#zelda au terrible fate
fever-project · 6 months
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Brainrotted so hard about Marin so I quickly drew her reference for my Links Meet AU, Uncanon Fates. She isn’t going to appear until *checks notes* after Chapter 2 T>T Anyways, she stuck around after Hyrule Warriors, due to reasons I don’t want to explain yet. And since she’s now on a farm, I gave her some overalls :D Also I had a hard time choosing Marin’s sexuality, but basically she’s attracted to femininity/feminine people. Felt like finsexual fit better than femmesexual for that, but honestly it’s not that important. Now time to work on the actual comic and probably the refs for characters we’re actually going to see soon lol
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
First time sending an Anon ask but kinda wanted to share some pretty dark BotW Warriors angst my sibling and I came up with without explicitly tying it to my regular blog. Btw it’s been a while since we came up with this AU and haven’t touched it since so bear with me as I try to remember it. It was inspired by a few art pieces and another fic I read that I forgot the name of.
So the whole thing was inspired by the Hero’s Shade. The concept goes that after each Link in the Chain dies they remain as ghosts in the world, waiting for the rest of the chain and being like guardian spirits of Hyrule. How the ghosts are here isn’t really important, just that they are. They spend time between times mostly just sleeping. When timelines split they themselves don’t, they’re just stuck in one time stream or another until the timelines remerge. The ghosts can sort of impact the living but can’t do many major things
Eventually 8/9(?) of the Chain are reunited in death. Chain as family and they all prepare to wait for Wild. They sleep so long but eventually Wild draws the sword and they all become aware of him. The ghosts trail after their ninth and watch over him from beyond the grave (gathering blackmail as they go) and also mentally prepare themselves for the eventual Calamity.
On the day of Zelda’s 17th birthday, the Links are a bit scattered. Most of them were with Wild, but respectfully didn’t follow him up Mt Lanayru. Legend and Hyrule were at the Great Plateau, Legend already asleep by the recovery bed in the Shrine of Resurrection (not wanting to see Wild die) and Hyrule wandering the structure.
Wars was at The Sanctum of Hyrule Castle.
Malice is a terrible thing that scars and burns even Spirit Dragons of great Wisdom.
Those who died because of Calamity Ganon and his Malice didn’t get to pass on peacefully, the Malice trapping them in their death throes and forcing them to relive their final moments for as long as the malice remained. These Ghosts were all over Castle Town and all throughout the castle itself, completely oblivious to the world around them and trapped in their pain and memories. These ghosts are called Damned Souls
For Wars It’s arguable much worse.
The Chain all rendezvous at the Shrine of Ressurection as agreed upon, wanting to sleep by Wild together so they could know when he woke up and accompany him from the start. After about a week of waiting with no sign of War’s, Time goes to investigate. He’s the first one to encounter a Damned Soul.
It takes a good week of back and forth from Time before he can stand the screams to make it through the castle all the way to the walkway to Sanctum.
At the edge of the small cliff, he sees Wars.
The Captain’s body is scarred with Malice, writhing across him in lazy patterns. He’s looking out over the Castle and Hyrule Field but doesn’t seem to be noticing anything. Time calls out to him. He doesn’t respond.
Time gets close enough to wave a hand across War’s face. While his eyes seem sharp and aware, they don’t track Time’s hand. He doesn’t respond.
Time retreats back to the Shrine with news of War’s fate. The entire chain refuse to back down until they’ve at least seen him. When they arrive at Sanctum once more, everyone tries to get a response from the captain, to no avail, until Legend yanks on the man’s arm to try and force him to turn around. With most Damned Souls’ it’s impossible to move them from their trapped position.
With War’s he’s forcibly twisted around and almost overbalances, yelping with eyes wide in shock as he tries to get his bearings with the sudden movement.
The relief is immense. Until it’s not when War’s reaches for his sword and draws it, eyes darting around without actually locking on anything as he demands whatever touched him step back.
Time taps in Morse code on War’s wrist “It’s us War’s.” The Captain is very clearly distressed about this, as is everyone else.
War’s is trapped in Hyrule Castle (they try to leave with him but an unseen force prevents him from leaving castle grounds). He can’t see, hear, smell or taste anything in the world (except Malice, he can smell and taste that). He can only feel things. He’s aware of his surroundings as much as he can be, and is aware of the passing of time (the concept not the person). When he tries to sleep, to wait for Wild to clear the Malice by defeating the Calamity, he quickly finds out that’s not in the cards for him due to his ambient pain from the Malice.
He takes to patrolling the Castle instead, after the Chain help him get an idea of the layout. For the duration of the month, he has a set circuit around the castle that he patrols, killing every monster in his path along the way. He clears the entire castle just in time for the blood moon. After the blood moon he repeats the route, killing every monster once more in an endless cycle.
Time teaches the Chain Morse Code (Which he learnt in the War of Era’s because War of Eras Trio is life) so they can talk to Wars. Time also spends the day of the Blood Moon with War’s, walking his patrol with him and keeping a hand on him just so he knows he’s there. No one sleeps through the century, instead trying to make it more bearable for their Damned Brother.
If it wasn’t for the fact that Twilight was waiting for Wild at the Shrine, they probably wouldn’t have known their ninth had woken up.
With Wild awake, between him, general keeping Hyrule monster repopulation down, personal space there’s not as much time for watching over War’s. It’s during one of these pockets where no one is with Wild or War’s that Wild makes his first foray into the castle to grab the memory, seeing The Captain for the first time.
Wild can see Ghosts, but only after the Shrine if Resurrection, and only really present ghosts so he was spared the horror show of Castle Town.
Wild doesn’t confess about his brief encounter with The Captain to anyone, not even Wolfie, but due to local legends (that it’s best to explore the castle just before a Blood Moon) understands that the ghost he saw is probably responsible. He takes advantage, but only recognises the true impact after meeting the (Alive) Chain.
Once Calamity Ganon is defeated, the Damned Souls are free to pass on to the afterlife, and War’s can see and hear for the first time in a century. Tearful reunions all around.
Afterwards, War’s still can’t bear to sleep because it reminds him too much of his Damned state. Instead he maintains his patrol around the castle, it being muscle memory at this point. Unless he wakes up by himself, the only way to wake him up is to touch him, as it’s a bit of a trancelike state and he isn’t processing verbal or visual cues.
There could probably be another angsty thing about Wild coming back from journeying with the chain and searching for War’s ghost. Or the Chain meeting said ghost, but this is already giant.
So yeah, chew on that for a while I guess. I’m not usually an Angst writer nowadays but I just thought to share one of my original War’s ideas. Feel free to do whatever you want with the idea, and who knows, maybe I’ll write for it on my main account someday.
if you write this i am on my hands and knees begging you to tag me, this sounds absolutely fucking devastating /pos ‼️
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So I saw you can do crossovers and I have been CRAVING Genshin girls with a crossover S/O. I was thinking either Zelda, Kingdom Hearts, or Pokemon.
So...if you really don't mind, could I get Ayaka, Yae, and Shenhe with an S/O who is a Pokemon trainer (the Pokemon they have can be up to you!)
(If the whole crossover thing has changed, feel free to ignore this, it seems like a bit of a stretch anyway lol)
I only know something about pokemon from the media you said! But I'm not an expert, somehow pokemon is one of the medias where I am not a total lore nerd... Also it's not general hcs... I just thought about first meeting scenarios and went all in haha...
Also explanation for their "signature" pokemon. Ayaka just cuz I think it suits her lookwise lol. Miko cuz her having a nuisance of a pokemon is funny to me. Shenhe cuz it's is one of the best counters for ghost types. I'm typing this just so people won't write stuff like "bUt wHy DoeSn'T MikO hAVe A VulPIx" she does. I just wanted to include one pokemon per character.
