atopvisenyashill · 4 months
So, I came across this question on Quora about whether Jaehaerys would have reacted differently if Saera had been a boy, and one answer has a scenario where Male!Saera (let's call him Saeron) marries his sister Daella as per Targaryen tradition and Daella still dies giving birth to Aemma and later Saeron marries his other sister Viserra and has other daughters and basically, he's like Oberyn as a father. But what do you think? Do you think something like this would happen if Saera had been born a boy and what else might change?
interesting question!
i’m not sure daella and saeron would marry unless alysanne prompted it. alyssa, for example, was likely going to marry aemon in jaehaerys’ eyes until alysanne stepped in to arrange the matches we got in canon. jaehaerys doesn’t seem so set on all of his children having targ marriages, only his heirs. while saeron is certainly more important in that he’s a boy and can inherit, he also poses a potential dynastic threat and this is something jaehaerys is aware of throughout his story. also…that sexual abuse has to land on someone and daella is the next oldest. like og saera, i imagine he would prefer a marriage to an heir in the crownlands so he can keep daella close by and have a say over who her daughters marry. on the other hand, if alysanne notices daella trailing after saeron (especially over vaegon), she might push for a wedding between them. some of hte problem here is that a targ marriage kind of presupposes getting some dragons, which means he has five dragon riders outside of himself, rhaena, and alysanne at some point and that's a lot. so i do feel like, in this case, jaehaerys might prefer them to marry other people besides each other rather than ~keeping the valyrian blood strong~ so he can keep the number of dragon riders lower.
SO. If Saeron doesn't marry Daella, I would think if Jaehaerys can just pick the region (instead of being completely beholden to "is there an heiress here") he's probably going with the North - the Manderlys are powerful, worship the seven, the Targaryens have been trying to intermarry with them for a hot minute, and it undercuts the Starks a bit too. If Saeron does marry Daella because Alysanne prompts it, I do imagine there's going to be some rough feelings after Daella dies - after all, Alysanne points out she was too young, she didn't have to marry. I almost wonder if this makes Alysanne more *aware* of her family's failings, if suddenly Viserra starts going after a widowered Saeron and finds her feelings reciprocated - that Saeron is marrying two 15 year olds in a row.
The extra daughters of Valyrian heritage, regardless of how they're born, are likely to be very popular matches for Rhaenyra's boys, Viserys' boys, and who they marry probably decides who they side with come the great council of 101 - if Saeron sees more value in siding with Rhaenys over Viserys, or vice versa. ALTHOUGH then you run into the issue of Rhaenys vs Viserys vs Saeron as heir for Jaehaerys - would someone make the argument that if Jaehaerys cut Rhaenys out, that means Viserys should be cut out, since there's still one more living son? Does Saeron want to join his line to Rhaenys', perhaps to give his daughters a better claim? If, like you say, he just has Aemma and Aemma still marries Viserys - but that's not even a given, I mean, with Saeron still alive, he gets to have a say over who his daughter marries! - then obviously he's siding with Viserys here, but if he has more daughters closer in age to Laenor, to Aegon, to Aemond, to Jacaerys (Viserra would be a little old by then tbf), well he's got the potential for ties to everyone there. I aso think, if Jaehaerys denies him a dragon, he's likely to get one under Viserys because Viserys just really lets everyone claim dragons kind of willy nilly.
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aboutiroh · 2 years
What if Iroh had more kids besides Lu Ten? Like let's say Iroh had like one or two more kids after Lu Ten what would've changed? Cause even if Lu Ten still died then Ozai can't really make that 'Iroh's bloodline has ended' argument if Iroh had at least one more kid. And while I wouldn't put it passed Ozai to kill his niece/nephew it would be pretty suspicious especially if they were too young to go to war and were left at home.
Oh, that’s an interesting question. I assume Iroh would still end the Siege when Lu Ten dies, but would then go back and stay with his younger children in the Fire Nation instead of travelling the (spirit) world and becoming the White Lotus Grand Master. So not only would this prevent Ozai from angering his father with the outrageous ‘Iroh’s bloodline had ended’ talk, it would also at least delay Iroh’s change of heart.
On the matter of killing the niece/nephew: Ozai did agree to his father being assassinated in order to rise to the throne and even agreed to killing Zuko. So I agree, he wouldn’t bat an eye for his niece/nephew. But it would have to be handled subtly and Ozai is just… not subtle at all.
