#zoya the sweetest soul
velvetcloxds · 2 years
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after a long tiring day, both of you are ready to get to bed. you're just finishing up your night skin care routine and he can't stop thinking about how lucky he is to have you. he feels you sneak into the bed and pulls you closer and presses a loving kiss on your forehead before nuzzling his face in your hair and cuddling you to sleep
matty probably has to hear me groan about how the gel for my rosacea is sticky and I hate it because it smells weird and it makes the pillowcase stick to my face- poor man has to put up with a lot before bedtime but you best believe cuddles would calm me down lol
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shioaoi · 1 year
Shadow and Bone Season 2 Reactions:
Episode Five
Not the little opening name credit having five crows on the sign representing the Crows and then one trapped in the building representing Matthias - that's just rude
Darkling it is never a good idea to stalk your ex
Not gonna lie, Kaz's PTSD flashback hit a little close to home (as someone who has PTSD)
Wylan blushing and hiding his face when Jesper compliments him is 100% me
Seriously how are the gays this cute
The "No!" Jesper says when Kaz knocks is so funny like Kaz has definitely walked on Jesper doing the naughties before
Nina was inches away from jumping over the table and punching Zoya for insulting Matthias
Jesper and Nina are like those friends who act as messengers when you're going through a breakup but said breakup was a stupid decision in the firstplace
Kaz for the love of god stop being a dick to your girlfriend or imma smack you round the head
Jesus christ Genya explaining how she poisoned the King was sickening. I didn't like her in season one but omg do I feel so bad for her and everything they put her through
Nikolia calling out his mother for failing Genya has put him as my favourite non-crow character.
David telling Genya he loves her for who she is in the only way he is able to articulate melted my heart.
"You might just be the smartest person I know" that is the sweetest, most deserving compliment Jesper could ever give Wylan and the boy just freaks
Inej choosing to help Kaz while he was having his episode really hit some something within me and I just started crying
On a serious note, how they portray Kaz's PTSD is so accurate and realistic. It doesn't show just the big episodes but also the little things he tries to mitigate and avoid. And just Inej being there while respecting his boundaries is somthing I wished I had while I learned to live with my trauma
Anyways now some Reylo dyad shit is going on
Okay so I was told by my friend Mal is super drab in the books but man I relate to him so much, like he is me if I was dumped in this universe
Mal deserves better okay
My darling Matthias I missed you last episode
He's the sweetest soul in this entire series
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heliads · 2 years
hii <3
can i request a zoya nazyalensky x fem!reader where reader is the perfect opposite of zoya. like, she's a heartrender (which is already a motive for zoya not to like her) and she's the cutest adorable sweetest person in the world, incapable of hurting anything and basically a ray of sunshine in the little palace, so kind that the grishas think is weird but can't help but like her
but zoya just can't stand her, she's extremelly annoyed by her cuteness, and the fact that reader is just really small and seems to always be jumping around, and it really gets on her nerves that she always responds her harsh words with kindness and a smile, so it's almost a routine to tease the girl and try to get a reaction out of her, so much that she sees herself waiting for the moments when she'll see her
however, one day she's walking around the little palace and sees someone else teasing reader, and not in the almost friendly way that she always do, they're criticizing the girl and telling her that she's not good enough to be a corporalki, and when she sees the hurt in y/n's eyes she goes full "protective girlfriend" on them
she basically lifts reader up (because she's tiny) and gets between her and the bully, and she's so mad and the look on her face says she's ready to kill that person. she defends reader eagirly (the person insulting her won't be able to sleep for a week) and then she looks at her, the surprise look on her face, but when their eyes meet, y/n smiles and holds zoya's face and kisses her in front of everyone
zoya gets very very red but just firms her grip on reader's waist, acting like everything is cool, and stares everyone down with a look that says clearly "she's mine, touch her and you are DEAD" before carrying her to her room
i'm sorry if it's too specific, i just spent the whole day thinking about it and my imagination went too far, feel free to change what feels best for you and i hope you feel comfortable writing :)
and i'm sorry if i said anything wrong, english in not my first language
anyways, thank you very much for reading this and i hope you have a good day/night <3
zoya my beloved
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Zoya Nazyalensky has a problem. 