[Pokemon AU] Ayaka, Miko and Shenhe meeting their trainer S/O
She was one of the more popular pokemon idols as well as a gym leader, so she didn't have much time to herself at all.
Froslass is one of her signature pokemon. It was odd that actually when the two of you met, she had an argument with it.
The constant fighting and training for the performances has drained her Froslass, and you saw how upset it made her when you went to challenge her. The very idea of neglecting her pokemon made her feel terrible.
So instead of fighting her, you helped the two get along again. And she appreciated it more than anything else.
Ever since that moment you've been in contact. She wanted to repay your kindness after all.
It took her a long time to reach out again, but when she did she was so happy to see you again.
So you went on a "date" where it was just her trying to thank you for everything. You really enjoyed talking together and if you didn't connect last time, you sure did now.
Her life was always one where she didn't travel too much unless she needed to. She had a few pokemon she spent her daily life with. She really adored taking care of them. But secretly her pokemon were very well trained.
She liked to challenge random trainers from time to time, often acting like she doesn't know anything.
When she met you, you could immediately call her bluff but you still accepted. Your suspicions turned out to be correct when you saw what kind of a monster her Gengar was.
And her strategy was confusing you. But she had everything planned for a sudden win, rather than overpowering you and crushing your hopes in a minute.
Such playing with her food had caused her to lose because you weren't some newbie. She was everything but disappointed though, although she couldn't amuse herself with your reactions, she was entertained by battle instead- which she didn't think would ever happen.
So ever since that she wouldn't just let such a fun opponent go. She was hoping that the two of you would run into each other more often.
And she wasn't disappointed. Because fate kept bringing you together. By that point you've already became close.
Her job was dealing with ghost type pokemon who were often getting a little bit too comfortable fooling around public spaces.
And one day... She ended up having to scold your pokemon on your behalf before you managed to catch up to it.
You made sure to apologize to her for all that inconvenience, but all she said was that it was okay and then went her way.
She was so beautiful and graceful... When your pokemon saw the way you looked at her... Let's just say that it wanted to play a wingman.
It kept running away from you and making you run into her often. It only stopped once you got the courage to ask for her number.
She was blunt and it made her so appealing. Your ghost pokemon actually really liked her too!... But it didn't get along with her Weavile as much...
In the end your pokemon was listening to her better than to you. You honestly had no idea by that point if it played wingman for you to be happy... Or for it to spend more time with her.
~Mod Lisa
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legofanguy · 1 year
ToTK: A princess left behind
This is my entry for @zelinkcommunity Zelink week 2023 day 2 forbidden. The forbidden comes from this being a AU ending of Tears of the Kingdom in which Link kill Ganondorf before he turn into the Demon Dragon and swallow his secret stone. Spoliers for Tears of the Kingdom. Also, Link and Zelda's daughter Charlotte is named after her grandmother.
It has been months since both Charlotte's mother Princess Zelda and her father Link has disappeared and the Demon King has been defeated by the team work of Link and the new Sages. Right now, the four years old princess is on a sky island with her parents' close friends the Sages and Purah the Shiekah scientist. The Sages has last saw Link take a Secret Stone, a Zonai artifact that amplify the powers of the one whose wear it, from the Demon King dead body and strangely request that the Sages guide Charlotte in her duties as heir to the Kingdom of Hyrule and he is sorry for not saving Zelda from a fate. Weeks later, there begins sighting of a green dragon that sudden appear above Hyrule Castle before flying off to the clouds, where the mysterious Light Dragon was waiting for it, and there is no secrets that begin rumors of how the dragons are somehow connected to Princess Zelda and Link disappeared. Among the Sages is the spirit of Mineru, the Sage of Spirit and Charlotte's ancient aunt.
Mineru explains to Charlotte, "Long ago, when your mother end up in my time, in the begining era of Hyrule, I hold Princess Zelda about stories of a forbidden act called draconification. The story goes that 'to swallow a Secret Stone is to be become an immortal dragon... one blessed with eternal life. To become a immortal dragon is to lose oneself.' That is why it is forbidden. After my brother Rauru seal the Demon King at the cost of his life, the broken Master Sword appear in our time and your mother, Charlotte, decided..." and Mineru become sadly, "so that Link could get the sword in time for the final battle..."
Everyone realized what Mineru is hinting at with Purah saying in disbelief, "T-That's nonsense... Zelda would never turn herself into a dragon!" which the Zonai call out, "Maybe that why Link didn't tell any of you when he found out about Zelda's fate! You would have call him mad with grief, when Link was losing his will except to destroy the Demon King as Zelda wanted, just like my brother when his wife Sonia was murdered in cold blood by the Demon King for her Secret Stone! Beside, both he and Zelda suffered a crushing defeat by the Demon King's evil you called Calamity Ganon 100 years ago and it affected their minds!" Purah and the Sages understand that Mineru was right about their possible doubts as Charlotte ask, "What about daddy?" and the Zonia close her eyes and said to the little girl as she open them, "I am... I am sorry, little one... I told you about your mother's fate, because I tragically have a theory about what happen to Link, as he has saw Zelda's memories of me telling her about draconification and her transformation. I see in his face that Link was desperate to defeat the Demon King for something only than protecting Hyrule..."
Sidon made a horrible conclusion and ask, "Please... Don't tell us... Did you believe Link truely swallow the Secret Stone of..." Just then, two roars full the skies and everyone look up to see the Light Dragon and the Green Dragon, both has mane of blonde fur, which are proof of their identities. Riju speak out, "That Light Dragon... she must be Zelda. That mean that other dragon is truly..." and Charlotte speak this terrible realization as well, "Daddy..."
The two dragon sit down to the platform before the gathered group and lower their heads so that their Hylian daughter would touch their fur, just like she would feel their hands. As she does, a glowing light came from Charlotte's hands and spiritual avatars of Link and Zelda appear. Zelda's avatar happily, "Charlotte... oh, my Charlotte..." before she notice Link and realized, "Link... you are here.... but, did you..." and Link reply, "Yes, my love. I defeat the Demon King, with the Master Sword you keep safe for me, and swallow his Secret Stone to be with you."
A few weeks back, Link hold the Secret Stone he took from the beheaded body of the Demon King, seeing that it does amplify the recall ability as he hope, so he is left with his other option to be with Zelda, even if it means forshaking what make Link himself and leaving his daughter and his friends. Link has saw that he has become like Rhoam and Rauru when he learn Zelda fate 10,000 years ago of become a father and king of Hyrule whose lost his wife.
Just like the memoires of Zelda, Link put the Secret Stone and swallow it, which he feel everything fading away as a glow comes from his body before his blue eyes become the eyes of dragon and his Hylian body become a long green dragon with a mindset of finding his mate, the Light Dragon, roaring as it fly from above Hyrule Castle and into the skies of clouds where she waited him.
Link said to his friends with one last look, "Please... protect Charlotte... make her happy... ensure that the Hyrule she will lead will never face another evil like Ganon again." and both Zelda and him said to their daughter as their avatars fade away, "We love you, Charlotte... with all of our hearts." Soon, the two dragons fly out to explore and protect this land, together in eternal union. Mineru sigh and said, "It's a bettersweet ending. My brother and the wife he loved... their Secret Stones has made two lover forshake their mortal lives to be immortal dragons that wouldn't remember their past lives."
In a attempt to cheer Charlotte up, the Sages speak, trying to do so together, "Those of us... gathered here... swear on our lives... to support Princess Charlotte and...." They stop for a brief moment which cause Charlotte to giggle before the Sages try what Link told them before his transformation again, "to support Princess Charlotte Zelda Hannah Hyrule and safeguard the land of Hyrule."
