#i am so sorry there is like zero informations here
pickled-flowers · 6 months
I only vaguely know my Mysqueery Gang lore but Lila is honestly a mystery to me even tho I see her all da time ... What's her deal :0
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So clear isn’t it
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fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
Me: I think I’m getting over my irrational fear of demonic possession
Also me: *has a nightmare about demonic possession, wakes up from it at 5am, refuses to go back to sleep, and spends whole day tired*
#this is really on me honestly. like there’s zero part of this that isn’t on me#this week i watched the exorcism of karen walker and i also watched the devil on trial documentary#the latter actually helped me because having been presented with all the information i was like ‘i’m going out on a limb here but i don’t#think this guy was demonically possessed’. like why would the demon just squat in his body? and you’re telling me this mom was drugging#all her kids with sominex/dyphenhydramine? you know; the drug that’s responsible for THE HAT MAN???#like i’m sorry but i think this child was hallucinating. and the man the demon supposedly went in just used it as an excuse to kill his mate#anyway. so i watched the conjuring iii last night and honestly it really isn’t scary. like there’s barely any jumpscares and the horror#in general is pretty lowkey. compared with the first conjuring movie; plus the nun which ruins my day whenever i think about it#it’s really not a scary movie. but i guess the ideas lodged themselves in my brain and i ended up dreaming about being possessed and living#in a creepy house and i think a suspicious priest was trying to exorcise me. it was a lot#i could not fall back asleep. i tried but it was impossible. i was also too scared of sleep paralysis tbh. i often experience sp#if i wake up in the middle of the night; am awake for an hour or more & fall asleep again#and i was like ‘genuinely if i experience sleep paralysis while i’m thinking about demons i will be found dead’#i still think my fear is generally less though. like i’m realising how irrational and silly it is and i’m laughing at certain points#in these movies. the demon voice they always do during exorcisms is so camp! it’s ridiculous#maybe i should write a demonic possession novel. see if i can scare myself#why i’m wrecking my sleep schedule right before starting a new job is beyond me but we persist. we move#personal
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bamsara · 21 days
I'll ask, if it hasn't been already - regarding the tags on the fanfic poll:
What kinda things make you click out/give you the squick? I'm so curious 👀
rubs my hands together: could be a mix of things anywhere between character dynamics, personalities or even how the fic is formated
Btw for people who don't know what squicks are: 'Squicks' are just personal preferences that someone doesn't like. Nothing wrong with em it's just not your vibe. (Exp: Like how all my friends HATE tomatoes but I am tomato eater forever)
anyway long ramble list:
Can't read big blocks of text without breaks very well, and I dislike when characters (esp main characters that are talking in every chapter/scene) have bolded or italicized dialogue. I think it's fine for special reoccurring characters but it genuinely messes up with reading flow for me when it comes to taking in information if used too much
If I'm reading a fic specifically for a monogamous romantic paring, I don't care for the 'past lover interest reappears' trope or one of them currently has one, or the love triangle that results in one of them being like 'oh but i love them both i can't possibly choose!' *cough twilight cough* it just makes the relationship feel disgenuine and icky. zero stars. Any mention of a character's past relationship usually makes me just click out, just personally not here for that
-^^^ to go with this, big fan of the 'misunderstanding where someone thinks there's a love rivelry but the third person never had a chance.' Like to the main pairing there's only eyes for each other and that's all they care about, there's just some third person who's there and causing problems (either because someone in the pairing is jealous of the third person thinking they're gonna steal the other when it's not, or the third person thinks they're a love rival when in reality they're not even thought about) *cough Tyren cough*. I think there's a lotta comedy to have with this. Bonus points if it brings main pairing closer together
When characters have linear character development and recovery. I prefer my characters to realistically relapse and bit a little bit of a hypocrite as they develop from start of story to end. Failing and falling short and again makes the final result much more satisfying when they're healing
When characters use 'therapy speak' or otherwise react perfectly 'acceptable' to stressful situations. Again, I prefer realistic depictions of characters under stress, and work out becoming better under that stress rather than just One Big Thing Happen and suddenly they're never going to react negatively or lash out again because another character told them It Was Bad and To find Better Coping Mechanisms.
Unhappy endings. (Or open ended ones) Sorry for hurt/no comfort lovers but none of my fics will have unhappy endings. I like my stories to have people that go through absolute hell and still come out on the otherside
The ace in me doesn't care for fics where physical attraction is a large part of the ingredients that gets the pairing together. Not saying they can't admire each other when the sunlight hits them or wearing a nice outfit but just not a fan of reading about how 'sexy' a character is to another. Probably why I usually blast all my characters with the aspec beam
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but if someone had a more specific question I might be able to answer
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upat4amwiththemoon · 3 months
amelia shepherd x fem!reader that’s an intern or resident who keeps logging in hours on neuro when they aren’t really interested in it just to see amelia. and eventually amelia noticed and asked why. i don’t really have an idea for an ending but like fluff
Summary: They’re so pretty it hurts.
Pairing: Amelia Shepherd x female!reader
Warnings: my medical knowledge is zero, Scout doesn’t exist
Word count: 911
a/n: Amelia is keeping the whole show together
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“Y/N.” Amelia smiles as she sees the woman she has gotten to know well these past months. “More neuro hours, huh? Should I feel threatened you’ll take my spot as the head of neuro one day?” She grins, holding onto the tablet with all of her patients’ information.
Y/N laughs, following Amelia as they start walking. “No way. I don’t think you should be threatened by anyone.”
“I agree.” Handing the tablet to Y/N, Amelia opens the door to a room full of MRI scan images. They stand there for a moment, watching the images. “What do you see?”
Straightening her posture, she clears her throat and stares at the pictures more closely. “Uhm…a brain tumor?”
“Are you asking me?”
“No.” Y/N shakes her head quickly, turning her gaze to Amelia. “It’s a brain tumor.”
“It is.” Amelia takes down the pictures. “What do we have to do?”
“Do a biopsy to figure out what type of tumor it is.”
Nodding, she puts the pictures aside and gestures for Y/N to follow her. They walk through the hospital hallways, all the way to the patient’s room. “Good morning, Mrs Noceda”. Amelia smiles as they settle into the room. She gives Y/N a look, giving her the moment to present the patient.
“Mrs Noceda, 53 years old, came to the hospital yesterday due to multiple complications, a MRI scan was made and a tumor was found.” Y/N lists, her eyes staying on the patient and Amelia. “Today’s agenda will be biopsy, which will tell us how to proceed.”
“Does that sound good?”
“Of course, you know best, Doctor Shepherd.” Mrs Noceda has a gentle smile on her face despite everything going on.
“Then we will get you into biopsy right away. Y/N will come and prepare you in just a moment.” Amelia takes the tablet from Y/N after they walk out of the room. “Make sure we have an OR ready soon, then prepare Mrs Noceda for the biopsy.” She writes the new information down on Mrs Noceda’s file.
“Yes, Doctor Shepherd.”
“You’ll join me on the biopsy.”
Y/N’s eyes widen momentarily, but she manages to keep herself in check. “If you wish so, Doctor Shepherd.”
“If you wish so?” With furrowed brows and a confused grin, Amelia turns her attention to Y/N. “A little more excitement would be great.”
“Sorry, I truly am very excited to be in this with you.”
She doesn’t look convinced, but there’s no time to dwell on the details. “Alright. Go get everything ready.”
“Yes, Doctor Shepherd.” With that, Y/N is off to book an OR and prepare Mrs Noceda for her biopsy.
After the biopsy, Y/N and Amelia are waiting to hear back from the lab to get the results. The latter is tapping her fingers against a table as she moves back and forth on the chair. “Y/N.”
“Yeah?” Y/N is sorting through papers. They’re cases from different branches, ortho, peds, general, cardio, and so on.
“Don’t take this as an attack,” now Y/N’s attention moves to Amelia, “why do you keep logging hours in neuro? You don’t seem too interested in it. Which I don’t get, neuro is easily the best and you’re really good at it.”
”Oh.” Y/N avoids eye contact. She didn’t think Amelia would notice her lack of interest to neuro despite the many hours she spends with the doctor. “Well…” she searches for words, though it’s clear she isn’t finding any.
“Are you here because of me?” Amelia has a playful grin on her face, which changes immediately as she notices Y/N somehow becoming even more uncomfortable. “You are?”
She lets out a breath, her cheeks puffing as she nods. “Maybe.” Her voice is a quiet mumble.
Amelia doesn’t know how to answer, not expecting this to be the actual reason for Y/N’s decision to spend time in neuro. She sits up straighter, pulling the chair closer to Y/N with her legs.
“I understand if you wish me to stop doing neuro.” Y/N says quickly.
She shakes her head. “I want you to do neuro if you enjoy it. I don’t want you to be here while wishing to log more hours into something else.” Her voice is gentle and comforting. “You are an intern, and I am in a position of power,” Y/N opens her mouth, but Amelia raises her hand to stop her, “however, I would be lying if I said I haven’t gotten…attached.”
“Yes.” Amelia smiles when Y/N’s whole face brightens. “Don’t get too excited. All of this, whatever it is, has to happen slowly and discreetly, preferably out of the hospital.”
“I understand.”
“And you have to start logging hours into the branches you’re actually interested in.”
Y/N’s face falls momentarily, but she smiles quickly. She knows it’s for the better, she won’t become a good doctor by pining after someone while doing something she isn’t interested in. “Okay. I’ll start logging hours on other things too.”
“So…” Y/N fidgets with her fingers. “Does that mean we could go on a date?”
“We’ll go on a date. After we help Mrs Noceda with her tumor.”
She giggles in excitement. “Yes, Doctor Shepherd.” Amelia rolls her eyes with a grin, patting her arm before moving her chair right next to Y/N, curious with the other cases she’s studying.
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
Curious if you have anything for "Dean doesn't care about demonic vessels" / Dean calls Sam a monster whenever he makes a concerted efforts to exorcise care about the humans in the vessels. If not, is it something you'd consider tracking or expanding upon?
The first time the death of a vessel comes into question is in 1.22, when Sam, Dean, and Bobby capture "Meg", and the real Meg (Meg Masters) is still alive and possessed by her. Dean is the first person to say they need to exorcise "Meg" immediately to save Meg Masters from possession, while Sam wants to leave Masters possessed so they can potentially get more information out of "Meg" (this is all after "Meg" revealed John's location, so Dean already got what he wanted—Sam wants Azazel's location). Bobby then interjects, saying that exorcising "Meg" will kill Masters.
Sam (quietly to Dean): Maybe we can still use her. Find out where the demon is. Dean: She doesn’t know. Sam: She lied. Dean: Sam, there’s an innocent girl trapped somewhere in there. We’ve go to help her. Bobby (comes up to them): You’re gonna kill her. Dean: What? Bobby: You said she fell from a building. That girl’s body is broken. The only thing keeping her alive is that demon inside. You exorcise it – that girl is going to die. Dean: Listen to me, both of you, we are not gonna leave her like that. Bobby: She is a human being. Dean: And we’re gonna put her out of her misery. Sam, finish it.
This is an interesting discussion, but one where Sam is the absolute least concerned about Meg Masters. Overtaken by the desire for vengeance at this point, Sam just cares about potentially getting information from "Meg" that will lead him to the demon. It's Bobby and Dean who care about Masters, but push for different solutions. Dean believes Masters is suffering and cannot be saved, and is concerned with immediately ending her suffering and violation. More darkly, he may also want a little payback against "Meg" the demon. Bobby, from his own POV as a husband who lost his wife to possession, immediately jumps to wanting to wait and see if they can save Masters somehow, but this is... also likely a pipe dream. "Meg" is... to put it quite bluntly, a creepy, murdering, rapey demon. She is happy to kill humans at her leisure at this point in the series. She has zero incentive to preserve Master's life and they were never going to be able to save her. Meg Masters immediately thanks them for exorcising Meg when she retakes control of her body, even knowing she is going to die. There's really no good solutions in the situation, but Dean is still the one to reflect after on Meg and another of Azazel's children who he kills to save Sam, considering the gravity of the vessels lives.
Dean: Hey, Sam? Sam: Yeah? Dean: You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there. Sam: You didn’t have a choice, Dean. Dean: Yeah, I know, that’s not what bothers me. Sam: Then what does? Dean: Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t even flinch. For you or Dad, the things I’m willing to do or kill, it’s just, uh .... it scares me sometimes.
I do think Dean is a little less fair with himself when it comes to Meg, given that at the point where they went through with the excorcism, they already had the information on John's location that Dean had wanted.
In 3.04, Sam calls Ruby a "cold bitch" after *she dismisses the weightiness of him killing two vessels. However, Sam kills a crossroad's demon and her vessel just because he's angry in the following episode. Sam's prioritization of vessels doesn't seem to materialize until 4.04. "Metamorphosis" (which I'm guessing is the basis for the claim you're asking me about):
SAM I'm sorry, Dean. I am. But try to see the other side here. DEAN The other side? SAM I'm pulling demons out of innocent people. DEAN Use the knife! SAM The knife kills the victim! What I do, most of them survive! Look, I've saved more people in the last five months than we save in a year.
First, this wasn't the motivation for honing Sam's powers when Sam originally agreed to start using them. His motive was revenge on Lilith. We also know he isn't being honest with Dean or himself here about the full scope of his motivations. As is slowly revealed to us over the course of season 4, Sam is attracted to the feeling of power that the demon blood gives him.
That aside, if you actually take this discussion in 4.04 in context, this is the first conversation where Dean knows Sam is working with Ruby and that Sam is honing powers he developed via her guidance. Dean's plea to use the knife comes right before Sam reveals that he is actually able to save some of the victims by using his powers. Dean doesn't claim the victims are unimportant after that—he pretty clearly suggests that saving the victims being a good thing is the start down the dark path paved with good intentions and that it won't end the way it's started.
