#zhongli our beloved
tartigglez · 1 year
For the 300 follower event. Can I request green with Zhongli as Rex Lapis?
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・❥・rex lapis x gn!adeptus!reader
・❥・set in old teyvat, reader and morax are in a sort of weird soul bond situationship, half-dragon!li (i've just decided its his base form now so everyone cope), he calls reader "little one" at one point (lol?), reader has horns (that sounds so silly help), reader cries and it's kinda cinematic, (yes i am using this to heal the wounds my ex left me with because he was ashamed of our relationship thank you for asking!), this has gotta be one of my fav fics ive ever written LOL
・❥・HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT IS I, CAEL. today i present you all with: a thing i wrote!
・❥・if you want to request a prompt from this event, click on the green title!
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the world is quiet when the dragon slumbers. 
at least, that's what you think. 
that's what the adepti think.
the souls of the old deities that have been subdued by rex lapis calm a little when he rests. their empty shells are less vengeful, and they, albeit momentarily, no longer seek to wreak havoc on the people of liyue. 
it was a simple mission you had. go to the cave, retrieve any necessary cor lapis for streetward rambler and do not disturb morax. and of course, none of the other adepti knew, but this rule was an optional one in your mind.
the others would never know of your relationship with rex lapis, which was of a deeper level than you cared to explain. the deep, intricate weaves of your two souls together were much more detailed than anyone could ever imagine, so gently and carefully tied over such a long time that they could never be undone. they were roots so deep that neither you nor him could even tell how much you needed each other. 
of course, when he is resting you shouldn’t disturb him, because he needs it. he works hard to protect his people, and for this reason he should always be allowed to rest when he needs. 
as the few chunks of cor lapis you carried in your bag clanked together, you entered the mouth of a cave in mingyun village. you were fully aware that this was where he would be, since you could feel his presence. but you were only here since this was where the best cor lapis could be found, right? right?
a seemingly small tunnel in the side of the cave led you straight to the sight of him. he was completely still in slumber, tail of brown scales and golden spines lay a little curved on his hoard of various gemstones and chunks of metals.
you walked somewhat slowly to him, tiptoeing your way in to the cave, only to have a look at him of course. he looked quite strange when sleeping. his aura was much more peaceful than usual. 
normally, morax was calm. but there would always be some sort of troubled glint in his eyes, one that it appears only you can see, perhaps it is only for you to know of. 
as you made your way to the side of the cave opposite to the opening, you could see his hair and arms glowing a little in rhythm with his breathing. from deep in his chest came soft, yet low purrs. he was at rest. however, the small smile which appeared on his lips would say otherwise. 
slowly, but surely his eyelids opened, the bright amber irises previously hidden behind them meeting you as you stared at him, not even realising he had actually woken up. instead you were busy admiring his presence. 
“you haven’t been here long, hm?” he spoke with a yawn, pushing himself to sit up upon his hoard. the golden surfaces of a few pieces of mora reflected his sharp features as he took a sigh. 
your expression was one of pure guilt. you had only wished to see him, after all it was rare that the two of you got much time alone, but you didn’t want to actually wake him up when he was so deserving of a sleep. 
“not to worry,” he smiled, “i was due to wake up in a few days anyway.” he got down from the top of the pile, ground shaking a little as he jumped, and was all of a sudden by your side. “why the long face, little one?” he asked gently, tilting his head to the side and placing a loving hand on your cheek.
“i didn’t want to wake you up” you sighed, leaning into his touch. “i did miss you, but i only wanted to see you, not disturb you.”
he moved a little closer to you, his horns slightly touching your own as he moved his forehead against yours, “you are never a disturbance to me, dear” he spoke, closing his eyes and taking a few breaths with you. 
but suddenly, it hurt.
“morax…” you opened, trailing off, unsure of how to convey what you wanted to say. instead, your eyebrows knit themselves together, and completely out of your control, a single tear rolled down your cheek, losing itself slowly to the fabric of your robe after making its way down your neck. 
he felt it, all of the emotions that were happening for you were making their way to him, his senses more amplified after having rested. “dear-” he said softly, voice breaking a little, hands and eyes searching your body for some sign of injury or pain, “did something hurt you, are you well?” his eyes were filled with concern for you, and somehow that made you feel worse. he stroked your cheek with one hand, the other rubbing up and down your arm. “tell me, what troubles you?” he asked quietly.
“you wouldn’t want to know,” you giggled a little, more tears suddenly escaping your face. “it is a futile complaint”
“tell me,” he said, bringing his hands to your cheeks and gently wiping away your tears, “i want to hear all of it” 
you were silent for some time after that, the dim environment of the cave allowing you to lean your head on rex lapis’ shoulder, holding his hand as the other was gently stroking over your hair, and slowly massaging at the base of your horns. 
“do you think we’ll ever be able to tell them?” you said, nothing more than a whisper. so quietly that if morax didn’t have such heightened senses, he wouldn’t have been able to hear it at all.
“tell who?” he said back, shoulder slightly vibrating against your cheek as he did.
“the others. do you think we can ever tell them about us?” you asked, absentmindedly staring at a single coin of mora across from you. upon its shiny surface was painted the image of rex lapis of one and his adepti. no. upon its surface was painted two people who were held in a love that had been finely crafted over centuries, each piece chiselled out like the stone of a statue. 
“do you want them to know?” he asked, turning his head a little to place a soft kiss upon your head, humming a little before turning back to face his hoard, leaning his head on top of yours.
you nodded a little, closing your eyes, unsure of what to say next.
“if you want them to know then we shall tell them. i doubt they will be upset about it. after all, i am the one in charge, no?” he chuckled a little, interlacing his fingers with yours. 
“you’d really tell them?” you asked, moving from the way you were sat, instead sitting up straight to look at him, holding both his hands in your own. 
“if that is what you want, then of course i will. i only wish you had told me sooner.” he smiled at you, standing up and pulling you with him. your eyes shone brightly as you beamed at him, and he moved a little closer to you to ask a very important question…
“would you like to rest with me for a little while?” 
you nodded, and within an instant he had whisked you to the top of his pile. he began circling around, trying to find a comfortable spot before inviting you to lay down by him, tapping on the space beside him, which was rather funny, because a few of his treasures rolled down the side of the hoard, which made him pout a little. 
you keenly moved to lay down beside him, resting your head on his arm. however, there was one major problem.
“this is kind of uncomfortable” you spoke, watching his face contort from being relaxed, to confused, to relieved. through his expressions you could already tell that he had found the solution. 
“here,” he yawned out, swiftly moving you to lay on his chest as he rolled on to his back. “better?”
you laughed a little, cheek against the robe which (barely) covered his chest. “much better”
he wrapped both his arms around your waist, every effort being made not to scrape you with his talons. and in this moment, that was when it hit you, more than ever before. every piece of care that he had for you and you for him, it was all for one cause…
“i love you, morax” you smiled softly, squeezing him a little.
finally, you had put words to it. after centuries, you had finally verbalised on the affection shared between the two of you. for the first time ever, you knew exactly what you felt. it was love. 
it is love. 
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sfw masterlist || event masterlist
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© tartigglez, 2023. do not copy, translate or repost, reblogs appreciated
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glacialswordsman-a · 4 months
@ofmora | A HEEHEE [GIGGLE]
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Hearing his name being called, the Captain quirked a brow and turned his head towards the familiar voice. One that he certainly didn’t expect to hear on this night. He took in the sight of a tall man that wore clothes of ambiguous culture to the unseeing eye, but that most starkly had a golden mask upon sitting upon their face. A gold mask that still revealed those eyes of Cor Lapis.
Something within him lit up at the sight, his demeanor visibly lifting as though he was suddenly walking on air. Prior to this, he had been drinking from a flute of champagne while conversing with some nobles, as he is expected to as the Cavalry Captain. However, Kaeya has done this year after year, and it’s no longer anything that excited him. He kept seeing faces he’d seen before, even behind all those masks they all wore, and it was just utterly dreadful.
Until now, at least.
Taking the hand of the stranger, he chuckled lightly and allowed himself to be swept across the room towards the dance floor, a hand finding itself atop one of the older man’s shoulders. “You’re lucky this party had a masquerade theme for the guests. What would you have done if your friend from Mondstadt recognized and caught you here without saying hello to them, hm?” he teased, grinning toothily as the peacock-feather gown of his lacey jumpsuit trailed behind him in their dance.
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When asked about his brother, Kaeya blinked before a mischievous glint twinkled in his starry eye. “Oh? Gēgē, thinking of other men when I’m right here in front of you? I’m heartbroken,” he crooned, pouting before chiming in small laughter. “He’s the only man here with scarlet hair, wearing black clothes as though he just came back from a funeral. Can’t miss him. I hope you're not planning on anything devious, Ah-Li.”
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also little... ref for what kaeya would be wearing... i just had to use this image again bc i'm still so proud of the design that i did for a fic i really love asljdalsf
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lychniis · 2 years
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words cannot even explain how happy i am that you liked it (and that you now know how it feels to have your heart broken into a hundred thousand pieces, oh how the turntables)
I accept my fate at the hands of your knife cause I have a project coming up with a decent amount of Zhongli angst (hopefully) and it’s best you get the rage out of your system now rather than later lmfao^^
OH NO ZHONGLI ANGST give me more.
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violet-eng · 9 months
f!reader reacts to Zhongli (Morax)! "apoptosis" during Rite of Descension | angst + 🔞 NSFW
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So... I've always wondered how Zhongli's close friends (let's pretend he has close friends) would react to his death during the Rite of Descension...
╔══════*.·:·.☽✧  ✦  ✧☾.·:·.*════════╗
Summary: Zhongli and you are a couple, and you know he's Rex Lapis. How would you react if your beloved dragon boyfriend dies in front of your eyes during the Rite of Descension? Or worse yet, how would you react if you found out that he is actually alive?
Tw: Angst (a lot), smut, 🔞, MDNI, p i v, nipple sucking, words of hate during sex (i hate you), mentionsof death.
🎨 by: Nid417 2k words.
The soft caress of Zhongli's fingers on your forehead woke you up in the morning, bringing you back to the earthly realm and wrenching you from the comfortable sleep you had taken as a reward for your performance the night before. Like every night, Zhongli had abused you in bed, using you until he left his empty balls in your belly. 
The light streaming through the window, the rays of sunshine heralding a new day, brighten your face as you realize that Zhongli has gotten out of bed. You watch him get dressed, the shirt covering his arms, golden marks on his dark skin, the marks of your nails on his back, crimson traces open to the passage of your passion.
"Today is going to be a long day," your ardent lover says as he adjusts his tie, "I'm sorry to have to wake you, it's never my intention to cause you any discomfort, but I'm afraid on this occasion it was absolutely necessary."
"The Rite of Descension is today, I had forgotten," you mention, leaning back on your elbows and rubbing your eyes, the locks of hair falling over the valley of your breasts, the sheet covering you sliding down to your waist, giving Zhongli a magnificent view as he adjusts his pants.
"When it's all over, we should have dinner... and then maybe try our luck at starting a family," he says, though it's hard to make out his words because of the volume of his voice. Zhongli speaks with a tinge of nostalgia, a back and forth of dark feelings and a melancholy aura, he has been in this state for several weeks now.
"I guess there's no point in me asking you again what's wrong with you today," you say, embellishing the sentence with a subtle laugh, sometimes your dear Morax is very secretive about his feelings and manages to become hermetic and unshakable as a rock, today is one of those days.
"I promise you that once the Rite culminates, all your questions will be answered," he says, sitting next to you, caressing the curve of your back and tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. One of Zhongli's favorite images is your face when you wake up...especially the morning after a good fuck. There's something about your puffy eyes that drives him crazy, or the scarlet color on your skin from his teeth the night before that makes him lose his mind, whatever it is, he finds you to be the most charming creature he's ever met in his millennia of existence.
"I only ask you," Zhongli says, continuing the conversation, keeping the cryptic tone he had a few moments ago, "I only ask you not to be afraid, no matter what you see, do not be afraid. I will come back to you no matter what happens”
"You always do," you say as you turn around, your face lit up with a smile and your breasts in full view as you reach out a hand that manages to caress his cheek, "that's our contract, darling, you always come back to me."
Zhongli fiercely fights the desire to fuck you at this moment, these words and this image you have given him.... He takes a deep breath before getting up from the bed, ignoring his instincts. There will be time to indulge your carnal desires.
You know the Rite of Descent in detail, you have witnessed it and heard it performed firsthand. This time there is nothing out of the usual, perhaps a new face or two, but nothing out of the ordinary. You find yourself looking forward to what will happen next, and perhaps during the night you will comment to Zhongli how strange it is to see him in his draconic form, and how sweet you find his empathic act of introducing himself to the....
The rumble of the lifeless body of the Lord of Liyue falling echoes through the place. The offerings table is a mess, and the ensuing uproar even more so. There is talk of murder, the Millelith rushes in pursuit of the suspects, and as the rest of the crowd disperses, you lie in place, frozen, stunned by what you have witnessed. You bring your hands to your chest in a reflex to stop the heartbeat that seems to pierce your skin, the sound of the Millelith's footsteps confused with the thumping rhythm of your heart, your lip trembling and your hands sweating, your trembling fingers clutching the fabric of your clothes, trying to bring you back to reality as you watch the body of your beloved Morax lying lifeless before your eyes.
"Tell Wangsheng Funeral Parlor what happened," Keqing orders you... or is it Ningguang's voice? " Y/n! There's no time to waste, go!"
Much to your chagrin, you find yourself running to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, your eyes on the verge of bitter tears and deep weeping, but you cannot afford to do so, not when you cannot explain your reaction to others. You walk down the stairs, wondering: Did Zhongli's recent attitude mean that he suspected that someone wanted to kill him, and if so, why didn't he trust you? The questions cloud your mind, you stumble over some people while debating with yourself, Zhongli knew it, in short, that's why he had such a mysterious attitude lately, he knew he would abandon you? No, you're cursing yourself, you can't think about him like that, especially now that he's... You can't even think of the word, Morax, Rex Lapis, your beloved Zhongli, is an immortal being who has traveled miles of life, he is a powerful being, the strongest of the gods... or he was... ....
You resign yourself to the facts, to the image of the dragon lying on the rubble, his chest motionless, his eyes lifeless... you had not even been able to say goodbye to him that morning. With regret gnawing at your heart, you burst into Wangsheng's funeral parlor and called out to Hu Tao.
