#zero (reborn)
pokefangamebrainrot · 17 days
Could I possibly request some Zero headcanons, please?
ALWAYS he’s one of my favourites
Zero headcanons!
-he has ADHD and anxiety, it’s what kept him from performing very well at team meteor without lumi and eve
-he views lumi and eve as his family, since, like aster, he didn’t have any before joining team meteor
-him and sirius both do and don’t get along (they have history but moved in very different directions)
-he’s asexual biromantic
-he has a very small collection of things that are actually his, he keeps them very close
-he helps young kids at the new reborn city orphanage deal with mental health issues
-he’s trans (ftm) and picked the name zero because he thought it was all he was worth
-he’s reclaimed the name though: he says that it means he has zero fears
-he ends up playing synth for hardy’s band
-him, lumi and eve do sleepover nights sometimes. they’re pretty inseparable in the events after the main game
i love zero so much, thank you for the ask! i hope you enjoyed!
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jazz-kitty · 3 months
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crookedblazee · 5 months
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drew the red lobster of mass destruction
also Zero's there too... I'm sure he's doing fine :)
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pickled-flowers · 6 months
I only vaguely know my Mysqueery Gang lore but Lila is honestly a mystery to me even tho I see her all da time ... What's her deal :0
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So clear isn’t it
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garou-art · 5 months
Patiently waiting for this year’s Yearly Takeshi
I actually already made a super early 2024 Yearly Yam in January! (here) 🙌
But there's nothing stopping me from aNOTHER YAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
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meshumo · 9 months
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been in a reborn mood lately...... happy holidays!!
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Very normal family-
Listen I know I’m late for the trauma t-shirt meme but let me have this-
Brook belongs to @bruggle
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smugcomputer · 1 year
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ffxiv pins now available for regular sale and dispatch! get them HERE
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mixelation · 1 year
what if i just canonize itachi liking bad ninja fiction to plasticity. what if that's just a thing that's happening
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ll-but-its-random · 5 months
1 thing on my mind: Fugitive Six.
Not the book, the group, if that's what they're called. I love them so fcking much, like what the he-
Their dynamics are so cool, and yes there is some room for improvement like Duanphen getting more scenes/lines or Caleb getting actual character development but otherwise it's perfect.
Found family! What's not to love?
One thing is that Five finally got some of his redeeming qualities highlighted and I'm thankful he had people who mean something to him- his relationship with the Loric cannot be salvaged, not even after he tried. He called them his only friends, he got genuinely worried about Einar and Isabella in the mission and he said he "actually likes" Ran, which is really the best compliment anyone got to him.
I totally ship him with Einar: 2 psychotic murderers trying to do good and see the best in each other despite what everyone else says. I feel if asked about it, Five would go all defensive, like "Me? Einar? NO. See it's this thing called mutual exchange. I make sure he's not assassinated and he deals with my emotions for me. So what if I rushed to save him a couple dozen times, IT'S MY JOB." Einar also could've manipulated him from the start, and everyone thinks so, but he fully trust Five and wants Five to trust him and see him normally- not as a monster or villain or anything such.
Then there is Ran- I feel that she was better with Fugitive Six than at the Academy, she finally got to use her powers in a good way. Caleb is sort of her confidant, someone from her last life she still counts on. Her, Isabella and Dawn are besties, you cannot change my mind. She had an actual purpose and no one forcing her into anything.
Einar is very layered and interesting, honestly. He's a drama king, and a dress up guy- I probably should take liking to killers but oh well. I think he does have good intentions and a sort of moral code, he just wants Garde to be free and safe, and even though there were probably better ways to achieve it, his monologue on having no choice but to fight really got to me. I relate to it. Screw everything else. Also, for the love of God, please stop shocking him every ten seconds and just let him be.
Caleb and Isabella are not really my favorite, but they are good characters and decently deep ones at that. I think they can be a good pair, but I read it platonically sometimes and both work very well.
Duanphen is badass, and her legacy could've been much more useful. I like the fact she just goes around fighting with a broken leg like it ain't bothering her and when she got those stitches from Lucas, she was like "Oh well, I'm alive". Her and Five have a bicker-siblings sort of dynamic and I'm never letting go of this thought.
Also, Nine and Five fighting is as good as I remember.
"How 'bout we get started now, tubby?"
"I'm gonna jam that toy arm up your-"
"What do you want, Five?"
"Just wanted to say, I'm looking forward to saving your stupid academy because you're too much of a loser to do it yourself. Later, bitch."
Also, do not talk to me about the ending, I will cry.
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sneakyswag · 3 months
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I reached the photo limit will continue on another post.
I finally sat down and sketched a few designs. Still trying to get the hang of it UHJ 😭😭
Sorry about my absolute dogcrap handwriting and my super rough drawings like you can barely tell what’s going on
It’s something I suppose I hope they’re okay @absolutely-normal-about-x 🥺
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jazz-kitty · 1 year
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zel doodles
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tazma-art · 6 months
Hello hi I finally had some time to draw :D have The Creature @absolutely-normal-about-x
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I still have no idea how to design outfits but I think I did alright?? I wanted to draw armor on his legs but it was too hard :'3
Bonus with the wings tucked in
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Also I'm making a comic based on @waythroughtheice 's post about how Axl finds Zero.
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Be prepared because I made myself tear up setting it up. it's still gonna be a while tho. I wanna get it right
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
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Asked some peeps on discord to give me guys (gender neutral) to draw
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simpforsix · 8 months
Nine, after the fight in Switzerland: It's over. We won.
*Behind him John being possessed by Lucas and the Foundation troops arrive at the Academy*
Nigel: *Starts to point*
Nine: No. We won. I'm not turning around to look at it. We won.
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ntaras · 11 months
we could talk about how hanzo’s rage is a metaphor for his grief and trauma and his title of scorpion represents his difficulty to let go of his anger how he can never stop mourning his past because he refuses to stop mourning and how kuai liang’s taking of the mantle is representative of the ability to move forward rather than be stuck in constant mourning of the brother he lost. we could also talk about how hanzo’s protection over kuai liang was out of guilt of how hanzo could not stop himself from allowing emotion to control him and killing bi-han, and his ability to allow kuai liang to live instead of exacting more blindness vengeance allowed kuai liang to prosper and grow and end the years of rivalry between their clans.
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