lands infront of a castle and they venture inside and come across four cyro pods. The pods open up one by one and they meet the ones sleeping inside. The crown prince Mallues, the royal adviser Lilia and two bodyguards Silver and Sebek. Sebek discovers that they’ve been asleep for ten thousand years. Mallues provides an explanation on who Zarkon is and Estella tells him that he’s looking for the Lions. In the Bridge of the castle, Mallues assigns the rest of the lions to each girl
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot
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shiiko529 · 1 year
have some kurofai highschool nonsense
    He should have known. He should have turned around and walked the other way as soon as he heard the whistles and catcalls. Kurogane groaned, wanting to bash his head into the wall when the source of the commotion came around the corner in front of him. He should have expected this, since there really was only one student that was enough of an idiot to do something that would get that kind of response.
    Fai was wearing a girl’s uniform complete with his hair in pigtails.
    “Kuro-chan!” was all the warning he got before the older boy bodily crashed into him.
    “Don’t call me that,” the slightly taller boy grumbled as lanky arms wound around his neck.
    “Your girlfriend’s got nice legs.”
    “He’s not my girlfriend,” Kurogane snapped back, turning to see who was ballsy enough to say that to him and found himself glaring at Yuuto.
    With Fai still attached to his neck, the underclassman grabbed Yuui by the wrist and hauled the twins into the nearest open classroom.
    “What. The. Hell.”
    The couple of students that were already in that room quickly vacated, wanting nothing to do with whatever insanity that particular trio was up to that day.
    “Don’t you think I look cute?” Fai pouted up at him.
    With significant effort, Kurogane resisted the urge to smack him. “You shut up,” he growled, before turning to the more reasonable twin for an actual explanation.
    Yuui simply shrugged, “Kanoe dared him.”
    “And you let him!?”
    “Kurogane, have you met my brother? He has no sense.”
    The idiot in question smiled cheekily and waved.
    “Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? Someone telling him he makes a cute girl?”
    Neither of them seemed to understand how much of a problem it was to do stupid shit like this with perverts like Fuuma and Seishirou at their school. “You’re both idiots,” he declared, doing his best to glare at both of them at the same time as the warning bell rang and he stormed off to his own class.
    It was going to be a long day.
for only 350 words, this took me far too long to write
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askkurofai · 2 years
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High school AU where (almost) nothing hurts
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sandumilfshou · 7 months
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i will never not be fucked up by these two and how they always, always chose each other
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cat-soda · 9 months
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is any piece of media really complete without a pair of twins that are actively being tormented by the narrative?
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kariachi · 2 months
Morning Thoughts: How OG!Yuui/Our Fai's whole 'all smiles good times not stressed' demeanor was started out of a desire to make other people happy. To repay Ashura for taking him in and preserving his brother. To make up for the sins he carries on his shoulders. How the only thing he wanted besides his brother to live and himself to die (not more, not for a long long time, but still on the short list) is the safety and happiness of the people around him. How much and how strongly he loves despite everything. How from what little we see of his brother he was the same damn way, loving his twin with everything there was in his little him.
Just, I have so many feelings about these two.
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Voltron Legendary Defender AU: Amity (Green Lion)
Amity was always the brightest in the family with her brother and nibling, she was always caring and thoughtful to others. Hell, she went out of her way help her classmates studied. She was still the most worrying sister to her two older siblings. Hence why she gave her good luck charms to her siblings when they took part of a mission in space with some others. But when the intermission between them was gone, Amity was surging to find out answers. But she wasn’t allowed on the school since she was the sister to a few missing people on that ship.
With a determined will, she changed her appearance subtly and entered the school with the guise of “Yuiia” to enroll. She was constantly seen by Isabelle and Drew at the roof top to get access to finding her missing siblings. She knows they are out there. She just wants to find them. She spends nights making an intercom radio device to communicate with any lost signal. Or find anything to lead to them. Amity vowed she will find them. She was very stubborn and tough hearted, making her the wisest teammate on the board. But she can come off too emotional when it involves people she care for get hurt. Which is why she partnered alone to do her quests. She didn’t mean to get anyone else involved with her mess. But I guess she didn’t add to see some going off the railings but she still wonders if they are all okay.
