#zachary has a lot of love in his little body and he's not afraid of sharing it lmao
multishipper-baby · 1 year
Thinking about soulmate AUs for my OCs because I'm in a romantic mood rn
#myocs#derek's soulmate is obviously seba so things are pretty straightforward there#I think their relationship would probably progress the same? they don't rush into things just because they're soulmates#they just enjoy their time together and form a sweet bond and fall in love <3#eze doesn't have a soulmate. he wonders for a while if that's because he's artificially created or because he's aro#then he mets gabri who's also aro and has two soulmates (one platonic and another queerplatonic)#so that answers his question somewhat. it stings a little that he doesn't have something most people have#but he tries not to let it get into his head#also yeah the twins are platonic soulmates. I headcanon most twins are like that because of twin bond and stuff#tristán unlike his sister doesn't have another soulmate of any type- and he's pretty bitter about that fact#it's something he shares with his mother! which makes it hurt even worse. rip tristán he can never get a w#the triplets meanwhile aren't soulmates actually. piper has always been bothered by that but luca and zach don't care#they're all very close anyway. they don't need some stuff destiny bullshit to make their bond special#I presume piper and luca have soulmates although for now I don't ship them with anyone. zach has at least three romantic soulmates#zachary has a lot of love in his little body and he's not afraid of sharing it lmao#ray meanwhile... it would depend on when he finds out about the soulmate bond due to the age gap#as long as he finds out once he's an adult there wouldn't be any problems though- at least not on his part#springtrap might worry about it however. might feel like it's coercive to date him when there's this destiny thing over their heads#so it takes a while for him to accept the idea of entering a relationship together and raymond accepts that#they are friends for a while. get to know each other well. figure out if this is really what they both want#eventually it does become romantic though <3 ray charms his way right into his heart like the little devil he is
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Dark Side of the Moon: Final Part
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,441
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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Underneath a ‘Come In We’re Open’ sign, Ash draws another sigil-formula. This one is different from the other ones you’ve seen, but you know it’ll work.
“All Access Pass to the Magic Kingdom,” Ash smiled.
“Good,” Dean nodded, but when Ash gave him a pointed look, he changed his attitude about it. “Not good?”
“That Zachary fella is going to be watching every road to the Garden.”
“We’ll be prepared. Thanks, Ash,” you thanked, giving him a hug.
Behind you, Pamela hugs Sam before moving onto Dean. Instead of hugging him, she decided on other things. She pulls his head down for a kiss. You wanted to care, but since she was dead you kind of gave her a pass for it. Plus, he needs to be used to kissing other women since he’s definitely breaking up with you once he finds out. You have to tell him when you’re alive because this was getting to be too much for you to handle.
“Yup. Just how I imagined,” she grinned.
Dean looked over at you, but when he saw you not even looking at him and Pamela, he knew something was definitely wrong. He is going to have to question it when he gets back to his body.
“Ah, gentlemen and lady. I don’t mean to be a downer or anything but… I’m sure I’ll see you again soon,” Ash chuckled once the contraption was ready to go.
“Well, keep a sixer on ice for us,” Dean declared.
“Yeah,” he nodded.
He opened the door for you three, and you walked in first with Dean right behind you and his little brother in last. Whatever Ash did definitely didn’t lead to a garden because this was the living room of Dean’s childhood home in Lawrence. It’s dark, empty, and kind of creepy if you’re being honest. A train’s whistle can be heard in the background.
“What the… Why are we back home?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know. So what are we going to do?” Sam wondered.
“Keep looking for the road, I guess,” you shrugged.
You turned to start looking when you noticed Mary standing behind you three. Nudging Dean’s shoulder, he turned around first and then Sam last. This time, Mary was just like how she is in the pictures Dean had, but she was wearing the nightgown she wore the night she was killed.
“Honey. Why are you up?”
“Look. I’m-I’m sorry. I love you but you’re not real and we don’t have time—”
“Did you have another nightmare? Tell me,” she interrupted him.
“I gotta go,” he shook his head.
“Then how about I tell you my nightmare, Dean? The night I burned,” she chuckled.
Blood started appearing on the nightgown right above her stomach.
“Sammy let’s get out of here,” Dean said shakily.
“Right behind you,” you declared.
“Don’t you walk away from me,” Mary snapped, and Dean halted in his steps. “ I never loved you. You were my burden. I was shackled to you. Look what it got me.”
She blinked and her eyes turned yellow… the same yellow as Azazel’s.
“Dean, come on. This isn’t real,” you urged, yanking on his arm to get him moving.
However, he just seemed frozen in place. When he could finally move, he turned to you with a look of pure devastation. The lights in the house begin to change color, taking on an unhealthy green hue. The room starts to change all around you, and suddenly, the doors are gone. Mary blinks once more and they are back to their normal color.
“The worst was the smell. The pain, well. What can you say about your skin bubbling off? But the smell was so… you know, for a second I thought I’d left a pot roast burning in the oven. But… it was my meat.”
Dean moves away from his demented mother to go to the wall where the door once was. Instead, it’s been bricked over so there was no chance to escape.
“And then, finally, I was dead. The one silver lining was that at least I was away from you. Everybody leaves you, Dean. You noticed? Mommy. Daddy. Even Sam. Y/N eventually. Want to know what she did?” she asked with a huge smile.
“Okay, shut the fuck up! You’re not real!” you yelled, throwing your hands out as if you still had your magic.
“Not going to work on me, sweetheart,” she said to you before turning to her eldest son. “You ever ask yourself why? Maybe it’s not them. Maybe, it’s you.”
“Easy now, kitten,” Zachariah revealed himself.
“You did this,” Sam glared accusingly.
“And I’m just getting started. I mean, guys. Did you really think you could just sneak past me into Mission Control?”
“You son of a bitch!” Sam yelled.
Very large angel goons appeared behind you three, and they grabbed you from behind. Normally, you could have gotten out of this with your magic, but you didn’t have it to protect yourself with this time.
“You know, I’d say the same thing about you, Sam, but I have actually grown quite fond of your mother. Or at least the Blessed Memory of her,” he chuckled.
He moved Mary’s hair away from her neck and began to kiss it. Dean has no choice but to look away since he won’t be able to handle this.
“I think we’re going to be logging a lot of quality time together. I’ve discovered she’s quite the... MILF,” he chuckled.
“I’m going to kill you,” you threatened harshly.
“With what? You’re magicless here, Y/N. In heaven, I have six wings and four faces, one of whom is a lion. You see this vessel because you’re,” he ran his fingers down the length of Mary’s arm, and it’s Sam who can’t watch this time, “limited.”
“Let’s brass tack this, shall we?” he continued, snapping his fingers to make Mary disappear.
“You gonna ball-gag us until we say yes? Huh, yeah, I’ve heard that one too,” you challenged.
Zachariah walked up to you and wasted no time slamming his fist in your stomach. If you were till pregnant, then that would surely kill the baby. He knew this would mess with your head which is why he did it in the first place. You folded over in a painful groan.
“I’m going to do a lot more than that. I’ve cleared my schedule. Get her up,” he ordered.
The angel holding you forced you to straighten, and Zachariah gave another hateful punch to your gut. Sam and Dean struggled against the angels holding them to they and help, but it wasn’t working.
“Let me tell you something. I was on the fast track once. Employee of the month, every month, forever. I would walk these halls and people would AVERT THEIR EYES!” He yelled, and the house begins to shake. “I HAD ‘RESPECT! And then they assigned me you three. Now look at me. I can’t close the deal on a couple of flannel-wearing maggots? Everybody’s laughing at me… and they’re right to do it. So! Say yes, don’t say yes; I’m still going to take it out of your asses. It’s personal now, and the last person in the history of creation you want as your enemy is me. And I’ll tell you why. Lucifer may be strong, but I’m ‘petty’. I’m going to be the angel on your shoulder for the rest of eternity.”
“Excuse me. Sir?” a third party spoke from behind Zachariah.
All heads turned to the stranger who interrupted this fun fest. He is a slightly older black man who had a calm look on his face.
“I’m in a meeting,” Zachariah said.
“I’m sorry. I need to speak to those three.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a bad time, I know, but I’m afraid I have to insist.”
“You don’t get to insist jack-squat.”
“No, you’re right. But the boss does. His orders,” he chuckled which only unnerved Zachariah.
“You’re lying,” he said uncertain.
“I wouldn’t lie about this. Look, fire me if you want. Sooner or later, he’s going to come back home and you know how he is with that whole wrath thing.”
Zachariah gave one last look at you, Sam, and Dean before turning to face the newcomer. The stranger is clearly not going to back down, and it was foolish on Zacharia’s part to challenge him. In a flutter of wings, Zachariah and his goons have gone away. Suddenly, the environment changed from a childhood house to a verdant, green garden—a conservatory. You are surrounded by the sounds of a forest. You walk down stone steps, approaching the stranger.
“This is heaven’s Garden?” Sam asked.
“It’s-it’s nice… ish. I guess,” Dean shrugged.
“You see what you want to here. For some, it’s God’s throne room; for others it’s Eden. You three, I believe it’s the Cleveland Botanical Gardens. You came here on a field trip.”
“You’re Joshua,” you concluded.
“I’m Joshua.”
“So, you talk to God.”
“Mostly, He talks to me.”
“Well, we need to speak to Him. It’s important. Where is he?” you asked.
“On Earth.”
“Earth?” You were very shocked at this.
“Doing what?” Dean cut in.
“I don’t know.”
“Do you know where on Earth?”
“No, sorry. We don’t exactly speak face-to-face.”
“I… I don’t get it. God’s not talking to nobody so…”
“—why is he talking to me,” Joshua finished for Dean. “I sometimes think it’s because I can sympathize—gardener to gardener—and, between us, I think he gets lonely.”
“Well, my heart’s breaking for him,” Dean said in a disgusted tone.
“Well, can you at least get him a message for us?” Sam asked, bringing the topic back to the important issue on hand.
“Actually, he has a message for you. Back off.”
“Excuse me?” you scoffed.
“He knows already. Everything you want to tell him. He knows what the angels are doing. He knows that the Apocalypse has begun. He just doesn’t think it’s his problem.”
“Tell me you’re joking because I am this close to kicking someone’s ass,” you growled.
“God saved you already. He put you on that plane. He brought back Castiel. He granted you salvation in heaven,” he turns to Sam, “and after everything you’ve done too. It’s more than he’s intervened in a long time. He’s finished. Magic amulet or not, you won’t be able to find him.”
“But he can stop it. He can stop all of it,” Dean stuttered.
“I suppose he could, but he won’t.”
“Why not?”
“Why does he allow evil in the first place? You could drive yourself nuts asking questions like that,” the angel shrugged.
“So he’s just going to sit back and watch the world burn?”
“I know how important this was to you, Dean. I’m sorry.”
“Forget it. Just another dead-beat dad with a bunch of excuses, right? I’m used to that. I’ll muddle through,” Dean said.
He was clearly too emotional about this, and that only added onto your guilt. He would have made a great father.
“Except… you don’t know if you can, this time. You can’t kill the Devil, and you’re losing faith in yourself, your brother, even your girlfriend, and now this?” Joshua asked, motioning to Heaven as a whole.
You were shocked at this because this is the first time you realized just how desperate and depressed Dean really is. Sure, he tells you things, but nothing like this. How could you ever tell him this now?
“God was your last hope. I just… I wish I could tell you something different.”
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Sam voiced his concerns.
“You think that I would lie?”
“It’s just that… you’re not exactly the first angel we’ve met.”
“I’m rooting for you three! I wish I could do more to help you, I do! But I just… trim the hedges.”
“Then what now?” you asked bitterly.
“You go home again. I’m afraid this time, won’t be like the last. This time, God wants you to remember.”
Joshua lifted his hand to send you three back to Earth, and he did so in a bright light which blinds you so much that you had to close your eyes.
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When you open them next, you can’t help but wake with a loud gasp. Shooting out of bed, you noticed you were back in your motel room, the same one in which you died. Sam and Dean are lying lifeless on their beds, and before you could go to them, they awoke in a similar fashion. Both brothers sit up and cough as they tried to get used to being alive again.
