#yuzuru hanyu real face
btsiu · 2 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu on his s*** era during Fantasy on Ice 2022!
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yuzu-all-the-way · 11 months
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tokiwa05311 · 2 years
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Real Face
Yuzuru Hanyu
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annainnorth · 2 years
Real Face 4 angles - FaOI Nagoya Day 2, as aired on Asahi TV 2 this September 10th~
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ktkinsbl · 2 years
So Build posted some dumb sh*t when he was 20.
I’m not going to defend it or negate anybody’s right to be triggered or offended. 
I remember being ticked off with Nathan Chen when he made a statement on a podcast about how it was difficult being a straight guy in the gay dominated world of figuring skating, as if he had to overcome some kind of f*cking hurdle or discrimination.
As a Johnny Weir and Yuzuru Hanyu fan and the mother of a queer son (his words), I was triggered.. big time. Contrary to popular belief, most skaters are straight and the ISU and judges are largely homophobic arseholes. The discrimination Johnny Weir faced was awful, Yuzuru Hanyu (who does not discuss his sexuality and nor should he have to) is often ridiculed simply for doing biellmann spins and ina bauers, as they are more predominant in women’s skating, and wearing beautiful costumes that are being increasingly rejected by his male peers in favour of more streetwear style outfits.
Then I reminded myself, Nathan was twenty. He has no idea who he is yet. 
If I had the same attitudes in my 20′s as I do now, I don’t think I’d like myself very much, but bless, social media wasn’t as prevalent or dominant then, so its not on the record and I’m a no one so who cares.
Who do I judge most harshly on this matter? The person who trolled through 8 years of twitter to find a post that is now stirring this shit up, upsetting fans and potentially damaging the whole show and cast.
They’re a real piece of work.
Oh, & also; the person who leaked Bible’s high school vids...f*ck you.
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shomagravity · 2 years
“He works hard for the sake of other people” || Bits from the interview with Uno Shoma’s ex-coach, Higuchi Mihoko
"I've known Shoma ever since he started skating casually at the rink when he was small." "I asked my assistant at the time to ask his mom if he was in any classes anywhere. It turned out that he was just coming to the skating rink for fun, and didn't  decide what to do yet.” About why she asked if he was taking any classes: "He was just so cute!" "Also there was a sparkle. He had something that caught my eye." Which seems to be 'sense'. "You can call it sensitivity. A sense for skating, for jumping, having everything that you need for figure skating. That's what I mean." "Honestly I didn't know what would happen until he made it to Seniors. He couldn't land jumps, and he couldn't make it to the podium although he was a top skater among the other athletes who couldn't land jumps." "But he really loved skating, and he practiced to the point I would wonder how he could skate this much." About Shoma leaving them; "It seems that Yamada Machiko sensei recommended it to him for a while but rather than saying 'It's better if you go', I used to say ‘Why not ask various choreographers to work with you?’, 'Should we learn jumps from a different coach?'” "That's because I wanted him to broaden his horizons even more. However he didn't have any interest in that. Even about working with another choreographer, he would only say ‘maybe if it's an Exhibition program'. " About the time Shoma didn't have any coach and started getting bad results: "I couldn't watch it."  "I didn't think about asking him to come back. Because there'd be no point of it if he just came back. I wanted to watch over him, while cheering him on." After Shoma began working with Stephane; "I thought he picked a good place. I thought Stephane would work well with Shoma. He was really teaching with utmost effort in Team Japan Training Camp, and you can be at ease around him." "Besides he can dance and skate, aside from jumps. Isn't he one of the best, even now? That's how good he is." About Shoma's bronze medal in Olympics and gold medal in Worlds; "I watched Worlds in real time on TV. Without realizing, I was sitting up straight and shouting 'Do your best!'" "He had a great expression on his face and since his body looked even in better shape than it was in Olympics, so I thought he could actually do it. I thought "Finally!" when he became the champion." About the factors of Shoma's success this season; "When he was with me, he'd never say things like 'I want to aim for the gold medal' or 'I want to be the champion'. Because he's the type who just wants to make the performance his own." "However, winning the silver medal at Pyeongchang changed his perspective and I think without realizing, he began to push himself further." "I think Kagiyama Yuma had a big presence in that. I think he realized he needed to figure out what he wanted to do, with Hanyu Yuzuru at the top and his juniors coming up, he knew he had no choice but to do his best." Shoma's personality also played a part in his success; "Back when he was with me, if he made a mistake, he'd apologize after he came back by saying "I'm sorry, I couldn't show a good performance. I apologize. On the contrary, if I felt happy, he'd say he's happy because I was." "He was the type who wouldn't really be pleased because he's so strict with himself, but he'd say he's glad if his coach his happy. During the World Championship in 2018, he was hurt in his leg and honestly he was in a condition where he should have withdrawn."  "However he was worried about the spots for Japan (for the next year's Worlds) and after his performance was over, he asked 'The spots are okay, right?'" "Shoma works hard for other people's sake. He cares about his surroundings. Oh that's right, he's considerate to the point where he'd intentionally lose to younger kids at the rink in fake playful competitions." "He probably had a strong desire to perform in a way that would make Stephane happy, because he's really grateful to him." Source: https://jbpress.ismedia.jp/articles/-/69889 Tweets: https://twitter.com/shomagravity/status/1519567613713657857
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ohshitgallifrey · 2 years
This post turned out longer, than I thought it would, so there is a read more
After I tried to process Youtuber Hanyu Yuzuru Senshu,
And after that did not work,
I did notice something
Yuzu, in these live streams and videos and photos, reminds me of Yuzu, at a time not too long ago, yet it feels very nostalgic
Yuzuru’s Sendai Parade, April 2018
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SharePractice, August 2022
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If anyone still remembers that
The same glow on his face,
The same contentment in his eyes,
And an over all aura of calm and happiness, even though he is still working hard,
(If you are newer to the fandom and don’t know what I am talking about, after Yuzu’s second Olympic Gold Medal Win, the city of Sendai organized a parade through Sendai (just like after Yuzuru’s first OGM Win in 2014), Yuzu’s home city, where he then was driven around on a platform, and waved at people, and over all seemed really happy, I can recommend watching it,
Link to it on YouTube here (2014) and here (2018)
Link to information on it here)
Now that I have again looked at some pictures of Yuzuru
I want to share these pictures with you
More from the Victory Parade, April 2018 in Sendai
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More from SharePractice, August 2022
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From Continues With Wings or CiONTU, Yuzuru’s very own ice show (look it up it is great), April 2018
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From the 2018 Olympics, because a happy Yuzuru is the best Yuzuru, February 2018
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And one from his Pro Athlete Announcement Press Conference, because I really quite like whenever he does The SEIMEI Pose, July 2022
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And he looks so serene and ethereal yet so real
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pashminalamb · 1 year
Likes: music ,drawing ,painting ,singing ,makeup ,spicy food ,reading ,honesty ,affection ,watching horror movies and sad ones (I cried watching brave 😢 and every other Disney princess movie) ,Disney movies(idc if I’m too “old” imma still watch ‘em) ,getting straight A’s ,cats ,fake plants ,I really like decorating especially decorating rooms like my room is so much more bright and calmer then any other rooms in my home , cleaning calms me sm, praise , people w/ mommy issues, shopping, sleeping, interactive story games.
Dislikes: people who talk behind others backs ,ignorant people ,loudness ,school ,people who take advantage of others ,sports , airplanes
(Does my depression and adhd count?), when forced to step out of my comfort zone
Past time: watch a new show or rewatch an old and draw in a new artstyle, playing w my cat (I named him lily 🤩)
Traits: introvert blunt creative intelligent anti social my sister says I’m annoying 😒 I’m boring af like I stay home most of the time, I zone out A LOT , shy by shy I mean if someone called my name I wouldn’t answer becuase I would think they were talking to someone else also when someone is talking to me but not like in front of me I wouldn’t know and would be zoned out.
Book/genre: shonen manga (is this a genre??) and I also read a lot of angsty ones ykwim?
Insecurities: body, face , weight , height, hair , personality
Hopefully this isn’t too much or to little of info<3 Oh I can’t wait to see what you write!! (I added some things!!)- 🥀
No one is too old for Disney movies like look at Yuzuru Hanyu, he gets Winnie the Pooh plushies when he performs on ice; I use Disney pet names cause they are unique (named Sae as Ariel - and Oliver calls y/n Bambi)
I- Mommy issues 💀 Ik just the guy Kaiser
I match you with; Yukimiya Kenyuu!
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Vibes I get from this relationship - comforting and quiet but also playful.
I know for a fact that you both would bond over fake plants and decorating rooms, discussing the use of beige and whites on walls and what furniture to use and making the best use of sunlight in the room, he will also adore your cat Lily.
