#zion kuwonu preference
nightsonights · 4 years
sleeve- z.k.
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summary: zion gets his sleeve and doesn’t forget about you ;)
warnings: the slightest smut, absolute fluff
authors note: i’m back! feels like i haven’t posted in forever. remember, my inbox is open to requests (might take me a little bit to write them but regardless). enjoy!
i sat in hypnotic daze at the squint inducing LED display of the TV. my manicured hand reached into the polymer bag to retrieve another corn-baked snack.
the credits quickly rolled from the current episode of grey’s anatomy; netflix inquiring of my current engagement. my hand retreated in disappointment as it gave up its search through the empty reminiscence of cheese dust and polypropylene.
i reached for the remote when i caught sight of the orange dust that had seeped into the creases of my fingerprint. i mentally scolding myself at the pigsty state i had afflicted upon myself.
the cheese dust fingers. the wrappers hang daintily on the foggy glass of the coffee table. the unconscious awareness of elapsed time watching Netflix.
deciding enough was enough, i lifted my weight from the plump cushions of my couch and carried myself to the kitchen sink.
i towered over the silver faucets lining the sink and switched them on in opposite positions. i laundered my hands with the fruity soap nearby, rubbing over the small tattoos lining the length of my fingers.
i smiled to myself as i recalled the mocking tone of zion on the topic of tattoos earlier that morning.
/“mY fInGeRs taTs lOok dOpe”/
“stop! they slap bro!” i protested, playfully hitting his bicep.
“tHey SLaP brO.” zion threw his head back as he giggled at his playful derisive.
“you’re so annoying”
“i’m just joking witchu. i think your tattoos are... okay” he sided, shrugging his shoulders in comprise-able comprehension.
i let out a short scoff at his lack of impression. “you’re one to talk, flower boy” i teased, referring to the tattooed rose that stood out on the bare of zion’s forearm.
“okay talk your shit now but when i get my sleeve, it’s gonna be hard,” he rubbed his biceps in a boastful manner, “harder than your little finger tats.”
i washed over the palms of my hands once more before letting the transparent liquid seep through the slips between my fingers. the orange artificial cheese hugged the drops of water and together they slithered down the drain.
i quickly retreated to the living room with clean hands and the full intention to continue my sinful Netflix marathon.
as i plopped onto the faux fur decorative throw blanket that lined the couch, the house alarm indicated that someone had entered.
“kaliyah?” zion called out, his voice vibrating throughout the empty spaces of the house.
“i’m in the living room!”
within a few silent footsteps, zion towered over the loose-cushion back of the couch. his large palms fell to the board of my shoulders; massaging his fingertips into the slips of my scapula.
i melted into his touch, reaching to direct his hands to my most pained areas. i let out a sigh as his hands left my shoulder blades; leaning down to plant a small peck on the soft of my cheek.
“hey baby. how was your day?” he inquired.
“it was good, just catching up on grey’s” i replied, tilting my head up admirably at my boyfriend.
my eyes traced venerably over his attractive features. the curtain of platinum blond locs that hung over his dark, passionate eyes. the loose fitting graphic tee that lightly brushed against his muscle structure.
my examination travelled to his arms, my breath suddenly hitching in my throat at the recognition of the plastic wrap encasing his arm.
“um, z? what’s going on with your arm?” i inquired; eyebrow furrowed as i studied the series of cartoon characters dotting his upper and lower limb.
“oh this? i went to get some ink after work” he acknowledged, glancing down at the fresh puncture of pigment.
“some ink? z, it’s your whole arm. come here, let me see” i urged, patting the spot on the couch next to me.
zion circled around the arm of the long upholstered seating place, plopping down onto the cushion. i gently extended his arm, examining the intricate piercings of the fictional personas.
“it’s just an outline. i have to go back for some shading this week” zion protested, watching nervously as i took in the intricacy of the fictional artistry.
“why didn’t you tell me?” i inquired, my bottom lip sticking out in a pout.
“why? do you not like it?”
i glanced up into his doubtful eyes. “yeah, it’s dope. for a nintendo colouring book.”
i let out a series of unrestricted giggles as zion rolled his eyes dismissively. he sheepishly bit the inside of his cheek; attempting to suppress the laugh threatening to slip past his lips.
“haha good one,” he passively brushed off,” but seriously, do you think it’s okay?”
“yeah baby, it’s hot. id fuck you”i shrugged.
“you’d fuck me huh?” zion challenged.
his large hands groped the soft of my thighs; fingers lightly dancing along the bare of my inner thigh.
“hmm” i hummed, catching onto his salacious proposal and holstering my leg over his pelvis.
zion hooked his finger underneath my chin and slowly reeled my lips onto his fleshy embodiment of love. the kiss left me lightheaded at its simplicity; zion teeth tugging at my bottom lip as he pulled away.
his lips parted to form a sentence but i quickly reunited our moment of fervent inclination. the tension from whatever he needed to say disintegrated as i shifted closer to him; deepening the kiss.
his body hitched forward; lips trying to mirror the hunger found in mine. i gently placed my hands on his chest, signalling him to stop.
“we should go to the room” i suggested, thinking about the tedious work a cum stain would leave on the couch.
i excitedly lifted myself from his lap, reaching for the remote to turn off the tv.
“kaliyah, hold on” zion pleaded, reaching toward to catch my wrist.
“what? i mean, we could do it on the floor but i mean the bed would be more comforta-“
“no, it’s not that” zion interrupted, half smiling at my enthusiasm.
“then what’s wrong?” i inquired.
“i have something to show you” he voiced, ushering me to have a seat.
“okay?” i giggled cautiously at zion’s sudden serious tone.
“don’t be mad at me okay?” zion preferenced, his smile nervously twitching.
zion proceeded to tilt his head, folding the flexible cartilage encasing his external ear. squished between the petroleum jelly and plastic rap stood a nonchalant K.
i lightly traced its swollen properties, brow furrowed at its insignificance. “this is cute.”
zion whipped around to face me, frantically batting his lashes at me in astonishment.
“just cute?” he clarified.
“yeah, i think it’s a cute family tat. kekleli and elom should get one. make it a sibling thing” i suggested innocently.
zion let out a breathy chuckle as he shook his head at my ignorance.
“what? isn’t it just your last name? k for kuwonu” i puzzled as he continued to find the situation amusing.
“that’s a good coverup but i didn’t get this as a family tattoo. i got it for you” zion declared.
i abruptly let out a sharp gasp; clasping my shaking hand over the wide of my mouth. i stared at zion in complete incredulity.
his eyes sparkled with excitement as the corners of his mouth contagiously remained upwards.
“z, you didn’t have to do this” i breathed, misty tendencies forming in my eyes.
“i know, i wanted to do this” zion paused to massage away the lone tears painting my cheeks, “you mean everything to me.”
“you’re amazing z. this is beautiful. thank you. i love you” i cooed, pressing my lips against his.
“you’re welcome baby. i love you too” zion replied as we both feel back onto the couch; eager to reel in the benefits of our love.
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hoodmara · 5 years
Lying •Zion Kuwonu•
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A/N: I’m in a writing frenzy and listening to this song got me SAD.
Concept: Zion gets drunk and calls his ex to invite her to a party. When she shows up, he doesn’t know what to do but stop lying
Warnings: angst, language
Y/N sat out on the patio, her feet moving in circles as she dangled them over the edge of the pool. Her face was wearing a soft frown and her hands clenched the tiled concrete, trying hard not to let tears escape her ducts.
She couldn’t be inside at this party anymore, hell, she didn’t even know why she was still here. But her subconscious was aware, often times it would surface and never let her forget.
The back door slid open, letting the loud chants and laughter from the party seep out into the night. Quickly closing the door, Y/N heard footsteps approaching her slowly. She didn’t have to turn around to see who it was, his presence alone caused goosebumps across her skin.