This problem has to do with Heartrenders, which already establishes this issue as one of divine and critical importance. Zoya is a Squaller, and damn proud of it too, which means that any Corporalnik who dares to get within Zoya’s range of vision is already at fault.
However, this one Heartrender in particular is so problematic, runs so directly against the grain of Zoya’s soul, that she almost doesn’t know how she’s supposed to handle it. The issue at hand is so grave that Zoya can barely form it into words, let alone permit her anger-fueled mind to fully comprehend a possible solution.
The problem is as follows: one Corporalnik won’t stop following Zoya around, and worst of all, she’s nice.
It is an atrocity. Zoya is currently outside trying to teach her share of Etherealki how to master their share of the Small Science, but it’s taking all of her energy to not flip out over the Heartrenders right next to them. 
Zoya, for one, is doing a good drill. They have the practice dummies out again, and she’s having the Inferni light the things ablaze while the Squallers and Tidemakers take turns putting out the fires with their respective elements. It’s a perfectly useful training session, something that will come in handy when Zoya’s Grisha become soldiers and have to either set enemy fighters on fire or douse the flames on their own men, whichever situation works best. 
The Corporalki, who are being led by the one Heartrender who manages to set Zoya’s teeth on edge more than any other, are practicing their powers on each other. Their fearless leader, Y/N L/N, has decided that the Heartrenders and Healers should be able to practice outside on the grounds of the Little Palace, not cloistered up inside their windowless study. Nikolai says it’s great for inter-Grisha equality. Zoya is supposed to agree, but she just can’t manage it. 
Saints, she can even hear Y/N from across the courtyard. How can someone talk about choking arteries and intentional disembowelment with such joy? Zoya doesn’t mind the topic, but she does wish Y/N would stop being so cheerful about it. It’s practically unnerving. 
Zoya shakes her head, forcing her thoughts away from the red cloaked figure prancing about behind her, and turns back to her Etherealki. Some are starting to cast their eyes between Zoya and Y/N, as if hoping for a fight. Zoya wishes she could give it to them, she’d win in a heartbeat. Wouldn’t it be something to see that pretty, peppy face smudged with dirt? Zoya already knows that Y/N looks good in red, so the blood could only enhance her features. 
However, Zoya is a good Grisha general, despite her attempts to do otherwise, so she keeps her fists to herself and channels her frustration into making sure her Etherealki are about a thousand times better than the best attempts of the Corporalki. When the time ends to end the training session, Zoya dismisses her troops and begins the walk back into the Little Palace, intent on heading to her sitting room and dousing her irritation with a good glass of kvas. 
She has scarcely reached the edge of the courtyard when dancing footsteps start to follow her out. Zoya knows without looking who her stalker is, and suppresses a sigh. She’s already had to deal with the excitable Corporalnik during practice, does she really have to feign politeness again?
Y/N either doesn’t sense Zoya’s vexation or revels in it, because she catches up quite quickly. “Fantastic day, wasn’t it? Oh, I’m so glad for the good weather.”
Zoya briefly considers summoning up a storm just to cause problems, but she manages to shove the urge away just in time. 
“The sun is out,” Zoya concedes. See, Nikolai? She’s being nice. 
Y/N just laughs. “That it is. It’s almost as hot as you.”
Zoya just manages to turn her snort of surprised laughter into a derisive sniff. “I’d hoped you were over the pickup lines, L/N. It’s quite unbecoming for a Grisha of your status.”
Her attempts at chastising the Corporalnik go unheeded. 
“Ah, but I swore to myself that I’d stop saying them when you stop laughing at them, so as you can see, I’ve still got a lot more to go before then.”