"Rex Lapis," you say with a lump in your throat, as she grabs your arms and asks you to calm down, "Rex Lapis is..." you pause over your words as the figure of your lover emerges from one of the offices.
"Y/n" Hu Tao agitates you, but you are absorbed in the image coming towards you, the way Zhongli hurries to give you a drink.
"He's dead," you manage to finish the sentence without taking your eyes off Zhongli. Hu Tao is shocked by this and laments over such an unfortunate event, delving into theories that could have led to something like this happening.
"There is no reason to jump to conclusions at a time like this," Zhongli suggests, "Ninnguang must need help.
It is Hu Tao who leaves the place at his subordinate's suggestion, leaving him in charge of your welfare, your poor condition being too obvious to the average eye. It is just the two of you in the room, the sound of commotion outside is beyond reproach, but at this moment, you are oblivious to what is going on outside.
Zhongli holds out his coat to you, draping it over your shoulders and adjusting the collar over your chest, you holding the drink he offered you a few moments ago. You analyze him closely, your eyes scanning him in detail, taking in every inch of his image. 
"Y/n," he whispers as he caresses your shoulders, his hands coddling your arms, looking at you like an infant about to cry.
"Zhongli," saying his name feels like breathing out your last breath of life. You bring your hesitant hand to his face, a reflection of your desire to check if what you are observing is real. You press his skin against your palm, and he leans into the familiar touch of your caress.
"My beautiful y/n, I beg your forgiveness" he muses as he moves the cup away from your hands, to take your small limbs between his, kissing your knuckles gingerly.
The gesture causes you to burst into tears, to throw yourself into his arms and release the sea of bitterness and pain that had built up in your chest. Zhongli pulls you close to him, wrapping you in an embrace that he hopes will never break, that he hopes will prove how sorry he is for the hurt he has caused you. You ask him for explanations between sobs, you reproach him for not being clear with you, for letting you believe he was dead, you beat his chest in agony and resentment, and he allows you to do so, if it were up to him, you could actually kill him at that very moment, he deserves no less, not when he has made you shed tears for him so bitterly.
"You should have told me" you whimper, and your legs start to shake. The burning in your chest grows and you feel like you will faint at any moment. Zhongli senses it, senses every change in your organism, so he hurries to ask you to return home.
The road passes in silence, Zhongli has put his arm around your shoulder, and along the way he has showered you with pleas to redeem himself, but you ignore him, you don't even look at him, and that hurts him deeply.
You cross the door and go into the room to lie down on the bed, finally you can no longer use your legs, you have never felt so weak, so useless... You let out the rest of your cry on the pillows, leaning on your hands, your chest heaving for air, the shock hasn't completely left you...
Zhongli approaches you and puts a hand on your back, but you clearly warn him not to come near you, not to touch you, and maybe you are being too hard on him, but it is what you think he deserves. 
"Go away," you order sharply, "you're supposed to be dead... you..." you speak nonsense, it's the pain of shock that overwhelms you.
"What are you saying?" Zhongli exclaims in anguish, searching for your face, though you hide it well for him. He struggles with you, trying to bring you to your senses, "I'm here, my love, it's me... I'm alive," he says, taking your hands and pressing them to his chest, where his desperate heart beats in desperation. You look at him pitifully, your eyes drenched with tears, your lip trembling.
"This is the heart of a living man," he says, "and this is the warmth of a living man's skin," he says, bringing your hands to his neck and chest, unbuttoning his shirt in a desperate act, and as the shock of his desperation strikes your complexion, you seem to snap out of your trance.
"Zhongli..." you finally whisper.
"Here I am, beautiful, I came back for you..." he muses, pressing his forehead against yours.
"You always..." you falter, "you always come back to me," your breath mingles with his, as hot as yours. You rush to his lips, so eager to taste his breath of life, the divinity escaping his mouth like groans as you bite his lip, pressing it harder against your mouth.
"This is our contract," Zhongli says between kisses, a trickle of saliva between the two of you as he removes his shirt and your clothes.
He fucks you with anger, with desire and a burning he didn't know he was holding back. And you scream, your moans high and boisterous, not caring what is happening outside or how sacrilegious it is that you are fucking while everyone outside is suffering the death of Rex Lapis... the same Rex Lapis who is pounding on your cervix with fervor and enormous force, the same one who is massaging your clitoris while sucking on one of your nipples.
"I hate you," you spit angrily, drowning out your moans as you cling to his arms.
"It's what I deserve," he says, just as vulgar as you, sonorous and quite vocal, resting one of your legs on his shoulders, "hate me all you want, y/n, but then scream my name when you cum and when you give birth to our children."
"You bastard," you moan as your fingernails leave scarlet marks on his sculpted shoulders, "don't stop.... Zhongli, don't stop," the way he pounds you is delicious and your guts know it as they twist in a hot knot as his cock makes its way into your pussy.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry," he repeats, not stopping his assault, settling on top of you to look at the bulge rising in your belly where his cock is abusing you. He puts one of his hands on yours, the other massaging your thigh and the flesh on his shoulder, looking at you with a devotion that you do not recognize, as if you were a treasure, a goddess....
His hips crash mercilessly against yours, and you, as spiteful as you are horny, can't help but make the most vulgar sounds you can. You feel Zhongli's balls slapping against your skin, the frantic movement in and out of your pussy, the way something inside you seems to snap from the force of his penetration. He has you wide open for him, fully exposed, and he gives himself to you like the devotee he is when he fucks you, seeking only your pleasure.
"Zhongli..." you moan as one of your fingers gently caresses the line that divides his scarred abdomen, your digit running down the valley of his rock hard muscles....
"Let me take care of you, darling," he says, taking your hand and planting a kiss on the back of it, leaning down to capture your lips with his mouth. His tongue penetrates the roof of your mouth and you feel your throat receive the visit of such a welcome guest.
Zhongli turns you over, your body snug against the sheets, your face deep in the mattress, and he on top of you. He continues to stir your loins as he lets his chest fall on your back, his face sinking into your shoulder, and you feel that this way, so close to him, he has better access to you. His cock twists in your favorite spot, the one that makes you let out a yelp and reach out a hand for support, grasping the silk between your fingers. Zhongli intertwines his hand with yours, and there, trapped beneath his body, at the mercy of his relentless assault, he whispers a "I love you" with deep regret.
"Zhongli," you moan, completely trapped between the bed and how well he is fucking you, your hands trapped in his, "I love you...damn it...I love you," you cry out as you convulse beneath him, your orgasm erupting as he bathes your velvety walls with his white seed.
You turn your face to breathe. Zhongli doesn't let go or leave you. You stay like this for a moment, enjoying the heat the other gives off. Zhongli kisses your shoulder blade and you feel the remains of his cum leave you as he pulls his cock out of your abused hole. The empty feeling makes you moan. He doesn't let go of you at any point, clinging to you as he lies down and sets you beside him, wrapping you in his arms, securing you in an embrace as he leaves deep kisses on the back of your neck and shoulder. Your chest heaves for air, the ecstasy you feel is unlike anything you have experienced before, no previous encounter has ever been like this.
"I didn't mean it," you say, your voice hoarse, your throat scratchy from shouting, "I don't hate you...I couldn't," you turn to him, meeting amber eyes that look at you with calm and deep regret.
"Do you forgive me?" he asks in a sweet, syrupy, insistent tone. 
"My dear Morax," you whisper, taking refuge in his chest, "I forgave you the moment I felt your aching heart beat with concern for me."
These words are enough for Zhongli to ease the weight he was carrying so that he can rest his chin on your head and breathe in the scent of your hair, mixed with the smell of sex in the room.
He strokes your back, running his fingers over your small human form, downplaying the commotion outside, focusing only on you and your well-being....
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bluexiao · 2 years
#taking off your ring in the middle of a fight
–pretty self-explanatory// this can also mean a promise ring or engagement ring that they gave to you
CHARACTERS. Albedo, Alhaitham, Ayato, Cyno, Diluc, Il Dottore, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Tighnari, Xiao, Zhongli; gn! Reader
THEMES. angst, arguments, slight crack on one of them (guess who), most has no comfort, some has comfort
NOTES. i haven’t been posting multi-hc’s have i? well, here yall go~
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ZHONGLI, at first, failed to notice it until he opened his eyes and turned your way.
It was just an argument, all couples do have one. All normal relationships have such situations, after all. Yet it was beyond him to see the band over the table, where you had just been moments ago, only to leave him to ponder with his thoughts all alone.
He quickly turns and follows you to wherever you might’ve gone, “love?” he calls out with a full voice? “Love?” And a broken one after that when he sees you on the bed, folding clothes on your own.
“Are you… leaving?” He hesitated, clearing his throat and prompting you to look up and meet his eyes.
He braces himself for your answer, brave enough to accept your answer, whatever it may be. He wouldn’t stop you—you have every right to leave, after all.
“What? No, of course not, what made you think-” then your gaze trails down to your fingers upon seeing the ring on his palm, instantly reaching out and taking it from him, “Oh-was that? I was only… I took it off because I had to wash my hands to fold the clothes.” You slowly explained, realizing the intention behind his question as you do so.
“Oh, beloved… I am never leaving you,” you stood up and he was the one who stepped forward and received you in his arms, wrapping you and him sighing out heavily once he felt your body against his.
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XIAO felt the way his knees buckled as he zeroes into your hands, now holding onto the ring that was once wrapped around one of your fingers. That same ring that he had created out of the love from the depths of his heart, a ring that symbolized not only his feelings but also his pledge to never sever the bond you have.
Did you not… want it anymore?
Was the first thought that plagued his mind.
Perhaps… you had finally grown tired of him after all that he has done. After all, who was he to expect you’d always be there for him, when he had clearly not done the same.
He couldn’t really blame you at this point.
He had just ruined the only good thing in his life—and maybe for the better… for you.
Just as he was about to turn around and walk away without a word, he slips back into reality and away from his thoughts on the warmth that attaches itself on his cheeks—a familiar warmth that never fails to pull him out of the darkness and into your presence.
“Darling, shh… what’s wrong? Hey, Xiao? Talk to me, please,” the tenderness of your touch and your soft voice envelops his mind and he couldn’t help but lean into your palm further, placing his gloved hands on top of yours and relishing them on his skin. How they were enough to calm him down makes him even more… greedy—how can he live without you now? The mere thought of it scares him, the old XIAO may not be able to admit it, but the new one after you came into the picture would.
“Please… don’t leave me,” despite this, his words left his lips in a hushed tone, slipping out like a whisper meant for your ears only—his weakness that he never let anyone else see, even his own god.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
TIGHNARI heard your scoff before he saw it. He frowns at the mere sight of your empty fingers, and the glare that’s ever so present in your face.
He marches forward your way and you stood your ground, ready to be hurt by his usual sharo words only to-
“Are you seriously removing our ring because of a petty argument?”
You immediately glance down and before you can sputter out a response, he takes a hold of your hand and slips the ring back himself, back to where it once was—where it belongs. Once you had glanced at him again, he had this relieved look on his face and the twitching on his ears and tail that you didn’t bother to point out.
Was that… a big deal to him?
Your own harsh words died down before they even got out, realizing that there really was no point to continue it as you heaved out a sigh.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
SCARAMOUCHE freezes–not literally, but still–and the ice melts almost suddenly, burning with the intensity of his glare.
“And what do you think you’re doing?”
The thing with SCARAMOUCHE is that he takes—he takes what he wants and he will get it either way. With you, he doesn’t understand how you get your way and he becomes pleased with just seeing you smile.
He just wants to see you smile again.
And that ring on your finger.
But both of them are not really present at this very moment.
“You’re just like the others,” he begins to spat when you respond to his question, then he looks away, knowing that you’re going to leave would only make him regret in glancing through your eyes—one that always understood him well, turns out to be just not too different, “You’re going to betray me, after all.”
And now that he said those words aloud it only dawned on him of the intensity the burden was—how much the truth weighed on his shoulders, just like the several other truths he had kept out of the light ever since your arrival.
His shoulders shook and he cursed at the gods once again.
If only… if only he can replace them, and he’ll never have to suffer like this.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
KAZUHA only got home when it happened.
He left in quite a rush before he sailed off with The Crux, thus leaving you with the argument between the two of you still in the air. And sure, he still did send you letters per usual, the only difference was… you have left him unanswered.
And now that he’s home, he did not know if the sight of the empty house, unopened letters, and the ring left on the counter were something he could have not been surprised with as it was something very expected and reasonable enough.
Feeling stuffy despite the emptiness of the place made him go out and decide to find you. And in his course of doing so, he saw you walking the same way.
“Kazuha… you’re home,” if it were from your displeased tone, he would have already left with the unspoken question answered in his mind. But he stood his ground and made his way towards your form.
“Oh! You found my ring!” You spoke before he can even confront you, and in spite of his surprise upon your actions, upon reaching for your ring, he slips his hands to your waist and wraps your form tightly.
“K-Kazu?” Hearing you stutter even made him more delighted and relieved that his negative thoughts weren’t the reality that he was into.
“I thought you left me… please don’t scare me like that ever again, dove.”
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
“If you are leaving me, you do not need to slip out your ring, you just have to say it out loud. Proclaim it, even!”
IL DOTTORE watches as you looked at him with a bewildered look, eyes wide open and jaw slack, “W-what? I only-“ only for you to purse your lips shut and look away. If you had wanted to say something else, it already flies away like dust and never to be seen again.
“Fine! I am leaving you! Happy now? Well, you certainly would,” there was a venom in your voice that no one around him dares to even whisper a peep about—only you. Only you get to treat him like this and be left unscathed.
Even now.
Even now as he watches you leave and thinks how much your words were very untrue, he can never really admit it out loud, could he?
Certainly not.
He glances down at the ring that once laid very gently on your finger—on your warm skin, and now rests upon the cold ground.
Certainly… not.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
DILUC had always admired your eyes, your strong gaze that had crumbled the walls on DILUC’s high walls.
“Love…” his hands reached out to you first before you could go and step out, and despite the glare that he received from you, “shall we talk about this first? Please don’t-“ leave me. The words died down as he stared even more into your eyes.
But… you have the right to leave, don’t you?
A voice in his mind told him that he should let go—it was your freedom to break things off with him.
