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pavelkoci · 4 years
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Zobor, Gýmeš, Tribeč (Ponitrianska magistrála, Slovakia) Not so dangerous as in the Trhlina movie... But still lot of magic there...
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liryc17 · 6 years
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Sunday evening ride #nitra #zobor #slovakia #slovensko #sunday #ride (at Nitra)
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bacejelerenvorthos · 3 years
The Lore of Modern Horizons 2: General Ferrous Rokiric
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“Over nine thousand years ago, the city of Ravnica was in a state of disorder. While the magical Guildpact that enforced a division of responsibilities between the ten guilds had existed for four centuries, increasingly destructive rebellions by the Golgari and Rakdos had crippled the city. The Wojek League, responsible for enforcing law and order, was stretched to the breaking point.
Commander-General Ferrous Rokiric devised a solution: ten mighty stone titans, each equal to a hundred soldiers in combat, were brought to the city to put down the rebellions and maintain the peace. When the uprising had quieted, nine of the titans were stationed at the borders of the city, while the tenth titan, Zobor, stood guard over the Tenth District. It served as an awe-inspiring reminder of the power of the Boros Legion until its destruction during the Decamillennial Celebration.”
Art by Matt Stewart
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vorthosjay · 4 years
We know Zobor, the Titan of the 10th district, was destroyed in Ravnica book I. Do the other 9 Titans have names? Are they still standing to date?
Gate Colossus implies some of them are still standing. I don’t believe we know the names of the others, except that they don’t work anymore.
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reshiiii · 5 years
Túr de Slovensko!
So. My dad needed help in work so I went with him. Two days. To Košice and back. It was hilarious in some moments, I slept some hours, so I didn't see everything. But. The sunrise? *chef kiss* The sundown? *chef kiss*
I did take some photos, but the quality is.... Meh, at the best. Taken from car, during ride most of the time.
So, we started at Sereď, then Nitra. Sunrise over Zobor was beautiful, but I didn't také any photos, bc I didn't have a reason. Then my dad said, Why don't you take some photos for those guys? So I did. Here, have them:
(disclaimer: we weren't sightseeing. We took the highway and went. And then some krkaháje - break-a-neck roads through who knows where)
Yay! Panorama and some ruin. Don't know what it is. Did you know, that in SK we have brown road signs, that have written where is the nearest castle/cave/etc?
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Then we went through Zvolen - Zvolenský zámok (chateau) and Slovak National Gallery (I was there last summer, it was nice, if you're a student it's really cheap)
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Next were Vígľaš and Halič
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Poppy fields every where and! There are, almost always, trees to go along the road - they protect it from getting snowbound in winter. It's mostly wild apples, cherries and walnuts, but the best is - you can eat them. Just, stop on the road, enjoy the sight and have a small, wild apple. And no one will bat an eye.
And then. Oooh and then. I made my dad stop now. Krásna Hôrka (Beautiful Hill, forgive my translation). And Mausoleum! Some years ago I went there for holidays, but Krásna Hôrka was already burnt then. Yes. Burnt. In 2012 the roof was on fire and it's still under reconstuction.
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(as tumblr won't let me put more than 10 photos, part 2!)
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michalbotansky · 7 years
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🇬🇧Hunger is what drives us forward, hunger for a better life. The amount of hunger, decide whether soon or later we will succeed. Well, you probably know this.🍰 . 🇸🇰Hlad, je to čo nás poháňa dopredu, hlad za lepším životom. Veľkosť hladu, rozhodne o tom či skôr, alebo neskôr uspejeme. Veď toto asi poznáš. 🍰 . . . . . . . #hunger #hungry #photoshoot #restaurant #lunchtime #food #tablescape #bigwindow #nitra #slovakia #zobor #ig_slovakia #insta_svk #carpark #citylife #everydaything #shoppingcenter #people #businessmeeting #working #mything (at Nitra)
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romanoravec · 8 years
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But for now back to sunny and cold Nitra - Slovakia 💙 ❤ #thisisslovakia #Nitra #home #cold #winter #zobor #hill #valley #sunset #snow #snowy #field #pureslovakia #landscape #beautiful #colours #instalike #instagood #follow #castle #mojanitra #mountains #ice #sun (na mieste Nitra)
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marekroncak · 5 years
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Prechádzka 😊 #túra#priroda#leto#peknyden#slovensko#instagram#vyhlad#mesto#nitra#nature#summer#slovakia#forest#city#sky (na mieste Pyramída vysielač Zobor) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0yruNWFgN4/?igshid=1b9r8qujihvjq
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netbilge · 2 years
Zobor ne demek, nedir? Gönül Dağı'nda geçen Zobor kelimesinin anlamı nedir?
Zobor ne demek, nedir? Gönül Dağı’nda geçen Zobor kelimesinin anlamı nedir?
