#zabranjeno pušenje
80s-reject · 1 year
iako kažu da on dobro plaća, tamo neće, neće biti mene
neću da budem švabo u dotiranom filmu
neću da budem statist, u životu i u kinu
neću da budem švabo, švabo da budem neću
nema Boga!
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4eternal-life · 10 months
Zabranjeno pušenje  # Lutka sa naslovne strane
... O kako si samo odudarala ti Od memle i blata Sedrenika Al' tvoje su misli bile daleko Htjela si u foto-modele Skupa svila i skupe pele I gola si se slikala, vele....
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diathadevil · 1 year
There's something charming about being on tumblr and seeing people abroad be fans of our local balkan Eurovision artists from this year (Luke Black, Joker Out, Let 3, etc.)
I'm glad y'all like their songs! It really makes me happy when others like our popsynth and altrock bands as well. I'll recommend some artists/bands in the tags if y'all want some other balkan pop/rock/synth bands to listen to.
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dylanlila · 1 month
was in the car with my dad earlier and everything was so orange, but also so painfully still
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luciawithoutj · 7 months
With Šta bih ja being so ex yu rock I need Joker Out to make a cover of some song by Plavi Orkestar or Bijelo Dugme or Crvena Jabuka or Parni Valjak or Zabranjeno pušenje or some other ex yu songs.
I would die to hear Bojan singing Lovac i košuta by Plavi Orkestar or to see guys performe Kiše jesenje by Prljavo Kazalište.
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danidandandadididan · 1 month
1. Her human name is Emina Avdić. Avdić is just a common name from the area, though Emina was shamelessly stolen off of Šantić’s poem of the same name.
2. Relationship wise she is in the same spot as Srpska, which means everyone sort of finds her annoying except one person, but even then it’s a love hate relationship, that other person being Enis. She does love him but he might find her as a bit of a bother, I don’t think Herze would mind her much though.
3. Speaking of Enis, she’s more conservative and more religious than he is (tho that’s not a hard thing to beat, he’s basically secular)
4. She does look up to him, probably as a kind of islamic father figure (because uncle Turkey doesn’t care about her anymore) but i think she realized he isn’t as serious as she is about this whole Islam thing
5. She kind of dislikes everyone around her quietly, like they all know about it but she isn’t screaming it out as most of them are.
6. She shows that hate in little actions, or just by being straight up unpleasant
7. I have yet to decide wether she lives with Montenegro or Serbia? I guess both, maybe she just switches around if the other gets too annoying to deal with. Im edging to just say Serbia because then she’d be the opposite of Srpska but we’ll see
8. Typically they both make her do chores around the house, Monte especially, because it’s “a woman’s job to do so”, Vuk cares less.
9. Sometimes she does visit the BiH household though, she probably prefers staying there rather than with Serbia or Montenegro but I don’t think they let her go often
10. She might get along with Kosovo, fuck they might be related because of the Albanians that came to Sandžak in the past
11. Taller (~175 cm?)
12. Long legs and slim figure, typical beauty standard especially because she’s blonde
13. She wears converse, it’s all she ever wears in modern day LOL
14. She always has her white headscarf on, it’s like her distinguishing feature
15. Tho in general she typically wears lighter clothes, possibly with red accents.
16. Heterosexual most definitely
17. She doesn’t get laid anyways she’s too proper for that
18. Her and Srpska are around the same age (so I guess similar to Kosovo and Vojvodina in physical age as well?), they both appeared at the start of the Ottoman period
19. she was just quickly adopted by Turkey and kept safe like that
20. During this time period she was mostly shielded by him, though in the 1800s she met Ilija for the first time after he was islamized fully and most likely became a janissary. To keep it simple they dated and were smitten with each other
21. It’s true that janissaries actually couldn’t get married or well… date, though at this time the janissaries did start breaking the rules and rebelling against the sultan, so it could personify that
22. They fell apart after he ran off to start his own uprisings, she just felt betrayed
23. To this day she reminds me of all the glory he lost, so they basically hate each other now 💔
24. Tho, „Emina” by Šantić was also probably Srpska talking about her
25. She’s the reason he became an incel
26. She has a silver ibrik (same one mentioned in the poem haha) which she uses to beat people with when it’s full of water, mostly Montenegro and Serbia.
27. Chronically offline, she doesn’t know what a tik tok is
28. She loves reconnecting with nature whenever she’s upset
29. In fact she wants to live by herself, but she’s too poor to afford anything so she’s stuck with the two idiots for now
30. She likes gardening i feel
31. She appreciates ethnic music over anything else, buttttttt I think she’d also like Zabranjeno Pušenje
32. She prefers being outside, not in the city way but in the villager way
33. Not shy, just aggressively introverted, in the meaning that she pushes people she doesn’t know well away, in the literal sense probably
34. She plays sudoku :DDDDDDDD
35. Very clever and probably kicks ass at chess also
36. Fluent in Bosnian and Turkish, probably knows some albanian, arabic a teeeenyyyy tiny bit also
I might expand on her relations with the others furthermore, especially srpska cause i didn’t give their lovestory justice
Good night chat
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aristotels · 10 months
usamericans are always like "hOw DiD yOu NoT hEaR oF tHiS aRtIsT/mEmE/sHoW/bOoK" idk how did you never hear of zvonko spišić or read krleža or know what zabranjeno pušenje is. Not everyone is usamerican
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rosetta-j-stone · 1 year
So great to be back in Ljubljana 12 years after my first visit!
