#zenin ranta
ontgerunway · 6 months
I didn't know Zenin Ranta admired Toji too but obsessed like Naoya of course. Ranta were also timid and harmless. I feel like he could have been saved but the boy was too idealistic and thought he was doing the right thing by protecting the Zenin clan. He even died happy thinking he fulfilled his duty. He also looks innocent too.
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crescentmoonrider · 2 months
At six years old Ranta already understands the truth of this world and the lie of the clan. At nine, he knows how he will die. For the prompt : All of the Other Reindeer [@badthingshappenbingo]
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read on AO3
or under the Read More, I'm not your boss
At six years old Ranta already knows the truth of this world : it isn’t the strong that survive and live well, but the ones lucky enough to be born up high.
Dad had the pitiful technique of a man from the lower branch and died pitifully before Ranta could even remember him. Mom broke her neck falling down the stairs going up to the compound, and it was another servant that found her body.
Ranta’s hands were too small and clumsy at the time to properly hold the chopsticks and put her bones in the urn. He doesn’t remember where her ashes are now.
Ranta is six and carrying trays and laundry to the main house, watching the lucky ones parade around in rich clothes that don’t fray and don’t look or feel rough at all.
Only Zen’in are sorcerers, and only sorcerers are human, and only the strong deserve to live – and yet Ranta barely feels human and still thinks that he doesn’t want to die.
Ranta’s technique is weak and useless, he knows this because dad had the same and still died, and because branch kids are nothing but dog meat sacrificed to keep the main line alive.
Only the Ten Shadows matters, and everyone else lives and dies only for his sake.
Ranta is six and knows he will die like dad, like mom, pathetic and worthless. He has no reason to expect anything else.
He is six when the head of Hei comes to watch a demonstration of the lower branch’s techniques, barely paying any attention as he drinks his sake. Jin’ichi-sama is only here for the sake of tradition, for the sake of pretending it is strength that matters and not only how close to power you are born. Everyone knows it.
Everyone knows it, and that’s why no one expects it when he calls Ranta up to him and says : “You have potential.”
Ranta’s nose is bleeding from overexertion, because he is weak and lacks training, and he can’t tell if his face flushes and his sight blurs from effort, or from the awe of seeing Jin’ichi-sama look down upon him in approval, and feeling his large hand envelop Ranta’s head like he imagines dad would have.
After this, Ranta is moved closer to the main house, stops carrying trays and laundry that aren’t exclusively Jin’ichi-sama’s, starts wearing clothes that feel soft against his skin. He trains under Jin’ichi-sama when he isn’t serving him, and each little word of encouragement, each warm touch on his shoulder or his head feels like one of the blessings he wasn’t born with.
Still, he doesn’t forget the truth of this world : the lucky ones are the ones who get to survive, and Jin’ichi-sama is simply sharing his own luck with Ranta now.
Without him, Ranta would be nothing.
It isn’t the strong that live well, he knew and still knows, and will forever know. If it was, the ghost he first heard of back in the lowest house wouldn’t be a curse in and of himself, and Jin’ichi-sama wouldn’t have ever felt the need to set his eyes on Ranta.
The ghost of the main family is a child two years older, who stares at Ranta with the anger of a vengeful spirit, and stands lower than Ranta ever used to, even though he lives in the main house.
He is strong, too. Jin’ichi-sama trains Ranta to support him, Ranta keeping the target immobile while Jin’ichi-sama crushes it at full power, the perfect helping hand to a technique that lacks in finesse and accuracy (Jin’ichi-sama’s words) – Toji needs none of this. Toji is fast and strong, accurate and powerful, all on his own.
Toji has no cursed energy.
Ranta thought himself worthless, and yet next to Toji his existence means the world to the clan, and to Jin’ichi-sama. Toji isn’t really a human, a person, a son. Toji is nothing except strong.
And yet, and yet, the lie of the Zen’in keeps on going that the only thing that matters is strength, and that is why the strongest sorcerer is the head of Hei, and the Ten Shadows will always be the head of the clan.