Zobor ne demek, nedir? Gönül Dağı’nda geçen Zobor kelimesinin anlamı nedir? Zobor kelimesini dizide kullanan Ağıtçı Hüseyin karakteriyle beğeni toplayan Erdal Cindoruk… Başarılı oyunculuğuyla dikkati çeken Erdal Cindoruk, dizide ‘zobor’ kelimesini en çok kullanılan bir kelime olduğunu hepimiz biliyoruz doğal olarak. Erdal Cindoruk tarafından keşfedilen kelime normal olarak senaryoda yoktu.…
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Neseď doma: Objavuj krásu mesta Nitra a zaži pri tom nezabudnuteľné dobrodružstvo
Krásne júnové počasie v každom z nás evokuje pocit už pomaly sa blížiaceho leta. S teplejšim počasím nám vzrastá aj chuť vyraziť si niekam, spraviť si výlet, alebo tráviť viac času na čerstvom vzduchu. Využi voľno počas týchto slnečných dní a vyhraď si pre seba, prípadne pre svoju rodinu či priateľov čas a zahrajte si spolu novú únikovú hru v Nitre.
Slovensko je nádherná krajina, ktorá sa môže pýšiť svojim prírodným bohatstvom či mestami bohatými na historické a kultúrne pamiatky. Krajina pod Tatrami môže svojim návštevníkom ponúknúť neskutočne množstvo prekrásnych miest, ktoré učarujú každému. Výnimkou nie je ani mesto na siedmich pahorkoch – Nitra.
Mesto pod Zoborom
Šieste najväčšie mesto na Slovenku si viacerí spájajú s nitrianskym kniežaťom Pribinom a s príchodom solúnskych bratov Konštantína a Metoda. Mesto sa môže pýšiť s viacerými historickými pamiatkami, architektonickými kúskami a umeleckými dielami.
Káždý turista v Nitre by mal navštíviť typické nitrianské pamiatky ako Nitriansky hrad s bazilikou sv. Emeráma, na ceste z hradu sa odfotiť pri soche Corgoňa alebo pri soche Cyrila a Metoda, vydať sa na minitúru na Hradisko Zobor, vidieť Svoradovú jaskyňu a ďalšie krásy tohto mesta.   
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Objavuj mesto s Outdoor Escape Game
Spoj príjemné s užitočným a počas objavovania krásy mesta si dopraj napínavé dobrodružstvo v podobe šifrovačky. S outdoor escape room z krajiny helvetského kríža sa nielen zabavíš ale aj vycibríš si svoje schopnosti. Šifrovacia hra je pre každého dobrodruha, ktorý má rád záhady, hádanky a rád sa prekonáva. Vonkajšia úniková hra od spoločnosti URBANescape je skvelým tipom na výlet, darček, oslavu narodenín, teambuilding, školský výlet, rozlúčku so slobodou.
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Lov na agenta – escape game pre teba
Exteriérovú  únikovú hru – ,,Lov na agenta“ si môže zahrať maximálne až 24 hráčov, teda 4 tímy, ktoré môžu hrať spoločne a / alebo proti sebe. Mestská hra je dostupná v slovenskom, anglickom a nemeckom  jazyku. City game je k dispozicií v 2 variantoch - originálna verzia (na výber 2 náročnosti – začiatočník a pokročilý). Druhým variantom city escape game je verzia pre rodinu - ,,Family Lov na agenta“, ktorá je tým správnym výberom pre deti od 10 rokov a rodiny s deťmi.
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Príjmi výzvu a ochráň bezpečnosť svojej krajiny pred skorumpovaným agentom, ktorý chce predať ukradnuté dáta so štátnym tajomstvom. Rezervuj si dobrodružstvo zo Švajčiarska, ktoré zožalo úspech už aj v Berlíne, pre seba a svoj tím už teraz a spoločne sa vydajte na dobrodružnú cestu.
Rezervuj si svoju outdoor escape game misiu v Nitre tu:
Rezervuj si svoju outdoor escape game misiu v Bratislave tu:
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leuska · 7 years
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Let it snow, let it snow,let it snow! #digby #sundays #zobor #vizslaoftheday #vizslaoftheday2 #vizsla #vizslagram #vizslasofinstagram101
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dininimapentrumine · 3 years
Ziua de 12 octombrie în istoria noastră 1113:  Orașul Oradea este mentionat pentru prima data sub numele latin Varadinum („vár” însemnând cetate în limba maghiară),  într-o diplomă a abaţiei benedictine din Zobor , în care apare numele episcopului Sixtus Varadiensis şi al comitelui Saul de Bychar. Asezarea este insa mult mai veche, rădăcinile sale fiind  de origine romano-dacică. Asa cum o atesta…
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Na Nitrianskom hrade opäť birmovná slávnosť v historickej atmosfére
Na Nitrianskom hrade opäť birmovná slávnosť v historickej atmosfére
Farnosť sv. Urbana v Nitre na Zobore v poslednej chvíli nečakane zmenila miesto birmovnej slávnosti, a birmovanci sa tak nezhromaždili vo svojom farskom Kostole sv. Urbana, ale na Nitrianskom hrade v jeho historickej Gotickej priekope medzi starobylými hradnými múrmi. Prevzaté automaticky z TK KBS.sk: https://www.tkkbs.sk/rss/domov/
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praveslovenske · 3 years
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Prajeme peknú oddychovú Nedeľu 🙏🌸👣 #praveslovenske #nitra #zobor 📸 @xixinka https://ift.tt/3udUf4C
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maxbezhenar · 4 years
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в Zobor https://www.instagram.com/p/CKLwQO-nBbl/?igshid=8qk4h02c9bx6
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