#zack will straight up bully that guy for no reason and you’re watching like. ZACK THATS SEPHIROTH
planet4546b · 2 months
zack fair is one of the funniest characters in ff7 for the single reason that sephiroth is so many things to so many people but to zack he’s just the weird guy his older brother is dating who’s really into a niche metal subgenre
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skadren · 2 years
on the infantry!cloud post: i think i vaguely remember something from before crisis where cloud got angsty about the group of troopers he was on a mission with getting killed by ravens? (didnt the same thing happen in nibelheim? ah the mc proximity to curse of nameless support characters) it seemed like cloud cared about them at least a little so that couldnt have been that bad.
so before crisis is, um... before crisis lol. i've never sat down and played it or watched a playthrough of it, so i can't comment too much on it. but yeah, it's likely he wasn't severely bullied or anything, whether he had friends in his squad to support him through it, or it just didn't happen at all. it's still important to remember though that before crisis and crisis core didn't exist for a good portion of the ffvii fandom's lifespan, so a lot of people might focus mostly og ffvii and what it tells us for their headcanons.
i ended up looking deeper into the nibelheim incident for this ask, though, and this is where things get interesting. not directly related to the topic of cloud’s hypothetical bullying during his time as a trooper though so if that’s all you’re here for, i put everything else under the cut.
og only gives us a passing mention of the death of the other trooper in the first nibelheim flashback during kalm, after the bridge collapses and tifa brings up that someone is missing. sephiroth says they can't afford to go back and look, and they move on.
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cloud's sprite doesn't show any sort of reaction during that series of dialogue.
during crisis core, though, as far as i can tell, the story skips directly past any mention of the bridge collapsing, and only shows a small photo montage of the ascent up the mountain with some commentary subtitled underneath it. stuff like this:
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so, only one trooper in all these shots. even though they start the trip with two, it cuts straight to the reactor with only one left, no mention at all of what happened to the other trooper. it also skips over all the fun bits like sephiroth absolutely wrecking dragons and his criticisms of calling materia magic and, of course, the bridge breaking.
from a logistical perspective, it makes sense that the devs would want to skip over reiterating the “uninteresting” things that we’ve already seen in og and go straight to the juicy stuff aka sephiroth’s breakdown. but from a meta perspective, we could essentially say that the og version is what cloud remembers, while crisis core is what zack remembers. cloud’s version of events, since this is before he remembers everything in disc 2, is also clouded (ha) by his false presumption that he’s the soldier first in these events, not zack.
tifa agrees with cloud’s version of events of ascending the mountain, so it’s not likely he made anything up there. it’s possible that cloud puts extra focus on the bridge breaking compared to zack because with a coin flip, it literally could have been him who was left behind to die. so even if he thinks he’s the soldier first in that moment, him deeming the death of the other trooper important enough to put in his story (as small as a mention it is, it’s still more than zack gave it) is a fun bit of foreshadowing for his real identity. he still doesn’t outwardly react in the moment, though, which means either a) zack didn’t react either or b) he thinks that’s what zack (or at least a “cool” and “powerful” soldier) would have done.
i just thought it was interesting that zack doesn’t seem to mention it at all, even though fandom perception of him is as this super friendly guy who knows everyone and genuinely cares about them. yes, he had a lot on his plate at the time, and it’s not possible for a soldier first to care about every single random trooper in the army. and it’d be reasonable to assume he’s grown jaded towards shinra at this point, given he’s seen a lot of deaths and failed to save people of his own. but still. feels a little odd.
to be honest, i don’t know what my point was. maybe the fact that it would have totally been reasonable for cloud to assume he wasn’t anything special, given the way even zack seemed pretty indifferent to troopers. thoughts?
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synnefo-nefeli · 4 years
I’m a die hard Clerith shipper since 1997, you can’t change my mind but the one thing I won’t tolerate in FFVII aside from shipping wars, is anyone shitting on Tifa.
Don’t. You can like Clerith without hating Tifa. You can find other reasons to not to like Tifa as character, that isn’t “I don’t like her because she gets in the way of my ship”
Personally, Tifa isn’t one of my top tier FF characters, but I am not going to ignore how much of a badass and important person Tifa is to Cloud’s story.
People cite Aerith’s death and burial as the most important moment of FFVII, and yes it’s heartbreaking and an iconic scene. But you know what’s also an important scene?