“Why did you invite me to this?” She asked, not mad but genuinely confused. Even though she asked for a reason for his out of the blue call, she couldn’t explain why she actually showed up.
Zion rolled his pant legs up to his knees and crouched down, eventually sitting so he could match the girl’s movements in the pool. They were separated by two inches of space, clearly not being enough for Y/N, since she made the choice to scoot away from him.
“To be honest, I didn’t think that you would show up,” He responded, looking down into the cerulean water. Y/N let out a quick laugh, but it wasn’t from joy. The sarcastic and angry laugh stabbed at Zion’s chest, he could sense the annoyance that probably sprouted from his answer.
“So it was a joke? You called me after a year of not speaking as a joke? God, you’re so funny, Z.”
Zion flinched at the tone of her voice, not hearing it since their breakup. She had a special way of getting through to him, his stubbornness had never been a match to her sarcasm.
“Y/N, I was drunk, someone brought you up and I knew you couldn’t pass up a party,”
“Is this..is this you trying to explain yourself, ‘cause you’re doing a shit job,”
“I’m surprised you weren’t asleep…or that I wasn’t blocked,”
“If you would’ve called two months ago, you would’ve been,”
An awkward silence fell between them, giving Y/N a chance to calm herself down and Zion a moment to think about something smart to say.
“Why did you come, Y/N?” Zion asked quietly, scared that the girl would lash out again. She didn’t, because how could she possibly be mad at him for asking the question she had been asking herself for the last hour.
“You still mean something to me, regardless of how wrong you did me, and you sounded kind of..messed up on the phone,” She replied, looking up at the boy. He was scared to meet her eyes. They always had a way of pulling him in and he couldn’t let that happen.
“Oh, I was messed up, but I think I sobered up a lot when I saw you walk in,” He admitted, toying with the dreads that hung low in his eyes.
“You looked like you were having fun,”
“I wasn’t,” Zion quickly corrected, then continued, “I walk around here, acting like I’m hot shit and flirting with all these girls, but I’m just trying to prove that I’m ok after what happened, you know, between us.”
Y/N sat quietly, processing Zion’s honesty. He was never like this, it was clear that he was still very much under the influence.
“I’m not over you, at all,” Zion finished, laying back onto the concrete. It was still warm from the summer sun, the humidity causing a thin sheet of sweat to appear on the boy’s forehead. That, and his latest confession.
“You— you what? You’re the one that’s not over me? Zion, you fucking cheated on me, twice!” Y/N exclaimed, moving her legs out of the pool. She scrambled into a standing position and Zion matched her movements, feeling a wave of anxiety crash over him at the sudden confrontation.
“I know, Y/N, and I’m sorry for that, I truly am,”
“You’re a goddamn sociopath, you know that? It’s like you enjoy seeing me like this,” she ranted, the hot tears now flowing down her cheeks. Zion raised a hand to wipe them away, but the girl quickly slapped it away. “You don’t get to miss me, Zion, you gave me up, you lost me.”
The words felt like a knife against his throat, cutting deep and hurting just as bad. He couldn’t blame her for being mad, if he was in the same position, he’d be just as pissed.
“Can you just listen to me? Please? I know I don’t deserve it, but I never got to explain myself,” Zion begged. Y/N rolled her eyes and shot an annoyed glare at the man in front of her, giving him a space to continue. Zion’s hands began to shake as he spoke.
“What I did with her, I regret it. I keep lying to myself, thinking that if I act like it doesn’t affect me, it won’t, but it always does. Thinking about what I did to you makes me hate myself and I can blame you for doing the same,”
“I don’t hate you,” Y/N mumbled, looking down at her damp legs.
“You should, I was an idiot, I am an idiot,” Zion said. Y/N looked up at Zion and soaked into his brown eyes, missing the soft way they would scan over her face to try and understand what she was feeling.
“We can never be back to where we are, I’ve moved on and I think you need to do the same,” Y/N spoke, picking up her sandals from the side of the pool. She walked to the back door, getting ready to go back home before she left Zion with one more painful thought, “I loved you with all I had and I really hoped that we could be ok, but you took too long. So delete my number, I can’t wake up another night to your name on my screen.”
With that, she left, leaving Zion to stand in the sticky summer air. Trying to hide the tears that coated his cheeks, he walked back inside, going back to being the life of the party.
He could only hope that they believed his lies, because he was not ok.
Even in the slightest.
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nicksbbyg-blog · 6 years
❀ preference // 3 ❀
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summary: his contact name on your phone...
Austin: Daddy 😜
Brandon: Sugar Lips 😉😘
Edwin: Cuddlebug ☀️❤️
Nick: Stud Muffin 😏✨
Zion: String Bean 💕
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chillassimagines · 3 years
New Experiences - PRETTYMUCH Smut Preference
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BRANDON (I would like to wear this shirt thanks):
“I think she miss me, she goin undercover just so she can kiss me-”
“Ma, that is the only song you’ve listened to since the EP came out.” You turned to look at your boyfriend as you sat at the kitchen island with a shy smile.
“It’s my favorite, babe. You sound so good on the track too!” You reached out to press your hand against his cheek. He grabbed that hand and pressed it against his lips.
“Thank you, my honey.” He deliberately winked at you, making your jaw drop, and him giggling in response.
“Brandon, you know I didn’t mean to right?” He placed his hands on your waist now as he towered over you.
“I know I’m glad you did, you looked so pretty, and tasted so sweet, my honey.” His hands moved down to squeeze your thighs and you were now under his spell.
“When you talk to me like that, I think of Corpus Christi. It’s sensual and...naughty.” You whispered to your boyfriend. He bit his lower lip and pulled you onto your feet.
“Oh, you like being naughty, princess?” His lips went to nip on your neck and you were long gone.
“Only for you.” You said with a dazed grin as your hands latched onto his arms.
“For who, honey?”
“For daddy.” His hand shot straight to cup your core through your sleep shorts. His finger began rubbing and created a sweet friction for your clit.
“Should Daddy make you squirt that sweet honey in your shorts?” He groaned into your ear and you bucked your hips up.
“Yes. Please Daddy, please make me a mess.” His unoccupied hand moved itself to grip you by the back of your neck. His busy hand busied its way to your wet bare lower lips.
“You already are, my honey.” You moaned with a satisfied smile at his words and his touch.
“I want you to ruin me.” You whispered against his lips and he responded with a harsh kiss. His hands pushed your ass against the island and began removing your clothing. You shivered with delight as the cold air met your heated body.
“I love you.” Brandon proclaimed, as he slowly descended to his knees. Your thighs twitched with excitement as he spread them apart.
“I love you too baby.” Brandon wasn’t one to tease. Which you recognized as a true blessing when his wet lips met your wetter ones. His hands remained, pressing you by your hips against the counter. You sighed in heavenly bliss with his lips wrapped around your sensitive clit. You began huffing and puffing, which Brandon noticed.
“Barely even touched on you, honey.” He broke away from your heat to look up at you with those wide eyed brown eyes. You whined and ran your hand through your hair.
“I know! I get too worked up.” This admission made Brandon smirk mischievously.
“Guess I’ll just have to make you cum…more than once.” He tapped on your sensitive clit, making your thighs shake at not only his words, but his movements as well.
“Brandon, I can’t take-”
“You’re about to take me down your throat if you don’t correct yourself.” He rose to his full height with a hand wrapped around your neck. You gasped at his switch in demeanor. His other hand stayed toying with your clit while your noses touched.
“Daddy, I’m sorry, but that takes so much out of me.” You pleaded with Brandon. His lips encaptured yours in a sinfully sweet kiss. His tongue found yours and simultaneously sped up his ministrations on your pussy. His hand left your throat and found its own place cradling your lower back. He welcomed your moans into his mouth to silence your climax. You squeezed on his biceps as your body became undone in his embrace. “Fuck!” You cried out as he pinched your clit and proceeded to submerge two fingers inside of you.