It isn’t that Ranta feels pity for Toji, it isn’t, either, that he hates him as much as Toji resents him. Something just feels wrong, is all. Or maybe not wrong, but odd. Uneven.
Ranta owes his current life to Toji’s curse, but he cannot be grateful. Cannot show any kindness, doesn’t have any reason to either because Toji is mean, to everyone and especially to Ranta, but he is also the only kid around the same age who isn’t one of Naobito’s horrible sons and it’s not that Ranta is lonely, he isn’t, cannot be when Jin’ichi-sama is so kind to him, but… but…
He doesn’t want to lose his place in the world.
It’s all that matters, this, and Jin’ichi-sama looking at him like dad would have. Ranta will do anything for this.
When Ranta is nine years old, Jin’ichi-sama’s wife dies.
He has never met her, she kept herself locked inside her room ever since giving birth to a defective child, but he knows Jin’ichi-sama loved her, or he would have divorced her back then.
Jin’ichi-sama doesn’t come to train the next day, doesn’t call Ranta to serve him either.
Ranta goes anyway.
He couldn’t get mom’s bones into the urn properly when she died, forgot where her ashes are. He doesn’t want Jin’ichi-sama to feel as lonely as he did back then.
When he reaches the main house from the courtyard, Toji is standing outside, glaring at Ranta like he expected him, like he’s been watching Ranta cross the garden from the start and Ranta just didn’t notice it. Maybe that’s the case.
“Go away,” Toji says. “He won’t train you today,” he says. Like Ranta is a stupid child who doesn’t even understand this much.
“I’m not here to train.”
“Go away,” Toji repeats. “We’re,” he catches himself, “he’s in mourning. You’re not family, so don’t come in.”
It’s a lie. They’re all Zen’in, even Toji, even someone who isn’t even a person. For some reason, Ranta doesn’t want to let him be mean today. Doesn’t want to hear those specific words.
“I want to present my condolences. I’m not leaving.”
He takes a step forward. So does Toji, grabbing Ranta’s collar and dragging him back, before throwing him onto the ground.
Ranta barely has the time to understand what happened before Toji punches him. And then he doesn’t have the time to understand anything anymore, except that it hurts and Toji is angry and shouting and straddling Ranta to hit him more.
“I told you” hit “to go” hit “away.”
“No one wants you here !” Toji shouts at one point. “It’s all your fault ! You ruined everything !”
Ranta can’t even raise his hands to defend himself, much less speak up. He just lies here, taking in the punches and the words, and the emotion in Toji’s eyes that he recognizes for the first time.
It’s fear.
It’s always been fear.
The hail of hits stops as Toji is dragged up to his feet, and Ranta watches as Toji tries to explain himself and begs for his father to forgive him, panicked and hurried and so unlike himself.
It doesn’t stop the heavy blow he receives though, hard enough to make him keel over and throw up.
“I have no son,” Jin’ichi-san says in a cold, dead voice Ranta never heard from him before.
It scares him.
It scares him, too, when he doesn’t see Toji for a week after, when Jin’ichi-san doesn’t say where he took him.
It scares him when he finally understands, watching the doors to the underground training area open and feeling none of the cursed energy that should emanate from the numerous curses held within it.
Watching Toji slowly limp his way out, covered in blood and gaping wounds, with eyes so empty Ranta feels himself lose his footing and fall somewhere he doesn’t belong anymore.
At nine years old, Ranta understands the truths of this world : it isn’t the strong that get to live well, but the ones that are born lucky. Toji is the strongest of the Zen’in, and one day he will take revenge on them all, and he will kill them all with no struggle and no qualms. And when he takes Ranta’s life, then…
Ranta thinks he will deserve it.
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yamkush · 1 year
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Maki going demon mode on the Zen’in clan
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naoyas90dayfiance · 2 years
Headcannons regarding Ranta with an attractive and op girlfriend. That boy deserves more than he’s gotten.
HCs of Ranta Zen'in with an attractive and OP girlfriend.
