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Ride on Waves, Season Finale. 2022.
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cdramalove · 14 days
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Aktorka Zhang Li
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zephyra-in-the-house · 7 months
An (Updated) Guide to the Young Monkeys of the Mountain
Min-Min (she/her):  (Clever) 
Age: The Oldest ~11 years old (5th grade)
Appearance: Small brown and white furred female with brown eyes
Background: Her parents were very well-liked in the community. They were like parents to everyone around them. Both of them were very loving and caring people and they spent every waking moment around MinMin, laughing and smiling with her. When she was young, her parents got into the middle of an argument between some demons. They both fell from a cliff and died. Since then, MinMin has been raised by General Ma AKA “Granny”. She has no siblings and normally lives with Granny and Zhangli on the Mountain
Personality: MinMin is mature and very smart for her age. However, she’s also very argumentative and prideful. She’s also very realistic. She understands the horrors of the real world all too well. “Granny” taught her first aid. She was also taught how to use different medicinal herbs from regions all around the country. MinMin is usually pretty level headed but she has issues with admitting when she’s wrong and gets defensive if people contradict her. She will swear up and down that she’s right even if she isn’t. She is quick to anger sometimes but has been working hard on keeping her anger in check.
Friends: MinMin treats Zixin like a younger brother. Yimo and her never really talked before going to the mountain palace but now they're best friends. She gets frustrated with Zhangli a lot because he’s mean and rude to her sometimes. Her and Jinyan are both pretty smart so, when it comes to problem solving, they bounce off each other pretty well. Her and Jinyan are also considered the bravest kids of the bunch. Caihong and MinMin tend to get into fights because of their different personalities. MinMin gets along with everyone else pretty well.
Relationship with The Adults: Loves Wukong and Macaque. She relates to both of them to some extent, mostly Wukong. Therefore, she feels like they understand what she’s been through and she understands some of what they’ve been through. She loves playing with MK and Mei simply because of their enthusiasm and energy
Scary Movies: Acts brave but is really shaking in her boots while comforting the other kids
Jinyan (he/him): 
Age: 3rd Oldest ~10 years old (5th grade)
Appearance: Tan fur with a streak of white over his chest that looks like a sash. Gold eyes
Background: Jinyan’s mother died of a sickness when he was younger. He misses her but his father is a very loving person who dotes on him 24/7. His father always says that he has to give Jinyan double the amount of love in honor of his mother. Jinyan may complain about his father’s constant affection but he secretly loves it. He also has a younger sister around Xiao Ping’s age that he loves to death and will occasionally brag about
Personality: He’s very blunt and tends to speak before he thinks. However, he’s a great leader. He’s very energetic and loves to play around which is a magnet for some of the other kids. His group of friends are all very mischievous and fun loving kids. Jinyan is very popular and well-liked. He tends to get in trouble for his mischief and pulls a lot of pranks. However, he’s also very smart and really good at problem solving
Friends: Friends with just about everyone except Zhang Li and Zixin. He’s too awkward around them and doesn’t know how to deal with them. With Zhang Li, he doesn’t like how negative and sarcastic he can be and it makes him nervous. With Zixin, he thinks the kid cries too much and he doesn’t know how to deal with it.