“Cum one more time, honey.” He whispered huskily in your ear. You couldn’t respond in a full sentence, so you hoped your gasps and whimpers sufficed. You felt Brandon’s joggers rubbing up against your thigh, well, more of what was inside of those joggers. You forced a shaky hand to reach into the front of his joggers to jerk him off.
“So, fucking, big.” You cooed to your boyfriend.
“All for you, my honey. Isn’t that right?” It was his turn to shake, it was all in his voice from the pleasure he was receiving.
“Yes, daddy, just how I like it.” You placed a kiss to his jaw and raised your hips in time with his fingers moving quicker in your heat.
“Pull them down, m’gonna cum.” He grunted in your ear. You could only nod as you were going to do the exact same thing. You lazily tugged down the waistband of his joggers, but it was enough for his cock to find its way out.
“Fucking hell! I’m cumming!” You cried, throwing your head back.
“Right behind you.” Brandon’s lips landed on your exposed neck, sucking harshly against your skin. You felt a flood of wetness in between your thighs as you basked in your orgasm. Your hands fell back from Brandon’s body to support yourself against the island. “Look…honey.” Brandon’s soft coo ushered you out of your daze. Your gaze fell down to your lower half to find you splattered with not only Brandon’s cum, but your cascading release moving down to your knees as well.
“Brandon…I cannot even move right now, let alone admire cum.”
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“Y/N, I said we could try, I just don’t know if I’ll succeed. And then I’ll feel bad.” Austin whined as your hot kisses spread onto his naked chest.
“Worst case scenario, we’ll both still cum. I won’t be upset, baby. Please! I believe in your abilities to make me weak in the knees like jello.” You winked up at him from your place on his chest. He shook his head with a chuckle.
“Well, I’m gonna need you to switch your position, lemme sit up and you sit between my legs...on your knees.” You made an ‘o’ with your lips and quickly did as told. You felt Austin’s soft fingertips slide your nightie straps down your shoulders and his lips proceeded to take their place on your skin. His fingers then traveled to hike the lower half up over your thighs. Your breasts on full display but your heat partially hidden.
“Austin, it’s so chilly.” You teased, tracing your breasts with your manicured nails. His hands immediately encompassed your heaving nipples, anxious for attention.
“The heat’s just kicking on.” He whispered as he began rolling your hard nipples between his fingers. Your hands gripped his thighs as he continued his sweet torture on your body.
“Austin, please.” You begged, pleading for attention to your core.
“You want me to touch this?” One hand left your breast and a single finger slid up your slick slit. You shivered in response and nodded.
“Mhmm. Please baby.” You whimpered as his finger repeated the motion.
“This pussy belongs to me, doesn’t it baby?” You whined and nodded.
“Yes, it belongs to you! Please daddy!” You leaned your head back against his chest so you could see his reaction.
“If I didn’t promise that I’d make you squirt, I would literally pin you down and rail you into this bed.” He whispered harshly which made you wetter.
“Daddy...please touch your pussy.” You begged once more. His finger quickly went to work on your clit. You bucked your hips quickly against his hand.
“You’re so wet, I barely have to move, and my finger is slipping so well.” He submerged two fingers inside of you and let his thumb take charge on your sensitive bud. You grabbed his cheek with one hand and pressed your forehead against the side of his face.
“Fuck! Just like that!” You cried in bliss, loving how he touched you and talked to you. You gasped as he added a third finger to your greedy core.
“Wide open for daddy, huh?” You could feel his erection digging into your spine and it turned you on more than anything.
“I’m gonna fuckin cum!” You cried out like a pornstar, but it seemed to push Austin to go faster.
“Cum then baby, lemme see you cum.” He whispered darkly to you. Your hand slapped over the one buried inside you as you came. But Austin knew his duty for the night.
“I can’t, Austin.” You shakily whined as his fingers pushed against your resistance. His free hand pressed against your throat.
“Aww, what about, ‘Daddy, make me squirt tonight?’, now you can’t take it baby?” He teased you as his fingers rubbed against your sweet spot.
“Oh my god!” You cried out, despite his grip on your neck.
“After this, I’m gonna cum inside you, Y/N. Because you’ll be so wet, I won’t be able to pull out.” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you quite literally humped his fingers.
“Daddy, I-I-” Austin’s fingers retracted from you and he quickly flipped your body over.
“Be good for Daddy and cum.” His hand curled firmly around your throat and his other palm began harshly rubbing against your clit. You cried out quite loudly as you climaxed for the final time that evening. It was the final time because all you saw was white, but you felt the wetness raining upon your skin, and undoubtedly Austin’s as well.
“Holy shit.” You gasped as waves of pleasure overtook every nerve you could feel in your body.
“Shhh, it’s okay baby, it’s okay.” Austin’s soft tone followed the removal of his hand from your wetness. You felt him press his lips around your tummy as your breathing was accelerated. “Open your eyes, baby.” His voice held nothing but kindness and innocence, despite what just occurred on the very same bed.
“I can’t believe you just did that.” You whispered, opening your eyes to see your wet thighs and lower lips pressed together. Austin chuckled as he licked his hand.
“No, I can’t believe you just did that, baby.”
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“I’m…a little fucked up.” You giggled as Zion pressed a kiss to your forehead. The haze in the room supported your statement. You and Zion we’re enjoying a good old smoke sesh and hotboxing your bedroom.
“And that’s just fine baby.” His singular kiss turned to a kiss on your cheek, your neck, behind your ear, and one long one to your lips. “I am a little fucked up too.” He chuckled at his own imitation of you. You playfully swatted at his naked chest.
“Baby?” You perked up as you got an idea. Zion looked at you…well it looked like he was trying to through his heavy eyes.
“Yes?” His fingers began playing with yours, an odd fascination he always had with you. Especially when under the influence.
“I have a little request.” You held up your thumb and your pointer finger close together as you giggled once more. Zion sighed and pressed his forehead to your shoulder.
“What does the queen request?” You stifled your laughter so you could speak clearly.
“Can I be on top tonight?” Zion pulled away from your shoulder to look at you with devilish eyes.
“Ohhh, so there’s a tonight?” He licked his lips, while he stared into your eyes, and you wanted to bust.
“Only if I can be on top.” You said in a sing-song tone. You pressed a quick kiss to his lips and awaited his answer with a timid smile. You were both sat on your knees, facing each other on your bed, while purple LED’s and throwback R&B were filling your background.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, princess.” Zion held out his hand in a shaking stance. You raised an eyebrow.
“Ohhh, so I’m princess tonight?” You imitated Zion back. He laughed right along with you at that one.
“If I have to sacrifice my position, I need a little motivation.” You nodded and shook his hand, sealing the deal…or your doom.
“Move it then.” You pushed his shoulders so that he would fall down against the bed. His eyes were wide, as he didn’t expect the change to occur so quickly.
“You been practicing or something, princess?” Zion’s hands began tracing circles on your boxer laced hips. You giggled, courtesy of Mary Jane, and began massaging his collarbone and chest area.
“Nope, just been ready to play with you, Daddy.” You stated with pride. Zion’s hands quickly intertwined themselves behind his head and he nodded towards you.
“Then be my guest, princess.” You pressed your hands against his chest, to not only gain balance, but to make sure he didn’t move. You began grinding your clothed privates against each other.
“Daddy…you’re so big.” You moaned out, feeling the whole outline of him spread against you as you moved.
“Bet I’d feel bigger if you let me inside, princess.” He groaned in slight frustration. But Zion knew better. When he allowed you to be on top, you did not appreciate him dominating you. Even if he did disobey once or twice.
“Testing the limits, huh?” You challenged him, making him inhale sharply.