But another voice told him that you were not as unreasonable as that.
The only problem was which voice he should follow.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
CYNO failed to process the circumstance as quickly as the others, but as soon as he did, you have already walked out of the room and he was left standing there, with your ring–the ring that he once gave you and had never seen you took off until now–on the bedside table.
A sting on his fingertips as he reached out for the golden band, traveling through his arms and to his chest, where he certainly felt the pang that made his heart almost ache—why so? What does this ring symbolize that he hates seeing it on your fingers and not on his palm?
However, before he could interrogate you, you came back to the room and looked at him with a raised brow, “Why are you staring at my ring like that?” And was the first one to ask the question instead.
He frowns and asks back, “Why did you take it off?’
You sigh heavily and rub your forehead, closing your eyes in frustration, “I’m not in the mood to argue with you again, Cyno. Can you just… give me my ring back? Please?”
Upon sensing your emotions and realizing the situation he wordlessly went and followed what you said, only to take your hand and carefully slide the ring on one of your fingers, feeling the sense of contentment wash through his chest.
You wanted to stay angry at him for not even perceiving his mistake, but the gentle rub of his thumb on your hand made you want to forget it and let it die down…
For now.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
AYATO was reminded of his oath, the same oath he had declared to you once he had first slipped the ring on your finger.
But seeing you remove it on your own accord made him feel a pang on his chest, almost akin to the one he felt when he first received news of his mother’s death, of his father’s… and now…
He remained silent and for a rare time in his life, he stopped to contemplate. He had always been known for having the mind to make quick but efficient plans, reasons, and words that would not only be able to hide his true intentions but also to force out someone else’s. Being on edge is nothing new to him. Even this relationship was something he had to fight for and survived with his rational mind.
And now, everything crumbles and thaws like thin ice, forcing him in the cold water that he has always been accustomed to but never fully got to soak in. The truth of the inevitable.
Maybe soulmates really were something only her mother and father could have.
Because even if he found you, he couldn’t even make a way to keep you and his oath to you.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
ALHAITHAM didn’t care about rings at all, not until he had met you and felt the significance of such a thing.
And so, when he saw the ring out of your finger—the same ring that he bought for a ton of Mora that he could have invested on something else but since it was something that your eyes laid upon and brightened over its sight, he still bought it—he knew something had gone wrong.
“Y/n- Sweetheart… let’s talk about this first.”
Of course, he was also thinking about the Mora he spent—only a little… but he also worried what could’ve made oyu possibly react in such a way?
Or is he just… insensitive like you had said? Insensitive enough he could figure out a lot of things but couldn’t figure you out.
Your uniqueness is indeed one of your charms—and his very weakness.
“We shouldn’t break up over this, Y/n-“
“Who said I was breaking up with you?” You bite back, despite accepting the gentle hold of his hand on your wrist.
“Your ring… Why did you- Oh.” He stares dumbfoundead when you began to wipe the band with your clothes and proceed to slip it back.
“What? I wiped it off because I washed my hand.”
“I… I see.” He clears his throat, looking away.
Right. His weakness indeed.
┌───────── ·  ·  ·  · ꒰⚘݄꒱₊
ALBEDO would not be as much affected. Of course, he did notice how you took it off and placed it on his laboratory table, before walking off completely. Notice the way your eyes watered and your teeth biting your lower lip in frustration, your heavy breathing and your stifled cries.
He saw them all.
The ring was customary, he had heard it from his colleagues, and indeed, you deserved one—you deserve the best, and he proceeded to give it to you.
But the sight of the ring alone made him realize just how much he had been swallowed by greed. Far too greedy to give you a ring and continue to break his promise nonetheless. Hurting you without meaning to and trapping you in a relationship made of the wholehearted love you give him and the pieces that he decides to give you in return.
ALBEDO wasn’t affected by the ring.
But it did make him realize how much he had affected you.
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Reblogs and comments are very appreciated~
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moraxsthrone · 1 year
ft. diluc, itto, kaeya, thoma, zhongli (x f!reader)
warnings: nsfw. mdni. somnophilia (itto, zhongli). mention: piss (thoma).
⋆。°✩ DILUC —
rouses you with sweet, loving kisses on your shoulder. your eyes are still closed when a sleepy smile spreads across your face. you stretch, looping your arm around the back of diluc's neck, his soft, crimson hair tickling your sensitive skin. he traces his fingers down along the inside of your arm towards your chest, making you giggle with his titillating touch. you can hear his smirk when he hums next to your ear, his voice deep and heavy with the weight of sleep. "good morning, beautiful," he drawls. "mm~good morning, my love," you reply. his wandering hand reaches your breast, earning himself one of your sighs when your nipple is carded between his calloused fingers, gently squeezing your soft flesh. he moves to roll you onto your back as he lowers himself between your legs, taking your other nipple inside his scorching mouth before leaving a trail of kisses along your naked belly. you relax, your eyes sliding closed and your pretty fingers finding purchase in his messy hair as he blazes a path all the way down to your core. he kisses his way around your dewy lips before teasing your clit with kitten licks. your fingers curl in his wild mane when his dainty tongue strokes quicken, flicking with increasing fury as he begins to drag his leaking cock against the sheets beneath him, staining them with his precum.
⋆。°✩ ITTO —
you awake to the unmistakable poke of your beloved oni's morning wood against your naked thigh. your head is on his barrel of a chest, your leg propped over his. he doesn't even know though bc he's still out cold. some of his cum is still leaking out of you from a few hours ago, but with the way he turns you out, you're ready for more. he's a hard sleeper though. you know the traditional methods of trying to wake someone up are not going to work with him, but you go through the motions anyway just so you can say you did. dragging your fingers up and down his huge arm, running your fingers through his thick, white hair, kissing his sexy neck, squeezing his horns, whispering sugary sweet and naughty things in his ear...nothing works. it's time to get creative. you know how much he loves it when you sit on his face so you get to your knees and position your thighs on either side of his head. you dip your finger inside your wet pussy and smear your slick on his lips. finally he grunts and you have to fight back the laughter when he starts sniffing the air. "itto?" he hums, but doesn't open his eyes. "itto, baby..." you coo, "i brought you breakfast in bed." after a dramatic yawn, he takes a deep breath through his nose again, smiles, and in his deep morning voice he says, "mmm...smells delicious, babe." he wraps his big hands around your thighs and pulls them further apart for him. "i'm fucking famished," he growls, latching onto your clit. soon his hands are cupping your ass cheeks, guiding you back and forth, making you ride his face, his tongue deep inside your cunt as his nose nudges your tight bundle of nerves, wearing you down like a feed bag. he's a sloppy eater but you're not complaining. the way he opens his mouth wide and sucks your whole pussy while dipping his tongue into your semen-flavored hole has your eyes crossing.
⋆。°✩ KAEYA —
our cryo casanova is a goddamn superfreak. you're both still hazy with sleep when he gets on his knees behind you. he hooks his hands around your hips and pulls your ass up in the air until you're presenting for him. your arms are still hugging the pillow that your head rests on as he leans over your body, his arms caging you in from above when you feel his hard cock slap your clit a few times. "keep your ass in the air for me, lover." his sultry voice has an edge to it that you'll only hear right after he's risen, and it goes straight to your needy core. "i wanna taste you before i ruin you for the day." you shiver as his cool lips travel down your spine. he massages your soft ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading them, forcing them apart to expose your winking pussy. "kaeya...baby..." you're pushing your ass higher into the air, back arching, hips rocking, practically begging to feel his tongue, his lips, his anything. finally, you feel the tickle of his hair on your skin, then the merciful drag of his tongue over your dripping slit. you moan loudly into your pillow, gritting your teeth as kaeya flicks his silver tongue over your pink bud a few times before sucking it in hard, pulsing his tongue against it like he's trying to drink you down to the last drop. but he settles for just a taste before he's back on his knees, straddling the backs of your thighs to sink his purple, weeping tip inside you.
⋆。°✩ THOMA —
THIS SWEET BOI IS A PLEASURE DOM FIGHT ME. you basically wake up making out with this boy. one of your hands is playing with his dark pink nipple while the other is wrapped around his pretty cock, stroking him slowly against your precum-coated thigh. he hasn't even taken his morning piss yet when you start to lower yourself to taste the sticky, salty essence of his cock. but this pyro-wielding waifu stops you, kisses you, his hand framing your ear before gently pushing you back down on the bed. "let me take care of you first, milady..." you're so weak for this precious pussy-pleasing boy you go along with every word he says. "your pussy always tastes so good in the morning..." the word pussy sounds naughtier when it rides on thoma's sweet, innocent morning voice. his fingers drag their way along the column of your neck, down between your cleavage, all the way to your pretty kitty where he spreads your pink petals apart. his soft lips ghost over your hard pearl, your back arching off the bed when you grab a fistful of his blond hair, feeling his hot breath when he whimpers quietly against your clit.
⋆。°✩ ZHONGLI —
almost always wakes before you. this morning is no exception. his erection is full, tenting his silk pajama pants as he pulls up behind you. he doesn't want to disturb your slumber; he knows how tired you've been lately what with planning the wedding and all. by the same token, however, he can smell your sex. you must be ovulating, he correctly deduces. your earthy scent is so full-bodied he can taste it on the back of his tongue and my me, he thinks, is it delectable. before he's even decided what to do, his hand moves on its own. he slips his golden hand beneath the thin waistband of your undergarments, dipping his graceful middle finger between your moist folds. you shift a little, but he removes his hand, bringing it to his mouth to taste you. he wraps his lips around his finger and sucks, tongue swirling around his digit to collect as much of your flavor as he can. warm precum leaks from his cock as he moans lowly around his own finger. it nearly drives him to madness and he can't help himself. well, he could, but he's willing to suffer the consequences in exchange for devouring the delicacy that's hiding between your legs. your eyes flutter open to find yourself on your back, your legs spread, zhongli's hair tickling your inner thighs and his long, radiant fingers curling inside you, glowing and fucking your gushy walls as amber eyes burn into yours through his long bangs. his flattened tongue drags over your swollen clit in quick pulses while he basks in your sobs of just how good he feels to you. "fuck, zhongli~~hmnn~~yeah, eat my pussy just like that..." girl, when the geo daddy moans with a mouthful of your pussy, the vibration of his deep voice on your clit hits the richter scale and you come crumbling into his hot mouth.
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i hope you found this as "inspirational" to read as i did to write. i give kitheth to 18+ rebloggers and commenters and followers and likers and readers who otherwise enjoy my naughty musings. mwah!
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serpent-benediction · 5 months
[TW: SAGAU Imposter stuff, death, some detailed descriptions of wounds and stuff. Don’t expect anything amazing].
Some would call this development a cliché of sorts, wrapped in the illusion of perfection. You knew better than to allow yourself respite in the face of trickery.
Chains and ropes entangled and dug into your limbs, keeping you stationary under the gaze of thousands of people. A majority of them were unknowns - real somehow, but never essential to your eyes. Blanks with no sense of self before you got here.
Other than the ‘NPC’s’ ; numerous vision holders from across the continents were here to witness this display.
The more prominent members of the Knights of Favonius were present, alongside the Adepti watching from the sidelines. Itto’s Gang were barely spotted from your position,
Roaring cheers echoed from every side, like waves crashing against a sea. Drowning. Even like this, you couldn’t gather the will to make out words as your body was dragged down dirt and concrete, scraping skin against the ground. The pain was numb, though perhaps that could be attributed to the amount of drugs they put into you — or the blood you’ve lost on the way here.
An abrupt stop forces your head upwards to finally observe where they’re taking you - and the sight is not pretty. A statue of gold wearing your face stretches into the sky ; a teasing reminder that this world was made for you.
Venti and Zhongli stayed within the confines of the crowd, keeping their identities hidden whilst the puppet Ei stood ahead, her signature blade at the ready. . . That costed a pretty penny out of your pocket.
“Do you have any words you’d like to say in your final moments, Imposter? Perhaps our Lord will take mercy upon you.” The nobody that was dragging you eventually speaks up. A Millelith member - Yan-something.
Venom seeped throughout every word spoken, only being comparable to the poison-tipped arrows that nearly nicked your skin on numerous occasions. If you were younger, more naive, you’d answer with pleas for your life - begging for forgiveness or some half-assed mercy.
The current you knew why this was happening. It was like a bad joke, akin to all those ‘self-aware’ stories you had the ‘pleasure’ of reading all those years ago.
Years in this hellhole. The memories of your first day here were engrained in your mind and the reason you survived this long. Suspicion was your ally in the first weeks, allowing your continued survival up until now.
Until you got sloppy. Careless. Attached.
An attempt at gaining a friend unfettered by deceit. A slow and gradual process at first, but the results were expected. Betrayal in the middle of the night, after months of back and forth, between moments of care and affection - only to have it ripped away. Perhaps you should have stayed in Snezhnaya. At least the Fatui were direct in what they were doing, and Childe was a good friend before. . . all of this.
You held valid, human emotions, but they treated you like an animal. Your rights were stripped in an instant, and you were forced into a cage - trapped amongst the worst dredges of society for what seemed like an eternity. Food was scarce, water even more, and the punishments. . .
Even if you survived, the scars would never fade. Flesh torn asunder with blades and scalpels, subjected to inhumane torture as they froze, electrocuted and burnt skin away ; red blood adorning the walls in a sickening mockery of your false form. The healing afterwards was just a formality, just so you wouldn’t die in their ‘humble care’.
You held the same face as their beloved idol, the being of all their affections and worship, yet they couldn’t handle the fact that your blood wasn’t a precious golden. Truly ridiculous to have the next best thing, but treat it like a third-rate gift, no?
“You and your… God, can go fuck themselves.” Vulgarity came easily, and sarcasm came next. You had no love for these… false people. They weren’t real. This was all a mere dream, or perhaps a coma, or maybe even the dying remnants of your brain already coming to an end.
Pain enveloped your face in an instant ; blood immediately trickling from the newfound wound. It wasn’t a crushed nose this time around, but it still fucking hurt.
“Don’t ever disrespect The Creator!”
How ridiculous. Aren’t you supposed to be ‘God’ here? Where’s Nahida? Where’s Xiao? Where’s the plot point in where you’re safe and sound with unbearable, psychological trauma?
Where’s your savior?