DEAN That what Ruby want you to think? Huh? Kind of like the way she tricked you into using your powers? Slippery slope, brother. Just wait and see. Because it's gonna get darker and darker, and God knows where it ends.
He casts doubt on the idea that there aren't ulterior motives and dangerous downsides in play that Ruby isn't being honest about. These concerns materialize as reality by the end of the season. Ruby is using him in the exact manner Dean feared, and as Sam's powers grow, he needs more and more blood to not just grow stronger, but to maintain his powers. By 4.20, he cuts a demons throat and then stabs her, completely uncaring of the vessel, in his desperation to feed. In 4.21, Ruby notes that his appetite has grown, and in 4.22, Sam needs to drink a whole person and he begins to turns into a demon because of all the blood he has consumed.
This "conflict" about the knife killing vessels also isn't a repeated discussion between the brothers. It happens in 4.04 only as noted above. At the end of 4.04, Sam decides he is done with his powers after getting scared by what happened with Jack Montgomery. In 4.07, he decides to use his remaining powers against Samhain, and Dean asks him to use the knife instead. However, Samhain's vessel is 1) a villain 2) already dead. The next time Sam's powers come up is in 4.09 when Ruby urges Sam to use his powers to stop Alastair. After Ruby emphasizes their precarious position, Dean stifles his objections. No one is concerned about Alastair's vessel—they're concerned about not being killed. Dean (though he suspects) does not know about Sam using his powers again until the end of the season in 4.20 when Sam kills a vessel to drink their blood then flexes his powers on the demon possessing Amelia Novak. In other words, at no point after 4.09 does Dean even have an opportunity to object to Sam using his powers, and the vessel discussion is only relevant the first time they discuss Sam's powers, in 4.04. In 4.20, Sam shows he doesn't really care that much about vessels by feeding on and then killing a demon and vessel. So Sam's whole "save the vessel" angle also doesn't come up again after 4.04.
The point being... I think there are various points where Sam and Dean could both have showed more care toward vessels, but we can hardly say that SPN presents a consistent narrative where Sam cares about demonic vessels and Dean doesn't. I think framing the discussion in 4.04 in that way in the first place is fairly disingenuous, given Dean wasn't upset at Sam for wanting to save vessels. He was angry that Sam lied to him and broke a promise to uphold what Sam himself called Dean's dying wish (to please not hone demonic powers with Ruby because Dean believed it was the culmination of Azazel's plans for Sam and a continuation of their family's generational traumas). He's scared because he sees the path paved with good intentions down which Sam could tumble. He's scared because he only found out about all of this because Cas warned him the episode before (in 4.03) that if he didn't stop his brother from working with Ruby, the angels would.
You brother is headed down a dangerous road, Dean, and we're not sure where it leads. So stop it. Or we will.
He's scared because he's spent the last 40 years being coerced and tortured by demons and was corrupted toward becoming one and doesn't want his brother to suffer that same horrific fate—simply by some other means. He's scared because Sam lied to him about all of this, which suggests that deep down, Sam knows there are parts of this that aren't good and he might be hiding more things from Dean or even himself (4.04).
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
any tips for Adult Phone Calls? i've been putting some off and it's going to start costing me money if i don't Get It Together soon, but that pressure just makes it harder!! part of my issue is not knowing what The Script is and part of it is that i find real-time conversation as An Adult really daunting....
Okay so a big part of my job is answering phone calls; I am a professional person who answers phone calls from people who would rather not have to call me and who are usually confused and upset by what is happening, which often has the potential to be expensive for them. It's a stressful call to make!
As a professional phone answerer, here are the things that help ME when people call:
Be able to describe the reason that you're calling and what you would like to do about it. This is a simple two-step giving basic background information and your desired outcome so that the person answering the phone can get the process started for you. Examples: "Hi, I'm a new patient referred by Doctor X; I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Y." "Hi, I tried to use my credit card but it was rejected, I would like to know why." "Hi, I am calling about a late payment; I would like it removed from my record." "Hi, my sink is leaking and I'd like to schedule a visit for repair." "Hi, I think my computer has a virus, I'd like to bring it in to get checked out."
Call when you have some time. Don't call when you've only got five minutes to be on the phone, this could take a while and you will be less stressed if you call when you've got at least ten minutes to half an hour where you won't be interrupted. If you are less stressed, the person taking the call will be less stressed, and the whole process will work better.
Have any account/ticket/serial number/referral information handy. Pre-game the call in your head and think about any questions they might need to ask you, then gather the information they might need. Examples: If you're calling about something like a car or computer hardware, know the basics of make/model/age. If you're calling a financial institution or service provider, have your account number, verification information, etc. handy If you're calling a medical office you might want to have a list of medications as well as your insurance card available.
And here's some information that might make CALLERS more comfortable:
We're not mad at you for making the phone call; talking to you is our job. You're not bothering anyone or imposing on anyone's time. Please make the call instead of churning in panic for weeks or months; it's much easier to fix something or resolve an issue if it's addressed early than if you respond to it months down the line.
You can just say right off the bat that you're not sure about the call or that you don't know what's going on and you need help. You might want to say something like "Hi, I'm having an issue and I don't know the next steps to take to get it resolved; could you please help me?"
You can also just say something like "Hi, thanks for helping me; I'd like to let you know that I have a little trouble using the phone and may need to ask questions as we go or think for a second. Thanks for being patient with me, here's my issue."
There is like a zero percent chance that your call is going to be one of the more stressful things they do that day. The call is stressful for you, it is very routine for them, and they are used to everything from getting screamed at to trying to communicate in languages they don't speak to help callers.
Also: if you have not called this place before, feel free to call it with no plans to speak to anyone just to see how the phone system works. It may be an automated phone system and you can call and pre-navigate the options and take notes for when you're ready to call back, and you may be able to find out more of what the system will ask of you. If you get picked up by a person when you're not ready you can simply say "Oh, I'm sorry, I've got another call coming in, I'll call back, thank you" and hang up.
The Script for most Adult-type phone calls is "I am having X problem and I need help fixing it," and then requests for information and someone either providing a resolution for you issue or escalating it to the next step in the process.
It's hard to pre-plan a script without more details because some people you'll call will have a more difficult script than others (canceling cable, for instance, can be a hassle and there are people out there who have written specific instructions on how to do that) and some will be very easy (scheduling an appointment or opening an account can often be very simple!) but regardless of how difficult the specific script is you can ask for help along the way, and the process will be easier if you've done a little information gathering about your own needs/issues/desired resolution.
Good luck! Please don't let the phone scare you too much! People on the other end of the phone are usually quite happy to help.
If it's something really contentious like dealing with a collections agency, look up specific resource guides because that's where it pays to have a very specific idea in mind of how you're going to approach the problem.
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arvensimp · 3 months
your father should know, pt. 4
Arven leaves you with something more than either of you bargained for when he goes off to Kalos for an internship, and through a series of miscommunications and heartbreak, he returns a few years later to learn that he actually has a child.
arven x fem!reader, nsfw content (in pt. 1), pregnancy (pts. 1, 2, & 2.5), angst, and stupid miscommunications
[part 1][part 2][part 2.5][part 3]
I'M HERE AGAIN THANKS FOR THE WAIT. SORRY ABOUT BEING THE WAY I AM LMAO please enjoy the next installment. it's not beta'd i'm out here livin like larry
[Group Chat: Team Star? More Like, Time To Go To HR AmIRight???]
WalkWalkFashionBaby: hey @ ParadoxChamp is this your man?
WalkWalkFashionBaby: [sent a photo]
[Image description: A man with wavy, longish ash blond and light brown hair, accompanied by a Mabosstiff, walking down the streets of Mesagoza. His hands are in his pockets, and he seems to be smiling.]
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: ?????????
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: !!!!!!!?!
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: yo wtf 
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: first of all that deadbeat isnt her man ortega
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: second
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: yea uh
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: @ paradoxchamp did you know he was back in town???????
CassiopeiaYamahaSteinway: third @ giacomo4pm momo if you don't change our nicknames in this chat back to normal I will absolutely dox you (again) and then change them back myself
Giacomo4pm: Can do, will do.
Giacomo4pm: Also, yo, damn, what's he doing back? I thought he fled the country or whatever.
Rika: so the sperm donor's here. Just came up the hill asking for you. Want me to send him packing?
Rika: yeah u do
Rika: well... I do.
Rika: also unrelated, holy sHIT, man's genes are strong. It's like I'm looking into a time machine for Basil's future.
Rika: except, you know. Basil will be way cooler and more handsome with your genes mixed in.
Rika: ❤️
Rika: plus no shitty facial hair.
Rika: or better facial hair.
Rika: anyway, I'm gonna eviscerate him.
Rika: love you. ❤️
You had been in Area Zero, gathering information on moth pokemon for Jacq when the director called, his usually placid voice laced with an edge of steel.
"Basil's father just stopped by." He says without preamble.
Your heart sinks, and you nearly lose your grip on Raidon, only barely managing to stay upright and drag the pokemon to a halt.
"His what?" You splutter, changing the phone to your other ear, as if you hadn't heard correctly.
"His father." The director repeats. "I know we have not...explicitly discussed Basil's paternity, but, well," He tsks lightly. "He showed up to speak to me."
Your head is filled with tarountula webbing. You feel your hearing go fuzzy, but somehow your hands direct Raidon up and toward the closest lab station. Out, out, out. Back to the school. Back to Basil, back to--
"I'm on my way to the entrance to Area Zero now." Clavell continues when you don't reply after a few moments. "I'll meet you there with Basil."
"What did he want?" You finally ask as you enter the station.
"I didn't give him the opportunity to chitchat."
You hum. "One second, Sir." You step into the transport pad.
A moment later, and Clavell is right in front of you, Basil tucked safely in his stroller, looking just as he did when you dropped him off this morning, save for his hair looking a little...off. You disregard it.
"Thank you so much." You sigh, hanging up the phone as Clavell gives you a sad sort of smile.
"Anything for you two." He says.
You kneel and try to fluff up your son's hair, but it has dried all crunchy from whatever happened during the day. He's getting a bath later, so you don't fret over it and just smile warmly to him, trying not to let your panic show.
"Ready to go home, sweet thing?" You ask him.
Basil nods, reaching with little hands for yours in his hair. "Mhmm!" He nods. "Ahso, Mama! I saw a big buddy! A big, BIG buddy!"
Clavell clears his throat and provides some context. "Mabosstiff said hello."
You look up to the director, knowing exactly which Mabosstiff he must mean. "Oh? Mabosstiff! That's...that's so great!" If your register is maybe just a touch too high, your smile too tight, it's only to maintain face in front of the boy to whom you turn back. "Were you kind? Remember how we always wanna be nice to new pokemon, yeah?"
"Uh-huh, uh-huh! He gived me a kisses! A lotsa kisses!"
So that's the crunch in his hair.
Oh, Mabosstiff...
"That's my sweet boy." You sigh, ruffling the mess before standing again to face the director.
"Thanks again. I'm gonna..." Another long exhale. "I'm gonna get us home."
Clavell nods. "You know how to reach me if you need something. And... Well, if you want me to intercede on your behalf, I'm happy to have words." He says stoically. "At times I felt I was the closest thing..." He gestures with his head outward toward the school. "He had to a parent in his life... I..." It's his turn to sigh. "I don't understand what happened there. How he could do what his own parents did to him? I'm sorry. If it's any consolation."
Your heart squeezes, and you distract yourself from the feeling by digging your nails into the soft foam of the handles of Basil's stroller. "Don't be. He made his choice, y'know?" You try to smile, but it's shaky. "He deserves to have the life he wants."
"He deserves a kick in the pants." Clavell responds. "Not that I'm an advocate for corporal punishment..." He adjusts his glasses in that grandfatherly way.
You laugh.
"Well, if he sticks around long enough, maybe you'll get a chance."
You hope he doesn't stick around.
Or...do you?
Do you even want to see him?
Either way, you don't want to linger on it in the lab.
"I'm gonna take this little one home."
Clavell nods. "Until later."
And then you're calling a cab to get back to your place, and Clavell is on his way back to the office.
While you're in the cab, you check your messages and sigh. Seems like Ortega caught a glimpse of Arven, and Rika is...fucking with him in some way or another.
You ignore your old classmates and opt to just text Rika.
Me: Got Basil from Clavell and we're on our way home rn/
Me: Love you too ofc 💖💖
A minute or so later, your phone buzzes. Rika again.
Rika: he's gone now
Rika: I put the fear of arceus in him if i do say so myself
You roll your eyes, smiling wryly. By now the cab is slowly descending to the space just outside your home, so you pocket the device and maneuver Basil in his stroller out of the cramped space and into the house.
Once he's unbuckled from his seat, he's bouncing around and grabbing at the attached bag, the one containing Buddy's pokeball, asking in broken syllables if they can play. 
It isn't a huge deal to let the pup out of the ball to play, so you hand it over to Basil, reminding him how to behave with his friend. At the same time, you also release Skeledirge to keep a watchful eye over the pair for a moment.
In the weeks since the Raisins Incident, as you've called it, you've come to the realization that your team can be of some assistance to you when you need a moment to yourself, when you're overwhelmed. Obviously Skeledirge isn't a parent. Neither is Raidon or Tinkaton or Screamtail or anyone else, but Skeledirge is smart enough to keep them safe for the precious seconds you need to breathe.
So you let the three alone in the living room and retire to your bedroom for a moment to collapse on the bed and gather your thoughts. You only need a few seconds. Just a few seconds of Mama time...just a few.
There's a sound at your open door as Basil toddles in, two pokemon in tow.
"Mama... Hungy?" He asks, clenching his shirt in tiny balled fists.