Tifa in the lifestream with Cloud setting his memories straight. Tifa who up until this moment unbeknownst to the player, is aware that Cloud as he’s presented himself thus far *isnt* the Cloud he thinks he is. She’s been patiently going along with Cloud’s story trying to figure out *what happened* to him/ how he appeared in Midgar boasting of being a SOLDIER while clearly suffering from Mako poisoning/how will she ultimately break this story to him.
Think how hard it was for her to watch Cloud have ptsd episodes and not know how to ground him other than to say “it’s okay. Pull yourself together, let’s keep moving”, because she doesn’t know how or why Cloud is suffering.
But then they fall into the Lifestream together and Tifa helps Cloud sift through the memories warped and altered by the poisoning and Cloud’s severe PTSD.
Only Tifa could help Cloud here- she’s the only one on the Team who has known Cloud since they were young/understands Cloud’s motivations for wanting to become stronger in joining SOLDIER.
This part of the game is beautiful and emotional, and very ahead of it’s time in its portrayal and meta-discussion of PTSD; Cloud isn’t magically healed and back to normal, he never will be, be he’s reclaimed his identity enough that he can begin to heal. I’m replaying the original atm and the moment still holds and I’m hoping that the remake nails this moment. It’s as important and impactful to Cloud as a character as Aerith’s death.
Speaking of Aerith.  Aerith and Tifa become friends from the jump.  Aerith is so respectful of Tifa that twice she makes sure that she isn’t encroaching on Cloud and Tifa’s relationship. She asks Cloud if Tifa is his girlfriend, she reassures Tifa in Don Cornero’s Mansion that she’s not there to steal Cloud from her.  
And yeah, Aerith isn’t trying to steal Cloud or anything - she helped a cute buff guy recover from a fall, asked him for an escort because this time the Turks brought backup to capture her, and got swept up in the ensuing events.  
Hell, Aerith is ride or die for Tifa BEFORE THEY EVEN FORMALLY MEET EACH OTHER. Aerith sees Tifa being carted off to Wall Market and her “some bad shit’s about to happen to this woman if we don’t move NOW” senses go off.  
Cloud’s like “oh let me take you home first and I’ll get my teammates...” and Aerith’s like “YOU NAIVE FOOL? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO CUTE GIRLS IN WALL MARKET? (tbh, considering how naive Cloud can be, I am going with ‘nope’.) WE GOTTA GO! QUICK GET INTO THIS SEXY DRESS BECAUSE MR. SOLDIER YOU’RE NOT COMING UP WITH A BETTER PLAN WE CAN WORK WITH!!” Aerith drives the entire plan to get into the Don’s mansion. She negotiates the dress, the wig, the makeup, EVERYTHING, to make sure that Cloud can pass as a women to come into the Mansion with her.  
Heck, Aerith was going to go into the mansion HERSELF to get Tifa when the guard was like “No dudes allowed.” The only reason they went looking for dresses in Cloud’s size, was because Cloud got all “No, I can’t let you go in there a lone if it’s as bad as you think it is”, (as if he hadn’t just spent the last day with this woman watching her completely kick ass in battle). So Aerith was like, “Fine, you wanna come with me? Get in the Silk Dress, Cloud” with the same energy as Shinji’s Dad.
And when Aerith gets captured, Tifa was like “WE GOTTA GO AND SAVE HER FROM SHINRA!” as well as protecting Aerith through the whole ShinRa office building mission when the groups had to split up.  So yeah, these two queens love and respect each other from the get-go, they put Cloud in his place, tease the shit out of him and Barret, probably had hair-braiding trains at camp, and support the hell out of each other . 
Also, as we see from the rest of FFVII and in AC, Tifa is devastated by her friend’s death and continues to grieve with Cloud.  Tifa is emotionally intelligent enough to see that Cloud’s grief and guilt over Aerith’s death is killing him, but also respects his need for space.  However, when she finds that he has Geostigma and has staying away from everyone so he can just waste away and die as some sort of penance for not being able to save Aerith and zack, she get’s PISSED at him. Tifa is instrumental in bringing Cloud back (again) to his senses.  Making him see, that he doesn’t only belong to himself, he belongs to their family, just as much as they belong to him. The love and fierce protection Cloud has for his family?  They have that for him and believe he’s more than worthy of that love. Tifa takes none of Cloud’s mopey and self-loathing bs, and sets him straight.