Relationship with The Adults: Jinyan is grateful to Wukong for letting him out into the world. He views him and Macaque as the adults of the house and respects them but he also has the mentality of “ew adults”. He likes to bully MK and pick on him a lot. He tries to do the same to Mei but she's scary when she's angry so he stays away from her
Scary Movies: Acts like he’s not scared but is the first to hide under the covers
Zhang Li (he/him): 
Age: 4th Oldest ~10 years old (5th grade)
Appearance: A small boy with white fur and a brown tipped tail. Gold eyes
Background: His parents were really good friends with MinMin’s parents. When they discovered that their friends had died to in-fighting on the Mountain, they decided that it was no longer safe there. With Zhangli, they built a raft to escape Flower Fruit Mountain. No one knew about it so no one stopped them. They went out to sea beyond Wukong’s barriers and were picked up by poachers. They were kept for several days. However, Zhangli was tossed overboard because he was too small to be of any use. He floated back to Flower Fruit Mountain and was picked up by General Ma. She took him in and began raising him alongside MinMin
Personality: Has a sharp tongue and a knack for sarcasm. Smartass. His trauma regarding his parents makes him very standoffish and abrasive sometimes. Especially towards MinMin. As a kid, he doesn’t understand it yet but there’s a part of him that blames MinMin’s parents and therefore MinMin for the death of his parents. Past his anger and tough exterior, Zhangli is a sweet kid who likes hanging out with people no matter how much he denies it
Friends: Claims that he’s friends with no one. He doesn’t really like people, especially MinMin. She’s too bossy for him. However, he does hang out with the siblings a lot. Not as friends but as a safe space. Xiao Ping and Zixin are the only ones he can tolerate for the most part. Xiao Ping likes to cuddle up with him. Zhangli also taught Xiao Ping how to do drawings in the dirt. As for Zixin, Zhang Li takes over hanging out with the kid whenever MinMin isn’t around. He views him as his younger brother. If Xiao Ping or Zixin are on the edge of a crowd, Zhangli will sit with them and vice versa
Relationship with The Adults: Doesn’t really like Wukong just because he’s an authoritative figure but begrudgingly respects Macaque for the same reason. He ends up relating to Macaque because of his scars and because Macaque levels with him about trauma and doesn't treat him like a kid when it comes to dealing with it. He doesn’t really interact with MK at all but will grow to like him because MK will make the effort. Same goes for Mei. Mei is the type to pick him up and cuddle him and he'll spit and hiss the whole time and try to escape
Scary Movies: Not really bothered by horror movies
Yimo (she/her): 
Age: 5th Oldest ~10 years old (4th grade)
Appearance: Has dark brown fur with white spots along her face that resemble freckles. Brown eyes
Background: Only her mother is alive. Her father died when she was younger so she was brought up by her mom. She has a habit of downplaying any pain or sadness she feels because she always felt like she had to be less of a burden on her depressed mother. Therefore, when she started getting bullied by the other kids, it took a while and a bit of escalating before anyone found out
Personality: Clumsy young girl who always ends up breaking things and stumbling over her own feet. She has a strong moral backbone though and she isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind. She’s a bit naive and forgives easily but she also cares a lot about others and will try to help other people before herself.
Friends: She really likes MinMin since MinMin is always nice to her. She gets nervous and standoffish around Caihong though because she never knows how to deal with her authoritative nature. She tends to hang out in a group with Hai Feng, Dai Song, and Zixin. She doesn’t really hang out with Kong Zhi or Jinyan because they can be mean sometimes
Relationship with The Adults: Loves Wukong despite being very aware that he’s a bit childish sometimes. At first, she thinks that Macaque is mean because of some of the comments he makes. She doesn’t get his personality at first or the fact that he says mean things without meaning to but she ends up really liking him because he remembers her name and shows compassion to everyone. Yimo really likes MK because he’s cool and nice and she thinks that Mei is like a superstar. She loves Mei with all her heart
Scary Movies: Isn’t bothered by much. She gets tense but she doesn’t like gore
Kong Zhi (he/him): Empty
Age: 6th Oldest ~9 years old (3rd grade)
Appearance: Pure black fur that is darker than a black hole. There’s one white tuft of fur on his chest. Besides MinMin and Jinyan, he’s the biggest and he’s very bulky like a little tank. However, he’s very clumsy and has an extremely long tail that he tends to trip over. Gold eyes
Background: Grew up with his mom and dad and three older brothers. He learned a lot of his tricks from them but he also learned some bad habits from them as well. His brothers tended to bully him a lot so sometimes he reverts to being a bully too
Personality: Prankster. He likes to think of himself as the class clown, someone who tries to be funny usually at the cost of disrupting the class or at the cost of someone else’s feelings. He usually joins Jinyan in his shenanigans. He’s not the brightest but he’s always very energetic and enthusiastic about anything he does. He likes wrestling with people a lot and, if you get him to sit down long enough, he’s also very good with instruments and arts and crafts
Friends: Friends with Jinyan and Ming Yue mostly. He also hangs out with Haifeng a lot and tries his best to get Dai Song to join in with some of the pranks he pulls. Li Ling doesn’t like him because he’s mean sometimes so she tends to stick her nose up anytime he tries to play with her.