After Mineru's spirit fade away, and Charlotte see that the Secret Stone that is now hers has become the mix of white and yellow to symbol her light and time powers, which her powers and her ancestors has.
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candy8448 · 1 year
Art Masterlist
#i do a little art
Monthly art collections:
August art
September art
Inktober Linktober
October art
November art
December art
2023 art summary
January art
Full pieces:
LU Wild (first post)
"You were late, and you failed to protect her"
"I am still your Zelda"
Zelda's awakening
Miles Morales
A terrible fate
Zom 100
Gone with the wind(fish)
Oshi no ko character drawings
Lights on the horizon
Triforce heroes
Clay ocarina (+WIP)
Dark world forms (individual drawings included)
Oshi no ko poster repaint
Legend LU
Every other star (lu au fic) fanart
Warrior cats original island map redraw
2 year warriors oc redraw
Sammer's kingdom piano cover
Super paper mario characters
Warrior cats oc comic page
Bigender wooden heart
Song of the hero (sketch)
Skyward sword 12th aniversary
Alttp 32 | Albw 10 | Aniversary
Bowie! (The OctoBEAR)
Legend's scars
Lu/sksw pannel redraws
2nd quarter quell
SideQuest! Character sketches
New pfp
Painting a bigender badge
Subtle bigender n genderfluid badges
Marin & Legend comic
Sksw poster progress: sketch 1 2 lineart colour
Tiny- fairy Hyrule & minish four (sketch)
Old pieces
Even older pieces
The legend of Zelda 38th anniversary
LU boys doodles
LU doodles
Toilet hand
Doodle dump (English)
Doodle dump (Maths)
Skyward sword scribbles
Doodle dump (Science)
Ghirahim and demise
Totk history doodles
Pose practice
Legend's proposal
Picrew tag game 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Toon binkus plush
Legend doodles
Collection o' old doodles
Zelda dungeon concept & sketches
Merry Christmas!
If we get caught...
Pronoun braclets
Genderfluid forest
Flag squares
Mindless brainrot doodles
Hermes Hermes Hermeson
Ravioli valentines doodle
Favorite loz/lu ships
A chaotic mess
That's rough buddy
Hyrule punching Legend
Man (twi)
The island has provided
Peeta getting stoned
Ballad of the aunt's fridge
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly Roundup: Prompts (May 25-June 02)
someone try's to tinker with arthur's saint graph in order to give him as many alts as artoria does . it's the prompt filler's call on whether or not this is porn with plot.
Fate/Stay Night
after pulling an all nighter playing legend of zelda :TOTK , shirou is rudely awoken by the sound of rin & luvia brawling over something stupid yet again. much to his horror , the red & blue brutes have demolished a fair amount of the kitichen. still speechless from the sight that was caused by the duo , rin & luvia are still fighting , unaware of shirou's presence . until a green light overtakes their vison , and they find themselves quite literally joined at the hip & face to face with shirou , who now has Rulebreaker in hand. the duo are given a choice , either pay for the kitchen repairs out of their own pockets , or he leaves their fate in the hands of artoria (who , unbeknownst to the terrible 2some will become artoria alter the second she sees their faces) Oh yeah I forgot to mention, the thing holding Rin & Luvia together is the green goo from the fuse ability in TotK
Smut, incest, I humbly request anything PHH Morgan/Artoria related, especially in the 'middle' stage of their lives, early enough for the two to have diverged but not quite into the burning hatred yet. Still fucking roughly, though. I'll fill whichever Morgan prompt I can get my hands on next.
incest, i was encouraged to send this concept as a prompt over here! anyway — rin and sakura sharing a joint and commiserating over fucked up trauma. then they make out over it. 😌
bro i just need 1k words of rin malding about how shirou grows up to have a bigger bust size than her.
Dubcon, knockarena is in need of a new guard dog , and her first choice is beryl gut. tags : pet play , femdom , Dub-con, mind-break (caused by hearing mash & morgan have sex) ,NTR .
Smut, Smut: Magical girl Shirou Amakusa against the forces of evil. Aka Amakusa being forced into a very frilly outfit and getting fucked by Dantes
Age gap, I come humbly asking for mash/morgan. specifically i want mashmorgan with an emphasize on the age gap. Mash is SO young and inexperienced compared to Morgan, barely even just reached adulthood by human standards. You get an extra kiss on the forehead if you play it as corruption, specifically as MASH corrupting Morgan, trying to get Morgan to fuck her good even if it can't be a good idea.
Yamanami and Okita finally meet again! At first, Okita cannot speak to Yamanami, avoiding him for the most part. One night, however, Okita comes up to Yamanami and the two have a talk to catch up. Then Okita proceeds to vent on how ever since he died, everything fell apart for her, then she remarks how being at Chaldea made her feel like herself again.
I would like some mash and gudao, please and thank you
Kirschtaria gets Daybit and Pepe to beat the SHIT out of Beryl.
The crypters going on vacation somewhere. Chaos ensures
instead of killing beryl for his treachery & being a garbage boyfriend to her daughter , morgan decides he'd be more useful to her as a court jester . naturally , that fool would need to be trained properly. (tl;dr , beryl gets force fem'd into a big titty clown girl named Spinel)
Crossover sort of, Hakuno gets a hold of the Roseate Desire from Limbus Company and ties up Nero and Tamamo in horny pink ribbon bondage
gudako brings kirshtaria , ophelia & pepe back from the dead via mad science. 2 out of 3 of the test subjects are rin & luvia , & it seems like shirou sold 'em out to gudako.
AU - Instead of the Matou, Tokiomi instead sells Sakura to One Direction
Any fandom
Servants who aren't technically dead (Merlin, Fionn, Charlemagne, etc) discussing their weird summonings
Morgan (berserker) is summoned by luvia , and within 2 minutes of luvia being luvia , morgan is utterly fed up with that haughty mage & she promptly bimbofies that foolish woman & later employs her as her maid. ah , yeah , before i forget , morgan now has the command seals.
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hyliagenesiia · 3 months
Finally giving Zelda her own verse tags, I have been so lazy about it. She does not have as many verses as my other blogs, but I am all about creating verses as I may need, so this post is subject to change.
* denotes an exclusive verse. currently none.
EVADE DESTINY — v ; we can't evade our destiny [ pre-calamity ]
For all the AoC/pre-botw threads with muses of that timeline. Zelda has not awakened her power unless otherwise stated.
HOW TO SHINE — v ; learning how to shine again [ post botw ]
For threads set after the Calamity is sealed and prior to TotK. Zelda's magic does not come as easily to her after the Sealing, with no threat against Hyrule to be used against, but she can still access it. She is still trying to adjust to having been in the castle for a hundred years and struggling to figure out what she wants for her kingdom from this point on.
FATE — v ; fate is a terrible thing to know [ totk ] tag subject to change
Main TotK verse if I feel like specifying. Zelda is constantly in and out of the the main timeline, using her Time magic to travel between the Eras to do what she can to help Link grow stronger and defeat Ganondorf.
FOR THE FUTURE — v ; for the future i create [ time travels ]
General tag for threads in which Zelda is in a different Era, by accident or design. Her Time magic is not always accurate and she cannot control it as well as she would like - she could end up in another timeline for weeks before she can travel again.
CALAMITOUS EMBRACE — v ; nothing will save you from calamitous embrace
This blog started as a Triforce Swap Power!Zelda AU and this tag is for any threads that play into the AU. Zelda, as the Bearer of Power, unleashed the Calamity in a fit of rage. She hears the voice of Demise and fears what he might do with the powers she inherited through the blood of the Goddess.