“You two alright?” you asked.
“Define alright,” Dean sighed.
He got up and snatched his phone from the bedside table. He dialed a number with his back turned to you, and you could see his back is covered in blood where the hunters shot and killed him. Within a moment, Castiel appeared in the room so that you could update him on what happened. Once finished, he looked lost and without hope. He leans against the divider while Sam and Dean pack up their gear.
“Maybe… maybe Joshua was lying,” the angel said.
“I don’t think he was, Castiel. I’m sorry,” you sighed.
Your bag was already packed since you got it packed before you were killed. Castiel walked into the light, and he was glaring at Dean harshly.
“You son of a bitch. I believed in—”
He stopped short since he couldn’t think of the right words to say. He looked above for any kind of sign, but there is nothing to be seen. He shakes his head in disappointment before pulling out the amulet that he took from Dean.
“I don’t need this anymore,” he scoffed, tossing it to Dean. “It’s worthless.”
“Castiel!” you called out, but the angel was already gone.
Dean stared at the amulet in his hands with anger and regret.
“We’ll find another way. We can still stop all this, Dean,” Sam tried saying.
“How?” the older brother asked, finally looking up.
“I don’t know, but we’ll find it. You, me, and Y/N, we’ll find it.”
Dean clearly doesn’t believe him, and you and Sam both know it. He picked up his packed bag and walks past Sam without a word. As he walks out the door, he drops the amulet in the trash. Your heart broke, but you walked over to the trash to stare at the amulet. With one look at Sam, you reached in and grabbed it since you knew this was too special to throw away.
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hollandsangel · 5 years
i still do | z.h
first imagine! enjoy!
summary: zach still feels things he wishes he didn’t
warnings: cursing
there is no better view
than watching you strip down after we argue
making it worth the pain that we go through
that smile on your face cause nobody knows you like i do
"What Zach? What do you want me to tell you?" You sounded exasperated. Having this fight with him for the third time this week made you wonder if the whole thing was really worth it.
"I want you to tell me that this is gonna work out! That we're gonna make it work, relationships need work y/n." He was mad, but he was also desperate.
"You're right, relationships do need work Zach, but this one isn't working. You can't force meant to be babe." His jaw clenched at your words, and so did your heart. It hurt to think about not being with him, but honestly, trying to be with him through the broken pieces of your relationship hurt even more.
"Don't tell me that." He mumbled. He looked into your tired eyes with his own.
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and let out a defeated breath. Zach took a step forward, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer.
"This isn't gonna work forever Zach." You told him, your eyes bouncing between his eyes and his lips.
"I know." He said through a breath, his voice husky.
His hands traveled up to rest under your shirt on your waist.
"You better kiss me quick Herron." You said lowly. Zach didn't say anything more. His lips were on yours as soon as you got your sentence out. His kisses were fast and feverish, his fingers hooking under the fabric of your t shirt and pulling your body flush against his.
He peeled the material off your body, his shirt following soon after. You smiled against his lips, knowing he knew you best, and would continue to know you best for awhile.
i still picture it (it's been a couple of months)
i swore in my head (this was the right thing for us)
but it's breaking my heart
it's breaking it off
"No! I can't do this! Not anymore." You ran out of the bedroom, tears falling from your cheeks and landing on the hardwood floor.
"Y/n, please we can talk about this." Zach came chasing after you, trying to calm you down and take the bag of your things from you.
"Zach, for the love of God! We can't just talk about this." You gestured between the two of you. "All we've been doing for the past month is 'talking' but really we're just screaming at each other and I'm done trying to fix what's so fucking broken."
"C'mon, you cant just run away! You're being so selfish!" His fingers gripped the counter, his other fist balling up tightly.
"You think I'm running away? You think I'm selfish? Let me tell you Zachary, I thought about bailing months ago, but I loved you too fucking much and I believed you when you told me we could work this out, I believed you when you said all relationships have their hiccups. This whole thing is a disaster and I'm tired of trying to fix this bullshit."
He swallowed hard. "You can yell and scream all you want, but it won't be at me anymore." He didn't say anything, just watched your shoulders shake with sobs as you slammed the door.
"Zach?" Jack's voice cut into Zach's thought of you.
"Mm? Yeah?" Zach pulled himself out of his zoned out state, looking back at Jack with sad eyes.
"You gotta stop thinking about her man, it's been months. You're only gonna hurt yourself more." Jack frowned. He hated seeing his brother in pain like this.
"I know." Zach repositioned himself on the couch. "I know it was the right move, us breaking up, but I keep seeing it my head. Her crying. Her leaving." He sighed, rubbing his palms over his face. "It really breaks my heart."
and now i'm afraid to say
i still do, love you, hate you
i still do, hate to love you
"Why does she have to be there?" Zach whined as Gabbie tightened his tie.
"Because Zach, you two may have broken up, but she is still one of yours and the guys best friends." She stepped back. "You don't need to spend the whole night with her, just say hi, but be civil."
"Love, Zach you guys ready?" Jack came inside the room, Lavender in his arms.
"Yeah." Zach said, very irritably as he pushed past Jack to the door.
"What's with him?" Jack asked, passing Lavender to Gabbie.
"He's mad 'cause he has to see y/n tonight." Gabbie said, bouncing Lav on her hip.
Jack walked around to his dresser, grabbing a tie. "I thought he wanted to see her? He talks about her all the time."
"He told me that he hates her."
i still do, want you to want me like i'm wanting you
The boys all filed into the limo and made their way to the dinner Jon was hosting. The car was quiet until Jack spoke up. "So Zach, how are feeling about seeing y/n?" He asked.
"I dunno man." Zach answered, rolling his back against the headrest of the seat. "I love her still bro. But I hate that I love her, and I hate her. Gah, I hate this."
Corbyn leaned forward in his seat, his hands folded in his lap. "Maybe you should just talk to her, you know, get some closure."
"She's probably gonna avoid me, but I can try."
You did avoid him for most or the party. You sat as far away from him as you could at dinner, left the living room when he entered to talk to others, looked anywhere but at him when he tried to make eye contact. But when he wasn't looking, your eyes were on him. You missed him, so much, but you couldn't let yourself go through that pain, not again.
Finally, Zach caught you. You were on the balcony with Christina, talking and looking over the city. The two of you turned around to find him standing in front of the sliding glass door awkwardly. He cleared his throat.
Christina glanced between you and Zach before saying "I'll let you two talk." She turned to you and placed her hand on your arm. "Come get me later if you want." You nodded and mouthed a thank you.
"Thanks Chris." Zach said as she passed him to leave you two alone on the balcony.
You turned away from him and examined the stretch of L.A. before you. You could feel him standing next to you, a little farther away than you expected him to place himself.
"Hi." He started, voice caught in the back of his throat.
"Hey." You didn't look at him at first. "What's up?" You continued, giving in and taking in his appearance. He looked good. But when did he not?
Zach kept his gaze off of you, knowing that if he looked you in the eye he'd be a mess. "I don't even know where to start. Um," He turned, his body now facing yours. "This whole, not being with you anymore thing is a lot harder than I thought it would be."
"I know it was for the best, that we drive each other crazy but-"
"Zach, it was for the best, and while I miss you like crazy and it's really hard and weird not being with you, I know that it'll get easier." You tried to keep your tone even and steady, although you could feel yourself wavering.
Zach debated weather or not to tell you that he loved you. That he hated you. That he couldn't live without you.
"You're right." He finally said. You nodded and gave him a sympathetic smile, knowing he was hurting just as much as you. You felt tears burning behind your eyes. Trying to hold them back you bit your lip.
"I'm gonna go say good bye to the boys." You said gently, wanting to escape before he saw you cry.
"Ok." Zach said, barley loud enough to hear. The two of you examined each other for a second too long before you turned away to the door, your heels clicking on the floor of the balcony. He watched the way you moved as you slid open the door and he kept his eyes on you as you walked into the house and out of his sight.
Zach let his head fall into his hands, rubbing his eyes with his middle and index fingers. He let out a long staggered breath, looking back to where you had just been. "Damn it."
oh i still do
for all my work search the “my writing” tag on my blog!
@randomlimelightxxx @chanelwonders
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cianmars · 6 years
If they had a kid meme: If Red Snowing in the "Three's Not A Crowd Verse" had a second baby? (Or more) :)
Ooo I shockingly haven’t actually thought about this one… (Putting this under a read more as lets be honest the Charming brood is massive) 
From THIS verse (if you haven’t read it you might not understand the dynamics between Em and her parents)
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After the curse broke they find that the adults age very very slowly, like the magic is trying to make up for them losing so much time. People still celebrate birthdays but as soon as they hit 21 their body slows down its ageing. Because of the curse Emma doesn’t age at all for the next 28 years, Emma is obviously pissed off that her siblings surpass her in age (they were all  more mature than her since they were like 10) but there’s nothing they can do about it so she has to get used to it.A year after the curse broke there’s two kids who desperately need to be fostered, they aren’t sure if Emma’s ready for it, but the kids need their help so they take them in intending to keep them for a couple of weeks. They have werewolf genes (like a quarter wolf) so Ruby was asked to look after them as a precaution (there’s still some wolf prejudice from the residents). They become quite attached to these kids and Emma clearly loves them (though she still acts out sometimes) so they continue fostering them and eventually adopt them.
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Name: Emma Ruth Charming (20) 
Gender:  Female
General Appearance: Very much a tomboy, she could live in pyjamas if she could, but when she’s not wearing them she wears comfy clothes mostly plaid shirts, beanies, jeans, sweats whenever she can. She’d rather die than wear a dress or anything pink. She’s barely 5 foot tall (she often whines about people in her family moving things up onto high shelves).
Personality: She’s very young for her age because of her past and because of the curse, she’s a complete troublemaker, mostly because she tries to prove she’s mature and that she doesn’t need to be looked after by her parents but as often proved she does. She’s stubborn, impulsive, a spitfire, and has her father’s tact - but she’s also kind, funny, and good.
Special Talents: She has strong magic but it’s extremely temperamental. 
Who they like better: She adores all three of her parents and has a special connection to each other them… that being said she’s a complete daddy’s girl.
Who they take after more: She’s the perfect mix of all three of her parents, but personality and looks wise she’s a little bit more David than her mothers. 
Personal Head canon: - She’s immature and childish, she acts more like a 6/7 year old than an adult, it’s not her fault it’s down to her childhood and the curse, but she has a hard time accepting that. When Cassie and Zac first move in she tries to hide it but they show her they don’t care after Ruby, Snow, and David explain it to them.- She almost always ends up sleeping in her parents bed, along with her blanket and the teddies her parents got her, it’s a good thing that her parents had a huge bed.- She’s always cold and hoards blankets, especially when she’s sick, her parents have to stop her wrapping like 8 fleece blankets around herself as she’ll overheat.-She’s a very fast runner.- She acts out a lot when her parents tell her that they have to move to a bigger place, her siblings and parents eventually help her to get used to them having to move to a house, but a small part of her will always miss her first home. Face Claim: Britt Robertson
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Name: Cassidy Emily Charming (Cassie or Cas)
Gender: Female
General Appearance: She looks very much like Ruby despite not being her biological daughter, she’s also got a similar style to Ruby, she’s pretty good at keeping up to date with fashion but can often be found in tanks and sweats when lounging around or after cheer practice. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes with flecks of gold in her irises. 