Relationship with The Adults: Respects Wukong and Macaque and will follow their rules on his own but if he gets involved in a group that’s collectively disobeying then he starts getting into the hive mind and will mess around and be mean or rude just because everyone else is. He’s more likely to listen to Jinyan or MK than he is to Wukong or Macaque. Absolutely loves roughhousing with MK and will spend every minute he can hanging out with him. Does the same for Mei
Scary Movies: Very interested in horror movies and is the type to laugh when he gets jumpscared
Ming Yue (she/her): Bright Moon
Age: 8th Oldest ~8 years old (3rd grade)
Appearance: White fur with golden brown accents that look like a teardrop on her stomach and stripe lines under her eyes. Her eyes are yellow
Background: Grew up with her mom and dad and one younger brother. Her family is a very laid back group of people and they love having fun and going to parties. She grew up around a lot of energetic people and can’t stand the quiet because of it
Personality: Ming Yue is a very bubbly and upbeat kind of person. She’s very optimistic and loves having fun. She’s almost always seen laughing and giggling and she loves hanging out with anyone and everyone. She’s also very strong and is always down to show off her strength. 
Friends: Loves hanging out with people in general. Mostly though, she ends up hanging out in the same group as Kong Zhi and Jinyan. She’s also very attached to Li Ling and tends to drag her around everywhere- literally. She almost always has her arm around Li Ling’s shoulders and will literally pull her around to join in on the fun. Ming Yue is always very soft and understanding with Xiao Ping and Zixin as well. She’ll play with them whenever she gets the chance and highly encourages Xiao Ping anytime he draws something
Relationship with The Adults: Loves the adults in her life with all her heart. She gets along with Macaque and Wukong and will strike up conversations with them as well as Mk and Mei. However, there’s almost an air of business to her conversations with adults. Her vocabulary and way of speaking switches up whenever she speaks to adults
Scary Movies: Gets scared very easily but always laughs it off
Hai Feng (he/him): Sea Breeze/Sea Wind
Age: 9th Oldest ~8 years old (3rd grade)
Appearance: Dark brown fur with a white stripe down his back. The white spiders out along his sides and almost looks like skeletal ribs. There’s also white fur around his eyes which accents his heterochromia. One of his eyes is a brilliant shade of gold and the other is a deep rich brown color
Background: Grew up with his mom and dad. Both of his parents were very knowledgeable about a lot of things. They read books and researched information about all of the trees and flowers that were brought to Flower Fruit Mountain from the mainland. They knew everything and anything about Flower Fruit Mountain and their passion eventually rubbed off on Hai Feng as well
Personality: A ray of sunshine. Hai Feng is very sweet and loves learning. He has a knack for fun facts and spends most of his time observing nature or reading about it. His parents were focused on researching things about Flower Fruit Mountain specifically but Hai Feng has long since adjusted his interest to the outside world. That’s why he came with Wukong so that he could discover more about the world. Hai Feng is also very sensitive to people's energies. He’s an empath to the highest degree and he’s learned to sense when someone is incredibly powerful 
Friends: Hai Feng gets along with almost everyone. He likes hanging out with Jinyan’s group despite occasionally getting made fun of for being so ���nerdy”. He’s also nice to Xiao Ping and Zixin. He doesn’t really talk to them a lot but if Xiao Ping has something to show him, he’s not the type to brush him off either. He gets nervous around Caihong sometimes just because it’s hard to tell what she’s thinking sometimes
Relationship with The Adults: He loves Wukong because they have similar personalities but he is somewhat intimidated by Macaque. He’s very intuitive so he knows that there’s a lot more to Macaque than what he sees on the outside, both good and bad. Knowing that makes him wary. He likes hanging out with MK but, again, he’s also kind of wary of Mei just because he can sense how powerful she is
Scary Movies: Is the type to get jumpscared and then clasp a hand over his chest and dramatically say “That was scary”
Li Ling (she/her): White Jasmine
Age: 10th Oldest 8 years old (2nd grade)
Appearance: Snow white silky smooth fur. Brown Eyes
Background: Grew up without siblings. Her parents weren’t around very often so she got used to being raised by some nannies. She views them as her parents more than her actual parents. She calls them her aunties.
Personality: Li Ling values her fur a lot. She’s always gotten compliments on how pretty it is. So, from a young age, she started taking care of it. It quickly became a hobby and then an obsession for her to keep it as clean and smooth as possible. She got a lot of help caring for it from her aunties. Therefore, she hates getting dirty and hates when other people groom her fur because “they don’t do it right”. To Li Ling, her fur was always the one thing she could be proud of. She was never genius level intelligent or incredibly athletic. She also has a face that makes her look like she’s constantly mad and her words come off sharp-ended sometimes so she’s never been able to make friends on her personality alone. That’s why her pride has always been placed in her appearance. 