Spoke (small amounts of) Slovenian : D
Ate Zlikrofi nomnomnom
Had fun storming er I mean visiting the castle
Hit up 3 different bookshops (bought 6 books, including a decent SL-EN dictionary because NERD)
Hit up 2 different record shops (temporarily forgot Vlado Kreslin's last name in the first, for shame) (also misremembered Zablujena Generacja as Zabranjeno Pušenje so have inadventently introduced myself to another Balkan band, whoops)
Bought coffee from Cafetino
Took pics of the Carpe Diem hotel (the one they used for the external scenes)
Visited Krisanke : )
Bookmarked bar called Macek for return visit (no time this trip, sadface)
Amused by hearing "Love Yourself" playing not once but twice in the same morning
Already planning next visit yesyes
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smegmafactory2024 · 1 month
Someone with talent remix/Mashup these songs pls
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80s-reject · 11 months
i meni je tata govorio nekad
da je jules verne
pusta mašta
i da nikad niko stići neće
u središte od majkata zemlja
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4eternal-life · 10 months
Zabranjeno pušenje # Abid (spot)
..Abide, reci nam, de Ima l' tu manipulacije......
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diathadevil · 1 year
Hii I have a little story (nothing big)
I'm from France, and last year I went to a goran bregovic concert (it was really great !). Around that time I checked his wikipedia and I have to admit I was quite surprised when I literally read that 'he became a rockstar in yugoslavia' with his former band 😯
Fastforward to today, I saw your post in the joker out tag with many recs in the tags (which is amazing) and I thought for funsies 'what are the chance to find him in there ? If they really were that famous ?'. So I went one more time to his wikipedia to look for the name of the band and yes ! Bijelo dugme was on your post !
I know no songs from them though sorry
Also your drawing are great <3
THAT is hilarious oh my gosh Anon :'D
Yes Goran Bregović is pretty famous here and one of the classic artists, and he had a very popular solo career right after he left Bijelo Dugme afterwards (and founded the No Smoking Orchestra with the group Zabranjeno Pušenje as well, and apparently was also really popular in Latin America too??? I just asked one of my parents about him and he gave me this wild fact.).
A lot of the other band members from Bijelo Dugme became famous as well, including Željko Bebek (the singer of the band). He had a pretty good folk pop career in the 80s and 90s. I recommend his song Čaša Otrova to give a listen. 👌
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dylanlila · 19 days
sve vas zavitlavam, OVO je najbolja stvar na kugli zemaljskoj, a i na onim vanzemaljskim kuglama
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tkfluff-fanatic · 8 months
24, 27, 4
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
24:A song by a band you wish were still together
27:A song that breaks your heart
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aristotels · 6 months
kinda long thought train on slavic aesthetic of money and drip
w the current ongoing discussion on healeds blog about neoamericana aesthetics i got thinking
ive seen someone commenting that all these neoamericana aesthetics are "reclamations of white trash identity"; and all this started making me wonder where did "slavic aesthetic" of adidas, vodka, cigarettes, skii masks etc come from
there is obv one aesthetic relating to poverty; especially in yugoslav countries. we have two things at hand - 1) poverty of damaged socialism, 2) "slav drip" with rappers and trap becoming more and more popular.
interestingly, two croatian songs as of late portray this very well; first case rim tim tagi dim, which talks about leaving your country and mass immigration, and tokyo drift about the money, cars, etc (ofc you get a guy with a skii mask).
...but while i was writing this and watching the videos, i noticed that in the first case, song about immigration and poverty - also has a guy in the fucking skii mask
and we get this "street mafia drip" in both songs; dont be fooled by cool cars in the second one, it still takes place in front of an old building with 1950 grafitti (football thing).
and this isnt the first time weve seen this in yugoslav pop culture; vratiće se rode was about gangs, "god drives mercedes" by zabranjeno pušenje was also a comment on gang richness. but involving the new autotune music and starting to celebrate that drip in a cool way, unlike rode or mercedes which criticize it, did not come naturally; on the contrary, i think its a product of the slav aesthetic we see around. i was gonna say nobody in croatia drives these cool ass cars but my dealer did, so like
theres this mix of poverty and becoming rich via gang lifestyle, and i just wonder where it all started, or if we are playing chicken and egg here. i remember when "slavs in tracksuits" was meme de jour, but did we ever analyze where and why it came from? because it absolutely was rooted in "slavs = violence, unintelligence, barbarianism"; and thick accent was absolutely hilarious to western audience, that eventually we all started playing into it as well; and i dont think people were laughing with us, but at us. i think they still do
idk where i was going with this but whatever if i leave it in drafts it will just die, if anyone has anything interesting to add feel free to
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dekulakization · 1 year
AnPos and AcidPos my children
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