Damn her for noticing. “Perhaps I’m laughing out of pity.”
Y/N shrugs. “If Zoya Nazyalensky ever truly felt a moment of pity, I would genuinely stop.”
Zoya can’t argue with that. “You’re insufferable.”
Y/N just grins. “So, my dear Etherealnik, are you.”
Zoya turns her head quickly. There’s no reason why she does this, no reason at all that does not involve a stubborn schoolgirl blush that chooses this moment of all moments to rise to her cheeks. Y/N looks quite pleased with herself. Zoya harbors the foolish hope that perhaps the Heartrender forced the blood to rush to her cheeks out of spite. It’s something Zoya might consider doing, but, unfortunately, very unlike Y/N. It’s detestable. 
Zoya clears her throat briskly. “I should be getting back to the Little Palace. I have a meeting in the War Room in just a few minutes.”
Y/N nods. “Have fun.”
Zoya manages to keep a biting comment off of her tongue just long enough to slip inside the ornately carved wooden doors to the Palace, although it simmers at her for the remainder of the walk over. 
Zoya is grateful for the cold atmosphere of the War Room to allow her to get her thoughts in order. The room has undergone considerable change since its last owner, but Zoya still remembers the place from when the Darkling had the Grisha in his clutches.
She hates thinking about that time in her life. She’d been so desperate to get him to notice her, to value her. Never again, Zoya thinks. Never again will she change who she is to best suit a monster’s palate. Either someone takes her with all her knives bristling or they don’t take her at all. 
Somewhere in the back of her mind, a voice whispers that someone’s done that already. Zoya refuses to listen. 
The meeting ends about two hours later. Things have taken a turn for the worse, as always- too few supplies, too many attacks on all fronts. She wonders if Ravka will have to go on like this forever, constantly torn apart from north and south. Once upon a time, she would not have cared what happened to this dreaded country, but she’s grown to value it now, if not for how it could treat its Grisha than anything else. 
That’s not to say that Ravkan Grisha are treated like princes, though. Zoya still gets Grisha showing up at the gates to Os Alta almost daily, talking about how their parents forced them out or their village tried to kill them when their gifts were first revealed. Still, at least they have a home here. That’s more than other countries can say. 
There’s even inter-Grisha squabbles, Zoya notes as she walks back out into the grounds surrounding the Little Palace. She’s certainly taken part in some of that herself. In fact, a group of older Corporalki are targeting a smaller one right across the courtyard. They’re saying something about how this girl will never make a proper Heartrender, how she’s too weak, and-
And that’s Y/N, ever happy Y/N, who’s taking every verbal blow. Gone is the smile that Zoya has long deemed childish, gone is the pleased glint in her eye. Zoya has never been able to pierce her glow, perhaps because she hasn’t entirely been trying, but these creatures have. 
Zoya is crossing the courtyard before she knows it, small storms swirling up under her boots as she goes. The Corporalki fall silent as she approaches, perhaps because Zoya is feeling a dragon’s rage and is approximately two seconds away from slaughter. 
Zoya lifts her eyes slowly from the ground to the faces of the lead Corporalnik, making sure to imbue the gesture with every ounce of loathing she can manage. “What was that you said just now?”
The question is casual, as if Zoya is merely double checking the weather instead of calling this guy out on his bullshit. The lead Corporalnik straightens hurriedly.
“Uh, nothing,” he offers, “Just handling our business.”
Zoya delicately arches a brow. The use of ‘our business’ in his sentence makes his point clear: Zoya’s not a Heartrender, so she shouldn’t involve herself in their affairs. Contrary to popular belief, however, Zoya doesn’t intend to go anywhere. This is very much her affair as well.
So, she folds her arms across her chest, and keeps going. 
“That’s funny, I don’t remember when your business involved making a nuisance of yourself in a public setting. More than normal, that is. I mean, I’ve been in meetings with the Grisha Triumvirate since sunrise, and I don’t remember ever setting aside time for greasy-haired fools who look like they have more worms nesting in their stomach lining than friends. I would suggest that you go back to whatever rancid cave you crawled out of and stop bothering your superiors.”
