#zeb fanart
nicki0kaye · 3 months
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redrew a meme with my otp for last month's patreon reward Zeb just likes being the big spoon! and he overheats sometimes!!! (one of Kallus' droid babies took the pic)
(Zeb is also 1000% purring at the time)
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 11 months
Thrantober Day 28 ~ Double Date
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Thranto and Kalluzeb Double Date 🥰
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cameoliob · 2 months
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Ezra and Sabine couldnt even BEGIN to grasp his lore
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aaeeart · 3 months
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it's the shock of being threatened with death that's gotten her so frozen. no other reason
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sabellart · 5 months
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ghost crew pre-ezra
based on this pic
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hayesflint · 5 months
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Hera is very proud of the cake she baked for you!!
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tyquu · 7 months
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Chat, I’ll be honest, for the first two episodes I thought that Ezra’s mismatched leg was a prosthetic. Anyways here’s some doodles toying with the idea!
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fluffyslug · 29 days
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You know which episode this is set after, guys. D'you think Zeb ever kind of regretted coming back? Like, not seriously regretted, just wondered how much less annoyed he'd be on Lira San?
Also, space socks look exactly like earth socks?!? Yes. And Zeb is wearing a space Tshirt that looks exactly like an earth Tshirt. Stop questioning me.
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kabukiaku · 1 year
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finished my rewatch of star wars rebels and i am coping by drawing <3
haven't drawn rebels art in over 5 years gawddamn...
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The piece I did for the @legacy-rebelsfanzine ! I've been sitting on this one for a while!! ✨ long enough to see mistakes and things I would change now, but I'm still proud of it!
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chrismho · 8 months
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nicki0kaye · 1 year
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here we've got Pre-Empire, lower levels hive-rat Sasha Kallus and Good boy Junior Guard Captain Garazeb Orrelios for the @bahrynfestival prompt 'In Another Life'. Zeb characterization and general Lasan HCs courtesy of @sidhebeingbrand
Now, I could be normal and say this is just a 'oh what if these two met before the Empire' thing but I'm far from normal and that's not JUST the story behind this pic. Yeah, they're meeting before the Empire, but there's also a bunch of other nonsense going on. Lemme explain;
Sasha Kallus hasn't felt like a person since inheriting his 'magic'. It's been a quirk of his family for generations, but lucky him, it seems he's been gifted a particularly 'bad' case. Instead of being able to influence the 'magic' in others, like his baba and older brother, Sasha is burdened with generating an overabundance of 'magic' in himself. It sizzles in his veins like a live wire, heightening everything, dialing up his senses, his reflexes, his strength, keeping his mind buzzing all the time, hyper-aware and overly sensitive. Without his brother Tuz there to bridle that magic, Sasha runs the risk of becoming something dangerous, of becoming so overwhelmed, he loses himself and lashes out in a way he can't take back. 
And he hates it. 
He knows he's scaring his family, that there's a 'good reason' Tuz keeps him on such a short 'leash', but Sasha resents it all the same. He wishes he could get rid of his stupid magic. He wishes he could run away and never look back. 
The family trait he knows as 'magic' is unheard of on Coruscant, and it's not quite the same as channeling the Force. Its two distinct flavors, however, are common and even revered on the planet Lasan as a gift of the Ashla. On Lasan, there are Watchers, who see with the Ashla's light, and their Guards, who shield the Watchers and aid them in honing their gifts. 
Junior Guard Captain Garazeb Orrelios is visiting Coruscant as part of his Queen's entourage. Personally, he finds the planet a disturbing, lightless place. Excluding the Jedi in their temple, it feels like no one here has been touched by the Ashla. He was told to expect as much, that there are no Watchers or Guards among humans, but still. It's freaky.  It makes this durasteel hive of a planet feel all the more dead inside. 
Perhaps it's because he's particularly freaked out that, when the faint spark of a Watcher's soul  suddenly appears several levels below them, he's the first to notice. Perhaps it's his disposition–his talent for meshing so well with any unbonded Watcher that might be in need of his aid–that keeps his awareness locked on this stranger, this lost soul. 
No, not lost, there is a Guard's presence keeping the Watcher stable, but. It's too fraught a union to be a healthy bond. The Watcher is in distress. 
Garazeb's duty is to all Watchers, even alien ones hidden in the depths of off-putting city-planets. He asks permission to pursue this stranger, to ensure personally that all is well. 
That's how Garazeb meets Sasha. 
Now, there's one last thing. On Lasan, it's understood that the Ashla has made every Watcher a Guard to compliment and complete them, and every Guard a Watcher, in turn. Bit of a soulmate thing. It's not guaranteed one will find their match, but it's likely and extremely obvious when it happens. Even for a talented Guard like Garazeb who seems to naturally compliment every Watcher he meets, the work of shielding his intended would be frictionless. 
Garazeb has been searching for his Watcher ever since he was small and learned one might be out there waiting on him. He had not expected to find a human, let alone one who considers his Ashla given Sight a curse, has no concept of a 'bonded pair', and has only known a Guard's influence as 'leash' to keep him to heel. 
There's no denying it, though. They meet, and even his superiors can tell the bond is special. Garazeb never, ever expected to forsake his home for the hellscape that is Coruscant, but for his Watcher? He might. Assuming Sasha will let him.
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rancidsugar · 8 months
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cameoliob · 2 months
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I like to think that after he got his ass beat he conked out for like 14 hours straight
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aaeeart · 3 months
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have a Zeb and Kanan
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sabellart · 1 year
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happy canonization kalluzeb!!!
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