Friends: Really good friends with Ming Yue. Ming Yue is one of the only ones besides Li LIng’s aunties that is allowed to groom her. Li Ling will always complain about it afterwards but she finds comfort in the fact that Ming Yue isn’t put off by her personality. She tends to argue with everyone else a lot. Most of the time, it’s playful. It can come off harsh though and some of the kids don’t understand that. Especially Xiao Ping and Zixin. Her dislike for Kong Zhi is genuine though.
Relationship with The Adults: Li LIng has a distaste for adults but she finds Wukong and Macaque tolerable. Macaque more than Wukong. Wukong kind of reminds her of her parents but she appreciates his humor and how well-groomed he keeps his fur. She also appreciates that Macaque has a similar personality to hers. She doesn’t really like MK just because he’s normally very dirty or sweaty. She likes Mei most of the time though because she’s nice and cool and her hair always look nice
Scary Movies: Would rather nap than watch a horror movie because she doesn’t like them. Will get mad if you scare her
Dai Song (he/him): (worthy/trustful person) 
Age: 11th Oldest 7 years old (2nd grade)
Appearance: Gray fur with white spots of various sizes all along his body- the most notable of which is a giant spot over his left eye. Has brown eyes
Background: Grew up with an older sister and older brother. Both of them were already adults by the time he was born. His parents died when he was young so his siblings took care of him. They did their best but they weren’t always around
Personality: Dai Song was raised by his siblings. For the longest time, he only ever interacted with them and a handful of other adults. Therefore, his social skills with other kids are lacking. He’s naive and quick to trust people. It doesn’t matter if they’re strangers or friends. He’s friendly with everyone he meets which has gotten him into trouble a few times. He’s a very good listener though and loves hanging out with people. He came to the mountain palace because his siblings wanted him to experience life outside of the Mountain. He’s very affectionate and likes giving people compliments whenever he can
Friends: Views everyone as his friends. He especially likes Jinyan’s group and tends to spend most of his time around the older kids, namely Jinyan and MinMin. He finds comfort in the fact that they’re very similar to his older siblings back home. He can often be found cuddling with Xiao Ping or Zixin as well since they all find comfort in making big sleep piles
Relationship with The Adults: He really likes Wukong and Macaque. They’re both very nice to him and, although they can both be intimidating, Dai Song respects the fact that they’re both very strong. He truly views them as Kings to look up to. He likes playing with MK a lot and he really likes Mei since she’s always down to play with him 
Scary Movies: Tends to get scared and hides with MInMin
Zi Xin (he/him): 
Age: Youngest. 5 years old. (Kindergarten)
Appearance: The smallest and youngest of the group. He has striking green eyes that clash with his white facial marking and tan fur.
Background: An orphan. No one really knows what happened to his parents or who his parents were. He just washed up on shore one day. The people in the nursery took him in and raised him but he never really got close with any of the adults. 
Personality: Zixin gets scared easily and is prone to tears. He’s always been like that. He’s very skittish around people in general but he’s even more wary around adults, especially human ones. He doesn’t speak very often. He used to get bullied by other kids on the Mountain for how high pitched and meek his voice sounds so he doesn't speak very often unless he's comfortable 
Friends: Zixin is very attached to MinMin and Zhangli. They’re like siblings to him and he finds comfort in hanging out with them and cuddling with them. He also likes Ming Yue, Yimo, and Haifeng. He won’t go out of his way to hang out with them but he doesn’t mind their company. He gets scared of Li Ling and Caihong sometimes just because they’re both very stern and sometimes sharp tongued. He also doesn’t like Kong Zhi because he bullies him sometimes.