Personality: She’s one of those popular girls at high school, who everyone assumes would be a massive bitch, but she’s actually one of the nicest people ever, she sticks up for people and really cares about her studies. She is fierce, she had grown up basically raising her brother so she had to be, but she’s completely mellowed out from when she first moved in with her family. She tends to not lose her temper often, she prefers to find logical solutions to problems rather than just complaining, but once in a blue moon she will completely lose it. She’s the queen of sarcastic retorts.

Special Talents: She’s a quarter wolf which means that she turns every other new moon rather than every full moon. She’s really good at gymnastics.

Who they like better: She works in Granny’s sometimes at the weekend (she’s the one who always sneaks Emma sugar filled treats to make her hyper before going out and leaving her parents with the consequences) so she gets along well with Ruby, they’re both similar temperaments and very rarely clash. She wasn’t used to having a dad so was awkward around David at first but she has him wrapped around her finger. She admires Snow’s personality and morals, she’s only admitted it out loud a few times but she’s her inspiration and she hopes to be like her.

Who they take after more: Ruby’s absolute double, just slightly more sarcastic, her family always joke that she’s secretly their biological daughter and in a few more teary moments she admitted that she wished that they really were her birth parents.

Personal Head canon:
 - She was 17 when she was officially adopted by her parents, she at first thought she was way too old to be adopted or to need parents but she quickly got used to being able to just being a teenager. - She and Zac were looked after by their grandmother in the Enchanted Forest and during the curse, she died a year after the curse broke, this is when the Charmings started fostering her and her brother, before they adopted them.- She’s very academic and has high aspirations to go to the nearby college to become a teacher like her mom.- When she was 17 she realised that she was in love with her best friend, like Love with a capital L, they eventually started to date and she realised that she’s a lesbian and that’s why none of her relationships with boyfriends felt right.- She’s very maternal and protective of all of her sibling, especially Zac and Emma.
Face Claim: Samantha Boscarino
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Name: Zachary Stephen Charming (Zac)

Gender: Male

General Appearance: He tends to favour a t-shirt, jeans, and his football letterman jacket (pretty sure that’s what they’re called). The rest of the time he wears the leather jacket his parents got him for the first Christmas he was with them. He runs hot so used to wear shorts even in the snow until Cassie started saying “We get it, you’re straight” every time he did it so he stopped and dressed weather appropriately. He goes between having his brown hair fairly short and letting it grow a bit, he normally just swoops it to the side and it looks good. He has hazel eyes.

Personality: He’s really mellow and chill, he’s kind and fairly quiet in crowds of people he doesn’t know but it outgoing with his friends and family, he is a bit of a class clown. He’s kind hearted and tries to bond with his siblings in anyway they like best - letting Cassie style clothes on him or paint his portrait for art class, he plays with Emma and her toys without making her seem embarrassed over it, he lets Neal give rambling reviews on books to him and convincingly pretends he’s interested, and he helps Cole with his science experiments (which have been banned because they’ve made things explode 8 times). He’s protective of his friends and family, especially his younger siblings (Emma especially) Always wanting to please his parents despite them telling him that as long as he’s happy and safe then they’re happy.

Special Talents: He’s a quarter wolf which means that she turns every other new moon rather than every full moon. Very talented footballer and learnt how to sail from Eric. 

Who they like better: He tends to gravitate most to David, who teaches him loads of different things, they even fix up a car for Zac together.

Who they take after more: He’s very much like David personality wise, with Snow’s constant positive attitude, he looks as though he could be Ruby and David’s biological child.

Personal Head canon:
- He was the first one out of him and Cassie who could make Emma come out of her shell when they moved in there, when he was 15, he just started to play with her action figures until she joined in.- He’s an early bird, a trait which annoys half of his family to no end, and will often wake up with only Snow already awake, he takes the time to go for runs while the town is quiet.- He knows how to play the drums.-School’s a little bit harder for him than it is for his siblings, that being said he’s normally a B+ student as he’s not afraid to ask his mom for help with things he struggles with. - He’s pretty good at maths and physics and he claims it helps him with his football.
Face Claim: Froy Gutierrez
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Name: Neal Robert Charming

Gender: Male

General Appearance: He wears comfy clothes, hoodies and t-shirts normally with skinny jeans or a sweatshirt, pretty much anything he can comfortably read in (he’s often found curled up with several books in the window seats around the house). He has dark brown hair and blue eyes, his hair is general a mop until he started to become more interested in boys and styled it more (he asks Cassie for advice on what to wear and how to do his hair as he’s nervous). 

Personality: He’s the quietest of the five kids, but that doesn’t mean that he’s necessarily shy, he just often gets caught in his head or caught in a book. Otherwise he’s funny and very intelligent, after getting up his confidence he eventually becomes very good at speaking in front of people after several speeches in school. He’s a natural leader when he speaks up about issues. He’s very mature and responsible for his age. He can be very sarcastic. 

Special Talents: He has magic, but he doesn’t bother to use it very often, he has a special affinity for water magic.

Who they like better: He’s a bit of a mommy’s boy, Snow seems to always have  a very calming presence so he tends to stick around her the most. 

Who they take after more: He’s very much like Snow but with David’s chill disposition. 

Personal Head canon:
 - He knew that he was gay from a very young age, by the time he was 6 he had announced that he would marry a prince not a princess (his sisters are both queer as are all his parents so no one batted an eyelid at him telling them that). - He can bake pretty well, his mama taught him, he often bakes cakes and brownies for the household. He and Ruby tend to catch up while baking. - He prefers healthy food like vegetables and fruit over things with sugar in them (he and Emma could not be more different)- His brother tried to teach him how to play football but he was terrible at it, he just watches games because he has a crush on one of the guys. He’s on the swim team and was very surprised to one day find his crush had started attending his swim meets. (he eventually has the courage to ask his crush out who turns out to have a crush on him too)  - He loves books, he has a million books and reads to Emma all the ones he thinks she’d like, when he leaves high school he goes to study Literature at Yale, he becomes an author like August and Henry. 
Face Claim: Logan Lerman 
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Name: Cole Jacob Charming (CJ)

Gender: Male 

General Appearance: Whatever he throws on after finding it lying around on the floor of his room

Personality: He deeply values his privacy and hides a lot of things from his parents, like Neal he’s often in his own head and people in the town think he might become a villain but this is because he’s scheming or planning to build things to help people. He’s quite and kind at heart, he hides problems he has until he has no chance other than to reveal them like when his mom walked on him having an anxiety attack (before which he had hid them completely). He’s secretly very funny, a bit of a trickster, with a sardonic sense of humour. His sarcasm and sass could give anyone a run for their money.

Special Talents: He’s the only one of their biological children to have both magic and werewolf genes but he chooses not to use them most of the time, he says that he prefers science over magic, his mama gives him a bracelet 

Who they like better:

Who they take after more: He looks like his two mother but with his father’s blue eyes. He is fairly quick tempered in certain situations which he also gets from his father. 