The Corporalnik’s stature visibly deflates, but he’s still holding on to some semblance of ego. A shame, but Zoya will be sure to stomp out even that last bit soon enough. 
“My superiors?” He asks. Evidently, this Heartrender doesn’t know when to give up.
Zoya makes sure that her tone is extra icy. “Yes, your superiors. Those people could include me, Y/N, or possibly even the occasional well-groomed goat. It’s not hard to find somebody who’s above you when you’re so far below the rest of us.”
The boy blanches, and his friends start to snicker. They subside, however, when Zoya’s eagle eye falls on them, like they’re too afraid of receiving their own verbal lashing to put up much of a fight. As it turns out, that’s just how Zoya likes it.
The Corporalki aren’t complete ignoramuses, though, and they know the importance of a good exit. Zoya watches them go, red kefta practically trodden underfoot due to their haste in getting away, and feels more proud than she should. They’re nothing, after all, not to her.
However, they don’t seem to be nothing to Y/N. When Zoya turns back to Y/N, the girl is beaming at her as if she’s just offered her a crown of gold and gems.
Zoya scowls at her, although she doesn’t entirely mean it. “What? She asks defensively, but Y/N just laughs.
“That was amazing.”
Zoya chuckles dryly at the sheer look of surprise in Y/N’s expression. “What, you weren’t expecting that?”
“No,” Y/N replies. To be honest, neither did Zoya.
Maybe it’s because she’s still somewhat shocked by her own actions, but Zoya doesn’t notice Y/N drawing closer until that look of surprised delight in the Heartrender’s eyes shifts into courage and Y/N kisses her.
Zoya isn’t in the habit of kissing Corporalki. By all accounts, she should be pushing Y/N away, but instead, Zoya finds herself pulling Y/N closer, so close she swears she can taste Y/N’s very soul on her lips. Damn right Zoya should kiss her, Y/N has been hers for quite some time, even if Zoya hasn’t wanted to admit it. She is the summer sun to Zoya’s lightning, the flower to her thorns. There has never been anyone else but Y/N.
Dimly, Zoya realizes that they aren’t alone in the courtyard. She breaks away from Y/N, cognizant of the eyes leaping to her. The thought occurs to her that she could still flee, or walk away. Instead, Zoya straightens her shoulders, and meets each gaze in turn. Who cares what they think? Zoya is still better than them, especially so because she’s got the best of them by her side.
Zoya briskly holds out a hand to Y/N, who takes it after a moment of staring. Zoya leads the two of them past the watching eyes, her chin held high. Let them try to come at her, Zoya thinks. Neither words nor knives can pierce her glory now.
At her side, Y/N smiles as if she can sense Zoya’s thoughts. Perhaps she can. It would not be the worst fate to be known by her.
grishaverse tag list: @rogueanschel, @deadreaderssociety, @cameronsails, @mxltifxnd0m, @story-scribbler, @retvenkos, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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cupids-crystals · 3 years
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Hi friends!! Thank you so much for 1.3k!!
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For this milestone, I’ve created a mutual appreciation post to say a special ‘thank you’ to some of my wonderful friends!!
I’ve written more than a few heartfelt messages in my time, but there are no words to truly describe the gravity of my love for all of you!! However, there can never be enough positivity in the world, so I would just like to show recognition where it’s deserved!! <3
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To @violetlilysunshine - I feel like this is pretty obvious, but my platonic love for you goes unmatched. You remind me of everything good in the world, and you never cease to make me smile!! I hope you realize how much I cherish our friendship, thank you for always rooting me on from another time zone :)
To @pepper-up-potion - Loulou, you and I are truly one and the same. I love talking to you about our lives (and how insanely similar they are) and I’m so glad to call you my friend. I love reading your fics as well, you’re such a creative writer!! Thank you for always being there to listen to me!!
