#zowens headcanons
wrestlezaynia · 5 months
I have this headcanon that the reason Kevin was so grumpy during he and Sami's Tag Team run is because he wasn't getting enough alone time with Sami, if you know what I mean? 😏😉 That would explain why he'd get so mad when others would interrupt he and Sami.
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shanie · 2 years
Hey, in case you were wondering another reason that that hug kicks me in the stomach.
I have this silly little headcanon about Sami.
That the reason Sami wears his hair tie on his left wrist is because it reminds him of the bracelet Kevin gave him. The bracelet that Kevin stole and put there himself in a moment of pure intimacy. The way that he'd felt so completely loved in that moment, with that bracelet on his wrist, and how incomplete he'd felt when it was no longer there.
And how, when his hair had gotten long enough to tie back and he'd slipped his hair tie around his wrist the first time, that sensation, that moment came flooding back and he knew he would always wear the hair tie on his wrist. Just a simple hair tie around his wrist, always reminding him of what he'd had, what he'd lost, and, in the end, what he'd chosen to give up.
Sami was wearing the hair tie when Kevin hugged him.
He had it on his wrist, like an echo of the bracelet, in the moment that his lover finally returned to him.
That hair tie represents so. damn. much. to me and, yeah. Him wearing it and it being clearly visible while he's clinging to Kevin there...
It's everything to me.
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freakin-nightmare · 11 months
Zowens headcanon, I like to think that Sami and Kevin wear each other's clothes when their separated from one another
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Zowens Headcanon #5983
Kevin has this tattoo on his hip where nobody can see it.
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wrestlgbtboards · 5 years
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Bisexual!Kevin Owens/Gay!Sami Zayn (requested by @punkrockcheshirecat)
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userkyle · 6 years
Whenever Kev does something good in the match Sami cheers even louder cuz "THATS MY MOTHERFUCKING BEST FRIEEEEEEEEENNNDDDD"
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nebdoeswrestling · 6 years
So another head cannon is that when Sami and Kevin play video games, Sami is the one who doesn’t understand how to work anything more complicated than an NES, and Kevin is just teaching Sami how to use an Xbox Controller, while Sami is still trying to comprehend the fact that it’s completely wireless.
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riveliciousx · 4 years
Hiya Rive! Just dropping by to make sure you're holding up okay and staying safe. I care about you a lot and want you to know that you can always message me if and when you're feeling bored. 💖
hewwo, hun!!! thank you so much!!! actually, i might drop you a line sooner or later because i’m almost done hate watching Grey’s Anatomy xDD i love seeing you on my dash and sometimes i get a lil too self conscious about liking too many of your posts because i don’t wanna weird you out or anything, plus i love seeing you talk about your headcanons and zowens ♥♥♥ also pls stay safe and take care of yourself *hugs* 
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whorangecassidy · 4 years
Sami Zayn.
why did i know you were gonna come in here saying sami kdmfmf thank you!!
favorite thing about them: hes an angel on earth?? like outside of the ring he is so kind and generous in real life and i love him for that
least favorite thing about them: his fuckin BOOKING!! like i know hes got a title now but like vince... im begging you... also ngl i thought he was really annoying when i first started watching but i also didnt know what a heel was so
favorite line: not really a specific line but i love it when he hypes up shin and zaro over the mic
brOTP: the artists collective!! best faction hands down
OTP: zowens of course
nOTP: anything thats NOT zowens tbh oops lol
random headcanon: not to be weird and sappy but i feel like he's a really tender kisser, like not too deep but just enough where you know he really does love you
unpopular opinion: if he doesnt start getting booked better id love to see him in aew. yeah, seeing the artists collective break up would be sad but like.. sami's so talented and the wwe hasnt been letting him use that talent latley
song i associate with them: literally any ska music
favorite picture of them: he looks so happy in this one i just 😭💞💕❤
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champseths · 6 years
you did kevin owens already, so how about the other side of the coin! sassy sunshine man sami zayn for your wrestling ask-game?
What I like about them: He’s just...so good? He’s so good in the ring, he’s such a naturally likeable character. 
What I dislike about them: The fact WWE doesn’t share my love and admiration. 
Favourite moment: Probably that Battleground match with Kevin (in 2016, I think it was). Amazing character work from the both of them. 
Least favourite moment: The whole feud with Bobby Lashley lmao.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: I actually really like heel Sami and I hope we get to see a lot more of him being an irresistible lil shit. :3 
An interesting AU for this character: AU where Sami wins a title and has a long, great reign (someday this will become a reality!!)
A crossover: ???
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship): Zowens!
Other ships?: Finn/Sami, Seth/Sami, I kinda like Dean/Sami, Sami/Becky...
BROTP: Also Zowens! And Becky. :3
NOTP: Don’t think I have one haha.
An assortment of headcanons!: You ready for some dark headcanons about this ray of sunshine? It was my headcanon that Sami was manipulating Kevin, that everything he’s done since saving Kevin at HIAC was just pretense, him trying to use Kevin to get back to the top. Now, I headcanon that Sami has...well, become like Kevin. He tried to move away from Kevin, but the truth is, whenever he’s not with Kevin, he flounders. His career, his whole life, it all just seems to come to a screeching halt. So why not join with Kevin, embrace Kevin’s way? They’ve always been entwined. Kevin broke him once, but he didn’t break this thing between them, this bond of love and friendship and hate that’s kept them together throughout the years. So why fight it? They’re always at their best when they’re together, anyway, and really, what else does Sami have? 
