cyclic-laughter · 10 months
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HEY GUYS SORRY MY PAGE TURNED INTO A NIN REPOSTHOLE. MY BAD!!!! :3 but i have been drawing a lil bit. not as much as usual because ugh worst part of the school year but here take two drawings of some characters i got lately!!!
they were both designed by @/vomitcrisis !!!! top character is Envy Uzoma, a 4chan greaseguzzler that loves tinkering and rats ... bottom character is Zaahira Aragawi, a suspicious liquor store employee ... what even is that leaking from her eyes
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Introduction Post
Hello, my name is CJ Nightingale, and this is my blog dedicated to my OCs, their story, and the development of said story!! I'm making this blog for the sake of having a designated place to talk about my OCs, and so that I have some people to hold me accountable for actually making story progress, since I've been struggling a bit to actually sit down and make progress on getting the comic going. I think having a blog about it will help me stay motivated. Hopefully. Lol
A little bit of story related information:
This story has over 36 very important characters, not including antagonists and "true" side characters. This story takes place over the course of about 7 or 8 years, in 5 acts, taking the characters from middle school into early college. It's based in what I believe would be described as an "urban fantasy" setting, which looks similar to our world but is quite different. The story is meant to be mostly lighthearted, but there will be very intense moments and emotional damage (and a little blood sometimes too, as there will be fantasy violence).
I will make proper posts describing things in more detail as I go, but for the time being here's a brief introduction to each of the main characters:
Skylar: Acts 1-5, sarcastic, takes no BS, a bit of an enigma, Lukas' twin
Jesse: Acts 1-5, scatterbrained, just out here doing his best
Rin: Acts 1-5, mischievous, enjoys trying new things
Zander: Acts 1-5, smart, unbothered, designated "responsible dude"
Tabitha: Acts 1-5, bubbly, arguably too much faith in humanity
Lukas: Acts 1-5, looks more chill than he actually is, emotionally intelligent (most of the time), Skylar's twin
Lydia: Acts 1-5, too smart for her own good, very good with power tools
Marcus: Acts 1-5, quiet, listens a lot and knows more than he should, arguably drinks too much caffeine
Jules: Acts 2-5, highly approachable and talkative, likes poofy dresses
Dillon: Acts 2-5, skeptical of people, likes roller derby, hates group projects
Takuma: Acts 2-5, Ambitious, sarcastic, has doodled on every piece of clothing they own
Mariah Mae: (Kind of a side character) Acts 2-5, wildly peppy, a bit of a nerd, highly authentic person
Rea: Acts 2-5, perpetually has her head in the clouds, bewildered by humans
Dani: Acts 2-5, highly intuitive, knows all the things, likes music and their service dog
Booker: Acts 2-5, tends to accidentally run his mouth, likes basketball, bass guitar, and his friends
Ollie: Acts (1) 3-5, a little bit reactive, closed off, terrifyingly good at sleight of hand and at lying (do not play poker with him)
Meklit: Acts (1) 3-5, levelheaded, blunt, likes people and dislikes shoes
Gavin: Acts 3-5, both lawyer smart and a bit naïve, cellist, keeps putting himself in situations by accident
Goldie: Acts (1) 3-5, a bit shy, puts a lot of pressure on himself but looks really really chill at all times, chronic doodler
Blake: Acts 1-5, very antsy, very tired, very full of nervous energy, makes some poor decisions
Zaahira: Acts 4-5, genuinely nice person, cares about people, prefers plants
Wulf: Acts (3???) 4-5, impulsive, giggly, just happy to be here, on the run from the government
Akachi: Acts (1) 3-5, extremely ambitious, aesthetically inclined, color coordinated at all times
Selene: Acts 4-5, high tolerance for shenanigans, very bubbly, just out here having a good time
Sakura: Acts 4-5, detail oriented, loves stickers, can borderline read minds/hj
Remi: Acts 4-5 (probably??? gonna have to figure that out a bit more), very smart, very sarcastic, very giggly, very happy to be here
Leah: Acts 1-5, insomniac, a bit pretentious, makes some poor decisions
Sylvi: Acts (1) 3-5, borderline annoying theatre kid in the best way possible, very good singer
Karim: (Arguably a side character) Acts 4-5 (maybe idk), arguably too much faith in humanity, enjoys puns
Jono: Acts (3) 5, loves music, loses his train of thought frequently, looks more nervous than he is
Ivanna: Acts (3) 5, tough, good at water polo, believes in doing the right thing
Sovanna: Acts (3) 4-5, super chill, loves stickers, loves travelling, detail oriented
Ash: Act 5, under a ton of pressure, a bit reactive, out here trying his best
Coral: Act 5, can be hard to talk to, big listener, takes herself very seriously
Sib: (arguably a side character) Act 5, way too much energy at all times, good sense of humor, Ari's twin
Ari: (arguably a side character) Act 5, tired, quiet, talks more to animals than he does people
So that's a brief introduction to the non-antagonist characters, I'll make actual introduction posts for them later, but also if y'all want to ask questions about any of them before I get to that lmk!! Also feel free to ask questions about anything related to this story, I'd be happy to talk about it, and it might motivate me to help get stuff done.
