art-in-progressosoup · 11 months
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Inktober Day 16! Not sure if the Mirrorlands has anything like angels yet, but Zoriah would definitely qualify as an angel type person lol
For context, Zoriah is the Mirrorlands goddess of life! She has stained glass hair and wings that have constantly shifting colors. Her twin, Melodia, is the goddess of death!
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mobwhim · 1 year
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she will keep your plants alive 🌱
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Season 2 returns January 4 on CBC
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victoria-vd · 15 hours
Laid to Rest
// tw injury, violence, death, Pokémon death, hospital
Part 1: The Calm
Part 2: The Storm
The hospital room was brightly lit, fluorescent lights shining down on the girl in the bed. Bright red swollen bruises covered the half of Esper’s face that had been struck by Barcelona, and it can only be assumed that her torso below the hospital gown was in much of the same state. She let out a quiet sigh as liquid pumped through her IV, glancing off towards the only other sound in the room: the ticking of the clock. How long had Esper been here already? Could only be but a few hours and yet she was still exhausted from the constant poking and prodding of the doctors and nurses.
But now the doctors and nurses were gone and she had been left alone. Waiting.
There was a quiet knock at the door.
Esper startled a bit at the sound, whirling her head around to look towards the sound. The girl stared at the door for a moment before answering, unsure as to who could be knocking, "Oh! Uh– Come in!"
The doorknob turned and the door was pushed open.
Victoria was the first to step forwards through the doorway. She gave Esper a once-over and nodded to her in greeting.
“Hey Esper,” Jaime waved from behind her. “How’s everything…?”
"Oh! Tori, Jaime!" Esper visibly perked up at the sight of Victoria and her brother, giving the two a small wave before shrugging, "I'm... doing okay? Could be worse, y'know?"
Maple poked her head in. "Yay! You're not dying!"
Aspen joined Maple, poking his head in right above her’s, "Yooo, you're alive, let's fuckin' go!"
"Uh. Yeah. Yay." The girl in the bed gave an awkward thumbs up.
“Geez— Y’all’re too tall for this shit. Move over, Paperboy.”
Jaime looked down and shuffled to the side to allow the voice to pass through.
A short girl with red hexagonal glasses and a gray face mask pushed her way to the front. Hands in her pockets, she stepped forwards and looked Esper up and down. “That Hat did a number on ya, huh?”
Esper blinked, tilting her head at the girl before her in slight confusion before simply nodding, "Uh... Yeah. I guess so."
The girl blinked for a moment, sharing Esper’s confusion, before saying. “Oh. Right. It’s Z.” There was an awkward pause as she shifted uncomfortably on her heels. “In the flesh.”
"Oh!" Esper gasped slightly, "Well, nice to meet you in person, Z. Probably would've been preferable under–" she gestured around her, "better circumstances."
Z clicked her tongue. “Yeaaahh… not the most ideal way to meet someone…” She shrugged. “It’s whatever though. Nice to meet— nice to see— fuck.”
"Nice to meet her in person?" Maple offered
“Yeah. That.” She flipped her glasses down, obscuring her face.
"...Epic!" Aspen said, albeit awkwardly as he stepped further into the room, "Um- Nice to meet you in person too, now that I think about it!" He gave her an awkward grin.
"Same with me!” Maple joined in, “Wish our first meeting didn't involve you getting hit with a chair like WWE, but hey, shit happens."
Esper gave a rather awkward smile, "Same..." A moment of silence lingered in the air as she stared at the others before she very quickly turned her attention to Victoria, tilting her head as she asked, "Are you okay though, Tori? Last I saw you had your own fair share of cuts and bruises."
Victoria glanced aside and rubbed the side of her arm. “Ah, well… It is nothing that I am not used to, Esp.”
The other girl just silently frowned at Victoria, opening her mouth to say something before closing as her attention was stolen by something happening outside her room.
Voices could be heard down the hall, calling out for someone to stop. The clacking of heels on the tile floor grew louder with each quick step.
Zoriah’s head whipped to the door. “Wh—“
Suddenly the door was flung wide open.
A tall woman, dressed to the nines in expensive furs and priceless jewelry, burst into the room with outstretched arms. “VICTORIAAAAAAAA,” she sobbed.
The girl in question flinched as the woman rushed to her and smothered her in her arms.