Relationship with The Adults: Attached to Macaque wholeheartedly. Macaque is the only one he trusts with every fiber of his being. He also really likes Wukong. However, Wukong spooks him sometimes. He gets intimidated by him but, with some coaxing, he always warms up to him again because he trusts that Wukong would never hurt him. Same with Macaque. MK is like the second option compared to those two and Zixin hides his face whenever he first meets Mei
Scary Movies: Ultimate Scaredy cat
The Siblings:
Caihong (she/her): (rainbow)
Age: 2nd Oldest ~11 years old (5th grade)
Appearance: Golden brown fur with dark brown fur around her eyes and down her shoulders and neck. Her eyes are gold
Background: The oldest of her three siblings. They have a mom and dad but they’re not really close with them. Her parents neglected her and her siblings more often than not, unbeknownst to most. Therefore, Caihong had to be the mom for her siblings. She got into reading and writing with some help from Hai Feng’s parents in order to educate herself and her siblings. At one point, all three of them hit a low and Caihong found a cave for them to hide in for a while. They refused to come out until Wukong came along and coaxed them back out into reality
Personality: Quiet- not shy, Extremely protective, The Mom- she sometimes takes things way too seriously which can be good and bad. She can be a peacekeeper but also a helicopter mom (someone who hovers). Kind of controlling. She is the type to put her siblings’ needs first. If they can’t eat, then she won’t eat. She is extremely understanding and sympathetic towards other people and will admit when she’s wrong
Friends: Doesn’t really get along with Min-Min because she’s a bit of an overwhelming presence to Caihong. MinMin has too much energy for her. Same with the other kids. While Caihong is extremely responsible and strict, MinMin and the others are carefree and sometimes inconsiderate. She also doesn’t like that MinMin lets her anger control her sometimes and that she won’t admit when she’s wrong. Caihong is only close with her siblings and Zhang Li. She’s a voice of reason and a grounding presence for Zhangli and she’s very aware of that
Relationship with The Adults: Attached to Wukong but tries to hide it. She knows that he's irresponsible sometimes but she also sees how kind and considerate he can be, especially towards her siblings which is a big thing for her. She also highly respects Macaque and loves how logical and reasonable he is. She gets along with MK just because he's nice. She actually quite enjoys his company. MK is the only one who can really get her to ease up and play around. Mei as well
Scary Movies: Doesn’t like her siblings watching them but will watch it with them if they want to
Youli (she/her): (Down to Earth, Practical) 
Age: 7th Oldest ~9 years old (4th grade)
Appearance: Dark brown fur with a tan belly and hands. Her face is also tan and she has a stripe of tan fur down her spine. Goldish brown eyes
Background: Same as Caihong. Her parents were neglectful and her and her siblings were left to fend for themselves since they weren’t close with any other adults. She’s the middle sibling and therefore she never carried the same responsibility as Caihong. In fact, she tended to sneak away to hang out with other kids in order to avoid the reality of their situation
Personality: Extremely social and fiercely loyal. She’s friendly to anyone and everyone and is quick to gain acquaintances but she’s never been one to make friends. Despite her open and joyful appearance, she’s not the type to trust easily and never considers anyone a friend until she’s 100% certain that they’re good people. She’s fiercely protective over her siblings though. Zixin and Zhang Li are included as family. She may be nice most of the time but she will fist fight people if they’re mean to her family.
Friends: No friends. Just acquaintances. She can get along with just about anyone if the need arises
Relationship with The Adults: Very appreciative of Wukong for helping her and her siblings, especially her little brother. She respects his authority and his rules. As for Mac, she likes him despite her first interaction being an argument with him. Gets along with Mei. They're the type to do their hair together and paint each other's nails. Same with MK. She enjoys hanging out with them. Would get along with Nezha
Scary Movies: Gets very scared and always finds comfort in the other
Xiao Ping (he/him): (Little Peace) 
Age: 12th Oldest 6 years old (1st grade)
Appearance: Ashy black fur with a light brown facial marking and brown fur on his stomach. There’s spirals of brown that twist down both of his arms and the tip of his tail is also brown. Light brown almost dark honey colored eyes
Background: Same as Caihong and Youli. They took care of him but, more often than not, Xiao Ping was left to his own devices. Therefore, he never really developed a sense of social skills. He never felt safe communicating with anyone but his sisters, mostly Caihong. They were the only ones who ever talked to him when he was younger. He learned several languages- both written and spoken- from Caihong. Those languages included sign language as well
Personality: Selectively Mute. He only talks to Caihong and Youli. Despite that, he’s very friendly and will join in with the others sometimes whenever they play. He never wrestles with them because he’s small and Caihong always tells him he could get hurt but he will gladly cheer from the sidelines. He learned how to draw from Zhangli and will constantly draw in the dirt. He also loves showing off his mud pies. He’s a very creative kid
Friends: Loves everyone. Most of all though, he loves his siblings and Zhangli. He will search out Zhangli’s company sometimes, especially if Zhangli is sitting by himself.  Zixin is also an exception for him just because they’re both equally quiet. Xiao Ping finds comfort in the fact that someone else can enjoy the quiet like he can. He also likes Ming Yue cause she says nice things about his drawings all the time
Relationship with The Adults: Very attached to Wukong and Macaque. He’s always very eager to show off his projects. He’s slow to warm up to Mei and MK but eventually becomes very close to them as well. Anytime he makes mud pies for the adults, it’s with the full expectation that they will eat it
Scary Movies: Likes to be included
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braxcynthffe · 11 months
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zhangli fist up emoji
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now-we-say-c0ral · 1 year
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May 20, 2023
Woke up around 8am yesterday but slept until around 9:30am. Went downstairs after making the bed and saw an Eddie making his diary and he did the laundry while talking to his friends Farrah and Dom. He was a bit caught up in making his diary, he calls it 'the zone', and made breakfast for the both of us. We had the leftover binagoongan, made some egg fried rice with some veggies, and he reheated the buns that he got me Friday night plus I had a protein shake. It was a big and a hearty breakfast I couldn't even stand up very well right after. Oh, I'm getting so fat at the moment. Last month I've been around 57-59kg now I'm on the 59-60kg mark. Is my hot girl summer happening or not?