“I’m just makin a suggestion, princess.” You smirked at his response and ceased your grinding. He let out a noise of discontent, but you were quick to shush him. You pulled down his boxers to allow the beast to be unleashed.
“You’re just lucky I want you inside of me just as bad.” You pushed down on your matching boxers to his and flung them off of the bed. You leaned down and pressed a wet kiss to his lips. “Gonna fill me up good, Daddy?” You questioned him. He quickly nodded and you brushed his dreads back off of his hot forehead.
“So good, princess. Take this dick.” He whispered to you, to which you responded with submerging him inside of you. You threw your head back and went to the races on him. You felt his hips thrust up to meet yours, but his hands stayed put clenched together.
“Touch me, Zion.” You commanded him by his name, so he knew you weren’t joking. His hot hands found your bare skin within seconds. One slipped under your bralette and the other gripped your waist.
“Princess, thank you.” He inhaled sharply as your skin began slapping against his. Your jaw dropped when he hit your g-spot and you couldn’t help yourself.
“Rub my clit, Daddy.” You looked Zion directly in his eyes and he knew you meant business. His hand abandoned your breast and he inserted his thumb in his mouth before colliding it with your sensitive nub.
“Fuck, baby.” He grunted in approval of your decision. You couldn’t respond due to the waves of pleasure you were receiving. You just knew you were close. Your eyes fell closed as you continued bouncing on Zion’s erection. “Lemme see your eyes, princess.” Your heavy eyes opened halfway at his request. But between the high and the pleasure you couldn’t do much more.
“I-I’m gonna cum, daddy.” You alerted your partner. Zion sped up his thumb at this announcement.
“Cum for me, cum all over me, princess.” You let out a high pitched scream in response to your climax, motivated by his words. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Zion chanted as he looked down between your bodies. You were releasing so much liquid that it pooled beyond the base of his dick. When he came, he dug his fingernails into your side and you both watched as you pulled off of him and your cum mixed together.
“I mean, you did say cum all over.” You huffed out, pressing your hand to your beating heart. Zion chuckled and squeezed your thighs.
“Glad I said that.”
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You grabbed a 100 dollar bill out of your purse and handed it to your nail tech, Nani. She smiled sweetly at you in response.
“You know you’re my favorite client, Y/N.” She lifted you out of your chair by your arm gently. You giggled at her words.
“You must say that to all the girls, Nani. But, I am truly grateful for you to squeeze me in today. My boyfriend is coming back today and I don’t know when I’ll have the time next.” You explained as she helped you put your jacket on, not wanting your nails to be destroyed.
“Anytime, anytime, honey. Now, go get your man!” She shooed you out of the shop with a grin. You made your way to your car and pulled out your phone. You pulled up your snap and snapped a bounce video of your new set. You captioned it ‘dulce colored for my dulce 😋🥰’ and proceeded to tag Edwin. You turned up the radio and began your trip home.
You pulled in, surprised that Edwin’s car was already there. You were positive that you were going to beat him home and it made you salty. You huffed as you shut off the car and locked it before going inside.
“Edwin?!” You called with a small smile as you closed the door behind you. You noticed one of the bags that he took with him was by the front door, so he must not have beaten you by much time.
“In the room, baby!” You were quick to discard your purse, sandals, and jacket to make your way to him. You made it to the threshold of your room to see Edwin closing a full drawer with his clothes inside.
“Baby!” You squealed in excitement. Edwin laughed and made his way to you.
“Mi amor.” He spoke softly as he grabbed your waist. Your lips met his for a long overdue kiss. You laced your fingers behind his neck and slowly separated your mouths.
“I was going to say so much, but it’s all just, poof!” You laughed and he joined in.
“That kiss said it all, I promise you.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Now, show me them nails.” He commanded. You grinned and twinkled your nails in front of him. He tenderly grabbed your wrists and observed the art.
“You like ‘em?” You asked sweetly. Edwin nodded with a smile.
“I love them. I seen your snap for me too.” He linked your fingers together, accentuating the resemblance between his skin tone and the nail color. You would always show Edwin when you got a new set first, mainly because it turned him on beyond anything.
“I thought I’d be home first, so it’d be a little motivation for speed, but…you beat me to it.” You smirked and Edwin mirrored your devilish action.
“Fate knew your tricks and wouldn’t let you play me, amor.” He took your hands and pushed them up against the wall with your body pressed against his.
“No tricks, just aiming to please.” You winked and didn’t move your hands as his dragged down your figure.
“And please you did.” He muttered, unbuttoning the blouse you wore. You let down your arms so that he could remove the clothing. Your bra followed suit and Edwin allowed his preference to be spotlighted.
“I love you…and I missed you.” You spoke of his absence for the first time and this made him harshly press your mouths together as his fingers toyed with your hard nipples. Your hands found solace in his curls in the meantime.
“I missed you so much and I love you even more than that.” He whispered to you with affection. Together, you walked towards your shared bed, and Edwin spun you around so that you could lay out before him. He helped you out of your bottoms before you raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re a bit too clothed for this event.” You whined, to which he laughed yet again.
“You’re not wrong, baby.” He quickly discarded his shirt and his jeans. He crawled in between your legs to kiss you again.
“Better.” You caressed his cheek, but it fell away when his face became out of reach as his lips pressed kisses down your abdomen. Your hands settled for his curls once again. He hummed right above your core against your skin, making you shiver. “Edwin, please don’t tease me.” You impatiently begged.
“What if I feel like it?” He looked up at you and winked. You rolled your eyes and tugged downwards on his hair. He scoffed with a chuckle. “A flair for the dramatics, as always.”
“Edwin, shut the-f-fuck!” He interrupted your angry burst with his lips wrapped around your beating clit. You saw that sparkle of evil in his eyes, but you didn’t care. You finally got what you wanted. His hands lifted your hips up so that his neck was more relaxed. Watching his plump lips work on you so sinfully made you moan some more.
“Always got those eyes on me.” Edwin noted teasingly before delving back into your core with his tongue. You nodded and felt your hips buck.
“I know you like it…daddy.” You tested the name and Edwin’s eyebrows raised at you. You let a small smile grace your lips. He pulled back and spit on your heat.
“Yes I do, baby.” You bit your lip at his action and let out a long moan as he kitten licked your clit.
“I’m g-gonna-“
“Cum for me baby. Cum for daddy.” He said before making eye contact with you as he sped up the speed of his tongue. You barely held eye contact with him as your body convulsed from your climax. But you saw yourself squirting onto Edwin’s tongue and that was new for you.
“Okay, wow. That was crazy good.” You breathed out heavily.
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NICK: (this gif would have done well for my Red Room imagine)
“Mamas, show me.” You bit your lip as you stepped out of your en suite bathroom.
“Tada!” You cheered lamely and did jazz hands to add more cringe. You were beginning to regret giving Nick a lingerie show…how did Rihanna do it?
“You look so sexy, Y/N.” Nick praised from his seat on your shared king size. You did a twirl and put a sassy hand on your hip.
“I’m not feeling this anymore, babes.” You said softly, feeling awkward. Nick got up and walked over to you.
“Would it make you feel better if…you weren’t the only one undressed?” He whispered in your ear as his fingers touched your showing skin. You giggled as he nibbled on your ear.
“You’re so naughty, Nick. But maybe?” Your hands went underneath his shirt and pushed upwards. He gladly assisted in the removal of his top.
“Naughty is what you like, mamas. I know that for a fact.” He continued to speak in a seductive tone and it was working. He proceeded to snap your yellow panties against your skin and you made a high pitched noise. Pain? Pleasure? Surprise? You didn’t even know yourself.
“And a tease, you’re always such a tease.” You grinned before pressing your lips against his. He hummed against your lips before parting.
“Your tease, baby.” You nudged him back towards your bed and he sat down, staring up at you. You nodded downwards.
