Giyuu fic at nearly 3k words lets goooo
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thebluecreator · 2 years
Have this crazy mf
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I was finally able to find my old drawings so their going to be a little more in order now
Art: @thebluecreator
Camo: @thebluecreator
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threepoint14art · 1 month
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diamondwerewolf · 2 months
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larry putting 195 pounds on geetas back on my bitediamond twitter yyaaayyyy~!
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gregorybacon · 2 months
I keep forgetting to say this, but I'm not posting cause I'm on vacation still
I'll be back on like Wednesday? Idk but I can't wait to get back yyaaayyyy
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buwheal · 4 months
Doubt ill be able to finish any asks today, BUT, i /did/ manage to write TWO! count it! 2! TWO!!! Asks!! yyaaayyyy.. i guess that makes up for yesterday lol. The dialogue on the second one is probably the most ive made him say? for some reason? its not really that notable either X-P anyways,, Cya...tomorrow? maybe? Ill see :-3
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druidshollow · 7 months
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frases 4 u
lub ur art a lot have a great day/night :)
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imnolongerahuman · 8 hours
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space themed stimboard because im gonna watch the thing tonight…HOORAAYY
request are always open…😁 yyaaayyyy
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wildernezz · 5 days
your blog very pretty i enjoy 10/10
YYAAAYYYY thank uuu :3333 i also love seeing silly stuff from u in my notifs and then going to check ur silly blog again :}}}}}}
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avocadoraisin · 1 month
I just discovered your blog and I’m obsessed with your artwork!!
yyaaayyyy thank u so much!!! 🥰🥰
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odddflower · 7 months
Mhm 🍿
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arvandus · 1 year
Because 17 was a smut chapter I am far too shy to comment on it off anon. however!
Holy fuck that was great
The awkwardness, the oh what if I mess with this up, the pure joy they felt, and of course the ahem intimacy.
Like I'm ace so if there's smut I'm either going to skip over it or read it if it's really soft sweet and cute.
But holy fucking shit! That was so soft
YYAAAYYYY!!! I'm so glad you loved it, anon! Especially as an ace individual! I was kinda wondering how this chapter would land with my ace readers, so I'm incredibly glad you still enjoyed it! The smut has always been a part of the plan, but still! We've been focused on feelings and plot for so long, I was hoping the final shift to physical intimacy wouldn't throw ya off.
Thank you for letting me know! I hope you have a great evening/day!
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cosmicdreamt · 1 year
[[ Yes I did post that chapter excerpt before I actually finished writing the chapter but now I have actually finished writing chapter 5 so yyaaayyyy I meet my 2 chapter completion a month pace again~ I am pretty much halfway through writing this first draft which is crazy to think but it's also nice to know I will def make my end of the year goal uwu
Now that I can kinda relax for the rest of the week until my convention I'll probably just work on editing icons my darling friend @neomadivine made for me and updating the old ones I had with the new graphic I made so I can start using those next month :> ]]
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Yoritomo & Yoshitsune - Chapter 6
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----Part 1----
???: "----You don't have to beg like that."
A strange glow obstructs my view.
Yoshitsune: "For he, who tries to defile that kindness, deserves retribution."
Yoritomo: "I agree. You did well, Yoshino."
(Yoritomo-sama! Yoshitsune-sama!)
The soldiers rustle in surprise, then call out their names in a mixture of screams.
Yoshino: "You came...to save me."
Necromancer: "But, how----"
Yoritomo: "We each felt uncomfortable with the way the war was going, so we joined forces to find out."
Yoritomo-sama's briefly explained the situation in front of the soldiers...
---A few hours ago, they both met on a small hill overlooking the battlefield.
Yoritomo: "Hey, Yoshitsune."
Yoshitsune: "...Why are you here? What happened to your subordinates?"
Yoritomo: "Strangely the battle is winding down. I've decided that it's safe to just tell them what to do now and get out."
Yoritomo: "Yoshitsune, you came here alone because you too felt something strange right?"
After hesitation, Yoshitsune opened his mouth.
Yoshitsune: "My skin tingles and the wind feels like it's complaining in my ears."
Yoshitsune: "Whenever there's this kind of chest-thumping, there's always turbulence."
Yoritomo: "----As ever, a man with an unusually keen sense of battle."
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Yoritomo clicked his tongue in amusement.
Yoshitsune: "What do you mean? Yoritomo. What are you thinking?"
Yoritomo: "I told you this fight is bending strangely. The number of corpses has, at some point stopped increasing."