If you found this blog just randomly and not from my fanart page, you can find that at @cj-the-random-artist , and you can find my website which has more art of my OCs at the link down here:
If / when I start uploading this story as a comic, I'll update this post with that information as well. That's all for this long introductory post, and I hope y'all enjoy this long winded thing and enjoy this little blog here!! Have good day lovelies :D
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seeing as you don’t have an e or an n, I’m going to just go through the whole alphabet backwards until I hit one
so do you have a z?
You're not gonna believe this but I have 2 zs and I'm gonna talk about them both cuz they're both cool and I don't talk about either of them enough
So firstly is Zaahira
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By the time she appears in the story she's in college, as are most of the rest of my characters, and she'd probably be majoring in botanical studies / biology. She really likes plants, has always maintained an interest in them from the time she was a kid, which makes a lot of sense given that her magical ability in this universe is being able to grow plants at increased speeds (think Perfuma from spop type thing, but maybe not quite as like... over the top / with a different set of limitations and she doesn't have any problems with cacti). Zaahira's a somewhat prickly character, she's not overly social and she can be a little closed off. But while she may come off as mean at times, it's not intentionally so.
A few notes about her- she's from Egypt, although her actual like... ethnic background (I think that's the right word???) is kind of a mess because of story related parentage reasons. Which I won't overly go into here. She's quite good at doing makeup, particularly eyeliner, she got into doing that in her freshman year of college when one of her roommates suggested she try it. She's fairly good at painting and drawing as well, though not as practiced in it as she is makeup.
Next Z character is Zander!
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He's kind of one of my OGs, which means a few things- firstly, he's like 13 when the story starts because he's introduced in the very first act. Secondly, this means he's been an OC of mine for almost 7 years. He's an OG lol.
Some stuff about Zander!! He wears those glasses basically all the time except for when he's asleep because he can barely see without them, and they're really thick and kind of heavy. He qualifies as blind legally, but doesn't really need much other than his glasses and sometimes when it's really dark he just needs to hold onto Jesse's arm and he's fine. (Note: Jesse is another OC. Zander and him have been friends since they were like 5. This is a tangent so back to Zander). Near the end of the story, when Zander is in college, he probably studies video game design. He's not super technically smart necessarily, but he loves computers and he loves creating detailed concepts. He probably has dabbled in coding, concept art, and script writing and still isn't 100% sure what he wants to do.
Zander's generally pretty nice, but for some reason he and one of my other OCs, Lukas, just. Have an issue with each other. For like no reason. It gets resolved but they have an issue. But for the most part Zander is nice enough. He's quite extroverted and loves people and he can be a little blunt at times but he's also very honest and likes to lookout for people. He doesn't consider himself very responsible (he is, actually. Don't try to convince him of that he won't let you) but he's also technically the oldest out of my cast by a few months so while he's not generally looked to for things like magical advising (he technically has no magic abilities) he is looked to for moral support and impulse control.
That was a lot of words lol. But!! I finally has OCs for the letter you picked anon, so I hope this is satisfactory. Have good day <2
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ldive111 · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New lucky brand Zaahira moss suede mid calf boots sz 7.5 $148.
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delightfullysimmer · 2 years
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Zaahira: "Well it is intriguing but we usually try to write articles about new places each time, so that our readers can read about something new..." *chuckles* "No need to pull that face, I haven't said no yet!"