"Oh, sweetness..." You sigh, leaning down to pick him up and seat him securely on your lap. "You're hungry?" You press your face into his head, expecting its usual downy softness and the comfort of your child's scent, only to be met with that uncomfortable crunch of dried Mabosstiff slobber. Out of Basil's line of sight, your nose crinkles. "Let's see what we've got in the kitchen, yeah?"
"Toast? Toast 'n jellies?" He asks hopefully.
"I think we could do that, my littlest..." You respond with a smile, hefting your boy onto your hip as you trudge into the kitchen.
Of course, it would be just your luck that you're entirely out of oran jelly, the only jelly that Basil will eat right now. Thank you, developing taste buds and picky eating...
Maybe he won't notice if you try to give him pinap jelly instead this once?
You prepare his plate, the toast lovingly cut into four triangles, and you give him his sippy cup as well, but Basil only stares down unhappily at the food.
"Jellies?" He asks, his tiny button nose wrinkling.
"Yeah, Baby, I made you toast and jelly." Your heart clenches, anxiety rising, but you try to keep your voice chipper.
"Nuh-uh!" He insists, pushing the plate away.
"Oh, I'm sorry. We don't have the usual jelly. Do you wanna try this instead?"
Your son looks at you with wide eyes, rapidly filling with tears. His lower lip wobbles, and his brow furrows angrily. Times like these it's almost crazy how much he looks like...
No, focus!
"It's good, I promise. Wanna see? Mama will have some." You take a bite of one of the triangles and make a show of smiling. "Mmm! So yummy! It's really tasty!"
"No!" Basils yells in response, his tiny tears now falling. Hangry isn't a good look on the little guy.
"Ahhh, we gotta get you something to eat, huh, bud."
"Jellies!" He blubbers, only barely understandable through his tantrum. Buddy the Maschiff jumps up, placing his front paws on Basil's feet, trying to get at the food, and Basil complies, shoving it down to the pup.
You sigh. "Alright."
Buddy re-enters his ball, still chewing the bread, and you take Basil from his high chair, depositing him in his stroller.
"We'll go to the market and get your good jelly, okay? Super duper fast, then we'll come home and have a feast."
Basil is still crying, but the promise of his good jelly seems to placate him somewhat.
It'll be fine anyway. The market is only a short walk from your apartment building, and you'll only be out for a few minutes. 
The journey there is easy. Basil's stroller is one of those fancy transforming models that's great for all kinds of terrain while also being pretty light. It helps that the market is all outdoors, too. Less helpful is the fact that the stalls are fairly narrowly placed beside one another. At least it feels that way with all the people around, but it isn't overly cumbersome to navigate.
"Jellies!" Basil starts to whine as you approach the stall that he's come to learn has his favorite snack. He starts making grabby hands towards the jars along the table, and you attempt to quietly stop him.
"Yup! They've got your jelly here. Once I pay, you can hold the jar, if you like. Sound good?"
"I pick, I pick!" Basil insists, arching his tiny body as best he can away from the stroller's restraining buckle.
"Hey now," You press a soft but firm hand against him, guiding him back to his seat. "I'll let you pick, but you have to be polite. Say please and thank you to the salesperson, kay?"
Your son huffs, squirming a bit more before collapsing against the seat. "I be good. I good." He grumbles, and you're finally able to unbuckle him and take him up in your arms.
"Okay now. Can you ask for what you want?" You give the salesperson a thankful smile as you speak to Basil. They seem willing to be patient with your little one.
"Jellies!!!" He cries gleefully.
"Jellies, what, bud?"
"Jellies, pease!!!"
"There you go... We're gonna get some oran berry jelly." You tell the salesperson, already reaching into your bag with the hand that isn't carrying Basil. "Remember, these are glass, so you gotta hold it gently."
Basil carefully (or as carefully as a nearly-two year old can) chooses a bright blue jar, holding it in both of his hands.
Gently, so as not to jostle Basil enough that he drops his prize, you rearrange him on your hip, freeing an arm to reach into your bag, so you can pay the shop keeper. 
That's when you hear it. Not particularly loud compared to the hum of the crowd, but clear as day anyway.
The sound of your name being called gives you pause. You look around. It's not uncommon for you to be recognized, but you're already on edge. Hopefully it's just a fan or something?
You heard him. From the way you stopped and looked around, hiking the kid up just a bit higher on your hip as you distractedly tried to find the source of his voice, it was obvious.
It isn't an overly crowded market, but there are definitely enough people milling around that quick travel isn't really feasible from where he stands, particularly if he wants to get closer.
He calls your name again, louder this time. Before it had almost been breathless, filled with surprise, hurt, delight, just a tumultuous storm of emotions tearing through his stomach at the sight of you, the sight of his little carbon copy in your arms. Now he's really trying to get your attention.
You pinpoint him, and Arven waves, his bulky form helping to differentiate him from the rest of the crowd.
He... He can't read your face. You look like a deerling caught in Flash. He watches as you quickly shuffle, taking your boy (his boy?) away. Are... Are you for real fleeing from him? He calls your name again, trying to move closer to your retreating form, but it's no use. He makes it to the stall where you were before. He's positive of it because you left the stroller behind, and judging by the yelling from the salesperson, you made off with some product without paying. It's a no-brainer for him to lay down the cash needed, assuaging the anger of the clerk. Arven also grabs the stroller, giving a nervous laugh about how forgetful you must be before he starts trekking with it in the direction that you fled.
Except. He quickly realizes that's not really gonna get him anywhere. He has no idea where you live. Yeah, he knows where you used to live, almost 3 years ago, but that was basically a shoebox, a place to store your supplies while out and about as a champ. No way you're there still. Not with a kid. Right?
He eventually takes a seat on a bench close to the market, keeping the stroller next to him. You've gotta come back for it soon, right? Even then though, he has no idea how long it might take you to come back. 
Once again, Arven desperately wishes you hadn't blocked him way back when. He pulls out his phone, hoping to shoot you a text, on the off-chance that maybe you unblocked him at some point maybe?
Me: Hi, Buddy!
is all he types before seeing the tell-tale red messaging, showing that the number is indeed still blocked. Ugh.
Fuck, maybe...maybe he could use a pay phone or something? Just to tell you where your stroller is. But are there even any pay phones anymore?
As it turns out, they do still exist! There's one just on the edge of the market, so Arven makes his way over, pulling out his phone to copy your number once he's in the booth.
That's not a Paldean area code he sees. It's Kalosian. Yes, it's your name as the contact, and it's your final, nasty message to him there in the texts, but....it's not your number. There's not even a call history that goes back that far for him to try and grab the number that he just can't seem to remember entirely. He used to have it memorized, once upon a time, the two of you having been the other's emergency contact for so long, so he knows he's not crazy. That number...
He realizes on a second glance that the number is affiliated with Bon Applintit. It's got the same starting numbers after the area code.
What the hell happened to--
"Arven!!!!" The cry of his name startles him out of the thought, but he tucks it away for later. There's something very, very off going on, beyond the kid and everything. Which also??? Kinda absolutely bonkers. He's not gonna lie to himself. He also can't think too hard about it.
"Arven!" Nemona pulls him from that dizzying train of thought, as well as the phone booth. "I've been sent to just, uh...grab this from you..." She tells him, awkwardly trying to work her way around him to grab at the stroller's handlebars. "Ya know... Mama and Basil need it and all." She laughs a bit uncomfortably, continuing her attempt to pry the pram from him.
"Basil?" He says out loud, the name punching him harder than any Hitmonchan. His fists clench tighter around the bars.
Nemona slaps a hand over her mouth, allowing Arven to angle the stroller away from her. "Were you not supposed to know? Ah, gosh darn it!"
"I mean--!" He starts defensively. "I guess?! I never knew about...about any of this!" He gesticulates wildly. "When was anyone gonna tell me about Basil, huh? What the hell, Nemona!?"
She gives him a strange look, her lips pursed and brows quirked. "You... You really had no idea?" She crosses her arms, studying Arven's expression. "Hold on."
Nemona takes out her phone and starts texting. Arven does his absolute best to be patient, but with every passing second he's growing more agitated. 
"Okay, listen! Someone has GOT to tell me what's going on!" He eventually bursts. "Who IS this kid? Why does she have him? Why does... I mean, why does the kid look like me? Everyone's been treating me like shit since I got here, and none of it makes any goddamn sense! If anyone cares to hear MY side of the story, she blocked ME! And to my knowledge it was just over a few missed calls! I thought she was just overreacting! I had no idea about any of this!" His anger over it all, over getting shunned by his friends years ago, over Clavell’s insults, comparing him to his father, it all bubbles over, and he’s letting it out on Nemona. 
She hushes him with a sound and a not-so-placating finger, not bothering to even look up as she texts with a single thumb. "Hold on, hold on, hold on..." The patronizing nature of it all pulls a huff from Arven, whose grip on the handles of the strollers is so strong his knuckles go white.
His friend locks the screen and looks back to him. Her gaze is steady and serious, in stark contrast to her typical jovial self.
"Okay. I believe you, amigo. You say you've got no idea what's going on? I'm sorry to hear that. I really, really wish I could just tell you everything. Or at least, what I think is everything? But this isn't really my place. Not my mankey, not my circus. I'm just the mankey's fun tia, y'know?" She tries to lighten the mood a bit, but it absolutely falls short. "But. For real, this isn't the kind of chisme I enjoy. Not when it involves any of you. I'm talking to her now." Nemona shakes the phone in her hand. "I'm gonna see if she's willing to hear you out."
"Hear me out? She was the one--"
"That isn't how anyone here knows the story, Arven. At least what she's been able to bring herself to tell of it. I don't think any of us can claim to know all the details, but do you think she'd lie to make you look bad? Really?"
That seems to give Arven pause. At least long enough for Nemona to check the latest message from you. She smiles.
"She's on her way to the Treasure Eatery and will meet with you there. Be sure to bring the stroller."
Arven makes it to the restaurant before you. It isn't really surprising, given your detour to the league building to drop Basil off with Nemona for a bit. He ought to thank his lucky stars for Nemona pleading his case to you, saying he seemed to be genuinely confused and distraught over the situation. Otherwise you wouldn't have bothered. This is...exhausting to think about. Facing him. Trying to figure out what he wants. Why he came.
You won't lie, your initial thoughts as you rushed home with Basil tucked tightly in your arms, shielding him from his father, were rather dark. Was Arven here to try and take him? Did he think he could use your baby as some kind of prop in his social media videos? People go crazy for dads after all.
But, no. If you're honest with yourself (like Nemona urged you to be) that's not the man you knew. You couldn't imagine him becoming someone like that either, especially if he didn't want to be a dad in the first place... Beyond that, if you think rationally for a moment, there isn't a court in the world that would order your toddler son to another country without you.
No, this...this will be safe. It will be scary. To see him again. But. There's no need to think there's danger. It will just be kind of scary. And you can deal with scary, if only for a few minutes. 
"Hey." Your voice sounds drained as you drop your bag on your side of the booth and follow behind it to sit. You want to look at him. Look him in the eye and ask him what his deal is, but you just can't summon that brand of bravery.
"Hey." His tone isn't really discernable; you can't guess what he's thinking. "I, uh...ordered your usual drink. Or...What you used to order? If that's cool?"
Sure enough, there on the tabletop is your go-to drink from the Treasure Eatery, a ring of condensation already formed at the base of the glass, dampening the flimsy cardboard of the disposable coaster.
"Oh." It surprises you, that small bit of thoughtfulness. "Thanks." You take the glass in both hands and sip, letting the frosty cold of it ground you before you finally look up to see him.
He's... He's so much like Basil, it makes a lump form in the back of your throat. The nose, the eyebrows, the bow of his lips. You've seen them all every day for almost two years now in the face of your little boy; things you noticed and adored, now mimicked before you. Beyond that, he's still Arven. Time hasn't changed him too terribly much. For an adult, it hasn't been too long, so it's not like he's suddenly grey and withered before you or something. The biggest difference is how he pulls his hair back into a low ponytail, the patchy stubble around his cheeks and chin. He's either growing it out to try something new or just hasn't bothered with a razor for a while.
"Hey." You finally say. Truth be told, if not for your drink, your throat would've gone dry just seeing him again.
"So..." He starts, leading.
"So...you're back."
"Uh. Yeah. The plan was to spend the weekend clearing out my old storage....and...head back to Lumiose..."
"'The plan was?'" You ask.
"W-Well, I mean... I. I don't think I can just go back now, can I?"
You tense. Why did that feel like an attack? "I don't see why not. You didn't seem to think it was important to, you know, come back before now. What makes you think you have to stay?" Your tone comes off colder, more callous, than your aching heart would otherwise reveal, and it does its job, egging Arven onto frustration.
"I saw Clavell with Basil." He starts, pausing when he notices your flinch at the name. "Then I saw him with you. And... I mean..."
"Oh, so you saw him and now suddenly you care?" You ask, venom dripping more than you'd care to admit.
"What are you saying?!" He grates, volume only as loud as public decorum would allow in the bustling restaurant. "You... You have to be kidding, right? Of course I care! There's... There's a whole kid! Right? Where did he come from, huh? Cuz, like... Those don't just appear! And he's yours, right? He's gotta be! Like, obviously I see my...resemblance, but I see you in him, too!" That surprises you. No one ever found your features in Basil anymore, save for your mom, who made an off-handed comment once or twice about your eye shape or something.
Arven takes your silence as reason to continue "I mean... I've seen my photos from a young age... I..." His anger fizzles out into confusion as he goes on. "I don't want to make assumptions about...about us or what we were? But...looking at that kid, it's gotta be, right? That it was me? That I'm..." He can't say it out loud. "But why? Why didn't you say something? Why did you hide something like that? Cuz, like... I mean...even...even if he were someone else's... I mean, why wouldn't you have said something?"
