pinkie-satan · 1 month
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mc girlies arguing on tumblr which toxic shitty man is the best toxic shitty man
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kosemsultanim · 2 months
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PERIOD DRAMA APPRECIATION WEEK 2024 | Day 4 (August 1st): Favorite Relationship → Hümaşah Sultan and Zülfikar Pasha (Magnificent Century: Kösem)
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holly-mckenzie · 2 months
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Salman Shahid as Jafar Khanzada & Anika Zulfikar as Mahtab in BARZAKH Season One, Episode One written by Asim Abbasi
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pallastronomy · 1 month
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JUDY???? SOPRANO????????
White woman out here with the most impressive vocal range of all time
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whistl-stahp · 10 months
any way harry is the director of site 43 in archetypicals. why. why does dr blank succeed mcinnis as the 43 director. of all the characters, why him?
his only mentioned administrative abilities are in leading archives and revisions. i don't have a date for when he started and i'm not looking for one, but it cannot have been that long. assuming that this gave him the ability to lead the entire site in the first place, why would he be the one picked?
karen isn't very personable, but she had 25 years experience in administration at minimum by the time allan stopped directing- which has to be more experience than harry, and more relevant experience as well. but yeah, people don't like her. so what about the asc? he would be an amazing fit. he's already in charge of so much, is well-liked unlike karen, and has a similar serious personality like both scout and mcinnis! why not him? mcinnis clearly adores both of them. why not a secret 3rd option like zulfikar or- well i was gonna say ilse but probably not her. there's hundreds of people to pick from, surely someone else is more suitable!
also, why did harry say yes? allan's working almost constantly, he has, what, an hour of free time a day? why would lazybones blank (CONSTANTLY called lazy) say yes that sounds great! sign me up! it doesn't make sense!!!!!!!
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Mission Majnu (2023)
In the 1970s, an undercover Indian spy takes on a deadly mission to expose a covert nuclear weapons program in the heart of Pakistan.
This is an interesting and often enjoyable story but it lacked that 'on the edge of your seat' factor. It would have been better as a spy thriller and a little bit more on the backstory of the character would have been good. The love interest's story was not particularly interesting and felt it took away from the movie and gave it a more mellow dramatic feel to it. Not something I enjoyed because it felt a bit pointless and didn't add anything to the story, and in fact distracted from its pace.
It's an OK film, not bad but also not exceptional.
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zulfikaryassim787 · 4 days
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sekindonews · 5 months
PKB Sul-Sel Buka Ruang dan Peluang Besar Semua Figur Di Usung Dalam Pilkada 2024
MAKASSAR,SEKILAS INDONESIA– Desk Pilkada PKB Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan membuka pendaftaran Bakal  Calon Kepala Daerah (Cakada) 2024 baik secara online maupun offline terhitung mulai sabtu, 20 April 2024. Olehnya, PKB Sulawesi Selatan memanggil putra putri terbaik Sulawesi Selatan untuk mengisi calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur, Bupati dan wakil bupati serta walikota dan wakil walikota Se-Sulawesi…
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adribosch-fan · 6 months
Nitazenos, una droga 500 veces más potente que la heroína