Personal Head canon:
- He’s a genius, particularly in science, he’s always coming up with robots or mixing chemicals together or something in his room. - He and Emma are the troublemakers in the house, Cole often enlists Emma to help him pull pranks of people, despite constantly being told not to try and convince Emma to do so.-Only his family call him Cole, most people call him CJ or Cee, he doesn’t speak to anyone outside of his family who tries to call him Cole.- His middle name was his great grandfather’s name, when Ruby told Granny she cried, Granny claims that he gets his brains from her husband too.-He’s pansexual and has been dating someone for over a year without his family knowing, the first one to know was Emma as he introduced her to them, he eventually told his parents who were shocked but welcoming to his partner.- He and Emma were together when she was injured by George, she became deaf in one ear, Cole worked tirelessly and in secret to make a hearing aid which would work best for her giving her almost her old hearing range back, he used a little bit of magic for the first time in one of his inventions. 
Face Claim: Asa Butterfield
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goeswithoutsinging · 4 years
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In today’s attempts at starting a new neighborhood/challenge, I’m trying my hand at the Build-a-Royal-Kingdom-Challenge, which is sort of like a BACC but with more built-in societal classism. I’m using the ruleset in this google doc, though I may modify stuff if I feel like it.
So. The regal sims you see before you are the King and Queen of the brand new Kingdom/colony of Pharith. Here are their stats:
King Zachary Oriol Aspiration: Knowledge/Grilled Cheese LTW: Become Mad Scientist
Tragically for his highness, his LTW is doomed to never be fulfilled-  the Science career is not only locked right now, but he has no way of unlocking it for himself and what’s more, his position as King means the career is unavailable to him.
Cancer - 8/4/4/3/6 Hobby: Science
In other words he’s neat, a little bit shy and lazy, serious, and slightly nice. Also, really emphasizing that Tragic Love For Science with that hobby career, huh.
+ Vampirism, Plantsimism - Lycanthropy Orientation: Heterosexual
Can you tell his turn ons and turn off were randomized? :P Also expect a lot of heterosexuality for a while, I’m afraid.
Zachary is accompanied by his wife, whose stats are:
Queen Jane Oriol Aspiration: Knowledge/Pleasure LTW: Max Out 7 Skills
Let’s take a moment to be relieved that her highness, at least, has a doable LTW.
Libra - 1/8/5/6/5 Hobby: Nature
In other words she’s a slob, outgoing, and a bit playful. Quite a contrast to his highness.
+ Body Odor, Swimwear - Grey Hair Orientation: Heterosexual
“Mmm, manly sweat, delicious.” - Her Highness, Queen Jane Oriol of Pharith, probably.
0 notes
broodingsoul · 7 years
60 Random Things About This Week’s So You Think You Can Dance
1.  Okay, back to New York auditions.
2.  Let’s see if Vanessa Hudgens makes me start a “Stupid Things Vanessa Hudgens Said THIS Week” list.
3.  I kinda hope she does.
4.  Cat doesn’t give Vanessa Hudgens any superlatives this episode, but we still have to hear about how Mandy Moore choreographed That Movie That Will Not Be Named Because I’m Fucking Done.
Magda & Kiki
5.  I don’t know what it is about their pre-audition package that makes me love them but I do.  I do love them.
6.  Also, Kiki could get it, just so y’all know.
7.  Y’all already knew that, didn’t you?
8.  I like them as dancers separately, but not necessarily as a couple, if only because I never saw them actually connect as a couple.  But watching them separately was a blast.  All of Kiki’s personality comes through when he dances—he’s funny, he’s sexy, he’s got decent moves—and Magda looks like if Drea de Matteo were a ballroom dancer, in all the best ways.  Super sexy, super talented, could probably fuck you up if she needed to.  I just don’t like them as a couple.  Also, the choreography was a little herky-jerky for me.  I’d like them to go to choreography, but they’ll probably get sent through.
9.  Oh look, they got sent through.  I am very good at this show.
10.  “I’d like to dance with him a paso doble, I tell ya.”  Attagirl, Mary.
11.  A bunch of random ballroom dancers who are good, but not good enough to merit an audition package.
12.  Claudia looks beautiful in blue and gold, and Jorge has some footwork I wish we could have seen.
13.  Jaryd Farcon has a questionable haircut and his dancing partner looks like Dr. Mark Greene’s daughter from ER who was played by Hallee Hirsh.
14.  I knew that name from memory, but I can’t tell you anything I learned from the biochem class that I studied for 10 hours a week.
15.  Allen Genkin looks like if Gumby were a really sexy ballroom dancer, and that is a sentence I never thought I’d say.  But that’s what this show does to me.
Zachary Downer
16.  I watched two seasons ago and I don’t remember Zachary Downer.  Take that for what you will.  He’ll make it to live shows, because that’s what happens when you come back.
17.  I like his choreography because it’s like he thought “what if tribal dancing and contemporary had a baby?” and then this is what came out.  He makes a lot of interesting shapes with his body, but I’m not excited about his dancing per se.  I can tell that he’s good, but the choreography—while interesting—is a little boring for me.  He falls out of the one pirouette pass he does, which is disappointing, but all the other technique is on point..  I’d be shocked if he didn’t make it to the Top 20 though.
18.  Vanessa Hudgens actually provides a cogent critique for once.  What world are we in?
19.  Nigel comments that the choreography as like Alvin Ailey, and Zachary nearly bursts into tears.  That’s beautiful.  I’m rooting for him now.
Ramita Ravi
20.  “I’m doing a mixture of classical Indian dance and contemporary” and I am fucking here for that.
21.  The choreography and the dancing are lovely, but Ramita isn’t hitting the pocket for me.  It might be because every time I start to pick up on a story, she looks out at the audience and smiles, so it feels like she’s not connecting to her own piece.
22.  “Oh my gosh, I love your hands, I want them,” breathes Vanessa Hudgens, coming dangerously close to a “Stupidest Things Vanessa Hudgens Said THIS Week” list.
23.  Ramita is through to choreography, which makes sense to me, because they didn’t see her pre-audition package where she was doing more and better dancing than in her audition, which I’m guessing the producers made her do so she could get airtime.
24.  I’m guessing.
25.  And then Vanessa Hudgens literally spent ten seconds watching her hands make shapes.  Goddammit, Hudgens.
Peter Mangione
26.  Oh my God, all of these people are like “I started dancing when I was six” “—when I was eight” “—when I was six.”  And then here come’s Peter Mangione’s fine-ass self:  “I started dancing about six months ago, and my friend said ‘You’re not that bad.’  I mean, I’m not good, but I’m not that bad.”
27.  I love him.
28.  “I’m not afraid to throw my body in any direction.”  Good, can you throw it in my direction?  Because goddamn.
29.  “I think it’s gonna be something nice for them to watch.”  With a body that looks like that, he Is Not Wrong.
30.  I mean, I’m not going to recap his choreography in the slightest bit, but if he started actually stripping, I wouldn’t be mad about it.
Arielle Disciascio
31.  I love Arielle and her mother Natalie a lot already.  “Don’t make me sound perfect.”  “Perfect?  You’re not.”
32.  The Disciascio Dames have the cancer backstory of this season’s auditions, but they are adorable, so I don’t mind the manipulation.
33.  Arielle’s body is RIDICULOUS.  Her control over it is stunning, her legs go on for 17 days, and she’s clearly technically proficient.  I can tell she used to be a competitive dancer, because at times she shows out to the audience instead of connecting with story.  But when she’s in the story, it’s incredibly captivating.  But it’s a little paint-by-numbers dancing.
34.  “At some point, I’d like to see you live life a little more dangerously.”  Good point from Mary.  I want to see her edges get roughened up a bit, because there’s beauty in that kind of mess.
35.  A bunch of familiar faces coming through.
36.  Jamie Greco’s boobs squeak, but I do not remember Jamie Greco.
37.  Chris Andrews has awesome highlighter yellow shoes and made it to Green Mile of Season 12, which I don’t remember, but I’m getting old, so ???
38.  Chase “Ctut” Lindsey has a couple of bombs he wants to drop on people, and that’s a terrifying thing to say.
39.  Jason Kidd looks like if John Deere learned how to pop and lock.
Romainson Romain
40.  Romainson spent the last year absolutely going Through It, and I hope to God he makes it to Top 20.
41.  He looks up to the heavens before he starts dancing to his cousin Marvin, and I’m already a mess.
42.  I can tell how much the audition means to Romainson, and although I don’t know how to critique his audition (the choreography isn’t quite there, the technique is lacking a bit—I guess I do know how to critique it), I can absolutely feel the emotion in the movement, and for me, that’s the most vital point of any artistic form.  Does it make me feel?
43.  “I feel life is weighing on you, and I want to lift it off of you and set you free.”  Fuck you, Vanessa Hudgens, for making me cry.
44.  Holy shit.  Mary has this amazing connection with Romainson, talking about grief and tragedy.  “You gotta take that next step.  And trust me, it’ll be okay.”  Her voice is choked with tears.  “You gotta dance!  You gotta live!  You gotta bring the joy back, and only you can bring the joy back.”  The audience applauds.  Vanessa Hudgens applauds.  Mary pays it no mind, because she has been where Romainson is right now, and she wants nothing more than for him to begin to heal.  “I want to see you come back and do the choreography, and let it go, because it’s okay!  You loved them.  They loved you.  They want you to shine!  You can do it!  You can do it”  Romainson looks like he is looking for something now.  His eyes still look sad, but they set a little bit, they focus a bit more.
“If we invite you back to choreography, can you shine?” Nigel asks.
“I will shine,” Romainson states.  His voice isn’t strong, but it has conviction.  In the audience, another auditioned is crying, wiping away tears.  She started to heal today, too.
“Yes to choreography, of course,” Vanessa Hudgens says, without any bullshit.  She feels this moment, too.
“Come back and shine,” Nigel demands.  Romainson steps away.  He doesn’t smile, his face doesn’t change expression, but there’s a new gleam in his eye that wasn’t quite there.  He almost feels the desire to smile.  There’s a new spark in him somewhere.  He begins to leave the stage.
“But first, come give me a hug!” Mary Murphy demands in that way of hers.  The audience cheers, the music becomes uplifting, spiritual.  Mary wraps Romainson in a hug; he clings to her.  “Thank you,” he murmurs.  “Be good,” she says.  “God bless you.”  “God bless you.”  The audience is still cheering, but they are the only ones who exist in this moment, because they are members of The Club who have found each other.  Romainson’s audition snagged a sliver of grief Mary thought had become completely smooth, until she realized grief can never be completely smoothed away.  Romainson learned that it’s okay to start smoothing the grief away.  Someone finally gave him permission to take sandpaper and steel wool and make the rough edges start to gleam again.  That the hole doesn’t have to be dark, and sad, and scary.  The hole can shine, a beautiful reminder of what used to be there.
45.  Goddammit, I love this show sometimes.  I needed that healing, too.
Marc “Fullout” Royale
46.  “Feeling good?”
“Feeling confident?”
“You got this?”
“Is this gonna be your bitch?”
“All of the above!”
47.  I’m pretty sure Fullout just fell in love with Cat Deeley.
48.  Fallout is a BIG BOY because he has BIG JOY and BIG MOOD in his body.  His dancing makes me happy.
Claire Rathbun
49.  I don’t like her.  I don’t know why.  But I don’t like her.
50.  But damn, she is a beautiful dancer, even if she is playing to the audience entirely too much.  Gorgeous lines, great spin passes.
52.  But I still don’t care.
Lex Ishimoto
“52.  Tell me about your audition, what are you going to do?”  “It’s an improv.”  IDK why Cat is so shocked, every single one of Melanie Moore’s solos was improvised.
52.  All episode long, the show has said that this is going to be the best audition of the season.  I hate that kinda hype because I am ALWAYS let down.  Don’t fuck me up, show.
54.  Okay.  That was one of the best auditions I’ve seen on this show.  His technique is amazing, he knows what his body can do, it was a nearly flawless audition.  But I hated knowing that it was improv, because it kept me from connecting to it.  Instead of being emotionally connecting for me, it was just clever.  Which, clever is fine, but clever doesn’t necessarily inspire me.  He will clearly make it through, most likely all the way to Top 20, but I want to see him emotionally connect to a routine, and see what comes out of that.