"Hide it?!" The accusation shocks you into a response. "I never hid anything! I tried telling you for ages, back when you actually picked up the damn phone! You forced me into having to text you about my son! Then you blocked me! I have the receipts, Arven. I don't know what kind of delusion you've got going on in that head of yours, but I never hid my boy from you until I was given reason to! Why would I go out of my way to force a child upon a man who couldn't acknowledge him? Why wouldn't I keep my son safe from someone who didn't have the decency to be there for him? For me?"
Your tone has risen to a point where a few of the surrounding tables have hushed to listen in, and Arven can tell that prying eyes and ears are now on you both. He shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath, an attempt to steady himself, keep from getting more heated in public. 
"Bud." He begins, the old nickname hitting you like a sucker punch. "I never knew. I don't know what happened there, but I promise. I promise on Mabosstiff's life that I had no clue about any of this. I think there had to have been some kinda mix up..." You watch as cogs turn in his head. "I think... I'm thinking maybe something happened with my phone." He says, pulling the device from his pocket. "Like... Lemme just try and make this clear from my end. Okay? I got this text from you..." He starts, tapping the screen. "It was kinda mean, and when I tried to respond, I was blocked." He holds up the conversation for you to read.
>Hey! Sorry we keep missing each other lately! I hope things are okay? Are you staying warm? It's getting kinda cold here.
>can we not do this?
>Not do what?
>"This" i'm getting real fuckin tired of you bailing on me all the time now that your some hot shot kalosian celebrity guy
>Whoa. Where is this even coming from??
>you kno exactly where its coming from, arven. Youve been super shitty to me since you left paldea and it really hurts my feelings.
>I'm sorry? I've been busy here. It's been a lot getting used to a whole new place and a whole new language. I thought you understood that. I really am sorry though.
>y'know what? I dont really care at this point. Ive had enough waiting around for you to call me or text me back. there are guys here who can do better by me
>[One Missed Call]
>[One Missed Call]
>[One Missed Call]
>Are you being serious right now? You can't be. This is a joke?
>[One Missed Call]
>[The number you are trying to reach has been disconnected and is no longer in service.]
Your face pales and stomach sinks as you read it. "Arven, I--"
"I just noticed earlier when I tried calling you about the stroller. That isn't even your number. It's Kalosian. It's... I think it's affiliated with my company? I can't be sure yet, but..." He locks the screen and puts his phone down. "I know now that you never sent those messages, and that somehow I lost everything related to your contact. So...whatever you might've sent...it isn't here. I couldn't have seen it."
With a nearly shaking hand, you grab his phone and open it back up, still remembering his old passcode (Mabosstiff's Pokedex number). "Hold on..." You absolutely sent a message. Whether it was deleted or not... You check his blocked numbers, knowing that on your end, you've been blocked since back when you first told him about the pregnancy. "Yup..." You show him the screen. There among several spam numbers was your own. "You blocked me."
Arven opens his mouth to argue. "Or, I guess," You continue before he has a chance to interrupt. "I was blocked... somehow? I still... I don't see how this could have happened..." You set the phone down and fish out your own from your bag. "Here." It only takes a moment to pull up your old conversations. "You can read for yourself what I tried to tell you."
>Hey! I know this isn't ideal, and I really would have rather said it in person or over a face call or even just a regular call, but I think you need to know, and I'm having a really hard time verbalizing it to you. I'm sorry to do it this way, but it's better to say it now than not at all, right?
>I'm pregnant, and it's yours.
>I'm so, so, SO sorry! I promise I didn't mean for it to happen like this, and I'm not trying to like…baby trap you or something. I swear! You're my best friend in the whole world, and I'm so happy that you can go and live your dream in Kalos right now. But I just feel like you should know? Like you should have a say in what happens here? I'd love to talk to you. Do...do you want to do this? Because....well if you're willing I'd want to try this. With you. But I also know that you're living your dream right now, and I don't want to get in the way of that! I want you to be able to really embrace this new journey you're taking and learn and grow and do wonderful things! But I just wanted you to know, you know? Please don't hate me. Just give me a call when you have a minute, and we can figure this out. Okay?
. Then after several months, you’d sent a picture. Just a simple selfie of you, looking exhausted beyond belief, hair tamped down to your head with sweat, but still smiling. In your arms is a tiny bundle with a little purple hat, face looking squished and wrinkly and perfect. Arven knows exactly what he’s looking at before he’s read your final message.
>He's here. I don't know if you care, necessarily? But... I love him so much, and I don't understand how you couldn't, so I thought I should share.
You watch as Arven tears up, holding your phone like a tiny, precious creature. "I never knew. I... I swear I didn't." He swallows. "My...my team... They all have access to my phone. Something must've... Someone, I guess..." He shudders then looks to you, resolute. "I'll figure it out. But." Arven looks at your hand on the table then flexes his own, curling and uncurling it from a fist. "I... I wanted to know. I should've known. I'm so sorry this happened..."
"Me too..." The anger and fear and sadness you had churning in your gut this whole time slowly begins to still. You don't know how to feel exactly about the misunderstanding, but you know Arven. You know he isn't lying to you, and to hear him apologize for all of this... It's like a weight off of your soul.
Arven pauses, gathering himself then stares you in the eye. "I was supposed to leave tomorrow, head back. Fuck that. I need to be here. I need to see him.”
It's another punch to the gut, and on instinct, you respond. "No."
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fuck-customers · 5 months
One of our litters broke with parvo, which means we're spending the next couple hours suiting up in isolation gear and scrubbing the literal and figurative shit out of the kennel and any adjacent kennel top to bottom, inside out with a very caustic disinfectant. For this reason and to keep customers from becoming walking fomites, the room gets shut down until cleaning is finished. As my coworker and I are suiting up, a customer gets an attitude. "I'm sorry, Ma'am, this room is closed for the rest of the day." "Well, I have an appointment to see one of the dogs in here." "Yeah, sorry, everything is shut down in here. You can speak to the front desk for more information but for safety reasons, the dogs in here cannot be viewed for the rest of the day." "But I have an APPOINTMENT." Just back and forth for like fifteen minutes. It took everything in me to not say "Oh, you're right, the parvovirus is very stern about appointments and punctuality and won't be infectious until after your appointment. Come on in." Then the next day, as we're making calls about it to previous adopters (not verbatim but you get the gist): "Hi, sir, I'm [blah from blah blah] calling per county policy to let you know that we had parvo in the building and you adopted a dog within a two week period of a positive parvo test. You adopted the dog on the 23th of last month and the positive pup came in on the 30th. They weren't even in the building at the same time so your baby wasn't exposed. However, we still have to call since it was within two weeks." "My dog has PARVO????" "... I mean, probably not. I'm just calling to let you know that we had a positive test today and since you adopted in the last two weeks, we have to call and tell you that we had a positive test." "So you sold me a dog that is sick?" "No, sir, I'm saying we had a dog test positive today. You adopted an entire week before the sick pup came in but we still have to call you per policy, and let you know that we had a positive result." "Hold on, hold on, I'm still trying to figure out why you gave me a dog that's sick." "*woman biting keyboard meme here* Sir, the dog you adopted was fully vaccinated and was showing zero signs of any sort of illness when he left here. If he isn't [short list of signs of illness] then he's probably fine. If he *is* sick, he didn't pick up anything here. Once more, I am simply CALLING to INFORM YOU that a pup that came in AN ENTIRE WEEK AFTER YOURS LEFT tested positive for parvo. Your dog was NOT exposed to the sick puppy but we still have to call due to COUNTY POLICY." It continued on until my supervisor reached over and hung up the phone while I was talking. She said "If he didn't get it by now, he never will. I'll worry about it if he calls back." As far as I know, he didn't. In my head, I wondered if maybe the two customers were related lol (and for those wondering, the sick puppy in question is recovering well as of writing this. thankfully the rest of the litter didn't test positive at any point)
Posted by admin Rodney
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sae itoshi
“i can find numerous ways to fuck you, pretty.”
sae itoshi x fem!reader. where sae has an issue getting the new intern out of his head.
warnings- 18+, minors dni, nsfw, smut, saes ofc a bitch, use of slut whore etc, degradation kink, and yk the usual
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"you just need to be laid," sae's personal assistant told him. sae flipped him off as he left. it had been a year since bluelock and sae decided that what was going on in spain before was what worked best for him. so here was, playing for the team that made his life different, although, he didnt know if it was for the better or worse.
sae's assistant wasnt wrong tho, he really needed to get laid and soon, his sexual frusturation was getting out of hand (pun intended sorry ok.) there was no shortage of gorgeous hispanic women around him but somehow none of them seem to cut it for him, he had a quickie with this woman who called herself his fan yet couldn't even name him, which in retrospect shows how desperate he was but also shows that people are shallow. (he rly didnt wanna admit he's starving for sex be real)
sae's assistant, ruben, who had been incharge of sae's work for the past year was younger and more fun than his predecessors. sae liked him so much that he even gave his number, voluntarily, without any pressure. it wasnt long until ruben invited sae for parties and beers and the two became friends. it also wasnt unusal for ruben to text message sae updates. "my law intern starts tomorrow so pls dont throw daggers at her," the text read. sae replied with, "no promises," and could particularly hear ruben's sigh. sae didnt put much thought to it and continued with his day as usual.
the next day, sae woke up at 5 and ran for an hour before his 2 hour practice schedule. he loved doing the workout that came afterwards. one could say that a follow up workout after 3 hours of running and practice was excessive but he was a pro player and this was his job. sae reached his house roughly around 9:30 or 9:45, since the door was open he assumed it was ruben and the new intern. sae overheard ruben explaining something to the new intern but he'd rather shower than listen to wtv they were doing.
after a very relaxing and much needed shower, sae went to the kitchen where they two were. what sae expected was a nerdy law student in his house, but what met him was perhaps the most gorgeous woman he'd seen. you didnt have a model type zero figure, hell you werent even skinny, but something about your round ass and thick thighs (save lives) that just really made sae stop in his tracks.
"sae, meet my new intern," ruben said, referring to you. you said a good morning to him and took the nod that followed as a quiet dismissal so you turned your attention to ruben and talked about work. sae hated that a little.
over the course of the next few days, sae would hang around the kitchen counter which you and ruben used as an office now. he'd watch tv or grab a snack every now and then just to sneak a look at you. you always wore those beautiful trousers that hugged your rear and flared at the bottom. sae was also quick to notice your deep neck shirts which were professional for most of the part, except for when you'd lean over the counter when you were listening. he knew it was pathetic and perverted behaviour but to his defence he found you hotter than he should.
days passed and his need for you just increased. sae would never admit it to anyone but he might've fantasised about you a little. today, it was evening and you and ruben were still at the couch. sae hated that you didnt talk to him much or gave that pretty smile you did to ruben, he would also not admit this. you get up and politely say good bye to the two of them.
"hey, sae?" ruben calls out, "yes?" he replies. "there's a party tonight and i was thinking you can join us. y/n is going too." sae noticed that ruben said that in a weird tone, "what am i supposed to do with that information?" he asks. ruben chuckles, "look. i know that you have a thing for her, and if she wasnt sm on the borderline of being a nuerodivergent coded woman, she'd know too. maybe she's the one you need to get laid with." sae rolled his eyes but didnt deny what ruben said and also got ready.
and boy was he glad that he did. you were wearing a skimpy outfit. or maybe its in his head. you wore a bodycon blue satin dress under a sheer blue and purple gradient mesh dress. your hair wasnt tied and you looked gorgeous. sae could see every roll and what he wanted to do- "stop staring and just talk to her," ruben said, "im gonna go find someone to fuck too. see ya tomorrow," and he was gone.
sae walked up to you, you were now at the bar, sitting alone, thankfully. "hey," he seemed to have startled you, "oh, sae- i mean mr. itoshi, hello. i didnt think you were gonna be here," you say. "i didnt think i'd be here either, and its sae." you divert your gaze to the bartender and say, "yes, okay. so sae, how are you enjoying this party?" you ask. "not a lot, i'd rather get out." you slam your hand on the table and say, "oh. my god. me too. its so boring, i didnt think clubs would be this bad." sae liked how comical your expression and reaction was. "do you wanna get out, go somewhere else?" sae asks. your eyes widen but you say yes anyway.
sae takes you in his car and asks if you'd mind going back to his place. you said no because it was one of the only places in spain you liked. sae asked you about how youre here. "well, im a college student and i'm here for an internship for doing well in law school. i think it's an internship for six months but if ruben and his company likes me, i could get a permanent job here." sae nodded and you two had some more conversation.
you two were still talking when you reached inside of sae's house. and no matter how many times you told yourself you were just tipsy, you knew it was smth sober you also wanted to do. you grabbed sae and kissed him. sae was taken a back a little but when he registered what just happened he snapped. he closed the door shut w one leg and one arm engulfed you closer to him while his head grabbed your hair and pulled you in for a kiss. it was nothing short of a feral kiss, he kissed you like he was a starved man.
he didnt stop kissing you when he took you to his bedroom. he didnt stop kissing you when his hand went down to graze your thigh. you were the one who broke the kiss when his hand reached your panties and rubbed back and forth. “so wet,” he said as he dragged your underwear aside and fingered you. “be a good doll and ride my fingers sweetheart,” he said as you barely understood what was happening. pleasure and nothing but pleasure surrounded your head.
you then instinctively got down on your knees. he liked that he didnt ask you to do it, you just did. your hands pulled down his pants and boxers. you took his length in your hand and rubbed it a few times before taking it in. he grabbed your hair as you looked up at him, so pretty with your doe eyes looking into his. he wanted to be gentle with you but you batted your eyelashes a few times and he lost it. he thrust his hips into your face and came to the site of you gagging on his cock.