Yoritomo: "Either the necromancer is preserving the corpses for some reason, or...."
Yoshitsune immediately grasped the meaning behind the words and his eyes widened slightly.
Yoshitsune: "He move out of our sight and called the dead."
Yoritomo: "I see that as the more likely option, given the state of the war."
Yoshitsune: "So where might they be?"
Yoritomo: "Don't know yet. Unlike last time, there are too few decisive moves."
While conversing, their eyes explore the terrain below them.
Eventually, Yoshitsune pointed to a certain point.
Yoshitsune: "----That's."
Yoritomo: ".....!"
Yoshitsune: "The corpses over there aren't making uncontrolled movement."
Yoshitsune's wide-open eyes are somehow filled with a horrifying deep colour..
Yoritomo knew that at such times Yoshitsune could see things that could not by others.
Yoshitsune: "They are not trying to slaughter the soldiers they're engaged with...."
Yoshitsune: "They are trying to stop movements by carefully surrounding them so that not a single person escapes."
Yoritomo: "So they're trying to cut off contact with the other soldiers and keep information from us?"
After a brief exchange of glances, Yoritomo and Yoshitsune kicked their horses' bellies at the same time.
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Yoritomo: "If that's the case, then their target, it's probably----"
Yoshitsune: "...Yoshino."
(They noticed the discomfort without receiving a message....)
Yoshitsune: "No further explanation necessary."
Kicking away the swarming corpses without any difficulty, Yoshitsune paid with his sword.
The corpses' hands, still reaching towards me, are now slashed away by Yoritomo-sama's sword.
(They both are fast!)
Necromancer: "...I never thought my plan would mess up like this!"
Necromancer: "Kill them! Kill both the heroes!"
Yoritomo: "A classic example of how easy it is to say."
----Part 2----
Necromancer: "Kill them! Kill both the heroes!"
Yoritomo: "A classic example of how easy it is to say."
After saying it off in a leisurely manner, Yoritomo-sama calls out to everyone.
Yoritomo: "Now, it's time to fight back."
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Yoritomo: "I am proud of your tenacity in fighting your way to this point."
Yoritomo: "You have kept the hope alive."
The eyes of the soldiers burn and they exert their last strength.
Soldiers: "YYAAAYYYY!!!"
They all stepped towards the corpses and swung their swords gruffly.
I hide behind everyone to stay out of the way as much as possible and watch with bated breath.
(No one die, please...)
Escort 2: "Dear god....we're almost there!"
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Yoshitsune: "Pray to something more reliable than god."
Yoshitsune: "If you're a samurai, then have faith in your sword."
True to his word, the moment Yoshitsune-sama's sword was unseathed, he pounced under the moonlight.
The next thing I see is the corpses screaming and turning into ash.
(Such overwhelming strength...)
The soldiers followed, pulled by the indescribable aura.
Necromancer: "Kill Yoshitsune first!"
The necromancer shouts and the corpses rush towards Yoshitsune.
(...The corpses don't hesitate because they have no fear of dying. I didn't realize how horrible it was)
Countless hands try to entangle themselves in the arms and legs of Yoshitsune.
Yoshitsune: "....."
Several corpses grabbed his sword and Yoshitsune-sama stopped moving.
Yoshino: "No!"
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Yoritomo: "----Yoshitsune!"
Yoshitsune: "....! Ah...."
Yoritomo-sama threw a sword at Yoshitsune-sama, who caught it in mid-air.
The corpses are swept to the side in a flowing motion.
(But, Yoritomo-sama!)
Necromancer: "How pitiful. You want to sacrifice yourself in place of your brother?"
Yoritomo: "Well."
Waves of corpses swarmed around the unarmed Yoritomo-sama.
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Yoshitsune: "....AAAHHHHH-----"
Yoshitsune-sama kicked the ground and slid in front of Yoritomo-sama.
Yoshitsune: "Die!"
My eyes widened at the sight of what was happening in front of me. Yoshitsune-sama is fighting off the corpses that are swarming around Yoritomo-sama.
Yoshitsune: "He's mine. Don't you dare touch my prey."
Yoritomo: "..Haa. Don't look so deadly. Your men will have nightmares."
Yoritomo-sama instead picked up Yoshitsune-sama's sword.
He slashed the corpses that was about to attack Yoshitsune-sama from the side.
Yoshitsune: "Have you lost your mind?"
Yoritomo: "Hm?"
Yoshitsune: "What were you trying to prove by throwing your weapon away?"
Yoritomo-sama accepted the shooting glances with aplomb.