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wrestlezaynia · 11 days
I envision Sami bringing Kevin flowers when he gets in one of his moods.™️ Maybe runs him a hot bath, lights some candles, gives him a massage. Just completely devotes himself to making him happy.
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ambroseandmox · 6 years
A-Z :)
A: Your current OTP.  Ambrollins  :)
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. I don’t think I really have one? I’m very open to most pairings in most fandoms
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can’t. Rolleigns
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? I... have no idea. My first fanfic I posted online was either BtVS or Angel so I would suspect that.
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? There was an in-joke about SPN spoilers and alien abductions for a minute that was mine, but it was mostly my corner of the fandom
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? Maybe X-Files? My first written fanfic was for that, longhand in a purple notebook, and I still watch the new seasons and post throwback gifsets...
G: What was your first fandom? Probably ST:TNG. I used to think up storylines and stuff for it but I never actually wrote it down (I was like... 10?) and it was definitely appointment TV for me 
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? Real life. I rarely watch animated things. Mostly because I don’t do comedies.
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? Not yet but I only follow a handful of blogs and I don’t go in the tags. 
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. Maybe Black Sails? Because I hadn’t ever heard of it, haha. But all I needed to know was the protagonists are an angsty ginger gay pirate and a pretty but devilish man with long dark curls and I was like.... fuck. 
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). WWE is such a huge spread.... I stick to my own corner. Way more wank than I thought would be possible though.
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? I don’t even know, haha. Probably art with Dean Ambrose looking pretty, hahaha.
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. No one has ever campaigned for my attention, lmao. In real life, there are people who beg me to watch popular shows but just watching doesn’t mean fannish IMO.
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). I miss my SPN community on LJ from about ten years ago. And the folks at the Bronze:Beta in the waning days of Angel were all great, even with diverse personalities and politics.
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? I don’t know what that means? If a song comes to mind, it’s gonna be Ambrollins because that’s what is in my head a solid 95% of the time.
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). Right now I’m only really fannish for WWE and Black Sails so it’s gotta be a pirate!AU for the WWE guys and girls
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. It’s not abandoned per se, but I used to lean more toward Ambreigns than Ambrollins and now I find it harder to write. Mostly because there has been so little canon interaction in like, two full years.
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships. None because for me fandoms aren’t necessarily about ships. I used to be the lone gen fic writer, hahaha. I rarely wrote smut until I started writing Ambrollins. Now... *sigh* I have been well and truly wrecked.
S: What’s a headcanon you have? I have about 85,000 at any given time. And a lot of them are actually proved true later on, haha. Let’s go with this: Dean Ambrose is quiet and mostly keeps to himself backstage, but he’s also one of the more easygoing guys and someone who actually treats local wrestlers like they belong instead of lesser talents. 
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? Ambrollins, Ambreigns, Zowens; Charlynch (it’s almost canon, ffs)
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? Becky/Dean has a lot of fun and goofy possibilities. I ship any real life couples too. 
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what? Dean/Seth/Renee and Ambrolleigns mostly. Or if it’s a couple that needs a third to get them to a certain emotional beat I’m down with that too.
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. Good Lord. Dean Ambrose, Dean Winchester, Rodney McKay, Wesley Wyndam-Price, and Fox Mulder. I’m choosing to read the question that way, haha
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. Why do fandoms have to be about OTPs? Sigh. Ambrollins, Wesley/Angel, and McShep
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. Supernatural. I don’t do incest ships, and they have a habit of killing everyone off on that show. And I can see the real life chemistry between Jensen and Misha, but I always read Castiel as asexual so...
Z: What’s a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it? I don’t know - see my personal non-shippy enjoyment of shows, hahaha. 
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softambrollins · 7 years
elliotaldersonns replied to your post “i know they’re really just coming for the new day but if i can get...”
My headcanon for now is that Zowens are the ones who are letting Dean, Seth, and Roman into the building and past security before they go out for their match with New Day lol
lol i mean, they totally would. but they also just insulted the shield, and the shield doesn’t really give a shit about anyone else, so they could hypothetically still get caught in the crossfire.
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The grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one is my bread and butter, yes.
But very specifically, the idea of the grumpy one with more trust issues than can fit in an entire fleet of oil tankers walking into the room, catching the eye of the sunshine one, and the sunshine one falls in love INSTANTLY.
It isn't even a matter of "I can make them better" or "I'm going to fix them". It's that the sunshine one is able to see past the brokenness and realizes that they want to spend the rest of their life with them and then going out of their way to convince the grumpy one to feel the same.
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ariyadaivaris · 8 years
First off, I love your wrestling tags and thoughts and all that shit and its so good. Honestly. So. Good. Secondly, do you have any zowens headcanons and if so what are they?
this is so kind gosh, thank you!! i’m glad it’s not all annoying all the time lmao, thank you so much!!!
i don’t have any specific well thought-out zowens hcs, unfortunately, but i’m gonna work on that and i do have this to say which is they have a combined impulse control of about, hmmm, three? they’re bad on their own but when you put them together, and they’re Cooperating, they just enable each other’s bad ideas. if sami wants to ambush braun during an interview, kevin’s gonna kick down the door for him and jump on braun’s back to distract him. if kevin wants to try and steal a duck from the duck pond, sami will coax it towards them with terrible quacking noises and birdseed. they’re the absolute worst and it’s great. i hate them (i love them)
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wrestlezaynia · 1 year
Headcanon: Kevin is absolutely in love with Sami's eyes.
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