“enough of you doing the work, princess. my turn” he practically threw you on the bed as he commanded to get on your hands and knees. he put his hands on your hips and pulled you back. your moaned as your sensitive part hit his cock and he ground his teeth like he was grinding your pussy. “not so soon,” he said as he pulled back and kneeled this time. he took your panties off and brought your ass which was in the air closer to his face. you moaned as he ran his tongue up and down. he used two fingers to separate your folds as he repeated his motions but on a much sensitive part. your legs quivered as he went on and his pillows no longer muffling your screams.
sae decides to tongue fuck you a little longer and then when his cock started aching and he knew you were about to come, he pulls back. you whine in protest but he says, “you come when i tell you to. do it before that and you’ll pay.” you meekly nod, your ass and pussy still in air at display for him.
so pretty he says and puts his cock slowly into you. your body shudders in delight and sae grips your hips tighter. he pulls you back and forth as he slams into you. “i wanna go slower but fuck.” you get on your elbows now and shake your head, “dont go slow. fuck me hard.” he nods and says, “you gave me permission,” as he picks up the pace and fucks you. you scream as both of you come. sae slaps your ass one last time as you both fall down onto the bed.
“fuck.” is all you say. sae chuckles as he gets up to kiss you. he brings in a cloth towel and cleans you up. maybe spain changed him for the better.
this was so long sorry 😭😭
banner credit @cafekitsune
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ornii · 5 months
Killer queen anon here.
I meant more of a quiet reader who is really good at psychological evaluations to the point of him just looking at someone and knowing them, so Enid just points them out to Wenesday and tells them that they can help and then they just kinda do. Maybe romance. Maybe not. Who knows. But the serial killer thing is cool too. Maybe the Hyde injures their cat and then they just go out and beat the crap out of it and that is the exact moment Wednesday appears. Who knows.
(") (")__/
Ah okay, I appreciate the clarification.
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A Peaceful Life
Wednesday Addams X Male Kira Reader
To live a normal life, wasn’t in your deck of cards unfortunately
I am so sorry it took this long to finish this! But we’re here!
Wednesday had been in a bit of a slump, not sure on how to continue her investigation into the Gates, the school itself or anything of that nature. It seems that the mystery has finally eluded her. Wednesday was in the quad sitting by herself looking though book after book of any sort of information to assist her with the Gates, but nothing came to mind, it was Enid to instructed her to one person; Mr Kira.
(Y/n) Kira, Better known as “Kira.”, was a student in Nevermore just like Wednesday. Quiet, Kind, and a bit of a Shut in, your classic personality. Wednesday took note of his schedule and decided to pay him a visit as he exited the Cafe in Jericho, Kira stepped out, and looked around as he felt a bit of unease. It was rectified by a meow. Looking down he spotted a beautiful charcoal Bengal Cat.
“Well, how are you?” He said with a smile, the cat putters off and he follows, following the beautiful, whimsical animal. Turning into an alley he followed, unbeknownst to him, Wednesday was as well. As she watched, she saw him kneel down to look at the cat, and unfortunately he let his guard down. The ruffle of trash bags alerted him, turning quickly he caught a hard punch to the face. The impact and him to the ground and in a daze for a moment.
Opening his eyes to the sound of shuffling he looked to his side his backpack was emptied, full into the trash and muddy water, sadly ruining his biology project. A disgusting old man was shuffling though his things and sees the boy wake up. Kira stood up, feeling blood trickle out his nose, his mercy was wore thin. The creep drew a makeshift knife, he looked dazed, out of it.
“Just gimmie your wallet kid.” He wheezed, but still had this unnerving smell. Kira calmly reached into his pocket and grabbed a coin, and flipped it over to the old man. He caught it. “This can’t be! Gimmie the fuckin rest!” He said with a straight face. (Y/n) wipes the blood from his nose, and spoke in a very.. calm tone for a boy who was just punched.
“That’s a dollar coin, they’re rare… that’s your incentive to leave, I recommend you take it.” He says, but the man grips the coin and prepared to stab the young man, and Kira began to.. speak.
“My Name is (Y/n) Kira, I’m currently 17, I reside like most students in Nevermores Boys Dorm. As per usual I’ve yet to marry and am single. I attend my classes with zero punctuation on being late or tardy, no write ups, no suspension. I am very peculiar about my grades and lifestyle, after a long day of class I spend most of it by myself, ready or watching the local cats of our school. I always in bed by 8 PM to get the maximum hours of sleep, before I rest I drink a class of warm milk and stretch to decompress after school.”
“Why.. why are you telling me this?” The man’s hand was shaking, fear entering his voice, but (Y/n) was as calm as ever. But a dark, sinister aura began to emulate from his body, something Wednesday saw. It was as if pure evil had manifested from his body, given form.
“I’ve done everything in my power to live a calm and simple life, everything I do I plan meticulously to avoid an unexpected change. This may be a foreign concept, but I could truly care less about the concepts of winning and losing, rather enjoy my life to what I am capable of. That is how I cope with my life, is what brings me happiness.. it if I ever were to engage in something like this.. I would win with little effort..” (y/n) monologues, and that sinister aura transforms into a being that resembles A monstrous cat, with power beyond what this man could comprehend.
“You sir, have made me lose my biology homework, I simply cannot allow that to continue, and it seems you won’t take my offering of peace willingly.. so it seems there’s only truly one discourse left.. I will eradicate you, no one will remember you, nobody will find your body.. this, is Killer Queen.” (Y/n) holds up his hand, like a detonator for a bomb. With one smash of his thumb, Wednesday watches in a mix of delight and surprise as the man explode in a scream of gutteral pain and fear, and as if he never existed, nothing was left. (Y/n), after murdering someone, calmly picks up his belongings and went back to school, Wednesday quickly hides behind a bush to avoid detection. She seems to have caught a break in her case, or found the final nail in her coffin. Serial killers attempt to kill away from the public, the only way to get his cooperation is to force him in a public setting. And Wednesday waited for her opportunity which came the next day.
Sitting in the Quad center, Kira penciled notes down to remember for Biology, he felt a presence darken his mood and looked up, Wednesday Addams, in the living, or dead.
“Hello, you must be.. Wednesday correct?” He asked, she kept that unnerved demeanor.
“Yes, (Y/n) Kira. May I sit?” She asked, Kira shrugged and nodded, his eyes noting her, pale hands. As Wednesday sat across from him, he kept writing, ignoring her presence for the most part.
“I’m doing a thesis on, serial killers.” Wednesday began, “And I wanted to hear your thoughts on my findings.” She explained, (Y/n) looked up.
“I.. suppose.” He placed his pencil down and sat attentively, Wednesday reveals a notebook and things she’s written down.
“Something ive noticed about Killers all of them have some unique qualities, be it their victims, killing style, or or method. What I find most interesting is their, blending.”
“Blending?” (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.
“Yes.. you see in order to remain under the eye, Killers tend to blend in with their environment, to seem normal. Or to seem normal in the place they’re in, like a high schooler in a boarding school. He’d present himself as a normal student, wouldn’t stand out too much to avoid being seen in a, Light.”
(Y/n)’s smile slowly faded, it was silent in the quad between them, and Wednesday continued.
“If you were a serial killer, I think you’d do your best to not stand out, keep your head down, and be meticulous about everything to avoid you being noticed, but if some drugged man were to attack you in an alley, you could defend yourself.. couldn’t you?”
(Y/n) and Wednesday stared at each other, his murderous glare compared to her stalwart gleam. (Y/n) looked ready to take the pencil and stab her, but saw the students around and took a less lethal approach.
“You saw that? That’s unfortunate… I’m not a serial killer, that was my first and hopefully only, he didn’t give me much of an option to run or escape. Although I suppose that doesn’t matter.. there’s no trace of him, no evidence that I even did anything.” (Y/n) replied, and looked at Wednesday hands.
“But.. I have a question, why does it pertain to you? I doubt you knew him, unless you want to seek out some social justice.”
“No.. Enid recommended you.” Wednesday replies.
“For what?”
“I need help with.. an issue that you could assist me in.”
“.. You want me to make someone disappear?” He asked calmly, she shook her head. “No, not yet.. but that could be useful in the future. You’re smarter than most here and I need your killer instincts to help me with this mystery.. about me, and it seems there’s another killer among us.”
“Was that a joke? You do have a sense of humor.” (Y/n) smiles, but Wednesday keeps her calm Demeanor.
“Okay.. I’ll help, I suppose I’m exchange you won’t ruin my peaceful life.”
“That’s the deal.” She said, (Y/n) nods reluctantly.
“Then I suppose we must shake on it.” (Y/n) sighs and offers his hand, Wednesday shakes it and she attempts to stand up.
“I suppose as partners we should know each others strength and Weaknesses.” He said, and smiled. “Mine, is that I can make anything I touch into a bomb, like your hand I just shook.” He said with a hushed smile, Wednesday slowly looks at her hand and back to him. The boy laughs and stands up.
“But.. I don’t wanna do that to you, you’re.. actually pretty cool. So I will help you, because if there’s someone else killing, the peace I seek won’t end until they are.. I’ll be seeing you turn Miss Addams.” He said, Wednesday reluctantly stood up and walked away, (Y/n) gently tilted his head to the side.
“Man… what a Killer Queen..”
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pluckyredhead · 4 months
☕️ sliiightly late but would love to hear your thoughts on Tom King (I get the impression you’re not a fan? - ive only read one book of his (heroes in crisis) and a couple issues of mr miracle but I always see people talking about how great some of his books are)
Lol I am indeed not a fan. BUCKLE UP, FRIEND.
So two things about Tom King that give him such a good reputation outside of fandom circles: one, he is regularly paired with some of the best artists in the industry, which means his books look incredible. I mean, just astonishingly beautiful all around.
And two, he is very good at including certain signifiers that indicate "this is a prestige comic." It's hard for me to describe it - it's an "I know it when I see it" kind of thing - but there are certain ways of writing and laying out a comic that signal seriousness, intelligence, boundary-pushing. Art with a capital A.
The easiest example I can give is the nine-panel grid, which is exactly what it sounds like: a page of three panels by three panels, all the same size. This is associated with older comics (like, Golden and Silver Age) because it's so simple, but also it's very very associated with Watchmen. So now when people trot it out there's an element of "Look at me! I'm just like Alan Moore!"
Tom King looooves the nine panel grid. He uses it a ton in Mister Miracle (Kirby used it a lot so this kind of makes sense) and Heroes in Crisis, especially for the therapy sessions. And there's this thing in the industry where people see a nine panel grid and they're like "Oh! This comic must be Smart." But if you scratch a lot of Tom King's work, it has very little substance beyond a sort of complacent nihilism.
(Geoff Johns also used the nine panel grid to signify that he is An Intellectual Writer now with Three Jokers, which was fucking hilarious. Geoff Johns is the Michael Bay of comics and he was trying to be Wes Anderson. It was embarrassing for him.)
And actually, speaking of Tom King and Watchmen, Heroes in Crisis has a great example of how he's using shorthand instead of, like, building a real story. There's a moment where Clark tells Bruce and Diana that someone anonymously sent all the superheroes' therapy footage to Lois, and they're like "She can't publish it," and Clark's like "She's a journalist. She did it 35 seconds ago."
This is a reference to a very very famous line in Watchmen, when Ozymandias is talking about his plan and then reveals that "I did it 35 minutes ago." But Heroes in Crisis has nothing to do with Watchmen, and Lois's actions (publishing private medical information for no reason) have nothing to do with Ozymandias's (dropping a fake alien squid on New York to end the Cold War; also, sorry for the Watchmen spoilers). It also has zero consequences, either within Heroes in Crisis or in later comics.
That moment serves literally no purpose except for Tom King to tell the reader "I've read Watchmen." Which...is not really much to brag about? I'm pretty sure it's the bestselling graphic novel of all time. Lots of people have read it, dude. The line has no story or character purpose, it's just the equivalent of like...teenage boys quoting Rick and Morty or whatever at each other to signal that they're an in-group. Except pretentious. It's like if teenage boys quoted Proust at each other. (That would actually be amazing.)
And in fact - and this is my big beef with King - the line actually harms the story, because it's wildly out of character for Lois (and Clark, who fully supports her decision here). Why on earth would Lois publish the private medical information of dozens of people, many of whom are her husband's friends, or even her friends and in some cases family? It's not newsworthy, it's deeply unethical, and she doesn't know who her source is. It makes zero sense that she would publish it, and equally zero sense that Perry would allow her to - they're the Daily Planet, not fucking TMZ. But she does it...so that Clark can paraphrase Watchmen. Okay???
And that's the big problem with King. He has no knowledge or understanding of the vast majority of characters that he writes, nor does he care to learn. He is a fundamentally ignorant and lazy writer. Heroes in Crisis really exposes this, because it uses so many characters, and he gets so many of them wrong, and it's so clear that he like...Googled shit with no context.
Like, take Kyle Rayner. King has him praying in Spanish, and like...okay, sure, Kyle's dad is Mexican. Except Kyle didn't know that until he was well into his twenties! He literally had no idea that his father was Mexican or that he himself was Latino until he was an adult, and while he does canonically speak a second language in the comics, it's Irish. In both HiC and Omega Men, King writes Kyle as devoutly Catholic, when Kyle has never been shown to be religious in any other comic. King just went "Oh his dad's Mexican, he must be Catholic and fluent in Spanish." Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't have comics where Kyle engages with his Mexican heritage, but this is just a stereotype.
King also has this trick where he goes back to a character's debut issue and does a close reading of it to inform his writing, and everyone congratulates him on his deep cut...but he reads nothing else about the character. In Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, the only Supergirl comic he references out of 63 years of canon is her first appearance, which is all of 8 pages long. Way to dig deep in that research, champ.