Eddie did the dishes and I scurried up the room to take a rest and after an hour I got up and went down to take a shower. I cycled to the gym and did arms, back, and front. I hurried back home because Ed and me were meeting with Farrah from the climbing gym to go to Regents Park. They took a cute photo of me near Euston Climbing Gym and they were kind of nice!
We went to Regents Park and met Carl there, Farrah's husband. We admired the scenery while I was admiring the outfit that people were wearing so that I could get some inspiration out of them to wear to my next excursion.
Around 6pm I parted ways with them and met Dani and Carla in Chinatown. We went to Zhangli Malatung to have a hotpot. They charge by the weight of the hotpot ingredients you were putting on your pot. Mine was just around 900grams and it costed me 40GBP. I was shocked but wasn't going to back down from it all because of the shame so I just got it and ate all of it. We trashtalked about that one person we collectively dislike so much. They told me that the unit misses me and that life there was a bit boring because the loud one was already away. I miss them too! I miss working with the team so much. We went to TK Maxx and I bought a cute AND cheap Levis sunnies and went back to China Town to buy some Mamasons ice cream. We strolled though Covent Garden and just gossiped. We parted ways and I went to Farrah's to catch Eddie. They were having a samgyupsal and I love the sausages that they were serving. I ate all of what was left.
Around 10pm we went home. Eddie took Dawn to Paddington and rode the Elizabeth Line while I went to Warren Street to catch the Jubilee Line. I stopped at Canary Wharf because the DLR was closed at the station I was hoping to drop off to and I unexpectedly met Eddie in Canary Wharf. I tried to sneak by him but he noticed me after 10 seconds.
Today was a good day!
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honhonluigi · 2 years
Your UnEarthing Toroid characters sure have some interesting names. How'd you come up with them?
Good question! Their names were super fun to come up with. See, Toroid is a planet that comes from a bunch of Earth colonies from every Earth culture that there is. So there are names with origins from Mexican backgrounds, Canadian backgrounds, Vietnamese backgrounds, Ukrainian backgrounds, etc etc. For every culture and country that there is, there is a piece of that heritage on Toroid. So their names come from whatever kind of heritage they have from Earth. But also, this is 1,000 years in the future, and of course language has evolved. Including names. New names have been invented and new words have been used as well. So the names of the Torish characters are inventions of my own, not Earth names. (I mean, some of them might be Earth names, but that's an accident if it happens.) I create them by taking common real names from their Earth heritage and then smashing them together to make a fake, new, all-Torish name. I'll take you through each name.
Frifli Fainir - Frifli comes from Irish heritage, so her name is a mix of a bunch of different Irish names. Aifric - meaning "pleasant"; Aoife - meaning "beauty"; and Liadan - meaning "grey lady". And then her last name comes from the names Fianna - meaning "band of warriors", and Mairin - meaning "wished for child". All put together to make Frifli Fainir - meaning pleasant beautiful lady, wished for warrior child.
Sataschya Vikolaivich Karamov - Okay, this is a tricky one, because he's a royal. Torish don't have middle names, but the royals have 'titles', which are literally just...titles about their rank in the language and manner of their own culture. Sascha is from Russian heritage, and in Russian history you put 'vich' on the end of a name to mean 'son of', like Johnson basically. So the 'Vikolaivich' part just means 'son of Vikolai', which is his father's name. So, it's not actually a real name of his, it's just a reference to his position as son of the king. Now, onto his actual name. He's Russian, so his name is a mix of Russian names. Sasha - meaning 'defender of men', Anastus - meaning 'resurrection', a name for saints and martyrs; and Ya - a diminutive meaning 'young' or 'little'. His last name comes from Romanov - meaning 'son of citizens', the name of the last royal family of Russia; and Karamazov - the name of a famous Russian philosophical book about religion, meaning 'black smear' in reference to original sin. All put together to make Sataschya Karamov - meaning young saintly defender of men, son of the citizens and original sin. (But we just call him Sascha, it's easier.)
