forgedxhearts · 2 years
Multimuse Line Up!!
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( from left to right )
Waverly ( twisted wonderland )
Zuzhou ( genshin impact )
Alacris ( twisted wonderland )
Cecilia ( twisted wonderland )
Penelope ( twisted wonderland )
tagged by: @xpeculiariity​ tagging: anyone
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prinxurie · 13 days
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從沒想過此生能夠再有幸遇見你。。。 𝗜 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗜 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗹𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘆 𝗲𝗻𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲.
🎨: @hatsu2 | their Twitter
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clicktogether · 1 year
━━ ✦ zuzhou        *   ab ━━ ✦ zuzhou        *   in ━━ ✦ zuzhou        *   imgs ━━ ✦ zuzhou        *   mus
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boopshoops · 15 days
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40 hours of work- just around 200 peoples ocs in the twst community (as such there may be some small mistakes on my end and sometimes i couldnt find refs with all the colors so i did my best!! Honestly im sorry if i missed you too even if its impossible for me to get every single person HFNDJXDHV)
Nothing can quite describe how welcomed ive felt in this community. I find myself always wanting to give back to my moots, followers, or even just other members in the community in general.
SOOO ive been slowly chipping away at this for the past few months. Consider this a gift! And uh, have fun finding your ocs/yuus-
Group photo tags pt1
@thehollowwriter Finn
@rizdoodls Andy
@sakuramidnight15 Hei-ran
@cruel-acid Iza
@raguiras Allen
@oya-oya-okay Yuu and Shishio
@tedearaminta Riona
@zjmaeve Zeth
@akemiozawa Charlotte
@twsted-princess Chimlim
@akihikosanadasboyfriend Yuuma
@tinisprout Yurelle
@valse-a-mille-temps Yuuven
@yaoyaobae Fran
@cosmonavo Gwen
@simpingseafood Sasha
@nuitthegoddess Aurelian and Hana
@cenpede Vitya
@tixdixl Oisín
@tartppola Yuu
@the-trinket-witch Albert and the janitor
@kenchann Yuu
@egophiliac Yuu
@raven-at-the-writing-desk Miss Raven
@adaven17 Yuu
@cecilebutcher Vesper and Igor
@miyuki-fenn Désiré and Mel
@polywoo Misdemeanor
@myuminji Yuu
@zvezdacito Micah
@citrus-c0la Oliver
@datboredpencil Mao
@prinxurie Zuzhou and Jiushu
@robo-milky Cloche
@starry-night-rose Ellis
@bloodiegawz Yuu
@artfulhero-m Aster
@justm3di0cr3 Emory and Poppy
@ai-kan1 Juno
@the-fridge-orange Elinor
@breadcheese444 Lily
@fumikomiyasaki Carol and Yuzuha
@ceruleancattail Cinder and Ceru
@ashipiko Ashi
@elektrosyntetik Anya
@veilofthorns Kissy
@terrovaniadorm Rhys and Ulrica
@midostree-art Yuu
@lanshappycorner Roseline
@midnightmah07 Daisy
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iveoy · 10 months
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this is zuzhou. he bites.
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bro was one of the few lucky ocs I have that got his own fullbody art of him 💀💀
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reallyrandomtj · 2 years
@forgedxhearts​ asked:
Suddenly a cute god is dropped in Kaeya's arms, Zuzhou is confusion, send help.
The Calvary Captain was also confused after making sure to catch the ‘cute god’ in his arms, but after realizing who he caught Kaeya relaxed.
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“You do realize that my birthday isn’t until the end of the month? Regardless, I will accept this early birthday surprise.”
Playfully gives Zuzhou a quick kiss upon the others cheek before helping him back onto planting his feet firmly back safely onto the ground.
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mcuntainbcrn · 3 years
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@fois-destin said: “  please don’t look at me like that.  ”
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There was a slight tip her head as she acknowledged the speaker, albeit briefly, her attention returning to the birds that flocked to her, taking perch on her fingers and shoulders, "...and how am I looking at you, if you don't mind my asking, that has left you in such a state of distress?"
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thecorrior · 7 years
A villager: oh no! Disaster! Chang, a cursed intellectual: * in the dinckleburg tone* Kai..
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dare-g · 2 years
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Piercing I (2009)
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constellaris-a · 3 years
⤪ @fois-destin​ ⤨
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Getting intoxicated was a true rarity for the Geo Archon.  He so rarely indulged in alcohol,  yet that night had seen him down one too many drinks.  Long bottled up cravings bubbled to the surface as the night had progressed,  truly pleasant conversation with his fellow dragon distracting him from keeping track of just how much he had consumed,  but there was one thing that stuck out in his mind.
A building need to make his increasing interest in the younger immortal known,  risks of doing so be damned.
And ...  That was how his alcohol - hazed mind had convinced him that simply leading Zuzhou with him to a more secluded area and finally act upon urges.  Pinning the other against the wall amber gold hues burned brightly as they took but a moment to scan his features,  tail giving a small flick of impatience behind him as his face hovered mere inches away  -  though there was still a part of him that couldn’t quite close the distance just yet.