So if you think Tifa is only there for fan-service, an annoying bitch who is there to be jealous of Aerith, is there just to make a love triangle so SE can pander to fans on both sides, you clearly
a) didn’t play the games b) missed one of the best female relationships and examples of women supporting women in gaming c) missed how equally important both Aerith and Tifa are to Cloud in their own ways
IMO I see her and Cloud as platonic soulmates- kinda like Black Widow and Hawkeye- they have history, they have shared trauma from their childhoods and in the destruction of Nibelheim, they know what it’s like to grow up in a poor country town that’s been exploited by Shinra on so many levels from the natural resources to it’s culture of military indoctrination and idealization.
Yes, there was an innocent first love, but after certain events, to me- it’s moved beyond romantic attraction between them. They’re always going to be important to each other and in each other's lives.  
Their innocent first love to me, mirrors Zack and Aerith’s, but Aerith moved on and fell in love with Cloud. Yes, Cloud reminded her of Zack, she probably wanted to remain close to Cloud to get closure on what exactly happened to him. 
People often forget, Aerith *knows* Zack’s died and returned to the Lifestream in the way that she knew her adoptive mother’s husband had died before word reached them. When she has her awkward moment in Gongaga it’s not because she’s now realizing that he’s dead, she’s now realizing that these are Zack’s parents and they still don’t know what became of their son. Zack was scrambled into Cloud’s memories due to trauma and because Zack was someone Cloud looked up and was his ideal, combined with the fact that Zack was the only person talking to Cloud for 9 months as Zack carried his catatonic self back to Midgar. But Cloud didn’t *become* Zack, only Zack’s plans of becoming a mercenary and being a former SOLDIER were impressed upon him. If Cloud actually became Zack he would have been chipper, this energetic “I’m a hero!” all around good-guy hero Zack made himself out to be. The Cloud we first meet...isn’t- yes he thinks he’s a former SOLDIER turned merc, but he’s sardonic, arrogant, and too much of “tough guy/lone wolf”...he’s more like his child-like self who was made to feel like an outsider and wants to showoff how much cooler and stronger he’s become.  He didn’t find Aerith because Zack was some how possessing him.  Aerith and Cloud meeting was destiny, and their subsequent relationship is independent of their past histories with Zack. And if Aerith is interested in Cloud because she reminds him of Zack - well...the woman is allowed to have a type.
I digress.
Cloud was in love with Tifa in that - “hey! notice me! If I go off an become this awesome guy, I’ll be worthy of your attention” sort of way, that teens get.  He was a lonely kid, often bullied by the other children in the village (Tifa included), and probably didn’t know *why* he wanted Tifa’s attention- it was most likely Tifa had the most social capital among the kids. And despite her hot/cold treatment of him,Cloud who was desperate to prove himself, figured that if he somehow “won” Tifa’s attention, it would “show them”.  I am not saying that Cloud was using Tifa or didn’t care about her- he does love her. He blamed himself for not being strong enough to save her when she tried climb Mt. Nibel.  But you can’t ignore that his thirst to prove himself wasn’t wrapped up in his crush.  It’s your typical “become a hero, get the girl” idealization.  Cloud was 14 when he left Nibelheim for Shinra’s military. He was a child, just like Tifa, with a naive idea about how the world worked- and the world slapped them both in the face, HARD.  Relationships mature and change over time. Outside forces can and will shift your dynamics in how your relate to the people you love.  Sometimes your first crush, becomes one of your very best friends (happened to me personally so maybe this informs my take on Cloud and Tifa) because when you’re young you don’t understand that loving someone, outside of your nuclear family, isn’t only constrained to romance. This is what I believe happened to them. Cloud and Tifa had the quintessential school yard crush, and when they were reunited years later in Midgar, they still care deeply for each other in a different way than they did when they were 14 and 13.
But those are MY feelings, it’s how I play the game’s attraction mechanics; I am afforded to shape Cloud’s relationships as I, the gamer, see fit. I understand why Cloti shippers ship Cloud and Tifa, and they’re just as valid as Clerith, Zarith, Clack, etc.. but I’m a sucker for M/F platonic soulmates because there needs to be MORE of that in media. I rather Cloud and Tifa be platonic soul mates, co-parenting Marlene and Denzel with Barret, than Cloud “settling for Tifa because Aerith died”. which that explanation for Cloud x Tifa, often used by Clerith shippers, just undermines who Tifa is as a character and her’s and Cloud’s relationship.