I made it suggestive - Hope you don’t mind \(//∇//)\
“Why is this shit so hard to build.” Kenyu muttered clicking his tongue, turning the page around; attempting to build the coffee table while sweat rolled off his body, his hand wiping away a salty drop from his brow.
Closing the door behind you with an “I’m home!” You walked into the living room, faced with a familiar bare back, hands placed on his hips as he was stretching. Your eyes wandered, making note of every curve and dip, the light sheen of sweat being reflected by the sun.
Turning around Yukimiya gave you a charming smile, your eyebrows shooting up at the sight of his chiseled abs and well built pecs, a hammer and nail in his hand.
“You’re Home!” he chirped.
You stood silently, hands still holding the keys. Pinching his eyebrows together until realization struck him, a smirk taking over his features.
“Come closer. The real thing feels better than your imagination.”
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amberzx · 2 years
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Yuzuru Hanyu...te he apoyado desde Sochi 2014, amé a Winnie Pooh de la nada desde Parissine Walkaways, compré la canción de Gary Moor, en 2018 durante Chopin y Seimei olvidé por completo mi EPT, grité con la lluvia de Pooh de Pyonhchang, decidí dedicarte un espacio en mi novato canal de Youtube, me he puesto tu camiseta (de modo literal)mil veces, ahorré casi 2 meses de sueldo para comprar mi Yuzu doll (creo que fue mi 2nda compra propia), en plena pandemia compré mi sudadera, puse a alguien muy especial a sufrir con las playeras que mandé a hacer, me quedé en 0 comprando tu agenda (y es la primera agenda en mi vida que llevo "by the book") luché como gato boca arriba la injusticia de Beijing (y lo volvería a hacer 1000 veces más), te he apoyado desde 2014 porque apareciste en mi cosmos y te seguiré apoyando, y en esta nueva etapa de tu vida MÁS!!! ESTOY A TU 6! Las plumas, tus alas, el kanji, mi obsesión, let me entretain you, real face en mi cumpleaños, la rutina de PW, Hana ni Nare, Haru yo koi.... Etc. No son coincidencias, no creo en las coincidencias y no fue una que aparecieras en mi universo, mi apoyo real e incondicional 4ever. Never regret! Always with you!! SIEMPRE SERÁS MI CAMPEON Adelante con todo lo nuevo! Y que ch*nguen a la suya la isu y la jsf, ya no eres su ATM! #YuzuruHanyu𓃵 #YuzuruHanyu #LATAMLovesYuzu #LoveYuzuruFromAllOverTheWorld #PoohRain4Yuzu #羽生結弦 https://www.instagram.com/p/CgMF8Y8uWoL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
Yuzuru Hanyu @ FaoI 2022
"Real face"
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
I thought I saw every FaOI photo available on the internet 🤣 When will I learn there's an infinite number of photos?
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tokiwa05311 · 2 years
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Real Face Yuzuru Hanyu
2022.9.12 Pencil、GANSAI
KISS & CRY Magazine vol.44
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calentvre · 2 years
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local sainthood
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moon-soo-ah · 2 years
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nemesisdivina86 · 5 years
Fyodor Dostoevsky — 'Beauty will save the world'
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sophia-helix · 6 years
You were the first one to skate in the last group and then you had to sit all this time in the so-called “green room” waiting for the results of the other skaters. What were your feelings? You were so pale and you looked very tense.
Sometimes it was fun because there was another skater sitting with me and we were commenting on our programs and on the programs we were watching. But… you don’t really know what to do and what face to put on when you are shown on the screen. If the other skater does well, you are happy because he is skating well, but at the same time you are like: “Oh, he is skating better than me!” And on the other hand - if he skates badly, you cannot be happy, because it’s not a good sportsmanship! We are all friends, so I really didn’t know how to behave in the green room. I think this would work better with other sports, because in figure skating we are so close to each other. But I think it’s sometimes nice to be there, so that people can see what the leader’s reaction is, or how the other person is waiting… So I think it is a good idea.
What’s it like to train together with Yuzuru Hanyu?
It’s great. He is a great person and a great skater. He works really hard and it is amazing. To have such a high-level companion in training helps me. And it probably helps him too, because you have someone to compare yourself with, to see how the other person is training… But at the same time we are friends. We spend a lot of time together; we talk about so many things.
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