55.  That being said, his double-swipe jump was AMAZING, and the kind of power he can generate with his body is unbelievable.
56.  Oh God, it’s time for choreography.  PLEASE, Romainson.  PLEASE.
57.  Romainson makes it through, and I see a genuine smile, and his inner life is so beautiful.  I really hope he makes it to the Top 20.  I want this life to be amazing.
58.  Academy next week, for an even 100 dancers.
59.  Oh, and here’s a whole bunch of shit I wasn’t expecting:  there’s only a Top 10, and one of the choreographers says “I want you on my team!” and now I’m scared that they’re going The Voice on this ish.  YOU DON’T HAVE TO CHANGE WITH THE TIMES, SHOW.  JUST BE YOU.  I JUST WANNA SEE DANCING.
60.  Also shirtless men.  BUT DANCING.
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misgel · 7 years
Master of Terror
A novelization of the intro Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate’s Jack the Ripper DLC, including my own characters. May extend this, but for now I will this as a one-shot.
Warning: graphic descriptions of violence and situation of angst
June 26, 1888
My dearest sister,
I am afraid I am sending this letter with not the best of circumstances. For twenty years, after the Assassins defeated the Templars in London, the city enjoyed a certain peace. But I fear that peace is drawing to an end. I see the city we fought so hard and long for slipping away from me, sister. At every corner I see Templar spies watching the streets of London, but when I turn to my brothers and sisters for aid, they are gone. Someone is killing the Assassins. Hunting them down, like the same menace that haunted the Colonial Brotherhood over a hundred years ago. I have sent the Assassins that remain into the brothels of London, trying to use their eyes and ears to find a lead. Even my daughter, Alexandra, has joined the hunt. Do you remember her? She reminds me a lot of you—she is clever, patient, and a pain in my arse, but if there’s one thing she got from her father, it’s her tongue. No person I trust more with this critical assignment, but there is no person I fear for more. She had just completed her training, and yet she believes she is skilled enough to take on the world. But we were once the same way, were we not? And I bear not to think of what if I lose her. Zachary is still too young. He has yet to complete his training and is still ignorant to the harshness of the world. Which is why I call upon you, my dear sister. I know you have a family, that you are to be by your husband’s side and you have your own sons, but I need you. We need to fight together, if we are to liberate London from this menace that lurks in the alleys of our city. Blood has been spilt, and there is more to come. Please, Evie, come to England at the utmost haste. The legacy of the Assassin Brotherhood depends on it.
Your brother,
Jacob Frye
The autumn night was cold, but not yet as frigid as the winter days to come. Clouds rolled across the sky, blocking any signs of the stars or moon. Only the lanterns of stores and lampposts illuminated the street, but of number of them were left unlit, having sinister shadows cling to the stone of the streets and buildings.
Jacob Frye hid in one of these shadows.
Even with his heavy, long coat, the cold seeped through the clothing and bit at his skin. His thin gloves did little to protect his hands. It provoked the man to blow a breath of air into his palms, only to see a mist form at the action. He rubbed his hands together and wondered how much longer he would have to wait. Standing still in the darkness certainly wasn’t getting him any warmer.
Arms folded across his chest, Jacob glanced over at the window in front of him. The light of a nearby lamppost shone onto the glass at just the right angle to allow the man to see his reflection. The Assassin had certainly changed from his younger days.
Now forty years of age, his dark brown hair was streaked with silver. It was mangy and untrimmed, swept back in a desperate attempt of tidiness. His beard hard grown unshaven and unkempt, but not yet thick enough to hide his feature. Crow’s feet were on the sides of his eyes, which were already dark and sunken from lack of sleep. Jacob couldn’t remember the last time he had gotten a good night’s sleep. He doubted he ever would again.
A voice pierced the silence of the night.
“Get a move on, Mr. Finch, this a story of a lifetime!”
Jacob peered out of his hiding place to notice a pair of sharply dressed men, walking briskly across the courtyard. One man spilled away, scribbling furiously on a piece of parchment, leaving the other alone. He was not unlike Jacob—untrimmed and obviously sleep-deprived—but for a very different reason. The Assassin approached him.
“Mr. Weaversbrook, I know you have more of the Ripper’s letters,” Jacob accused, quickening his pace to match the man that was now trying to flee from him. The journalist audibly groaned.
“I told you to stay away from me,” he growled over his shoulder. He moved even faster, but the Assassin would not have it.
Reflexes unhindered by age, Jacob reached out and snatched the man’s arm. He forced Weaversbrook into a halt and to turn to face him.
“Stop publishing his letters,” the older man ordered, using authority behind his voice. Something that only came after years of being Mentor. “You’ve turned an unknown miscreant into a legend—and that’s what exactly what he wants.”
Weaversbrook opened his mouth to retort, but never had the chance.
Jacob glanced over his shoulder at a figure rushing out of an alleyway. It was a young woman, not yet even in her twenties. She wore a dress of sage, one that the man would have described as gorgeous, except it bared the woman’s shoulders and showed more cleavage than his liking. Her white skin was illuminated under the lamppost’s light. The woman had her long, dark brown hair wrapped into a bun on the top of her head. Her bright, hazel eyes were gleaming, the same shade as his.
“Alexandra? What’s wrong?” the father demanded. He had learned to pick up on his daughter’s mannerisms.
Alexandra’s skin gleamed from sweat and she panted heavily, no doubt due to a long run. The gleam in her eye wasn’t from mischievousness or excitement like he was used to, but from something much more disturbing.
“It’s the Ripper,” Alexandra reported, her voice sullen. “He’s done it again!”
Blood. That was first thing Jacob’s mind could process when he reached the scene. It was everywhere—splattered across the walls and seemed to be across the entire courtyard, pooling around a pair of unmoving corpses. They had been covered by a white sheet, already stained red.
Then the Assassin Mentor noticed the entrails. Spread out across the cold stone. Ripped out. Just like his mother.
Jacob blinked when suddenly a bright flash filled his vision, causing him to glare at the photographer for taking the gruesome picture. The man only shrugged and picked up his tripod and camera, moving away to allow the constables to investigate the scene.
Jacob knew it would be no use. It was obvious to see what had been done—but the police would find no clue of the killer. It what he had been trained to do. While the Assassin stared at the scene, trying to process it all, his daughter, Alexandra dared to approach the bodies. He opened his mouth to scold her, one of the constables even doing so, but she was already pulling back the sheet. Her hand flew to her face with a choked sob.
“Katey?” she whimpered. Something in Jacob’s heart twisted in horrible way. Alexandra recoiled from the corpse, holding her stomach like she would be sick. “Oh, he can’t, no, he can’t have…”
While her back was turned, Jacob stiffly neared the other body. His stomach churned when he saw the face, then bile came to his mouth when he pulled the sheet from her stomach. He froze, an action he regretted when Alexandra turned around.
“And Lizzie?” she wailed. She shook her head and her voice cracked. “Not both. Not in one night.”
Jacob realized what he had to do.
The man rose his spot and approached his daughter. Alexandra ignored him, frozen in place. Like he had done with Weaversbrook, the Mentor grabbed her arm, though gently, and dragged her away. She kept her gaze on her fallen friends until they were out of sight. She was then forced to look at him. Jacob’s heart almost broke when he noticed the tears in her eyes, but they did not fall. Alexandra was strong.
“Remember what I said,” he whispered to her softly, laying his hand across her shoulder. It took a moment for Alexandra’s eyes to widen.
“Father, no—” she tried to protest, but was cut off by Jacob’s hush.
He placed a bag of coins into her hands, wrapping her fingers around it. Alexandra looked up at him in a mixture of concern and betrayal. Jacob could not bear to look into her eyes. Instead, he placed his hands on her cheeks and pressed his lips to her brow.
Jacob wanted to tell her. How much he loved her, treasured her. That everything would be okay. But he couldn’t.
“Now go,” the father ordered.
Alexandra swallowed and closed her eyes. When she opened them, the tears were gone. That was his girl. With a nod, the young Assassin slipped away. Jacob watched her go until she disappeared from sight, knowing it would be the last time he would see her.
Only when she did, a great weight fell on the man’s chest. His heart was heavy and it was suddenly hard to breathe, more so than it already was. He slowly turned back to the scene. He glanced up at the wall, his vision slipping into shadow. A gleaming message greeted him.
How many more Assassins must die before you see the truth?
Jacob’s heart hardened.
“Only one more, Jack,” he muttered under his breath.
He was watching. He knew it.
Leaving the bloody scene behind, Jacob sauntered away. Soon the gasps and gags and gossip of the inspectors and journalists faded away, replaced by the sound of his heels on the cobblestone. Silence. Goddamn silence. Jacob couldn’t take it. The man paused in the center of the street and let the tremor in his body take over him.
Mutilated. His girls were mutilated, and left on grotesque display for the world to ogle. But it wasn’t for the world. It was for him. As punishment for his sins, and his horrible, horrible mistake. Now his Assassins were dead. His Brotherhood was destroyed. His family was gone.
Jacob pulled at his hair. In a moment of madness, he let out a blood-curdling scream that echoed off the stone buildings. He wanted to throw something, hit something, stab something, but there was nothing. He was alone.
Jacob balled his fists and punched the air, trying to contain himself. He forced himself to continue on, trying to keep one foot in front of another. Then he saw it. The flicker of movement in the window’s reflection. A reflection of what was behind him. Jacob’s hair stood on end. He was following him.
“I know you’re there, Jack,” the Englishman called, keeping his voice eerily calm. “Is the Master of Terror afraid to show himself?”
The Assassin received no reply. He continued on, moving past a group of men, oblivious to the night’s excitement. When they glanced at him, Jacob gave a curt nod in greeting, acting casual. He didn’t fail to notice their eyes widening at the figure shadowing him, and their small gasps of shock. It wasn’t until he turned the corner did the Englishman start to run for his life. And he swore he heard a deep, dark chuckle, reverberating from the very walls that surrounded him.
Jacob sprinted through the back alleyways of London, twisting and cutting around corners and streets. The Mentor didn’t know how long he ran. He didn’t know how far his pursuer was behind him. He didn’t dare look back. He just knew he was there. Jacob didn’t dare slow down until his body failed him. He was forced to slow when his pants turned into wheezing and his legs trembled at the sudden sprint. Damn, how he wished for his younger days. Yes, he was not old enough to have an ailing body, but he was old enough that he could not keep up with the same stunts he did as a teenager.
Jacob composed himself when he came across a plaza. It was filled with people of higher-class, dressed in fine coats and dresses. Almost everyone danced to the cheery music that filled the air, and all were drinking and chatting happily. Oblivious to the terror that hung over Whitechapel.
The Assassin dared to relax as he weaved through the crowd, falling back on old instincts. Yes, he could blend in here, lose his pursuer. Maybe he could meet with Alexandra and Zachary, ensure they were safe. But he would never have that luxury. Jacob never made it to the other side of the party.
The festivities were shattered by an ear-piercing scream. Every hair stood on end as Jacob whirled around.
He was greeted with Jack the Ripper.