But anyway, even though I don’t ship them and Tifa is not my #1 girl for VII, she is a vital character. She’s not there for fan-service.  She’s not there exclusively for a love triangle and to cause tension between Aerith and Cloud.  Tifa is VITAL to Cloud’s story, to the story of VII, to the planet of Gaia. You wouldn’t have VII’s core story without Tifa. And I will go to the mat for her just as hard as Aerith did when she saw Tifa in the cart bound for Wall Market.
So again: you may not ship her with Cloud, or she may not be your fave in VII, but in this house we forever respect the badass queen whose name is Tifa Lockhart
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jakobs-stories-blog · 7 years
The only thing on my mind was escaping that deathtrap of a classroom. My face felt on fire as I scrambled to collect my belongings while every eye of every person in that room was fastened on me. Despite my shaking hands I managed to grab my science papers from my desk and I began to head for the door. Naturally, being me, I stumbled over every chair I walked past and only embarrassed myself further. It was when I got to the door that I finally snapped. Tears flew out of my eyes and I began to heave violently. I ignored every soul in that hallway until I got to my locker where I dropped to my knees and buried my face in my jittery hands. I thought teachers were supposed to oppose bullies, not become them.
While I knelt at my locker, I became oblivious to life around me. I heard nothing, saw only black and focused solely on breathing. It must’ve been an hour before I finally rose from my state of suffering; I checked my watch and saw that it was seven minutes before school ended. A light, airy sensation flooded through me. Slightly reenergized by this joyous fact, I zipped up my backpack and slammed my locker door shut. A small, yellow paper fell to the ground. Without hesitating, I reached down and grabbed the paper. It had been folded twice in half and was taped shut. I tore off the tape and opened it:
“if you want to get him back, meet me by the water fountain after school.” -zack
Something inside of me told me to do it. To go to the water fountain and meet Zack. I didn’t even think about it. I wandered to the water fountain to meet a kid whom I had only spoken to a few times.
“Hey,” he said. “I’m really sorry about…what happened. That was a dick-move by Bickett.”
“Don’t be sorry. I guess he’s just like that.” I replied, faking a smile.
“No. Don’t make excuses for him. Even if disrespect is one of his character qualities it’s not okay for him to say what he said to you. That was verbal harassment. That was borderline criminal,” There was passion in Zack’s eyes when he spoke. “I mean, I wouldn’t count on Abel Bickett to be caught up on rules and regulations. The dude is a high school science teacher for a reason.” I laughed immediately. Mr. Bickett was known for being on the dumber end and it wasn’t uncommon for people to joke about it. “So, I’m assuming you got the note then?” he asked.
“Yeah. But why do you want to help me? We don’t even talk that much.” I said.
“Look. I hate bullies. And no, I’m not gonna go on for hours about my sappy, sad bully story but know this: no bully goes unharmed.” he said, stepping closer to me. “Now. Follow me.”
Zack led me out to his car where he explained his plot for revenge on our science teacher. He opened the trunk and uncovered a black box. After brushing off the thick, white dust that covered it he lifted it out and set it on the ground. I had no idea what could be in it. “You aren’t planning on murdering Bickett, are you?” Zack laughed and proceeded to open it.
“No. I’m not going to kill Bickett,” he said, prying the thing open. “just…spook him a little bit.” He lifted the lid of the box and revealed a mass quantity of fireworks.
“Are those even legal?” I asked.
“Of course not. That’s why I’m hiding them in a black box in the trunk of my car.” he said, smiling wide. “These little guys right here are going to help us immensely.” He picked one of the fireworks out from the box and handed it to me. “But, before I explain my plan any further, we need to get out of here. People might get slightly suspicious when they catch us with highly illegal pyrotechnics in a high school parking lot.” I handed the firework back to him. “I’ll be at the window of your bedroom and eight o’clock tonight. Be ready.” he said looking straight into my eyes.
I spent the rest of that afternoon and evening with nothing on my mind but my adventure to come. I knew it would involve fireworks but I had no other information of what Zack planned to do. I guess we can say that he was the secretive type. A knock on my window came promptly at eight. “Hi.” I said, helping Zack through the window.
“Nice room,” he said. “very pink. I like it.”
“Thanks.” I said with a laugh.
“Are you ready to go?” he asked.