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tnc-n3cl · 1 year
The Realm Walker Timeline (Story Version)
I've been working on a timeline for my Zelda fic "The Realm Walker", which is set in BotW AU. This particular post is going to focus on backstory rather than events of the fic itself, and is written as if it were an in-universe book. Mostly this is focusing on what was going on in Hyrule in the immediate aftermath of the Calamity and the years before Link ever woke from his little nap. Some of this will be talked about in an upcoming chapter of "Shifting Tides of Fate" but there's nothing too spoilery here. However it is rather long and will be below a cut.
I've divided Hyrule's history into five Ages/Eras based on names pulled from the Zeldapedia and stuff I made up. These are The Era of Myth, Golden Age of Prosperity, Era of Prosperity, Age of Burning Fields, and Era of Rejuvenation. Now the first two are so far in the past there's no point trying to date things, Era of Prosperity would be EP and covers the events before the Great Calamity, I could date things later but haven't yet. Age of Burning Fields is ABF and Era of Rejuvenation is ER.
Commence the lore blog!
The history of Hyrule is long, bloody, and complicated.  No one knows for sure how long this land has existed, and separating fact from fiction is quite difficult.  From what little we know of the distant past, we can divide Hyrule’s history into five distinct time periods.
The Era of Myth
The Era of Myth refers to the time period in which the Tales of the Hero take place.  Each of these tales tell of a Hero and Goddess Blooded Princess who time and time again rise to face the King of Evil, Ganon.  Each tale is named after its hero, for example, the Tale of the Hero of Winds is one of the most popular and speaks of a hero who sailed a Great Sea using a magical conductor’s baton to control the wind.  Granted, all of this happened so long ago that it is nearly impossible to tell exactly when it was.  Separating history from myth in the Tales is also a futile effort at this point.
What we do know is that this time period ends with an event known as The First Calamity.  Like countless times before, Ganon rose to threaten Hyrule once again.  However, this time he was considerably more powerful than at any time before.  The Hero and Goddess Blooded Princess rallied the forces of Hyrule in a desperate battle against Ganon.  Just as all seemed lost, armies from the three neighboring kingdoms of Holoryna. Yosun, and Xilipi (Sy-lie-pie) joined the fray.  With an opening created, the Hero of the First Calamity and Princess managed to seal away Ganon at the cost of their lives.
In the aftermath of this terrible battle, the nations of the world united to find a way to stop Ganon the next time he returned.  Of course, we have no way of confirming if these neighboring kingdoms exist.  Holoryna is said to lie to Hyrule’s north while Yosun is northwest.  The Great Scar Canyon that separates Hyrule from the towering Empira Range beyond prevents anyone from traveling to these kingdoms by land.  Likewise, they cannot be reached by sea due to strong winds and currents preventing ships from sailing much farther north than Lomei Labyrinth Island or further east than Gerudo Bay.
Xilipi is said to be to Hyrule’s west, past the Gerudo Desert.  Fierce sandstorms prevent anyone from attempting to search for this nation.  They say Gerudo Bay is just to the east of Xilipi’s borders, but no one has managed to sail past Gerudo Bay and return.
The Golden Age of Prosperity
With the nations of the known world united behind the common purpose of preventing another Calamity from occurring, the time period known as the Golden Age of Prosperity began.  The Sheikah Tribe developed miraculous technology that improved the lives of the people.  For example, this technology was combined with the Zora’s expert stonemasonry to build the massive Rutala Dam in a single year.  This dam effectively controlled water levels in the Lanayru Region to end the catastrophic floods that would otherwise occur every ten years.  The Rutala Dam stands to this day as a symbol of cooperation between the peoples of Hyrule.
The Sheikah Tribe’s technology was also used to produce terrifying weapons, the Guardians and Divine Beasts.  It would be these weapons that would stop Ganon’s onslaught the next time he returned.  We don’t know how long the Golden Age of Prosperity lasted, but we do know that it ended 10,000 years ago.  What little that has survived indicated that the Guardians and Divine Beasts were able to stop Ganon, but were so effective at their task that the people grew to fear them.  The King of Hyrule at the time, who’s name has been lost to history unfortunately, ordered the Sheikah Tribe’s technology buried. 
Not only did Holoryna, Yosun, and Xilipi cut ties with Hyrule after this, but the Gerudo, Gorons, Rito, and even the Zora began to cut ties with the Hylian Royal Family.  Fear of the Sheikah Tribe’s technology was so great that people began to fear the Sheikah themselves and the resulting persecution resulted in the formation of a militant splinter group.  This group would eventually be known as the Yiga Clan, which still plagues Hyrule to the modern day.  Most historical texts have been damaged, not just by time, but by fire or water.  It is suspected that the early Yiga Clan made considerable effort to destroy as much of Hyrule’s early history as possible.
Eventually, relations between the Hylian Royal Family and the other peoples of Hyrule began to normalize and the Era of Prosperity began.
The Era of Prosperity
With most of the scars healed, Hyrule knew a long age of peace.  However, the specter of Calamity Ganon loomed large on the horizon.  By this time the Tales of the Hero were regarded as little more than myth, bedtime stories for children or inspiration for soldiers and adventurers to do great deeds.  A fortune teller told King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule that Calamity Ganon’s turn was nigh.  King Rhoam established the Ancient Research Institute with a pair of genius Sheikah researchers named Purah and Robbie as its leaders.  The Institute was ordered to begin searching for the lost Ancient Sheikah tech, and it wasn’t long before they began unearthing relics from the Golden Age of Prosperity.   
The Institute established the Royal Ancient Tech Lab in North Hyrule Plain, near the Ridgelands.  This location was chosen as it was close enough to Hyrule Castle to allow for short supply lines, but also far enough away from any major population center that there would be time to evacuate if something went wrong.
Meanwhile, the son of a skilled knight, while lost in the woods, stumbled upon the legendary Master Sword, the blade of evil’s bane itself!  Somehow this youth had been chosen by sword that seals the darkness to defend Hyrule from evil!  Given the fact that this youth showed surprising skill with a blade, his father was a high ranking knight, and that he was chosen by a legendary sword quickly lead to him joining the Hyrulean Army.
Eventually the Divine Beasts themselves were unearthed.  Pilots were chosen for these massive weapons, Chief Urbosa of the Gerudo for Vah Naboris, Lord Daruk of the Gorons for Vah Rudaina, Master Revali of the Rito for Vah Medoh, and Princess Mipha of the Zora for Vah Ruta.  Along with the wielder of the Master Sword, they were named Champions.  All the pieces were in place, except for one.  Princess Zelda’s sacred sealing power still slumbered.
On Princess Zelda’s 17th birthday, she made the pilgrimage to Mt. Lanayru to pray at the Spring of Wisdom.  Late in the afternoon, Calamity Ganon returned at the very heart of Hyrule, the castle itself.  Somehow, it seized control of the Guardians and razed everything in his path.  The Champions were slain one by one and the Divine Beasts seized by the Calamity.  Eventually each beast wandered outside of Hyrule.  Vah Naboris was last seen heading west into the wastes of the desert, Vah Rudaina was last spotted at Crenel Peak heading north toward the Great Hyrule Forest, Vah Medoh was last spotted heading northwest of Tabantha Village, and Vah Ruta was last seen walking in circles at Samasa Plain. 
As the Great Hyrule Forest is still standing, it remains a mystery as to where Vah Rudania went.  Since Vah Ruta is no longer at Samasa Plain, one can only assume that it eventually headed out to sea.  Why the Divine Beasts fled Hyrule is a mystery to this day.  Perhaps the Champion’s spirits remain in this world and directed their Beasts to flee to avoid causing any further devastation to Hyrule?  Or perhaps Calamity Ganon sought to use them against the legendary neighboring kingdoms that opposed him so long ago?