Talisi Ocallan - Talisi is also from Irish heritage. Her name comes from the names Ellis - meaning 'god is my oath'; and Tallula - meaning 'princess'. Her last name comes from the name O'Callaghan - meaning 'bright headed'. All put together to be Talisi Ocallan - bright-headed princess sworn to god.
Xingshen Longhai Zhangli - Xingshen is a royal, so he has a middle title as well. His heritage is Chinese. 'Long' means 'dragon' and 'hai' means 'child', so Longhai means 'dragon child'. That's a reference to his royal lineage, because the imperial family is heavily associated with dragons. Again, it's not an actual name. Just a title. But his actual name also comes from Chinese heritage. Xing - meaning 'star'; Shen - meaning 'god, deity, spirit'. And his last name, Zhang - meaning 'brilliant display'; and Li - meaning 'beauty' and 'power'. Putting it all together to make Xingshen Zhangli - meaning 'stargod, brilliant display of beauty and power'.
Cyriel Asanah - Cyriel's name is the weirdest of the bunch. She comes from Thai heritage, but you might notice that Cyriel doesn't sound at all Thai. It's not. It's not her real name. It's a name she made up entirely to sound 'futuristic', because she hates tradition and wants to fit her cybergoth aesthetic. Cyriel actually has no real meaning. I came up with it from seeing the name 'Kyriel' and thinking 'it'd look better with a C instead'. Her birth name was Ngami, coming from the names Ngam - meaning 'beauty' and Dxkmi - meaning 'flower', to come together as 'beautiful flower.' But no one knows or uses her real name anymore, so don't even bother with it. Her last name comes from Aranya - meaning 'fertility'; Samorn - meaning 'beautiful and darling woman'; Lawana - meaning 'most beautiful'. All put together to make Cyriel Asanah - meaning 'most beautiful and darling fertile woman'.
Baron Kieran - Baron's name is noticeably...normal, right? Baron is a real name. Well, his name wasn't based off of the Earth name 'Baron'. It's actually literally just the word baron, as in the position of nobility. It's not intended to be based off of any kind of name. It's just supposed to be the literal word referring to the noble station. Because Baron's real father was a baron before he was killed. Baron's adoptive father wanted to name him for his real dad (whose name was Aelfric Modred btw), but since Baron's father led the rebellion and the authorities would definitely want to kill his son and he's kind of in hiding, it would be a bit stupid to name him 'Aelfric', yeah? So to compromise, he's just named Baron. As a non-suspicious homage to his father, and his position. His last name is authentic Torish however, take from the names Ciaran - meaning 'black-haired' and Kirin - the name of a mythical creature heralding the passing of a ruler. Baron doesn't have any particular heritage, being from a line of mixed-bag orphans, so the name is not from any particular lineage. Also, it's his adoptive father's last name anyway. But it comes together to make Baron Kieran - meaning 'black-haired baron, heralding the passing of a king'.
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Vin Zhang at Zhangli Potter Garden Party Source: 张彬彬Vin (weibo)  ~ Tati Part 2
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theframelines · 7 years
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Close up by zhanglingyi
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soapallo · 4 years
Of your OCs (made by u)
tbh some of my ocs have little development cuz i keep makin new ones u-u
1) Reeves
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i jus think hes neat
2) Val
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he’s edgy but hes my edgy boy
3) Tao
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he a lil bitch but hes got the spirit
4) Taiyang
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my favorite girl <3
5) Percy
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the only character that i have a beginning, middle and end for
6) Pravda
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stinky tiktok boy
7) Damien
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8) Charles Constantine
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havent done anything with him but he looks sick as fuck
9) Zhangli
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the guy i get too many commissions on
10) My sona, Bambi <3
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finger guns at you 
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okayoonoh · 4 years
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hey guys! so, i have started on this new bulleted series and i really wanted to get started on more NCT things! 
all the family things i’ll write for NCT will be here :) hope you guys like it!
(all behbies are sorted by age)
*** HERE’S THE GENERATION/BEST FRIEND LIST! this is just to sort out which kid belongs to which generation and who’s best friends with who! go and check it out! 