“Pants.” He knew exactly what you meant and discarded them as slowly as he could. You straddled his lap and gave him another kiss. This time his tongue made an entrance. His hands grasped onto your ass and you followed his lead by grinding against his boxers.
“You’re already wet, mamas. Whose naughty now?” You moaned and sped up your pace. The lace was pressing just right against your clit at every movement.
“Me, baby!” Your hands grasped onto Nick’s shoulders to keep up with your pace. Looking into his eyes, you could tell he was surprised by your speed.
“You gonna cum?” He grunted as his member grew larger and harder underneath you. You nodded quickly and let your eyes fall closed. Your mouth however, was wide open. Moments later you stuttered against him and let your head fall onto his shoulder.
“F-Fuck.” You whimpered, your clit still throbbing in pleasure. Nick rubbed your back for a few moments before freeing himself out of his boxers.
“I’m gonna flip us, okay mamas?” You only nodded and held on. Once you were on your back you looked at Nick with only adoration. He always thought about your needs first when it came to intimacy. In part because that’s what got him off, but it meant everything to you.
“The buttons.” You nodded down to your underwear. Nick’s fingers rubbed up against your clit as he undid the buttons, making you jump. He chuckled and leaned over you, his chain dangling from his neck.
“Mmm, I love you mamas.” He pressed a kiss to your cleavage and pressed his member against your entrance.
“I love you too, daddy.” You responded while wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He looked at you dumbfounded and you responded with a cheeky wink. This snapped him out of it.
“Say it again.” You giggled and pulled on his hair.
“Someone’s more naughty than we thought. Fuck me, daddy, please.” You gave into his kink. He grunted at you and thrust himself deep inside of you. You gasped at the sudden movement and heavy breathing continued as he didn’t slow.
“So pretty, all for daddy, hmm?” He praised you over and over. Your responses came out as ‘yes daddy’, ‘only for you daddy’, ‘right there daddy’, and Nick loved every second of it. You brought his chain between your teeth and he caught sight of it. “So naughty, you just don’t let anyone see. But I see it, I see you, Y/N.” His words spurred you on in addition to his thumb now messily rubbing your clit.
“Gonna watch me cum, daddy?” You purred as your back arched more and more by the second. Nick pulled out and held his dick in his hand.
“You bet your ass I am, mamas.” He began rubbing his dick against your clit and it made both of your jaws drop.
“Yes! Right there!” You leveled your hands against the mattress to gain support as your ground your hips back and forth.
“Say it.” His free hand held your face so you would look up at him.
“Daddy!” You cried out for him. He pinched your cheeks together and let his saliva drop into your mouth. You came undone and lost control of your body. You saw Nick stutter his hips and felt cum all over your abdomen and in between your thighs. When you finally calmed down you looked down there.
“Sexy, naughty, and messy. What else can we add to the list?” Nick smirked as he softly slapped your pussy.
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ohreyyy · 4 years
I really be wanting to write and always have like the most amazing concepts in my head. But as soon as I start typing everyhthing looks weird and all over the place.
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icybloggss · 5 years
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cottoncanb · 5 years
How you met (Prettymuch preference)
Streams of sunlight tumbled into the cafe, filling it with warm, sugary light. The smell of citrus swept through the room, whirling around those who paid it any mind. Following it was the scent of chocolate, sweet and tantalizing. The two danced together to the beat of the traffic outside your little haven.
You sit in the corner of the cafe, your novel sheltering you from the noise of the world. Engrossed in the book, “The Great Gatsby”, it was your third time reading it. You’re chewing fervently at her bottom lip. The chocolate piece of skin damp as your tongue swiped over it every few minutes. Your glasses lie on your nose, framing your face, and behind them chocolate eyes skimmed over the page you are reading.
In walks a man, caramel latte coloured skin. His hair, dark and lustrous, had sheen like fine hardwood. The comparison Celeste came up with is not entirely fair, she realises. Hardwood does not swish gently as the wind caresses it like his hair does. A shiny varnish catches merely light around it, but the depths of that deep chestnut brown reflected all the radiance of his smile.
He was smiling at you.
The moment you come to this realisation you looks back at your hot chocolate, the swirls of foam enticing you as you try to distract yourself from your fluttering stomach. Your head is buzzing. He probably wasn’t even looking at you, right? Why would he? Was there something on your cheek? Maybe your bun had loosened. She raises her arms and checks to see if each braid is in place and they all are. Why are you even worrying? The likelihood of you seeing him again is slim to none. You take a sip of your hot chocolate, set the mug down and continue reading.
“That’s a great book. I’ve read it a few times myself,” a voice says. You look up and it belongs to the gorgeous stranger who is now standing in front of you.
“Oh, yeah. This is my fourth time reading it.”
“I’m Brandon.”
The small room is full of dancers. Tall, short, thin, curvy. All of them are restless, not only are they wanting this job but also the ones who are hiring. Prettymuch is shooting a music video and they needed some female dancers. You stood in a corner, stretching trying to calm your raging nerves. Switching fluidly from one stretch to another and then stopping to adjust the number on your shirt.
“Alright, were going to have the following numbers come up and audition: 5, 9,3,17 and 20.”
You sigh as you hear your number get called out and begin to walk toward the man. You can feel your heartbeat slowly picking up with each step closer to the room. When you walk in you’re greeted by five beautiful boys, one catching your eye: Edwin.
“Each of you is going to be assigned a boy to dance with. We just want to see who is going to look good with whom for the visual purposes of the video. So, number 5 go to Brandon, nine go to Austin, three go to Zion, seventeen go to Nick and twenty make your way too Edwin.”
The moment you hear yours and his name you both look up and make up contact, a smile creeping onto Edwin’s face.
“Guess we’re together then,” he says. His arm works its way behind you and onto the small of your back, leading you to where the two of you would work together.
Already knowing the routine, you all wait for the music to start so you can dance together. Once the beat spills out of the speakers you turn to face Edwin, holding his gaze as you move closer to him and begin to dance. This is an RnB record so the dance moves are slow and sultry. Your bodies press up against each other as you move to the beat and feel not only the rhythm but each other as well.
The music winds down and you finish the routine facing one another, bodied pressed together with your chest on his. You’re both breathing heavily as the music dies down. He holds your gaze, fingers slowly trailing up and down your back.
Claps from the others in the room sound and break you out of your trance.
“You know my name; do I have the pleasure of knowing yours?” He says as he slowly lets you go.
The whir of the needle rang through the room as you sat on the chair. You’re increasing the tattoo collection you have. You have a few scattered all over your body and have now added one to your back. It went down your spine, little flowers and vines worked their way up and down your spine almost like grape vine. You had even made sure to wear a backless top, because you knew you would be proud of the new art on your body.
“Alright I think I’m done. It’s wrapped and ready to go. Just make sure you pay on your way out. Thanks for coming,” the tattoo artist said as you both stood. You thanked him and made your way to the entrance. It was full considering it was a Saturday and this was a popular spot in your city so to keep yourself occupied you went and stoop by a mirror, back turned to it so you could admire it.
The door bell rings, and two guys walk in: one is tall with a caramel tone and dreadlocks and the other catches your eye, tall, blonde and beautiful. The blonde Adonis makes eye contact with you through the mirror and holds your gaze as he walks. He tears his gaze away from you and goes to set an the reception.
For a moment, you’re confused. Do you want to go and get a closer look at him or should you just leave it because you probably won’t see him again? He’s too beautiful to be common so what would you gain. Fuck it. You get up and walk toward the reception desk, you had to pay for your tattoo anyways. This was a win-win situation: you get to pay for your tattoo and see the gorgeous man. Standing on his left side you opt to observe and not speak to him.
“Your tattoo is cool,” a smooth voice says to you and you connect the dots and figure out who it’s owner is.
“Yeah? Thanks. Hurt like a bitch cause it’s on my spine but, hey, beauty is pain right?”