The legends say that Calamity Ganon seeks to destroy the world; however, clearly that didn’t happen or you wouldn’t be reading this...  Reports from the Sheikah of Kakariko Village state that eventually the Malice swirling about the Castle faded, this coincides with reports from across Hyrule that the Guardians simply stopped in their tracks.  Perhaps the Goddess Hylia intervened?
Whatever transpired, the Era of Prosperity was over, and a new dark age descended upon Hyrule.
Age of Burning Fields
The first 23 years after what would become known as the Great Calamity, was named the Age of Burning Fields.  The term was originally coined by the survivors of the Great Calamity who settled in Necluda.  While the worst of the suffering in this region only lasted three years, Director Purah of the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab decided to use the term to encompass all of the troubles Hyrule faced during these trying times.
Central Hyrule was completely and utterly destroyed by legions of Guardians.  As most of the Hylian population resided in this area, it is clear that the Hylians suffered the most casualties.  That said, Guardians made it as far as Blatchery Plain, the Gerudo Desert, the Maw of Death Mountain, and even Tabantha Village.  The Guardians marching to Goron City were luckily buried by lava flows from the erupting volcano.  A hero somehow managed to stop the Guardians advance at Fort Hateno.  The Rito were able to stop the Guardian that assaulted Tabantha Village and covered the evacuation of the town, however what was left was quickly obliterated by the monster hordes that followed.  As for the Guardians that made it into the Gerudo Desert, they apparently got lost in the sandstorms and ended up in uninhabited regions.
At Blatchery Plain, the region where the Guardians fell became known as Ash Swamp, as the oil leaking from them poisoned the land for many years.  Most of the suffering in Necluda was a result of ashfall from Death Mountain’s eruptions and the fires burning in Central Hyrule poisoning the soil and blocking out the sun.  Winters were much harsher than normal for nearly seven years after the Great Calamity.
In Kakariko Village, an abandoned well was converted into a small farm.  This protected the crops from the ash and snow and provided clean soil and warm enough temperatures for the crops to grow.  This keep the village going, but was unfortunately not enough to share with anyone else.  Vah Rudania had been positioned on the Pillars of Levia south of Kakariko Village before the Great Calamity.  It was here that Lord Daruk fought his final battle, and as Vah Rudania marched northward, it created rockslides that blocked the road to Sahasra Slope, cutting the village off from Lanayru.
Hateno Village resorted to foraging for food for most of the three years.  Eventually, the skies cleared and soil recovered enough for large scale planting and harvesting.  To this day in Necluda harvest festivals are major celebrations.
In Eldin, the roads were nearly impassible for a decade due to the lava flows from Death Mountain.  Akkala Citadel held out long enough for most of the region to be evacuated by sea.  The survivors ended up in Hateno and Lurelin Villages.  Speaking of Lurelin Village, it was the only settlement in Faron to survive.  Though in Faron most of the devastation was the result of rampaging monster hordes, both on land and by sea.  Some monsters had managed to commandeer ships, they began to raid any ships traveling between Hateno and Lurelin, cutting the two villages off from one another.
Hebra and Tabantha were spared most of the devastation; however, a different kind of turmoil found its way to these lands.  Most of the Rito had fled towards Torikirika (Toe-re-key-re-ka), or Rito Village as it’s more commonly known, or other nearby settlements to escape the legions of Guardians and hordes of monsters that swept across Hyrule all the way to the Ridgelands.  Many feared that the geographic isolation of Hebra and Tabantha would not be enough to keep them safe, and so they decided to flee Hyrule all together. 
As you know, Hyrule is bordered on the north and west by the Great Scar Canyon, a massive rend in the earth.  What you may not know, is that strong winds blow towards Hyrule in the spring and summer and reverse in the fall and winter.  The Rito braved these winds to settle on a relic of the Golden Age of Prosperity, Takandi Village.  Situated directly west of Dragon Bone Mire, Takandi Village is built into the cliffsides and was apparently originally established by the Rito and Gorons to mine resources that were used to build much of the Ancient Sheikah technology.  The preexisting structures allowed the village to easily expand and the population grew rapidly.
Of course, those seeking safety were not the only ones who fled Hyrule.  A great many Rito blamed the Hylian Royal Family for the death of their honored Champion, Master Revali, as well as the Great Calamity as a whole.  Wishing to cut ties with Hylians in particular, they too fled for Takandi Village.  This event would become known as the Great Migration.
Eventually more settlements were built along the cliffsides of the western side of Great Scar Canyon.  The Rito had cliffside settlements on the eastern flank of the Great Scar Canyon beforehand and a few more were built in the years after the Great Calamity.  Rito couriers were able to navigate the fierce winds in the canyon, which allowed the Rito settlements to keep in touch with one another. However, political and ideological differences emerged forming a schism amongst the Rito.  Each village governed itself as its Elder chose, and while Chieftain Korli in Torikirika retained his title, it had lost all meaning.  He died 20 years after the Great Calamity, never living to see the end of the Age of Burning Fields.  The Rito have not had a Chieftain since and like Hylians, remain a broken civilization.
Era of Rejuvenation
Eventually Central Hyrule burned itself out, monster hordes dispersed, the roads through Eldin and Akkala were cleared, plants began to regrow, and wildlife returned.  After 23 long years, the Age of Burning Fields was over and a new chapter in Hyrule’s history began.  The Era of Rejuvenation.
In the aftermath of the Great Calamity, many Hylians became nomads.  Some of these nomads would eventually establish outposts.  Over time these outposts became known as Stables and they banded together to form the Stable Association, headquartered in Hateno Village.
Dueling Peaks Stable, Lakeside Stable, Highland Stable, Foothill Stable, Wetland Stable, and Woodland Stable were the first to be established.  With Central Hyrule having finally recovered, Riverside Stable was the next to be built, followed quickly by Outskirt Stable.  Meanwhile Foothill Stable branched out into Akkala building South Akkala Stable.  Curiously there was already an outpost in Akkala, near an abandoned lighthouse that had been taken over by a strange Sheikah man.  Robbie of the Ancient Research Institute had survived the Great Calamity as well and had established a new research base here.  The local nomads had set up an outpost near his base of operations, named the Akkala Ancient Research Lab.  This outpost joined the Stable Association as the East Akkala Stable.
Likewise, in Gerudo Canyon and Salari Plain, two other preexisting nomad outposts that had been cut off from the rest of Hyrule joined the Stable Association.  These became Gerudo Canyon Stable and Serenne Stable respectively.  Eventually Tabantha Bridge Stable was built, followed shortly by Snowfield Stable.
It was at Snowfield Stable that the Rito and Hylian peoples would finally cross paths again after decades of isolation.  While there were tensions at first, First Warrior Kaneli of the Rito was able to smooth things over.  He personally pledged to help keep the Stable safe from the monsters that roamed the Tabantha Snowfields.  Trade resumed between the Rito and Hylians once again, and after Kaneli became Elder, Rito Stable was built.
As with the Age of Burning Fields, the current time period was named by Director Purah of the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab.  When interviewed, she said she originally wanted to call it “Era of the Wilds” but decided that didn’t have the right feel and wanted something more positive, eventually settling on Era of Rejuvenation to mark Hyrule’s recovery from the disaster of the Great Calamity.