“¡Ay, mi pobrecita de mi corazoncito!” she wailed dotingly. “I came as soon as I heard!”
Victoria’s voice was muffled behind the woman’s embrace, but her embarrassment was clear in her voice nonetheless. “…Hello, Mother.”
Esper watched the scene before her unfold, her mouth slightly agape in surprise.
She let go of her daughter and put her hands on her hips as she tsk’d at Victoria, albeit affectionately, “Arceus mio, mija, at least pretend like you’re happy to see me.”
She turned to the others in the room, sizing them all up one by one. Though the pearly-white grin never left her face, there was something cold and calculating that seeped into her gaze as she eyed them all up and down.
And then her eyes landed on Esper, lingering there for a second longer than the rest.
“Oh,” Victoria’s mother smiled warmly at the girl. “You must be Victoria’s little friend.” The woman approached Esper, highlighting her massive height with every step. “Este— Esper Hargrove, yes?”
The girl in question had to crane her neck upwards as she attempted to keep her eyes on the taller woman's face as she was spoken too. "Uh, yes ma'am." Esper gave a small nod in response, "That'd be me."
The woman’s perfect grin widened. She bent down to be eye level with the girl and seized her hands into her own. “Oh, I’ve heard so much about you, Esper! I hope my little Victoria has been teaching you well!” Her strikingly bright lavender eyes bore into Esper’s. “Tell me Hargrove, what is my name?”
"Uh..." Esper briefly blinked in confusion before furrowing her brows as if she were attempting to concentrate on something. After a moment or so, she answered, "Reina Velasco-Delgado, correct?"
Reina Velasco-Delgado nodded, eyes lit up with pride. She clasped her hands together and hummed with satisfaction. “Victoria’s a wonderful teacher, isn’t she? She learned from the best, after all!”
Maple fiddles with her fingers awkwardly. "You know, there's other people in the room. We are here, by the way. Just in case you forgot."
Aspen opened his mouth to say something, but closed it, before opening it again. "Yeah, no, um-" He promptly closed his mouth again, deciding he'd be better off if he didn't say anything just then.
“Oh, no dear,” Victoria’s mother stood back to full height, towering over everyone else in the room once again. Her massive hat seemed to blot out the fluorescent light of the hospital room, casting a shadow over the others. Curiously, though her smile stayed wide as ever, the corners of her lips no longer reached her eyes as they once had before. “I haven’t forgotten you, Maple.” With a tilt of her head, she added, “How is your mother, by the way? I’m sure you miss her dearly.”
Maple looked away and didn't answer.
Reina pursed her lip into a sad frown. “Oh, pobrecita. I’ll be happy to tell her I saw you. When was the last time you spoke with your fathers? I heard Venus was stationed in Area Zero. He must be a busy man.”
"He is busy, yeah. I got to hang out with him a few weeks ago though"
“That’s good to hear,” she hummed. Bending down to meet Maple face-to-face, she asked. “Is there anything you’d like me to relay to Ivelyne for you, Maple?”
Maple turned to look Reina in the eyes wearily. "She prefers to be called Ivy."
“Duly noted.” She stood back to full height and looked down at Maple. “Then you have nothing to say to your mother?”
"You already know everything I want to say."
“Pick one.”
Aspen paused, looking between Maple and Reina, beginning to feel like he'd rather not be here anymore, but at the same time, he felt as though he needed to change the subject. He stepped to the side, closer to Jaime.
"Um- well, anyway, um-" He paused, wanting to distract her from Maple, "You haven't met me yet, my name is-"
“Aspen Sharma,” she cut him off without turning to face him. “I know who you are. You went Cyclizar riding with my son on the day of his birthday party.”
She glanced down at him out of the corner of her eye, giving him a once-over. “I take it the two of you had fun? He lost track of time and showed up late to his own birthday, you know.”
Jaime bit his cheek and didn’t say a word.
Aspen chewed on his lip slightly, suddenly feeling the weight of Reina's side eye. "Um- yeah, we did have fun, we didn't mean to lose track of time like that," he said quietly.
“Hm…” The woman studied him, stalking over to circle the boy like a hungry vulture. “Well, I’m glad the two of you enjoyed yourselves.” Eyeing him like a hawk, she hummed and said, “He quite likes you, you know. Though I’m sure you’re aware of that by now.”