Ranta Zen'in x F!Reader
I believe Ranta is attracted to strong women. He appreciates the determination you have to get to that point.
He sees you as not only his romantic partner, but also as a trust-worthy partner for fighting curses.
He will kind of intimidated at first. Do you find him as attractive as he finds you? Because he's head over heels for you.
You have to let him know that you like him. Maybe invite him to train with you; or compliment him on his technique (which is so cool. Did you guys see that?).
After he has understood that you're at least willing to be his friend. He's going to be all over you. Our cute boy here is even going to bake you stuff, or take some of the Zen'in's lunch, so you won't be hungry after training.
Ranta is the type of guy to invite you to watch the sunset, have a picnic together, or just visit Kyoto in general. He loves to take you out and experience the beauty of the world with you.
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toga-003 · 1 month
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Due to the results of the previous JJK underrated character poll here
The winner was HANAMI
Now letting the other remaining characters get another chance:
i love this series, gimme more underrated jjk character suggestions?
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aka-lambda · 1 year
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I drew *young* Ogi Zen'in and this Is the most cursed thing that you will see today.
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bontenten · 1 year
emi, my love, i’m literally dying for a new Metamorphosis chapter😞 pls feed me i’m starved
hiiii nonniee!! i'm dying for a new chapter too believe meee! I scrapped my old draft of the chapters bc i decided to change the outline🤡
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sunny-day-dream · 2 days
Ranta Zenin | Kindness
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Ranta had simply been taking a walk to try and clear his mind, he hadn't expected his life to spiral from there. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry, let me help you up." ↳ Ranta's mind had been overloaded with thoughts lately and it had begun to affect his training. In an effort to try and clear his head, he'd wandered out of the Zenin Estate and into the quiet streets surrounding them. Then he bumped into them, quite literally, and his whole world shifted.
User background and abilities are left unspecified, have fun! It's not mentioned whether you know Ranta or not, so you can really get away with anything here.
Ranta is 22.
Ranta is kind, but he's also from a very toxic environment. He wants to be a good person, please support his efforts!
No one asked for this, but Ranta is one of my favourite characters and he doesn't even have a bot on here yet. I needed to fix that ASAP.
TW: Slight misogyny, Zenin clan's usual beliefs and antics.
Tags: JJK, Jujutsu Kaisen, Anime, Manga
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hyperfixationsporfavor · 10 months
The Pearl Necklace (Naoya Zenin x Reader)
Author’s Note: I feel like I haven’t written a fic in forever so I’m trying to force myself to write. I’ve had this idea of Naoya’s mother being a sacrificial maternal figure for a while. I’m not sure how well the idea has been executed but any feedback is appreciated. 
Warnings: domestic abuse, verbal abuse, sexism, Naoya Zenin
Naoya Zenin was as temperamental as an early spring day, warm one moment but cool another. 
Your marriage had been arranged by your families before either of you could walk. So the pearls from his maternal line, passed down for generations, would find themselves secured around your neck. They were like your husband, beautiful but cold.
He was gone most days, off on a mission or training the Hei. You were often left to yourself, something that only increased in pain as time went on. The other members of the family kept their distance, not wanting to be caught playing with the prince’s favorite toy. Ogi’s wife, you didn’t even know her name, would occasionally school you in etiquette, how to carry yourself as the wife of the future head of the clan.
Her eyes occasionally wandered towards your collarbone where the pearls rested and she sighed, remembering something from long ago. 
The rare times when Naoya would show affection towards you was after sex. He’d allow you to lay your head on his chest while you’d dared to rest against him. Most of the time he’d talk and you’d listen, eager to hear about events going on outside of the walls of the Zenin estate. He told you about a mission he had just returned from, exercising a grade 1 curse for a family in Osaka. 
“The younger brother was killed in a car accident so he came back to finish off the older brother.”
“That’s awful.”
“Well, it’s done.”
You thought of something, deciding to use it as an opportunity to get to know your husband more. 
“What are your brothers like?”
Without warning Naoya flung you off of him in disgust. You fell back and froze up when he predatorily leaned over you. 