The only course of events that I can imagine tying in with the show is (and I’m giving Ozai the benefit of the doubt here): What if Ozai tried to get rid of his niece/nephew, together with Zuko in, let’s say, a fire ‘accident’? Then he would:
a) have finally gotten rid of his worthless son
b) be safe of accusations because who would dare to accuse him of murdering his own son?
c) be more of a victim as ‘mourning father’
d) be able to push a point of urgency as three grandchildren of Azulon would have died shortly after each other
And thus e) probably be able to convince Azulon.
Assuming Iroh doesn’t hear about this plan, but Ursa does, she could still suggest an easier way to the throne (assassinating Azulon) and save both children in the process. Iroh, still not intending to become Fire Lord, would take away his child as far away as possible from the dangers of the Royal Palace and from there on the only difference in the show would be an extra crewmate on Zuko’s Ship of Despair & Teenage Angst.
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helbertinelli · 2 years
How would Padme would react if she saw another woman making moves on Anakin? Like really strong advances, flirting with him, teasing him, and practically throwing herself on him. And how would Anakin himself react to this situation?
She would probably get more passive-aggressive towards the woman. I don't think she would cause a scene publicly, though. I think Anakin would try his best to reject those advances. He's not very comfortable when women who aren't Padme try to flirt with him. Anakin isn't the type of guy who enjoys advances from random people. And neither is Padme.
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nikkywrites · 2 years
What do you think would've happened if Calypso and Davy Jones had a child? (For some reason I imagine them having a daughter)
Oh, that’s a fun question. A dangerous one, too. I get carried away so easily with Calypso what-if questions… so this is probably going to be a super long ask in need of a read more. Also going to be fairly messy as I’m just writing as my brain goes.
Thanks for the question, though!! It was a very nice thing to wake up to <3
Immediately, it can go one of two ways, depending on the when. Before that, though. You’re right about it being a daughter. Congrats.
TLDR: there’s a way where all is happy, a way where all is depression and I have three new shiny Calypso ideas now.
First scenario: pre-undead-Davy Jones, pre-island-trapped-Calypso, aka the happier scenario that veers hard off of the Ocean’s Heart track.
Calypso finds out she’s pregnant very early on, while in her deep. The pregnancy is a fast one (due to the fact that Calypso herself was never born and is the Kraken and is a goddess, atop all that). Fast, like. 2-3 months? Maybe? Something like that. And… I’m torn about how she tells Davy Jones. So. Another split. (Both of them involve her messing with him, obviously, because she’s Calypso and why would she ever choose to be normal about anything).
Sigh. This is a thing now, I think. I wrote a Thing about her telling him instead of just. A summary of the idea. *shakes fist*
Anyways. First option actually summed up: shortly after she finds out, she goes to the ship he’s on, perches on the rail and basically just dumps it on him. Something along the lines of “so you’re fathering a goddess’ child? How bold of you.” And after his brain reboots he’s excited but scared cause Calypso also just drops the “child could end up being a number of things” very casually and that’s… concerning, a little bit, for him, because. He’d kind of like to know what his daughter is going to be. It’d be nice to know. He always thought that when/if he had a child he’d know that much but. Calypso makes exactly nothing easy or simple, so he knows it’s a daughter but not what she’s going to be regarding goddess/demigod/sea monster/other. Which, despite accepting that Calypso is Kraken is a little hard to wrap his mind around. He’s still mortal and this is a part of the divine he was blind to. Why wouldn’t people know what their child’s going to be? It’s what they both are, or a mix. Simple. But Calypso is both goddess and Kraken and who knows how that’s going to mix with a mortal.
So things go along. Pregnancy is fast and he is Concerned but Calypso just shrugs it off. Divine pregnancies are strange, sometimes. Just how it is. Then baby comes.
Second option: she doesn’t tell him while she’s still pregnant. She meets him maybe one/twice during the pregnancy, or just does her usual undercover blessing thing but doesn’t actually see him until baby is born in which she just. Rises and presses the baby against his chest going “hey you should probably meet your daughter” and he responds about you’d think. Mass confusion. Error 404. Please restart and refresh.