Judy: "So you'll let me do it?"
Zaahira: "I haven't made up my mind yet. Send the details over to me and I'll call you back with a final answer, okay?" *smiles*
Judy: "Alright! And thank you!" *smiles*
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Client Work (Big Post) Part 5 by Jack Meng Kirkman 孟奕余
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hemerasmoon · 4 years
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6persoschallenge #1, challenge by @mysterious-corvidae
zaahira qa’mar | fc. eiza gonzalez | forum : hopes&ashes | univers : star wars, post épisode vi | « le personnage risque, celui que vous avez essayé en sortant de vos codes habituels ».
Née il y a trente-trois ans sur la planète Dathomir, elle est une Nightsister, hybride zabrak/humaine. Les dix premières années de sa vie n'ont été qu'un entraînement intensif, à constamment repousser ses limites. Lorsqu'elle a sept ans, Mother Talzin, chef des Nightsisters, et celles qui la suivaient se font massacrer par Darth Sidious et Darth Tyranus, pour avoir tenté de tuer ce dernier. Les Nightsisters en désaccord avec elle sont épargnées et se reconstruisent, mais en nombre bien plus limité. A ses dix ans, elle quitte Dathomir pour suivre l'apprentissage d'un Sith, Gaben Davoros. Il est son maître, dur mais juste, continuant à lui faire dépasser ses limites et l'emmenant plus loin que jamais sur le chemin du côté obscur. Faisant d'elle un assassin, il lui donne pour mission de rejoindre la Division des Opérations, division des espions et assassins. Cette mission devient rapidement une vocation, où elle s'épanouit entièrement en intégrant les Muses. Après quinze années comme apprentie, elle devient finalement guerrier Sith et prend le nom de Darth Waheeda. Protectrice de l'Empire, elle enchaîne les missions et en connaît une particulièrement ardue, alors qu'elle infiltre l'Alliance Rebelle pendant un an, juste avant Yavin. Si elle quitte l'AR en l'an 0, prétextant le besoin de retourner sur Coruscant s'occuper de sa s��ur après la mort de ses parents pro-Empire, elle conserve sa couverture auprès de l'AR, puis de la Nouvelle République. Mais surtout, elle conserve un lien particulier, une relation, avec l'un des membres de la Rébellion - Mat Elwyn, ancien commodore de la NR, désormais padawan. Malgré la distance, les deux jeunes femmes continuent de se voir quand elles le peuvent et communiquent par comlink la majeure partie du temps. Mat ne sait pas qu'elle fait partie de l'Empire, et encore moins qu'elle est Sith, et Zaahira sait que cela ne passera pas quand elle l'apprendra - mais elle sait que Mat est une Sensible et Zaahira a bien l'intention de l'amener dans ses rangs, voire de la former elle-même. Suite à la mort de son supérieur lors de la Bataille d'Endor, Zaahira est devenue directrice de la DDO. A la fin de l'année 5 ABY, elle prend enfin une première apprentie et atteint enfin le statut de Maître Sith.
— deep into the darkness they all got lost caught out in the rain storm hopes falling fast —
J’aime Zaahira, profondément, j’aime Zaahira comme j’ai rarement aimé un personnage. Avec Zaza, j’ai appris à jouer différemment, à percevoir mes personnages différemment. Zaahira est une adepte du Côté Obscur, dans toute sa finalité, dans tous ses extrêmes. Elle est une Sith, elle a leur obsession et leur obscurité. Elle n’a rien de bon comme on peut l’entendre, aucune chance de rédemption, jamais elle ne changera. Elle vit pour l’Empire et pour les Sith, elle se moque de blesser les gens, elle aime tuer, et elle fera tout ce qu’elle doit pour atteindre ses objectifs. Néanmoins elle aime, elle aime à sa manière, mais elle aime. C’est un personnage nuancé, terriblement tordu, qui me sort de mes habitudes de jeu, de mes habitudes de construction de personnage et j’adore ça, je kiffe rp avec elle, je la kiffe comme vous pouvez pas imaginer.