While things have been mostly peaceful the last 77 years, there are a number of worrying developments as of late.  Monsters seem to be increasing in number and attacks are on the rise.  Strange mist surrounds the ruins of Hyrule Castle.  Once quiet, the Guardians have become active once again!  Fortunately, their numbers are few and the scarcely seen mobile ones seem to stick to a limited area, as if they were patrolling it.  Of course, the most disturbing change is in the last few weeks is that the Divine Beasts have returned!  They say Vah Naboris stalks the desert sands, slowly making its way to the East Barrens, creating sandstorms and striking anyone who approaches with deadly lightning!  Vah Rudiana lurks across the summit of Death Mountain, causing it to erupt once again.  Vah Medoh circles Torikirika, shrieking sorrowfully (or so the Rito say), and firing on anyone who dare approaches.  Apparently, Vah Ruta was causing endless rainfall in Zora’s Domain, but now that seems to have stopped and it’s just sitting atop the Lanayru Great Spring, focusing a red light towards the Castle.
Is Calamity Ganon planning a return?  Has a new hero risen to face him?  How will he face the Calamity with no Goddess Blooded Princess to seal it?  Only time will tell…
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leafymajorarts · 3 years
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This is Chaos Trio. They're in a vulcano risking their lives but hey they're holding the map upside down, it's alright
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raptor1312 · 4 years
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This is a gift for a friend of mine on a Discord server! It’s an updated design of Terrible Fate!Link! I’m happy with how it turned out!
Edit: I’m not affiliated with with that friend anymore, sorry!
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Overwhelmed - 7E: Midna had pulled tricks all night, a profitable night all considered, only for a berserker to see through her and show her one of his tricks!
Overwhelmed: 7E
Midna let out a sharp moan as she gripped the alleyway wall as well as she could, her back arching lewdly as she felt the steady smack of hips against her ass. She bit at her lip, her sensual Twili body exposed—stripped both of the disguise she'd given herself, and the few clothes she wore under it—and helpless to the towering brute plowing away into her from behind.
"F-Fuck~! Fuck~! S-Slow down, it's t-too much~!" she cried out, before gasping as she felt a firm hand smack hard across her ass.
"Shoulda thoughta that before ya tried pullin' a trick on me'n'my mates, bitch~!" the brutish warrior behind her growled, and his hands moved to grip her by her narrow waist, holding her in place as he jackhammered roughly into her, shoving her harder forward. She gasped, her body pressing up against the alley wall, face against the cool stone as her gaze tilted back to her assailant. "Now, the only trick y'll be doin' is seein' how much dick y'can hide in this slutty body'a yer's~!"
Midna jerked as he slammed harder into her, and her head tilted back with another sudden moan—despite her best efforts, she couldn't help but cum hard from the sudden thrust, his roughness turning the sexy Twili on so much and making her helpless against her own arousal. She bit at her lip, trying to stifle her moans, before another smack to her ass and a hand tangling in her hair and yanking her back forced them to tumble free.
She wasn't going to be getting out of this, she realized in a flash of realization—and as her mind started to fog over with pleasure from his ruthless assault, she realized that she didn't care.
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coconi · 3 years
31: lies - revalink ? for the writing prompts :3c
Well.......... this is extremely late, but I hope you're still around to see it, anon! I turned your prompt into an AU where a person's soulmark lights up and burns the first time their soulmate touches them. Hope it's your cup of tea!
"You still haven't told him."
Revali flinches and curses under his breath, stubbornly keeping his back to the familiar voice. He doesn't know how Mipha manages to sneak up on him so easily despite his honed senses.
He clears his throat and steps closer to the edge of the precipice, waving a wing dismissively. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Revali." As boundlessly kind as Mipha is, the way she spits his name is anything but. She slowly inches towards him like a stalking predator, and Revali finds himself frozen despite his eagerness to take flight. "You can fool yourself all you want, but I was there. I saw it."
A careful hand comes to rest on the crook of his left wing, right where an oddly-shaped birthmark lies hidden underneath his plumage. Revali has tried his damnedest to ignore the wretched thing for years, his entire life, so why—
"Your mark lit up when you touched Link."
Why now of all times?
Their group had been ambushed by several Yiga while attempting to skirt around lynel territory earlier that week. None of the Champions nor Zelda had escaped unscathed, but Link was dealt the worst hand by far. A single ill-timed parry was all it took: he was sent flying by a sword bigger than him, knocking him unconscious amidst a chorus of panicked shouts.
There had been no time to spare in the heat of battle: filled with fury and apprehension, Mipha had urged Revali to take Link somewhere safe for the time being, at least until she could properly heal him. And though Revali had squawked and harrumphed his dissent, he had ultimately complied...
Revali is thankful the others had been too busy facing their opponents to see the soft glow that took hold of Revali's wing and Link's clavicle upon contact; that only Mipha could hear Revali's pained hiss at the sudden, cursed burning that sealed off his fate against his will.
What kind of sick joke was this?
Revali tears his wing away from Mipha's grasp, fighting the urge to snarl at her.
"I am perfectly aware of that," he grits out, facing her at long last. "Still, I fail to see how that is any of your concern."
Mipha's brow furrows. "How couldn't it be? You're withholding vital information from a dear friend of mine!"
"Well this friend of yours had his chance," Revali drawls, feeling a grim satisfaction when Mipha flushes at the emphasized word. "He may figure it out on his own or he may not, it hardly matters to me. Either way, nothing will change between us."
And if Revali gets his way, Link will never, ever get to find out.
"You're being terribly unfair." Mipha seethes in that quiet, eerily poised way of hers that makes Revali feel like he's being chastised by the Rito elder. "Link was unconscious. He didn't get to feel his mark's burn, and now he never will. He deserves to know the truth and you know it."
Revali grinds his beak, folding his wings with petulant flair. "Why are you being so persistent? You're besotted with him, this does not benefit you in the slightest!"
Mipha runs her fingers over her right palm, where a vaguely flower-shaped soulmark lies. Revali's gut twists. He cannot fathom one's mark being so utterly exposed for the entire world to see.
"I've always known he's not my intended. I am not the first Zora to defy her fate's design." Mipha tells him with a wan smile. "If he were to choose me... to take me as a lover, I want that to be his true, unfettered wish. Free of any underhanded lies."
Revali simply has to laugh at that. "Oh, you must pardon me, Mipha, but I would've never taken you for a hypocrite! Pray tell, how is this secrecy of yours more honorable than mine, hm? Doesn't the so-called knight deserve to know your truth as well?"
For a brief, triumphant moment, it seems Mipha is stunned into a wide-eyed silence, but Revali does not get to savor his victory for long. Soon enough she heaves a weary sigh and turns away from Revali, a hand clasped over her heart.
"So he shall... but not before he hears yours," she says softly, looking at him over her shoulder with something dreadfully akin to sympathy. "You have three days, Revali. Either you tell him yourself or I will. Not as your rival, but as his friend... and hopefully yours as well."
And as Revali watches her walk away, the wretched mark on his wing throbs, and throbs, and throbs.
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ghirahimbo · 3 years
a non-specific take on how the Link and Ghirahim master/sword AU might come about. I probably won't post this one to ao3 yet in case I decide to use it in a story someday, but I liked it enough to put it here, at least :)
In the Sealed Grounds where the demon hordes had trampled the earth so recently in their violent rampage, the transition to silence was complete. The whistling chirp of birds, the buzz of insects… even the wind through the trees had gone deathly still, all caught up in breathless waiting. Only the pool of inky darkness at the center of Demise's broken prison seemed to breathe, pulsing slowly in and out with uneasy life. Small though it was compared to the spiraling pit containing it, the darkness pulled at the cloud-covered twilight as if its strength alone might dim it. Consume it.