Un tipo de fármacos llamados nitazenos -desarrollados en los años 50, pero nunca aprobados para uso médico- está causando muertes en las calles de EE.UU. y el Reino Unido. Zulfikar Abbany Las agencias antidroga están cada vez más preocupadas por las drogas callejeras sintéticas, incluida la marihuana sintética, pero también el fentanilo y diversos nitazenos.Imagen: Spencer Platt/Getty…
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elakiyaweekly · 7 months
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perfettamentechic · 9 months
22 dicembre … ricordiamo …
22 dicembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Ronan Vibert, Ronan David Jackson Vibert, attore britannico. Figlio di due artisti, Dilys Jackson e David Vibert, studiò alla Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Vibert ha avuto una lunga carriera nel teatro, nella radio, nella televisione e nel cinema. Vibert è morto in un ospedale all’età di 58 anni, a seguito di una breve malattia.(n.1964) 2020: Giorgio Gucci, nipote del fondatore della…
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shiningpakistan · 9 months
ذوالفقار علی بھٹو سزائے موت ریفرنس کیا ہے؟
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پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری کی درخواست پر پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے بانی چیئرمین اور سابق وزیرِ اعظم ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی پھانسی سے متعلق صدارتی ریفرنس کی سماعت براہِ راست نشر کی جا رہی ہے۔ آخر یہ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو سزائے موت ریفرنس کیا ہے، یہ کیس کیوں اور کس آرٹیکل کے تحت دائر کیا گیا اور اس کیس میں پوچھے گئے 5 اہم سوالات کیا ہیں؟ یہ تمام تفصیلات درج ذیل ہے۔
آرٹیکل 186 ذوالفقار علی بھٹو صدارتی ریفرنس یا ذوالفقار علی بھٹو سزائے موت ریفرنس کیا ہے، یہ جاننے سے قبل یہ جاننا ضروری ہے کہ قومی آئین کا آرٹیکل 186 کیا ہے۔ پاکستان کے آئین کے آرٹیکل 186 کے مطابق صدرِ مملکت کسی بھی وقت اگر یہ سمجھیں کہ کسی عوامی اہمیت کے حامل سوال پر سپریم کورٹ سے رائے حاصل کرنے کی ضرورت ہے تو وہ اس سوال کو رائے لینے کے لیے عدالت عظمیٰ کو بھجوا سکتے ہیں۔ سپریم کورٹ اس سوال پر غور کرنے کے بعد اپنی رائے صدرِ مملکت کو بھجوا دے گی۔
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ذوالفقار علی بھٹو سزائے موت ریفرنس 12 برس قبل 2011ء میں اس وقت کے صدر آصف علی زرداری نے آئینِ پاکستان کے آرٹیکل 186 کے تحت بھٹو کی عدالتی حکم سے پھانسی کے فیصلے پر ایک ریفرنس دائر کیا تھا۔ اس کیس کی پہلی سماعت 2 جنوری 2012ء کو جبکہ آخری 12 نومبر 2012ء کو ہوئی۔ پہلی 5 سماعتیں سابق چیف جسٹس افتخار چوہدری کی سربراہی میں 11 رکنی لارجر بینچ نے کی تھیں۔ آخری سماعت کے 8 چیف جسٹس اپنی ملازمت پوری کر چکے مگر کسی نے بھی اس صدارتی ریفرنس کو سماعت کے لیے مقرر نہیں کیا۔ ریفرنس میں سپریم کورٹ کے سابق چیف جسٹس نسیم حسن شاہ کے بیان کو بنیاد بنایا گیا جس میں اعتراف کیا گیا تھا کہ بھٹو کے خلاف مقدمے کی سماعت کرنے والے بینچ پر جنرل ضیاء الحق کی حکومت کی طرف سے دباؤ تھا۔ یہ بھی کہا گیا ہے کہ بھٹو کے خلاف قتل کے مقدمے کی سماعت سیشن کورٹ میں ہونے کی بجائے لاہور ہائی کورٹ میں کرنا غیر آئینی تھا۔
صدارتی ریفرنس میں پوچھے گئے 5 اہم سوال مذکورہ کیس میں سابق صدرِ مملکت آصف علی زرداری کی جانب سے پوچھے گئے سوالات یہ ہیں۔ 1۔ ٹرائل آئین میں درج بنیادی انسانی حقوق کے مطابق تھا؟ 2- سپریم کورٹ کا فیصلہ عدالتی نظیر کے طور پر سپریم کورٹ اور تمام ہائی کورٹس پر آرٹیکل 189 کے تحت لاگو ہو گا؟ اگر نہیں تو اس فیصلے کے نتائج کیا ہوں گے؟ 3- سزائے موت سنانا منصفانہ فیصلہ تھا؟ فیصلہ جانبدارانہ نہیں تھا؟ 4- سزائے موت قرآنی احکامات کے مطابق درست ہے؟ 5- فراہم کردہ ثبوت اور شہادتیں سزا سنانے کے لیے کافی تھیں؟
واضح رہے کہ سابق صدر زرداری کے اس صدارتی ریفرنس کے سوالوں کے جوابات کی تلاش کے لیے قاضی فائز عیسیٰ کی سربراہی میں عدالتِ عظمیٰ کا 9 رکنی لارجر بینچ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو قتل کیس کی سماعت کر رہا ہے۔ سپریم کورٹ کی یہ کارروائی سپریم کورٹ کی ویب سائٹ اور یو ٹیوب چینل پر براہِ راست نشر کی جا رہی ہے۔
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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holly-mckenzie · 2 months
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The story of our souls inseparable from the magic of our lands.