(has two kids, 1 boy and 1 girl)
1. Moon Yoojin and Moon Seojoon
(has three kids, 2 boys and 1 girl)
1. Seo Noah, Seo Leo, and Seo Luna
1. clumsy joy >> johnny comes home from tour and luna is doing something new? if this isn’t pure joy, idk what is.
(has two kids, 1 boy and 1 girl)
1. Lee Youngchul and Lee Youngmi
(has four kids, 3 girls and 1 boy)
1. Nakamoto Akari, Nakamoto Yui, Nakamoto Ichika, and Nakamoto Itsuki
(has two kids, 2 girls)
1. Qian Lei and Qian Fen
(has one kid, 1 boy) one on the way
1. Kim Minyoung
1. what do we do now? >> doyoung forgets the one thing you told him to do and decides to take matters in his own hands, even if that means cutting minyoung’s hair himself.
(i just really like typing out his full name lol)
(has three kids, 2 boys and 1 girl)
1. Kasem Leechaiyapornkul (Kaleb), Somchai Leechaiyapornkul (Shawn), Amarin Leechaiyapornkul (Aria)
((if you wanna learn how thai names works, visit here! it’s actually really interesting :))
(has two kids, 1 girl and 1 boy) one on the way
1. Jung Lani and Jung Leon
1. headbands™ 
>> headbands are really the aesthetic of the jung family, and little lani just wants to spread the love!
(has one kid, 1 daughter)
1. Dong Mei
(has three kids, 3 girls)
1. Kim Jia, Kim Jieun, and Kim Jiyoung
(has four kids, 3 boys 1 girl)
1. Wong Liwei, Wong Liqiang, Wong Lijie, and Wong Lina
(has two kids, 2 boys)
1. Ethan Lee and Eli Lee
(has one kid, 1 boy) one on the way
1. Xiao Zhangwei
(has three kids, 2 girls and 1 boy)
1. Wong Xiuying, Wong Mochou and Wong Zhangjing
(has two kids, 2 girls)
1. Huang Zhangli and Huang Lijing 
(has two kids, 2 sons)
1. Lee Juwon and Lee Jungho
(has three kids, 3 girls)
1. Lee Minah, Lee Haeun and Lee Sunyoung
(has three kids, 2 boys and 1 girl)
1. Na Jaeseok, Na Jaehun and Na Jaehwa
(has two kids, 1 boy and 1 girl)
1. Ryu Wei and Ryu Fengfeng
((chenle and jisung are just going to be cool uncles for all of the babies because I’m not sure if it’s okay to write stuff like this about them. cool uncle squad unite!!!!))
hope y’all like it! 
- amy <3
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Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese movie star Zhang Li shared a set of photos on Weibo, wearing fruit and vegetable as her cloth. Lots of news media and KOL forward it. Some follow the same and share his own photos on Weibo too.
This origins by a young mum named Alya Chagler on Instagram, sharing her daughter’s daily.
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impurely-blog · 7 years
Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese movie star Zhang Li shared a set of photos on Weibo, wearing fruit and vegetable as her cloth. Lots of news media and KOL forward it. Some follow the same and share his own photos on Weibo too.
This origins by a young mum named Alya Chagler on Instagram, sharing her daughter’s daily.
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Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese movie star Zhang Li shared a set of photos on Weibo, wearing fruit and vegetable as her cloth. Lots of news media and KOL forward it. Some follow the same and share his own photos on Weibo too.
This origins by a young mum named Alya Chagler on Instagram, sharing her daughter’s daily.
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zephyra-in-the-house · 7 months
The Kids of the Mountain Palace
Generally, the kids in Second Chances always hang out in the same 3 groups
Group 1: MinMin, Yimo, Zixin, Haifeng, Dai Song
Group 2: Jinyan, Ming Yue, Kong Zhi, Youli, Li Ling, Haifeng, Dai Song
Group 3: Zhangli, Xiao Ping, Caihong, Zixin
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Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese movie star Zhang Li shared a set of photos on Weibo, wearing fruit and vegetable as her cloth. Lots of news media and KOL forward it. Some follow the same and share his own photos on Weibo too.
This origins by a young mum named Alya Chagler on Instagram, sharing her daughter’s daily.
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Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese Celebrities Follow INS Trending: Photo with Food Dresses
Chinese movie star Zhang Li shared a set of photos on Weibo, wearing fruit and vegetable as her cloth. Lots of news media and KOL forward it. Some follow the same and share his own photos on Weibo too.
This origins by a young mum named Alya Chagler on Instagram, sharing her daughter’s daily.
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