“Mr. Bickett’s house.” He must’ve seen the confusion on my face because he quickly continued. “Don’t worry. We’ll be safe. You have to trust me.” Something in the way he said those words instantly earned him my faith.
“I trust you.” I said.
He lead me back out of my window and down onto the grass of my front yard. We ran over to his car which was parked a few houses down and got in. He began talking the instant we started driving. “I thought I should warn you,” he said. “you’re about to commit grand theft auto. I thought you should know.”
“Excuse me!” I screamed.
“Don’t freak out! I’ve done this before. You’ll be fine.” he said.
“I’m not stealing Bickett’s car.”
“Oh yes you are.” he said, looking ahead at the road.
“Oh no I’m not, Mr. Car-thief! Are you insane?”
“You said you trusted me. And were too far now; no going back.”
My heart was racing.  A little revenge would’ve been nice but I thought that committing a felony was too much. However, Zack was right: it would be stupid to turn back now.
We got to Mr. Bickett’s house at 8:13. All of the lights in the house were dark but one, and nobody was to be seen. Zack finally told me the rest of his plan. “Okay listen up because this is gonna be crazy.” I nodded. “You’re going to take the fireworks to the backyard; i’ll give you my lighter. When you get there wait for my call.” I nodded again and he continued. “When you hear me yell, ignite the fuses and run back out to the front. Stay low and don’t be seen. We cannot get caught doing this.” My heart rate skyrocketed. “I’ll take care of the rest,” he said. “remember, run back out to the front when you’ve lit the fireworks.”
We got out of the car and he gave me my equipment: seven bottle rockets and an old Bic lighter. “Take these to the back,” he said. “he won’t see you, don’t worry.” I slowly made my way to the back gate and opened it. Mr. Bickett’s back yard was nothing like how I envisioned it. The grass was long and the bushes and trees were unkempt. It was a rather uninviting place and here I was, uninvited with a bundle of bottle rockets. Not exactly the ideal situation. I picked a spot behind a tree and waited for Zack’s call. I had waited minute and then I heard Mr. Bickett’s doorbell ring. I knew it was Zack. Only a few seconds after the ring, I heard his call. Immediately I reached for the lighter and I stuck each bottle rocket into the soft dirt. One by one I lit the fuses until all were ablaze and ready to blow. I sprinted away from the havoc I had just created and heard them pierce the night sky before I could even reach the gate. I busted through the latter and ran out to the front. No Zack. I looked around, staying low to avoid drawing attention to myself, but I couldn’t find the boy anywhere. I did notice, though, that Mr. Bickett’s front door was wide open and unattended. I knew Zack had gone inside. I waited eagerly for what seemed like ages until my partner in crime (literally) sprinted through the door and towards me. “Follow me and be quiet.” he said. I followed him over to Mr. Bickett’s car. Zack had Mr. Bickett’s car keys in his hand. “Get in!” he yelled. I hopped in without even thinking and Zack sped off down the road.
“How did you get his keys!” I asked.
“It worked! We did it Rachel!” he set out into a joyous laughter. I couldn’t help but smile.
“Zack, answer me. How did you get the keys?”
“So you heard the doorbell right?” he said.
“After I rang it, I hid. Then I yelled for you to light the fireworks.”
“Continue.” I said.
“Well, Bickett went to the door and saw that no one was there. Seconds later he heard the fireworks. Totally confused, he left the door and ran to the back yard. He was panicked! I then ran through the wide open door, grabbed the keys from the key-rack and ran out to you!” he said, breathing hard. “It worked Rachel!”
I was shaking with adrenaline. Zack’s plan had worked and we had successfully stolen my teacher’s car. “So what do we do now?” I asked, still beaming.
“We joyride.”
Zack and I spent the next hour blasting Nirvana with the windows down and laughing like maniacs. We took dirt roads, drifting around the corners and even went to the local mall to bounce over every speed-bump we could find. It was incredible. Mr. Bickett of course must’ve been terrified. First, fireworks had exploded in the cool, black sky above his suburban home and next his car is stolen. The worst part, he is unaware that two of his students are behind it all.
After we had had our fun we abandoned Mr. Bickett’s old sedan only four blocks down from his home. Zack wrote a note and left it on the dash:
“think twice before bullying a student again. you’re lucky we aren’t as cruel as you are or this car would be as burnt as your bed is.”
“Zack please tell me you didn’t light his bed on fire.” I asked.
All he did was wink.