What she never expected was what was coming to her future
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @zexal-club @liviavanrouge
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mightbesmall · 1 year
Rise of Yuu
Dragon tamer!Yuu: I’m Yuu, I’m from another another dimension.
Yuu: How many more Yuu’s are there?
Cowboy! Yuu: Hey fellas.
Toymaker! Yuu: Hello!
Yuu: This could literally not get any weirder…
Monster! Yuu: It can get weirder! I just washed my hands that’s why they’re wet! No other reason…
<Cosmic Horror! Yuu staring in disappointment next to Yuu>
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squeeb100 · 11 months
Happy one-year anniversary to maybe my favorite fic I’ve ever written. Shamelessly self-plugging to celebrate because it has only 52 views at the moment! 
Summary: Fai and Yuui are born into an unkind world. Yuui imagines kinder ones.
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ninepostsstuff · 6 months
Fufufu bought a new tablet and drew this
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scintillulae · 2 years
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the-weirdos-mind · 1 year
A Puppet
Imira, Yuui/Amity, and Aquila belong to @marrondrawsalot
Squeak, Freya, and Primrose, belong to @writing-heiress
Isabelle and Cristalería belongs to @adrianasunderworld
Drew belongs to @mangacupcake
Estella and Maverick are my OCs
The songs used in this fic aren’t mine.
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She knew that what she’s doing was really risky but any knowledge on the enemies would be helpful in any way for the Maidens. “Nervous?” A voice asked. Estella looked at her shoulder to see Squeak looking at her with a concerned expression on his small face. She smiled and patted his head with an index finger.
“A little. Hopefully we can get the information we need.” She said. She looked at the guards that stood outside the main entrance gate of the Scrabian territory. Jafar was planning something big and she volunteered to infiltrate the place. Alone. She knew her magic would create the perfect disguise to blend in and if she got caught, it would be only her in trouble. She rejected her friends offers to help but she insisted on doing this on her own. She wouldn’t forgive herself if something happened to them and she couldn’t do anything to stop it. Squeak had insisted on going with her since he can’t let her do something like this alone. She didn’t even try to stop him, knowing how determined he was to help her.
She watched as a group of minions were approaching the gates. “It’s time, hide now bud.” She told her companion. The mouse nodded and hid in her black hoodie pocket. The girl had decked out in all black clothes for this mission. It wasn’t hard for her to pick them from her closet, as most of her wardrobe is black clothing. Her earring glowed as she muttered the spell to transform her appearance. White sparkles covered her for a moment before they faded. She turned herself into a minion with purple hair and light eyes with a pale complexion. Her clothes are the same ones the minions wore, a sleeveless black and red hoodie with gold accents, and golden strings, underneath the hoodie was a red undershirt, a yellow with snake designs belt tied perfectly on her waist, black parachute pants with red flames, and black sneaker sandals with a gold scarab to clip them onto her feet. A golden collar necklace was on her neck, a golden bracelet on her left wrist and a snake like, golden, shoulder cuff on her right shoulder. She quickly ran into the mass of people and blended in the middle. There was no coming back as the gates closed.
There’s a room where Jafar and his most trusted lackeys met and discussed their plans. All she had to do is get copies of those plans and get out. She hopes that the disguise won’t wear off at midnight. On some nights, her disguise magic will disappear at midnight, like the Fairy Godmother’s spell on the Cinderella. Cristalería had warned her of this once the older woman recognized the earring. It always happens at random and she doesn’t know what night it’ll be. She was snapped into reality hearing footsteps walking. She could see a girl walking in the distance. Estella knew who she was the moment she saw her. Imira, one of Jafar’s right handed people.
She ran with the crowd until she was inside the palace like building that’s Jafar’s lair. When she saw a place she could hide and no one would even notice a disappearance, she hid. The spot was between two pillars on the walls and she hid behind them, holding her breath until the footsteps had faded in the distance. She counted to five in her head to make sure no one was coming before emerging. She carefully stepped out of her hiding place and started walking.
Irmia had stopped as soon as she saw the minion. “Who are you? Where are you going?” She questioned as she grabbed the other person’s shoulder.