“You’d be so much prettier if you learned to shut your mouth.”
Ogi’s wife noticed your deflated mood the next day during your etiquette lessons.
“(Name)?” she asked.
“Did something happen between you and Naoya yesterday?”
“Jinichi told me he was in a foul mood this morning during training. He nearly broke Ranta’s arm.”
You sighed. “I don’t know what happened. All I did was ask about his brothers. “I’ve rarely seen them and I was curious how they got along.”
She glared at you in annoyance. “Silence is more becoming of a woman.”
“Is that what you tell your daughters?” you pointedly asked. 
She clenched her jaw. 
“I’ll be letting Naobito know about this display of selfishness from you.”
“My brothers, they’ve been a source of grief to me.”
Naoya had pushed you to the ground, and then he picked you up and held you close. “When I was a child they conspired against me. They almost killed me with a cursed tool and my mother protected me by taking the blow. She bled out on top of me.”
"Your father said it was a curse user."
"It was better for it to be an outside source than an inside one."
You thought of the little boy who had lost his mother. “Do you miss her?”
He doesn’t answer your question, because he’s done talking about it.
Suddenly the pearl necklace feels heavier, forcing you to sink further into him. 
Naoya is angry again. This time it’s because he’s found a letter you had hidden under your mattress. 
It read:
Dear (Name),
How are things? It’s been a while since we last spoke. I hope you’ve given more thought to the offer to join the faculty at Jujutsu Tech. I know the situation you’re dealing with at home but I think it would be a great way for you to get back in the field. Kusakabe would love to have the extra help dealing with the students. Please let me know.
“What do you think you're doing working without consulting me?” he angrily asked. 
Your blood boiled. 
You knew that he had someone search through your things and the idea of him monitoring your every move made you see red. 
“Utahime approached me when we visited the school last month and told me there was an opening. I never said yes.”
“Well tell that conniving bitch no. I don’t want you to end up with some disgusting scar like her.”
One night you had had enough. Naoya had insulted you over some meaningless mistake. You hadn’t folded his shirt the way he wanted it. 
“Useless idiot.”
So you slapped him, and when he reached out to grab you his hand caught the pearls and with a harsh tug the necklace snapped. 
The two of you looked at the mess around you and laughed, then you fucked, and fought and laughed again. 
The End. 
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z0-ne · 10 months
Alone (!Platonic! Maki x ¡Cousin! Reader)
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This is just part of a story that I plan on writing (won't actually post until finished) but this is just the part where Maki slaughters the Zenin Clan. (Reader is technically not a good person? But it mainly because of the circumstances. They get better istg)
The day started off strange, you were called to speak with your father. The man that hardly speaks to you not just because of gender but because of your cursed energy alone. One thing that never changed was his apathetic and serious tone, as if talking to you was just a job rather than something he actually wanted to do.
You had been blocking out most of the conversation, up until Ranta came barging into the room in a cold sweat. He looked panicked, and you watched him, in shock as his next words would leave you pondering.
"It's Maki! She's killed Ogi, and the servants too!! She's taking us out like child's play!" Ranta says in a frantic tone, Jinichi however, sighs as if the information bothers him that little. He tells Ranta to take him to her, and you decide on staying back. For some reason, you feel too tired to fight. You stand, and ponder on Maki's sudden turn. It makes you shift uncomfortably in your spot.
It didn't take long for the fight to be over, Maki killed Ranta, you can see his corpse laying limp in the background, and of course she killed your father. She's carrying his head in her hand afterall.
For some reason, that's not what bothers you. What bothers you so much is why you're alive still, you coughed up some blood as she gets up from the rubble left after the brutal fight. This could be the heavens way of complicating your life one more time before it's ended.
You watch as she holds the head of your father, and no matter how you stare... it just doesn't make you sad. All that's going through your mind is how troublesome this all is 'Everyone is so much stronger, no matter how much I train I'm always left behind...what a complicated life...'.