--- “ ... Tell me ,  if I were to kiss you right here and now ...  Would you be upset ? ”
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dragongirltitties · 7 years
*plugs random vaguely-character-related words into google translate til i get a good name*
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forgedxhearts · 2 years
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because i love you!
passionate; you are the heated moment of an argument. when the person you care for has done something outrageously stupid or dangerous. all of your pent up emotions that you've kept inside of you come bursting out: "beCAUSE I LOVE YOU!" how could they be so dense. how could YOU be so dense. you've loved each other this whole time. your love tends to be strong, and loud. sometimes it might be hard for you to express your feelings but you let people know that they are cared for. you're also hot. good for you.
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the italicized oh. often seen in romance novels and fanfics. when a character looks at someone, wondering why their chest tightens when they're near, why their heart beats quicken at the slightest touches, why they lose their breathe at the sight of them and suddenly realization dawns on them— oh. they've been in love for a long time now. you are soft and quiet, probably the most overlooked. though when you love, you fall deeply. i'm sure you have a lot of anxieties when it comes to love, and you're more inclined to fall in love with a longtime friend than a stranger. though, your love is pure. and maybe if you have someone in mind, this is your sign to tell them.
tagged by: @xpeculiariity​ tagging: anyone
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prinxurie · 4 months
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐍 ✦ ❝ Welcome. Your options are glory... or death. ❞ ✦ ❝ Beyond these gates, you will be given expectations— to write history, or cease your existence. ❞
Zuzhou is twisted from the White Impermanence (白無常). You may look away in fear, but not forever.
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multifacetecl · 3 years
@fois-destin​     mission     (     xiao&zuzhou     )     :     OPEN
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(    *     Cat like eyes focused on the fellow adepti with a narrowed gaze. Gloved hand sticking out, he summoned his spear, holding it by the staff with a firm grip. Xiao had no personal qualms against the man, but he was well aware of his distaste towards Celestia, which often extended towards the Archons themselves. Of course, their meetings in the past has never been violent by nature, but the conqueror of demons was a wary and cautious individual.    ❝    It’s just you. Certainly not here to cause trouble, are you?       ❞     A warning, though he held no intentions of starting a fight with him.      ❝        Hoarders have been focused in this area as of late. Would you, by chance, heard or observed any reason as to why it could be?      ❞      )
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kemungkinan-blog · 6 years
(Video) Ibu tergamam, anak perempuannya (15) terberanak di depan mata
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Seorang remaja perempuan berusia 15 tahun telah melahirkan bayi perempuan di tepi jalan, di depan mata ibunya sendiri yang terpinga-pinga dan tidak mengetahui bayi siapakah yang dikandung oleh anak perempuannya itu, lapor Daily Mail. Difahamkan, remaja berkenaan menaiki tren dari Zuzhou ke Taixing untuk melawat ibunya dalam perjalanan yang mengambil masa tiga jam.
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Sebaik saja berjumpa, ibunya yang dikenali sebagai Lin, terkejut melihat pendarahan di bahagian kemaluan anaknya dan menyangka dia datang haid. Selepas itu, Lin membawa anaknya menaiki bas menuju ke HTR untuk mendapatkan rawatan. Sebaik saja turun dari bas, remaja itu mengalami kontraksi dan akhirnya bersalin bayi perempuan. 
Terkejut dengan kejadian itu, Lin mahu membawa anaknya beredar dari tempat itu dan membiarkan saja cucunya itu ditinggalkan di atas jalan dengan alasan anaknya terlalu muda untuk menjadi ibu dan mereka tidak mampu menyaranya. "Tak, tak, kita tak boleh bela bayi ini," katanya Lin, sedangkan pada waktu itu dia boleh menghantar anak dan cucunya ke HTR yang tidak jauh dari tempat kejadian. 
Kejadian itu diketahui beberapa pengawal keselamatan HRT dan terus melaporkan kejadian itu kepada polis serta membawa dua beranak itu hospital untuk mendapatkan rawatan. 
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Pemeriksaan hospital mendapati, bayi itu mengalami lebam di bahagian kepala dan kini sedang dirawat oleh doktor. Uri juga masih berada di dalam rahim remaja berkenaan dan dia akan menjalani pembedahan bagi mengeluarkan uri itu. Sementara itu, polis yang tiba di lokasi kejadian memberi amaran kepada Lin mengenai perbuatannya yang boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang atas tuduhan membuang bayi. Lin bagaimanapun menerima bayi itu sebagai cucunya dan mahu merancang memberi kehidupan yang lebih baik kepada anak dan cucunya itu.
from The Reporter https://ift.tt/2NsSlZb via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat https://ift.tt/2zf0sp7 via IFTTT
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mcuntainbcrn · 3 years
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@fois-destin said: ‘I want the K’ (( im curious for shits and giggles lol ))
15. Kiss in the rain
It was an accident surely - they really didn’t feel the sort to pull a fast one like this, after all; the pouring rain made the ground rather slick after all, making a loss of footing understandable…and the resulting contact from same.
She envied their softness when their lips crashed into hers, and even as blood rushed to her cheeks, her mind immediately locked into a dialogue reminding her to remain calm; they didn’t mean anything by it - it wasn’t intentional…and they weren’t human, so hopefully it would improve their odds of not being affected.
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Hands moved to steady hun, trying to remain as outwardly passive as possible despite the obvious rise in color - don’t acknowledge it, “…careful now; are you alright, Zuzhou?”
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