Yoritomo: "You saved me, anyways."
Yoshitsune: "What if I chose not to? Or what if I didn't make it in time?"
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Yoritomo: "Shut up. Of course I knew you would make it in time."
Yoshitsune: "............"
Yoritomo: "Be cautious of your surroundings, Yoshitsune."
With trememdous speed, the two men cut down the corpses while.
Before they knew it, they were back to back, as if it had been natural from the start that this would happen.
Yoritomo: "But you'll still do whatever you want no matter what I say, right?"
(Is he asking to...'trust him', right?)
Yoshitsune: "----Then."
(Yoshitsune-sama's eyes have changed)
Yoshitsune: "From here on, I'll do whatever I want. I'm don't want to here your complaints."
----Part 3----
Yoshitsune: "From here on, I'll do whatever I want. I'm don't want to here your complaints."
Yoritomo: "Suit yourself."
Yoritomo: "Actually no. Wait. Hold back a little, or it's gonna be a pain."
Yoshitsune: "---Can't hear you."
Necromancer: "What the hell are you two doing!?"
Necromancer: "You two hate each other. Then why are you two fighting together?"
Yoritomo: 'That's a complicated story to say right now."
Yoshitsune: "If we meet in the Underworld one day, I hope you will tell me what it was like to die for the second time."
Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama's sword tips flip and step in simultaneously from both sides.
The next moment, before the corpses that Yoritomo-sama destroyed, were reduced to ashes.
Using his crumbling shoulders as a springboard, Yoshitsune-sama leapt high into the air.
Necromancer: "AH...!"
Yoshitsune-sama's sword pierces deep into the Necromancer's chest.
The swarm of corpses that rushed in fell before Yoritomo-sama's white blade and could not reach Yoshitsune-sama.
Necromancer: "No, I..."
The necromancer's body slowly returns to ashes.
And disappeared into the blowing wind.
With the destruction of the necromancer, the day's fighting came to a complete halt.
(I'm so glad, it's over....)
At midnight, when the moon was high in the sky, we pulled back to the encampment.
After the soldiers have disbanded, I joined Yoritomo-sama and Yoshitsune-sama in a bonfire.
(I'm a little worried about their heroes power going out of control)
Yoshino: "Once again...thank you for saving us."
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Yoritomo: "No, we were late in finding out his plan and you have to go through all that."
Yoshitsune: "If Yoshino had been injured, I don't know what would have happened to me."
The two men removed their magical earrings and went back to normal.
Yoshino: "But still, I never thought you two would come and fight together...it was like a dream."
Yoritomo and Yoshitsune: "........."
They looked at each other as if to say something and then looked away.
(When they were fighting together earlier, it felt like their hearts connected)
(If only you two could talk a little more about it now that the aftermath of the co-operative fight is still fresh in your minds....)
Yoshitsune: "...I have to go."
Yoritomo: "...Ah yes, Yoshino, I'll send you to your tent."
Yoshino: "Wait!"
I stopped both of them immediately.
Yoshitsune: "What is it?"
There's this thing....(Yoritomo +4/ Yoshitsune +2)
Aren't you hungry? (Yoshitsune + 4/ Yoritomo +2)
Yoshino: "Aren't you hungry?"
Yoshitsune: "...Don't worry, I learned how to make rice balls. This time I'll make them myself."
(Okay, no more excuses this time!)
Yoshino: "No no. Actually, I don't feel very well."
Yoshino: "So can the three of us...spend time together? Just a little longer."
Yoshino: "Of course I want you guys to rest, if you're feeling tired..."
Yoritomo: "....Yoshino."
Yoshitsune: "Why?"
Yoshitsune: "If you're concerned about my powers going out of control, then don't worry. I'm fine."
Yoshitsune: "Now that I know, how it's gonna happen, I'll call you soon as I feel any discomfort."
(Instantly rejected...)
Yoshino: "No...Actually, I'm scared."
Yoshino: "I'm sorry, but I want both of you to be with me."
When I said that aloud, I realized that I actually felt that way.
Yoritomo: "......"
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Yoritomo: "It's rare to see you begging so cutely like that. So I'll stay."
Yoshitsune: ".........I don't mind either."
(....! Thank god)
Yoshino: "Thank you both of you."
Yoshitsune: "But I'm not confident I can have a conversation that will lighten your heart."
Yoshitsune: "Sorry for being so boring."
Yoshino: "That's fine....all I want you two is to speak your heart out."
Yoritomo: "What if all you think about are random stupid thoughts that will make you look dumb, then?"