Every step she takes just screams power, it seeps into your open scars and it burns, but you don't feel bitter. Not anymore. Out of the twins, you always liked Maki more despite the lack of cursed energy. It was Mai you thought you hated.
"Hey." You say, a weak or lazy smile on your face as blood dripped from your lips. Now that you see the sword, now that you see the power, you also see that you never hated Mai. You simply hated the fact that she was so similar to you, and yet she was blessed with a sibling, while you were alone.
(Disclaimer!: I love Mai, I promise-)
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quinnyundertow · 6 months
Naoya Zenin PoV x Reader
TW: Misogynistic behavior, implied noncon
Excerpt from Chapter 15 of When I Catch You Gege
To say Naoya Zenin had lived a sheltered life up until this point would be the understatement of the century. He had been born and raised in the Zenin compound and he would most likely die in the Zenin compound. It wasn’t until this last year that he had been allowed to somewhat venture outside of his insular world when he began attending Kyoto Jujutsu High. So far the world hadn’t been what he had been promised or expecting.
Women were well bred and well trained under the Zenin influence. To not be, was certain death or if you were lucky exile. At the Kyoto School he was displeased to find the women there thought they were equal to men; equal to him. They met his eyes, they had opinions, and half the time they weren’t capable of following even the most basic of commands.
His female classmates Mei Mei and Utahime had chosen to avoid and ignore him shortly after meeting him. So at least they gave the picture of subservience. But you. Damn you. He had only had the displeasure of first running into you today and twice already he had been forced to interact with you and your brazen attitude.
Twice you had not only had the gall to talk back to him but to outright insult him without, in his opinion, proper provocation. As your better he had simply tried to give you advice and in response you had told him he was less desirable than his cousin that looked like someone had smashed clay together and called it a face. You had called him a “supercilious viper” he didn’t even know what supercilious meant but the way you said it he was sure it was meant to be an insult.
For your impudence he had intended to kill you but his plans had been foiled by his bleeding heart of a subordinate Ranta, his seduced cousin and the damn busybody Gojo clan head. If that wasn’t enough you had appeared before him now in front of his peers, insulted his intelligence and called him trash.
Yes, Naoya Zenin was pissed. He had never felt angry like this before and he had tortured and killed people viciously for infuriating him. This anger surging through him was unlike anything he had ever felt. It made his stomach flip and his face feel hot. Just seeing you in that furisode and zori had made his heart race uncontrollably and his mouth dry with rage.
You had looked the perfect picture of subservience and traditional beauty just now; but when you opened that damn mouth of yours the vitriol you spewed had made his hands sweat and his cock hard with fury. That was what this feeling was, right? Anger, fury, rage, all emotions he was very familiar with but they had never gotten him this wound up before.
Breathing heavy he watched your form leave down the aisle; not waiting for him to excuse you or even finish his thought. The sway of your hips and the way that you had quirked those sensual lips when you looked down on him. The roll of your doe eyes and the disdain you had held there. The tone of your voice was so sweet as you talked down to him.
He couldn’t stare harder at your hypnotizing form as you climbed the stage and went behind the partition housing Tengen. Tengen?! How the hell did you know Tengen? He hadn’t even seen what Tengen looked like, let alone spoken to him. No wonder you thought yourself so special.
Clenching his fists he worked his jaw as he ground his teeth. No he didn’t want to kill you anymore, that would be too swift and final of a punishment for your fiery attitude and untamed radiance. He wanted you to suffer, to cry, to get on your knees and beg him for mercy. He frustratedly adjusted his hakama to try and relieve the strained ache within. Yes, you would pay alright. And licking the tears running down your defiant face? Now that would be a good start.
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cursedvibes · 2 hours
comparing geto and maki's massacres as the same is crazy to me. geto slaughtered an entire village of defenseless people and justified it as protecting sorcerers from the suffering of those who create curses. maki killed the clan because they explicitly wanted to kill her, mai and even megumi, the new head by naobito's will. she was there to pick up cursed tools and they pushed her to violence after killing her sister. unserious comparison.