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coyote-brainbabies · 7 years
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happy birthday to the dragon worm mom!!
it’s officially been two years since i first made this girl. I can hardly believe it
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lyveesaivin · 4 years
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- zaahira qa’mar, darth waheeda, the leader (aesthetics for Hopes & Ashes)
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shiverpeakstraveler · 5 years
Favorite foods for all (or whichever you prefer) your characters? :D
-cracks knuckles- Alright, here we go! This might get pretty long. (sorry if some paragraphs are shorter then others ^^;;)
Liana isn’t much of a picky eater (although she avoids strawberries due to an allergy). There are a wide variety of foods she enjoys eating, but when it comes to absolute favorites, she tends to lean towards pizza, dishes that include different types of meat, and soups or stews. Some of her favorites include steak with winterberry sauce, spicy herbed chicken, and dolyak stew. She also has a pretty big sweet tooth and will try to eat cake for breakfast if you let her. There’s also the habit she seems to have where she’ll eat questionable items one probably shouldn’t consume, but that’s another story entirely.
Hjalmar has a pretty strong passion for cooking and will taste test everything he creates just about. He’s got a pretty wide range of when it comes to what he prefers to eat, although not as extensive as eating questionable items like his sister Liana does on occasion. He’s pretty drawn to pepper steaks, all types of chili, frostgorge clams, griffin egg omelets, carrot soufflé, and spicy moa wings. Like Liana, Mar also has a pretty big sweet tooth, and he’s pretty proud on his signature recipe for chocolate raspberry cake.
Fruit tarts. Glythyrr can almost always be found nibbling on some whenever he’s working on research for the Priory. His personal favorites include blueberry and apple tarts. He’s not particularly fond of Omnomberry tarts, but his adopted daughter Vera loves them so he makes sure to have a bunch of them on hand as well.
Siobhan has a weakness for any food that happens to have cinnamon with it, cinnamon pinwheels being at the top of the list. She absolutely loves the sweet and savory taste of the spice, and will try to put it on everything.
Liviana tends to prefer red meat and fish. Salmon and pepper steaks are pretty high on the list when it comes to her favorite foods. She also has a bit of fondness for chocolate raspberry cookies.
Soups and stews are usually the go to for Nora. Those are the two foods she knows how to make well, as she lacks her younger brother Hjalmar’s cooking talent. She’s actually pretty fond of a meat and cabbage stew that Siobhan knows how to make.
Krioka tends to bury herself in projects and research, so she tends to go for a lot of instant meals that can easily be prepared, most of the time being soups or noodles. When she does have time to actually prepare a meal, there’s nothing like a good helping of citrus clove steaks. She also keeps a jar of crunchy grasshoppers on her desk to nibble on.
Aside from his love of coffee, Gabriel usually prefers different kinds of stir fry as his favorite dish. Given his job as a Seraph captain and eventually a Vigil Crusader, he likes to have meals that can be fixed pretty quickly, and stir fry is usually at the top of the list.
Sebastian prefers both savory and sweet foods. He’s drawn to curries and chilies as well as sorbets and cakes. There are a few Canthan and Orrian food stalls and restaurants that he frequents whenever he’s in Divinity’s Reach and Lion’s Arch that serve most of his favorite dishes.  
Elizabeth’s favorite foods tend to fall in the sweets category. Ice cream is definitely at the top of the list, her favorite being saffron-mango ice cream with a slice of allspice cake. Other then that, she’s also fond of most foods with omnomberries as part of the ingredients.
A talented cook herself and the source for Hjalmar’s passion for cooking, Astrid tends to share a liking for the same foods as her son. She harbors a bit more preference to fish, however, and tends to go fishing a lot to stock up food for her lodge.
Thrain tends to prefer venison over most meats, usually in the forms of steak or jerky. He’s also pretty fond of soufflés and mushrooms, his favorite dish being mushrooms Yakkington. 
Partially due to the experimental cybernetics the Inquest saddled him with, Rorik has to eat a large amount of food in order to retain the energy his implants manage to leech off of him. A lot of what he eats is usually high in carbs and saturated fats, as he tends to eat the Tyrian equivalent of fast food and instant ramen, although Hjalmar’s currently trying to get him to branch out a bit beyond that.
Isla absolutely adores cheesecake. If she had a chance to get away with only eating one type of food for the rest of her life, it would probably be that. She’s particularly fond of mint strawberry and chocolate. Her second favorite food would have to be pie, regardless of filling.