He swallowed, looking away from her gaze; he felt as though he was some type of prey Pokémon, about to be ambushed. "I- I am, yeah," he said, forcing himself to look up at her, if only for a moment.
She stopped in front of Aspen and locked eyes with him. Her towering figure and wide hat cast a shadow over him and shrouded her entire face in darkness, and yet the white of her pupils glowed nonetheless.
It had become increasingly clear where Victoria picked up her intimidating mannerisms from.
Aspen took in a sharp breath, glancing up at her, before looking up properly. His gaze was unsure, hesitant, even, but he looked up at her nonetheless. He'd faced down worse, he thought.
Reina silently stared him down for a few more seconds, glowing eyes boring into his own as she raised an eyebrow at him.
After an eternity, she suddenly turned away and simply said, “Don’t disappoint me, Sharma.”
For the first time since she walked in, Jaime looked up at his mother.
Aspen brows furrowed slightly, but he nodded towards Reina. Despite being unsure of what exactly it was he was agreeing to, he had a feeling he already knew what she meant. "I... I won't.
“We’ll see.” She stepped away to the boy next to him.
Reina stared down at her son. “Mijo.”
Jaime stared back. “Madre.”
The two silently stared one another down.
And then Reina’s gaze turned to the proverbial fly on the wall. Her eyes shone with interest. “Oh. It’s you.”
Zoriah’s heart sank as a shadow was cast over her. She didn’t dare to look up.
“I’ve heard much about you.” She grinned down at the girl. “Eh— Z, correct?”
She flinched at the sound of her name falling from Reina’s tongue.
“Oh, don’t look so shocked,” she chuckled. “You knew long before we met, after all.”
Z’s fists clenched at her sides, resisting the urge to look the Devil in the eyes.
Reina bent down, resting her hands on her knees to meet Z in the eye. “Let me ask you a personal question.”
She felt trapped under her gaze. There was nowhere to look but back at her.
“Why the Truman Show?” Reina smiled with a tilt of her head. “You seem like more of a kaiju movie fan to me.”
“I— I’m— I don’t—“
“Madre.” Jaime warned, narrowing his eyes at his mother.
His mother stood up straight and narrowed her eyes right back. “Watch your tone, mijo.”
Esper quietly fiddled with her blanket, rubbing the fabric between her fingers in a soothing motion as she watched the interactions before her.
The sound caught Reina’s attention. She turned to Esper with a warm smile. “Oh! In all the excitement, I’d completely forgotten to ask how you were feeling.”
The young girl seemingly startled at suddenly being addressed. “Oh— Uh— I’m fine!” She answered with a small wave of her hand, “Could be better but could definitely be worse. Just going to be a bit sore and hurting for the next while, nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”
The woman frowned at her and clicked her tongue. "Esper, you do not have to downplay your injuries. My Hatterene hit you full force with a steel chair, love."
Esper simply shrugged, a seemingly apologetic smile on her face, "I'll heal."
She chuckled. "That you will, my dear." Placing a hand on her shoulder, Reina sighed and added, "But you very well could have died because of Barcelona's recklessness, and for that, I must deeply apologize on her behalf."
Victoria squinted and tilted her head at her mother. Apologize...? What was…
"Ah–" Esper glanced at the hand on her shoulder with a look of disdain before she quickly corrected herself and shot Reina an awkward smile, "Really, there's no need to apologize. Things happen."
"Things do indeed happen," Reina nodded with a smile. "What's done is done, Esper. All that matters now is that we move forward and take steps to ensure this does not happen again. And I can assure you that I will not allow this to happen again."
The girl raised a brow in response, "Well, yeah, I assumed you wouldn't want it to happen again after all."
Reina smiled sweetly at her. “You assume correctly." She brought a Luxury Ball out from inside her fur coat. Barcelona's Pokeball.
Jaime drew in a sharp breath. What was she—
Maintaining eye contact with Esper, she patted her on the shoulder and said, "Watch."
She then drew in a slow breath….
…and crushed the Luxury Ball into pieces in her fist…
She clenched tightly onto the shattered shards of the ball in her hands, grinding them into dust. When she was finished, she opened her palm to reveal that Barcelona’s ball was nothing more than a fine sparkly powder. With a smile, she let out a puff of air into her palm, blowing the dust into the air until there was no hint of Barcelona or the ball that housed her.