Estella shot her a look. “I’m Bilal.” She said. She had a plan if any of them had caught a glimpse of her. “Jamil asked me to retrieve something for Kalim.”
A tense moment of silence had formed between the two as Imria had looked ‘Bilal’ in the eyes. She sighed as she let her go. “Fine. But don’t take too long on your task, you’ve got training.” She said as she walked off. As soon as she was gone, Estella sighed in relief. That was too close. She continued walking until she came to a wooden door. She opened it and smirked when she saw the contents of the room. Bookshelves filled with books and scrolls among the walls with some loose pieces of paper peaking out. A wooden table in the middle of the room with scrolls all over the surface. Four chairs were around the chair, and a red carpet with a snake on it underneath the table. A lone window was on an upper part of a wall, letting moonlight shine into the room. The other walls held lanterns that provided a source of light.
She quickly went into the room and carefully closed the door behind her. Squeak had emerged from her pocket and hoped to the floor. “That encounter was too close! If it went on longer then I would’ve scratched her if she did something.” He said.
“I know.” Estella said as she walked to the table. She grabbed the first scroll she saw and unrolled it. She could see the plans that have carefully crafted by the Sorcerer of the Sands. “Squeak, can you hold an end down?” She asked her Guardian. The mouse nodded and grabbed an end of the scroll to hold. Estella used a book from one of the shelves to hold the other end down. She took her phone out and started taking pictures of the contents. It went on like that for a while, Estella taking pictures of the plans on one scroll before moving to another.
“Okay that’s it.” She said as she took the last picture. She caught a glimpse of white sparkles on her outfit. She checked the time and felt her stomach drop as she saw the time. Midnight. The disguise had faded, leaving her in her black clothing.
“This is bad! What are we going to do?!” Squeak said as he watched the spell wear off.
“I’ll think of something!”
She sighed as she tried to think of an escape plan but jumped when she heard a squawk. Both the Maiden and the Guardian turned to the source of the sound. On top of one of the bookshelves was Iago, the parrot that’s Jafar’s henchman. “The Maiden of Dreams?!” He said in shock. He had seen the spell wear off. He then cackled seeing the girl. “Wait till Jafar hears that one of the Maidens has sneaked into his lair, you basically gave yourself up kid!” He then flapped his wings and flew out the window.
“You’ll have to tell that snake that he’ll have to go through me first!” Squeak yelled as the bird flew away.
“This is bad.” Estella said. “I think there’s one option now.”
“What’s that?”
“You need to get the plans to the others. I’ll fight them off to give you some time.”
“That’s crazy! We can find a different way!”
“IT’S THE ONLY CHANCE WE HAVE! I’m not letting you get caught too.”
Before Squeak could argue with the plan, Estella had broke her phone open. She dug around until she found the data card for the device. She searched the room until she found a small sack and placed the card inside. She tied it closed and tied the sack on Squeak’s neck. “Look, I don’t like this at all as well but I won’t have anything happening to you. I’ll get you to a vent and then you run.”
“Just be careful Stella.” Squeak said. He hugged her index finger. “Please get back safe.”
“I will.” She said, using the finger he was hugging to gently rub his head. She offered her free hand out and he hopped on it. She placed him on her shoulder. “Now, let’s get out of here.” She left the room, leaving her broken phone behind. She would have no use for it anymore. She ran down corridor after corridor until she found an air vent. She pried the gate open with her hands and put Squeak on the metal ground, just as she was doing that, she heard footsteps.
“Find her! Find that Maiden and get me her gem!” A voice yelled. It was so loud that she could hear it from her current place. Her heart stopped when she heard it. She knew who it was.
“Go. Get that card to everyone else. I’ll buy you some time.” Estella said. Before Squeak could say his goodbye, she placed the grate back on. She listened as the tiny steps of her friend had faded until she couldn’t hear them anymore. She sighed as she heard people closing in on her. She mockingly held her hands up in surrender as she turned around and saw guards closing in on her.
“You’re coming with us girl.” A guard said.