Was. . . was this really it? Years of your life wasted, struggling to survive in this backwater hellhole? You forced yourself to change just to fit in with the rest of these… people. You didn’t have a vision or some godly set of skills honed by A Player — you were normal.
What a damn joke.
— More of your crimson blood splattered against the ground as you were forced before the Shogun ; her outside face neutral, though you could sense that she was seething on the inside. A useless puppet through and through.
“For your transgressions against The Creator for daring to masquerade as them, I hereby sentence you to death.” — She didn’t even offer you a moment to say a final word. Tsk. Worthless bastard.
“KILL THEM! KILL THEM! KILL THEM! KILL THE IMPOSTER!” The chants roared louder and louder.
. . . But, you weren’t going to grant them the satisfaction of begging. You were scared, deathly so, but maybe release wouldn’t be that bad. . .
“When I get down to the abyss, hell, or whatever it’s called. . . I’ll make sure I give Makoto my thanks for being such a shitty sister.”
A singular movement, and everything shifted.
The sensation of having your head severed from your body ended quickly ; the disconnection of your brain from your spine bringing your story to a close. In the last, fickle moments before inevitability kicked in - only then did you notice the anger and sadness on Ei’s face.
It was. . . beautiful to see her cry.
. . . Perhaps they’d wonder why you died with a smile on your face. Perhaps they’d discover you were their God after your demise, grieving over your body with the fervor that only a cult could do.
Or maybe you were never special. A nobody like the NPC’s who happily spat and kicked you when you were down, insulting you with no end in sight.
Was this real—
You’re awoken to another cold breeze ; akin to the first time you’ve had the displeasure of arising here.
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thatdeadaquarius · 7 months
PowerPoint night with the genshin cast ✨
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You introduce the wonderful concept of powerpoints, then a powerpoint night and you should expect absolute chaos
Mondstadt over here like,
"Why I Deserve Wine:
I am a god
I am YOUR god, give me offerings duh
(insert conclusion here)"
by Venti, he didn't even both filling out some slides, and they're all just plain text with maybe a nice selfie of himself on the first slide lmao
or better yet, Creator!You version:
"An Explanation of Why the One Above Us All Would Enjoy Living in Liyue During Their Stay Here" by Zhongli, which takes approx. 4+ hours to get thru, and its his case for why u should stay in Liyue Harbor - half the ppl there are actually paying attention and the other half are fast asleep (u included)
Meanwhile Yae Miko trying to stir the pot like, "Which Vision-User, God, or Nation is Our Ruler's Favorite" 💀
Also another presentation that would make several ppl give response presentations and it just becomes: HER SISTER WAS A WITCH BRO = THE CREATOR LIKES SUMERU MORE BRO
CRYING- people like Zhongli, Albedo, Alhaitham, Xingqiu, Neuvillette, Xiao, Sucrose, Jean, Ei/Raiden Shogun, Faruzan all misunderstanding and thinking u actually want a real presentation from them 😭😭
ngl all the Sumeru/Akademiya/Fontaine characters have probably gotten somewhat close to doing some kind of equivalent to this, mostly bc ppl will debate abt the stupidest stuff over there so they get it, wonder if they made drinking games out of it lol
(first question from Sumeru characters is "what is powerpoint night, and why has Alhaitham probably already won it")
pls im so braindead rn there are ENDLESS possibilities for this, if anyone has more I am LISTENING!!!
Safe Travel 0rah,
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mtchee · 3 months
An Honour to be in a Harem!? - [Genshin Impact SAGAU] | MDNI | GN AFAB 18+
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The concept of all these gorgeous people bowing before you is hard to grasp, but it's even worse to think that they'd actually offer themselves to you as a love interest. So obviously, you brush them off and decline, retorting that just because you're their supposed Creator doesn't mean they should feel as though they had to subject themselves to your unwanted affection. After all, who were you really, to compare to them? Unfortunately (or fortunately, actually) they seem quite boggled at your output. Ah! It all makes sense now! Their dearly Beloved is the shy type! Worry not, your Grace! Your dearest acolytes are more than happy to bask in any sort of attention you decide to share! Rest assured, they'll take care of all your needs~
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, kind of a sequel?, afab bodied, you are dearly beloved and longed for <3, realistically if this happened i would rather die of a heart attack, lots of love and affection!!, mdni, spicy content, swearing, smut, overstim, manhandling, voyeurism, squirting, fingering, cunnilingus, sub [name], use of terms cunny cunt pussy tit breasts, help i'm embarassed i wrote this omfg who am i, would u believe me if i said this is my first smut
| masterlist | genshin impact collection |
< prev. - amab! ver. - next. > [afab] [amab]
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What is this bullshit.
You can't help but just blink at the Archon knelt at your feet, his head bowed low. When you emit a shocked squeak he looks up at you, amber eyes latching onto your flustered expression.
Your gaze darts around the few others surrounding your throne--you only really sit in it when the people of teyvat line up for personal prayers and blessings, or when someone tells you to. Otherwise, you avoid sitting in it.
Venti, Ei, Al-haitham, Ayato, Ningguang, Jean, Furina, Neuvillette, and Tartaglia stand past Zhongli who is knelt before you.
You force a polite smile and let out a nervous laugh, "Aha, um... d-dont.. you don't have to do that. Really."
"Do not misunderstand, Beloved," The geo Archon stands to his full height, and you feel small despite the grandness of your seat, "it truly would be my--our, utmost honour." He places a hand over his heart and bows lowly by the waist. The others follow in tandem, and you panic.
"No! Really," Although all your fanfic dreams were coming true, knowing that these are now very much real people and not just characters put you on edge. They all have their own lives to live, their own goals and ambitions, likes and dislikes, preferences and attractions that you certainly didn't and never would attain.
At first, the idea is flustering and the offer makes you feel giddy, but looking into it, you feel bad. They see you as their All-Maker, who are you to make them miserable?
"You don't need to do that. I-I know there's that rumour going around, but really, I'm fine by myself."
"Your Grace," Ei steps forwards with a tiny furrow in her thin brows, "please, it would be our honour--"
"You know what would really be an honour," Your heart stings slightly, but you straighten up on your throne and give your audience a reassuring smile, "is if you went out on your own to seek who you actually love, to find a partner you'll be happy to spend your time with--to love on your own accord. That, would be an honour, I'd say."
You're not oblivious to how everyone reels back at your words, a mixture of shock, fear, and disbelief covering their features sported by prominent frowns.
Al-haitham is the one to break the tense silence that freezes the room.
"Beloved," His eyes flicker over you, thought and theories wiring around his ever working mind, "are we unsatisfactory?"
You blanch, "Gah! No! Oh my--it's nothing like that!" You can't help but feel flushed under the intensity of their eyes.
"It's just, you need to not see me as a duty."
You address them calmly, forcing your fluttering feelings down to school your face passively.
"You need to focus on yourselves, and your own lives. I'm not here to come between that."
Their silent stares are unnerving, and Venti and Furina share a look with hidden smiles while Jean steps forward with a respecful bow.
"Of course, your Grace."
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Embarassed tears sting your eyeline while you hold your breath, desperately trying to get ahold of yourself.
Plap! Plap! Plap!
Your pretty eyes roll to the back of your head and a loud moan is forced out of you each time Ayato's fat cock plunges in and out of your sloppy cunt.
He sits leant against the finest silken pillows with your naked back pressed against his bare, toned chest, an arm wrapped securely around your waist while the other sweetly fondles with one of your spit laden breasts.
Thoma lay stomach down on the soft doona, face buried dutifully between your quivering thighs which he holds apart with surprising strength. He tongues at your swollen clit fervently, and you cry out in humiliation when your slick gushes from your slit and onto the expensive fabric below.
"G-nngh!" You clench your eyes shut at the embarassingly loud noise of skin slapping against skin and the lewd sucks of Thoma's mouth and the squelching of your pussy, "a-ah..! Ah! Ah!"
The Kamisato Commisioner lets out a low moan by your ear, feeling your hot and gummy walls squeeze down on his cock deliciously.
"Remember-- hng! R-Remember to breathe, my beloved."
He gently squishes the enticing softness of your tit, bucking up into you abruptly when you let out a squeal as he pinches your nipple.
"M-Mm~ my dearest," Thoma moans onto your slickened pearl, and you just about explode at the burst of electric pleasure that shoots up your spine, "you taste.. divine..~!"
Your heart thrums at the messy sight of him, his lips, chin and cheeks covered in your honey thick slick with half lidded eyes locked onto your expressions. You let out a needy moan when you notice him desperately grinding his naked hips into the bedding for release.
A now all too familiar searing pleasure suddenly coils in the utmost depth of your body, and you scream at the sheer ferocity of it.
"C-Can't! I can't!"
You buck your hips away from Ayato's throbbing length and bump into Thoma's chin, but they only follow you--the commisioner's arm moving from your waist to your hips, locking you in place while Thoma's grip moves from your thighs to the underside of your knees, opening you up and forcibly holding you still.
You dig your nails into Ayato's arm, your other hand fruitlessly shoving at the housekeeper's head to push him away.
The pleasure becomes piercing, and you choke on a sob as your gushing cunny just goes squelch, squelch, squelch with every thrust you have to take. His cock feels so dangerously good, and you fear your clit might bleed from its continuous onslaught of pleasure.
Thoma's tongue licks at the opening of your slit and the base of his lord's cock, and Ayato curses lowly, his grip tightening.
You feel something thick and heavy and hot spurt inside you, though the pounding doesn't let up and the near painful coil violently pops inside you, and you shriek in tandem with the burst of watery clear fluid that squirts from your throbbing cunny.
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Your face burns hot with humiliation, and you can only muffle your embarassed moans into the fabric of the couch.
Naked and vulnerable, you're bent ass up and face down over Al-haitham's lap with his dominant hand knuckle deep in your wet pussy.
Maybe, just maybe you might've been able to handle this amicably, but not with Kaveh walking in and berating the Akademia Scribe turned Grand Sage on his pleasure skills.
With your ass held high and knees spread, your leaking cunt is on display for the genius architect while his roommate fingers you ruthlessly, constantly prodding and rubbing that special squishy spot inside you that renders you immobile.
"H-Hah.. mmngh! Ah..."
You can do nothing but take it and drool on the couch while they squabble above you as though you're not there.
"--Y-You brute! That's our beloved and you're treating them like that!?"
"I'd say our Creator quite likes it."
You stifle a screech when Al-haitham takes his other hand and spreads your ass open to prove his argument to Kaveh.
"See?" He takes out his fingers and spreads them apart, watching your hot slick string apart, "and here too." You sob loudly as he gently prods your pussy lips apart to stare down your red, throbbing clit.
Kaveh's face flushes at the lewd display, and he gulps while setting his suitcase down off to the side before approaching.
"[name] has cum thrice already."
Kaveh's brow twitches, "Were you not going to clean them up?!"
Al-haitham huffs indifferently despite the miniscule tint of pink arousal across his cheeks, "I'll leave that to you."
The blond hmphs at him before cooing at you softly, praising you with your title and demeanour.
"Our beloved," He caresses your back, and you shiver pleasantly at the tingle it stimulates, "you've been so good, haven't you? Done so well..."
He hushes you gently as he moves closer behind you, kneeling at the couch's edge, face level with your puffy cunny. Al-haitham remains quiet this time around, his non-slick covered hand patting your head lovingly.
"It's okay~ I'll take good care of you now, I'll clean you up all nice, alright?"
You only whine when he sinks his tongue into your pussy, lapping up your spilled juices and nipping at your reddened bud. Your body trembles with an absentminded moan when he sucks on your sore little clit, and he emits a noise of suprise as a new abundance of syrup leaks from your opening.
Al-haitham quirks up a brow, "Four times, now."
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"Mercy! M-Mercy..!" You cry out.
"Oh," Lisa tuts demeaningly, "no, no, no dear one~ You see, you didn't quite seem to believe our intentions true when we offered ourselves to you. So it only seems right that we prove it, yes?"
You can't squirm away from Eula's mouth, her strength baffling as she keeps you stood still against the Grand Master's desk with ease. Amber mouths at the mounds of your breasts, obessed with how soft the fat of them are.
You whimper loudly when Eula curls her two fingers into your front wall, clenching down on her and nearly screaming when she thrusts them into you punishingly.
Jean can't help but watch in stunned silence of you, your voice and body ethereal. She can't wait to get a taste of her own as you shudder and gasp.
It was bad enough when Venti had his way with you earlier under Vanessa's tree, simultaneously teasing you and giving you everything you wanted.
He ran his mouth with words that were both endearingly sweet and pure debauchery, controlling the winds to graze at your hardened nipples with ghost like touches that left you spasming and breathless.
He'd shown you his choice of belonging to you through the intimate thrusts of his hips and sloppy, loving kisses across your body--he'd then guided you back to the gates of Mondstadt with the help of the wind to keep you balanced.
You cry when a thin zap of purple shocks your pulsing clit, cumming instantly while Eula's tongue soothes over it with the help of her cryo ability. Your lewd honey drips down your leg and onto the floor, and the blue haired girl sneers at the waste of it.
A whimper escapes you when Amber nips at your soft tit a little too harshly, and she murmurs a timid apology, looking up at you reverently before continuing.
"P-Please..!" You hate how they've all been able to make you cry with pleasure, as though they always knew just what they were doing to you, "it..-it hurts now..! A-Aaahhh..."
You let out a long, breathy whine as you cum again, tears steaming down your cheeks as the gentle wave of bliss washes over you. You almost miss Acting Grand Master Jean calling for someone to enter after a knock on the door.
Humiliation of your state causes you to flush and shut your teary eyes as Kaeya walks in, gaze latching onto you immediately.
He closes the door behind him, humming lowly at the sight.
His eye glints in dirty interest, a grin creeping up his lips at the sound of your whimpers and sloppy cunt.
"Oh? It's our turn already?"
"Kaeya! You're just in time," Lisa grins mischieviously, "I believe our dearly beloved is ready for something... thicker, now." She smiles as though her filthy implication were a casual statement of time.
You hate being the centre of attention, but fuck does it feel good. You hate feeling so vulnerable, but good god do they take care of you.
Maybe, just maybe you could allow yourself to indulge in their affections...
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Hate. You hate, hate, hate, hate hate it.
You whimper quietly, head bowed to hide your face from the prying eyes of the others seated around you.