Maple stared, slack jawed. That seemed... a bit excessive.
Esper clasped her hands over her mouth with a gasp, her eyes wide like a Deerling in the headlights about to be struck by an oncoming vehicle.
Jaime felt a shudder down his spine. Barcelona was her own Pokemon…
Victoria remained stone-faced as what remained of Barcelona was scattered to the winds, shimmering in the fluorescent hospital lights. Her jaw tightened when a few bits of the powder landed on her blazer.
Aspen swallowed hard, his lips pursed and his eyes locked on the glittery dust on the ground. He could feel his hands shake at the sight of it, and he clenched them into fists to get them to stop.
Hidden behind the oversized glasses and face mask, it was difficult to visually tell what Zoriah was feeling. But the fear in her wavering breath betrayed her attempt to remain apathetic and calm.
The towering Velasco woman dusted her hands off with a smile. “There. Now Barcelona will never hurt anyone ever again!"
Esper was too stunned to respond, her hands staying firmly over her mouth as she glanced from Reina to Victoria to Jaime and then back to Reina.
Reina then drew in a sharp breath and lifted her chin, not bothering to turn to Jaime as she said, “Mijo, make yourself useful: escort your friends out of the room and fetch your father for me, por favor. I’d like to speak to Victoria and Esper in private for a moment.”
She glared at him from over her shoulder. “Mijo.”
The boy wordlessly clenched his jaw for a moment and drew his lips into a line. He turned his head to look away from his mother, furrowing his brows as he led Aspen, Maple, and Z out of the room.
The door shut behind him, leaving only Esper, Victoria, and her mother in the hospital room, with only the sound of the heart monitor to break the tense silence that hung over them.
[Jaime and Z belong to @jaimemes, Esper belongs to @espers-n-espurrs, Aspen belongs to @aspens-dragons, Maple belongs to @yveltalreal]
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yveltalreal · 4 days
Do you know Z's name that isn't her handle, or like, is Z her actual name?
Z is not her actual name. Victoria has used it. Although, I'm not sure she would be please if I called her Zoriah Perez, ZZT!
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jaimemes · 2 months
Zoriah, I am not in the mood for your jokes at the moment. I know Jaime is with you playing detective right now. His phone is on do not disturb. Tell him to check his private messages.
— Victoria
Don’t call me that shit again.
Anyways I just did. So fuck off.
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minimxpixel · 4 months
Can we get deets about your danganmon next gen au(If you can remember it)
I literally only have 3 lil shits in mine-
god my danganmon next gen..... i haven't thought about that au for a long while.
from what i remember, it was just a simple au of the dm characters and their families. some angst here and there bc i love that shit in ng aus and god... there was a lot of angst in the arsonic (cyrus x apollo) family. enya and aiden were my absolute favs from the whole thing, i miss them.
so ships/kids include:
wimessir x cyrillo - 3 children, triplets maxime, maëlys, and camille - (19) cyrus x apollo - 2 children, twins enya and aiden - (19) fry x kami x roxanne x century - 4 children (kami is married to fry and roxanne and fry is married to kami and century, but fry and roxanne aren't married to each other and neither are kami and century or century and roxanne) ivy - (21) - (kami x roxanne) aloe - (18) - (fry x kami) cedar - (16) - (fry x kami) poppy - (12) - (fry x century) flidgey x maya - 1 child lawrence - (19) maria x zoro - 2 children, one pair of twins zorah and zoriah - (17)
stella x sapphire - 1 child sherbet - (18)
pearl x sylvia - 1 child, adopted milo - (16)
sam x faust - 2 children, adopted athena - (19) cove - (16)
cogsworth x axeton - 1 child, adopted estevan - (18)
gertrude x hanayo - 1 child, adopted solomon - (17)
annette x viktor - 3 children grainne - (19) lennan - (14) pippa - (8)
rocky x giselle - 2 children walton - (20) octavia - (17)
luis x yukio - 1 child, adopted louise - (17)
madame x lyra - 1 child isabelle - (18)
doc - 1 child, adopted magdalene - (11)
other info includes
aiden is dating maëlys but neither cyrus nor cyrillo like the relationship considering their bad blood w/ each other. wimessir is fine w/ her daughter dating aiden although she hates apollo
annette had complications w/ two of her pregnancies. lennon (second child) was born earlier than he was supposed to, and she nearly died giving birth to pippa (third/final child).
