#zach x carbon copy kid
(Fic) Gays and Ikea
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Thank you for the request, @poeticpansy​ !
tag list: @nilamjohansson  @sundry-whovengerslocked  @king-cookiex @elinaviolets @poeticpansy
Warnings: Cussing and pet names (babe and love) 
Ship(s): Zach x Arthur (Carbon Copy Kid) and Implied Lash x OC
“This is literally the stupidest shit I have ever done in my life,” Arthur whined, flopping heavily onto his boyfriend’s stomach. Zach groaned as the wind was knocked out of him, clutching his side and playfully whacking Arthur across the head. 
“I know, babe, but we need to get it done! I’d rather not sleep on the floor,” Zach managed to wheeze out between gasps for air. Arthur just let out another whine, lifting up his head and pouting at Zach before glancing at the mangled pile of metal rods, screws, and indistinguishable bed pieces. They had two parts of the frame connected. It had been two hours.  Zach sighed and kissed the top of Arthur’s head before sitting up, taking his unwilling accomplice with him. “Come on, we got this. We’ve fought crime! We graduated high school! We can put together a bed,” Zach said encouragingly, standing up and grabbing the directions. Arthur peered over his shoulder, resting his chin on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist. 
“...do screws still work if you hammer them in?” Arthur asked after a moment of contemplation. Zach tried not to roll his eyes. biting his lip to contain laughter. 
“No, Artie, you can’t hammer in screws. Now come on, I’ve built furniture with my dad before...we can get this done.” Zach nodded firmly and got back down onto his knees, picking up a screwdriver and several screws. “Ok. First, we have to connect part 1b to part 2d.” And so, the building commenced. It was hard work. There was sweat, tears, and a broken nail (”I got this done YESTERDAY, Zach!” “I didn’t mean to, babe!”) but finally, finally, the bed was finished. Arthur stood back to observe the work he and his boyfriend had done, a satisfied smile on his face. 
“Well, it’s a little crooked, but...” Arthur’s voice trailed off. A little was an understatement. One leg was completely bent. The mattress sagged in the middle of the bottomless frame. The box spring was missing. The frame itself looked more like a triangle than it did a rectangle. 
“Okay, yeah, I’m calling Lash,” Zach said, pulling out his cellphone. 
“Like hell you are!” Arthur shrieked, tackling Zach and grabbing for the phone. The glowing man yelped as he staggered backward, falling over and directly onto the rickety bed. Both of them froze as the bed groaned and creaked under their weight. After a moment it went still, and Zach hesitantly shifted into a more comfortable position. The bed didn’t move. 
“Well...I guess we know it’s not going to collapse,” Zach muttered gruffly. Arthur smiled smugly. 
“See? No need to call Lash. Besides, he’s probably even gayer than us, you think he would do much better?” Zach snorted. 
“Maybe not, but his boyfriend Victor literally works at Ikea. If Lash couldn’t do it he could!” he retorted. Arthur didn’t reply, just pouted again and nuzzled into Zach’s chest. He sighed, running a hand gently through Arthur’s hair. Arthur hummed softly, closing his eyes. “Hey, no, don’t fall asleep! You’re right on top of me!” Zach complained, half-heartedly trying to push Arthur off. The other man simply grinned and wrapped his arms around Zach’s waist. 
“I don’t know, love...you’re really comfortable,” Arthur said in a sing-song voice, tracing a finger up Zach’s chest. “I say we just stay here...” His voice was low and soft, and Zach’s heart fluttered in his chest. He huffed. 
“Fine. But you’re making the bed tomorrow.”
“Okay by me,” Arthur said. He kissed just under Zach’s chin, settling back down onto him and yawning. “Night, Zach.” The other man smiled. 
“Goodnight, Arthur.” 
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Hi can you pleeeaasssee write something with Zach/Carbon Copy Kid pretty pleeeeeeaaaasssseee?????? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I’m experiencing Sky High withdrawals 😔😔😔
I’d be happy to! Thank you for the request! Send as MANY requests as you’d like when you’re experiencing withdrawals lol
tag list:  @nilamjohansson  @sundry-whovengerslocked  @king-cookiex@elinaviolets @weirdowifiwarrior
Warnings: Awkward gays be awkward, kissing, swearing, and Lash being a dick (an encouraging dick, but a dick)
Ship(s): Zach/Carbon Copy Kid (Arthur)
“There’s no way I’m doing that!” Arthur protested, shaking his head and walking faster down the hallway. Lash easily kept up with him, his much taller frame keeping in stride with the other male. 
“You’re never going to date anybody if you act like this. Just ask him out! What’s so hard about that?” Lash retorted, cutting Arthur off and standing in front of him, his hands on his hips. Arthur growled in irritation and tried to dodge past the senior. Lash just smirked and used his powers to block Arthur’s every exit. The younger teen huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“What if he isn’t gay?”
“Arthur. My man. My dude. Have you seen him? Of course he’s gay!” Lash said with a laugh. Arthur rolled his eyes, but didn’t protest. Lash had been comfortable with his sexuality much longer than Arthur had, and he knew that the older boy was much better at this kind of thing than he was. He trusted him. 
“Fine. But if he says no or humiliates me or something like that, I’m cutting your dick off,” Arthur grumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets. Lash pretended to ponder over the ‘conditions’, even going so far as to stroke an imaginary beard. 
“Alright, deal. Lunch?” 
“Zach, he’s looking at you again,” Layla murmured, leaning forward so the blonde boy could hear her. Zach quickly glanced behind him, Carbon Copy Kid’s head whipped around a second too late, and Zach could see the tips of his ears glowing red. 