You're back in the lands of Inazuma, in the very same place you were last time the picnic was set up. It was much more lavish this time around, based in the early evening with a gorgeous ocean view, lights strung up in the trees and scattered atop a few stable rocks.
The blankets laid down were much thicker this time, and the pillows larger and fluffier. The sunset paints the horizon gold and pink which fades into a rich purple and, eventually, the glimmering darkness of night.
You sit in Zhongli's lap, a spare blanket covering your bare lower half as you squirm on his throbbing cock. You could feel his other drooling pre-cum against your lower back.
The others had been coaxing you to eat your share of the platter, Navia and Wriothesly feeding you small portions since you were too shy to do so yourself.
Though ashamed and bashful, you can't help but clench and throb, and you fluster when Zhongli lets out a small groan from behind you.
Navia places a comforting hand on your covered knee.
"Beloved Creator, are you alright?" Her voice is soft, loving.
You swallow sharply, shoulders hunched and tense nervously from those watching.
"Your Grace?" You glance over at Diluc who huffs with a small blush of his own, "we'll take care of you."
Your cunt throbs, and Zhongli thrusts into you.
You yelp at the sudden motion, straightening up instinctively to balance yourself only for your most devoted to thrust into you again, and again, and again. His arm wraps around your waist to keep you seated, and the blanket slowly slips from your lap from the movement.
"A-Ah! Zhon--aahhh!"
Squelch, plap, slap, his fat cock hits the textured roof of your squishy insides and sends an overwhelming shock of pleasure through you. Throwing your head back with a lewd moan, both your embarassment and arousal increase tenfold at the sight of your most shameless worshippers touching themselves at the sight of you.
Others swallow roughly, barely holding themselves back with a single thread of dignity. Those of them watch with eyes that burn your body into memory, and the intensity both frightens and arouses you.
The better of them murmur and coo praises at you, causing your stomach to flutter and your pussy to gush.
You pant loudly when Ayato softly intructs you to breathe, and you squeal when Tartaglia reachs out to play with your pretty clit while rubbing his neglected cock.
"Pl..ease..! Hah..!"
You feel a pair of lips on your neck and whine, whimpering shamefully when Neuvillette starts whispering sweet praise into your ear, sucking on your skin softly. You white knuckle the thick blanket by your forcefully opened legs and clench your eyes shut in humiliation.
Your cunny starts to tingle with sparks of pleasure that strike your overstimulated bundle of nerves, and you flush at the feeling of your sex juices trailing from your slit to your ass, soiling Zhongli's clothed lap and the pillows and fabric below.
"Hng! Cumming! AH!" You shriek, thrashing in their hold, "c-cumming! H-Help, 'm cumming-- oohhh~ Ohh~"
That weird prickly feeling coils in your tummy again, and you let out a lewd and bratty whine when they don't let up on their touching.
"S-Slow! PLEASE! F-Fuck! Feels funn-y~!"
When you slap at Childe's hand, your own are quickly restrained by Kazuha who simply smiles with red cheeks and mutters to you flowery reassurances.
The sound of your pussy is loud, it's noisy, and filthy. You emit a desperate, pleading wail, not knowing if your subconscious is trying to beg them to stop or to stay.
Saliva pools in your mouth then begins to hang open as your starry eyes roll into the back of your head, chest heaving.
Your thighs tremble and your fingers twitch--Kazuha intertwines them with his own, and you lock onto the comforting hold.
"G-Good!" You can't stop yourself from babbling, "m-makes me feel soOo goood~!"
"Oh, sweet one~" Yae Miko giggles.
"You understand that we choose you now, yes?" Ningguang hums with a teasing quip. Her eyes torn between your adorably lewd features and your swollen, glistening cunt.
"Relax, beloved. It's only us, your most faithful~"
"Mm, don't hold back, dearest."
"Can you moan for us, beloved? You sound just delicious when you moan!"
"Are you gonna cum for us?"
"It's not fair how they got a taste of you first~!"
"Hng..! A-ah, hah!"
"Oh-oh! Beloved, calm down, you're alright. Just let it happen.."
"Do you feel good, your Grace?"
"--c-cumming- cumming! Cumming..!"
A white hot blaze of heat crashes over you, and your ears ring as your body trembles in utter bliss. Your slick pussy squeezes and gushes with your lewd honey, and as your abused little pearl sears with an almost painful pleasure, your body squirts out your most powerful orgasm that soaks the blankets and the people surrounding.
Pleasure caused tears leave hot stains on your face, and your head lulls to the side tiredly. Your chest heaves for breath as you come down from your high, and it takes a few moments before the ringing finally stops and you can hear again.
Doting whispers and coos are the first thing you process, followed by something thick and hot leaking out of your stretched and now empty hole.
A hand caresses your head as many others touch on you innocently, checking in on you and taking care of you.
Someone holds a glass to your lips, and someone else helps you lean forwards to sip.
You startle at the feeling of a soft mouth coming to gingerly lick and suck at your sore pussy, and you let out a delirious whine.
Another acolyte hushes you gently, kissing you softly before another joins in peppering kisses all over your tired face to distract you from the one cleaning you up between your legs.
You still feel light headed from the embarassment of it all, but you've latched onto the pleasant tingling you feel when they look at you so adoringly--more lovingly than just in reverence.
No, actually.
You don't hate this at all.
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nihilityuniverse · 2 months
𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 | 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐱 𝐅𝐄𝐌! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘁 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿 ᴏꜰ ᴛᴇʏᴠᴀᴛ 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗕𝗼𝘀𝘀.
Story inspired by Acheron's Lore, Power, and Personality...
ENG is not my First language
I do not own Genshin Impact or any of the pictures used.
This story is also available on Wattpad: Chapter 0 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Do NOT Repost
Chapter 0 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑
𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐔𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚
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"Long ago, in the timeless realm of Liyue, there was a story of love and envy, a tale that has been passed down through the ages. It speaks of Morax, our Geo Archon; Guizhong, the gentle and wise goddess; and a woman of unparalleled beauty and mystery, known to all as the Unknown Beautiful Lady.
The Beautiful Lady was a vision of grace and charm, her presence as enchanting as a moonlit night. Her beauty and elegance captivated even the gods. Morax, our protector, and Guizhong, the embodiment of wisdom, both adored her deeply. Their love formed a harmonious bond, unbreakable and pure.
Yet, this divine trio's tranquility was threatened by Osial, the formidable sea lord. Osial, consumed by envy, coveted the love and devotion that Morax received from his two beloveds. His heart twisted by jealousy, he sought to disrupt their happiness and claim their affections for himself.
Osial's envy grew into a dark cloud of deceit. He whispered malicious lies, hoping to fracture the trust and love between Morax, Guizhong, and the Beautiful Lady. But their bond was resilient, withstanding his insidious attempts to sow discord.
Frustrated by his failure, Osial confronted Morax directly. The confrontation was a cataclysmic clash of divine forces, their battle shaking the very heavens and earth. Osial, driven by his green-eyed fury, accused Morax of hoarding the love of the Unknown Lady and Guizhong, proclaiming that such affection should belong to him.
Morax, steadfast and noble, stood his ground. He fought not only with the strength of a god but with the fierce love he held for the Beautiful Lady and Guizhong. The battle raged on, a testament to the destructive power of jealousy and the indomitable strength of true love. Ultimately, Morax sealed Osial away, imprisoning him in the depths of the ocean to safeguard Liyue and his cherished ones.
And so, dear listeners, this legend became a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and the perils of envy. The Beautiful Lady's ethereal beauty and mystery, Guizhong's enduring loyalty and wisdom, and Morax's unwavering strength and love form the heart of this timeless tale.
As we gather here tonight, let us remember the lessons of this story. Love is a powerful force, capable of withstanding the darkest storms, while envy and deceit can lead to ruin and despair."
Striking amber-colored eyes with yellow, diamond-shaped pupils intently listened to the old tale spun by the Storyteller. Despite the early morning rain, the hustle and bustle were nothing extraordinary for the residents of Liyue. 
The storyteller's corner was fully packed, with people eager to hear the old legend. His smooth lips touched the rim of a heated cup, and as he took a sip, the flavorful liquid danced on his tongue. A relaxed hum escaped his lips, expressing his delight at the tea's rich taste.
"Woah, the story was awesome!" Paimon exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "What did you think, Aether?"
Aether nodded thoughtfully, "Interesting, at least," he said, taking a sip from his own cup. He then turned his gaze to the handsome gentleman known as Zhongli. "But did it really happen, or is it just a tale?" Aether asked.
Zhongli only smiled and continued to drink his tea peacefully, the steam rising in delicate tendrils around his face.
"Hmpf, Zhongli! Please tell us!" Paimon demanded, her feet kicking the air in impatience. "At least the name of the beautiful woman!" She flew closer to Zhongli and whispered eagerly.
"Oh, are you truly so eager to hear?" Zhongli responded with a smile. "I thought you might find the old tale boring, considering you both seemed to daze off from time to time."
The rain continued to patter softly against the cobblestones, mingling with the distant sounds of morning vendors setting up their stalls. The air was thick with the scent of rain and the subtle aroma of tea leaves.
Paimon pouted, "We were just... uhh... absorbing the atmosphere!"
Zhongli chuckled softly. "Very well. The tale, as with many old stories, contains elements of truth and myth. The beautiful woman in the story... well, she was indeed real."
"Can you tell us more about her?" Paimon asked, her curiosity beaming.
Zhongli's gaze wandered to the rain, and a genuine yet bittersweet smile appeared on his lips. "She liked the rain a lot. Her voice, soft yet light as silk, would always say..."
- "As the raindrops tumble, their pitter-patter on my umbrella whispers gently to me. I somehow find brief serenity in these moments." -
He recalled her standing in the rain, holding her crimson red paper umbrella.
The raindrops danced on its surface as she extended her hand towards the falling droplets. She slightly turned around to face Zhongli, her peachy lips painted the same color as her umbrella. Her face was half obscured by the umbrella, yet her words resonated clearly.
The memory of her was vivid in his mind, a moment untouched by the erosion that slowly devoured his old memories.
"Y/N... That is her name," Zhongli mumbled, rolling her name off his tongue as his gaze remained fixed on the rain and the passing people.
Paimon and Aether exchanged glances, their faces reflecting a shared sadness as they saw their friend's distant expression.
The early morning rain continued to fall, creating a soft, soothing melody against the cobblestones. Lanterns hanging from shop eaves and street corners swayed gently in the breeze, casting warm, golden light that danced with the raindrops.
The air was thick with the scent of wet earth and the subtle fragrance of tea leaves from the nearby stalls. The crowd had thinned, yet the lingering presence of Zhongli's story created a bubble of quiet reflection.
Aether took a sip of his tea, savoring the warmth that contrasted with the cool, damp air. "She sounds like she was very special to you," he said softly, his voice carrying a note of understanding.
"She was," Zhongli replied, his voice tinged with both reverence and sorrow. "Her presence brought a sense of tranquility that I have rarely found elsewhere. Even now, the rain reminds me of her."
Paimon hovered closer, her usually energetic demeanor softened by the weight of the moment. "Do you think we might ever meet her?" she asked, her voice hopeful yet gentle.
Zhongli's smile returned, though it was tinged with melancholy. "Perhaps. The world is vast, and fate has a curious way of weaving our paths together. Until then, let us cherish the memories and stories that keep her spirit alive."
The rain began to lighten, a delicate mist rising from the ground as the first rays of sunlight pierced through the clouds.
In this serene moment, a crimson red paper umbrella appeared amidst the bustling crowd. Its vibrant red hue pierced through the throng of people, a color deeply etched in Zhongli's memories.
His eyes widened in disbelief, and his cup slipped from his hand, shattering into tiny pieces on the cobblestones. Yet, the sound was lost to him. Everything became muted, his vision blurring as he saw that unmistakable red on her lips, her face.
He couldn't breathe. He couldn't move.
Was he hallucinating? Was the after-rain playing tricks on his mind? Was he daydreaming?
As the red paper umbrella grew smaller in the distance, Zhongli's heart pounded in his chest. Suddenly, he sprang to his feet, the wooden table toppling over in his haste. He didn't care. He moved forward, pushing through the crowd, chasing the umbrella as if his life depended on it.
The streets were alive with activity, the early morning hustle blending with the gentle patter of lingering raindrops. Lanterns swayed gently in the breeze, casting soft, golden hues on the wet cobblestones. The scent of rain mingled with the aroma of freshly brewed tea and street food, creating an intoxicating atmosphere. Yet, all of this was lost to Zhongli. His entire being focused solely on the crimson umbrella, a beacon in the sea of moving figures.
People turned, startled by his sudden urgency, but he paid them no mind. His breaths came in short, sharp gasps, his vision narrowing on the retreating figure. The vibrant red color seemed to taunt him, slipping further away with every passing second. His heart raced, a mixture of hope and desperation driving him forward.
Was it really her? Could it be? The questions swirled in his mind, but he had no time for answers. He needed to see her, to confirm what his heart yearned for. The crowd thickened, but he pushed on, weaving through the throng with a determination that bordered on madness.
Finally, as he reached the edge of the crowd, he saw the umbrella come to a stop. The figure holding it turned, and for a brief, heart-stopping moment, their eyes met.
The world around him seemed to freeze, the sounds fading into a distant murmur. It was her. The woman from his memories, the one he thought he had lost forever.
Tears welled in his eyes, and his breath hitched. He had found her. Or perhaps, she had found him. Either way, in that magical moment under the after-rain sky, surrounded by the vibrant life of the city, Zhongli felt a spark of hope reignite within him.
He had been given a second chance, and he wasn't going to let it slip away.
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You turned around to find out who was following you, and your eyes landed on a tall man with brown hair and striking amber-colored eyes. He seemed out of breath, as if he had been chasing you through the crowded streets.
You waited for a response from the stranger, but he kept staring at you, his gaze intense and unyielding. The crowd continued to pass by, casting curious glances in your direction.
"I'd be embarrassed too, getting stared at like that," you said, your voice breaking the trance he seemed to be in. Somehow, your words pulled him back to reality.
He skipped a beat as he heard your voice and stepped forward as if he were dreaming. "Y/N..." he muttered your name, and your eyes widened in shock.
Instinctively, you stepped back, your right hand drifting closer to your sheathed Divine Key.
"How do you know my name?" you demanded, narrowing your eyes.