Yoshino: "That's fine too."
Yoritomo: "Nonesense. I'm embarrassed to have such a lame conversation."
(It's probably Yoritomo-sama's concern to put us in a joking mood)
I have been saved by this far-reaching kindness many times in my time as a member of the SHogunate.
Yoshitsune: ".....It's hard."
----Part 4----
Yoshitsune: ".....It's hard."
Yoshino: "Hard? Why?"
Yoshitsune-sama sinks into thoughts, hesitating to put them into words.
I waited for a while for him to continue.
(Yoshitsune-sama is a honest man)
(He takes what I say and tries to respond in such an honest way)
Yoshitsune: "I'm angry with myself."
Yoshino: "eh?"
Yoshitsune: "Yoshino, I put you in danger."
Yoshitsune: "And yet---I was in the height of battle when I defeated the necromancer."
Yoshino: "Eh?"
Yoritomo: "I don't know."
Yoritomo-sama opens his mouth quietly staring at the bonfire.
Yoritomo: "As far as I know---Yoshitsune, fighting is your one true love."
Yoritomo: "Now that we've rescued Yoshino, what do we need to worry about?"
Yoshitsune: "I."
Yoshitsune: "Yoritomo, once when I was trying to kill you, I was drowning in anger and hatred, not elation."
Yoritomo: "That's exactly what you're doing now."
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Yoshitsune: "Another reason I can't forgive myself is that, of all people, I lost myself in this fight with you."
Yoritomo: "......"
(Yoshitsune-sama is trying to convey something---)
I knew that, so I kept my mouth shut.
Yoshitsune: "When our backs were together and when we were wielding swords..."
Yoshitsune: "I knew exactly what you were thinking and how you were going to act and it was palpable to me."
Yoritomo: "...I was annoyed by your messed up moves, that's all."
Yoshitsune: "Don't lie."
Yoritomo-sama's eyes widened as if Yoshitsune-sama caught his lie.
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Yoshitsune: "There was no hesitation in your movements. Because you saw my heart in the same way."
Yoritomo: "........"
Yoshitsune: "Why?"
Yoshitsune-sama grits his teeth sadly.
Yoshitsune: "You have no shred of interest in me, except as a potential enemy."
Yoritomo-sama sighed softly and looked at me.
Yoritomo: "Yoshino, you told us last night to be honest with each other, right?"
Yoshino: ".....! Yes."
Yoritomo: "You said that I have to say my thoughts even if they are silly, right?"
Yoshino: "----Yes!"
Yoritomo: "Okay."
Yoshitsune: "....? What are you saying?"
Yoritomo: "Yoshitsune."
Yoshitsune: "What?"
When his name is called with a straight face, Yoshitsune-sama braces himself."
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Yoritomo: "You idiot."
Yoshitsune: "!?"
Yoritomo: "You flat-faced."
Yoshitsune: Wha-Huh?"
Yoritomo: "You oversensitive dumbass."
Without caring Yoshitsune-sama angry red face, Yoritomo-sama continued making fun of Yoshitsune-sama.
Yoshitsune: "You, you....you black-hearted man."
Yoritomo: "You airhead."
Yoshitsune: "....You evil."
Yoritomo: "You troublesome baby."
Yoshitsune: "What the hell are you trying to get at?'
(They are arguing like children. Like two young siblings having a fight....)
Yoritomo: "Aww, did the oversensitive problematic baby, run out of swear?"
Yoshitsune-sama bit his lip.
Yoshitsune: ".....You rationalist, wearing a mask of an ideal shogun."
Yoritomo: "So what, Mr. Idealist?"
Yoritomo: "If idealism could save people, I will retire being a Shogun tomorrow."
Yoshitsune: "I suggest you start going around handing out bribery today so you don't get shot in the dark as soon as you retire and lose power."
An invisible spark flashed between their eyes.
Yoshitsune: "----You cold-hearted man."
Yoritomo: "I know."
Yoritomo: "But, what do you know about me?'
Yoshitsune: "......How should I know? You never say anything to me."
Yoshitsune-sama punches Yoritomo-sama's chest, but is was a powerless one.
Yoshitsune: "You abandoned me."
Yoritomo: "Yes."
(....Maybe, Yoritomo-sama wanted to extract his true feelings from Yoshitsune-sama)
Yoshitsune-sama voice was also shaking.
Yoshitsune: "I respected you. I really wanted to support you!"
Yoritomo: "I know."
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Yoshitsune: "I hate you."