To @velvetcloxds - Monique, you are sweetest, kindest soul on this app, thank you for always being supportive of my work and thank you for being such a positive force in this community!! You are hands-down one of the most creative people I know, and your work inspires me every day. Thank you for being you <3
To @sheraayasher - Zoya, your commentary on my fics is easily one of my biggest motivations to write. You are such a fun, interesting person, and I have loved every interaction we’ve had!! Thank you for being such a friendly, warm soul!!
To @sarahisslytherin - Sarah, you are one of my most talented moots, and I love seeing you soar! You inspire me to broaden my interests and to leap into the unknown. You’re such an interesting person, and I love being your moot. Thank you for being so amazing!!
To @mwahforpeter - Naomie, you have such an enthralling personality, and I absolutely love talking to you about our hobbies!! You’re such a sweet person, thank you for being such a great friend!!
To @just-a-smol-spoon - Jae, you are one of the coolest people I’ve met since joining this app. I love how compassionate you are, and I love seeing you interact with so many different people. You have such a welcoming presence, and you’re always the first one to like my rambling posts, thank you for being such an amazing person!
To @uraveragelesbean - love, I am so grateful for the constant support that you give me!! There aren’t enough words to tell you how much I love talking to you and how much I value our friendship. You’ve been a constant source of positivity since I’ve started this account, so thank you for reminding me of my reason to write <3
To my most creative mutuals, I’m constantly in awe of the sheer magnificence in everything that you do. Thank you for inspiring me to better myself and my work - @lonelyhe4rts @messers-moony @leydileyla @henqtic @mrs-brekker15 @sereinegemini @wolfstar-lb
To my most intimidating interesting mutuals that I have yet to truly bond with, thank you for livening my home page and being so spectacular- @ameliasbitvh @silverdelirium @arcaneslut @railmeharrypotter @thesunsetsonthehorizon @saintlike78 @underappreciated-spoon-321 @sweeterthansammy @bellatrixscurls @pansyspet @angel4you @hellounicorn
To the mutuals who brighten my day no matter the circumstances, thank you for being so radiant and warm, I don’t know where I’d be without you!! - @mellifluousart @cedrics-hufflepuff-scarf @moony-likes-hot-choc @an2402lths @queen-asteria04 @wolfyprongs @oliverwoodmarrymepls @natashxromanovf @jackys-stuff-blog @dracossweetprincess @messers-moony-lupin @harmqnia @melmalone @mcyt-sh1t @weasleysandwheezes @horrorxweasley
To my most entertaining mutuals, thank you for always being a source of positivity and laughter - @couldibeanymorechaotic @ladyvesuvia @cocoamoonmalfoy @im-constantly-fangirling @couldibeanymorechaotic @yelenalovegood @loonyloopylupin5
And thank you to every other person who I’ve befriended through this account!! I can only tag 50 users, but I’m so grateful for every mutual and follower that I have!! <3
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Nina Zenik Appreciation Post:
-plus sized character who loves sweets and isn’t ashamed of her body (and her body size isn’t a major part of her character—unless u count where her curves made her a perfect distraction at the ice palace in SoC)
-hands down the character in grishaverse with the most visible growth. She started as a powerful, foolish, hasty girl who ran off in a fit and got captured. grew into a stunning, clever, powerful woman who works undercover alone in a foreign country to save the lives of foreign grisha. What a Queen.
-a constant ray of sunshine and bad decisions a la jesper fahey (her words)
-probably the most powerful person bc she was taught her skills by zoya nazalyensky….and sharpened her wit with the likes of infamous kaz brekker. She’s unstoppable. If she can’t blast her way to a solution she’s going to solve it in a way so horrifically clever you won’t see it coming (ahem, bomb scene in Kos? Grabbing the net in CK? Taking the parem in SoC?)