Jacob didn’t want to call him a man. He stood over everyone present and his shoulders were twice as broad as Jacob’s. There was a hunch to his back, but not enough to be identified to be a cripple. A leather coat wrapped around his body and tall, heeled boots reached up his legs. A tophat, similar to the ones Jacob used to love, rested on his head, shadowing his eyes. Or what should have been his eyes. Instead, there was only two round holes in the dirty, white cloth that covered his entire head. Not even his face could be seen. Just those two round, dark, horrible holes.
But those bottomless holes weren’t focused on Jacob. Instead, they were focused on the constable that had dared to cross the Ripper’s path. The Assassin watched as the menace’s long, twisted blade dug into the man’s stomach. Then again. And again. And again and again and again.
One scream turned into many. The sound of dancing turned into a stampede as the guests ran in all different directions. Several of them barged into Jacob and shoved him to the side, and he witnessed others being trampled. But his focus wasn’t on them. His focus was on the thing that looked like man before him.
By now there was blood everywhere, just like crime scene. Jacob watched as the Ripper gave one final stab into the constable (who was long dead) and carved his blade into his belly. There was a sickening sound that carried across the courtyard as his organs fell onto the ground.
Jacob didn’t shout or scream or breathe. He didn’t run or turn or move. He just stood there, frozen, as he watched Jack the Ripper dropped his kill. He looked down on his work, like he was satisfied with himself. He didn’t even notice the blood covering his clothes, mixing with the blood of his previous kills. For a long moment, it was if time did not move.
Then suddenly Jack the Ripper looked up and straight at Jacob. The Mentor stared right into those dark holes and saw them. Those lifeless, soulless eyes. No, this was not a man before him. This was a demon. A menace. A monster.
A thing Jacob had created. It was his Frankenstein. And it had come to destroy him.
Suddenly something foreign came over the Assassin. It first came from his chest, then it spread down his spine and through his entire body. An unknown instinct crawled its way into his mind and took over his thoughts. It was something Jacob never felt in his entire life, so it took him a long time to realize was it was.
“Come on, you monster!” Jacob bellowed. “Let’s be done with this!”
Jack the Ripper couldn’t resist the invitation. He charged forward at an inhuman speed and crossed the courtyard in only a few steps. Jacob was already turning and tearing down the alleyway.
The chase went on.
But this time his pursuer wasn’t a shadow. The Ripper stayed on his heels, close enough Jacob knew the killer had to reach out and take him. But he wouldn’t. Because Jack wanted to enjoy this hunt. By now the fear was driving Jacob’s actions.
His muscles screamed in protest, but he pushed on, going as fast as his body would allow. He couldn’t breathe. In desperation, he tossed a handful of smoke bombs onto the ground, one right after another, but it was useless. They would have no effect.
Somehow, the distance between the Assassin and the menace grew. Either because Jacob’s frantic attempts worked, the Ripper had allowed him, or just dumb luck. It was dumber luck that he ran into a group of constables patrolling a graveyard. Ones he happened to know. At first they were startled at his appearance, especially when he skidded to a halt in front of them.
“There is a killer on my tail,” Jacob told them, cursing he had to gasp between words. “You must stop him at all costs.” He needed time. Just a few seconds. To catch his breath. To ready his weapons. To accept that Death had come for him.
The constables exchanged bewildered glances but the head one, who had worked with the Assassin before, nodded. As Jacob slipped by, the group lined up to make a wall. A human shield.
There was no light in the graveyard. Just shadow and darkness. A fitting place for a last stand, Jacob supposed.
He slipped behind a tall gravestone and began to take note of his arsenal. Two hidden blades, two revolvers, his kukri blade, a handful of darts. With trembling hands, Jacob loaded both of his six-shot revolvers and then placed a dart into his gauntlet (he didn’t know which kind, but he didn’t care). The man pulled out his kukri blade, balancing it in his hands.
Then he heard the screams.
Chills crawled down his spine as the men he left behind let out wails of agony and terror, only to be cut short. With a gasp, Jacob pressed his back to the tombstone, just as he heard a thud on the far side of the graveyard. There was the sound of heavy footsteps on stone and the sound of something being dragged, like a bag across the ground.
Jacob swallowed, but his throat was so raw that the action was painful. He forced down that strange instinct—fear—and mustered up the will that remained. He stepped out of his hiding place.
Jack the Ripper paused. His body was silhouetted against the light of the window behind him. The eerie aura that surrounded him made him look like a sinister Angel of Death. He had already collected, as he clutched the still body of a constable. Once the monster noticed his true prey was right before him, in the open, he dropped his kill, now eager for the next.
“You want me, Jack?” Jacob demanded. He remembered. He remembered every one of their deaths. And their murderer was right in front of him. The Frye twin raised his voice to a harsh yell. “Come and kill me!!”
“Zachary! Zachary, wake up!” Alexandra barked, grabbing her little brother’s shoulder and shaking it.
The ten-year-old boy mumbled in his sleep and shifted, trying to shake her off. He had gotten his looks from his mother—he had reddish hair that curled around his ears. The candlelight reflected off his fair skin, a trait the rest of the family shared. His blue eyes blinked open when Alexandra shook him further.
“What is it?” the boy asked sleepily. The older Assassin knew she shouldn’t blame him for being tired. He had been training all day.
“Come, we’re leaving,” she whispered, but her voice was full of urgency.
“We are we going?”
“We’re leaving London?”
That seemed to wake the boy up. Zachary blinked and stared up at her in confusion, as if asking for answers. Alexandra could give him none. Her and her father were careful to keep him from the plague of terror that had stricken the Brotherhood. But Zachary was still an Assassin apprentice, and brighter than any of them gave him credit. He was well aware something was wrong, even if no one humored him.
“Should I get my things?” Zachary asked, already slipping out of bed.
Alexandra thanked God that he was a bright boy and already knew what to do. So many times he must have seen a member of his family barge in, pack a suitcase and disappear without a word. Usually that would be the case now, but Alexandra felt her instincts twisting, screaming of danger. They didn’t have time for that.
“No, just get dressed,” she ordered.
Zachary nodded and scurried to his dresser, pulling out a handful of clothes. Meanwhile Alexandra wandered off to her own room. If they were to cross the English countryside with a killer on their tail, they would need more protection that the small knife she hid in her dress. Even the short walk between rooms was intolerable.
The corset squeezed the air from her lungs and for the thousandth time that night, she stepped on her skirt. She thought she was getting better, but the panic that had seized her had thrown out all her experience. Causing her to take far too long to reach her home.
Giving up, Alexandra began to tear off the dress. Quite literally, as the fabric ripped in protest at her rough handling. It was gorgeous dress, she would not lie, and so were the handful of others she had purchased. As if wearing a modest dress wasn’t enough, her father was not pleased when she decided to go undercover as a whore. More so when his plan backfired, and Jack the Ripper caught on almost instantly.
Now the madman was hunting down any Assassin sent to spy on him. And that included Alexandra. Which meant she was next.
The young woman dressed quickly. She slipped on a pair of dark trousers and a pair of tall boots. Over her vest, she put on a long, leather coat, the same one her Auntie Evie used to wear. It was a gift for her initiation to the Brotherhood. Once changed, Alexandra grabbed her gift from her uncle, Henry Green. A curved dagger, called a kukri. She would need it. The Assassin snatched the rest of her things and stalked out of the room. She shivered at the sudden chill, provoking her to walk over to the open window and close it.
“Zachary, let’s go!” Alexandra called.
No reply.
The Assassin’s skin crawled when she was greeted with silence. Instinctively, she stepped into a crouch and her footsteps went silent. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and her stomach twisted. A hidden, ancient instinct within her stirred and warned of danger, like faint whispers. Kukri in hand, Alexandra stepped into her brother’s room.
Immediately the boy, half-dressed, jumped off the bed with a yelp. Only for him to land in a heap on the floor.
“What are you doing?!” Alexandra demanded. Zachary’s cheeks were red when he realized he was caught red-handed. Maybe he wasn’t so bright…
“I’m sorry,” he stammered. “I was just so tired. I only laid my head down for a minute.”
“We don’t have a minute. Come on, let’s get you dressed.”
Realizing he couldn’t be left unintended, Alexandra snatched his coat and pulled it on his shoulders while the boy furiously buckled his beat. The older sister, though peeved, felt a little guilty at her harsh snap. She couldn’t blame Zachary for not knowing what was going on, and not feeling the same panic as her.
“You can sleep in the carriage,” she assured him. “But we need to leave.”
Zachary nodded, finally understanding. Then he looked behind her.
Immediately his pale skin turned deathly white and his eyes widened. He mouth opened, as if he wanted to say something, but the words were taken from him. Alexandra didn’t have the chance to ask him what was wrong.
“Cute boy…” a deep, gravelly, terrible voice said.
Alexandra’s blood instantly turned to ice. She leaped to her feet and whirled around, holding out her blade in defense.
It was him.
“Jack,” Alexandra hissed, saying it like a curse.
The Ripper was standing in the doorway, unfazed. He took a step forward. Alexandra took a step back, pushing Zachary behind her.
“Stay away from him!” she shouted.
“Oh, it’s not him I want,” Jack purred, his voice not even sounding human. Suddenly a wicked-looking knife appeared in his hands. The same knife that took the lives of his victims. The killer twirled it in his fingers, unfazed by the sharp blade. “You thought you could double-cross me and get away with it?”
“I am not the traitor,” Alexandra spat, holding out the kukri further, like a priest waving a cross in front of a demon.
“You’re no smarter than your father.”
The mention of the man caught the Assassin’s attention.
“Where is he? What have you done with him?”
Jack tilted his head. The woman could practically see the sadistic smile on his lips.
“Dead,” he answered.
It was like someone punched her the gut. She stayed on her feet, but it was hard.
“You’re lying,” Alexandra retorted.
“We can go and see him, if you like. I’ll even let you die by his side.” Suddenly Jack’s gaze turned to Zachary. “Maybe your brother can watch?”
Her little brother’s whimper of fear was all it took. With a roar, Alexandra twisted her hold on her weapon and charged forward. Jack raised his knife in defense and braced.
Falling back on her training, Alexandra feinted to the right. Her opponent flinched in the direction, ready to meet her. At the last moment, the Assassin switched hands, sending her kukri blade from her right hand to her left. Jack now exposed, she raised her weapon to his chest.
Only for the Ripper catch her wrist.
Caught in her own momentum, Alexandra stumbled forward, stopping right before she rammed into him. But it was still too close for comfort. Their bodies were a matter of inches apart, and their faces were closer. She could have felt his breath, if he wasn’t wearing that stupid mask.
“Did you like my display tonight?” Jack suddenly asked. He tried to ask it in a whisper, but it was like his vocal cords couldn’t do it. “Left it just for you and your father.”
Suddenly Katey and Lizzie’s bloody, violated bodies flashed before her eyes. Her comrades. Her friends. Alexandra felt the rage in her chest.
With another scream, the woman flicked her wrist, unsheathing her hidden blade. She sent it towards Jack’s stomach, to rip him out, but his knife intercepted her strike. He batted her weapon away and gave her a shove. Alexandra stumbled backwards, trying to catch her balance, but was denied when her opponent sent a kick to her chest. The back of her head landed on the desk with a crack.