“Well I’m sure you know nothing about that, you’re naturally beautiful. I’m Austin, nice to meet you…”
The room buzzed with excitement as you and twenty other girls waited for the Prettymuch boys to make an appearance. You were at a special event, an exclusive listening party for an EP they were working on.
Not to sound like a wattpad cliché but you did want to get the attention of your favourite member; Nick. With this in mind you made sure you looked your best. You’re wearing a black body con dress that was just above the knees and a pair of sneakers. Simple but you hoped it would get his attention. That and the fact that you bathed in a Victoria’s Secret perfume so you smelt of flowers and seduction.
The door creeks open, silencing the conversations that had started amongst you and the others and you all turn your heads towards it. Edwin walks in first, followed by Zion, Nick, Austin and finally Brandon.
“Hey guys. Thank you all so much for coming today. We really appreciate all the love and support you’ve given us over the last few years and we really hope you like what we’ve got to share with you today,” Brandon says.
“Yeah so before that happens we’re just going to walk around and mingle. It would be wrong not to get to know all the beautiful ladies in the room,” Zion says.
Through all the talking, you have your eyes focused on Nick and you’re silently begging him to look up and look your way. Just as you’re about to give up, he does. You feel electricity jolt through your body as he looks at you with a soft smile playing on his face.
The guys disperse and make their way to little groups to talk to some people. Nick goes to one on the other side of the room and you feel your heart sink. It may irrational but you thought you felt something. Austin comes to your group and you guys talk about yourselves, him, their music, music in general and just any topic he and you all could squeeze in.
Thirty minutes pass and you take yourself away from the crowd, there’s only so much socialising you can handle before you need to pull away for a little bit. You go grab a bottle of water from the table of snacks they had set up.
“Is there a reason you’re alone and not with a group or something,” someone says softly. You know this voice.
You look up and you see Nick. Standing in front of you. Nick Mara. He is standing in front of you.
“I-I just needed a little break that’s all.”
“I feel that, talking to people just gets a bit much sometimes. Mind if I wind down with you?” He says still holding your gZe and making your stomach flutter. You feel your face starting to warm up.
“No. No as in I don’t mind not no you can’t chill with me. This is your event. You can be wherever you want. I’m going to stop talking now,”
“I think it’s only fitting that I know your name before we spend the next five minutes together, don’t you think?”
“Yeah. Um, it’s Y/N.”
Music pumped the the speakers, it’s best coursing through your veins and elating you more. The red cup in your hand filled with a liquid, you weren’t sure what it was but it tasted good and you’d poured it yourself so there was nothing to worry about. Having empties your first cup, you walked over to the kitchen to get yourself a refill. It was your best friend’s birthday and you were single. This was the perfect concoction for you too hook up with someone.
In the kitchen you swayed to the music as you poured your drink. After you poured it you stood for a moment to catch your breath before going back out into the thick and lively atmosphere that was outside the kitchen. Sort of rebooting your system. You stood and took a sip of your drink, observing people as they walked and talked.
A group walked into the kitchen, led by a the most beautiful man you’d ever seen. He exuded confidence as he walked, leading the conversation he and his friends were having. A smirk sat on his face as he skimmed the room, eyes landing on you. Suddenly you felt sober and began to fidget with the dress you had on. Even with the liquid encouragement you couldn’t hold his gaze.
You kept your head low and looked at the contents of your cup like they were a painting of a Greek God, intricate and delicate. This doesn’t happen to you, you’re confident and upfront so what the hell was happening?
“People don’t normally come to parties to stand in corners alone ma,” a voice said, husky and low. You could feel his warm breath on your neck and his sent worked its way around you. You didn’t have to look up to know it was the beautiful boy.
“I just needed a little break that’s all.”
“Well if you’re done with your little break, how about we go dance? I have a feeling you and me are going to get along great out there mamas. What do you say?”
He inches closer, hand taking the drink that was in your hands and setting it on the counter top. He joins your hands and takes a cautious step forward, looking at you for approval to proceed.
“Yeah sure, let’s go dance.”
“I’m Zion,” he says, coming close to you again. Now on the dance floor you feel he’s front on your back as he starts to move to the beat of the song: Body Party by Ciara.
“Y/N,” you shout over the noise and begin to work your magic with your waist.
Yikes this is long. Feedback is always welcome, tell me what you liked and what you didn’t and what you want to see and what you don’t. Who was your favourite? Anything and everything is welcome.
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znaeb · 5 years
heyy can you do a preference about them seeing you in their clothes please?i loooove your writing so much btw ❤❤❤
I’ve never done a preference before so I hope that this is good for a first one, it’s super informal but I thought that was better 😅
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Okay so we know that my boy Edwin would eat that shit up, okay?? Like he’d probably spin you around and tell you how cute you look, like he wouldn’t shut up about it! He’d think you were the most adorable thing he’d ever seen.
“Lookatchu mamí, so sexy in my clothes”
You’d probably be in like his Fila hoodie and like maybe you borrowed a pair of his boxers to wear too. He’d think you looked so great, like he’d insist you wear his stuff when you came over every time after that.
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Okay so with Zion you’d probably be wearing like some of his PM merch since you knew it was his favorite. And like he’d love it because he’s seriously so clingy.
“fuck yeah, now everyone knows you mine”
Like he’d be so elated that you picked out his shirt to wear, that you wanted to wear his stuff. And since he’s secretly (not so secretly) soft he wouldn’t be able to stop looking at you, like he’d watch you do everything and you’d call him a creep and he’d just shake his head because he doesn’t care, he’s just feels so special because you wanted to wear his clothes.
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Holyfuck this boy would melt. He’d think you were so adorable in his big tie-dye long sleeve that he’d follow you around like a lost puppy. Like he’d just hug you from behind while you’re doing something because he thinks it’s so endearing that you just automatically put on his sweatshirt.
“We should go cuddle... wanna go cuddle? ...let’s go cuddle.”
And as we all know this boy is a cuddle fiend and he would not stop until you agreed to put whatever you’re doing on hold and come watch some cartoons with him.
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My man Nick over here would legit have an instant boner. Like, guys, c’mon... we know how dominant and possessive this kid gets and he’d literally think that you just wearing one of his tees was the hottest thing on the planet, so of course he fucking loves it.
“Shit ma, who you lookin’ so goddamn fine for?”
He’d find any excuse at all to touch you. Like he’d spank you as you walked by him, or pull you to sit in his lap. This man is too horny.
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Brandon would try to play it cool. Like he’d pretend he didn’t notice you in his clothes even though it was literally the first thing he saw when you walked into the room.
Like you’d just be in his black sweatpants and like one of his graphic tees with maybe like some fuzzy socks or something and he’d be like so curious why you picked out his clothes instead of your own.
“Babe, why you stealin’ my whole wardrobe?”
He’d joke that you were taking all his stuff but in actuality now that you’d put his stuff on he never wanted to see you in anything else. Knowing my boy he’d probably take pictures too, he’d just snap a few polaroids and probably end up hanging them somewhere on his room because he thinks you look so great.
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ashleydivine · 5 years
The universe should do me a solid and send me someone cute to cuddle
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yeah-prettymuch · 5 years
“god I’m so lucky” PRETTYMUCH preference
Summary: this is my first post so please don’t judge me. Leave what you’d like to read next, or your thoughts in the comments! Alright let’s get it poppin.
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“Brandon come to bed” y/n whined as she stood at the studio door. It was a Friday night, their weekly bae day. All the boys had made fun of them for the term but they honestly didn’t care. It was their little inside joke, her cousin had suggested having a “bae day” every once in a while and the couple found it so cringey that they hAd to do it.
“Just a couple more minutes baby, I promise” Brandon states blankly as he works on his little project.
“You’re ruining our bae day, B. You’ve been working on this stupid project all day” she whines as she lugs her legs over to his desk.