-she’s the heart of the crows. The sweetest, sassiest, happiest, kindest soul. Helping Inej re-learn human touch? Forcing group hugs on the squad? She’s always ready with a snappy comment to lighten the mood and she will always support u
-she wouldn’t wish love on her worst enemy *proceeds to fall in love w said worst enemy, move to a foreign country to save his life even though he hates her, sell herself to a brothel and continue to attempt to save his life for at least a year until breaking him out of prison all while he hates her guts enough to try to kill her on sight*
-this woman took a dangerously addictive drug to save her crows. She fucking fought off a crippling addiction and STAYED clean even when it completely changed her connection to her abilities
-“call me grisha. Call me death.” JAJFKWKSKAK she ain’t playing
-how. How strong she is??? She survived capture, torture, prostitution, addiction, falling in love. The love of her life died in her arms. She picked herself back up and kept on fighting. I cannot comprehend her strength.
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sweetsouldhavernas · 3 years
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
tagged by @alghulnyssa thank yoouuuu
- nickname: liv
- pronouns: she/her
- star sign: aquarius
- height: 5″4
- time currently: 9:13 pm
- when is your birthday: 24th january
- favorite bands/groups: abba
- favorite solo artists: errmmmm jess glynne
- song stuck in your head: whenever, wherever - shakira
- last movie watched: blade runner & I’m so disappointed
- last show you binged: sen cal kampimi 
- when you created your blog: jan 2012
- last thing you googled: the weather lol so british
- other blogs: nope, just this one
- why you chose your url: because caroline is the sweetest soul, bryan said so
- do you get asks: occasionally
- how many people are you following: 106
- how many followers do you have: 690 (I am doing a follower celebration for 666, got 3 gifsets to make first)
- average hours of sleep: idk 6?
- lucky number: 7
- instruments: many
- what I’m currently wearing: the comfiest of comfy clothes
- dream job: nearly there
- dream trip: changes daily, dreaming of a hobbit tour in new zealand atm
- favorite food: pizza
- favorite song: burning love by elvis
- top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: star wars, lord of the rings & the expanse
TAGGING: going to try for 20 let’s see @javierpcna @favreaus @oceanssapart @sylcr @mycleverdetective @israelisweetcheekss @delicatefalice @benditlikepress @the-storage-room @goldrsh @indestinatus @zoya-nazyalenskky @barbarawar @ocheabutter @ettadunham @mcbrilliant @eleanor-bishop @cheddarholt @tonylovesziva @thatcaithness
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sanktnikolais · 4 years
Favorite Record
A/N: More college AU because i’m trash. Shameless fluff? Shameless fluff.
Inspired by the song of the same title by Fall Out Boy.
Word count: 1140
Nikolai had lost count how many times he had gotten up and made coffee for two. But when insomnia hit him and there was an exam the following morning, perhaps remembering small details was indeed a challenge.
          "You know, I should stop responding to your calls at midnight," Zoya grumbled from the living room. "We have a Biochem midterm tomorrow."
          Nikolai laughed lightly as he walked back to the living room with two mugs in his hands. "Ah, but you adore me, truffle."
          Whatever retort she had was forgotten when he sat beside her and handed over the mug. Zoya sighed in relief when she took it with both hands. "I guess I begrudgingly do," she said with a half-hearted glare to his direction. 
          The notes on the center table were a complete mess, and Nikolai had already lost track of what was his or hers. They did have a quite similar handwriting, and it can only be differentiated when looked up close.
          Zoya had invited herself over to his place when he had called her in the dead of the night again, as he sometimes did when sleep eluded him. Thankfully and luckily, she still was awake, skimming through the lessons for a final time for their exam the next day. 
          And when she figured that she wouldn't get any sleep now that her mind was awakened by her shrill ringtone, Zoya declared that she's crashing over and bothering him to review. 
          Nikolai found that he wasn't going to complain on her offer. 
          "The enzymes in each step are endless," Zoya said, putting the now half-empty mug of coffee to the table. She tossed away the textbook she had been reading. "I swear he's going to include them all."