At last, the dark pool recoiled in agitation, and from its churning depths emerged a boy in a green knight’s tunic that had certainly known more pristine days. Bloodied and bruised, yet swaying triumphantly as if standing itself was a triumph, Link stumbled out of the pit’s embrace, adjusting his wet hat to fit more firmly over the mess of hair still dripping from his watery battlefield. The sky above seemed to captivate him, and he craned his head back to stare at the darkened clouds, half in wonder, half in disbelief. Then the hilt of his sword flashed, and a shimmering blue woman emerged to float in front of him.
“Master,” she said, catching his attention. “With the defeat of the demon king Demise, there is a 95% chance that your friend Zelda has already regained consciousness.” Her voice softened almost imperceptibly. “I believe I can say with 100% certainty that she would like to know you are well.”
Link stared at her for another moment, scrubbing a hand over his mouth.
“Of course,” he murmured, and for the first time, he grinned. “Let’s go.”
Strengthened by his anticipation, Link broke into a limping run, eager to put the forsaken pit behind him—but before he could take more than a few steps, a new voice froze him in his tracks.
Heart sinking like a rock, Link whirled around, one hand hovering warily over the hilt of his sword as a new figure emerged from the retreating darkness. Ghirahim’s skin glimmered like polished obsidian in the fading light, smooth and unmarred except for where fiery cracks split his chest, and a glowing diamond at its center pulsed an erratic, angry red. Cradled against his shattered core was an enormous black sword, its sharp edge not even scratching the skin where it rested against Ghirahim’s hardened arms.
Milky white eyes met tired blue in a silent clash, as if neither had the strength necessary to put words to their feud. Then, without warning, Ghirahim hefted his sword, driving it point first into the softened earth and falling to one knee before it.
“Take it.”
Link blinked, and took a wary step back.
“Take it.” Despite his clear exhaustion, Ghirahim’s voice had that same teasing bite to it as always, coupled now with impatience as he gestured towards the sword. “You defeated my old master Demise, which means his sword is yours to claim. Take it.”
Link stared at him, dumbfounded, and a slow smile curved across Ghirahim’s thin dark lips.
“Let me put it this way,” he said pleasantly. “This sword belongs to you whether you wish it so or not, but things will go much more… smoothly… if you take it now.”
Link shook his head as if to dismiss the notion, fixing Ghirahim with a glare.
“I already have a sword,” he said coldly, starting to turn aside, but this time a light chime from Fi made him stop.
“Master Link,” she said, her cool voice strangely gentle. “I’m afraid that I was not created to remain by your side forever. The demon king’s remaining essence is now sealed within my sword, to be carefully guarded until it is eradicated. The time of our parting will be soon.” She hesitated, and added, “Very soon.”
The first drops of rain began to fall, scattered and sparse. Link stared at Fi incredulously.
“You’re not saying I should trust him,” he said, not really a question, and Fi shook her head.
“Such judgments are not mine to make. I can only report that I sense no immediate intent to do harm from Lord Ghirahim, though whether he hopes to deceive you is less clear. Any further statements would be mere conjecture on my part.”
“Would you mind conjecting then?” Link asked, pursing his lips. After a moment, Fi nodded.
“Master Link…” Her words came with slow reluctance now. “Despite the foreordination of our partnership, I was still given the privilege of choosing you as my master. If what Ghirahim says is true and his sword has passed ownership from the demon king to you, I must surmise that he was not granted that same privilege of choosing Demise.”
“If what he says is true,” Link repeated, sparing another glare for the still-kneeling demon lord. Ghirahim had so far watched their exchange in enigmatic silence, not quite smiling, though he half raised an eyebrow at Link’s scowl. The steadily increasing rain slithered unnoticed in rivulets down his face, striking against his arms with short, metallic plinks.
“I stated that I could not discern whether he hopes to deceive you in some way, and this is true. However…” She paused in consideration. “I do sense a newfound connection between you and that sword, as well as between you and Lord Ghirahim himself. My opinion is that he is telling the truth, in this regard, at least.”
Link stared at her in dismay, and Ghirahim laughed softly.
“Your robotic guide is right, I’m afraid," he murmured. "I’ll have you know that you were not my first choice either, but I think we both know better than most how little control we have over the whims of destiny. Never in this sword’s history has it passed to a human, but it appears our thread of fate has some twists that even I could not predict.”
“There is no thread—“ Link started to say hotly, but let it go with a sigh. Even he could see how pointless finishing that sentence would be. “I suppose you come with the sword, then?”
“I am the sword,” Ghirahim said, his pale eyes glittering. Link paused only a second before nodding. After bearing Fi for so long, he understood how that worked, at least.
“If…” Link took a deep breath, glancing again at Fi. “If I take you with me… what’s to stop you from trying to kill me still?”
“I am physically incapable now of even harming you,” he said, and Link’s eyebrows shot up. A possibility much easier to disprove than prove, but…
“What about Zelda?” he demanded, and Ghirahim’s grin widened.
“On your orders, I would go so far as to guard her from harm, and catch her each time she stumbles,” he said smoothly. Link’s face darkened.
“What about—“
“Master, must we really go through every order that I will or will not obey?” Ghirahim cut him off irritably. “I will obey them all, insofar as I am able. Was it not the same with…?”
He gestured vaguely towards Fi, who looked at him.
“Fi is the designation I was given,” she said, prompting a tight grin.
“Wonderful! I didn’t need or desire to know that.”
“Wait,” Link interjected, his mind spinning slightly. “...You called me master.”
“Is he this slow all the time?” Ghirahim asked Fi incredulously. “How do you put up with it?”
Link let the insult slide, still reeling as he tried to gather his thoughts. Would Ghirahim really debase himself so far just for a chance at revenge? There were other, easier ways to go about it if that was his aim, ways involving less personal humiliation. Fi thought he was telling the truth—about some things, at least—which maybe meant…
“What am I supposed to do with that sword, anyway?” Link said abruptly. “It’s too big for me to even…”
The protest died in Link’s throat as for the first time he really looked at the sword, and licked his lips. Without his noticing, the sword had shrunk in size, though it managed to appear no less menacing despite that. If Link were to hold up his Master Sword in comparison, he doubted that there would be a hair’s difference in length.
“I told you,” Ghirahim said, and Link had to fight down a shiver that he told himself was from the rain. “My sword belongs to you now, Link. Take it.”
Once more he looked at Fi, silently questioning, but if she had an opinion on the matter her blank face gave no voice to it.
“Zelda is waiting for you,” was all she said… and somehow, that was enough.
“Fine,” Link sighed reluctantly. He didn't want to find out at that moment how Ghirahim might try to force him if he refused, and Fi was right. It was time to go. “I accept your sword.”
Trudging forward, Link grabbed it by the hilt, thinking that if worse came to worst, he could still throw it off a cliff somewhere—and felt a terribly familiar warmth surge through his palms as he pulled it free, traveling up his arms to settle somewhere in his chest. A tightness fell from Ghirahim’s face that Link hadn’t noticed until that moment, and he bowed his head forward, pressing a hand delicately against his mangled chest.
“The bonding process is now complete, master,” he said, and despite the formality of his words he had a mocking twist to his lips. “Link… my master.”
Thunder boomed overhead as lightning forked viciously across the sky, the rain falling down in sheets. Link, staring at his own black sword, noticed none of it.
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Hi........if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before...... Thanks....
Oh no this is a very cool question! Funnily enough I have a lot of OTP’s, but I like this question because it makes me want to really think about relationships like… how are the people as a whole? Do they improve each other? Do they enrich each other’s lives?
1. Riza Hawkeye x Roy Mustang (full metal alchemist) - wow they invented love. The unspoken devotion and loyalty, the knowledge that they are both traumatised and flawed people, but are doing their best to make the world a better place. Holding each other to a higher standard then they hold themselves.