A strange feeling gnawed at you, a sense that something bad had happened between you and this man. Yet, your memories of this place were fragmented, coming and going in a chaotic, disjointed order that left you feeling more confused and hurt rather than providing any answers.
You could feel in your bones that this man had inflicted great pain on you. There was something about him that screamed betrayal, something tied to Osial.
This man... this man... You gripped your scabbard tighter, ready to draw your weapon if necessary.
The air around you felt charged with tension. The gentle murmur of the crowd faded into the background, the world around you shrinking to just the two of you. The man took another hesitant step forward, his eyes filled with a mixture of longing and regret.
"Please," he began, his voice soft and laden with emotion. "It's me, Mo-"
"Step back," you commanded, your voice icy and cold. Zhongli halted, a shocked expression taking over his face. Different, hazy memories sprang into your mind wildly, flickering like a faulty lantern. The pieces of your past were still too fragmented, too muddled to make sense of.
"Zhongli!" A shrill voice called from behind, snapping you both out of the tense moment.
The tiny figure of Paimon floated closer, her curiosity evident. "Why were you running..." she trailed off as she felt the murderous and cold aura radiating from you. Aether, sensing the dangerous presence, quickly stepped in front of Paimon and Zhongli, his expression wary. Yet, you noticed how his legs were shaking with fear.
Neither you nor the group in front of you moved or made a sound. The bustling crowd around you seemed oblivious to the tension, continuing their day as if nothing were amiss.
You focused on Zhongli, the man whose name triggered such a whirlwind of emotions and memories within you. Your right hand still rested on your sheathed Divine Key, ready to strike at any moment.
"Zhongli," you repeated, tasting the name on your lips. "Why did you call me by that name?"
Zhongli took a cautious step forward, his gaze steady despite the coldness in your eyes. "Because that is your name, Y/N. We shared many moments together... drank tea with Guizhong... why can't you remember?"
Aether, still shielding Paimon, looked between you and Zhongli, clearly unsure of what to do. "Maybe we should all take a step back and talk this out," he suggested, his voice gentle but firm.
'Guizhong?' you questioned in your mind. The name felt familiar yet strange, as did Zhongli's face. It was as though you recognized him from a dream you could no longer fully remember.
The confusion was palpable, and your hand trembled slightly on the hilt of your sheathed Divine Key.
"I suggest you leave me be," you said, your voice barely above a whisper but carrying an undeniable force. Without waiting for an answer, you turned and walked away.
Zhongli watched you go, his expression a mixture of sorrow and determination. He took a step forward, but Aether halted him, shaking his head. "Give her some space," Aether advised softly. "She needs time to sort through this."
Zhongli nodded reluctantly, his eyes never leaving your retreating figure.
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Many papers lay scattered across the metallic table. Dottore leaned over, his crimson eyes scanning document after document, his hand pressed to his forehead in deep concentration.
This was unexplainable.
It didn't make sense.
Yet, he was certain his eyes and mind weren't deceiving him about what he had witnessed after the funeral.
He quickly fetched another sheet of paper and a pen, determined to capture every detail of his experience once more.
The moment Innamorati turned toward the frozen church, the falling snow had stopped, as if time itself had halted. Could she possess the ability to stop time? But why would she use it then? For what purpose? He recalled her muttering, 'Meaningless...'
Then, he heard the sound of shattering glass, and he perceived everything and nothing simultaneously. In that instant, he felt worthless, reduced to nothingness.
Dottore threw the pen away in frustration.
In that moment, he had felt a presence. A divine and pure presence, untouched by filth, yet sorrowful and sad. It was unmistakably the presence of the Divine Creator. Dottore was certain of it.
The Divine Creator had finally arrived.
His crimson eyes rested on a metallic black box, sealed with a highly complex mechanism. Only he knew of its existence; neither Pierro nor Her Majesty, the Tsaritsa, were aware of it.
Innamorati, the 0th Harbinger. She was the Divine Creator, Dottore was convinced. Nothing else could explain that unexplainable moment.
He walked towards the box and unlocked it. Inside, a glass tube filled with golden liquid sparkled under the lab lights.
This was the only solution to confirm his theory. One way or another, Dottore would get his answers. He could hardly wait for Innamorati to arrive at his lab.
As he gazed at the golden liquid, he felt a mixture of anticipation and reverence. This discovery could change everything. The Divine Creator, hidden in plain sight as the 0th Harbinger, was a revelation of immense proportions.
Dottore's mind raced with possibilities. If his theory was correct, the implications were staggering. Not only for the Fatui but for the entire world of Teyvat. The thought of unraveling such a profound mystery filled him with a thrill he hadn't felt in a long time.
He carefully placed the glass tube back in its secure position and sealed the box once more. His heart pounded with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The arrival of Innamorati would either confirm his greatest hypothesis or shatter it entirely.
Either way, he was ready. Dottore's eyes gleamed with determination. He would uncover the truth, no matter the cost. The Divine Creator was within his grasp, and he would not let this opportunity slip away.
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tartigglez · 1 year
thinking about zhongli treating you tenderly after a long day of standing up. you come home and he knows your legs are sore so he has you lay down on the bed and close your eyes, whichever way is most comfortable. he slowly kisses your thighs before coming down to your calves, gently rubbing over the skin with warm hands.
he'll grab his favourite massage oil from the dresser drawer, put some on his hands and dim the lights in the room, putting on some calm music for you before slowly rubbing up and down your legs, putting pressure in just the right places, massaging the soles of your feet and your slightly swollen ankles, whispering soft words to you about how beautiful you are. he is absolutely whipped for you <3
sfw masterlist
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glacialswordsman-a · 3 months
What's this? There's a tiny little noodle dragon hiding in the fur of Kaeya's cape! It has pretty golden scales, mane and tail glittering and glistening in the sunlight.
It looks as though it's trying to catch a nap.
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“… Captain Kaeya, have you—gotten a new pet, maybe?”
Lifting his head from his work, the Alberich man quirked a brow as he regarded the knight standing in front of his desk. “What do you mean, Huffman?”
“I—I mean. There’s…something in the fur of your stole. A lizard?”
With a hum, Kaeya put down his pen and reclined back in his seat, crossing a leg over the other as he smiled at the knight.
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“Is there a problem?”
“Uh – n-no, sir, I don’t think there is?”
“So then perhaps it’d be prudent if you returned to your own duties and leave me to mine. I can’t afford to have distractions when supplies need to be redistributed and inventory rechecked.”
“Ah… Right. Apologies, Captain, I—I best be on my way, then?”
“Mn, shut the door on your way out.”
Huffman looked towards the lizard once more that was resting within the fur of Kaeya’s cape apprehensively, with which Kaeya snapped his fingers to get his attention once more before gesturing with his head towards the door. A little reluctantly, the knight left the office and shut the door as instructed.
With a soft sigh, Kaeya shook his head and fluffed up the fur just a bit in order to hide his beloved from any more eyes that may wander. It wouldn’t do if his dragon wouldn’t be able to get a proper nap from all of these interruptions.
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staryuee · 2 years
— a lifetime of love awaits, will you marry me?
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꒰warnings꒱ {edit} I HAD TO ADD SCARA OKAY
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . how would they propose to their beloved?
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . tartaglia, venti, eula, kazuha, yoimiya, kaeya, ayato, zhongli, scaramouche
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . FINALLY IM FREE FROM THESE CHAINS !! lana can finally stop bullying me :( — this won’t be the end, i’m planning to write wedding/marriage hcs w these lot too ♪( ´▽`)
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when did he realise he wants to marry you?
ajax realised when you came over to see his family for the second time. the way his siblings rushed over to greet you, each of them stumbling around because they want to be the first one to hug you, your bright yet gentle smile as you squeezed each of them tightly and peppered their faces with kisses — it all sent the most electrifying butterflies to his stomach. seeing the way you handle his energetic siblings and the way his parents have clearly welcomed you in as part of the family, it really made him think “i want to be with you forever.”
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he’s a fearsome fatui harbinger, do you really think something as special and important like this will easily slip out? yes, absolutely. he cannot for the love of the tsaritsa herself shut the fuck up. he’s obviously already talked to your family and some friends of yours he knew he could trust but at this point everyone practically knows his plan with how much he’s been talking about you. honestly, speaking to yours and his family was his first step — he just wanted to make sure he had their blessings!! (as cliche as that sounds). with how overly-nice and generous people have been to you, you were starting to garner suspicions however tartaglia always has his special ways of distracting you~
you’ve just finished a lovely dinner with tartaglia’s family, his siblings were surrounding you two near a fireplace, the snezhnayan winter was being extremely unforgiving that particular evening with snow pouring down onto the ground, creating a massive winter wonderland. “did you know, [name] took me around liyue harbour again!!” teucer jumped onto your lap holding his lil’ ruin guard ehem ‘cyclops’ plushie in his hand, his bright eyes shining with delight. “alright, alright now teucer, i’m sure ajax and [name] are very tired from their journey and don’t want you jumping around on them. why don’t we all take a nice little breather outside?“ tartaglia’s mom intervenes, gesturing to the rack of coats.
snezhnayan winters were absolutely breathtaking, despite the snow engulfing you in cold, the pure sight of the kids playing and building their cute lil’ snowmen was enough to warm you inside and out. of course ajax didn’t get the atmosphere as he decided to come up and put his cold ass hands on your cheeks. “ajax!!! you absolute bi-“ you squealed as a shiver went down your spine. honestly you couldn’t get angry at him with the way his smile and laughter made you completely forget yourself. however, that didn’t make you want revenge any less. therefore !! you decided to start a harmless snowball fight with him.
while you and tartaglia were having a not-so friendly snowball fight, tonia finds a way to sneak up behind you and tug on your coat for attention and so, being the sweet person you are, you looked down at her… which ended up with you getting hit in the face with a snowball and ajax laughing it off by giving you small kisses. “sorry [name], uhm i just wanted to show you our snowmen! we just finished (。・ω・。)” she smiled up at you. god you felt your heart absolutely explode that snowball meaning absolutely nothing to you at that moment. taking her hand into yours she leads you to the place her and her siblings built the snowmen.
and who would’ve thought the little angels built the snowmen to resemble you and ajax <3 they had a small pebble heart around it with some local snezhnayan flowers scattered about and … some carving in the snow which read “turn around :)” as you did, your eyes instantly brimmed with heated tears. ajax was down on one knee, a beautiful ring imbedded with the finest jade in one hand while his other one reached out for yours.
“i love you with my entire heart and i wish to spend my entire life with you, [name], will you marry me?”
VENTI — 温迪
when did they realise they want to marry you?
better question: when did he NOT think about marrying you? it’s impossible to pinpoint just a specific moment where he thought about putting a ring on your finger. everyday he’s latched onto you like a personal heating pack whether that’s just him holding your hand, kissing you, hugging you etc he always has some part of him touching you. therefore, one of the more prominent times where he thinks of marrying you is when his heart actively yearns for you during the times you’re apart from one another. they do say “absence makes the heart grow fonder” and well venti takes that to the extreme.
did they nearly reveal their plans by accident?
venti is an ancient beloved god, he has absolutely no problem keeping his plan a secret from you! well, perhaps he can keep it from you verbally, ehem minus the few minor slip ups, he does make it quite obvious at times when he starts playing with your hands more often or stops frequenting the tavern to “focus on something more important” - his words not mine. he definitely tries his best, and to be fair he absolutely succeeds given with how loud and talkative he is you’d think he’d let it out eventually however, he wants this to be a complete surprise :)
the unfortunate ending of the weinlesefest was drawing nearer, yet the abundant love - platonic, familial and romantic - was filling the air with a sweetened fragrance. or perhaps that was just the scent of your boyfriend who had downed a couple bottles of diluc’s finest wine earlier that day. either way, your heart was brimming with everlasting joy.
venti held your waist with one hand, while his other hand rested on the top of your head to push you ever so closely. starsnatch cliff was the perfect place to wind down at , nothing but the tender autumn breeze and the silent brushing of the grass against you while you stared up at the glowing sky. although the day seemed to be perfect, you suddenly remembered that venti looked somewhat worried all day - consistently looking nervous and pondering over things that you couldn’t quite decipher.
you gently pushed yourself off venti and he gave you a perplexed look, “what’s the matter, windblume?” you just took him by his hands and told him to take a few deep breaths and appreciate the scenery. “venven, you looked so stressed the entire day, whats been on your mind?” he took a small step back from you and averted his gaze, subconsciously starting to fiddle with his braid.
taking a final deep breath, he looks you in the eyes cups your cheek and gives you a gentle smile. “mh, guess theres nothing i can hide from you is there, my warrior?” he takes his hands into yours.
“you know that i love you more than words can describe, you’ve changed my heart and life for the better and whenever im without you it feels like i've lost a part of myself. i’ve seen your kindness and your strength, as well as your fears and sorrows. you are the love of my life, i cannot imagine a life without you. i could tell you i can’t love you more than i do now, but i know tomorrow i will even more. my heart sings a song that’s only for you to hear.”
while hot tears brim at the corners of your eyes and spill out slowly, venti gets down on one knee and reaches into one of his pockets - your free hand flew to your agape mouth in an instant. “[name], windblume, my love, my shining star, will you marry me?”
EULA — 优菈
when did she realise she wants to marry you?
probably the first time she ever allowed herself to be vulnerable next to you. eula loves equivocation so unless you’re down to become a professional literature and language analyser , understanding her true intentions is rather difficult. but! that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have her moments where she allows her façade to be broken down, she’s human after all and everyone needs support once in a while. those few times where she simply rests on your shoulder, hugs you tightly and sheds a few tears with you whispering words of comfort — those are the times eula fully cherishes her love for you.
did she nearly reveal her plans by accident?
she’s a bit of a tricky one to decipher as on one hand i’d feel like she’d become so much more hyper-aware of people and of her surroundings and she’d absolutely refuse to talk about her plans to anyone except maybe amber while on the other hand, i feel like she’d have the attitude of “if you find out, you find out and that’s that.” eula does try her best to hide her intentions and though her attempts at stopping your suspicions are futile it’s cute to see her focus on something so intently.
blanketed by a starlit sky at brightcrown canyon’s coast, cider lake glistening brightly and mirroring yours and eula’s forms as she swayed you to the melody of your hearts - a soothing lullaby as she called it - everything was all so mesmerising.