© jakob sauer
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dis-blog-ded · 7 years
Power Rangers thoughts
now before I begin, the warning about the car crash isn’t exactly right
there’s actually TWO car crash scenes, there’s also a little bit of blood/gore and I think cannibalism too
now my thoughts (spoilers obv)
Billy’s my favorite, but I’m not sure if it’s because I like actually him or if because I feel like I should like him because I’m autistic
speaking of, I was hoping for a little...more about him. his role is really just a mixture of The Smart Guy and The Heart (which bothers me)
His autism traits are barely there, he’s just your typical “super smart and a little awkward” autistic character...like, nothing else, thankfully nothing terribly stereotyped but...and the “reveal” of him being autistic is... he just says he’s “on the spectrum” while he and Jason are in the middle of carrying a box, just a random convo that I can see people not picking up on, especially when he was about to explain it but he stopped himself/Jason stopped him. And not only that but a LOT of people don’t even know what “on the spectrum” even means...I bet if you walked up to a random person and asked them what it meant they’d have no clue it means Autism Spectrum...As an Autistic person who isn’t a genius I am..really tired of seeing that as being “our thing” because not all of us are smart (or of the “poor thing can’t even take care of themselves” which is the OTHER kind you see...). I also didn’t like how they were implying his Autism make him innocent/“pure-hearted” (exact words) because that’s another stereotype of us..I also didn’t like how they killed him so his death could be used for drama since he’s The Heart of the group. I was gonna be so mad if he stayed dead, even though I really knew they weren’t gonna actually keep him dead.
Not gonna lie, Kimberly I didn’t really like. Both she and the story treats her story as being “so mysterious popular pretty girl oooh~” but it’s her being a bully to her friends being treated as a “worse” secret than Trini being a lesbian in a perfect, normal, disapproving family or Zack being really scared of day his mother dies. You fucking talked shit about your best friend behind her back to the guy she liked and shared her nudes to both him and the fucking school, they have every goddamn right to be upset with you and cut you out but no you want to play the victim. Fuck you.
Jason is boring to me, but he’s not much different from the original so eh.
Trini I don’t really have much complaints about. She’s your typical “angsty/moody/rebellious teenager” of the group but they at least give a reason for it. Although they never outright say she’s a lesbian by name and I can’t wait to see all the fucking annoying posts arguing that Zack asking if her boy troubles were actually girl troubles “really” means she just has trouble making female friends because straight people are fucking stupid and refuse to accept LGBT unless it’s explicitly stated in 4 different ways in essay form
Zack’s cool, he’s the “tough guy/badass” of the group and I feel really bad for him with his situation. His father is never mentioned so I assume he’s not around for them, unlike Billy’s who died. He’s also the first one to step up and realize they all need to know each other and become friends before they could be real Rangers.
Zita...she’s the Green Ranger in this continuity (staying true to the Green Ranger being evil in the original) but I was waiting for her to put on her armor to fight them....and waiting...and waiting....nah, she just has a skimpy outfit for her “armor” because Evil Makes You Sexy (when you’re female anyway). They never actually fight either, it’s just the Zords who fight. Kiiiinda makes all their training pointless because the fighting is done with giant robots. (in fact, now that i think about it...there really wasn’t that much action in this movie)
For the actual movie, tbh it was really slow. It took them an hour in to get their stuff and start training, about another to finally unlock the armor (except it was only Billy and only once), and the actual fighting was a little bit short. As I said, their training was basically pointless because the actual hand-to-hand combat was very short AND they still got their asses kicked because they were getting outnumbered and overwhelmed so they immediately brought the Zords in.
I REALLY hope the post-credits scene means they’re making a sequel to introduce Tommy, but I don’t know how that’s gonna work since Zita is the Green and she got (literally)  backhanded into space with her crystal...I also wish they would have at least shown him, but I guess they’re waiting to see if the movie was a success or not before they picked an actor, which I understand. Zita’s words also heavily imply that we’ll see more villains so Lord Zedd will probably be in the sequel. I hope down the line they bring in Ivan Ooze from the original MMPR movie for shits and giggles
Little Easter Egg
The previous PR actors are in the movie. I saw the original Kimberly and I THINK Tommy and Billy in a crowd and I’m sure the others were there but I didn’t have time to see. So that was cool.
So...I enjoyed it but, like with BotW, I feel it was just a little overhyped. Maybe it’s just me. If they make a sequel I’ll watch it too.
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