“It’s not stupid, its work. If you’re not willing to be patient then you might as well just go to bed” Brandon sasses, making y/n stop in her place.
“If you’re not going to be there then there’s not a point in being here. I’ve been waiting for you to be done for hours, Brandon” she returns the sass with a little more punch as she heads to the door.
Brandon was very rarely in a bad mood, but this track he was working on just didn’t seem to be working and with that things seemed ten times more aggravating. She waited for a moment for his response. He turns to her with his eyebrows raised as he points to the door, “then leave.”
With a struck to her heart y/n did as she was told, storming through the PRETTYMUCH house. Y/n walked out the front door hoping for tomorrow to be better.
And it was, y/n awoke to at least ten text messages and five missed calls. There was a loud and frantic knock on the door calling to her. She rushed to it, swinging the door open.
“Hey baby, I’m so sorry about last night. Not cool of me. And especially on our bAe dAy,” he hands her a bouquet of flowers and they exchange quick smiles before quickly connecting their lips.
As they slowly break their kiss, y/n pecks his lips one last time as she whispers to him, “God I’m so lucky.”
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“You guys are so cute, Austin” a fan comments as the couple stands side by side. They had gone out on a quick stroll through the city they were visiting for tonight’s show, and of course the BEANS followed.
“Well no tea no shade but y’all would look cute together too,” y/n smiles as she snaps a picture of the two.
“Nope you guys are much cuter. I consistently look like a foot,” The fan laughs as fans in the back scream “sAmE!”
“All of you shut your pie holes, you’re all gorgeous and deserve a lil’ Austin like I have” y/n smiles as she leans into her boyfriend’s chest. The fans all awe and hush as the two laugh at their own cheesiness.
“God I am so lucky” Austin smiles as he looks down at the beautiful love of his life.
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“Ay ma, I’m gonna go grab a drink” Nick kisses his girlfriend’s cheek and running to the bar.
Y/n continues to innocently speak to her friends while her boyfriend is momentarily keeping his eyes off of her. With that brief moment in time, a boy about the same age as her approaches her group. Her friends don’t think anything of it as they continue their increasingly drunken conversation and the boy knew.
“The names David. And yours?” The boy says as he continues to look her up and down.
“hEr nAmE iS y/N” one of the girls giggle as they hop back into chugging drink after drink.
“-and I have a boyfriend” y/n completes as she turns around to protect her friends from stupid drunken decisions.
“Doesn’t look like he’s here” David shouts over the music as he twists around with a hand lazily on her hip.
“he’s grabbing a drink” y/n peels his hand off her side, searching for her only.
“Or maybe you’re just playing hard to get” David comes closer, while y/n attempts to back up.
Suddenly y/n’s knight in shining armor emerges through the crowd with steam blowing from his ears. He instantly shoves David away from his girlfriend, stepping in front of her, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Look man, I’m not lookin for trouble” David shrugs as he looks to y/n with a smug smile, “just some fun.”
“Are you seriously that fucking dumb?” Nick growls as he looks to his girl with confusion.
“This is my boyfriend, Nick” y/n says with a slight smirk seeing the shock and fear in David’s eyes.
“Yeah and if you think that’s how you get some you’re gonna meet some wonderful bitches in jail. Ever heard of sexual harassment? Look it up before you hit on another obviously taken girl” Nick trails as y/n holds a firm grip on his wrist, holding him back from pummeling.
“Whatever” David disappears into the crowd and the tension immediately releases in y/n’s shoulders.
“Thank you, baby” y/n chimes as she kisses Nick’s lips letting him relax as well.
Nick looks off to where the harasser exited with a groan, “I don’t get why guys like that exist. You should be able to have a good time without me having to keep pervs off of you.”
Y/n’s heart skips a beat as she listens to him preach the things she had been begging a man to say for years. They stood there in the blasting music of the club as she really realized how perfect he really was, “god I’m so lucky.”
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“Listen, I want you to be as kind to him as possible. I really want him to like you guys” y/n lectured her family as they all nodded to her. Zion was outside grabbing the miscellaneous gifts you had brought for your nieces, nephews, and younger cousins. 
Y/n rushes to the door as she sees her boyfriend struggling to grab the door handle, a blush and smile plastered across his face. Her aunts giggle at the little moment the two of them share as he waddles into the doorway. Her uncles grab a bag each and set it onto the floor with Zion in toe. 
“Sit down you two, I wanna hear all about your new boyfriend” y/n’s Aunt scoots over, patting the space next to her as y/n leads Zion over to her. 
The two of them sit down as y/n stares at her boyfriend with a smile plastering across her lips as she notices his shaking hands. “Babe it’s just your family what kind of pussy would get freaked from that. Parents love me, babe. Everyone will love me” she recollects from only hours before when they boarded their plane. 
“Oh my god they’re going to hate me” said Zion only fifteen minutes before they had arrived. And now here they were, Zion acting the exact opposite he had promised. Y/n couldn’t help but smugly whisper to him as they were walking to the door, “I told you you’d get nervous.” 
The family continues their previous conversation while the couple sits and enjoys. As time goes on Zion’s shoulders become a little less tense and he feels comfortable enough to lie back and sleekly pull his arm around his girlfriend. 
Suddenly the glass door slides open as y/n’s father peeks through with a steaming plate of burgers and hot dogs. All the little ones follow behind her father begging for plates and arguing with their parents about vegetables, “sounds like you” y/n jokes as they both head for the kitchen.
“Hey kiddos!” y/n shouts to the little ones, “if you eat all your dinner I have some presents for you guys” she bargains as they all ooo and awe with their parents silently thanking her.
Everyone sits down, chowing down on their food as Zion and y/n sit at the corner of the long table, “so tell us about how you two lovebirds met” Y/n’s mom asks as all the kids grotesquely reply.
“Well I found her on instagram” her family slightly cringes, “I know, I know, but just wait. So I message her and she replies hours later with an extremely snarky comment” the males in her life begin to applaud y/n as the two laugh, “and it really hurt my feelings ya know? So after a couple more attempts to get her to go out with me I finally gave up. Until I saw her getting hit on by this creepy guy at this really cool cafe in downtown L.A. and decided to try and save her. And that’s when she finally started begging me to go on a date.”
Y/n rolls her eyes as her family all gush about their oh so cute story. He continues to go on about their horrifyingly embarrassing experiences and adorable ones, causing her uncle to make a quick witted comment, “wow Zion you make our y/n sound like a real mess.”
“Oh trust me I could tell you plenty about this dummy” she teases as everyone begins laughing once again.
“God I’m so lucky” Zion sarcastically states. Y/n lightly shoves him, causing him to topple out of his chair. 
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“Dang baby how do you look so good?” Edwin whistles as he shouts from the kitchen, carrying the soup to their bedroom
“Stoop Edwin.” y/n giggles as she hides her head in her blanket. Being sick was one of y/n’s least favorite feelings, but Edwin was determined to change her health in his one day off. 
“Okay I’ll go get the movies, and when I get back we’re binge watching as many as we can until you pass out” Edwin plans as he springs back into action. 
She smiles as she slurps up the steaming soup, somehow Edwin had made canned soup taste like homemade and y/n was determined to figure out his secrets when she was better. She had made him a list of chores that needed to be done while she took her sick day, for today was her usual day to clean the  PRETTYMUCH house. Because if she didn’t no one ever would until the next party they hosted. 
But of course Edwin being the angel he is, had already completed her list. He arrives back with a stack of her favorite movies in hand, “feeling better yet, princesa?” Edwin asks kissing her temple.
She begins a coughing fit, throwing a thumbs up in the air shortly after. He laughs as he slides the first movie into the DVD player. He takes the blanket off of her, followed by her hissing he wraps it around her once again forming a burrito covering around her. He sits next to her praying to god that the cocoon was enough protection from her sickness, and lays her head on his chest.