“i didn’t know the the leader of the reconnaissance company could be so romantic.” you giggled, she shook her head proceeding to give you a harmless glare that made you laugh once again. eula dipped you down with the grace of a true efficient professional , staring into your eyes with a sort of mischievous expression.
“i’m starting to think you say these things on purpose, my dear.” she gave you a light peck on the corner of your mouth, actively avoiding your lips to tease you. “eulaaaa..” you whine pulling yourself up closer to her. she only chuckles at your complaints and pulls you back up.
“come on my love, we can’t have the dinner getting cold can we?” taking you by the hand with a complaisant and gentle smile, eula leads you to a lavish and fragrant dinner in front of cider lake. like the classic gentlewoman she is she pulls out the chair to help you get seated. despite literal years of being together, her romantic etiquette has never failed to swoon you.
“it’s rare to see you with so much ebullience, love mind telling me what’s gotten you in such a good mood?” she simply hums in response and sits down opposite you. unbeknownst to you, eula’s mind was in total frenzy and while not being a woman of many words her face currently held more emotions than a sentence could handle.
eula cleared her throat, “[name],” her gaze flickered between you and the floor before finally settling on you, “i know it must get extremely draining having to constantly deal with me, but i am thankful each day that you’ve stuck with me and loved me.” you could see a prominent blush form on the tips of her ears. “my dearest, i can’t imagine what i would be like without you, i want to be there for you when no one else can, therefore,” she finally places her hand on the table revealing a silver ring with a jewel that matched the colour of your eyes, “will you marry me?”
K. KAZUHA — 枫原万叶
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
kazuha is innately a romantic, ask him this question and he’ll laugh it off and tell you that every passing second of his was spent thinking about being with you — and while that isn’t inaccurate, he definitely recalls this one memory where he felt his entire world slow down to appreciate you. of course, he’d never tell you it though!
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
once or twice he may have accidentally sent you the wrong letter where he specifically mentions his plans of proposing to you (all of which were meant to be sent to his mama beidou btw) but best believe he retrieved those letters as quick as he sent them. this is such a significant part in both of your lives were the ink in your chapters begin to spill into one another, where the string of fate tightens to emphasise your bond and, more simply, were your souls become one - he needs this to be absolutely perfect.
kazuha is a man of classical romance, i mean not only does he write endless haikus for you, send you letters while he’s out on a voyage (when it’s only been like a couple hours), he is also covered in maple leaves which themselves are woven in love — therefore it wasn’t much of a surprise when he asked you out on the third date of that week.
what was a surprise on the other hand, was the place he took you. it was the same place you two had first met, a lovely area that was abundant in peaceful joy and tranquility: amakane island. the night submerged the beautiful city of inazuma in a comforting silence with only the hums of the wind echoing in your ear. kazuha led you hand-in-hand to a small picnic he had prepared earlier that day.
from where you were sat you could clearly see the gorgeous stars scattering the glowing sky like lanterns. even when presented with such a view, kazuha’s eyes were still gently fixated on you. “you are absolutely breathtaking.” your cheeks heated up in embarrassment, how could he say such things so nonchalantly AND to your face at the same time? kazuha gives you a closed eyed smile and rested his head on his palm.
“you make me complete.” he looks at you with one eye open. in an attempt to recover from your flustered state you sigh and decide to sit back and enjoy kazuha’s delicate teasing and compliments. he begins fiddling with your hair, “without you i am not whole.” you closed your eyes as his calming voice lulled you.
“dove, please marry me.”
you’ve never sat up so fast before.
when did she realise she wants to marry you?
much like venti it’s practically impossible to narrow down one memory with you. some reoccurring moments have always made her ponder her future with you therefore, it’s not really a realisation more so a confirmation the person she wishes to spend her days with till old has to be you. memories she recalls that definitely emphasised her love for you all include you smiling. the knowledge she makes you just as happy as you make her is enough of a reason to put a ring on your finger. :)
did she nearly reveal her plans by accident?
listen she really tried her best to be more organised and seemingly unbothered by her internal disorder, she wanted to keep her plans a complete secret from you to serve as a cute surprise however… she was almost completely sure you heard like the majority of her plans with how much she had to yell instructions and ideas to her dad. none of that dimmed her enthusiasm though! no matter if you found out about her plans, she knew the actual proposal would still leave an impact in your heart.
“yoiyoi…pleaseee we’ve been walking for ages! can’t we go sit down or something.” yoimiya continues dragging you past the bustling city of inazuma. you really don’t understand why she was so insistent on seeing the fireworks with so many people around, but you’re weak to her puppy eyes so you couldn’t refuse.
while the city itself was crowded with joyous laughter and sweet kids running around and causing headaches for their parents - the bridge was rather empty and calm. at last you both came to a stop. you hear yoimiya giggle ahead of you, swiftly twirling around to once again drag you to the bridges barrier. “this is the best place to watch the fireworks!” well you dare not doubt her claim.
yoimiya’s cheeriness was so infectious you didn’t even notice the corners of your mouth rising as you watched your lover gaze up at the stars of teyvat with such excitement. “yoi-“ she cut you off with a surprising kiss.
“look up, the show is starting soon!” her eyes shined brighter with every word, you couldn’t help but laugh at her silliness. in a mere number of seconds the sounds of fireworks could be heard from all over inazuma, the splashes of vibrant colour painting the sky in a loud yet melodic harmony. while the show seemed normal, your eyes caught sight of some bright kanji exploding into the sky rhythmically: 異体同心 [“two bodies, same heart.”]
albeit a bit vague, your heart was pounding into your chest and echoing in your ears as something in you begged you to turn around. as you did, all your emotions freed themselves. yoimiya was down on one knee, ring in one hand with the brightest grin adorning her face. “[name], will you marry me?”
KAEYA — 凯亚
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
when you truly felt like family to him. kaeya has been through a shit ton of travesties, things that still to this day keep him lying awake in cold sweat as his headache gets more intense. multiple people have left him, whether they perished in the cold hands of death or abandoned him callously he’s seen how cruel the game of life can be. he has clung to fate and blamed it when things refused to go his way — however, oddly enough he now praises fate for giving him a chance to meet you. waking up in the morning with you evokes such a gentle feeling of completion.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
absolutely not! he’s so good at keeping his mouth shut and purposefully misdirecting people, and even you on the occasion, it’s to no surprise no words of his proposal comes out. that, and, he personally didn’t put that much thought into the whole ordeal. it’s not because he doesn’t appreciate you, it’s because he wants his words to just naturally flow out, he sees more sentimental value in things that are said in the moment (probably why he drinks so often even while being with you lol).
“klee! please stop running around you’ll hurt yourself!” you catch her in your arms as the crayons in her hands proceed to fall onto the hardwood floor. she simply giggled and jumped up to hug you, you couldn’t help but sigh with a smile on your face as staying mad at her sweet face was pretty much impossible.
klee plopped herself down next to the messy piles of paper and the scattered crayons, picking up some specific colours to use for later. kaeya sat on the couch, resting his head on his palm, quietly enjoying the whole fiasco. he chuckles, “told you she’s a very energetic child.” ‘energetic’ might be a tad bit of an understatement. you join kaeya on the couch, nuzzling yourself into his side comfortably.
despite the massive headache you were forming from all the running around, the atmosphere stayed rather relaxed - getting to spend time with your boyfriend as well as klee made it feel like you were a lil’ family. with the warmth from kaeya lulling you with the addition of your prior fatigue, you were feeling rather drowsy but before your head could fall onto kaeya’s shoulder klee started tugging on both yours and his clothes. “come with me pretty please! i need a uhm reference! (∩_∩)” now, who could refuse that even while in a state of sleepiness ?
you all sat around a table, kaeya directly opposite you and klee sitting in the middle with her paper that she was suspiciously hiding from you. every few seconds she switched her gaze to look at you and then kaeya while scribbling in some details. she smacked her hands onto the table excitedly, “done!! mr kaeya can i show [name] now?” she gleams up at him. he gives her a gentle nod with his eye(s?) closed.
“look [name]!” she shoves her cute drawing your way expectantly, you could practically see a sunshine and rainbow form behind her as her childish wonder blinded you (in a good way of course).
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transcript: mr kaeya wants to ask you a question
the drawing itself was absolutely adorable: you and kaeya holding hands and klee looking endearingly menacing in the background was a perfect depiction of your relationship. what caught your attention was the text written above the rest of the drawing, at first it was hard to figure out (bless klee’s heart), but soon enough you managed to read it and with a grin you turned to kaeya, “what’s the question you have for me, mr kaeya?”
leaning over to you quietly, he says in his usual calm and frosty tone, “will you marry me ?”
K. AYATO — 神里绫人
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
immediately when he started absentmindedly acknowledging you as part of his family — whether that’s including you in familial outings with ayaka, or sharing embarrassing stories from childhood. he already treats you like you have the kamisato name, so why not make it official?
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
with how goddamn dramatic he is you’d think so however, with the aid of the entire yashiro commission (it was mostly just thoma, bless him..) he was able to keep any words of his proposal plans from spreading. he may be quiet about it while he’s planning, however when it’s all set in motion and he’s gotten your response you best believe every single person in teyvat is at least vaguely aware of your engagement.
ayato has been very secretive over the past few weeks, you were used to this behaviour with him working in the yashiro commission and with the shuumatsuban , but it’s like its been completely amplified. you weren’t even able to process any of these changes either since every time your suspicion grew, ayato would whisk you away for a date.
speaking of whisking you away, ayato had “randomly” decided to take you on a vacation to fontaine. to say the least, you were absolutely ecstatic!! the beautiful nation of fontaine, filled with endless waters and buoyant sea creatures seemed like a perfect contrast to the perpetually thundering inazuma and was exactly what you needed as a break.
while the journey itself was rather chaotic, arriving at your destination and taking a deep breath in of the morning air was gratifying. “ready for today, my love?” ayato gently took you by the hand, guiding you off the ship, with that phrase alone you knew you were in for a long yet fulfilling week.
and that you were — ayato planned out an entire few days worth of activities just for the two of you. most of them consisted of intimate time together which you did not mind the slightest. every day felt like a mere second, each touch and kiss felt like a fleeting moment that would disappear and before you knew it, the end of the week dawned upon you.
despite that, this absolutely wasn’t the end of the festivities as ayato had something very special planned for this particular night. after a time at the spa and some minor shopping trips, ayato had asked you to wear something formal - you obliged, albeit with a raised brow, nothing good usually comes with ayato telling you to ‘dress up’ (last time he forced you to come to a several hour private discussion within the yashiro commission..)
as soon as you finish getting ready, ayato gracefully placed a piece of silk on your eyes, “ayato what in the name of teyvat are you planning?” he simply chuckled in response and gave you a light peck on the corner of your mouth. “don’t worry, dear you’ll be fine just follow my lead.” with a nod of your head ayato proceeded to help you walk.
“honey, are we there yettt?” you groaned. the silk finally lifted and as your eyes adjusted to the sudden lights you were in utter awe, turning around to hug him in thanks, ayato finally broke his silence, “this isn’t even the best part my love.” you cock your head to the side in confusion, how is a private and secluded dinner in front of the starry sky NOT the best part?
“you already know how much i cherish you, how i would take down the sky for you, i’d gift you the stars if you asked. with this hand i vow to protect you until my dying breath, with this hand,” ayato pulls out a box from his sleeve getting the hint at what he’s about to say, salty tears begin piling up in the corner of your eyes, “i ask you to be mine, the light in my life, will you marry me?”
when did he realise he wants to marry you?
it was quite a long process, he wanted to make sure he was worthy of you — a god accompanying a mortal throughout their entire lifespan is not only an extremely honourable thing, but it’s also a tragic circumstance. but alas when the world paused for a moment to allow him to think about both of your futures, he desperately yearned that he was still in yours. he doesn’t want to waste your time and energy, after all you only have so many years to spend with him, this is one way he could show you that he truly cares for you and loves you.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he’s old as shit and talks way too much so yeah. he didn’t necessarily try to even hide it from you, he just refrained from talking about it but occasionally it slipped past and well, he acted very nonchalant, not really seeing a massive deal in it, while you, on the other hand, were having a flustered breakdown. he does hope you forget about it so he gets to see the genuine excitement in your eyes when the time comes.
the peak of guyun stone forest. the perfect place to reminisce on the old memories and rejoice the new ones you’ve made — which was exactly what zhongli took you here to do oddly enough. you were quite prone to his sudden outings, he’d always ask you if you’d like to join him and well you can never resist this man.
even with the chilly breeze of the mountains, with zhongli by your side you managed to find comfort in the winds flurry. “if i did anything in my life right, it was when i gave my heart to you.” god this man really choses the most random times to make your heart skip a beat. you gleam up at him with a jovial smile, leaning your head on his body to relax, he placed his hand on your waist to pull you closer.
“i love you, my dearest. the privilege of seeing you at your best and your worst, and the privilege of guiding you through those times when fate is rather cruel is something i withhold deep in my heart. the world in which we are born into intoxicates us with its glacial and vicious atmosphere, forcing us to claw at fate to beg for mercy. yet, the chest of a beloved so easily entraps you in comfort and a gentle feeling of softness in one’s heart. i wish nothing more than to be the person in your future that holds you close and shields you from the worlds most unsightly of occurrences.” at this point you were already in absolute tears, the fact he could go on such long tangents to explain his adoration for you was enough to sweep you off your feet.
“i want to be all your firsts and all your lasts, your everything until the end of time. will you—” you very abruptly say yes probably a million times over yet the archon continues, “—marry me? i promise you my beloved, no matter what things you face i will be there to aid you, i can’t promise to solve all your problems but i can certainly promise a future where you won’t ever have to go through anything on yo-“ you kissed him, putting a sweet and quick end to his long rant. was he going deaf due to old age? perhaps.