And coming back from that… regardless of how she told him (they’re both so Calypso and idk which I like better): they raise their child. And… no matter what she is (because, really, with Calypso as her mother she can be basically anything), she can at least appear mortal at times. And she takes after her mother in that she’ll just. Pop on her father’s ship, in the middle of him working, and say hi. Maybe sometimes she goes with him officially, like. She’s scheduled/crew knows there’s going to be a child, but sometimes she just pop aboard and freaks everyone out. It becomes known, either way, that Davy Jones has a divine child of some sort (idea everyone believes is probably that the mother is a sea nymph and the child just leans into her mother’s parentage more).
In this scenario, the actual tragedy/retelling does not happen. Davy Jones… stays with Calypso for eternity, in one of a few different senses. (Dies and stays as a shade, receives immortality, receives godhood, whatever. Something because Calypso will not let him leave. He helped make this child and he’s staying in their lives no matter what he has to say about it. Maybe the sea/her divinity decides that he’s earned whatever immortality he gets, maybe when/if they get married?). He ends up being known as a more minor deity of something at least vaguely sailor related.
And you know. Happily ever after aka life just keeps going. Calypso is Calypso but with a husband that is vaguely divine and a daughter that is also divine in some sense (well, divine or monstrous). Fun times.
Also. Uncle Thanatos.
It’s a thing. Very important.
Calypso tells him basically the same way she does Davy Jones, second option. Sinks a ship, waits for him to arrive. And just. Gives him a baby going “look what I have”. Very similar response to Davy Jones but a little toned down. After the confusion passes, he melts.
He probably has… next to no experiences with babies? Even the family he does have that has them, he’s not really involved? Because he’s busy being, you know, Death. But Calypso is different. She makes sure he knows, trusts him to hold her, let’s him babysit sometimes when he clears the time (because he adores the baby and does clear little chunks of time to hang out with her. Hades questions why at one point, Thanatos brings Calypso and baby and goes “I have a niece. I love her. I’m still getting my job done so you can’t complain”. Or you know maybe Calypso adds that last bit. Or all of it. Probably all of it. He mentions Hades said something to Calypso and she grabs baby/toddler, and says let’s go. Anyways, point is: baby is Thanatos’ first/only baby experience and he is Here for it. He is Invested.
He loves the baby. Is best uncle. Is favorite uncle (only uncle? Still, he’s favorite). He’ll let her be his ‘apprentice’ at one point because she wants to be like her Uncle Than. Potentially (depending on what she is) makes that official. Thanatos brings her an Underworld tunic. He weaves her a little bracelet from the Asphodel Field grass and flowers. Very soft, very cute relationship with those two. Could go on about it, but that’s probably enough. Just know that it is the purest thing.
Cousin Triton. Less important note, but still a cute thing. He lets her tug on his tail fins when she’s small. Teaches her how to swim fast. He teases her in a similar way Calypso did him when he was small.
And I’m gonna call it there for first scenario. Could go on (I think it’s gonna be a thing now because it’s adorable, curse you ((not really, it’s fun))).
Second scenario: post-undead-Davy Jones, post/during-island-trapped Calypso aka the option that doesn’t go entirely off Ocean’s Heart track and is still a tragedy (is a worse one, actually).
Calypso finds out either right before, or on the island. It doesn’t matter too much. Point is, when Davy Jones traps her, she’s pregnant. Baby is born on island. I’d say baby doesn’t have Calypso’s curse, but. She would, I think. Or it’d affect her too, in some way. Make her more mortal than she would be otherwise. So baby can’t leave either.
(Coming back from further down to explain logistics of this because in order for Calypso to be pregnant when she’s trapped, it means her and Davy Jones had to have done the deed recently and… explanation of how/when is needed). Sticking with the he doesn’t see her over the ten years… while she doesn’t show up like she promised, she does pop on his ship some weeks/months later. And he’s still broken, still betrayed. She’s nonchalant about it (she forgot, seeing him again doesn’t ring that bell) and he just… kind of goes along with it. Is relieved to see her again, even though she’s hurt him. They sleep together and it’s awful for him because she’s just. Acting like she hasn’t damned him to an eternity/might as well be eternity of this new life. He’s kind of just. Numb. Dissociating. Having an out of body experience. And once she leaves again, that’s when he breaks. Things proceed as normal, he traps Calypso. Done. Back to Calypso having a baby.
So Calypso is on the island. Pregnancy lasts a bit longer, because of the curse/trap/whatever. Calypso’s not mortal, obviously, but Kraken is under a lock doesn’t have the key for and her divinity is different/weaker which has its effects.