          "I have to agree. I stopped after Krebs cycle." Nikolai wrinkled his nose at the memory. "It's agonizing to get through."
          "You're an idiot, Nikolai, there's still a ton of information after Krebs."
          "I know, but my sleep-deprived mind isn't retaining anything after it." He had meant it as a joke, but it came out much truthful as he would've liked. He quickly covered it up with a laugh and said, "I can discuss the whole cycle in detail, though."
          When Zoya remained silent, Nikolai frowned and turned to her, finding her stoic expression looking right back at him. 
          "What?" he asked, though he knew what she was thinking. He had known her for a long time to recognize the concern and worry in her eyes despite the frown her face showed. 
          "Have you slept today?" Zoya asked back, her voice changing to a gentle tone. And, quickly, she added, "Don't deflect. I notice the darkness under your eyes. You look exhausted." 
          Nikolai opened his mouth to joke, but a sigh came out instead. He adjusted the glasses on his nose and said, "Well, no rest for the weary."
          He searched over the mess on the table, trying to get the textbook that Zoya had tossed just now, but she reached over his wrist to stop his movements. 
          "Alright, that's enough for tonight. Let's sleep," she said and pushed the book out of his reach. 
          Nikolai furrowed his eyebrows at her when she reached a hand to his face and removed his glasses. She put it on the table as he asked, "I thought you're pulling an all-nighter?"
          "Changed my mind," Zoya replied simply, lying down on the couch and pulling him down beside her. She nestled her face against his neck. "And also because your coffee is shit and made me drowsy."
          "But it's instant coffee," Nikolai reasoned out, his arms wrapping around her to pull her closer. Her warmth was enough to make him sigh in contentment against the coldness in his unit. "I don't have your excellent brewing skills."
          Zoya huffed. "You wouldn't get it in any way."
          He feigned a hurtful expression as he backed away a little to look down at her. "Harsh."
          "Admit that I'm handsome, then."
          Zoya scowled. "Can you get any more annoying?" 
          Nikolai almost pouted. "Is it so hard to admit it?" 
          "Stop stalling and try to close your eyes and sleep."
          "I'm not stalling."
          "Yeah, whatever." Zoya shifted closer, burying her face back in his shoulder. There was a short silence and then she said softly, "You're an idiot. But at least you're my idiot." Nikolai felt her lips press on his jaw, and a smile twitched on his mouth. "Now get some sleep before I take it back."
          "Aren't you the sweetest?" He laughed when she slapped his shoulder. "Alright, alright, I'm sleeping." He rested his cheek against her hair and closed his eyes. "Love you too."
          Zoya's light chuckle was the last thing Nikolai heard before he finally fell asleep. 
Nikolai felt as if his soul left his body as he opened the door to their council room, though he felt a bit lighter when he stepped inside. 
          He dragged a chair over his usual spot by the window, propping it against the wall. A groan escaped him as he sat down and closed his eyes. 
          A moment later, Nikolai heard the door open and slam shut. He didn't even need to open his eyes to know who it was. 
          "That wasn't an exam, that was torture," Zoya's angry voice echoed through the small room. "A twenty-item essay in two hours?"
          Nikolai suppressed a shudder when he remembered seeing the exam paper. "Don't remind me," he said. "But you're right, it is torture."
          He felt a shuffle beside him, and he cracked one eye open to see Zoya propping another chair at his side. 
          "When I guessed he'd include it all, I didn't think it would be this way," she said, tone still irritated. "Everyone looked wasted after."
          "Who wouldn't, though?" Nikolai chuckled. "That exam burned the soul out of everyone."
          "That's a nice way to say it."
          "Still think sleeping last night was worth it?" 
          Zoya laughed darkly. "It wouldn't have made any difference if we didn't."
          Nikolai laughed back, closing his eyes. "A good point," he said. "Take a nap. Genya and David wouldn't be here for another hour or so. You won't be seen asleep." 
          "Aren't you going to get lunch?" 