“zhongli, my beloved and my most dearest, i’ve already said yes!!”
when did he realise he want to marry you?
you made him feel human, like he belonged. he felt a nonexistent heart beat a melodic tune, one that copied yours, perhaps because he knew no other rhythm or because his love for you surpassed his forged marionette. even on his road to godhood you were there, during his tragic downfall you were there; catching him in your arms, ignoring the incessant worried yells of the traveler. with months of constant nurturing and desperate tears that fled from your hopeful eyes, he was sure you’ve grown tired of him, you’d abandon him just like those before you. yet you didn’t, of course you didn’t. maybe that’s when he realised that in order to rid himself of an everlasting, dreadful reminiscence of the past, he’d have to replace those taunts with a tangible memory of your love.
did he nearly reveal his plans by accident?
he is able to keep anything from you — i mean you didn’t even find out you were ‘dating’ until one day he referred to you as his s/o and from that day forward it became your duty to positively annoy him with affection! the only person he probably turned to for help was his auntie nahida, but she wasn’t too much of help emotionally.. her words and plan definitely reassured one thing - a proposal should be surprising and heartfelt.
a glistening divine light beamed from the statue of the seven, illuminating scara’s anxious and pensive expression. “feeling alright, honey?” you touch his cheek, his eyes darting to yours in an instant. scara let out a discomforted sigh, “yes, i’m fine, let’s go.” he abruptly intertwines your hands together and leads you towards the verdant flowery path of vanarana.
while you were rather suspicious on the lack of aranara idling about, you were much more concentrated on enjoying this once in a lifetime moment — scaramouche taking the initiative and preparing a date. well, that IS what he called it, but you weren’t sure whether he was planning to bury you with the padisarahs or coddle you, because the distance you were walking was oddly alarming. ‘surely we must’ve passed many great spots by now..’ , yet kept your tight hold on his hand - having trust in him.
making a subconscious effort to avoid the pond of mossy water, you squeeze yourself closer to scara, he can only smile to himself. your eyes trailed along the bright flowers that sprouted from each patch of grass , keeping a mental note on every sumeru speciality in sight (listen that shits HARD to farm ..). scaramouche’s eyes dart around so fiercely you were almost convinced he’d pass out from dizziness. you were so entranced by scara’s beauty as well as conspicuously bizarre behaviour, you didn’t even realise he had come to an abrupt stop (impromptus you bumping into him ..). you let out a contented sigh, “are we th-“ — “no. not yet.” he interrupts as he nods at something afar.
after some final groans from you and begrudging steps, you had (hopefully) came to the place you were meant to — which ironically was the same place you started at. “scaramouche don’t tell me we did an entire circle around vanarana for no reason.” he shakes his head and rolls his eyes, “of course it’s not for no reason, you idiot” he murmurs.
he shifts to face you, “close your eyes.” it was best not to argue with him with questions of ‘why’. he took hold of your hand once more to guide you, albeit roughly, down to the middle of the vanarana pond. compared to the prior echoing silence, there was a lot of shuffling and some hushed giggles that were increasing in volume with every step. the water seeped into your garments but currently that was the least of your many worries…
“y-you can open your eyes now.” scara stammered, his head filling with excruciating heat - and you did so. your eyes widened in bewilderment.
“aiya, what’s goi-“
“marry me.” scara cuts in.
“SORRY-?” i mean you were going to guess that’s what was going on, considering the many aranaras gleefully surrounding you with flowers and or flower crowns in their tiny hands - as well as the not so hidden lesser lord kusanali with a ebullient smile spreading on her face - BUT YOU DIDN’T EXPECT IT SO SUDDENLY?
your silence was feeding scara’s fears, and so he does what he always does: gets grumpy. “are you going to keep staring at me while flies go in your mouth or are you going to answer me.” cue you pouncing on him with the most joyous laughter and tears, the melody of your happiness made him subtly smile.
“i love you so much.” you tightly hug his frail form, his head drops down to your shoulder so his answer muffles, “i…love you too.”
past his unsavoury words was a heart that beat for you, and only you.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost <3
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lexsssu · 1 year
Knotting (Zhongli | Morax)
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TAGS: Zhongli/F!Reader, breeding, knotting, cave sex, smut, drabble Ao3 ver.
“Pretty little mate...gonna give me gorgeous hatchlings…”
Morax releases a purr as his larger masculine form pins you down on your nest, the cold cave floor decorated with a myriad of the finest furs and silks to prevent your precious skin from being scratched or even dirtied.
Secluded in a cave deep within one of the many mountains in Liyue, the former geo archon had you all to himself. He made sure to stock up on all the necessities, unwilling to make you feel even an ounce of discomfort once he’d whisked you away to your shared nest that he painstakingly decorated for you.
Though retired from his previous godly duties, there is no way he will allow his most precious gem, the jewel in his palm, his one and only beloved to be wronged. He is a god of war, a god of contracts, but also a god of commerce.
To not allow his own mate to experience the comforts that came with his titles and wealth is disrespect towards himself and most importantly you.
That is why piles of mora, gems, antiques, and other priceless treasures littered the expansive cavern, glittering like the amber that grew upon the stone walls and lit up the area in different shades of gold and even cor lapis.
However, the finery presented to your eyes are the last thing on your mind as your husband plows into you from behind like a man possessed with only the need to fuck your cunt open until even your womb takes the shape of his cock.
You could only do your best to keep your lower half upright, feeling each harsh smack of Zhongli’s pelvis against your plush derriere whenever he bottoms out, the tip of his girthy length knocking at the entrance to your baby-making chamber. Every ridge, every prominent vein upon his half-transformed cock scraped at your moist spongy walls, coaxing only the most pathetic and yet adorable moans and whimpers from you especially when he repeatedly hit that special spot inside of you.
At least, Morax thought that they were the loveliest sounds he’d heard during his millennia of existence.
However, the choked moan you emit once the fat knot at the base of his imposing member slipped inside your tight walls is his absolute favorite. Despite how much smaller you were normally and even more so once he’d transformed into his more primal form, the fact that you’re able to take ALL of him from tip to base including his knot…
“Perfect mate...you’re gonna be so round, soft, and warm with our brood once my seed takes…”
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euphorickaeya · 2 years
buwan’s notes : I’m alive but I’m dead LOL, i don’t think I’ll be posting much on this account, maybe some for a few months here and there but other than that, I’m barely active. I apologize to those who keep asking for updates but I no longer consider myself in the genshin fandom.
I would also want to apologize for this fic, this fic is somewhat cruel, and I don’t want to offend anyone, please do speak to me if it seems I’ve gone too far, but this is merely a more story-based fic than being a fic about the characters being shipped with the god!reader. I wanted to explore the idea of being denied your saving grace when your god is right there, and they know it. It sort of a revenge fic?? Errr idk how to explain HAHA ok enjoy 😭
summary : you refuse to be treated the way you were, when you descended on your lands.
CW : obsession, sagau in general, borderline abuse as a creator, revenge and angst (?).
[no ships, more reader-centric.]
song recommendation: babooshka - Kate Bush.
part 2
EDIT #2: SIKE I WROTE IT DOWN LOLS @emperatris-rinaka | @iyhmibyo | @nicebonescomrades
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A cold wind blew over the lands of Liyue, the creator has blessed the ancient lands with their presence, being bombarded with the lavish gifts of forgiveness of the people of Liyue by your feet, as you sat at a public throne.
Your eyes held nothing but resentment and no remorse for those who ask for your blessings, even if they bring a sickly child by your feet, begging and crying for a single blessing for you to heal this sickly child placed on your feet.
You merely spare the family a glance, before staring at your acolyte, Zhongli stared at you with concern, unsure of the thoughts racing through your head.
You made your decision when you had shooed the family, a shocked look on their faces as the hold on their poor kid faltered, almost dropping the frail boy. You could merely scoff as the mother handed the kid to her husband as she ran to your feet, wailing.
“Your grace, please punish me for any wrong-doing my family has done, but please! Heal my boy! He’s done nothing wrong, he’s nothing but a boy!” The mother wailed into your robes.
You felt your face morph into disgust, your eyes swelling in anger, tears starting to form from annoyance and anger. “Don’t pity yourself under my feet, lady.” You spat, pushing the mother with your feet.
The crowds that came to revel in their creator’s stared in disbelief and silent horror as the lady sobbed loudly on your podium, and their god, you, doing nothing to comfort or even give a slice of remorse to the pitiful lady by your feet.
After a few minutes of your unrelenting emotionless gaze on her and her unstopping sobs as her husband held their boy from afar helplessly, the lady raised her head to look at you.
An anger in her eyes, betrayal, anguish met your cold, frozen eyes.
“You’re no god, you’re not our creator, you’re just a mere copy..” the lady whispered spitefully, looking at you with nothing but hatred for your embodiment.
For once, in a long time, you laughed, a smile on your face, not of happiness, but of mockery, a scoffing, bashful smile.
“I’m no god? I’m a mere, copy?” You scoffed at the lady, your eyebrows raised in a mocking way, you stood from your throne, even after being able to sit on the golden seat, it still felt like it stung you, like silver does to a vampire.
It burned and stung, but it did nothing but fuel you even more. “Is this what has come of my empire? Of my beloved world?” You asked, walking slowly up to the lady who gravelled and clutched the hot concrete under her palms.
“If I had known my own children would dictate who I am, I would’ve destroyed this world to bits.” You threw that sentence out recklessly, seeing your acolytes stiffen quickly from your peripheral vision. You couldn’t help but grin at their uncomfortable faces.
“You, a mere lady, who lives on nothing but scraps, gets to tell me, a creator, a celestial being, who I am?” You snarled, your spear appearing to intimidate those who dare to anger you so.
“You’ve got some nerve, you all do!” You pointed to the crowds, who flinched and screamed in fear as you pointed with your spear, the metal shining against the sun.
Your acolytes could only wish that the sun could’ve given you it’s golden rays in a better situation, seeing as you flowed with unrelenting bravery and anger.
“I had to harm myself, to cut my flesh and show my blood, so that I wouldn’t die in this mortal form!” You screamed into the crowd, no longer holding the annoyance and disgust you held for this world.
“If I were a mere mortal with my face, you would’ve called them an imposter, burn them at the stake, like you’ve done with me!” Zhongli could only watch helplessly as your struck fear into his people, unable to stop you, for his loyalty refuses to let him move.
“You’re no people of mine, this world is obsessed with the idea of me, not my being as your creator!” The lady no longer glared at your with angry, but with disdain and anxiousness.
“I refuse to be dictated and be a holy grail for this shitty fucking world. Your people don’t deserve to be blessed with my presence nor my help.” Zhongli’s eyes could only widen, glancing at Ningguang, who was hyperventilating, watching you as you threw your spear away, it dissipating into particles.
“so suffer, suffer as I have, hope that there’s another god who’ll give you the forgiveness I will never give you.” You scoffed, you looked at the father who held his son with a life-threading grip.
Looking at you, his eyes holding a flickering flame of hope, that under all your anger, you would find the kindness to give them the mercy they’re desperately grasping at.
But you merely turned away from him, watching from your peripheral vision as the flame in his eyes extinguished, before his eyes filled, refusing to look away from your retreating figure.
“Zhongli, I want to end my appearance here and now.” You refused to look at the archon that stood by your throne as you walked past. Soon after a while, you had walked into the Liyue palace doors, finally out of public eye.
That is when Zhongli finally moves. Although being the most powerful archon, his knees buckled like that of a weak mortal, the pain and fear of his people weighing down his back.
But how can he save them? not when he knows he’s one of the many people who’s fueled this despicable behaviour in their god.
Their god who was so reverent and kind, only corrupted by it’s own creation.
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yourheart-inmyhands · 6 months
okay okay hear me out, say like Childe and Zhongli or Diluc and Kaeya both have darlings right? imagine said darlings are literally best friends and just break out to hang out😭
like they’re going crazy looking for them and they’re outside giggling their ass off
I really like this idea and sorry for being gone so long, as soon as i read this in my inbox i had to write something up and answer it :] <3
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including obsessive behaviors, talk of being locked inside, implications of being held against ones will, and other potential topics/themes. Please read at your own risk.
Diluc nearly loses his mind every time you go missing from the winery, and all the staff seem to not have noticed you escaping. He’s even more distressed to find out Kaeya is currently suffering the same issue, with his beloved missing from his home in the city.
Diluc’s first thought is you’ve both been kidnapped, either as leverage or for something far sinister, doesn’t matter. You’d always been rather compliant, running away didn’t seem like something you’d do, especially with everything you’d need still here.
You can imagine his relief when he finds you in the library, sharing tea with Lisa and Kaeya’s beloved at one of the tables, talking about some of the new books that have arrived. The looks Lisa gives him is almost enough to have him slamming his claymore into the table.
“Darling, I think you forgot to mention you were heading out today. I went to find you for lunch and none of the maids could tell me where you’d gone off too.” His voice is calm, his claymore left by the door as he sauntered over to your chair. His gloved hands find home on the back of the chair, supporting his weight as he leans down to press a gentle kiss to your temple. 
Diluc is pretty calm about it, his mind had immediately jumped to the worst happening to you so he’s incredibly relieved to see you ok. He does give you a very soft lecture about letting him know where you’re going, so as to keep him from having another heart attack, but he knows you’ll do it again.
He also implores the staff at the Winery to keep a better eye on you, so that should you sneak out again, he knows it was at least of your own doing and not someone else that you had gone missing.
Kaeya is a lot like his brother in the sense that he automatically assumes the worst. The door was locked, all the windows were locked and closed, so where were you?
He’s even more relieved to see you were ok then Diluc was to see his own dear ok, Kaeya is just a lot better at playing it off. His sword holstered at his side as he casually strolls over, leaning against the side of the table as if he had been there the whole time.
The way he talks almost makes you think he knew where you were the whole time, but in truth he’d been just as frantic as his brother in their search for you. He’d been ready to rip up every stone and brick in Mondstat just to find a trace of you.
“The library again? Don’t tell me that my Dear has started a book club and hasn’t told me about it? You know, I’ve read nearly every book in this library, our Librarian keeps quite the collection here.” Kaeya looks so natural in the way he stands there, leaning against the table with his arms crossed over his chest, a pleasant smile on his face. 
Kaeya looks very calm and relaxed on the outside, but on the inside his mind is still reeling, trying to figure out how you got out without him noticing. He’d made sure everything had been locked and there was only one key that he kept on him at all times. He’d even double checked that everything was locked that morning.
He doesn’t mind you going out, you were always sweet and compliant with him, but it’s when you leave and don’t tell him, don’t leave a note or any hint as to where you are that makes him nervous. He’s so afraid to lose you, so desperate to keep you close like he was unable to do with his brother for many years. He’d go crazy if he lost you, so crazy that not even Diluc would be able to stop him.
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