Estella smirked. “No I won’t.” She said. She began snapping her fingers and humming. The guards exchanged confused looks amongst each other but raised their swords closer to her when she started singing.
“Ooh oh oh oh, ooh oh oh oh
Be careful making wishes in the dark
Can't be sure when they've hit their mark
And besides in the mean-meantime I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart”
The white sparkles circled around her again and this time, she was in her Maiden outfit. She shot a blast of white energy at a guard. She then started dodging swords as best as she could but still got some scratches and the occasional small stab on herself while firing spells in defense. The wounds weren’t enough to stop her.
“I'm in the de-details with the devil
So now the world can never get me on my level
I just got to get you out of the cage
I'm a young lovers rage
Gonna need a spark to ignite”
A small reddish spark formed on both of her palms. She struck the closest guard in the chest with her palm and watched as the fire rapidly grew on his clothing. The guard screamed and dropped his sword and tried to put the flames out by hitting the flaming area.
“My songs know what you did in the dark
So light em up up up, light em up up up
Light em up up up, I'm on fire
So light em up up up, light em up up up
Light em up up up, I'm on fire
Ooh oh oh oh (in the dark-dark)
Ooh oh oh oh (in the dark-dark)”
The sparks rapidly turned into fires that covered her hands. She then swiftly defeated the rest of the guards surrounding her with those flames. They all screamed in pain and dropped to the ground when the pain got unbearable. She used the flames to cauterize the stab wounds. The scratches won’t be much of a bother. She walked away from the vent, going in the direction of freedom, burning anyone that got in her way. Just as she was almost to the gates, a magical barrier suddenly went up and knocked her back. She flew across the room and her back landed on the stone wall.
Estella groaned in pain as she slumped to the ground. She checked on the fire and they had faded. She looked up and saw Irmia at the other end of the hall. Her hand was outstretched and she lowered it seeing her opponent. “I knew there was something off about you ‘Bilal’ or should I say, Maiden of Dreams?” The redhead girl said. Estella stood up, her legs shaking a little as she tried to regain some balance.
Irmia ran at Estella and they started fighting. Both fired spells to take the other down. Some missed while some hit their mark. During the fight a pair of red and blue parrot like wings sprouted from Irmia’s back. What surprised Estella was that feathers also sprouted from her ears. The feathery limbs flapped, allowing her to float in the air. The wings carried her higher up in the air until she deemed the height acceptable. She then started firing spells, from her airborne position. It became harder for Estella to dodge and fire her own spells at Irmia, aa the girl would simply fly away from them. She hissed in pain when she got hit in the side.
Estella placed a hand on her side, feeling the warm and sticky feeling of blood on her palm. She noticed something shining on one of the walls. It was a picture frame made of silver. She didn’t care to look at the photograph it held, she knows what she could do. She aimed a small spell at the frame and fired. The spell bounced off the frame and flew at Irmia. The redhead tried to get out of the way but the edge of her wing got hit. She gasped as she fell a bit until she regained some control. She looked at her wing to see some of her feathers singed. She growled and looked back down but Estella was gone.
“So she used her speed huh?” She muttered. “Too bad I can still hear her footsteps. She has no idea what’s coming for her.” She smirked as she thought about who the Maiden will be up against next.
Estella huffed as she came to a stop. She couldn’t run for long while her side is bleeding. She used her free hand to light a small fire on it then quickly put it on her wound. She bit her bottom lip to keep herself from howling in pain. She removed the palm once she felt like it was done. She was about to walk off when she heard laughter. Laughter that made her blood run cold in her veins. She turned around and saw the man who owns the lair. “I thought it would’ve been the one that looked like that Street Rat but this I never thought.” Jafar said. “The Maiden of Dreams, the only Maiden who could perfectly sneak in without suspicion.” The eyes on his cobra staff lit up. “Let’s see how powerful you are girl!”
A red beam of energy shot out from the eyes, heading towards Estella. She dodged out of the way but barely made it. She could feel the heat from that blast. She fired her own spell back at him but he swung it with his staff like it was game of baseball. It hit her in the chest, knocking her back. She groaned in pain and tried to sit up but found the task difficult. She used a lot of her magic and can feel the effects. A red force surrounded her, canceling out her ability to move. Jafar used his powers to make her stand up straight and floated her towards him until she was right in front of him.