Almost immediately y/n falls into a slumber, “god I’m so lucky’ Edwin whispers as he pauses the movie and attempts to fall asleep beside her. 
- - -
Okay side note I’m sorry all of these were pretty long. I just got carried away. Hehe.
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nightsonights · 5 years
be alright- z.k.
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summary: after a fan attacks you, zion offers his comfortive measures.
warnings: mentions of abuse, slight cursing.
author’s note: this is my submission for @temperaryheart’s 700 followers contest! she is incredibly talented and deserves every single one of those followers :) my prompt sentence is “i don’t know what i would do without you”
i laid in solitary on a secluded couch in the depths of the tour bus.
the demons of the hour danced with the demons of my thoughts; their smouldering feet growing tired.
i thought it would be fun. the concerts, the tour life, meeting the fans.
and it /was/ fun.
but the alinement of excitement and adrenaline is perilous.
maybe it was her sudden strong grip around my wrist.maybe it was the way her ribs clung aggressively to the separative metal fixtures of the barricade. maybe it was the unpurified hatred in her eyes. maybe it was the burning sensation of the sharp blade being pressed against the insubstantial skin of my wrist.
maybe it was the combination of all those events that made me feel like i was drowning. like i was sinking deeper into the oceans of chronic perturbation. gasping for air but getting nothing but water in return.
and as my lungs burned at the lack of oxygen, i could interpret her abusive menace ripple through the vibrations of the water.
/“i hope you die you fucking bitch”/
my fingers traced reminiscently over the tender blue and purple bruise that painted my wrist.
i knew from the moment my reluctant eyes fell upon zion that we were gonna have our highest ups and lowest downs.
i knew i would be a constant internal battle between myself and the millions of fans.
i knew that there would be fans who would think i’m a bad influence or not pretty or not supportive enough.
i knew all of that. so why did i feel like i wasn’t prepared? why wasn’t i prepared for a simple fan encounter to lead to a violation of my personal safety?
be nice to the fans when they approach you. take pictures with them. like the edits and the tagged pictures. smile when they recognize you. i did everything right. so why was i suffering consequences?
i glanced up to see zion; my tired, dread-headed lover. his stubborn eyes squinted in response to the adjustment needed to be in the presence of the LED display of the mute television.
“you coming to bed?” he inquired, stifling a yawn in the doorway.
“in a second” i muttered, glancing back up at the muted cartoon.
the comically exaggerated storyline transitioned into a series of rapid moving frames as i waited for zion to retreat to his bunk. yet his presence still lingered in the doorway, hesitate if he should intervene my moment of lamentable affairs.
silence momentarily loomed over the two of us before zion broke the silence once again.
“baby, come to bed. please. it’s way to late for you to still be up” zion pleaded.
his voice wavered with a underlying apprehensive preeminence, alerting me that this had nothing to do with sleep. he was tip toeing around me; trying his best not to come off as abrasive or insensitive.
but he didn’t need to. i was okay, right?
this tour was supposed to be tranquil; moments of proud observance and lighthearted memories. yet instead, i was basking in the warm rays of hatred and propelling myself through the pools of my melancholy.
i am terrified. i’m terrified to go back into the warfare of tube topped teenagers.
i had underestimated them and overestimated my safety. my safety was no longer a guarantee.
i brushed diligently at the tears that silently saturated the neutral pigments of my cheeks.
no level of security could shield me from the pubertal gunfire of prettymuch fans.
“leilani?” zion’s raspy voice called out again into the absence of light.
his soft pleads of self care triggered the stinging forlorn emotion brewing in the flesh of my cheeks.
“i-i can’t. i can’t zion. i can’t go to bed knowing that’s she’s still out there. and i can’t press charges on fan. a court case would ruin the tour and i-i” i chocked, my voice coming out in a series of sharp breathes.
the vinyl wood flooring creaked as zion came to my aid.
i buried my face in my hands; letting the broken symphony of my sobs orchestrate in the palms of my hands.
the cushion shifted against the change of weight as zion had a seat beside me. he draped an arm around my fragile shoulders; pulling me into the warm of his chest.
zion gingerly pressed his plump lips against my forehead; letting his lips linger in an attempt of reassurance.
my breathing hitched in my throat as my body trembled in a fit of trepidation.
i don’t want to go back out there. i don’t want to go back home. i don’t want to go anywhere. i don’t know what to do.
there wasn’t a wiki how on how to cope when your boyfriend’s fans attacks you.
i just want to feel safe. and i don’t know if i’ll ever feel safe around zion again. how can i not feel safe around my own boyfriend?
“mamas, look at me” zion urged, pulling away and gently tugging at the unstable barriers shielding my vision.
my hands hesitantly fall down from the frame of my face; stared into his pools of his dark brown worry.
his eyebrows raised about a centimetre or two; lined with something between concern and panic.
“don’t worry about any of that okay? everything is going to be handled. and i’m right here,” he paused to trace his thumb over the damp of my cheeks, “no one is gonna hurt you.”
i nodded silently as i tried to center a normal pace of breathing.
he pulled me back into in the warmth of his chest; rubbing the small of my back gently.
“i love you. i don’t know what i would do without you” i mumbled as he placed a kiss on the top of my head.
“i love you too. it’s gonna be alright.”
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rockyscactus · 5 years
dating zion would include
- hyping each other tf up !
- "look at my man!!"
- roasting on the guys
- "baby shark doo doo doo doo" when nick's pissing you guys off
- "blondes" you both roll your eyes as austin gasps
- "how many fingers" when brandon goes to clean his glasses
- "EGGWINNNN" just because
- him pranking you
- you ALWAYS getting him back bc you are that bitch
- "look at my baby, flipping those pancakes"
- you:
zion: damn you're sooo fiiiine
- being the life of EVERY party
- being the first people on the dance floor
- not giving af what people think, as long as you have each other
- him teaching you all the new choreo
- him being hella jealous
- "go chill with your other boyfriend"
- you being just as petty
- "i'll tell him you say hi"
- he acts like he hates your attitude but he's highkey glad he has someone who aint afraid to fight back
- "watch that mouth of yours", he tries to tell you
- "shut the hell up"
- the guys are more than shocked that he's 1000% commited *for once* and that he's absolutely OBSESSED with you
- him overall just giving you nothing but love and affection 💓💖💕🖤
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nicksbbyg-blog · 5 years
❀preference // 5❀
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summary: good night text he sends you
Austin: "every night before I go to sleep I think about you, us and how much I love you. sweet dreams babe ❤️"
Brandon: "I couldn't sleep until I told you how much I missed you. the morning can't come soon enough. I love you and good night 😘"
Edwin: "good night, mami, I'm counting down the seconds until I have your gorgeous self in my arms 😌❤️"
Nick: "everyday I spend with you is the new best day of my life. can't wait for the morning. good night, baby girl 💕"
Zion: "you mean the world to me. I love you baby sleep well ☺️😍"
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chillassimagines · 5 years
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BRANDON: “Babe you look so good-stop flexing! I can’t stop looking at you, dammit. I can’t wait to come home.”
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EDWIN: “Bebe, you makin me feel insecure bout my cut. I gotta turn around and go back to the shop. You look so fly.”
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NICK: “So this how you gon’ do me? You gon’ come up in here lookin like that? Don’t say a damn word, mamas. Come over here with that smile.”
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ZION: “Y/N, when I see you it’s over! You look so fine! Aghh! You gonna get it! That’s my BAY-BEEE.”
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AUSTIN: “Babe, I cannot focus on this video right now. I gotta touch it. I gotta touch you. It looks so good.”
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ohreyyy · 5 years
I’m getting really anxious cause the boys have not updated at all about the New Orleans show. 😭😭😭😭
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icybloggss · 5 years
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I luv how we’re all cncowners/beanz now but tbh pm could learn a lot from CNCO bc damn😍💃🏾
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