His book Danger Street was touted as celebrating the obscure characters of the DCU, but it was really just utilizing this trick to the max, because it was all about characters from a comic from the 70s called 1st Issue Special, which was dedicated to trying out new characters and concepts, so it was a whole bunch of debuts. I only skimmed part of Danger Street while researching something else, so I can't claim an in-depth reading, but one of those 1st Issue Special characters was the blue Starman, Mikaal Thomas. King uses that 1st Issue Special debut issue and literally none of Mikaal's other appearances to inform his writing. And you might say, well, okay, that's an obscure character so who cares? But Mikaal is a historically significant character who was half of DC's first on-page gay kiss in a mainstream comic, and you can't even tell from King's take on him that he's queer, because surprise surprise, his queerness wasn't in his 1976 debut but was a later development. And everything Mikaal does doesn't have to center his sexuality first and foremost, but it would have been nice if it seemed like King was even aware of it.
King also doesn't understand, like...really simple themes. I thought Mister Miracle was really good when I read the first issue...and then the story kept going, and I was like "Ohhhh he doesn't understand the point of the Fourth World at all." And the Fourth World is, like...the least subtle Kirby ever was, and Kirby was never subtle. Anyway Scott Free is a hero and Orion is also a hero, and if you don't understand that basic fact and how it is the central theme of the Fourth World - that given the chance, good will always be stronger than evil - you need to go back to remedial comics school.
AND FINALLY (lol sorry), all of his comics are just...miserable. They're about terrible people being terrible to each other. Which...is fine, I guess? But it's not why I personally come to superhero comics.
So yeah: I don't like King's work because he doesn't actually know what he's talking about, he doesn't do any substantive research, and he's so cavalier with the characters that he's been given temporary charge of that even DC has made almost all of his writing out-of-continuity after the fact. And the fact that the comics establishment treats him like he's some kind of genius makes me want to scream.
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hunieday · 4 months
Re:vale - 2D☆STAR Vol.5 interview
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
This magazine has been released in November 2016 aka before part 3!
Interviewer: Thank you so much for your hard work with the shooting and outfit change! Pleased to work with you for this interview.
Interviewer: It's been a little while, but congratulations on the success of your 5th anniversary live performance at the Zero Arena inaugural event!
Momo: Thank you very much!
Yuki: Thank you.
Interviewer: Your live concert was very exciting. Could you please share your honest thoughts?
Yuki: It was our honor as Re:vale to be chosen to perform in such a special place like Zero Arena.
Yuki: I'm grateful to all the staff who worked hard to make the show a success, to TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 for their support and their performances, and to all the fans who came to see us.
Yuki: I’m sincerely glad that Momo and I worked so hard together.
Yuki: Right, Momo?
Momo: Yeah!
Momo: I'm really grateful too! I want to thank each and every one of them as loudly as I can!
Yuki: We’re also glad we were able to cover a Zero song as planned.
Momo: And the exclusive one-night shuffle units with TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 were super exciting too!
Interviewer: Speaking of TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7, they did perform a medley of Re:vale songs, how did you decide on that?
Momo: Actually they didn’t inform us about that, it was a complete surprise!
Yuki: It sure was.
Yuki: We were as surprised as the audience, if not more.
Momo: I almost cried even though we were about to perform!
Yuki: You mean you were actually crying.
Momo: Come on, Yuki, don't reveal Momo-chan's secrets so casually!
Yuki: Fufu. My bad.
Interviewer: I see. Thank you for sharing that precious memory with us!
Interviewer: Allow me to change the topic, could you share your thoughts on this cover photoshoot?
Momo: The shoot was so much fun! There was Re:vale spray-painted on the set which was very exciting!
Yuki: It was. The letters weren't very visible in the end because we stood in front of them, but it was nice to have a set specifically dedicated to us.
Momo: And the outfits exuded our adult charms thanks to the casual jackets and hats, don’t you think!?
Momo: Right, Yuki?
Yuki: Fufu. For me at least. Momo didn't give off much of an adult vibe.
Momo: Huh!? That's not true! I was oozing with charm, right!?
Interviewer: Yes! You both looked wonderful.
Interviewer: The theme of this issue is "Secret Talk with Close Friends", so please tell us about a moment where you felt grateful for having a partner.
Yuki: I'm not good at socializing or livening up the mood, so Momo's ability to make everyone around him happy helps me out a lot.
Momo: I'm happy, but you say that all the time~ Tell me something new!
Yuki: Then show us your example, Momo.
Momo: For me, it's Yuki's cooking!
Momo: I'm really happy that he makes dishes with meat just for me since he doesn’t even eat it! I can really feel your love!
Yuki: Hmm, I see what you mean.
Yuki: Then, during our indie days when Momo and I were still living together in poverty, Momo never got mad at me even when I was getting fired from my part time jobs. I’d love to thank you for that.
Yuki: Thank you.
Momo: You went back in time out of nowhere!?
Yuki: It's about how grateful I am to you ever since we started working together.
Momo: Here it is! Yuki's handsome comment!
Momo: You're in such high spirits today, you’re making my heart flutter!
Yuki: Fufu. Sorry for always being so handsome. 
Interviewer: Since we’re already at it, is there anything you'd like to tell your partner?
Momo: Yuki, there's still a confession you haven’t told me yet, right!?
Yuki: Why does it have to be a confession?
Momo: Because we're on the cover, so it's a great opportunity!
Momo: Please give me a warm confession that will convey our relationship to those who don’t know about Re:vale!
Yuki: Wait. Don't ask me to do things outside my expertise out of nowhere.
Momo: No way... I've always trusted you, Yuki... Was I just a game to you...!?
Yuki: No, not in the slightest.
Momo: If you don't share that special confession, Momo-chan might not recover...
Yuki: Ahh, are we doing this?
Momo: Momo-chan might not recover...
Yuki: Alright...
Yuki: "Until the end of the world, you’re the one and only partner for me in the universe." …*chuckles*
Momo: Yuki, you’ll ruin everything if you laugh at the end!
Yuki: I tried my best, so cut me some slack.
Interviewer: Thank you for the passionate messages!
Momo: Actually, TRIGGER’s Gaku came up with this line for me.
Yuki: The Number One most desired Man is also handsome on the inside, isn’t he?
Momo: I respect him for being able to churn out a dramatic line like that without any shame, even though he’s our junior!
Yuki: That’s right. No matter how many times I say it, it doesn't sound as manly as when he does.
Momo: You'll sound good if you don't laugh halfway through, Yuki!
Interviewer: Now onto the next question. Where do you see Re:vale in 10 years?
Yuki: I'll be 36, Momo will be 35, and it'll be Re:vale's 15th anniversary in ten years.
Momo: I'll work hard so that Yuki doesn't replace me with a younger guy!
Yuki: Hey, don’t say something that might cause misunderstandings.
Momo: Because I'm working on anti-aging!
Yuki: You’ll still be my partner even ten years from now, right? I’m looking forward to working with you more, Momo.
Momo: Yeah! Looking forward to it too, Yuki!
Momo: If I can still be with you and Re:vale in ten years then that's enough to make me happy!
Yuki: Thank you, Momo. I’ll be happy too.
Momo: I’m gonna be a bit greedy, but I’ll also be super happy if all our fans continue supporting us in ten years like they do now!
Yuki: Fufu. Indeed.
Interviewer: Lastly, please share a message for your fans who continue to support you.
Momo: I hope everyone enjoys the cover issue featuring Re:vale.
Momo: We were able to be on the cover of the magazine and succeed in the inaugural performance thanks to everyone's support! Thank you!
Momo: You have plenty of choices with so many charming idols featured in the magazine, including TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7, but please continue to support Re:vale!
Yuki: We were able to achieve all of this, from the magazine cover to the inaugural performance, all thanks to our fans who believed in Momo and I and kept supporting us.
Yuki: We will continue to do our best to keep offering the best Re:vale, so please continue supporting us.
The End
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stonedstargazer666 · 5 months
Stoned Head cannon
So this is gonna be based kinda off of a couple of pictures I saved from twitter and here on good ole Tumblr, earlier this month. well my collection keeps getting larger...Anywho.. Yes, I am baked outta my gourd, this is just gonna be raw writing and I have sat long and hard about this. I'm sorry if I don't tag anything correctly. i'm zooted. Fem terms used. NSFW under photos. (DNI: If the thought of getting your BC messed with if your taking it orally messes with you. )
Ok so you're dating Vessel, right? You get along with the others really well. you bring out a side of them that Vessel rarely sees. Which is fine dandy and wonderful. If it weren't for the fact that the boys are seemingly testing the boundaries with you. Light touches that could easily be brushed off as accidental, brushing the hair out of your face with lingering touches.
Well Vessel sees you just brushing it off, you're confident enough to tell them to back off sure. Brushing their hand away, giving them a glare, or flipping them off with a laugh. You're absolutely loyal to Vessel, perfectly devoted the both of you would say. But gosh, if Vessel didn't want to absolutely claim you. Sure, you two have your fun regularly, but you were on the pill. He didn't know how to bring that up to you, on one hand he loved that you were stern about your health and just wasn't ready for kids.
BUT on the other hand, when you take your placebo week, you get emotional over videos of babies laughing and giggling till they can't breath. Vessel see's how you coo at your phone while laying in bed, earbud in or over ear headphones depending on the vibe you had. listening to the sweet shrieks of laughter, he listens to you talk to yourself how your friend's baby is so cute, when they post pictures. It was a monthly habit that drove him up the wall. Until he read about activated charcoal, and the dangers of it messing with oral birth control... Oh.. well this could be useful information. He better read up on that... ya know just in case....
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(NSFW content ahead, continue if you dare)
Now that he has learned about the activated charcoal, he thought that would be perfect. He had been meaning to try out a different way of painting his body. You liked it when he wore the paint in the bedroom, who was he to deny his sweet little dove? On stage it was the normal body paint, but lately in the bedroom...the texture of the paint felt different on your tongue....or...or did it always feel that grainy? You vocalize your concern in a needy whimpering voice, feeling your own hot breath bounce off of his neck. Tongue halfway pressed against the pulse point of his throat.
Vessel rumbles a deep throaty laugh, assuring you that yes it has. for the last month It had. Vessel would hide and put the water activated charcoal on his throat, fingers, hands, chest. ALL of your favorite places to lick, suck on, worship. Mentally Vessel reveled in the fact that he was messing with your birth control. You would be a wonderful mum, and the boys...oh the boys would know who you belonged to. two birds one stone really. But you didn't know this, you didn't need to know that little fact. HE prayed and thanked God that nothing had changed over the past month, nothing that would arise suspicion of what he was doing... The sound of you greedily choking and trying to swallow around his fingers brings him out of his thoughts. He takes a moment to take in the pretty sight. you on the bed, ass up, face down cause you're a good girl yeah? Yeah ,you are, tilting your head to the side. your tongue lavishing his long fingers.
He coos at how pretty you are. A pure work of art, taking his fingers into your mouth so willingly, while also taking him so perfectly into your drooling sex. Vessels eyes zero in on your convulsing throat, moaning audibly feeling you successfully swallow around his fingers without choking or gagging. Oh such a good girl you are, He praises. As you swallow the charcoal, bringing you one step closer to being claimed and owned by him inside and out. With that thought in mind. Vessel pulls his fingers out of your throat. Reaching around to wipe them right over your womb, the striking black pops against your pink warm skin. Almost like a promise, Vessel flips you over onto your back. slowly...so deliciously slowly does he show you what his new healed piercing is capable of. Oh now you really feel it, and you clench hard. Vessel watches the moment you succumb to his slow deep ministrations. He takes a quick moment to make a mental note to thank IVy for the suggestion. Who knew that a Jacobs ladder would be just utter heaven. Vessels thrusts start getting sloppy, and rougher. his hands gripping the fat of hips with a bruising force. His hips stutter as you beg so prettily through tears and desperate moans for him to come inside.
Oh how you sang little dove, your voice cracking as you scream his name. BEgging him to come, your voice is delirious. It's pure unadulterated music to his ears, He slams into you one more time, rutting into your poor bullied cunny, grinding against your swollen nub just right. Your climax hits, your back arching off the bed as you hopelessly grind and roll your hips. Vessel soaks in the sight of the pure pleasure on your face, as he grinds deeper. Seeing a faint bump in your pretty tummy, just underneath the black streaks he left there earlier...
He cums hard, and so much. Poor man, must have been so pent up... but Gods does feel so fucking good to feel his release overflowing, and dripping. But you still whimpered softly about feeling so full Vessel stared at the marking he left, it looked ever so slightly rounder. He wonders if he could maybe talk you into getting it tattooed. Just for him. He slowly pulls out, whispering praises, telling you what a perfect girl you are, gently rubbing your sides. Waiting for you to come down from wherever you floated off too during your climax. Once your breathing evened out to his liking, he got up. Disappearing, just to come back with a soft warm wet wash cloth. Gently cleaning you up, taking a quick picture of the marks. For later reference of course. Then wiping them away, reverently. After cleaning you both, he throws on black sweat pants. Then lovingly wraps you in your favorite soft blanket. The soft sigh you let out lets him know your relaxing, and are comfortable. He picks you up, cradling you close to his warm chest. Walking out to the common area to sit with you in his lap. Showing the other three, that he was the only one that held your heart.
And wouldn't you know it? three weeks later, you tell Vessel that you've been feeling quite strange... Like a weird stomach bug, cause you've been so nauseous lately.... But don't worry, Vessel assures you, you'll start feeling better soon. Just let him take care of you...
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igotanidea · 2 years
Babysitting: Dick Grayson x fem!reader
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A/N: there's an easter egg in this story. Let me know if you get it :D
(testing some fandoms vigilance here) :D
"Me and Kori got some business to take care of."
That freaking sentence!
Of course he and Kori had business to take care of together. Not that he was my boyfriend. not that I was the one who was always left behind with Rachel, Gar and now also Conner and Tim.