She let out a wail of pain as she crashed onto the hard floor. Darkness already surrounded the edges of her vision. Suddenly everything became muted, but she could just make out her brother’s shout.
“Alexandra!” Zachary screamed.
“Zachary, run!” Alexandra ordered, unable to hear her own voice.
But apparently, Zachary did hear her. He took off, but the only exit was the door, guarded by Jack. The little Assassin tried to skirt around the menace, only for Jack to catch him by his throat. Zachary choked defenselessly as the Ripper raised him off the floor with a single hand.
“Leave them alone!”
Jacob Frye didn’t know how he managed to survive. Maybe there really was a guardian angel. Or Jack just let him live. A deep cut was on his side and his knee throbbed with pain, but somehow, he managed to make to his home. Only to find that Alexandra and Zachary were still there, and they were not alone. Jack the Ripper had gotten there first.
At his yell, Jacob sliced his blade across Jack’s back. The monster had moved at the last second, so it wasn’t as deep at the Assassin had hoped, but it gotten his attention. Zachary was tossed across the room with a wail. Then Jacob saw the knife coming for his face.
The Mentor ducked just in time, only for something solid to slam into his chest. He wheezed as he was sent back, but caught his balance just in time to use his hidden blade to block Jack’s next attack. Only to be shoved back again. The Ripper sent one strike after another, each one more ruthless than the last, forcing Jacob to desperately evade his attacks. The man hissed when the knife sliced into his skin.
The Assassin struck out his own blade in defense, only for Jack to catch and twist it at an odd angle until there was a sickening crack. Jacob screamed in pain and pushed himself away, trying to gain distance. He barely stayed on his feet. He knew he was at a disadvantage.
Jack was over a decade younger than him and was not hindered by an aging body. He had the training of two Brotherhoods. He was stronger, faster, smarter. And much, much more ruthless.
Jacob could accept his own death. But he rather be damned than allow the monster to take his family, too. Jacob let out a roar as he charged again, and the fight continued.
The two traded blows, sending attack after attack, never pausing for breath. The terrible sounds of breaking furniture and shattering pottery pierced the air, along with their grunts and growls. It wasn’t long before it was obvious who was winning and who was losing.
Jacob struck with both his hidden blades, only for Jack to easily catch his wrists, stopping his attack. He gasped as Jack slammed his head into his brow with a furious roar. The Mentor was sent reeling back, left defenseless as the Ripper delivered a volley of relentless blows. Jacob was sent into the floor, tasting blood. He glanced up just in time to see the knife coming for him.
He scrambled back just as the blade impeded in the wooden floor with a thunk. The man tried to get as far away as his attacker as possible, only to slam into a coffee table and send its occupants onto the floor with a crash. He looked up to see the Jack the Ripper standing over him. He was trapped.
“Don’t you see the irony, brother?” the monster drawled, approaching him like a predator nearing its prey. Jacob raised his hands, trying to show he was unarmed.
“Jack, you’re sick,” he said, his voice almost pleading. The Ripper ignored him.
“Only you know who ‘the Ripper’ is, but you can’t tell a living soul!” The monster knelt next to him, waving his gleaming knife in front of his captive’s face. “Because it would destroy you… and the Assassins.”
Jacob’s gaze flicked from the knife to a bookshelf behind the Ripper. There, hidden between a pair of volumes, was his pistol. His only chance.
The man reached behind him, trying to find anything he could use for defense. His fingers wrapped around the stem of a candlestick. Acting quickly, Jacob swung it around into Jack’s head with a yell. The monster let out a grunt of surprise and pain, recoiling. Allowing Jacob to escape.
“No, no, no, NO!” the Ripper screamed.
Jacob flew towards the pistol, but he wasn’t fast enough. A heavy object slammed into his back, sending him back onto the floor. He rolled over just in time to see Jack leaping off the table, pouncing at him. The Mentor wheezed as the heavy weight of the Ripper landed on top of him. Jacob caught him, pushing back the knife aimed for his chest. Jack shoved him back down, arm leaning on his throat.
“Jack, we can fix you,” Jacob promised, but his voice was strained from the pressure on his neck. “Fix me?” Jack echoed, his harsh voice filled with offense. “I am the solution!”
The knife coming down on him was the last thing Jacob Frye ever saw.
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merlotetmos · 6 years
Zack Williams: The Stone File, OC
Zack Williams
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General Characteristics
Name: Zachary Williams Faceclaim (if applicable):
Titles: Tech Geek Nickname: Z-man, Zach, Alternate forms:
Theme song: Lanterns, Howie Day
Physical Characteristics
Height: 5’6 Build: Short, stocky Nationality: Amaerican Accent: English Species: HUman Skin colour: Darkish/tan Hair colour: Brown Hair length: Spiked short Eye colour: Green Eye shape: Almond Most prominent facial feature: His smile Most prominent body feature: His abs Scent: Lemon Breeze and Ocean spray Right/Left-handed: Right
Mannerisms: shifts and taps his feet a lot, always nervous-like. He’s quite like and geeky, the last guy you’d expect violence from, but he’s been known to protect his friends a time or to. He’s also a surfer, so he’s much stronger than you think.
Health and Fitness
Addictions: Surfing, Sugary sweets, caffeine and sarcasm. Handicaps: Even though he seems really sweet and down to earth, his genius level abilities and computer geeks refrain him from often understanding humanistic abilities.
Story Information
Archetypes: The Geek mixed with Surfer boy. Role: Computer genius.
Personality type: There's a lot to say about Z-man, but above else know that he's wise and loyal. Of course he's also disciplined, precise and balanced, but far less strongly and often mixed with being insensitive as well. His wisdom though, this is what he's often adored for. Friends usually count on this and his relaxed nature in times of need.
Nobody's perfect of course and Zack has a range of flaws to deal with too. His argumentativeness and abrasiveness sour the mood many a time, both personally and for others.
Fortunately his loyalty assures this isn't the case very often. Strongest character trait: His loyalty and compassion Weakest character trait: His argumentativeness and lack of tact.
Competitive?: Somewhat. Snap judgements or Calm thinker: Calm thinker.
Where do they go when angry/upset?: the lab at work Where do they go when happy?: The lab at work How do they react to praise?: It unsettles him How do they react to criticism?: He’s quick to turn the table. How do they react to a threat?: Typically not well. Despite being the average geek, he’s been known to win a few bar ights. Fight or Flight: Depends on the situation.
Biggest weakness: While he seems down to earth in many ways, his genius minds neglects to understand some humanistic aspects.
Personal Characteristics
Birth date: September 5th 1989 Zodiac sign: Cancer Birthplace: Charleston, SC Hometown: Wilkson, NC
Primary objectives: He’s working on writing research papers, still trying to prove he’s the smartest of his college friends. Secondary objectives: He strives to understand human interactions better. Desires: To have a healthy relationship. Secrets: He’s terrified of guns and violence. Quirks: Can always be found drinking coffee and stealing donuts from Soni’s office.
Greatest achievement: Graduating Harvard at the top of his class. Worst failure: Sometimes he thinks he regrets turning down jobs after college to work for Jesse, but this typically doesn’t happen very often - mostly when he’s drunk, alone or upset.
Mental Characteristics
Known languages: English, Russian, Latin, Chinese. Lures: Pretty girls, bad boys, nice waves Savvies: Knowledge, Pretty girls, surfing, Ineptitudes: Understanding certain human contact. Temperament: Soft tempered unless aggravated. Intelligence type Book smart. Intelligence level: Genius level.
Likes and Dislikes
Likes: Frisky women, friskier men, a good bottle of whiskey, boats and waves. Dislikes:  Long nights in the lab with nothing to do bu t wait on results, slow equipment, small waves Equipment:  Computers and labs. Wardrobe:  Lab coat, shorts and a t-shirt. Large fears: People knowing he’s bisexual, committing to a single relationship, Small fears/anxieties: trusting others, loosing himself, rabbits, ever facing his parents again Hobbies: Surfing, boating, drinking What would they change about themself?: the ability to commit.
Social Characteristics
Emotional Stability: Zack has extreme highs and extreme lows. If he’s drinking, he’s pretty emotionally stable, but sober, he can be a little paranoid. Humour: Dry wit Reputation: He’s known publicly as a ladies man. So much so that he has a special seat at Rockie’s Beach Side Bar with a drink named after him. But in quiter circles, he’s not afraid to flaunt around with many women. He’s much more careful with men though, only having a few male suitors he’s dated multiple times over the years that he treats with much more respect, though he refuses to commit to a relationship. He’s known as the ‘party teacher’ because he loves to drink and party, but he also has taught many to boat and surf. Status: Single-ish.
Occupation:  Lab director at the UCU. Skills: Biology major, physics major and forensic science major. Superiors: Jesse, Chief Mayberry
Romantic Characteristics
First kiss: 14, Kyle Winterguard the first football game of his freshman year. First sexual encounter:  Kyle the night of homecoming the same year above.
How do they behave in a relationship?: Yes. Have they ever been in love?: Yes. Have they ever had their heart broken?: Yes
View on PDA: Doesn’t care either way.
Interpersonal Connections
Mother: Idla Williams Father: John Williams Siblings: Katie Williams, Stefani Williams, Cory Williams Married/Attachments: Never.
Allies: The UCU team, the vampire’s. Enemies: Chief Maybery, Rogue vampires, Kyle Winterguard:
Childhood: Zack was born a beach bum on the shores of South Carolina. His computer genius father and history professor mother gave him a moderately well upbringing in a nice seaside home where he learned to love the ocean without fear. He grew up loving both nature and science and embracing both in his life
Adolescence: He was small, short child and bullied at school, so he was mostly scene as the geek until his Freshman year when he began hanging out with the quarterback of his high school, a junior at the time. Kyle Winterguard and Zack met the night of the first football game of his freshman year and quickly hit off by making out at a friend’s party after the game and after that, the two were inseparable and began dating shortly after in secret, as both of their families were social elites in the town.
But the relationship that had him falling madly in love for the first time in his young life, quickly turned violent when a drunken Kyle forced himself on Zack after loosing their homecoming game and it wouldn’t be the last time. Knowing his parents wouldn’t approve of the lifestyle Zack lived, he refused to let tell anyone and became increasingly withdrawn.
He suffered the abuse from Kyle until his Sophmore year at college. His eldest sister Katie has just come back home after divorcing her husband for abuse and was living with their parents. After seeing several of Zack’s bruises she began to ask him questions and several nights later, she found Zack cleaning up from one of Kyle’s beating.
Angry, Katie told Cory and Stefanie what Zack had been through. An angry and protective older Cory tore after Kyle and proceeded to beat the crap out of kyle, leaving the unconscious football player to be found in the streets. Kyle never returned to Zack’s life again.
Adulthood: After leaving kyle with the help of his older siblings, he left school and applied for Harvard where he earned a major in computer science. Shortly after he graduated, with no idea what he wanted to do, he took a sailing trip around the world. He was docked in the Wilkson Port where he met Courtney Marlow and Jesse Stone just as the UCU was being developed. Liking the idea of helping others he agreed to come on as a lab specialist that would give them the ability to access information quicker than regular departments, much to the distaste of his parents, but Zack didn’t care. Fore the first time in his life he felt free to be himself.
0 notes
dailyaudiobible · 7 years
04/07/2017 DAB Transcript
Deuteronomy 31:1-32:27 ~ Luke 12:8-34 ~ Psalm 78:32-55 ~ Proverbs 12:21-23