Yoritomo: "Oh yeah, but I never hated you though."
----Part 5----
Yoshitsune: "I hate you."
Yoritomo: "Oh yeah, but I never hated you though."
Yoshitsune: "....Mm."
Yoshitsune: "Don't say that now---"
(Yoshitsune-sama, Yoritomo-sama...)
----As long as there are non-negotiable convictions, the tragic past cannot be changed, no matter how many times it is repeated.
But no one knows the future.
Yoshitsune: "....I'm the only one who can hunt you down other than death."
Yoshitsune: "Until then, I'll protect your back."
Yoshitsune: ".....For now."
(....! That's)
Yoritomo: "----Yoshitsune."
Yoritomo-sama's eyes widened.
Then he smiled softly.
Yoritomo: "You're a hundred years too early."
Yoritomo: "Usually, it's the big brother, who protects his little brother."
Yoshitsune: "...."
(They both finally confessed)
I can feel the back of my eyes getting hot.
Yoritomo: "I'm going to be having a hard time protecting your back. So hold back a little bit, you daredevil."
Yoshitsune: "I don't need unnecessary care from my...."
Yoritomo: ".....?"
(What's wrong?)
Yoshitsune: "My..my..."
Yoshitsune: "My god, it looks likes it's going to rain."
Yoritomo: "The sky is clear."
Yoshitsune: "It's in my heart."
Yoritomo: "What's wrong? Did you get so emotional?"
Yoshitsune: "Stop making fun of me...bro..ther..."
Yoritomo: "....!"
(He just called 'brother'...)
Even Yoritomo-sama looked speechless for a moment----
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Yoritomo: "Heh, did you just call me, brother?"
Yoshitsune: ".......yes."
Yoritomo: "Hehe. Guess I was right. You are getting emotional."
Yoritomo-sama smiles gently.
Yoshitsune-sama gripped his fingertips restlessly.
(This is such a huge development)
(Because if these two fight to protect each other, there's nothing to be afraid of)
Yoritomo: "Yoshino, why are you crying?"
Yoshino: "Ah...sorry, I'm just happy for you two."
When I was about to wipe the corners of my eyes in a hurry, Yoshitsune-sama grabbed my hand.
Yoshitsune: "Your eyes will turn red if you rub too much."
He looks into my eyes seriously and I forget to blink.
This caused one drop that could not be contained to drop.
Yoshitsune: "---You're beautiful."
Yoshino: "...Mm."
Yoshitsune: "Maybe it's because I think these tears are for us."
Yoshino: "Yoshitsune-sama."
Yoritomo: "Yoshitsune....you always make moves on Yoshino when you get a chance, don't you?"
Yoshitsune: "...!"
Yoshitsune: "I just wanted to convey what I think----"
Yoritomo-sama shrugged.
Yoritomo: "Then be clear when you show gratitude. Yoshino might misunderstand."
Yoshitsune: "....."
Yoritomo: "In my case, I purposely make her misunderstand me."
(What do you mean!?)
Yoshitsune: ".....I get it."
Yoshino: "Eh."
Yoshitsune-sama took my hand and stared into my face.
Then quietly kissed the back of my palm....
A low fever spread from there.
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Yoshitsune: "Yoshino, thank you."
Yoshitsune: "Without you, I would never have thought of making up with Yoritomo."
Yoitomo: "...There he goes again."
Yoshitsune: "I don't know what you're talking about."
Yoshitsune-sama suddenly looked away.
Yoshino: "Um....anyway."
Yoshino: "I should be the one thanking you!"
The stares directed at me from both of them were strangely embarrassing and it made me want to flee the scene.
Yoritomo: "---It's time for you to go to bed."
Yoshino: "Ah...that's right."
Just as the three of us were about to go...
Yoritomo: "Nn..."
Yoritomo-sama gave out a faint sound and stopped.
Yoritomo: "---This is."
Yoshitsune: "....! Maybe his powers are going out of control?"
(Oh god! We have to stop this now!)
Yoritomo: "......Ah, but it doesn't seem as serious as yours."
Yoritomo: "Yoshino, can I ask you to help me?"
Yoshino: "Of course."
Just then Yoshitsune-sama turned to look at the both of us.
Yoshitsune: "....Wait. Yoshino, are going to do the same thing you did to me, to my brother?"
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silly-is-a-cat · 21 days
Guess what guys!!!! School starts tomorrow!! (I'm not happy, I'm on my "shark week" and I'm tired as shit) yyaaayyyy!!
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solarsleepless · 6 months
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