Jealous? Of course I wasn't jealous.
Not even a little. I loved those kids.
But who the hell was I in this relationship, a babysitter?!
Let me put it straight: I am not hero. I have zero fighting skills (maybe except my wit. quoting someone I knew: sarcasm is my only defense) and I could not hurt a fly, let alone another human. But. I am smart. I am intelligent and I was determined enough to do something more with my life and became a lawyer.  Pretty unusual career for someone who was born and raised in Gotham (even If I moved out of this hell hole after graduation).  And yet, I made it. Feeling like I was doing something right, standing up for people, defending them. 
One day someone decided to put my thinking and beliefs to the test.
“Counsellor. You have a visitor.” Our new paralegal was kicking her heels nervously in front of my office.
“Ok, Amy, first of all calm down. That’s right. Deep breaths. Unless it’s Joker who came to visit me, I don’t see any reason for you to be so flustered. “ I raised an eyebrow at the girl, who all of a sudden turned red like a beetroot. “Amy?”
“I’m sorry, counsellor…..”
“How many times, do I have to tell you, you don’t need to use that title when we’re alone? You’re like what, five years younger than me?” I playfully shook my head at her
“Sorry, I …..”
“Never mind, we’ll talk about it later” a little pat on her shoulder was enough to bring her back to reality “Now. Who is there to see me?”
“Detective Dick Grayson. Bludhaven police.” Ok, now I understood why Amy was so nervous. This guy was really good looking and for a twenty-year-old that must have been a sight. I was far more reserved. In my years as a trainee solicitor I had my fair share of handsome lawyers, detectives and other officials. One way or another all of them were the same – pretty. Pretty conceited. So at this point, at the age of 25 I was not impressed solely by a lovely face.
“Well, morning detective. How can I be of help?” I reached my hand out and he shook it firmly.
“I need some information about an on-going case of yours.”
“All right. As soon as you prove to me you can get the access to the confidential records I can’t see any reason to deny it.” I shrugged and lead him into my office.
And that was how it started. One case somehow lead to another, and another and another. He might have thought he had me cornered, but I was a lawyer. My job was to see patterns and predict the outcomes of actions and behaviors. I had him figured sooner than he knew and before he realized I got him right when I wanted him when he confessed to switching out cases just to have a chance to work with me. And then, some well chosen words, two or three dates, some more or less heated kissed and we were a couple. Oh, how I loved this boy! Like crazy. And he was very eager to use that against me. 
“Detective Grayson? How can I be of help to you today?” I asked with my most professional voice noticing him standing at the entrance to my office. “And how long have you been standing there?” I smirked at him.
“Long enough” he pouted “you are just glowing when you’re working you know that? You have that irresistible spark in your eyes….” he closed the door coming closer to me and crouching on the desk eyeing me carefully.
“I’m sorry, how exactly did you get here?” I tilted my head in confusion.
“You know, Amy has a soft spot for me.” He put on his most charming smile.
“Yeah I’m aware of that. Clear sign I need to hire better security.”
“Is that so?” he grabbed me so I had to raise from the chair and stand between his legs.
“I’m busy, Dick.” I  objected pointing towards the pile of documents.
“Mhm. I bet you are” his hands was now on my waist, pulling me closer, his face inches away from mine “I am too. Extremely busy….” He whispered and leaned in, closing the distance completely. I hated him. He had the audacity to show up in my office, uninvited, in the middle of the day, with all his charm and distract me from my duties. He was reckless, irresponsible and childish. And a hell of a good kisser. Just a touch of his lips on mine made me want more as I let him caress my face and my back. Only for a second though, as my rational thinking made me  pull away and smirk at his disappointed expression.
“Oh, come on, Dickie. Don’t be a child….” I ruffled his hair and sat back down “Now, shoo. I really have a lot of work to do and if you want me back home tonight…..”
“Believe me, I have a whole plan for tonigh.” His eyes turned darker with lust as he said it.
“Can’t wait then. Hope you won’t disappoint me, detective.”
I came home late. Really late. Absolutely shagged, hoping my boyfriend would be there to ease my stress and anxiety with just his presence, but in fact I was about to be disappointed. The lights were off, the apartment cold and empty. No matter how sad it was for me I was a bit used to him working up late. He was a detective after all. Maybe he was at some undercover operation at the moment. Calling him was not an option since it may put him in danger, so trying to shake the emotions of the day by myself I just got ready to bed and before I realized I was dozing off.
I had no idea what hour it was, but at some point in the night I was woken by the squeak of the bed on the other side and a pair of arms sneaking around me. Dick was back safe.
“Hi.” I muttered, recognizing those hands and smell and shifting my position to get closer to him, resting my head on his chest.
“Hi baby” he whispered back, kissing my forehead and running a hand through my hair.
“You have no idea.” He sighed deeply and I caressed his side gently, trying to make him relax, but it didn’t bring the effect I wanted.
“Are you all right?” I was now totally awake, propping myself on the elbow to look straight into those beautiful blue eyes of his “are you hurt?” concern in my voice was so audible that a flash of pain crossed his face.
“I'm fine. I’m sorry I made you worried. And sorry I woke you.”
“Don’t ever be sorry. Honestly, I could never have a good sleep knowing you are out. Remind me why I agreed to have a detective boyfriend?“ I smirked but he was not in a mood for verbal teasing.
“I love you” he whispered closing his eyes, hiding everything there was inside, all the emotions kept under lock and key.
“Dick?” now I was serious too.
“Yes?” he opened them again and looked straight at me.
“You can tell me everything. There’s no need to hide. Whatever you did or whatever happened I have my ways to get you out of trouble.”
“I know. I know. I just love you so fucking much. I… I just need you next to me now, all right? Please?”
„That I can do” I laid back down, hugging him tightly, breathing him in, but at this very moment I knew something was off. We both held to each other, but it was more desperate than loving. More “I have a secret, I can’t tell you and it's killing me” than “I want to share my secret with you.”
I was spending another sleepless night alone just tossing and turning in the bed. Last three days was a disaster. At first glance nothing changed between me and Dick but under the surface …. Tormented by my own thoughts, I was truly thankful when my  work phone broke the silence of the night.
“Y/L/N speaking” my voice was still hoarse, but it didn't stop me from using official tone.
“We need you here, counsellor. It’s an emergency and it requires your immediate attention.”
“On my way. Where exactly is here?”
Holy shit! The place was a disaster! Blood, massacred bodies, about ten injured people and two destroyed buildings. And one person accused of it all on the run.
“How could you let him escape!?” I was about to tear my hair out, but there was no time as I had to deal with the witnesses and potential accomplices taken to custody. Those who apparently were aware of their civil rights and refused to say anything without lawyer present. And Bludhaven police called me to be this lawyer. Fine, after all I had nothing else to do. “You know what, don’t answer that, just… do your freaking job and find the gangster boss who….”
Before I could even finish the sentence, said  boss fell right in front of me.
“What the….?” I muttered looking up noticing the characteristic cape. The colors were a blur but everyone knew it was Robin. I sighed deeply and rubbed my forehead. Whoever was behind that mask I should have hated him, given how many laws he was breaking on a daily basis. The truth was, however, he was making my job slightly easier. And for that, ironically, I was thankful.
It took me another three days after which everything dawned on me. Dick was visiting my office every day, trying to get to know what I was working on and even when I refused to give away professional secrets, I knew he gathered some information. And then, miraculously, during night, all my perpetrators and criminals were brought to  police station by no one other than Robin. Of course he himself never showed up. I would have to be blind, deaf and stupid not to see the connection.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked as soon as he stepped through my office again “and don’t give me that I don’t know what you’re talking about look. Let’s talk seriously, all right?”
“All right." he closed the door making sure it was shut tight and took a step towards me scratching his head "I’m sorry. I was worried that if you find out….”
“No.” I interrupted him.
“Sorry?” his surprised look made me use all the strength to hold back a laugh. He looked like a wigged kid.
“You don’t get to think so little of me. Did you really think I would leave? Or worse – was it the classic I was scared someone would hurt you bullshit? Dick, god damn it! I'm a lawyer. Do you have any idea how many times I got death threats? And here I am! Still alive and breathing! "
“I’m sorry.” He repeated.
“I’m also pretty case-hardened with keeping secrets, so I would never give yours away.”
“I know and….” He looked down, embarrassed and defeated under the weight of my arguments.
“I got a simple conclusion here: you are an idiot. Foolish, egoistic, inane….”
“Ok, that’s enough….” He stood up abruptly, making me shut up by kissing me, pulling me close so all my mind would get blurry and distracted by his toned chest, muscles and the way he was holding me, like his (or mine) life depended on it.
“Nice try, Grayson” I said pulling away too quickly for him to enjoy being in control of the situation.
“Please, don’t leave me. I can’t lose you.”
“You’re only proving my point here.  I'm not going anywhere. But no more keeping me in the dark, all right? I told you once - I can keep you out of trouble, not the other way round. After all, you are a wanted vigilante.”
“Whatever you say” he pulled me in a kiss again and this time I let him. But still, he was about to apologize properly when we were alone.
From then on, everything went quick. Rachel, Gar, Kori. Titans. San Francisco. Gotham again (meeting Batman was a bit weird, but enjoyable experience), Dick dying and coming back to life (I almost killed him for that when he magically resurected). Conner, Tim. Wild ride. Wild. Oh, and somewhere in the meantime Dick ditched Robin in favor of Nightwing. Well, he looked hot in this black and blue outfit and I couldn't...... back to the point!
But I didn’t mind as long as Dick kept his promise of not keeping me away. At least for as long as in his own words it started to get really dangerous. When he reopened the Titans tower, training Gar, Rachel and Jason, I was there, watching over them, helping them crack cases and even joining on the field. I felt like a part of a team. But slowly, especially after Jason left (from the time perpective I think he was the only one to ever understood how it felt like to be cut off) my role was more like a caregiver. I was there to take care of the wounds, to throw a joke or defuse tension. Of course, I was still giving some advice, some tricks on how to play bad guys psychologically etc. but I knew I was being omitted. Dick was more distant, more tensed and more reserved than before, not that I blamed him. But I missed him. I accepted his vigilante lifestile, never complaining, but I wanted to feel like he still needed me to be his. His girlfriend, equal to him (but maybe smarter) and not someone to look after a bunch of kids (who I loved, but still).
Me and Kori has some business to take care of.
In a while he was always doing something with Kori. I liked her, truly, we were pretty good friends, but it was not right. I mean, I get that, she was a freaking fire princess, gifted with supernatural powers, all confident and fierce. All I had was logical thinking, connecting facts, fast reacting, resourcefullnes and imagination. It was more than enough to be a lawyer, but apparently not to be a part of the Titans team.
I wasn't jealous of Kori, really. I didn't envy her, I was just sad that all my good traits weren’t enough for Dick to consider me a valuable member of the team. Never letting me into real action anymore, never allowing me to train with the rest, even Tim, who wasn’t exactly skilled with his gear. Always working with Kori. And I knew confronting Dick about it would end up the same way as years ago. I can’t risk you getting hurt. I don’t want to see you in pain. I’m only focused on you when you are out in the open. Well, I understood his point of view, one way or another he was right, can’t deny that, but he could not possibly be there for me all the time. I had to be able to be more than just an easy to hurt one.
“You good?” oh, now he was realizing something was happening. Great job, Sherlock.
“No, I’m not” I always prided myself of being honest and direct in my communication with him.  Boys can be so oblivious at times.
“Do we have to talk about it?” He looked at me carefully, his eyes begging me to postpone this conversation since he absolutely had to go investigate.
“Yes.” I nodded “Later. Now go.”
“Thank you.” He sighed and kissed my temple lovingly. I missed that.
“Go deal with that business of yours and come back to me. In one piece.”
"Take care of him, ok?" I send Kori a sad look and she just nodded understanding everything he couldn't.
“Hey, brief, are you ok?” Conner used the nickname steming from the times I forgot knocking me out of my trance. Eventually, I ended up back at Star Labs with Conner and Tim, watching them fight against each other. Or rather Conner standing in place and taking poorly aimed Tim’s punches without flinching in the slightest.
“Take a guess.” I muttered “you should aim a bit lower, Tim”
“What?” the newly-appointed Robin looked at me confused.
“Lower” I emphasized “Conner may be superboy, but he’s still half human. And humans have weak points, so aim lower.”
Tim shrugged in a whatever  manner, but stuck to my advice and to both, his and Conner’s surprise the latter hissed in pain.
“What the…..?” Superboy gasped turning his gaze on me. So did Tim and Bernard.
“Do you want to tell us something, Y/N?” the scientist asked “are you hiding some supertalents?”
“Just observational skills. Mixed with experience in medical records during my lawyer times.”
“That is interesting. You see anything else to use against Conner?”
“Wait. What? Use against me? I did not sign up for this!” Conner protested watching as my eyes twinkled in excitement. Now, I had my chance to prove to them I was more than met the eye.
“What is going on here?!”
“Oh, hey, Dick, your back. How was your business?” I brushed the sweat from my forehead and smiled at him. I couldn’t remember last time I was so happy and fulfilled. For the last two hours I was sparring with the boys under Bernard’s watchful gaze. It was exhilarating. “She’s the business I suppose.”
“Not voluntarily.” The pink-haired girl smirked “so you’re the girlfriend he was worried about on the way here?”
“I was not worried…..”
“I’m sorry about him. He can be …. Intense…” I cut Dick off. "I'm Y/n?"
“Tell me about it” she rolled her eyes “I’m Jinx.”
“The witch? Can you show me any spell to …..”
“All right. Y/n, I think we need to have that talk now.” my boyfriend, if that was still the case grabbed my hand and started dragging me away.