Calypso is angrier than she is in Ocean’s Heart. As she’s holding her, she knows via her divinity that her daughter should have been of the sea, should have been more like her in that way, but now? Because of Davy Jones? Her daughter is of the sea, still, but she’s a stranger to it. (Amending earlier thought: more angsty if Baby has same curse as Calypso and physically cannot go into the sea, so consider that how things are now).
So she’s just. Stuck with a baby, and her anger that will never be resolved, though she keeps an eye on the horizon because if Davy Jones is ever stupid enough to come back, she’ll tear him to shreds. Just. Angry.
I’ve not figured out the details of Calypso’s bonds/curse so I can’t really get into it too much, but. At some point, she lays her daughter along the line where the tide doesn’t reach, so it comes in an inch away from her, and pleads to Oceanus, to the sea, to anyone who will listen: Her curse is hers alone. Her daughter should be able to go home, because regardless on if she’s never been in the sea, she is from it and of it. She’s still a being of the sea and it’s cruel to punish her over her mother’s thoughtlessness. Let her go the sea, even if it bars her from returning to the island. (Because to Calypso, not being able to go the sea is the worst thing she could imagine and as much as her daughter was inconvenient and a surprise, and as much as she hates her father — she loves her. And she knows no show of love better than showing someone the sea, or in this case, just letting them be in the sea, letting them touch it. It’s awful, cannot stress enough, for Calypso to know that her daughter cannot touch the sea.)
Her plea is not answered. Oceanus is asleep and the other patrons cannot break it. Her daughter will be released when she is, which adds a desperation to her breaking her bonds/curse. She forces herself on Odysseus when he comes because she needs her daughter to be free. She needs to see her in the ocean, needs to introduce her home and friend to her child, needs to hear her laugh in her deep.
And the island… goes the same. However that is (I’ve not gotten there). Aside from the child she has, and the anger that’s burned her bones black and the desperation that’s rubbed her insides raw. She’s a little happier, in a sense, because of her daughter, but it’s also just. So much worse, because of her. (Not her, just the whole “she’s trapped too” bit).
And everything is awful.
Yeah. Wish I knew the end of Ocean’s Heart so I could give you more, but. That’s all I got. In this way of things, though, I don’t think there’s a happy end for Calypso and Davy Jones. She’s too angry and was left with it for too long.
Not saying that Ocean’s Heart has a happy ending, I have to get there to know anything, but. There’s a chance, if Calypso breaks her bonds. (Honestly, I have no idea how the ending is going to go because it’s a tragedy but… I kind of want to put them together again? Like. I can’t just end it immediately as she’s trapped but anything else would just be super open. Which. Oh no. It sounds like another Calypso wip. Post-Ocean’s Heart. Davy Jones sailing the sea, maybe getting unsatisfied/regretful in the way he can be, without a heart. Calypso trapped, working on her escape. She manages, somehow, and finds him again and everything after is messy. They heal, maybe, which takes time. I like the idea of that: them meeting after and navigating everything, even if it doesn’t end with them together).
Sigh. I’m disappointed in myself. A little proud, but disappointed.
I went into this expecting to get the one AU, the happy one or the just. The want to do it. But now there’s. That, and the unhappy one, and a post-ocean’s heart thing? You, @zelodolongirl, are competing with @drippingmoon (I know you’re off tumblr atm but I’ll direct you to this when you get back because you Need To See this) for giving me Calypso ideas.
Anyways. Thoughts on new ideas? If there’s no interest in either of the baby things, that’s fine. If there is, that’s cool. The post-oceans heart might’ve happened anyway. So half credit for that one. It just depends on how things are when we get there. But the baby ideas. Please do give thoughts on those.
Because I am a bit Calypso obsessed (which is obvious) and I’m curious to know what you guys think. Would you all want that, in either sense? Both? Gosh, this really is just a Calypso blog, isn’t it? I break away from her for a while and she comes crashing back with style. A whole baby. Geez.
Thanks again for the ask!
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aboutiroh · 2 years
There are a couple of fics based on this question: What if instead of Azulon ordering Ozai to kill Zuko he ordered that Iroh adopt Zuko and Ozai get sent to the front so he can't try to influence Zuko?
And I also stubbled across this fic where Azulon decided that Ozai's punishment should be decided by Iroh himself. What if Azulon went down that route?