Today is April 7th.  Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible.  I’m Brian. It's good to be here with you at the end of another work week as we move toward the weekend and here we are in the mountains of North Georgia.  The More Gathering has begun.  Everyone has arrived.  Things are well, and we’ll talk about that in a bit.  We’re reading from the New International Version this week.  Today, Deuteronomy chapter 31, verse 1 through 32, verse 27.
Jesus is speaking and someone yells out of the crowd about an inheritance and Jesus is basically ‘you can’t interrupt what is going on here.’  He's like, ‘I'm not the arbiter here about your inheritance,’ but it turns his attention to a small teaching that he gives that is profound and he is basically saying this:  There are two ways you can live your life, one that is more self-absorbed and focused where you are trying to store up everything you can and accumulate your possessions unto yourself for yourself or you can seek first the kingdom of God.  You can do either one but think about it.  Think about how you got here in the first place.  Where did that breath of life that is within you come from?  Is it not your Heavenly Father?  Did you not get here intentionally?  And think about what is around you.  The flowers, how did they grow?  They don’t labor and spin and accumulate possessions and try to build a fortune for themselves.  Yet, even King Solomon wasn’t beautiful like they are.  And if God can care for the grass of the field which is here today and gone tomorrow, then he can certainly give you clothes.  You of little faith, don’t put your heart on food, what you’re going to eat and what you’re going to drink.  Don’t worry about it.  That's not what is going on here.  Your Father knows what you need.  
So he is saying there are two ways you can do this, the self-absorbed way or the seeking the kingdom first way, but if you’ll seek his kingdom first, then all those things you’re trying to do will be given to you as well.  So you can do your own thing and not have the kingdom or you can immerse yourself in the kingdom and have everything.  I love these words that Jesus uses to sum this up:  Don’t be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
Father, we take that counsel because once again that really mimics the shape of our lives in many ways and it certainly imitates the shape of this culture that we find ourselves in where we are encouraged to chase after everything possible.  So Holy Spirit, come.  We each have our own life story and life circumstances.  We each have a history.  We each have a future and although they may be similar, they are very unique because you have made us individuals.  Show us what it looks like for us to seek first your kingdom.  But for each of us, no matter our story, that begins with our intimacy with you.  And it begins with us fearing you.  This is the beginning of wisdom and we see that we are going to need it.  And we do need it.  So come Holy Spirit, apply this to our lives.  Overlay this over our hearts and even as we say this prayer, you are bringing things up within us, the things that we have been turning to that have been making us crazy, that have been stealing all the margin in our lives, things that probably we need to begin to extricate ourselves out of. Show us the things that need to remain and the things that we need to begin or to immediately let go of, things that are keeping us from seeking your kingdom, from creating space in our lives for a relationship with you because we get so busy that everything may be about you, but nothing is with you at all.  Come Holy Spirit, we pray.  In Jesus’ name we ask, amen.  
Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website.  It's home base.  It is where you find out what is happening and the More Gathering for Women is underway. Today is the first full day and we’ll have all day tomorrow and part of Sunday.  Today is, I guess in my mind, has always been sort of the day of heavy lifting.  It is a day when there is some space to explore some things.  And just like we were praying, we all have our own stories, so we’re not here to unpack everybody's everything.  We’re here to create and set the table for the Holy Spirit to come.  So we ask for your prayer over the hearts of the women as we move into this day.  Pray for them as they kind of acclimate to a little bit of a different pace than maybe life normally looks like, a pace where there is some margin, where there is lots of margin, where there is plenty of space to consider, but also to fellowship, become intimate with a sisterhood, and just grow.  So thank you for your prayers.  
The other announcement that we have right now is for the pilgrimage that we’ll be taking to the land of the Bible and that will be in early 2018, February 19 through March 4.  You can find out all the information about that at www.DailyAudioBible.com.  Just look for Israel 2018 or go to www.DailyAudioBibleIsrael.com.  That will get you there as well.  
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at www.DailyAudioBible.com.  There is a link on the home page.  Thank you for clicking that link.  If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible App, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to call.  
And that's it for today.  I'm Brian. I love you and I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Good morning.  This is Steve from New Hampshire and I first of all wanted to just pray for the Daily Audio Bible family the prayer from Ephesians chapter 3.  And Lord, I just pray that each member of the Daily Audio Bible family would just know your strength according to the riches of your glory, Lord God, that you would strengthen us by your spirit in our inner being so that Christ would dwell in our hearts through faith, that we would be rooted and grounded in love, Lord, that we would be strengthened to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and depth and height and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, Lord, that we would be filled with all the fullness of God.  We just thank you, Lord, that you are the one who is able to do far more abundantly and above all that we can ask or think according to your power that is at work within us.  We just thank you, Lord, that your glory would just be so manifested in your people. In the name of Jesus, amen.  A couple of prayer requests I wanted to pass along.  My son Benjamin, he has had some issues, depression, I guess, kind of thing.  He's had a couple of episodes recently where he has literally for, one time it was four days, he would sit on the couch and rock with a blanket over his head and just would not talk, head down.  We actually got some intervention last night to try to get some answers, but still as of this call he is still sitting on the couch and rocking.  Anyway, I just ask you to pray that we would have just answers and wisdom and that he would be set free from that dark cloud.  One other thing is I would just ask for prayer for our financial situation. It has been a strain for a while. That we would have God's wisdom and that he would bring some new streams or increased streams of income.  Thank you very much.  Appreciate you, everybody.  God bless.  Bye.  
Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling for you have been called by God.  Always be humble and gentle.  Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other's faults because of your love.  Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the spirit, binding yourselves together with peace, for there is one body and one spirit.  Just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future, there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all, in all and living through all.  Ephesians 4:1-6.  Hi Daily Audio Bible family.  I'm sorry it's been so long since I’ve called.  It's Kayla in California.  I haven’t even called yet this year, in 2017.  I just wanted to share that as I was remembering what I wrote in my husband's wedding band.  So I was just rememorizing it recently and the Lord just put it on my heart to call it in and remind you that it is not only for marriages, but it is for the whole body of Christ, that we would be united and humble with each other and gentle and patient and that we would ignore our faults because of our love for each other and for the Lord.  I hope you guys are having a fantastic day and thank you guys so much for continuing to pray for all the prayer requests and please know we are praying for you as well. Bye.  
Hi DAB family.  It's me, __________, from Texas.  I wanted to say thank you for all of your prayers.  Thank you so much.  If you can please pray for this request that I received last night for the…  It’s called Darkhorse.  It's the third battalion, the fifth Marines in Afghanistan.  They lost nine Marines in the last four days. These are all the nine that have laid down their lives for us this week.  I will lift their names and their age.  If you will please lift them up, their families up for their loss.  It's Justin Allen, 23 years old.  Brett Linley, 39 years old.  Matthew Weikert, 29.  Justus Bartett, 27.  Dave Santos, 21.  Chase Stanley, 21.  Jesse Reed, 27.  Matthew Johnson, 21.  Zachary Fisher, 24.  Brandon King, 23.  Christopher Goeke, 23.  Sheldon Tate, 27.  This is such a tragic loss for all of these families.  Please don’t forget to lift up the people that are serving our country and that are sacrificing their lives, whether it be here physically or they are sacrificing their family and their time and everything that they are sacrificing for us. Please let us not ever take it for granted, the blessing that it is that they choose to serve for us.  
Hi everybody.  This is Kathleen in Mount Zion, IL and I just really feel like I absolutely have to call in when there is something that I see that is just outrageous to me.  I just saw that in Syria where somebody dropped a chemical bomb once again on these people.  I mean, this is just a horrible, horrible death.  Chemical weapons, there is no place for this.  I just pray. ��I just want you to pray with me, people, that whoever did this as they did before and should have been caught and they should have been tried for this, I just pray that whoever, whatever government that is doing this, whatever group, whatever person is behind it, that they will be caught this time and taken to justice.  Please pray with me throughout the world, all of you, for the sake of the people who had to suffer under this chemical attack. This is just ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.  Anyway, thank you.  I love you guys.  Annette in Oklahoma, I love you, sister, and I am praying for you and your son.  I love my son so much and I am praying for you and yours.  I just want you to know that.  I love you. Bye.  
Good evening DAB family.  This is Sherry calling from British Columbia, Canada.  Candace in Oregon, this song is for you.  This is written by Sherry Youngwood and it is based off of Psalm 61:1-4. [singing]  Hear my cry, O God.  Attend to my prayer.  From the end of the earth I will cry to you.  When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I.  For you have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy.  I will abide in your tabernacle forever.  Oh, I will trust in the shelter of your wings.  In the shelter, in the shelter, in the shelter of your wings.  I will trust in the shelter of your wings.  In the shelter, in the shelter, in the shelter of your wings.  I will trust in the shelter of your wings. [end of singing]  God bless you, Candace.  May his comfort surround you at this time.  In Jesus’ name.  
Hello Daily Audio Bible community.  This is David in Kansas.  It's been quite a while since I’ve called in.  Those of you who have been around for a while may know that about a year ago I called in.  I was in really bad shape.  As the year progressed I got in better shape and was even praying for those who needed prayer.  And I did really well.  I lost 33 pounds and I got past a lot of the health issues that were nagging me and then when the winter hit, for whatever reason, I just kind of gave up and I put 20 pounds back on.  I began to feel the pressure and I kind of took a step back from everything and now it is April and I'm pretty much back where I was a year ago.  I'm about to go to the doctor because I'm in really bad pain again. I'm terrified that they are going to find something, that I might have to have surgery again or something, but I'm even more terrified that they are not going to find anything like last year. They didn’t find anything.  I was just in tremendous pain and I just had to, I don’t know…  I just need prayer.  I'm feeling really down __________ alone.  I'm feeling like everything I did last year was for nothing because I'm right back to square one and it's really disheartening, so I'm asking for prayer.  After I go to the doctor today, after I find out anything, I’ll call back in and give you all an update.  Thank you for praying for me, as always.  I love you.  Goodbye.
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