speaking of annette, viktor took on her last name upon getting married to her (so he's viktor lubahn)
cyrillo's children each have different ways of referring to him; maxime calls him “père-maman”, maëlys calls her “mère-papa”, and camille calls him “maman-papa”
cyrus and apollo got married for tax benefits. yeah they're gay as shit but they consider each other life partners.
speaking of them, their kids were created via cyrus’ cell experiments. using DNA from both him and apollo, he created artificial kids although it took a lot of tries to perfect.
hellebore babysits the century x fry x kami x roxanne kids. due to this her influence has been put on the kids (poppy is into theater, cedar is sometimes terrifying, and ivy is... ivy)
just like enya and aiden, sherbet (stella x sapphire) is an artificial kid mad by cyrus' cell experiments. as cyrus had managed to nearly perfect the experiement, sherbet was only born on the 3rd attempt rather than the countless ones for enya and aiden.
apollo and cyrus live w/ bow and yanny in a three person bedroom apartment. bow and yanny used to share a room but yanny proved to be too much for bow so they just moved to the basement. free room for enya though!
there's probably more but this is all i can remember.
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gbeducitynews · 7 months
Run the Burbs (Season 3, Episodes 1-6)
This original series will focus a young, bold Canadian family taking a different approach to living life to the fullest in the suburbs. Phung will star as a stay-at-home dad with an entrepreneur wife and two kids. SERIES INFOGenre: ComedyStars: Andrew Phung, Rakhee Morzaria, Zoriah Wong, Roman Pesino, Jonathan LangdonIMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14456760 Download Episode 1 Download…
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lukeevansgirl22 · 8 months
Christmas Under the Stars is magical!
Hey guys! I’m here to do a review for the movie “Christmas Under the Stars!” I loved this movie when I watched it because it was so magical and romantic! The movie is about two people reviving the Christmas Spirit when the world took it away from a Christmas tree lot. With the cast of Jesse Metcalfe, Autumn Reeser, Clarke Peters, Anthony Bolognese, Yoshie Bancroft, Matt Clarke, Zoriah Wong,…
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nkakiana · 1 year
ZORIAH OR JUNIOR!??!  This bitch is a gift!  I take everything back.
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boxwithaview · 3 years
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art-in-progressosoup · 10 months
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Rilieh is the Mirrorlands god of travel and transportation. He's a sort of serious, uptight person that takes the safety of the Mirrorlands pretty seriously. Especially since he was inducted as the leader of the pantheon, he's sure to make sure no otherworldly harm comes to the Sitani or the rest of the pantheon. To some, he may seem especially overprotective of Zoriah, but he would deny any claims.
Rilieh is also partially responsible for the pocket dimension the Mirrorlands is protected inside today! The Stone of Rilieh, an artifact he created, contains vast amounts of power that is harnessed to keep the Mirrorlands open.
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I have been doing a lot of lectures at universities around the world during the past couple of years and one of the questions that always comes up, both at these lectures and via email, is "what kind of camera/equipment do you use?" I always tell people that about half of my portfolio was shot on a camera that you can now buy for about $200 and the other half was shot on a camera that costs about as much as a new car (granted not a very nice new car :) If you can tell which pictures are from which camera, and you have the money, then buy all means buy the nice camera, they are a pleasure to work with, break less and have many features that consumer cameras just dont have. Powered by AutoBlogger.co
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‘Run The Burbs’: Rakhee Morzaria, Zoriah Wong, Roman Pesino & More Set As Main Cast Of CBC Family Comedy From Andrew Phung
CBC has set Rakhee Morzaria (Note to Self), Zoriah Wong (Nancy Drew) and Roman Pesino (Odd Squad) as part of the main cast of Run The Burbs, the upcoming family comedy from Kim’s Convenience alum Andrew Phung and The Secret Marathon‘s Scott Townend. The series is currently in production in and around Toronto and Hamilton.
(via Deadline)
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membrane · 7 years
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Zoriah / An aerial view of an unknown part of Okinawa, Japan.
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scenesandscreens · 5 years
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Good Boys (2019)
Director - Gene Stupnitsky, Cinematography - Jonathan Furmanski
"Beanbag boys for life"
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