Yeah...I can see where they are coming from because Geto was also pushed to extremes and was defending Mimiko and Nanako from harm, but Maki and Mai were abused by the clan, their family, their whole life. They actively tried to kill them. The only one being shown as defenceless is Maki's mother, but she had made it very clear before that she wants to see her daughters dead (she didn't actually mean it, but it doesn't matter what she secretly felt when it doesn't show in her actions). She was no better than Ogi, except she wasn't the one holding the blade. I really can't blame Maki snapping after everything that happened, especially after Mai specifically asked her to burn it all down. Like yes, Ranta seemed like he was one of the nicer ones, but that doesn't change the fact that he was part of the squad responsible for the years of abuse the twins suffered. They already knew from Toji how badly this could backfire, but they still went ahead with not treating Maki any better because she's a woman and Toji didn't retaliate against the Clan, so I guess it couldn't have been that bad... You can argue over who deserved death more than others, but that was hardly a situation for rational thought. It is very unfair to expect Maki to be the bigger person and just walk away from being nearly killed and seeing Mai murdered by their own family.
I think a big difference to Geto is also that Maki didn't go on to indiscriminately murder outside the Zenin Clan. Geto killed his own parents after the village massacre, who as far as we know never did anything wrong except being born non-sorcerers. And he kept going like that for 10 more years. Maki didn't. Hell, she even learned to somewhat reconciliate with how her mother treated her and she doesn't go on a killing spree like that among regular sorcerers, much less civilians. There's a big difference.
Also, I don't get where so many people are taking from that she just shook off the massacre like it was no big deal. She had a whole arc dedicated to dealing with the aftermath and learning to accept her body, Mai and what has happened! Maybe if people didn't skip through the Culling Game arc they'd actually know this (not that I'm bitter or anything). Like, my problem is that we never get the kind of bonding we see between her and Noritoshi or even Daido with the people who are supposed to be her friends (Yuuta, Inumaki, Panda, Nobara etc.). She is clearly affected by what happened, but nobody even asks her how she's doing. The best we get is "Maki is scary now". I would've loved to get more insight into her current mentality along the lines of the Sakurajima colony, something on how she will move on from this, how she will live now without her family (except Megumi), but we got nothing. That's my issue, not what came before. I think Perfect Preparation and Sakurajima colony were great for her character. She isn't the most expressive, but you can still see how affected she is by everything and it is directly addressed how suppressing everything isn't good for her, but then we get nothing past that.
But yeah, apparently she's less redeemable to some than Geto. Because she's cold and people don't pay attention to the arcs that actually delve into her character.
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tempenensis · 2 years
Tell us, Akutami-sensei!!
(Several Q&As answered by Akutami-sensei in the Jump Giga Autumn 2022. Other extra: Gosanke profile)
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Q1: Among Gojou, Megumi, Maki, Mai, Naobito, Naoya, Touji, Noritoshi (young), Noritoshi (Kenjaku), and Getou (Kenjaku), which one have the strongest grip strength? A: Excluding Touji, Maki, Kenjaku who got into Getou’s (body).
Q2: Does members of Gosanke who are homeschooled also learn general school subjects (language, math, etc)? A: Yes, they do. In home, they learn that if you take “M” from “MOTHER”, you get “other” which means other people.
Q3: Does “physically gifted” can only be born from Zenin family? Can two people like that at times be born in Zenin family? A: Yes sometimes. (In Zenin family) the genetic (of physically gifted) seems can be easily expressed.
Q4: Is physically gifted bound to always be born one person at times like Six eyes? A: No. But maybe it will be an impossible chance (that two person with the same physically gifted alive at the same time) 
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(continued under the cut)
Q5: Among Gojou, Megumi, Maki, Mai, Naobito, Naoya, Touji, Noritoshi (young), Noritoshi (Kenjaku), Getou (Kenjaku), without curse energy, how would you rank them based on strength without curse energy, without any weapons? A: Aside from Touji, Maki, Kenjaku and Gojou would be a good match. The next would be Naoya > Fushiguro > Mai.