Okay but skipping Ozai in the line of succession and losing his place to Zuko is the best form of poetic justice for Ozai I can imagine. Iroh should definitely go that route as well if he were given the chance, though I feel like it’d be more meaningful if this punishment came from Azulon.
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helbertinelli · 2 years
Why do Anakin and Padme get so much hate from the fandom?
Because fandoms hate good things.
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nikkywrites · 2 years
Okay, but do you like some parts of my idea? And what do you think the daughter's name would be?
Ah, didn’t mean to ignore it. If Calypso did still forget to show and everything still happened, yeah that’s a cool idea!! Sounds like it’d be fun to read^^
I’m… not sure. It’s definitely something I’d have to put some thought/research into. Probably, with Calypso and Davy Jones as her parents, something ocean-related.
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nikkywrites · 2 years
Here's my take on if Davy Jones and Calypso had a daughter if you want to use it. People say Uma from Descendants looks like Davy Jones and Calypso's daughter, well then maybe the daughter could have similar powers to her in that she can turn into a cecaelia like creature and can manipulate water to an extent and can perform sea magic though her powers aren't as strong as her mother's. I think she's conceived just before Davy Jones goes to ferry the souls so Calypso doesn't know she's pregnant until after he's gone and whenever she's busy with her duties she leaves her daughter in the care of either mermaids or nymphs or maybe both on a small island in the middle of the ocean of course she comes to see her daughter whenever she can and teaches her how to use her powers. When Davy Jones comes back and Calypso doesn't show up and he helps the brethren court to imprisons her the daughter is like 10 years old and when she finds out about her mother's fate, she is devastated and vows to free her mother and to get revenge on pirate lords.
I never thought about/realized that about Uma, but I suppose she does. POTC Calypso and Davy Jones, that is. She wouldn’t be my face claim for my Calypso and Davy Jones’ daughter (because my Calypso and Davy Jones is different to POTC, though I suppose both Calypso’s are dark skinned. Which was unintentional). Their characters are different, because I’m fitting them in a Ancient Greek setting and Calypso’s a goddess (and the Kraken) and POTC really just gave me the starting idea that became them.
I didn’t mean to imply that I didn’t know what their daughter would be — it’s more that Calypso, while pregnant, has the realization that she could be anything. Divinity can have some strange results, after all, and she’s strange all on her own. And mortalness mixes oddly (in that there’s a spectrum to how the mortalness sticks) with divinity that isn’t a plain god, so. Point I was trying to make was that it’s impossible to know until she’s born. (I’m also refusing to commit on what she is until it’s written (if it is) (oh who am I kidding? its probably going to be a thing, even if just for me. the plot bunnies gotta be cleared out)).
As for her getting pregnant right before Davy Jones leaves/becomes undead… that would be another scenario entirely. I’m not sure if Calypso would forget to return if that was the case. She’d want her daughter to meet her father and Davy Jones to meet her, so her just not showing up… is a bit hard to imagine. Because her daughter is a physical reminder of the time passing and would mean that Davy Jones is more forefront in her mind. So she’s far less likely forget and we’d get awkwardness when she shows up with a child. (Because she forgets because her sense of time is awful when she’s in her deep (which she usually is) and Davy Jones is something in the back of her head. She’s aware that she needs to show to release him, but it’s not something she’s paying too much attention to so when the time comes, she doesn’t notice.)
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helbertinelli · 2 years
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@zelodolongirl Thanks, I'll check it out. Maybe after I watch the show.
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helbertinelli · 2 years
You should check out a fanfic called sibling revelry by frodogenic. It's about Vader discovering Luke and Leia are siblings and about their little incest kiss in episode 5, and basically he freaks out and desperately tries to stop their relationship by any means necessary. It's pretty hilarious and I'm sure you'll get a good laugh out of it. And speaking of which, how do you think Vader would react if he found his two children kissed each other? Like would he be totally creeped out or just disgusted and what would he do?
I don't think that kiss is that big of a deal as the fandom makes it out to be. It's been a minute since I watched ESB, but it wasn't meant to be a romantic scene and neither Luke nor Leia knew they were siblings... also idk if at the time they were intended to be siblings or not... but anyway, Leia only kissed him to shut Han up. But there was really no romantic interest there.
I'm not sure how Vader would have reacted. Probably not in a positive way because it's pretty gross, but I doubt he'd make a scene about it or keep talking about it after they find out they're siblings. I don't really think about it too much to be honest.
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