2. Shepard x Garrus (mass effect) - very similar to Roy and Riza, Garrus and Shepard really scratch that itch of war veterans finding something soft and gentle in their everyday lives. The absolute tragedy of both of them knowing that Shepard belongs to mankind, and not to each other or even herself.
3. Viktor x Yuri Katsuki (Yuri on ice) - remember when Yuri on ice came out and the world was good?
4. Reki x Langa (sk8 the infinity) - they really capture those innocent and giddy ‘first love’ feelings.
5. Zelda x Link (legend of Zelda) - the ORIGINAL reincarnation au. What if our fates were linked in every reality?
6. Barnaby x Kotetsu (tiger and bunny) - kind of my flavour of the month couple at the moment, but it’s your classic rivals to lovers story. Only one of the guys is a hot headed Dilf, and the other is a pretty boy with a revenge quest. Wow I sure hope they put aside their differences to become the ultimate superhero team and grow far too attached to one another.
7. Makoto Tachibana x Haru Nanase (free!! Iwatobi swim club) - your classic best friends to lovers, complete with them basically being so close that they don’t have to talk to one another and joke about their ‘psychic connection’. Haru finds out Makoto is moving for university and becomes so DESPONDENT that only a trip to Australia wakes him up again. It’s great.
8. Shikamaru x Temari (Naruto) - I’m kind of a mysoginistic asshole. What if you beat me up when we were kids, and then saved my life on a mission, and as we got older I was assigned as your guard and guide in my village, and we both rise in importance and responsibilities within our villages political systems until eventually we fight a war side by side and I become your brothers second in command and shiiiiiiiiiiit we fell in love at some point.
9. Kakashi x Guy (naruto) - what if the human embodiment of self loathing and trauma met the personification of optimism and self love?
10. Sylvain Gautier x Felix Fraldarius (fire emblem three houses) - they’re fucking terrible. They deserve each other. (No but seriously they both have such a complex relationship with their country and their duty. I love how they both have huge ‘my bloodline ends with me’ energy. What better way to get back at your families than to marry a man and ride off into the sunset together)
11. Frodo x Sam (lord of the rings) -“I made a promise! ‘don’t you leave him Samwise gamgee’… and I don’t mean to… I don’t mean to”
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aquaticflames · 3 years
Hello! Will you do my man Time for the character thing? :3 thank you!
oh will i EVER. aza u know me so well >:) (LY BAE)
1. do I like them?
yes. YES. yes. I love Time. Time is easily my favourite and I have never managed to be subtle or quiet about this. I am shamefully vocal about it with everyone and if I've poked or prodded any of you into it too I'm not sorry.
2. five good qualities!
steady; he's had time to get to know himself and be comfortable with the way he manages his own emotions. this makes him dependable, for another (someone you'll want to have around in a crisis. he'll get what needs to be done, done, and is able to keep a lid on things until then). he's also playful! rarely seen but definitely there. and thoughtful. he knows when to give people space. when to cross a line and insist on intervention. and he's a thoughtful gift giver (both of Malon's rings; one lavish, the other to protect her). aaaaand he's cool. I'm allowed to say that right? of course I am.
3. three bad qualities!
harsh with his words when provoked. knows exactly what will sting and isn't afraid of using it to make his point known (I.e. I expect better. I'm disappointed). he's also in a leadership role he's not fully equipped for, but hasn't allowed himself to ask for help. they're all soloists. just ask for help dude!!! they'll understand!!! and I would cite his aversion to the Master Sword here too like sister did, but I don't necessarily see that as a bad quality (like she said). nothing's two dimensional!
4. favourite episode?
"what's the largest thing you've ever fought?"
"the moon"
5. OTP
Time and Malon. I've been so enamoured with these two since I first played OOT on my dad's N64. me and my siblings are very adamant on this one hdhfhhf.
edit: totally missed this question!! i sort of touched on it anyway though. Time & Lullaby. and also Time & Rusl, if they ever met. hell yeah they'd have so much to connect on <3
7. OT3
hmmm.... I'm open to most throuples tbh! can't think of a particular one for LU Time though. I like AU OT3s for him but in LU, keep him with Malon and I'm golden.
gotta go with Time and his Zelda (Lullaby). I much prefer them in a platonic pairing.
9. Best quote?
"Poor kid. He met a terrible fate". (it's a good line sure but I just love the callback hehe)
10. Head Canon!
YES MANY. Time had a WHOPPING crush on Sheik. is adamant not to be embarrassed about it whenever Lullaby teases him for it. She doesn't bother anymore, he just keeps his head high with a "yes. and?" look. also headcanon him as aspec! sex favourable biromantic perhaps. he's fairly private but will divulge more about this part of his life for the sake of helping others. and I love the headcanon that he has a sweet tooth. yes this is one of mine and no I won't drop it. he's delighted by the chance to try a new dessert or some exotic confectionery. the others all found out about this one-by-one but thought no one would believe them.
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[ 🌎 ] are there any aus you have for your muse? what are they like, and how is your muse different in them?
Headcanon Prompts - Not Accepting
I've already amassed quite a few au's because I am always a slut for aus. Here's a primer on the ones I have written down atm:
Godhunter - An extremely self-indulgent Link dies au where Zelda, Durania, Saria, Ruto, Impa, and Nabooru escape and run a resistance movement to a now unchallenged Emperor Ganondorf. Basically me wanting to have my cake (Twilight Princess Telma resistance movement my beloved) and eat it too (badass nabooru running raids to break spells as the closest thing to a caster in the party that they're willing to sacrifice). Also Nabooru and Durania should be buds an I will die on that hill thank you all very much.
(Side note - I've also been using this tag for when Nabooru's been freed of the Twinrova's spell but Link hasn't gotten around to actually conf2ronting Ganondorf because it's basically the same vibes)
Tribal Business - The Mafia AU I predominantly write with my life partner, in which Nabooru and Ganon are coleaders of the Gerudo mob after their mother, Urbosa, died tragically in a fire. I mostly have this on here if I want to reblog aesthetics but I'm always down for answering questions. Long story short, Nabs emphatically does not do well in a morally nuanced environment and spends a good portion of her time drowning her sorrows in product. She's also dating Ruto (Daughter of a rival gang leader) in this verse but it's mostly a cover for why she hasn't had a kid, and she may or may not get wrapped up in a police sting perpetrated by Link, so. We have fun here
A Terrible Fate - Majora's mask au! The fates that be accidentally snagged the wrong overworlder and, before they could put her back, Nabooru had already fallen (and almost snapped her neck) In the land of Termina. The fact that she's rescued by two witches she could have sworn she killed, alongside the most dangerous traitor criminal in all of Hyrule and the man who broke her heart is a concerning state-of-affairs, but this is also the only verse in which she learns how to relax so six-one? Notably, this is the only au (currently) in which I ship nabsgan as an ongoing item.
Hear the Matriarch - I'm a slut for au's and I'm an even bigger one for morality au's. This is either a ganonless au or one in which he's been gone in Hyrule so long that Nabooru is, for all intents and purposes, chieftain. She keeps her religious fervor, but it twists her. The pain she's gone through in service to her goddess and people becomes the sacrament itself, rather than something that needs to be fixed for ht enext generation. She runs the tribe as a cult, consistently prostrating herself, but forcing others to do the same in service of the good lady of protection.
Good Fortune: Obligatory modern AU that I haven't done much with, but I feel like it's always important to have one. Nabooru dropped out of community college in favor of running an oddities/occult shop with her close friend, Aveil. She reads tarot cards, palms, and tea leaves, hosts the local Wicca coven (though she herself is not part of their chapter anymore), and generally tries to keep a safe place open in town for those just a little (or a lot) outside the usual social club.
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