Q6: Is Ranta with Maki and Mai friendly with each other? A: Please imagine a relative that are different in age, when they gathers, they would rather talk to the adults than the children and you don’t know whether they are younger cousin or one of the uncles. It’s that kind of distance.
Q7: In chapter 195, when the sword that Mai made opposes Daidou, does that come from Mai’s volition? A: It’s the volition of high school (technical college) girl.
Q8: As a jujutsushi, who is stronger between Naobito and Ougi? Also, how much is their difference in ability? A: Naobito far surpasses (Ougi). I think Ougi doesn’t know Naobito’s real strength.
Q9: How much did Naoya converse with Touji? A: It seems that they only talk a little. However, when he was a child, wouldn’t he secretly follow him around (in the first place, Touji didn’t stay much in the house).
Q10: Does Naoya hate the Blood manipulation technique because he was defeated by Choso? Or is it because it’s the technique of Kamo family? A: It’s onii-chan’s fault.
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Q11: Ranta said that the current Zenin family still exists because of Touji’s whim, did Touji ever retaliate against the Zenin family? A: He never did. Whether this is because of Mamakuro is ambiguous.
Q12: He said that kuchisake onna was not his type, but what is actually Touji’s type? A: A woman who can support him (financially).
Q13: Does the Zenin family can’t take over (forcefully) Megumi who possesses their inherited technique because of Gojou (alive)? A: It just because Gojou is still alive, (they) can’t break over the agreement with Touji.
Q14: Aside from Noritoshi (young) and Shino, is there any remaining member of Kamo family which have been taken over by Kenjaku still alive? A: There’s quite a lot. However, Noritoshi’s papa (the previous head) was defeated (by Kenjaku).
Q15: What is the reason Noritoshi cut his hair? A: It’s to change his feelings. He usually always cut it in the house, but without thinking, he enters a barbershop and gets 1000-yen haircut.
Q16: What was the reason Kenjaku let go of Kusouzu that he created with enthusiasm? Was because it didn’t come out as he imagined? A: That’s right. It seems that he just wanted to try creating it. After all, he probably wanted to incarnate the results.
Q17: Gojou family is one-man (clan) of Gojou (Satoru), if Gojou did not born, will there be a dispute over the clan head? A: I don’t think there will be one. Fundamentally in Gojou family, if someone is born with Six eyes and Limitless technique, they (automatically) will be the family head; if so, wouldn’t the dispute over who get to be the family head in the meantime become not exciting?
Q18: As their family head, is the Gojou family attached to Gojou (Satoru)? A: He was spoiled.
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roturo · 2 months
Something fun to do when you're free
Try this filter out based on if you'd fuck them or nah and share your results?
Mine is: 1-sukuna, 2-takaba, 3-kashimo, 4-geto, 5-hanami, 6-ranta zenin, 7-todo, 8-yorozu, 9-mahito, 10-gakuganji
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toga-003 · 2 months
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Due to the results of the previous JJK underrated character poll here
The winner was KASHIMO
Now letting the other remaining characters get another chance:
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aka-lambda · 11 months
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Lambda's 600 DTIYS finally on Instagram 💀
I did this all the last night and now I'm sleepy, I tried to do something spooky but I didn't succeed because the character isn't adapt to those kind of drawings, maybe Hanako would have been a right choice...or maybe Vampire Naoki but only because I have ideas only after I did the damage.
A big thank you so much for 500 and then 600 followers! It means a lot and I didn't expect y'all to support a beginner who always draw background and hated characters.❤
Now Rules:
-draw this evil lady in your style, you can change some things like clothes and background, you can also add your OC or a canon character, but the original idea and Junko should be recognizable.
-no offensive works obviously.
- don't edit or trace other people works!
-traditional and digital medis are welcome.
-use the tag #Lambda600dtiys and tag me so I can see your works!
-deadline will be November 30❗
-Have fun!
After the deadline I will pick a random winner that will recieve a full drawing of their OC or another character!
Thank you and have fun❤❤
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