“Why does he keep looking at me? Do I have something on the back of my shirt? Did he put a KICK ME sign on my shirt?” Zach asked, turning to Ethan and looking at Magenta expectantly. Said emo girl rolled her eyes. 
“Arthur may be hanging out with Lash a lot more now, but I don’t think he’d stoop that low. Yet,” Magenta drawled, picking at her salad. Wil and Ethan nodded in agreement. Layla checked the back of Zach’s shirt for him anyway, and when it was confirmed that he did not have a kick me sign or anything just as nasty on the back of his shirt, Zach rested his chin in his hands, defeated. 
“I’m gonna go talk to him. Ain’t nobody gonna mess with Zach Attack,” Zach said, determined. He stood up and puffed out his chest. Magenta groaned. 
“Please, for the love of God, don’t ever talk like that again,” she begged. Zach snickered. 
“No promises. I’ll be right back.” Zach straightened his shirt and drew his shoulders back, walking toward Arthur, Lash, and Speed’s table. Arthur hadn’t noticed him yet, but Lash looked up from his food and grinned widely as the human glowstick approached the table. 
“Well, look who it is. Back for another locker session, ‘Zach Attack’?” Lash said with a sneer. Speed laughed at that and Arthur froze. 
“Nah, I’m here to talk to the kid. I’ve caught him giving me weird looks and I wanna know what his deal is. So what’s your deal? Got a problem with me?” Zach tried to sound tough, but as soon as Arthur turned and looked up at him, his heart started hammering in his chest and he could feel his face heating up. Shit. 
“I- No! No, I don’t have a problem with you! U-Um...” Arthur tried to gather his wits about him and Zach had to bite his lip to stop himself from saying anything stupid. Why did Arthur have to be so damn cute when he was flustered? Lash gave Speed a look and the two older boys stood. Arthur looked panicked, whipping his head back around again and opening his mouth to speak, but Lash beat him to it. 
“Well, it looks like you two have a lot to talk about. Speed and I will leave you to it,” Lash said cheerfully. He patted a stammering Arthur on the head as he walked by, and he exchanged a high five and a good laugh with Speed as they walked away. Arthur’s shoulders slumped and he sighed in defeat, but he didn’t make Zach go away. Oh no.
“You want to...sit down, or...something?” Arthur asked, rubbing the back of his neck and giving Zach a half-smile. Oh, be still his beating gay heart. Zach sat down quickly, turning so he was facing Arthur. The two boys stared at each other for a moment before Arthur cleared his throat. “So, um...the staring.” Zach nodded dumbly. 
“The staring.”
“I can explain.”
“And I’m listening, man. Go ahead,” Zach said, leaning forward to give Arthur his undivided attention. Was Arthur wearing cologne? Arthur took a deep breath and immediately deflated. 
“I’m pretty sure you’ll hate me ifI do,” Arthur admitted, swallowing nervously and wringing his hands. Zach frowned. 
“No way, man. We’re chill, there’s nothing to worry about. Now, what’s on your mind?” Zach egged on, scooting forward a bit in his seat. They were sitting pretty close to each other. Arthur seemed to be thinking the same thing. Arthur’s eyes flickered down slightly and at first, Zach thought the other boy might need some more encouragement, but then Arthur surged forward, grabbing Zach by the front of his shirt and kissing him. Zach froze, his brain shortcircuiting, and Arthur froze too. Their lips were still pressed together, but neither of them was moving. Arthur finally scrambled back, letting go of Zach’s shirt and grabbing his stuff as if he were about to make a run for it. 
“Where are you going? You can just kiss me and leave!” Zach protested, grabbing Arthur’s wrist. Arthur grimaced and tried to pull away. 
“If I think you hated it and are going to beat the shit out of me I can,” he snapped back. 
“But what if I didn’t hate it? What if I really liked it? Like a lot?” Zach blurted. Arthur’s eyes widened and Zach flushed, embarrassed. “Um- I mean-”
“You liked it when I kissed you?” Arthur interrupted, tone more confused than surprised. Zach nodded slowly. “But...But what about Magenta? Aren’t you guys...?” Arthur’s voice trailed off. Despite the situation, Zach couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Oh, no way. I thought I liked her, but no. I’m gay as fuck,” Zach reassured, an amused smile playing across his lips. “So gay, in fact, that I’m going to take you out on a date. Friday sound good?” Arthur stared at him blankly. “Hello? Earth to Arthur? Carbon Copy Kid? Do you read?” Zach teased, grinning when Arthur blinked and shook himself. 
“Friday...yeah, Friday's perfect. Movies ok?” Arthur suggested. 
“Movies are perfect. I’ll pay. How does 7 sound?” Zach replied. Arthur smiled. 
“Seven sounds great. I can’t wait,” he said. Zach grinned and kissed Arthur’s cheek, winking at him as he stood back up. Arthur’s face was bright red again and Zach smiled. 
“You’re cute when you blush,” he said with a hum before heading back to his table. Arthur stared after him. That was certainly unexpected. 
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1. I love how funny he is, he always made me laugh
2. He gets annoying at times, like his slang and trying to be “cool”.
3. “Name's Zach, Coach Boomer. Try not to drop your clipboard.”
4. Zach and Ethan
5. Zach x Carbon Copy Kid
6. Zach x Magenta
7. He’s very gay
8. I DO NOT ship him and magenta at all.
9. Raise Your Glass by P!nk
10. Don’t have one
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