“It was nice to meet you, Jinx. I’ll catch you up later!” I managed to say in her direction before Dick picked me up and threw me over his shoulder still walking away. "Put me down, now!"
“What were you doing there?”
“It turns out, I'm pretty good at finding opponents weakness and turning it against them”
“Tim being the opponent?” Dick laughed
“Conner, in fact. And don;t be condescending.”
“Mhm. Did you know that he has a soft spot just right under his belly button? I might have bruised him with the impact I put there.”
“You did what?”
“Yeah. So many years of wasted potential." I blew a raspberry "And that’s because of someone who has been treating me like a babysitter for the past couple weeks.”
“You mean me? I never…..” I cleared my throat suggestively and it made him hesitate “ok, maybe I did. But you never said a word!”
“Because I knew it would lead to fighting with you. And despite everything I hate seeing you lose those arguments. Come on, you always surrender in verbal sparring.”
“It’s always you and Kori going everywhere together, dealing with stuff together, cracking cases together. I felt like I wasn't needed anymore. Apart from watching over kids.”
“Because they trust you. You are a role model for them.”
“One of the role models, Dick. Just one. And that’s nice. I just want you to realize I am so much more than just a bystander.”
“I don’t…..”
“Blah, blah, blah. I know all your arguments inside and out. Hurt, pain, loss… Please."I rolled my eyes at him "I’m good, all right? I want to learn to fight.”
“Are you jealous of Kori? There’s no need.”
“You idiot” I smacked his head. Lightly but he still hissed and looked at me with hurted expression. “You don’t get a word I'm saying! I am not jealous of her. I'm furious beacuse of you treating me different than anyone else!"
“Because you are the one I love!”
“I love you too." I said, more sofly, more gently and locked my hands on his neck, playing with the hair on his nape. That little gesture always made him relax and this time was no different as he hummed in pleasure "but I never told you to stop fighting, did I?"
"No...." he leaned into my touch so just to tease him I withdrew my hands. "Please, don't stop" soft, almost inaudible whisper got me melting "I missed that....."
"So, you agree with me that you've been pushing me away."
"I never said that and ....." I kissed him before he said anything else. Oh, the way it turned him on instantly.... Out of instinct his hands found their place on my waist holding onto me, caressing my skin, bringing me closer. Clearly he did miss me. I almost gave up, so lost in his touch, his warmth, wanting more and more and ......
"So, you agree with me....." I pulled away, not letting him get away with answer this easily.
"Yes, I fucking agree with everything you are saying." He rested his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry. I never meant to push you away. Never meant to make you feel like you didn't belong. I don't know what I would do without you."
"Hm, I know" I hummed "you would be absolutely lost. And probably dead. More than once."
"Mhm" he muttered. "Please I need you. You are like the only stable thing in my life...."
"I'm always here, Dick" I hugged him tighly, knowing well enough he was on the verge of breaking from the last weeks' stress and pressure and in desperate need of comfort and warm embrace "I'm always here. But I don't want to be a liability, ok? Or a housemother."
"Ok....." he held me tighter, not ready to let go.
"Let me train. I won't go against you, but please...." I kissed his temple, not to make him break, but just to assure him I was going to be fine. That we were going to be fine.
"Ok....." he chuntered "I'm tired....."
"I know, Dickie, I know. But you are not alone in this mess, babe. You are not alone."
Guess I was babysitting again. but this time, out of my own volition, and the fact that I had a choice in the matter made me feel good. After all, he was my baby.
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justallihere · 22 days
THE WAY YOU JUST DROPPED THE NEWEST CHAPTER OUT OF NOWHERE?????? EXCUSE ME ???? I was literally bored out of my mind and ignoring work responsibilities and then you dropped this? It was divine intervention.
so many thoughts so please bear with me
I appreciate how succinctly you wrapped up the Tecarus/luminary conversation. We don't need to spend unnecessary time reading more about him and his annoying niece (Cat not Syrena)
Drake fucking with Xaden has got to happen more often. I have this plot in my head, that Drake will just be "innocently" talking with Vi, and Vi knows what Drake is doing but plays along with it bc it annoys Xaden. Drake feels like that annoying older brother that just wants to fuck with the younger siblings in a good-natured way
Love me some DrakexMira moments... or well Drake staring at Mira and her not giving him the time of day. That's one of my favorite tropes ngl.
Xaden is so open and free with his smiles around Vi and I am equal parts disgusted and happy for him. I love and hate them your honor!!!!
IM SO GLAD WE GOT A SLOANE/DAIN MOMENT. Ngl I forgot abt them but when I read that part, I remembered the bit that didn't make it where Sloane was ogling Dain fighting Cam. man has a TYPE!!!! Poor guy likes her and Sloane is being a bit of a tsundere (idk if you know that term but she's being hot/cold)
I'm imagining the affronted/scandalized look on Vi's face when Xaden didn't share the tea about Dain+Sloane, meanwhile, Xaden just wants to kiss the shit out of her. I HATE THEM SO MUCH
Question: Did they have to imbue the wardstone like they did in canon, or was this assumed that it happened in the background (correct me if I'm wrong about my canon knowledge 💀)
Let me tell you, when I was screaming at poor Vi in canon when she skipped around in Warrick/Lyra's journals (I don't blame her, shes like what 21??? and stressed out her mind and everyone is also like in their early 21s) BUT I'm glad that in SITQ she started from the beginning.
The way I audibly GASPED when the guard was like "your mother is here". I was literally thinking a minute before, when the venin was threatening Violet, that theyre going to use her mother to lure her out (not that, that isn't in the realm of possibility) but I was worried for Liilth's health and safety after that threat. BUT MAMA SORRENGAIL IS BACK AND IM HERE FOR THE DRAMA.
I have this fear that Violet is going to potentially pull from the earth to save everyone.... bc that threat from the venin was ominous as HELL, but like that won't happen right?? right???????? RIGHT ALLI????
So like are we going to see Jack and Nolon make a comeback??? Bc fuck those two but if its for the plot then I guessss I can deal with it (i say this with uptmost respect and lets be real here. I will still eat up anything you post, I'm just being nosey)
are Mira and Bren going to make up? or is that like a background thing?
also will we see more of Mira and Drake (sorry i feel like im being extra nosey this time so just ignore these questions)
I gave a few hour warning this time!! I’ve been editing it for a week and I was over it lmao
Tecarus was a necessary evil for, like, one second, but Violet got what she needed and she wasn’t going to spend extra time entertaining him. And I wasn’t going to spend time writing drama with the fliers 😌
Drake is so FUNNY I love him, he’s an OC basically but if he ends up different in canon than I’ve imagined him I’m going to be irrationally upset. He’s just like “Xaden lighten up dude” and Xaden is going “please don’t ever look at my wife ever again” and Vi thinks it’s hilarious.
Mira has more thoughts about him than she lets on though 🙊 like she notices his attention for SURE
Sloane and Dain are so much fun (everyone say thank you @skyfallscotland for putting the idea in my head). Can’t wait to write more of them!! Violet is so offended though, like this is information she wanted to know?? And Xaden’s like it serves zero purpose?? Let her gossip idk
Re: imbuing yeah yeah that’s a thing for sure in canon, but I need sleep and a beta reader sooooo. . . pretend it happened at some point, I’ll go back later and add something in about that lmao 😁👍🏻
Lilith is back!!!! I have been waiting for Lilith to be back 😩 family drama next chapter, pray for Violet’s sanity. The venin are venin-ing, we gotta up the stakes a lil because we’re almost to the end
Nolon and Jack and their roles are still a bit up in the air, I’m still working out the specifics of what they’ll do. Mira & Brennan and Mira & Drake are also a toss up, but only because I want to write another one shot in this universe from Mira’s POV and I’m trying to decide what will make it on page in sitq and what I’ll save for that
Thank you as always babe!!!
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yandevee · 10 months
Johnny Cage × Reader
Chapter 2
You're a fan girl but he kinda likes it because the attention
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You have several questions and a cartoonishly embarrassing moment...
"So where am I exactly...?" I really tried not to push but I'm slowly going insane.
"You are, for whatever reason, at Wu Shi Academy. Here, we have carefully selected warriors train to be the best version of themselves. My name is Liu Kang, and you are Y/n. Yes?" We came across a shady but vibrantly pink tree that he decided to lean himself on.
I squint at his relaxed figure. "How do you know my name..."
"It's my duity to know. You may not understand why, but you are here for a reason, one that I regret to inform you is not something I know."
This whole thing seems like something straight out of a fantasy action film. Warriors? Training? Guy with glowing eyeballs? Yeah...I'm not following. He knows my name but not why I'm here. Or maybe he has an idea but doesn't want to share that hypnosis with me.
"Let's get you something to eat. You look famished, and we are nothing without hospitality. We can have a bath drawn for you and some fresh clothes waiting." He put a firm hand on my shoulder and led me up a stone staircase.
The bath is warm, and I'm not used to taking baths anymore. If I'm being completely honest with myself, I am ashamed of how I look. It's hard to be clean when you don't have a home to shower at, even harder to have clean clothes to cover my bruised and stiff body.
Warm water coats my body like a blanket, and the porcelain room smells like sweet florals. I don't even know how I'll be able to live with myself after being reminded how nice it is to be dirt free.
Whoever set this up for me had meticulously placed soaps for me to use along with some body oil. I feel bad refusing the kindness, so after I scrubbed my body of the impurities, I coated myself in a thin layer or the scented oil.
There was a small wooden bench next to the door with some neatly folded garments for me to slip into, but as I'm pulling the black tank top over my head I hear a soft knock at the door.
"Uh! Just one moment, please. I'll be out in a sec, sorry if I took too long." I can't deal with the stress of anyone seeing me. It's a nice bathroom, but there is ZERO lock.
I finish pulling on the pants, seemingly the same orange uniform that I saw on the men that were outside.
A gentle feminine voice rang through the door. "Take your time. My food is not going anywhere." I shly open the door and peak out to see a eldery woman, holding a jade comb. "I forgot to set this out for you, dear. Here you go, when you are ready, just follow the stairs back down and outside, I'll be waiting there."
"Wait! Thank you for all of this...um"
"You can call me Madam Bo"
At the bottom of the steps, she was waiting with Liu Kang. They were discussing casually, and all I got from the conversation was him thanking her for making dinner along with her saying something about visiting.
"I hope everything fits you well." Liu Kang regarded my clouthes and giving me a steady offer of his hand. I took it hesitantly as my feet met the stone path before nodding and letting him go.
"Yeah.. they fit perfectly. The bath was very nice, thank you both, but I don't understand why you insist on all of this for a stranger."
Madam Bo placed a hand on my back as we started to walk. "Can we not simply want to be kind?" She playfully taunted me.
There was a big table set up, and many of the men that had finished their training for the evening were sat at the table, conversing.
When they saw us walk up, all of them stood and gave a generous bow. Liu Kang dismissed it with a smile and wave of his hand, and they continued as they were.
"How are your champions Liu Kang?" Madam Bo asked the god-like man.
He let out a disgruntled sigh and palmed at his face. "They are doing well honestly, still need more training. Raiden and Kung Lao are excelling of course."
"Of course indeed! After all the learned from the best." She let out a playful scoff as Liu Kang continued on.
"Kenshi and Johnny seem to be at each others throat. Not in a sinister way, but they definitely have an underlying rivalry. We should be seeing them here shortly." Hy ears perked up at 'the J word, before that I was trying to be respectful and not listen in on the semi-personal conversation.
"Huh? Johnny?" I felt my limbs tingle in excitement, I wasn't paying much attention, but obviously, it can't be the same Johnny I'm thinking about. That's close to impossible.
"You know Johnny?" Liu Kang raised a eyebrow at my words. Don't do it Y/n. Don't. Oh god I can't not talk about the greatest actor of all time.
"Well I don't think it's the same Johnny that you are thinking of but, I'm like the biggest super fan of Johnny Cage, the actor. Sorry if it's completely off topic!"
Liu Kang opened his mouth for a short moment but closed it and gestured me to continue. I have never actually been given the opportunity to talk about this interest of mine and felt like I was going to explode from the excitement of sharing it with someone.
"He's only the absolute greatest actor of ALL time. Single handedly, the coolest and funniest famous person I have ever had the blessing to see work! He does his own stunts and fighting scenes and that kind of dedication to the craft of cinema is hard to find now and days!"
He widened his eyes at my fast-paced rambling and glaced behind me before opening his mouth but being cut off.
"AND it's downright terrible that he hasn't gotten any roles lately! He's just so hard working, and you can tell he puts his soul into his work and actually enjoys it! Not only that, but I heard that his wife divorced him, which is absolutely crazy because who in their right mind wouldn't want THE Johnny Cage! He's talented, funny, sweet, caring, AND not to mention gorgeous. Like, is she blind? Is she out of her absolute mind? Not that I'd be able to ever get the chance to tell him this, but he doesn't deserve that. Johnny deserves someone to appreciate him for how he is, and it's criminal that someone like HIM gets divorced. If I had it my way, he'd be praised every damn day for the work he does! If I ever had the chance, which I know how super unlikely that is, I would give him just that. Wait, that sounds creepy. I swear I'm not one of those insane stalker fans-"
"Y/n. You are very passionate about this and thank you for trusting me enough to share your interests but-"
I felt a tap on my shoulder. Wait, what? I turn around and see Johnny the fucking Cage looking down at me with a totally not subtle smirk.
"Glad to know I still got it. So about you praising me every day pretty lady?"
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Oooo cliff hanger!!!
I'd like to point out that I am, in fact autistic and so I am writing the reader with neroudivergent tendencies. Like in this particular case, info dumping!
If you don't know this, info dumping can happen when a neroudivergent individual gets excited at the mention or opportunity of discussing a topic of interest. This intense interest in a topic is called a special interest! Hope you guys enjoy the read!
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