          "I'll sleep for a while too, then we can get a late lunch after."
          Zoya huffed weakly. "Don't forget to set an alarm."
When David arrived at the council room earlier than expected, he raised an eyebrow at the sight. 
          Nikolai and Zoya passed out by the other end of the room, with Zoya leaning on Nikolai’s shoulder and him resting his head on hers. It was such a soft and adorable view that David himself couldn't help but take a picture of them and send it to Genya. 
          One couldn't probably count the number of heart emojis he received from Genya afterwards. 
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
hi monique!
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(skdkdkd this gif got me thinking like you're just doing some mundane thing or uni work or office work or just existing and his intent is to just glance at you checking on you quietly and then going back to his work but the moment his eyes land on you he is suddenly awestuck and cant help but smile like that thinking their existence itself is so beautiful look at them being drop dead gorgeous rn in messy hair, home clothes and sitting in a weird posture im sorry)
bestie, this has me swooning omg, lowkey missed asks like this ngl but just ahhh. screaming. crying. throwing myself against the wall.
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
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you just praised this man in front of people and he can't help but feel shy and proud
very plausible because I'd never stop fawning over this beautiful man, like ever, he'd be my joe, would write albums full of love songs for the man
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
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I'm sorry for sending so many of his
"You must be the latest victim," a smooth voice noted from behind you, the sound making you turn away from the large mansion that stood in front of you. Confusion dipped into your brow and Regulus was quick to notice, flipping his cigarette of ashes before smiling. "The new tutor for my brother? He goes through a new one every week," he nodded at the door, sensing your confusion of his words. "I'm Regulus."
"Y/n," you offered softly, adjusting your grip on the textbooks in your arms. "I go to Hogwarts High," you told him, unsure why but regretting it instantly when he laughed lightly.
"Most of them do," he shrugged, throwing his cigarette onto the concrete before putting it out with the heel of his shoe, gesturing for you to join him up the stairs, smiling at your flustered state. "Don't fret, love, we don't bite."
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
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he's on his way to a meeting and he just video calls you bc he had time to spare and you start talking about random things and he just looks at you like your his world and he could spend hours looking at you and hearing you bc your voice is soothing to his ears and a sound he will always refer to comfort with.
stop the smile? I MELT. no bcs imagine you're busy freaking out about something senseless and that's when he calls so you're half ranting half chatting and he's like yeah man, this mess is mine
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
daydreaming- send me your very random au for your comfort character and I'll show you a pic (or more) from my pinterest that I think matches it
university au wherein regulus and I are competing for the same sports but from different universities so like rivals to lovers au
just felt like the uni vibes were strong with this one djdnf
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
3 for th spotify wrapped <3
the lakes by taylor swift <33
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
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you said you missed these kinda asks who am I to deny
djdkdkx okay imagine you by some miracle waking up earlier than bucky so you decide that today will be bucky day. so you have breakfast in bed planned, inviting his friends over for lunch, watching the fav old movie of bucky and then just doing whatever he wants. you bring the breakfast tray to the room and coincidently bucky just wakes up then and he sees you trying not to drop anything on the tray and taking cautious steps bc u have a clumsy ass. and he just smiles like that bc he found his reason to get better, to better if not for himself then for you bc you deserve the best and he was willing to do anything to become the best
zoya, how dare you present me with this knowing damn well it would be too good to not write something for it?
like bucky barnes deserves so much love. man needs someone to find solace in and just imagine him finally feeling content and safe and ready to heal, it's like he would finally be able to breathe again ahhh
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
monique my love how are you doing?
zozo, my angel, I've been studying so much lol, my brain is starting to object to textbooks- but I've got some hover time so I'm taking the rest of the day off- how about you?
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velvetcloxds · 2 years
keep driving- fmk, would you rather, this or that, truth or dare- I'm a character in a fandom addition
autumn or spring?
ooo autumn, love the crunchy leaves and the scarf selection lmao
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