He laughed as he patted her head. “Nice try little girl but you’re no match for me.”
Back at the hideout, the other Maidens waited anxiously for Estella and Squeak to get back. They were expecting both of them to walk into the base but were surprised when it was just Squeak. The poor mouse was panting heavily and slouched to the ground in exhaustion. “My goodness, what happened?” Neige asked as he gently cupped the creature in his hands.
“W-We got caught.” Squeak said. “T-the spell w-wore off.”
“Then where’s Estella?” Drew asked. She looked out the window hoping to see her friend walking up the path to the front door.
“S-She’s not c-coming. S-She threw m-me into a v-vent and gave m-me no choice b-but to go. S-She didn’t w-want me to be c-caught.” The mouse said. He untied the sack from his neck. “I-I saw her get c-caught by J-Jafar.”
Freya took the sack from Neige’s hands. “What?!” She said. “Jafar has her?!”
“Oh no.” Isabelle said. “We need to get her out of there!”
“But we can’t just barge in there!” Aquila said. “He’ll know when we step foot into there and we’ll get caught too!”
“But we can’t sit pretty and do nothing!” Rielle yelled. Arguing broke out between the team of heroes. Everyone was shouting over one another about what to do to get their friend back. The noise was so loud that it woke Primrose from her nap.
“QUIET!” The dragon yelled. Everyone else quickly went silent hearing the dragon yell. It was completely out of character. “Why don’t we go over what we have and then figure out a plan. It’s better than fighting and getting nowhere.” She yawned after she said that.
“She’s right.” Freya said. She opened the sack and took the card out. “We’ll take Jafar down when he strikes his plan and get our friend back as well.”
Weeks had gone by since Estella had been captured. She sat in the prison made of stone except for the metal gate that separates her from freedom. She slept in a pile of old cloths and used one for a blanket. Her left ankle donned a new metal cuff connected to a chain mounted on the floor. She had enough room to walk around but not get out. She still wore the all black outfit and took her hoodie off to get some air on her skin. She wore a black tank top underneath the hoodie thankfully. Her guards constantly changed from Kalim to Irmia to Jamil and she wouldn’t speak whenever either of them asked a question or spoke in her direction. The worst part of this situation was that her earring is in Jafar’s possession.
Ever since Jafar took that piece of jewelry off her ear, she felt awful. The first few nights in captivity consisted of her softly crying herself to sleep. She was a failure to the Maiden of Dreams. If the earring could easily be lost to her like this then she doesn’t deserve to have that honor anymore. She was a fraud to not the Maidens but to her family as well. She hadn’t spoken to anyone, barely ate or drank, and hardly slept. It didn’t help that she didn’t have the meds for her depression and anxiety so the demons in her mind are thriving. The only solace she received was when no one was in sight. When she couldn’t see any of her guards, she would sing softly to herself. It was something that kept those dark thoughts in her mind at bay.
The time right now would be dawn. She looked at the sunlight slowly starting to creep into the cell from the cracks of the stone walls. Her only source of light filling up the cell filled her with ease for just those moments. She closed her eyes as she stayed up due to nightmares and sighed in relief. The light is coming back. She started humming unaware that she would provide a show.
Jamil was walking down the cold, harsh stone steps to the dungeons to start his shift of watching the Maiden of Dreams. When she was first caught, she refused to say her name or anything about her. Jafar had thrown in that cell to break her and from what he could see, it was working. He nodded at Kalim as he was climbing up those stairs. “Did she sleep at all?” The brunette boy asked. Kalim shook his head. “I see.” He said.
“Good luck Jamil.” Kalim said before he continued his way up. Jamil continued making his way down but stopped when he heard something. It sounded like… singing? He slowly crept closer until he saw the source. He stopped in his tracks seeing the girl singing softly, like no one could hear. He decided to take a minute or two to listen to the song.
“There's darkness in the distance
From the way that I've been livin'
But I know I can't resist it”
As quietly as he can, he took a seat on the stairs. Her voice… it was very calming and angelic for him. He leaned his head against the stone wall, wanting to hear more.
“Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and I drink the poison from the same vine
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
From the daylight, runnin' from the daylight
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time”
Those lyrics made him think. What’s going on in her head? He then thought about the special assignment his boss had given him. A part of him didn’t want to go through it now but the other half did. Guess the lyric about loving and hating at the same time made sense in this sense. He realized that he had to get it done and stood up, breaking free from the siren’s song. He quickly walked up to her cell, making his presence known.
Estella stopped singing and blushed from embarrassment when she saw Jamil. How much of that did he hear? She blushed some more thinking about that. Her face quickly lost the red from embarrassment when he pulled the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He swung the metal open and closed it behind him as he stepped inside the cell. For a moment, they stared at each other wondering what the other would do. Estella tried to make herself smaller when he started walking to her. He crouched down on his knees in an effort to be eye level at her. She moved her head down and closed her eyes.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed her face, gently to not cause any bruising. He couldn’t do that after hearing such a beautiful voice. “You’ve been given us trouble ever since you came here.” He said. “First you steal plans, injured some of the soldiers and now you’re refusing to say anything about the girl behind the gem. The Sorcerer of the Sands has had it with your stubbornness.” Her eyes opened once she felt his breath on her face. That’s when the pain started. When she met his gaze, she could feel something in her mind. Something trying to take over. She wanted to pull her head out of his grip but she would hit her head against the stone and possibly break her skull. She wanted to close her eyes but he was using his other hand to carefully hold her top eyelids open. All she could do is resist. A pain grew in her head the longer she resisted. It reached the point where it was like a really bad migraine.
“It’s no use.” He said. “Just give up.” A few more minutes passed and he could see her eyes becoming more red. He smirked when those pupils had fully turned. He let her go and stood up. “Stand up.” He ordered. She stiffly stood on her feet, staring at him with those red eyes. He pulled out the shackles and clamped them down on her wrists. “Follow me.” He said, trying to ignore the guilt threatening to grow. He lead her to Jafar’s throne room. The Socerer smirked seeing her red eyes.
“Well done, Jamil. Now, we can get all the information on this girl.” His eyes cast themselves on the girl. “Start asking her questions, I want to know everything about her and the Maidens.” The boy nodded and looked at her.
“What is your name?” He asked.
“Estella Garcia.” She responded.
Both of their eyes grew wide in response. “I never expected an Garcia to be a Maiden.” Jafar said. He then chuckled the longer he thought of this revelation. “We all know that the Garcia’s is one of the most ancient human families that practices magic. I want to know everything about the knowledge her family has gained over the centuries.”
The next time the Maidens had encountered Jafar is on the battlefield. They tried to break in to get their friend but security measures had grown and they almost got caught themselves. Yuui summoned her sword and got into a sword fight with their opponent. The two clashed their blades until Amity won. She took the sword on the ground and looked up, seeing an ally struggling. “Maverick!” She yelled before tossing the blade at him. He caught the blade with his free hand and used it in his fight.
When he heard about what happened to Estella, he insisted on helping them getting her free. Isabelle fired a spell at Kalim while Drew and Freya handled Jamil and Irmia. The battle waged on until Aquila managed to take Jafar on his knees. Maverick placed his sword on his neck since he won his last battle. The sharp tip of the blade was threatening to draw blood. “Where is she?” He asked.
“What have you done to our friend?!” Drew said as she fought Irmia.
“Jamil, call her!” Jafar ordered, ignoring the question.
“Estella, show yourself!” Jamil said. The Maidens stopped in their tracks when they heard that name. They could see a figure walking onto the battlefield. The heroes stood in shock, seeing Estella, in her magical outfit, the earring back on her ear. She didn’t run to their side and greeted them, she stood there still. It was odd.
Rielle took a good look at her eyes and felt his blood freeze. “Uh guys.” He said. He wasn’t the only one to notice the change in her. Maverick noticed too when she just stood there, like a statue.
“What did you do to her?!” He yelled at Jafar. The Sorcerer only laughed in response.
“Estella, free Jafar.” Jamil ordered.
“Yes, Master.”
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shiiko529 · 1 year
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