BARZAKH S01E01 written by Asim Abbasi 
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xtruss · 1 year
What’s Next for Imran Khan’s Party?
With Pakistan’s popular opposition leader jailed ahead of election, his supporters must find a way forward.
— Foreign Policy | By Michael Kugelman | August 15, 2023
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The Legend of Legends, One & Only: Imran Khan
Is Imran Khan Out for Good?
Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was jailed for three years last Saturday after a conviction on charges related to selling state gifts. Khan and his supporters insist he is the victim of a witch hunt. The fall from grace for the cricket hero-turned-populist politician mirrors that of many other Pakistani leaders who quarreled with the country’s powerful military.
Some Khan supporters hoped he would somehow buck the trend, pointing to the support he retained in the military’s lower and middle ranks and to the Supreme Court’s decision to order his release after a brief detention in May. But this wasn’t Khan’s showdown to win: In Pakistan, the generals always prevail in civil-military tiffs, no matter how popular or resilient a leader may be.
It’s tempting to consign Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party to irrelevance. The party revolves around its imprisoned leader; most of its top leaders are also behind bars or—under pressure from the military—have quit PTI or left politics altogether. Thousands of party supporters have been arrested since May. Yet PTI still has a political pulse and, in a country known for political comebacks, Khan may not be done either.
PTI has public support, winning by-elections across Pakistan since Khan’s ouster in a no-confidence vote in April 2022, including one in the city of Peshawar the day after Khan’s arrest this week. It also benefits from anti-incumbency sentiment. The ruling coalition that took over from Khan angered the public by mishandling Pakistan’s economic crisis, nearly leading to a default. Recent polling shows most Pakistanis blame the government for economic stress.
On Wednesday, the government handed power to a caretaker administration that will prepare the country for national elections. The elections are scheduled for November, but they may be delayed for a few months due to adjustments following census results—a change that could be motivated by an unpopular government that is in no hurry to hold polls. The delay will anger PTI supporters, but it may also give the party’s leadership time to regroup.
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Lawyers supporting former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan denounce his arrest outside the High Court in Lahore, Pakistan, on August 7, 2023 Arif Ali/AFP Via Getty Images
This isn’t to suggest PTI will sweep the elections—but if the party capitalizes on its base’s anger about Khan’s imprisonment and wider dissatisfaction with the government’s performance, it can still make electoral gains. Of course, that will be hard to do if the political establishment’s crackdowns against PTI continue and if steps are taken to rig the election against the party.
PTI could strengthen its electoral prospects if its remaining leadership patches up ties with the military, as Khan has been unable or unwilling to do. This is possible; while in power from 2018 to 2022, PTI worked closely and cordially with the armed forces until Khan’s own relationship with the generals soured. The party leadership faces a conundrum: how to bury the hatchet with the military without alienating its base.
As for Khan, he may be out of the picture for now, but is not necessarily gone for good. If his conviction is upheld, he will be ineligible to contest the next election. But because of a recently amended law that limits disqualifications to five years, he would only have to skip one vote. Khan won’t lapse into irrelevance in jail. Instead, his sentence could bolster the narrative that has helped fuel his popularity: that Pakistan’s corrupt political class has it in for him.
Five years is a long time in Pakistani politics. Circumstances could change, creating new opportunities for Khan. The country’s history is full of leaders who made comebacks after serving jail sentences—including Shehbaz Sharif, who just concluded his term as prime minister this week. Of course, this isn’t always the case. Former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, another charismatic populist, was executed after being imprisoned on charges of plotting to kill an opponent.
Still, in a country where many politicians seem to have nine lives, it would be premature to write Khan’s political obituary.
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darshanan-blog · 1 year
Mission Majnu - Bollywood Film Review
The film “Mission Majnu” currently streaming on @Netflix, is based on true events around a covert spy mission by India’s RAW agents in Pakistan, during the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971, when Pakistan was involved in its own secret project to make a nuclear bomb. Directed by Shantanu Bagchi, the film over-dramatizes the events surrounding this critical spy mission but it moves speedily and others…
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