Jerky! Surina absolutely loves all types of jerky, be it dolyak, venison, or boar. It’s easy to get ahold of and she almost always has it on hand. She also has a bit of a weakness for different kinds of crab cakes and ice cream.
During the campaign in the Maguuma Jungle, Lorelei didn’t have much of a chance to discover favorite dishes as she aided Guenhwyvar in her rebellion against her sire Mordremoth. Since the fall of the Elder Jungle Dragon, however, Lorelei has managed to take some personal time for herself to explore the world around her. Lately, she’s discovered she absolutely loves chocolate chip cookies.
Having lived in Amnoon a good portion of her life, a lot of Zaahira’s favorite dishes tend to consist of a variety of seafood. Tilapia and shellfish are among her favorites, and she has tried sand shark meat at least once, but has decided it wasn’t her favorite thing. Other then that, she is quite fond of red lentil saobosas and sugar rib roasts.
The Scions (Guenhwyvar, Thanatos, Ignatius, Freyja, and Nimueh) are a bit more tricky to pin down, given how dragons are most notably known for consuming magic itself. But, if Aurene is any indication, it would be safe to assume that fish and meat would be a staple within their diet as well. With Seimur Oxbone’s latest aspiration to turn cooking with Bloodstone into an art, I wouldn’t put it past them to be possibly drawn to that as well.
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cyclic-laughter · 5 months
pls list me all of ur ocs who would play pokemon whether it be casually or competitively
Um um um let’s see let’s see
Reznor obviously loves pokémon he definitely does but i doubt he actually knows a lot about it, he’s like me and will casually like it and know some stuff about the game but not obsessively
Bailey is obsessed she’s competitive and glitches in pokémon because she’s awesome like that
Zaahira loves pokémon . she has pokémon plushies . her favorite is espeon . competitive player
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rikkitikkitaavi · 6 years
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sartorialadventure · 4 years
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Photos by CreativeSoul Photography
Zaahira @allaiyahb.girls said the shoot of her dreams was in a mansion draped in colorful flowers. We didn’t have a mansion but made her floral dreams come true in studio.  Hair: @redmystiqueart Pastel Dress: @justbequeen_ Jumpsuit/Neon Dress: @suedesquarekids MU: @keyamua Necklaces: @rebelheart_designs
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Zaahir زاهر - m (Arabic) to shine, to radiate
From Arabic zahara زهر "to shine, to radiate".
Other forms: Zahir زاهر
Feminine Forms: Zaahira زاهرة, Zahira زاهرة, Zahra زهراء , Zahara زهر
Photo by Lukas from Pexels
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delightfullysimmer · 2 years
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Zaahira: "So how was your trip to El Selvadorada?"
Judy: "It was good! That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about..."
Zaahira: "Yeah?"
Judy: "The trip was great. I have enough material to make a good article on it, both photos and interviews from some locals about the town and the surrounding ruins. But that's the thing... I barely even covered the surface. I know it's deeper then we usually go but I would love to write one specifically about the temple and it's history."
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I have more OC refs!!  Because I have literally no other art lately!!  So here’s Lydia, Mariah Mae, and Zaahira, and there’s more information about them here.
Lydia is one of my OG Act 1 cast.  She’s really creative and really smart, she likes technical projects and building / engineering things.  She’s naturally a very curious person, and not a very expressive one.  She also can’t sit still for the life of her.  Her fun fact is that she really loves lego.
Mariah Mae is, technically, an Act 2 cast member.  She’s a really peppy person, she’s really upbeat and has a lot of energy.  She’s very genuinely kind to just about everyone, even people she really strongly dislikes.  She likes reading and the general fantasy genre.  Her fun fact is that she’s an amazing Dungeon Master.
Zaahira is one of my Act 4 cast members.  She has a magical ability relating to plants.  She also just keeps plants generally, like, a lot of them, and she cares for the people around her in a somewhat aggressive manner, if that makes sense?  Like, she’s the friend who will forcibly make her friends eat food and drink water and get a somewhat healthy amount of sleep.  She’s a little mean at times but she’s extremely caring.  Her fun fact is that she gets really into makeup and costuming for parties and events.
Again, I hope y’all don’t mind that I’m posting OC refs, I really don’t have anything else to post lately.  That said, I hope you like these, and that you all have a good day!!
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